Divorce News and Records, Allen Co., Indiana
Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.
Fort Wayne Daily Gazette (FWDG)
Fort Wayne Daily News (FWDN)
Fort Wayne Daily Sentinel (FWDS)
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (FWJG)
Fort Wayne Sentinel (FWS)
Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel (FWWS)
- 05 Jan 1883 Sarah E. Hogston has brought suit for divorce from James M. Hogston in the superior court. The plaintiff, who is a pretty blonde, now residing with the family of Frank Richards, No. 91 Montgomery street, alleges cruelty. She states that the defendant forbade her visiting her relatives and compelled her to work out to support herself. (FWS)
- 09 Jan 1883 In the superior court Bertie F. Biddlecome, of this city, has brought suit against John Biddlecome, now a resident of Hartford, Mich., for divorce. The complaint recites a long list of defendant's offenses, cruelty, personal abuse, abandonment and failure to provide being among them. Plaintiff asks an absolute decree and the custody of her four-year-old child, Myrtle Alice. Mrs. Biddlecome is employed as a domestic in a city family. (FWS) [Case File]
- 11 Jan 1883 A warrant has been issued from Justice Ryan's office for the arrest of James M. Hogston, who is charged with drawing a revolver on his wife, who has commenced proceedings for divorce. Hogston is an employee of Old's wagon works. (FWS)
- 12 Jan 1883 Mary Foelker has commenced an action for divorce against John Foelker. The complaint on file in the superior court alleges grievous violation of the marital contract in that Foelker has beaten and abused his wife and has utterly failed to make suitable provision for her and their child. (FWDN) [Superior Court, Case File]
- 16 Jan 1883 This morning attorneys for David Lemay, filed that person's complaint in the superior court vs. Alice Lemay, his wife. David wants a divorce and if all his allegations are true, we don't wonder. They were married here in 1879. Lemay has a three year old daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, by a former wife, and he alleges that defendant, who possesses a malignant disposition, has shamefully whipped and abused the little creature, and finally the father was obliged to send away the girl to save her from the assaults of her inhuman step-mother. These are not all the more or less gentle Alice's faults. It is alleged that she has frequently abandoned her David for three months at a time, but when "broke" came back to his bed and board. Worse than all, the hen-pecked Lemay says that his spouse was in the habit of playfully throwing spittoons at his head and occasionally deluging him with saccharine contents of a molasses jug. Mr. Lemay accordingly asks a divorce and other relief from his shrewish help-mate. (FWS) [Case File]
- 17 Jan 1883 Mrs. David Lemay called to say that her husband deserted her instead of vice versa; that she only threw spittoons and molasses at him to save herself from bodily injury at his hands; that she only properly corrected his child for disobedience; and that she shall defend the suit for divorce. (FWS)
- 18 Jan 1883 The Wagner divorce suit has been withdrawn. (FWS)
- 21 Jan 1883 Edward F. Biewend yesterday began suit in the circuit court against his divorced wife, Celestine Biewend, to have her show cause when he should not, as the court had ordered, have an opportunity to see their child. The divorce was granted in 1881, and the late Mrs. Biewend has departed for Kentucky taking the little daughter with her. (FWDG)
- 26 Jan 1883 The Sentinel had no intention to allude to the domestic and other troubles of Prof. August Scheufler, the well- known pianist and director of the Arion society, but circumstances have come about so that publicity will eventually ensue, and more-over, because the professor does not appear to deserve leniency. It appears that night before last the professor was indulging his habits of conviviality to an undue extent in a well know saloon. Too many hot whiskies made the musician shaky upon his pins, and Wm. Dedolph, the bar-tender at Newcomer's saloon who was present, kindly took Scheufler by the arm and supported his steps homeward. En route, the professor fell and cut his face and the blood streamed down his face. His wife kindly secured a sponge to remove the gore, when the iuebriated man took umbrage and seizing a lamp from the table, threw it at her on the back, shivering it to pieces. This unchivalric conduct so incensed the honest Dedolph that he turned upon the professor and gave him a severe drubbing. The professor yelled for the police, who came and gathered him in, but at request of his friends he was released late in the evening. So far as all this was concerned we agreed to keep it quiet, so long as nothing more followed. But yesterday, the outraged wife visited the mayor and told him a piteous tale. Scheufler had driven her from the house. At the time she had on only a thin calico wrapper and hastily catching up a shawl fled to save her life. She found refuge at the residence of Chris Horstmann. Mrs. Schuefler said that she could no longer live with her husband who systematically abused her and signified her intention of procuring a divorce. We are sorry for Professor Scheufler; sorry that his appetites have obtained such a mastery over him that he forgets the duties of a husband sworn to love and protect a wife. (FWS)
- 28 Jan 1883 Mrs. Arabel Moore asks the judge of the circuit court for a divorce from Wilbur B. Moore. They were married May 7, 1878, and Wilbur abandoned her. She asks the custody of her daughter Nora, aged two years. (FWDG)
- 28 Jan 1883 Mary Steen, of Fort Wayne was married on the 12th day of December, 1881 to Lewis M. Steen, and already wants the knot severed. She is not to be blamed for this, as Lewis is a brute, who demanded that she should support him even by prostituting herself, and when she would not do it, deserted her. Lewis is also charged with committing adultery with one Anna Ryan, and with Miss Lib. Bennett and others. (FWDG)
- 01 Feb 1883 Mrs. Rupert Wagner has obtained a divorce from her husband, the Main street saloon keeper, and other relief. The particulars of the care are known. (FWS)
- 01 Feb 1883 Sarah Hogston vs. James M. Hogston; divorce granted to plaintiff. (FWDG)
- 01 Feb 1883 The correct facts in the divorce case of Wagner vs. Wagner are as follows. I, J. Q. Stratton, was the attorney of Mrs. Wagner, and procured her a divorce. No alimony was prayed for in the petition, and none was awarded by the court. The fact is that so far as money is concerned, Mr. Wagner has voluntarily been generous with his late wife. He conveyed to her before the divorce was granted, by warranty deed of conveyance, property amounting to more than half of which he is worth, and gave her $75.00 in case. Today Mrs. Wagner begins drawing $25.00 per month rent. The amount Mr. Wagner gave his wife is much more that she could have obtained by a decree of alimony. The only item of truth that the article in the Gazette contains is the statement that a divorce was granted to the petitioner on the grounds of adultery. (FWS)
