Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana Places

Fort Wayne Medical College

Go to Grave Robber Newspaper Articles or Grave Robber Trivia.

Page 499, The pictorial history of Fort Wayne, Indiana : a review of two centuries of occupation of the region about the head of the Maumee River by Griswold, B. J. (Bert Joseph), 1873-1927; Taylor, Samuel R., Mrs, Publication date 1917 on

On March 10, 1876, at the Aveline house, the Fort Wayne College of Medicine was organized by Drs. C. B. Stemen and H. A. Clark, teachers in a medical college at Cincinnati, and Drs. B. S. Woodworth, I. M. Rosenthal and W. H. Myers, of Fort Wayne. The building, later occupied by W. F. Geller, at the southwest corner of Broadway and Washington boulevard, was fitted up as the college home. The original faculty consisted of Drs. Stemen, Woodworth,

Page 500

Clark, Rosenthal, Myers, J. H. Ford, M. M. Latta, H. D. Wood, A. M. Hunt, R. W. Thrift, H. Van Sweringen, S. H. Swan, A. E. Van Buskirk and E. Melchers. Two well-attended sessions followed the opening of the institution.

At the end of the second session, a controversy between factions of the faculty of the college resulted in a reorganization which endured for one year, after which period two institutions — the Fort Wayne College of Medicine and the Fort Wayne Medical college — came into being simultaneously. Each claimed the other to be an intruder and not legally established. During the three years of the existence of the latter institution, which was located at the southeast corner of Calhoun and Baker streets, the controversy continued, and wordy conflicts provided frequent and varied forms of entertainment for the non-professional portion of the population.

Page 500, Grave Robberies, The pictorial history of Fort Wayne, Indiana : a review of two centuries of occupation of the region about the head of the Maumee River by Griswold, B. J. (Bert Joseph), 1873-1927; Taylor, Samuel R., Mrs, Publication date 1917 on

Added to the earlier internal troubles of the medical school was the hostile attitude of many people of the town, who failed to appreciate the advanced methods of the school in the teaching of certain branches through the means of dissecting human bodies. Dr. W. H. Myers, on the occasion of the graduation of the class of 1878, described the experience of the school as a purification "by passing through the refining quarantine of prejudice."

The grand jury, of which I. D. G. Nelson was the foreman, condemned the dissecting room of the college on the ground that it was "used for the purpose of depositing, concealing and dissecting human bodies, a portion of which, at least, are stolen from cemeteries or graveyards in this vicinity, in violation of law, common decency and the proprieties of life." The report added that the alleged practice "has produced and is producing great excitement, anxiety and indignation, especially among those who have families or have recently lost friends."


The report refers to several cases of the removal of bodies from Lindenwood and other cemeteries, which had resulted in the arrest of six physicians and one student. The investigation of the cases was replete with sensational features. In one instance, when the body of a Roanoke (Indiana) man was found within the college walls, a prominent member of the faculty declared that he believed that professional grave robbers in the employ of the enemies of the institution had placed the body there "with a view to bringing our college into disrepute." The physician added the information that within a brief period thirty graves had been robbed.

In 1877, ghouls removed the body of a prominent citizen from a grave in Lindenwood cemetery; the cemetery association offered a reward of $1,000 for information leading to the arrest of the culprits.

It is of interest to note that the Fort Wayne College of Medicine survived the attacks made upon it and became recognized as one of the leading institutions in the middle west. During its later years and until the college was made a part of Purdue University, it occupied home of the late Judge Hugh McCulloch, on West Superior street, now the headquarters of the Fort Wayne Turnverein Vorwaerts. In later years the medical department of Purdue

Page 501

was taken over by the Indiana University and the course of study includes attendance in departments at Bloomington and Indianapolis.

Apil 18, 2017 post by Indiana Historical Bureau on Facebook:

"Resurrection men" or "resurrectionists" were men or women who stole corpses from graves in order to sell them to medical schools for dissection. In the 1870s, Allen County experienced a surge of body snatching after the formation of two medical schools in the area.

In the late 19th century, donating your body to science was a practice very few people did. This left medical colleges to find alternative avenues for securing corpses for students to dissect. The Fort Wayne Medical College and the Fort Wayne College of Medicine both opened in the 1870's, leading to a sharp increase in body snatching and public outcry against the practice. Eventually, seven people associated with Fort Wayne Medical College were arrested in connection with these illegal activities. Finally, in 1879, the General Assembly of Indiana passed the Anatomical Act of 1879 which provided a lawful means by which medical schools could obtain bodies.

