Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana People

German Heritage in Allen County, Indiana

Jump to: Germanfest, WWI Restrictions, Dutch or Deutsch, Most German Town, Germania Park, World Wars, Newspapers, Männerchor, 1851 Constitution in German, Records.

1938 German-Americans ACPL

Focus: Fort Wayne's Past - German-Americans in Fort Wayne: Cultural and Historical Impact Focus_038 in the Fort Wayne and Allen County History of the Allen County Public Library Digital Collections at the Allen County Public Library.

June 9, 2023 post by Genealogy Center on Facebook:

It's #flashbackfriday! This 1914 postcard shows Concordia German Luth. Church in Ft. Wayne along with St. Paul's German Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, IN.

View this images and many more in our Community Album:

Genealogy Gems: News from the Allen County Public Library at Fort Wayne, No. 227, January 31, 2023

FBI Case Files on Fold3
by Elizabeth Hodges
Fold3, a subscription-based database that can be accessed for free on-site in the Genealogy Center, is home to 596,318,073 total records. This database is considered the go-to resource for military records, but due to the “Russian-doll-like” nature of Fold3, most people don’t realize the non-military gems waiting to be uncovered! One interesting non-military record collection on Fold3 are the FBI Case Files. This collection comprises 2,313,321 digitized records from 1908-1922. Beginning in 1908, the Bureau of Investigation (which became known as the FBI in 1935) kept files on millions of Americans. Even if you believe your ancestor was a law-abiding citizen, there is still a possibility that they might be mentioned in a case file.

The case files on Fold3 are divided into four distinct groups: Bureau Section Files (1920-21), Mexican Files (1909-21), Miscellaneous Files (1908-22), and the Old German Files 1915-20. The Bureau Section Files are composed of more than 240,000 investigative reports and correspondence from other areas of the Department of Justice, whose functions were eventually absorbed into the Bureau of Investigation. The Mexican Files are records relating to Mexican neutrality violations. The records include reports, memorandums, and other documents relating to investigations of persons believed to be operating against U.S. interests during the Mexican civil wars. The Miscellaneous Files are arranged by file numbers corresponding to dates on which the investigations began. These files contain investigative reports, correspondence, and memos pertaining to alleged violations of federal laws. The Old German Files, the largest of the four groups, contains 400,000 records (1.8 million individual documents) relating to investigations on German immigrants and German-Americans who were considered politically suspicious before and during World War I.

What is particularly interesting about the Old German Files is that the investigations were not limited to those who were German or German-American. A deeper dive into these files shows that anyone who was suspected of having the potential to be “pro-German,” socialist, communist, or simply anti-war between 1915-1920 was being watched by the Bureau of Investigation. For example, anyone suspected of being involved with the International Workers of the World (IWW) was being watched. The Bureau of Investigation investigated a former Fort Wayne resident and freight handler for the Wabash and Nickel Plate railroads, James Gilday, because he was accused of being “a detective working in the I.W.W. ranks.” Essentially, the Bureau of Investigation wanted to track down Gilday, so his file details primarily where he worked, where he lived, who his neighbors were, and where he moved to when he left Fort Wayne in May 1917. The Bureau investigated another Fort Wayne resident, Captain Edmund Van Buskirk, for “disloyalty” after allegedly making pro-German statements while he was stationed at Base Hospital at Camp Beauregard, Louisiana, and because they believed he was “of German descent.” The summary of this investigation is a gold mine of genealogical data! It details where he was from (as well as his parents and grandparents), his educational background, his employment history as the Allen County Health Officer, how many children he had, and that he was a Scottish Rite Mason.

The easiest way to find these records on Fold3 is to scroll towards the bottom of the homepage and click “Non-Military,” then click “Publications,” and search FBI in the Publications search bar. While Fold3 is a subscription-based database, certain record sets (including the FBI Case Files) are free. As with many records in Fold3, the organization of the records is convoluted, so don’t make the mistake of limiting your search to the Old German Files or the Mexican Files because there are records for both filed under Miscellaneous. Despite the disorganization and difficulty of using Fold3, these records are fascinating and can offer great information to add to your family’s story.