- [06 Feb 1883] Elizabeth Armsbruster vs. Charles Armbruster, Circuit Court, Case File
- 06 Feb 1883 This morning in the criminal court the divorce complaint of Sarah J. Jamison was filed against her husband, Obed E. Jamison, a wealthy farmer of Marion township. The complaint recites 20 years of cruelty and abuse on the part of defendant. The parties were married in Wayne Co., Ohio, in 1850. Jamison is charged with the most aggravated cruelty. For weeks at a time he had refused to speak to his wife. He has stripped the bed clothing from her in the dead of winter. He has refused to dress her even decently. He playfully knocked her down and beat her with a hickory hoop-pole, permanently injuring her spine. He has threatened to kill her with his rifle which was wrested from him by his son. He refused to allow her any supervision or care over her children, and has turned them against their own mother. One daughter, Belle, twenty-eight years old, complainant alleges, knocked her down with a rolling pin, and when the poor woman fled to her room and locked herself in, the inhuman child pursued, broke in the door, knocked her mother down with her fists and beat her and stamped upon her. Mrs. Jamison has borne all this horrible treatment, she avers, soley on account of her young children. One boy, Elmore, eighteen years old, is a cripple for life on account, itis alleged, of his father's inhuman cruelty to him. Jamison owns 280 acres of land in Marion township, worth $17,000 and is worth $4,000 in personal property. Plaintiff alleges he has wrongfully converted $1,200 of her personal property. When she married him he was a widower with two infants whom plaintiff has reared to manhood. She has borne by him nine children, and asks the custody of the youngest, ages respectively eighteen and twelve; and $6,000 alimony. (FWS) [Superior Court, Case File]
- 07 Feb 1883 In the divorce suit of Mrs. Sarah Bloomhuff vs. W. D. Bloomhuff, defendant has filed a cross bill charging the gay Sarah with adultery and cruelty. (FWS)
- 07 Feb 1883 Anna M. Stuff has been granted a divorce from Theodore Stuff. (FWDG)
- 14 Feb 1883 Olive McKindley has sued John Mc Kindley in the circuit court for divorce. (FWWS)
- 15 Feb 1883 Emma Swain yesterday secured a divorce from John Swain on the grounds of adultery. (FWS)
- 16 Feb 1883 Lucinda Beaty wants a divorce from John Beaty. Her petition is somewhere on file in the archives of the circuit court. (FWS) [Case File]
- 16 Feb 1883 Rachel Blumberg was yesterday granted a divorce from Isaac Blumberg. Abandonment alleged. (FWDG) [Circuit Court, Case File]
- 17 Feb 1883 Mrs. John Fleming has applied for a bill of divorce from her husband. (FWS)
- 17 Feb 1883 Mrs. Minnie M. Aveline was today granted a divorce from John J. Aveline of Pittsburg. (FWDN)
- 20 Feb 1883 The Amstutz divorce suit will occupy the boards in the superior court. The court room has been crowded since the taking of evidence began. The parties live in Cedar Creek township. Half of the populace of that part of the county has testified to particular acts. (FWDN)
- 20 Feb 1883 The troubles of the Bloomhuff family, or that branch of it represented by W. D., and his wife, have been alluded to often in the city papers. A divorce suit is pending and yesterday Bloonhuff swore out a writ of habeas corpus to obtain possession of his three year old daughter. A stormy scene occurred in the superior court room, Bloomhuff trying to wrest the child from its mother's arms. Judge Worden denied the application and he left muttering vengeance. Last night, after loading several draughts of whisky, Bloomhuff went to the apartments occupied by his wife in the second story of a building opposite the Commercial house on Calhoun street. He ascended the stairs and knocked vigorously, telling Mrs. Bloomhuff, who asked what he wanted, that he had a deputy sheriff with him, and they had come after the child. Mrs. Bloomhuff refused to open the door, and the man grew maniacal in his fury. He threatened to break in the door and shoot her if she did not open and precipitated himself against the door with great violence. Thoroughly alarmed, Mrs. Bloomhuff raised the window and called for help. The clerk of the Commercial hotel, Mr. Lillie, came out and started across to the lady's assistance, when Bloomhuff ran down stairs and, drawing a revolver, told the hotel man it would be dangerous for him to come nearer. Finally Bloomhuff went away. This morning, Mrs. Bloomhuff came to Deputy Prosecutor Bittenger's office and told her troubles. A reporter interviewed Mrs. Bloomhuff, who is a very lady like person with not yet effaced traces of great beauty. Her sixteen year old daughter was with and is as pretty a brunette as our connoisseur in this line has seen for many a day. Mrs. Bloomhuff has filed an affidavit for assault and one for surety of the peace. The assault date-back a considerable period and consisted in a terrible blow in the face dealt his wife by Bloomhuff. The injured wife says the Bloomhuff has no business, but rides about the streets with the notorious ex-Mrs. Foellinger and even halts with this woman under his wife's windows and taunts her with mocking smiles. Justice France will consider the cases filed by the maltreated woman. (FWS)
- 21 Feb 1883 This afternoon, W. D. Bloomhuff, by his attorney withdrew the cross-complaint in the divorce case brought by Sarah E. Bloomhuff and alleging adultery. He will now only contest the demand of his wife for alimony. (FWS)
- 21 Feb 1883 Emma Swain last week secured a divorce from John Swain on the grounds of adultery. (FWWS)
- 23 Feb 1883 Mrs. W. D. Bloomhuff, was this afternoon granted a divorce from her husband. But he defeated her in the matter of alimony and also obtained an order from the court giving him some of his effects in her possession. (FWS)
- 28 Feb 1883 In the Superior court, Margaret A. Flutter has brought suit for divorce from John Flutter. Mrs. Flutter, who is a laundress, alleges that she was married Nov. 4, 1879, to defendant, who has failed to provide for his wife and compelled her to work for a living. Her first child was born in March, 1881, and then the infant was but three days old, plaintiff forced his wife to get out of her bed and perform laborious household duties. She further alleges that John has a chronic aversion to labor of any kind. (FWS)
- 28 Feb 1883 Olive Leshey was granted a divorce today from her husband, Aaron. (FWS)
