Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana Places

Vesey Greenhouses

2602 Thompson Avenue Street View from Google Maps.

1903 - Fort Wayne At Two Flower Shows - Vesey Greenhouse Exhibit New York Indianapolis The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, November 10, 1903, Page 10.

1904 - Vesey Greenhouse Wins - St. Louis World's Fair

Article from Nov 8, 1904 The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1904, Vesey greenhouse, St. louis world's fair

1904 - Vesey Greenhouse Wins - St. Louis World's Fair The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, November 8, 1904, Page 10.


The exhibit of chrysanthemums from the Vesey greenhouses, of this city, took six prizes at the world's fair at St. Louis yesterday, in competition with flowers from some of the most noted greenhouses in the country. Yesterday was chrysanthemum day at the fair, and thousands of the magnificent blooms were on exhibition. The prizes won by the Vesey flowers were divided as follows:

Firsts-100 pink Vivian Monda blooms; 25 yellow Col. Appleton blooms: 38 blooms of three varieties.

Seconds Six blooms El Montford, odd colors; 6 blooms A. J. Balfour.

Third--Six yellow blooms.

1913 - Vesey Florist - Greenhouses

Article from Mar 15, 1913 The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1913, Vesey florists, Vesey greenhouses

1913 - Vesey Florist - Greenhouses The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, March 15, 1913, Page 36.


One of the big things of Fort Wayne are the Vesey greenhouses, which are the largest in the city and the second in size in the state. Mr. W. J. Vesey, jr., who has charge of the plant, is recognized as one of the foremost florists in the country, and recently, he was honored by the State Association of Florists of which society he was chosen vice president.

Mr. Vesey is a graduate of Cornell University, and his scientifc knowledge combined with his natural interest in his work has brought about his success. Mr. Vesey has won many awards at the great flower shows within the last few years.

The Vesey greenhouses had a very interesting although an inconspicious beginning. In the year 1892 the late Mrs. W. J. Vesey, sr., who besides having a keen appreciation for flowers, possessed the rare gift of growing them unusually well, yielded to the importunities of friends to employ her art for the benefit of others. In that year she began, on a small scale to raise flowers as a business. The demands for her flowers soon became so persistent that she was compelled to enlarge her flower facilities, until today the various greenhouses cover 175,000 square feet of floor space, and keep a force of 45 men busy the year around. Mrs. Vesey's son took charge of the plant several years ago.

The only place in the West where the famous Rhea Reid roses are grown is at this plant. These roses, named for Miss Rhea Reid, daughter of the late Whitlaw Reid, are next in rareness and beauty to the American Beauty. There are three houses of this species at the Vesey plant. Mr. Vesey is species at the Vesey plant.

1915 Rhea Reid The Ideal Red Rose - Framed Art Print

Rhea Reid The Ideal Red Rose - Framed Art Print 1915 The Geo. H. Mellen catalog Springfield, Ohio

One of the most interesting flowers grown at the plant and the one in which Mr. Vesey specializes is the orchid. More than 10,000 of these flowers are grown here every year.So delicate are the orchids and so difficult is the task of caring for them that Mr. Vesey has imported an expert, Samuel Hudson, from England, who devotes his entire time to the orchids.

The orchid plants grow on trees in the tropics near the equator. They are gathered by tribes of Indians under the direction of representatives of foreign importers and shipped to various markets. The young orchid plants with their rude and ungainly appearance give no hint of the beauty that lies within them.

Irish peat imported from that country and charcoal are necessary for the blooming of the plants, which occurs in one year, after which the plant blooms once a year for several years. Only a few florists in this country are successful in growing the orchids and Mr. Vesey is one of them. In preparation for Easter time nearly nearly 30,000 Easter lilies are in readiness to burst forth in bloom at the greenhouses.

Another interesting feature of the greenhouses is the large bed of Gloriosa Carnations which Mr. Vesey is nourishing under his special care for show purposes at the International Flower show to be held in New York in April. Mr. Vesey is striving to coax the stems to grow unusually long and he is having success. At the show in Boston recently he won seven prizes in the carnation contest. He will show the White. Wonder Carnation at the International Show.

1914 Vesey Greenhouses

1914 - People Who Help Make Fort Wayne Beautiful - Vesey Greenhouses

Article from Jan 17, 1914 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1914, Vesey greenhouses

1914 - People Who Help Make Fort Wayne Beautiful - Vesey Greenhouses Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, January 17, 1914, Page 9.

