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Divorce News and Records, Allen Co., Indiana

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Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.


Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

  • 01 Jan 1933 Her complaint charging that her husband, Raymond Wolf constantly nagged at her, "causing her mental suffering," and made statements to her to the effect that he "wants to be free," Mrs. Elsie Wolf of 1223 Jackson street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties were married the present time December 1, 1931, having previously been married Mary 6, 1925. Mrs. Wolf claimed that there has been continual strife in the household since the last marriage and that her husband has not supported the two children, custody of whom she seeks.
  • 01 Jan 1933 Mrs. Grace M. Ginther of 417 Baker street began action in superior court No. 1 for a two-year limited separation from Albert L. Ginther, averring that since their marriage his conduct toward her has been abusive and "very annoying." She further charged that he has been in the habit of becoming intoxicated and failed to make suitable provision for her support.
  • 01 Jan 1933 Orders of dismissal for want of prosecution were entered in the suits of Mable Ida Hazelip against James W. Hazelip for divorce, and Hazel C. Houser against John H. Houser for limited separation, in superior court No. 1.
  • 04 Jan 1933 Charging that her husband, Ed Wolffer was guilty of cruelty and that he nagged, called her vile names and was quarrelsome, Mrs. Emma Wolffer was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties separated last October. Mrs. Wolffer was awarded custody of her child, for support of whom Wolffer was order to pay $3 weekly.
  • 04 Jan 1933 His complaint asserting that he had been compelled to turn over to his wife all of his wages "except a few dollars which was necessary for his individual use for personal expenses," David B. Schwarz of 1306 West Main street sued Mrs. Bertha J. Schwarz for divorce in superior court No. 1. It was alleged that unless Schwarz, who has been employed by the Pennsylvania Railroad company, turned over the money to his wife, she became angry with him, called him vile names and so conducted herself toward him that he could no longer live with her. He further charged in part that she informed him on numerous occasions that she no longer cared for him, that he was a "fool" for living with her and that she "could not understand why he was living with her under the circumstances." He claimed that she advised him he should obtain a divorce. Wedded in November, 1929, they separated last month.
  • 05 Jan 1933 Charging that during practically all their married life her husband, Clarence E. Fross of 216 West Superior street had created such constant strife that for them to live together as husband and wife has been rendered "intolerable and unbearable" to her, Mrs. Delilah M. Fross sued for divorce in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Fross claimed that Fross repeatedly made false accusations against her and that he was quarrelsome and continually found fault with and nagged at her. Married Jun 13, 1925, they separated July 15, last year. Mrs. Fross asked for restoration of her former name, Delilah Tustison.
  • 05 Jan 1933 Harold E. Crance, insurance sales man, began action in superior court No. 1 to terminate his marriage to Mrs. Helen I. Crance, claiming she was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that she refused to live with him in the marital relationship and told him she no longer cared for him. They separated last month after having been married January 24, 1925. The couple has two children.
  • 05 Jan 1933 An amended complaint for divorce from Julian H. Schone and $25,000 alimony was entered in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Carrie Schone who had previously sued for limited separation. Wedded January 1, 1916, the parties separated October 3, 1932. Mrs. Schone's amended complaint alleged in part that the defendant in 1925 and at various other times had improper associations with one Gladys Jackson at 916 Jackson street. It was further charged in the amended complaint that Schone, on or about October 3, 1932 threatened, while intoxicated, to kill Mrs. Schone, who, fearing that he would do her bodily harm, left their home and has not since returned. She asked that she be given custody of the four children.
  • 06 Jan 1933 His complaint alleging in part that his wife, following their separation, refused to live with him and stay home nights and that she "ran around with other fellows." Goodsell Laird Perry of West Superior street sued for divorce from Mrs. Ruth G. Perry in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married May 3, 1928, the Perry's separated in August, 1929. Perry further complained that for the last three years he has not known "whether the defendant would be home, where she was going or whom she was with," except on certain occasions when he saw her with other men. He claimed she told him many times that he should get a divorce.
  • 06 Jan 1933 Donald Elzey of 1102 ½ Rivermet avenue sued his wife Mrs. Dorothy Elzey, for divorce in superior court No. 1, charging that she associated with other men. It was further alleged in Elzey's complaint the Mrs. Elzey often remained away from home all night, leaving the care of the child to him and refusing to account for her whereabouts. Elzey claimed that she also neglected her household duties and "became defiant" toward him, asserting that it is "impossible for them to further live together as husband and wife with any degree of comfort." They separated this month after having been married October 21, 1929. Custody of the child is sought by Elzey.
  • 06 Jan 1933 Averring that her husband, Raymond Irwin, kicked her and "drove her from their house, Mrs. Florentine Irwin sought a divorce in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Irwin further complained that Irwin failed to furnish her with any of the necessitites of life and that he cursed her and called her vile names. Wedded August 6, 1932, they separated September 26, according to the complaint.
  • 07 Jan 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce charging that her husband, Harold E. Crance, on various occasions "cruelly struck and beat" her was filed by Mrs. Helen F. Crance yesterday in the divorce action begun by him in superior court No. 1. Married January 24, 1925, the litigants separated December 3, 1932. Mrs. Crance further averred that Crance failed to provide properly for her. She asked that custody of the two children be vested in her.
  • 07 Jan 1933 General allegations of cruel treatment were set up by Mrs. Marjorie Rodman in a divorce suit entered in superior court No. 1 against Richard Rodman. Wedded April 30, 1931, the Rodman's separated November 10, last year. Mrs. Rodman seeks restoration of her former name, Marjorie Ervin.
  • 07 Jan 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Edna N. Frans a divorce from Lawrence Frans on her testimony that Frans had been guilty of cruel and constant quarreling, and that he associated with other women. The parties separated August 15, 1932, after having been married in 1918. Mrs. Frans former name, Edna Williams was restored.
  • 08 Jan 1933 Her complaint charging that during their married life her husband, Ronald Hollman, has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment, Mrs. Helene Hollman sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married November 19, 1931, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Hollman seeks restoration of her former name.
  • 08 Jan 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No.1 gave Mrs. Margaret Hays a divorce on her allegations that her husband, Robert Hays, had knocked her down at different times, slapped her face and failed to provide. It was further claimed that Hays had cursed her and been guilty of other acts of cruelty. Wedded June 17, 1931, the litigants separated June 15, 1932. Mrs. Hays' name was restored to Margaret Hively.
  • 08 Jan 1933 The limited separation suit of Mrs. Genevieve Trikoff against Spiro Trikoff was dismissed at costs to the plaintiff in superior court No. 1 yesterday.
  • 10 Jan 1933 His complaint asserting that his wife, Mrs. Bonnie Runyon told him she no longer cared for him and that he should obtain a divorce, Marrion Runyon of 2411 Poinsette drive sued for dissolution of matrimonial ties in superior court No. 2 yesterday. The parties separated this month, after having been married July 13, 1927. Runyon claimed that Mrs. Runyon was guilty of "gross neglect" of him and their child in that on several occasions she left their home and did not return for hours at a time. He asked that he be given custody of the child.
  • 10 Jan 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Frank L. Holmes a divorce on charges that the plaintiff's wife, Mrs. Ruth Holmes, left her husband without cause, refused to live with him and was guilty of desertion. Married September 24, 1925, they separated December 10, 1927.
  • 10 Jan 1933 Order of dismissal on motion of the plaintiff was entered in the divorce action of Almond Ward against Josephine Ward in superior court No. 1.
  • 10 Jan 1933 The limited separation suit of Grace M. Ginther against Albert L. Ginther was dismissed in superior court No. 1.
  • 10 Jan 1933 A change of venue to Huntington was ordered in the divorce action of David B. Schwarz against Bertha J. Schwarz, pending in superior court No. 1 yesterday.
  • 11 Jan 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce charging that her husband, Robert Keene on numerous occasions returned to their home late at night in an intoxicated condition, that he at such times frequently cursed and swore at her and in several instances, struck and beat her, was filed by Mrs. Amy Keene of 918 Burgess street in her divorce action pending in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married November 22, 1931, the Keenes separated December 31, 1932. Mrs. Keene alleged further that Keene falsely accused her of associating with other men, but that he associated with "women of Ill-repute". She claimed that he refused to take her to any social functions and, during the last six months prior to their separation, declined to provide properly for her support.
  • 11 Jan 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan granted Mrs. Lillian E. Wilson a divorce from Darrell F. Wilson in superior court No. 1 on her charges that the defendant had been guilty of cruelty and failure to provide and that she had been compelled to work. Mrs. Wilson was awarded custody of her child, for support of whom Wilson was ordered to pay stipulated installments. They were married July 14, 1923.
  • 11 Jan 1933 In superior court No. 2 Judge Harry W. Muller gave William E. Lowrance a divorce on his testimony that his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Lowrance had been cruel and that incompatibility had existed. They separated in February, 1930, after a marriage contracted in 1926.
  • 11 Jan 1933 Dismissal on motion of the plaintiff's attorney was entered in the divorce action of Marie Gebhart against George Gebhart in circuit court.
  • 12 Jan 1933 Her complaint asserting that she has been required to work since her marriage and use part of the funds she warned to pay their expenses, Mrs. Myrtle Knipple filed suit in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Leonard Knipple. She claimed that Knipple has failed to furnish her with proper support. Wedded February 5, 1919, the litigants separated this month. Mrs. Knipple further charged that Knipple repeatedly cursed and swore at her and continually found fault with and nagged at her. She averred that he stated he no longer cared for her and during practically their entire married life, created such constant strife that for them to live together longer as husband and wife became intolerable and unbearable to her. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Knipple.
  • 12 Jan 1933 Evidence was introduced in Ralph R. Mapel's action for divorce from his wife, Mrs. Ida A. Mapel, whom he accused of abandonment and desertion. They were married in January, 1913. It was alleged that the defendant deserted her husband in 1920 and again in 1924. Formal entry of a decree in the case was deferred pending payment of certain fees.
  • 13 Jan 1933 Mrs. Sarah Blakley was granted a decree of divorce from her husband, Alvin F. Blakley, that he was guilty of cruelty, was quarrelsome and threatened her. Wedded in 1902, they separated May 27, 1932. Mrs. Blakley's former name, Sarah Keefer was restored.
  • 13 Jan 1933 Mrs. Mildred Cammon was awarded her marital freedom from Frank Gammon on allegations that they "fought all the time" and that he was cruel, quarrelsome and failed to provide. They separated October 5, 1930, after having been married since March 29, 1928.
  • 13 Jan 1933 Her complaint asserting that their separation was caused by the indifference and incompatibility of her husband, John De Haven, Mrs. Ruth De Haven filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1. Married September 9, 1925, they separated last November. Mrs. De Haven claimed that De Haven was cruel in that he "nagged bickered and was grossly incompatible." She asked for restoration of her former name, Ruth Allen.
  • 14 Jan 1933 Her complaint asserting that her husband, George W. Haverstick, "caused her great physical pain and mental anguish," Mrs. Sophia M. Haverstick of rural route No. 6, Fort Wayne, sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married in June, 1932, they separated in November. Mrs. Haverstick specifically charged in part that Haverstick twisted and wrenched her arm and failed to make reasonable provision for her.
  • 15 Jan 1933 Charging in part that she supported herself and the children approximately seven years, Mrs. Ruth E. Moss by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The litigants separated August 1, 1932 it was stated after having been married August 19, 1916. Mrs. Moss further averred that Moss cursed her and the two children, custody of whom was vested in her. Moss was ordered to pay $10 weekly for the children's support.
  • 15 Jan 1933 Mrs. Carolyn Deatrick of 624 West Main street sued Audra A. Deatrick for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 1, alleging that he choked her and threatened to cause her to lose her job as a head waitress. Wedded in 1920, the Deatrick's separated this month. Mrs. Deatrick asked that she be awarded custody of four children.
  • 15 Jan 1933 Allegations of abandonment and failure to provide properly were set up by Mrs. Praxedes Miller of 1220 Wells street in an action, instituted in superior court No. 1, to terminate her marriage to Erwin Miller. They were married December 1, 1930.
  • 17 Jan 1933 Charging that her husband, Bernard C. Hattel failed to provide properly and that she was obliged to work for her living outside their home and buy her own clothing, Mrs. Myrtle M. Hattel of 924 Pasadena drive sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married October 14, 1909, the Hattels separated this month. Mrs. Hattel further averred in part that her spouse has been "cold and indifferent toward her, and that they "have occupied separate rooms in the house."
  • 17 Jan 1933 Mrs. Dorothy M. Rainier began action in superior court No. 1 to terminate her marriage to Charles L. Rainier, alleging that he associated with other women, thereby causing the plaintiff "mental anguish, concern and worry." They separated this month after a marriage contracted January 26, 1926.
  • 17 Jan 1933 Mrs. Frieda Schirnack was awarded her legal freedom by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 on testimony that her husband, Otto P. Schirnack was guilty of cruelty, habitual intoxication and failure to provide. Wedded July 6, 1901, they separated last November.
  • 17 Jan 1933 Mrs. Augusta A. Bowman was given a decree freeing her from her marriage to Lloyd E. Bowman, to whom she was married in August, 1918 in superior court No. 2 by Judge Harry W. Muller. They separated in February, 1932. Mrs. Bowman's former name, Augusta A. Lee was restored.
  • 17 Jan 1933 In superior court No. 2, Judge Harry W. Muller Orda Ludy a decree of divorce from Vilas W. Ludy, terminating a marriage which, contracted in November, 1919, was disrupted by a separation in May, 1932.
  • 18 Jan 1933 Her complaint alleging in part that her husband, John Golliver struck and beat her on more than on occasion and choked her into insensibility, Mrs. Hazel Golliver sued him for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Wedded in September, 1929 the Gollivers separated in September, last year. Mr. Golliver during the past year failed to provide her with necessities of life, that, in rages, he called her "vile and filthy names," cursed and swore at her and told her she should get a divorce, "that if she would not, he would." She averred that one one occasion while she was absent from home, taking care of her mother who was ill in Marion, Ind., Golliver removed all of her personal property. She asked for restoration of her former name, Hazel Hardman.
  • 18 Jan 1933 Mrs. Emily Dixie of 2415 Graeter street filed suit in superior court No. 1 seeking to terminate her marriage to Timothy Dixie, whom she accused of calling her vile names, threatening to do her bodily harm and failing to provide reasonably for her, thus necessitating that she "work at long hours among strangers for her own support and maintenance." They separated last month after having been married January 20, 1931.
  • 18 Jan 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Harriet F. Stoll a divorce from Herbert F. Stoll on testimony that her husband cursed her, struck her at different times and ordered her out of the house.
  • 18 Jan 1933 In superior court No. 2 Judge Harry W. Muller awarded Mrs. Laura Rupe a divorce and $1,000 alimony on her allegations that her husband, Groe Rupe, was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he failed to support her, refused to live with her and told her to get a divorce. Married in October, 1913, they separated in August, 1924. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. Rupe, and Rupe was ordered to pay $5 weekly for support of the youngest child.
  • 19 Jan 1933 His complaint averring that his wife, Mrs. Rachel Mae Byers, was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward him in that she refused to leave her parents' home and live with him, Ralph Byers of 424 East Main street sued for divorce in circuit court yesterday. Byers, further claimed that the defendant persisted in her alleged refusal to leave the home of her parents although he offered on numerous occasion to provide a suitable home for her and their child, custody of whom he seeks. He averred it was impossible for him to live with his wife at their parent's home, due to the alleged fact that the parents "constantly nagged and insulted him."
  • 19 Jan 1933 Evidence was introduced in the divorce action of Mrs. Marian Woods against Marvin Woods in superior court No. 1, Judge Charles J. Ryan with-holding formal entry of a decree pending introduction of additional residence witness testimony. Mrs. Woods charged that Woods had been guilty of cruelty in that he struck her at different times, cursed her and called her vile names and threatened to attack her with a knife. Married in June, 1931, they separated last August. It was indicated that custody of the child is to be bested in the plaintiff. Woods yesterday filed a cross-complaint for divorce and custody of the child, alleging in part that his wife refused to live with him and went to live at the home of her parents, that he had to perform the household work and that his wife nagged at and quarreled with him.
  • 20 Jan 1933 Alleging that her husband, Fred W. Trosin, was guilty of cruelty in that he cursed her, threatened to kill her and associated with other women, Mrs. Itha E. Trosin was granted a divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Wedded May 2, 1932, the parties separated June 3, it was stated. Mrs. Trosin's decree was awarded on a cross-complaint.
  • 20 Jan 1933 Mrs. Charity Carrington began action in superior court No. 1 to terminate her marriage to Peter Carrington, averring that he deserted her without cause. Mrs. Carrington's complaint charged that Carrington left the residence unknown to her. She claimed that he has failed to contribute anything toward her support during a period of more than two years. They were married March 10, 1910.
  • 20 Jan 1933 The divorce suit of Ray Subzda against Mrs. Marie Subzda was ordered dismissed on motion of the plaintiff's attorney, in circuit court.
  • 21 Jan 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Marjorie Dale, treated him cruelly and inhumanly in various ways and that she continually quarreled with and nagged at him, Roy L. Dale sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married August 30, 1930, the litigants separated March 7, 1932. Dale's complaint further alleged that the defendant used profane language in the presence of his children by a former marriage.
  • 21 Jan 1933 In superior court No. 2 Judge Harry W. Muller awarded Mrs. Florence E. Lauer a divorce from Paul A. Lauer on cruelty charges, terminating a marriage contracted in May, 1912. The parties separated in October, 1931. Custody of the six children was vested in Mrs. Lauer and Lauer was ordered to make reasonable provision for their support.
  • 21 Jan 1933 Suit for $160 judgment on a complaint for money allegedly due under a support order was filed by Marian Edsall against Frank Edsall in superior court No. 2. The plaintiff was granted a divorce and custody of the children May 28, 1930, and the defendant was ordered to pay $8 weekly as support, now being $150 in arrears, it was claimed.
  • 22 Jan 1933 The contested divorce action of Mrs. Carrie Schone against Julian H. Schone, undertaker, 622 East Washington boulevard, was continued until Monday morning at 9 o'clock for introduction of further evidence, at the close of the third day since the opening of the trial, in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Schone has not yet testified in support of charges set up against his wife in his cross-complaint for divorce and custody of their four children. Considerable testimony was offered yesterday relative to Schone's income, assets and business, the matters being reviewed in connection, with Mrs. Schone's plea for alimony.
  • 22 Jan 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Mabel Derrickson a divorce on her allegations that her husband, Amos Derrickson, refused to live with her and was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment. Wedded in March, 1928, the parties separated in January, 1930. Custody of the two children was wested in Mrs. Derrickson, and Derrickson was ordered to pay $7 weekly for their support.
  • 24 Jan 1933 Separate complaints for amelioration of matrimonial difficulties were filed almost simultaneously by Mrs. Thelma Milonas and Dennis Milonas, the address of both being as 603 East Wayne street, in superior court yesterday. One of the actions will probably be re-filed in the form of a cross-complaint to the other. Suing in superior court No. 2 Mrs. Milonas sought a one-year limited separation and $500 alimony from Milonas, who, she charged was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment and "gross neglect" of her in that, it was claimed, she was obliged ever since her marriage to work as a waitress in a café, paying from her earning for the apartment in which they resided. She averred that when she returned home on January 21, this year, he was packing his clothes preparatory to leaving, and that when she asked his why he was leaving, he flew into a rage, calling her "vile and filthy" names. She further claimed that when she made inquiry as to what arrangements he intended to make for her support, he replied: "There is a river at the rear of the house, you can go and jump in!" Milonas, who filed suit in superior court No. 1 for divorce, charged that his wife stayed out late at night and constantly quarreled with and nagged at him. According to Mrs. Milonas' action. Milonas is a partner in the Puritan café, 230 East Berry street, and she, by her earnings, contributed to his half interest in the cafe and now has an equitable interest in the partnership in the sum of $300.
  • 24 Jan 1933 The contested divorce action of Mrs. Carrie Schone against Julian H. Schone, undertaker, 622 East Washington boulevard, was taken under advisement by Special Judge David E. Smith yesterday following a hearing which was opened in superior court No. 1 last Thursday. It was stated that approximately 50 witnesses were subpoenaed during the progress of the trial, which was featured by charges and counter-charged of a more or less sensational nature.
  • 24 Jan 1933 Mrs. Vada E. Newport of 213 West Williams street began action in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of her common-law marriage to Frank M. Newport, charging that he failed to support her during the past five years. The parties separated January 2, 1933, it was stated. The complaint asserted in part that Newport, during the past four years, compelled the plaintiff to live in the same house with his mother and sister, thus causing the wife "much mental stress." It was further claimed that the plaintiff was forced to support relatives of the defendant for several years. She also alleged that he associated with other women.
  • 24 Jan 1933 Charging that her husband, Dewey Caley, whose address was given as Zanesville, cursed her and called her vile names, "names too vile to set out in the complaint" and that he drank to excess, Mrs. Elizabeth Caley of 1941 Fairfield avenue filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Wedded May 7, 1918, the Caleys separated June 3, 1932, it was stated. Mrs. Caley asked that she be awarded custody of the child.
  • 24 Jan 1933 Mrs. Irene M. Warren began action in superior court No. 2 for dissolution of her marriage to Homer R. Warren, averring that he refused to provide for her a home and the proper necessities of life. They separated this month after having been married April 9, 1925. The wife also claimed that she had been called vile names. She asked that custody of her child be given to her.
  • 24 Jan 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Samuel Feighner a divorce from Mrs. Vera Feighner on cruelty charges, terminating a marriage which, entered into in December, 1919, was disrupted by a separation in September, 1932. Custody of the child was vested in the plaintiff and Clara Feighner.
  • 25 Jan 1933 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Henry Zimmerman, associated with one Bonnie Runyon and that when the plaintiff remonstrated with him her told her that he "loved her, Bonnie Runyon, better than you," Mrs. Emily Zimmerman of 1930 ½ Fairfield avenue began action for a one-year limited separation in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married December 12, 1924, the Zimmerman's separated this month. There are three children, custody of whom is sought by the wife. Mrs. Zimmerman's action further charged that Zimmerman was "possessed of a violent and ungovernable temper," and that upon the slightest provocation, he would fly into a rage and curse and swear at her and call her "vile and filthy names." She claimed that he told her she should get a divorce as he would not discontinue, no matter how much she protested, his alleged association with the other woman.
  • 25 Jan 1933 Mrs. Dorothy White of 1129 South Clinton street sued Richard C. White for divorce in superior court No. 2, averring that he treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner. They separated last December after having been wedded April 2, 1932.
  • 26 Jan 1933 The contested domestic relations action of Mrs. Matilda Redding against Alfred S. Redding was taken under advisement until February 6 by Judge Clarence R. McNabb following introductions of evidence in circuit court. Mrs. Redding sued for a limited separation and Redding has filed a cross-complaint for absolute divorce.