- 02 Mar 1883 James D. Stephenson, a prominent farmer of Monroe township has commenced an action for divorce against Catherine N. Stephenson. The complaint, which was filed this morning in the circuit court, charges desertion and the willful neglect of household duties while the defendant's time was largely spent in visiting among the neighbors. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson, and plaintiff demands their custody. (FWDN)
- 03 Mar 1883 The divorce suit of Minnie Conway against the cornetist, Levy has been settled. (FWDG)
- 06 Mar 1883 In the superior court Eva Friend has brought suit for a divorce from her husband, Daniel Friend, formerly a driver on the street car line. (FWDG) [Superior Court, Case File]
- 06 Mar 1883 The superior court is occupied this afternoon with the racy divorce case of Biddlecome vs. Biddlecome. (FWS)
- 07 Mar 1883 Mrs. Bertie Biddlecombe has obtained a divorce from her husband, John A. Biddlecombe, and the custody of her child. Mrs. Biddlecombe is living with Mrs. Annie F. Crawford. (FWS)
- 07 Mar 1883 In the superior court, Margaret A. Flutter has brought suit for divorce from John Flutter. Mrs. Flutter who is a laundress alleges that she was married Nov. 4, 1879, to defendant, who has failed to provide for his wife and compelled her to work for a living. Her first child was born in March, 1881 and when the infant was but three days old, plaintiff forced his wife to get out of her bed and perform laborious household duties. She further alleges that John has a chronic aversion to labor of any king. (FWWS)
- 07 Mar 1883 In the circuit court, James D. Stephenson a wealthy farmer of Marion township, has brought suit against his wife, Catharine N. for divorce. Complaint alleges that Mrs. Stephenson neglected her pans, pots and kettles and put in her time in frivolous pastimes, and finally abandoned plaintiff in 1879. There are five children issue of the unhappy union. (FWWS)
- 08 Mar 1883 This afternoon, Mrs. Ida Williams, the daughter of a respectable farmer of Monroe township, filed in the superior court a petition for divorce from Baxter Williams, her more or less affectionate husband. The complaint alleges that the parties were married on February 28, 1878, at her father's house; that they lived together until Feb. 22, 1881, when He struck and assaulted her in a shameful manner for which he was fined by a local magistrate. Disgusted at this interference of the justice of the peace with his marital rights, the husband left her and his child, a girl of three years, and has ever since separated himself from them. Mrs. Williams avers that no reconciliation can be possible, on which account she asks for a divorce and the custody of the child. (FWDN)
- 09 Mar 1883 Maria Lounsberry has sued for a divorce from James B. Lounsberry in the superior court on the grounds of cruelty and abandonment. Defendant is employed at Olds' wagon works. Last night he tried to chastise his wife and police interference became necessary. (FWS)
- 13 Mar 1883 This morning, Hannah Humphreys filed her complaint in the superior court for divorce from her husband John M. Humphreys, formerly the well-known engineer on the Wabash. By agreement with Robertson & Harper a decree was immediately entered in plaintiff's favor. Cruel treatment and habitual drunkenness is charged. Mr. and Mrs. Humphreys have one son, and a fine brick residence at the corner of Harrison and Brackenridge streets. They were married in January 1875, and their life since has not been joyous. But lately, their domestic troubles had a scandalous airing in Justice Ryan's court. The morning Mr. Humphreys, who made no opposition to the bill, said with tears in his eyes, that his wife was a good and patient woman, but confessed to an inability to leave liquor alone. (FWS)
[Hannah Humphrey vs. John M. Humphrey, Superior Court, Case File]
- 13 Mar 1883 The divorce case of Sadie S.Shearer vs. Frank S. Shearer was tried yesterday. No decree has been entered yet. (FWDG)
- 15 Mar 1883 Rebecca C. Loose has sued for a divorce in the superior court from Robert Loose. (FWS)
- 15 Mar 1883 The divorce case of Eva Friend vs. Daniel Friend was filed this morning in the superior court. Cruelty and abandonment is charged. (FWS)
- 16 Mar 1883 Ludwig Schuck, a jail prisoner, was adjudged insane yesterday. His wife sued him the other day for a divorce. Schuck is very violent and imagines he is pursued by enemies. (FWS)
- 17 Mar 1883 In the circuit court yesterday a divorce was granted Martha J. Hellman from William Hellman on the grounds of abandonment and failure to provide. The plaintiff is aged about thirty-five years while the defendant has passes seventy years. The custody of a child three years old, the result of their union was granted to the mother. (FWDG)
- 20 Mar 1883 Mrs. Maria Louise Perry obtained a divorce this morning in the superior court from James B. Lounsberry. She was awarded the custody of the three minor children and all the household goods at No. 91 East Washington street, save defendant's personal effects. (FWS)
- 23 Mar 1883 John Gilbey has sued Sarah J. Gilbey for a divorce in the superior court. (FWS)
- 26 Mar 1883 Mrs. Claude Miller is now known by her maiden name of Miss Mae Fee, having secured a divorce from the passionless Claude. (FWS)
- 28 Mar 1883 In the superior court Mrs. Anna Scheufler has brought suit for divorce and alimony from her husband, the well-known musician, Prof. August Scheufler. The bill charges a long list of cruelties and abuses; that he is a habitual drunkard, consorts with abandoned women and fails to provide for her. Judge Worden has granted petitioner's prayer for an injunction restraining defendant from selling his household goods, valued at $1,000, until the result of the trail is made known. (FWS)
- 29 Mar 1883 In the circuit court Oscar E. Wobreck, a barber asks for the dissolution of the bonds between himself and Margaret R. Wobreck. (FWS)
- 29 Mar 1883 In the superior court Mary Molle sues Henry Molle for divorce, abandonment is the charge. (FWS)
- 29 Mar 1883 Mary McCarthy sues James McCarthy in superior court for divorce on the charge of abandonment. (FWS)
- 02 Apr 1883 The divorce case of Schuck vs. Schuck is on trial in the circuit court. Schuck is in jail. He is crazy and fancies himself a murderer. (FWS)
- 03 Apr 1883 Mary Schuck was granted a divorce from Ludwig Schuck and awarded $500 alimony in the circuit court yesterday. Schuck is now in the insane asylum at Indianapolis. (FWDG)
- 04 Apr 1883 The divorce suit of Mrs. Schuefler vs. Prof. A. Schuefler comes up in the superior court on Monday next. The professor assures us he will make no defense. (FWS)
- 04 Apr 1883 Olive McKindley secured a divorce in the circuit court this morning from John McKindley and the custody of her child. Defendant was ordered not to marry within two years. (FWS)
- 04 Apr 1883 Rush H. Tevis has been granted a divorce from his wife, Kate Tevis. (FWDG)
- 05 Apr 1883 May Mills wants a divorce from Harry Mills. The charge is abandonment. Defendant lives in Kansas City, Mo. (FWS)
