Divorce News and Records, Allen Co., Indiana
Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.
Fort Wayne Daily Gazette (FWDG)
Fort Wayne Daily News (FWDN)
Fort Wayne Daily Sentinel (FWDS)
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (FWJG)
Fort Wayne Sentinel (FWS)
Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel (FWWS)
- 04 Jan 1881 Alice E. Points vs. Allen B. Points; divorce granted plaintiff at defendants cost. Plaintiff allowed to resume her maiden name, Alice E. Smith. (FWS)
- 05 Jan 1881 Jacob Rhine vs. Mary Rhine; Allen Circuit Court, December term 1880. The plaintiff complains of defendant and says that said Plainntiff was married to said Defendant on the 20th day of July 1870 at the county of Allen, state of Indiana where they have resided ever since. That said Defendant did on the 4th day of July 1878 leave his bed and board without any cause or provacation and live with an Getto Kathner in open and nototious adultery. That the fruit of said marriage is two children, a boy aged four years and girl age three years. That said Plaintiff prays a decree of divorce and other proper relief. (FWS)
- 12 Jan 1881 Annie Warner has applied for a divorce from David R. Warner on the grounds of habitual drunkenness and neglect. (FWS)
- 12 Jan 1881 Sarah V. Powell was yesterday granted a divorce from Albert Powell for gruelty and abandonment. (FWS)
- 17 Jan 1881 In the superior court, Berthena E. Bausserman has brought suit for divorce against Isaiah Bausserman, alleging abandonment and failure to provide. The suit come up for hearing on January 28th. Two children were born of this marriage, their ages being six and two years. The plaintiff resided in Madison township. (FWDN)
[17 Jan 1881 Bethena Bausserman or Bethenia Bausserman vs. Isaiah Bausserman, Superior Court, Case File]
- 22 Jan 1881 The suit of Mary O. Yerk against Charles P. Yerk is the latest thing in divorce matters. The complaint charges desertion, and something a good deal worse. (FWDN)
- 27 Jan 1881 Eliza J. Updegraff yester filed a petition for a divorce in the superior court from John A. Updegraff, the individual arrested Tuesday night from pounding the wife of his bosom while under the influence of bad whisky. Eliza alleges in her petition that she was married to John at Circleville, O., September 4, 1862. The twain lived together with more or less felicity until 1878, when the separated. The occasionally afterward patched up their difficulties and lived together at intervals until the present disturbance, when Mrs. Updegraff wisely came to the comclusion that thought patience is a Christian virtue, she would try it alone. She claims that her husband is a drunkard and has not provided for his wife and child the necessaries of life for six months past, and she has accordingly been forced to support herself and fouteen -year-old-son, John A., jr., by washing and other laborious exercise. She therefore, under the circumstances prays the court to grant her an absolute decree of divorce, the custody of her child and other proper relief. (FWDG)
- 28 Jan 1881 W. H. Myers, the well known contractor, has brought suit for divorce from his wife. The divorce suit is based on the ground of incompatibility. (FWDG)
- 30 Jan 1881 Yesterday, Mrs. Charlotte Foellinger brought suit for divorce from her husband, Jacob Foellinger, jr. (FWDG)
[29 Jan 1881 Charlotte S. Foellinger vs. Jacob Foellinger, Circuit Court, Case File]
- 31 Jan 1881 Divorce: Berthena E. Bauserman vs. L. Bauserman, decree of divorce to petitioner and custody of children until further order of the court at defendant's cost. (FWS)
- 01 Feb 1881 Although the parties to the Foellinger divorce suit do not desire the petition to be made public, the Gazette can say authoritatively that the petitioner, Mrs. Foellinger alleges drunkenness and curelty. (FWDG)
- 02 Feb 1881 Jane Heliker vs. George Heliker: Divorce (FWDG)
- 08 Feb 1881 Amanda Schisler vs. George Schisler: Divorce granted plaintiff and she is allowed to resume her maiden name, Amanda Scheene. (FWS)
- 10 Feb 1881 Elmira James vs. William James; divorce not granted. (FWS)
[07 Dec 1880 Elmira James vs. William James, Circuit Court, Case File]
- 11 Feb 1881 Caleb Turner asks the judge of the superior court to grant him a divorce from Mary C. Turner. (FWDN)
- 12 Feb 1881 Mrs. Charlotte Foellinger was granted a divorce from Jacob Foellinger yesterday and allowed to resume her former name, Mrs. Charlotte Selle. (FWS)
- 18 Feb 1881 Icie P. Johnson vs. Frank F. Johnson; divorce granted plaintiff in circuit court. (FWS)
- 18 Feb 1881 David Bowers, a Monroeville teamster, yesterday brought suit for a divorce from his wife, Catherine B. Bowers nee Haley, in the circuit court. The plaintiff's petition alleges adultery and specifies the time as February 14, 1881, the place as this city and the co-respondent as one Wm. Mencer or Mentzer ahd at divers other times and places. The plaintiff, upon discovering his wife's infidelity, left her and has not co-habited with her since. The marriage of the parties was January 28, 1877, and the issue is one child, a girl, Mary, aged two years. Plaintiff prays for divorce and the custody of his child and other further equitable relief. (FWDG) [Circuit Court, Case File]
- 21 Feb 1881 A divorce was granted to Ophelia C. Foote from D. F. Foote and the custody of the child was awarded to the mother by Judge O'Rourke. (FWS)
- 25 Feb 1881 Elizabeth Higgins wants a legal separation fro John Higgins. (FWS)
- 25 Feb 1881 Charles E. Freese has applied for a divorce from Odelia P. Freese. (FWS)
- 25 Feb 1881 Mary L. Snyder has applied for a divorce from Samuel L. Snyder. (FWS)
- 27 Feb 1881 Mrs. Ophelia C. Dunimor, of this city, has obtained a decree of divorce from her husband, Daniel Dunimor on the ground of his failure to provide for her. She is allowed $500 alimony and the custody of their only child. (FWDG)
- 02 Mar 1881 Henry C. Ward vs. Pauline Ward, petition for divorce. Pauline Ward non-resident has until April 18th to answer.