  • 27 Jan 1933 Her complaint asserting that her husband, Earl C. Gidley, was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in the her, on various occasions, swore at her and called her "names" that she "will not mention unless required to do so by this honorable court," Mrs. Anna C. Gidley sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. The Gidley's separated this month after having been married September 29, 1931. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Gidley. She charged further that Gidley was cross and quarrelsome toward her to such an extent that she could no longer live with him.
  • 27 Jan 1933 Mrs. Lena L. Miller of 1616 ½ South Calhoun street began action in superior court No. 1 for termination of her marriage to Fred C. Miller, averring that, without provocation on her part, he treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner and failed to support her during a period of more than three years. Wedded November 27, 1913 they separated November 14, 1929. There are eight children, seven of whom are under age, it was said.
  • 29 Jan 1933 Both Mrs. Carrie Schone and her husband, Julian H. Schone, undertaker, 622 East Washington boulevard, were refused a divorce decree in a decision entered in the case in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Hearing of the contested action was in progress four days before Special Judge David E. Smith. In an amended complaint Mrs. Schone had sought a divorce decree, $25,000 alimony and custody of the four children. Schone, in a cross-complaint, asked that he be granted a divorce and custody of the children.The court found against Mrs. Schone on her amended complaint and likewise against Schone on his cross-complaint, recommending a reunion of the litigants in the interests of the children. The case had been under advisement since the conclusion of introduction of evidence recently.
  • 31 Jan 1933 Her complaint charging that her husband, Leonard C. Walter, left their home this month and refused to return, telling her "that he would not live with her again and that she should get a divorce...take her clothes and go to her parents' home to live." Mrs. Gladys E. Walter acted on his alleged advice by suing him for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 1 yesterday. They were married June 10, 1929. Mrs. Walter averring that the separation was caused by cruel and inhuman treatment of her by Walter in that, she claimed, he frequently drank intoxicating liquor, stayed away from home until late at night and refused to tell her where he had been. She asked for restoration of her former name, Gladys E. Shreck.
  • 31 Jan 1933 Mrs. Emma Salge of 1440 East Lewis street sued in superior court No. 1 for termination of her marriage to Arthur Salge of 1707 Tecumseh avenue, alleging that he associated with other women, left the plaintiff's home July 16, 1932, and failed to return. They were married April 4, 1923.

  • 01 Feb 1933 Mrs. Leona Seelos was given a divorce from Victor Seelos, who it was alleged, had failed to provide properly during a period of approximately 19 years. Married May 25, 1910, the litigants separated March 9, 1930. Mrs. Seelos claimed that her husband deserted her about three years ago.
  • 01 Feb 1933 Mrs. Lucille Anderson was awarded a divorce decree in action against Robert Anderson on averments that he had been guilty of abandonment and cruelty and failed to provide. They separated October 12, 1932 after having been married January 25, the same year. Mrs. Anderson's name was restored to Lucille Gladieux.
  • 02 Feb 1933 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Donald DeWitt struck and beat her on numerous occasions without provocation on her part, "leaving marks on her body for days," and that it was thrice necessary for her to have medical attention, Mrs. Marvel DeWitt of 741 West Superior street sued for a limited separation, in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married November, 24, 1925, the litigants separated February 4, 1932. Mrs. DeWitt charged further that DeWitt was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he failed to maintain a proper home for her and their children and neglected to supply necessities of life. It was claimed that she was compelled to live with relatives of her husband, irrespective of the alleged fact that he was earning sufficient money to provide a proper home. At the time of the separation, it was stated, the defendant compelled the plaintiff to leave without providing any means for her support, thus compelling her to seek hospitality from strangers and provide a home for herself and children. She averred that DeWitt continually quarreled with and nagged at her and called her "vile and filthy" names, and that he associated with other women.
  • 02 Feb 1933 David E. Smith, as special judge, gave Floyd E. Krick a divorce from Mrs. Nora W. Krick in superior court No. 2, property rights of the respective parties being adjudicated. They separated last August after having been married June 25, 1919, it was said. Krick's complaint alleged in part that his wife neglected her household duties and frequently absented herself from home.
  • 03 Feb 1933 Charging that her husband, Roy C. Callaway, cursed and swore and otherwise abused her, continually nagged and found fault and called her vile names, Mrs. Eva Callaway sued him for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. They separated last month.
  • 03 Feb 1933 Mrs. Margaret Harper began action in superior court No. 1 seeking to terminate her marriage to Palmer Byron Harper, alleging that he "told her that he no longer loved her" and did not wish to live with her any longer. She claimed that it has been necessary for her to work and support herself because of his alleged failure to provide. Wedded, April 25, 1931, they separated January 19, 1933.
  • 03 Feb 1933 Her complaint averring that her husband, William Brown, "has not cared for her for more than 10 years past," has failed to provide her with a home "and in other ways has misconducted himself as a husband," Mrs. Arizona Brown of 533 East Wayne street began suit for divorce in superior court No. 1. Married August 8, 1903, the parties separated in April, 1923. Mrs. Brown's complaint charged that her husband "at no time" has made proper provision for her support.
  • 04 Feb 1933 Charging that her husband, John W. Eicks was guilty of habitual cruelty toward her in that on various occasions he struck and choked her and cursed and swore at her, Mrs. Blanche M. Eicks filed an amended complaint for a three-year limited separation in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Wedded June 12, 1926, the litigants separated October 25, last year. Mrs. Eicks claimed further that Eicks was addicted to excessive use of intoxicating liquor and that such constant strife existed between them that for them to live together was rendered intolerable.
  • 04 Feb 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Valcho William Mincoff a divorce from Luna Mincoff on allegations that the defendant was guilty of cruelty, and abandoned and refused to live with the plaintiff.
  • 04 Feb 1933 Mrs. Catherine Basse began action in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Kingsford Basse on averments that he failed to provide adequately. She asked for restoration of her former name. They separated last December after having been married July 5, 1930.
  • 04 Feb 1933 Dismissal on motion of the plaintiff was entered in the divorce suit of Vernice against Walter R. Arick in superior court No. 1.
  • 05 Feb 1933 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Frank Hanks, in order to induce her to marry him, made certain representations to the effect that he was in good health and would be able to take care of her, but that the representations were not true and she was compelled to nurse and care for him as well as furnish him with a home and support him. Mrs. Emily Richardson Hanks of 601 Third street sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married December 3, 1932, they separated this month. Mrs. Hanks averred further that she is not physically able to nurse and care for the defendant, and that her health has become impaired. The complaint stated that Hanks has failed to provide any support whatsoever for his wife, alleging that he married her "in order to obtain her property and support." Mrs. Hanks seeks restoration of her former name, Emily Richardson.
  • 05 Feb 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce alleging in part that his wife, Mrs. Mary Evans Elliott, held his hands while her brother, William H. Evans, gave him a beating, was filed by Maurice Elliott of 241 East Masterson avenue in his wife's action, wherein a limited separation was originally sought, in superior court No. 1. The alleged assault took place while Elliott was sitting in an automobile. The parties separated last December after having been married in February, 1932. Elliott, in his cross-complaint, further accused his wife of immorality, that she was quarrelsome and nagged at him, and occasionally became sulky and refused to talk. He told of an alleged occasion when he as ill and she accused him of pretending her was sick so he would not have to work.
  • 07 Feb 1933 Charging that the conduct of her husband, Cashmer Konecka had been such that she can no longer live with him, Mrs. Edna Konecka of 1410 ½ South Calhoun street sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married March 5, 1929, the Konecka's separated this month. Mrs. Konecka averred explicity that Konecka failed to provide a home for her and refused to work, thus necessitating that she work and support herself. She claimed further that he manifested a "violent and unreasonable temper," that he threatened her with physical harm and was a "habitual drunkard."
  • 07 Feb 1933 Mrs. Martha Rummel of 1723 Andrews street, in a divorce action instituted in superior court No. 1, averred that by reason of the alleged conduct of her spouse, Paul Rummell, as set forth in her complaint, she is unable to live with him. It was charged that Rummel continually nagged at and found fault with his wife and quarreled continually with her without cause, and that he told her on numerous occasions that he no longer loved her. By reason of his allegedly quarrelsome disposition and violent temper, she was compelled to separate from him. They separated this month after having been married April 2, 1932.
  • 07 Feb 1933 Divorce from John M. Kell and restoration of her former name, Dorothy M. Budd, were sought by Mrs. Dorothy M. Kell in a suit entered in superior court No. 1 wherein she alleged that Kell failed to support her during a period of more than two years. Wedded July 18, 1922, they separated in December, 1930.
  • 07 Feb 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Nina V. Seery a divorce from Adrian C. Seery on her cross-complaint charging cruelty. They were married in March, 1932, separating in Mary, last year. Mrs. Seery's former name was restored.
  • 07 Feb 1933 Mrs. Ida Constance Jackson was decreed a divorce on allegations that her husband, Hershell A. Jackson, failed to provide, that he gambled, stayed out nights and abandoned her, terminating a marriage which, entered into in Appril, 1920 was disrupted by a separation last March.
  • 07 Feb 1933 Mrs. Wahnetta Evelyn Van Horn was givend a divorce from Merle John Van Horn on her charges in superior court No. 1 that the defendant had been guilty of cruelty and threatened her life. Her name was restored to Wahnetta Dell.
  • 07 Feb 1933 Mrs. Enunice Hilyard sued in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Raymond Hilyard, charging cruel and inhuman treatment. The litigants separated in October, 1931, after a marriage contracted in December, 1926.
  • 07 Feb 1933 Mrs. Hilda M. Webb began action in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of her marriage to Randy T. Webb, claiming that he created such constant strife that for them to live together became impossible. Married in August, 1928, they separated last December. Mrs. Webb asked for restoration of her former name, Hilda Arnett.
  • 08 Feb 1933 His complaint asserting that his wife, Mrs. Vera C. Arick, whose address was given as Washington, D.C. told him on several occasions that she did not care for him and would not live with him nor return to Indiana, but that she intended to live with her parents. Walter R. Arick, a resident of Fort Wayne, sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married April 11, 1925, the Arick's separated December 28, 1931. Arick further charged that his wife refused to bring child to Indiana, thus making it impossible for his to see the child.
  • 08 Feb 1933 Mrs. Helen Chadwick was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 on charges that her husband, Maurice Chadwick has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment. The parties separated July 20, last year, after having been married November 6, 1930. Mrs. Chadwick's former name, Helen Rastetter, was restored.
  • 08 Feb 1933 Charging that her husband, Elbert Dush was guilty of cruelty in that he continually found fault with her and swore at her, Mrs. Jennie Dush of route 2, Woodburn, began action for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 1. Wedded May 20, 1930, they separated this month. Mrs. Dush sought restoration of her former name, Jennie Dewey.
  • 08 Feb 1933 Mrs. Nora Nickelson sued in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Dewey Nickelson, alleging that he was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he threatened to do her bodily harm. They separated last month after having been married April 8, 1929.
  • 09 Feb 1933 Charging that her husband, Montrose Brown, created such constant strife that for them to live together became intolerable, Mrs. Myrtle Brown diled suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. They separated this month after having been married July 6, 1931.
  • 09 Feb 1933 General accusations of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Rose Moore of 611 Madison street in an action for divorce instituted in superior court No. 1 against Albert Moore. Married October 12, 1924, they separated this month. There are two children, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Moore.
  • 09 Feb 1933 Mrs. Anna B. Todoran sued in superior court No. 2 seeking to terminate her marriage to Eli Todoran whom she accused in part of associating with one Cornelia Maier. Mrs. Todoran further claimed that Todoran was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he refused to provide a home for her and compelled her to live in the same house with his mother. The mother interfered with the married life of the litigants, it was alleged. Another charge of Mrs. Todoran was that her husband recently struck her several times and called her vile names. She seeks custody of the child. The Todoran's were married January 9, 1932, separating last month.
  • 11 Feb 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Helen E. Vought failed to perform her part of an alleged agreement by which the plaintiff's father conveyed them his home in consideration of their care and support during his old age, Charles E. Vought sued her for divorce and to quiet title to the real estate involved, in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Vought's father, had reached the age of 83 and had become unable to care for himself when it was agreed that his son and daughter-in-law were to more into his home and furnish him with care and support during the remainder of his life, in exchange for which he conveyed the property to them. It was stated that Vought continued to perform his part of the contract until his father's death, but that Mrs. Vought, on learning of the conveyance of the house, "began to make excuses and finally refused to return to Fort Wayne and perform her part of the agreement." Vought, in his complaint, alleged that his wife deserted him without cause, refused to live with him as his wife and demanded that he permit her to obtain a divorce, although, he averred, she claimed a part title to the real estate. It was said that Vought assumed payment of a mortgage indebtedness on the property and paid other expenses. Vought asks that he be declared sole owner of the real estate conveyed by his father. Married in June, 1913, the litigants separated August 20, 1930. They have one child, now 20, who is self-supporting.
  • 11 Feb 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Geraldine Lindemuth a divorce and $50 alimony on charges that her husband, Ralph Lindemuth, deserted her and associated with other women. They separated last October after having been married in May, 1931. The wife's name was restored to Geraldine Bogan.
  • 11 Feb 1933 In superior court No. 2 Judge Harry W. Muller awarded Mrs. Blanche M. Eicks a divorce, restoring her former name, Blanche M. Brunner, on her allegations that her husband, John W. Eicks, had been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward her. Married June 12, 1926, they separated October 25, last year. A settlement of involved property was made by agreement of the parties.
  • 12 Feb 1933 His complaint averring that his wife, Mrs. Mae Beineke of 822 Greenlawn avenue refused to wash his clothes and "has frequently thrown said clothes out of the family washing," William Beineke sued for a dissolution of matrimonial ties in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Beineke further claimed that his spouse refused on various occasions to cook his meals and that she "frequently and habitually" became angry with him without provocation. They separated this month after having been married November 14, 1931.
  • 12 Feb 1933 Subject to additional residence witness testimony, Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 indicated his intention of granting Mrs. Ruth P. Brown a divorce from Charles B. Brown following introduction of evidence yesterday. Mrs. Brown accused her husband of failure to provide during a period of more than two years, claiming that he left her without cause. Her name is to be restored to Ruth P. Hawk. Wedded November 24, 1927, they separated April 1, 1931.
  • 12 Feb 1933 Mrs. Minnie Linhart Gruber was decreed a divorce from Frederick W. Gruber in superior court No. 1 on averments that he had been guilty of cruelty and failure to provide, and used abusive language toward her. They were married October 4, 1932, separating November 24, it was stated. Mrs. Gruber's former name, Minnie A. Linhart was restored.
  • 12 Feb 1933 Roger Dulong sued in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Edwidge Dulong, charging cruel and inhuman treatment and seeking custody of their child. Married in 1922, they separated last August.
  • 14 Feb 1933 His complaint alleging that his wife, Mrs. Ina LaFuze, drank and occasionally became intoxicated, and that she was in the habit of remaining away at nights while he stayed at home, Charles LaFuze sued her for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. LaFuze further charged that the defendant, on returning after allegedly "remaining away at night," would refuse to tell him where or with whom she had been. He alleged that she frequently told him that she had no affection for him and did not care for him, and that she "thought more of another man, living in Fort Wayne," than she did of him. Married April 7, 1928, the litigants separated last month.
  • 14 Feb 1933 Mrs. Margaret Pettit began action in superior court No. 2 seeking to terminate her marriage to Charles Pettit on averments that he was cross and irritable, accused her on numerous occasions of associating with other men and used language in the home, before the two children, unfit to set out in her divorce complaint. They were married August 22, 1922, separating May 1, 1932, when according to Mrs. Pettit's action, Pettit left her, going to Sturgis, Mich. Mrs. Pettit asked that she be awarded custody of the children.
  • 14 Feb 1933 Hearing of the divorce action of Mrs. Mary Ault against Burnell Ault, who she alleged, was quarrelsome and threatened to kill her, was opened before Judge Harry W. Muller in superior court No. 2 and continued for additional evidence. The parties separated last November after having been married in April, 1929.
  • 15 Feb 1933 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Willard H. Thomas, "told her he wished to confess that he no longer loved her, in fact that he was in love with someone else, and begged her to give him a divorce," Mrs. Evelyn B. Thomas filed suit for separation from bed and board and custody of the child, in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in November, 1930, the parties separated last month. Mrs. Thomas' action further averred that Thomas has been guilty of habitual cruelty toward her in that he neglected her by remaining away from home at night, occasionally staying away as late as 2 or3 o'clock in the morning, and refusing to explain his whereabouts. He later began to stay away on Sunday afternoons, it was claimed.
  • 15 Feb 1933 Mrs. Grace C. Batdorf was awarded a divorce in superior court No. 1, on charges that her husband, Forrest H. Batdorf, refused to live with her and that he associated with other women. Wedded March 1, 1919, they separated in March, 1932.
  • 15 Feb 1933 Mrs. Catherine M. Wagner was given a divorce in superior court No. 1, from Harold H. Wagner on allegations that he nagged, quarreled continuously and failed to provide. They separated last July after having been married in August, 1929. Custody of the child was vested in Mrs. Wagner, the case being continued as to a support order.
  • 15 Feb 1933 Subject to additional residence witness testimony, Judge Ryan indicated his intention of granting Mrs. Mary A. Loveall a divorce from Wilbur M. Loveall whom she accused of failure to provide, stating that she had been obliged to support herself and received $12 during a period of approximately two years. They were married in 1918, separating last October. Mrs. Loveall was given custody of her child, for support of whom Loveall was ordered to pay $4 weekly.
  • 15 Feb 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Myrtle Brown against Montrose Brown was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior court No.1.
  • 16 Feb 1933 Cross-complaint for a two-year limited separation alleging in part the her husband, Charles LaFuse was "lazy and indolent," refusing to accept employment when it was made available to him, and that it was his custom to remain in bed until noon was filed by Mrs. Ina LaFuze in his divorce action pending in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. LaFuze has been obliged to seek employment among strangers in order to support herself and contribute to the maintenance of her husband. It was charged that he got drunk and, during periods of intoxication, became abusive and falsely accused Mrs. LaFuze of conduct unbecoming a wife. Her cross-complaint alleged further that he continually associated with other women and on one occasion took "one of his girl friends" to Blue lake for an outing.
  • 16 Feb 1933 Mrs. Dorothy Kraus began action in superior court No. 1 for divorce from George Kraus on averments that he failed to make provision for his family although he was able to do so. Married November, 17, 1927, they separated May 8, 1931. Mrs. Kraus asked that she be given custody of her daughter.
  • 16 Feb 1933 Decree of divorce was entered for Mrs. Mary A. Loveall in suit against her husband, Wilbur M. Loveall in superior court No. 1, the case having been tried Tuesday and entry of a decree temporarily withheld pending additional residence witness testimony.
  • 16 Feb 1933 In superior court No. 2 Mrs. Mary Ault was decreed a divorce from Burnell Ault, her name being restored to Mary Pennington. Evidence was introduced in the case several days ago.
  • 17 Feb 1933 Her complaint charging that her husband, Carlton Taylor advised her he did not care to live with her any longer, Mrs. Marjorie Taylor sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Taylor claimed further that Taylor cursed her and "unjustly called her vile names," and that he repeatedly struck her without provocation. Wedded July 13, 1931, the Taylors separated this month. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Taylor.
  • 17 Feb 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Cordes Bailey a divorce on testimony that her husband, Harmon E. Baily had been guilty of cruelty in that he struck her, failed to provide properly and associated with other women. The litigants separated last March after having been married in 1925. Mrs. Bailey's name was restored to Cordes Johnson.
  • 18 Feb 1933 His complaint averring that when he returned home from work February 6 her found that his wife, Mrs. Pauline R. Spangle, had moved from the premises all furniture belonging to her. Eugene R. spangle sued her for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married April 20, 1930, the litigants lived together with a "variable degree of failure," according to Spangle. He alleged further that his wife was "dissatisfied during their married life and told him she did not love him, that if he did not get a divorce she would." There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Spangle.
  • 18 Feb 1933 Judge Harry W. Muller of superior court No. 2 granted Mrs. Elizabeth J. Smith a divorce on charges that her husband, Charles O. Smith had been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment. The wife was awarded custody of her child, for support of whom Smith was ordered to pay $10 weekly.
  • 19 Feb 1933 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Beatrice Russell "threatened his life with a dangerous weapon and refused to live with him," Otto Russell of 1814 Weisser Park avenue sued her for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Russell averred further in his complaint that further living with Mrs. Russell is unbearable to him. Married September 17, 1914, the parties separated last month. They have one child.
  • 19 Feb 1933 Because of the failure of her husband, Alva R. Guy to provide adequate support for her and their two children, Mrs. Bertha E. guy of 1812 Webster street was forced to obtain work at a local factory, she charged in a complaint for divorce filed in superior court No.1. Mrs. Guy also claimed that Guy quarreled with and nagged at her, creating such constant strife that they are unable to live together any longer. Wedded May 22, 1920, they separated last May.
  • 19 Feb 1933 Thomas J. Blanks of 441 Agnes street sued in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of Marital ties to Mrs. Grace Blanks, alleging that she often called him "vile and indecent names", cursing and swearing at him in a manner unfit to set forth in his complaint, all without cause or fault on his part. Banks further charged that his wife used vile language in the presence of the child and tried to poison its mind against him. He claimed that the defendant left him several times, but on each occasion prevailed on him to permit her to return, and that she failed to keep promises to discontinue her alleged abusive language, etc. They were married November 25, 1930, separating this month, when according to Blanks, his wife deserted him. He asked that he be given custody of the child.
  • 19 Feb 1933 Mrs. Mary White began action in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Victor L. white, charging that during the period of their life together he treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner. They separated in April, 1930, after having been married in March, 1928. Mrs. White seeks restoration of her former name, Mary Metz.
  • 21 Feb 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Viola Acenas told him she would not live with him, did not love him and that he should get a divorce, Frank C. Acenas of 336 East Madison street began action against her for dissolution of their marriage in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Acenas, in his complaint averred that during their life together they "continually quarreled until life became unbearable." Wedded in August, 1932 they separated last month.
  • 21 Feb 1933 Mrs. Bertha Potter sued John Potter for divorce in superior court No. 1, averring in part that he was abusive, frequently cursed her, struck her on one occasion and failed to provide. They separated last month after having been married November 8, 1920.
  • 21 Feb 1933 Her husband, Floyd E. Clem, used abusive and threatening language in addressing her and frequently struck her. Mrs. Irene Edith Clem alleged in a complaint for divorce and restoration of her former name, Irene Edith Smith, filed in superior court No. 1. They were married August 12, 1927.
  • 21 Feb 1933 A divorce was granted Mrs. Ruth Richard by Judge Pro Tem Roland Schulz in superior court No. 2 on her allegations that her husband, Clarence Richard, had called her vile name, accused her falsely and been guilty of other acts of cruelty. Married in November, 1929, they separated last December. Mrs. Richards' former name, Ruth Sanders was restored.
  • 21 Feb 1933 In superior court No. 1 Judge Charles J. Ryan awarded Mrs. Corinne T. Van Tilbury a divorce on her testimony that her husband, Donald Van Tilbury, was cruel and quarrelsome toward her and would not talk to her during periods of time. They separated last November after a marriage contracted in 1919. Custody of their child was vested in Mrs. Van Tilbury.