Learn more about the gruesome practice of body snatching here: GHOUL BUSTERS: INDIANAPOLIS GUARDS ITS DEAD (OR DOES IT?) January 24, 2015 by Stephen J. Taylor at Hoosier State Chronicles Indiana's Digital Historic Newspaper Program.

See our 1876 and 1879 Timeline.

  1. Anatomical Materials. Reynolds Fred J-07 Dec 1973-0014 fifteen page paper in the Quest Club Papers collection at the Allen County Public Library Digital Collections at the Allen County Public Library.
  2. The 4th Series of Pamplets published in the 1950s by the Allen County Public Library have several short stories on body snatching!
  3. Fort Wayne College of Medicine Fort Wayne, Indiana 1879-1905 on
  4. Remmel Bros. west-end druggists
    Remmel Bros. west-end druggists drawing
    January 21, 2023 post on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook stated: 1876: This brick building, corner of Washington St. & Broadway, housed the Remmel Bros., west-end druggists, on the ground floor; and the Medical College of Fort Wayne on the 2nd and 3rd floors. "It may not come as a surprise to many of you that body-snatching was carried on to a high degree during the 1870's and 1880's. At that time Fort Wayne gave great prominence of being an important medical center. The dissecting room was on the 3rd floor front." - (excerpts from) Fred J. Reynolds' Quest Club Paper, via ACPL: . One January 21, 2023 says only a pillar from building still exits.
  5. October 5, 2023 post by Hoosier History Live on Facebook:

    Oct. 7 radio show "Graverobbing conspiracies of early 1900s“ Chris Flook, author and senior lecturer at Ball State University, is Nelson’s studio guest. Chris will share his knowledge of the former practice of graverobbing. Small cemeteries in Indpls and Hamilton Co were the target of graverobbers; local hospitals paid for cadavers for medical student training. Listen Sat. Oct 7 from noon to one ET at WICR 88.7 fm in Indianapolis, stream at, or download the WICR HD1 app on your phone or computer and stream live from anywhere. WICR Indiana Historical Bureau Society of Indiana History Enthusiasts Looking at Indiana History Terri Gorney Lehman Chris Flook Hoosier People & Stories The Star Press Ball State Department of Media Indiana University School of Medicine Indiana Cemeteries

    October 07, 2023 Graverobbing conspiracies of early 1900s on Hoosier History Live newsletter and podcast archive page.

    Click here to listen to the podcast.

Grave Robbing

A selection of newspaper articles from 1873 to 1902 indicating grave robbing was a serious problem for several decades. There are many more articles available but had to stop somewhere.

  1. 1873

    1873 - Corpse Carvers - Exploits Certain Fort Wayne Physician Body Snatchers - Lindenwood Empty The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Thursday, December 4, 1873, Page 4.

    1873 - Body Snatchers - Sexton of Lindenwood Cemetery Finds "Dr." Weisse's Body Missing

    Article from Dec 9, 1873 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1873, Lindenwood cemetery, Body snatchers

    1873 - Body Snatchers - Sexton of Lindenwood Cemetery Finds "Dr." Weisse's Body Missing The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, December 9, 1873, Page 4. See Lindenwood Cemetery.


    The Sexton of Lindenwood Cemetery Finds "Dr." Weisse's Body Missing.

    It Has no Doubt Decorated Dissecting Table Long Ere This.

    The Identity of the Gentlemen Who Make Graveyards Yawn Still in Doubt.

    On last Wednesday morning the GAZETTE published some facts in reference to our cemeteries being rifled of their dead, which caused quite a sensation among our citizens at large, and especially among members of the medical fraternity. [ The online archive does NOT have the Wednesday, December 3, 1873 newspaper ] Among other statements made was that the body of " Dr." Weisse, the man who died recently in the calaboose, had been taken from the cemetery; if, indeed, it had been there. The sexton of Lindenwood, Mr. Doewell, was, of course, much surprised at this statement, and at once proceeded to investigate the matter. The grave was dug up, and it was discovered that


    and that the coffin had been broken up by the ghouls. Mr. I. D. G. Nelson, the President of the cemetery company, made some further inquiries, and ascertained that at the time of the post mortem examination on Weisse's body two physicians had asked Coroner Webb how much he would take for a "lift of the body, He declined to give it up, however.