- 03 Mar 1881 Catherine Stack wants a divorce from Patrick Stack. The parties live in Arcola, and Patrick has lately evinced a disposition to allow his wife and three interesting step-children to go hungry and without raiment. (FWDG)
- 05 Mar 1881 Freese's divorce suit was dismissed yesterday morning. (FWDG)
- 07 Mar 1881 Mary L. Snyder vs. Samuel Snyder; decree of divorce to the petitioner at defendant's cost. (FWS)
- 09 Mar 1881 Eliza DeWitt was granted a divorce from Howard DeWitt yesterday by Judge O'Rourke. Mrs. DeWitt has the custody of an infant child [Charles Lewis Dewitt]. (FWDG)
[10 Aug 1880 Eliza Dewitt vs. Howard Dewitt, Circuit Court, Case File]
- 09 Mar 1881 The divorce suit of Mary Sietz vs. Valentine Sietz, for cruel treatment will be heard in the circuit court Friday. (FWDG)
- 09 Mar 1881 Sarah J. Powell vs. Albert Powell, on trial in superior court. (FWWS)
- 17 Mar 1881 Mary Kinger wants a divorce from Isreal Kinger. (FWDG)
- 17 Mar 1881 Robert B. Wilkens has sued Mary L. Wilkens in the circuit court for a divorce. The principal cause of complaint alleged by Robert is abandonment. (FWDG)
- [22 Mar 1881] Eva Fair vs. Joseph C. Fair, Circuit Court, Case File
- 22 Mar 1881 Mary A. Sietz vs. Valentine Sietz, divorce granted plaintiff and $200 alimony. (FWS)
- 28 Mar 1881 In the divorce suit of Robert B. Wilkins against Mary L. Wilins a default was entered in the circuit court this morning. The complainant avers that the parties were married in Ohio eight years ago, that the defendant has abandoned her husband and that on or about June 20, 1880 at Sturgis, Mich., and at divers time and places since has been guilty of adultery with one C. K. Gerber. (FWDN)
- 30 Mar 1881 In the circuit court yesterday the evidence in the divorce suit of Jacob Rehein vs. Mary Rehein was heard by Judge O'Rouke. John alleges adultery, and disclaims interest in several interesting children. Last evening, Judge O'Rourke granted to Jacob Rehein a divorce from his wife. (FWDG)
- [31 Mar 1881] Orin Holt vs. Catherine Holt, Circuit Court, Case File
- 02 Apr 1881 Sidonia Meier wants a divorce from Solomon Neier, alleging cruelty and adultery. The case will come up in the superior court. (FWS)
- 04 Apr 1881 Mary H. Roscoe has brought suit for divorce in this county from the gay Harry Roscoe, with whom the plaintiff eloped from this city and was straightway robbed and deserted by her shameless husband. Since the unfortunate affair the girl, wife of one day, has lived with relatives in this city. (FWDN)
- 05 Apr 1881 Catharine Neeb has sued George John Neeb in the circuit court for a divorce. They were married June 17, 1858, since then seven children has been born to them, the eldest being a young man of twenty-two years. Mrs. Neeb's petition alleges habitual drunkenness and cruelty, which unpleasant state of affairs, she claims, has existed for the past five years. She states the defendant is worth $1,800 and prays for a decree of divorce, the custody of her four minor children, and for other proper relief. (FWDG)
- 07 Apr 1881 If the allegations in her complaint for divorce be only half true, Elizabeth Stein has had a hard time of it. She asks Judge Lowry to award to her the custody of their only child and alimony suitable to be expected from a man who earns the large sum of $8 a week at John's carriage factory. The complaint say that Eliza wedded William Stein in April, 1881, which would make the matter of unusual interest; but the marriage records shoew that they were married in 1880, by an Episcopal clergyman in this city. Since wedlock Stein doesn't appear to have lugged into the family camp any very large amount of curgar cured hams, barrels of flour or tons of coal, but as a matter of fact deserted his wife altogether, and permitted her to be carried to the Home of the Friendless, where Stein junior first opened his eyes on this more or less wicked universe. Stein senior wasnt's within gun shot of the Home when this chubby infant arrived, "to solace and encourage her," as the complaint says, and he didn't appear to hanker much for her society any way, for the next paragraph charges his complete innocence of marital duties. Stein probably won't come around anymore, for his wife lets the court known by her compaint that he says that marriage was only consummated to excape prosecution for bastardy. The summons is made returnable in the superior court on the 18th. (FWDN)
- 10 Apr 1881 In the circuit court yesterday, Eliza J. Magner brought suit for divorce against Simon Magner. The complaint submits that plaintiff has been for some years a resident of Allen county; was married March 11, 1875, to defendant, and has ever treated him in a kind and dutiful manner becoming a wife. The defendant has failed to live with his wife or provide for her innermost wants, and Mrs. Magner would be pleased to have a divorce and to resume her maiden name, Eliza J. Mercer. (FWDG)
- 13 Apr 1881 Mrs. Mollie Roscoe against William H. Roscoe, non-resident. Name change to Mollie Houser. William has until May 30th to answer. (FWWS)
- 13 Apr 1881 A divorce was granted to Sophia Weigman from Gust Weigman. (FWWS)
