Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana

Building Railroad Grades


1913 - Grading of Grand St. Interferes With Work On New Wabash Depot

Article from Jul 29, 1913 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1913, Grand street station, Wabash railroad
1913 - Grading of Grand St. Interferes With Work On New Wabash Depot The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, July 29, 1913, Page 3


1914 - Wabash Starts at Harrison - Will Take Three Days to Install Slabs

Article from Oct 12, 1914 The Fort Wayne News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1914, Wabash, Subway

1914 - Wabash Starts at Harrison - Will Take Three Days to Install Slabs The Fort Wayne News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Monday, October 12, 1914, Page 2

Same story: 1914 - Wabash Starts at Harrison - Will Take Three Days to Install SlabsFort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Monday, October 12, 1914, Page 2

1914 - Fort Wayne Board of Public Works Drives First Vehicle Through Harrison Street Subway The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, November 17, 1914, Page 1. [ newspapers articles at this time called underpasses subways ]

Discussed July 3, 2024 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook.


1917 - City Hall News - Opening of Clinton Declared Imperative - Change Grade Conditions - PA RR The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, January 16, 1917, Page 2


1923 - An Invitation for Track Elevation - Clinton Street

Article from May 26, 1923 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1923, Clinton street, Railroad elevation

1923 - An Invitation for Track Elevation - Clinton Street The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, May 26, 1923, Page 17

[ Part of longer articel Clinton Widened ]

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