Allen County, Indiana Churches

Wayne Township - Organized May 31, 1824


Due to the large number of churches in Wayne Township, this list is organized by denomination. Click on the denomination to jump to that group of churches. An alphabetical list is on the Church List page with all the townships. The first services where held in the 1822 fort later organized in 1837 as First Baptist Church, the first church First Presbyterian was built in 1831. The first Fort Wayne City Directory 1858-59 lists early churches.

African Methodist Episcopal Apostolic Baptist
Catholic Christian - Church of Christ Christian Science
Church of the Brethren Church of God Episcopal
Evangelical Association Evangelical United Brethren Jewish Congregations
Lutheran Mennonite Methodist
Missionary Nazarene Presbyterian
Reformed Seventh-Day Adventist Unitarian Universalist
United Brethren United Church of Christ Universalist

African Methodist Episcopal

Official web site and Wikipedia History

First Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church - AMEZ

Organized in 1918 with eleven members.

The congregation met on Lafayette St. for a short time, then moved to Broadway near the General Electric plant. In 1947 the lot at 2615 Taylor St. was bought and during the following year the church was constructed. The congregation disbanded in 1980s.

Turner Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church

Street View photo from Google map, several aerial drone photos were posted November 15, 2022 by Adam Griebel Photography on Facebook

836 E. Jefferson Street, website:, Unofficial Facebook and

Organized in 1849. The first place of worship was the church formerly used by St. John's Reformed Church. The building was purchased and moved to 801 E. Wayne St. on land deeded to the church by Emerine J. Hamilton in 1897. The church was named Turner Chapel in honor of the Rev. Henry McNeil Turner, the tenth Negro chaplain in the U.S. Army during the Civil War. In 1917 a new church was built at the same location. In 1963 the congregation purchased the present church building from Calvary United Brethren which built the building in 1927. Records were destroyed by fire in 1979. Now known as The Calvary United Brethren-Turner Chapel AME.

  1. Fort Wayne’s early African-American settlers blazed a trial that burns bright today by Tom Castaldi posted March 28, 2013 and Turner Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church by Tom Castaldi published February 6, 2014 on the History Center Notes & Queries blog.
  2. Historic distinction sought for church Panel to mull status for gothic-style AME by Dave Gong published September 21, 2019 in The Journal Gazette newspaper. During the national celebration of Black History Month, Turner Chapel AME Church has been listed in the National Register of Historic Places, which is the nation's official list of properties considered worthy of preservation. The church was built in 1927 by the Calvary United Brethren Congregation and purchased in 1963 by the Turner Chapel AME Church The National Register lists the building as the “Calvary United Brethren-Turner Chapel AME Church.” This name recognizes both the congregation who built the architecturally significant church building, and the Turner Chapel AME congregation for its significance in Fort Wayne's civil rights history in a peaceful 1969 protest to desegregate Fort Wayne Community Schools. “On behalf of the congregation of Turner Chapel AME Church we are honored to receive this recognition,” Pastor Kenneth Christmon said. “This congregation traces back to the first Black people to settle in Fort Wayne. The historic recognition is for the 173-year history of speaking out for social justice and equity in the community.” Copied from Verbatim: Turner Chapel AME Church listed in National Register of Historic Places published February 17, 2022 in The Journal Gazette newspaper.
  3. Feb. 17 - Fort Wayne church with role in local Civil Rights listed in National Register of Historic Places from Staff Reports published February 17, 2022 in Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly.
  4. 36-page Calvary United Brethren-Turner Chapel AME Church National Register of Historic Places Registration Form to the United States Department of the Interior National Park Service.
  5. March 8, 2023 post by Indiana Landmarks on Facebook:

    African American congregation, established in 1849. Since 1963, the church has occupied a Gothic Revival-style building (pictured) originally constructed for Calvary United Brethren Church in 1927.

    In the 1960s, the building provided the backdrop for the congregation’s civil rights work. To apply pressure for Fort Wayne Community Schools to integrate its elementary schools, in 1969 Turner Chapel AME joined other Black churches in the city to serve as a “freedom school,” which Black students could attend while boycotting local elementary schools. The boycott convinced school officials to agree to create an integration policy.⁠⁠

    In 2022, Turner Chapel AME Church received a $20,000 grant from the Standiford H. Cox Fund to replace the roof on its historic building, a critical first step toward ensuring its preservation.

    Indiana Landmarks’ Black Heritage Preservation Program Committee serves as an advisor to the fund, which supports the restoration, preservation, operation, and ongoing maintenance of the state’s historic African American sites. 

  6. August 22, 2023 post by ARCH, Inc. on Facebook:

    Would you like to get your home or building on the National Register of Historic Places? One of our paid services is to compile the documentation and write the application needed to do just that. ARCH Inc. performed this service for The Calvary United Brethren-Turner Chapel AME in 2021. The church, built in 1927, is a notable example of Gothic Revival church architecture with Tudor Revival Influences that retains a significant amount of historical integrity. The Gothic Revival style pointed-arch windows, brick construction, and hood moldings over windows are just a few of the beautiful elements this building has retained. The Tudor Revival details include pointed-arch doorways, buttresses, and towers with crenellated parapets. This service is one of the many things we do to help people learn more about their homes and historic buildings to share in the joy of historic preservation. To learn about this paid service or to become a member of ARCH and support ARCH’s mission please visit our website at

  7. February 24, 2024 post by Indiana DNR Division of Historic Preservation & Archaeology on Facebook:

    #BlackHistoryMonth. The Calvary United Brethren-Turner Chapel AME Church was constructed in 1927 in Fort Wayne. It is a notable example of Gothic Revival architecture with Tudor Revival influences. In 1962, the congregation of Calvary United Brethren Church moved to a new facility and Turner Chapel AME Church purchased the building and has been using it for services and functions since 1965. In 1969, the church was the site of efforts to desegregate Fort Wayne’s public elementary schools, directly resulting in school officials agreeing to such policy. The Church was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 2022 (NR-2666). To learn more, read the nomination in our State Historic Architectural and Archaeological Research Database (SHAARD)


Wikipedia History

Christ Temple Apostolic Church

1327 Winter Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46803

Organized in 1917. First church was at 1350 Hayden Street. In about 1955 the congregation moved to Winter Street. Only baptism records exist. Contact church for information.

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Baptist on Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

First Baptist Church

2323 Fairfield Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Website:, History:

First services were held in the old fort in approximately 1822. Organized in 1837 and met in various places, such as in a schoolhouse, the Presbyterian church, courthouse and private homes. In 1841 the first church building was erected at the corner of Lafayette Street and Jefferson Blvd. The building was moved in 1847 to the corner of Berry and Clinton Streets. It is listed in the first Fort Wayne City Directory 1858-59 as the Baptist Church on the west side of Clinton between Wayne and Berry. Rev. Stephen Wilkins, Pastor. In 1949 the present church was built. Records from 1837 to 1931 have been photocopied and are available along with a history of the church at the Allen County Public Library.

First Baptist Church of Fort Wayne celebrates bicentennial year posted Aug 2, 2022 by Daniel Beals on YouTube

Since 1950, First Baptist Church of Fort Wayne has sat steadfast, near the intersection of Fairfield and Pierce Avenues. But its history long pre-dates that location. In fact, the congregation is preparing a bicentennial celebration, marking 200 years of service in the city. ... A monument attached to the rear entrance of First Baptist Church by the Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society reads: The first assembly of any faith or creed in the Fort Wayne area, organized by Rev. Isaac McCoy, missionary to the Indians. The church was formally organized with eleven charter members on August 3, 1822, then was reorganized March 4, 1837. The congregation located at this fourth site on January 8, 1950. Meeting at the fort, McCoy led the first congregation, which included Europeans, African-Americans, and Native Americans. Two granddaughters of Chief Little Turtle were baptized, as well as a freed slave. But because the reverend was a missionary, he left Fort Wayne and traveled to other states continuing his work. When First Baptist Church was revived in 1837, worshippers had their own building to meet in, and they’ve continued ever since. From a small framed structure, to large buildings downtown, First Baptist Church has changed drastically over the centuries. The current building on 2323 Fairfield was built 72 years ago, and an expansion was added in 1967. As the congregation grew, so did their outreach. Former members founded area churches which include: South Wayne Baptist Church, Memorial Baptist Church, Liberty Hills Baptist Church, Immanuel Church, and Faith Baptist Church. In 2009, when South Wayne Baptist Church closed, it merged with First Baptist Church, and South Wayne’s head pastor would lead both through the transition. To be more welcoming to both congregations, First Baptist Church changed its name to Fort Wayne Baptist Church. This year, the congregation revered that decision, becoming First Baptist Church of Fort Wayne once again, to celebrate its bicentennial year. Copied from 21Country: First Baptist Church of Fort Wayne celebrates bicentennial year Earliest worship service organized by Rev. Isaac McCoy Aug. 3, 1822 by Daniel Beal published August 2, 2022 at

Immanuel Baptist Church

Hessen Cassel Road

Organized in 1899. The first church was built on the corner of Oliver and McKee Streets. In 1924 a new church was built at the same location. In 1962 the congregation moved to a new building on Hessen Cassel Road and McKinnie Ave. In 1994 the church disbanded and members scattered. All remaining records are at the Allen County Fort Wayne Historical Society, 302 E. Berry Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802.

  1. Program of progress : Immanuel Baptist Church, 1201 McKee Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana (1950s)
  2. April 18, 2023 photos and newspaper clippings showing the Hessen Cassel location under construction and another post February 9, 2024 with over 130 comments were posted on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook.

Pilgrim Baptist Church

1331 Gay Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46803

Organized in 1919 at the present location. In 1950 the present church replaced the first church building. Records include baptism, dedication, marriage and membership cards. Contact church for information.

South Wayne Baptist Church

910 Cottage Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN 46807

In 1890 members of First Baptist Church organized the South Wayne Baptist Mission Sunday School. They first met in the South Wayne Town Hall, but in 1893 the town hall was no longer available and the Glennwood Chapel was purchased and moved to the corner of Indiana and Cottage Avenues. The chapel was renamed Beaver Chapel. In 1911 the South Wayne Baptist Church was organized. In 1913 a larger building was erected at the same location. In 1929 the present church was built. Records start from about 1911 on birth, baptism, marriage and death. Contact church for information.

Union Baptist Church

2200 Smith Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46803

Organized in 1905 as Mount Olive Baptist Church. In 1925 a disagreement between the pastor and some members of the congregation divided the church and Reverend Jordan started another church named Greater Mount Olive Baptist Church. In 1946 the two churches merged to become Union Baptist Church. Records include baptism from about 1914. No marriage records. Death and transfers from about 1914. Call for permission to search. A history of the church is available at the Allen County Public Library.

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Archive Fort Wayne - South Bend ACPL Diocese microfilm
Catholic Charities - FWSB Diocese Fort Wayne - South Bend Encyclopedia - New Advent Fort Wayne Answers
FW Encyclopedia FW Schools FW Wikipedia Catholic Match
Vatican Wikipedia    

The Diocese of Fort Wayne by Alerding, Herman Joseph, 1845-1924; Noll, John Francis, Abp., 1875-1956, Publication date 1907, two volumes and six versions on

The Diocese of Fort Wayne Fragments of History Volume II by Alerding, Herman Joseph, 1845-1924, Publication date 1907, two volumes and six versions on

News Items

  1. Catholic Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend 43 rolls of microfilm at The Genealogy Center
  2. Fort Wayne native has ringside seat for papal transition Don Clemmer is helping handle media relations for U.S. cardinals in Rome by Kevin Kilbane of The News-Sentinel Sunday, March 10, 2013
  3. Poor Handmaids order leaves lasting legacy in Fort Wayne 1868 to the present, by Jennifer L. Boen published October 20, 2014 in The News-Sentinel newspaper.
  4. Nuns reunite in city to commemorate service , the Poor Handmaids traces its roots back to Germany, where the group was founded by Sister Catherine Kasper in 1851. Read more by Sherry Slater published October 26, 2014 in The Journal Gazette newspaper

  1. The Catholic Church in Fort Wayne - Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County, Publication date 1961 "Reprinted with the special permission of the Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society." on
  2. The Diocese of Fort Wayne, 1857-September 1907 : a book of historical reference, 1669-1907 - Alerding, Herman Joseph, 1845-1924, on
  3. The Diocese of Fort Wayne (1907) - Alerding, Herman Joseph, Bp., 1845-1924; Noll, John F. Abp, 1875-1956, on
  4. The Diocese of Fort Wayne (Volume 2) - Alerding, Herman Joseph, 1845-1924, by John F. Noll, fifth bishop of Fort Wayne, 1941, on
  5. Fort Wayne Catholic community center (1927), on
  6. Fort Wayne's Historic Tie to the Vatican by Eric Olson March 8, 2013 of 21Country at
  7. History of the Catholic church in Indiana ... by Blanchard, Charles, active 1882-1900, editor, Publication date 1898, on
  8. Cathedral Of The Immaculate Conception on Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.

