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Allen County, Indiana Genealogy
Perry Township Churches
Organized in September 1835
Huntertown United Methodist Church
16021 Lima Road, Huntertown
Website: http://www.huntertownumc.org/
Organized in 1836 when six people met to form a church with the assistance of the First Methodist Church in Fort Wayne. Services were held in the Caswell School until 1846 when a frame building was erected across the street from the present church building. In 1900 the present building was dedicated. Records include baptism, marriage and death. Some records and a history of the congregation are available at the Allen County Public Library.
Mount Olivet Methodist Church
Corner of Auburn Road and DeKalb County Line Road
Organized in the early 1850s. Disbanded in 1922 when the church could not meet the financial requirements of the Methodist Conference. Members were to attend the church of their choice. No records can be found.
Robinson Chapel United Methodist Church and Cemetery
12707 Tonkel Road
Website: http://www.robinsonchapelumc.org/
Under the leadership of Rev. Dowd, a group of peple organized a class in the year 1845 and met in the Silver School House which stood in what is now known as the Viburg community. In 1851 they erected a log church on the farm of Wesley Hollopeter and called it Bigelow. This church stood in the corner of the woods just east of the Trimble Farm. One interesting thing about this church was its puncheon seats made of hewn logs that we laid upon other logs.
At the same time during this period from 1845 to 1851 some of the members began to feel that this church was too far from their homes and withdrew to organize churches nearer to them. Such was the beginning of Robinson Chapel. In 1850, the people of the community organized a “class” and held their meetings in the log schoolhouse which stood one mile east of the present site of the church. In 1851 Andrew Byers donated a tract of land to the Methodist Episcopal denomination to be used as a cemetery and also as a site for a church of that denomination. In 1852, the people erected a frame church on the land donated by Mr. Byers and it was dedicated by a Professor Robinson for whom it was named.
About 1878 a new church was built upon the same site and is the church in which we worship today. Copied from Our Story on their web site. They have some old records, contact church for information. Photo and discussion June 5, 2017 on the original Great Memories and History of Fort Wayne, Indiana page on Facebook.
Salem Reform Church (Dutch Ridge) and Dutch Ridge Cemetery
Corner of Auburn and Chapman Roads
Organized about 1876. The church was disbanded in the 1940s but was still used for funerals until 1952. Church building is now a private home. Some records have been photocopied and are available at the Allen County Public Library.
Union Chapel United Brethren Church and Cemetery
12628 Coldwater Road
Organized about 1858 and the church was built at that time. Contact church by mail for information.
The Universalist Church of Huntertown
Lima Road, Huntertown
Organized in 1850. In 1851 the congregation erected a church on Lima Road. The church disbanded before 1917. No records exist.
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