  • 22 Feb 1933 Elmer Pion and his wife, Mrs. Mabel Pion both sought a decree of divorce in actions filed almost simultaneously in superior court No. 1 yesterday. One of the suits will probably be withdrawn and re-entered as a cross-complaint to the other. Pion's complaint averred that his wife had been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that she allegedly associated with "one Bill Braden." It was charged in part that she associated with the other man on one occasion while the plaintiff was confined in a hospital. Mrs. Pion, in her action, claimed that Pion was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he failed to provide, struck her on various occasions, became intoxicated and other wise made the marriage impossible. The parties were married in September, 1929.
  • 22 Feb 1933 Seeking to end her marriage to Ulysses Walker, Mrs. Anna L. Walker filed suit in superior court No. 1, alleging that he mistreated, cursed and struck her, "and now threatens to take her life." Wedded in January, 1925 they separated this month. Mrs. Walker asked for restoration of her former name, Anna Louise Ridley.
  • 22 Feb 1933 Mrs. Loretta Honeick asked that she be granted a divorce in superior court No. 1 on claims that there was "constant bickering" between her husband, Herbert H. Honeick and herself, that he would stay away from home until late at night and repeatedly told her he "did not love her and would not live with her." They were married in November, 1929.
  • 22 Feb 1933 Maurice M. Markle is seeking dissolution of his marriage in superior court No. 1, averred that his wife, Mrs. Meriam F. Markle refused to live with him or to have anything to do with him. They separated last month after having been married in September, 1932.
  • 22 Feb 1933 Charging that he husband, Charles W. Vint, failed to make reasonable provision for her support, as a result of which she had to support herself by various kinds of work and to receive aid from her parents and other persons, Mrs. Dortha W. Vint sued for dissolution of the marital bond and restoration of her former name, Dortha W. Freiz in superior court No. 1. Wedded in February , 1930, they separated last September. Mrs. Vint further alleged that Vint frequently told her to get a divorce, "that he cared nothing for her," and associated with women of ill repute.
  • 22 Feb 1933 Mrs. Nora B. Roser, asking a divorce from Clayde D. Roser of 4106 Buell drive in superior court No. 1, charged that he struck her on various occasions and swore at her, thus embarrassing her in the presence of other parties. They separated this month after having been married in August, 1921.
  • 22 Feb 1933 In superior court No.1 Thomas R. Bickle is seeking a divorce from Mrs. Audrey Z. Bickle, alleging in part that she failed to cook his meals for him and that she took the two children and deserted him. Married in November, 1928, they separated last month. Custody of the children is asked by Bickle.
  • 24 Feb 1933 Charging that her husband, William Ceasar had absented himself from her during a period of approximately 10 years and that he frequently inflicted on her "severe chastisements," beating and striking her so violently that marks were left on her face and body, Mrs. Edith Ceasar of 103 East Superior street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The litigants were married February 24, 1898, a separated this month. There are three children, all of age. Mrs. Ceasar further alleged that the defendant was "very profane around the house" and that he charged her with acts of immorality "which he well knew were false and untrue in every sense of the word." In addition to a divorce Mrs. Ceasar asked judgment for alimony in the sum of $1500.
  • 24 Feb 1933 Mrs. Margaret Nichols began action in superior court No.1 for divorce from Vilmer Nichols of 916 Tennessee avenue, averring that he was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he was quarrelsome, nagged at her continually and refused to maintain her in a home without taking her into the home of his parents. They separated this month after having been married in September, 1926.
  • 24 Feb 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Margaret Mae Eme a divorce from Glenn L. Eme on charges that he frequently stayed out nights, neglected his work and quarreled with her. Wedded in November, 1919, the parties separated last November. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. Eme, and Eme was ordered to pay for their support the sum of $20 each pay day.
  • 24 Feb 1933 Suit of Lucille Jackson against Kenneth Jackson, in superior court No. 1 for support of wife was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in circuit court yesterday.
  • 25 Feb 1933 Charging that she was obliged to live with her parents because of alleged failure of her husband, Maurice M. Markle, to provide for her, Mrs. Meriam F. Markle filed a cross-complaint for a two-year separation in his action for divorce pending in superior court No. 1 yesterday. According to Markle's divorce suit, wherein he averred that his wife refused to live with him or to have anything to do with him, they separated this month after having been married in September, 1932.
  • 25 Feb 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Morse Harrod a divorce on charges of cruelty on the part of the litigant's wife, Mrs. Bertha D. Harrod. It was claimed by Harrod that Mrs. Harrod was dissatisfied with the marriage and wanted to be divorced. Her former name, Bertha D. Ludwig was restored under terms of the decree. Wedded March 29, 1927, the Harrods separated in March, 1932.
  • 26 Feb 1933 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Sylvester Salisbury struck her repeatedly, cursed her and called her "vile and indecent names" when they separated, Mrs. Matilda Salisbury has sued for divorce in superior court No. 1. Married March 29, 1921 the parties separated October 30, 1931. Mrs. Salisbury's action further charged that on the occasion referred to, the defendant struck and beat her with such force that she was required to obtain medical treatment. It was averred that Salisbury repeatedly cursed his wife in the presence of their child and that he failed to work and earn a proper living for her, except during a period of about five months, within the three years prior to their separation. Following the separation, it was stated the defendant left Fort Wayne and went to Kendallville, where he worked at a filling station, receiving reasonable wages, but failed to turn over money to the plaintiff for her support. The complaint alleged that he had contracted obligation in Fort Wayne and refused to pay them, as that creditors were continually asking the plaintiff for payments which she was required to make.
  • 26 Feb 1933 A divorce decree was entered for Mrs. Emma Wolffer in her action against Ed Wolffer in superior court No. 1 yesterday, evidence having been introduced in the case January 3, when entry of the decree was temporarily deferred pending additional residence witness testimony. The litigants separated last year after having been married in 1908. Mrs. Wolffer charged in part that Wolffer had nagged at her, called her vile names and been quarrelsome. She was awarded custody of her child, for support of whom Wolffer was directed to pay $3 weekly.
  • 28 Feb 1933 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment of Mrs. Garnett Reitz by her husband, Loy Reitz were set up in a divorce action filed by her in superior court No. 1 yesterday. According to the complaint the parties were married August 11, 1931, separating the same date. Mrs. Reitz seeks restoration of her former name.
  • 28 Feb 1933 In superior court No. 1 Judge Charles J. Ryan granted Ralph W. Sunday a divorce on averments that the plaintiff's wife, Mrs. Crystal E. Sunday, had been guilty of cruelty in that she refused to live with him and was prone to "fault finding." They separated in February, 1932 after having been married February 15, 1930.
  • 28 Feb 1933 A cross-complaint accusing her husband, Thomas J. Blanks of cruel and inhuman treatment was entered by Mrs. Grace Blanks in superior court No. 1. Wedded November 25, 1930, they separated this month. Blanks was ordered to pay $5 weekly for support of their child.

  • 01 Mar 1933 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Lawrence Kintz was guilty of cruelty in that he kicked her in the eye on an occasion last October and struck her in the face in January this year, Mrs. Irene Kintz sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Kintz further averred in part that Kintz repeatedly told her to get a divorce that he would not live with her. Married September 25, 1928, they separated last month. Custody of the two children is sought by Mrs. Kintz.
  • 01 Mar 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce was entered by Mrs. Mae Beineke in the divorce action of her husband, William Beineke, in superior court No. 1, claiming that he did not provide for her although he was physically able to do so, and that she has been keeping boarders in her home in order to obtain sufficient funds to support herself and husband. They separated last month after having been married November 14, 1931. Mrs. Beineke also accused her husband of striking and beating her.
  • 01 Mar 1933 Charging that her husband, Robert F. Winans would become angry and abusive toward her, called her vile and indecent names, struck and beat her on various occasions, threatened her life many time and often told her to "get out and stay out," Mrs. Francille Winana of 2919 Weisser Park avenue instituted action against him for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 1. They were married July 15, 1929, separating last month. Mrs. Winana asked that she be given custody of her child.
  • 02 Mar 1933 Alleging that her husband, Albert R. Borne failed to support her properly and that she was forced to spend her own money in order to support both of them, Mrs. Myrtle E. Borne of route No. 4, Monroeville, sued for dissolution of the marital tie in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married March 17, 1928, the litigants separated last month when, according to Mrs. Borne's complaint, Borne "became violently intoxicated," striking and beating her and calling her "vile and indecent names not fit to set out."
  • 02 Mar 1933 Mrs. Doris Zuber of 516 ½ Wagner street began action in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Frank Zuber, averring that he failed to provide suitable during a period of more than two years, and abandoned her. According to the complaint, the parties were married February 12, 1930, and separated February 17, the same month. Mrs. Zuber seeks restoration of her former name.
  • 02 Mar 1933 Her husband, Carl E. Hatch threatened her life on several occasions, cursed her and refused to provide properly, although he was able to do so, Mrs. Betty Jane Hatch charged in a divorce suit instituted in superior court No. 1. Wedded in April, 1932, the litigants separated in September. Mrs. Hatch asks restoration of her former name, Betty Jane Miller.
  • 02 Mar 1933 Mrs. Ethel Anguish has begun action in superior court No. 1 to terminate her marriage to John L. Anguish. She alleges cruel treatment and failure to provide proper support. Mr. and Mrs. Anguish were married June 26, 1912, and according to her complaint separated last November.
  • 03 Mar 1933 Alleging that her husband, Clarence Yoder associated with other women on a number of occasions during his married life, Mrs. Hazel Yoder of 1802 Fairfield avenue sued him for a two-year limited separation from bed and board in superior court No.1 yesterday. Married October 16, 1927, the Yoder's separated last month. Mrs. Yoder claimed further that Yoder frequently absented himself from home and that he failed to provide proper support for her and their two children, custody of whom she seeks. She asked that she be awarded support in addition to the decree for separation.
  • 03 Mar 1933 Divorce from Harold A. Douglass was sought by Mrs. Mary E. Douglass of 1015 Columbia avenue in a suit filed in superior court No. 1. She accused Douglass of cruel and inhuman treatment, her complaint charging in part that he was frequently quarrelsome and "acted in a mean, contrary and pouty manner" toward the plaintiff, her friends and relatives. They separated last month after having been married April 11, 1931. Mrs. Douglass asked that custody of the child be vested in her.
  • 04 Mar 1933 Charges that her husband, Charles B. Brown left her without cause and failed to provide during a period of more than two years resulted in the entry of a decree of divorce from Mrs. Ruth P. Brown by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Evidence was introduced in the case February 11, entry of the decree being held up until yesterday pending additional residence witness testimony. Married November 24, 1927, the Browns separated in April, 1931. Mrs. Brown's former name, Ruth P. Hawk was restored.
  • 04 Mar 1933 Mrs. Helen Kummer was granted a divorce in superior court No. 1 on testimony that her husband, Robert Kummer had struck her at different times, been quarrelsome, failed to provide and been guilty of other acts of cruelty. They separated last December after having been married in October, 1932. Mrs. Kummer's name was restored to Helen Whitley.
  • 04 Mar 1933 Change of venue to Adams county was ordered in the divorce suit of Walter Meyers against Mrs. Lillian Meyers, pending in superior court No. 1 yesterday.
  • 05 Mar 1933 Her complaint alleging that on the day of their separation her husband, Otto Pointer, "beat and struck her about the head and face, bruising her body at will' and threatened "to do her greater bodily injury should he get his hands on her." Mrs. Elnore Pointer sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married December 1, 1932, the litigants separated this month. Mrs. Pointer also claimed that her mate threatened her "with vile epithets and opprobrious language."
  • 05 Mar 1933 Mrs. Helen M. Foster accused Ralph L. Foster of striking her "until her face was swollen and she was otherwise bruised," in a divorce action instituted in superior court No. 1. She averred further that he called her vile names, became intoxicated and failed to make suitable provision for her support. Wedded in April 1918, they separated in February, last year. Mrs. Foster seeks custody of her child.
  • 05 Mar 1933 Andrew Simon sued Mrs. Philomena Simon of Garrett for divorce in superior court No. 1, claiming that there was constant quarreling and nagging between them and that she, on various occasions, would absent herself from home without giving him an information as to her whereabouts and at other times would go to her mother's home and remain an unreasonable period. They separated this month after having been married in April, 1924.
  • 05 Mar 1933 Divorce from Ezra E. Caldwell of 1024 Oakdale drive was sought by Mrs. Christine E. Caldwell in a suit entered in superior court No. 1, asserting that he struck and abused her and called her vile names. She no longer cares for him and cannot continue to live with him as his wife. They were married in October, 1931, separating this month. Custody of the child is asked by Mrs. Caldwell.
  • 05 Mar 1933 Her husband, Charles W. Watson, struck and beat her on many occasions, chastising her so severely one time that medical treatment was necessitated. Mrs. Helen Marie Watson alleged in a divorce suit begun in superior court No. 1. Married in March, last year, they separated this month.
  • 05 Mar 1933 Mrs. Marcel B. Kintz was granted d divorce from Clarence E. Kintz on charges that he was guilty of cruelty in that he struck her, failed to provide, associated with other women and was jailed for bootlegging in superior court No. 1. They wedded in August, 1925 and separated last year.
  • 05 Mar 1933 Goodsell L. Perry was given a divorce from Ruth G. Perry on testimony that she refused to live with him and associated with other men. They separated in 1929 after having been married the preceding year.
  • 05 Mar 1933 Harold E. Crance was awarded a divorce from Helen I. Crance in superior court No. 1 on allegations that she was guilty of cruelty in that she failed to take care of the house, and that there had been constant quarreling. Married in 1925, they separated last December. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. Crance, and Crance was ordered to pay $4 weekly for their support.
  • 07 Mar 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce asserting that he and his wife, Mrs. Bessie Manier, are incompatible was filed by Norman Manier, defendant in her divorce action in superior court No.1 yesterday. Married October 15, 1928, the litigants separated June 13, 1931, since which time, according to Manier's cross-bill, his wife has refused to live with him. The cross-complaint further charged that the parties have been unable to live together because of the wife's attitude toward the marriage.
  • 07 Mar 1933 William M. Astry of route No. 8, Fort Wayne, a salesman, entered suit in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Helen D. Astry, whose address was given in the complaint as 3457 Mauna Loa, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, on allegations that she refused to live with him and "stayed away from their home for a long and unreasonable length of time," they separated September 1, 1932, after having been married May 1, 1923.
  • 07 Mar 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 gave Carl Dickey a divorce from Mrs. Anna L. Dickey on cruelty charges, terminating a marriage which, contracted January 18, 1930, was disrupted by a separation in February, 1932.
  • 07 Mar 1933 An application for support in the divorce action of Mabel M. Pion against Emer J. Pion was denied for the present, following a hearing in superior court No. 1.
  • 07 Mar 1933 Mrs. Josephine Glispy of 415 Baker street has entered suit for divorce against Glenn Glispy in superior court No. 1, averring in part that he drank to excess, beat and nagged her and was quarrelsome. They were married in May, 1929, and separated the following July.
  • 09 Mar 1933 Her complaint alleging in part that her husband on a recent occasion threatened to kill her, Mrs. Carrie Schone of 122 East Washington boulevard sued Julian H. Schone, undertaker, for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married January 1, 1916, they separated October 3, last year. Mrs. Schone seeks custody of the four children, aged 16, 14, 12 and 10 years, support sufficient for their maintenance and alimony in a sum unmentioned. Attorney David E. Smith, sitting as a special judge in a contested action previously filed in superior court No. 1, refused to grant a divorce to either Mrs. Schone or Schone.
  • 09 Mar 1933 Mrs. Agnes L. Ryan of 4009 Robinwood drive sought a divorce from Stanley L. Ryan in superior court No. 1. Stanley L. Ryan, said to be resident of Pontiac, Mich. on averment that he failed to support her and associated with other women. They separated in August, 1925, after having been married in 1923. Mrs. Ryan asked that she be given custody of the child.
  • 09 Mar 1933 Mrs. Helen Amiss of 503 East Berry street asked a divorce from Harold Amiss on general grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. They were married in April last year, separating this month.
  • 09 Mar 1933 Donald Elzey was given a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 from Mrs. Dorothy Elzey on allegations that she associated with other men and frequented a roadhouse. Wedded in October, 1929 they separated in January, this year.
  • 09 Mar 1933 Mrs. Hazel Burket was awarded a divorce from Calvin E. Burket in superior court No. 1 on a cross-complaint charging failure to provide. They separated in June, 1931, after a marriage contracted in November, 1929. Mrs. Burket's name was restored to Hazel Friburg.
  • 10 Mar 1933 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Maurice Stephenson has been guilty of cruel treatment and gross neglect toward her in that ever since their marriage he "has remained in a state of intoxication." Mrs. Violet Stephenson of 2102 Fleetwood avenue sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. The parties were married January 30, 1933, separating in February, according to the complaint. Mrs. Stephenson further averred that Stephenson called her "vile and filthy" names, cursed and swore at her and threatened her life. She claimed he failed to support her and frequently told her he would not give her any money.
  • 10 Mar 1933 Grover Mathews of 614 High street, is seeking a divorce from Mrs. Fahry Mathews, asserting that she created such constant strife that living became intolerable. Wedded in December 1930, they separated last August.
  • 10 Mar 1933 Mrs. Mildred Gindlesparger is seeking a divorce from Glenn Gindlesparger, to whom she married in December, 1928, the parties separating this month.
  • 10 Mar 1933 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Nick Andrikopoulos of 3037 Piqua avenue in a divorce suit against Mrs. Maud Andrikopoulos. The litigants separated this month after haven been married in October, 1920.
  • 10 Mar 1933 Her husband, Charles Poole, was guilty of cruelty in that he continually quarreled with her, refused to associate with her in public and did not permit her to enter into any of his social activities. Mrs. Ruth Poole charged in a divorce action instituted in superior court No. 1. Married in September, 1930 they separated last May. Mrs. Poole also claimed that Poole failed to provide, as a result of which she was forced to seek employment in order to support herself. She asked for restoration of her former name, Ruth David.
  • 10 Mar 1933 In answer to two paragraphs, seeking custody of the four children, etc., was filed in superior court No. 1 by Julian Schone, undertaker, in the divorce action begun by his wife, Mrs. Carrie Schone, Wednesday.
  • 11 Mar 1933 Her complaint charging that cruel and inhuman treatment by her husband, William H. Eser had destroyed her love and affection for him so that it is no longer possible for her to live with him in the marital relationship, Mrs. Helen Eser of 1116 Eckart street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in October, 1914, the Esers separated this month. Mrs. Eser claimed further that she has been required to work during the last seven years of her marriage, using the proceeds of her employment for the support and care of her two children, custody of whom she asks. She has assisted in meeting the household expenses, it was asserted. She seeks as her alimony the household furniture.
  • 11 Mar 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Alta Lake of Monroe against Forest Lake was filed in superior court No. 1 on change of venue from Adams circuit court. Mrs. Lake averred in her complaint that her husband, whom she married in November, 1925, and from whom she separated last October, continually quarreled with and nagged at her, making it impossible for her to live with him. She seeks restoration of her former name, Alta McKeon.
  • 12 Mar 1933 Charging that her husband, Edward A. Fix failed to provide for her in a proper manner and that he was guilty of cruelty, Mrs. Rose B. Fix was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married July 1, 1920, the litigants separated in August, 1932 when Mrs. Fix testified her mate deserted her.
  • 14 Mar 1933 Marital troubles of Mrs. Alta Lake were terminated b y a divorce decree entered in her behalf in superior court No. 1 yesterday on her charges that her husband, Forest Lake had stayed out nights, cursed her and called her vile names and got intoxicated. Wedded in November, 1925 the Lakes separated last October. Lake was ordered to pay $17 within one week to Mrs. Lake, whose former name, Alta McKeon, was restored.
  • 14 Mar 1933 In superior court No. 2 Mrs. Ailene Kain was granted a divorce on testimony that her husband, Dwight Kain had called her vile names and on occasion, would not speak to her for weeks at a time. Her maiden name, Ailene Stoner was restored. They were married in November, 1931, separating in November the following year.
  • 14 Mar 1933 Mrs. Eileen Jacobson of 721 East Wayne street filed suit in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Glenn Jacobson, averring that from the date of their marriage to the date of their separation he treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner in that he failed to provide properly and was guilty of other misconduct.
  • 14 Mar 1933 Julian H. Schone, undertaker, was ordered to pay $25 weekly for the support of his wife, Mrs. Carrie Schone, who has sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1, and their four children.
  • 15 Mar 1933 Charging that when she remonstrated with her husband, Orvil Callaway, concerning various acts of misconduct on his part, he told her she should get a divorce, Mrs. Alverta Callaway of 424 ½ South Clinton street acted on his alleged advice by suing him for dissolution of the marital tie in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Mrs. Callaway, in reference to the misconduct of Callaway, claimed her cursed her and called her names. Failed to make reasonable provision for her support, and associated with other women. They separated this month after having been married in May, 1924.
  • 15 Mar 1933 Mrs. Irma Kissinger of 525 West Jefferson street, in a suit for divorce from Elam Kissinger, averred that he threatened her with bodily harm and did not provide properly, although he was able to furnish support. They were married in December, 1920.
  • 15 Mar 1933 Basil A. Hire's wife, Mrs. Mary Louise Hire, refused to take any interest in the home or their marriage relation, Hire complained in an action for divorce. Wedded in August, 1929, they lived together until September, 1930.
  • 15 Mar 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Charles W. Burnsworth a divorce on testimony that Mrs. Emma R. Burnsworth had called her husband vile names and there had been constant quarrelling between them. Her former name, Emma Nestel was restored. Married in September, 1926, they separated last November.
  • 16 Mar 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce alleging that she was obliged to keep boarders in her home in order to provide sufficient funds to support herself and husband, William Beineke, was filed by Mrs. Mae Beineke in his divorce suit pending in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in November, 1931, the litigants separated last nonth. Mrs. Beineke averred that her mate has not provided for her, although he was able to do so, and that he struck and beat her shortly before their separation.
  • 16 Mar 1933 Mrs. Ruth Elizabeth Huff of 106 Superior street sued for divorce from William H. Huff in superior court No. 1, charging that he associated with other women and finally deserted her. She does not know his exact whereabouts, but believes he now lives in New York state, it was said. Wedded April 28, 1925, they separated May 9, 1925, according to the complaint.
  • 17 Mar 1933 His wife, Mrs. Dorothy Eversole, associated with other men and abandoned him the year of their marriage, James L. Eversole of 453 East Washington boulevard charged in a suit for divorce filed in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married May 1, 1930, the Eversoles separated December 20, 1930, according to the complaint. He has been informed that she is residing in Ohio and lived in Cleveland approximately three years ago.
  • 17 Mar 1933 Mrs. Gladys M. Landis of 2315 Lafayette street entered a complaint in superior court No. 2 for dissolution of her marriage to Fred M. Landis, asserting that he exhibited no love and affection for her, and that he left her this month and has not returned. The litigants were married September 5, 1931. They have one child.
