Before the invention of the refrigerator, the opportunity to collect the precious commodity of ice was taken full...
Posted by Erie Canal Museum on Friday, February 23, 2024Friday, February 23, 2024 post by the Erie Canal Museum on Facebook:
Before the invention of the refrigerator, the opportunity to collect the precious commodity of ice was taken full advantage of. Ice harvesters worked through the days and nights of the winter on Jamesville Reservoir and Onondaga Lake to cut and pack the ice. If properly stored, the ice could last until August.
Small mules and horses would mark out squares then cut these lines with a saw-like plow. The pieces of ice were two to three feet long. Occasionally a horse would fall into the water and be floated to the shore by a rope. A warm blanket, a quart of whiskey, and a few hours of exercise would put the poor animal right. Large companies, like the Jamesville Reservoir Ice Co. would deliver ice year round.
Canal families would look for this kind of winter work while the canal was closed, cutting ice to make ends meet. When the canal opened again in the spring, they would resume life on their canal boat.
1914 - Rushing Work of Packing Ice at Pleasant Lake to Augment Fort Wayne Supply During Next Summer
Article from Feb 14, 1914 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1914, Ice harvest, Pleasant lake1914 - Rushing Work of Packing Ice at Pleasant Lake to Augment Fort Wayne Supply During Next Summer The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, February 14, 1914, Page 9.
[ Pleasant Lake is roughly 40 miles north of Fort Wayne about 2 miles south of Angola, Steuben County, Indiana. ]
1875 - If we don't have rain, soon; causing a "rust," the ice harvest will yield plentifully
Article from Jan 9, 1875 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1875, Ice harvest1875 - If we don't have rain, soon; causing a "rust," the ice harvest will yield plentifully Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, January 9, 1875, Page 2
If we don't have rain, soon; causing a rust," the ice harvest will yield plentifully.
1877 - The ice harvest is still being gathered. It is very healthy in Aboite township The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, January 6, 1877, Page 41877 - The ice harvest is still being gathered. It is very healthy in Aboite township
Article from Jan 6, 1877 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1877, Ice harvest
1877 - The ice harvest this winter will be the largest gathered for years. The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, January 13, 1877, Page 41877 - The ice harvest this winter will be the largest gathered for years.
Article from Jan 13, 1877 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1877, Ice harvest
1877 - The ice harvest promises to be very poor. The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Monday, December 17, 1877, Page 41877 - The ice harvest promises to be very poor.
Article from Dec 17, 1877 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1877, Ice harvest
1879 - item in News - ice harvest rich - saloon keepers if no reduction in price will buy outside Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Friday, March 14, 1879, Page 11879 - item in News - ice harvest rich - saloon keepers if no reduction in price will buy outside
Article from Mar 14, 1879 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1879, Ice harvest
1880 - The ice harvest has begun. The ice is ten inches thick. Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, November 30, 1880, Page 11880 - The ice harvest has begun. The ice is ten inches thick.
Article from Nov 30, 1880 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1880, Ice harvest
1882 - The ice harvest at Rome City began today. Seven inches thickness - twenty car loads daily
Article from Jan 19, 1882 Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1882, Ice harvest1882 - The ice harvest at Rome City began today. Seven inches thickness - twenty car loads daily Fort Wayne Daily News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Thusday, January 19, 1882, Page 1
The ice harvest at Rome City began to-day. Seven inches in the thickness of the cakes. Shipments to Columbus, O., and St. Louis, Mo. have already been made, Twenty car loads will be put up daily.
1887 - The ice harvest Wabash & Warsaw is completed. Fifteen hundred tons stored 6-20 inches thick The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Wednesday, January 12, 1887, Page 41887 - The ice harvest Wabash & Warsaw is completed. Fifteen hundred tons stored 6-20 inches thick
Article from Jan 12, 1887 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1887, Ice harvest
1895 - The Ice Harvest - Crop reaped in City this Week - Rochhill - Centlivre brewery The Fort Wayne News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Thursday, January 3, 1895, Page 31895 - The Ice Harvest - Crop reaped in City this Week - Rochhill - Centlivre brewery
Article from Jan 3, 1895 The Fort Wayne News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1895, Ice harvest
1906 - Ice Harvest Begins To-day - Mondamin Dairy St. Mary's river - Centlivre St. Joseph river The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Thursday, February 8, 1906, Page 91906 - Ice Harvest Begins To-day - Mondamin Dairy St. Mary's river - Centlivre St. Joseph river
Article from Feb 8, 1906 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1906, Ice harvest
1906 - Ice Harvest Begins Today - Mondamin Dairy - flood surface of ice in St. Mary's river The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, February 10, 1906, Page 61906 - Ice Harvest Begins Today - Mondamin Dairy - flood surface of ice in St. Mary's river
Article from Feb 10, 1906 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1906, Ice harvest, Mondamin dairy
1909 - Real Ice Harvest Seems Assured - Crystal as Thick as Thickest Winter
Article from Dec 10, 1909 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1909, Ice harvest1909 - Real Ice Harvest Seems Assured - Crystal as Thick as Thickest Winter The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Friday, December 10, 1909, Page 1
1909 - Real Ice Harvest Seems Assured (continued) The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Friday, December 10, 1909, Page 10
1910 - Finishing Ice Harvest - The Crop at Warsaw Lakes the Largest and Best in Years The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Friday, Januardy 7, 1910, Page 91910 - Finishing Ice Harvest - The Crop at Warsaw Lakes the Largest and Best in Years
Article from Jan 7, 1910 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1910, Ice harvest
1911 - Ice Harvest Has Been Heavy - Northern Indiana Lakes the Scene of Unusual Activity The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sunday, January 15, 1911, Page 201911 - Ice Harvest Has Been Heavy - Northern Indiana Lakes the Scene of Unusual Activity
Article from Jan 15, 1911 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1911, Ice harvest
1919 - Needless Ice Shortage The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, June28, 1919, Page 8Article from Jun 28, 1919 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1919, Ice shortage
1920 - Plenty of Ice This Year - Dealers Harvest Ten Times as Big Crop as Last Yeat The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Wednesday, January 7, 1920, Page 141920 - Plenty of Ice This Year - Dealers Harvest Ten Times as Big Crop as Last Yeat
Article from Jan 7, 1920 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1920, Ice harvest
1922 - Ice Harvest in Full Swing - Local Companies Working Top Speed - Give Many Employment The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sunday, January 29, 1922, Page 171922 - Ice Harvest in Full Swing - Local Companies Working Top Speed - Give Many Employment
Article from Jan 29, 1922 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1922, Ice harvest