Surname | Query Subject (click to view) | Submitter | Date Submitted |
[none] | Sheldon Bank Robbery | Denise Testa | 9/20/2009 |
[none] | GE WWII Heritage House Engineers, airplanemotor | Susan Horsman Hart | 9/7/2020 |
Abel | Emanuel Myers (1878-1952) | Karen (Myers) Rogers | 4/22/2024 |
Abel | James Ranney, 1802-1870, Allen Co., Indiana | Carol A. Ranney | 4/30/2016 |
Abraham G Beaber | Abraham Beaber's middle name | Susan Brandt | 4/10/2024 |
Adair | Early settlers 1860 Perry township | Jacquelyn Melton | 8/26/2014 |
Adams | Ephriam W. Adams | Kurt E. Adams | 10/9/2009 |
Advany | Advany family | Mohammed Iqbal Advany | 4/16/2013 |
Advany | Simmons-Advany-Malajlic families | Mohammed Advany | 8/4/2013 |
Ahlschwede | Tornado & changes | Delores L Kikuchi | 8/7/2011 |
Albersmeyer | Hanne Wilhelmine Christine Heine b. 1836 | JR | 12/3/2018 |
Allen | Gooding, Allen, and Watson surname search | David Gooding | 11/8/2017 |
Alspach | Marriage licenses | Michael A. Alspach | 2/5/2020 |
Amsden | Daniel Hemingway Amsden | Rebecca S. Pressler | 11/23/2012 |
Anderson | Lary Family Research | Douglas J. Lary | 9/19/2009 |
Anderson | request info on Henry Shanklin | Michele Suttle | 5/9/2017 |
Ankenbruck | Genth, Lannert, and Ankenbruck ancestors | Nancy King Theis | 10/16/2017 |
Armfield | Eliza J. Armfield Moore | Marsha Toler | 11/11/2013 |
Arnold | Charles Arnold, son of Elijah and Julia Ann | Chloe Remson | 2/17/2025 |
Astry | Zura Cleophus Astry birth parents | Susan Hansen | 7/4/2021 |
Atna | Hagerty or Haggerty marriage to Etna/Atna in 1864 | Kathryn Howard | 6/7/2023 |
Auer | Adam Fiedler Family photos | Cheryl Fiedler Emenhiser | 11/3/2009 |
Ayres | Robert Merle Ayres family context | Gretel Smith | 9/11/2010 |
Bacon | Ephriam W. Adams | Kurt E. Adams | 10/9/2009 |
Bailey | Birth record for William Bowser Bailey | Maggi Howard | 2/15/2016 |
Bailey | Georgia, Beth, & Tracie Bailey, research help | Angie McClain | 10/14/2009 |
Bailhe | Connection to the Fort Wayne School of Music | Meredith | 10/21/2024 |
Baker | Isaac W.Baker | Bonnie Moore | 2/18/2021 |
Ball | Dunten Family Bible | David Blair | 9/20/2016 |
Ball | Death records | Joseph Ball | 9/15/2012 |
Bangert | Boniface Bangert, Fort Wayne | Tim Bangert | 7/11/2022 |
Banks | Thomas and Deborah Blackwell genealogy search | Christopher Blackwell | 3/12/2019 |
Barnes | My Family history | Tayvon Wendell | 9/6/2012 |
Barnett | Marriage record | Sharon Bell | 8/6/2010 |
Barnhart | Henry Frederick Barnhart | James Barnhart | 12/7/2015 |
Barnhart | Looking for info about my father | James Barnhart | 12/21/2014 |
Barrand | Barrand | Kelly | 4/4/2016 |
Barrand | Barrand family | Barrand | 6/30/2016 |
Barsness | Lary Family Research | Douglas J. Lary | 9/19/2009 |
Bartholomew | Marie Frances Bartholomew | Will | 7/17/2014 |
Bartlett | Bartlett-Sheetz family tree | Franklin Bartlett | 6/27/2016 |
Bass | Henry Tapscott Family | Robert E. Tapscott | 7/13/2013 |
Baumgart | Emanuel Myers (1878-1952) | Karen (Myers) Rogers | 4/22/2024 |
Baxter | William and Elizabeth Baxter | Janet Cleaver | 2/24/2017 |
Baxter | Thomas and Lovina (Younglove) Baxter | Janilyn Gager | 12/1/2011 |
Beegan | Michael P. Beegan, my 2nd great grandfather | William Hawkins | 7/24/2015 |
Beery | Looking for a photo of A. Barbara Beery Parkison | Gerri Parkison Reddin | 1/23/2017 |
Bell | Elias Bell (1782-1856) | Richard Thomas Bell | 11/28/2012 |
Bell | Windsor in southern Allen County | Gretel Smith | 9/22/2009 |
Bellinger | Surname Bellinger | Marie Bellinger Terveer | 11/1/2012 |
Bennett | Death & burial location of Joseph Smith Benward | K. M. Gillen | 9/20/2009 |
Bentz | Bultemeyer-Bentz-Cook | Steve Bultemeyer | 10/9/2022 |
Benward | Death & burial location of Joseph Smith Benward | K. M. Gillen | 9/20/2009 |
Bercot | Looking for Bercot, Dodane, and Elett | Jolene Fisher | 10/2/2009 |
Berry | Looking for birth mother, Diana Lynn Berry | Ronald Brown | 7/25/2019 |
Besancon | Frank Besancon (b. 1846) family history | Lynn Zimmerman | 8/10/2022 |
Beulow | Birth/death record for Eugene A Koomler. | Paula J. Ives | 3/16/2011 |
Beulow | Strombeck, Beulow, Koomler, and Nulf marriages | Paula Ives | 5/13/2011 |
Beyerlein | Beyerlein-Miller-Gilmore fam., Huntington's chorea | Nancy Harber | 5/3/2011 |
Bickel | Raymond Holford | June Nichols | 4/6/2022 |
Bill | Henry Frederick Barnhart | James Barnhart | 12/7/2015 |
Bill | Looking for info about my father | James Barnhart | 12/21/2014 |
Birch | Burch ancestors living in Indiana 1820-1870 | Nancy Brown | 8/29/2018 |
Bittinger | George Hollabaugh family research | Karen Weston | 8/26/2010 |
Bitzinger | John and Katharine (Hacker) Bitzinger and family | C.K. | 7/14/2023 |
Blackwell | Thomas and Deborah Blackwell genealogy search | Christopher Blackwell | 3/12/2019 |
Blair | Dunten Family Bible | David Blair | 9/20/2016 |
Blankenship | Blankenship and Keith | Delores (Dodie) Keith Zonakis | 1/24/2012 |
Blievernicht | Walt Blievernicht ancestry | Barbara Blievernicht Moskowitz | 7/28/2022 |
Blood | Reuben Blood | Kim Fioravanti | 7/2/2016 |
Blood | Funk, Blood, and Lemke surnames in Allen County | Kim Fioravanti | 4/9/2015 |
Bohde | August and Caroline Bohde | Donn Bohde | 3/6/2014 |
Boisenet | Edward F. Devaux | Bonnie Martin | 6/1/2010 |
Bolinger | Yant-Primley Family Help | Donna Rotunda | 1/11/2011 |
Borkenstein | Berhardt Julius Borkenstein | Bill Borkenstein | 10/17/2009 |
Bowser | Bowser and King family tree help needed | Terri Lynn Welbaum (Bowser) | 10/10/2017 |
Brackney | Birth mother, Brackney surname | Sheri Green | 8/21/2014 |
Braddock | Braddock, Sipe, and Wells land records, 1842+ | Karen Kehr | 1/2/2019 |
Bradtmueller | The Concordia Lutheran Cemetery | Allen Franz | 10/15/2022 |
Brake | Seeking information about Jacques Sordelet | Jeanne Stump | 9/19/2009 |
Branning | George Henry Branning | Reagan Newton | 4/1/2016 |
Brecht | Mary Houser Kelker parents or siblings? | Stan Follis | 9/21/2009 |
Britton | Joseph L. and Samuel P. Britton | Jo Mitchell | 3/7/2016 |
Brobst | Hovestock Cemetery | Jan Dishon | 9/8/2010 |
Brockhouse | One room schoolhouse New Haven Indiana | Laurie Gerber | 5/10/2011 |
Brothers | Hume families; Brothers families; Faries or Fariss | Janis Rojany | 10/22/2014 |
Brown | Edith Brown, Samuel W. Wass | Eugene (Gene) Gant | 10/6/2015 |
Brown | My grandmother born in Ft. Wayne on 4-15-1878 | Deborah Foy | 7/29/2012 |