FBI Case Files on Fold3:

For more information on the Investigative Files of the Bureau of Investigation:

Early German Settlers of Fort Wayne starting on page 386 - page 28 in the back of the book in the section Biographical Sketches of Early Settlers of Fort Wayne of History of Fort Wayne, from the earliest known accounts of this point, to the present period. Embracing an extended view of the aboriginal tribes of the Northwest, including, more especially, the Miamies ... with a sketch of the life of General Anthony Wyane; including also a lengthy biography of ... pioneer settlers of Fort Wayne. Also an account of the manufacturing, mercantile, and railroad interests of Fort Wayne and vicinity by Brice, Wallace A . Publication date 1868 on

Dutch or Deutsch?

We often hear folks claim Pennsylvania Dutch ancestry when their German ancestors lived in Pennsylvania saying that Dutch is a mispronounciaton of Deutsch the German word for German. It is actually a bit more complicated than that. This December 16, 2011 article Why Are People From The Netherlands Called Dutch? on explains there is a common origin for the words Dutch and Deutsch. Another article discussing this is Deutsch or Dutch? Common misconceptions, meanings and origins by Naina Pottamkulam published 17 April 2020 on a German website (.de is the web reference for a German website).

A light hearted energetic explanation by a German woman named Feli from Germany is shown in the video below:

German Reacts to Pennsylvania Dutch | Feli from Germany by Feli from Germany uploaded Jun 16, 2022 on YouTube
Over 300,000 people in the world speak Pennsylvania Dutch. But wait... does this mean they speak Dutch? Or German? And can a native German speaker understand this language at all? Let's find out! This video references another video: Why do we say DEUTSCHLAND instead of GERMANY? #askagerman Series Pt. 1 | Feli from Germany uploaded November 24, 2021 on YouTube. What did you always want to ask a German? In this mini-series, I'll be answering your questions! Why do we call Germany Deutschland? And why does Germany have so many different names in different languages? She has an #askagerman play list of more videos on YouTube.

Fort Wayne "a most German town"

German immigrants had been settling in Fort Wayne and the surrounding region since the 1830s, in the days of the Wabash and Erie Canal. The Germans had established churches and had taken their places in political, social and economic life.

By the 1890s, the Chicago Tribune typically characterized Fort Wayne as "a most German town" whenever it reported the news here. Three daily German-language newspapers were hawked in Fort Wayne; the mayor, Charles Zollinger, was a German immigrant, as were most City Council members; and German breweries such as the Berghoff offered some of the finest beer in the Midwest. German was the language commonly used in church sermons and classroom lessons, and it was the most often-heard tongue on the streets. German clubs of every type and description, from the brotherhoods of veterans of the Kaiser's army to the sports clubs and singing fraternities, were the staple of Fort Wayne social life. There even was a Germania Park on the east bank of the St. Joe River. (Today it is a housing development). Photos of Berghoff beer information was posted April 8.2022 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook.

Copied from CITYSCAPES World War II camp had impact on city by MICHAEL HAWFIELD from the archives of The News-Sentinel. December 15, 1990.

The Staats-Zeigung having a circulation larger than that of any other German paper in the State, business men will find it to their advantage to advertise in its columns. Advertisements written in English carefully translated and inserted at our usual rates. Page 40 of the Williams' Fort Wayne directory, city guide, and business mirror : volume 1, 1858-'59 by Williams, C. S. (Calvin S.), Publication date 1858 at

1913 Freie Presse=Staats=Zeitung German newspaper

Advertisement for the Freie Presse=Staats=Zeitung newspaper in The Griswold-Phelps handbook and guide to Fort Wayne, Indiana, for 1913-1914 stated Fort Wayne's 78,000 population Is Sixty per Cent. German. At

Fort Wayne - A Most German Town WFWA-TV39 PBS Fort Wayne Special | 57m 22s The rich history of German immigrants and culture in Fort Wayne. Aired: 03/20/98 Rating: NR. VHS at Allen County Public Library.