  • 18 Mar 1933 Her complaint alleging that the conduct of her husband, Hugh Seltenright of 1431 Grant avenue, "has been such as to ruin her health," that on three occasions during her married life she has been an inmate of the Irene Byron tuberculosis sanitorium. Mrs. Anna B. Seltenright sued for a limited separation in superior court No.1 yesterday. Mrs. Seltenright, averred that she is now sick and unable to work and that Seltenright refuses to provide for her. She claimed further that he has quarreled with her constantly, struck her and cursed and sworn at her. They were married in October, 1912, and separated this month. They have three children.
  • 19 Mar 1933 Orders of dismissal were entered by Judge Charles J. Ryan in the following divorce suits pending yesterday in superior court No. 1: Arnold P. Lee against, Carrie J. Lee; Doris Ditton against Everett K. Ditton, Mary Puckett against Charles Puckett; Anna Snarr against Frank Snarr; Beatrice M. Roe against Homer E. Roe; Grenfall Epps against Winnie M. Epps; Clara Smith against Orville Smith; William F. Bushing against Cecil Pl Bushing.
  • 19 Mar 1933 Charging that her husband, Glen D. Pumphrey went out nights and failed to provide properly, Mrs. Marguerite Pumphrey was awarded a divorce by Judge Harry W. Muller in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Mrs. Pumphrey's former name, Marguerite Lynch was restored. Married last July, they separated in October.
  • 21 Mar 1933 Charging that her husband, Harvey G. Hyman failed to furnish proper support for her and their child during a period of more than two years. Mrs. Bernice Hyman sued for divorce and custody of the child in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Wedded April 1, 1927, they separated this month. Hyman was said to be living at Paulding, O.
  • 21 Mar 1933 Mrs. Myrtle M. Hattel was granted a divorce in superior court No. 1 on testimony that she was compelled to work because of failure of her husband, Bernard C. Hattel to provide. They separated last January after having been married in October 1909.
  • 21 Mar 1933 Mrs. Ilif Font was given a divorce from Harry Font on averments that he was quarrelsome, accused her falsely and associated with other women. Married September 13, 1932, they separated October 10.
  • 21 Mar 1933 Constant strife rendered it intolerable for them to live together, Mrs. Ida M. Davis alleged in a cross-complaint for divorce from Seward H. Davis in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Davis, who also charged that Davis failed to provide suitably, seeks custody of the child. They were married in April, 1924.
  • 21 Mar 1933 Dismissals were entered in divorce suits pending in superior court No. 1 as follows: Elizabeth against Elbert Malott, Theodora against Edward Pappa, Ruby against George Rlue, Dessie B. against Frances M. Gerardot and Stanley against Jessie Koch.
  • 22 Mar 1933 Averring that his wife, Mrs. Laura Domer, quarreled with and nagged at him, told him she no longer cared for him and "could not stand him around," and refused to live with him, Clio E. Domer of 1502 Green street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married March 12, 1923, they separated this month. They have three children.
  • 22 Mar 1933 Frank Zerby sued in superior court No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Lucille Zerby, claiming that she quarreled and nagged, refused to live with him as his wife and finally abandoned him and wen to live with her parents. They separated this month after having been married in Mary, 1930. Zerby seeks custody of their child.
  • 22 Mar 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Alice Boesch a divorce on charges that her husband, William Boesch, ordered her to leave their home, cursed and struck her and was guilty of other acts of cruelty. Wedded in 1918, they separated last September.
  • 22 Mar 1933 Mrs. Elizabeth Caley was awarded a divorce from Dewey Caley in superior court No. 1 on averments that he failed to provide and struck her at different times. They separated last June after having been married approximately 15 years. Custody of their son was awarded to Mrs. Caley.
  • 22 Mar 1933 Dismissals were entered in the divorce actions of Ruth Steele against Forrest Steele; Helen Wolff against Alfred H. Wolff; Mary Loebert against William Loebert and Doris Ross against John R. Ross in superior court No. 1 yesterday.
  • 23 Mar 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Mary E. Roth refused to cook for him and perform other household duties, Ernest F. Roth filed a cross-complaint for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Wedded June 6, 1928, the Roths separated December 9, 1932. Roth's cross-bill averred further that Mrs. Roth repeatedly accused him of associating with other women.
  • 23 Mar 1933 The divorce of Alma Berg against Claude Berg was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior court No. 1.
  • 24 Mar 1933 Her complaint asserting that differences arose between them by reason of differences in their dispositions, the latte making it impossible for them to live together in harmony as husband and wife, Mrs. Ina L. Holderbaum of 449 Lasselle street sued her husband, Howard C. Holderbaum, for divorce in circuit court yesterday. Married June 30, 1927, the Holderbaums separated February 22, this year. They have no children. Mrs. Holderbaum seeks restoration of her former name.
  • 24 Mar 1933 In superior court No. 1 Judge Charles J. Ryan granted Mrs. Mary Pross a divorce on charges that her husband, Richard Pross, had been guilty of cruelty in that he called her vile names and struck and beat her at different times. Married May 29, 1928, the litigants separated May 23, 1931. Mrs. Pross's former name, Mary Gunkel was restored under the court order.
  • 24 Mar 1933 Dismissal on motion of the respective plaintiffs was entered in the following divorce actions pending yesterday in superior court No. 1: Irene against Robert Winans, Helen M. against Fred R. Yant, Mabel against William H. Carmer; Luella against George Huebner, and Perry J. against Ella Stanley.
  • 25 Mar 1933 Her complaint charging that her husband, Erwin Peppler, treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner in that he struck and beat her and called her "vile and filthy names." Mrs. Rudisill Peppler of 4029 Bowser avenue sued him for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married July 7, 1931, the litigants separated this month. Mrs. Peppler alleged further that her mate cursed and swore at her and falsely accused her of infidelity. She asked for restoration of her former name, Rudisill Van Horn.
  • 26 Mar 1933 Her complaint charging that when her husband, Patrick T. Dovey, received a bonus of $800 from the government approximately three years ago, he gave her $40, which is all the money she has received from him during the period. Mrs. Violet Dovey sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married November 27, 1924, the Doveys separated July 1, 1931, it was stated. Mrs. Dovey, according to her action, has had to work and depend on her parents and other for support. She claimed that Dovey cursed and swore at her in the presence of their three children. Dovey's last known address was the Soldiers' home in Danville, Ill.
  • 28 Mar 1933 Averring that her husband, Perry M. Foley, deserted her and that she does not know his present whereabouts, Mrs. Dorothy B. Foley of 1044 Tennessee avenue sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Foley charged further that Foley was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of her in that he called her vile names and struck and abused her. She claimed he has failed to support her during a period of the last three years. Married May 4, 1929, they separated October 3, 1930. They have no children.
  • 28 Mar 1933 Judge Harry W. Muller of superior court No. 2 granted Mrs. Edith Schrenk a divorce on her allegations that her husband, Henry C. Schrenk was away from home 12 nights out of 13 and that he told her he did not care for her nor want to live with her. She also claimed that Schrenk cursed and found fault with her, called her vile names, tried to choke her and failed to support her. They separated in January, 1933, after having been married March 29, 1903. Custody of four children of the couple was vested in Mrs. Schrenk.
  • 28 Mar 1933 Dismissal for want of prosecution was entered in the divorce suit of Mrs. Lena M. Stein against William D. Stein in superior court No. 1.
  • 29 Mar 1933 Her husband, Ora F. Brant was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment, in that he frequently stayed away from home until late at night and refused to explain his absences or his whereabouts at such times, Mrs. Abbie Pl Brant complained in a divorce action filed in superior court No. 1 yesterday. When Mrs. Brant remonstrated with her mate, as to his nocturnal absences, he advised her "that she could leave if she didn't like it", her complaint averred. They were married September 6, 1923.
  • 29 Mar 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Marguerite S. Foster a divorce from Charles E. Foster on testimony that the latter had failed to provide over a period of two years and been guilty of cruelty. Wedded May 19, 1919, they separated in January, 1930. Custody of the two children was awarded to Mrs. Foster and Foster was directed to pay $5 weekly for their support.
  • 29 Mar 1933 Dismissals for want of prosecution were entered in the following divorce actions pending in superior court No. 1 yesterday: William Charles Miller against Mrs. Inez Cecil Miller, Harry C. Brown against Mrs. Guelia E. Brown, Mrs. Eleanore Kelm against John Kelm, Mrs. Madalyn Bennett against Charles Bennett, Mrs. Blanche E. Brown against Victor B. Brown, Mrs. Margaret Schack against Ralph Schack.
  • 30 Mar 1933 Charging that her husband, Ralph Ellenwood, refused to buy her necessary clothing or to repay money he had borrowed from her, although he frequently took another woman to shows where the admission was $1, Mrs. Gertrude Ellenwood sued him for a one-year limited separation in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The Ellenwoods were married April 9, 1931, the wife averring her husband deserted her December 10, 1932, and went to live at 1636 ½ Wells street. Mrs. Ellenwood alleged further that Ellenwood repeatedly asked her to give him a divorce and that he associated with another woman. Failing to provide a home for her or purchase any household goods, he made his home with his wife and mother-in-law, occasionally remaining away until 4 o'clock in the morning, it was claimed. The complaint asserted that Ellenwood borrowed $190 which his wife had earned prior to her marriage. In February, 1933, it was stated, he borrowed $125 on his insurance policy and promised to repay his wife the money she had allegedly loaned him, but he failed to give her any part of it. Mrs. Ellenwood charged that he has contributed only $17 toward her support since December 10, 1932. She is unemployed and dependent on her relatives for a home and support. She claimed that when she asked him for money he refused to give it to her, stating that he had his own bills to pay.
  • 30 Mar 1933 The divorce actions of Aaron S. Dalrymple against Stella D. Dalrymple and Dorah E. Stults against Charles H. Stults were dismissed in superior court No. 1

  • 04 Apr 1933 Degree of divorce was awarded Mrs. Emma Salge by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday on her charges that her husband, Arthur Salge deserted her without cause and failed to provide. Wedded in april 1923, the litigants separated last July. Mrs. Salge's former name was restored.
  • 04 Apr 1933 Charging that her husband, Stanley Koch refused to talk to her and that he left their home on various occasions, staying away two or three days at a time, Mrs. Jessie Koch filed a cross-complaint for divorce in superior court No. 1. Married August 17, 1930, the litigants separated August 27, 1931. The cross-complaint further alleged that the plaintiff, Koch, has associated with one Eva Swank. Mrs. Koch claimed that Koch failed to support her during a period of two and one-half years. She seeks restoration of her former name, Jessie Mills.
  • 04 Apr 1933 The divorce actions of Frank Zerby against Lucille Zerby and Anna Szameit against Fred Szameit were dismissed in superior court No. 1.
  • 05 Apr 1933 Her complaint averring that her husband, Vernon W. Allerton abused her to such an extent that it is impossible for her to live with him any longer, Mrs. Caroline H. Allerton sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Allerton claimed her mate cursed and swore at her and failed to provide, thus necessitating that she work. Married in 1920, they separated this month.
  • 05 Apr 1933 Mrs. Catherine Basse was given a divorce in superior court No. 1, and her name restored to Catherine Hunt, on charges that her husband, Kingsford Basse, had been quarrelsome and failed to provide. Wedded in July, 1930, they separated last December.
  • 05 Apr 1933 In superior court No. 1, Mrs. Della Fay Lovell was awarded a divorce from Thomas B. Lovell, evidence having been introduced previously and decree withheld pending additional residence testimony.
  • 05 Apr 1933 Mrs. Nellie M. Liniger received a divorce in superior court No. 1 on testimony that her husband, Roger R. Liniger had been cruel and failed to provide. They separated in December, 1927, after having been married in 1927. Mrs. Liniger's name was restored to Nellie M. Peterson.
  • 05 Apr 1933 Subject to additional residence testimony, Mrs. Margaret Harper was given a divorce from Palmer Harper on charges of failure to provide and cruelty. Her former name, Margaret Anderson, is to be restored. Married in April, 1931, they separated in January, 1932.
  • 05 Apr 1933 Gallard R. Bowman of 1001 West Berry street began action in superior court No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Evalyana M. Bowman, averring that she has refused to give up her associates and they have nothing in common. Wedded in 1921, they separated about a year ago.
  • 06 Apr 1933 Charging that she has been compelled to work during a long period in order to support herself, two children by a previous marriage and also her husband, Orie Wiley, Mrs. Goldie I. Wiley of 1305 ½ West Main street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Wedded in January, 1924, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Wiley claimed further that Wiley drank to excess, was profane and continually finding fault and scolding around the house.
  • 06 Apr 1933 Everett H. Lindeman began action in superior court No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Hilda E. Lindeman, averring she refused to live with him and the child, repeatedly told him she did not love him, that a continuation of their married life "would be most unpleasant to her" and that he should obtain a divorce. They separated last September after having been married in March, 1921.
  • 06 Apr 1933 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Sergt. Samuel H. Raymond of the United States army, stationed in Fort Wayne, associated with other women and bragged about it to his wife, telling her "that he wanted young women," Mrs. Waine Raymond of 354 ½ Kinnaird avenue, filed suit for a three-year separation in superior court No. 1. Married September 3, 1925, the litigants lived together "with a variable degree of failure," according to the wife's suit, until last October when, she charged he left her. Dissatisfied with their married life, the husband told his wife he did not want to live with her any longer, that she should get a divorce or he would, she claimed. Mrs. Raymond alleged in her complaint that he gambled and went on drinking parties, and, on returning home, would quarrel with and beat her. They separated on another occasion because of his cruelty, the wife charged, but a reconciliation was effected on his promise to change his ways. She asserted that soon there-after he against became cruel toward her.
  • 06 Apr 1933 The following divorce actions were dismissed in superior court No. 1 for want of prosecution: Mollie c. Dickover against Arthur L. Dickover; Mary E. Baltes against Donald E. Baltes; Charles C. Carpenter against Catherine Carpenter; Velma N. Kever against John Kever; Marie K. Monroe against Herschel Monroe; Anna Bennett against John Bennett; Imo Chaudion against Joseph S. Chaudion; Lola Stitt against Clarence J. Stitt; Dorothy Rothenhausler against Willie Rothenhausler; Clara R. Harris against Charles E. Harris; Phyllis Arnold against Richard Arnold.
  • 07 Apr 1933 Mrs. Emma E. Vaubel and her husband, Christian A. Vaubel have become wholly incompatible, she asserted in an action for dissolution of marital ties. She claimed further that Vaubel manifested an "ungovernable temper" and that he struck, cursed and abused her. She feels that she can no longer live with him, it was stated. Wedded April 20, 1925, they separated this month.
  • 07 Apr 1933 Mrs. Vonetta Balser of 1425 Kensington boulevard, suing in superior court No. 1 for divorce from William Balser of Elwood, Ind., charged that she was forced to support herself because of his failure to provide. They were married June 29, 1929, and separated in September the same year.
  • 07 Apr 1933 Her husband, Forrest Deatman falsely accused her of interfering with and retarding his "social and religious life," Mrs. Ruth L. Deatman complainted in a divorce action filed in superior court No.1. Married September 11, 1909, the Deatmans separated this month. Mrs. Deatman averred that during a period of more than a year Deatman has scolded and nagged at her and found fault, telling her he no longer cared for her and requesting her to leave him and procure a divorce. There are four children, living with Mrs. Deatman on a farm on the Maysville road just west of the Indiana-Ohio state line. In addition to a degree, Mrs. Deatman seeks support and $5,000 alimony.
  • 07 Apr 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Dorothy M. Kell a divorce on her testimony that her husband, John M. Kell had failed to provide for more than two years. They separated in December, 1930 after having been married July 18, 1922. Mrs. Kell's maiden name, Dorothy M. Budd was restored.
  • 08 Apr 1933 Averring that her husband, Howard Gee was guilty of incompatibility and cruel and inhuman treatment, Mrs. Harriet Gee was awarded a divorce by Judge Harry W. Muller in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married March 16, 1932, the Gees separated in October. Mrs. Gee's former name, Harriet Miller was restored.
  • 08 Apr 1933 A divorce decree was entered for Mrs. Marjorie Harper in action against Palmer Harper, her name being restored to Margaret Anderson in superior court No. 1. Evidence had been introduced several days ago and the decree withheld pending additional residence witness testimony.
  • 08 Apr 1933 A divorce suit which Mrs. Marie Eifler filed against Gustave Eifler in superior court No. 1 Thursday was dismissed in superior court No. 1.
  • 09 Apr 1933 Charging that her husband, Ronald Hollman told her to get a divorce, Mrs. Helene Hollman acted on his alleged advice by procuring a decree dissolving the marital tie, in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Testifying before Judge Charles J. Ryan, Mrs. Hollman claimed further that Hollman had been guilty of nagging and fault-finding and failure to provide. Married November 19, 1932, they separated last January. Mrs. Hollman's former name was restored.
  • 09 Apr 1933 Mrs. Eva Callaway was granted a divorce by Judge Harry W. Muller in superior court No. 2 on her testimony that her husband, Roy C. Callaway, called her vile names in their son's presence and beat her. The couple "could not get along," according to the wife. Mrs. Callaway was given custody of the son.
  • 09 Apr 1933 Dismissal on motion of the plaintiff was entered in the suit of Mrs. Matilda Redding against Alfred S. Redding, for limited separation in superior court No. 1.
  • 11 Apr 1933 A marriage allegedly marred by liquor was described by Mrs. Lucille Meeks of route No. 6, Fort Wayne, in a divorce complaint filed against her husband, Lloyd J. Meeks, in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Meeks claimed that Meeks continually drank intoxicating liquors to excess for dome time prior to the beginning of her action, returning home on numerous occasions in a highly intoxicated condition. She asserted further that he frequently quarreled with her and their three children, custody of whom she seeks, and sometimes struck them. Married July 9, 1922, they lived together until this month when, according to Mrs. Meeks' complaint, Meeks left home without informing her where he was going or when he expected to return.
  • 11 Apr 1933 Mrs. Jennie Dush was awarded a decree from Albert Dush on cruelty charges, terminating a marriage which, contracted in May, 1930, was disrupted by a separation in February, 1932. Her name was restored to Jennie Dewey,
  • 11 Apr 1933 Mrs. Hilda M. Webb was given a divorce and her former name, Hilda M. Arnold, restored, on averments that her husband, Randy T. Webb cursed and swore at her and failed to provide. Wedded in August, 1928, they separated in December, 1932.
  • 11 Apr 1933 Clement Dellrocco was granted a divorce from Mrs. Julia E. Dellrocco on charges that she had been cruel, quarreled frequently, told him to get a divorce and ordered him out. They were married in July, 1918, separating last December. Custody of the children was vested in Mrs. Dellrocco.
  • 11 Apr 1933 Mrs. Martha Rummel received a divorce on allegation that her husband, Paul Rummel had been cruel and quarrelsome and failed to provide. They Separated in February, this year, after having been married in April, 1932.
  • 11 Apr 1933 Judge Harry W. Muller of superior court No. 2 decreed Mrs. Elinor Pilett a divorce on charges that her husband, Edwin Pilett, had been abusive, quarreled with and nagged at her, and gambled. They were married in November, 1931, this, it was said, having been their second marriage to each other. Custody of the two children was placed with Mrs. Pilett, Pilett being ordered to pay $4 weekly for their support.
  • 11 Apr 1933 Dismissal on motion of the plaintiff was entered in the limited separation action of Mrs. Edith Parisot against Clarence Parisot in superior court No. 2.
  • 12 Apr 1933 Blows and curses were cited by Mrs. Alpha May Paxton of 1223 Eliza street in an action for divorce from Howard Paxton filed in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in November, 1927, the litigants separated this month. Mrs. Paxton averred that Paxton was guilty of cruel treatment in that he swore at her and struck her.
  • 12 Apr 1933 Charging that her husband, Clarence Parisot, called her vile names and struck her and that when she remonstrated with him he told her to get a divorce. Mrs. Edith Parisot of 1767 Hale avenue acted on his alleged advice by suing him for dissolution of the marriage tie in superior court No. 1. Wedded September 19, 1931, the litigants separated this month. Mrs. Parisot also charged that Parisot failed to properly support and Maintain her and their infant child, custody of whom she seeks.
  • 12 Apr 1933 Her complaint asserting that her husband, George W. Geiger, in a fit of anger gathered up his personal belongings and left her on November 25, 1932. Mrs. Daisy V. Geiger sued him for divorce and restoration of her former name, Daisy V. Arnett in superior court No. 1. The Geiger's were married March 12, 1932. Mrs. Geiger claimed further that Geiger manifested an "ungovernable temper" and would scold her and find fault at various times over trivial matters. Since he left her she has been obliged to work as a clerk in a store in order to support herself, it was claimed.
  • 13 Apr 1933 Her complaint averring that her husband, William Nehr created such constant strife that for them to live together longer has become intolerable, Mrs. Wilma Nehr of 455 Buchanan street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married March 11, 1928, they separated June 13, 1931.
  • 13 Apr 1933 William S. Slater of 4510 Tacoma avenue, in a divorce action filed against his wife, Mrs. Erna H. Slater, in superior court No. 2, charged that within a few months after their marriage, November 1, 1929, differences arose between tham by reason of differences in their dispositions, rendering it impossible for them to live together in harmony. They separated March 15, this year.
  • 13 Apr 1933 Divorce from Harold Dunlap was sought in a suit entered in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Minnie E. Dunlap who claimed that he nagged, abused, cursed and threatened her and their four children. Wedded July 22, 1908, they separated this month.
  • 13 Apr 1933 His wife, Mrs. Mary C. Schneider, constantly nagged at and quarreled with him, leaving him on a number of occasions, and would remain away from him for days at a time, neglecting her housework, Joseph J. Schneider of 1908 John street, charged in a divorce complaint filed in superior court No. 1. They separated January 23, 1932, after having been married April 9, 1928.
  • 13 Apr 1933 Mrs. Esther Ritchards of 2323 Euclid avenue began action in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of her marriage to George Ritchards whom she accused of cursing her and calling her vile names, failing to provide properly for her, falsely charging her with association with other men and threatening to do her bodily injury.
  • 13 Apr 1933 Julian H. Shone, defendant in a divorce action filed by his wife, Mrs. Carrie Schone, was ordered to appear in superior court No. 1 April 17 in answer to information of contempt filed by Mrs. Schone alleging that he has failed to make certain support payments.
  • 14 Apr 1933 Sundry beatings, leading on one occasion to an eye-blackening, were cited by Mrs. Nina Thompson of 510 ½ Calhoun street in action filed in superior court No. 1 yesterday for divorce from Roy Thompson, who according to the complaint, is serving a sentence in the Indiana state prison for conviction of a felony. Married January 22, 1931, the litigants separated June 13 the same year, when, it was claimed, Thompson was given a term of 2 to 14 years in the prison at Michigan City. Mrs. Thompson averred that he husband worked only four weeks during their married life, rendering it necessary for her to seek employment in order to support herself and children by a former marriage. She seeks restoration of her former name, Nina Knox.