Photos of Clarence Comincavish, Miss Clara B. Flick, George W. Doswell, and August J. Lanternier.

1896 - A Cupid Often Lurks - Vesey Greenhouses

Article from Oct 30, 1896 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1896, Vesey greenhouses
1896 - A Cupid Often Lurks - Vesey Greenhouses Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Friday, October 30, 1896, Page 2.

1896, Cut Flowers - Vesey Greenhouses

Article from Dec 5, 1896 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1896, Vesey greenhouses
1896, Cut Flowers - Vesey Greenhouses Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, December 5, 1896, Page 1.

1907 - Last Night's Storm - Greenhouses Suffered Materially - Easter Lillies Escaped

Article from Mar 28, 1907 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1907, Greenhouses, Storm damage
1907 - Last Night's Storm - Greenhouses Suffered Materially - Easter Lillies Escaped Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Thursday, March 28, 1907, Page 9. Lighter 1907 - Last Night's Storm - Greenhouses Suffered Materially - Easter Lillies Escaped version.

1907 - City is Bombarded by Furious Storm of Hail and Rain - Chief Damage Greenhouses Wrecked

Article from Mar 28, 1907 The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1907, Greenhouses, Storm damage
1907 - City is Bombarded by Furious Storm of Hail and Rain - Chief Damage Greenhouses Wrecked The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Thursday, March 28, 1907, Page 2.

1913 - State Florists In City - Banquet Anthony Hotel - Business Meeting - Vesey Greenhouses The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Monday, March 3, 1913, Page 18.


Banquet at Anthony Hotel and Later Hold Business Meeting.


Twenty two members of the Indiana State Florists' association are in Fort Wayne today, attending the regular monthly meeting of the organization. A larger number were expected to attend the session, but many were kept at home on account of the inclement weather.

At noon today the florists enjoyed banquet at the Anthony hotel and at the close of the feast a short business meeting was held in the dining hall on the second floor. A paper was presented by William J. Vesey, jr., whose subject was "Publicity."

Late this afternoon the visitors enjoyed a trip to the Vesey greenhouses on Thompson Avenue. Officers the state association are as follows:
President--W, W. Cloles, of Kokomo.
First. Vice President--J. H. Hartje, of. Indianapolis.
Second Vice President -Will J. Vesey, jr., of Fort Wayne.
Secretary- Treasurer--C. J. Steinkamp, of Indianapolis.

1913 - Florists Meet, Dine and Name New Officers - Vesey greenhouses

Article from Mar 5, 1913 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1913, Vesey greenhouses

1913 - Florists Meet, Dine and Name New Officers - Vesey greenhouses The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Wednesday, March 5, 1913, Page 7.


At the meeting of the Indiana State Florists' association held at the Anthony hotel yesterday, officers for the year were elected as follows: President, W. W. Coles, Kokomo; J. H. Hartje, of Indianapolis: second vice-president. Will J Vesey, Fort Wayne; secretary-treasurer, C. Stein. kamp, Indianapolis.

Twenty-two members were present. At noon a banquet was served at the Anthony and the party was taken on a tour of Inspection to the Vesey greenhouses on Thompson avenue.

See the 1913 Flood page.

1913 - Greenhouses flooded - Vesey Greenhouses

Article from Mar 25, 1913 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1913, Vesey greenhouses, 1913 flood

1913 - Greenhouses flooded - Vesey Greenhouses Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, March 25, 1913, Page 10.

Greenhouses Flooded.

Water this morning surrounded the Vesey greenhouses on Thompson avenue, putting out the fires under the boilers and doing considerable damage to the buildings. There are in the greenhouses a number of orchids and carnations that are being gotten ready for the New York flower show on April 5, and an attempt is being made to keep them warm by means of oil stoves. The loss of these flowers will cause damage amounting into thousands of dollars, and every effort is being bent to save them for the show.

At the Flick greenhouse the employes have been able to keep the water from the bollers by means of pumps, but should the flood rise to any extent it is likely that they will be unable to keep it back much longer. The windmill has been torn down by the water, and the barn is flooded. The house is surrounded by water and under water at 10 o'clock. Only the central part of the park was visible above the flood and it was expected that great holes would be cut in the drives across the park by the water.

1913 - Greenhouses Destroyed - Vesey Greenhouses

Article from Mar 25, 1913 The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1913, Vesey greenhouses
1913 - Greenhouses Destroyed - Vesey Greenhouses The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, March 25, 1913, Page 11.