Brudi | Adam Fiedler Family photos | Cheryl Fiedler Emenhiser | 11/3/2009 |
Bultemeyer | Marriage Record | Steven Bultemeyer | 11/15/2013 |
Bultemeyer | Bultemeyer-Bentz-Cook | Steve Bultemeyer | 10/9/2022 |
Burch | Burch ancestors living in Indiana 1820-1870 | Nancy Brown | 8/29/2018 |
Burr | Information on Edwin (Edward?) Kilpatrick | Katharine Andrew | 2/17/2022 |
Burtch | Burch ancestors living in Indiana 1820-1870 | Nancy Brown | 8/29/2018 |
Butler | Clark/Butler | David Clark | 4/14/2011 |
Buuck | Donald Buuck, military | Ann Buuck | 3/31/2018 |
Campbell | Families of William and Sarah (Gee/Jay) Knuttle | Keith Nuttle | 8/8/2010 |
Carollo | Information on Carollo family | Jonathon Thomas | 4/11/2011 |
Carpenter | Andrew and Lydia? Carpenter | Sheila Novatne | 2/10/2011 |
Chaney | Information on Edwin (Edward?) Kilpatrick | Katharine Andrew | 2/17/2022 |
Chapman | Headford Family Descendants | Nancy Smedley Gleason | 2/9/2015 |
Chapman | Daniel Hemingway Amsden | Rebecca S. Pressler | 11/23/2012 |
Chellis | Frank Bartlett Chellis birth | Brandy Yerby | 8/5/2013 |
Cissom | Elsie Cissom-William H. Williams marriage license | Aimee Johnson | 2/22/2011 |
Clark | Clark/Butler | David Clark | 4/14/2011 |
Clemmer | Michael Flood, Ellen (Wall) Flood & Family | Kimberly Scheidemantle | 5/11/2011 |
Clingeman | Klingeman family in Germany | Joanna Klingeman | 11/1/2020 |
Coeurdevey | Voinet family place of origin found | Annette Lynch | 1/16/2012 |
Coleman | Jacob, Conrad, and John Kohlman(n) | Ted B Wendeln | 12/13/2011 |
Coleman | Kohlman Birth Records | Ted B. Wendeln | 3/29/2012 |
Collier | Runyan/Runnion family genealogy research | Jeannine (Runyan) Miller | 7/5/2022 |
Connett | Connett grave dates | Diane Barbare | 5/30/2021 |
Cook | Bultemeyer-Bentz-Cook | Steve Bultemeyer | 10/9/2022 |
Cooper | Where are the Kupers? | Ellen Wall | 9/20/2009 |
Corneille | Voinet family place of origin found | Annette Lynch | 1/16/2012 |
Corron | Corron Family | Thomas Corron | 11/28/2012 |
Couts | Yant-Primley Family Help | Donna Rotunda | 1/11/2011 |
Cox | Massey, Cox, & Miehls family | Dixie | 1/3/2020 |
Crabill | Crabill Family Bible | Amy Crabill Lay | 9/12/2011 |
Craig | Finding ancestors: Craig, Craige, Paxgton, Stewart | Diana Shock | 8/20/2020 |
Craige | Finding ancestors: Craig, Craige, Paxgton, Stewart | Diana Shock | 8/20/2020 |
Cranston | Cranston Genealogy Research | Greg | 4/14/2015 |
Crawford | Harris-Crawford family research | Richard Harris | 10/21/2020 |
Crayton | Headford-Koontz-Dimmick-Crayton Family Tree | Nancy Smedley Gleason | 2/4/2013 |
Crayton | Headford Family Descendants | Nancy Smedley Gleason | 2/9/2015 |
Cremer | Military Links/Addresses | Ron Koenig | 6/24/2010 |
Cristman | Willkie, Willke, Wilkie, Kline, Christman | Frank Wilkie | 1/15/2010 |
Cruea | Seeking help on Depew | John Sinks | 3/10/2014 |
Culp | Martha Culp / Juanita M. Culp Kitcher | SusieQ | 11/10/2014 |
Cureton | Govan Cureton, courthouse janitor | Dr. Shelley Murphy | 11/3/2013 |
Cushman | Marriage record | Sharon Bell | 8/6/2010 |
Cuss | Jane Catherina Moritz sponsors | Bonnie Yahraus | 3/2/2014 |
Cutshaw | Peter Cutshaw-Elizabeth Shook, pre-1859, Wayne Twp | Adam J. Barrone | 9/17/2009 |
Darkes | John Darkes, William Laub ancestry help | Bill Sark | 2/6/2021 |
Daughtery | Cherokee Indian information | B. J. R. | 2/6/2020 |
David | David Family History | Ruth David Fouty | 7/10/2013 |
Davis | Margaret (Smith) Davis | Janet Smith | 9/19/2009 |
Degitz | Degitz photos | Dan Degitz | 4/7/2018 |
DeGrandchamp | Looking for obituary for Stacy DeGranchamp | Sharon Eisenach | 1/25/2011 |
DeMars | Clarence W. Wayne-Margaret O. DeMars Holley div. | Jeanne Aranda | 6/15/2015 |
Dempsey | Ida May Dempsey-William Kilgore family | Pamela J. Enns | 11/23/2012 |
Dempsy | Ida May Dempsey-William Kilgore family | Pamela J. Enns | 11/23/2012 |
Dennis | Wm. Dennis & Anna Fletter | Michael Rosswurm | 12/26/2017 |
Depew | Seeking help on Depew | John Sinks | 3/10/2014 |
Detrick | Family of Christina Detrick and Abram Peters | Keith Nuttle | 12/4/2021 |
Devaux | Edward F. Devaux | Bonnie Martin | 6/1/2010 |
Dial | Fletter, Traester & Dial surnames | Charles R. Fletter | 9/2/2013 |
Dick | Harold Dick-Alice McKee marriage certificate | Donna Foy | 2/17/2022 |
Didrich | Jacob Didrick property location | Janice Gunther | 7/4/2019 |
Didrick | Jacob Didrick property location | Janice Gunther | 7/4/2019 |
Diehm | George Diehm, b. 1856 Germany, d. 1949 | Trudy Perkins | 4/12/2014 |
Dillinger | Cherokee Indian information | B. J. R. | 2/6/2020 |
Dimmick | Headford-Koontz-Dimmick-Crayton Family Tree | Nancy Smedley Gleason | 2/4/2013 |
Dingman | Charles Weeks, Sr. & Jr. | Holly Bullock | 8/9/2014 |
Dinkel | Eva Maria Fuchshuber (Dinkel) parents | Dan Dinkel | 10/12/2013 |
Disler | Grace A. Disler divorce | Janet Franks | 3/26/2015 |
Dodane | Looking for Bercot, Dodane, and Elett | Jolene Fisher | 10/2/2009 |
Doenges | Doenges, Rahe, Ruhe, Koehlinger, Lepper, Griebel | Sharon Speakman | 6/3/2011 |
Doney | John Walker-Rebecca Doney family | Judy Cotter | 2/16/2022 |
Donges | Doenges, Rahe, Ruhe, Koehlinger, Lepper, Griebel | Sharon Speakman | 6/3/2011 |
Dorrill | Dorrill family orgin | Carroll Dorrill | 1/29/2018 |
Downs | Obituary/Death Record | Deborah Eidson | 9/20/2009 |
Dreier | Emma Dreier Fisher | Sandy Drexler | 3/3/2012 |
Droegemeyer | Starr Family, 1847-1890, Charles Lewis and Joseph | Jacquelyn Patten | 10/12/2010 |
Duff | Eliza Lazalier | Paulette Carpenter | 9/26/2015 |
Duke | Madie L. Duke McLeod | James Duke | 8/19/2012 |
Dunten | Dunten Family Bible | David Blair | 9/20/2016 |
Dunton | Dunten Family Bible | David Blair | 9/20/2016 |
Dupeyron | Marie Frances Bartholomew | Will | 7/17/2014 |
Dupont | Seeking information about Jacques Sordelet | Jeanne Stump | 9/19/2009 |
Earnest | Birth Parent Search for Betty Jean Ernst, b. 1927 | Traci Thiele | 2/5/2015 |
Earnst | Birth Parent Search for Betty Jean Ernst, b. 1927 | Traci Thiele | 2/5/2015 |
Earp | Ephriam W. Adams | Kurt E. Adams | 10/9/2009 |
Eckles | Eckles ancestry, Milan Twp. | Terry Eckles | 10/11/2010 |
Eichmann | Rev. Robert Eichmann | Pamala Ramsey | 7/12/2013 |
Elett | Looking for Bercot, Dodane, and Elett | Jolene Fisher | 10/2/2009 |
Eley | How did David Ely die? | Diane Ely | 9/19/2009 |
Elin | Alexander Elin death date | Lewis Elin | 9/29/2020 |
