War of 1812 Allen County, Indiana

The War of 1812 : a bicentennial retrospective Parrott Michael V-23 Mar 2012-000 31-page paper in the Quest Club Papers at the Allen County Public Library.

Allen County did not become a county until April 1, 1824.

On June 18, 1812, the United States declared war on Great Britain in this Act (ARC 299950). The war would last for two...

Posted by US National Archives on Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012 post by the US National Archives on Facebook:

On June 18, 1812, the United States declared war on Great Britain in this Act (ARC 299950). The war would last for two years and include the invasion of Canada, battles with Native Americans, dueling ships on the high seas, and the burning of the Washington, DC, by British troops. One battle even inspired a now-famous song: do you know which battle and which song?

The War of 1812 in the "West," as Ohio and Indiana were called back then.

Posted by Maumee Valley Heritage Corridor on Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012 post by Maumee Valley Heritage Corridor on Facebook:

The War of 1812 in the "West," as Ohio and Indiana were called back then.

November 24, 2023 post shared by Military History of Fort Wayne on Facebook:

Tim J Fellure post November 24, 2023 to LIVING HISTORY IN THE WABASH COUNTRY

Interesting map showing the route to the Battle of Tippecanoe and the route to the Battle of Wildcat Creek or Spurs Defeat.

The Facebook map Indiana Country in the War of 1812 shown above is from page 27 in the book Indiana Country in the War of 1812 Indiana, "Hoosier State" : new historical atlas of Indiana, economic, social, political, for schools and libraries, business and industry in the Indiana Series in Two Parts; Volume I History and Government and Volume II The Historical Atlas by Olin Dee Morrison, History Department, Ohio University. 1958, E. M. Morrison, 152 Congress St., Athens, Ohio, USA at HathiTrust.org.

Navigating the Records from The War of 1812 Dec 7, 2022 by Allen County Public Library on YouTube
The Genealogy Center From bounty land to pensions, there are no shortage of genealogical records for soldiers from The War of 1812. Learn why these records were created, how to make sense of them, and what those records can contain for your ancestors. Presented by Brian Rhinehart. Brian Rhinehart is a professional genealogist and speaker and is the owner of CivilWarRecords.com He is a graduate of Boston University’s Certificate of Genealogy Research and the Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (GenFed) in Washington DC. A direct descendant of six Civil War soldiers, Brian specializes in research and record retrieval for Civil War and War of 1812 soldiers at the National Archives in Washington DC and has retrieved military files for hundreds of clients there. Handout: https://static.libnet.info/frontend-i...

February 28, 2023 post by The History Center on Facebook:

For many years, just inside the History Center, sat a familiar artifact for many Fort Wayne residents; a cannon, mounted upon a wooden carriage, pointed out of the entrance as if it were defending the other artifacts inside the museum. This cannon, crafted in Scotland in 1776 by the Carron Company, has a long-attributed history. The cannon has been reported to have been taken from the British after their defeat by Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry in the Battle of Lake Erie, and as a result has often been used as a monument to the War of 1812. However, based on the available information, the “Perry Cannon” is probably not one of the guns captured by Perry at Lake Erie. While this object is certainly familiar to most visitors to the museum, most in Fort Wayne do not realize just how familiar a sight it has been over the course of our city’s history. The cannon was owned by Franklin P. Randall and used as a hitching post outside of his home at the corner of Lafayette and East Berry. Following his death, it was given to the city as a memorial to the War of 1812 and it resided in Hayden Park. It remained in there until 1930, when it moved to Swinney Park. In 1960, an authentic replica gun carriage was created, and placed upon a cement pad near the Swinney House Museum. Director David Drury, 1965 to 1973, is pictured with the cannon and a group of schoolchildren in front of the Swinney House Museum in 1965. In 1980, the Historical Society closed its museum at the Swinney Homestead and reopened in its current location at Old City Hall in October of that same year. During this time, the cannon was moved to Historic Fort Wayne and set up outside the visitor center. In 1994, the “Perry Cannon” was removed from the fort and taken to the Old City Hall Museum, where the cannon rested in the same spot for over a quarter century. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was removed from display to allow for proper social distancing. For over 150 years, the “Perry Cannon” has captured the imagination of Fort Wayne residents. Although its connection to Commodore Oliver Perry or the Battle of Lake Erie can be questioned, its legacy as a moving monument to the War of 1812 cannot. #sociallyhistory

A Scrap of History - 1812 Siege of Fort Wayne
Fort Wayne Sentinel image

1879 - A Scrap of History - 1812 Siege of Fort Wayne newspaper article Clipped from The Fort Wayne Sentinel 12 Sep 1879, Friday, page 3, Clipped by StanFollisFW, 19 February 2023 on Newspapers.com.

