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Divorce News and Records, Allen Co., Indiana

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Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.


Fort Wayne Daily Gazette (FWDG)
Fort Wayne Daily News (FWDN)
Fort Wayne Daily Sentinel (FWDS)
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (FWJG)
Fort Wayne Sentinel (FWS)
Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel (FWWS)

  • 06 Jan 1880 Mrs. Elizabeth DeHaven to-day filed her complaint for divorce from David DeHaven. The complaint states that the above couple were married on January 5th. 1878. The husband abandoned his wife on the same day they were married and that ever since he has failed to provide for her. The issue of the marriage was one child, a girl, yet they lived together, according to the complaint only one day. The plaintiff also states that she has been compelled to work among strangers, ever since the abandonment of her husband, to support herself and her child, and she now comes to the court for relief, and asking for the custody of the child. (FWDN)
    [Superior Court, Case File]
  • [03 Jan 1880] Barbara Lauer vs. August Lauer, Circuit Court, Case File
  • [08 Jan 1880] A. Carrie Converse vs. Lyman P. Converse, Superior Court, Case File
  • 15 Jan 1880 John Zink has applied for a divorce from Mary Zink. (FWDN)
  • 20 Jan 1880 John Hutzel vs. Rosa Hutzel, decree of divorce to petitioner at his cost. (FWDG)

  • 04 Feb 1880 Maria Worden has secured a divorce from Sanford Worden (FWDN)
  • 07 Feb 1880 Mary J. Carberry has made her application for a divorce from Henry Carberry. The complaint states that they were married January 28th, 1873, and that they have one child, a little girl, now six years of age. Since their marriage, the complainant avers that Henry has been skylarking around with other women, whose reputations are none of the best. She also accuses him with failure to provide for herself and child. She don't want to live with Henry anymore, hence the application. (FWDN)
    [06 Feb 1880 Mary J. Carberry vs. Henry P. Carberry, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 07 Feb 1880 Augusta Weldbrock vs. Henry Weldbrock, divorce to petitioner and custody of infant child. (FWDG)
  • 09 Feb 1880 Daniel Trease vs. Ruth Trease, divorce to petitioner (FWDG)
  • 16 Feb 1880 The divorce case of Coombs vs Coombs was concluded on Saturday, the plaintiff, Mrs. Coombs being awarded a divorce, together with alimony in the sum of $16,000, with $1,000 for attorney fees in addition to $500 already paid to her by the defendant for use in the prosecution of this suit. She was also granted the prerogative of assuming her maiden name, Lucinda Fuller. From the sum of money awarded her, about $3,000 will be dedudcted for goods and chattels now in her possession, the property of the defendant. (FWDG)
    [01 Nov 1879 Lucinda Coombs vs. John Marshall Coombs, Superior Court, Case File]
  • 19 Feb 1880 There was filed in the circuit court to-day a divorce case, that for sickening details and horrible revelations will stand side by side with the worst ever published. Mary D. Gressey, the complainant, avers that she was married to Peter Gressley in February, 1870; that unto them two children were born, and that there is a prospect for more. She states that on frequent occasions Peter has treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner, and has more than once applied to her vile epithets. She says the he has even asserted in her presence that he was not the father of her children, and frequently accused her of adultery. The complainant also states that a short time after their first child was born, he compelled her to acceded to his damable desires. She, also accuses him of slapping her upon the mouth until the blood flowed. He once struck her with a pitchfork, so the complainant says, and upon another occasion used a club to bring her into submission. He claimed the right to beat his wife. But the most sickening of all details is as follows: The complainant say that in the month of August 1876, her husband had carnal connection with a two years old heifer; that in the month of March, 1877 a like occurrence took place with a black cow; and in January, 1880 he had carnal connection with a white sow. This the complainant aver to be true, and on these charges she asks for a divorce together with $1,500 alimony. (FWDN)
    [Mary C. Gressley vs. Peter M. Gressley, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 21 Feb 1880 Laura Rockey has filed a petition for divorce from her husband, Wm. C. Rockey. (FWDG)
  • 27 Feb 1880 John Zink was yesterday arrested for contempt of court, in failing to pay over $40 to be used by his wife in conducting a divorce case. (FWDN)