- 16 Apr 1881 Henry B. Limecooly has brought a suit for divorce against Mary G. Limecooly, his wife, in the superior court. (FWDG)
- 16 Apr 1881 Julia A. Bowman yesterday sued her husband, John W. Bowman for divorce in the superior court. Mr. Bowman was formerly engaged in this city in the grocery business. (FWDG)
[15 Apr 1881 Julia A. Bowman vs. John W. Bowman, Superior Court, Case File]
- 20 Apr 1881 Stein vs. Stein; divorce granted and $400 alimony allowed. (FWWS)
- 26 Apr 1881 Mary I. Carberry has brought suit for divorce against Henry P. Carberry. The custody of the child is one of the matters at issue. The summons was served on the defendant at the county jail, where he is domiciled by order of Squire Pratt. (FWDN)
- 29 Apr 1881 The divorce suit of Henry Berman against Justeni Berman is proceeding quite unusual for people who have been married as have these two for 28 years; but of the allegation in the complaint come anywhere near the facts, Henry is only culpable for having endured the companionship of his spouse so long. There life don't seen to have been one continuous stretch of pure unadulterated affection. Her loving hands seem to have wnadered in amongst his hair at divers times and to have plucked therefrom enough to have made the spring mattress outfit for a Pullman car. She has been accustomed to beat him with sticks and ropes, and in lieu of something more effectual, her hands have been used to maul him whom she promised to love in Germany years ago. In September, 1880, it is alleged that with the assistance of her elder son she tied the plaintiff hand and foot, and cudgelled him until parts of his person were black and blue, and during the present month she filled his life with heavenly hope by threatening to brain him with a club. Life has been further rendered burdensome by her poisoning the minds of their children against him. Now, Henry protests that such conduct is not altogether wifely, and hence he asks the judge of the superior court to release him from is marital ties and give him the custody of the six minor children. The residence of the Bermans is in Adams township. (FWDN)
[28 Apr 1881 Henry Berman vs. Justina Berman, Superior Court, Case File]
- 02 May 1881 In the circuit court a divorce was granted to Anna Warner from David F. Warner. The custody of the child was given to the mother, but she is enjoined from marrying again for two years. (FWS)
- 04 May 1881 Emma McElfatrick has secured a divorce from John McElfatrick. The troubles of this pair will annoy the readers of the city papers no more. (FWDG)
- 04 May 1881 Albert C. Warren, "plasterer and bricklayer, residing in the Second ward," probably imagines that life with Martha J. Warren is not al milk and honey. We have just read the complaint in his divorce suit and speak somewhat advisedly. The two were made one by a clerical stalwart at Norwich, Conn., in July, 1876. By March, 1879, Martha's affections seem to have gradually wilted. She no longer lingered at the gate to imprint a kiss of love on Albert's lips, but contented herself with abandoning his society and his house and running about "with Charles Williams and other and divers men whose names are unknown to plaintiff." More than this, she began associating with vile and dissolute characters, and was a frequenter of houses where no great attmept is made to corner the virtue market. Before this it is charged she began a courst of cruelty toward the plaintiff, carving his hand at one time with a big knife, and applying to him names which no student of Darwin would think were warranted. A little side ofgection that Albert further urges, is that Martha regularly fills herself up with whiskey, which he avers was not down in the contract. And, now Judge Lowry is asked to unyoke this pari, and to that end, a summons has been sent to New London county, Conn., and if the writ catches Martha by ten days before June 10th, the trial may legally proceed after that time. Warren will be remembered as the young gemtleman who got mixed up in a little business transaction with the late departed Wick Matthews, which landed him for a brief time in the county jail. (FWDN)
- [09 May 1881] Aggie E. Gillet vs. Hallis F. Gillet, Circuit Court, Case File
- 10 May 1881 In the circuit court to-day, Nancy Chubb filed her complaint for divorce from John C. Chubb. The complaint alleges that the couple were married at Van Wert, O., on February 5th. 1877. The charge is abandonment. (FWDN)
[Nanie Chubb vs. John Chubb, Circuit Court, Case File]
- 17 May 1881 H. G. Ward has been granted a divorce from Pauline Ward. The grounds were abandonment. The case was tried in the superior court. (FWS)
- 22 May 1881 Mary Klinger has been granted a divorce from Israel Klinger. (FWDG) [Case File]
- 30 May 1881 Jennie Fisher has been granted a divorce from Abel Fisher. She is to have the custody of the two eldest children - Maud and Walter, and he will keep the youngest child - William until otherwise ordered by the court. Judgemant was also rendered for the plaintiff vs. the defendant for costs. (FWS)
[Jeanne Fisher vs. Abel Fisher, Superior Court, Case File]