Fort Wayne "a most German Town” front page article in the 20-page Indiana German Heritage Society & IUPUI Max Kade German-American Center Newsletter Volume 27 Number 2 Spring 2011 of the Indiana German Heritage Society website.

April 8, 2019 post by The History Center on Facebook:

A most German town is an apt description of Fort Wayne during the late 19th century and along with that heritage came the demand for German beer. One German family to answer this demand was the Berghoff family. The Berghoff Brewery was established in April 1887 by the Berghoff brothers: Gustav, Henry, Hubert and Herman. They brewed German beers with the names, Dortmunder, Salvator and Bock, that reflected their Germanic homeland. Berghoff survived the era of Prohibition by making soft drinks, but by the time beer production resumed in 1933, the Berghoff family had sold most of their interests in the business. The Falstaff Brewing Corporation of St. Louis purchased the brewery in 1954; in December 1988 it was acquired by the S&P Company of California. In January 1990, the brewery closed its doors for the final time. The closure of the former Berghoff plant, Fort Wayne’s last major brewery, brought an end to the tradition of large-scale beer production in our city. #sociallyhistory

World Wars

For people in Fort Wayne, World War I was fought on two fronts: against Kaiser Germany in Europe and against themselves at home. Between 60 and 70 percent of Allen County's population was of German descent during the war years of 1914 to 1919. But even strength in numbers couldn't protect them from the effects of wartime propaganda and pressures of Anglo-cultural conformity. Before the war, German was the primary language in the homes, churches and parochial schools of these German-American settlers. Many street signs were in German. (Main Street, for instance, was Haupt Strasse.) A large portion of local industry and commercial enterprises had at its roots German tooling and emigres. (An entire German town was moved to Fort Wayne when Wayne Knitting Mills opened.) Mayors, judges, firefighters and other community leaders had strong German ties. Social and sporting clubs and Germania Park in St. Joseph Township provided outlets to engage in traditional German activities. Copied from WWI altered the German accent of Allen County by Cynthia Moothart O'Bannon in 1910-1919: THE INDUSTRIALIZATION ERA of The News-Sentinel newspaper. Also found as The Germans of Fort Wayne, Indiana prior to WW1 on German American National Congress.

I have not read this 153 page THE 1901 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA CITY ELECTION: A POLITICAL DIALOGUE OF ETHNIC TENSION by Nancy Eileen Brown published as her Master’s Thesis in May 2013 that may discuss this era. Submitted to the faculty of the University Graduate School in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts in the Department of History, Indiana University. Posted at CORE a not-for-profit service delivered by the Open University and Jisc.

Registration of German alien enemies by United States. Dept. of Justice Publication date 1918 on

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The Registration of Alien Enemies in The pictorial history of Fort Wayne, Indiana : a review of two centuries of occupation of the region about the head of the Maumee River by Griswold, B. J. (Bert Joseph), 1873-1927; Taylor, Samuel R., Mrs, publication date 1917, page 582, The Registration of Alien Enemies. on

1940-1949: IN THE SHADOW OF WAR has German POWs curious but non-threatening Prisoner of war by Bob Caylor of The News-Sentinel newspaper. See Camp Scott for more information.

The 1980 Federal Census ranked Indiana ninth among the 50 states in the number of people claiming German ancestry. (p 147 Peopling Indiana - sourc p177) Need more recent research.

German ancestry is claimed by a majority of Americans in 2000. Germans were attracted to America for open tracts of land, religious freedom and their contributions to the nation included establishing the first kindergartens, Christmas trees, hot dogs and hamburgers. From The map that shows where America came from: Fascinating illustration shows the ancestry of EVERY county in the US September 2, 2013 on

  1. German-American National Bank (1906) - in 1918 during World War I became Lincoln National Bank, in 1990's became part of Norwest Bank, then in 1998 merged to become Wells Fargo Bank.
  2. Following the end of World War I, in February and March 1919 the Indiana legislature passed two laws banning German from being taught in any public, private or parochial schools. Read more on September 27, 2013 Friday Fact on Indiana Genenealogical Society on Facebook.

