Allen County, Indiana Places

A Names

AAA Auction Service

2110 McConnel Drive, New Haven, IN 46774, (260) 493-6585. O.G. “Bud” Steinman founded AAA Auction Service in 1972 and passed away in 2000. AAA Auction Service conducts estate and commercial/industrial auctions and appraisals in the greater Fort Wayne area and throughout the Midwest. Copied from web site History. See Facebook page.

Abbott Magnetic Mineral Well

2502 Edsall Avenue Street View photo from Google maps

The Abbott Magnetic Mineral Well by Daniel Beals on YouTube.

Near the corner of what is now Edsall and Raymond Avenues, once sat a popular place of healing: the Abbott Magnetic Mineral Well. Hobbyist historian Mark Linehan spent months compiling obscure information after discovering the topic, during his research on the gas boom in Indiana. “In 1888, William T. Abbott… he owned al this land here,” Linehan said, gesturing to large acreage southeast of downtown Fort Wayne. “All the locales wanted to strike a natural gas well, because that’s essentially free power.” Nine deep bore wells were drilled, though no gas was found. But Abbott wasn’t close to giving up. “He was spending a lot of money and time and had experts come out. At one point, the newspapers started to kind of make fun of him for going so deep, and not finding gas,” he added. “Finally at about 1900 feet down — that’s pretty deep — he found a well of artisan water.” Is the first two lines for the video and of the article 21Country: The Abbott Magnetic Mineral Well Fort Wayne’s healing spa between 1888-1913 by Daniel Beals at

  1. The complete research of Mark Linehan, including maps, illustrations, photos and and more is titled Abbott Magnetic Mineral Well, Fort Wayne, Indiana (1888-1913) at The Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
  2. An article on pages 7-8 of Vol. 47 | No. 2 | December 2022 of the Allen County Lines quarterly publication in the Membership section of the Allen County Genealogical Society of Indiana website references the Sixteenth Annual Report of the Indiana Department of Geology and Natural History, 1888.
    1. The 26-page REPORT UPON THE GEOLOGY OF ALLEN COUNTY. by CHARLES R. DRYER, M. D referenced in the story above is available online at
    2. The item Report Upon the Geology of Allen County Dryer, Charles R. description.
    3. Annual Report 016, 1888 is the article in the Indiana Department of Geology and Natural History, Sixteenth Annual Report Gorby, S.S. (Editor) at
    4. Dryer, C.R. (1888). "Report Upon the Geology of Allen County". In Indiana Department of Geology and Natural History, Sixteenth Annual Report, pp. 105-130 at
    5. Allen County Geology description at Indiana Geological & Water Survey Indiana University.

Abby Brown's Candy

Closed August 8, 2015. Daniel Poore opened the store on East State Boulevard in 1976 after purchasing it from his aunt the real Abby Brown. He took Abby's recipes and shop idea and relocated it from Anderson, IN to Fort Wayne. Daniel died in 2013, then his wife Katie decided to close and auction the store and contents August 15, 2015. See February 14, 2015 Abby Brown's Candy Shoppe Interview on YouTube in its 39th year. Abby Brown's closing next month by Jeff Wiehe publshed March 16, 2016 in The Journal Gazette newspaper and Fort Wayne landmark candy store closing after 39 years by Barb Sieminski published July 18, 2015 in The News-Sentinel newspaper.

A. C. Mannweiler - Anthony Wayne Lamp Company

A November 16, 2022 post by The History Center on Facebook:

Christmas lights have played an important role in Fort Wayne’s history, from the manufacture of lights by A. C. Mannweiler and the Anthony Wayne Lamp Co., to the lit Wolf & Dessauer Santa and the Fantasy of Lights. Lighting is a relatively new addition to holiday décor. The trend of lit Christmas trees did not take hold until the 19th century. In 1856, President Franklin Pierce displayed the first Christmas tree at the White House, which was lit with candles. The first use of electric Christmas lights can be traced to 1882, when an associate of Edison, Edward H. Johnson, created a display on his Christmas tree. In 1895, the White House featured its first electrically lit tree, and by 1900 businesses began using string lights in shop windows. It was not until the 1930s that the average American was able to afford electric Christmas lights. Through the remainder of the 20th century, Christmas lights increased in popularity, and lighting displays appeared on houses, buildings, and in public places, becoming ever more elaborate and festive. Visit the History Center to see our new temporary exhibit “Christmas Lights.” #sociallyhistory

Manufacturers Histories at OldChristmasTreeLights.comhas a comment stating: Dick Cook visited this site recently, and wrote to offer the following details about the A.C. Mannweiler Company: "I grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and the A.C. Mannweiler shop was up on the corner from where we lived. Mr. Mannweiler had passed away before I was born, but I knew his only daughter, and everybody called her Mrs. B. She and her husband took over the business after Mr. Mannweiler died. I remember as a child going to their store with my parents where I would get them to purchase some of the Mannweiler miniature based Christmas lamps. I believe Mrs. B and her husband continued to make at least some of the Mannweiler Christmas lamps into 1940 or 1941. As of August, 2001, the building where the company was still stands." "After Mrs. B died, her only living relative gave me her personal papers which has some data pertaining to the Mannweiler Company, including advertising pamphlets and a photograph of Mrs. B as a child with her mother and father alongside a Christmas tree festooned with Mannweiler lamps. Among the papers was a patent number for a design patent for a Christmas candle lamp." Here is a picture of that 1921 patent.

November 27, 2020 post by theHistoric 07 District - Fort Wayne on Facebook:

As we make left-over turkey sandwiches from our Thanksgiving meal, the Christmas season takes flight around us. Did you know that the Historic 07 District has a special place in history for Christmas lights? The building that houses Trubble Brewing was the home of a large light bulb company known as the A.C. Mannweiler Company. By 1920, this company was responsible for the lights on ten thousand trees across the country. The owner at the time estimated the manufacturer created 150,000 lights for Christmas. The story behind the building and the company is fascinating.

When Mannweiller was 15, he became an employee of the Fort Wayne Jenny Electric Company. Through his experience in lamp development, he was able to create his own business. At the time, it was common for fires to start due to candle use on Christmas trees. Mannweiller, seeing an opportunity, started this company on Broadway with his wife. The two of them performed most of the manufacturing themselves. As the demand grew, so did the company; it employed nearly 100 people, including trained glass blowers. Eventually, his daughter, Pauline, assisted in the management of the company.

