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Divorce News and Records, Allen Co., Indiana

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Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.


Fort Wayne Daily Gazette (FWDG)
Fort Wayne Daily News (FWDN)
Fort Wayne Daily Sentinel (FWDS)
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (FWJG)
Fort Wayne Sentinel (FWS)
Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel (FWWS)

  • 10 Jan 1882 Yesterday in the superior court, Malvina Miller brought suit against her husband, Claude L. Miller for divorce. (FWDG)
  • 10 Jan 1882 Adolph Carry vs. Frances Carry; divorce granted to plaintiff and the custody of his infant children. (FWDG)
    [26 Dec 1881 Adolphe Carry vs. Frances Carry, Superior Court, Case File]
  • 12 Jan 1882 In the superior court yesterday a divorce was granted to Annie McGroery from her husband Michael McGroery. (FWDG)
  • 14 Jan 1882 The divorce case brought by Caroline Samse against William Samse, in the curcuit court was tried this morning and a decree of divorce was granted the petitioner. The proof was to the effect that they have been married twelve years, and that there were no heirs or heirs appparent of said marriage. The defendant owned and operated a canal boat on the Wabash & Erie canal, and was captain of the same; that a cook was a necessary part of the boat's crew, and one Mrs. Johnson was employed in that capacity; that the crew occupied sleeping apartments in the bow of the boat, while the captain and cook occupied th stern, that the captain piloted the cook to temperance meetings and to differect places of enterrainment, and that the plainriff was never within hailing sight. (FWDN)
  • 30 Jan 1882 Harriet A. Blynn has sued for a divorce from William G. Blynn in the circuit court. Petitioner represents that she was married to defendant at Ashland, Ohio, October 13, 1868, and two children are living the issue of said marriage. The complaint says that defendant has filed to provide for support of plaintiff or her children of more than three years past; that he resided at Obelin, O., with his mother, and is addicted to the inordinate use of opium which incapacitates him for business of any king. Therefore she sues for an absolute divorce and the custody of her two children, Kitty and Blanche. (FWS) [Case File]

  • 02 Feb 1882 Mrs. Jennie Shell has filed her declaration for a divorce in the superior court, from her husband, Frank V. V. Shell. (FWDG)
  • 04 Feb 1882 Samuel Edsall has petitioned the circuit court for a divorce from his wife. (FWS)
  • 04 Feb 1882 Clara B. Onspaugh, of Whitley county, has begun a suit for divorce and alimony against Daniel Onspaugh, who is supposed to live in Allen county, either near Sheldon or Aboite Station. (FWDN)
  • 06 Feb 1882 In the superior court John Butler, of Cedar Creek township, has sued for divorce from Jane Butler, who has abandoned him, he alleges and taken up her residence in Logan county, Ohio. The parties were married in Ohio in 1875 and have no children. (FWS)
    [06 Feb 1882 John Butler vs. Jane Butler, Superior Court, Case File]
  • 07 Feb 1882 In the divorce suit of John Johnson vs. Hattie Johnson, a part of the evidence was heard by Judge Lowry last evening. The balance of the testimony cannot now be submitted. The plaintiff is a minute man of the fire department, and the complaint charges abandonment. (FWDN)
  • 09 Feb 1882 Mrs. John Zink was this morning granted by Judge O'Rourke a divorce from her husband the well known drayman. (FWS)
  • 14 Feb 1882 Anna M. Stuff has brought suit for divorce against her husband, Theodore Stuff in circuit court. It seems that Theodore has not provided for Anna as he should have done, but has on the contrary left her to shift for herself. At least, so says the declations. (FWDG)
  • 14 Feb 1882 E. G. Coverdale, the Monroeville barrister, represents Mary C. Evans who seeks the aid of the circuit court in divorcing her from Richard Evans. Plaintiff is the daughter of Wm. Seeds, of Monroeville, and is at present a waiter at Joseph Cope's restaurant. The parties were married April 6, 1875. Mrs. Evans charges that her spouse has failed to provide for her support for a period of four years; that he has treated her with cruelty frequently having beaten her and at one time playfully tried to knock her head off with a garden hoe. She ask an absolute divorce and $300 alimony. (FWS)
  • 20 Feb 1882 The divorce case of Schell vs. Schell is on trial this afternoon in the superior court. The defendant, Frank Van Walkenbergh Schell is charged with habitual drunkenness. (FWS)
  • 21 Feb 1882 This morning Mrs. Jennie Schell was granted by Judge Lowry, an absolute divorce from Francis Van Walkenbergh Schell. The complaint alleged habitual drunkenness. Schell claims to be related to Augustus Schell, the great New York financier. At any rate, Frances' capacity for whiskey is unquestioned. (FWS)

  • [06 Mar 1882] Alban Yeoman vs. Elizabeth Yeoman, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 08 Mar 1882 Judge O'Rourke, presiding in the circuit court yesterday granted a divorce to Richard Kochell from his wife Helen. Kochell is a miller here and was married thirteen years ago. Two years after the marriage she left him and has not since returned which he holds as just grounds for a divorce. The divorce was granted on the grounds that he should not marry for two years, personal service not having been obtained on the wife. (FWDG)
  • 08 Mar 1882 Alban Yoeman was granted a divorce from his wife, Elizabeth J. Yoeman in circuit court yesterday by Judge O'Rourke. Alban Yoeman in his bill alleges not only that his wife deserted him but she has subjected him to cruel and inhuman treatment. They were married July 15, 1879, and on the 15th of September of the same year she left him and has not since returned. (FWDG)