  • 14 Apr 1933 Mrs. Mae Beineke was given a divorce from William Beineke on a cross-complaint, testifying in part that he called her vile names and struck her. Her former name, Mae Meyers was restored. They separated last February after having been married November 14, 1931.
  • 14 Apr 1933 Rodger Dulong was awarded a divorce from Mrs. Edwidge Dulong in superior court No. 1, claiming that she refused to live with him in Fort Wayne. Wedded December 2, 1922, they separated in October, 1931. Custody of the child was vested in the defendant.
  • 15 Apr 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Alice Starks stayed out late at night without informing him where she was spending her time, Augusta Starks of 1404 Hayden street began action for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties separated this month after having been married October 18, 1930. Starks claimed further that Mrs. Starks was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of him in that she allegedly associated with persons of questionable character and refused to perform her household duties.
  • 16 Apr 1933 Asserting that an attempted reconciliation with his wife, Mrs. Eleanor Gladys Zytone, had been attended with failure, Selim Zyton filed a cross-complaint for divorce in his action pending in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The Zytones were married May 1, 1927, and lived together "intermittingly," according to Zytone's cross-complaint, until September 8, 1931, when Mrs. Zytone began her divorce suit, following which they lived apart until February, 1932. Relying on alleged promises of his wife to "change her conduct," Zytone went back to her and they again lived together until December 7, 1932, his cross-complaint averred. He charged that she continually quarreled with him, would not remain at home or take care of it and that she preferred the company of "one Sylvester De Rose" to her husband's company.
  • 16 Apr 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 awarded Mrs. Mary Johnson a divorce on testimony that her husband, Glenn Johnson, beat her, called her vile names and failed to provide. They separated last June after about a year of married life. Mrs. Johnson's former name, Mary Matthews was restored.
  • 16 Apr 1933 Mrs. Lucile E. Richardson entered suit in superior court No. 1 to terminate her marriage to Horace D. Richardson, automobile salesman, of 216 East Leith street, claiming that he occasionally came home in an intoxicated condition, nagged at her, was quarrelsome and associated with other women. Wedded in 1924, the Richardson's separated this month. Custody of the three children is sought by Mrs. Richardson.
  • 18 Apr 1933 Charging that her husband, Charles F. Weber treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner in that he cursed her, called her vile names and struck and beat her, Mrs. Ida Belle Weber of route No. 1, Fort Wayne, sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married January 27, 1912, the Weber's separated this year.
  • 18 Apr 1933 Mrs. Pauelina Sarasien was given a decree on testimony that her husband Harry J. Sarasien, failed to provide during a period of more than two years, cursed her and called her vile names. Her name was restored to Pauelina Schoolcraft.
  • 18 Apr 1933 Mrs. Dorothy Kraus was awarded a divorce from George Kraus on charges of cruelty and failure to provide. Wedded November 17, 1927, they separated in May, 1931. Mrs. Kraus was given custody of her child.
  • 18 Apr 1933 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up in a divorce complaint filed by Mrs. Dorothy H. Ballou against James O. Ballou of Bloomington. The parties were married April 30, 1932.
  • 19 Apr 1933 His complaint stating that he and his wife, Mrs. Frances Burchard, attempted to establish a home, but lived together only a week when she again went to her home, Edward G. Burchard sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Burchard's action claimed further that he and Mrs. Burchard have tried to get along, but are unable to do so, and both have come to the conclusion that for them to live together is impossible. It was asserted that Mrs. Burchard has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward her husband in that she left him several times and that "certain accusations have been made which embittered their feelings toward each other." Married August 25, 1932, they separated this month.
  • 19 Apr 1933 Charging that her husband, Louis Houchin left her without cause and failed to provide, Mrs. Bertha Houchin was granted a divorce in superior court No. 1. Her former name, Bertha Bryan was restored. They separated in December, 1931, after having been married in April, the same year. Evidence in the case had been introduced previously.
  • 19 Apr 1933 Mrs. Susan A. Neff of 403 Perry avenue began action in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Ralph E. Neff, her complaint asserting that he nagged at and quarreled with her to such an extent that it rendered their marriage intolerable. They were married in 1912. Mrs. Neff sought restoration of her former name, Susan A. Horn.
  • 19 Apr 1933 Charging that her husband, Ralph Ellenwood was in the habit of associating with another woman a long time before he allegedly deserted his wife, Mrs. Gertrude Ellenwood filed a second paragraph of a complaint for a one-year limited separation in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married April 9, 1931, Mrs. Ellenwood claims that Ellenwood deserted her December 10, 1931 and went to live at an address on Wells street where he has since been residing. She averred he repeatedly asked her to give him a divorce.
  • 19 Apr 1933 Mrs. Mattie Lou Collins of 1433 Hayden street sued Joe Collins for divorce in superior court No. 1, alleging the used vile and abusive language in the presence of their children, was an habitual drunkard, struck and beat her on several occasions, stayed out late nights without reasonable excuse therefor, and falsely accused her of infidelity. During the past several months he has squandered his money, she asserted further. Wedded July 12, 1920, they separated in April, 1930. There are six children, four of them minors, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Collins.
  • 19 Apr 1933 Mrs. Violet L. Cramer, seeking a divorce in superior court No. 1 from Carl C. Cramer, averred he struck and abused her, called her vile and indecent names and failed to provide during a period of more than a year. She feels, it was stated, that she can no longer care for him or live with him as her husband. They were married December 31, 1927, separating in February, 1932.
  • 20 Apr 1933 Charging that her husband, Frederic Grant Lupton stirred up such constant strife as to render intolerable their life together, Mrs. Vivian Louise Lupton filed an amended first paragraph of a complaint seeking a five-year temporary separation on superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married November 13, 1928, they separated last March.
  • 20 Apr 1933 Alvie J. Wolsiffer began action in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Marie M. Wolsiffer, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment. Wedded September 29, 1923 they separated this month. Custody of the child is sought by the plaintiff.
  • 20 Apr 1933 Divorce was entered for Rodger Dulong in suit against Mrs. Edwidge Dulong in superior court No. 1. Evidence had been introduced previously, the husband averring that his wife had been guilty of cruelty and refused to live with him in Fort Wayne. They separated in October, 1931 after having been married in December, 1922.
  • 20 Apr 1933 Her husband, Marshall Warnick was "cross, sullen and irritable in greater portion of their married life." Mrs. Sarah L. Warnick of Waynedale drive, Waynedale, claimed in a divorce suit entered in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Warnick has been compelled to work in factories and do housework in order to maintain herself and child. The parties were married in June, 1922 and separated this month.
  • 20 Apr 1933 Dismissal on motion of the plaintiff was entered in the divorce suit of Hulda D. Hasty against George J. Hasty in superior court No. 2.
  • 22 Apr 1933 Charging that her husband, Herman Himelstein, on many occasions, publicly and privately, threatened her with "corporal chastisement," Mrs. Helen Himelstein sued for divorce in circuit court yesterday. Married August 2, 1931, the parties separated this month. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Himelstein. Mrs. Himelstein claimed further that Himelstein publicly manifested coldness and indifference toward her, refused to support her in the style to which she was entitled because of his station in life and treated her mother with disrespect. While she was confined to a hospital recently her husband publicly exhibited "complete indifference to her pain and suffering," it was charged.
  • 23 Apr 1933 Alleging that her husband, Kenneth Kuntz of 1012 Walter street on the evening of April 19 knocked her to the floor, causing her to become unconscious, his blows discoloring her eyes and splitting open her nose, Mrs. Elsie May Kuntz filed a cross-complaint for divorce and $1,000 alimony in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Kuntz, who has sued his wife for divorce, charging that she threw carbolic acid in his face, was acquitted of a charge of assault and battery preferred by her, in city court yesterday. Mrs. Kuntz, in her cross-bill stated she was forced to seek first aid treatment at a hospital following the alleged beating by her husband. She averred he repeatedly cursed and swore at her and "used language too vulgar to mention." He associated with other women on numerous occasions, she claimed. Married October 23, 1923, the litigants separated this month. There are two children, a boy, 8 and a girl, 5, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Kuntz. Judge Pro Tem Harry F. Kennerk granted q restraining order interdicting Kuntz from interfering with or molesting his wife.
  • 23 Apr 1933 Floyd E. Clem filed a cross-complaint in superior court No. 1 asking a divorce from Mrs. Irene Edith Clem, asserting that she used foul language toward him and failed to perform her household duties. They separated last February after having been married in August, 1927.
  • 23 Apr 1933 Divorce suit of Vera Feightner against Samuel Feightner was dismissed for lack of prosecution in superior court No. 2.
  • 25 Apr 1933 Her complaint averring that her husband, Lester A. Morrison nagged at and scolded her two children by a former marriage, telling them they had no right in the home, and insisted that she place them on an orphan home, Mrs. Vernon C. Morris sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married April 18, 1926, the Morrison's separated this month. Mrs. Morrison's action further alleged that the defendant has stated that "if he cannot have her, no one else will ever have her." She asked for restoration of her former name, Vernon C. Taylor.
  • 25 Apr 1933 Charles Ludwig began suit in superior court No. 1 seeking to terminate his marriage to Mrs. Alma L. Ludwig, charging that she cursed and swore at him and made false accusations against him. They separated in April, 1928 after having been married July 25, 1914. Mrs. Ludwig is now in San Diego, Cal.
  • 25 Apr 1933 Gerald F. Shoup sued Mrs. Amber Shoup for divorce in superior court No. 1, claiming that they are "entirely incompatible for each other," that she constantly quarreled with and nagged at him and continually opened accounts at different stores, refusing to stay within his earning power. They were married December 5, 1931, and separated this month.
  • 25 Apr 1933 In superior court No. 1 Mrs. Matilda Salisbury was awarded a divorce on testimony that her husband, Sylvester Salisbury struck her and failed to provide. The defendant was given custody of the child. Wedded in March, 1921, they separated last year.
  • 25 Apr 1933 Mrs. Irene Edith Clem was given a divorce from Floyd E. Clem in superior court No. 1 on averments that he had been guilty of cruelty. She claimed in part that he drank to excess, struck her frequently. Her name was restored to Irene Edith Smith. They were married in August, 1927.
  • 25 Apr 1933 Judge Harry W. Muller of superior court No. 2 decreed Mrs. Pauline Spangle a divorce from Eugene R. Spangle on a cross-complaint terminating a marriage which, entered into in April 1930, was disrupted by a separation in February, this year. Mrs. Spangle charged that Spangle quarreled continuously and accused her of "running around." Custody of the child was vested in Mrs. Spangle, and Spangle was ordered to pay as support $10 twice monthly.
  • 26 Apr 1933 A multiplicity of pleas were set up in a divorce complaint filed by Mrs. Reta Burnett of 2522 Edsall avenue against her husband, Dale Burnett in superior court No. 1 yesterday. In addition to the divorce Mrs. Burnett asked that she be awarded $2,000 alimony, support during pendency of the action and custody of her child, and that a receiver be appointed for a radio and battery service which, it was said, she and Burnett have jointly maintained at the rear of the premises where they reside. Mrs. Burnett, the action stated has kept the records of the business during a period of several years. She alleged in part that Burnett has neglected the business. Married May 21, 1930, they separated this month.
  • 26 Apr 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Vera Summers would leave their residence and remain away during long periods, that she associated on numerous occasions with persons of immoral character, nagged and quarreled with her husband and often "threatened him in an angry manner," Frank J. Summers sued for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 1. Wedded November 15, 1932, they separated last January.
  • 26 Apr 1933 Mrs. Bertha Potter filed an amended complaint in her action for divorce from John Potter in superior court No. 1, asking that she be given custody of the child.
  • 26 Apr 1933 Mrs. Loretta K. Honeick was given a divorce in superior court No. 1 on charges that her husband, Herbert H. Honeick, was guilty of cruelty and did not care to live with her. They separated in February, 1932 after having been married in November, 1929. The parties had separated before, it was stated. Formal entry of the decree was withheld pending additional residence testimony.
  • 26 Apr 1933 Mrs. Vera Crabill was decreed a divorce from Charles Crabill, now said to be serving a federal reformatory sentence for violation of the liquor laws. Mrs. Crabill, whose former name, Vera Girardot was restored, charged that Crabill had been guilty of cruelty and associated with other women. It had formerly been claimed that Crabill married the plaintiff in order to have a wife to support a plea for leniency when he appeared in federal court. They were married December 10, 1932.
  • 27 Apr 1933 His wife, Mrs. Thelma Archey was guilty of cruelty in that she nagged constantly, was quarrelsome and did not properly care for their adoped child, Elmer Archey charged during a hearing on his divorce complaint in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married May 15, 1924, the litigants separated April 20, 1932. Judge Charles J. Ryan indicated that Archey is to be awarded a divorce and custody of the child, entry of the decree being with-held meanwhile, for amended summons.
  • 27 Apr 1933 Mrs. May Searcy, manicurist sued Carl Searcy for divorce in superior court No. 1, complaining he treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner and that they separated five months after their marriage. They separated this month after having been married last November. Mrs. Searcy seeks restoration of her former name, Mary Miller.
  • 28 Apr 1933 Asserting that her husband, Harold Vest urged her to get a divorce, Mrs. Alvina Vest of 2402 Weisser Park avenue acted on his alleged request by suing him for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Vest charged further that Vest struck her on various occasions, cursed and swore at her and stayed out late at night. Married September 9, 1930, they separated this month. Mrs. Vest asked that she be granted custody of the two children.
  • 28 Apr 1933 Arno Carr began action in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Florence Carr, who he had been informed, now lives in Butte, Mont., claiming that during their life together she created such constant strife that the marital union was rendered intolerable. They separated July 15, 1928, after having been married in April, 1922.
  • 28 Apr 1933 Her husband, Charles Claymiller, treated her cruelly in that he cursed her, called her vile names, "too vile to set out" and struck and beat her. Mrs. Nellie Claymiller of 3705 Chestnut street averred in a divorce suit instituted in superior court No. 1. They married October 30, 1918. Mrs. Claymiller seeks custody of the four children.
  • 28 Apr 1933 Change of venue to DeKalb county was ordered in the divorce suit of Mrs. Helen Himelstein against Herman Himelstein, pending in circuit court yesterday.
  • 30 Apr 1933 Even though her husband, August Starks was a member and officer of the church, he objected to his wife being a member of one of the church auxiliaries, Mrs. Alice Starks alleged in a divorce cross-complaint filed in superior court No. 1 yesterday. She further charged in part that he "struck and beat her unmercifully" on one occasion "for having attended the church on Sunday in the day time." She seeks restoration of her former name, Alice Gresham.
  • 30 Apr 1933 Mrs. Adelia Lung sued Dan E. Lung, proprietor of a New Haven pool room, for divorce averring that he failed to provide, was a habitual drunkard, frequently assaulted her and associated with other women. They were married in 1917.

  • 02 May 1933 Motion of Mrs. Valentine Keintz for a new trial of her divorce action against Valentine Keintz was overruled by Special Judge William N. Ballou in superior court No. 1 yesterday. A decree was refused both Mrs. Keintz and her husband, on a cross-complaint at a previous hearing.
  • 02 May 1933 Mrs. Hilda Forcum sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 on charges that her husband, Roy Forcum created constant strife and failed to provide.
  • 02 May 1933 Nonsupport was charged by Mrs. Evelyn Bloom of 2805 Lillie street in a divorce decree filed in superior court No.1 seeking a divorce from Walter Bloom, Claypool, Ind, and restoration of her former name, Evelyn Harris.
  • 02 May 1933 Mrs. Fern I. Stephens filed for divorce in superior court No. 1 asserting in part that her husband, Wilbur L. Stephens failed to accept employment when it was offered him. She asked custody of her child.
  • 02 May 1933 Clyde A. Blackburn was given a divorce from Mrs. Dora A. Blackburn in superior court No. 1 on testimony that she abandoned him. They married in 1905.
  • 03 May 1933 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Gertrude Ellenwood nagged at him and insisted that he keep up expenses for the household of her parents, Ralph Ellenwood of 3110 Bowser avenue filed a cross-complaint for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday.
  • 03 May 1933 Mrs Ethel Bird Anguish was given a divorce on charges that her husband, John L. Anguish had been guilty of cruelty and failure to provide, terminating a marriage entered into in 1912 in superior court No. 1 yesterday.
  • 03 May 1933 In superior court No. 1 Mrs. Jessie Koch was awarded a divorce from Stanley Koch on a cross-complaint, averring her associated with other women and failed to provide. Her former name, Jessie Mills was restored. They were married in August 1930.
  • 03 May 1933 Mrs. Bertha Potter filed an amended complaint for divorce from John Potter, claiming he stayed out most of the nights, failed to provide properly and was convicted of robbery. She asked custody of her child.
  • 03 May 1933 Mrs. Sofi Cernea sued George Cernea, 221 Beadell street for divorce charging cruel treatment.
  • 04 May 1933 Charging that her husband, Lester Evans has continually nagged at her and found fault and failed to support her properly, thus forcing her to seek employment, Mrs. Charlotte Evans, 1130 Clara street, sued for divorce and restoration of her former name, Charlotte Smith, in superior court No. 1. They were married in 1928.
  • 05 May 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce and $7,000 alimony was filed in superior court No. 1 yesterday by Mrs. Maude Andrikopoulos, who alleged in part that her husband, Nick Andrikopoulos beat and choked her, failed to make reasonable provision for her support, and was guilty of infidelity. She claimed she is entitled to half the sales price of property worth $11,500 which, it was stated, her husband sold.
  • 05 May 1933 Mrs. Jennie B. Benson, 4215 South Calhoun street sued in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Albert Benson, averring that he nagged at her and failed during a period of three years to provide, thus compelling her to keep roomers in order to make an amount sufficient to support him as well as herself. They were married in May, 1926.
  • 06 May 1933 Charging that her husband, Eli H. Wright, during a period of several months past has absented himself from their home practically every night without giving any account of his comings and goings, Mrs. Ruth A. Wright, 1169 Grant avenue, sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. She claimed further that he has recently been sullen and morose toward her and created strife. Married September 17, 1927, they separated this month. Custody of the three children is sought by Mrs. Wright.
  • 07 May 1933 Her husband, Thomas R. Bickel tried to persuade her to go places with other men, and occasionally did have other men take her places, Mrs. Audrey Z. Bickel alleged in a cross-complaint for divorce file in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Bickel further claimed that her mate constantly accused her of associating with other men. He never helped her in taking care of the three children, custody of whom she seeks, and frequently gave them intoxicating liquor, she charged. She averred that prior to the birth of her last child he struck her and told her to "take her children and get out and get a divorce."
  • 07 May 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Theresa E. Johnston against Fred R. Johnston was dismissed in superior court No. 1.
  • 07 May 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce was entered by Mrs. Amber Shoup, who alleged that her husband, Gerald Shoup told her he was not ready to "settle down," that he believed in drinking liquor and having wild parties.
  • 09 May 1933 Mrs. Helen M. Foster was awarded a divorce in superior court No. 1 on charges that her husband, Ralph L. Foster struck her at different times and called her vile names. They married in 1918. Mrs. Foster was given custody of her child during school periods, and Foster ordered to pay $10 weekly for its support.
  • 09 May 1933 Mrs. Grace Blanks was decreed a divorce in superior court No. 1 from Thomas J. Blanks on a cross-complaint, claiming her struck and beat her and forced her out of the house. They were married in November, 1930. Custody of the child was vested in Mrs. Blanks and Blanks was ordered to pay $4 weekly.
  • 09 May 1933 William M. Astrey was granted a divorce in superior court No. 1 from Mrs. Helen D. Ashrey on averments that she refused to live with him and is now in Hawaii. Her former name, Helen Fry was restored. They married in 1923.
  • 09 May 1933 In superior court No. 2 Mrs. Velma Gephart was given a divorce on testimony that her husband, Theodore Gephart deserted her and associated with other women. She was awarded custody of the three children and Gephart was ordered to pay $5 weekly. The marriage was contracted in 1923.
  • 10 May 1933 Her husband, Gerald F. Shoup told her he could "make something of himself" if it were not for her and said it would be "nice to hold some other woman in his arms", Mrs. Amber Shoup charged in a cross-complaint for divorce, $500 alimony and restoration of her former name, Amber Lisle, in superior court No. 1 yesterday. They were married December 5, 1931. Mrs. Shoup further claimed that Shoup constantly complained and nagged at her to leave their home and get a divorce.
  • 10 May 1933 Charging that her husband, Theodore Gebhart, frequently told her to get a divorce so he could go to another woman, Mrs. Marie Gebhart, 820 Walnut street, sued him for a two-year separation in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Mrs. Gebhart's complaint alleged that her husband, with reference to the "other woman", informed her that he "cared more for her little finger than for your entire body." Other instances of cruelty, including alleged beatings which left black and blue marks for days thereafter, were cited by Mrs. Gebhart. They were married in 1917. Mrs. Gebhart made similar charges against her husband in police court yesterday morning, where an assault and battery charge against Gebhart was continued indefinitely.
  • 10 May 1933 In superior court No. 1 Mrs. Mary Pogozeski, 4215 Robinwood drive is suing for a divorce from Tony Pogozelski, whom she married in 1906, charged he stayed away from home weeks at a time, and told her to get a divorce as he did not want to support her any longer.
  • 10 May 1933 Averring that her husband, Forest G. Nichols struck her on one occasion and shoved her on another, Mrs. Leona M. Nichols filed a cross-complaint in superior court No. 1,for a five-year separation and custody of their child.
  • 10 May 1933 Mrs. Marie Hoppas, asking a divorce from Roy Hoppas and restoration of her former name, Marie Luxenburger, alleged she had to obtain employment in order to keep herself and that her husband was sent to the reformatory at Pendelton on a grand larceny charge.
  • 10 May 1933 Mrs. Emma A. Kees of Woodburn is seeking a divorce and $2,000 alimony from Samuel A. Kees in superior court No. 1. She claimed that strife became so constant that she was unable to live with him. They were married in 1923.
  • 10 May 1933 Mrs. Mary E. Habeck, 1126 Burgess street sued for divorce from Albert Habeck in superior court No. 1, on charge that he was an habitual drunkard and beat her "un-mercifully."
  • 10 May 1933 A divorce was granted Mrs. Mildred Gundlesparger in superior court No. 1 and her name restored to Mildred Burtch on testimony that her husband, Glenn Gundlesparger, habitually became intoxicated, beat her and would not work. They married in 1928.
  • 10 May 1933 Subject to additional residence witness testimony, Mrs. Doris Zuber was given a divorce on allegations that Frank Zuber deserted her three years ago. They married in 1930.
  • 11 May 1933 Contested action wherein Forest G. Nichols seeks a divorce and his wife, Mrs. Leona M. Nichols, a five-year separation on a cross-complaint, was taken under advisement by Judge Charles J. Ryan following a hearing in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties were joined in the present union in September, 1932, and separated this year, a child having been born to them by a previous marriage. Mrs. Nichols seeks custody of the child. Nichols' complaint alleged in part that his wife incessantly nagged at and quarreled with him and that she threatened his life. Her cross-complaint averred that he struck her on one occasion and shoved her at another time, and created such strife as to render their living together intolerable.