  • 01 Mar 1880 James B. Bice wants a divorce from his wife, Almina Bice. James will probably get it if the allegations are correct. His complaint is very broad and searching. They have children. (FWDG)
  • 04 Mar 1880 Josephine Besancon, who filed an application for divorce from her husband for adultery, had the idea in her head that Sarah Pichon was a party to her trouble, and "saw" Sarah accordingly. Josephine was arraigned before Justice Ryan yesterday on the charge of provoke and fined $1,00 and costs. (FWDG)
    [09 Apr 1875 Josephine Besancon vs. Frank Besancon, Circuit Court, Case File, Case File]
  • 22 Mar 1880 Minnie Klaber to-day filed her complaint in the circuit court for a divorce from Henry Klaber, alleging cruel treatment and drunkenness as the cause. (FWDN)

  • 05 Apr 1880 The dirtiest divorce case that has ever been tried in an Allen County court was concluded on Saturday evening, wherein Mary C. Gressly was granted a divorce from Peter Gressly, with the custody of the two children, $500 alimony and an allowance of $100 for lawyer's fees. (FWDN)
  • 13 Apr 1880 Eliza O'Day filed a complaint in the circuit court, saying that John has been a bad husband, and she will not stand anymore of the king of nonsence. She states in the complaint that she was married in 1880, but this is probably a mistake, as she subsequently states that John has been abusive for the past two years. Eliza states that on the 10th John came home bowied up, and proceeded to knock a bale of hay and other stuffing out of her with a stick of wood. She further says he has been a very brutal husband, while she has been the good, kind and faithful wife she should be. As John is in jail unable to pay his fine Eliza did not think it necessary to apply for alimony, but she wants a divorce the worst kind of a way. (FWDN)
  • 14 Apr 1880 Martha Barrett vs. James B. Barrett, divorce, evidence heard in superior court. (FWDG)
  • 19 Apr 1880 The divorce suit of Alfred Gebert against Susan Gebert was on trial before Judge O'Rourke to-day. Certain items of waywardness on the part of Mrs. G. form the gist of the case. The waywardness is said to have occurred at the establishment of Mr. Lew Clark. (FWDN)
  • 20 Apr 1880 A divorce was yesterday granted by Judge O'Rourke to Alfred Gebert against Susan Gebert, on grounds of adultery. (FWDN)
  • 23 Apr 1880 A divorce was granted to Amelia Knox from Wm. Knox, this morning in the circuit court. (FWDN)
  • 23 Apr 1880 Andrew Rinehart vs. Mary E. Rinehart, divorce. (FWDG)
  • 27 Apr 1880 In December last, John Bolander, the well known junk dealer and Kate Langan were joined in the bonds of wedlock, that are commonly called holy. John was known as an honest, hart-working fellow, and Kate was equally well known through certain vagaries, that took her frequently to the courts of the mayor and justices of the peace. Spite of there little weaknesses, enough of connubial bliss seems to have been squeesed out of the union, to keep the pair together, until yesterday when Kate went off on a spree. It might have been the presence of the Odd Fellows that excited her, or it might have been that a rapid rise of water in the river led her to fill up liquor as a counter irritant, but certain it was that she got full, and beat her lord soundly with an umbrella, and coming down town evdeavored to secure her arrest. In this she failed, but was taken in herself and sent over by the Mayor this morning to the tune of fourteen days and ten dollars beside. Now John thinks it is his turn. He to-day brought suit for divorce against her, and alleges in his complaint, drunkenness and adultery with one James McKune, with little pleasantry it is claimed was one of the incidents of yesterdays spree. (FWDN)
    [John E. Bolander vs. Margaret L. Bolander, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 28 Apr 1880 Susan Kelker has sued George W. Kelker for divorce and alimony. The parties live at 184 Francis street. [Superior Court, Case File]
  • 29 Apr 1880 Sometime in the last decade, not averred in the complaint, Alice Dard promised to love, honor and obey a fellow whose name is Lewis Dard. Alice was possessed of $500 in ready money, a large part of which was speedily laid out in the purchase of a nuptial couch, and other accessories to a life of happiness and bliss unending, while Lewis was just a little short financially. A number of years have now elapsed, and Alice confidentially informs Judge O'Rourke that she has made a mistake. Dard has unually been thoughtful enough to happen around about meal time, but it does not ranspire that he lugged into the family manison and very large number of hams or barrels of family flour, nor he endeavored to prolong the honey-moon by laying in fallon fo the saccharine stuff that bees make. But Dard wouldn't labor. He has not been known to wear callous palms as the result of honest labor, except when necessity drove him to it, and soon as he found out that Alice's money was gone he "folded his ten like the Arab and as silently stole away." Alice wants him to stay away, she can't use him any more in her business and hence asks a divorce. The case is set for the first day of September term. (FWDN) [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 30 Apr 1880 Martha Barrett vs. James C. Barrett, divorce decree to petitioner and custody of the infant son of the parties awarded to her. Ordered and adjudged that it will be unlawful for the petitioner to marry again within two year. (FWDG)
  • 30 Apr 1880 Julia G. Furnish vs. William Furnish, divorce (FWDG) [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 30 Apr 1880 John Bolander vs. Margaret S. Bolander, divorce (FWDG)
  • 30 Apr 1880 Laura Rockey vs. William C. Rockey, divorce (FWDG)
  • 30 Apr 1880 Alice Dard vs. Lewis Dard, divorce (FWDG)