- 02 Jun 1881 Mary E. Crawford has brought suit for divorce in the superior court against her husband, Joseph Crawford. The complaint has been removed from the file in order to keep the matter from the papers. (FWDG)
[31 May 1881 Mary H. Crawford vs. Joseph Crawford, Superior Court, Case File]
- 03 Jun 1881 Rebecca Hutsel was married to Geo. B. Hutsel, June 6th, 1865 and enjoyed his more or less fond caresses until February 22nd. 1877. On the eveing of the day last named, George told his loving wife that he was going to a lodge of Odd Fellows. The lodge must have held an extra long session for the husband never returned and for four years has not contributed to the support of his Rebecca, whose affections have been effectually weaned from him on account of his singular disregard for her charms of mind and person. See seeks an absolure divorce in the superior court. (FWDG)
[Rebecca Hutsel vs. George B. Hutsel, Superior Court, Case File]
- 07 Jun 1881 Some curious papers are filed in the clerk's office in regard to a divorce from James Smith who wishes to be untied from Lucinda Smith, claiming that she abandoned him a few months after their marriage. (FWS)
- 09 Jun 1881 In a conversation with Mrs. William Warner this morning, a Sentinel reporter was given the other side of the story in regard to the abduction of her child. She states that Warner came to the house Monday and in his conversation with her, asked if she was superstitious. She said she was not. He then went on to state that he had his fortune told by the gypsies, and believed what they told him. He did not say anything more in regard to the matter at that time but asked for his boy, to take him to dinner. She of course replied that he might take him. An the result has been chronciled in this paper. He afterwards told her that the gypsies told him that she (his wife) was going to leave the city and take the child with her. He acted on this information and sent the child where it would be under his control until he could legally claim it by authority from the courts. Mrs. Warner has been north in search of her son, but was unable to find him, as he has been secreted by the relative of Warner. She has filed her application for a divorce and has recured the services of the Stratton Brothers to fight her legal battles. Some rich developments are promised when the affair comes to trial and it is hard to tell who will be the party to blame for the whole matter. Warner has been spoken of as an insanely jealous man and she claims that he never had any cause for his actions. The courts will decide the matter when the evidence comes upon the trial. (FWS)
- 10 Jun 1881 William F. Warner has applied for a divorce from Lilia J. Warner, and the case will come up next week in the circuit court. In his complaint he says that he was married to Lilia J. Evans on the 20th day of July, 1876, and that the fruit of said union is one child, Albert A., aged three and one-half years. He says he is now and has been for more than five years a resident of Allen county, that he has been a true husband to defendant; that about one year age, while boarding at the house of his mother-in-law, who kept other boarders, her treatment of his changed from that of fondness and kindness to that of coldness and neglect. That she declared is the presence of strangers that she did not love him; that she kissed, hugged and caressed other men in his presence at the home of her mother. He further says that on a day in August, 1880, she committed adultery with one Sidney Satlzgaber in her mother's house and has committed like offenses with said Satlzgaber at divers times and sundry places; that she has also committed adultery with other persons; that she visited the room of a certain Mr. ______ on the night of the 20th of May, 1881, for the purpose of adultery; that she has associated with low and dissolute men. He further says she is in the habit of associating with gambles, pimps and libertines, etc. He prays for a divorce etc., and the custody of the child. (FWS)
- 10 Jun 1881 Wm. F. Warner still has possession of his child, although his wife has engaged counsel and will endeavor to regain possession of the little boy. Mrs. Warner will bring suit for divorce from her husband at once, and Mr. Warner informs us that he will make no oppostition. It seems best that this couple sould be separated, when there will be an end to their unfortunate notoriety. (FWDG)
- 11 Jun 1881 The somewhat scandalous proceedings of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Warner are familiar to the public. Yesterday Warner brought suit for divorce from his wife in the circuit court. Mrs. Warner on her part brings suit in the superior court for a divorce from Warner. In her complaint she charges defendant, Warner, with cruel treatment and neglect, adultery with one Ida Chalcote, the abduction of her child and makes another charge, the details of which are unfit for publication. (FWDG)