  • 12 May 1933 Charging that her husband, Robert F. Winans told her to "get out and get a divorce," Mrs. Franceville Winans acted upon his alleged advice by procuring a decree of dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 1 yesterday. They were married in July, 1929. Mrs. Winans further accused Winans of calling her vile names and Making false accusations against her. She was given custody of the child for support of which Winans was ordered to pay $3 weekly.
  • 12 May 1933 Mrs. Imogene Halliwill of 4135 Piqua avenue sued Harold Halliwill for divorce in superior court No. 1 claiming her failed to provide during the entire period of their married life, deserted her and that his last known address was Van Wert, O. They were married in August, 1927. Mrs. Halliwill seeks custody of her child.
  • 12 May 1933 Amended complaint for divorce was filed by Mrs. Vera B. McClure in superior court No. 1, averring that her husband, John McClure failed to support her, struck and beat her, quarreled and nagged and cursed and swore at her. They married in 1910.
  • 13 May 1933 Chrging that her husband, John De Haven was guilty of habitual intoxication and that he absented himself from home two or three weeks at a time, Mrs. Ruth De Haven was granted a divorce and her former name, Ruth Allen, restored in superior court No. 1 yesterday. She also claimed that De Haven nagged at her. They were married in 1925 and separated in November, 1932
  • 14 May 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Garnett Reitz a divorce from Loy Reitz on charges of failure to provide. They were married in August, 1932. Mrs. Reitz's former name, Garnett Clomb was restored.
  • 14 May 1933 Mrs. Gladys K. Walter was given a divorce on testimony that her husband, Leonard C. Walter deserted her without cause, told her to get a divorce and stayed out nights. They were married in June, 1929. Mrs. Walter's name was restored to Gladys E. Schreck
  • 14 May 1933 Seeking a decree to end her marriage to Roy Davis, Mrs. Dorothy Davis of 422 Webster street averred he struck and beat her, failed to provide properly and constantly nagged and found fault. They were married March 4, 1933.
  • 14 May 1933 Mrs. Mabel Fogel of 614 Third street, suing Dexter Fogel for a two-year separation, claimed that she had to support herself and two children because of his failure to provide, and that he associated with on Catherine Coart. On one occasion, it was stated, Mrs. Fogel had him arrested for assault and battery and he was placed on probation in city court. They were married in December, 1920.
  • 16 May 1933 Charging that her husband, Clement F. Marquardt stayed away nights, sometime all night, without explanation and continuously found fault with her, Mrs. Velma E. Marquardt of 811 Lewis street sued him for a three-year separation in superior court No. 1 yesterday. They were married in 1918. Mrs. Marquardt seeks custody of the three children.
  • 16 May 1933 Mrs. Eva Laotto Young of 330 East Douglas Avenue sued Albert Young for divorce claiming her constantly nagged and found fault with her and created such strife that it is impossible for her to live with him. They were married in 1924. The wife seeks custody of the child.
  • 16 May 1933 Mrs. Irma Kissinger was given a divorce from Elam Kissinger in superior court No. 1 on testimony that he told her to get out, called her vile names and was quarrelsome. They were married in 1920.
  • 16 May 1933 A divorce is to be granted Mrs. Edna Konecka in her action against Cashmer Konecka after addition residence witness testimony has been presented. Konecka failed to provide and was habitually intoxicated, it was charged. They were married in 1929.
  • 17 May 1933 Charging that her husband, Carl M. Henrikson had been guilty of cruelty toward her, Mrs. May Henrikson was granted a divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Henrikson claimed that Henrikson threatened to strike her, was habitually intoxicated and failed to provide. They separated last December after having been married October 1, 1930. Mrs. Henrickson's name was restored to May Robinson.
  • 17 May 1933 His wife, Mrs. Ruth Patton deserted him without cause and is not in Florida, Charles W. Patton averred in an action to terminate his marriage. Wedded in 1923, they separated in June, 1924.
  • 18 May 1933 LeRoy Heath, 1212 East Lewis street sued in superior court No. 1 Wednesday for divorce from Eddye Heath, to whom according to the complaint, he was married March 11, 1933, the separation taking place May 4. The complaint charged that Heath was unable to live longer with the defendant, because of her cruel and inhuman treatment of him. It was further claimed that she "refused to accompany him", constantly nagged at and argued with him and made life unbearable for him.
  • 19 May 1933 Charges of "mental cruelty" were set up by Mrs. Garnet Stewart, 722 Buchanan street, in a suit for divorce from Herbert E. Stewart. They were married in February, 1932 and separated in July, the same year. Mrs. Stewart, who seeks restoration of her former name, Garnet Creigh, avers further that Stewart failed to provide.
  • 19 May 1933 Her husband, Frank Kendzierski told her to get a divorce and to separate from him, and there was such constant strife as to render intolerable their life together, Mrs. Hattie Kendzierski, 1906 East Rudisill boulevard, charged in a suit for a five-year limited separation. Married in 1912, they separated this month. Mrs. Kendzierski seeks custody of the five children.
  • 19 May 1933 Mrs. Clara Eugenia Bauer, seeking a divorce from Raymond Wayne Bauer, averred her health has been injured by his cruel and inhuman treatment of her. They were married 1916. Mrs. Bauer seeks custody of the child.
  • 20 May 1933 Charging that her husband, George William Miller left her on April 6, 1926, and went to parts unknown to her and that she has since failed to find any trace of him, Mrs. Maude Miller, 1232 Grant avenue, sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. They were married in September, 1923. Mrs. Miller seeks custody of her child.
  • 20 May 1933 Mrs. Mary E. Douglass was granted a divorce from Harold A. Douglass by Judge Charles J. Ryan on testimony that her husband made false accusations against her, cursed her, found fault and failed to provide. Custody of the child was vested in Mrs. Douglass and Douglass ordered to pay $4 weekly as support. They were married in April, 1931.
  • 23 May 1933 Charging that her husband, John C. Simerman struck her on several occasions, that he continually nagged at her and became abusive, Mrs. Marcella C. Simerman sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1. She claimed further that he told her to get a divorce that he did not care for her longer, that he was tired of married life and that their marriage was a failure. He stayed out nights and told his wife he was "running around with other women at those hours" she averred. They were married in March, 1931.
  • 23 May 1933 Failure to provide was charged by Mrs.Bessie M. Mariott, 529 Lavine street, in a suit for divorce from Frank G. Marlott filed in superior court No. 1. They were married in 1911. There are three children. Mrs. Marlott seeks support to aid in providing an education for her youngest child, 16
  • 23 May 1933 Divorce suit of Mrs. Mabel M. Pion against Elmer J. Pion was dismissed in superior court No. 1.
  • 23 May 1933 Mrs. Geneva E. Nelson, 1227 West Wayne street, sued for divorce averring that her husband, Chester P. Nelson was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment and that they are "wholly incompatible in temperament," They were married in 1911. Mrs. Nelson seeks custody of an adopted child.
  • 24 May 1933 A complaint for divorce was filed by Miles Makemson, 1407 Charlotte street was entered in superior court No. 1 Wednesday. Makemson claimed that his wife, Mrs. Olga Makemson, refused to live with him, did not properly take care of their home, failed to cook his meals and quarreled with and nagged at him. They were married in February, 1923.
  • 24 May 1933 Mrs. Goodpaster charged that her husband, James Goodpaster failed to provide and that he associated with other women. The marriage was contracted in March, 1931. Mrs. Goodpaster seeks custody of her child.
  • 25 May 1933 Mrs. Blanche Ruse, 1219 Scott avenue, filed suit in superior court No. 2 for divorce from Dwight Ruse, averring that he cursed and swore at her and frequently struck her, told her he was going to leave and on December 17, 1930, carried out his threat. They were married in January, 1928.
  • 25 May 1933 Charging that her husband, Virgil Church failed to support her and squandered his earnings in gambling and frequenting pool rooms, Mrs. Olive Church sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1. They were married February 17, 1932.
  • 25 May 1933 The divorce action of Forest G. Nichols against Leona M. Nichols was dismissed in superior court No. 1.
  • 26 May 1933 Alleging that her husband, Melvin Welbel struck and beat her over the head and that as a result of which he was sentenced to the Indiana state farm at Greencastle for 45 days and fine $25 and costs in city court, Mrs. Ursia Welbel sued for divorce in superior court No. 1. They were married in November, 1928. Mrs. Welbel seek custody of her child.
  • 26 May 1933 Mrs. Mary E. Harpold filed a divorce complaint in superior court No.1 against Edward Harpold, claiming he failed to make reasonable provision for her support and the he has cursed her and is "insanely jealous," The marriage was contracted in July, 1929. Mrs. Harpold seeks restoration of her former name, Mary E. Jones.
  • 26 May 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Viola H. Buchan a divorce on her cross-complaint and charges that her husband, George Buchan had been cruel and that there had been continuous quarrels. They were wedded in November, 1922. Mrs. Buchan was awarded $100 alimony.
  • 26 May 1933 Mrs. Iva Sours was granted a divorce from Allen A. Sours and her name restored to Iva Wise on cruelty charges in superior court No. 1. The parties were married in 1927.
  • 26 May 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Helen Laer against William Laer was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior court No. 1.
  • 26 May 1933 Mrs. Helen I. Burg was given a divorce by Judge Ryan on allegations that her husband, Edward Burg had associated with other women and left his wife. Wedded in September, 1927, they separated in May, 1932.
  • 26 May 1933 Failure to provide was cited by Mrs. Mary I. Smith in an action for divorce in superior court No. 1, from Delbert D. Smith. They were married in March, 1924, Mrs. Smith Seeks custody of her child.
  • 27 May 1933 Charging that her husband, John C. Wade stayed out "until all hours of the night" and when questioned as to his whereabouts, said he was "running around" with other women, Mrs. Irma Wade sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Wade further claimed that Wade struck her, flew into fits of rage and told her to get a divorce, asserting he did not care to live with her any longer, that he was tired of married life and their marriage was a failure. They were married, November 26, 1931. Mrs. Wade seeks custody of her child.

  • 01 Jun 1933 His complaint alleging that his wife, Mrs. Hazel Adams refused to cooperate with him in the training and education of their three children, that she remained away from home until late at night and repeatedly told him she would get a divorce if he would not do so, Joseph L. Adams, 3213 McCormick street sued for divorce in superior court No. 2. Married in 1925, they separated this month. Adams seeks custody of the children.
  • 01 Jun 1933 Lloyd S. Widdifield, 2305 south Anthony boulevard began action in superior court No. 1 for termination of his marriage to Mrs. Jessie D. Widdifield, averring that she refused on various occasions to talk to him and that their natures are such that they are incompatible with each other. They were married in March, 1932. Widdifiled claims his wife deserted him this month.
  • 01 Jun 1933 Charging that she had to work because of failure of her husband, Gottlieb Ellett to provide, Mrs. Flora Ellett, 311 West Douglas street, sued to end her marriage, contracted in 1910. They separated last November.
  • 01 Jun 1933 In superior No. 1 Judge Charles J. Ryan granted Frank Van Allen a divorce from Mrs. Marvel Van Allen on allegations that she refused to live with her husband and that constant quarrels ensued between them. The marriage was contracted in January, 1927.
  • 02 Jun 1933 Charging that her husband, Joseph L. Adams falsely accused her of associating with other men, that he nagged at and quarreled with her, struck and beat her and failed to provide properly, Mrs. Hazel Adams, 3213 McCormick street, sued for divorce in superior No. 1 Thursday. Adams had previously asked a divorce in an action filed in superior No. 2. They have three children, custody of whom is sought by both parties.
  • 02 Jun 1933 Claiming her husband, Othel Warner, whom she married a month ago had been drunk since Monday on moonshine whisky he purchased fro 25 cents a pint, Mrs. Orpha Warner of 921 Burgess street charged him with assault and battery in city court today. Warner was found guilty and fined $10 and costs and sentenced to 10 days in the county jail. Mrs. Warner said she applied for divorce yesterday after one month of married life. According to her story Warner beat her and struck her last evening while he was drunk. She also charged that he had been driving an automobile although his driver's license was suspended when he was convicted of drunken driving.
  • 02 Jun 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan granted Mrs. Vera B. McClure a divorce on charges that her husband, John McClure was guilty of cruelty in that he called her vile names, drank excessively and compelled her to earn her own living because of his failure to provide. Married in 1910, they separated in May, 1931.
  • 02 Jun 1933 His wife, Mrs. Leona Miesler Stephan, nagged at him habitually, continually found fault with him to such an extent that living with her became intolerable and deserted him December 25, 1932, returning to the homve of her parents and telling his to get a divorce. Ralph C. Stephan averred in a suit to end his marriage, filed in superior court No. 1. The Stephan's were married October 29, 1932.
  • 02 Jun 1933 In superior court No. 2 Judge Harry W. Muller awarded Mrs. Margaret Pettit a divorce on testimony that her husband, Charles Pettit failed to support her. They were married in 1922 and separated in May, 1932. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. Pettit.
  • 02 Jun 1933 Charging that her husband, Othel Warner, returned home drunk on various occasions and struck her and swore at her "in a vile manner." Mrs. Orpha A. Warner, 921 Burgess street, sued for divorce in superior No. 2. She asks restoration of her former name, Orpha A. Evard.
  • 03 Jun 1933 Asserting that she and her husband are wholly incompatible in temperament to such an extent as to render their further living together intolerable, Mrs. Margaret M. Duncklee, 2210 Crescent avenue, sued Elmer E. Duncklee for divorce in superior No. 1. They were married in 1907 and separated this month.
  • 03 Jun 1933 Farrell Gerver began action in superior No.1 for divorce from Mrs. Alberta Gerver, charging cruel and inhuman treatment. Wedded in April, 1928, they separated this month.
  • 03 Jun 1933 Charges of incompatibility were set up by Mrs. Edith O'Connell, 1408 Eliza street, in a suit for divorce from Thomas P. E. Connell, begun in superior No. 1. They separated in December, 1932 after having been married in December, 1928. Mrs. O'Connell asks that she be awarded custody of her child.
  • 03 Jun 1933 Suit for divorce charging cruel and inhuman treatment was filed by Frank Dudgeon against Mrs. Mildred Dudgeon in superior No. 1 Saturday. Married December 1, 1919, the litigants separated in June, 1931.
  • 06 Jun 1933 Suit for a two-year limited separation was filed by Mrs. Esther Wehrle, 1111 Hanna street, in superior court No. 1 against Carl Wehrle, whom she accused of "gross and wanton" neglect. They were married in September, 1920, and separated in October, 1932. Mrs. Wehrle seeks custody of the three children and support.
  • 06 Jun 1933 A divorce decree was entered for Mrs. Bernice Hyman in her action against Harvey G. Hyman by Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior No. 1 after additional residence testimony had been introduced. The case was tried Monday.
  • 07 Jun 1933 Mrs. Charles Schone was granted a divorce from Julian Schone, Fort Wayne undertaker, by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1 Wednesday. The court made no alimony award for Mrs. Schone, but ordered Schone to make payments of $20 weekly for support of the three daughters, custody of whom was vested in the wife. Schone was given custody of his son. An equitable distribution of personal property involved is to be ordered. During the hearing on the divorce action several days ago, Mrs. Schone alleged in part that after the first divorce petition had been denied, Schone threatened her and ordered her out of the house, as a result of which police were called.
  • 07 Jun 1933 Her husband, Joseph Earl Turner, has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward her, Mrs. Ida May Turner of 1327 ½ Calhoun street, averred in a divorce complaint filed in superior No. 1. Married June 17, 1928, the litigants separated this month. Mrs. Turner seeks custody of her child and restoration of her former name, Ida May Brookover.
  • 07 Jun 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce, charging that his wife, Mrs. Waine Raymond, was extravagant and neglected her home duties, was filed by Sergt. Samuel H. Raymond of the United States army organized reserve affairs, in superior court No.1. Raymond claimed his wife nagged, was quarrelsome, embarrassed him in the presence of his superior officers by inquiring about his pay check, and stayed out nights. He had to cook his own meals and clean the house, he further asserted. Wedded in September, 1925, they separated last October.
  • 08 Jun 1933 Charging that her husband, Oliver Marsh was guilty of cruelty in that he struck and cursed her at different times and got drunk, Mrs. Madge M. Marsh was given a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. Her former name, Madge McCray was restored. They were married in august, 1928 and separated in May, 1929.
  • 08 Jun 1933 Mrs. Gertrude I. Gonser was decreed a divorce in superior court No. 1, from her husband, Jacob Gonser on a cross-complaint. Mrs. Gonser averred that Gonsor, to whom she was married in May, 1925, left her and failed to provide during a period of more than two years. They separated in March, 1928.
  • 08 Jun 1933 Mrs. Tresa Corbin, 1331 Scott avenue, sued for divorce from Orville G. Corbin, asserting he continually nagged at her and found fault and was guilty of other misconduct the nature of which will be brought out at the time of the trial.
  • 10 Jun 1933 Charging that her husband, Frank Nagel, 2004 Chestnut street, told her to "move out, stay out and get a divorce," Mrs. Dora Mae Nagel sued him for dissolution of marital ties in superior No. 1 Saturday. Married March 5, 1930, they separated May 20, 1933. Mrs. Nagel claimed her mate quarreled and nagged constantly and that he absented himself from home without explanation on various occasions, and associated with other women. She asked for restoration of her former name, Dora Mae Peffley.
  • 10 Jun 1933 Her husband, Raphael Gase, treated her cruelly in that he continually nagged and found fault, falsely accused her of associating with other men and failed to provide properly, Mrs. Arizona Gaze, 514 Wallace street, charged in a suit for divorce filed in superior No. 1.
  • 10 Jun 1933 Judge Harry W. Muller of superior No. 2 granted Mrs. Anna C. Gidley a divorce on testimony that her husband, Earl C. Gidley was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he called her vile names and made no contribution for support of the child custody of whom was vested in Mrs. Gidley. Gidley was ordered to pay $2 weekly for support of the child. They married in September, 1931.
  • 13 Jun 1933 Alleging that when her husband, William Nohe becomes angry, he secures a revolver and threatens to do her bodily harm, Mrs. Mabel Nohe of 2427 St. Marys avenue, sued him for a three-year limited separation and $1,000 alimony in superior court No. 1. They were married in April, 193. Mrs. Nohe further claimed that Nohe flew into rages without provocation, called her vile and indecent names and went about the house in a sullen and morose manner, refusing to talk to her. She averred that while she was riding with him in an automobile recently, he refused to drive slowly, knowing that she was in a weakened condition as a result of an operation she had undergone previously, and stopped the car necessitating that she secure the services of a friend so that she could reach her home in safety. She asked that he be restrained from interfering with her in the operation of her dry cleaning business at 1510 Wells street.
  • 13 Jun 1933 Her husband, John Williams has given her only $9 for support of their three children since last November. Mrs. Helen Williams told Judge Clarence R. McNabb in circuit court late Monday afternoon. Williams, residing at New Haven, was given a suspended sentence of six months on the state penal farm and fined $1 and costs on a child neglect charge some time ago. He was brought before the court Monday by Arthur J. Meyer, probation officer, for alleged failure to support his children as ordered. Williams declared he had walked into Fort Wayne from New Haven in vain search for work on numerous occasions. Judge McNabb offered to send the children to the children's home, but Mrs. Williams said she did not want this done. She has a divorce suit pending in superior court No. 2, it was stated.
  • 13 Jun 1933 Asserting that her husband, George F. Stein frequently told her to leave his home, struck her and told her to get a divorce, Mrs. Dorothea S. Stein of the Decatur road, route No. 10, Fort Wayne, acted on his advice and sued him for termination of the marriage tie in superior court No. 1. They were married in 1919.
  • 13 Jun 1933 Mrs. Hughbertha Deamer was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Twm Harry F. Kennerk in superior No. 1 on testimony that her husband, Max Deamer took her to her mother's home and left her. He came to see her twice, she said. She claimed she got a job for him, but he would not take it. Mrs. Deamer was given custody of her child.
  • 13 Jun 1933 His wife, Mrs. Velma Keirns has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of him at divers times and sundry places, Elmer Keirns, 219 East Jefferson street, charged in a cross-complaint for divorce entered in her action for limited separation in superior No. 1.They were married in 1911. Keirns seeks custody of the four children and a restraining order to prevent his wife from visiting or molesting him at his place of business.
  • 13 Jun 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan awarded Mrs. Wilma Nehr a divorce on testimony that her husband, William Nehr failed to provide during a period of more than two years. Wedded in March, 1926, they separated in 1931.
  • 14 Jun 1933 Her husband, Carl C. Hightower failed to provide properly, necessitating that she work in order to support both of them, Mrs. Hazel Hightower, 1824 ½ Calhoun street, averred in a divorce suit filed in superior No. 1. They were married March, 27. 1927. Mrs. Hightower claimed that Hightower deserted her last April. She seeks restoration of her former name, Hazel Lynch.
  • 14 Jun 1933 Mrs. Lucille Cox, 2426 Ethel avenue, sued in superior No. 1 for divorce from Walter Cox, charging that he treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner, deserted her and failed to provide. The marriage was contracted in December, 1923.
  • 17 Jun 1933 Her husband, J. Albert Lauer treated her cruelly in that he continually found fault with her, nagged and told her he no longer cared for her, Mrs. Catherine Lauer, charged in a divorce complaint filed in superior No. 1. Married June 1, 1920, they separated July 25, 1932. Mrs. Lauer seeks custody of her four children.
  • 17 Jun 1933 His wife, Mrs. Ingle Blodgett scolded and nagged at him to such an extent that for them to live together longer was rendered impossible, Alvin Blodgett, 1714 Fairfield avenue, charged in a divorce suit filed in superior court No. 1. Wedded in April, 1924, they separated in 1932.
  • 17 Jun 1933 Testifying that her husband, Roy Thompson, slapped and struck her at different times and failed to provide, Mrs. Nina Thompson was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan, subject to additional residence witness testimony. They were married in 1931. Thompson is serving a term for forgery, it was stated.
  • 17 Jun 1933 Petition for restoration of Mrs. Frances Burchard's maiden name, Frances Murphy was filed in the divorce action of Edward G. Burchard in superior court No. 1.
  • 20 Jun 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce and $3,500 alimony was filed by Mrs. Sarah M. Patterson in a divorce suit begun by her husband, Glenn M. Patterson, in superior No. 1. General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Patterson. Married in 1906, the parties separated December 18, 1931. There are four children, two of whom are no longer dependent upon the parents. Mrs. Patterson seeks custody of the two dependent children.
  • 20 Jun 1933 An amended complaint for divorce asserting that her husband, Frank Hanks, caused her "much mental anguish" by refusing to accompany her when she requested him to go places with her, and cursed and swore in their home, was filed by Mrs. Emily Richardson Hanks in superior No. 1.