  • 08 Mar 1882 Sarah E. Devison filed a bill for a divorce yesterday in circuit court against her husband. (FWDG)
  • 12 Mar 1882 Mrs. Jane B. Pepe filed a bill for divorce yesterday morning in the superior court from her husband, Francis Pepe. The application sets forth that they were married in Fort Wayne, August 4, 1874, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Father Mosier, and that shortly after the marriage he became abusive and finally ill-treated her. On the 6th of January last he drove her from his house into the street during a blinding storm and refused to allow her to return that night. When she did return he would not let her remain, and on the 25th of February last again drove her from home. On another occasion he tore down the bed on which she slept, and dragging it into the kitchen where she was trampled it under his feet and told her to take it away and never return. Furthermore she avers after he drove her away he published a notice to the affect that she had left him, which has a tendancy to injure her reputation. The affidavit concludes with the statement that he is worth about $10,000, one-third of which she wants as alimony. The defendant, Francis Pepe is well known in this county and at one time occupied the position of justice of the peace. His wife, who was formerly Jane B. Boirant, is also well known her, where she has many friends. (FWDG)
  • 21 Mar 1882 Calvin Thomas, in the superior court, has filed a complaint for divorce against Sarah A. Thomas. The petition alleges that the parties were married May 9, 1872 in this county, and lived together until October, 1879 when defendant abandoned the comfortable home provided for her by her husband. (FWS)
  • 22 Mar 1882 Mrs. Mary M. Johnson has brought a suit for divorce against her husband, P. C. Johnson in the superior court. They were married June 8, 1872. The petition alleges brutality and habitual drunkenness. (FWDG) [Mary M. Johnson vs. Patrick C. Johnson, Superior Court, Case File]
  • 23 Mar 1882 The divorce suit of the Englishman Enoch Cooper, against Lucy G. Cooper comes up for hearing tomorrow. (FWDN)
    [26 Jan 1882 Enoch Cooper vs. Lucy G. Cooper, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 24 Mar 1882 The divorce suit of Mae Miller against Claude L. Miller came up for hearing in the superior court last night. Only a few people were present and these were largely ladies, personal friends of the parties. The complaint charged the young husband with impotence, and the audience was waiting to see what sensational developments might take place. The defendant put on file an affidavit praying for a continuance on the grounds of the absence of material witnesses. The affidavit names three ladies, one of whom resides at St. Louis. By these witnesses, defendant swears that he will be able to prove that in September, 1881, the plaintiff has said that she was then pregnant. Affiant swears that this testimony can probably be secured inside of ten days. An adjournment was taken. (FWDN)
  • 27 Mar 1882 Julia Frazure has sued John S. Frazure in the circuit court for a divorce. The complaint alleges failure to provide. (FWS) [Case File]

  • 01 Apr 1882 Mrs. Mary Walters has commenced suit in the circuit court for a divorce from her husband, Daniel B. Walters, and alleges cruelty and failure to provide for her in the bill. It is understood the husband will file a cross-complaint charging infidelity. (FWDG)
  • 03 Apr 1882 This morning in the circuit court Mrs. Sarah Lavanway filed a complaint for divorce from her husband, Frank Lavanway. The complaint is not on file as it should be, but we are given to understand that the plaintiff charges drunkenness and failure to provide properly for his family's wants. Lavanway is a painter by trade. This divorce case called to mind the fact that only the other day Lavanway told a reporter that he was tired of the matrimonial voyage with Sarah, because the woman evinced a decided predeliction for a well- known city physician, who the husband charged has visited his wife altogether too frequently. Lavanway also said that since his wife has taken up with the gay doctor, she has refused to allow his husband's rights. Lavanway will probably file a cross-complaint and rich developments may be expected at the trial of the cause. (FWS) [Case File]
  • [03 Apr 1882] Joanna L. Congdon vs. Joshua E. Congdon, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 04 Apr 1882 Margaret Bowers has brought suit in circuit court for divorce from Joseph Bowers, the well- known well digger. Plaintiff is a seamstress and resided with her five children at No. 286 Broadway. Husband and wife were married in 1854 and in January 1877, the complaint charges that defendant abandoned his wife without just cause and has since lived apart from her. (FWS) [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 05 Apr 1882 Judge Lowry yesterday granted a divorce to John Butler, of Milan township, from his wife Jane on the grounds of desertion. They were married in 1876, since which time she removed to Ohio and refuses to live with him. (FWDG)
  • 13 Apr 1882 John Flutter, a Cedar Creek farmer, instituted proceedings in the superior court yesterday for a divorce from his wife Margaret. The bill sets forth that they were married about three years ago by Justice Pratt, the issue of which is a boy about a year old. He alleged that on the 25th of February his wife became the inmate of a disorderly house. He also prays for the custody of the child. (FWDG)
    [12 Apr 1882 John Flutter vs. Margaret Flutter, Superior Court, Case File]