- 16 Jun 1881 Seth W. Carrigan, of Maysville, has brought suit for divorce from his wife, Philomena, in the superior court. It appears from the complaint that the parties were married at Maysville, August 4, 1878. Two year after Philomena abandoned her help mate but whether to go with a handsomer man is not stated. He is tried of the irksome bond which united them and seeks the dissolution and other proper relief. (FWDG)
[Seth W. Carrington vs. Philena Carrington, Circuit Court, Case File]
- 19 Jun 1881 In the circuit court yesterday, Caleb Curtis petitioned the court to grant him a divorce from Kitty Curtis, his wife. The complaint alleges that the parties were married at East Saginaw, Michigan, July 3, 1877. Kitty saw fit to abandon her spouse May 1, 1879, since which time she has not seemed desirous of enjoying Mr. Curtis's caresses. (FWDG)
[18 Jun 1881 Caleb Curtis vs. Kitty Curtis, Circuit Court, Case File]
- 21 Jun 1881 Yesterday in the superior court Wm. F. Warner filed a cross-complaint in the divorce suit brought against him by Leila J. Warner. The case will be heard tomorrow. Numerous young men alleged to have enjoyed the friendship of Mrs. Warner were subpoenaed yesterday and more will be brougth within the net to-day. (FWDG)
- 22 Jun 1881 Sarah A. Rossat has sued for a divorce from Charles J. Rossat. She alleges cruel treatment as the cause. (FWS)
- 23 Jun 1881 Mrs. Mollie Houser Rouscoup was yesterday granted a divorce from W. H. Rosecoup, in the superior court. Roscoup, it will be remembered deserted his bride at Indianapolis after having obtained possession of her money and valuables. (FWDG)
- 23 Jun 1881 Yesterday the divorce suit of Leila J. Warner vs. William F. Warner was called in superior court, but owing to illness of one defendant's counsel, the case was not heard, but was adjourned to this morning. All that Mrs. Warner will now have to do is to offer her proffs and get her divorce. Warner, who does not seem to be a young man of nerve, thought he could not afford to face the music, and so departed yesterday morning for Chicago, first having said farewell to a number of intimate friends, not forgetting to leave directions as to the disposal of his effects left behind. He announced his intention of never returning here to a friend and will probably to west and forget his domestic troubles. A young woman name Ida Chalcote whose relations with Warner are spoken of in his wife's complaint is in the city, the guest of Mrs. Warner and would have been a witness for her side. The mother has possession of the child and is likely to have, now that this true in affairs has come about. (FWDG)
- [27 Jun 1881] Peter Cayot vs. Catherine Cayot, Circuit Court, Case File
- 27 Jun 1881 John Downey has applied for a divorce from Eliza Downey. He claims that he has been abused, deserted and that she has committed adultery with divers and sundry men. (FWS)
[Superior Court, Case File]
- 30 Jun 1881 Hannah M. Dove has filed an application for a divorce from Dennis Dove. There seems to be some trouble in the dove cote and more may be developed in the trial than is now apparent. (FWS)
- 11 Jul 1881 On Saturday evening Harriet Parker swore out a warrant in Pratt's court, charging her husband, Charles Parker with assault and battery. The defendant, who was arrested in a Columbia street saloon by Patrolman O'Ryan, was fined $5 and costs, which he paid. To-day Mrs. Parker filed her complaint for divorce alleging cruelty.
- [13 Jul 1881] Annie Aveline vs. Frank Aveline, Circuit Court, Case File
- 14 Jul 1881 In the circuit court, Minnie VanAllen yesterday brought suit for divorce against John VanAllen. The complaint alleges that the parties were married in 1873, but that about tow years ago defendant abandoned his wife and has since made no provision for her support. She also alleges cruel treatment, and asks a divorce and the custody of her children, a daughter and son, aged respectively seven and five. (FWDG)
- 15 Jul 1881 Yesterday in the superior court Mrs. Louise S. Whitely brought suit for divorce against her husband, Thomas Whitely, the Calhoun street tailor. Her complaint alleges that the parties were married November 28, 1869, by the Rev. S. Wagenhals. Whitely, it would appear has cruelly treated his wife from the date of the marriage, and was not even polite enough to wait until the honeymoon waned. Ten months after marriage he choked and beat his wife, and she affirms that always during the eleven years of her married life she has carried upon her person markd of his ill usage. On February last, it is alleged that Whitely placed a stap about his wife's neck and dragged her about the house. It is also stated that defendant is a habitual drunkard and has not properly provided for his family's necessities, though his business is a paying one. In view of all this, Mrs. Whitely seeks an absolute divorce, the custody of her only surviving child, a boy of five years, and other proper relief. Cooper, the "mutual friend" in the case, was fined $10 yesterday morning for assault on Whitely, which Mrs. Whitely paid, and he straightway accompanied the woman to the office of an attorney. (FWDG)
