Allen (added 9/2/11 and edited on 5/31/23) – Last Union Veteran Marker in Place
Richard Gottlieb Foss, Private, Co. A, 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry (12/4/1844 – 1/21/1945). He is buried in the Lindenwood Cemetery, Fort Wayne, Allen County Indiana. See his two undated obituaries here and his Find-a-Grave listing here
Near the start of the Civil War in 1862, Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton directed all northern states to fill a draft call for 300,000 men.
In Indiana, two separate lists were created, one for men who had already enlisted in the volunteer forces and another listing all white men between the ages of 18 and 45 years who were able to be potentially drafted into the military.
Join us as we transcribe Civil War draft lists on FromThePage. Making an account is free & easy:
Indiana Draft Enrollment Lists of 1862project will focus on transcribing the draft lists. On October 6, 1862, over 21,250 men were drafted into the military for the Civil War. 162 pages for Allen County organized by township listing the name, age, occupation, able bodied, exempt and remarks. There are other transcription project lists for Indiana State Archives at FromThePage.
Lindenwood Cemetery on West Main Street has been a final resting place for people, especially military veterans, since 1860. The front entrance to the cemetery contains six flagpoles to honor all the U.S. military branches.
Gib Young honors Richard G. Foss, the last Civil War Veteran buried in Allen County. Prayer from Al Bowers. They also posted on October 11, 2022 over a dozen photographs stating: Sons of Union Veterans of The Civil War, Champion Hill Camp 17 visited Lindenwood today for a very special dedication. Gib Young, Don Morgan, Phil Dyer, Rick Wiegmann and Al Bowers gathered to honor Richard G. Foss. Richard G. Foss was the last Civil War Veteran to be laid to rest in Allen County. This honor comes 157 years after the Civil War ended. Including a link to Find A Grave to learn more about Mr. Foss who was 100 years old, 4 Dec 1844 - 21 Jan 1945, including two newspaper obituaries.
750,000 Americans lost their lives in the Civil War. In Allen County alone, 4,000 citizens went to war, many of them receiving the bulk of their preparation and training on West Main Street’s Camp Allen, located just west of the Saint Marys River. Nearly 500 of those soldiers lost their lives during the war.
At the horrific Battle of Shiloh in April 1862, prominent Fort Wayne resident Col. Sion Bass died. He was the brother of John Bass, who co-owned Jones, Bass, and Com., later to become the Bass Foundry which would rise to become the largest maker of railroad wheels and axles in the United States.
The oldest Jewish temple in Indiana is Fort Wayne’s Achduth Vesholom Congregation. It was known as The Society for Visiting the Sick and Burying the Dead before it changed its name in 1861, having been established in 1848. It met in the home of member Frederick Nirdlinger.
That same building, in the 200 block of West Main Street, was also a stop on the Underground Railroad. It was part of the informal network helping to protect and convey escaped slaves to freedom.
Fort Wayne’s underground way station matters because the city was a natural middle point between the Ohio River city of Cincinnati, located near the confederate south, and the pivotal northern city of Detroit. This is a relatively short route from bondage to liberty.
Among the most famous abolitionist preachers of the Civil War era was Henry Ward Beecher, brother of Harriet Beecher Stowe. She wrote the powerful, abolition-themed novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” which was lauded by Lincoln and widely read by a highly literate American audience.
Her equally famous elder brother [Charles Beecher] not only lived in Fort Wayne but also was a commanding, gifted homilist whose abolition-themed sermons at Fort Wayne’s Second Presbyterian Church were fully in sync with the work of the nearby Underground Railroad.
The 88th Indiana Infantry was organized at Fort Wayne, Indiana and mustered in for a three-year enlistment in Indianapolis, Indiana, on August 29, 1862, under the command of Colonel George Humphrey. Company F was mustered in on September 13, 1862, at Louisville, Kentucky. The regiment was attached to 17th Brigade, 3rd Division, Army of the Ohio, September 1862. 17th Brigade, 3rd Division, I Corps, Army of the Ohio, to November 1862. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Center, XIV Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to January 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, XIV Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to April 1863. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, XIV Corps, to October 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, XIV Corps, to June 1865. The 88th Indiana Infantry mustered out of service on June 7, 1865. Copied from 88th Indiana Infantry Regiment on Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Attempts to institute the draft in parts of central Indiana in 1863 did not go so well. "The all engrossing topic at present is the draft and the action of the “Butternuts” on it. This State is now being enrolled and in some sections the enrolling officers have been mobbed and some have been killed. In Fillmore—a little town in Putnam county—the house of the enrolling officer was surrounded by an armed mob of Butternuts who fired on the house killing one man who was visiting the family and doing some other damage to a considerable extent. I have not seen any notice of any of the party being arrested yet. And that was within thirty miles of Indianapolis on the railroad where they can run troops in an hour. In fact, under the very noses of the authorities, and if they are thus bold there, what may we expect from the rural districts such as Blackford and Jay counties?"