  • 19 Apr 1882 Christopher Whyburn wished a divorce from his wife Anace on the grounds of adultery. They have been married since September 23, 1875, and it took something like an hour to legally part them. (FWDG)
  • 19 Apr 1882 Judge O'Rourke granted a divorce to Julia Frazure from her husband John A. Frazure. They were married in Fort Wayne on the 12th of December, 1872, the fruit of which is two children, a boy of six years and a girl of twenty-two months. She begged to be parted from him because he failed to provide for her as he ought. The mother has been granted custody of the children. (FWDG)
  • 19 Apr 1882 Sarah E. Dennison wished a divorce from her husband Newton because he abandoned her. It was granted. (FWDG)
    [01 Apr 1882 Sarah E. Dennison vs. Newton Dennison, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 19 Apr 1882 Mary E. Evans was married to Richard Evans in Green county, Ohio, the 6th of April, 1875, and wanted a divorce and alimony because Richard would not provide for her. She resides at Monroeville, though for the past four months has been in this city. She was granted the divorce. (FWDG)
  • 19 Apr 1882 The divorce was granted to Margaret Bowers against her husband, Joseph. (FWDG)
  • 22 Apr 1882 Judge O'Rourke yesterday granted a divorce to Mary Edgerton from her husband Isaac on the grounds of abandonment. (FWDG)
  • 22 Apr 1882 Sarah Lavanway has been granted a divorce by Judge O'Rourke from her husband Frank, on the grounds of habitual cruelty. (FWDG)
  • 22 Apr 1882 In the circuit court, Chas. T. McGuire, a laborer has brought suit for divorce from his wife, Jane charging abandonment. The parties were married July 7, 1875 at Kenyonville, NY, and lived together until 1876. The husband does not know her present whereabouts nor does he desire to know. (FWS)
  • 25 Apr 1882 Mary Walters was yesterday granted a divorce from David B. Walters. Abandonment and failure to provide were the cause. This is the second time they have been divorced and Mary says this is final. She has no desire to try her luck a third time. (FWDG)
  • 25 Apr 1882 Calvin Thomas vs. Sarah A. Thomas, divorce granted to plaintiff. (FWDG)
  • 28 Apr 1882 Hannah Freed has sued Levi Freed for a divorce in the circuit court. The parties were married November 25, 1875 in DeKalb county. Four years ago they separated, defendant being unable to provide for his wife. Mrs. Freed resides with her father in Aboite township. There is one child Bertha, aged six years old for whose custody complainant prays. (FWS) [Case File]
  • 29 Apr 1882 Enoch Cooper has been granted a divorce from Lucy Cooper. (FWS)
    [26 Jan 1882 Enoch Cooper vs. Lucy G. Cooper, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 29 Apr 1882 Samuel Bowers, keeper of a Calhoun street boarding-house, brought suit in the circuit court yesterday for a divorce from his wife, Margaret. The complaint sets forth that she has not only deserted him, but frequently amused herself by striking him with a huge club, and at various times compelled his to get up and get breakfast in the mornings. This he did patiently, but when she drove his daughter from the house, it broke the historical straw of the back of the ancient and historical camel, and he "kicked." The bill also states that they were married here in November, 1873, at which time he had considerable property which she has caused to decrease to almost nothing. The result of the marriage was two children, Carrie and Daisy, ages four and seven years, the guardianship of which he prays for. She was a widow and he a widower at the time of their marriage, and the issues of their form marriages, it is said, play conspicuous in the present domestic difficulty. (FWDG)

  • 01 May 1882 The divorce case of Stuff vs. Stuff was dismissed by Judge O'Rourke Saturday. Desertion was the charge. (FWS)
  • 03 May 1882 The divorce case of Dove vs. Dove is still on trial in the superior court. Cruelty is charged. (FWS)
  • 03 May 1882 Mrs. J. W. Hall, whose husband deserted her to go away with Mrs. Christman will commence proceedings for a divorce. (FWS)
  • 04 May 1882 In the superior court yesterday in the case of Hannah M. Dove vs. Dennis Dove, a divorce was granted the plaintiff and the custody of the child and $400 alimony. (FWDG)
  • 05 May 1882 The domestic difficulties in the married life of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Moritz came to an issue yesterday by the instituting of a suit for divorce by the husband in the superior court. The bill alleges adultery with divers persons, and is made returnable the 15th. inst. Mrs. Moritz was in the city yesterday morning, having arrived the night previous and registered at the Harmon house under an assumed name. She was accompanied by a gentleman who occupied an adjoining room and left for the east with her yesterday morning. The sad case has many distressing phases connected with it which has heretofore caused the Gazette to refrain from mentioning names, but it has reached such proportions at the present time that to suppress it would only be to make it appear in a worse light than it really is. After the filing of this bill for divorce young Moritz allowed his feelings to take such a strong possession of him that he indulged in more than he should have done, the consequence of which was he fell through a window in the Aveline house. His father and others endeavored to take him home, but were unsuccessful. An officer put in an appearance here and placed him under arrest, but released him on the promise of friends that they would take care of the youth. However, he broke away from them and commenced to raise a disturbance, when Captain Smith place him under arrest and locked him in a cell at the station and made him remain there for the night. It is understood that the boy's wife will make no defense when the case comes to trial. (FWDG)