    When the coffin was taken to Lindenwood for interment it was nearly dark, and there was only one person along. The grave had not been prepared, and it was hurriedly dug and the coffin deposited. On account of the lateness of the hour the men left the work of " trimming" the grave until the next morning, when they finished it, without, however, noticing anything wrong.

    We have also learned that a number of circulars have been received here by physiciane from medical colleges offering


    It is probable that Weisse's body has long since adorned the dissecting-room of some college.

    To our certain knowledge this matter was talked over by the Grand Jury at their late session. The officers of Lindenwood are determined to protect their cemetery from the raids of these ghouls, and Fort Wayne saw-bones would do well, therefore, to let the matter drop now if they would avoid detection.

  2. 1875

    1875 - A Grave Charge - Sequel Van Wert Affair - Arrested Body Snatching - Sheriff - Dr. Myers

    Article from Jan 11, 1875 The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1875, Body snatchers, Dr. myers
    1875 - A Grave Charge - Sequel Van Wert Affair - Arrested Body Snatching - Sheriff - Dr. Myers The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Monday, January 11, 1875, Page 4.
  3. 1876

    The Autumn of 1876 marked one of the most infamous grave-robbing plots in American history. President Lincoln and his...

    Posted by Lincoln Collection on Saturday, November 30, 2024

    Saturday, November 30, 2024 post by the Lincoln Collection on Facebook:

    The Autumn of 1876 marked one of the most infamous grave-robbing plots in American history. President Lincoln and his three youngest sons were buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois. A large monument and park were erected at the site. Only 11 years after his assassination, a plot was devised to steal his remains and hide them in the Indiana Dunes.

    A Chicago counterfeiter, Benjamin Boyd, was imprisoned near the Chicago area in October 1876. One of his customers, crime boss “Big Jim” Kinealy, relied on Boyd for his business. To combat Boyd’s imprisonment, Kinealy persuaded two men, Jack Hughes and Terrence Mullen, to steal Abraham Lincoln’s remains. Lincoln’s body would be held for ransom to secure Boyd’s release, in addition to $200,000.

    When an imposter—an informant working for the Secret Service—joined the two men, he revealed the plan to authorities. With the help of the Pinkerton Detective Agency, lawmen stepped in to prevent the theft. On November 7th, a plan was in place to catch the thieves in the act; however, the two escaped capture. Ten days later, they were found in Chicago and arrested.

    Lincoln's Tomb:

    1876 - The Body Snatchers - Chicago - Jack Hughes, Jack Mullins - attempt steal Abraham Lincoln body The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, November 18, 1876, Page 1.
  4. 1877

    1877 - Body Snatchers - Huntington - 3 Fort Wayne Physicians - grave robbed - Medical College The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Monday, February 19, 1877, Page 4.

    1877 - Stiff Snatchers - Lindenwood Visited - Body of Charles Wright Exhumbed - $1,000 Conviction The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Monday, November 26, 1877, Page 4.

    1877 - "Dance Ye Divils" - Body Snatchers - Dr. VanBuskirk - Lindenwood Cemetery

    Article from Dec 28, 1877 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1877, Body snatchers, Lindenwood cemetery

    1877 - "Dance Ye Divils" - Body Snatchers - Dr. VanBuskirk - Lindenwood Cemetery The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Friday, December 28, 1877, Page 1.

    Article is in three parts - oddly organized, article starts on page two, continues on page three, completes on page one.

    1877 - Body Snatchers - Examination Witness- Charles Felts Drove Wagon - Drs Van Buskirk, Sommers Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Friday, December 28, 1877, Page 2.

    1877 - Body Snatchers - continued from second page - continued on first page

    Article from Dec 28, 1877 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1877, Body snatchers

    1877 - Body Snatchers - continued from second page - continued on first page Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Friday, December 28, 1877, Page 3.

    1877 - Body Snatchers - continued from third page - Hershel Myers

    Article from Dec 28, 1877 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1877, Body snatchers, Lindenwood cemetery

    1877 - Body Snatchers - continued from third page - Hershel Myers Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Friday, December 28, 1877, Page 1.