- 06 Apr 1883 Another divorce today. The complainant is Mrs. Matilda Griffin vs. Alton A. Griffin. Cruelty is charged. (FWS)
[Matilda A. Griffin vs. Alton A. Griffin, Circuit Court, Case File]
- 06 Apr 1883 In the circuit court there was another divorce suit filed this morning, that of Geraldine Hunter vs. Wm. Sidney Hunter, the well-known stock dealer and one of the Hunters of Huntertown. It will be remembered some time ago Sidney was reported missing, but afterwards turned up. He evinces no disposition to dwell with his wife, who alleges abandonment. (FWS)
- 06 Apr 1883 This morning Mrs. Lillian M. Ellenwood brought suit for divorce in the superior court. The husband did not appear, but indeed paid the costs and the decree was recorded. Mrs. Ellenwood alleges that she was married to Rodney O. Ellenwood, the well-known Pittsburg engineer, March 20, 1879. In October following, she had to leave him for several weeks by reason of his alleged cruel treatment. She charges that defendant shamefully abused her, imputing to her a want of chastity. She avers such pleasant conjugal endearments on his part as threatening to split her head open with an axe, but her jugular vein and to shoot her. She charges that he has frequently struck her and thrown water in her face, and that on Wednesday night he assaulted her aged mother dislocating her shoulder. She asked for the property 184 East Lewis street and that the property be decreed to her, which prayer was granted. A reported saw Ellenwood, who has a very excellent reputation in the city. He said in reply to questions that his life had been made a burden by his nagging mother-in-law, a Mrs. Wendell, who has left her own husband and came to reside with him and has been a curse to his domestic circle, instead of a joy. He said his wife was under her mother's thumb, and while he loved his wife, he could not endure the combined and continued assaults on him of the two women on whatsoever pretext. He had agreed to the divorce to avoid further trouble, but denied the allegations of his wife. From what we hear from responsible citizens, we should judge that Rodney was the abused instead of the abuser. (FWS)
[Lillian Ellenwood vs. Rodney O. Ellenwood, Superior Court, Case File]
- 12 Apr 1883 The wife of Bailey Kelly, the Columbia street saloonkeeper, was granted a divorce yesterday in the Huntington circuit court. (FWS)
- 12 Apr 1883 Mary Steen has been granted a divorce from Lewis M. Steen. (FWDG)
- 13 Apr 1883 Yesterday in the superior court, Anna Scheufler was granted a divorce from August Scheufler, the musician, together with $200 alimony. An order of the court forbidding him to dispose of his personal property, seems to have been disregarded by him, and now the purchaser will probably have to turn over his piano and other property. Prof. Scheufler is at present out of the city, but where he is no one seem to know. (FWDN)
- 16 Apr 1883 Mrs. Lucinda Beatty, a daughter of ex-County Commissioner A. J. Clem, secured a divorce this afternoon in the circuit court on the grounds of desertion. (FWS)
- 20 Apr 1883 A very sensational feature of the Hunter divorce case has not been mentioned by the city papers. Mrs. Geraldine Hunter sued Wm. Sidney Hunter, of the well-known Perry township family, on the grounds of adultery with one of the foremost society ladies of the county. He confessed his infidelity to his wife and Dr. Kent K. Wheelock who was an important witness. (FWS)
- 23 Apr 1883 Judge O'Rourke has granted Mary C. Fleming a divorce from John Fleming. Mrs. Fleming was given the custody of her two bright children, aged respectively thirteen and eleven years. (FWS)
- 25 Apr 1883 Mary Cox has sued Sanford Cox, alias James Cox for divorce in the circuit court. Cruel treatment is charged and also associating with lewd women, whereby a loathsome venereal disease was contracted. (FWWS)
- 25 Apr 1883 The Hon. Peter Koehlinger has informed a reported that he will sue his wife for a divorce. Peter and his spouse do not dwell together in peace and happiness. (FWS)
- 26 Apr 1883 Lyman M. Willard has applied for a divorce from his wife, Margaret. (FWDG)
- [03 May 1883] Luella Anderson vs. Milton Anderson, Superior Court, Case File
- 03 May 1883 Sophia Shoub vs. Henry M. Shoub. Divorce to plaintiff and authority granted her to re-assume her maiden name, Sophia Arnold. (FWDG)
- 03 May 1883 Said S. Shearer vs. Frank S. Schearer, divorce to plaintiff. (FWDG)
- 08 May 1883 In the superior court Hiram Johnson has filed his petition for a divorce from Cordelia Johnson, his wife. (FWS) [Case File]
- 14 May 1883 Melina Dumas has commenced suit in the superior court for a divorce from Joseph Dumas, alleging desertion. She has one small child. Plaintiff is the daughter of Felix Parraguay, of Wayne township. (FWS)
[Case File]
- 16 May 1883 A few months ago, Mr. A. J. Mills, the well-known grain dealer, who did business at the northwest corner of Barr and Columbia streets, left for Coffeyville, Kansas, to permanently locate. His son, Harry, a popular young man extensively known in this city accompanied him. Harry has been newly married, and his wife who did not go with him brought a suit for divorce, alleging abandonment and failure to provide as grounds for a legal separation. The case is still on the Circuit Court docket. The following sorrowful letter from the father of the defendant was received by the county clerk yesterday afternoon, and its publication will probably be the first news to the plaintiff the her separation from Harry Mills has been consummated by a higher power than a county court, and that instead of being about to become a young divorcee she is in fact, a widow whom the habiliments of grief may now properly clothe. (FWDN)
- 18 May 1883 An additional $450 alimony was allowed plaintiff in the divorce suit of Sarah Gilby vs. John Gilby. (FWS)
[Sarah J. Gilby vs. John Gilby, Superior Court, Case File]
- 19 May 1883 This morning the divorce case of Sarah Gilby vs. John Gilby came up in the superior court on defendant's cross-complaint. Mrs. Gilby was granted a decree. (FWS)
- 19 May 1883 William Swart has brought suit in circuit court for a divorce from Ruth Swart. Cruel treatment is charged by plaintiff, in that his wife prefers the society of other men to his great discomfiture. (FWS)
- 22 May 1883 Jacob Battenberg, the well-known Bloomingdale tailor of No. 133 High street, was married on November 10, 1881, to a young wife, Mrs. Julie Battenberg. The tailor is an elderly man had has buried his first wife, who was married to him in Germany. He has a family of grown up children, including a very pretty daughter, a belle of the German-American society in the city. For some time, it has been an open scandal that Mr. Battenberg and his young wife have not lived happily together, and the proceedings for divorce filed by her today were anticipated. The summons is made returnable June 4, and the complaint contains some shocking charges against defendant calculated to make a cynic stronger in his belief that marriage is another way to spell misery. Plaintiff accuses her husband of dire cruelty and says that he has exercised an inquisitorial survailence over her. She also alleges that he has charged her in the presence of his own children with un-chastity. Unable longer to brook such treatment, she consulted her attorney with the result noted. Owing to the well-known social standing of the parties, the case is rendered doubly sensational. (FWS)