Cathedral of The Immaculate Conception

1122 S. Clinton Street

Fort Wayne, IN 46802


Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception - Art and History. Part 1 of 4: Intro, Architectural History by John Renz on
Published on December 4, 2013 A four-part series detailing the history and art of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Part 2 of 4 Stained-Glass Windows, part 3 of 4 Stations of the Cross, part 4 of 4 Santuary Closing

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception 1837 on page 200 of The Diocese of Fort Wayne by Alerding, Herman Joseph, 1845-1924; Noll, John Francis, Abp., 1875-1956, Publication date 1907, on

Organized in 1836 as St. Mary's Catholic Church. In 1840 the name was changed to St. Augustine's a wooden church, which burned down, and was replaced with the current structure in 1859. It is listed in the first Fort Wayne City Directory 1858-59 as St. Augustine's, east side of Calhoun between Jerfferson and Lewis. Very Rev. Julian Benoit, Pastor. The name was again changed to the Cathedral Of The Immaculate Conception dedicated December 8, 1860. In 1980 was named to National Register of Historic Places. "Believed to be the oldest building in continuous use in Northeastern Indiana. Records for marriage and death from 1840-1861, baptisms from 1862-1868, marriages from 1862-1903 and miscellaneous records from 1831-1857 have been copied. Records on microfilm include baptisms from 1898-1924, marriages from 1898-1948, deaths from 1898-1972, first communions from 1899-1940 and confirmations from 1902-1948 and are available at the Allen County Public Library. Find more information in The Cathedral by Tom Castaldi published April 17, 2014 in the History Center Notes & Queries blog.

  1. Cathedral of Immaculate Conception - 360 degree images, believed to be oldest building in continuous use in Northeastern Indiana. 1980 National Register of Historic Places. 1122 S. Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46854, 260.424.1485.
  2. August 8, 2017 discussion of history posted by Randy Harter, Fort Wayne historian and authoron You are positively from Fort Wayne, if you remember... Archived group only visible to existing members on Facebook.
  3. Cathedral Square Cemetery by Mary Penrose Wayne Chapter NSDAR.
  4. Brief history with photos posted June 18, 2018 by The History Centeron Facebook.
  5. April 24, 2022 over a dozen outside photos were posted by Jared Christiansen Images to the Fort Wayne City of Churches Tour on Facebook.

Episode 164: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception published November 10, 2021 by Granite Ridge Builders on YouTube
Did you know Fort Wayne is full of architectural gems? Join us as we explore some of downtown's historical treasures! Each one is unique and features varied architecture for all interests.

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Most Precious Blood Catholic Church

1515 Barthold Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46803


Church of the Most Precious Blood 1895 on page 390 of The Diocese of Fort Wayne by Alerding, Herman Joseph, 1845-1924; Noll, John Francis, Abp., 1875-1956, Publication date 1907, on

Organized in 1897. In 1895 the northwest area of Fort Wayne had 155 Catholic families and the need for a church and school was felt. Land was purchased on which to build a church and school, and was dedicated in 1898. In 1911 the present church was erected at the same location. Baptism records from 1898-1924, first communion from 1899-1940, confirmation from 1902-1948, marriage from 1898-1948 and death from 1898-1972 are available on microfilm along with a history of the church at the Allen County Public Library. The school has a bowling alley in the basement. For the church history see ‘Impelled to build community’ by Jeannie Ewing published September 14, 2017 on Today's Catholic.

1911 cornerstone laying Most Precious Blood

Precious Blood Church, Fort Wayne, IN, cornerstone laying, 1911 at the Allen County Public Library Digital Collections at the Allen County Public Library.

March 12, 2024 post on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook with over 70 comments.

September 20, 2023 post by Today's Catholic on Facebook:

Most Precious Blood Parish Celebrates 125th Anniversary - 125 Years of Faith and Community: Most Precious Blood Celebrates Storied Legacy

St. Hyacinth's Catholic Church

2825 Holton Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN

Organized in 1910 to meet the needs of the Polish families in the community. Services were held in the basement of St. Peter's school. In 1923 a combination building was built to house a church, school and hall on Holton Avenue. In 1954 a new church was built at the same location. The church disbanded in 1955. Baptism records from 1910-1950 and marriage records from 1910-1988 on microfilm and a history of the church are available at the Allen County Public Library. See A Short History St. Hyacinth Parish. Souvenir of Dedication St. Hyacinth Church, Fort Wayne, IN. December 5, 1954. The church was discussed July 15, 2018 on You are positively from Fort Wayne, if you remember... Archived group only visible to existing members on Facebook.

St. John The Baptist Catholic Church

4525 Arlington Ave, Google map, website:; Facebook:

In March 1926, lots 138 to 143 in Fairmount Place Addition were purchased. In December 1927, the adjoining lots 109 to 112 and lots 155 to 158 in Southwood Park Addition were purchased. This formed a city block, bounded on the east by Fairfield Avenue, on the south by Sherwood Terrace, on the west by Arlington Avenue, on the north by Pasadena Drive. Copied from Early History in book below:

The first ten years : St. John the Baptist Parish, Fort Wayne, Indiana. by St. John the Baptist Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.)The first ten years Publication date 1942 on

St. Joseph's Catholic Church

2213 Brooklyn Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN 46804

Website:; Facebook: St. Joseph Catholic Church FW 

See History of Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church by Pauline Eversole archived on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. March 24, 2024 discussion on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook

St. Mary Mother of God Catholic Church

Street View photo from Google maps

1101 S. Lafayette Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802

Website:, Facebook: 10 aerial photos December 6, 2022 by Adam Griebel Photography on Facebook.

St. Mary's Church 1848 on page 227 of The Diocese of Fort Wayne by Alerding, Herman Joseph, 1845-1924; Noll, John Francis, Abp., 1875-1956, Publication date 1907, on

Organized November 29, 1848 by thirty German families of St. Augustine's Catholic Church who wanted to build a church where their own language was spoken. They were dissatisfied with the French and Irish control of St. Augustine’s now called the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Land was purchased on the corner of Lafayette Street and Jefferson Boulevard on which was built a small brick structure. In 1858 a larger church was erected on the same site. See their History page. It is listed in the first Fort Wayne City Directory 1858-59 as St. Mary's on the south-east corner of Lafayette and Jefferson. Rev. Joseph Wentz, Pastor. In 1886 the church was destroyed when its boiler exploded destroying the building and killing two people. The congregation rebuilt and dedicated the new building on December 11, 1887 in the same location. This third building was struck by lightning and dramatically destroyed by fire on September 2, 1993. In 1998 the fourth and present church was built again at the same location and dedicated on May 2, 1999. See photos and history posted September 2, 2018 by The History Centeron Facebook. Records include baptism from 1849-1917, first communion from 1892-1988, marriage from 1849-1928 and death from 1849-1929 on microfilm and are available along with a history of the church at the Allen County Public Library.

  1. September 2, 1993 the church caught fire and burned to the ground. 20th anniversary of the St. Mary's Fire Was the Saint Mary's fire a mixed blessing? The rebuilt St. Mary's Catholic Church is a better fit for the congregation's needs. The rebuilt St. Mary's Catholic Church is a better fit for the congregation's needs. Includes video and links to archive articles about the fire and rebuilding the new church. By Kevin Kilbane published August 29, 2013 in The News-Sentinel newspaper.
  2. PHOTO GALLERY: St. Mary's fire. The Way It Was A look back at the old St. Mary's Catholic Church and the day of the fire. Photos by the News-Sentinel and the Diocese of Fort Wayne South Bend in The News-Sentinel newspaper.

    St Mary's fire coverage posted Aug 2, 2013 by The News-Sentinel on YouTube
    Former News-Sentinel staff photographers discuss their coverage of St Mary's Fire, as well as show the pictures they shot while covering the event.

  3. St. Mary's Catholic Church fire video by CBS WANE-TV NewsChannel 15 published September 1, 2013.

    St. Mary's Catholic Church fire video WANE NewsChannel 15 published on September 1, 2013 YouTube

  4. November 15, 2013 discussion showing September 1993 Firehouse magazine cover photo of the burning church on You know you've lived in Fort Wayne too long when... Private Facebook group.
  5. Photo of fire discussed March 27, 2017 on You are positively from Fort Wayne, if you remember... Archived group only visible to existing members on Facebook.
  6. Several photos recall the fire in Throwback Thursday: St. Mary's Church fire - September 1993 published May 25, 2017 in The Journal Gazette newspaper.
  7. Photo and discussion July 12, 2017 on You are positively from Fort Wayne, if you remember... Archived group only visible to existing members on Facebook.
  8. Saint Mary's Soup Kitchen - started in 1975 when Father Tom was able to serve only a few bowls of soup at first through the doors of the Rectory, during that year the Soup Kitchen grew to serve 75,000 meals. Now serving over 300,000 meals a year. Struck by lightning, fire consumed the 107 year old church in 1993. A December 27, 2022 post on Great Memories and History of Fort Wayne Private Facebook Group stated: City of Churches tour. In the early 1960s an ex-nun named Clementine Stein went to work in the rectory at St Mary's. She cooked and cleaned house for the priest. At this time there were no soup kitchens so with the encouragement and support of then Father Larson, Clementine began making sandwiches and visiting with the homeless men who would ask for something to eat. It got to the point where she would call her sister, Josephine, and have her help make sandwiches. Today the soup kitchen benefits from the 'super-sizing' Father Tom O'Connor brought to the ministry with his super sized. Clementine said it was just as important to visit and talk with the men as to feed them. Posted by a grandson of Josephine, nephew of Clementine Stein. Clementine Marie Stein at Find A Grave
  9. Photo by Brian Tombaugh posted on April 21, 2016 Tweet by Downtown Fort Wayne.
  10. Two crosses that survived the fire revealed 25 years later in KEVIN LEININGER: St. Mary’s Catholic will bless two newly discovered relics from former church 25 years after devastating fire by Kevin Leininger published August 20, 2018 in The News-Sentinel newspaper.
  11. September 2, 2018 post by The History Center Facebook:

    A frantic call rung across Fort Wayne on September 2, 1993: “St. Mary’s is on fire!” Twenty-five years ago today, the venerable St. Mary’s Catholic Church, following a lightning strike, was reduced to ashes. Many residents still remember that national headline of destruction, but fewer know that the fire was actually the second major catastrophe experienced by that church. The congregation of St. Mary Mother of God Catholic Church (original and current name) dates back to 1848 when the first St. Mary’s Church was dedicated by German Catholics, following their dissatisfaction with the French and Irish controlled St. Augustine’s (today the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception). On January 13, 1886 the church boiler exploded destroying the building and killing two people. The congregation rebuilt and dedicated the new building on December 11, 1887. This third building was struck by lightning and dramatically destroyed by fire on September 2, 1993. The current structure, the fourth church to be built on that site, was dedicated on May 2, 1999. Today we remember the tragic events of both 1886 and 1993. #sociallyhistory

  12. 25 years since St. Mary's Church fire by Ruben Solis posted September 02, 2018 with 2 minute video with memories that Battalion Chief Dennis Jines and two crosses from the 3rd church on CBS WANE-TV NewsChannel 15.
  13. September 10, 2023 post by Today's Catholic on Facebook:

    Rain and lightning came down. Fire and smoke went up.

    So went the demise of the physical structure of St. Mary Mother of God Catholic Church in downtown Fort Wayne on September 2, 1993. Remembering the 30th anniversary of the inferno this year, the parish, now stronger, continues its work in the community and in the hearts of parishioners.

    Read more... 30 Years Later: Remembering the Fire at St. Mary

  14. September 15, 2023 post byHistoric 07 District - Fort Wayne on Facebook:

    On September 2nd, thirty years ago, St. Mary’s Catholic Church was reduced to ashes following a lightning strike. So what exactly does St. Mary’s Catholic Church have to do with this picturesque castle on an island in the middle of an ocean? Perhaps one of the very reasons that the church, along with the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and St. Patrick’s Church, exists in the first place. Today is a story about the rift between German, French, and Irish Catholics in Fort Wayne.