Ellerman | Family ancestry | Catherine Loew | 5/26/2014 |
Elliott | Sarah Elliott proof of birth | Shari Medsker Flanagan | 4/25/2019 |
Ely | John D. Ely death record or obituary | Justin Wickham | 5/16/2022 |
Ely | How did David Ely die? | Diane Ely | 9/19/2009 |
Emenhiser | William Emenhiser tombstone, 1860-1941 | Naomi Jean Emenhiser Spence | 12/31/2009 |
Englebrecht | Englebrecht | Edward Bondy | 12/5/2013 |
Erickson | Lary Family Research | Douglas J. Lary | 9/19/2009 |
Ernst | Birth Parent Search for Betty Jean Ernst, b. 1927 | Traci Thiele | 2/5/2015 |
Ervin | Elizabeth Ann Levin marriage | Tom Ervin | 4/20/2010 |
Espich | Espich family information | Thomas Espich | 4/20/2015 |
Etna | Hagerty or Haggerty marriage to Etna/Atna in 1864 | Kathryn Howard | 6/7/2023 |
Fabing | The Fabing Family | Rev. Claude Kinder | 8/6/2010 |
Falls | George R. and Anne Rice Falls | Linda West Day | 11/3/2013 |
Faries, Farriss | Hume families; Brothers families; Faries or Fariss | Janis Rojany | 10/22/2014 |
Fenker | Adam Fiedler Family photos | Cheryl Fiedler Emenhiser | 11/3/2009 |
Ferrell | Grace A. Disler divorce | Janet Franks | 3/26/2015 |
Fey | Henry Wellman, Gustave and Katherine (Fey) Schoen | Rebecca Schon Kilde | 5/10/2013 |
Fiedler | Adam Fiedler Family photos | Cheryl Fiedler Emenhiser | 11/3/2009 |
Finneran | Surnames | Michele Finneran Williams | 1/22/2020 |
Fisher | Emma Dreier Fisher | Sandy Drexler | 3/3/2012 |
Fisher | John and Matilda Harris, Jackson Twp., Monroe Twp. | Sue Downey | 9/19/2009 |
Fletter | Wm. Dennis & Anna Fletter | Michael Rosswurm | 12/26/2017 |
Fletter | Fletter, Traester & Dial surnames | Charles R. Fletter | 9/2/2013 |
Flood | Michael Flood, Ellen (Wall) Flood & Family | Kimberly Scheidemantle | 5/11/2011 |
Flowers | Families of William and Sarah (Gee/Jay) Knuttle | Keith Nuttle | 8/8/2010 |
Follis | Families in Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana | Stan Follis | 9/17/2009 |
Forst | Schrage lineage | Susan Floyd | 9/19/2009 |
Foster | Genealogy research | Robin Wallace | 9/29/2012 |
Francis | Hagerty or Haggerty marriage to Etna/Atna in 1864 | Kathryn Howard | 6/7/2023 |
Francis | Emma Madora Francis Haggerty death/divorce in 1863 | Kathryn Howard | 8/7/2023 |
Franke | Jacob Loy Parker, Elsie Franke Parker Trumpey | Lana Ray Trumpey | 7/10/2014 |
Franke | Jacob, Frank, Rena, Chris, and Rinder Parker | Lana Trumpey | 2/16/2013 |
Frankenstein | Bernard Frankenstein | James Niquette | 2/18/2017 |
Fredrickson | Magalena Fredrickson, parents and siblings | Wayne Miesen | 3/24/2016 |
Freeland | Business names | Peter Freeland | 7/27/2020 |
Freeland | Old business names | Peter Freeland | 7/31/2020 |
Freeman | Maiden name Truman or Freeman? | Pamela Creighton | 3/14/2015 |
Freisinger | Wife's family, Frisinger | Milt Longbottom | 10/29/2012 |
Freistroffer | Obergfell and Freistroffer surnames | Karen Evans | 2/26/2022 |
French | Raymond Holford | June Nichols | 4/6/2022 |
Frisinger | Wife's family, Frisinger | Milt Longbottom | 10/29/2012 |
Fryback | Charles Franklin Fryback | Colleen Fryback King | 6/9/2012 |
Frysinger | Wife's family, Frisinger | Milt Longbottom | 10/29/2012 |
Fuchshuber | Eva Maria Fuchshuber (Dinkel) parents | Dan Dinkel | 10/12/2013 |
Fuller | William Fuller | Trey Higgens | 12/26/2016 |
Fulton | Hortense Kiefer, Charles Stuart Fulton | Theresa Kelly | 8/13/2015 |
Funk | Peter Funk family | Kim Fioravanti | 7/2/2016 |
Funk | Reuben Blood | Kim Fioravanti | 7/2/2016 |
Funk | Funk, Blood, and Lemke surnames in Allen County | Kim Fioravanti | 4/9/2015 |
Garman | Family History | Dave Garman | 5/25/2018 |
Genth | Genth, Lannert, and Ankenbruck ancestors | Nancy King Theis | 10/16/2017 |
Gerhlein | Gerline-Gerhlein relation | Sandy Moeller | 2/12/2018 |
Gerline | Gerline-Gerhlein relation | Sandy Moeller | 2/12/2018 |
Gilmore | Beyerlein-Miller-Gilmore fam., Huntington's chorea | Nancy Harber | 5/3/2011 |
Gingery | Leon G. Gingery & Loretta H. Lehman divorce date | Rose Gingery | 5/5/2021 |
Gladieux | Lomont 1923 Family reunion picture | Cheryl Emenhiser | 2/25/2010 |
Glass | Jacob W. Glass burial site | Thomas Koon | 8/4/2017 |
Gocke | Rensmanns in Fort Wayne | Heather Groves | 7/20/2012 |
Gooding | Gooding, Allen, and Watson surname search | David Gooding | 11/8/2017 |
Goodson | Goodson Family | Scott E. Davis | 7/8/2013 |
Greim | Arnold Greim sibling search | Jen Eitniear (Makin) | 3/25/2017 |
Grieb | Repp family checking | Thomas Grieb | 2/25/2020 |
Grimes | Information on Edwin (Edward?) Kilpatrick | Katharine Andrew | 2/17/2022 |
Grimme | Edward L. Grimme | Herman J. Grimme | 4/7/2012 |
Gronau | Magalena Fredrickson, parents and siblings | Wayne Miesen | 3/24/2016 |
Groner | Elsie Groner | Thomas E. Palmer | 3/2/2013 |
Guenin | Guenin family | William Lawson | 9/20/2009 |
Guillaume | Guillaume genealogy | Wayne E. Guillaume | 8/31/2013 |
Gulick | Murphy history | Jacinta Derouchie | 6/19/2016 |
Hacker | John and Katharine (Hacker) Bitzinger and family | C.K. | 7/14/2023 |
Haggerty | Emma Madora Francis Haggerty death/divorce in 1863 | Kathryn Howard | 8/7/2023 |
Haggerty | Hagerty or Haggerty marriage to Etna/Atna in 1864 | Kathryn Howard | 6/7/2023 |
Haiber | McMullen family that immigrated from Co. Antrim | Maureen | 2/9/2022 |
Haifley | John Keefer and Elizabeth Haifley | Sean Keefer | 9/3/2011 |
Hambrock | William Moellering family | John Beatty | 10/7/2024 |
Hann | Hann wedding records | Gina Hann Barnes | 6/6/2011 |
Harden | Elizabeth Whitright Johnson Harden | Jean | 12/21/2022 |
Hardie | Early settlers 1860 Perry township | Jacquelyn Melton | 8/26/2014 |
Harold | Harold Dick-Alice McKee marriage certificate | Donna Foy | 2/17/2022 |
Harper | John Harrison Tinker birth record | Larry D Tinker | 4/20/2010 |
Harring | Herring-Harring death, family, etc | Glola Krumel | 2/5/2014 |
Harris | Harris-Crawford family research | Richard Harris | 10/21/2020 |
Harris | John and Matilda Harris, Jackson Twp., Monroe Twp. | Sue Downey | 9/19/2009 |
Harshman | Martha Culp / Juanita M. Culp Kitcher | SusieQ | 11/10/2014 |
Hartman | Rohland Family | Greg Michell | 9/19/2009 |
Hartnett | Decendents of Michael McCarthy & Margaret Hartnett | Ellen Wall | 9/20/2009 |
Hassenauer | John George Hassenauer burial? | Teresa Dearmond Wagner | 12/15/2021 |
Hassenauer | John George Hassenauer, Anna Hintermeister | Teresa Dearmond Wagner | 2/26/2022 |
