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Allen County, Indiana Genealogy
Cemetery Newspaper Articles
There is an OCR transcription of each newspaper article below it on the Newspapers.com page. Transcriptions may contain errors depending on the clarity of the image scanned. These clippings are from 100s of StanFollisFW public clippings available on Newspapers.com which normally requires a paid subscription.
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1900 - The Silent Cities Last Resting Places for our Beloved Dead
1900 - The Silent Cities cont'd
1911 - Where Rest the Remains of Those Who Have Passed From Among Us - details local burying grounds, Lindenwood, Catholic, Concordia, St. John
1914 - Over 32,000 Marked Graves in Fort Wayne's Cemeteries - Our First Burying Grounds, Old Broadway Cemetery, The Present Day Cemeteries - Lindenwood, Concordia, Catholic, St. John Evangelical Lutheran, and Orthodox Jewish
1916 - Oldest Burying Ground in Indiana - Eel River and Riverview Cemeteries
1900 - The Silent Cities Last Resting Places for our Beloved Dead - The Fort Wayne News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sat, May 26, 1900, Page 4
1900 - The Silent Cities cont'd - The Fort Wayne News, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sat, May 26, 1900, Page 6 discusses Lindenwood Cemetery, the Hebrew Section of Lindenwood, The Concordia Cemetery, Rev. Jesse Hoover, The Catholic Cemetery, and St. John Evangelical Lutheran.
1911 - Where Rest the Remains of Those Who Have Passed From Among Us - details local burying grounds, Lindenwood, Catholic, Concordia, St. John - The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sat, Apr 29, 1911, Page 14
1914 - Over 32,000 Marked Graves in Fort Wayne's Cemeteries - The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sunday, Jul 12, 1914, Page 33. Discusses Our First Burying Grounds, Old Broadway Cemetery, The Present Day Cemeteries - Lindenwood, Concordia, Catholic, St. John Evangelical Lutheran, and Orthodox Jewish.
1916 - Oldest Burying Ground in Indiana - 1830 Eel River and Riverview Cemetery at Heller's Corner twelve miles northwest of Fort Wayne - The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sun, Feb 27, 1916, Page 29