According to the History Center, “[i]n the 1920s the name of the company was changed to the Anthony Wayne Light Company and . . . [o]n June 6, 1928 Anthony Mannweiler died from a blood clot at St. Joseph Hospital and was buried in Prairie Grove Cemetery in Waynedale, Indiana. Following the death of her father, Pauline Brandenberry and her husband Gregg, inherited the Anthony Wayne Light Company and continued the production of Christmas lights until 1941, when rationing make it difficult to obtain supplies.”

So when you string up your lights for the holiday season, know that our south end of town was responsible for making the world a bit brighter! Remember, for one week the Historic 07 District is selling long-sleeve t-shirts. Order today and receive it by Christmas. The cost is $25 each. As always, all proceeds go to the Historic O7 District neighborhoods for historic preservation initiatives. For more information go to (Picture #5 is the Shirt!)

The History Center

Trubble Brewing

Broad River Neighborhood Association - Fort Wayne

Creighton-Home Neighborhood Association

Picture #1 - Electric Candle Lights (1940) similar photo posted January 27, 2025 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook.

Picture #2 - Glass Blower From the Company (1919)

Picture #3 - Placing Flaments From the Company (1919)

Picture #4 - Current Picture of Trubble Brewing

Picture #5 – Historic 07 District Shifts

ACME by Full Circle

ACME Baseball painting

1105 E State Street. Website: See East State Village on our Streets of Fort Wayne page. Former baseball painting discussed November 27, 2024 on Great Memories and History of Fort Wayne Private Facebook Group. Original jukeboxes used to work, but 2022 discuss they were disabled. Things are about to come Full Circle at Acme YLNI Farmers Market, Friendly Fox, Dunkin’ Donuts also making news Dean Jackson, October 5, 2022 Sept. 23 - ACME by Full Circle to open soon Linda Esquivel Long, September 23, 2022, Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly.

December 12, 2022 post ACME by Full Circle on Facebook has a video stated: Special thanks to Thomas Couch for editing our videos and being apart of the team here at ACME by Full Circle making the 05 proud. Happy Holidays everyone! while a December 6, 2012 states: Name of instrumental music was “Don’t remember the 70’s”? — We think we should. Where Neighbors Meet Since 1941.

E. Ross Adair Federal Building and United States Courthouse

Formerly the U.S. Post Office and Fort Wayne Federal Building

1300 South Harrison Street Street View from Google Maps.

  1. 14 images taken in 2006 of the E. Ross Adair Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse located in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Built 1931-1932. Lobby. Excellent example of Starved Classical style; smooth faade; shallow, square columns; marble and terrazzo floors, coffered plaster ceilings; decorative bronze grilles; original light fixtures; cast bronze lobby desks, 6/3/06, (LC-DIG-pplot-13817-01684) original digital files at The Library of Congress.
  2. Walpole Colerick, Congressman from Fort Wayne pressured the Indiana legislature to appeal to Congress for a federal courthouse and post office in 1873. Funding by 1882 eventually led to a building opening in 1903 [in the Old Post Office]. On June 30, 1999, the Fort Wayne Federal Building was renamed to honor E. Ross Adair who served twenty years as Indiana’s Fourth District Congressman and Ambassador to Ethiopia. The name was officially changed to the E. Ross Adair Federal Building and United States Courthouse. A ceremony was held on October 27, 2000 to commemorate the renaming of the Fort Wayne Federal Building . Read more of the history in A Fort Wayne Architectural Landmark by Tom Castaldi published August 27, 2014 in History Center Notes & Queries blog.
  3. E. Ross Adair Federal Building and United States Courthouse book in the Museum Shop of The History Center.
  4. E. Ross Adair Federal Building and United States Courthouse at Wikidata.
  5. E. Ross Adair Federal Building and United States Courthouse on Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
  6. Fort Wayne Division United States District Court Northern District of Indiana. INND
  7. Photographs of the E. Ross Adair Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse in Fort Wayne, Indiana original digital files at The Library of Congress.
1931, July 18 Fort Wayne Federal Building

Square block Harrison, Webster, Douglass and Brackenridge streets. Architect Guy Mahurin. Indiana limestone exterior, steam heating, marble and tile work, terrazzo floors, marble wainscoting, maple floors, composition floors, two electric freight elevators, one electric dumbwaiter, Buesching and Hagerman Company. From page 10 of the July 18, 1931 Indiana Construction Recorder publication image in the Indiana Trade, Association, and Club Publications in the Indiana State Library Digital Collection. Image post November 23, 2023 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook.

1932 October 22 - Fort Wayne Post Office and Court House

October 22, 1932 Ft. Wayne, Ind. P.O. & Ct. H. Source: National Archives, RG 121-BS, Box 28, Folder K, Print 2A (1932). Historic Federal Courthouses Fort Wayne, Indiana (1932) at FJC Federal Judicial

E. Ross Adair Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, Ft. Wayne, IN Location: 1300 W, 1300 S Harrison St, Fort Wayne, IN 46802. At the GSA U.S. General Services Administration.

Significant Events

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Adams Center Landfill

March 18, 2014 post by Hofer and Davis, Inc. Land Surveyors on Facebook:

Part 1 of 3.

[ See A. K. Hofer ]

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 post by Hofer and Davis,Inc. LAND SURVEYORS on Facebook:

Part 2 of 3 from previous post.

We've heard from many of you about the "Riddle of the Month", so Back by Popular Demand! We bring you a three part "ROTM...

Posted by Hofer and Davis,Inc. LAND SURVEYORS on Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014 post by Hofer and Davis,Inc. LAND SURVEYORS on Facebook:

We've heard from many of you about the "Riddle of the Month", so Back by Popular Demand! We bring you a three part "ROTM". This is the actual photo we picked up from the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette after they ran a story. Part 1: Who are these guys? Part 2: Where are they surveying at? (Hint, the reason for the newspaper feature) Part 3: What decade was the story? Good luck.

It's Wall of Fame Wednesday Folks! Check out this 8" x 10" glossy photo from The Journal-Gazette article on the Adams...