  • [01 May 1880] Elizabeth C. Cornell vs. Leroy Cornell aka Leroy Carroll, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 01 May 1880 A divorce complaint was filed yesterday by Annie McKenzie vs. Wm. F. McKenzie, alleging neglect, abandonment, failure to provide and drunkenness. (FWDN)
  • 01 May 1880 My wife, Susan Kelker, having applied for a divorce for separation from me, the public is hereby warned against harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. Geo. M. Kelker (FWDN)
  • 22 May 1880 In the circuit court this morning John E. Bolander obtained a divorce from Margaret Bolander, on the grounds of adultery. (FWDN)
  • [24 May 1880] Alfred J. Brown vs. Mary R. Brown, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 25 May 1880 Frank Levanway vs. Sarah Levanway, petition for divorce. (FWDN)

  • 01 Jun 1880 The Zink divorce case has been dismissed. (FWDN)
  • 06 Jun 1880 A complaint was filed in the superior court yesterday by Annie Nead vs. Franklin Nead, asking for a divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty and neglect of duty. (FWDG)
  • 11 Jun 1880 Sarah Killier has applied for a divorce from James Killier, alleging bad manner, such as kicking the thumping her. (FWDN)
  • 11 Jun 1880 Sarah Bernhard complains of Simon Berhard in some sort of a manner, and asks the court to figure the matter up and grant her a divorce. The court will conside the matter. (FWDN)
    [11 Jun 1880 Nancy J. Bernard vs. Simon Bernard, Superior Court, Case File]
  • 18 Jun 1880 In the circuit court this morning, Julia G. Furnish obtained a divorce from John Furnish, on the grounds of abandonment and failure to provide. The parties live in Cedar Creek township. (FWDN)
  • 29 Jun 1880 Susan Kelker has obtained a divorce from George Kelker, Judge Lowry granted it. (FWDN)