1913 - View of Vesey Greenhouses, Celebrated Throughout the Middle West, Were Made a Total Wreck

Article from Mar 27, 1913 The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1913 flood, Vesey greenhouses
1913 - View of Vesey Greenhouses, Celebrated Throughout the Middle West, Were Made a Total Wreck The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Thursday, March 27, 1913, Page 3.

1913 - $20,000 Blaze Adds A Climax - Vesey Greenhouses Hit By Flood - New Loss by Fire

Article from Mar 27, 1913 The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1913 flood, Vesey greenhouses fire
1913 - $20,000 Blaze Adds A Climax - Vesey Greenhouses Hit By Flood - New Loss by Fire The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Thursday, March 27, 1913, Page 10.

1913 - Gets Wireless Message - Vesey Greenhouse owners in Panama

Article from Mar 29, 1913 The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1913 flood, Vesey greenhouses

1913 - Gets Wireless Message - Vesey Greenhouse owners in Panama The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, March 29, 1913, Page 5.

Gets Wireless Message.

The party of Fort. Wayne business men returning from trip to Panama, heard of the flood here by wireless yesterday while they were in the Gulf of Mexico. The news came to them by wireless, and by the same method a message was received last evening by Charles H. Worden, vice president of the First National bank, asking for authentic reports on the conditions hère, and inquiring about the safety of the relatives of members of the party.

Mr. Worden sent wireless to the party, stating the conditions here and telling of the greatest damage to business, which occurred at the Vesey greenhouses. Judge W. J. Vesey is a member of the party. Other members of the Panama party are Col. D. N. Foster, H. C. Miller, W. E. Doud, Clarence Schell, E. F. Yarnelle and brother. Arrangements have been made for a tug boat to meet the incoming steamer and deliver all of the Fort Wayne newspapers published during the flood.

1913 - fire department worries - Vesey greenhouse fire

Article from Mar 29, 1913 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1913, Vesey greenhouse, Fire department

1913 - fire department worries - Vesey greenhouse fire The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, March 29, 1913, Page 9.

Fire department officials are still greatly worried over the present water famine, and captains of the various engine houses have in instances been staying up every night, keeping a close look-out for fires. When the water was turned into the mains on the occasion of the blaze at the Vesey greenhouses, the water in the reservoir was lowered by two feet, although no water was used from the mains in fighting the fire, and from this it may readily seen that the department would be confronted with a very serious problem in case of a big fire, with the reservoir as the only source of water supply.

Page 23 of Florists' review Publication date 1912

Photograph W. J. Vesey, Jr. (Vice-president-elect, American Carnation Society.)

Page 22 PROGRESS OF A QUARTER CENTURY The American Carnation Society, organized twenty-five years ago im Philadelphia, this week held its first convention and exhibition on the west: bank of the Mississippi, where the quarter-century'’s wonderful improvement in the flower was brought home to many patrons of the florists of St. Lous.


January 29, 2016 post by Park Seed on Facebook:

The carnation came into cultivation in the 16th Century, bred from the wild red Dianthus. Its enticing, clove-like scent and double-flowered form quickly became popular throughout Europe, and soon carnations were being grown on a grand scale in Holland. Theatergoers in England during the Restoration held bouquets of carnations -- not to toss admiringly on stage during the curtain call, as you might imagine, but to bury their noses in when the stench of the crowd became too great!

With the advent of the boutonniere, carnations really came into their own . . . and they remain, today, a mainstay of wedding wear. In their long-stemmed form, they are also a very reasonably priced and long-lasting cut-flower.

1914 - A trip out to Vesey's Greenhouses - 2602 Thompson Avenue

Article from Dec 15, 1914 The Fort Wayne News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1914, Vesey greenhouses
1914 - A trip out to Vesey's Greenhouses - 2602 Thompson Avenue The Fort Wayne News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, December 15, 1914, Page 7.

Florists' review Publication date 1912

November 11, 1915 page 124 Various Notes, Will J. Vesey, Jr., accompanied by his father, Judge W. J. Vesey, were at Chicago this week to attend the flower show. W. J. Vesey, Jr., is preparing to remove from his present home to his handsome new residence on Thompson avenue, near the Vesey greenhouses.

Miss Catherine Vesey has returned to the Ohio Wesleyan College, at Deloware, O., after a week’s visit with her father, W. J. Vesey. RF.

November 18, 1915 page 34 INDIANA SOCIETY CONVENTION. William J. Vesey, president of the State Florists’ Association of Indiana, announces that the annual convention of the society will be held at Fort Wayne December 7. Headquarters will be at the Anthony hotel.