Hausbach | Roy Hausbach military record | Grace Hausbach Dickerson | 3/14/2014 |
Hawkins | Family of Christina Detrick and Abram Peters | Keith Nuttle | 12/4/2021 |
Headford | Headford Family Descendants | Nancy Smedley Gleason | 2/9/2015 |
Headford | Headford-Koontz-Dimmick-Crayton Family Tree | Nancy Smedley Gleason | 2/4/2013 |
Heine | Hanne Wilhelmine Christine Heine b. 1836 | JR | 12/3/2018 |
Heller | King Family in Allen County, Indiana | Noel Parsons | 6/25/2010 |
Helmke | Helmke Family in Ohio and Indiana | Rebekah (Helmke) Berman | 10/29/2012 |
Helmke | Helmke family in Indiana and Ohio | Rebekah (Helmke) Berman | 2/6/2023 |
Henline | Jezek or Henline Families | Ruta Grigola | 9/18/2010 |
Henry | Kinsey-Henry marriage license, 1876, Allen Co. | James Winger | 3/22/2025 |
Henry | John H. Henry military records | Andrew Henry | 10/29/2013 |
Henry | Joseph Smith-Mary Henry Smith research request | Michelle Smith | 7/22/2020 |
Herber | John Henry Herber family | Steven J Herber | 10/22/2009 |
Herman | Surname Herman | Lawrence Herman | 3/1/2018 |
Herman | Russian or Polish immigration records, 1890s | Samantha Herman | 9/24/2020 |
Hermsdorfer | Maiden name Truman or Freeman? | Pamela Creighton | 3/14/2015 |
Herrick | Herrick Family | Alice Herrick | 4/18/2013 |
Herring | Herring-Harring death, family, etc | Glola Krumel | 2/5/2014 |
Herzog | Military Links/Addresses | Ron Koenig | 6/24/2010 |
Hessanior | John George Hassenauer, Anna Hintermeister | Teresa Dearmond Wagner | 2/26/2022 |
Hessenauer | John George Hassenauer, Anna Hintermeister | Teresa Dearmond Wagner | 2/26/2022 |
Hessenflow | Daniel Hessenflow | Reva E. Marshall | 8/17/2010 |
Hettinger | Seeking information on Albert G. Monroe | John Jackson | 7/24/2014 |
Higginbotham | Edwin Samuel Higginbotham family lineage | Peggy Coulter | 12/2/2017 |
Hight | Asa Hight (b. 1801) in 1850 Census | Margaret Lucas | 8/18/2016 |
Hilker | Where are the Kupers? | Ellen Wall | 9/20/2009 |
Hilleke | Rensmanns in Fort Wayne | Heather Groves | 7/20/2012 |
Hinkle | Genealogy research | Robin Wallace | 9/29/2012 |
Hintermeister | John George Hassenauer, Anna Hintermeister | Teresa Dearmond Wagner | 2/26/2022 |
Hintermeister | John George Hassenauer burial? | Teresa Dearmond Wagner | 12/15/2021 |
Hite | Family History | Dave Garman | 5/25/2018 |
Hodge | Honey Hodge birth record | Honey Bolton | 9/21/2012 |
Hoffman | Lykins, Shepard, and Hoffman vital records | Colby Potts | 1/15/2021 |
Hogarth | Hogarth-Humphrey-Stoddart-O'Leary family history | Denise Hogarth Bumford | 2/2/2022 |
Holford | Raymond Holford | June Nichols | 4/6/2022 |
Hollabaugh | George Hollabaugh family research | Karen Weston | 8/26/2010 |
Holley | Clarence W. Wayne-Margaret O. DeMars Holley div. | Jeanne Aranda | 6/15/2015 |
Honeck | Honeck family | Stu Honeck | 5/15/2016 |
Honeck | Wm. Dennis & Anna Fletter | Michael Rosswurm | 12/26/2017 |
Houser | Where are the Kupers? | Ellen Wall | 9/20/2009 |
Houser | Mathews | Richard Houser | 9/21/2009 |
Houser | Mary Houser Kelker parents or siblings? | Stan Follis | 9/21/2009 |
Howard | Cherokee Indian information | B. J. R. | 2/6/2020 |
Hughes | Shoemaker and Hughes Family | Andrea Young | 11/11/2011 |
Hume | Hume families; Brothers families; Faries or Fariss | Janis Rojany | 10/22/2014 |
Humphrey | Hogarth-Humphrey-Stoddart-O'Leary family history | Denise Hogarth Bumford | 2/2/2022 |
Humphrey | George Humphrey family | Denise Hogarth Bumford | 10/19/2022 |
Hurni | Samuel Hurni burial record | Michael Hurni | 5/17/2012 |
Hursh | Information on these families | Dolores Van Dusen Norton | 9/5/2012 |
Hutchinson | Ralph Hutchinson burial, d. 1838 | Mary Ann Anderson | 1/4/2010 |
Hutzel | Fort Wayne | Joy Schoeph Helfrich | 6/17/2013 |
Ihly | How did David Ely die? | Diane Ely | 9/19/2009 |
Irving | John Irving | Jennifer Irving | 10/16/2010 |
Jansen | Charles Hickman, his parents and family | Nancy Warner Manthei | 10/18/2014 |
Jefferies | James Jefferies | Kevin D. Jackson | 12/8/2009 |
Jehl | Paul C. Jehl | Kelly Bradburn | 4/11/2012 |
Jensen | Charles Hickman, his parents and family | Nancy Warner Manthei | 10/18/2014 |
Jewell | Jewell and Moran in Baldwin, Allen County | Margaret Jewell Vance | 1/6/2010 |
Jezek | Jezek or Henline Families | Ruta Grigola | 9/18/2010 |
Johnson | James Abraham Johnson, 1802-1859 | Chadwick Johnson | 3/14/2017 |
Johnson | Elizabeth Whitright Johnson Harden | Jean | 12/21/2022 |
Johnson | Woodford Clan - Need Help Finding John Woodford | Robert Day | 8/7/2013 |
Johnston | Looking for images of Ebenezer & Isabelle Parkison | Gerri Parkison Reddin | 1/23/2017 |
Kalbacher | Thomas J. McKiernan family history research | Jim McKiernan | 5/16/2014 |
Kaough | Nicholas Kaough death record | Gretchen Hanke | 1/8/2013 |
Kaplan | Family ancestry | Catherine Loew | 5/26/2014 |
Kaposky | Family ancestry | Catherine Loew | 5/26/2014 |
Keck | William Moellering family | John Beatty | 10/7/2024 |
Keefer | John Keefer and Elizabeth Haifley | Sean Keefer | 9/3/2011 |
Keith | Blankenship and Keith | Delores (Dodie) Keith Zonakis | 1/24/2012 |
Kelker | Families in Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana | Stan Follis | 9/17/2009 |
Kelker | Mary Houser Kelker parents or siblings? | Stan Follis | 9/21/2009 |
Keller | Need info on Catherine Stuart & Edwin Keller | Joyce Barber | 8/14/2010 |
Keller | Crabill Family Bible | Amy Crabill Lay | 9/12/2011 |
Kellermeier | Henry E. Kellermeier | Cheryl Favorite Ambruso | 2/26/2012 |
Kelner | Herrick Family | Alice Herrick | 4/18/2013 |
Kerr | Peter Funk family | Kim Fioravanti | 7/2/2016 |
Kessel | Grandfather, Knight & Kessel | Misty Knight | 8/24/2019 |
Ketchum | George Ketchum | Deb Martin | 9/20/2009 |
Kiefer | Hortense Kiefer, Charles Stuart Fulton | Theresa Kelly | 8/13/2015 |
Kiessling | Family ancestry | Catherine Loew | 5/26/2014 |
Kietzman | Omspach Family Tree | William David Omspach | 7/23/2012 |
Kilgore | Ida May Dempsey-William Kilgore family | Pamela J. Enns | 11/23/2012 |
Kilpatrick | Information on Edwin (Edward?) Kilpatrick | Katharine Andrew | 2/17/2022 |
Kinder | Paul Kinder, Johannes Paul Kinder | Rev. Claude Kinder | 10/21/2010 |
Kinder | Kinder families | Claude Kinder | 11/3/2023 |
King | King Family in Allen County, Indiana | Noel Parsons | 6/25/2010 |
King | Bowser and King family tree help needed | Terri Lynn Welbaum (Bowser) | 10/10/2017 |