  • 15 Jul 1880 Amamda Myers wants a divorce from Ernest Myers. Ernest ia a hard man, judging from his wife's complaint filed in the Superior court, and he delights in banging his wife and children about, and gets full of whisky. Mrs. Myers would also like $1,500 alimony and the custody of her three children. (FWDG)
  • 26 Jul 1880 Catharine Giant has certainly some cause for complaint, if her story is strictly biblical. Catherine says that she has been married to Frank for some time and that the result of this union has been so far, about three children and a ten-acre lot full fo abuse, kicks and sundry other calamities of a like nature. She avers in the petition for divorce which she filed to-day, that Frank has allowed to let the pantry suffer horribly, and has at various times demonstrated his belief in the Baptist doctrine, by deluging her face in hot coffee, to her serious inconvenience. She also says that Frank has applied epithets to her which she could not exactly accept as tokens of endearment, and as Frank is possessed of various horses and wagons, besides chikens, plows, and other portable furniture; therefore she ask that the court give her $500 in money, besides a divorce, and the custody of the children. (FWDN)

  • 03 Aug 1880 Christian Keindindst wants a divorce from his wife, Lydia. (FWDN)
  • 06 Aug 1880 Malinda Blakely vs. Emmett Blakely, divorce, circuit court. (FWS) [Case File]
  • 10 Aug 1880 Mary Holt has filed a petition for divorce from Orrin D. Holt. (FWDN)
    [Mary Holt vs. Orin D. Holt, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 19 Aug 1880 Mrs. Emma McElfatrick wants a divorce from John E. McElfatrick and the only surprise to the people is that she didn't want it long ago. Mrs. McElfatrick says in her complaint the Jno. has been in the habit of bestowing upon her some very unaffectionate demonstration, such as slapping her, choking her until her wind was entirely shut off, besides abusing her in various other ways. She also remarks that John hasn't been a most bountiful provider; that he has neglected to keep the necessary stock of lemon pies, bread, salt pork and other hardward on hand essential to the healthy circulation of the blood and digestive organs. She also wants the care of the three crops of fruit which have resulted from the McElfatrick union, and hopes the superior court will hasten to heed her prayer. (FWDN)

  • 06 Sep 1880 Coverdale vs. Coverdale is the title of a new divorce suit. (FWDN)
    [02 Sep 1880 Harriet L. Coverdale vs. Elias G. Coverdale, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 06 Sep 1880 Aaron Barrel, an old offender who is gray headed, got outside of a barrel or two of sum and then began to break up all the furniture there was in the house. His wife objected to his conduct and called officer Kelly who proceeded to roll the full Barrell to the calaboose. At the hearing Mrs. Barrel appeared and stated that she and her husband had lived together for a period of thrity years but that she could no longer put up with his crookedness, hence she had applied for a divorce. He was fined $3 and costs. A divorce will probably be granted Mrs. Barrel the present week. She has signified her intention to take charge of the Kegs and little Barrels which have come as consequences of the matrimonial allicance. (FWS)
  • [06 Sep 1880] Deskin E. Davis vs. Annette E. Davis, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 10 Sep 1880 The divorce case of Barrel vs. Barrel is on trial to-day. (FWDN)
  • 13 Sep 1880 Josephine Barrel secured a divorce from Aaron last Saturday. Aaron won't go to jail now any more for thumping his wife. (FWDN)
    [19 Aug 1880 Josephine Barrel vs. Aaron Barrel, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 13 Sep 1880 This morning the circuit court heard evidence in the divorce case of Holt vs. Holt. (FWDN)
  • 13 Sep 1880 Evidence in the divorce case of Rockey vs. Rockey was heard and a divorce granted this moring in circuit court. (FWDN)
  • 22 Sep 1880 Mary A. Seitz has sued Valentine Seitz for divorce and $1,000 alimony. The defendant is a prominent farmer in Lake township. (FWDN)
  • 24 Sep 1880 Francis Stienecker has filed a complaint against her husband, Frederick, and say that Fred is in the habit of tackling the flowing bowl to frquently. That Fred painfully neglected his duties toward her as a dutiful husband. She states that the result of there inharmonious union has been five children, whom Fred lavished his abuse upon in equal proportions, and taking one consideration with another, she would like to be cut loose and prays the court to grant her a divorce. (FWDN)
  • 26 Sep 1880 Harriet Bowers wants a divorce from Henry Bowers. Harriet charges that Henry don't bring home to her those little delicacies, the provision of which is so necessary to connubial felicity. Indeed it is hard to get the marteials for a square meal for the family. Then Mrs. Bowers objects to her husband making a foot ball of her. Femine flesh and blook won't stand it.