    The story begins during the French Revolution in the 1790s. A young man named Simon Brute, no more than 14 years old, witnessed a Catholic priest and three sisters executed under the guillotine in northern France. He stated over the next few years, “the greater number of the Priests of the Diocese had been either guillotined or shot, or transported to the penal colonies.” While thousands were executed, many were imprisoned not far away at the commune and abbey, which turned into a prison on the island of Mont-Saint-Michel. These experiences led Brute to the priesthood, where he would disguise himself as a baker’s assistant to provide the Eucharist to imprisoned priests.

    Eventually, Brute found himself in Indiana, leading the development of the Diocese in Indiana, which was the entire state at the time, including the fledgling Fort Wayne. He used his French connections to persuade priests in France to join him on the frontier and, in the late 1830s, convinced a man named Julian Benoit. Living in Lyons, France, Benoit would eventually find himself in Fort Wayne.

    In the 1830s and 1840s, Allen County grew with Benoit, encouraging French culture within parishes across the frontier. For example, you saw small French communities centered around Catholic churches such as St. Louis Church, St. Vincent de Paul, and others. He built St. Augustine’s church in the inner city, and it became the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. The inner city community included many French, Germans, and Irish, with St. Augustine’s controlled by the French and the Irish, requiring Benoit to balance his French heritage with a growing Catholic community.

    Eventually, in 1848, the German, French, and Irish quarrels spilled over, and thirty German Catholic families purchased land on the corner of Lafayette and Jefferson to build a church where their language was spoken. Before the end of the century, the Irish would do something similar by establishing St. Patrick’s Church at Harrison and DeWald. Benoit passed away in 1885, but his guidance throughout 40+ years of leadership, all beginning in Revolutionary France, left an undeniable mark on the community.

St. Patrick's Catholic Church

Street View photo from Google maps with around 50 user submitted photos (click photo on Google maps)

2120 South Harrison Street, Fort Wayne, In 46802

St. Patrick's Church 1890 on page 374-376 of The Diocese of Fort Wayne by Alerding, Herman Joseph, 1845-1924; Noll, John Francis, Abp., 1875-1956, Publication date 1907, on

FORT WAYNE. St. Patrick's church. 1890. In the" year 1886, a school was opened in what was known as "The Bond Building." It was established for children, who, on account of the distance, could not attend the Cathedral School. The opening of this school of two rooms may be considered the beginning of St. Patrick's parish.

In 1889 Bishop Dwenger bought four lots on Fairfield avenue, from Peter Owens, whose dwelling house was converted into a school of four rooms. In September, of the same year, the pupils were transferred from "The Bond Building" to these new quarters, henceforth known as "St. Patrick's School." In October, 1889, Bishop Dwenger formed the new congregation of St. Patrick's, and gave them the Rev. Thomas M. O'Leary, as pastor.

Bishop Dwenger was prevailed upon to locate the new church where it now stands, but, before the lots could be secured, Father O'Leary died within three weeks after his appointment. A month later Bishop Dwenger donated the property on Fairfield avenue to the new congregation and appointed the Rev. Joseph F. Delaney pastor, to succeed Father O'Leary.

Four lots of the present site had been secured in the mean time, and Father Delaney at once purchased the two remaining lots, thus completing the half square fronting on Dewald street. In 1905 Father Delaney secured the seventh lot opposite the church.

The corner-stone of the new St. Patrick's Church was laid on May 20, 1890, by Bishop Dwenger, and on November 22, 1891, the church was dedicated by the Vicar General, Father Brammer. The church is of Gothic design, 167 feet in length, with a frontage of ninety-four feet. The spire rises to a height of 185 feet. The interior decorations are beautiful, the furnishings complete in every detail, and the seating capacity is 800. The total cost, including furnishings, was $59,000.

The school, with nine large well equipped school-rooms, and an assembly hall, was built in 1891. The building is 85x72 feet and affords room for more than 500 pupils. The cost was $14,500. Improvements were made on it in 1887, and again in 1890, aggregating an additional cost of $2,000. The Sisters of Providence, from St. Mary-of-the-Woods, have had charge of the school from the beginning. The number of teachers has increased from six to sixteen, and the number of pupils from 175 to 480. Eight grades are taught in the parochial school; but in 1901, at a cost of $14,000, Father Delaney erected St. Catharine's Academy, adjoining the school, wherein

Page 376:

a High-school and a Commercial Course for the pupils, desiring to fit themselves for a business career, are being conducted. The original parochial residence, erected in 1891 at a cost of $3,800, having become too small, was remodeled and enlarged, in 1906, at a cost of $11,000. The lot opposite the church, on Harrison street, will at a later date have on it a Parish Hall. The church property is out of debt, and has a cash balance of $3,000 in the treasury.

St. Patrick's Church has Sodalities for married men, with 223 members, for young men, with 206 members, and for boys, with ninety-two members; and it has Sodalities for young women, with 268 members, and for girls, with 306 members, together with a Living Rosary Society, with 430 members, and the Guardian Angel Society, with 306 members. Benevolent organizations of the parish are: St. Joseph's Society, Indiana League, with thirty-seven members, the Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Association, with ninety members, and the Ladies' Auxiliary A. O. H. with seventy-three members. The above Sodalities and Church Societies, aside from the spiritual purposes for which they were organized, are also a great help to the pastor in the work of up-building the parish.

The parish has 476 families. The number of souls is 2064. Six boys of the parish have become priests, and twentythree girls have entered religious communities. George P. Gordon deserves special mention since through his devotedness and energy all the original church property of St. Patrick's was acquired.

The assistant priests at St. Patrick's Church, in the order given, were: Revs. Edward F. Barrett, Frederick Dandurand, Patrick J. Crawley, Thomas A. Mungovan, Rev. Edward J. Mungovan, and Rev. James Durham, since June 8, 1907.

Located at Harrison and DeWald Streets, its campus is known as Saint Patrick’s Square. Organized in 1890, it was known as the Irish church. It was located on the edge of Irishtown and now serves mass in English, Spanish and Vietnamese according to a post with photographs discussed December 12, 2022 on Great Memories and History of Fort Wayne Private Facebook Group. In 1886 a two-room school was started near South Calhoun and Williams Streets. It was opened for children living too far from the downtown Cathedral school. The cornerstone of the church was laid by Bishop Dwenger on May 20, 1890. Baptism records from 1891-1926, first communion from1892-1952, confirmation from 1892-1922, marriage from 1892-1954 and death from 1891-1948 have been microfilmed and are available along with a history of the church at the Allen County Public Library. St. Partick's Day March 19, 2018 a short history with several photos was posted by The History Center on Facebook stating: Saint Patrick lived during the fifth century. He was a priest and bishop, and eventually became a missionary to Ireland. Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated as a feast day in many Christian denominations. It is celebrated on March 17th, which is believed to be the date of his death. One of the earliest and most notable Catholic Parish’s in Fort Wayne bears his name. In 1889, Bishop Joseph Dwenger, head of the regional diocese, announced that a new parish would be formed and would be called Saint Patrick’s. Multiple lots were purchased and ground was broken in 1890. The cornerstone of the church was laid by Bishop Dwenger on May 20, 1890. The church is constructed in Gothic design. Its spire sits at a height of 185 feet and its bell is dated 1892. The cost of the church and the property totaled $85,000. It was the first parish church in Fort Wayne to receive the rite of consecration, being recognized for its exemplary status and freedom from debt. The church is still located at Harrison and DeWald and its campus is now known as Saint Patrick’s Square.

St. Paul's Catholic Church

Was located at 931 Fairfield Avenue until torn down in 2004

The church's steeple still stands at the corner of Fairfield Avenue and West Washington Boulevard, Street View photo from Google maps
The Allen County Public Library is visible on the right to the east in the background in front of the tall buildings with Trinity English Lutheran Church to the north behind the parking lot location of the former St. Paul's Church.

St. Paul's Church 1865 on page 302 of The Diocese of Fort Wayne by Alerding, Herman Joseph, 1845-1924; Noll, John Francis, Abp., 1875-1956, Publication date 1907, on

Organized in 1864 when a group of some thirty-five German-speaking Catholics set about the work of erecting a church in the west end of the city. Property for the new church was purchased at the corner of Fairfield Avenue and Washington Boulevard and a church was erected in 1870. In 1886 a new church was built. It was torn down in June 2004. Baptism records from 1886-1935, first communion from 1866-1988, marriage from 1866-1989 and death from 1866-1988 have been microfilmed and are available at the Allen County Public Library. Was torn down ink June 2004. The last day's of St. Paul's Trip for last-minute pix of St. Paul's turns into something extraordinary by Gloria Diaz Published June 28, 2004 in Fort Wayne Reader.

  1. 931 Fairfield Ave. (St. Paul’s Catholic Church)

    Built in 1886, architect Peter Dederichs designed this church in the Renaissance Revival style which was based on 16th century Italian architecture. It featured common style elements such as a rusticated stone base, pilasters and classical ornamentation. It also exhibited Roman arches. Inside were original portraits and wall stenciling typically seen in churches built in the 1800s.

    The church was founded as a German-Catholic congregation, but evolved into an Hispanic parish, offering both bi-lingual and Spanish masses. In June of 2003, the church was closed and the parish was merged with another. The church was demolished in June of 2004.

    National Register (West Central Historic District) - 1984.

    Copied from Historic Buildings and Structures of the West Central Neighborhood Association Fort Wayne, Indiana

  2. Photo captioned This photo shows the former St. Paul Catholic Church, which was built in 1886 at Washington Boulevard and Fairfield Avenue. The church was demolished in 2004. ( file photo) from Fort Wayne’s historic churches, African-American pioneers, rivers among free ARCH lecture topics January 3, 2018 in The News-Sentinel newspaper.
  3. St. Paul Catholic Church (site) (Fort Wayne, Indiana) | demolished on Wikimapia.
  4. August 27, 2023 photo posted and discussed on Great Memories and History of Fort Wayne Private Facebook Group.
  5. December 17, 2022 post by Mercantile on Main on Facebook:

    We had a lot of interest in our stained glass windows so we brought some more down to the shop! All windows are from the Sain Paul's Catholic Church that was located on the corner Washington and Fairfield, which was built in 1886 and torn down in 2004. As parishioners of Saint Paul's, we thought it was important to salvage what we could to help preserve and celebrate its beauty.

St. Peter's Catholic Church

518 East DeWald Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46803, Street View photo from Google maps


Facebook: Several aerial drone photos of the church were posted December 26, 2019 by Above the Land on Facebook.

St. Peterl's Church 1871 on page 331 of The Diocese of Fort Wayne by Alerding, Herman Joseph, 1845-1924; Noll, John Francis, Abp., 1875-1956, Publication date 1907, on

Organized in 1872 by a few dozen families living in the southeast part of Fort Wayne. Most of these families had worshiped at St. Mary's church and formed themselves into a congregation to begin the erection of a large brick structure to serve as a school and house of worship. The present church was dedicated in 1894 on what is known as "St. Peter's Square" which is bounded by Warsaw, Hanna, DeWald and Martin Streets. Baptism records from 1872-1986, first communion from 1881-1988, marriage from 1896-1938 and death from 1896-1988 have been microfilmed and are available at the Allen County Public Library. St. Peter's Catholic Church, Diamond Jubilee, 1872-1947, Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana at The Genealogy Center. See interior photos posted November 21, 2018 by Ignacio Silva on Facebook. See 95 page Indiana SP St. Peter's Square National Register of Historic Places Registration Form in the Catalog at The National Archives.

Historic St. Peter Catholic Church Still Vibrant After 150 Years by Jodi Marlin January 10, 2023 in Today's Catholic and January 11, 2023 on Facebook.

The towering slate-colored steeple of St. Peter Parish seems to rise majestically from the inner-city neighborhood where it’s located — a neighborhood that has known its share of struggle. Crossing the threshold into the church’s expansive worship space however, the breathtaking beauty of its architecture and appointments instantly allays the concerns of the outside world and puts worshippers on alert that this is the home of not just the holiest person in the city, but the world; the One in whom they can rest, the Reason for Our Hope, the King of Peace.

The spiritual oasis that is St. Peter Parish celebrated its sesquicentennial on Sunday, Jan. 8, with rich and joyous tones. 

St. Peter was founded as a German and French parish. Catholic immigrants from those countries had settled immediately southeast of the downtown area following the Civil War, and in 1871, a group of them, led by Peter Mettler, approached the second bishop of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Bishop Joseph Dwenger, and asked him to establish a parish in its midst. After receiving his blessing, the church was built and dedicated to the saint Mettler was named for: St. Peter, the Prince of the Apostles and the first pope. 

In 1905, the Meeting House at St. Peter located at 611 E. DeWald Street in Fort Wayne was built. In 1991 the building...