Kinsey | Kinsey-Henry marriage license, 1876, Allen Co. | James Winger | 3/22/2025 |
Kintz | Genealogy help - Spanley and kintz | Brian Jones | 11/14/2012 |
Kirk | Locating Kirk ancestors | Charles E. Kirk | 1/7/2021 |
Kirkland | Edwin H. Kirkland | Susan Hensley | 4/17/2010 |
Kitcher | Martha Culp / Juanita M. Culp Kitcher | SusieQ | 11/10/2014 |
Kleinrichart | Henry Joseph Kleinrichert parents | Merry Henry | 10/27/2010 |
Kleinrichert | Henry Joseph Kleinrichert parents | Merry Henry | 10/27/2010 |
Kline | Willkie, Willke, Wilkie, Kline, Christman | Frank Wilkie | 1/15/2010 |
Klingaman | Klingeman family in Germany | Joanna Klingeman | 11/1/2020 |
Klingeman | Klingeman family in Germany | Joanna Klingeman | 11/1/2020 |
Klingerman | Klingeman family in Germany | Joanna Klingeman | 11/1/2020 |
Knight | Grandfather, Knight & Kessel | Misty Knight | 8/24/2019 |
Knotts | Genealogy help - Spanley and kintz | Brian Jones | 11/14/2012 |
Knouse | Mother's Knouse family roots | Joan Magnusson | 2/4/2023 |
Knuttle/Nuttle | Families of William and Sarah (Gee/Jay) Knuttle | Keith Nuttle | 8/8/2010 |
Koch | Obituary and death of Charles (Carl Ludwig) Koch | Matthias Uthoff | 11/19/2022 |
Kohlman | Jacob, Conrad, and John Kohlman(n) | Ted B Wendeln | 12/13/2011 |
Kohlman | Kohlman Birth Records | Ted B. Wendeln | 3/29/2012 |
Kohlmann | Jacob, Conrad, and John Kohlman(n) | Ted B Wendeln | 12/13/2011 |
Koomler | Birth/death record for Eugene A Koomler. | Paula J. Ives | 3/16/2011 |
Koomler | Amanda Nulf Koomler birth records | Paula J Ives | 5/13/2011 |
Koomler | Strombeck, Beulow, Koomler, and Nulf marriages | Paula Ives | 5/13/2011 |
Koontz | Headford-Koontz-Dimmick-Crayton Family Tree | Nancy Smedley Gleason | 2/4/2013 |
Kulf | Amanda Nulf Koomler birth records | Paula J Ives | 5/13/2011 |
Kuper | Where are the Kupers? | Ellen Wall | 9/20/2009 |
Kuss | Jane Catherina Moritz sponsors | Bonnie Yahraus | 3/2/2014 |
Ladig | Jacob Ladig family, Jefferson Twp. | Patricia Prascsak | 9/19/2009 |
Lamboley | John B. Lamboley | Erin Kauffman | 4/30/2021 |
Lambrakis | Charles Lambrakis | Betty Murphy | 12/29/2019 |
Lannert | Genth, Lannert, and Ankenbruck ancestors | Nancy King Theis | 10/16/2017 |
Lantz | Albert Lantz and the Mennonite Church | Amy Leineweber | 7/30/2014 |
Lary | Lary Family Research | Douglas J. Lary | 9/19/2009 |
Lash | Lesh information in Allen County, Indiana | Lorene Lesh | 4/17/2022 |
Latham | George Ketchum | Deb Martin | 9/20/2009 |
Laub | John Darkes, William Laub ancestry help | Bill Sark | 2/6/2021 |
Lazalier | Eliza Lazalier | Paulette Carpenter | 9/26/2015 |
Leafler | John Sites, 1821-1892 | Pattie (Sites) Naumoff | 4/12/2017 |
Lee | Patience T. Lee parents, Morgan Co., Ind. | David Lee | 6/12/2015 |
Lehman | Leon G. Gingery & Loretta H. Lehman divorce date | Rose Gingery | 5/5/2021 |
Lemke | Funk, Blood, and Lemke surnames in Allen County | Kim Fioravanti | 4/9/2015 |
Lenington | Lenington research | Susan Hanson | 5/12/2016 |
Lesh | Lesh information in Allen County, Indiana | Lorene Lesh | 4/17/2022 |
Levin | Elizabeth Ann Levin marriage | Tom Ervin | 4/20/2010 |
Lickey | Martha Culp / Juanita M. Culp Kitcher | SusieQ | 11/10/2014 |
Lomont | Lomont 1923 Family reunion picture | Cheryl Emenhiser | 2/25/2010 |
Long | Seeking information on Don and Gladys Williams | Anna Goodwin | 12/21/2023 |
Lord | David Family History | Ruth David Fouty | 7/10/2013 |
Lykins | Lykins, Shepard, and Hoffman vital records | Colby Potts | 1/15/2021 |
Lysher | John Lysher and family | Kathleen Lysher Rivkind | 6/19/2012 |
Maglajlic | Simmons-Advany-Malajlic families | Mohammed Advany | 8/4/2013 |
Mahon | Dominick and Bridget Mahon | Donna Geary | 11/30/2019 |
Maloney | Maloney information | Ben Buchanan | 1/21/2020 |
Manoski | Monsignor Stanley Manoski | Kathleen Kearns | 7/5/2016 |
Mark | Marriage of Emily Mark | Valerie Larsen | 12/24/2017 |
Marquardt | Marquardt-Seigel-Oswald-Miller family | Roma Miller | 12/27/2022 |
Marshall | Charles Marshall and Family | Susan | 1/18/2010 |
Massey | Massey, Cox, & Miehls family | Dixie | 1/3/2020 |
Maten | Colin Pearl Mater death | Brenda Ann Mater | 4/4/2014 |
Mater | Colin Pearl Mater death | Brenda Ann Mater | 4/4/2014 |
Mavis | Genealogy research | Robin Wallace | 9/29/2012 |
McAdams | Nolt-McAdams search | Tammy Taylor | 1/18/2023 |
McBennett | McMullen family that immigrated from Co. Antrim | Maureen | 2/9/2022 |
McCarthy | Decendents of Michael McCarthy & Margaret Hartnett | Ellen Wall | 9/20/2009 |
McClellan | Frank M. McClellan | Kathy Stepkowski | 7/27/2017 |
McConnell | John Irving | Jennifer Irving | 10/16/2010 |
McCurdy | Donald James McCurdy, War Memorial | Beverly Mors | 9/27/2010 |
McDonald | McDonald mortuary record | Roy Taylor | 8/11/2019 |
McDonald | James B. and Margaret McDonald of Fort Wayne | Russ Czaplewski | 12/24/2016 |
McDougall | Looking for parents of Louisa McDougall | Ruth Taylor | 10/16/2011 |
McDowell | George McDowell | Diane L. McDowell | 3/20/2012 |
McGinnis | John Sites, 1821-1892 | Pattie (Sites) Naumoff | 4/12/2017 |
McKiernan | Thomas J. McKiernan family history research | Jim McKiernan | 5/16/2014 |
McLeod | Madie L. Duke McLeod | James Duke | 8/19/2012 |
McMullen | Reuben McMullen | Mandy Hopton | 9/15/2015 |
McMullen | McMullen family that immigrated from Co. Antrim | Maureen | 2/9/2022 |
McVay | Surnames | Michele Finneran Williams | 1/22/2020 |
Meihls | Massey, Cox, & Miehls family | Dixie | 1/3/2020 |
Merriott | Joseph H. Merriott | Michael Rosswurm | 12/26/2017 |
MgGinnis | Military Links/Addresses | Ron Koenig | 6/24/2010 |
Miesen | Magalena Fredrickson, parents and siblings | Wayne Miesen | 3/24/2016 |
Miller | William Moellering family | John Beatty | 10/7/2024 |
Miller | Beyerlein-Miller-Gilmore fam., Huntington's chorea | Nancy Harber | 5/3/2011 |
Miller | Marquardt-Seigel-Oswald-Miller family | Roma Miller | 12/27/2022 |
Mills | Thomas and Lovina (Younglove) Baxter | Janilyn Gager | 12/1/2011 |
Mix | Mix surname | Robert Mix | 6/2/2017 |
Mock | Genealogy research | Robin Wallace | 9/29/2012 |
Moellering | William Moellering family | John Beatty | 10/7/2024 |
Monnier | Pixley relief house | James Miller | 7/26/2019 |
Monnier | Marie Frances Bartholomew | Will | 7/17/2014 |
Monnot | Charles R. Taylor | Cynthia Myers | 12/18/2017 |
Monroe | Seeking information on Albert G. Monroe | John Jackson | 7/24/2014 |