German Language Newspapers

By 1890, more than 1,000 German newspapers were being published in the United States. Read more on Chronicling America’s Historic German Newspapers and the Growth of the American Ethnic Press by Leah Weinryb Grohsgal published July 2, 2014 on National Endowment for the Humanities.

See the German Language section of our Newspapers page.

Fort Wayne Männerchor/Damenchor

Website:, Facebook: The Fort Wayne Maennerchor/Damenchor. Their About pages states: On October 4, 1869 the first German male chorus, established by German immigrants, was organized in Fort Wayne under the name of the Fort Wayne Sangerbund. Since its origin the chorus has been dedicated to the preservation and promotion of their German heritage as expressed in choral music. Eventually, there were eight singing societies in the city: the Sangerbund, Eintracht, Concordia, Teutonia, Germania, Frohsinn, Lieder Tafel, and the Manner Gesangverein. In 1899 these eight choruses combined under the name of Concordia Gesangverein, which consolidated with the Saxonia Gesangverein in 1922. Four years later this consolidation became the Fort Wayne Männerchor. A Ladies’ Auxiliary was organized in 1938, but the ladies only began singing in 1974. In 1997 they became full members of the chorus and it became known as the Fort Wayne Männerchor/Damenchor. The Indiana German Heritage Society states Fort Wayne is "Indiana’s second largest city. Part of its growth stems from Fort Wayne actively recruiting Germans with skills needed by area industries. By the late 1800’s approximately 80% of the population was German! Fort Wayne remains a stoutly German city with about 50% of the residents claiming German ancestry. The Fort Wayne Männerchor/Damenchor Is the second oldest German Singing society in Indiana. It seeks to preserve and promote German choral music. It still sings all of its music in German. German's believe that physical fitness leads to a sound mind. This is the basis for the Fort Wayne Turners Society. They have a planned recreational and social program for all members of a family. The Fort Wayne Sport Club was started in 1927. The members were soccer players who had come from Germany to Fort Wayne. The Sport Club today continues its soccer program and includes German culture in their social events." See also Choir celebrates 150 years of German tradition by Megan Knowles -published March 25, 2019 on Park Edelweiss 3355 Elmhurst Drive was discussed April 8, 2024 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook.

1930s German trash

Interesting collection of 1930s one man's trash found remodeling the former meeting place posted March 12, 2024 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook. Metal bar is possible hand crank for early automobile, Centlivre beer coaster, cigarette packs, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen paper, The Saxonia Aid Society envelopes, April 14, 1930 newspaper, and more

November 16, 2023 post by Friends of Wyneken on Facebook:

Our latest newsletter is out! You can read (and subscribe) to the newsletter here: Friends of Wyneken Newsletter

The article includes updates on many projects around the house, information about our upcoming annual meeting, and a history of the Fort Wayne Sängerbund, the city's first German singing group.

(Pictured: the Sängerbund in the late 1800s)

The November 2023 newsletter Historical Article The Fort Wayne Sängerbund contains a link to fourteen-page Fort Wayne's Place in the Music World. Bulson Eugene L-No Date-0004 at the Allen County Public Library Digital Collections at the Allen County Public Librarywith more information on the Sängerbund and early music history of Fort Wayne back to the early 1800s.

Henry Rudisill was one of the most influential people in encouraging German immigrants to come and stay in Fort Wayne. Read about more than Germanfest in More than Legs and Lederhosen by Carmen Doyle published June 18, 2014 in History Center Notes & Queries blog.