  • 06 May 1882 The latest phase in the Moritz case was the arrest last night of Mrs. Lulu Moritz on the alleged charge of being insane. She was placed under arrest by Officer Frank Rohle, and at one o'clock this morning converyed to the county jail where she is "detained" until a commission in lunacy can be called together. Senator Bell and others had an interview with the girl, though who makes the charge is not known. Should the commissioners adjudge her insane it will effectively put an end to the divorce suit. There appears to be but the slightest ground for the accusation of insanity, and if she is insane she is certainly the "sanest insane person," the writer ever came across. Captain Weightman, her father, it is said, is not aware of the girl being in jail, and is completely heart-broken over the affair as it is. Vigorous efforts were made last night to suppress the affair, but as the case is now before the courts and has become a matter of public record, it is absolutely necessary to lay the plain facts before the public. (FWDG)
  • 10 May 1882 Suit was commenced yesterday in circuit court by Aggie E. Gillett for a divorce from her husband Hollie F. Gillett, on the ground of cruelty and adultery. The couple are residents of St. Joe township and are well known in this city and vicinity. They were married here August 27, 1871, the issue of which is a girl, Eliza now aged nine years. The bill sets forth that he has at times cruelly and inhumanly treated her and has threatened to shoot her, and also stipulates the violations of the sacred marriage vow with a certain women in the city. Gillett has a large acquaintance her, having to some extent dabbled into local politics. The plaintiff prays for alimony and the possession of her child. (FWDG)
  • 10 May 1882 Sarah J. Archibald applies for a decree of divorce from her lord and master, Jacob Archibald on the grounds of desertion. Their married state date from 1875, when they were married at Ossian, Wells county, after which they moved here, where a child was born to them. The plaintiff alleges that her husband deserted her and has not since reappeared. (FWDG) [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 13 May 1882 Margaret L. Bowser filed a reply in the circuit court yesterday to the application of her husband, Samuel for divorce. It embodies a contract entered into between the couple on the 5th of this month, stipulating that they will live apart, he to give her $15 monthly the remainder of his natural life. (FWDG)
    [28 Apr 1882 Samuel Bowser vs. Margaret L. Bowser, Circuit Court, Case File]

  • 01 Jun 1882 John E. Frank has been sued for a divorce by his wife, Mary E. Frank. Drunkenness and failure to provide are charged. There is one child aged four years. The parties have lived at No. 15 Monroe street. (FWS)
  • 02 Jun 1882 In the superior court, Mrs. Anna L. Bayless has brought an action for divorce from Sol S. Bayless, Jr. Failure to provide is the main allegation For some time the defendant has not lived with his wife, who has been dependent for support upon her relatives. There is one child, a little girl, the issue of the marriage. Mr. Bayless is the son and namesake of one of the oldest and most esteemed citizens of Indiana, and at his father's death inherited a considerable fortune, which has been dissipated. It is thought that a reconciliation may possibly be effected, as the young couple's affection for each other has nor wholly died out. There are other charges on the part of the plaintiff which need not be specified as the matter stands. (FWS)
    [30 Oct 1882 Anna L. Bayless vs. Solomon S. Bayless, Superior Court, Case File]
  • 05 Jun 1882 This morning a termination was had of the unforunate affair so often alluded to by the daily papers by the granting of an absolute divorce to Harry M. Moritz from Louisa W. Moritz by Judge Lowry. The defendant, who is in Chicago made no opposition. (FWS)
  • 06 Jun 1882 Hannah Freed has secured a divorce from Levi Freed. (FWS)
  • 10 Jun 1882 A peculiar and probably the quickest disposed of divorce case came up yesterday morning before Judge O'Rourke in the circuit court. J. V. Gilbert, a well to do farmer, and his wife came to town and visited the office of Robertson & Harper. An application for divorce was then drawn up and signed by Mrs. Gilbert, alleging cruelty and inhuman treatment as her grounds. The bill was presented to the court, and then an agreement was entered into by the couple to the effect that if the divorce was granted he would give her $1,000, half the furniture, and fruit, and other articles. One of the peculiar features of the contract is that it stipulates that he must pay for a set of false teeth and also a hat for her, and also gives her half of a certain pig which is now being fattened to kill. They then appeared in court, the entire transaction only occupying a few hours. (FWDG)
    [Jennie H. Gilbert vs. John V. Gilbert, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 10 Jun 1882 Christian J. Schlatter has filed his complaint for divorce against Rena D. Schlatter in the superior court. (FWDN)
  • 16 Jun 1882 Mrs. Elizabeth Nick was before she married Joseph Nick, January 8 last, a young widow with a comfortable property. She, like others, again plunged into the delusive waters of matrimony and struck a shoal. Mrs. Nick had four children when she married Joseph. Mrs. Nick has filed a complaint for divorce in circuit court. The complaint alleges that ever since plaintiff's marriage to Nick in January last he has abused her and beaten her children, often threatening to kill them. She also alleges that nick has squandered her property in dissipation; that he is a habitual drunkard, and that she in in fear of bodily injury from his hands. She therefore prays a divorce and other proper relief. (FWS)