Posted by Hofer and Davis,Inc. LAND SURVEYORS on Wednesday, June 8, 2016

June 8, 2016 post by Hofer and Davis, Inc. Land Surveyors on Facebook:

It's Wall of Fame Wednesday Folks! Check out this 8" x 10" glossy photo from The Journal-Gazette article on the Adams Center Landfill in 1984 of Hofer and Davis! While employed by our fathers at that time, we visited the landfill once a month to measure the amout of waste put into a pit to determine when it would be full.

African / African American Historical Society Museum of Allen County

436 East Douglas Avenue. Kachmann Gallery, 1301 Lafayette Street, on the corner of Douglas Avenue, founded in 2000, Facebook: See Celebrate the African/African-American Historical Society’s Anniversary! by Renee M. published March 20, 2012 on the VisitFortWayne blog. Was part of a 2009 conference at the Allen County Public Library discussed in Genealogy gathering; 420 expected for conference, library's largest yet by Nick West published October 2, 2009 on The News-Sentinel newspaperon the Internet Archive Wayback Machine . African American Settlements in Indiana at The Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

May 15, 2023 post by Indiana Landmarks on Facebook:

At one time, the neighborhood southeast of downtown Fort Wayne was home to many of the city’s Black residents. As the business district expanded following World War II, commercial buildings, offices, and parking lots claimed many of the area’s older houses. One unlikely survivor serves today as home of the African/African-American Historical Society Museum of Fort Wayne, founded in 2000 to share the cultural heritage of Africa and the achievements of Blacks locally and nationally.

Located at 436 E. Douglas Avenue, the duplex that houses the museum’s collection has its own story to tell. It is the only building still standing in Fort Wayne once listed in the Negro Motorist Green Book, a travel guide for African Americans published between 1936 to 1967 to chronicle businesses safe to visit. Listed as “Mrs. B. Talbot’s Tourist Home,” the large Victorian residence offered shelter for Black travelers who were not welcomed in local, white-owned hotels.

The museum includes the area’s largest public collection of African art, as well as documents, photos, and artifacts highlighting Allen County’s Black and African American history from 1809 to present day. Read more about the museum, including how a recent grant is helping protect its collection:

June 8, 2023 post by Indiana Landmarks on Facebook:

Located at 436 E. Douglas Avenue, the duplex that houses the African/African-American Historical Society Museum of Fort Wayne has its own story to tell. It is the only building still standing in the city once listed in the Negro Motorist Green Book, a travel guide for African Americans published between 1936 to 1967 to chronicle businesses safe to visit.

Aircraft Crashes

From an October 25, 2017 discussion about local airplane crashes at Baer Field on You are positively from Fort Wayne, if you remember... Archived group only visible to existing members on Facebook.

  1. Saturday, April 28, 1951, 11 people were killed when a United Airlines DC-3, Flight 129, departed Cleveland, Ohio heading for Chicago, crashed on approach to Baer Field, killing 8 passengers and a crew of 3. There was a severe thuderstorm in the area, when the aircraft was east of the airport the wind increased to 60-65 miles per hour with gusts to 85 miles per hour and a heavy rainfall began, accompanied by lightning and severe static. See Accident Description on
  2. In the late 1950's, Lt. Art Ivan, from Leo, crashed an Air Guard jet but bailed out and survived. No information was found online.
  3. Friday, February 10, 1989, 1st Lt. David E. Kruse, 26, of Fort Wayne, a weapons specialist crash-landed an Indiana Air National Guard F-4 fighter jet after smoke filled the cockpit and the pilot passed out, officials said. Kruse, the pilot died but the other crewman, Maj. Wilburt J. Elliott, 39, of South Bend, survived. Read A weapons specialist crash-landed an Indiana Air National Guard... published February 11, 1989 on, the United Press International.

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Allen County Courthouse

See our Allen County Courthouse page.

Allen County Fairground

Built on Carroll Road in 1989, website, Facebook. The Allen County Fair started in the 1940s at the old Fort Wayne Speedway, then bounced between Huntertown and Woodburn, until they found a home in the Coliseum, until it expanded and moved to Carroll Road. The Allen County Fair is the only county that does not receive state funding for the fair, as funding is entirely from one week of fair each July.

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Allen County Newspapers

ALLEN COUNTY NEWSPAPERS: A SHORT HISTORY of local newspapers back to 1838 by Justin Clark published April 18, 2017 on Hoosier State Chronicles Indiana's Digital Historic Newspaper Program. See our Newspapers page.

Allen County Parks Department

Web site Facebook.

Allen County Penal Farm

Barracks photo in May 17, 1919 The News-Sentinel newspaperposted April 22, 2017 on the original Great Memories and History of Fort Wayne, Indiana page on Facebook.

Allen County Public Library

ACPL has a web site, Facebook page, videoson Facebook, and a YouTube channel. ACPL is home of the The Genealogy Center, also with a Facebook page, videos on Facebook. The Lincoln Collection at ACPL has Lincoln at the Library Series of videos on Internet Archive. ACPL is the meeting location for the Allen County Genealogical Society of Indiana, Inc.. ACPL remodeled all their county branches starting in 2002, culminating with the May 2004 to December 2006 remodeling and expansion of the full city block main library at 900 Library Plaza, with a grand reopening January 27, 2007. Photos can be seen on Gwathemy Siegle & Associates Architects, Inc. of New York, library architecture wiki Celsus: Fort Wayne Central Library Remodel, and Kinexxions blog at the January 27, 2007 Grand Opening ceremonies. Earlier Carnegie library was torn down in the 20th Century. See Allen County Public Library, List of Carnegie libraries in Indiana on Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopediaand INDIANA HAS MORE CARNEGIE LIBRARIES THAN ANY OTHER STATE on See videos and more on our Library page.

Allen County Sheriff Department

Allen County Sheriff's Department officers down and Allen County Adult Probation Department officer down from the Officers Down Memorial Page. An October 14, 2022 post about Allen County Sheriffs and Fort Wayne Police by The History Centeron Facebook.

See our Allen County Sheriff Department People page.

Allen County School for the Feeble Minded

See the Indiana School for Feeble-Minded Youth.