Photos of a 1907 parade at the reunion of the Grand Army of the Republic from Allen County Community Album were posted May 16, 2019 on You are positively from Fort Wayne, if you remember... Archived group only visible to existing members on Facebook. They stated: The Library of Congress records list the organization's many Indiana Posts, organized on October 3, 1849, and reorganized on November 22, 1866... among which were Fort Wayne's Sion S. Bass Post #40, and the Anthony Wayne Post #271.
On August 31, 1949, the last encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic (an organization for Civil War veterans) was held in Indianapolis. Six surviving Civil War veterans gathered in Indianapolis, the youngest being 100 years old, and decided that the 1949 meeting would be the last as "Some of the boys [were] getting so feeble."
The Greencastle Daily Banner reported that the last meeting included a parade and campfire, although "The deafness of some of the vets, plus the blindness of others, made the conversation desultory."
The image below is courtesy of The Indianapolis News.
On this day in 1949, the last National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic concluded in Indianapolis. In attendance was the youngest of the six surviving Civil War veterans, Theodore A. Penland (far left), who was 100 years old.
The following application material pertaining to the acquisition of artificial limbs was provided to Alanson Fisher (1839-1884) of Newburgh, Orange county, New York, who served two years in the 3rd New York Infantry and then reenlisted in the 7th New York Heavy Artillery. It was while serving in the "Heavies" that he was wounded before Petersburg and had his leg amputated.
Congress appropriated funds to purchase artificial limbs for Civil War veterans during the war, and in 1870 they authorized the replacement of said limbs every five years. The following advertisement and application for a limb was sent to Alanson Fisher from James A. Foster's establishment in Philadelphia. Only those who fought for the Union were apparently eligible for govt. furnished limbs and only govt.-approved manufacturers were permitted to supply them.
October 30, 2014 first Civil War tombstone ceremony since 1941 to honor John Cranston's new Civil War headstone in Lindenwood Cemetery on 142-year wait leads to headstone for Civil War veteran from Indiana published November 10, 2013 on IndyStar newspaper. “He was in a barn in Fort Wayne and got kicked in the chest by a horse. He lasted a couple minutes and expired in his wife, Alice’s, arms,” Greg said. “He died from a hemorrhage to the lungs.” See his granite tombstone photo on Find A Grave.
April 9, 2015 was the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War. See Civil War Coming to a Close and Civil War left its mark on Fort Wayne -- and you can still see many of the signs by Kevin Leininger published April 9, 2015 in The News-Sentinel newspaper.
Civil War Draft Enrollment and Roll of Volunteers, 1862, Allen Co., Indiana - In August 1862, the President called for states to raise 300,000 militia volunteers under threat of a special draft. Indiana counties enumerated their potential draftees by township or city ward recording name, age, occupation, and reasons for potential exemption from service. The resulting enrollment lists are held by the Indiana State Archives. Allen County recruited one thousand volunteers by October 15th, 1862, so its quota for this call was filled without need for conscription.
Civil War Federal Draft Enrollment, 1863, Allen Co., Indiana - On March 3, 1863, Abraham Lincoln signed an act passed by Congress to create a "draft" registration list. The Enrollment List consisted to two classes. Class 1 consisted of men 20 to 35 and 36 to 45, unmarried and included immigrants who declared their intention to become citizens. Class 2 consisted of men ages 35 to 45 who were married and who registered. The youngest men were taken first and the older married men were last. This list of Class 2 enrollees was published in Dawson's Daily Times on Dec. 19, 1863.
Gable Civil War Collection Allen County, Indiana - The clippings, grave photos, and other materials indexed here come from the collection of Carl Gable (1927-2019), a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. Mr. Gable was an avid genealogist and military history enthusiast.
150th Anniversary of the Civil War: 1861-1865 links to over 24 Civil War articles. The News-Sentinel staff has put together a special presentation to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War. The war began April 12, 1861, when Confederate batteries opened fire on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor in South Carolina. When the war finally ended in 1865, 620,000 Union and Confederate soldiers had died, two-thirds by disease. There were about 1,030,000 casualties overall (3 percent of the U.S. population). Allen County, the focus of this project, sent over 4,000 soldiers to the war, and nearly 500 lost their lives.
Most of these links are articles published in 2011 on the 150th anniversary of the Civil War now archived on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Emanuel Hettinger About 1917-1918
Allen County, Indiana
Oldest Civil War veteran in Allen Co. at this time."
The photo is stamped by Ehrhart Studio, Antwerp, Ohio.
With help from our followers who studied the signature of the unidentified soldier on the right and offered suggestions for his name, we believe we have identified him. We think the signature is “E.D. Baldwin” and the soldier is Elbert D. Baldwin of the 12th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment. According to published records of the 12th Indiana, Baldwin was from Fort Wayne and mustered in as a Captain in July 1862. He was promoted to Major in August 1862 and then to Lieutenant Colonel in July 1863. He remained in the army for the duration of the war and resigned on May 6, 1865.