  • 01 Oct 1880 Sarah Truth desires to live apart from Peter Truth, wherefore she has filed a petition for divorce in the clerk's office. (FWS)
  • 07 Oct 1880 William Atwood has become painfully aware of women's faithlessness. About two years ago he go "stuck" on a young lady named Sarah Warner, and after a good deal of billing and cooing, she finally consented to become his wife. William imagined that everything was all right. A short time ago, a gay young fellow made the acquaintance of Mrs. Atwood, and William beheld, with no little alarm, the rapid strides made into his wife's affections by her newly made acquaintance. She would go away and remain whole days at a time, and finally lit out, together with her paramour, for the classic village of Bluffton, where the pair have since been living. Meanwhile, William has applied for a divorce, and it is likety that ere long he will be legally separated from his false Sarah. (FWS)
    [06 Oct 1880 William H. Atwood vs. Sarah K. Atwood, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 09 Oct 1880 The other day brief mention was made of the domestic infelicities of Albert W. and Sarah Powell. Albert was sent to jail by Justice Harding, on account of impecuniosity and the consequent inability to settle a fine of $1.00 and costs. Yesterday Mrs. Powell, through her attorney, A.H. Bittinger, filed her suit for divorce, against the absent Albert, in the Superior court. Mrs. Powell show to the court that on the 24th day of February she was married to the defendant, Albert W. Powell. That three months after marriage, the honeymoon scarcely over, defendant struck her with his fists, draped her eyes in mourning, knocking her down and bruseing her seriously. For this offence he was fined by Justice Harding, and is now servind out his fine and costs in the county jail. Mrs. Powell alleges that at divers and sundry time, defendant has thrown her though windows and generally made a foot-ball of her person. He has moreover neglected to make proper provisions for his family, and at present has left her without any support whatever. There are no children the issue of their marriage. Mrs. Powell therefore prays the court to grant her a decree of divorce and such other and proper relief as is equitable and just, all of which it is to be hoped she gets. (FWDG)
  • 13 Oct 1880 Eva M. Ganweiler vs. Frank Ganweiler for divorce. Frank Ganweiler is a non-resident and has until December 13, 1880 to appear. (FWWS)
  • 15 Oct 1880 Mary Jenny wants a divorce from Gottleib Jenny. Gottleib is given to drink and abuse of his wife, it is alleged, and the long-suffering Mary has stood it long enough. Her plea was filed on the 12th. (FWDG) [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 20 Oct 1880 Judge O'Rourke to-day granted a divorce to Emma McElfatrick from John E. McElfatrick on the grounds of cruelty and failure to provide. (FWDN)
  • 25 Oct 1880 The case of Atwood vs. Atwood, petition for divorce is being heard in the circuit court this afternoon. (FWS)