Posted by Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority on Monday, May 20, 2024

Monday, May 20, 2024 post by the Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority on Facebook:

In 1905, the Meeting House at St. Peter located at 611 E. DeWald Street in Fort Wayne was built. In 1991 the building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. The former parish school building sat vacant for several years until 2004 when it was preserved and converted into senior housing. This historic property in the Hanna-Creighton neighborhood offers 38 total units, split between one and two bedroom units.

In 2006, the property received the Leonard G. Murphy Award for Outstanding Commercial Restoration award by Architecture and Community Heritage.

St. Therese Catholic Church

2304 Lower Huntington Road. Dedicated on October 3, 1948 in Waynedale. Street View photo from Google Maps.

September 10, 2023 post by The Waynedale News on Facebook:

St. Therese Catholic Church Celebrates 75 Years: Since 1948, St. Therese Catholic Church has been an integral part of the vibrant Waynedale community. Its rich history, marked by resilience and devotion, serves as a testament to the enduring spirit of this parish. . .

Read more: St. Therese Catholic Church Celebrates 75 Years

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Christian - Church of Christ / Disciples of Christ

Wikipedia description of several denominations

Colony Heights Church of Christ

4724 Tillman Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46816, Independent New Testament no denomination.

In 1903, the pastor of the West Jefferson Street Church of Christ, now First Christian Church, felt that there was a need for a church in the southeast part of town. In 1907 the East Creighton Avenue Church of Christ was organized and soon after a church building was erected on E. Creighton Avenue and Smith Street. In 1952 a new church was built at Smith and Eckart Streets and the name was changed to Parkview Church of Christ. In 1973 the congregation again changed the name to Colony Heights Church of Christ and erected the present church. Records have been kept including birth, adult baptism, marriage and death. Call church office to arrange to search with their help. A history of the church is available at the Allen County Public Library.

First Christian Church - Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

4800 South Calhoun Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Organized in 1871 as the West Jefferson Street Church of Christ at 441 West Jefferson Blvd. In 1952 they built the present church on South Calhoun Street and changed the name to First Christian Church. Records on some marriages and deaths. Contact church for additional information. Directory, West Jefferson St. Church of Christ, 1920 : West Jefferson St. Church of Christ is now called First Christian Church, 4800 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne, IN. Over 100 comments to April 5, 2024 discussion on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook.

First Christian Church of Fort Wayne proudly presents seventy-five years of Christian achievement by First Christian Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.)Publication date 1946 on ebooks:

  1. There are over 45 items under First Christian Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.) on
  2. Church of Christ announcement (Volume yr.1897-1900) - West Jefferson Street Church of Christ (Fort Wayne, Ind.)
  3. Directory of members, 1894 : taken from old membership roll found in box from old cornerstone, West Jefferson St. Church of Christ, now called First Christian Church, 4800 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne, IN
  4. Directory, West Jefferson St. Church of Christ, 1920 : West Jefferson St. Church of Christ is now called First Christian Church, 4800 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne, IN
  5. Robert M. & Martha A. (Archer) Stewart family bible : containing surnames Archer, Gibford, Holverstott, McCulloch, Rodgers, Stewart, Wilson, in possession of the First Christian Church, 4800 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne, IN Publication date 1783

West Creighton Avenue Church of Christ - Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

845 West Creighton Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Organized in 1896 at the present site, disbanded in 2007. Records for birth, baptism from 1902, marriage from 1930 and death from 1935. Extracts of church membership records from 1896-1988 are available at the Allen County Public Library and also on the Allen County GenWeb page. Index to the Extract of the Membership Records West Creighton Avenue Christian Church, Fort Wayne, 1896-1898 by Adam Barrone.

  1. Roll call, West Creighton Ave. Church of Christ, April 2, 1905 - West Creighton Avenue Christian Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.), Includes holograph notations on endpapers. Search 3 more titles
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Christian Science

Christian Science and Wikipedia history

First Church of Christ Science

4242 Buesching Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46815

Organized in 1898. Services were held in various halls of the city until 1913 when property on the northwest corner of Wayne and Ewing Streets was purchased. In 1926 the property was sold to the Chamber of Commerce and a church at 2410 Fairfield Avenue was built. The present church was built in the 1980s. This church does not keep records.

Today, we continue our list of the top endangered properties in the Historic 07 District. The purpose of this list is to raise awareness of these incredible properties.

Residents of Fort Wayne may drive by and wonder a bit about the massive building at the corner of Pierce and Fairfield. This building, which more recently was one of the Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum, was originally built for the First Church of Christ, Scientist Fort Wayne congregation. While this building is for sale, the story behind this structure is quite interesting. Read on for more.

The First Church of Christ, Scientist, was founded in 1897, the original members being Mrs. M. L. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Woods, Miss Ora Shaver, and Miss Emma Rosenthal. Initially, the church was housed in a small Jewish synagogue until 1913. At that point, the church purchased the Charles McCulloch home at West Wayne and Ewing. Charles, a banker, was the son of Hugh McCulloch, who served as Secretary of the Treasury under Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, and Chester A. Arthur.

Mary Baker Eddy founded the First Church of Christ, Scientist in 1879 in Boston, Massachusetts. She was the author of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and the founder of Christian Science. The church was founded "to commemorate the word and works of Christ Jesus" and "reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing". In the late 1800s and early 1900s, this was one of the fastest-growing religions in the country. In Fort Wayne, the growth was similar.

In the mid 1920's, the local congregation was looking for a new location. In 1926, the church purchased land at the corner of Fairfield and Pierce. As you can see from the picture, this vast structure was built and finished in 1927. The building, built in the neoclassical style, followed the pattern of many other First Church of Christ, Scientist structures around the country. This church was designed by Howard Lovewell Cheney, who also designed Washington National Airport. Over the years, the building has changed hands and now sits empty and for sale. It's a beautiful structure with hopefully an opportunity to be revived soon.

Picture - Who is a Hoosier Collection

Link to Sale:

Copied from a January 22, 2023 post byHistoric 07 District - Fort Wayne on Facebook.


Church of the Brethren, COB Network, Wikipedia history

Lincolnshire Church of the Brethren

6404 South Calhoun Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Organized in 1901 as First Church of the Brethren at 2202 Smith Street. A new church was built in 1958 and the name changed to Lincolnshire Church of the Brethren. Records for about the last 25 years for infant birth and baptism, confirmation, marriage, death and letters of transfer. Contact church for information on records.

Church of God

Wikipedia describes various Church of God denominations:
Indiana site, Tennessee Pentecostal, Restoration, and International

First Church of God

3039 Piqua Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN

In early 1854, traveling ministers of the Church of God held preaching services in Fort Wayne, but it was not until 1907 that the First Church of God had its beginning. In 1909 members purchased the property known as Sunnyside Chapel on South Lafayette Street. In 1917 they erected a new church at Wildwood and Piqua Avenues. In 1977 the present church was built and the name changed to Trier Ridge Community Church of God (see Adams Township).

1917 building on Street View photo from Google maps, photo show most recent occupant Karpeles Manuscript Museum.

May 25, 2023 post by ARCH, Inc. on Facebook:

When its Church of God congregation moved from downtown to this neighborhood, a lot of energy was focused on development here. New residential subdivisions were being established, and Henry M. and Mary Hamilton Williams had donated Williams Park, the triangle formed where Piqua Avenue branches off Calhoun, in 1889. Williams was an officer of the streetcar company that ran on Calhoun Street. Built in 1917 by the Church of God on Piqua Avenue across from the park, it has rectangular massing and a central dome. The dome has the original metal structure. The gable front has a rectangular stained-glass panel in the center. Original stained-glass windows remain throughout the building. The congregation moved to a new building in 1976. ARCH is proud to present this edition of Throwback Thursday, part of its service as the historic preservation organization serving the greater Fort Wayne area, made possible by ARCH members and donors. Thank you.

One comment to the post says flat windows showcase many local family names.

Church of God Sherman Street - associated with Anderson, Indiana Church of God

902 Putnam Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN 46808

Organized in 1897 at the Union Chapel on the Bluffton Road. From that time until 1924 church services were conducted at a number of locations. The present church was dedicated in 1924. This church does not keep records.

New Life Church of God

1201 McKee Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46806

Organized in 1913 at present location. Contact church for information regarding records.

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Wikipedia history

Trinity Episcopal Church

611 West Berry Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802

Trinity Episcopal Church, part of "Fort Wayne, City of Churches," 1999 video posted by Northern Indiana Episcopal Archives on July 19, 2018
This video clip features Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana, from a larger 1999 video about Fort Wayne Churches produced by WFWA-TV39 PBS station that spotlighted First Presbyterian, St. Paul's Lutheran, Zion Lutheran, Trinity English Lutheran, Turner Chapel A.M.E., Most Precious Blood, and the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

Christ Church was organized in 1839 then disbanded in 1840. In May 1844 a new congregation formed the Trinity Church. The first church was built on the southeast corner of Berry and Harrison Streets in 1848. It is listed in the first Fort Wayne City Directory 1858-59 as Trinity Church south-east corner Harrison and Berry. Erroneous information appears on the historical marker in front of the church. The present church was erected in 1865. Records on baptism, confirmation, marriage, burial and communion from 1839-1964 have been photocopied and are available along with a history of the church, including the short-lived 1840 congregation at the Allen County Public Library. In 1960 the church purchased land at the corner of St. Joe and Flutter Roads to establish the St. Alban's Episcopal Church.

Consecration of Rev. Campbell Gray, 1925, Fort Wayne, Indiana  by Northern Indiana Episcopal Archives Published July 18, 2018 on YouTube.
In 1925, Campbell Gray was consecrated as the second bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana. The ceremony was held in Trinity Episcopal Church. This newsreel is the only photographic evidence of the event. Rev. Louis Rocca, Trinity's rector, can be seen at the far right in the Attendants section.

See their official Trinity Church History web page and 175episcopalfortwayne celebrating the 175th anniversary of the arrival of the Episcopal Church to Fort Wayne on May 10, 2014 on Facebook. has Talks on church history (1923) by E. W. Averill rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Wayne. A discussion of parish records with photos and vestments in Liturgical Fashion by Nancy McCammon-Hansen published June 4, 2013 on the History Center Notes & Queries blog.

Read about refurbishing their 70-year-old pipe organ in Church's renovation project goes to pipes by Frank Gray published January 15, 2015 in The Journal Gazette newspaper. Episcopalians celebrate 175 years in city Paul Wyche published May 11, 2014 in The Journal Gazette newspaper. Trinity Episcopal Church cornerstone celebration by Stephen Parker published September 23, 2015 on Around Fort Wayne blog. Trinity Episcopal Church in Fort Wayne celebrates 150-year anniversary of cornerstone laying published September 26, 2015 in The News-Sentinel newspaper

Evangelical Association

Bethel Evangelical Church

See Faith United Methodist Church

Crescent Avenue Evangelical Church

See Crescent Avenue United Methodist Church

Evangelical United Brethren

Calvary Evangelical United Brethren

See Calvary United Methodist Church

Crescent Avenue Evangelical United Brethren

See Crescent Avenue United Methodist Church

First Evangelical United Brethren

See Faith United Methodist Church

South Wayne Evangelical United Brethren

See South Wayne United Methodist Church
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Jewish Congregations

See our Jewish Community People page.


Lutheranism - Wikipedia, Missouri Synod subscription service has over 2.5 billion baptism, birth, confirmation, marriage, death and burial Lutheran Church Records.

Christ's Evangelical Lutheran Church

237 W. Jefferson Boulevard, Fort Wayne, IN

Organized in 1892. First met in the YMCA until 1896 when the church was erected on Webster Street between Jefferson Boulevard and Lewis Street. In 1917 a new church was built on the same site facing Jefferson Blvd. In 1936 the congregation disbanded due to financial reasons and most of the members joined with St. Luke's Lutheran Church, 3601 Warsaw Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46806 260-744-3265. Records have been photocopied and are available at the Allen County Public Library.

Concordia Lutheran Church with Old Cemetery and New Cemetery

4245 Lake Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN 46815

Organized in 1899 by members of St. Paul's Lutheran living in the eastern part of Fort Wayne. A church and school building was erected at the corner of Fletcher Avenue and Alliger Street. In 1904 a larger church was built on the same site facing South Anthony Blvd. By 1961 the congregation was in need of more space, and a new school was built on Lake Avenue. In 1974 a new church was built next to the school. Records on baptism 1900-1990, marriage 1932-1900 and death 1932-1900 have been photocopied and are available along with a history of the church at the Allen County Public Library.