    1877 - "Cad" catchers Caught - body snatchers - Doctors VanBuskirk and Sommers

    Article from Dec 29, 1877 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1877, Body snatchers, Vanbuskirk, Sommers

    1877 - "Cad" catchers Caught - body snatchers - Doctors VanBuskirk and Sommers The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, December 29, 1877, Page 1.

    1877 - Body Snatching - Not A Medicine Man

    Article from Dec 29, 1877 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1877, Body snatchers

    1877 - Body Snatching - Not A Medicine Man The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, December 29, 1877, Page 1.

  5. 1878

    1878 - Peltier's Patent - Festive Body Snatcher Checkmated at Last

    Article from Jul 31, 1878 The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1878, Body snatchers, Louis peltier, Undertaker

    1878 - Peltier's Patent - Festive Body Snatcher Checkmated at Last The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Wednesday, July 31, 1878, Page 4

    1878 - police watching grave Dennis O'Connor - body snatchers at work

    Article from Sep 28, 1878 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1878, Body snatchers

    1878 - police watching grave Dennis O'Connor - body snatchers at work Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, September 28, 1878, Page 1.

    1878 - body snatchers - Broadway cemetery - three points suggested

    Article from Nov 20, 1878 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1878, Body snatchers

    1878 - body snatchers - Broadway cemetery - three points suggested Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Wednesday, November 20, 1878, Page 1.

    1878 - Badly Abused Woman - Medical College - Zanesville - Roanoke Sheriff Kintz warrants two Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Wednesday, November 20, 1878, Page 1.

    1878 - Treed In The Woods - Couple Body Snatchers Bounced out of a Cemetery - Flee for Lives

    Article from Dec 7, 1878 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1878, Body snatchers

    1878 - Treed In The Woods - Couple Body Snatchers Bounced out of a Cemetery - Flee for Lives Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, December 7, 1878, Page 1.

  6. 1879

    1879 - Too Much Costs - Body Snatchers Want Their Fees Remitted - Doctors Who Contemplated Court

    Article from Jan 21, 1879 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1879, Body snatchers, Doctors trial

    1879 - Too Much Costs - Body Snatchers Want Their Fees Remitted - Doctors Who Contemplated Court The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, January 21, 1879, Page 2.

    1879 - Come to Grief Roanoke Body Snatcher - corpse Father Payton at Fort Wayne Medical College The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, June 17, 1879, Page 3.
  7. 1881

    1881 - body snatchers scared away from grave they were robbing in Ohio cemetery explosion of bomb Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Wednesday, April 20, 1881, Page 6.
  8. 1882

    1882 - On The Dissecting Table - How Graves Are Robbed - A Thriving Western Trade - Dark Secrets

    Article from Feb 1, 1882 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1882, Body snatchers

    1882 - On The Dissecting Table - How Graves Are Robbed - A Thriving Western Trade - Dark Secrets The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Wednesday, February 1, 1882, Page 3.

    1882 - Bouncing a Body Snatcher - John Shives Thrashes One of Three Exhuming Sisters Remains The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, May 20, 1882, Page 5.

    1882 - A Denial - Wayne Tp. June 13, 1882 - child of Shives - Prairie Grove Cemetery - untrue The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, June 13, 1882, Page 3.

  9. 1883

    1883 - A Stolen Stiff - Decatur - Allen killed by train - search Fort Wayne medical college

    Article from Feb 1, 1883 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1882, Body snatchers, Decatur, Allen, Rr
    1883 - A Stolen Stiff - Decatur - Allen killed by train - search Fort Wayne medical college The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Thursday, February 1, 1883, Page 6.
  10. 1894

    1894 - Body Snatchers - Guebard Brothers Watching seven foot tall Sister's Grave - New Haven

    Article from Sep 1, 1894 The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1894, Body snatchers, Guebard brothers

    1894 - Body Snatchers - Guebard Brothers Watching seven foot tall Sister's Grave - New Haven The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, September 1, 1894, Page 1.

    1894 - Young Giantess Dies - New Haven - Miss Guebard - Seven feet three inches tallest Indiana

    Article from Jul 24, 1894 The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1894, Body snatchers, Miss guebard

    1894 - Young Giantess Dies - New Haven - Miss Guebard - Seven feet three inches tallest Indiana The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, July 24, 1894, Page 1.