[Julie Battenberg vs. Jacob Battenberg, Superior Court, Case File]
- 26 May 1883 Oscar E. Wobrock has been granted a divorce from Margaret Wobrock by Judge O'Rourke. The charge was abandonment. (FWDG)
- 29 May 1883 Yesterday afternoon in the circuit court Mary E. Cox was granted a divorce from Sanford alias James Cox. The proof was abandonment. (FWDN)
- 30 May 1883 Judge O'Rourke yesterday granted Mary Mills a divorce from Harry Mills. The charge was abandonment and cruelty. Plaintiff is forbidden to marry for two years. (FWDG)
- 01 Jun 1883 Alice E. Cott has commenced suit for divorce from Albert F. Cott in the circuit court. (FWS)
[01 Jun 1883 Alice F. Cottingham vs. Albert E. Cottingham, Circuit Court, Case File]
- 02 Jun 1883 Maria Englert has sued John G. Englert for divorce in the circuit court, on the grounds of drunkenness and abandonment. (FWS) [Circuit Court, Case File]
- 06 Jun 1883 Thursday, Wm.Swart was granted a divorce from his wife, by Judge O'Rourke. Previous to the trial the complaint was zealously guarded from prying reporters eyes, but an iresistable Sentinel man met John F. Rodabaugh, plaintiff's attorney that morning and got a few pointers Swart's complaint, which the reported hunted up, is very spicily written and nothing is left unsaid which had best be said. The parties were married August 24, 1881. In March the defendant is alleged to have addressed a note to her husband. "I am going away and suppose you will never see me again. I am going to the devil as fast as possible." This very cold blooded confession put Mr. Swart, a fireman on the Pittsburg road, much on the alert. He watched his wife go to the Robinson house in company with Cassius, alias Fran Jenkins named in the complaint. The injured husband too an officer with him and went to the hotel but Jenkins skipped out, fearing an encounter. (FWWS)
- 12 Jun 1883 Yesterday, in the circuit court, Mary Conners sued Patrick Conners for a divorce. Mr. Conners is the well-known ex-patrolman, and was married to Mrs. Conners Oct. 23, 1879. Cruelty is the charge. It is understood that today Mr. Conners will seek to make a compromise in the way of a separation, and fix a monthly allowance. (FWS)
- 14 Jun 1883 In the superior court, Dora Erving, a dress maker, has sued her husband, Geo. S. Erving for a divorce. The complaint alleges cruelty, drunkenness, and immorality. Erving's whereabouts are unknown, and his wife, the plaintiff supports herself and four children by her needle. (FWS)
[12 Jun 1883 Dorah Erving vs. George S. Erving, Circuit Court, Case File]
- 15 Jun 1883 Mary Perry has been granted a divorce by the circuit court of Huntington county from Orrin S. Perry, sometimes of this city, but latterly of Grand Rapids. (FWS)
- 20 Jun 1883 Pauline Richards has sued her husband, August Richards, for divorce and $100 alimony. She charges cruelty. The defendant is in fail. He is the fellow who so terribly beat his wife the other day and is a worthless, drunken brute. (FWS)
- 21 Jun 1883 Mrs. Maria Englert has been decreed a divorce from John G. Englert on the grounds of habitual drunkenness and failure to make provisions. (FWDG)
- 22 Jun 1883 Ex-Patrolman Pat Connors and his wife have been reconciled and they will again live together. Mrs. Connors has withdrawn her application for divorce. (FWS)
[11 Jun 1883 Mary Connors vs. Patrick Connors, Circuit Court, Case File]
- 01 Jul 1883 Dora Erving has sued George S. Erving for divorce in the circuit court alleging abandonment and cruelty. (FWDG)
- 05 Jul 1883 The celebrated divorce case of Jamison vs. Jamison is on trial before Judge Worden. A son of the defendant is a pitiable cripple and it is alleged was made so by his father's cruelty. Jamison is one of the wealthiest farmers in the county. (FWS)
- 06 Jul 1883 Anna Weber has begun suit in divorce against John Weber. Yesterday Judge O'Rourke signed an order forbidding him to dispose of his property. (FWDN)
- 08 Jul 1883 The divorce case of Sam Wingate, of the Severth ward against his wife will develop some racy matters on a cross complaint by Mrs. Wingate. (FWDG)
- 09 Jul 1883 The domestic difficulties of Patrick Connors and wife have been frequently alluded to in the city papers. But recently a suit for divorce filed by the lady was withdrawn and the pair settled their differences and returned to each other. But it seems that Pat, who while sober is a clever fellow and good husband, is just the contrary when under the influence of liquor. Last night there was a stormy scene at the Connors mansion. Pat was intoxicated and drew a revolver and leveled it at his wife and mother-in-law, who fled the house, shrieking hysterically. Later, Mrs. Connors came home, but was afraid to approach her husband, and passed the night in a wood shed adjoining the house. It is alleged that Mrs. Connors will now push her suit for divorce to the end. We are sorry to have to relate Pat's shortcomings of this character, but it is evident that he and his wife cannot dwell amicably together. (FWS)
- 10 Jul 1883 The big Jamison divorce suit is going on in the superior court and will not be concluded until tomorrow. The defendant, Jamison, is an old farmer of a cast iron kind of countenance and one can readily conceive that the horrible charges against him might be true. (FWS)
- 12 Jul 1883 Emma Zink has sued Robert Zink for divorce in the circuit court, alleging cruelty and non-support. They were married by Justice Pratt, Octobert 14, 1881. (FWS)
- 12 Jul 1883 The Jamison divorce case is in process on settlement. The old man is alarmed, and will pay a round sum to compromise and declare court proceedings off. (FWS)
- 13 Jul 1883 The divorce suit of Sarah Jamieson against Obed Edon Jamieson, was concluded yesterday by Judge Worden granted a divorce and $3,000 alimony to the plaintiff. The parties are each over sixty years of age, and when the legal separation was announced, Mrs. Jamieson wept. (FWDN)
- 13 Jul 1883 Warren Warner, a butcher has filed suit for divorce against his wife, Catharine. They were married in September, 1880, shortly after when, Mrs. Warner abandoned her husband and her present whereabouts are unknown. (FWS)
- 13 Jul 1883 Elizabeth Uhl, a German, asks for a legal separation from Jacob Uhl, whom she married at Albany, N. Y., in 1862. After living together sisteen years, Jacob seems to have tired of domesticity and has since lived apart from his wife. He is now believed to be in Albany. (FWDN)