Allen County Society for Crippled Children 

Formed in 1943, in 1947 opens Hanna Homestead School, in 1962 buyrs property at 2722 Fairfield Avenue, in 1985 relocates to current location at 3320 North Clinton Street. In 1989 officially renamed Turnstone Center for Disabled Children and Adults. See their History page for more information. Webpage:, Facebook: Turnstone: Celebrating 80 Years Tony Betton, Jr. March 20, 2023 on

Allen County Sweeper

Photo of building at 1800 Broadway, corner of Swinney Avenue, was discussed May 12, 2019 on You are positively from Fort Wayne, if you remember... Archived group only visible to existing members on Facebook. Culled from the comments it was built around 1950 as Brouwer's Firestone and Texaco in the (late) Art Moderne style. It was a combination of tire store, filling station, service garage, and a small hardware-type retail store. The Brouwer family operated on the site prior to construction of the 1950 building, in a smaller Texaco filling station. Until 1965 was Brouwers Tire and Battery where Ray Ditton was the sales manager for Firestone tires. In the 1960s and 1970s it was a Goodyear tire and GE appliance store. TEKVenture maker lab moved to the block in 2014, then in 2017 moved to 1550 Griffin. There is tax sale information for Swinney Avenue Partners LLC 1800 BROADWAY.

Allen County War Memorial Coliseum

See our Allen County War Memorial Coliseum page.

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Alro Steel

Al Glick started Alro Steel in 1948. See History and Philosophy - Alro Steelon YouTube from their Alro Steel web site. 70th anniversary on January 1, 2013.


April 26, 2021 post by Inside INdiana Business on Facebook:

Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry says Amazon’s decision to locate a third fulfillment center in Allen County, this one with a commitment for nearly 1,000 jobs, was fueled by investment in quality of place amenities and infrastructure improvements. READ MORE: Henry: Quality of Life, Airport Helped Land Amazon

American Steel Dredge Company

1929 American Steel Dredge Co.

American Steel Dredge Company/Taylor Street:

In the early 1900’s dredging was a big business in the Midwest as the remnants of the Great Black Swamp, a leftover of the last ice age, spread over large areas of Northern Indiana and Ohio. Other large swamp areas covered other states, all of which were ripe for being drained and becoming fertile farm ground. American Steel Dredge Co. was an early manufacturer of steam shovels and river dredges. The company was founded in Logansport in 1906 and then moved to Fort Wayne on Taylor Street in 1909 right across from what was then the Fort Wayne Rolling Mills, later renamed Joslyn Stainless Steel, then Slater Steel and now today known as Valbruna Slater Stainless for the Italian company, Acciaierie Valbruna SpA, that owns it.

The self-propelled “Wayne Crane” was designed in 1942. Acquired by American Hoist and Derrick of St. Paul, MN, in 1955, later renamed AmHoist, the Fort Wayne operations closed in 1983 [ June 1984? ] and the parent company, Amdura, went out of business in 1985. The pieces were then picked up by investors, who renamed the company American Crane, selling it in 1998 to TEREX Corp. of Wilmington, NC. TEREX also owns Fort Wayne’s Advanced Mixer, the manufacturer of front discharge cement mixers, as well as the remnants of the old Hi-Ranger line of bucket trucks that were once manufactured in part of the old Bowser plant on Creighton Street. However, only the cement trucks are still made locally. The pictured old American Steel Dredge buildings on Taylor Street now house part of the OmniSource division of Steel Dynamics.

Walter Walb was the General Manager of the Fort Wayne Division of American Hoist and it’s for him that the Walb Memorial Union at PFW is named.

Copied from a December 29, 2021 post on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook

American Legion

105 East Lewis Street, taped August 11, 1976 American Legion Lincoln Post --Fort Wayne, Indiana
published November 11, 2016 by the Allen County Public Library on YouTube.
This clip is a short piece that is part of a longer series of Fort Wayne landmarks documented on open reel video tape in the 1970s. The series was made possible by the Fort Wayne Public Library, now the Allen County Public Library. This segment was recorded August 11, 1976 at 105 East Lewis in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Camera and Editing by Steve Fortriede.

American Legion post 47, opened in 1919, was located on the north side of Wayne street, between Webster and Harrison. The legion post moved to Reed Road.

January 7, 2014 post by Restoration 226 on Facebook:

Date unknown. The building, seen here as a branch of the American Legion.

[ This photo is titled: American Legion, post 47, located on the north side of Wayne street, between Webster and Harrison. Includes toy shop/doll hospital. from the Allen County Public Library Digital Collections at the Allen County Public Library . ]

The page established in January 2014 has many photos of the building at 226 Wayne Street that was torn down in June 2014 to build the Ash Skyline Plaza that opened June 1, 2016.

Image discussed February 5, 2024 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook

Year book / The American Legion Department of Indiana by American Legion. Department of Indiana Publication date 1930 on

American Red Cross

1212 E. California Road. See October 2, 1962 photo of brand new building for Allen County Chapter and Regional Blood Center for 43 Indiana and Ohio chapters in The Journal Gazette newspaper posted April 20, 2017 by Hofer and Davis, Inc. Land Surveyors on Facebook.

Antibus Scales & Systems, Inc.

75th anniversary was on January 1, 2013. Inception in 1938, is a sales/service distributor in the weighing equipment business with sales and service capabilities. Headquarters in Fort Wayne with branch offices in both South Bend and Toledo Ohio serve customers within a 75 mile radius of either location. Web site:

Anthony Hotel

The nine-story, 263-rooms opened in Februry 1908 at 128 West Berry corner of Harrison Street. In 1947 leased to F. Harold Van Orman, president of Fort Wayne Daisies women's baseball team, along with Ernie Berg and Ramon Perry, was the original backer/owner of the newly formed (1952) Fort Wayne Komets. Hotel rebranded as the Van Orman until 1968, rebranded the Anthony and imploded January 13, 1974.

