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Allen County, Indiana Genealogy
Lake Township Churches
Organized in May 1837
Arcola United Methodist Church
11311 Arcola Road, Arcola
The parish began in 1845, when church services were held in the home of Victor Munier. In 1862 the parish was officially established and overseen by its first pastor, Father P.J. Jadden. In 1868 the first church and priest’s residence were built on church grounds; Calvary Cemetery was established that same year. Just 12 years later Father Bartholomew Hartman helped to establish the parish’s first school building.
Records exist, call or write to the church for information. Copied from St. Patrick, Arcola: Dedicated to the Catholic faith, parish and community by Ron Busch published April 11, 2017 on Today's Catholic News.
Baptist Church
North side of Yellow River Road, ½ mile from Bass Road
Organized in 1835. Church no longer exists. Cemetery across the street may be connected with the church (see Hadley Cemetery).
Free Will Baptist Church
Butt Road
Organized in 1852. Erected a church in 1852. Congregation disbanded and sold building to Lake Chapel United Methodist Church about 1865.
Lake Chapel United Methodist Church and Cemetery
8205 Butt Road
Organized in 1850. Bought church from Free Will Baptist Church in 1865. Records include baptism, confirmation, marriage and death from 1850.
Arcola and Lake Chapel New Member Lists, Intermittent Dates, Arcola United Methodist Church, Allen County, Indiana from the Arcola United Methodist Church Records at the The Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Listed as Lake Chapel United Methodist Church - Closed on the UMData United Methodist Church Online Directory & Statistics page.
St. John's Lutheran Church of Lake Township
7914 W. Cook Road
Organized in 1877 by members of St. John's Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne. In 1882 the church was built at the intersection of Cook and O'Day Roads. Records include baptism, confirmation, marriage and death and have been photocopied and are available along with a history of the church at the Allen County Public Library.
St. Patrick's Catholic Church of Arcola and Cemetery
12305 Arcola Road
Website: https://stpatrickarcola.org/
St. Patrick's Church 1866 on page 307 of The Diocese of Fort Wayne by Alerding, Herman Joseph, 1845-1924; Noll, John Francis, Abp., 1875-1956, Publication date 1907, on Archive.org
Organized in 1867. Present church was built in 1867. Records begun in 1873, but not complete. Baptism, first communion, marriage and death from 1873-1892 are available on microfilm at the Allen County Public Library. Check with the church for additional information.
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