Moore | Eliza J. Armfield Moore | Marsha Toler | 11/11/2013 |
Moore | Ephriam W. Adams | Kurt E. Adams | 10/9/2009 |
Moran | Jewell and Moran in Baldwin, Allen County | Margaret Jewell Vance | 1/6/2010 |
Morgan | Elizabeth Morgan Hubertz | Pat Emerson | 1/23/2011 |
Moritz | Jane Catherina Moritz sponsors | Bonnie Yahraus | 3/2/2014 |
Mortiz | Moritz Family | Bruce T. Bauer | 3/14/2021 |
Moses | Looking for a photo of A. Barbara Beery Parkison | Gerri Parkison Reddin | 1/23/2017 |
Mourey | Lomont 1923 Family reunion picture | Cheryl Emenhiser | 2/25/2010 |
Murphy | Murphy history | Jacinta Derouchie | 6/19/2016 |
Myers | Emanuel Myers (1878-1952) | Karen (Myers) Rogers | 4/22/2024 |
Nameche | Nameche and Reeve surnames | Stephanie McCready | 12/8/2021 |
Neddo | Levi Neddo | Karen Robison | 6/12/2015 |
Nettelhorst | Oscar Edward Nettelhorst | Lisa Suemnicht | 3/25/2025 |
Nettelhurst | Oscar Edward Nettelhorst | Lisa Suemnicht | 3/25/2025 |
Nettlehorst | Oscar Edward Nettelhorst | Lisa Suemnicht | 3/25/2025 |
Newnam | Family Tree | John R. Newnam | 9/20/2009 |
Nichols | Raymond Holford | June Nichols | 4/6/2022 |
Nietert | Hanne Wilhelmine Christine Heine b. 1836 | JR | 12/3/2018 |
Niles | Rodenbaugh | Van Valkenburgh | 3/14/2023 |
Nolt | Nolt-McAdams search | Tammy Taylor | 1/18/2023 |
Nottlehorst | Oscar Edward Nettelhorst | Lisa Suemnicht | 3/25/2025 |
Nowak | Descendants of Nowak, Werner, Stark | Ann Werner | 3/21/2011 |
Nulf | Strombeck, Beulow, Koomler, and Nulf marriages | Paula Ives | 5/13/2011 |
Null | Charles R. Taylor | Cynthia Myers | 12/18/2017 |
Obergfell | Obergfell and Freistroffer surnames | Karen Evans | 2/26/2022 |
O'Leary | Hogarth-Humphrey-Stoddart-O'Leary family history | Denise Hogarth Bumford | 2/2/2022 |
Omspach | Family in Fort Wayne | William D. Omspach | 8/13/2012 |
Omspach | Omspach Family Tree | William David Omspach | 7/23/2012 |
Omspaugh | Family in Fort Wayne | William D. Omspach | 8/13/2012 |
Oswald | Marquardt-Seigel-Oswald-Miller family | Roma Miller | 12/27/2022 |
Overly | Susanna (Overly) Smith death record | Janet L. Smith | 9/19/2009 |
Pape | Pape surname at St. Vincents Orphange | Luann Robinson | 9/29/2013 |
Parker | Jacob, Frank, Rena, Chris, and Rinder Parker | Lana Trumpey | 2/16/2013 |
Parker | Jacob Loy Parker, Elsie Franke Parker Trumpey | Lana Ray Trumpey | 7/10/2014 |
Parkison | Looking for images of Ebenezer & Isabelle Parkison | Gerri Parkison Reddin | 1/23/2017 |
Parkison | Looking for a photo of A. Barbara Beery Parkison | Gerri Parkison Reddin | 1/23/2017 |
Parkison | Looking for images of ancestors | Gerri Parkison Reddin | 1/23/2017 |
Parry | Helmke family in Indiana and Ohio | Rebekah (Helmke) Berman | 2/6/2023 |
Paxgton | Finding ancestors: Craig, Craige, Paxgton, Stewart | Diana Shock | 8/20/2020 |
Payne | Charles Payne birth, 1846 | Bob Payne | 9/6/2018 |
Pequignot | Runyan/Runnion family genealogy research | Jeannine (Runyan) Miller | 7/5/2022 |
Perrey | Perrey and Sordelet families, France & Indiana | Gilles David | 1/7/2014 |
Perry | Sidney L. Perry family tree | Daphanie Perry | 5/3/2012 |
Perry | Helmke family in Indiana and Ohio | Rebekah (Helmke) Berman | 2/6/2023 |
Peters | Family of Christina Detrick and Abram Peters | Keith Nuttle | 12/4/2021 |
Phillips | Any info on Bernard (or Bernhardt) Phillips family | Jenny Basham | 7/10/2010 |
Piepenbrink | Clarence Piepenbrink divorces | Ann Piepenbrink | 5/29/2016 |
Piggott | Thomas and Margaret Piggott Family | Lori Miller | 2/28/2014 |
Pike | James Pike death | Ed DeRemer | 5/4/2012 |
Pion | Pion name history | Mary Casiano | 3/2/2024 |
Ply | Genealogy help - Spanley and kintz | Brian Jones | 11/14/2012 |
Primley | Yant-Primley Family Help | Donna Rotunda | 1/11/2011 |
Pyle | Isaac Newton Pyle | Rebeca Womble | 2/2/2023 |
Quackenbush | Arthur Quackenbush | Diane Meyer | 8/22/2013 |
Quinn | Michael Flood, Ellen (Wall) Flood & Family | Kimberly Scheidemantle | 5/11/2011 |
Racht | Wafer family ancestry | Alfred P. Wafer Jr | 2/24/2020 |
Radebaugh | Mary E. Wilcoxen Radebaugh, b. 1858 | Cheryl Radabaugh | 11/29/2015 |
Rahe | Doenges, Rahe, Ruhe, Koehlinger, Lepper, Griebel | Sharon Speakman | 6/3/2011 |
Ranney | James Ranney, 1802-1870, Allen Co., Indiana | Carol A. Ranney | 4/30/2016 |
Reeve | Nameche and Reeve surnames | Stephanie McCready | 12/8/2021 |
Rensman | Rensmanns in Fort Wayne | Heather Groves | 7/20/2012 |
Rensmann | Rensmanns in Fort Wayne | Heather Groves | 7/20/2012 |
Repp | Repp family checking | Thomas Grieb | 2/25/2020 |
Rethlake | Harold A. Rethlake-Phyllis J. Warfel family | C. Rethlake | 7/7/2015 |
Revert | Revert surname | Cory Revert | 2/9/2012 |
Rhinehart | John R. Rhinehart address, c. 1945 | Julie R. Waterfield | 9/24/2009 |
Rice | George R. and Anne Rice Falls | Linda West Day | 11/3/2013 |
Richard | Christian Richard family genealogy | Karen Singer | 2/9/2019 |
Richards | Father of James Isaac Richards | Robert Richards | 9/28/2018 |
Richter | Fredrick Ernst Richter and his son Max E. Richter | Neil Richter | 9/4/2013 |
Ring | Elsie Groner | Thomas E. Palmer | 3/2/2013 |
Ritchey | Woodford Clan - Need Help Finding John Woodford | Robert Day | 8/7/2013 |
Robertson | Charles Hickman, his parents and family | Nancy Warner Manthei | 10/18/2014 |
Rodemeyer | Hanne Wilhelmine Christine Heine b. 1836 | JR | 12/3/2018 |
Rodenbaugh | Rodenbaugh | Van Valkenburgh | 3/14/2023 |
Rohda | Luther Institute class photos, 1927 and 1928 | Marilyn Falzone | 11/22/2022 |
Rohde | Luther Institute class photos, 1927 and 1928 | Marilyn Falzone | 11/22/2022 |
Rohland | Rohland Family | Greg Michell | 9/19/2009 |
Rosenthal | Rosenthal genealogy | Kathy Milovac | 11/23/2013 |
Rosswurm | Wm. Dennis & Anna Fletter | Michael Rosswurm | 12/26/2017 |
Rosswurm | Joseph H. Merriott | Michael Rosswurm | 12/26/2017 |
Routt | Arnold Greim sibling search | Jen Eitniear (Makin) | 3/25/2017 |
Ruhe | Doenges, Rahe, Ruhe, Koehlinger, Lepper, Griebel | Sharon Speakman | 6/3/2011 |
Runnion | Runyan/Runnion family genealogy research | Jeannine (Runyan) Miller | 7/5/2022 |
Runyan | Runyan/Runnion family genealogy research | Jeannine (Runyan) Miller | 7/5/2022 |
Ryan | Wesley Ryan, 1814-1869 | Kathleen Ryan Willnauer | 8/19/2015 |
Sailor | Henry A. Saylor birth | Richard Saylor | 1/13/2013 |
Sams | Woodward & Sams ancestry | Robert D. Woodward | 3/16/2018 |