  • 20 Jun 1933 In circuit court Judge Clarence R. McNabb awarded Mrs. Ina L. Holderbaum a decree ending her marriage to Howard C. Holderbaum on her complaint asserting Holderbaum was cruel to her and that differences arose, making it impossible for them to live together in harmony. They were married in June, 1927 and separated last February. Mrs. Holderbaum's former name, Ina L. Dalman was restored.
  • 20 Jun 1933 In superior No. 1, Judge Charles J. Ryan gave Mrs. Emma E. Vaubel a divorce on charges that her husband, Christian A. Vaubel was cruel and quarrelsome, struck her and swore at her. The marriage was contracted in April, 1925. Mrs. Vaubel's former name, Anna Prates was restored.
  • 20 Jun 1933 In superior No. 1 Mrs. Dortha W. Vint was decreed a divorce from Charles W. Vint on testimony that she was compelled to work because of his failure to provide during a period of more than two years. Wedded in February, 1930, they separated in September, 1932. Her name was restored to Dortha W. Fretz.
  • 20 Jun 1933 Judge Ryan granted Mrs. Anna B. Saltenright a two-year limited separation on averments that her husband, Hugh Saltenright, struck her, was quarrelsome, called her vile names and associated with other women. Custody of the two children was vested in the Grace Reformed Orphans' home of Allen county.
  • 20 Jun 1933 Judge Harry W. Muller of superior No. 2 awarded Erwin Peppler a divorce from Mrs. Rudisill Peppler on a cross-complaint, ending a marriage entered into in July, 1931. Peppler alleged his wife left home on several occasions, threatened to do him bodily harm and left him to take care of the house and get his meals. She had sued him for divorce previously, it was said.
  • 22 Jun 1933 Her complaint asserting that her husband, William S. Landon deserted her in October, 1926, Mrs. Margaret Landon, 1445 East Lewis street, sued for divorce in superior court No.2. They were married March 4, 1897.
  • 22 Jun 1933 An amended cross-complaint for divorce asserting that an attempted reconciliation with his wife, Mrs. Olive M. Smith, met with failure, was filed by Arthur Dewey Smith in superior No. 1. Wedded in October, 1929, the parties separated in April, 1932, the first time, it was stated. Smith alleged that his wife called on him and represented that if he would return to her, she would be good to him and not nag at him anymore nor curse him or strike him, and would be jealous of him no longer. He returned to her in June, 1932, and they lived together until this month, according to the cross-complaint. Smith averred that instead of keeping her promise, she cursed him, struck him, continually found fault with him, and "was jealous of him at all times."
  • 23 Jun 1933 Mrs. Erna H. Slater was granted a divorce and $1,000 alimony form William S. Slater by Judge Harry W. Muller in superior No. 2 on a cross-complaint. The alimony is payable at the rate of $250 cash within 30 days and the balance at $8 weekly beginning June 26. Married November 1, 1928, the parties separated March 16, 1933. Mrs. Slater charged that her husband stayed out late nights, urged her to get a divorce, called her vile names and quarreled with and Nagged at her, making it impossible for them to live together.
  • 23 Jun 1933 Mrs. Thelma F. Koenig sued for divorce in superior No. 1. Mrs. Koenig sought dissolution of the marital bond on allegations that her husband, William F. Koenig struck her on a number of occasions and called her vile names. She asks that her name be restored to Thelma Farnan.
  • 23 Jun 1933 Mrs. Martha Shuler sued for divorce in superior No. 1. She alleged that her mate, Arthur Shuler refused to provide for her and said he would never support their child, custody of whom she seeks. She had been compelled to work and seek support from her father, she claimed.
  • 23 Jun 1933 Charging that her husband, William Burroughs, "never cared much about working" and spent all the money she brought home, Mrs. Opal Burroughs sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Burroughs asserted she used her earning for her husband's support and that he used the money he made for the benefit of his father's family. They separated a number of times because he would not support her, she claimed. She seeks restoration of her former name, Opal Griesinger.
  • 24 Jun 1933 Charging that her husband, Roy Thompson who, its stated is now in the Indiana state prison on a forgery conviction , was cruel in the he slapped and struck her and failed to provide, Mrs. Nina Thompson was granted a divorce in superior No. 1 Saturday. The separated in 1931, Mrs. Thompson's former name, Nina Knox was restored.
  • 24 Jun 1933 Desertion was charged by David L. Mays, 203 Williams street, in a complaint for divorce from Mrs. Marie Mays, filed in superior court No. 1. The parties were married February 28, 1912.
  • 27 Jun 1933 Charging that her husband, Walter B. Merrill has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment, Mrs. Phyllis Merrill has sued for divorce in superior court No. 1. Married June 25, 1919, the Merrill's separated May 25 this year.
  • 27 Jun 1933 Although he was at all time a "good, kind and attentive husband," his wife, Mrs. Thelma Barnes, treated him in a cruel and inhuman manner without fault on his part, William Barnes, 212 West William street, asserted in a divorce complaint entered in superior court No. 1. They separated this month after having been married since October 2, 1926. They have one child.
  • 27 Jun 1933 Change of venue to DeKalb county was ordered in the divorce suit of Eleanor Gladys Zytone against Selim Zytone, for divorce, pending in superior court No. 1.
  • 28 Jun 1933 Her husband, Robert Keene, cursed and beat her, became intoxicated and associated with other women, Mrs. Amy Keene, 918 Pape avenue, charged in a suit for divorce filed in superior court No. 1. Married in November, 1931, they separated in May, this year.
  • 28 Jun 1933 Mrs. Frances H. Stapleton, 331 Brandriff street, began action in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Frank M. Stapleton, averring that he inflicted bodily injury on her and repeatedly harassed and embarrassed her. They were married in 1917, separating this month. There are three children.
  • 28 Jun 1933 William Barnes, 212 West Williams street, filed suit in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Thelma Barnes, alleging cruel treatment and conjugal incompatibility. Wedded in October 1926, they separated June 24, 1933.
  • 28 Jun 1933 Charging that her husband, John Wiech, to whom she was married in 1907, "continuously cursed her and her children," came home drunk on numerous occasions, provoked quarrels and several time destroyed part of the furnishing of their home, Mrs.. Josephine Wiech, 2029 John street, sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1. There are five children, two of whom are under age. Mrs. Wiech seeks custody of the two minor children.
  • 28 Jun 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan granted Arno F. Carr a divorce on charges that his wife, Mrs. Florence Carr, had been guilty of cruelty and desertion. Wedded in 1922, they separated in 1928.
  • 28 Jun 1933 His wife, Mrs. Lola Felton, was incompatible, nagged at him used strong drinks to excess and constantly failed to give him proper matrimonial attention, James Felton averred in a suit for divorce. They married in January, 1929.
  • 28 Jun 1933 Mrs. Marie Penn sued for divorce from Samuel Penn and restoration of her former name, Marie Posey, charging that her husband, whom she married in August, 1926, nagged, drank excessively and associated with other women.
  • 29 Jun 1933 Testifying that her husband, William Balser had been guilty of failure to provide during a period of more than two years, Mrs. Vonetta Balser was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. Her former name, Vonetta McDonel was restored. Married in June, 1929 they separated in September the same year.
  • 29 Jun 1933 Mrs. Goldie Noel was given a divorce by Attorney George H. Leonard as special judge in superior court No. 2 on charges that her husband, Charles Noel got drunk and struck her and failed as a provider. Wedded in December, 1919, they separated in June, 1932.
  • 30 Jun 1933 Testifying that her husband, Augusta Starks was cruel in that he knocked her down and beat her and made false accusations against her, Mrs. Alice Starks was granted a divorce on a cross-complaint by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. Married October 18, 1930, they separated April 13, this year. Mrs. Starks' former name, Alice Gresham was restored.
  • 30 Jun 1933 Mrs. Adelia Michael was decreed a divorce by Judge Ryan on charges that her husband, Clem G. Michael, "ran around with other women," terminating a marriage contracted September 30, 1922.
  • 30 Jun 1933 Divorce from Herman Muth was sought in a suit filed in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Ruth Muth, 1705 Simon street, on allegations that he cursed her and called her vile names, struck and beat her, falsely accused her of associating with other men and failed to provide.

  • 01 Jul 1933 Charging that her husband, Charles Ludwig was guilty of cruelty in that he refused to live with her, Mrs. Alma Ludwig was granted a divorce and $600 alimony on a cross-complaint by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. Married July 25, 1914, the litigants separated July 2, 1930. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. Ludwig, who claimed Ludwig deserted her and the children while they were living in California.
  • 01 Jul 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce citing alleged "incompatibility of temper" was filed by Frederick Grant Lupton in the action of his wife Mrs. Vivian Louise Lupton, in superior No. 1. Lupton, who operates a garage at 810 South Harrison street, charged further that Mrs. Lupton recently too from his place of business $154 and deposited it in a bank with which he has not done business, in the name of the garage, to be withdrawn, according to the deposit, only upon her signature. It was claimed that he needs the money for his business. He asked that an order be issued to restrain his wife from withdrawing the funds.
  • 03 Jul 1933 Charging that during their entire married life her husband, Forrest E. Bowers, a member of company M. Eleventh infantry, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, has "failed absolutely to support her." Mrs. Mary Ann Bowers sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1. Wedded October 15, 1929, they separated in May, this year.
  • 03 Jul 1933 Mrs. Verna Kobart of 3415 South Anthony boulevard began action in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Jacob Kobart, charging that he quarreled constantly with her, told her he no longer loved her and that she should get a divorce. They separated in April, this year, after having been married August 24, 1921. Mrs. Kobart seeks custody of the two children.
  • 05 Jul 1933 Charging that her husband, Curtis Blair has been guilty of cruelty in that he repeatedly nagged at her and complained without cause, Mrs. Nettie O. Blair of route No. 4, Waynedale, sued for divorce in superior No. 1 Wednesday. Married September 9, 190, The Blairs separated July 3, it was stated. They have three children, two of whom, Markhus H. Blair, 18, and Louise Blair, 20, are under age. Mrs. Blair asks that she be awarded custody of the two minor children.
  • 06 Jul 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan granted George M. Parrett a divorce from Mrs. Anna Parrett in superior court No. 1 on the husband's charges that his wife had been cruel, cold and indifferent, had scolded and nagged and Manifested a bad temper. The defendant has been married four times, it was said. Wedded March 4, 1927, the Parretts separated March 29, 1933.
  • 06 Jul 1933 Judge Ryan granted Mrs. Hilda Forcum a divorce on testimony that her husband, Roy Forcum was guilty of failure to provide during a period of more than two years, and deserted her. Wedded in October, 1927, they separated in April, 1923. Mrs. Forcum was given custody of the child.
  • 06 Jul 1933 Charging that her husband, Luke Cook struck her on numerous occasions, knocked her down and told her several times to get out and stay out, Mrs. Cleo Cook of 3314 Schele avenue sued for divorce in superior No. 1.
  • 06 Jul 1933 Mrs. Ruth Helen Stein of 824 East Wayne street began action in superior No. 1 to end her marriage to Paul Stein, averring that he came home late at night in an intoxicated condition on numerous occasions, constantly creating strife at time when she was confined to her bed and in need of rest, and absented himself at night without giving as account as to his whereabouts. She seeks custody of the four children.
  • 08 Jul 1933 Charging in part that letters written by other women to her husband, Andrew Simon, came to her home, Mrs. Philonena Simon filed a cross-complaint for a two-year limited separation and $20 weekly as alimony in his suit for divorce pending in superior court No. 1. Married April 6, 1925, the litigants separated in November, 1932, when Mrs. Simon averred, her mate left and has not returned home, making no provision for her support since that time. Prior to the separation Simon was cold and distant toward his wife, quarreled with and nagged at her and associated with other women, she claimed. She says he has indicated he wants nothing further to do with her and that she should procure a divorce. Mrs. Simon states she has been informed that her husband is employed by the gross income tax department of Indiana at a salary of $185 monthly, plus traveling expenses.
  • 08 Jul 1933 Charging that her husband, Burton Miller, of 2425 Bowser avenue has been guilty of habitual cruelty toward her in that he failed to provide suitably, left her without any provision for her support and has been associating with other women, thus rendering their conditions of life so intolerable that it has become impossible for them to live together, Mrs. Candace Miller sued in superior No. 1 for a two-year limited separation. Married December 21, 1929, they separated June 1, 1933
  • 08 Jul 1933 Mrs. Clara J. Dunbar began action in superior No. 1 to end her marriage to Deryil K. Dunbar, Route No. 1, Grabill, claiming he has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward her. They separated in June, 1931 after having been married in March, 1931.
  • 08 Jul 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Ruth Helen Stein against Paul Stein was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior No. 1.
  • 08 Jul 1933 Mrs. Alta Maxfield of 2301 Lynn avenue sued William Maxfield of Leo for divorce on charges of cruel and inhuman treatment. They were married May, 1901, and separated January 30, 1933.
  • 08 Jul 1933 Mrs. Eva Slay of 722 Hugh street sued James Slay for divorce, averring that he cursed her and swore at her. They were married in September, 1930.
  • 08 Jul 1933 Mrs. Charity Carrington was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Tem Alva C. Carpenter in superior No. 1 on charged that her husband, Peter Carrington, was guilty of desertion, non-support and cruelty.
  • 08 Jul 1933 Second paragraph of a complaint for divorce was filed in superior No. 1 by Mrs. Alta M. Arter against Russell B. Arter. Wedded in 1929, they separated July 1, 1933. Mrs. Arter, it was stated, sued for divorce in October, 1932, but a reunion was effected, she claimed. On her mate's representations that he would mend his ways. He was against guilty of cruelty after the reconciliation, she averred.
  • 08 Jul 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce was filed by Mrs. Ingle Blodgett against her husband, Alvin Blodgett, who she alleged, failed to provide and was guilty of quarreling and nagging. Married in April, 1924, they separated last month.
  • 11 Jul 1933 Because of the failure of her husband, Clyde Elzey, 314 West Williams street to make reasonable provision for her support, although he was still able to do so, Mrs. Emily Elzey was obliged to work as a cashier and saleslady to maintain herself, she claimed in a suit for divorce in superior court No. 1. Married June 1, 1924, they separated May 8, 1932. Mrs. Elzey seeks restoration of her former name, Emily Clauser.
  • 11 Jul 1933 Mrs. Harriet Wise began action to end her marriage to David Wise, charging cruel and inhuman treatment. They separated this month, having been married in October, 1922. She seeks restoration of her former name.
  • 11 Jul 1933 Cruel and inhuman treatment were cited by Mrs. Eva Swank in action for divorce from Hershel Swank of 175 Broadway. Wedded December 5, 1918, they separated September 10, 1931. Custody of the two children is asked by Mrs. Swank.
  • 11 Jul 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior No. 1 granted Mrs. Charlotte Evans a divorce on testimony that her husband, Lester Evans had quarreled and nagged constantly and failed to provide during a period of more than two years. Her former name, Charlotte Smith was restored. Married September 1, 1928, they separated May 3, 1933.
  • 11 Jul 1933 Attorney William H. Reed was appointed special judge in the divorce action of Kenneth A. Kuntz against Mrs. Elsie May Kuntz.
  • 11 Jul 1933 Mrs. Mayme Gerardot was granted a divorce from Clarence Gerardot in superior No. 1 on testimony that he was guilty of cruelty and failure to provide. Her former name, Mayme Guiff was restored. Married January 3, 1930, they separated May 9, 1933.
  • 11 Jul 1933 Mrs. Mary E. Habeck was decreed a divorce from Albert Habeck on charges that he was habitually intoxicated, that he struck her and failed as a provider. She was awarded $50 alimony and her former name, Mary E. McConnell was restored. They were married in 1922.
  • 12 Jul 1933 Petition for divorce from Elmer C. Forks was filed by Mrs. Alta May Forks, who charged that he repeatedly remained away from home until morning and refused to explain his absences to her. She seeks restoration of her former name, Alta May Godfrey.
  • 13 Jul 1933 Charging that her husband, Ellis L. Chapman deserted her, Mrs. Hazel Chapman of route No. 7, Edsal avenue, sued him for divorce in superior No. 1. They were married in January, 1920.
  • 14 Jul 1933 Charging that her husband, Ross Purdue was extremely quarrelsome and ill-tempered, continually found fault with her and frequently struck and beat her until it has become impossible for them to live together, Mrs. Thelma Purdue of 422 Eckart street began action for divorce. Custody of the two children is asked by Mrs. Purdue
  • 14 Jul 1933 Mrs. Katherine Nieter was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan on charges that her husband, Carl Nieter had been cruel to her and associated with other women. Wedded in December, 1915, they separated March 30, this year.
  • 14 Jul 1933 Her husband, Jack Norris has been guilty of cruelty in that he never provided a home for her and their child, Mrs. Pauline Norris of 440 Madison street charged in a suit for divorce. Mrs. Norris claimed further that Norris left her without any means of support. Married in February, 1931, they separated last April. Mrs. Norris seeks custody of the child.
  • 14 Jul 1933 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Ernest J. Pequignot had been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of her in that he struck and injured her on frequent occasions, Mrs. Cecelia A. Pequignot of 2714 East drive has sued for divorce in superior court No. 1. They separated this month after having been married June 30, 1921. Mrs. Pequignot asked that custody of the two children, James 9 and Joan 5 be vested in her.
  • 15 Jul 1933 Her complaint asserting that an attempted renewal of the marital relationship has failed because of alleged failure of her husband, Fran Kendierski to keep an agreement not to repeat sets of misconduct, Mrs. Hattie Kendierski of 1906 East Rudisill boulevard filed a supplemental action for a five-year limited separation in superior court No. 1. It was stated that Mrs. Kendierski filed her original complaint for separation May 18, 1933, following which they resumed living together and continued in that status until this month. Soon after the reunion, she charged, Kendierski again told her to get a divorce and separate from him and constant strife developed between them to such an extent as to render it insufferable for them to live together. She seeks custody of the five children and support.
  • 15 Jul 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Ethel Hurdle has been guilty of infidelity, Dale L. Hurdle sued for divorce in superior No. 2. Married in September, 1923, the parties separated in April, 1932. They have four children, custody of whom is sought by Hurdle.
  • 15 Jul 1933 The divorce suit of Mrs. Marie Carter against Hansel Carter was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior No. 1.
  • 15 Jul 1933 Charging that ever since their marriage in February, 1914, her husband, Delbert P. Vardaman has abused, maltreated and struck her and that on July 15, 1933, he threatened to throw her out of the family home and smash up and throw out the furniture, none of which he ever paid for. Mrs. Nina H. Vardaman of 415 Nussbaum avenue sued for divorce in superior No. 1 Saturday. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Vardaman.
  • 15 Jul 1933 Joseph J. Schneider was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Tem George M. Leonard in superior No. 1 on charges that the plaintiff's wife, Mrs. Mary C. Schneider constantly argued with him, stayed away two or three days at a time, called him name and told him to get a divorce. They were married in 1928 and separated in January, 1932.
  • 17 Jul 1933 Charging that her husband, William Rohe, treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner by failing to provide, cursing and swearing at her, calling her vile names and striking and beating her, Mrs. Winifred Rohe of 2238 Thompson avenue sued him for divorce in superior No. 1 Monday. They were married September 19, 1931, separating this month.
  • 17 Jul 1933 Judge Pro Tem David Hogg granted Mrs. Lucile Wright a divorce from Ross Wright in superior No. 1 Monday on her charges that her husband, Ross Wright, struck and beat her, cursed and swore at her, remained away from home and failed to support her. They separated January 23, 1933, after having been married August 24, 1921. Custody of the child was vested in Mrs. Wright, and Wright was ordered to pay "a reasonable sum" for support of the child.
  • 18 Jul 1933 Her husband, Alfred L. Mowrey when angered, handled her "in a rough and brutal manner" on various occasions, Mrs. Bytha Mowrey of 3030 Pittsburgh street charged in a complaint for limited separation. Married May 7, 1925, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Mowrey further charged in part that Mowrey does not properly support her, that he became intoxicated frequently and remained in such condition during a period of several days at a time.
  • 18 Jul 1933 Mrs. Thressa Lane began action in superior No. 1 for divorce from Alfred W. Lane of 514 Cherry street on general charges of cruel and inhuman treatment. They separated last June after having been married in November, 1932.
  • 19 Jul 1933 Asserting that her husband, Harold Christman of 328 Wallace street not only admitted, but boasted to her that he went out with other women. Mrs. Evelyn Christman sued him for divorce in superior No. 1. Mrs. Christman charged further that Christman failed to properly support her and their minor child, custody of whom she seeks, and that he struck and beat her on various occasions. They were married December 13, 1930, and separated this month.
  • 19 Jul 1933 Her husband, Guy M. Willis left her, has failed to provide and refused to live with her, Mrs. Bessie A. Willis of4317 South Lafayette street charged in a suit for divorce and restoration of her former name, Bessie A. Mettler filed in superior No. 1. They were married in February, 1928 and separated in August, 1931.
  • 19 Jul 1933 The divorce suit of Mrs. Josephine Wiech against John Wiech was dismissed in superior No. 1.
  • 20 Jul 1933 Judge Pro Tem David Hogg granted Mrs. Fern I. Stephens a divorce on her charges that her husband, Wilbur L. Stephens nagged and quarreled, failed to provide and refused to accept employment when it was offered to him. Married February 27, 1929, they separated April 24, 1933. Mrs. Stephens was awarded custody of her son and Stephens was ordered to pay $2.50 weekly, beginning from the receipt of his first pay when he secures employment.
  • 21 Jul 1933 His complaint alleging that his wife, Mrs. Barbara Reed was an habitual drunkard and when she was under the influence of liquor had a "vile and ungovernable flow of indecent language" which she demonstrated in public, to his embarrassment and humiliation, Guy Reed sued for divorce in superior No. 1. Married in Jun, 1914 they separated last November.
  • 21 Jul 1933 Mrs. Oleva Zimmerman of 1108 Ridgewood avenue began action in superior No. 1 to end her marriage to Sherman Zimmerman, claiming he quarreled with and nagged at her and failed to provide. They separated in December, 1932 after having been married in August, 1924.
  • 21 Jul 1933 Judge Harry W. Muller granted John Jones a divorce from Mrs. Frances Jones in superior No. 2 on charges that she associated with other men. Wedded in August, 1928, they separated in July, 1930. They have one child, which has been adopted.
  • 21 Jul 1933 Evidence was introduced in the divorce complaint of Charles B. Wolfe against Mrs. Leona Wolfe and the case continued until August 1 by Judge Pro Tem David Hogg in superior No. 1.
  • 22 Jul 1933 Mrs. Garnet Stewart was granted a divorce on charges of "mental cruelty" from Herbert E. Stewart, and her former name, Garnet Creigh, restored by Judge pro tem David Hogg in superior No. 1. Married February 12, 1922 the parties separated July 27, 1932.
  • 22 Jul 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Cecelia A. Pequignot against Ernest J. Pequignot was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior No. 1.
  • 22 Jul 1933 Mrs. Violet Bennett of 421 East Wallace street sued for divorce from Marvin Bennett, charging that he called her vile names, struck and beat her and told her to leave and constantly quarreled and nagged at her. Wedded August 20, 1924, they separated in June, this year.