After leaving the army, Baldwin returned to Fort Wayne, where he married Frances Huxford on October 31, 1867. The young couple moved to St. Louis, Missouri, where they had three children between 1868 and 1871. Elbert is listed as an architect and draughtsman in several St. Louis city directories until 1877. He is not listed thereafter, and by 1880 his wife and children had returned to Fort Wayne and were living with her mother. The 1880 census lists Frances as a widow. So it appears that Baldwin died between 1877 and 1880 in St. Louis, though we have been unable to find any record of his death or burial. Frances Baldwin applied for a widow’s pension in 1881 (the application does not list a death date for her husband). She lived the rest of her life as a widow in Fort Wayne, where she died on November 1, 1923, and was buried in Lindenwood Cemetery.
If anyone finds a record of Elbert D. Baldwin’s death, please contact the Lincoln Collection.
Yet another interesting find at the National Archives! Allan Dougall was awarded the Medal of Honor for his bravery at the Battle of Bentonville in 1865. Mixed in with all of his documents at the National Archives was a small box containing the ribbon and pin from his original Medal of Honor. Noticeably missing was the medal itself. The documents explained why.
He was extremely careful with his medal after receiving it. He never wore it in public until 1897, when he was involved in a parade to honor the new courthouse in Fort Wayne, Indiana. When the parade was over, he looked down and found that ribbon was still pinned to his shirt, but the medal was missing. He rode up and down the parade route, but the muddy conditions on the streets made it impossible to find the medal. He put the word out that it was missing, but after three months, the medal was still not found or returned.
He sent back the original box and the remaining pieces of the medal, in hopes of getting a replacement. The box and the remaining pieces are still included as part of his file at the National Archives today.
The accompanying documents weren’t clear as to whether he was granted a replacement medal right away. In 1910, the documents showed that he applied again for a new one again though.
When I showed my find to a descendant of Allan Dougall, she sent me a photo of the Medal of Honor that they have in their family collection, proving that he did get a new one at some point. As far as we know though, that original medal could very well be out there, buried somewhere in the streets of downtown Fort Wayne.
What stories are tucked away at the National Archives about your ancestors? Let us help you find out! We're on site at the National Archives on a regular basis and have access to the original military records there (and yes, the National Archives are reopened from Covid!).
Ossad, Steven L., Henry Ware Lawton: Flawed Giant and Hero of Four Wars, Printed in "Army History: The Professional Bulletin of Army History (Winter 2007), 22 pp.
Hoosier native Mary E. Wise disguised herself as a male soldier in order to serve in the Union Army during the Civil War. At the time, women were not allowed to join the Army, but Wise was among a number of women who secretly enlisted. She served in the 34th Indiana Infantry under the name James Wise. Over her two years of service, Wise fought in several battles and was wounded three times. During the Battle of Lookout Mountain, she was injured in the shoulder and, when the surgeon treated her, Wise's "sex was discovered, and she was mustered out of the service." On August 12, 1864, Wise went to the Paymaster General’s Office and drew pay for her military service. [Source: Indiana Historical Bureau, Image: American Battlefield Trust].
May 3, 1868 the first observance of Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day.
A Knight of the Golden Circle by Lesh, U. S. (Ulysses Samuel), 1868- cn; Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County. cn, 1956, on Foreward says that Lambdin P. Milligan came to Huntington to live and delivered a speech in Fort Wayne that aroused the ire of the military and led to his arrest, trial, and conviction for treason. The address was reported by a representative of the Cincinnati Enquirer who was present on the occasion. Unfortunately, the local files of the Fort Wayne newspapers during the Civil War period are incomplete, and the staff of the Public Library has never been able to locate any reference to this speech.Knights of the Golden Circle on Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Indiana Archives: Indiana in the Civil War Era article by John M. Glen, Stephen E. Towne, Nancy K. Turner, Thomas E. Rodgers, and Saundra B. Taylor in Volume 92, Issue 3, September 1996 of the Indiana Magazine of History at Indiana University.
The Indiana War Memorial Plaza Historic District contains two museums, three parks, and 24 acres of monuments, statues, sculptures, and fountains in the heart of downtown Indianapolis, making the state's capital second only to Washington D.C. in acreage and number of monuments dedicated to veterans.
Half the deaths were in unmarked graves. Up until then most died surrounded by family and loved ones at home, then buried nearby - was a shock to the national consciosness.
December 22, 1915 Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel story about Theodore Geller a surviver witness to the Monitor-Merrimac ironclad ship battle.
Link to Indiana Adjunct General Reports on and Genealogy Center military page.
PBS 2012 documentary, "Death and the Civil War," shows how the large number of war deaths led to developing the national military cemetery system. The 2-hour film can be viewed online for free (it contain graphic images).
