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1870 Mortality Schedule, Allen County, Indiana

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NameAgeGenderMarital StatusPlace of BirthMonth of DeathOccupationCause of DeathTownship
Calbacher, Frank7 mo.MSINConvulsionsFort Wayne
Carman, Caleb4 mo.MSINFebConvulsionsFort Wayne
Carr, Benjamin22MMNJMarCarpenterAboite
Carr, George8 mo.MSINAugUnknownWayne
Carter, LinusMSOHJulHomicideFort Wayne
Cartwright, Conrad1MSINJulUnknownFort Wayne
Cartwright, Jessie M.1FSINJulScarlet FeverFort Wayne
Chilicote, Sofronia3FSINOctDiptheriaSt. Joseph
Chopering, Lena38FWOHJulInflamation of BowelsFort Wayne
Clark, James39MMOHAprFiremanEngine explosionFort Wayne
Cline, Henry76MMPAJunFarmerParalysisSt. Joseph
Cole, Albert4 mo.MSINMarLung FeverFort Wayne
Cole, Louis10MSINMarScarlet FeverMadison
Collar, Susan89FWMAMarBoardingConsumptionPerry
Collins, Bridget1FSINDecCholeraFort Wayne
Colman, Harry4 mo.MSINJunConvulsionsLake
Cone, Eliza1FSMISepInflammation of bowelsPerry
Congdon, Lillie E.7FSINInflamation of BrainAboite
Conrad, Francis M.2FSINMarScarlet FeverMonroe
Cook, Lila10 mo.FSINFebScrofulaFort Wayne
Coonrod, Magdelena21FMILAprKeeping houseCedar Creek
Corneiche, Frank20MSOHSepTyphoid FeverWayne
Cour, Frances4FSINJanUnknownSt. Joseph
Cour, Melona2FSINJanCroupSt. Joseph
Cour, Philaci42FMINAugKeeping houseConjestive chillsWashington
Cramer, Elizabeth1FSINAugScarlet FeverFort Wayne
Cramer, Henry1MSINJulFluxFort Wayne
Crick, InfantFSINJanStill BornMonroe
Crick, InfantMSINJanStill BornMonroe
Cummins, Martha25FMOHJanKeeping houseConsumptionSpringfield
Cunie, Frank70MMFranceMarFarmerLung FeverJefferson
Cunningham, Susan1 mo.FSINDecConvulsionsWayne
Cushing, James27MSINNovInflamation of LungsFort Wayne

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