The Concordia cemetery on Anthony has no direct connection to any single parish. It’s a Lutheran cemetery association.”Concordia” in Lutheran history dates to the reformation and simply means to be in agreement. Lutheran doctrine is collected in the Book of Concord..From a comment by Kevin Leininger a retired reporter for The News-Sentinel newspaper to August 8, 2023 post with photos on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook.

  1. Geschichte des Concordia Collegiums der Ev.-luth. Synode von Missouri, Ohio u. a. St. zu Fort Wayne, Ind. : zum fünfzigjährigen Jubiläum seiner Alma Mater im Auftrag des Jubelfestkomitees dem Druck übergeben, List of students, 1839-1889: p. [57]-72.
  2. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Northern Indiana - 1859

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

917 West Jefferson Boulevard, Fort Wayne, IN 46804 , Facebook page

Organized in 1867 when approximately half of the membership of St. Paul's Lutheran Church living on the west side of Fort Wayne voted to build a new church near the area. In 1867 a two-room school was erected in the 900 block of West Jefferson Blvd. In 1869 the present church was dedicated at the same location. Records start in 1867 for births, baptisms, confirmations, marriages and deaths. Records have been photocopied and are available along with a history of the church at the Allen County Public Library. See also Fort Wayne artist's stained-glass windows win national Lutheran Church award by Kevin Kilbane published November 29, 2013 in The News-Sentinel newspaperand a video Stained Glass Maker Immersed in the Medieval by Eric Olson published October 28, 2013 on Indiana NewsCenter. 1892 organ Wm. King & Son (1892) Status and Condidtion and rebuilt Bennett Organ Co. Opus 1006 (1928) Status and Condition both on and same 1892 photo discussion May 31, 2017 onthe original Great Memories and History of Fort Wayne, Indiana page on Facebook- one comment says the church gave old pipes away in 2016 and a new organ was dedicated April 30, 2017 see Celebrating the Pipes on Emmanuel Lutheran Church News of the Church April 30th, 2017.

Emmaus Lutheran Church

8626 Covington Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Organized in 1900. At a meeting of the Emmanuel Lutheran congregation held in 1895, the territory in the southwest portion of the city, bounded by the Pennsylvania Railroad on the north and Harrison Street on the east, was designated as the southern district of the Emmanuel congregation. A resolution passed to call a second pastor who should serve the members living in this district. In 1900 the Emmaus Lutheran congregation was organized. The building of the church was completed in 1904 at 2320 Broadway, eventually moving to its present location. Records from 1900 for births, baptisms, confirmations, marriages and deaths have been photocopied and are available along with a history of the church at the Allen County Public Library. Three stained glass windows from 1901 were transferred to Peace Lutheran Church in Ancient Windows Bring Church Closer to its Roots by Eric Olson -21Alive published October 20, 2015 on

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Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

2940 South Anthony Boulevard, Fort Wayne, IN 46803

Organized in 1891 by members of St. John's Lutheran living on the east side of Fort Wayne and by members of St. John's Lutheran of Marion Twp. The first church was located at the corner of Gay and Pontiac Streets. In 1927 the present church was erected. Records from 1858 for births, baptisms, confirmations, marriages and deaths have been photocopied and are available at the Allen County Public Library.

Redeemer Lutheran Church

202 West Rudisill Boulevard, Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Organized in 1892 by eleven members from Emmanuel Lutheran who wanted to have the Gospel preached in the English language. In 1893 the new congregation bought a church building on the corner of Fulton Street and Washington Boulevard from Plymouth Congregational Church. In 1924 the present church was dedicated. Records from 1893 for births, baptisms, confirmations, marriages and deaths have been photocopied and are available at the Allen County Public Library.

St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church and Cemetery

729 West Washington Boulevard, Fort Wayne, IN 46804

Organized in 1853. The first church was a small frame structure located on the present site facing Van Buren Street. It is listed in the first Fort Wayne City Directory 1858-59 as St. John's, east side Van Buren south of Washington. Rev. H. Kuhn, Pastor. The second and present church was built in 1862. Records started in 1853 and have been photocopied and are available along with a history of the church at the Allen County Public Library. Read Donna Weber's online The First 150 Years: History of St. John .

Geschichte der Evangelisch=Lutherischen St. Johannis=Gemeinde zu Ft. Wayne, Indiana : von ihrer Organisation am 2. Oktober 1853 bis zur feier ihres 50jährigen Bestehens am 27. September l903 - St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church (Fort Wayne, Ind. : Washington Blvd.) Cover title: Jubilee souvenir der St. Johannis=Gemeinde, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, 1853-1903.

St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church

1126 South Barr Street, Street View photo from Madison Street on Google Maps, website:, Facebook

1898 photo   1903 fire   1906 shows brick street   190 postcard

Left to Right #1: FORT WAYNE CHURCHES LUTHERAN. ST. PAUL'S GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 1898 from Madison Street with muddy wagon tracks visible in the photo,
#2: St. Paul's Lutheran Church fire, 1903 fire with spectators in a snow covered Madison Street,
and #4: St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, IN colorized postcard dated September 16, 1909. These three images are from the Allen County Public Library Digital Collections at the Allen County Public Library,
#3: 1906 photo showing a brick Madison Street is from a December 18, 2023 post on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook.

St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church published on January 6, 2012 by The News-Sentinel
The Rev. Peter Cage describes the patent that was presented to the church in 1842.

Organized October 14, 1837 by 23 German Fort Wayne families led Henry Rudisill as the First German Evangelical Lutheran Church, the congregation first met in the courthouse. It the 2nd oldest Lutheran congregation in Indiana from June 6, 2016 Tweet by The History Center. Their website says they are one of the founding congregations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, a conservative Christian body that traces its theology and practice through the sixteenth century Reformation to the faith of the ancient apostolic Church as recorded once for all in Holy Scripture. When the courthouse became too dilapidated, the congregation moved into a brick schoolhouse on the corner of Superior and Harrison Streets. In 1839 a small wood frame church was erected on the corner of Barr and Madison Streets. In 1846 the name was changed to The German Evangelical St. Paul's Lutheran Church. By 1847 the congregation had outgrown the small church and the building was moved to the rear of the church property and converted into a schoolhouse. A new church was erected in its place. It is listed in the first Fort Wayne City Directory 1858-59 as St. Paul's, west side of Barr between Jefferson and Lewis. Rev. Wm Sihler, Pastor. In 1889 it became necessary again to build a larger church at the same location. In 1903 a fire destroyed much of the church, and in 1905 the present church was built. It was designed by Marshall S. Mahurin. In 1922 the name was changed to the present name. Records began in 1836 and have been photocopied and are available along with several histories of the church at the Allen County Public Library. A brief history is posted under German Prayer Books June - Coming Together on 200 @ 200 2016 Bicentennial items at The History Center. Daniel Baker posted his photo "St. Paul's Lutheran Church: 1903 & 2017" shown above on April 17, 2019 on Facebook.

March 15, 2023 post by Genealogy Center on Facebook:

It's #waybackwednesday! Take a look at this view of downtown Fort Wayne from 1889! This image was taken from Saint Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, including First Presbyterian Church, spire of Salem Reformed Church, courthouse and a view of houses on Jefferson east of Clinton. View this images and thousands more on our Community Album:

Milestone Achievement for Fort Wayne Landmark 175th anniversary video January 6, 2012 by Eric Olson of IndianaNewsCenter.

Local Lutherans have eyes on roots St. Paul’s turns 175, hears plans for mission in Germany January 19, 2012 Journal-Gazette newspaper article "In 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses objecting to corruption in Roman Catholicism to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. On Sunday, members of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in downtown Fort Wayne kicked off a yearlong 175th anniversary celebration by hearing about a plan to start a new Lutheran congregation there. ... Today, Wittenberg has only two Lutheran churches – and they’re seen more as museums than vibrant centers of spirituality, May said in a telephone interview last week."

  1. March 5, 2023 photos of the school 1837-1913 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook.
  2. Photos of June 27, 1937 St. Paul's Lutheran Church Reunion book with names for 1905-1910 classes posted December 6, 2023 on Great Memories and History of Fort Wayne Private Facebook Group.

  1. Geschichte der deutschen evang.-luth. St. Pauls-Gemeinde zu Fort Wayne, Ind. vom Jahre 1837 bis 1887 : zum fünfzigjährigen Jubiläum der Gemeinde - Sauer, H. G
  2. Geschichte der Deutschen Ev.-Luth. St. Pauls-Gemeinde zu Fort Wayne, Ind., vom Jahre 1837 bis zum Jahre 1912 : Zum fünfundsiebzigsten Jubiläum der Gemeinde - Sauer, H. G.

Episode 100: Christmas at St Paul's Lutheran Church posted Dec 26, 2018 by Granite Ridge Builders on YouTube
Join us in celebrating a few things! It's our 100th EPISODE and it's Christmas! For this episode we want to take a minuet and say THANK YOU for watching an interacting with us. We also want to take some time and reflect on what all has happened over the last 100 episodes as well as what Fort Wayne may have looked like 100 years ago. What better setting than one of the historical churches in our city Saint Paul's Lutheran Church.

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Monday, July 1, 2024 post by St Paul's EV Lutheran Church LCMS on Facebook:

Shared June 30, 2024 post by WANE 15 on Facebook:

The church is 187 years old and has already undergone multiple renovations.

‘We are committed to Barr Street’: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church undergoes renovations 

Our March newsletter is out! You can read (and subscribe to) the newsletter here:...

Posted by Friends of Wyneken on Saturday, March 2, 2024

Saturday, March 2, 2024 post by Friends of Wyneken on Facebook:

Our March newsletter is out! You can read (and subscribe to) the newsletter here:

This month's newsletter concludes with an article on the discovery of the Bach Bible (pictured; note J. S. Bach's signature in the lower right hand corner) and the Fort Wayne connections to that discovery.

Friends of Wyneken Newsletter - February 2024 - Bach’s Bible

What are the connections between St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, and the discovery of Bach’s Bible? Rev. Christian G. Riedel, who first recognized Bach’s monogram on the Bible commentary in Frankenmuth, was born in Fort Wayne in 1874. His father, often referred to as Professor John Riedel, served as a teacher at St. Paul’s Lutheran School for 47 years. During much of that time, the family lived on Barr Street, near the church and school.

Trinity English Lutheran Church

405 West Wayne Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802

Website:, Organized in 1846 as an English speaking Lutheran church by a few members from St. Paul's Lutheran originally a German language church. They purchased their first church building from the First Presbyterian Church in 1846 on East Berry St. It is listed in the first Fort Wayne City Directory 1858-59 as English Lutheran Church, south side Berry between Barr and Lafayette. In 1864 the second church was built at Wayne and Clinton Streets. In 1924 the third and present church was built on the corner of Wayne and Ewing Streets. Records from 1846-1984 have been photocopied and are available along with several church histories at the Allen County Public Library.

  1. Trinity English Lutheran Church Henry Rudisill marker at The Historical Marker Datatbase
  2. July 11, 2022 several aerial photos by Adam Griebel Photography were posted on Facebook.

  1. "Ecclesia plantanda"; the story of 125 years planting--expanding--promoting the Church by Trinity English Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1846-1971 - Krauss, Paul Hartzell, Cover title: Trinity English Lutheran Church. Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1846-1971.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

1636 St. Mary's Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN 46808

Organized in 1893 as a mission outreach to the families of the Bloomingdale neighborhood by St. Paul's Lutheran Church. In 1893 the first school was built, and in 1895 the congregation was organized. In 1915 the present church was erected. Records from 1895-1977 have been photocopied and are available along with a history of the church at the Allen County Public Library.

1915 - Laying of Cornerstone at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Sunday Afternoon The Fort Wayne News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, September 18, 1915, Page 3.

1915 - Cornerstone For New Trinity Lutheran Church In Bloomingdale Will Be Laid This Afternoon The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sunday, September 19, 1915, Page 24

1915 - Laying the Corner Stone for Trinity Lutheran Church

Article from Sep 21, 1915 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1915, Fort wayne church, Trinity lutheran church

1915 - Laying the Corner Stone for Trinity Lutheran Church The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Tuesday, September 21, 1915, Page 14.


The accompanying engraving illustrates the moment just before the corner stone for the new Trinity Lutheran church, at the corner of St. Mary's avenue and Huffman streets was lowered into position during special services Sunday afternoon.

The men appearing on the picture include Foreman Fred Huhn, standing on the ground; Fred Kanning, contractor for brick work, holding the stone; Herman Witte, one of the trustees of Trinity church, and Rev. Gustave Doege, pastor of Trinity congregation.