Civil War service men from Allen County served in various regiments. Men often joined a regiment or a company (within a regiment)that originated in their county. Listed below are the military units that were formed in or had many men from Allen County. Family Search Wiki listed below:
5th Regiment, Indiana Cavalry (90th Regiment, Indiana Volunteers), Company D
8th Regiment, Indiana Infantry, Reorganized Company G
Collection # M 0417 BV 3531 44 TH INDIANA REGIMENT ASSOCIATION RECORDS, 1861–1938 Processed by Paul Brockman March 2006 Manuscript and Visual Collections Department William Henry Smith Memorial Library Indiana Historical Society 450 West Ohio Street Indianapolis, IN 46202-3269
Organized at Fort Wayne, Ind., and mustered in November 22, 1861. Moved to Henderson, Ky., December. Attached to 13th Brigade, Army of the Ohio, December, 1861. 13th Brigade, 5th Division, Army of the Ohio, to February, 1862. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, Army of the Tennessee, to March, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 4th Division, Army of the Tennessee, to April, 1862. 14th Brigade, 5th Division, Army of the Ohio, to September, 1862. 14th Brigade, 5th Division, 2nd Corps, Army of the Ohio, to November, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, Left Wing 14th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to January, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 21st Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to October, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 4th Army Corps, to November, 1863. Post of Chattanooga, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to April, 1864. 1st Separate Brigade, Post of Chattanooga, Tenn., to January, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Separate Division, District of the Etowah, Dept. of the Cumberland, to May, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, District of East Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to September, 1865.
SERVICE.--Duty at Calhoun, Green River, Ky., January-February, 1862. Moved to Fort Donelson, Tenn., February 11-12. Investment and capture of Fort Donelson February 14-16. Expedition to Crump's Landing, Tenn., March 9-14. Battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6-7. Advance on siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. Pursuit to Booneville May 31-June 12. Buell's Campaign in Northern Alabama and Middle Tennessee June to August. March to Louisville, Ky., in pursuit of Bragg August 21-September 26. Pursuit of Bragg to Loudon, Ky., October 1-22. March to Nashville, Tenn., October 22-November 7, and duty there until December 26. Lavergne November 23. Advance on Murfreesboro, Tenn., December 26-30. Battle of Stone's River December 30-31, 1862, and January 1-3, 1863. Duty at Murfreesboro until June. Middle Tennessee (or Tullahoma) Campaign June 23-July 7. Occupation of Middle Tennessee until August 16. Passage of the Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River and Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign August 16-September 22. Battle of Chickamauga September 19-20. Mission Ridge September 22. Before Chattanooga September 22-26. Siege of Chattanooga September 26-November 23. Assigned to Provost duty at Chattanooga November 8. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27. Mission Ridge November 25. On Provost duty at Chattanooga, Tenn., until September, 1864. At Tullahoma September 28 to October 2. Return to Chattanooga, Tenn., October 15, and Provost duty there until September, 1865. Mustered out September 14, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 76 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 9 Officers and 220 Enlisted men by disease. Total 309.
One of the regiments seeing its first action at Fort Donelson was the 44th Indiana. Part of Lew Wallace’s division, the 44th was recruited from northeast Indiana and coalesced at Fort Wayne. Under Colonel Hugh Reed, the 44th left Fort Wayne on November 23, 1861 for the front. (Among the enlisted in Company H was one of my ancestors, Samuel Eiman.)
Company H of the 44th Indiana at Chattanooga pose with the unit’s second set of national colors in early 1864.
Before Reed took his regiment out of camp to catch a train to Indianapolis, F.P. Randall, mayor of Fort Wayne, gave a fiery speech to the assembled men, congratulating them on their appearance and devotion to country. He also presented the regiment its national colors, saying: “To it patriotism now looks with ardent hopes, and upon it hang the destines of this nation.”
Alfred Daugherty
Fort Wayne, IN
Postman after the Civil War
Alfred Daugherty Lost leg at Shiloh in the Civil War Fought for the North Shiloh-44th-01-Co-D
I hadn't seen the photo of him as a postman before! BTW, he wasn't in Co. H; he was in Co. D. Here's more about him: Alfred Dougherty, of Co. D, enrolled Sep. 7, 1861 in Allen Co., IN, by Capt. Cosgrove as a Private; mustered in Nov. 22, 1861 in Ft. Wayne by Lt. Stansbury at age 21. He was 5′ 11″ tall, dark complexion, grey eyes, and brown hair. Born May 9, 1840, in Stark Co., OH, employed as a carpenter, single, resident of Harlan, in Allen Co., IN. Discharged for wounds Sep. 12, 1862 in Louisville, KY with rank of Sergeant. Notes: 21" shoulders, medium build, scar on right cheek. Also listed Bethlehem as town of birth. Lost left leg by amputation in hospital due to gunshot wound at Shiloh Apr. 6, 1862. In Evansville Gen. Hospital #3 on Aug. 15, 1862. Married Martha A. Johnson 1864 in Allen Co., IN. He filed Invalid Pension Application to receive Pension Certificate #10993 Sep. 29, 1862 and received $18 monthly pension for loss of left leg. Resident of Ft. Wayne 1870-1917; was Washington township trustee. Died Aug. 12, 1919; buried Lindenwood Cemetery, Sec. S/#185, as Daugherty. (Albert//Daugharty, Daugherty, Daughorty) Taken from "The Iron Men of Indiana's 44th Regiment, Part 1: Biographies and Statistics."