1981 The German Heritage Society founders

January 18, 2024 post on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook:

The German Heritage Society (GHS) sprang from the popular Germanfest Beer Tent and was founded in 1981. The founders left to right are: Bob Mosser, Jim Sack, Dave Riethmiller and Kenneth Scheibenberger. It has grown into one of the most popular beer festival event in Fort Wayne. (Image credit: Jim Sack)


The popular Germanfest started in 1981 as a project to bring a German cultural festival to Fort Wayne according to Fort Wayne Männerchor/Damenchor who since 1936 has participated in district conferences involving approximately 350 singers which are held each year in April or May maintaining a German singing tradition which dates to October 4, 1869. German Heritage Society formed in 1986 to promote German heritage and culture in Fort Wayne, to keep German traditions alive in “this most German city” and was instrumental in establishing our Sister City relationship with Gera, Germany.

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Journal of German-American Studies

Ten pages on page 9-18 of the HOOSIER KULTURKAMPF: ANGLO-GERMAN CULTURAL CONFLICTS IN FORT WAYNE, 1840-1920 Clifford H. Scott from Journal of German-American Studies, Vol. 15, No. 1 (1980), 9-18.

Fort Wayne Sister Cities program with Gera, Germany started June 6, 1992, Plock, Poland in March 1990, and Takaoka, Japan in 1977. "The National program for Sister Cities International was created in 1956 by President Eisenhower to foster citizen diplomacy and create a more peaceful world. Fort Wayne Sister Cities International, Inc. (FWSCI) was established in 1976 and organized in 1983 as an Indiana 501(c) (3) Corporation, and is affiliated with Sister Cities International, based in Washington, D.C." From City of Fort Wayne. They also have a Fort Wayne Sister Cities page on Facebook.

1851 Constitution of the State of Indiana
10% were printed in German

November 1, 1851, the new Indiana Constitution went into effect. A little know fact is 10% of the copies were printed in German! Shown on the last page after a mention on page 10 of Indiana Constitution by the Indiana Historian A Magazine Exploring Indiana History all at it shows 10% of the copies were printed in German! - Before the convention adjourned, it ordered 50,000 copies of the Constitution printed in English and 5,000 copies printed in German (Dunn, 496). The new Constitution was also published in many newspapers throughout the state. (Barnhart and Carmony, Indiana, 99).

Gesetze des Staates Indiana : passirt in der Extra-Sitzung ... Indiana flip book from HathiTrust.

FRIDAY FACT: Because of Indiana's large population of German immigrants, in March 1879 the Indiana legislature passed a law allowing legal notices to be published in German-language newspapers, in addition to English-language newspapers. From December 20, 2013 Facebook post by Indiana Genealogical Society.

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In 1897, at Robinson Park on the north side of Fort Wayne on German Day, 10,000 people came for a singing competition. Mentioned in City Scapes Trolley whisked thrill-seekers to park June 20, 1994 by Michael Hawfield from the archives of The News-Sentinel.

December 24, 1909 Fort Wayne News had a Christmas dividend check newspaper advertisement from the original Great Memories and History of Fort Wayne, Indiana page on Facebook. Lincoln National Bank and Trust was chartered as The German American National Bank in 1905. Their 1906 book has officer photos and details on has examples of German-American National Bank of Fort Wayne National Currency Notes. During World War I, anti-German sentiment was running high and therefore on May 31, 1918, the German American National Bank became Lincoln National Bank. From Wikipedia.

In April 1917, the United States declared war on Germany. German was the second most commonly spoken language in America. Read a national level perspective in America’s war on language by Dennis Baron published September 37, 2014 on The Web of Language Dennis Baron's go-to site for language and technology in the news at

Challenging Economic Borders Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Chemnitz, Germany by Nancy Brown in issue 112, March 2016 Indiana Magazine of History journal in the archives at Indiana University Scholarworks. Brown, N. (2018). Challenging Economic Borders: Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Chemnitz, Germany. Indiana Magazine of History, 112(1), 1–32. Retrieved from

Winning the Vote in Fort Wayne, Indiana: The Long, Cautious Journey in a German American City PEGGY SEIGEL, Indiana Magazine of History journal in the archives at Indiana University Scholarworks, Vol. 102, No. 3 (SEPTEMBER 2006), pp. 220-257 (38 pages).