  1. Anthony Hotel search finds dozens of interior photos in the Allen County Public Library Digital Collections at the Allen County Public Library.
  2. Anthony's tale with photos by Kevin Leininger January 23, 1982 inCityscapes from the Archives of The News-Sentinel newspaper.
  3. Anthony Hotel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, circa 1911 postcard: Postmarked August 15, 1911. Completed in 1908, the building was designed by Fort Wayne architect Charles Weatherhogg. It was located at the northeast corner of Berry and Harrison Streets. Later renamed the Van Orman, the hotel was imploded in 1974 and turned into a parking lot. on the The Indiana Album.
  4. The Anthony Hotel ca. 1946

    By Randy Harter
    Fort Wayne Reader

    The Fort Wayne Hotel Company began construction in of the nine-story, 263-room Anthony hotel in 1905, opening with a celebratory banquet in February of 1908. Ornate with a stained-glass central skylight and expansive use of marble, the hotel was designed by local architect Charles Weatherhogg who had the family crest of General Anthony Wayne emblazed on chair backs and other hotel items. Located at 128 West Berry, the northeast corner of Berry and Harrison, the hotel was first managed by Hugh Keenan and later by his son James. The Keenan family also operated other hotels in Toledo and Milwaukee and later even opened the competing Keenan Hotel at Harrison and Washington Streets in----- 1923. In 1947 the Anthony was leased to F. Harold Van Orman, who poured $400,000 into modernizing the popular downtown gathering place and rebranding it as the Van Orman. Harold Van Orman was also active locally as president of the Fort Wayne Daisies women’s baseball team and, along with Ernie Berg and Ramon Perry, was the original backer/owner of the newly formed (1952) Fort Wayne Komets. When Van Orman’s lease expired in 1968, it was again renamed the Anthony but closed a year later and fell into disrepair. With more than $100,000. owed in back taxes, the property was sold in 1973 to Fort Wayne National Bank who was seeking an adjacent parking lot. On January 13, 1974 and with 294 explosive charges, downtown’s grand dame for more than 65 years came down in just 9 seconds. Three blocks away and 10 months later in October, the 13-story Keenan Hotel met the same fate.

    (Image courtesy of ACPL)

    Randy Harter is a Fort Wayne historian and author of two books on local history.

  5. 🕰️ Wayback Wednesday: The Anthony Hotel 🏨 Today, we’re turning back the clock to explore the historic Anthony Hotel in...

    Posted by Genealogy Center on Wednesday, September 25, 2024

    Wednesday, September 25, 2024 post by the Genealogy Center on Facebook:

    🕰️ Wayback Wednesday: The Anthony Hotel 🏨

    Today, we’re turning back the clock to explore the historic Anthony Hotel in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Once a bustling hub of elegance and hospitality, this iconic hotel, designed by architect Chas. R. Weatherhogg, captures the charm and sophistication of a bygone era.

    Explore our Community Album here: Anthony Hotel search results in the Allen County Public Library Digital Collections at the Allen County Public Library.

    Photos discussed January 16, 2025 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook.

Anthony Wayne Places

See Anthony Wayne.

Anthony Wayne Building

203 East Berry Street, Street View photo from Google Maps.

A 15-story office building in the heart of downtown Fort Wayne. From the top floors looking east on a clear day you are able to see the windmill farm in Van Wert County, Ohio. Read about rennovation bringing in new businesses and condos in Rebirth of Anthony Wayne Building’s rehab pleases tenants by Dan Stockman published February 24, 2013 in The Journal Gazette newspaper now on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. See our Anthony Wayne page.

September 8, 2023 post by Sturges Property Group on Facebook:

Today is the last day of FUN 👏 FACT 👏 FRIDAY! 👏

...For now. 😉

So, let's go out with a bang and make a *mad* dash to Berry Street to find the Anthony Wayne Building! 🏢

While the exterior has not changed much from its construction in 1963, the interior has seen many renovations and tenants.

It all began in 1917 with the Morris Plan Company, which helped middle-class individuals obtain loans. After World War II, Morris Plan Co. restructured into the Anthony Wayne Bank. 🏦

In 1964, the company moved from its original space in the Elektron Building (currently home to Barrett McNagny) to the Anthony Wayne Building right next door.

The Anthony Wayne Bank stayed until 1987 when it was absorbed by Summit Bank, which was subsequently absorbed by Chase Bank.

Since the 80s, tenants have moved in and out, and the building experienced nearly complete emptiness for a short time.

But a resurgence in downtown Fort Wayne developments has brought new life to this iconic building. 🏙️

In 2012, the entire building was renovated to include four floors of office space, seven floors of condominiums, and ground-floor retail space. Along with the renovation, the building's name was officially changed to the First Financial Center at the Anthony Wayne Building.

Today, you can find The Hoppy Gnome 🍻 gastropub on the first floor, along with Premier Bank, J R Interiors, TriCore, 🖥️One Eleven Design, and Snow & Sauerteig. ⚖️

And Suite 107 is available for sublease!

Want to be a part of the ever-evolving downtown scene AND have a piece of Fort Wayne history? Call our brokers John Caffray and Andrew Eckert today for more information, and see our exclusive listing down below! 👇

Downtown Fort Wayne Office Sublease

#sturgespropertygroup #downtownfortwayne #dtfw #commercialrealestate #fortwaynehistory #fortwayne

Historic image credit to Allen County Public Library. See more here:

Anthony Wayne Institute

On West Wayne Street, 1917-1933 was a co-ed business school. During the Great Depression it served as local headquarters of the WPA, the Works Progress Administration, which provided jobs to depression era unemployed who compiled useful genealogy records of births, marriages, and deaths found on the shelves of the The Genealogy Center, and would build the runways at Fort Wayne’s Smith Field, and the pavilions at Foster Park. It was torn down in 2014 to build the Asher Brokerage world headquarters. No longer online in Doomed Building Played Major Role in City History by Eric Olson March 28, 2014 of Indiana NewsCenter.

Anthony Wayne Motor Company

The former 'Anthony Wayne Motor Company' dealership was built in the mid-1920s at the SE corner of Lafayette Street and E Washington Boulevard, along the Lincoln Highway. It was home to the Ford and Lincoln brands. After having sat vacant for a number of years, it was demolished (along with the old 412 Club behind it) in September 2017 to make way for the Fort Wayne Rescue Mission. Fort Wayne, Indiana. Copied from August 25, 2018 photo taken August 7, 2016 posted by Dan Baker on Facebook.

Anthony Wayne Washers

New Anthony Wayne Washer shown on age 415 of The Iron Age 1889-03-14: Vol 43 Publication date 1889-03-14 on
Was mention on page VII in the 1897 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalog from 4 mentions on page VII, II, 9, and 10 in Anna, Washing Poems by Ted Genoways, 2008.

