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Allen County, Indiana Genealogy
Pleasant Township Churches
Organized in June 1842
Fairview Church of God
5511 W. Yoder Road, Yoder
Organized in 1881. Records on adult baptism, marriage, death and church members certificate. Write or call church for information.
Methodist Episcopal Church (Benton Chapel) and Cemetery
Coverdale Road north of Ferguson Road
Organized in 1835. Disbanded by 1880. (See also Allen County Cemeteries)
Mount Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Winters Road
Organized in 1864 and held services in a log house about one half mile north of original church building. In 1870 a church building was erected on Winters Road. In 1994 the congregation merged with Lord of Life Lutheran Church and in 1995 the name was changed to Risen Savior Lutheran Church, 8010 W. Jefferson Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 46804 260-432-1214. Records on birth, baptism, confirmation, marriage and death started in 1847. Records have been photocopied and along with a history of the church are available at the Allen County Public Library.
Nine Mile United Methodist Church
6303 Winters Road
1986 name changed from United Brethren Church of Christ after merger with the Methodist Church. Membership book has all records. Contact church for records.
Risen Savior Lutheran Church
8010 W. Jefferson Blvd
In 1994 merged with Lord of Life Lutheran Church and in 1995 the name was changed to Risen Savior Lutheran Church. Records on birth, baptism, confirmation, marriage and death started in 1847 Mount Zion Evangelical Lutheran church. Records have been photocopied and along with a history of the church are available at the Allen County Public Library.
St. Aloysius Catholic Church and Cemetery
14623 Bluffton Road, Yoder
Website: https://www.saintaloysiusyoder.info/
St. Aloysyius' Church 1859 on page 276 of The Diocese of Fort Wayne by Alerding, Herman Joseph, 1845-1924; Noll, John Francis, Abp., 1875-1956, Publication date 1907, on Archive.org
Organized in 1858. In 1859, under the leadership of Bishop John Henry Luers and the dedication of 16 local families, the decision to build a church to serve rural Allen County was made. Christian Miller, a founding parishioner, donated 3 acres and the Church was built one year later
. Copied from About the Parish. Records on baptism, confirmation, marriage and death from 1860 are available on microfilm at the Allen County Public Library. See IMD: St. Aloysius and St. Therese Parishes in the spotlight St. Aloysius Parish is known as home to many generations by Deb Wagner posted February 14, 2017 on Todays Catholic News.org.
St. Mark's Lutheran Church and Cemetery
16933 Thiele Road
Organized in 1855. Records from 1856 on baptism, confirmation, marriage and death. Records from 1856 to 1892 have been photocopied and are available at the Allen County Public Library.
United Brethren Church of Christ (Liberty Chapel)
Winters Road
Organized in 1853. First log church was built in 1854. A few years later a frame church was built at the same location and in 1906 the church was remodeled. In 1986 the name was changed to Nine Mile United Methodist Church after the merger of the United Brethren and the Methodist Church (see above).
Union Chapel Methodist Church
Dunkleberg and Bluffton Roads
About 1874 a little one-room frame church was erected on Bluffton Road from money and labor donated by neighborhood farmers. Several protestant groups used the building until 1903 when eleven charter members organized a Methodist Episcopal Church. The name of Union Chapel Methodist Church was adopted. In 1919 Union Chapel moved to Waynedale and the name was changed to Waynedale Methodist Episcopal Church now Waynedale United Methodist Church - Wayne Township).
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