On April 6, 1862, the Battle of Shiloh began. The 44th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, comprised of soldiers from Steuben, Allen, Kosciusko, Noble, Whitley, DeKalb, LaGrange, and Elkhart counties, suffered the highest number of casualties among Indiana regiments in the two day battle. Of 478 men engaged, the regiment suffered 212 casualties including thirty-four killed, 177 wounded, and one missing. The regiment earned the nickname the “Iron Forty-four” as it engaged Confederates in some of the deadliest areas of the battlefield, including the Hornet’s Nest, the Peach Orchard, and the Bloody Pond.
Read more about the Battle of Shiloh at Hoosier State Chronicles:
#OTD in 1862, the Battle of Shiloh began near the Tennessee River in southeastern Tennessee. The 44th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, comprised of soldiers from Steuben, Allen, Kosciusko, Noble, Whitley, DeKalb, LaGrange, and Elkhart counties, suffered the highest number of casualties among Indiana regiments in the two-day battle. Of 478 men engaged, the regiment suffered 212 casualties including thirty-four killed, 177 wounded, and one missing. The regiment earned the nickname the “Iron Forty-four” as it engaged Confederates in some of the deadliest areas of the battlefield, including the Hornet’s Nest, the Peach Orchard, and the Bloody Pond.
Just posted a second letter by Solomon Bean of Co. G, 44th Indiana Infantry (pictured below). The earlier letter was written following the Battle of Shiloh. The letter transcribed today was written just after Valentine's Day (1862) when Solomon received "A Candy Heart"---the first reference I've seen to something other than a VD Card being given. To read the letters, go to: 1862: Solomon Bean to Matilda J. Rogers
These letters were written by 31 year-old Solomon Bean (1830-1862) of Kendallville, Noble county, Indiana, who enlisted in September 1861 to serve in Co. G, 44th Indiana Volunteers. The regiment was in the thick of the fighting at the Battle of Shiloh on 6-7 April 1862, sustaining losses of 33 killed and 177 wounded. The second letter was written ten days after the battle from Pittsburg Landing where the regiment remained to regroup and await a reorganization under the direct command of General Halleck who did not begin his march of Corinth until 29 April 1862.
Solomon did not survive the war. He died of typhoid fever in the General Hospital at Nashville in November 1862. One report says he died on 2 November; another on 23 November. Regimental records indicate that Solomon enlisted in Co. G at Kendallville, Noble county, Indiana, as did Paul Bean (b. 1839)—presumably his brother. However I cannot find a “Bean” family residing in Noble county at the time of the US Census. Most likely he was residing in Ohio at the time of the census. If Paul Bean was Solomon’s brother, it is ironic that they both died of typhoid fever in November 1862.
MORGANS RAID: That Time Indiana Was Invaded (Southern Indiana) Sep 11, 2023 Adventures with Roger on YouTube
Did you know that during the Civil War, Indiana was invaded by a large Confederate army, of over 2,000 men? Over 6 days, buildings were burned, businesses robbed, and people killed, in a story that is nearly forgotten after 160 years. It also led to some VERY bizarre, but true events, that are verified but sound like crazy fiction!
Filmed on location, in 26 towns across Kentucky and Indiana, this is an epic journey, following the 1863 path of confederate General John Hunt Morgan’s raid. Southern Indiana had never seen anything like it before, nor has it since!
Civil War Home FrontAbout this collection The Civil War Home Front Collection consists of material selected from several IHS Collections that primarily deal with Indiana’s Civil War Home Front (circa1860s). Original letters from, to and about Indiana soldiers and their family members comprise the vast majority of this digital collection. Although the conduct of the war and some military matters are also included in some of the letters, these particular selections were made because they contain a significant amount of collective commentary on home front topics of local, regional and national interest. A selected number of specialty items in this digital collection also provide a glimpse of some other contemporary dimensions regarding the home front environment in Indiana. This digital collection was created through an LSTA 2010-11 Digitization Grant in which IHS partnered with IUPUI University Library ( At We Do History online digital collection by the Indiana Historical Society.
Civil War MaterialsAbout this collection When President Lincoln issued a “call to arms” in April 1861, Indiana men responded immediately and in great numbers. Drastic changes were made in the everyday lives of the new soldiers and the Hoosiers back at home. In this collection, items illustrate the lives of the soldiers and major events in the war, along with items that show Hoosiers struggling to support the war and maintain their farms, businesses and home state. This is a collection in progress. To view the 61 IHS collections items shown in the History Train exhibit Faces of the Civil War, click here. To view the 16 IHS collections items included in the Civil War Educator Curriculum Packet, click here. At We Do History online digital collection by the Indiana Historical Society.
