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Allen County, Indiana Genealogy
Cedar Creek Township Churches
Organized in 1837
In 1853, fifty-two settlers from Stark County, Ohio, settled at Gar Creek in Milan Township. Three brothers headed the congregation. The brothers failed to agree on the policy and doctrine of the church and a three-way division developed. One portion remained Old Order Amish, another group united with the Defenseless Mennonites, which later became the Evangelical Mennonites, and the third group formed the Leo Mennonite Church in 1861. The Amish do not keep records.
Apostolic Christian Church of Leo
11714 Grabill Road, Leo
Organized in 1862 with two members. First church building was dedicated in 1880. As the membership grew, a new structure was erected in 1910 on Grabill Road. The present church was built in 1995. Contact church about available records.
Cedarville Methodist Episcopal Church
Main and St. Joseph Streets, Cedarville
In 1864 the members of Leo Methodist Church living in Cedarville erected their own church at the corner of Main and St. Joseph Streets in Cedarville. Attendance declined after a few years and the church discontinued services. In 1887 the church was reorganized and regular Sunday services resumed. In the early 1900s the church could not meet the financial requirement of the Methodist Conference, which in 1922 decided to consolidate the four congregations of the circuit and use only the Leo and Robinson Chapel buildings. Members of the Cedarville congregation were to attend the church of their choice. No records exist.
St. Leo Catholic Church
Originally called St. Bonifacius. Organized in 1850. The church building was built in 1856. Parish disbanded sometime after 1880. Some records are included with the records of St. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church (see Washington Township). Records available on microfilm at the Allen County Public Library.
German Baptist Church
Organized in 1876. Bought church building from Leo Methodist in 1876. Disbanded after 1880 when members left to join the German Baptist Church in Eel River Township. No records or additional information could be found.
Grabill Evangelical Mennonite Church
13313 Indiana Street, Grabill
Organized in 1873 at the corner of Klopfenstein and Grabill Roads. In 1912 they moved to their present location. Records have been kept since the 1950s. Contact church for information.
Grabill Missionary Church
13637 State Street, Grabill
Organized in 1901. Incomplete records since formation. Contact church regarding available records.
St. John's Reform Church
Built a building in 1906.
In 1917 they sold the building to the Leo Mennonite Church. No additional information can be found regarding this church. This church could possibly have been the German Reform Church in Springfield Township.
Leo Mennonite Church
Wayne Street, Leo
Organized in 1861. They built their first church in 1887 on Grabill Road by St. Joseph River. In 1917 they purchased a building from St. John's Reformed Church next to the elementary school on what is now Hosler Road. The church disbanded in 1986 and the records were lost.
Leo United Methodist Church
13527 Leo Road, Leo
In 1831 a Methodist Episcopal clergyman held the first religious meeting in the township with both the Methodist and United Brethren joining together. These two groups established their own congregations in 1845. In 1834 the Methodist Episcopal Church was organized. Their first church was built in 1851 on the corner of what is now the Leo Cemetery. In 1876 they purchased a larger church from the Leo United Brethren. In 1915 a new church was built at the same location on the corner of Main and Wayne Streets in Leo. The present building was dedicated in 1978. Records on birth, baptism, confirmation, marriage and death are available at the church. A history of the church is available at the Allen County Public Library.
North County Line Church of God
7716 North County Line Road East
Organized in 1896 as Brush College Church of God. This church does not keep records.
United Brethren
Organized in 1845. In 1875 they built a church at the corner of Main and Wayne Streets in Leo. One year later they sold the building to the Leo Methodist Church and moved to Cedarville where they erected a church at the corner of Manning and Main Streets. The church is no longer there. No additional information can be found regarding this church.
Viberg Chapel Lutheran Church and Cemetery
Schlatter and Viberg Roads
In 1880 there was a Lutheran church located on the corner of Schlatter and Viberg Roads. This chapel was also known as Erick Chapel. All that is left is a small cemetery (see Allen County Cemeteries).
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