Siege of Fort Wayne on Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.

Siege of Fort Wayne War of 1812

Map of Harrison's Movements Before and After the Siege of Fort Wayne image 1914 Pictorial History - 10th Installment in The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sat, Mar 7, 1914, Page 11 on Newspapers.com.

Crawford's defeat : a tale of the frontier in 1812 by the Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County, 1954, on Archive.org.
FOREWORD During the early days on the Midwestern frontier, especially during the War of 1812 and the concurrent Indian warfare, terror was easily spread through settlements and villages by rumors of nearby redskins. Raids were frequent, and the horrors of Indian warfare made even the boldest men fear for their lives and for the lives of their loved ones. But even in the midst of danger, a practical joke was not unappreciated. Such was the setting for the following incident, retold in the INDIANA STATE GAZETTE of November 19, 1829.

George Croghan by Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County, 1953, on Archive.org.
FOREWORD George Croghan, an officer in the W^r of 1812, typifies the patriotism, the bravery, and the gallantry of the young American of that period. At the age of twenty-one, he was in temporary command of the garrison at Fort Wayne for a brief time. His excellent record in the defense of Fort Defiance and Fort Meigs earned him the command of Fort Stephenson (the present site of Fremont, Ohio). His intelligent and valorous defense of the fort against overwhelming odds touched the imaginations and thrilled the hearts of the American people. His later life was uneventful; he served as United States postmaster at New Orleans and as inspector general in the regular army. He saw action under General Taylor in the Mexican War and died of cholera in New Orleans in 1849. The following account of Croghan's early life, compiled by a woman who had known him as a boy, appeared in the supplement appended to Volume VII of the NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER. The Boards and the Staff of the Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County reprint this biographical sketch in the hope that it will prove interesting and entertaining to students of local history. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation have been changed to conform to current usage.

A soldier's life on the western frontier in 1813 Publisher Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society, 1953, on Archive.org.
FOREWORD The following letter, written by an anonymous author to an unknown correspondent, vividly depicts the life of an American soldier on the western frontier during the War of 1812. Reprinted from the WEEKLY REGISTER, this letter might have been written by a twentieth-century soldier, for the experiences, hopes, and fears of this enlisted man in the early nineteenth century are similar to those of an American serviceman of our own day. Hardships, sufferings, and dangers are illustrated; but good will, respect for authority, and companionship are present in no lesser degree. The letter is reprinted as published except that grammar, spelling, and punctuation have been changed to conform to current usage.

William B. Northcutt Journal, online at the Kentucky Historical Society, posted and discussed December 22, 2017 by the Society of the War of 1812 in the State of Indiana on Facebook says this relates Old Historic Fort Wayne history. He was from Bourbon County, Kentucky, his 257 page diary is an autobiographical account of his life up to the War of 1812, the bulk of the diary is 1812-1813 during his time with Captain Garrard's Light-Dragoons.

The Society of the War of 1812 in the State of Indiana compiled pdf files called 1812 Burials in the State of Indiana that lists a few burials for Allen County. and Grave Registation Form Soldiers of the War of 1812-1814 Buried in the State of Indiana on lineage.gradeless.com and War of 1812 for Indiana Brochure for membership

Siege of 1812 by Tom Castaldi, local historian published May 3, 2016 in History Center Notes & Queries blog.

Siege of Fort Wayne on Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.

Ancestors, Family, and Associates in the War of 1812 Records by instructor David E. Rencher is a Free video course from Ancestry.com Academy.

September 5, 1812 - the siege of Fort Wayne began posted September 5, 2015 by Johnston Farm & Indian Agency on Facebook.