Over 30 photos of various washing methods including Anthony Wayne Washers were posted June 28, 2022 by on Facebook. The first photo in the post was Anthony Wayne Washers showing the cover of a 26 page publication The New Improved "Anthony Wayne Washer." Publication: Buffalo: CM Dunston Lith,1892, was offered for sale, but marked sold in 2022 by states: 24 mo, 3-1/2" x 5-3/4" pictorial wrappers, 26 pp. (including the covers), illustrated. The Anthony Wayne Manufacturing Co. is in Fort Wayne, IN. The company claims to make their washing machines the best, most efficient, and most valuable washing machines in the country keeping their high standard of excellency that they've gained during the past six years. The Anthony Wayne Washer was first produced in 1886 and in a five year time period 65,000 units have been sold. The front cover is a lithograph of a woman cooking while her oldest child is running the Anthony Wayne Washer while reading, along with a toddler sitting on the floor, creating a happy family atmosphere. The rear cover is a lithograph of another manufacturer's washer and total chaos. On the inside front cover there is an illustration of The New Improved "Anthony Wayne Washer." There are illustrations and descriptions of the following: The Western Star Washer, The New Improved "Western Star Washer," Different Parts of the Gearing, Interior View of No. 2 & 3 Anthony Wayne Washers, and Interior View of No. 1 Anthony Wayne Washer. There are 16 pages containing satisfied dealer and customer testimonial reviews. There is another illustration of The New Improved "Western Star Washer" from a different angle on the inside rear wrapper. Stamped twice with the name Stockton & Allen, General Hardware in the body of the text, else a fine, bright copy of an elusive item. Page 64 of the September 16, 1893 The Metal Worker shows the price at $42.00 per dozen.

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ARCH, Inc.

Rankin House: Little House, Big History by ARCH Inc., posted August 11, 2020 on YouTube/
ARCH Inc. presents a virtual, video tour of the historic Rankin House. This tour is possible because of the support of the Community Foundation of Greater Foundation and our generous donors to the #GivingTuesdayNow project. Join them in supporting ARCH Inc. and its historic preservation work in the Fort Wayne area by visiting Invest in history for our future.

ARCH Inc. presents a virtual, video tour of the historic Rankin House. This tour is possible because of the support of the Community Foundation of Greater Foundation and our generous donors to the #GivingTuesdayNow project. Join them in supporting ARCH Inc. and its historic preservation work in the Fort Wayne area by visiting Invest in history for our future.

Website:, Facebook, ARCHFW videos:, YouTube videos: - Architecture and Community Heritage since 1975. ARCH Endangered Structure List of 2012’s most endangered structures, with the number decreasing from 10 to eight since last year. Topping the list is the Merchant-Huxford House at 520 Tennessee Ave., the home of one of Fort Wayne’s earliest mayors. According to legend, the house contains timbers from the last fort in the city. The list also included the S.F. Bowser building on Creighton Avenue vacated by the Fort Wayne Police Department, then torn down in 2016. From ARCH endangered-structure list dips to 8 by Sarah Janssen of The Journal Gazette newspaper November 16, 2012.

November 22, 2022 post by ARCH, Inc. on Facebook:

Our books make great Christmas presents! To order, go to

  1. Explore One of the ARCH Heritage Trails shows the Central Downtown Trail one of four available published June 23, 2015 on the Visit Fort Wayne blog.
    1. Heritage Trail by ARCH ( Architecture and Community Heritage)
    2. Central Downtown Trail 19 stops on the Heritage Trail by ARCH ( Architecture and Community Heritage)
    3. Kekionga Trail 11 stops on the Heritage Trail by ARCH ( Architecture and Community Heritage)
    4. South Central Trail 12 stops on the Heritage Trail by ARCH ( Architecture and Community Heritage)
    5. West Central Trail 17 stops on the Heritage Trail by ARCH ( Architecture and Community Heritage)
  2. Annual “Most Endangered” list and ARCHie award winners
  3. ARCH announces 2014 endangered list May 5, 2014 in The Journal Gazette newspaper. ARCH releases list of endangered sites with video May 6, 2014 on CBS WANE-TV NewsChannel 15.
  4. Taking Stock of Our Treasures, One Historic Building at a Time by Eric Olson published January 2, 2014 on 21Country at 21AliveNews.comnow on Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

Archbishop Noll House

At 1415 West Washington Boulevard.  In 1994 it was included on the "Fort Wayne Bicentennial Heritage Trail" as one of the outstanding homes in the celebrated West Central Neighborhood. From An Archbishop’s Home by Tom Castaldi, local historianpublished January 29, 2015 in the History Center Notes & Queries blog.

Armstrong Flowers

Website:, Facebook page, founded by Helen M. Armstrong who worked until age 90 and lived to age 100. In Memory of Helen M. Armstrong November 14, 1914 - April 3, 2015 obituary at Hockemeyer & Miller Funeral Home.

Aron's Oriental Rug Gallery

1117 Broadway,, handmade rugs, Where every rug is a masterpiece. 40th anniversary was January 1, 2013.


List of public art in Fort Wayne, Indiana at Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. This list applies only to works of public art accessible in an outdoor public space. For example, this does not include artwork visible inside a museum. Most of the works mentioned are sculptures.

A & P - Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea company

Had 5 stores, 3 closed in 1975, the other 2 in 1977. See January 15, 2017 discussion on You are positively from Fort Wayne, if you remember... Archived group only visible to existing members on Facebook.

Ash Brokerage

888 S Harrison Street, Suite 900, Street View photo from Google maps, user submitted photos

Website:, Facebook:

June 27, 2014 post by Hofer and Davis, Inc. Land Surveyors on Facebook:

This our "Bird's Eye View" of the new Ash Complex being built right across the street from our office at 203 West Wayne Street Suite 316, Fort Wayne, IN.

First photo from their 136 photo Album: ASH CHRONOLGY showing the site June 27, 2014 from demolition through building the new Ash building April 15, 2016.


Was shared March 26, 2023 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook.

April 27, 2015 post on Facebook: Check out our latest snapshots from downtown Fort Wayne! We know construction moves quickly - be sure to look at the Weigand Construction webcam for nearly up-to-the-minute views of progress.

Post is from the Ash Brokerage's albums: Ash Skyline Project Our new Headquarters is going up in downtown #FortWayne and we can't be more excited as the construction goes on!