November 18, 1915 page 86 W. J. Vesey gave a large dinner last week in honor of the party who attended the Panama-Pacifie Exposition, together with Will J. Vesey, who has returned from a motor trip to. Richmond, Ind., where he attended the November meeting of the Indiana Florists’ Association. W. J. & M.S. Vesey decorated the tables at the Anthony hotel for the lawyers’ banquet. Enchantress carnations were used to good effect. R. F.

December 16, 1915 page 84 W. J. & M.S. Vesey, of Fort Wayne, are shipping orchids into this market. This firm is adding to its orchid collection and expects to increase its output of this flower.

Oliver Steinkamp visited the florists at Huntington and New Haven, Ind., last week. Mr. Steinkamp reports that Herman Weitz, of the latter city, is sick with pneumonia.

John Rieman’s delivery car was badly damaged one day last week in a collision with another machine.

December 30, 1915 page 41 Various Notes. Mrs. Cecil Max, of Mobile, Ala., is spending the holidays here, the guest of her father, Judge W. J. Vesey. The W. J. & M. S. Vesey greenhouses had a rushing Christmas in both the wholesale and retail departments. Over 1,000 orchids were cut from these houses, in the Cattleya Triane and Cattleya Percivaliana varieties. Their fine lot of roses were Shawyer, Richmond and Sunburst. Carnations were also plentiful in all colors. In the retail department corsage work was in great demand. The plant trade in poinsettias, Cincinnati begonias, cyclamens and baskets was exceptionally good.

November 7, 1918 Page 37 Florists' review Publication date 1912


The Market.

The big rush of. funeral work during the last three weeks was still unbroken last week, many of the retailers reporting the demand heavier than during any preceding weeks. Chrysanthemums are increasing steadily, with many single varieties making their first appearance of the season and some handsome specimens in the doubles being shown. Pompons were never so plentiful, and are eagerly welcomed. Chrysanthemum plants are shown in every color and shade and they move rapidly. The rose market is in better condition than for some weeks, Russell, Shawyer, Ophelia, Hoosier Beauty and Columbia being plentiful and of especially fine quality. There are few lilies to be had and those available are quickly bought up at a good figure. A large percentage of the funeral designs, especially wreaths, are made up of galax, oak or magnolia leaves. The demand for baskets is exceptionally heavy. The supply of ferns is not nearly large enough to satisfy all wants. A few single violets, the first of ‘the season, are arriving. Outside of the demand for funeral work, the call for flowers has been slack.

Various Notes.

W. J. & M. S. Vesey are having an exceptionally fine crop of cattleyas this fall, and an excellent market, due to the heavy demand for funeral work. They are expecting a big crop of greenhouse tomatoes and lettuce in time for Thanksgiving, having several houses devoted to these. [ Page 44 is an ad for Orchids ]

November 14, 1918 page 37 Two more sons of a Fort Wayne florist have gone into military service, Dick and David Vesey sons of Judge W. J. Vesey. Dick Vesey has joined the motor transport corps, reporting for duty at Washington, D. C., whence he will be transferred to a training camp. David Vesey will be permanently located in Washington, in the hardware and metals department. Both of the boys are married and each is the father of two children. They volunteered their services to the government some weeks ago, but only recently received their calls.

December 5, 1918 -page 74 David Vesey has returned home, following the signing of the armistice, from Washington, D. C., where he enlisted in the motor transport corps. Mr. Vesey was admitted to the bar of the Supreme court before leaving Washington, as he is a graduate of the law school of the University of Michigan.

‘The heaviest demand yet experienced for Thanksgiving day,’’ is the report of W. J. & M.S. Vesey, who could not begin to take care of the demand for flowers. This firm had excellent orchids, roses and mums, and a fine crop of lettuce and tomatoes, which also found a ready market.

December 12, 1918 page 108 The six orchid houses of W. J. & M.S. Vesey are making a fine showing, as many varieties are in season. This firm is expecting a record crop for the holidays. The rose houses also look promising.

January 30, 1919 page 92 - Fort Wayne, Ind. Various. Notes. Mention The Review when you write. R. W. Doswell’s car was wrecked when it collided with two other automobiles in the downtown section last week. Mrs. Doswell sustained painful injuries, although her condition is not regarded as serious. The damage to the machine was covered by accident insurance.