Charles S. True Letter, 3 April 1864 Charles S. True was from Fort Wayne, Indiana. He enlisted as a sergeant in Company E, 88th Indiana Regiment on August 7, 1862. He was promoted to 1st lieutenant in January 1863 and was mustered out in June 1865. In this letter, True writes from Greyville, Georgia to his friend, Ira C. Stockbridge in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Most of the letter contains True’s description of Union Army troop movement in the South and that the war is going well for the North.
Civil War Military FrontAbout this collection Indiana played a significant military role in the American Civil War, supplying a large number of troops for the Union Army and participating in battles fought in the western theater. The Civil War Military Front Collection contains materials selected from a variety of individual collections owned by IHS, which span from 1861 to 1865. This collection includes military correspondence and records, diaries, published memoirs and regimental histories, photographs of soldiers in carte-de-visite and cased image form, broadsides, maps, and three-dimensional artifacts. Much of it documents the presence of Hoosier soldiers in various campaigns and events and provides insight into everyday military activities.This digital collection was created through an LSTA 2011 Digitization Grant in which IHS partnered with IUPUI University Library ( At We Do History online digital collection by the Indiana Historical Society.
Soldiers and Sailors Database at the National Park Service. The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System (CWSS) is a database containing information about the men who served in the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War. Other information on the site includes histories of Union and Confederate regiments, links to descriptions of significant battles, and selected lists of prisoner-of-war records and cemetery records, which will be amended over time. The CWSS is a cooperative effort between the National Park Service and several public and private partners whose goal is to increase Americans' understanding of this decisive era in American history by making information about it widely accessible. Copied from the National Park Service website. Throwback Thursday: "Under president Glade I. Nelson, the Federation undertook a national project of immense proportions: the Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System indexing project. Announced in fall of 1991, this joint effort between the National Park Service, the Genealogical Society of Utah, the National Archives, and the Federation, required massive numbers of volunteers and countless hours of supervision and administration. The Federation agreed to undertake the role of volunteer coordinator. On 28 April 1993, at Ft. Wayne, Indiana, the first entry was made into the Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System." -FGS History >> Due to these efforts, everyone today can access this information for free on the National Park Services website. Posted April 28, 2016 by the Federation of Genealogical Societies on Facebook.
Jelly beans - Created in the 17th century and then refined thereafter, the jelly bean took rise in the U.S. when Boston candy maker William Schrafft marketed them heavily to Union soldiers during the Civil War.
Civil War Sleuth Using technology and community to rediscover lost identities in American Civil War-era photographs has information on current technology for identifying people in Civil War photos.
Society of Civil War Families of Indiana by Indiana Genealogical Society, Inc. April 3, 2023
on YouTube
Apr 3, 2023 #familyhistory#genealogy#civilwar This was an IGS Facebook Live from March 2023. Ron Darrah to discuss the Society of Civil War Families of Indiana. During our conversation, we learned about the Society of Civil War Families of Indiana and the work they do to commemorate and honor the legacy of Indiana's Civil War veterans. Don't miss this fascinating conversation with Ron Darrah! Link to Society of Civil War Families of Indiana The Indiana Genealogical Society is proud to host the IGS Facebook Live events, which are held on the first Tuesday of every month. For updates on our upcoming events, please visit our Facebook page at @indianagensoc. And if you have ancestors from Indiana, be sure to check out our website at for more resources and information on how to connect with your Hoosier roots. #genealogy#familyhistory#civilwar#americancivilwar#indiana#indianahoosiers#history
Since World War II, members of the US armed services and their families have depended on the publication Stars and Stripes for news and information.
On this Memorial Day, the National Endowment for the Arts reminds us that the earliest newspapers published by and for service members began during the Civil War when occupying Union soldiers commandeered anti-Northern newspapers in the Confederate States to publish news for their comrades.
Civil War Round Table of Northeast Indiana on Facebook. Interested in learning & sharing your knowledge about the American Civil War?We meet the second Monday of the month at the ACPL downtown at 7 p.m. Join us!
Indiana Civil War Scrapbook on Facebook. Posts posts on a wide variety of topics are welcome in this group. The only rule is each post must have a direct connection to Indiana. Posts and links without a connection to Indiana should be made in other groups.
Spared & Shared on Facebook. About statement: I enjoy transcribing and researching primary source materials from the American Civil War & post hun WordPress blog: Billy Yank & Johnny Reb Letters About page: Civil War Letters Transcribed by Griff Most all of these letters were transcribed & researched for a friend of mine who buys and sells them on e-bay. In exchange for this service, he permits me to publish the letters on one of my many websites — most of them under the title of “Spared & Shared” — thus preserving the history contained within them.