Follow along as we add progress pictures of the parking garage and our new headquarters:

February 19, 2016 post by Downtown Fort Wayne on Facebook:

Downtown got a little bit brighter tonight.  

May 27, 2016 post by Ash Brokerage on Facebook:

Ash Brokerage's albums: Ash Skyline | We've Moved In! The whole family is now here! After two weeks of moving in, all Fort Wayne employees are now at the new national headquarters. It's been four years in the making, but we're finally here. You can read all about the move in our latest blog here:

Weigand Construction Msktd & Associates, Inc. City of Fort Wayne - Municipal Government Design Collaborative Downtown Fort Wayne

February 25, 2019 by Visit Fort Wayne on Facebook:

— with Ash Brokerage at Ash Brokerage.

September 23, 2021 post by Milan Center Feed & Grain on Facebook:

Beautiful turf does not always grow on the ground. Check out the Skyline Park Rooftop of the Ash building! We are thankful for the opportunity to provide Endure fertilizer for such a cool space! #milancenter #visionscapes #ashbuilding #downtownfortwayne

February 17, 2023 post by Hidden View Photography on Facebook:

Who even knew this was up here? Downtown #fortwayne

John McGauley (@JohnMcGauley) May 24, 2024 tweet:

I’m sorry, but the @AshBrokerage building was just showing off tonight. Holy color combinations. #fortwayne #ashbrokerage

Asher Agency

535 W. Wayne Street, founded in 1974, founder Tim Borne and president Tom Borne still maintain highly visible roles even after they sold the business to a holding company based out of Tennessee a few years ago. Website:

Aspy's BestOne Tire & Auto Care

14808 Minnich Road, Hoagland, New Haven area, 58th anniversary on January 1, 2013, website:

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Atz Ice Cream

Started as a Kendallville ice cream factory in 1922, opened two Fort Wayne stores in 1956 at 3235 North Anthony Boulevard and 211 E. Tillman Road. Atz ice cream plant closes, but Fort Wayne shops will remain by Bob Caylor published September 21, 2011 story and a similar article Atz leaving ice cream biz Restaurants to carry on after 90-year tradition ends by Sherry Slater published September 22, 2011 in The News-Sentinel newspaper. September 22, 2014 Atz's ice cream shop closes after more than 50 years by Frank Gray published September 22, 2014 in The Journal Gazette newspaper. Atz's Ice Cream Closes Down After More Than Fifty Years In Business by Ian Hoover and Jeff Neumeyer published September 22, 2014 Atz’s Ice Cream Shoppe closes its doors by WANE Staff Report published September 22, 2014 CBS WANE-TV NewsChannel 15. Atz's ice cream owner dies, 90 by Frank Gray published February 28, 2016 in The News-Sentinel newspaper.

Automotive & Industrial Supply Co., Inc.

Serving Fort Wayne with 3 NAPA locations 58th anniversary on January 1, 2013.

Aveline Hotel

It's #WaybackWednesday! 📸 Take a look at these moving then and now photos from 1908 and 2017, thanks to the Daniel A....

Posted by Genealogy Center on Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 post by the Genealogy Center on Facebook:

It's #WaybackWednesday! 📸 Take a look at these moving then and now photos from 1908 and 2017, thanks to the Daniel A. Baker collection in our Community Album.

Built in 1862 by Francis S. Aveline, the Aveline Hotel stood proudly across from the Courthouse at Calhoun and Berry. It was the city's top accommodation. Tragically, on May 3, 1908, a devastating fire claimed the lives of 12 guests.

Eventually, the Shoaff office building was constructed, later known as the Gettle Building after optometrist Dr. Homer R. Gettle, and finally became the Courtside Building.

📸 Explore these photos and more here: Daniel A. Baker Photograph Collection

Azar's Big Boy Drive In Restaurants

The Azar family opened their first restaurant in 1954. By 1973 they had 27 restaurants including 22 Azar's in Indiana and Colorado, Char Kings, Moonraker and Fat Fritz's.

  1. As with most people arriving at Ellis Island, Abraham Azar wanted a better life.

    The Middle Eastern immigrant landed on American soil in 1899 at age 20. Hailing from a small town an hour north of Damascus in Syria, his destination was Bryan, Ohio. Azar had a cousin there who said he could get him a job.

    Years later, Azar made good – his son Alex especially so.

    Alex Azar, the 90-year-old co-founder of Azar Inc., opened a Big Boy restaurant franchise in 1954 with his brother, David, after they decided to branch out from their humble grocery store on Calhoun Street.

    By the late 1980s, the business had grown to be worth more than $40 million, encompassing 50 restaurants in Indiana and Colorado, including exclusive Big Boy franchise rights in Colorado. Azar Inc. also owned Marriott hotels in Fort Wayne and Grand Rapids, Mich.

    The company’s portfolio is under the radar today. It has switched from primarily a restaurant and hospitality operation to a real estate investment firm.

    Copied from a longer article: Azars shifting family business from food to property Paul Wyche The Journal Gazette newspaper archived on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

    1. Big Boy Restaurants on Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
    2. The History of Big Boy at
  2. March 29, 2023 post by Indiana Album on Facbook:

    Fort Wayne, circa 1960 - Azar's Big Boy Restaurant and Coffee Shop, with its wonderful accordion roofline and colorful modern sign (that you can almost see, even in a black-and-white photo), was located on the NW corner of Calhoun and Berry Streets, opposite the Allen County Courthouse. Today a PNC Bank is on the site.

    This futuristic design was known as Googie architecture, named for the now-defunct Googies Coffee Shop in Hollywood. Characteristics include sloping roofs, boomerang-modern signs, geometric shapes, and an exaggerated use of steel, glass, and neon. Popular from 1945 until 1970, especially for roadside buildings such as restaurants and motels, the style sometimes used Space Age motifs such as satellites, atomic bursts, and rocket shapes. The flashy style fell out of favor by the 1970s when the ecology movement ushered in wood and stone structures that blended into a natural environment.

    Same photo was posted December 31, 2020 by Indiana Album in a larger post requesting more photos on Facebook: Fort Wayne, circa 1960 - Azar's Big Boy and Coffee shop stood on the NW corner of Calhoun and Berry Streets. More recently, PNC Bank has occupied this corner. Seen to the right is the Allen County Courthouse.