1915 - Progressing Rapidly on New Trinity Lutheran Church

Article from Nov 21, 1915 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1915, Trinity lutheran church, Fort wayne church

1915 - Progressing Rapidly on New Trinity Lutheran Church The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sunday, November 21, 1915, Page 32.


Work on the new Trinity German Lutheran church, corner of St. Marys avenue and Huffman street, is progressing rapidly. The accompaning picture was taken the latter part of last week and shows the rapidity with which the work on the structure is being performed.

Zion Lutheran Church

2313 Hanna Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46803

Organized in 1883 by members of St. Paul's who lived south of the Pennsylvania Railroad. This sector of the city was at that time known as "Frenchtown." It was decided to supply the members in Frenchtown with a school. In 1882 a site for the new school was purchased on the corner of East Creighton Avenue and Hanna Street. The present building was dedicated in 1891. Records from 1881-1970 have been photocopied and are available along with a history of the church at the Allen County Public Library. Zion Lutheran Church on YouTube. February 7, 2024 post of Golden Anniversary Church Dedication 1891-1941 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook

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Mennonite Connections, MennoLink, Mennonite USA, ThirdWay, Wikipedia history

First Mennonite Church

1213 St. Mary's Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN 46808. Final Service was held on Sunday November 22, 2015.

Fort Wayne is full of rich religious heritage and is known as the “City of Churches.” Following the establishment of the...

Posted by The History Center on Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tuesday, August 6, 2024 post by The History Center on Facebook:

Fort Wayne is full of rich religious heritage and is known as the “City of Churches.” Following the establishment of the military fort in 1794, the first permanent churches were established in the 1820s. Many are formally organized, with constitutions and by-laws, maintain offices, and are served by clergy or lay leaders. Local churches often relate with, affiliate with, or consider themselves to be constitutive parts of denominations. First Mennonite Church was one such church that ministered to the needs of the people of Fort Wayne. Founded in 1903, the church held its first services in the rented upstairs room of a saloon located at 1921 S. Hanna Street. The congregation found this to be unsuitable for worship, as they were frequently interrupted by brawling from the saloon. In the Spring of 1904, they moved to their second location, a store building located at 2237 Oliver Street. The third location a two-story cement block structure, located at 1209 St. Mary’s Avenue, was first used for worship in February 1906. As attendance grew it became necessary to build again and two lots at 1211-1213 St. Mary’s Avenue were purchased for this intent. Its fourth and final location was begun in the Fall of 1914 and the new $5,500 brick building was dedicated in March of 1915. On Sunday, November 22, 2015, First Mennonite held its final service as a congregation, bringing an end to its 112-year-old tradition of serving the people of Fort Wayne. #sociallyhistory


UMC, Wikipedia history

Encapsulating Time brief review of  Methodist church history in Fort Wayne since the first church built in 1840 under the name Berry Street Chapel. By Emily Royer published May 27, 2016 on History Center Notes & Queries blog.

1915 - Fort Wayne Methodist Episcopal Circuit Prospers Under Leadership of Rev. Stewart

Article from Nov 21, 1915 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1915, Methodist churches, Fort wayne, Indiana

1915 - Fort Wayne Methodist Episcopal Circuit Prospers Under Leadership of Rev. Stewart The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sunday, November 21, 1915, Page 32.


Under the leadership of Rev. John M. Stewart the Fort Wayne Methodist Episcopal circuit has had a most prosperous year. Five churches for one minister is no little task, and it has been only through the untiring efforts of Rev. Stewart that the churches have been so successful. At the present time Rev. Stewart is conducting revivals at the St. Joe church and the attendance has been even better than had been predicted. With the mention of a circuit comes the thought of the circuits of years ago when the minister rode from place


1.Friendship church, nine miles southwest of the elty on the Huntington road.
2.Rev. John M. Stewart, pastor.
3.Taylor chapel, nine miles east on Maysville road.
4.Union chapel, six and one-half miles south of the city on the Bluffton road.
5.Oak Grove chapel, one mile west of Bootjack on the Illinois road.
6. St. Joe chapel, four miles north on the St. Joe road.

to place, on horseback and ofttimes was unable to hold services at any one church more than once in two or three weeks. To-day the conditions are much different. Nearly every circuit pastor has an automobile and is able to get about in much quicker time. This accounts partly for the success of the Methodist circuit here if it is taken into consideration the distance that must be covered to get from one church to another. The five churches shown in the accompanying pictures are in every direction from Fort Wayne, and two are nine miles from the city.

  1. Year book of the North Indiana Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church (1910) - Methodist Episcopal Church. North Indiana Conference, held at Bluffton, Indiana
  2. Year book of the North Indiana Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church (Volume yr.1911) - Methodist Episcopal Church. North Indiana Conference
  3. Year book of the North Indiana Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church (Volume yr.1912) - Methodist Episcopal Church. North Indiana Conference
  4. Year book of the North Indiana Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church (Volume yr.1913) - Methodist Episcopal Church. North Indiana Conference
  5. Year book of the North Indiana Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church (Volume yr.1914) - Methodist Episcopal Church. North Indiana Conference
  6. Year book of the North Indiana Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church (Volume yr.1915) - Methodist Episcopal Church. North Indiana Conference
  7. Year book of the North Indiana Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church (Volume yr.1916) - Methodist Episcopal Church. North Indiana Conference

Calvary United Methodist Church

6301 Winchester Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46819

Organized in 1875 as United Brethren Church. The congregation first worshiped in a rented building on the corner of Washington Boulevard and Fulton Street. In 1877 the congregation moved to the corner of Lewis and Harmar Streets. In 1894 the church was renamed Calvary United Brethren. In 1928 a new church was erected at the corner of Jefferson Boulevard and Harmar Street. In 1946 the United Brethren merged with the Evangelical Association and the name of the church was changed to Calvary Evangelical United Brethren. In 1964 the church moved to the present location. In 1968 the name was changed to Calvary United Methodist Church when the two denominations merged. Records include baptism, confirmation, marriage, death and membership. Contact church for information. They have an online history.

Crescent Avenue United Methodist Church

1232 Crescent Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN 46805

Organized prior to 1909 as the Crescent Avenue Evangelical Church. The congregation first met at Lakeside Grade School. In 1909 the present church was built. In 1946 the Evangelical Association merged with the United Brethren and the name changed to Crescent Avenue Evangelical United Brethren. In 1968 the name was changed to Crescent Avenue United Methodist Church when the two denominations merged. Records include baptism from 1911, confirmation from 1952, marriage from 1911 and death from 1911. Contact church for information.

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Epworth United Methodist Church

Formerly located at 5311 Hessen Cassel Road 1959-2000

Epworth UMC had its beginnings in July 1959 when land was purchased by Fort Wayne Church Builders. In June 1960 the Rev. Earl Cogan was assigned to form a congregation and was to become the first pastor of the Church. An old cow barn on the Church land became the site of the first Church Service on July 17, 1960. The members soon began remodeling the farmhouse on the property and by October 9, 1960 the congregation was able to move there from the barn. On this Charter Sunday 57 members picked the name Epworth Methodist Church and became part of a new congregation. In 1964 a modern building was erected and services were held here until its closing on April 30, 2000. No source for this quote.

  1. Epworth Fort Wayne search finds many photos in the Depauw University Digital Library such as 1960 People standing outside entrance of Epworth Church Barn.
  2. Epworth family names, address' & phone #sat
  3. Epworth United Methodist Church Cookbook Fort Wayne, IN was on ebay December 27, 2022.
  4. Address was still found on Methodist Church list on December 27, 2022.

Faith United Methodist Church

207 East DeWald Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46803

Organized in 1867 as Bethel Evangelical Church on the corner of Holman (now Brackenridge) and Clinton Streets. The congregation moved to the present location in 1897. In 1914 the name was changed to First Evangelical Church. In 1946 the Evangelical Association merged with the United Brethren and the name was changed to First Evangelical United Brethren. In 1952 a new church was built around the walls of the old church. In 1968 the name was changed to Faith United Methodist Church when the United Brethren and Methodist churches merged. Records include birth, baptism, dedication, marriage and death from 1867. Contact church for information.

First Methodist Episcopal Church

Organized in 1828, built in 1840 on the corner of Berry and Harrison Streets as the Berry Street Chapel

In 1851 name changed to Berry Street Methodist Episcopal Church. It is listed in the first Fort Wayne City Directory 1858-59 as Berry Street Chapel, north-east corner Berry and Harrison. Rev. Alon Greeman, Pastor. In 1903 the church relocated to the corner of East Wayne and Lafayette Streets and was renamed First Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1968 merged into First Wayne Street United Methodist Church with Wayne Street Methodist Episcopal congregation (see below). Book inscribed "First Methodist, formerly Berry St.", the Berry Street Chapel was always a part of Wayne Street Methodist. Is membership records, with a number of marriages, 1903-1907, in the back.

[Register] of names by First Methodist Episcopal Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.); Wayne Street Methodist Episcopal Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.) Publication date 1903  

First Wayne Street United Methodist Church

300 East Wayne Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802 , website:

Formed in 1968 by the merger of the First Methodist Episcopal and Wayne Street Methodist Episcopal congregations. Records are incomplete. Original records were taken to DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana. Copies of all available records are available along with histories of both churches at the Allen County Public Library. Our One Hundredth Anniversary 1849-1949 History of Wayne Street Methodist Church is in the Members Only section on The history of the church is also online in the Church History of their website and covered on four pages of the 2005 History of Fort Wayne and Allen County, Indiana.

German Methodist Church

It is listed in the first Fort Wayne City Directory 1858-59on the west side of Harrison between Wayne and Washington. In 1859 their building was purchased by the Jewish Congregation Achduth Vesholom.

Simpson United Methodist Church

2501 South Harrison Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Organized in 1866 with the first meetings held in the homes of the members. Services were then transferred to a fire station. The first church sanctuary was erected in 1868 at the corner of Masterson and Harrison Streets and named Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church. A few years later the name was changed to Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church honoring Bishop Matthew Simpson of DePauw University. In 1911 the present church was built. Contact church office with specific request for record information.

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South Wayne United Methodist Church

3500 South Wayne Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN 46807

In 1919 a meeting was called for the purpose of organizing a new church. The name of the new church was South Wayne Evangelical United Brethren. In 1920 a temporary building was dedicated. In 1926 the present building was dedicated. The name was changed to South Wayne United Methodist Church in 1968 following the merger with the Methodist Church. Records started in 1919 include baptism, marriage and death. The church closed in 2004. Records are likely at DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana.

Trinity United Methodist Church

609 Putnam Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46808

Organized in 1875 as the Ninth Ward Methodist Episcopal Church at the corner of Third and Marion Streets. In 1876 the name was changed to Third Street Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1884 the Presbyterian Church on the corner of Cass and Fourth Streets was purchased. The name of the church was again change at this time to Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1922 the present church was dedicated. Records include births from 1875, baptisms from 1875, marriages from 1876 and deaths from 1922. Contact church with specific request. A history of the church is available at the Allen County Public Library.

Wayne Street Methodist Episcopal Church

Organized in 1849 on the corner of West Wayne Street and Broadway by order of the Annual Conference in 1849. It is listed in the first Fort Wayne City Directory 1858-59 as Wayne Street Chapel, south west corner Wayne and Broadway. Rev. Lewis Dale, Pastor. All members of First Methodist living west of Harrison Street were requested to form a new congregation known as West Charge. The building at 910 Broadway was built in 1871 as Wayne Street Methodist Episcopal Church in a Gothic Revival structure with stained glass windows, arched entrances, and a triple-arched stone arcade at the north entrance. In 1968 they merged with First Methodist Episcopal to form First Wayne Street United Methodist Church (see above) moving to a newly constructed contemporary building at 300 E. Wayne. See Fort Wayne United Methodist Time Capsule in June - Comming Together 200 @ 200 2016 Bicentennial items at The History Center. January 6, 1974 the empty building was taken over by the Broadway Christian Church. See Broadway Christian Church has helped the community; now it needs the community’s help by the staff published November 10, 2018 in The News-Sentinel newspaper.

Fort Wayne is full of rich religious heritage and is known as the “City of Churches.” Following the establishment of the...