  • 02 Nov 1880 A divorce was yesterday granted in the case of Nichols vs. Nichols. (FWS)
  • 02 Nov 1880 Yesterday afternoon Celestine Biewend applied in the circuit court ofr a divorce from Edward F. Biewend. Mrs. Biewend was formerly Miss Nones, a teacher in the pubic schools, well and favorably known in society. The defendant was for many years head prescription clerk at Myer Brother & Co., but has lately lived in Louisville, and is now proprietor of a drug store in Warsaw. The complaint avers that she was married to the defendant on December 26, 1877; that since said marriage she has demeaned herself toward the defendant as a faithful wife, but that he failed in his martial vows and has become an habitual drunkard; also that he has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward her, and at one time struck her in the fact with his clenched fist, and on divers and sundry occasions has threatened to poison her; that in May 1880, he ordered her to leave his house and she was abliged to take refuge with her mother and friends in Louisville, Ky.; that he had induced her to withdraw from the place invested, $600 of her own money and has invested the same in his own business. The petition concludes with a prayer for the custody of a daughter, Maud, born in Jamuary, 1879, and for $1,000 in alimony. The case is set for hearing on November 15. (FWDN)
    [Circuit Court, Case File, Case File]
  • 18 Nov 1880 A divorce case has been entered on the docket of the circuit court. Mrs. Alice E. Points desires to be separated from her husband, Allen H. Points, claiming that he had systematically abused her, insulted her, treated her brutally and inflicted bodily violence upon her. (FWS)
  • 19 Nov 1880 Alice Points wants a divorce from Allen Points, all fo which points to a domestic disagreement. Judge O'Rourke will consider the case November 26th. (FWDG)
  • 23 Nov 1880 Alice M. Walters wants a divorce from George Walters, alleging his failure to provide for the family and his habitual intoxication. The parties were married in September, 1864, and have two children, ages eleven and four years. (FWDN)
  • 26 Nov 1880 Olive E. Leschy has sued Aaron Leschy in the circuit court for divorce, alleging cruelty, failure to provide and abandonment. The parties were married by Rev. A. Marine, in 1876. (FWDN) [Case File]
  • 29 Nov 1880 Benjamin F. Boyd has brought suit against Sarah A. Boyd for divorce. (FWDN)
    [29 Nov 1880 Benjamin F. Boyd vs. Sarah A. Boyd, Superior Court, Case File]
  • 30 Nov 1880 A divorce was granted Harriet T. Bowers from Louis Bowers, and the court further granted petitioner $1,000 alimony and the custody of her children. The ground of complaint was cruelty. (FWDG)

  • 01 Dec 1880 The complaint in the Boyd divorce suit charges adultery with parties whose names the instument does not disclose. (FWDN)
  • 10 Dec 1880 J. N. Blair wants a divorce from Ella, the wife of his bosom. The case comes up for hearing in the circuit court December 17th. (FWDN)
    [07 Dec 1880 Joseph N. Blair vs. Ella F. Blair, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 12 Dec 1880 Barbara Ann Hance vs. Taylor Hance: Divorce granted to plaintiff and she was allowed to resume her maiden name, Barbara Ann Gailey. (FWDN)
  • 15 Dec 1880 Ophelia C. Foote has, through her attorney, Sam M. Hench, petitioned the circuit court for a divorce from her husband, Daniel C. Foote, who is not a resident of this city. Mrs. Foote is a music teacher, and has resided in this city for the part three years. She was married to Daniel, December 28, 1865, at Valparaiso, and the twain have a daughter aged eleven years. Foote has failed to provide for his wife, but no other misconduct is alleged. Mrs. Foote asks that the court, in addition to the divorce give her the right to assume her maiden name, Ophelia C. Currie and such other relief as may seem proper. (FWDN)
    [14 Dec 1880 Ophelia C. Foote vs. Daniel T. Foote, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 17 Dec 1880 Biewend vs. Biewend: Divorce. All the day was consumed in making up the issues. The case is being bitterly contested. (FWDN)
  • 22 Dec 1880 A mighty strongly tincured divorce suit occupied an hour's attention in the circuit court this afternoon. Joseph Blair charged Ellen F. Blair, the wife of his bosom, with a good deal of way-wardness, which Ellen is her haste to leave her lord at once admitted. Judge O'Rourke has not yet given his decision. (FWDN)
  • 23 Dec 1880 Biewend vs. Biewend: Divorce granted to plaintiff, custody of child and $450 alimony. Motion for a new trial. (FWDN)
  • 23 Dec 1880 Blair vs. Blair: Case tried, decision reserved. (FWDN)
  • 29 Dec 1880 Sarah Lavanway has brought suit for divorce against her husband, Frank Lavanway, the fellow now serving out a term in jail for driving his family into the street Christmas day. The case will be heard January 10th. in the Superior court. (FWDN)
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Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.