- 16 Jul 1881 Dr. Rudolph Deppeller, of this city, is afflicted with a wife by the name of Alice, but inasmuch as she abandoned him some years ago, he thinks he ought to have a divorce, and has accordingly brought suit in the circuit court, praying for an absolute decree of divorce. (FWDG) [Circuit Court, Case File]
- 18 Jul 1881 John Downey was yesterday granted a divorce from Eliza Downey in the superior court. Patrolmen Humbrecht and Troutman testified to having arrested the woman in alleyways and elsewhere while associating with other female prostitutes. (FWDG)
- 20 Jul 1881 Laura Eggiman has brought suit in the circuit court for divorce against David Eggiman. (FWDG)
[18 Jul 1881 Louisa Eggemann vs. David Eggemann, Circuit Court, Case File]
- 20 Jul 1881 Christopher C. Whybourne wants a divorce from Anace M. Whybourne. Complainant who is a resident of Monroeville alleges that he was married to Anace, September 23, 1875, and that she abandoned him June 24, 1878 to go with another man. He also alleges adultery, committed at the Phillips house, this city in April last with a man unknown to plaintiff. Whybourne asks a divorce and the custody of his only child, a boy. (FWDG)
- 23 Jul 1881 In the circuit court, Sarah E. Walton (Walter) has brought suit for divorce from her husband, John A. Walton (Walter), who seems to be a very disaggreeable sort of a spouse. The parties were married July 29th, 1877, in Allen county, Ohio. Mrs. Walton (Walter) claims to have been a good, honest wife to John, who repaid her by cruelty and failure to provide for her necessities, so that she was complelled to take up her residence among charitable relatives. (FWDG)
- 29 Jul 1881 Mary Cowell wants to be severed from the bonds which legally bind her to Rasin Cowell, who is a rather mean sort of rasin, too, if we may judge from Mary's piteous wail smothered in stilted legal phrase by her attorney. Mrs. claims that she was married to Rasin, March 3, 1874, and has since proved to him a true and faithful wife. In spite of her alleged fealty, the recreant husband failed to support her, and in May, 1877, skipped for parts unknown, leaving the plaintiff to grub along in order to support a pair of four-year-old twin sons, John and Oliver, considerately left behind by Mrs. Cowell as a mocking remembrance of the delights of the honeymoon. Inasmuch as Rasin can assign no reason for the desertion, or don't choose to do so, Mrs. Cowell would like the freedom that a divorce grants and also the custody of the interesting twins. Mrs. Cowell is a resident of Monroeville. The suit is brought in the circuit court. (FWDG)
[03 Oct 1881 Mary Cowell vs. Rasin Cowell, Circuit Court, Case File]
- 29 Jul 1881 Chas A. Pattee is an unhappy resident of Maysville, and would put away his wife, who bears the euphoneous name of Malinda. Malinda agreed to be all that is implied by the name, wife of Chares on the 20th of September, 1879. Unmindful of her vows, she was led estray by the dashing appearnace of not one but several Maysbile bloods and as alleged unlawfully yielded herself to their embraces on divers and sundry occasions not specified in her complaint. For some time past Mr. and Mrs. Pattee have not associated with each other after the manner of husband and wife, and Mr. Pattee fells that the marriage relation is a disgrace which should be wiped out by the aid of Judge O'Rourke. This he prays. (FWDG)
- 29 Jul 1881 Ethel Drivelbee, wife of Peter Drivelbee, who follows the unromantic occupation of a laborer. Ethel wished to be released from the galling bonds which fasten her to Peter, but as the complaint will not be filed until to-day, we cannot state here the ground of her discontent. (FWDG) [Circuit Court, Case File]
- 02 Aug 1881 Luella M. Clark, nee Miller, wants a divorce from Byron T. Clark. The parties were married July 14, 1874. Luella alleges cruel treatment, abandonment and habitual drunkenness. Complainant sues in the superior court for a divorce, the right to resume her maiden name, and for the custody of her only child, Floyd. (FWDG)
[Superior Court, Case File]
- 02 Aug 1881 Mary S. Sawyer has brought suit for divorce in the superior court from Erastus L. Sawyer. The parties to the suit were married in Noble county, twenty-two years ago. The lived together until 1878, when Erastus, it is alleged, tired of Mary's mature charmes, deserted her for two women named Louise Myers and Elizabeth Wolfe. Other charges of cruelty, failure to provide, etc, are also preferred. Plaintiff also asks that her personal property, which is considerable, be restored to her. (FWDG)
- 09 Aug 1881 The troubles of Adam and Lavina Saum afforded a fruitful theme for newspaper mention about a year ago. Their quarrels were continually aired in justice shops and newspaper offices. Lately the subsided only to come to the front again Monday with a divorce suit, in which Lavina is the plaintiff. Her complaint filed in the circuit court states that they were married, March 12, 1856, and have been blessed or otherwise with a family of seven children. For two years past she alleges that Adam has failed to support the family, and has been guilty of adultery with one Anna Haight, with whom he is now planning to fly to Michigan. Adultery with other parties is also charged. She prays for $1,000 alimony, custody of the children, and a decree of divorce. (FWWS)