Posted by The History Center on Friday, January 10, 2025

Friday, January 10, 2025 post by The History Center on Facebook:

Fort Wayne is full of rich religious heritage and is known as the “City of Churches.” Following the establishment of the military fort in 1794, the first permanent churches were established in the 1820s. Many are formally organized, with constitutions and by-laws, maintain offices, and are served by clergy or lay leaders. Local churches often relate with, affiliate with, or consider themselves to be constitutive parts of denominations. Wayne Street Methodist was one such church that ministered to the needs of the people of Fort Wayne. The roots of this congregation go back to when the first Methodist minister was as-signed to it in 1834. Due to rapid growth, the congregation was split into two in 1849 into east and west districts with Harrison Street as the dividing line. This new congregation, made up of fourteen families, initially met in the chapel of the Methodist College before building their first building on the northwest corner of West Wayne and Broadway in 1850. As growth continued, the church, now known as West Wayne Street Methodist Episcopal Church, began the construction of their next building in 1871 on the same location as the previous building. This structure was remodeled and enlarged in 1896 and again in 1922 and 1938. The division of East and West Methodist churches ended in 1968 when both congregations joined as one into First Wayne Street United Methodist Church. They worshipped in the old Wayne Street building from 1968-1973 while their new building was built at Wayne and Lafayette. The building of the West Wayne Street Methodist Church is still used for worship every week by Broadway Christian Church, who purchased it in the fall of 1973. #sociallyhistory

For "Throwback Thursday" we share another picture/postcard from the Steuben County Government Building in the old Angola...

Posted by Hofer and Davis,Inc. LAND SURVEYORS on Thursday, August 22, 2019

Thursday, August 22, 2019 post by Hofer and Davis,Inc. LAND SURVEYORS on Facebook:

For "Throwback Thursday" we share another picture/postcard from the Steuben County Government Building in the old Angola High School.This is the First Methodist Church at the corner of Broadway and Wayne Streets, and now moved further East down Wayne to The First Wayne Street United Methodist Church.

BTW... Hofer and Davis, Inc. did a survey of the location on Broadway and Wayne, which is still standing.

Register (1903) - First Methodist Episcopal Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.). Although this record is inscribed "First Methodist, formerly Berry St.", the Berry Street Chapel was always a part of Wayne Street Methodist. This record consists principally of membership records, with a number of marriages, 1903-1907, in the back

Waynedale United Methodist Church

2501 Church Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46809

Organized in 1903 in a little one-room frame church on the corner of Bluffton and Dunkleburg Roads. The name of the Union Chapel Methodist Church was adopted. In 1919 services were moved to a public school building, then in a remodeled barn and later in a large house on the Bluffton Road. The name Waynedale Methodist Episcopal Church was adopted in 1926. In 1928 the present church was dedicated. Records not started until 1960 for baptism and death. Contact church with specific request. Historic Glass Glows Again by Linda Walls posted July 29, 2022 in The Waynedale stated: The 95-year-old windows initially hung in the belfry of Waynedale Methodist Episcopal Church, whose cornerstone was laid in August 1927. The belfry, along with the entire original sanctuary, was constructed of bricks reclaimed from the demolition of the former Allen County Children’s Home (now the approximate location of the Sears Pavilion across from Quimby Village). Tens of thousands of bricks were carted away by church members, then individually cleaned (many of them by Rev. Adams, the church’s redoubtable pastor) for reuse in the new building project. Several members stepped out in faith, taking out mortgages on their own properties to obtain funds for construction costs. On March 18, 1928, the congregation, in existence since 1903, finally had a permanent place to celebrate God and to serve the surrounding community.

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Headquartered in Fort Wayne, IN, MC USA, Wikipedia history

First Missionary Church

701 West Rudisill Boulevard, Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Organized in 1905, the first members met in the chapel of the Fort Wayne Bible Training School, now Taylor University. In 1920 the present church was built. Record keeping started sometime between 1930 and 1950, mostly membership lists. Family members who are members of the church must give consent before a search can be made. A history of the church is available at the Allen County Public Library.


International, Wikipedia

First Church of the Nazarene

3515 West State Boulevard, Fort Wayne, IN 46808

Organized in 1916 in a mission hall on East Columbia Street. In 1916 the congregation moved to a little church on the corner of Third and Marion Streets. In 1922 they sold the building to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and purchased a church building at the corner of 4th and Cass Streets from Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church. In 19-the present church was Records include baptism, date of membership and date of transfer. Contact church with specific request.


PCUSA, PCANet, Wikipedia

Bethany Presbyterian Church

1616 West Main Street, Fort Wayne, IN

Organized in 1893 as the Westside Mission of the First Presbyterian Church at 1607 Boone St. The first church was a small building purchased from the United Brethren Church. In 1894 Bethany Presbyterian Church was organized and in 1896 a new building was dedicated at the corner of Boone and Fry Streets. In 1961 a new church was built at 1616 W. Main St. Records include birth, baptism, marriage and death from 1920. Records incomplete before 1920. In 1997 Bethany Presbyterian merged with Westfield Presbyterian Church to form United Faith Presbyterian (see below).

Calvary Third Presbyterian Church

Formerly at 1701 Capitol Ave.

Calvary Third Presbyterian Church disbanded in March 2011. Calvary Presbyterian Church started out as Anthony Boulevard Presbyterian Church. It was located on the southeast corner of Anthony and Drexel. When they built the new church on Capitol Ave., they changed the name to Calvary Presbyterian Church in the early 1950's.

In 1995 Third Presbyterian Church merged with Calvary Presbyterian Church to form Calvary Third Presbyterian Church. Records include birth from 1834, baptism from 1884, confirmation from 1867, marriage from 1913 and death from 1868. Records have been photocopied and are available along with a history of the church at the Allen County Public Library.

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First Presbyterian Church

North across from the downtown Allen County Public Library, 300 West Wayne Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802, Street View photo from Google Maps

Website:; Facebook:

Organized July 1, 1831. This was the first church built in Fort Wayne in 1837 at 334 East Berry Street. This first building later housed the congregation that formed Trinity English Lutheran Church who preserved the church bell for its new home. It is listed in the first Fort Wayne City Directory 1858-59 as First Presbyterian Church, (O.S.) south-east corner Berry and Clinton. Rev. John M. Lowrie, Pastor. In 1863 the congregation enlarged and modernized the church by adding a new wing. In 1882 a fire completely destroyed the church. In 1886 the third church building was dedicated at the corner of Clinton Street and Washington Blvd. The present church was built in 1955. Records from 1858-1959 have been photocopied and are available along with several histories of the church at the Allen County Public Library.

  1. First Churches by Tom Castaldi January, 2015 History Center Notes & Queries blog.
  2. McCulloch-Weatherhogg House / First Presbyterian Church Tom Castaldi ARCH ( Architecture and Community Heritage).
  3. First Presbyterian Church on The Historical Marker Datatbase
  4. Historical sketch of the First Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana : with early reminiscences of the place : a lecture before the congregation, March 7th, 1860 by Williams, J. L. (Jesse Lynch), 1807-1886 Publication date 1860, on

  5. First Presbyterian Church in Fort Wayne by Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society Publication date 1959 on

    The Early Presbyterians by Tom Castaldi published December 8, 2015 on History Center Notes & Queries blog.

    Their Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ, installed in 1956 with more than 4,000 pipes.... At the time, it was considered one of the finest made. ... Fort Wayne is a city where Embassy Theatre’s Grande Page pipe organ is practically a local celebrity and where scores of people drive from church to church just to hear their outstanding pipe organs demonstrated as part of “Follow the Pipes” during the Fort Wayne Newspapers Three Rivers Festival. Quotes are from and pipe organ was featured in the newspaper article Instrument has many local fans by Rosa Salter Rodriguez of The Journal Gazette newspaper on February 7, 2013.

Founded in 1831

First Presbyterian Church is the oldest, continuing congregation in Fort Wayne. Founded in 1831 when Fort Wayne was still a frontier town, its history parallels the growth and development of Indiana’s second largest city and the larger social, cultural and religious landscape. Always a city church, First Presbyterian has occupied five permanent quarters.  In its first structure, 1837-1852, First Presbyterian surmounted the effects of the depression of 1837, clergy turnover (three ministers in its first decade), and the controversy between Old Side and New Side Presbyterians (it aligned with the Old Side). And even though growth warranted laying a cornerstone for the second church building in 1847, inadequate contributions, a recurring issue, delayed timely completion of this imposing addition to the Fort Wayne scene. The third church building, occupied in 1864, was an enlargement and extensive renovation of the second building. In a short period, Fort Wayne had grown to more than 9,000, and First Presbyterian’s growth justified doubling its capacity to 640. A devastating fire in 1882 left the congregation homeless until the education wing of its fourth church building was completed in 1885, and the sanctuary with space for 750 worshipers, in 1886. The fifth and current church building was completed in stages between 1954 and 1967.

Copied from their Our Roots Founded July 1831 webpage [July 2, 2023]

1837 first frame church

FORT WAYNE CHURCHES LUTHERAN FIRST BUILDING OF TRINITY ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH WAS THE ORIGINAL BUILDING OF THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ON BERRY STREET BETWEEN LAFAYETTE AND BARR STREETS. NEWS-SENTINEL APRIL 27, 1946 image in the   Allen County Public Library Digital Collections at the Allen County Public Librarywhich has over 240 First Presbyterian Church search results. Cropped version of this image is in their Facebook post below.

A similar version of this image was posted and discussed Februry 12, 2022 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook with the status: "This white frame church was the first in the city, built in 1837 on Berry Street between Lafayette and Barr for the Presbyterian faithful. It later housed the congregation that formed the Trinity English Lutheran Church, who preserved the church bell for its new home." - Historic Photos of Fort Wayne, Scott M. Bushnell, Turner Publishing, 2007.

A clearer version of this photo is in the July 2, 2024 post by The History Center shown below.

July 2, 2023 post by First Presbyterian Church of Fort Wayne on Facebook:

First Presbyterian Church is 192 years old today! Fort Wayne's oldest, continuing congregation was founded on July 1, 1831. Thank you to all who have been a part of our community over these many years

Religion has long been an important element to the settlers of Fort Wayne and their descendants. The oldest congregation...

Posted by The History Center on Monday, July 1, 2024

Monday, July 1, 2024 post by The History Center on Facebook:

Religion has long been an important element to the settlers of Fort Wayne and their descendants. The oldest congregation in Fort Wayne was founded on July 1, 1831, exactly 193 years ago today. First Presbyterian Church was founded when Fort Wayne was still a frontier town with a good portion of the original members being from the top tier of society. On July 1 of 1831 under a crude shelter the church was organized near the present-day intersection of Columbia and Harrison Streets. Some of the local citizens that helped guarantee the yearly salary of $258 of the new minister, James Chute, included Allen Hamilton, Hugh Hanna, James Barnett, Samuel Edsall, Samuel Hanna and William Edsall. Always a city church, First Presbyterian has occupied five permanent quarters. In its first structure, 1837-1847 was located near the intersection of Berry and Lafayette and was later used by the Baptists, Episcopalians, Methodists and Lutherans. Through growth the congregation built its second location at the corner of Clinton and Berry on 1847. In 1863, this building was renovated and expanded, doubling the number of pews in the church from 320 to 640. This building project is generally known as the third building. In 1882, this building was destroyed in a large fire in December and justified the move to the congregation’s fourth location at the corner of Clinton and Washington. This fourth building served the church from 1886 until 1955. The fifth and current church building on Wayne Street was completed in stages between 1954 and 1967. Today, First Presbyterian Church still resides in downtown Fort Wayne and serves its congregation and as well as the community at large. #sociallyhistory

There are over 20 First Presbyterian Church ebooks - here are just a few:

  1. Calendar of the Woman's Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian Church (Volume yr.1921-1922) - First Presbyterian Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.), Woman's Missionary Society
  2. Calendar of the Woman's Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian Church (Volume yr. 1922-23) - First Presbyterian Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.). Woman's Missionary Society
  3. First Presbyterian Church Fort Wayne, Indiana trustees record : No. 1, Apr. 12, 1843 to Dec. 22, 1868 - First Presbyterian Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.)
  4. First Presbyterian Church in Fort Wayne - Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society, reprint. Originally published by the Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society
  5. First Presbyterian Church 1959 published by the Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society
  6. Historical sketch of the First Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana : with early reminiscences of the place : a lecture before the congregation, Oct. 16, 1881, the semi-centennial of its organization - Williams, Jesse Lynch, 1807-1886, Revision of ed. printed: Fort Wayne : J.W. Dawson, printer, 1860
  7. Historical sketch of the First Presbyterian church, Fort Wayne, Indiana. With early reminiscences of the place - Williams, J[esse] L[ynch], 1807-1886. [from old catalog]
  8. Programme for the monthly meetings of the Women's missionary Society of the First Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana by First Presbyterian Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.). Women's Missionary Society Publication date 1904
  9. Programme for the monthly meetings of the Women's missionary Society of the First Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana (Volume yr. 1904-05) - First Presbyterian Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.). Women's Missionary Society
  10. Session record (Volume yr.1831-1845) - First Presbyterian Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.), Succeeding volumes called Session minutes
  11. Year book of the first church (Volume yr. 1907) - First Presbyterian Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.)
  12. Year book of the first church (Volume yr.1908) - First Presbyterian Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.)
  13. Year book of the first church (Volume yr.1914) - First Presbyterian Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.)
  14. Year book of the first church (Volume yr.1916) - First Presbyterian Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.)
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Second Presbyterian Church

Manual of the Second Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana by Second Presbyterian Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.) Publication date 1869  

Third Presbyterian Church

Harrison and Taber Streets, Fort Wayne, IN

Organized in 1867 by members of First Presbyterian Church. In 1869 a church was built at the corner of Calhoun and Taber Streets. In 1900 a second church was built at Harrison and Taber Streets. In 1975 a fire destroyed the building and the congregation moved to 307 West Woodland Avenue. In 1995 Third Presbyterian Church merged with Calvary Presbyterian Church to form Calvary Third Presbyterian Church. The ebook A brief history of the Third Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana (1900) by Chambers, J. D is on

United Faith Presbyterian Church

1616 West Main Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46808

Formed in 1997 by the merger of Bethany and Westfield Presbyterian Churches. Records from both churches are available at United Faith Presbyterian Church.