Another auto accident resulted in heavy loss a week ago, when the delivery car of W. J. & M.S. Vesey was demolished. Luckily, the driver wasnot seriously hurt. No insurance was carried on the car. The firm has just purchased a new delivery auto to replace the one that was wrecked.

September 7, 1922 page 88 adverstisement 150,000 feet of glass devoted to find Roses, Orchids, and Carnations.

September 14, 1922 page 52 Judge and Mrs. Vesey have returned from a month’s motor trip through the east. A number of the large greenhouse establishments were visited.

October 5, 1922 page 30 W. J. & M.S. Vesey are cutting some fine roses. This firm made a large shipment of orchids to St. Louis for the annual Veiled Prophet’s ball. Miss Margaret Vesey, daughter of Judge Vesey and a member of the firm of W. J. & M. S. Vesey, sailed October 3 on the S. 8. American Legion for Montevideo, Uraguay, South America. Miss Vesey has accepted the position of continental city secretary of the Y. W. C. A. for. South America. Miss Vesey had charge of the Hostess House at Camp Taylor during the war and was later sent to Camp Pike. After the war closed she was occupied in the position of general secretary for the Louisville Y. W. C. A.

1916 cypripedium orchids

Florists' review v.38:no.977-989 (1916) - #1207 (p. 17) at The book comes from Pages 1185-1186 Florist's Review at Google books.

FAITH IN ORCHIDS ' FUTURE . During the recent summer the trade was surprised to learn of the sale of his entire stock of orchids by George Field to W. J. & M. S. Vesey , Fort Wayne , Ind . Mr. Field was one of the oldest growers of orchids in the east , a large shipper of cut blooms , and the sale of his stock that made possible his retirement is said to have been the largest single transaction in orchid plants that ever has occurred in America . The stock now has all been transferred to Fort Wayne , where , added to the previous Vesey collection , the plants oc- cupy six houses . In speaking of the plans of the firm Will J. Vesey , Jr. , said :

" We feel there is and will be a heavy demand for orchids and , basing our judgment on the demand of the American markets , we have ventured heavily into the growing of orchids . Our firm first grew orchids in 1907 and we have increased our collection each year until at the present time we have about 16,000 plants . The collection embraces practically all of the orchid family suitable for commercial purposes ; namely , Cattleya labiata , C. Trianæ , C. Percivaliana , C. Schroederæ , C. Mossiæ , C. gigas , C. Mendelii and C. Bowringi- ana ; Dendrobium formosum and D. Phalaenopsis , Lælia anceps alba , Vanda cærulea , Cypripedium insigne and C. villosum Coelogyne cristata , Oncidium splendidum and O. tigrinum .

" Orchids at present are difficult to purchase through the middle and wes ern states , but we hope , with the collection we now have , to be able to remedy this problem of the western florist to a large extent . We shall be able to cut blooms the entire season , not only of the large cattleya type , but of the small , dainty sprays which are now being used so much for work in baskets , sprays and decorations . The sprays of vandas and dendrobiums have become a fad during the debutante season in the large cities .

" It is our intention to make further purchases the coming season , so that we shall have a complete collection by 1918. " '


Photos of orchids and greenhouses posted January 25, 2025, then the Vesey Homestead near greenhouses at 2602 Thompson Avenue posted January 25, 2025 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook. Some locations (over time): 811 Calhoun Street (Store) 1124 South Calhoun (Store) 90 Thompson Avenue (around 1893) - Greenhouse.

1922 - Mysterous Fire Damages Building - Barn at Vesey's Greenhouse Destroyed Incendiary Blaze

Article from Jul 16, 1922 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1922, Vesey greenhouse fire

1922 - Mysterous Fire Damages Building - Barn at Vesey's Greenhouse Destroyed Incendiary Blaze The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sunday, July 16, 1922, Page 1.


Barn at Vesey's Greenhouse Is Destroyed by Alleged Incendiary Blaze

Fire, believed to be of incendiary origin, damage estimated at $1,000 at Vesey's greenhouse, 2602 Thompson avenue, shortly before midnight last night when a barn used for storing farm implements and fertilizer was entirely destroyed. On account of the location of the fire, which was several blocks from the main road, firemen had to stretch several hundred feet of hose. The one story high, burned rapidly. wooden frame building, which was F. W. Clements, watchman at the building, said he made his rounds in the barn building at 11 o'clock and everything was apparently all right at that time. It was about 30 minutes later that he discovered the fire. The same building, it is said, was partially burned a number of weeks ago.

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