- 10 Aug 1881 Ethel E. Drivelbee, seek a divorce from her supposed husband Peter, the said Peter having willfully deserted her more than three years ago. These is no reason why the divorce should not be granted. (FWDG)
- 17 Aug 1881 Adelia P. Harris has brought suit in the superior court for a divorce from George W. Harris. The principal cause of action alleged is abandonment. (FWDG) [Case File]
- 18 Aug 1881 Sarah Freede wants a divorce from Isaac Freede and has filed a complaint in the circuit court. The parties were married August 4, 1864, in Wells county. Sarah alleges cruelty and failure to provide on the part of Isaac, and she was forced to dip her probably tapering fingers into soap suds and make soiled linen white for hire. Mrs. Freede has two children, and she also desires their custody. The husband alleges adultery on the part of his wife, and will probably file a cross-complaint. (FWDG)
- 19 Aug 1881 In the circuit court, Emma Kemp has brought suit for divorce from Lewis W. Kemp. (FWDG) [Case File]
- 28 Aug 1881 Catherine Higgins has brought suit for divorce against her husband, J. J. Higgins in the superior court. The parties live in Aboite township, and were married in 1876. The complaint alleges abandonment in 1879. There are two minor children, the custody of which the mother prays for. (FWDG)
- [29 Aug 1881] Mary Edginton vs. Isaac Edginton, Circuit Court, Case File
- 30 Aug 1881 Mrs. Ida L. Williams has filed her complaint in the superior court against Richard B. Williams for divorce. The twain were united in 1878, and Mrs. Williams is already tired of her Dickie because he has been accustomed to abuse and strikes her and keeps her on short rations, thought he owns a town lot in Decatur worht $500. The parties live in Monroeville. (FWDG)
- 30 Aug 1881 Catharine Kimball petitions the circuit court for a release from the marital tehter. Mr. and Mrs. Kimball, reside in Wayne township; that they were married May 19, 1872, and have one surviving child of three, Clara Belle, aged eight years. Kimball, it is charged, though a man in vigorous condition and in recepit of good wages, has not provided for his family, and has cruelly treated his wife into the bargain. (FWDG)
- 06 Sep 1881 Sarah J. Cole, a wash-lady, has brought suit for divorce from her husband Spence Cole in the superior court. (FWDG)
- 17 Sep 1881 The petition of Amanda M. Kelley, asking a divorce from Bailey Kelley, formerly proprietor of a saloon at the corner of Columbia and Barr streets, is on filed in the superior court. The petition alleges that Mr. and Mrs. Kelley were married at Huntington, in 1871. It charges that during the present year defendant brought to his house a woman of bad character, name Sarah Rice, with whom he co-habited, their amours being carried on under the very eyes of the injured wife, who left her recreant spouse. Upon his promises to reform and put away the fascinating Sarah, Mrs. Kelley returned to her husband in March last. Kelley, it is charged, soon forgot his vows and lately abandoned his wife and his four small children and cleared out for parts unknown. The wife accordinly asks for a divorce, the custody of the children and $300 alimony. She also prays the court to restrain one Harrison Tilbury who, she claims is in collusion with her husband, to sell the stock and fixtures in the saloon and remit him the proceeds, from so doing. (FWDG)
[26 Sep 1881 Amanda Kelly vs. Bailey Kelly, Superior Court, Case File]
- 23 Sep 1881 Elizabeth Hickey wants a divorce from Michael Hickey. Her petition filed in the circuit court shows that she was married to Michael, September 5, 1879 in Paulding county. After but twelve sweet days of marital bliss, Michael was satiated and abandoned his nest made at Woodburn, Maumee township, and his mourning help-mate hasn't heard from him since. So she wants a legal release, which is eminently proper, for other desirable and lorn males are roaming about. (FWDG)
- 07 Oct 1881 Some time ago Robert and Emma Zink were divorced. January 20 last, Mrs. Zink married Tunis Stryker. October 4, Robert Zink was married by Justice Pratt to Miss Emeline Harding. Mr. and the late Mrs. Zink will be somehat astonished when they are informed by the Gazette that Zink has two wives, and Mrs. Zink two husbands. The superfluity, as it were, of affairs is occasioned by the fact that when the divorce was granted the decree was not entered upon the records for the good reason that Zink was at the time in Michigan. The formality is necessary to complete the legally re-married. The only ways to remedy this peculiar state of affairs is to attain a nunc pro tunc from the court, which will probably be done at once. (FWDG)