Look for "Fort Wayne German-Americans in World War I: A cultural flu epidemic," written by Clifford Scott, associate professor of history at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne.

The Lincoln Tower is one of tallest buildings in Fort Wayne and had a big German Immigrant influence in its formation. Construction of the Lincoln Tower started less than a month before the stock market crash of October 1929 that signaled the beginning of the Great Depression. Completed in November 1930, the 312-foot Tower was for many years Indiana's tallest building. From the Lincoln Tower plaque on

A City of Immigrants: a brief overview of immigrants in Fort Wayne through 1920 published December 19, 2011 in the History Center Notes & Queries blog.

German Immigrants’ Outsized Role in Development of Fort Wayne Still Wields Influence by Joshua Schipper | Oct 4, 2022 | on  Fort Wayne Media Collaborative.

Fort Wayne is a city where Embassy Theatre’s Grande Page pipe organ is practically a local celebrity and where scores of people drive from church to church just to hear their outstanding pipe organs demonstrated as part of “Follow the Pipes” during the Fort Wayne Newspapers Three Rivers Festival. The Rev. Paul Grime, dean of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s Kramer Chapel at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, traces part of that interest to the city’s German Lutheran roots. It’s a denomination that spawned arguably the most virtuosic organ composer in history, Johann Sebastian Bach, and in which traditional hymn-singing still plays a central role in worship. Quote from the newspaper article Instrument has many local fans by Rosa Salter Rodriguez of The Journal Gazette newspaper on February 7, 2013.

Hoosier Germantowns and Their Fates posted Apr 18, 2022 by Allen County Public Library on YouTube
Jasper native Don Flick will present on the many Indiana towns and villages named "Germantown." This includes the curious town on the National Road in Wayne County with two names: Pershing/East Germantown. Presented by Don Flick.


Posted by Pennsylvania Chapter - Palatines to America - German Genealogy Society on Friday, May 20, 2022

Friday, May 20, 2022 post by the Pennsylvania Chapter - Palatines to America - German Genealogy Society on Facebook:

AN ACCOUNT OF THE MANNERS OF THE GERMAN INHABITANTS OF PENNSYLVANIA by Benjamin Rush, 1746-1813 and Israel Daniel Rupp 1893-1878, published 1875

At a time in U.S. history when negative stereotypes and prejudices toward the Germans in Pennsylvania abounded, Benjamin Rush’s account sought to redeem their image in the eyes of Americans—both citizens and leaders. Rush uses sixteen points to discuss his observation of the habits and culture of the Pennsylvania Germans, portraying them as hardworking and industrious farmers, opposed to debt and excess.

An account of the manners of the German inhabitants of Pennsylvania on

An Account of the Manners of the German Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, Written 1789 Pennsylvania State University Press


German and Irish Immigrants in the Midwestern United States, 1850–1900 by Regina Donlon 2018 mentions Fort Wayne.

German Records

A September 15, 2022 post on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebookwith photos shows Wright's Ague Cure stating: An 1878 advertisement, available in both English and German: "Compounded and sold at 71 1/2 Calhoun Street." (Even the addresses of those giving testimonials were shared!) - Broadsides Collection, Indiana Historical Society.

October 24, 2022 post by the Genealogy Center on Facebook:

Sara Allen, Senior Librarian – Roger Minert's "German Immigrants in American Church

October 21, 2020 post by the Genealogy Center on Facebook:

Family History Month Genealogy Tip - "German Immigrants in American Church Records" by Roger Minert

September 19, 2023 post by Family Tree Magazine on Facebook:

"Are you among the 50 million Americans with German ancestry? Have you traced your line back to an immigrant? Take the next step and continue your research across the pond in your ancestor’s homeland. Your first target: German church records."

A Genealogist’s Guide to Researching German Church Records

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