- 14 Jul 1883 Yesterday in the superior court, Mrs. Pauline Richards secured a divorce from August Richards. Richards is the brute who nearly pounded his wife to death. (FWS)
- 18 Jul 1883 Mary Molle has received a divorce from Henry Molle for abandonment and cruelty. (FWDG)
- 28 Jul 1883 A Mrs. Bowker, living with her mother, a few miles east of town, has entered suit against her husband, John Bowker, in the Dayton, Ohio, court for divorce. He is an inmate of the Soldier Home there. Abandonment is charged. (FWS)
- 30 Jul 1883 John F. Sommer has sued his wife Sarah for divorce in the superior court. (FWS)
- 30 Jul 1883 Ellen Ahern has sued Tom Ahern, the well-known Bloomingdale saloon keeper for divorce. (FWS)
[Ellen Ahearn vs. Thomas Ahearn, Superior Court, Case File]
- 31 Jul 1883 The statement made in certain city papers that Ellen Ahern has applied for a divorce from Tom Ahern, the Bloomingdale saloon-keeper, is not true. (FWDN)
- 07 Aug 1883 Yesterday afternoon Rebecca Rissing filed complaint for a divorce in the superior court. Rebecca was first married to Wm. J. Duck. After his death she met August Rissing, and on condition that he would make life pleasant for her and care for her children, they were married in this city Oct. 22, 1872. In the complaint she alleges that August beat her, and in the presence of thoers cursed her, and called her unpleasant names. This sort of thing panned out all right until the recent G.A.R. picnic to Rome City. That settled the whole business and since than Mr. Rissing has been missing from home, all because he paid more attention to another woman at the Chatauqua of the west that he did to Mrs. Rissing, who demands $8,000 alimony and the setting aside of property conveyed for fraudulent purposes to a prominent attorney. Mrs. Rissing lives at 53 North Cass street and is a prominent member of the Daughters of Rebecca. Rissing works for Louis Fortreid, the boot and shoe man, and is a prominent Odd Fellow. Most of the property conveyed by him belonged to Mrs. Rissing's first husband. (FWS)
- 08 Aug 1883 Mary J. Degeer has commenced an action for divorce against David Degeer. The parties formerly lived in the northern part of the county, but the defendant in now a non-resident. (FWDN)
[Mary I. Degeer vs. David Degeer, Superior Court, Case File]
- 09 Aug 1883 The divorce was granted in the superior court today to Rachel M. Barrett from her husband, William H. Barrett, and granting plaintiff $2,000 alimony. (FWS)
- 15 Aug 1883 Fred Needstine has brought suit in the superior court against his wife Emeline for a divorce. Abandonment is the alleged cause. (FWS)
- 20 Aug 1883 The Sentinel hoped to dismiss the Thieme scandal with the mere mention of a separation, but as the newspapers of the city have been fit to make so many ridiculous statements of the affair we will now give the true one. Mrs. Thieme, while east attending school about five years ago, made the acquaintance of a young man in Pennsylvania and the friendship of the young people soon ripened into love. Mrs. Thieme, then Miss Bruebach came home from school and in time followed the brilliant Thieme Breubach wedding. It is reasonably certain that Mr. and Mrs. Thieme did not live happily together. This, of course led Mrs. Thieme back to her old Pennsylvania lover and she met him once or twice. Recently Mrs. Thieme was the guest of friends at Toledo and without acquainting her husband went to Pennsylvania to visit her school friends and possibly her former lover. This incensed Mr. Thieme, who knew her attachment for the man, and he severely reprimanded her. Mrs. Thieme haughtily resented the insinuations of her husband and a mutual separation was there and then agreed upon. This is the true sequel and all there is in the unfortunate affair. Today Mr. Thieme made and important business change, taking into his prosperous drug store Mr. Wallace W. Sheldon, who was formerly in the drug house of T. M. Biddle. Fred Wichman, for three years chief prescription clerk for Mr. Thieme, goes on the road for the house until he finds a better situation. Dr. G. F. Bruebach still makes Thieme's drug store his headquarters, but it is said he will soon make a change. Mrs. Theodore F. Thieme returned Saturday night from Toledo and is at the residence of her father. Mr. Thieme will at once apply for a divorce through his attorney, Harry C. Hanna. (FWS)
- 24 Aug 1883 This afternoon Magdalena Gillett filed a divorce suit against Henry Gillett, alleging abandonment. Gillett has consented to permit his wife to retain possession of their child, he to furnish the money for its support. (FWS)
[02 Aug 1883 Magdalena Gillette vs. Hollis Gillette, Circuit Court, Case File]
- [25 Aug 1883] Anna M. Hall vs. Stephen Hall, Superior Court, Case File
- 30 Aug 1883 Harrison W. Kryder has brought suit for divorce against Mary Kryder. (FWDN) [Superior Court, Case File]
- 05 Sep 1883 Emma Zink has been granted a divorce from Robert Zink in the circuit court, the grounds of the complaint was cruel treatment. (FWS)
- 06 Sep 1883 Magdalena Gillett today received a divorce from Hollis Gillett, on the ground of adultery. Mrs. Gillett retains the custody of Eliza May Gillett, their eleven year old child. (FWS)
- 06 Sep 1883 Yesterday afternoon in the circuit court Dora Ervin was granted a divorce from George S. Ervin on the ground of cruel treatment and drunkenness. Mrs. Ervin clearly made out a very bad case of neglect and brutality. (FWS)
- 07 Sep 1883 Mrs. Theodore F. Theime today applied for and was granted a divorce from her husband, the well-known druggist. The charge was cruelty. (FWS)
- 07 Sep 1883 Some two years ago Joseph Edsall, the well-known real estate broker, left his wife, the daughter of the late W.E. Stone, it is said on account of a raging mother-in-law. Again trouble has come, and a separation taken place which may result in divorce proceedings. Mrs. Edsall is with her mother at No. 77 DeWald street. (FWDG)
- 15 Sep 1883 Annie Wiseman has begun suit in the circuit court for divorce from her husband Paul Wiseman. (FWS)
- 18 Sep 1883 Martha Berry has commenced suit in the superior court against John B. Berry, for divorce alleging cruel treatment. (FWS)
- 19 Sep 1883 Valentine Zollar has begun a suit for divorce against Elizabeth A. Zollar in the superior court. (FWS)
- 21 Sep 1883 Bernhard Schwanz has begun a suit for divorce against his wife, Elizabeth Schwanz. Bernhard claims that Mrs. Schwanz has struck and cursed him roundly on several occasions and says he prefers death to living with her longer. (FWS)
- 22 Sep 1883 Louise G. Stanton has begun a suit for divorce in the circuit court against James C. Stanton. (FWS)
- 25 Sep 1883 The case of Hiram Johnson against Cordelia Johnson for divorce is on trial in superior court this afternoon. The charge is abandonment. (FWS)