Some followers have asked how I get the letters I transcribe & have even assumed I owned them. I have owned (maybe) a couple dozen of them. I transcribe nearly all of the letters from high resolution scans sent to me by a high-volume eBay dealer who acquires the letters generally on eBay or from some other source. In exchange for the transcriptions and interpretive research I provide to the dealer, he authorizes me to publish them on one of my Spared & Shared (S&S) websites. He then subsequently sells the letters on eBay with the information I provide to him.
Occasionally I will be sent scans of letters owned by others asking for transcriptions and I will provide this service under the same conditions---that I be allowed to publish them on S&S. As I announced about a week ago, Shenandoah University's McCormick Civil War Institute has made the commitment to archive the Civil War letters that I have published on S&S which will be a significant undertaking.
This unique process has undoubtedly saved the content of thousands of letters that are currently outside the library/archive system and would otherwise be unknown or out-of-reach to historians or family history researchers. Though the virtual archive is digitized, the letters will be preserved perpetually in the event the originals are ever lost or destroyed. To aid in the visualization of this process (now 10 years old), I have created the following flow chart. Let me know if you have any comments or questions.
If you are looking for letters written by a particular soldier or by others in the same regiment he served in, remember to start your search here. I've transcribed thousands of letters and diaries never before published over the last ten years and you'll find links to them all on the following website: Billy Yank & Johnny Reb Letters Civil War Letters Transcribed by Griff and Published on Spared & Shared
Received some good news this morning from Shenandoah University where my transcribed Civil War letters are being downloaded into their digital archives. The message is from Jonathan A. Noyalas who is the Director of the university's McCormick Civil War Institute. It reads: "I wanted to pass along that in recent weeks (as the # of transcriptions added to the site grows) we've had people reach out who own other letters penned by soldiers on the site asking if we would like to have transcriptions of those. When we started this, this is one of the things that I hoped would happen. Additionally, I've received emails from students across the US asking about the collections.
Griff--you should take great pride in what you've done over the years as these transcriptions are inspiring others to share documents and inspire the work of the next generation of Civil War historians. Take care, -- Jonathan"
The United States Civil War was the first American conflict where physicians extensively documented war injuries. A comprehensive six-volume medical book titled, “Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865,” details wartime medical activities and healthcare conditions encountered by Civil War physicians and surgeons. The book highlights case studies of various injuries sustained from the Civil War, including brain injuries. This was the first time physicians reviewed and reflected on cranial wound treatment.
Louise Bliss served four years in the Union Army disguised as a man. We discovered this 1911 story in a Nebraska paper. Louise was seeking a pension nearly 50 years after the war ended. She was apparently successful because we also found her in the Pension Index:
Can you imagine burying your soldier son, not once, but twice -- only to find out he was alive and well? That's what happened to the Duncan family of Mecca, Ohio, during the Civil War. (The Weekly Republican: 3-15-1866). Explore our Civil War records
Curious about Christmas during the Civil War? Dive into Kevin Rawlings' "We Were Marching on Christmas Day" to uncover the fascinating history and tales of the holiday during that era.
Being held as a prisoner of war is not something that is easily endured or talked about by the survivors. Since April 9, 1988, the National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day has honored the courageous men and women who have endured brutal treatment at the hands of their captors. As a result, they've also suffered separation from family and displayed incredible endurance and faith during their captivity. Today, we share some of the artifacts in our collection from America’s infamous Civil War Prison Camp, Andersonville. #sociallyhistory
National POW/MIA Recognition Day at the U.S. Department of Defense. The Defense Department remembers and honors those Americans who were prisoners of war and those who served and never returned home. DOD's POW/MIA Accounting Agency continues the search for the missing, fulfilling the nation's promise to leave no service member behind.
Did you know that 25% of soldiers who enlisted in the Union Army were immigrants? Head over to our Fold3 blog and learn about immigrants in the Civil War:
Did you know that 25% of soldiers who enlisted in the Union Army were immigrants? Head over to our Fold3 blog and learn about immigrants in the Civil War: Immigrants in the Civil War
Grand Army of the Republic Posts - Historical Summary - 29-page document: National GAR Records Program - Historical Summary of Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Posts by State INDIANA Prepared by the National Organization SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR
Post: 040; Post Name: Sion S. Bass; Location: Fort Wayne; County: Allen IN; Post Namesake: COL Sion S. Bass ( ? -1862), 30th IN Inf., died 13 April 1862 at Paducah, KY, from wounds received at Shiloh, TN, on 7 April 1862. Resident of Fort Wayne, local hero.; Organized: 1882
072 Post No. 72 Fort Wayne Allen IN No namesake. Known only by its number. Org. before May 1869 The National Memorial Day 1869.