  • 20 Jun 1882 Leopold Beck has commenced suit against Mary Anne Beck for a divorce in the superior court. Mrs. Beck is a resident of a little village in the Grand Duchy of Baden from whence Beck immigrated to America in 1874. In 1875 he sent tickets for the passage of his wife and children to this country but she refused to come. Complainant further alleges that Mrs. Beck is living in a state of adultery with one Herman Scheimer by whom she had two illegitimate children. (FWS)
    [20 Jun 1882 Leopold Beck vs. Mary Ann Beck, Superior Court, Case File]
  • 23 Jun 1882 Elizabeth Higgins commenced suit in the circuit court yesterday for a divorce from her husband, John W. Higgins on the alleged grounds of inhuman treatment and failure to provide. They were married in 1864 and lived together until 1879, the results of which are three children. (FWDG)
  • 24 Jun 1882 Flora L. Stutsman was granted a divorce and $200 alimony from Samuel P. Stutsman, yesterday in the circuit court on the ground of failure to provide. (FWDG)
  • 25 Jun 1882 In the case of Congdon vs. Congdon for divorce, Judge O'Rourke yesterday declined to grant the decree. (FWDG)
  • 25 Jun 1882 A divorce was granted in the circuit court yesterday to Catherine A. Kimball from Israel E. Kimball on account of failure to provide and desertion. (FWDG)
  • 25 Jun 1882 Mary E. Sands was granted a divorce in circuit court yesterday from Charles F. Sands on a charge of failure to provide and desertion. (FWDG)
  • 27 Jun 1882 Judge Lowry yester granted a decree of divorce to Christian Schlatter from his wife Rena, on grounds of adultery. The evidence showed that the act was witnesses by the husband from the outside of a window one evening. The plaintiff was granted custody of the child. (FWDG)
  • 27 Jun 1882 F. P. Clark, an engineer on the Nickel Plate road, has sued for a divorce in the circuit court from his wife, Emma M. Clark. Mr. Clark formerly ran a Wabash engine. It is understood he charges infidelity on the part of Mrs. Clark and that the names of a number of gentlemen who have enjoyed her society are mentioned in the complaint, which document is sedulously guarded. (FWS)
    [26 Jun 1882 Frederick P. Clark vs. Emma M. Clark, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • [28 Jun 1882] Barbara Grout vs. Frederick Grout, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 30 Jun 1882 Cornelius Weaver, of Sheldon has sued his wife Henrietta for a divorce in superior court, charging cruel treatment. Nothing is aid about a rolling pin or hair pulling, though we suppose Cornelius objects to these feminine pleasantries. (FWS)

  • 01 Jul 1882 Cornelius Weaver of Sheldon has applied to the circuit court for a divorce from his wife on the grounds of cruel treatment. (FWDG)
  • 08 Jul 1882 Mrs. Francis M. Ames has instituted proceedings in the superior court for a divorce from her husband, Milo E. Ames. The complaint is supposed to contain some horrible charges, as it has been carefully suppressed by the plaintiff's attorney. (FWDG) [Case File]
  • 12 Jul 1882 Jennie Craig commenced suit in the circuit court yesterday for divorce from her husband, Samuel H. Craig. (FWDG)
    [11 Jul 1882 Jennie Craig vs. Samuel Craig, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 13 Jul 1882 Yesterday afternoon, in the superior court attorneys for Victor Juillard filed his complaint for a divorce from his wife, Mary who according to her husband must be a female earthquake, if the expression is allowed. They were married in La Belle, France, August 14, 1845, and have several children, now men and women. Julliard, who owns a large farm in Lake township, alleges the most inhuman cruelty to him on the part of his wife and children. The plaintiff is an aged and feeble man, and says that for the last twelve years he has been the victim of his termagant of a wife, who, during that period had refused to occupy the same sleeping apartment with him, and has altogether raised the devil about his aged ears. She has, it is alleged, applied to him vile and abusive epithets and when he mustered up enough spirit to reply knocked him down with a rolling pin or the nearest article of domestic utility at hand. Awful to relate, she has also refused to wash his soiled linen, and he was obliged to hustle about in a shirt whose pristine whiteness long ago disappeared. He said nothing about his socks, the odor of which does not permeate the complaint, though the imaginative reporter in sympathy with the oppressed Frenchman, could almost fancy it. Time and again poor Juillard say he was driven from his bed and had to take refuge at the house of a neighbor. In February last, he alleges that his wife struck him with an iron poker, butting a severe gash in his head. The same day, she is alleged to have struck and beaten him on the head with a stock of stove wood. In all the cruel onslaughts on him, plaintiff says that his grown children abetted and assisted their mother. The crowning outrage, however was when Mrs. Juillard bounced her wretched husband from his farm, and penniless and crushed with his afflictions, the poor old man, the possessor of thousands, came to the city and sought menial employment by which to earn his daily bread. His wife refuses to permit him to live at home, and as home means to him hell, he is not anxious to return until she is driven out. Juillad alleges that she has made threats to kill him, and that he actually fears she will. He is how living with Victor Sallier, a compatriot, in Adams township, and sues for a divorce and other proper relief. FWG [Case File]