- 25 Sep 1883 Delia McClure has begun an action for divorce against her husband John McClure. (FWS)
- 28 Sep 1883 This morning in the circuit court the case of Martha Perry against John B. Perry, an engineer on the Nickel Plate railroad for divorce was tried. The charge was abandonment and Judge O'Rourke granted a decree. (FWS)
- 28 Sep 1883 Elizabeth Uhl this afternoon in the circuit court obtained a divorce from Jacob Uhl on account of cruel treatment. (FWS)
- 29 Sep 1883 Barbara Grout has been granted a divorce from Frederick Grout on the charge of cruel treatment. (FWS)
- 01 Oct 1883 Mrs. Jane Baxter has filed a suit for divorce in the circuit court against Orlando Baxter, whom she accuses of ill-treating her, desertion and drunkenness. (FWS)
[Jane Baxter vs. Orlando Baxter, Circuit Court, Case File]
- [01 Oct 1883] Jacob D. Gumper vs. Rachel C. Gumper, Superior Court, Case File
- 03 Oct 1883 Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Zollar have until this week lived together as man and wife at the corner of Columbia and Barr streets, where they own a third rate boarding house. A week ago Mrs. Zollar's sister, who is living with her, went out riding with her young man, and upon his invitation Mrs. Zollar accompanied them, it being the first buggy ride she had taken since her marriage with Zollar. When the latter heard of the trip his wife had made, Zollar pretended to become insanely jealous and in high dudgeon started off to hunt a lawyer to begin proceedings for divorce. He found on and poured his story, in which the truth was magnified about 1,000 diameters, into the ear of the disciple of Blackstone, who for a pecuniary consideration undertook his case. Zollar thought Mrs. Zollar was frolicking with other men and bringing his illustrious name into disgrace. Mrs. Zollar, too retained an attorney, Mr. Philley, to defend her and that gentleman immediately instituted an action against Zollar to compel his to secure the costs. Zollar had in his possession a note for $400, and as soon as the suit was brought he told his attorney that he had disposed of the note and was bankrupt and could not pay the costs, and accounted for his penniless situation by saying that he had sold the note and paid debts at DeWald's, Meyer Bros. and other stores. Upon this representation his attorney went into court and presented Zollar's affidavit and had the cause dismissed. Hardly had the defendant left the court room until it was learned that he had not paid DeWald a nickel and that the same was true of Meyer Bros. His lawyer at once refused to have anything to do with the case and is now anxious to see him punished for perjury. A warrant was issued this moring from Justice Wilkinson's court for his arrest and before night he will probably be behind the bars. For rank, unblushing perjury Mr. Zollar takes the pastry, and about the proper caper now is to send him over the road for a term. (FWS)
- 04 Oct 1883 It seems that there are two Valentine Zollars in this city, and both began suit for divorce at about the same time. On case was dismissed, as stated last evening, while the other obtained a decree. The story of Zollar's perjury as narrated in yesterday's Sentinel is true in every particular. (FWS)
- 04 Oct 1883 The divorce suit of Ella A. Herne against her husband, James Herne in the superior court was dismissed at plaintiff's cost. (FWS)
- 05 Oct 1883 John W. Kern has instituted suit for divorce against Frederika Kern. (FWS)
- 05 Oct 1883 Barbara Schacker has filed a petition in the circuit court against her husband, Frederick Schacker for a divorce, the custody of four children and alimony. (FWS)
- 12 Oct 1883 Flora B. McPeck has begun a suit for divorce in the circuit court against Charles E. McPeck. (FWS)
- 15 Oct 1883 The case of Mrs. Baxter against her husband, Orlando Baxter came up in the circuit court this morning, and Judge O'Rourke after hearing the evidence granted a divorce to the plaintiff. (FWS)
- 15 Oct 1883 The divorce suit of Frederica P. Kern against James Kern was called in circuit court this morning, but the defendant not being ready for trial asked for a continuance and it was granted by Judge O'Rourke. (FWS)
- 17 Oct 1883 Mrs. Alice Lemay has begun suit in the superior court for divorce against David Lemay on the ground of cruelty and failure to provide. (FWS) [Case File]
- 17 Oct 1883 Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Wagner, of this city have during the last few weeks has numerous little differences and on one or two occasions Mrs. Wagner has left her husband, alleging that he abused her. She, however always returned when her anger had cooled and was invariably taken back by the husband, who seemed as ready to forgive and forget as was she to be forgiven. But, in the parlance of the street the jig is up and after what has occurred yesterday these is no likelihood of a peace being ever again patched up. Last evening Mrs. Wagner entered the saloon of her spouse, on East Main street and held a brief conversation with him and at its conclusion Wagner seizer her and pushed her out of doors, she screaming and shedding tears in a most heartrending manner. When she had reached the sidewalk, the saloon door closed with a bang and Mrs. Wagner was left standing on the walk, sobbing violently and proclaiming her woe to the rapidly gathering crowd of spectators. Mrs. Wagner stated that her husband ever since their marriage has heaped upon her indignities of all descriptions. In several instances she had been choked and beaten and subjected to vigorous tongue lashings. She said that she had been accused of infidelity and forced to work night and day, by her husband, who seemed to think that she was his salve and nothing more. She visited the saloon to protest against his treatment and was summarily ejected, and humiliated before the crowd of saloon loungers. Mr. Wagner, on the other hand said that his wife had been untrue to him, consorting with men of bad character and that she had left the city for the purpose of sustaining illicit relations with her make friends. He put her out of the saloon because she had spoken to him in an insulting way and when he remonstrated, struck him in the face with her fist. He further stated that she had used highly improper language in the place and to avoid further disgrace he "fired" her. These are the widely varied stories of the pair and the public may take them for what they are worth. Last night Mrs. Wagner hired a horse and buggy and betook herself to her sister's residence, six miles west of the city, where she will remain. It is understood that she intends bringing a suit for divorce, at the earliest moment and that Mr. Wagner will make no defense, he being only too happy to get rid of her. Mrs. Wagner is a pretty woman and formerly resided in Warsaw where she is said to have borne a good reputation. The trouble between her and Mr. Wagner is greatly to be regretted. (FWS)