Westfield Presbyterian Church

1901 Taylor Street, Fort Wayne, IN

Organized in 1907 as a Sunday School started by a group of young men from Third Presbyterian Church. The first building, known as "Grace Chapel," was located on Morris Street just south of Taylor Street. In 1914 the group organized as a church and took the name Westfield Presbyterian Church. In 1921 the congregation purchased the church property of St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Records available on baptism, marriage, confirmation and death. In 1997 Westfield Presbyterian merged with Bethany Presbyterian to form United Faith Presbyterian Church (see below).

Westminster Presbyterian Church

2614 East State Boulevard, Fort Wayne, IN

Organized in 1844 as Second Presbyterian Church. The first church building was erected on the south side of Berry Street between Webster and Ewing Streets. It is listed in the first Fort Wayne City Directory 1858-59 as Second Presbyterian Church, (N. S.) south side Berry between Webster and Ewing. Rev. Eleroy Curtis, Pastor. In 1894 the name was changed to Westminster Presbyterian. In 1889 a new church was erected at the same location. In 1951 a fire destroyed the building, but the congregation, determined to stay together, held services in the Paramount Theatre on East Wayne Street and then in the Moose Lodge on Webster Street. In 1954 an assembly and education structure was erected at 2614 East State Boulevard that served the congregation until 1962 when the new sanctuary was completed. In February 2000 Westminster merged with North Highlands Presbyterian to form Grace Presbyterian Church, 1811 Fairhill Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46808 260-426-4712. Records since 1856 have been photocopied and are available along with a history of the church at the Allen County Public Library.

  1. The Bible, a sufficient creed : being two discourses delivered at the dedication of the Second Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, Iowa [i.e. Indiana] February 22, 1846 (1846) - Beecher, Charles, 1815-1900
  2. Catalogue of Westminster Seminary (Volume yr.1894-1895) - Westminster Seminary (Fort Wayne, Ind.)
  3. Manual of the Second Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana (1895) includes full list of members 1844-1869 by year
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Wikipedia says a 1999 survey listed 746 Reformed denominations

St. John's Reformed Church

See Grace St. John's United Church of Christ

Grace Reformed Church

See Grace St. John's United Church of Christ

Salem Reformed Church

See Salem United Church of Christ

Seventh-Day Adventist, Wikipedia

First Seventh-Day Adventist Church of Fort Wayne

228 Lexington Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Organized in 1897. For many years the congregation met in homes and halls. In 1922 the congregation purchased a church building at Third and Marion Streets from the Church of the Nazarene. In 1939 the congregation purchased a building at 427 East Leith Street. In 1954 the present church was built. Records start in 1895 for birth, baptism, death and membership transfer. Contact church office with request.

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Unitarian Universalist

Unitarian Universalist, Wikipedia

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fort Wayne

5310 Old Mill Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Organized in 1876, services were held at the Indiana Conservatory Hall of Music, in the same room formerly used by the Universalist's. No formal congregation was formed at this time. In 1939 a Unitarian Congregation again organized in Fort Wayne and held their first meetings in the lounges at the Fairfield Manor. About 1942 they purchased a residence at 2929 Fairfield Ave. They moved to their present location in 1960. Complete records of annual meetings exist. Some records from before 1950 exist, but complete records on naming ceremonies (baby dedications), marriages and deaths after 1950 are available. Complete membership lists with addresses and phone numbers since 1939 are also available at the church.

Celebrating its 75th year in 2014 a series of posts by Sandra Maze, church historian, begins with Where Do We Come From? published October 8, 2014, Where Do We Come From--Our Holy Space second in the series published October 14, 2014, Where Do We Come From? -- Our Holy Space Part Two third in the series published October 28, 2014, and And Then We Were One published November 5, 2014 on History Center Notes & Queries blog.

United Brethren

Most likely the Evangelical United Brethren as a result of the 1946 merger, and then in 1968 merged again to form the United Methodist Church.

Calvary United Brethren Church

See Calvary United Methodist Church

Prairie Grove Church

Prairie Grove Chapel

Old Trail Road, Fort Wayne, IN, Facebook:

The United Brethren Church built the chapel in the 1850s. Prairie Grove Cemetery was first mentioned in June 1874. The church land was donated by Joseph and Catherine Mason according to the Prarie Grove Church and Cemetery by Ed Noble published February 18, 2004 in the Looking Back at Waynedale History in The Waynedale Services were held there by circuit riders of the denomination up to 1901. The church then stood empty for several years until some people of the community started having a Sunday School there. The Prairie Grove Cemetery Association, which was organized in 1899, or April 11, 1907 according to the Ed Noble article, used the chapel for funeral services and in 1913 bought the chapel for that purpose. Shortly thereafter students in training for the ministry at the Fort Wayne Bible Training School began having regular church services in the building. There are no known records.

  1. Waynedale Cemetery, Kensington Boulevard area seeking ‘historic’ designations by Kevin Leininger published January 29, 2019 in The News-Sentinel newspaper.
  2. Devotion keeping old Waynedale church aglow with photos by Matthew LeBlanc published December 24, 2017 in The Journal Gazette newspaper.
  3. The Waynedale News.comhas several online articles some with photos on this chapel and cemetery.
  4. CHRISTMAS SERVICES AT PRAIRIE GROVE CHAPEL published December 8, 2017 in The Waynedale
  5. FIND YOUR NICHE IN PRAIRIE GROVE CEMETERY published November 22, 2013 in The Waynedale
  6. The newspaper article Christ’s birth celebrated in reborn chapel by Frank Gray published December 9, 2010 in The Journal Gazette newspaperexpressed hope the 2nd Annual Christmas Services would become an annual tradition. He Stated: The old Prairie Grove Chapel predates the Civil War. No one has been able to produce the documents to prove it, but among the preachers who used the chapel was the father of the Wright brothers, who was a bishop in the Church of the Brethren. Bishop Milton Wright was actually United Brethren in Christ not Church of the Brethren, a common misunderstanding of similar named congregations. Bishop Wright laid the cornerstone of the school's first building in August, 1896, and offered the prayer of dedication for the University in September, 1897. stated on the page The Wright Brothers and Huntington University and honored with Wright Hall at the United Brethren Historical Center in Huntington, Huntington County, Indiana. Like most early preachers Bishop Wright traveled to numerous churches in Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan.
  7. The church reopened for special Christmas Services in 2009 in The Waynedale
  8. PRAIRIE GROVE CHAPEL published July 22, 2009 in The Waynedale
  9. Christopher Crawford has photograph's of the The Prairie Grove Cemetery Chapel including after the vandals 2009 fire
  10. PRAIRIE GROVE CHAPEL published December 3, 2008 in The Waynedale
  11. See High Praise by Eric Olson, 21Country Featured Reporter published February 2, 2018 on

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United Church of Christ

Grace Reformed

316 East Washington Boulevard

Organized in 1883, the congregation first worshiped in the Jewish Synagogue on Harrison Street. In 1884 a Sunday School building was erected on East Washington Boulevard and in 1894 a sanctuary was built adjoining the Sunday School building. In 1928 the congregation built a new church on the corner of Webster Street and Lexington Avenue on the south side of the city. In 1934 the Evangelical and Reformed Church merged, thereby changing the name to Grace Evangelical and Reformed Church. In 1957 the Evangelical and Reformed Church merged with the Congregational Church to form the United Church of Christ. In 1983 Grace United Church of Christ merged with St. John's United Church of Christ (see below). A history of the church is available at the Allen County Public Library.

Grace United Church of Christ, 90th anniversary : Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1883-1973 by Grace United Church of Christ (Fort Wayne, Ind.) Publication date 1973  

Grace St. John's United Church of Christ

4120 West Webster Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Formed in 1983 by the merger of Grace and St. John's United Church of Christ. Records from both churches are available, contact church for more information. St. John's United Church of Christ Record Books, mostly in German, Volume 1 1868-1894, Volume 2 1895-1900, Volume 3 1901-1941.

  1. St. John United Church of Christ, Fort Wayne, Indiana, record book (Volume 2) - St. John's United Church of Christ (Fort Wayne, Ind.), Photocopy of original records, largely in German
  2. St. John United Church of Christ, Fort Wayne, Indiana, record book (Volume 3) - 1868, St. John's United Church of Christ (Fort Wayne, Ind.), Photocopy of original records, largely in German

Plymouth Congregation United Church of Christ

501 West Berry Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802 , website:

70th anniversary, Plymouth Congregational Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana by Plymouth Congregational Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.) Publication date 1940 on

Organized in 1870 as Plymouth Congregational Church, the congregation first worshiped in a small building at the corner of Fulton Street and Washington Boulevard. During the first year a new building was erected on the opposite corner. In 1893 the congregation built a church on the corner of Harrison Street and Jefferson Boulevard. In 1924 the present church was dedicated. Designed by Guy M. Mahurin. In 1957 with the merger of the Congregational Church and the Evangelical and Reformed Church, the name was changed to Plymouth Congregation United Church of Christ. Records from 1899 have been photocopied and are available along with a history of the church at the Allen County Public Library. In memory of Arthur J. Folsom, D.D., born July 27, 1875, died June 29, 1933, Publication date 1934, on

St. John's Reformed

Organized in 1844 by a small group of member from St. Paul's Lutheran Church. They worshiped for a while at the First Presbyterian Church and became known as "German Presbyterians." In 1844 a parochial school was built at 260 West Washington Boulevard. It is listed in the first Fort Wayne City Directory 1858-59 as German Reformed - St. John's Church, south side Washington between Harrison and Webster. Rev. J. H. Kline, Pastor. The sanctuary was built in 1869 adjoining the school. In 1934 the Evangelical Church and the Reformed Church merged, thereby changing the name to St. John's Evangelical and Reformed Church. In 1957 the Evangelical and Reformed Church merged with the Congregational Church to form the United Church of Christ. In 1983 St. John's United Church of Christ merged with Grace United Church of Christ (see above). Records for birth, baptism, confirmation, marriage and death exist from 1844. Old records are in German, contact church for more information.

Salem United Church of Christ

2401 Lake Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN 46805

Organized in 1868 as the Salem Reformed Church on Clinton Street when fifty members of St. John's Reformed Church withdrew in order to organize the second Reformed Church in Fort Wayne. A small framed chapel on the corner of Wayne and Clinton Streets, which had been vacated by the Baptists, was purchased. The congregation soon outgrew the small chapel and in 1869 they purchased the property across the street. The new church was dedicated in 1870. In 1934 with the merger of the Reformed and Evangelical Churches, the name changed to Salem Evangelical and Reformed Church. In 1955 the present church building was dedicated. In 1957 the name was changed to Salem United Church of Christ after the merger of the Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Church. Records since 1868 on baptism, confirmation, marriage and death have been photocopied and are available along with a history of the church at the Allen County Public Library.

  1. Records [Treasurers Reports Jan 1971-Dec 1976 Books 24 & 25] (Volume 3) - Salem United Church of Christ (Fort Wayne, Ind.), Earlier known as Salem Reformed Church, then Salem Evangelical & Reformed Church; earlier records are cataloged under those names.


Wikipedia history

First Universalist Church

Organized in 1875, the congregation held services in the Indiana Conservatory Hall of Music at the corner of Main and Court Streets. In 1876 the Achduth Vesholom Congregation provided the use of their old synagogue free of charge. The building stood on Harrison Street between Washington Boulevard and Wayne Street. By 1880 the congregation had disbanded. A history of the Universalist Church of Allen County is available at the Allen County Public Library.

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Page updated: March 12, 2025