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Allen County, Indiana Genealogy
Places in Allen County, Indiana
House Moving
Did you know May is National Moving Month? Check out this photo from our collections of moving day for the home of...
Posted by Indiana Historical Society on Monday, May 13, 2024Monday, May 13, 2024 post by Indiana Historical Society on Facebook:
Did you know May is National Moving Month? Check out this photo from our collections of moving day for the home of Huldah Cornelia (Marsh) Hawkins in Henry County circa 1900. The house is jacked up on logs as it’s being prepared to move from the country to Spiceland, Indiana, behind the post office.
[ see our House Moving page with historic newspaper articles about moving houses ]
1898 - Building Permits - to move house
Article from Mar 19, 1898 The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1898, Move houses1904 - House Moving After Easter How to Make It Easy
Article from Apr 3, 1904 The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1904, House moving1904 - House Moving After Easter How to Make It Easy The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sunday, April 3, 1904, Page 10.
Includes drawing of horse drawn moving wagon.
1907 - Object to Moving House - Electric Works five houses
Article from Jan 19, 1907 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1907, Move houses1907 - Object to Moving House - Electric Works five houses Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, January 19, 1907, Page 11.
Street car compay objected to Fort Wayne Electric works moving five houses.
1909 - Rejoice Over One of Inspector Wyss's Orders - six applications to move houses Chicago Street
Article from Sep 1, 1909 The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1909, Move houses, Lakeside, Chicago street1909 - Rejoice Over One of Inspector Wyss's Orders - six applications to move houses Chicago Street The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Wednesday, September 1, 1909, Page 1.
Houses cannot be moved across the bridges in the city. Six applications to move houses from Chicago Street to Lakeside. Some of the shacks are being moved to the southern part of the city. Entire police department has been working in an effort to catch the firebugs.
The current Google Maps show Chicago Street is now called West Baker Street where the historic Baker Street Station is located and a block south of Parkview Field home of the local Fort Wayne TinCaps baseball team. It would be roughly a 2 mile distance to transport those 1909 houses to the Lakeside area including crossing over the St. Joseph River.
Miami Indian Chief Little Turtle's grave site now at 634 Lawton Place was rediscoverd July 4, 1912 in the Lakeside Neighborhood where a lot of house building activity was occuring at this time.
Chicago Street, D, 5, 6 is shown just north of the Grand Rapids & Indiana R.R. tracks in the R.L. Polk & Co's map of the city of Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1897 by R.L. Polk & Co, Publication date 1897 on Archive.org.
1909 - Moving Mania Brings Problem - London, England
Article from Sep 19, 1909 The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1909, House moving -
1910 - Housewrecking A Mighty Industry - New York - Interesting Facts - a lot done nowadays
Article from Dec 26, 1910 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1910, Move houses, New york1910 - Housewrecking A Mighty Industry - New York - Interesting Facts - a lot done nowadays The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Monday, December 26, 1910, Page 4.
1,200 permits to tear down buildings. Bricks and other materials reused.
Moving houses from one site to another. There is a lot of this done nowadays, and often it is the means of getting a perfectly good house very cheap.
You can get an old house, say one the city has bought to clear the way for a street, for a song, anywhere up to $250
, said a veteran house mover in Brooklyn. -
1913 - Street Cars Pass Under Moving House - San Francisco
Article from Aug 2, 1913 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1913, House moving, San Francisco1913 - Street Cars Pass Under Moving House - San Francisco The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, August 2, 1913, Page 10.
Photo of house moving in San Francisco being lowered by gravity.
1916 - Will Move Houses - Rudisill Boulevard - fifteen houses to be set back street widened
Article from Oct 14, 1916 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1916, Move houses1916 - Will Move Houses - Rudisill Boulevard - fifteen houses to be set back street widened The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, October 14, 1916, Page 11.
Fifteen houses will be moved back along Rudisill Boulevard between Calhoun Street and Piqua Avenue since the street was widened to be set back further on their lots.
1917 - Not to Move Houses - John H. Bass - Weisser Park - reconsidered moving several houses
Article from Jan 15, 1917 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1917, Move houses1917 - Not to Move Houses - John H. Bass - Weisser Park - reconsidered moving several houses Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Monday, January 15, 1917, Page 2.
John H. Bass has informed the property owners along Weisser Park Avenue that he has reconsidered his inteion of moving several houses from the north end of the street to his lots between Buchanan and Creighton Avenue. These vacant lots will be turned over to the neighborhood for playgrounds until Mr. Bass arranges to improve them permanently. The property owners had made a virgorous protest against the removal of the houses.
[ The current Weisser Park of 20 acres is at 3000 Hanna Street and Drexel Avenue. The Pontiac branch of the Allen County Public Library is at 2215 South Hanna Street between Buchanan Street and Creighton Avenue and Weisser Park Avenue. ]
1919 - Lyman Howe's Travel Pictures Coming to Majestic - caterpillar move houses
Article from Apr 8, 1919 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1919, Move houses, Caterpillar1919 - Lyman Howe's Travel Pictures Coming to Majestic - caterpillar move houses The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, April 8, 1919, Page 16.
The caterpillar tractor is now being used to move houses bodily
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1919 - School Building Used for Bowser Printing - to be Razed for Park - move houses
Article from Apr 13, 1919 The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1919, Bowser, Park, Move houses1919 - School Building Used for Bowser Printing - to be Razed for Park - move housesThe Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sunday, April 13, 1919, Page 35.
The houses are sold to the employes at a very nominal price and make excellent homes for a small expense by remodeling and adding a foundation. The extending of the warehouse will mean the disposing of five or six houses.
The Wyneken House now at 1730 N.W. Winchester Road near Decatur, Adams County was moved August 18, 2010 from its original location on Adams County Road 1000N in the northwest part the county just south of the Allen-Adams County line. See our Wyneken House section with a video of the move and more information.