075 David K. Stopher Harlan Allen IN Org. 1882 Dis. 1893 Dept. Proceedings; SUVCW Dept. of Indiana GAR web pages
Post: 271; Alt. No.: 530; Name: Anthony Wayne / Lawton; Location: Fort Wayne; County: Allen IN Org. 1883 Dis. 1925 An early Post existed in Fort Wayne as early as May 1867. It met in the old IOOF Hall on Calhoun Street. Fort Wayne Daily Gazette, 1 May 1867; SUVCW Dept. of Indiana GAR web pages
301 Barnhart Monroeville Allen IN Must'd 18 Feb. 1883 Dis. Q3 1885 Disbanded as Barnhart Post 301. Dept. Proceedings
301 William H. Link Monroeville Allen IN Re-org. Q4 1885 Formerly Barnhart Post 301, reorganized as William H. Link Post 301 in 1885. Dept. Proceeding
458 Spiegel Huntertown Allen IN Org. 13 May 1886 Sur. Q1 1889 Charter surrendered 1889. Dept. Proceedings
493 Jesse Adams New Haven Allen IN Must'd 12 Mar. 1887 Dept. Proceedings
530 271 George Humphrey Fort Wayne Allen IN Must'd 18 Feb. 1888 Consolidated 1896 Consolidated with Post 271 in 1896. Dept. Proceedings
Post: 590; Post Name: GEN Lawton; Location: Fort Wayne Allen IN; Post Namesake: LTC (post-war MG) Henry Ware Lawton (1843-1899), 30th IN Inf., KIA in the Battle of Paye (Span-Am War, Philippines) 19 Dec. 1899. Medal of Honor recipient.; Organized: 12 May 1900 Dept. Proceedings
By user October 07, 2000 at 12:20:42
The following members from the Len Dailey Post No 33 Deft of Ind. were taken in to Bass Lawton Post at our last meeting Oct 23, 1926 and are now members of this post in good standing.
James Swaim, Co A 34th Ind Vol Inf now living at ossian IN died March 29, 1928 82 years old
Byron, Ady Co a 34th Ind Vol Inf Died jan 18, 1928 80 years old
Amos Hage Died 1929
Benjamin F Nash Co G 101 Ind vol Inf Bluffton, IN
Lewis Hoopengardner, 11nth Ind Battery, Ossian INDied Oct 19, 1930
Perry Travis
H. T. Heit Co E 60th Ohio Regt and Co b 54th Ohio Died April 8, 1929
Henry, February Died March 31st 1926
Gustave Yager Co A 142nd Ind Vol Inf 426 Packard Ave, Ft Wayne Died November 4, 1926 Burial at St. Lukes Reformed Church in Adams County
Frances M Pence Initiated Feb 26, 1927 Born at St Paris Ohio. 82 years old.Enlisted oct 1 1863 discharged May 6, 1865 Close of the war.12th Ohio Cavalry Co C Died Oct 28, 1929
May 14, 1927 Application of Theodore Brice Recd for reinstatement In Bass Lawton Post No 40 which was accepted and he was made a regular member of the post.He was late of Co D 142 Regt Ind Vol Inf Died Oct 2, 1929
June 10th 1927 R. G. Ping transferred from Bluffton Post (Disbanded) Late of Co K 2nd Regt Iowa Vol Cavalry
Mrs. Julietta Smith Civil War Nurse Died Oct 8th 1927 86 years old - Lindenwood
John W. Baynon, Harlan, IN Died oct 9th 1927 Late of 10th New York Cavalry 88 years old
Showalter Angola Ind Elected and accepted as a member of Bass-Lawton Post No 40 G A R march 10th 1928.44th Ind Volunteers Died April 12, 1936 age 95
L. Bowman 414 Greenwood Ave Died may 25, 1928 Late of Co G 152nd Ind Vol 92 years old Buried at Lindenwood
Again I am sorry for any misspellings and I hope some of this information is helpful to someone.Ruth Pulver
During the Civil War, surgeons performed approximately 30,000 amputations, with a 26% mortality rate. Pictured here is Dr. John C. Budlong. He was a Civil War surgeon and later served as Surgeon General of Rhode Island.
Following the Civil War, families tried desperately to reunite with their soldier sons. The father of Charles B. Thompson published this plea in a Kentucky newspaper. According to service records, Thompson died from wounds received at Nashville, Tennessee, in December 1864. Charles B Thompson Memorial
This Civil War was the first major war to be photographed extensively. If you are lucky enough to have a portrait of an ancestor who served in the Civil War, it may have been taken in a Picture Gallery like this:
In 1889, an Indiana newspaper reporter interviewed the state librarian about "what might be termed the eccentricities or peculiarities of old soldiers" and their attachment to the many battle flags stored inside the building. The librarian shared several stories that reveals the special bond between a soldier and the flag they followed through the Civi War. Here's the story.
Special thanks to Military Images Senior Editor Phil Spaugy, who shared this article with me. Phil was alerted to the story by Phil Harris, a historian of the 19th Indiana Infantry who has gone to extraordinary lengths to obtain markers for soldiers in the regiment.
This episode is brought to you in part by Richmond Civil War Antiques, offer fine Civil War items with an emphasis on Southern photography. Visit for more.