  • 21 Jul 1882 Frank W. Wilson, a train dispatcher on the Grand Rapids road, has brought suit in the superior court for a divorce from his wife, Mary and the custody of their child, Cora B. Wilson. Abandonment is charged. Mrs. Wilson is now a resident of Union City, Mich. (FWS)
  • 25 Jul 1882 In the circuit court, Lucinda Watson has sued for a divorce from John Watson. They were married six months ago, and during this brief period curses and blows would seem to have been more plentifully bestowed on the young wife than taffy, caresses or silk dresses. The complaint alleges failure to provide, cruelty and finally abandonment. Watson is believed by his wife to be in Minnesota. (FWS)
  • 31 Jul 1882 Arthur W. Green, a carpenter in the Wabash shops, is not so jolly green as his name would imply. He was married to Evalinda Green at Holland, Mich., Nov 20, 1878, and in 1879 she abandoned him. There is one child the issue of the unhappy marriage, Forester H. Green, aged three. The plaintiff brings suit for divorce in the circuit court. (FWS)

  • [01 Aug 1882] Mary Armstrong vs. Lewis L. Armstrong, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 02 Aug 1882 Flora M. Falkenberg has brought suit for divorce against Geo. W. Falkenberg, in circuit court. She represents that they were married June 28, 1881, by Rev. S. D. Miller. Defendant is charged with cruel treatment. Occasionally he has abandoned plaintiff and sold the household effects. He is alleged to be of an inordinately jealous disposition and has treated his wife as a serf and underling not as a companion. The parties reside in Lake township. (FWS)
    [Flora M. Falkenberg vs. George Falkenberg, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 08 Aug 1882 The troubles of Adam and Lavina Saum afforded a fruitful theme for newspaper mention about a year ago. Their quarrels were continually aired in justice shops and newspaper office. Lately the subsided only to come to the front again yesterday with a divorce suit, in which Lavina is the plaintiff. Her complaint filed in the circuit court states that they were married March 12, 1856, and have been blessed or otherwise with a family of seven children. For two years past she alleges that Adam has failed to support the family, and has been guilty of adultery with one Anna Haight, with whom he is now planning to fly to Michigan with. Adultery with other parties is also charged. She prays for $1,000 alimony, custody of the children and a decree of divorce. (FWS)
  • 24 Aug 1882 Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Esther Miller filed in the circuit court a voluminous complaint for divorce from her husband, a carpenter named James D. Miller. Coupled with the complaint was an affidavit to the effect that Miller had converted their property into money and notes at interest which he said he proposed to carry away from the state and thus defeat an attempt she might make to recover alimony to the extent of $1,000. On this showing Judge O'Rourke granted an order for Miller's arrest which was accomplished last night. His bail was fixed at $1,000, which he failed to give and accordingly languishes. They were married in April, 1852, and five children have more or less blessed their union. Until March, 1867 the pair seem to have lived happily enough. About this time his old attachment seems to have given way to a feeling of bitterness toward his wife and if we can believe the complaint, a reign of abuse, taunts and insults was inaugurated, which was afterwards succeeded by threats, and then by actual and violent assaults. As if this was not enough to fill her cup with bitterness and woe, Miller contracted the habit of tippling and is now, his wife alleges an habitual drunkard. (FWDN)
  • 29 Aug 1882 Mary Schnorberger this morning commenced an action for divorce from Christian Schnorberger in the circuit court. She claims that for two years past defendant has failed to provide for his wife and children, has been guilty of ill-treatment and that he is a habitual drunkard. She avers that on the 24th of August he knocked her down three times and generally cuffed and kicked her about the floor. She has been obliged to wash and iron to support four children and asks a divorce and custody of the offspring. Schnorberger is an engineer. (FWS)

  • 05 Sep 1882 Henrietta Brown has begun suit in superior court vs. Abner Brown for divorce. The parties were married at Marysville, July 4, 1878. Failure to provide for the past three years is charged. (FWS)
    [30 Oct 1882 Henryetta Brown vs. Abner Brown, Superior Court, Case File]
  • 09 Sep 1882 Mary Ellen West wants a divorce from Wm. West for adultery and abandonment. (FWS)
  • 10 Sep 1882 Archibald vs. Archibald. Divorce to plaintiff and custody of child on the grounds of desertion and failure to provide. (FWDG)
  • 13 Sep 1882 Jennie Craig was granted a divorce from Samuel H. Craig in the circuit court yesterday. (FWS)
  • 14 Sep 1882 Mary E. Franks vs. John E. Franks. Divorce to plaintiff and custody of child, with an order to allow defendant to visit the child at all proper times, grounds for divorce being failure to support and habitual drunkenness. (FWDS)
  • 14 Sep 1882 John B. Miller, who was confined in the jail on a complaint for divorce by his wife, Esther Miller, was removed to one of the city hospitals until he shall recover from a serious illness from which he is now suffering. (FWDG)