  3. Adding to the historic businesses recently closing in Waynedale, we have now received confirmation from multiple sources...

    Posted by The Waynedale News on Monday, June 8, 2020

    Monday, June 8, 2020 post by The Waynedale News on Facebook:

    Adding to the historic businesses recently closing in Waynedale, we have now received confirmation from multiple sources who say that Azar's Big Boy will stay permanently closed. More information coming soon.

    ➡️ Follow and like The Waynedale News for more news and updates about this as it develops.

    Months after closing in early April, assumedly because of COVID-19 shutdowns and lack of business, many speculated about when or if Azar’s Big Boy would reopen. Then, on Monday, June 8, social media was a-buzz with reports from unnamed employees that the infamous Big Boy in Waynedale would not reopen. A few days later, owner of the restaurant, George Azar, confirmed on their Facebook page that Azar’s Big Boy would be permanently closed.

    “The coronavirus, while not the only issue, was significant. For our restaurant concept, 95% of our sates were dine-in and 30% came from our breakfast and salad bars. Going forward with the ongoing impact on public psychology I believe it is unrealistic to think that our business would not be negatively impacted,” Azar explained.

    An icon of the Waynedale community, the “Big Boy” statue has resided on the corner of Bluffton and Lower Huntington Road since March 16, 1964, that is unless it was one of the years that it was “borrowed” by local high schoolers for a senior prank. The restaurant is the location of many fond memories for those who met there for business, shared family meals, and a local hangout for young people through the generations.

    Originally located behind the existing structure as an “L” shaped building, Azar’s sat 68 persons inside and provided curb–side service for about 50 vehicles. In July of 1985, the existing structure was built to eliminate the curb–side service and expand the indoor seating to over 180. Later on, interior re-modeling was completed sometime in April 2000, transforming this “coffee shop” style restaurant into a “family style” restaurant. This was achieved by eliminating the majority of booth seats, creating more seating space, and concentrating on full service. The interior was enhanced in 2005 and 2010 to provide a more warm and inviting atmosphere.

    AZAR’S BIG BOY WILL NOT REOPEN June 19, 2020, Alex Cornwell,

    The Waynedale
  4. Our community has a long tradition of welcoming new immigrant groups, providing the foundation on which they can build a...

    Posted by The History Center on Monday, November 1, 2021

    Monday, November 1, 2021 post by The History Center

    The second photo labeled: Azar’s Big Boy Drive-In, Operated by the Azar family (Lebanese-Syrian).

    Our community has a long tradition of welcoming new immigrant groups, providing the foundation on which they can build a new home. Some of the most influential groups are those who came from geographical locations under the rule of the Ottoman Empire or formerly under its rule. These groups include, but are not limited to, the Lebanese-Syrians, Romanians, Macedonians, and Greeks. While there are many differences in the origins of these immigrant groups, they have three things in common: they were Christians of various Eastern and Orthodox denominations, their homelands were all under the rule of Islamic Law in the Ottoman Empire, and the first wave of immigrant groups that came from that region primarily arrived during the decline and after the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th and 20th centuries. #sociallyhistory

  5. September 1, 2016 post by Indiana Album on Facebook:

    MYSTERY AZAR'S - Does anyone recognize this Azar's Drive-In and Restaurant from the 1960s? We believe that this was in northeastern Indiana. Azar's (a franchisee of Big Boy) was founded by Alex and David Azar of Fort Wayne in 1953. This design of sign and building was used as early as 1963. It is very similar to the Angola Azar's building at 309 N. Wayne (see picture in comments), but the sign was on the other side of the building. Any suggestions? (The Indiana Album: Johnson Brothers Sign Company Collection)


    13 Azar photos in the 875+ photos in the Indiana Album: Johnson Brothers Sign Company Collection.

    The question was not answered. Quesses included South Bend, Goshen, Waynedale, Coliseum Blvd in Fort Wayne.

  6. Today, the building that once housed so many memories is in the process of being demolished, marking the end of an era....

    Posted by The Waynedale News on Monday, November 18, 2024

    Monday, November 18, 2024 post by The Waynedale News on Facebook:

    Today, the building that once housed so many memories is in the process of being demolished, marking the end of an era. Azar’s Big Boy, a cherished landmark in Waynedale, opened its doors on March 16, 1964, and quickly became a community favorite.

    While the physical structure may be gone, Azar’s Big Boy will always hold a special place in the hearts of Waynedale residents as a cornerstone of the community where families gathered, milestones were celebrated, and stories were shared.

    What are your favorite memories of Azar’s Big Boy? Share them here and you may see your memory in an upcoming edition of The Waynedale News.


    November 17, 2024 over 30 photos from a 2018 visit to the Waynedale Azar's posted on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook

  7. Community Harvest Food Bank plans to sell and rehome a number of nostalgic signs in its possession, hopefully leading to "big" donations for the nonprofit.

    Posted by WANE 15 on Tuesday, November 19, 2024

    Tuesday, November 19, 2024 post by WANE 15 on Facebook:

    Community Harvest Food Bank plans to sell and rehome a number of nostalgic signs in its possession, hopefully leading to "big" donations for the nonprofit.

    Community Harvest looking to rehome Big Boy memorabilia to benefit food bank the nonprofit has in its possession several signs that adorned the restaurant for decades ahead of its closure in 2020. In 2007, The Waynedale News reported the Azar family donated a corporate office — along with $200,000 in cash — to Community Harvest, located at 1010 N. Coliseum Blvd. The space that evolved into the nonprofit’s north warehouse also came with numerous artifacts reminiscent of Big Boy’s past and the food bank’s future. [ AZAR’S DONATES BUILDING AND CASH TO COMMUNITY HARVEST FOOD BANK The Waynedale ]

  8. and then it's gone ... my cartoon in today's Journal Gazette...

    Posted by Gregg Bender on Wednesday, November 20, 2024

    Wednesday, November 20, 2024 post by Gregg Bender on Facebook:

    and then it's gone ... my cartoon in today's Journal Gazette...

    [ Alex Azar bought a Frisch's Big Boy franchise in 1953. More than one-quarter of Frisch’s Big Boy remaining locations face eviction The Cincinnati, Ohio-based quick-service chain said it will be closing an unspecified number of locations ‘due to unforeseen circumstances’ on Nation's Restaurant News ]

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Page updated: January 30, 2025