Estella Owen is found in over 100 online articles. She took photos in 1915 of the remaining Log Cabins in Allen County.
1914 - Contagious Disease - Estella Owen, 3907 Fairfield, Hoagland, 13 years of age, scarlet fever
Article from Dec 29, 1914 The Fort Wayne News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1914, Estella owen, Scarlet fever1914 - Contagious Disease - Estella Owen, 3907 Fairfield, Hoagland, 13 years of age, scarlet fever The Fort Wayne News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, December 29, 1914, Page 2.
Contagious Disease. Estella Owen, 3907 Fairfleld avenue, Hoagland school, thirteen years of age, scarlet fever.
1919 - Marie Umbach Will Be Valedictorian - Principal Ward Announces Commencement - Estella Owen
Article from Apr 25, 1919 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1919, Estella owen, Fort wayne high school, Valedictorian, Salutarian1919 - Marie Umbach Will Be Valedictorian - Principal Ward Announces Commencement - Estella Owen The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Friday, April 25, 1919, Page 13.
Principal Ward of the High School, Makes Announcement of Commencement.
Principal I. C, Ward, of the high school, has just announced the honor roll for the 1919 class. The valedictorian for the senior class will be Marie, Umbach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Umbach, of 2526 East Drive. Miss Estella Owen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Owen, 3909 Fairfield avenue, will be salutatorian. Miss Umbach had the high average of 95.57, while Miss Owen was a very close second with an average of 95.45.
The ten students on the honor roll are: Bruce Lockridge, 95;, George Crane, 93.66; Noble Lachot, 91.1; Helen Crawford, 90.6; Naomi Dixon, 90.6; John Gieser, 90; Katherine Chambers, 89.7 and Frank Travers, 89.58.
There has been no definite date get for graduation, however, it is believed that Wednesday, June 8, will be the date set. The Palace theatre has been the place arranged for the program. There are efforts being made to secure Dr. Charles F. Twing, of Western Reserve university, to make the principal address and the date of the exercises cannot be definitely set until word has been received from him. There will be 197 students graduated in the class this year.
Miss Hilda Umbach, sister of the valedictorian this year, was valedictorian of her class four years ago.
[ Similar article 1919 - Marie Umbach Is Valedictorian Of Senior Class - Honor Students - Principal L. C. Ward in The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Thursday, April 24, 1919, Page 1. Interesting to note the printed first line is upside down! ]
1919 - Honor Scholars Fort Wayne High School Graduate in June - Estella Owen
Article from May 21, 1919 The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1919, Estella owen, Fort wayne high school, Marie umbach, Helen crawford, Naomi dixon, Bruce lockridge, George crane, Noble lachot, John gieser, Katherine chambers, Frank travers1919 - Honor Scholars Fort Wayne High School Graduate in June - Estella Owen The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Wednesday, May 21, 1919, Page 7.
Marie Umbach, Valedictorian. Estella Owen, Salutatorian. Bruce Lockridge. George Crane. Noble Lachot.
Helen Crawford. Naomi Dixon. John Gieser. Katherine Chambers. Frank Travers.
1920 - Fort Wayne Girls Win High Honors at Indiana University: Estella Owen First
Article from Oct 26, 1920 The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1920, Fort wayne girls, Indiana university, Estella owens, Clara mcmillen, Marie umbach1920 - Fort Wayne Girls Win High Honors at Indiana University: Estella Owen First The Fort Wayne News And Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, October 26, 1920, Page 21.
Fort Wayne Girls Win High Honors at Indiana University; Estella Owen First
Estella Owen - Clara McMillen - Marie Umbach
Four Fort Wayne girls, three of whose pictures are shown above, have been placed on the "First Ten" girls' scholarship honor roll of the Indiana university, according to word received here today.
Estella Owen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Owen, 3907 Fairfield avenue, heads the list and is conaidered to have made the best grades in the university last year. Miss Owen was salutatorian of the 1919 class of the Fort Wayne high school. She is a sophomore at college.
Clara McMillen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William L. McMillen, 215 East Woodland street, is named as second on the honor roll. She was valedictorian of the 1916 class in the Fort Wayne high school. Miss McMillen is now a senior in the university.
Marie Umbach is also one of the first ten honor students. She was valedictorian of the 1919 graduating class here. Miss Umbach is a sophomore now.
The name of the other Fort Wayne girl has not been leraned.
Miss McMillen was captain of the swimming and baseball teams of the university. She also won honors in a chemistry contest which had participants in universities and schools all over the United States.
Fort Wayne high school graduates have been recognized as a standard in western colleges. The dean of the junior college in Chicago last year stated that graduates from the high school here represent the highest type intelligence of any students attending the school.
1923 - Local Students Win Scholastic Honors at Indiana U. - Miss Estella Owen
Article from Jul 19, 1923 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1923, Estella owen, Marie umbach, Mildred gross, Walter l. moll, Ethel roberts, Omah virts1923 - Local Students Win Scholastic Honors at Indiana U. - Miss Estella Owen The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Thursday, July 19, 1923, Page 11.
Local Students Win Scholastic Honors at Indiana U.
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. July 18.-- Fort Wayne is gaining a name for herself at Indiana University for students of high distinction. Last year four of the universities 21 graduates with distinction were from Fort Wayne. This year Fort Waynes had three more students in the distinguished group of graduates, one of whom received her college degree with high distinction. This is considered the highest scholastic honor to be won at the state university and was granted to only seven students out of a graduating class of more than 500.
Miss Estella Brown Owen was the recipient of this high honor, while Miss Marie Anna Umbach was one of the 18 University graduates with distinction this year.
An unusuel honor, that of doing the best work of any student in the Indiana University school of law during the entire law course of three years, was credited to Walter L. Moll, who is now practicing law in Fort Wayne. Mr. Moll won the cup of Phi Delta Phi, national law fraternity at the state university, for excellence in scholarship. Mr. Moll, in addition to his studies last year, was an assistant in the law faculty. He had charge of two of the sections on commercial law and delivered a course of lectures on our "Judicial System' for the proteasional law students. His work as a law teacher was regarded of the highost order.
The Fort Wayne graduates with distinction of the class of 1922 were as follows: Miss Victoria Mildred Gross, Miss Ethel Marguerita Roberta, Mrs. Omah Lakey Virts and Silas Roscoe Smith.