    1894 - Death of Margaret E. Guebard - 1878-1894 - seven feet three inches tall - IOOF Cemetery

    Article from Jul 26, 1894 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1894, Miss guebard, Ioof cemetery

    1894 - Death of Margaret E. Guebard - 1878-1894 - seven feet three inches tall - IOOF Cemetery The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Thursday, July 26, 1894, Page 6.

  11. 1902

    1902 - Ghoul Will Confess All - Body Snatcher Points Out Graves Indianapolis Crown Hill 150 Graves The Fort Wayne News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, September 30, 1902, Page 1.

    1902 - body-snatchers Indianapolis - Indiana laws liberally allow raping whole cemetery of its dead Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Wednesday, October 8, 1902, Page 3.

    1902 - Ghouls Were Here - Rufus Cantrell - Fort Wayne Graves Were Robbed

    Article from Nov 25, 1902 The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) Grave robbers

    1902 - Ghouls Were Here - Rufus Cantrell - Fort Wayne Graves Were Robbed The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, November 25, 1902, Page 1.

    1902 - Ghouls Were Here - Lindenwood (continued)

    Article from Nov 25, 1902 The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) Grave robbers

    1902 - Ghouls Were Here - Lindenwood (continued) The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, November 25, 1902, Page 2.

Grave Robber Trivia

  1. March 11, 2013 post by Greater Adirondack Ghost and Tour Company (Plattsburgh, NY) on Facebook:

    Here's an interesting one, this device, known as a "cemetery gun," served as a very real deterrent to would be grave robbers during the golden age of body snatching. The weapon would be positioned on the deceased's grave, cocked, primed, and loaded, ready to fire upon unsuspecting thieves if they crossed any of it's three tripwires. Understandably, cemetery guns were outlawed in England in 1827. Another popular safeguard of the day was the "Grave Torpedo," an explosive device which would be buried and attached to the coffin. Any disturbance caused it to explode, killing the offending individual...

    Victorian ‘Coffin Torpedoes’ Blasted Would-Be Body Snatchers Grave robbing got more hazardous in the 1880s. by Lucy Tiven April 3, 2017 on AtlasObscura.

    Ohio's Ghoulish Gambit Against Grave Robbing: Coffin Torpedoes on WOSU 89.7 NPR News | By Gabe Rosenberg Published May 17, 2017 .

    Cemetery guns at

  2. Gordon’s Leap: A Tale from the Heyday of the Resurrectionists March 18, 2015 Stephen J. Taylor at Hoosier State Chronicles Indiana's Digital Historic Newspaper Program.
  3. The business of body snatching in Indianapolis by Dawn Mitchell published May 1, 2016 on the
  4. In Need of Cadavers, 19th-Century Medical Students Raided Baltimore’s Graves With a half-dozen medical schools and a shortage of bodies, grave robbing thrived—and with no consequences for the culprits Antero Pietila, What It Means To Be American October 25, 2018 on Smithsonian Magazine.
  5. Grave Concerns originally with a video discussing grave robbing when In 1879 five physicians founded the Fort Wayne Medical College in the old Hugh McCulloch mansion on Superior Street. Students were required to pay tuition, study hard and provide their own cadavers for dissection. The need for medical cadavers inspired the very lucrative profession of grave robbing and no cemetery within fifty miles of Fort Wayne was safe. by Eric Olson, 21Country Featured Reporter originally published November 13, 2018 on is now on Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
  6. CHAPTER 1 “A NECESSARY INHUMANITY” from SUCH HORRIBLE BUSINESS by James Tobin at Heritage Project University of Michigan.
  7. Body Snatchers: Tales from the Crypt and Beyond Sheena Morrison` at The Unltimate History Project.
  8. October 31, 2023 post by the Indiana Historical Bureau on Facebook:

    Happy #Halloween ! In the mood for a spooky story? Check out our #IndianaHistoryBlog on the Hoosier undertaker Rufus Cantrell.

    Rufus Cantrell was a lot of things: A driver. A porter. A clerk. An undertaker. In 1902, he added a new title to that list: The King of Ghouls. Along with approximately 7 other men, Cantrell ran one of the most successful body-snatching syndicates in Indianapolis. The thieves sold the corpses to medical schools willing to overlook the method of procurement. While a macabre and fascinating story, the grave robbing caused unimaginable pain trauma to the victims’ families.

    Learn more about Cantrell through our #IndianaHistoryBlog : “King of Ghouls” Rufus Cantrell & Grave-Robbing in Indianapolis

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