  • 14 Sep 1882 Mrs. Laura Billman has brought suit in the circuit court for a divorce from Charles Billman. The parties were married August 27, 1879 at Auburn. The wife charges habitual drunkenness, failure to provide and avers that she has been, with her children dependent on her parents for some time past. (FWS) [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 14 Sep 1882 Laura Saum vs. Adam Saum for divorce, a cross complaint has been filed by the defendant in which he alleges that the plaintiff has become an habitual opium-eater, and by being continually under its influence, has made herself very disagreeable to defendant and their children; that she has wholly neglected her duties as a wife and mother; that her conduct as a woman has been such as to deprave the morals and habits of their children; that for the past five years he had continually misused, ill-treated, and taught their children to disobey and disrespect him, and has trumped up various charges against him which she has compelled the children to swear falsely against him. That she and her paramour, in addition to enjoying each other's society in a manner forbidden by the statutes in such case made and provided, committed an assault and battery upon him, and at all times has behaved in such a manner that it has been impossible to live with her and enjoy life as he ought. He asks for the custody of their three children. (FWDS)
  • 16 Sep 1882 Eva Fair has begun suit for divorce in the circuit court against J. C. Fair. Desertion is charged. (FWS)
  • 23 Sep 1882 Mrs. Bridget Howley demands a divorce from her husband Thomas for alleged adultery. (FWDG)
  • 23 Sep 1882 Sarah E. Bloomhuff has commenced suit in the superior court against W. D. Bloomhuff, Catharine Bloonhuff and T. E. Ellison for a divorce from the former and to set aside an assignment. Mr. and Mrs. Bloomhuff were first married July 11, 1866, and afterwards divorced, and on defendant's promise of better behavior were remarried Oct. 27, 1878. Mrs. Bloonhuff has repented of her bargain and again wished an absolute separation, alleging habitual drunkenness and abusive treatment. There have been two children issue of this unhappy marriage. Bloomhuff, the defendant resides in Atchison, Kansas, and Mrs. Bloomhuff in the city. Plaintiff alleges a fraudulent assignment of property by defendant to Catharine Bloomhuff and asks that it be set aside. (FWS)
  • [27 Sep 1882] Joanna L. Congdon vs. Joshua E. Congdon, Superior Court, Case File

  • 06 Oct 1882 Jacob Wittenberg, a Hebrew peddler, has brought suit in the superior court for a divorce from his wife, Elizabeth. The parties were married in Chicago, July 15, 1879, and live together as man and wife until the defendant abandoned her husband as alleged in his complaint, without cause. The woman claims to have left Wittenberg on account of his effeminacy. (FWS)
  • 13 Oct 1882 Lavina Saum vs. Adam Saum, divorce granted to plaintiff and custody of their seven children granted her, with the understanding that the defendant be per mitted to see them at all proper times. (FWDS)
  • 13 Oct 1882 Last evening Mrs. Reeleefee R. Roberts, wife of Edward Roberts of Springfield township filed in the superior court a petition for divorce which contains charges against her husband shockingly at variance with the civilization supposed to prevail in these latitudes. It is stated that while confined to her bed in child-birth Roberts shamelessly abandoned his wife, cruelly neglecting her wants, failing to provide her with food, water, medical attention or nurses. It is even said that when the woman lay gasping for water, Roberts refused to hand her a drink unless she would first surrender to him certain monies, choses in action and personal property, which she has in her own right. Since her illness, the man promised to love her has failed to live with her or to supply her most urgent wans, therefor she has recourse to the humble occupation of seamstress, at which she earns a living pitifully meager compared with the manner in which Roberts, with his considerable possession and means of making a livelihood might provide for her. A divorce is asked together with $500 alimony and the permission of the court to resume her maiden name of Miss Reeleefee Howe. (FWDN)
  • 13 Oct 1882 Yesterday afternoon Judge O'Rourke granted a divorce to Fred P. Clark from Emma Clark on the grounds of adultery. Two railroad men testified to having enjoyed Mrs. Clark's favors for a pecuniary consideration. Plaintiff is a railway engineer and Mrs. Clark is the inmate of a Toledo house of ill fame. (FWS)
  • 18 Oct 1882 Elizabeth J. Hudson has brought suit in the circuit court against Horace Hudson for a divorce. (FWS)
  • 18 Oct 1882 Eva M. Ganweiler has brought suit against Frank Ganweiler for divorce in the circuit court. Mrs. Ganweiler was formerly Miss Eva Dalzell. Defendant's whereabouts are unknown, and abandonment is charged. (FWS) [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 20 Oct 1882 This morning, Levi Lorimer, the Pittsburgh brakeman, paid to Justice France his fine of $49.45 for abandonment of his wife. The next step in this domestic break-up will be a divorce suit. (FWS)
  • 25 Oct 1882 This morning in the circuit court, Emma L. Swain filed her petition for divorce from John D. Swain. The complaint conveys the impression that Swain in his married life of seven years has gone over the entire gamut of sins, such as constitute an unanswerable cause of action in divorce proceedings. (FWDN)
  • 27 Oct 1882 Sarah A. McDowell has brought suit for divorce in the circuit court from Alexander McDowell, who is the well-known stock dealer of Sheldon. The complaint charges habitual drunkenness and cruelty. McDowell is a very familiar personage in police court, where he bobs up every week or so with much swelled head. (FWS)
  • 28 Oct 1882 This morning Judge O'Rourke granted a divorce to Charles T. Maguire from Jane M. Maguire.