Santee | Death of Leonard Santee | Sharon Bostelaar | 2/20/2019 |
Sauers | Edward L. Grimme | Herman J. Grimme | 4/7/2012 |
Sausotte | Sausotte genealogy | Leila Sansote | 8/5/2021 |
Saussotte | Marie Frances Bartholomew | Will | 7/17/2014 |
Saylor | Looking for Saylor families | Dianna Henson | 1/23/2017 |
Saylor | Henry A. Saylor birth | Richard Saylor | 1/13/2013 |
Schaefer | Shaffer (Schaffer, Schafer etc) & Schaefer surname | Carol Mackey Shaffer | 3/6/2020 |
Schafer | Shaffer (Schaffer, Schafer etc) & Schaefer surname | Carol Mackey Shaffer | 3/6/2020 |
Schaffer | Shaffer (Schaffer, Schafer etc) & Schaefer surname | Carol Mackey Shaffer | 3/6/2020 |
Schamerloh | Marriage Record | Steven Bultemeyer | 11/15/2013 |
Schellenger | Parents of Sylvester W Skellenger | Mike Skelenger | 9/5/2016 |
Scherer | Scherer surname | Phyllis Sherwin | 11/25/2020 |
Schmidt | Frederick Schroeder b. abt 1838 Hanover? Germany | Cheryl (Fiedler) Emenhiser | 9/19/2009 |
Schmidt | Headford Family Descendants | Nancy Smedley Gleason | 2/9/2015 |
Schmucker | Death of father, Henning Schmucker, 1973 | Ray Schmucker | 12/24/2019 |
Schneider | Family Tree | John R. Newnam | 9/20/2009 |
Schneider - Snyder | Families in Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana | Stan Follis | 9/17/2009 |
Schnelker | Schnelker Park Centennial-Are you family? | Barbara Crosby | 7/29/2022 |
Schoen | Henry Wellman, Gustave and Katherine (Fey) Schoen | Rebecca Schon Kilde | 5/10/2013 |
Schoeph | Fort Wayne | Joy Schoeph Helfrich | 6/17/2013 |
Schoonover | William Fuller | Trey Higgens | 12/26/2016 |
Schottenstein | Hume families; Brothers families; Faries or Fariss | Janis Rojany | 10/22/2014 |
Schrage | Schrage lineage | Susan Floyd | 9/19/2009 |
Schroeder | Frederick Schroeder b. abt 1838 Hanover? Germany | Cheryl (Fiedler) Emenhiser | 9/19/2009 |
Schuck | William and Hazel Schuck Slagle family, 1920s | Kathryn Cox | 11/20/2009 |
Schueler | Cedarville Cemetery, Cedarville, Allen Co., IN | Bernie Havens | 3/11/2014 |
Schuler | Cedarville Cemetery, Cedarville, Allen Co., IN | Bernie Havens | 3/11/2014 |
Schwartz | Isaac W.Baker | Bonnie Moore | 2/18/2021 |
Scott | Charles Scott photo | Valyrie Walter | 8/4/2022 |
Sechler | Information on Jacob D. Sechler | Charles Sechler | 1/15/2013 |
Seffel | Aboite Township family information on Sephels | Sue Voorheis | 9/5/2012 |
Seffen | Aboite Township family information on Sephels | Sue Voorheis | 9/5/2012 |
Seibert | Seibert family | Richard Seiber | 10/27/2009 |
Sephel | Aboite Township family information on Sephels | Sue Voorheis | 9/5/2012 |
Shade | Shade family history | Robbin Melton | 4/16/2019 |
Shaffer | Shaffer (Schaffer, Schafer etc) & Schaefer surname | Carol Mackey Shaffer | 3/6/2020 |
Shaffer | John Eli Shaffer Born 1857 in Fort Wayne | Edward Shaffer | 10/10/2015 |
Shank | Age of barn | Colleen A Shank | 9/11/2012 |
Shanklin | request info on Henry Shanklin | Michele Suttle | 5/9/2017 |
Sheetz | Bartlett-Sheetz family tree | Franklin Bartlett | 6/27/2016 |
Shepard | Lykins, Shepard, and Hoffman vital records | Colby Potts | 1/15/2021 |
Shepler | Della Shepler photo | Valyrie Walter | 8/4/2022 |
Shewey | Asa Hight (b. 1801) in 1850 Census | Margaret Lucas | 8/18/2016 |
Shifflett | Looking for the Shifflett surname | Sylvia Shifflett | 3/6/2018 |
Shoe | Asa Hight (b. 1801) in 1850 Census | Margaret Lucas | 8/18/2016 |
Shoemaker | Shoemaker and Hughes Family | Andrea Young | 11/11/2011 |
Shook | Peter Cutshaw-Elizabeth Shook, pre-1859, Wayne Twp | Adam J. Barrone | 9/17/2009 |
Siegel/Seigel | Marquardt-Seigel-Oswald-Miller family | Roma Miller | 12/27/2022 |
Sievers | Looking for Simon Wilhelm Sievers | Marilee Sievers Griffin | 11/4/2020 |
Simmons | Simmons Family | Stephanie Wilhelm | 8/10/2018 |
Simmons | Simmons-Advany-Malajlic families | Mohammed Advany | 8/4/2013 |
Simpson | Information on these families | Dolores Van Dusen Norton | 9/5/2012 |
Sims | Death records for Ernest Sims | Susan Houser | 1/1/2015 |
Sipe | Braddock, Sipe, and Wells land records, 1842+ | Karen Kehr | 1/2/2019 |
Sites | John Sites, 1821-1892 | Pattie (Sites) Naumoff | 4/12/2017 |
Skellenger | Parents of Sylvester W Skellenger | Mike Skelenger | 9/5/2016 |
Slack | Andrew S. Slack | Dale Slack | 7/7/2016 |
Slagle | William and Hazel Schuck Slagle family, 1920s | Kathryn Cox | 11/20/2009 |
Smail | Smail ancestor, Madison Twp. | Meg Cole | 2/14/2014 |
Smith | John H. Henry military records | Andrew Henry | 10/29/2013 |
Smith | Charles Hickman, his parents and family | Nancy Warner Manthei | 10/18/2014 |
Smith | Susanna (Overly) Smith death record | Janet L. Smith | 9/19/2009 |
Smith | Joseph Smith-Mary Henry Smith research request | Michelle Smith | 7/22/2020 |
Smith | Margaret (Smith) Davis | Janet Smith | 9/19/2009 |
Snearley | Looking for Stone-Snearley farm family in 1880 | Valyrie A. Walter | 7/2/2017 |
Sordelet | Seeking information about Jacques Sordelet | Jeanne Stump | 9/19/2009 |
Sordelet | Perrey and Sordelet families, France & Indiana | Gilles David | 1/7/2014 |
Sorg | Cecelia Swager | Tammi Yoder | 6/11/2016 |
Sowers | Edward L. Grimme | Herman J. Grimme | 4/7/2012 |
Sowle | Mattie Sowle death record | David Nuttle | 6/16/2012 |
Spanley | Genealogy help - Spanley and kintz | Brian Jones | 11/14/2012 |
Spear | John H. Henry military records | Andrew Henry | 10/29/2013 |
Spencer | John Eli Shaffer Born 1857 in Fort Wayne | Edward Shaffer | 10/10/2015 |
Spindler | Carl Spindler | Thomas E. Palmer | 9/27/2009 |
Sprunger | Carol Sprunger, pen pal for many years, 1940s | Charlcie White Casey | 4/4/2011 |
Stark | Descendants of Nowak, Werner, Stark | Ann Werner | 3/21/2011 |
Starr | Starr Family, 1847-1890, Charles Lewis and Joseph | Jacquelyn Patten | 10/12/2010 |
Stauffer | Great Grandfather's death - Wallace Paul Stauffer | Brent Skinner | 8/6/2011 |
Staynor | Families of William and Sarah (Gee/Jay) Knuttle | Keith Nuttle | 8/8/2010 |
Steinmann | Starr Family, 1847-1890, Charles Lewis and Joseph | Jacquelyn Patten | 10/12/2010 |
Stewart | Need info on Catherine Stuart & Edwin Keller | Joyce Barber | 8/14/2010 |
Stewart | Finding ancestors: Craig, Craige, Paxgton, Stewart | Diana Shock | 8/20/2020 |
Stier | Looking for any help | Kathy | 5/18/2010 |
Stoddart | Hogarth-Humphrey-Stoddart-O'Leary family history | Denise Hogarth Bumford | 2/2/2022 |
Stoll | Conrad Stoll | Sharon Lutter | 9/22/2009 |