Fort Wayne and America’s 2nd War for Independence by Emily Rober published September 22, 2015 on History Center Notes & Queries blog

War of 1812 Indiana Muster, Pay and Receipt Rolls at the IUPUI University Library Digital Collection states: This collection consists of Muster, pay and receipt rolls of Indiana territory volunteers or militia of the period of the War of 1812. They are in the form of four oversized bound volumes of photostats made by Leet Brothers Co. in 1926 from information in the U.S. Adjutant General's Office. According to the following note, "The U.S. Adjutant general states that these records do not include the names of soldiers of the regular army of the U.S. and member of the U.S. Rangers who enlisted from Indiana territory. The names listed...include Justices of the Peace, administrators, administratrices, clerk of court, witnesses, widows, attorneys, substitutes, etc." The four physical volumes digitized here reside in the collection of the Genealogy Division, Indiana State Library. An Index was created by Genealogy Division staff and bound into Volume 1. The Society of the War of 1812 in the State of Indiana - Male descendants of good moral character and reputation proving lineal descent from an American participant of the War of 1812 are eligible for membership.

National Society United States Daughters of 1812 - founded in 1892 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., is a non-profit, non-political, women’s service organization for descendants of patriots who aided the American cause during the War of 1812.

War of 1812 Pensions

The Federation of Genealogical Societies project to digitize the pension files of War of 1812 veterans in A project to digitize the War of 1812 Pension Files to make them freely accessible at Fold3. Visit War of 1812 Pension Files and the War of 1812 at Fold3.

August 1, 2023 post by Fold3 on Facebook:

We LOVE the War of 1812 Pension Files! Here are a few things you might find in these rich records: 1- family bible pages, 2- service information, 3- maiden or birth name of spouse, 4 - names and birthdates of children. We are adding new files each week. Check out the collection here: War of 1812 Pension Files

This is where the magic happens. Here is one of the digitization stations at the National Archives where we are working...

Posted by Fold3 on Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tuesday, April 23, 2024 post by Fold3 on Facebook:

This is where the magic happens. Here is one of the digitization stations at the National Archives where we are working to digitize the War of 1812 Pension Files. It will take us at least another year to complete this project, but we've made it to the letter "S" and are about 86% done. Check out our blog to see what you can learn from a pension file: What Can You Learn From the War of 1812 Pension Files

Page 312 starts the Designs against Fort Wayne, Page 314, Massacre of Settlers, Attack on Fort Wayne, Quaker Guns, The Garrison Firm, Siege of Fort Wayne raised, Ravages of Indians, The Grave of Little Turtle, Page 315, Fort Wayne continues thru page 317 in The pictorial field-book of the war of 1812; or, Illustrations, by pen and pencil, of the history, biography, scenery, relics, and traditions of the last war for American independence by Lossing, Benson John, 1813-1891, Publication date 1896, an Archive.org. Page 41-46 Harmar's Defeat, Page 56 Troops build Fort Wayne, page 190-193 Treaty at Fort Wayne, page 303-307 starts in footnote mentions Major John Whistler, page 323-327 starts in footnote, page 330, 332-334, 345-350, 493 says General John E Hunt who was born in Fort Wayne in 1798.

Libraires War of 1812 at Indiana University.

Discovering Local & State Militia Records July 17, 2013 from FGS Genealogy on Vimeo.

Up Close and Personal with the War of 1812 display was at the former Fort Wayne Karpeles Manuscript Museum by Eric Olson, 21Country Featured Reporter published March 11, 2015 21Country at 21AliveNews.com now on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

Over 450 rolls of microfilmed National Archive Index Records relating to War of 1812 from The Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

War of 1812 microfilm at Internet Archive

When the Cornfields Ran Red with Blood Uncovering Indiana's Role in the War of 1812 by Jacob Herr on Vocal.Media.com. It has lots of interesting references including "Fort Wayne, Gateway of the West, 1802-1813" by Bert J. Griswold.

INDIANA TERRITORY COLLECTION, 1800-1816 at the Indiana Historical Society has some interesting Fort Wayne items in their files.
The pictorial field-book of the war of 1812; or, Illustrations, by pen and pencil, of the history, biography, scenery, relics, and traditions of the last war for American independence by Lossing, Benson John, 1813-1891 Publication date 1896 on Archive.org.

War of 1812 Reenactment Primary Sources at patcosta.com from August 21, 2022 at Society of the War of 1812 in the State of Indiana on Facebook.

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Page updated: June 18, 2024