- 11 Oct 1881 Julia A. Fickle wants a divorce from George Fickle, the well known Pittsburgh employe. Mrs. Fickle it appears has been much married having enjoyed the caresses of two husbands before she met George. She loved to attend temperance meetings and lift her melodious voice in unison with some of the gay young brethren who look not upon the intoxicating cup. He husband did not like this and that gaunt marital spectre, incompatibility arose between them. The separated Mr. Finkle charging that she moved the household furniture to a second-hand store and realized in cash on the sale of the goods, while Mrs. Fickle's complaint says her husband set them out doors and told her to take a walk. The complaint alleges also that she has not been furnished with spending money and has otherwise been maltreated by the indifference defendant. Mr. Fickle is very indignant at the woman's complaint and insists that her two brothers will not reconize her; he is half persuaded to oppose the complaint when it comes to trial in the circuit court and go upon the stand, and tell what he knows about temperance meetings. (FWDG) [Julia Fickle vs. George E. Fickle, Circuit Court, Case File]
- 12 Oct 1881 Robert D. Wilkens has sued Mary, the wife of his bosom, for divorce in the circuit court. Abandonment and adultery are charged. The parties were married at Antwerp in 1875, and Mrs. Wilkens skipped with the other fellow in February, 1879. (FWDG)
- 14 Oct 1881 Mrs. Robert McKee was yesterday granted a divorce from her husband, who since his release from the insane asylum has spent a good portion of his time in jail. (FWDG)
- 14 Oct 1881 In the superior court yesterday, Mary J. Grubaugh brought an action for divorce from her husband, Joseph Z. Grubaugh. They were married in Danville, Penn., in 1871 and lived together until 1878, when Grubaugh is alleged to have abandoned his wife and to have been much too intimate with other females. Failure to provide for his family's wants and drunkenness are also alleged. (FWDG)
- 20 Oct 1881 Emma Kemp congratulates herself upon having secured a divorce from Lewis W. Kemp. (FWDG)
- 21 Oct 1881 Yesterday in the superior court, Mary E. Travelbee brought suit for divorce against her husband, Jacob Travelbee. The complaint states that the parties were married March 17th, 1879 at Antwerp, Ohio, and lived together until recently, when plaintiff fled from her husband fearing his assaults upon her. Cruel treatment and insufficent provision is alleged, and certain brutal acts. of defendant against his wife are specified. Petitioner prays a divorce, the privilege to resume her maiden name of Mary E. Johnston, and the custody of her infant daughter. (FWDG)
- 26 Oct. 1881 Mary L. Wilkins was yesterday granted a divorce from Robert Wilkins. (FWDG)
- 30 Oct 1881 Chas. Hoffman wants a divorce from his better half, Anna Hoffman. (FWDG)
- [01 Nov 1881] John Amstutz vs. Mary Amstutz, Superior Court, Case File
- 01 Nov 1881 Martha A. Arnold has brought suit for divorce against Samuel P. Arnold, formerly a salesman at A. S. Laugerty & Co.'s, but lately connected with the defunct Farm and Freside. The troubles of this pair have been before reverted to by the city press. (FWDG) [Superior Court, Case File]
- 04 Nov 1881 Sarah E. Walter was yesterday granted a divorce from John Walter in the circuit court. (FWDG)
- 04 Nov 1881 John Johnson was married to Hattie Johnson in Canada in 1878, since when Mrs. Johnson has refused to comply with the terms of the marriage contract and has abused her spouse with sherewish vindictiveness. No wonder then that he asks Judge O'Rourke to grant him a divorce from his uncomfortable sort of wife. (FWDG)
- 11 Nov 1881 Peter Henscil seeks a divorce from Caroline his wife. The lady has been a patient at the insane asylum and a recent application for her readmission was rejected. Mr. Hanscil alleges insanity as the cause of his action. (FWDG)
[10 Nov 1881 Peter Hensel vs. Caroline Hensel, Superior Court, Case File]
- 25 Nov 1881 Judge Lowry after hearing the testimony, awarded Mrs. Hoffman a divorce, $1,000 alimony, the custody of her children and the rent free use of the house, No. 80 Barthold street for two years. (FWDG)
- 01 Dec 1881 James W. Smith was yesterday granted a divorce from Lucinda Smith in the circuit court. (FWDG)
- 16 Dec 1881 Adelia Harris vs. George W. Harris. Divorce granted to plaintiff for desertion. (FWDG)
- 16 Dec 1881 Mary J. Graubaugh vs. Joseph T. Graubaugh. Divorce granted to plaintiff on account of drunkenness and desertion. (FWDG)
- 17 Dec 1881 Huldah J. Greek filed suit for divorce from Charles W. Greek in superior court. (FWDG) [Case File]
- 17 Dec 1881 Anna McGroery filed suit for divorce from Michael McGroery in superior court. (FWDG)
- 21 Dec 1881 Martha Arnold vs. Samuel P. Arnold. Divorce granted to plaintiff with custory of child and $175 alimony. (FWDG)
- 21 Dec 1881 Christian Striker filed an appliciation in superior court yesterday for a divorce from his wife, Amanda Striker. (FWDG)
- 23 Dec 1881 Coroline Samse longs to be single again, and with that end in view she filed in the circuit court yesterday her petition for a divorce from her liege lord, William Samse. (FWDG)
- 23 Dec 1881 Alexander J. Chestnut has been granted a divorce from Emma Chestnut. The defendant was awarded the custody of the child. (FWDG)
[26 Aug 1881 Alexander J. Chestnut vs. Anna Chestnut, Circuit Court, Case File]
Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.