The 1950 census started on April 1, 1950 from What day was the census taken each decade? at the United States Census Bureau. The release date for public viewing of the 1950 Federal Census was 12:01 April 1, 2022. This is the standard 72 years after the census started collecting data for privacy reasons.
Indexing the Allen County, Indiana 1950 Census for 184,128 names in all 20 townships was completed June 10, 2022 by Allen County Genealogical Society of Indiana volunteers. The official population count for Allen County was 183,722, but the index included a few additional names which were not included in the official count.
Interested in exploring your family’s past? Visit our 1950 census records website, which provides full access to census...
Interested in exploring your family’s past? Visit our 1950 census records website, which provides full access to census images, including population schedules, enumeration district maps, and enumeration district descriptions. Welcome to the Official 1950 Census Website The 1950 census records were released by the U.S. National Archives on April 1, 2022. This website provides full access to the 1950 census images, including population schedules, enumeration district maps, and enumeration district descriptions.
Family Histories and Beyond: Investigations in 1950 U.S. Census Sheets Scheduled for Oct 13, 2022 by US National Archives on YouTube.
In April 2022, the manuscript records of the 1950 U.S. census were finally made public. They represent a matchless resource for all who want to know more about their families, communities, and this country. Join a panel of experts from leading libraries across the United States as they show us how these new records can help extend, expand, and enrich the picture we draw from genealogical investigations. Dan Bouk, author of Democracy’s Data will moderate a discussion with Elizabeth Hodges from the Genealogy Center, Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, IN; Philip Sutton from the Milstein Division of United States History, Local History & Genealogy at the New York Public Library, and Bob Timmermann from the History & Genealogy Department of the Los Angeles Public Library. See also: Family Histories and Beyond: Investigations in 1950 U.S. Census Sheets at The National Archives. Their October 13, 2022 event notice on Facebook showed an Image: Electronic statistical machine used in the 1950 Census, 1950.
The National Archives is hosting a special virtual Genealogy Series focused on the 1950 Census, with presentations by...
The National Archives is hosting a special virtual Genealogy Series focused on the 1950 Census, with presentations by experts from our staff as well as special guests from the Census Bureau.
This series will provide family history research tools for all skill levels along with a general overview of specific topics. The program sessions will be streamed on YouTube throughout April and May. All are welcome to join these free programs!
If you missed any of the three March presentations, not to worry, we have them all on our Youtube channel.
1950 Census: Overview of Website Features published April 1, 2022 by the US National Archives on YouTube, their description:
A brief demonstration of the website features for the 1950 Census release, presented by Michael L. Knight, Web Branch Chief for the Office of Innovation (Digital Engagement Division) at the National Archives and Records Administration. A longer and more detailed version of this video exploring the design, development, and features of the 1950 Census website can be found here:
Additional videos covering the genealogical aspects of the 1950 Census can be viewed in this playlist:
More information and access to the 1950 Census:
Indexing the Allen County, Indiana 1950 Census for 184,128 names in all 20 townships was completed June 10, 2022 by Allen County Genealogical Society of Indiana volunteers. The official population count for Allen County was 183,722, but the index included a few additional names which were not included in the official count.
1950 Census Official 1950 Census Website is by the U.S. National Archives on April 1, 2022. This website provides full access to the 1950 census images, including population schedules, enumeration district maps, and enumeration district descriptions. It is AI, Artificial Intelligence, indexed and searchable by name and location with a tool available to offer corrections to transcription errors.
My Heritage indexed images site states: The images of the 1950 Census are already available on our site. Searching for people by name will be possible a few days after April 1, 2022, as we build a robust and complete search index for the 1950 Census. This new index will be completed by the end of June 2022. Additional information: MyHeritage Publishes the 1950 U.S. Census — Search for FREE!
Seven Decades Later, the 1950 Census Bares Its Secrets Federal law kept the answers on millions of census forms secret for 72 years. The forms went online on Friday, a bonanza for historians, genealogists and the merely curious. An unlocked article by Michael Wines published March 31, 2022 in an unlocked New York Times newspaper article.
Ever wonder how big the original census pages really were?
Join me in giving a really big shoutout to the Ancestry Content team for providing this “to scale” printout. Oh, and - you know - all the AMAZING work on getting the 1950 census online for us.
#DYK, we tested self-enumeration during the 1950 Census? Census Bureau enumerators delivered individual census schedules to select households, asked recipients to complete them on their own, and returned at a later date to collect the forms.
The decennial census has always required a large workforce to visit and collect data from households. Between 1790 to 1870, the duty of collecting census data fell upon the U.S. Marshals. A March 3, 1879 act replaced the U.S. Marshals with specially hired and trained census-takers to conduct the 1880 and subsequent censuses.
During the early censuses, U.S. Marshalls received little training or instruction on how to collect census data. In fact, it was not until 1830 that marshals even received printed shedules on which to record households' responses. The marshals often received limited instruction from the census acts passed prior to each census.
Beginning with the 1880 census, specially hired and trained census-takers replaced the U.S. marshals. Door-to-door census by temporary census-takers was the primary method of conducting the census until the U.S. Census Bureau began mailing questionnaires to households in 1960.
As more and more households received and returned their questionnaires by mail, the role of census-taker changed. Today, the majority of households are counted by mailed questionnaires. Census-takers visit places frequented by transient households (shelters and soup kitchens, campsites, etc.) and households that do not return their mailed questionnaires (during the "Nonresponse Follow-Up" phase of the census). As a result, the "Instructions to Enumerators" provided here include the congressional acts U.S. marshalls reviewed during the early census, specially-published instructions for door-to-door census, and lastly, guides used for the limited number of personal interviews conducted during nonresponse follow-up operations.