  • 28 Oct 1882 This morning Judge O'Rourke granted a divorce to Mrs. Mary Larimore from her husband Levi B. Larimore. The complaint charged abandonment. Larimore is a Pittsburg brakeman and his father is a wealthy farmer in Whitley county. (FWS)
  • 31 Oct 1882 In the circuit court, Olive A. Leschey has brought suit for divorce from Aaron Leschey. (FWS)

  • 02 Nov 1882 Elizabeth A. Wells this morning brought suit for divorce against George Wells. The complaint is filed in the circuit court where the case will be tried during the November term. The petition names, Aboite township as the place and November 4, 1877, as the time of the marriage and charges on the defendant failure to provide, cruelty, gambling and a neglect of his wife. It is alleged that at the time of the birth of their youngest child, a year and a half since, that Wells deserted his wife in her helplessness, leaving her unprovided with food and fuel, while his money found its way over the green cloth of the gambling table. For these reasons Mrs. Wells asks for a divorce and the custody of the two children. It is believed that her husband is not now a resident of this state. (FWDN)
  • 05 Nov 1882 Court adjourned till Thursday next when the case of Laura Billman vs. Charles Billma for divorce will be tired. (FWDS)
  • 07 Nov 1882 The wire of Charles Marsh says she is getting a divorce from him and he can walk with all the strange women her wished to. (FWDS)
  • 10 Nov 1882 A divorce was granted in the circuit court yesterday to Nancy Evarts from Gilbert C. Evarts. (FWDS) [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 15 Nov 1882 Sadie S. Shearer wishes a divorce from Frank S. Shearer for abandonment and cruelty. (FWDS)
  • 15 Nov 1882 Paula Richard wants a divorce from her husband, Augustus who beats and pounds her constantly. (FWDS)
  • 15 Nov 1882 David Gift, of Huntington county, has brought a suit in divorce against Roda Gift supposed to be a resident of Allen County. (FWDN)
  • 17 Nov 1882 Rachel Blumberg has sued in the circuit court for a divorce from Isaac Blumberg. They were married Nov 3, 1872 at Goshen and lived together until 1876 when defendant deserted her. Two children are the issue of the marriage. Plaintiff heard of her husband some time ago as located at Dallas, Texas. (FWS)
  • 18 Nov 1882 Anna M. Stuff wants a divorce from Theodore of that name, and brings suit in the circuit court. Mrs. Stuff is a domestic living in the city, and was married in 1878. Failure to provide and abandonment are the charges. The whereabouts of the defendant are unknown to his wife. (FWS)
  • 21 Nov 1882 Henrietta Brown vs. Abner Brown, divorce granted to plaintiff. (FWDS)
  • 23 Nov 1882 Elizabeth Vick vs. Joseph Vick, divorce dismissed. (FWDS)
  • 23 Nov 1882 Flora M. Falkenburg vs. George M. Falkenburg, divorce granted on cross complaint by defendant alleging adultery. (FWDS)
  • 27 Nov 1882 The Billman divorce suit, a spicy case, is on trial in the circuit court today. (FWS)
  • 28 Nov 1882 Sophia Shorb sues Henry M. Shorb for a divorce in the circuit court. Shorb was formerly proprietor of a variety hall on Calhoun street. He was a street car driver when married, and his wife advanced hi $500, which he promptly blew in. Abandonment is charged. (FWS)

  • 01 Dec 1882 Judge Worden took his seat on the bench of the superior court and is occupied in hearing the evidence in the divorce suit of Joanna Congdon against Joshua Congdon. (FWDN)
  • 02 Dec 1882 The divorce case of Billman vs Billman was dismissed, plaintiff having failed to prove her allegations of habitual drunkenness and failure to provide. (FWS)
  • 02 Dec 1882 Perry Alexander has been granted a divorce from his wife. (FWDS)
  • 04 Dec 1882 Mrs. J. E. Congdon was this morning granted a divorce from her husband, who is known in the county as the ex-publisher of a greenback sheet. (FWS)
  • 15 Dec 1882 The sensation of the hour is the application for divorce by Mrs. Minnie M. Aveline from her husband, John J. Aveline. The case will be called in the superior court, February 5. (FWDS) [Case File]
  • 19 Dec 1882 Eva M. Gauweiler vs. Frank Gauweiler; divorce to plaintiff for abandonment. (FWDS)
  • 26 Dec 1882 This afternoon in the circuit court Lieutenant Commander C. F. Schmitz U. S. N., obtained from Mrs. Flora Ford Schmitz a bill of divorce on the grounds of cruelty. The defendant was allowed to resume her maiden name of Mrs. Flora Ford, after her first husband. (FWDN)
  • 28 Dec 1882 Rupert Wagner, the East Main street saloon-keeper was yesterday brought into unenviable notoriety by his wife commencing proceedings against him for divorce on the grounds of adultery and cruel treatment. The complaint is very racy, and only a press of matter prevents our giving it in full. Rupert will Have to face the Oak street assignation house music now and any little five dollars he may have will not keep his name out of the paper. (FWDS)
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Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.