Stolz | Stolz Family from Logansport | Dawn Stolz Haughey | 1/22/2017 |
Stone | Cherokee Indian information | B. J. R. | 2/6/2020 |
Stone | Looking for Stone-Snearley farm family in 1880 | Valyrie A. Walter | 7/2/2017 |
Stoops | Information on these families | Dolores Van Dusen Norton | 9/5/2012 |
Strasser | Marriage licenses | Michael A. Alspach | 2/5/2020 |
Strombeck | Strombeck, Beulow, Koomler, and Nulf marriages | Paula Ives | 5/13/2011 |
Strouse | Death & burial location of Joseph Smith Benward | K. M. Gillen | 9/20/2009 |
Stuart | Need info on Catherine Stuart & Edwin Keller | Joyce Barber | 8/14/2010 |
Sturgeon | Wesley Ryan, 1814-1869 | Kathleen Ryan Willnauer | 8/19/2015 |
Swager | Cecelia Swager | Tammi Yoder | 6/11/2016 |
Sweet | Charles Sweet | Rex Maggert | 3/16/2025 |
Swindell | My grandmother born in Ft. Wayne on 4-15-1878 | Deborah Foy | 7/29/2012 |
Tapscott | Henry Tapscott Family | Robert E. Tapscott | 7/13/2013 |
Taticchi | Giuseppe Taticchi | Crystal Harter | 8/18/2019 |
Taylor | Charles R. Taylor | Cynthia Myers | 12/18/2017 |
Timbrook | Family of Christina Detrick and Abram Peters | Keith Nuttle | 12/4/2021 |
Timmons | Families in Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana | Stan Follis | 9/17/2009 |
Tingley | George McDowell | Diane L. McDowell | 3/20/2012 |
Tinker | John Harrison Tinker birth record | Larry D Tinker | 4/20/2010 |
Traester | Fletter, Traester & Dial surnames | Charles R. Fletter | 9/2/2013 |
Tran | Charles Marshall and Family | Susan | 1/18/2010 |
Truman | Maiden name Truman or Freeman? | Pamela Creighton | 3/14/2015 |
Trumpey | Jacob Loy Parker, Elsie Franke Parker Trumpey | Lana Ray Trumpey | 7/10/2014 |
Tzouanakis | Blankenship and Keith | Delores (Dodie) Keith Zonakis | 1/24/2012 |
Van Dusen | Information on these families | Dolores Van Dusen Norton | 9/5/2012 |
VanWinkle | VanWinkle ancestors of James Ebenezer VanWinkle | Chuck Burgher | 10/2/2013 |
Vastano | Antimo and Mary Vastano | Mary Jane Vastano Kennedy | 6/18/2012 |
Vastano | Antimo and Francisco Vastano | Mary Jane Vastano Kennedy | 8/10/2012 |
Vizard | Cathedral Records | Larry Vizard | 8/1/2010 |
Voinet | Voinet family place of origin found | Annette Lynch | 1/16/2012 |
Voirol | Lomont 1923 Family reunion picture | Cheryl Emenhiser | 2/25/2010 |
Vollmer | Vollmer Family | Mark Vollmer | 8/26/2015 |
Voltz | Voltz Family of Lafayette Township Allen County | Dennis Cotter | 9/19/2009 |
Wafer | Wafer family ancestry | Alfred P. Wafer Jr | 2/24/2020 |
Walda | Walt Blievernicht ancestry | Barbara Blievernicht Moskowitz | 7/28/2022 |
Walker | Luet Walker photo | Valyrie Walter | 8/4/2022 |
Walker | Harold John Walker death notice | John Deeds | 4/2/2014 |
Walker | John Walker-Rebecca Doney family | Judy Cotter | 2/16/2022 |
Walker | Seeking information on Albert G. Monroe | John Jackson | 7/24/2014 |
Wall | Michael Flood, Ellen (Wall) Flood & Family | Kimberly Scheidemantle | 5/11/2011 |
Warfel | Harold A. Rethlake-Phyllis J. Warfel family | C. Rethlake | 7/7/2015 |
Wass | Edith Brown, Samuel W. Wass | Eugene (Gene) Gant | 10/6/2015 |
Waterman | Wesley Waterman family residence location | Ronald Waterman | 3/2/2019 |
Waters | Geo. W. Waters | Mary L Stewart | 9/9/2010 |
Watson | Gooding, Allen, and Watson surname search | David Gooding | 11/8/2017 |
Watson | William Watson | Bobbie Mathis | 3/2/2013 |
Wayne | Clarence W. Wayne-Margaret O. DeMars Holley div. | Jeanne Aranda | 6/15/2015 |
Weeks | Charles Weeks, Sr. & Jr. | Holly Bullock | 8/9/2014 |
Weibel | Voltz Family of Lafayette Township Allen County | Dennis Cotter | 9/19/2009 |
Weibel | Birth record | Tricia Dirig | 9/20/2009 |
Weigel | Looking for any help | Kathy | 5/18/2010 |
Weikel | Arthur Quackenbush | Diane Meyer | 8/22/2013 |
Wellman | Henry Wellman, Gustave and Katherine (Fey) Schoen | Rebecca Schon Kilde | 5/10/2013 |
Wells | Braddock, Sipe, and Wells land records, 1842+ | Karen Kehr | 1/2/2019 |
Wendell | My Family history | Tayvon Wendell | 9/6/2012 |
Werner | Descendants of Nowak, Werner, Stark | Ann Werner | 3/21/2011 |
Westhoven | Childhood address, Vincent & Ruth Westhoven | Kevin Westhoven | 6/1/2018 |
White | John H. White, 1925-1956 | Dan White | 10/5/2009 |
Whitright | Elizabeth Whitright Johnson Harden | Jean | 12/21/2022 |
Whitright | Samuel Whitright | Jean | 12/21/2022 |
Wiebel | Birth record | Tricia Dirig | 9/20/2009 |
Wiese | Donald Buuck, military | Ann Buuck | 3/31/2018 |
Wilcoxen | Mary E. Wilcoxen Radebaugh, b. 1858 | Cheryl Radabaugh | 11/29/2015 |
Williams | Surname Williams | Steve Williams | 11/10/2023 |
Williams | John H. Williams | EvaLyn E. Williams | 3/2/2014 |
Williams | Seeking information on Don and Gladys Williams | Anna Goodwin | 12/21/2023 |
Williams | Elsie Cissom-William H. Williams marriage license | Aimee Johnson | 2/22/2011 |
Willke | Willkie, Willke, Wilkie, Kline, Christman | Frank Wilkie | 1/15/2010 |
Willkie | Willkie, Willke, Wilkie, Kline, Christman | Frank Wilkie | 1/15/2010 |
Wilson | Wilson-Wimes marriage certificate | Katherine Wilson | 2/4/2022 |
Wimes | Wilson-Wimes marriage certificate | Katherine Wilson | 2/4/2022 |
Windsor | Windsor in southern Allen County | Gretel Smith | 9/22/2009 |
Wolf | Magalena Fredrickson, parents and siblings | Wayne Miesen | 3/24/2016 |
Woodford | Woodford Clan - Need Help Finding John Woodford | Robert Day | 8/7/2013 |
Woods | Age of barn | Colleen A Shank | 9/11/2012 |
Woodward | Woodward & Sams ancestry | Robert D. Woodward | 3/16/2018 |
Worman | Emanuel Myers (1878-1952) | Karen (Myers) Rogers | 4/22/2024 |
Wyer | Wyer/Wyre connection in Monroeville & area | Bruce Wyre | 5/9/2021 |
Wymer | Crabill Family Bible | Amy Crabill Lay | 9/12/2011 |
Wyre | Wyer/Wyre connection in Monroeville & area | Bruce Wyre | 5/9/2021 |
Wyss | Arnold Wyss, d. 1954 | Debra Flounders | 1/14/2018 |
Yant | Yant-Primley Family Help | Donna Rotunda | 1/11/2011 |
Yarber | Clarence Yarber | Deon Yarber | 6/27/2015 |
Yarman | Yarman adoption | Nona Larue | 3/20/2022 |
Younglove | Thomas and Lovina (Younglove) Baxter | Janilyn Gager | 12/1/2011 |
Younhauns | Younhauns genealogy | Patricia Landis | 5/17/2018 |
Zeffel | Aboite Township family information on Sephels | Sue Voorheis | 9/5/2012 |
Zollinger | McMullen family that immigrated from Co. Antrim | Maureen | 2/9/2022 |
Zonakis | Blankenship and Keith | Delores (Dodie) Keith Zonakis | 1/24/2012 |