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1880 Mortality Schedule, Allen County, Indiana

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NameAgeGenderRaceMarital StatusPlace of BirthFathers Place of BirthMothers Place of BirthOccupationMonth of DeathCause of DeathTownship
Lahman, Fred67MMPrussiaPrussiaPrussiaLaborerFebPneumoniaFort Wayne
Lahman, Wilhelmina66FMPrussiaPrussiaPrussiaKeeping HouseMarConsumptionFort Wayne
Lamblin, Wm2 mo.MSINFranceOHFebInflammation of bowelsJackson
Landfraff, John34MMHesseHesseHesseLaborerAprTyphoid FeverFort Wayne
Lanegan, George T.21MSINNYINBrakeman Rail RoadFebKilled on Raid RoadFort Wayne
Lang, Hattie6 mo.FSINGermanySwitzSepSpasamsWayne
Lang, Henry22MSINEngineerNovConsumptionFort Wayne
Lannigan, Henry68MMIrelandIrelandIrelandSpoke FactorySepLung FeverFort Wayne
Lauer, Henry20MSINPrussiaPrussiaClerk in storeJulTyphoid FeverFort Wayne
Lavanway, Emma1FSININNYJunBrain FeverFort Wayne
Lawrence, Jacob70MMOHFarmerAprPneumoniaLafayette
Lawrence, Martha24FMINOHAugPuerperal feverLafayette
Lawyer, Stephen29MSNYFranceFranceWorks Rail RoadSepCrushed by CarsMonroe
Lee Rachel47FMPACTKeeping HouseMarParalysisFort Wayne
Leek, Mary A.3 mo.FSINOHOHOctSpasmsFort Wayne
Leffler, Sam C.72MMPAPAPALaborerMayHeart DiseaseFort Wayne
Legrew, child of Aug11 moFSINAprWhooping CoughFort Wayne
Lehman, Christian75MWPrussiaPrussiaPrussiaRetiredJunOld AgeFort Wayne
Leonard, Henry46MMWurtenbergWurtenbergWurtenbergLaborerJulInflammation of bowelsFort Wayne
Lieber, Maggie52FMPrussiaPrussiaPrussiaJulTyphoid FeverFort Wayne
Lindenberg, Hellena37FMWind-HeimWind-HeimWind-HeimKeeping HouseMarDropsyFort Wayne
Lindenberg, Lizzie5 mo.FSINWind-HeimWind-HeimJulSummer ComplaintFort Wayne
Linger, Gertrude41FMPrussiaPrussiaPrussiaJanLiver DiseaseFort Wayne
Lingle, Andrew21MSOHPAPAFarm LaborerJulDrowningWayne
Link, Katie2FSINPrussiaHesseJulLung FeverFort Wayne
Lito, Mathias28MSPrussiaPrussiaPrussiaLaborerJunDrowningFort Wayne
Logan, W. George23MSINOHOHFarmerDecPneumoniaLafayette
Long, Elias66MWPAStock BuyerNovPneumoniaMonroeville
Loveall, Samuel67MWMDMDMDFarmerDecUrine PoisonAdams
Loveland, Elma7 mo.MSINOHOHMayMeaslesScipio
Luddington, Lila7FSILILILAugCongestion of BrainFort Wayne
Luddington, May7 mo.FSINILILJulCholeraAdams
Luther, Laura69FMUnknownMAMAMayUnknownWashington
Lydolf, Louisa26FMPrussiaPrussiaPrussiaKeeping HouseFebChild BirthFort Wayne
Lydolf, Louise5 mo.FSINOHPrussiaMayMeningitisAdams
Lyons, Samuel29MMINOHOhFarmerJanConsumptionCedar Creek

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