- 18 Oct 1883 Anna Ryan has brought a suit for divorce against James Ryan in the superior court, alleging failure to provide. (FWS)
- 18 Oct 1883 Four years ago Barbara Schracker began a suit for divorce against her husband Leonard Schracker, but later the case was compromised by the transfer of property by Schracker to his wife. This week Leonard himself commenced an action for divorce, and the case will be tried next Monday. (FWS)
- [20 Jun 1883] Eli E. Berry vs. Anna Berry, Superior Court, Case File
- 22 Oct 1883 Day after tomorrow, Sarah Kalverrisky, a Polish Jewess living in the east-end will filed a divorce suit against her husband Barney Kalverrisky, alleging cruelty and failure to provide. (FWS)
[28 Oct 1883 Sarah Kalverisky vs. Barney Kalverisky, Superior Court, Case File]
- 23 Oct 1883 Eva Haley has begun suit against David Haley, in the circuit court for divorce alleging failure to provide and abandonment. (FWS)
[Eva Haley vs. Daniel Haley, Circuit Court, Case File]
- 28 Oct 1883 In the circuit court yesterday, the divorce suit of Berney Schranz vs. Elizabeth Schranz was tried and resulted in a victory for defendant. No divorce was granted, the charges were desertion and cruelty. (FWDG)
- 29 Oct 1883 Alice LeMay has been granted a divorce from her husband David LeMay by Judge Worden on the ground of cruel treatment. (FWS)
- 29 Oct 1883 The divorce case of McPeet against McPeet in the superior court has been decided, Judge Worden granted a decree. (FWS)
- 01 Nov 1883 Mrs. Magdalena Mohle, a woman living with her husband near the soap factory, this morning caused the arrest of her husband for beating her. She alleges that her lord has systematically abused her for weeks past, and she now purposes having revenge with a capital "R." Mrs. Mohle will also make application for a divorce. (FWS)
- [02 Nov 1883] Catherine J. Chapman vs. Francis M. Chapman, Superior Court, Case File
- 06 Nov 1883 Lucy Mahl has brought suit for divorce against John Mahl. (FWDG)
- 10 Nov 1883 In the superior court Martha Edsall has begun suit for divorce against Samuel Edsall. The grounds are abandonment and failure to provide. (FWS)
- 13 Nov 1883 William T. Knight has begun a suit for divorce against his wife, Almira Knapp. The case has been placed on file in the superior court. (FWS)
[12 Nov 1883 William T. Knapp vs. Almira W. Knapp, Superior Court, Case File]
- 14 Nov 1883 Jason C. Frederickson, of the town of Maysville has brought a suit of divorce against his wife Della who he charges abandoned him. The parties were married in Ohio in May, 1879. (FWDN)
[Jason C. Fredrickson vs. Della Fredrickson, Superior Court, Case File]
- 23 Nov 1883 John A. Row wants a divorce from his wife, with whom he has lived since 1878. John alleges cruelty as his reason for making the application and says that they have had a continual row ever since they were hitched. (FWS)
- 26 Nov 1883 In the Superior Court Lawrence Dignan has brought suit in divorce against Amelia Dignan.The plaintiff is a foreman in the employ of the N.Y.C.&St. L.R'y, and is well known from his long residence in this city. The parties have not lived together for some months. Incompatibility of temper is alleged. (FWDN)
[Lawrence Dignan vs. Amelia Dignan, Superior Court, Case File]
- 26 Nov 1883 David Robinson has determined to live no longer with his wife, mention of whose unkind treatment of her spouse has been made in these columns. Mr. Robinson complains among her other little eccentricities, Mrs. R. was accustomed to pour ice water down his shirt collar, throw flour in his face until he resembled the clown in a pantomime and grasp him by the neck and choke him until he was nearly gone. A divorce will probably be asked for. (FWS)
- 30 Nov 1883 John A. Rowe on Wednesday evening was granted a divorce from his wife, Sarah Rowe by Judge Worden. Rowe set up the allegation of cruel treatment and proved it. (FWS)
- 30 Nov 1883 Sarah Kalveriskey has secured a divorce from her husband, Barney Kalveriskey the well-known Polish Jew who hangs out in the eastern part of the town. Sarah also obtained the custody of the child. (FWS)
- 03 Dec 1883 The Swartz divorce case, which was filed on Saturday, today was withdrawn from the circuit court Mr. and Mrs. Swartz having settled their little differences. (FWS)
- 04 Dec 1883 The divorce case of Edsall against Edsall was tried this morning in the circuit court and a decree granted the plaintiff. (FWS)
- 04 Dec 1883 Yesterday evening the divorce suit of Staunton against Staunton was tried in the circuit court but Judge O'Rourke deemed the grounds for the suit insufficient to warrant issuing a decree and the case was dismissed. (FWS)
- 08 Dec 1883 In the circuit court Eulila Boissenet was this morning divorced from her husband, Charles Boissenet on the ground of cruel treatment. The case was of a peculiarly aggravating character. (FWS)
[Eulia Boissenet vs. Charles Boissenet, Circuit Court, Case File]
- 11 Dec 1883 In the superior court this evening, Mary Foelker obtained a divorce from John Foelker, on the ground of abandonment. From the time the case was called until Judge Worden returned a decree, just three minutes elapses. (FWS)
- 17 Dec 1883 Last week Mrs. Foelker was granted a divorce from John Foelker. Saturday Mrs. Foelker applied for a license to marry another man, but as the law says she cannot wed for two years, County Clerk Maier would not grant her a license. (FWS)
- 22 Dec 1883 Lawrence Dignan was this morning granted a divorce from his wife, Amelia Dignan. A South Calhoun dentist weaned Amelia's affections from Larry, hence the separation. (FWS)
- 24 Dec 1883 Mary C. Philabaum has filed a complaint in the superior court asking for a divorce from Adam Philabaum. (FWS)
- 24 Dec 1883 Dave Robinson today dismissed the divorce suit against his wife. Dave and Rachel have kissed and will live like doves. (FWS)
- 24 Dec 1883 Mrs. Belle Ryan of this city was this morning granted a divorce from her husband, James Ryan by Judge Worden. The charge was cruelty and abandonment. Ryan is now said to be at Sandusky, O. (FWDN)
- 24 Dec 1883 In the superior court today Judge Worden granted a divorce to Mary C. Philabaum from Adam Philabaum. (FWS)
- 31 Dec 1883 Yesterday, old Joe McManigal who loafs about saloons for a drink and occasionally peddles fish, went home and beat his wife, and drove his children from home. Joe lives on Water street and is a terror when filed with bad whisky. Mrs. McManigal stood the racket long enough, and this morning sued for a divorce, alleging cruelty, drunkenness and failure to support. Mrs. McManigal is compelled to wash for a living, and reviews her sufferings at length. She asks custody of the four children, Flora, Harry, George and James. Mrs. McManigal should have applied for a divorce long ago. (FWS)
Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.