  • 22 Jul 1933 Divorce suit of Mrs. Emily Richardson Hanks against Frank Hanks was heard in part and taken under advisement by Judge Harry W. Muller in superior No. 2. Mrs. Hanks charged in part that she and her husband could not get along, that he never provided for her and would not accompany her places.
  • 25 Jul 1933 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Donald A. Crance of 423 Greenwood Avenue kicked her out of their Home on the night of July 22 and locked the door, forcing her to sleep outside and threatening her with death if she came in, Mrs. Della Velma Crance sued him for divorce in superior No. 1. On the same occasion, Mrs. Crance further charged, Crance tore and destroyed all he clothes, leaving only one dress which she had paid for with her money. She claimed he choked and beat her on numerous occasions, gave her black eyes and accused her of associating with other men. He told her he was associating with other women and that she should associate with other men, as he no longer cared for her. He ordered her to leave home, and stay out on six or seven occasions, she asserted. Mrs. Crance averred that her mate contributed in no way to her support and failed at all times to furnish her with the necessities of life. They were married September 24, 1932. In addition to a divorce, Mrs. Crance asked that her former name, Della Velma Gruber be restored and that Chance be made to pay $40 for the articles of her clothing he allegedly ruined.
  • 25 Jul 1933 Charging that her husband, John Ridenour neglected to supply her with necessary food, Clothing and medical attention and that she was force to work because of his refusal to do so, Mrs. Ramona Ridenour sued for divorce in superior No. 1. They were married September 28, 1925, and separated May 24, 1931, when Mrs. Ridenour claimed Ridenour left their home and his whereabouts have since been unknown to her, although she believes he is now visiting his mother in Wabash.
  • 25 Jul 1933 Mrs. Goldie Jones of 1127 West Berry street began action to end her marriage to Charles Jones on the contention that they are incompatible. They separated last May. Mrs. Jones seeks restoration of her former name, Goldie Ewing.
  • 25 Jul 1933 Mrs. Maude Miller was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Tem Allen C. Lomont in superior No. 1 on charges that her husband, George William Miller deserted her approximately seven years ago. They were married September 1, 1923, separating April 6, 1928.
  • 25 Jul 1933 Trial of the suit of Mrs. Mary Evans Elliott against Maurice Elliott, for limited separation was continued until August 3 in superior court No. 1.
  • 25 Jul 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Emma A. Kees against Manuel A. Kees was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior court No. 1.
  • 26 Jul 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Ruth Patton deserted him approximately nine years ago, Charles W. Patton was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Tem Allen C. Lemont in superior court No. 1 Wednesday. Married April 10, 1923, the parties separated June 1, 1924. Custody of the two children was awarded Mrs. Patton.
  • 26 Jul 1933 William A. Reed a produce buyer, as given a decree from Mrs, Alma Reed of St. Louis on charges of cruel and inhuman treatment, terminating a marriage entered into May 23, 1921 in superior court No. 1. The parties separated June 20, 1932. Custody of the child was vested in Monie Adams of St. Louis, both parents being given the right to visit the child, for support of whom Reed was ordered to pay $7.50 weekly. A property settlement entered into out of court I lieu of alimony, was approved.
  • 26 Jul 1933 Mrs. Mary E. Harpold was awarded a divorce in Allen County superior No. 1, from Edward Harpold on allegations that he deserted her in May, 1931. They were married July 6, 1923. The wife's former name, Mary E. Jones was restored
  • 26 Jul 1933 In Allen superior court No. 1, Mrs. Myrtle Bodkin was decreed a divorce from David Bodkin on charged of cruel and inhuman treatment. Wedded in July, 1925, they separated January 1, 1926.
  • 27 Jul 1933 A decree of divorce was entered for Mrs. Emily Richardson Hanks in her action against Frank Hanks by Judge Harry W. Muller in superior No. 2, the case having been tried several days ago and taken under advisement. Mrs. Hanks, whose name was restored to Emily Richardson, charged that she and her husband could not get alone, that he never provided for her as a result of which she was forced to keep him, that he would not accompany her places and caused her considerable mental distress. She claimed it was not possible for them t live together in peace.
  • 27 Jul 1933 Mrs. Dorothy M. Holiday was given a divorce in superior No. 1 from Frank M. Holiday, ending a marriage which, contracted August 20, 1927, was disrupted by a separation in October, 1932. Her former name, Dorothy M. Osborne was restored.
  • 27 Jul 1933 In superior No. 1, Mrs. Olive church was awarded a divorce from Virgil church, her name being restored to Olive Myers. Wedded February 17m 1932, they separated last April.
  • 27 Jul 1933 Miles Makemson was freed from his marriage to Mrs. Olga Makemson in superior No. 1. They were married February 12, 1923, separating March 28, 1933.
  • 28 Jul 1933 Her husband, Maynard J. Willard, quarreled and nagged at her and finally abandoned her, Mrs. Ella M. Willard of 1019 South Webster street charged in a suit for divorce filed in superior No.1. They were married September 1, 1923, separating May 29, 1929. Mrs. Willard seeks custody of her daughter, 6.
  • 29 Jul 1933 Alleging that her husband, Cecil N. Nelson, when he came home Thursday, beat her, grabbed her by the neck and body and threw her against the wall, Mrs. Mabel G. Nelson of 2917 Plaza drive sued him for a five-year limited separation in superior No. 1. Mrs. Nelson further charged that Nelson struck, beat and kicked her on numerous occasions, continually called her vile and indecent names and frequently told her he did not care to live with her any longer and wished she would get a divorce. She also claimed he tore her clothes and destroyed her personal property and that she was forced to go out and support him after he lost his employment several years ago due to his own misconduct. Nelson, it was stated, is now employed as a brakeman for the G. R. & I railroad and earns a substantial salary. His wife alleged, however that he squanders his salary and does not provide for her.
  • 29 Jul 1933 Charging that her husband, Ralpn E. Grace cursed and swore at her, struck her at times and refused to live with her and provide proper support for his family, Mrs. Ruth Helen Grace, residing in the Sunny Side addition to Fort Wayne, sued for divorce in superior No.1. Custody of the three children, aged 8 and 6 years and 19 months, is sought by Mrs. Grace. Married in June, 1923, the parties separated this month.
  • 29 Jul 1933 Her complaint asserting that approximately six years after their marriage his wife, Mrs. Cecelia S. Small , began and continued habitually to maintain toward him a cold and distant demeanor and that she continually nagged at and quarreled with him. Louis C. Small of 3617 Oliver street, a salesman, began action for dissolution of marital ties. They were married in December, 1916, Small averring that his wife deserted him in April, 1925, and told him she would no longer live with him.
  • 29 Jul 1933 Mrs. Gertrude Wert filed suit for divorce from Clive Wert, whom she married in April, 1931, charging cruel and inhuman treatment. Mrs. Wert seek custody of her child.
  • 29 Jul 1933 Asserting that their dispositions are wholly incompatible, Mrs. Frances Johnson instituted action to end her marriage to Ray E. Johnson and for restoration of her maiden name, Frances Wills. They separated July 28, 1933, after having been married August 9, 1930.
  • 29 Jul 1933 Harry Seibert began action for divorce from Mrs. Anna Seibert, charging desertion for three years. Wedded in 1902, they separated in March, 1930.
  • 31 Jul 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Catherine Baughman stays out all hours of night and morning and that she runs around with other men, William G. Baughman filed suit for divorce in Superior No. 1. Baughman sought the custody of their two small children. Baughman asserted other charges, that his wife continually nagged him, that she has an ungovernable temper and that she files into fits of rage on which occasions she becomes abusive. It is impossible for the couple to continue to live together, he declared, adding that she had threatened to kill him. The couple were married May 14, 1929, and separated last Sunday. They have two children.
  • 31 Jul 1933 A divorce was granted Mrs. Mary I. Smith against Delbert D. Smith in superior No. 1 Monday morning by Judge Pro Tem Frank E. Corbett on the grounds that Mrs. Smith was forced to support her minor child two years prior to the separation of the couple in September, 1931. Mrs. Smith was awarded the custody of the child. The couple married March 19, 1926.
  • 31 Jul 1933 Charging that her husband, Robert H. McConnell was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of her and that he struck her. Mrs. Irene McConnell of 432 East Douglas street filed suit for divorce in superior No. 1. Custody of a 4 year-old son is sought by Mrs. McConnell. Married in 1927, the parties separated last month.

  • 01 Aug 1933 Suit for divorce against Albert W. Miller was filed in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Bessie M. Miller on grounds that he treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner. Mrs. Miller stated in her charge that she fears that her husband will injure her and her minor child by a former marriage unless he is restrained from so doing. She seeks the restoration of her former name, Bessie Carney. The couple was married December 26, 1930 and separated July 28, 1933.
  • 02 Aug 1933 Charging that her husband, Maurice John Dwyer deserted her in August, 1927, Mrs. Ethel Lee Dwyer filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 The couple was married June 22, 1921. Mrs. Dwyer seeks the custody of her 10 year-old daughter. She also wants her name changed back to Ethel Lee Delinger.
  • 03 Aug 1933 Charging that her husband, Glenn Hemmelgarn, failed to supply medical treatment for her when she was sick, struck and beat her and caused her physical pain and mental suffering, Mrs. Thelma Hemmelgarn filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 Wednesday. Mrs. Hemmelgarn charged further that her husband failed to support her and their 19 month-old daughter, and that he repeatedly advised her to get a divorce. She seeks the custody of the child and asks support money. The couple was married May 12, 1931, and separated April 30, 1933.
  • 03 Aug 1933 Mrs. Marian Donat filed suit for divorce from Walter Donat, charging that he was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment and that he refused to live with her and to support her. Mrs. Donat said that she was force to seek work to support herself. She wants her maiden name of Marian Bennett restored.
  • 03 Aug 1933 Preslie G. Cullen was granted a divorce from Emma V. Cullen in superior court No. 1 by Judge Pro Tem Frank E. Corbett.
  • 04 Aug 1933 Mrs. Edith Steele of 3409 South Barr street filed suit for divorce from her husband in superior court No. 1, charging that he called her vile names, cursed her and treated her cruelly. She also charged that he struck and beat her. Steele was granted a continuance Thursday in city court by Judge Bert A. Pagan when two automatic pistols had been found in his automobile by policeman whon his wife called to their home.
  • 05 Aug 1933 The custody of their 2-year-old child and $5,000 alimony were sought by Mrs. Florence M. Pevert in a divorce suit filed against Frank G. Pevert in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Pevert charged that she and her husband were not temperamentally suited to each other and that it would be impossible for them to continue to live together as man and wife in harmony. The couple was married February 6, 1930 and separated this month.
  • 05 Aug 1933 Cruel and inhuman treatment was charged against Faye H. Smith by her husband, Wilbur D. Smith in a divorce suit filed in superior No. 1.
  • 05 Aug 1933 Mrs. Rosamond I. Kern filed suit against Ralph W. Kern, charging desertion and stating that he had not contributed to her support. The couple was married in September, 1927 and separated April 15, 1931.
  • 05 Aug 1933 Chester A. Ball filed for divorce against Mrs. Alice Bell, charging that she steadfastly refused to live with him. The couple was married in 1919.
  • 08 Aug 1933 Citing an occasion when, it was stated, she "lay in fear throughout the night" because her husband, Green McDonald, slept with a loaded revolver under his pillow after he had threatened her, Mrs. Lydia Mae McDonald of 1401 Division street sued for divorce in superior No. 1. Other alleged instances of matrimonial "gun play" were set forth in the complaint. Mrs. McDonald claimed that McDonald frequently cursed her and swore at her, and coming home drunk, would accuse her of associating with other men. She averred that when she informed him recently that she did not intend to live any-longer with him for fear he might carry out his threats of violence, he pulled a loaded revolver from his pocket and pointed it at her and threatened her, leading to interference by a spectator. They were married in June, 1929, separating this month. Mrs. McDonald seeks restoration of her former name, Lydia Mae Downing.
  • 08 Aug 1933 His wife, Mrs. Murlien Reinewald, told him to pack his clothes and get out, John E. Reinewald charged in a cross-complaint for divorce entered Tuesday in her action for limited separation in superior No. 1. Reinewald further claimed that Mrs. Reinewald addressed unkindly remarks to him in public and insulted his friends. Married in March, 1931, they separated last month. Reinewald seeks custody of their son.
  • 08 Aug 1933 Mrs. Flora Elett was granted a divorce from Gottlieb Elett by Judge Pro Tem Herbert Willis in superior No. 1, her former name, Flora Baals being restored. She accused her husband of failure to provide. Married in April, 1910, they separated in November, 1932.
  • 08 Aug 1933 Her husband, Pleasant P. Parker, found fault and cursed her, struck he on numerous occasions and told her to leave and procure a divorce, Mrs. Gertrude McDaniel Parker of 1231 Ewing street charged in a divorce complaint. Married in December, 1921, they separated in February, 1932.
  • 08 Aug 1933 Mrs. Mary Lee of 2055 Pauline street sued for divorce from Elihu Lee, asserting that he would fly into rages on the slightest provocation, strike and abuse her, leaving marks on her body for days thereafter, curse and swear at her and falsely accuse her of unbecoming conduct. Wedded in August, 1928, they separated this month. Mrs. Lee seeks restoration of her former name.
  • 08 Aug 1933 Mrs. Mary Evans Elliott was granted a divorce in superior court No. 1 on charges that her husband, Maurice Elliott has been guilty of cruelty. Mrs. Elliott was awarded $500 alimony. The litigants were married in February, 1932, separating in December.
  • 08 Aug 1933 Mrs. Irene Ellenwood of 1519 Andrews avenue began action to end her marriage to Lowell Ellenwood on general charges of cruel and inhuman treatment. They separated this month after having been married in July, 1927. Mrs. Ellenwood seeks custody of the two children.
  • 09 Aug 1933 Decree of divorce by default which was entered for Kenneth Casper in superior No. 1, April 28, 1933, was set aside by Judge pro tem Herbert Willis in superior No. 1 Wednesday on motion of Mrs. Bernice Casper, who claimed that the divorce had been obtained through fraud. With the reopening of the case Casper was ordered to pay support of $10 weekly for his wife and to pay attorney fees. Mrs. Casper, in her motion to set aside her husband's divorce decree, stated that his action was filed March 20, 1931. She found the summons in the house, it was stated, but she alleged that he fraudulently represented to her that he had filed the suit merely to frighten her and had no intention of procuring a divorce and that they would continue living together. Unknown to her, she averred, he came into court April 28 and obtained the divorce, representing that he had been separated from her approximately two years, although it was alleged he had been living with her all the time and continued living with her for a period after the divorce was granted. On May 20 Mrs. Casper filed a limited separation action against her husband and she them learned that he had previously secured a divorce, it was stated. Casper entered a motion in court Tuesday to dismiss his wife's limited separation suit on the ground that they were not husband and wife at the time her complaint was filed, as he had previously been given a divorce.
  • 09 Aug 1933 Mrs. Violet Fillers of Lake township, Allen county, sued for divorce from Delmar Fillers, averring that he has a violent temperament and constantly scolded and nagged at her in the presence of their two children, custody of whom she seeks. They were married in June, 1927 and separated this month.
  • 09 Aug 1933 Superior No. 1 - An order of dismissal in the divorce suit of Mrs. Mabel I. Smothers against Charles Smithers was set aside and the case reopened on petition of the plaintiff.
  • 10 Aug 1933 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Mary Lee would become enraged on the slightest provocation and seize a knife or other convenient weapon and attack him, Elihu Lee filed a cross-complaint in superior No. 1. Wedded August 21, 1928, they separated this month. Lee further claimed she swore at him and called him vile names. His complaint citied an occasion when, it was charged he discovered her in company with another man in an automobile at night. He sought a court order to restrain her from disposing of an automobile, household goods and furniture.
  • 10 Aug 1933 Affidavit for a change of venue from Judge Harry W. Muller was filed by Mrs. Emma A. Kees in her divorce action against Samuel A. Kees.
  • 11 Aug 1933 Her husband, Charles H. Puckett was addicted to excessive use of intoxicating liquor and frequently got drunk, on which occasions he became very quarrelsome with and abusive toward her, cursing her and falsely accusing her of unbecoming conduct, Mrs. Mary D. Puckett, averred in a suit for divorce filed in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Puckett further claimed that Puckett failed to provide. Wedded October 30, 1913, they separated July 22, 1931. They have two children, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Puckett.
  • 11 Aug 1933 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment are set up in a divorce complaint filed in superior court No. 1 by Perry Stanley of 342 West Berry street against his wife, Mrs. Ella Stanley. Married May 14, 1929 the parties separated October 6, 1931.
  • 11 Aug 1933 Averring that his wife, Mrs. Bessie M. Miller created such constant strife that for them to live together became intolerable, Albert W. Miller filed cross-complaint for divorce in her divorce action pending in superior No. 1. They separated last month after having been married December 26, 1930.
  • 11 Aug 1933 A supplemental petition for divorce was filed in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Pearl M. Heater, who charged that an attempted reconciliation with her husband, Joseph D. Heater, whom she married January 12, 1924 has failed. She claimed he failed to make good on alleged representations that he would furnish her with a home and regain custody of their children, four of whom are at the Children's home under custody of the board of children's guardians. He associated with other women and gambled and played cards in poolrooms, she charged.
  • 12 Aug 1933 William Matthews was granted a divorce from Mrs. Valeria Matthews by Judge Pro Tem Herbert Willis in superior No. 1 on charged of desertion. Married June 21, 1929, the parties separated September 27, 1932
  • 12 Aug 1933 Burl Cox was ordered to pay $36.50 on August 19 on information of contempt filed against him by his wife, Mrs. Maud Cox in her divorce case, following a hearing and the contempt proceeding was continued to September 15.
  • 12 Aug 1933 She told him on several occasion to get a divorce, that she was tired of married life, that she "hated" housework and their marriage was a failure, Lawrence Hanley of 712 St. Marys avenue charged in a complaint for divorce from Mrs. Delta Mae Hanley in superior No. 1. They were marred November 7, 1927, Mrs. Hanley deserting her mate November 1, 1932. Hanley claimed she "stayed out all hours of the night and morning" and when questioned as to her whereabouts would simply laugh at him. He alleged she has associated with one Milton Ritnough, a married man, and that the latter has written her letters. She continually nagged at her husband and struck him several times. Hanley asked that he be given custody of the two children.
  • 15 Aug 1933 Making the rather novel assertion that his wife, Mrs. Bernice A. Gruber was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that she refused to speak to him for weeks at a time, Earl E. Gruber sued her for divorce in superior court No. 2. When Mrs. Gruber did talk it was alleged that she nagged at and complained to her husband "repeatedly and continuously." Gruber, asked for and was granted a restraining order interdicting his wife from taking their child from Fort Wayne. His complaint asked that he be given the right to visit the child at intervals, and that he be given possession of the child at specified times on holidays, during school vacations and on alternate week-ends.
  • 15 Aug 1933 A decree of divorce was granted by Judge Pro Tem George W. Flick in behalf of Mrs. Violet Arnold, also listed on the complaint as Mrs. Violet Ott, in action against Charles Arnold, also listed as Charles Ott, in superior No. 1 Monday. Unknown to the woman her married, Ott had escaped from the Michigan state prison before he met her. He was known to her as Charles Arnold, under which fictitious name he married her. She did not learn of his past until officers trapped and arrested him and returned him to the prison after they had been married approximately five months. Her name was restored to Violet Wolf under terms of the decree.
  • 15 Aug 1933 Alleging that his wife. Mrs. Marie Franke of 2519 Gay street told him she did not care for him and would not live with him, and made good her words by moving out of their home and taking with her a part of the furniture, Henry O. Franke sued for divorce in superior No. 1. Wedded November 14, 1931, the Franke's separated this month. They have one child.
  • 15 Aug 1933 Suit of Mrs. Helen Schoenherr against Magnus Schoenherr, for separation was dismissed in Superior No. 1.
  • 15 Aug 1933 Suit Mrs. Mary Lee against Elihu Lee, for divorce was dismissed in Superior No. 1.
  • 15 Aug 1933 False charges of association with other women were cited by Theodore Fallour of 1001 Herman street in a suit filed in superior No. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Velma Fallour. They married October 1, 1930, separating this month. They have no children. Fallour further asserted that his wife has a quarrelsome disposition and would continually nag at and try to quarrel with him when he was around their home.
  • 15 Aug 1933 Alleging that her husband, Jack Bradley refused to support her or maintain a home for her, as a result of which she was forced to earn her own livelihood, Mrs. Myrtle Bradley began action in superior No. 2 for divorce and restoration of her former name, Myrtle Elter. Wedded May 3, 1930, they separated in July, this year.
  • 15 Aug 1933 Judge Pro Tem George W. Flick of superior No. 1 granted Mrs. Phyllis Merrill a divorce on testimony that her husband, Walter B. Merrill had been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment. They separated in May, this year, after having been married June 25, 1919.
  • 15 Aug 1933 Charged of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Beatrice Jellison in an action filed in superior No. 2 for divorce from Robert A. Jellison, Jr. of 325 Kinsmoor avenue, whom she married September 11, 1922. They separated August 1, this year. Custody of the two children is sought by Mrs. Jellison.
  • 16 Aug 1933 Averring that her former husband, George Roos is $1,200 in arrears in his payments of $7 weekly for support of their child, Mary Roos filed contempt proceedings against him in superior No. 1. The former wife was granted a divorce November 2, 1924, at which time Roos, it was stated, was ordered to pay $7 weekly for support of the child, now 9 years old, custody of whom was vested in the mother.
  • 16 Aug 1933 Mrs. Ottilie Hedges of 4010 Reid street began action in superior No. 1 for divorce from Robert L. Hedges on averments that he called her vile names and that she has been forced to work for strangers in order to maintain herself. She asked that her former name, Ottilie Yerke be restored.
  • 16 Aug 1933 Charging that her husband, Harry J. Nitz, maintained a sullen and indifferent attitude toward her and failed to provide necessary food, clothing and medical attention, thus rendering it necessary for her to work, Mrs. Florence Nitz was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Tem George W. Flick in superior No. 1. Wedded January 12, 1920, they separated January 22 this year. Mrs. Nita's former name, Florence Harman was restored.
  • 16 Aug 1933 Judge Pro Tem Flick awarded Mrs. Meriam F. Markle a divorce from Maurice M. Markle on a cross-complaint charging that ever since her marriage she was obliged to live with her parents and obtain support and maintenance for herself and her child fro them. Married September 22, 1932, the Markles separated January 24, this year. Custody of the child was vested in Mrs. Markle.
  • 16 Aug 1933 Order of dismissal was entered in the divorce action of Mrs. Jane Campbell against John R. Campbell in superior No. 1.
  • 17 Aug 1933 Charging that her husband, Chester P. Nelson was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment and that incompatibility of temperaments made it impossible for them to live together, Mrs. Geneva E. Nelson was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Tem George W. Flick in superior court No. 1 Thursday. Married in September, 1911, they separated in February, 1931. Custody of the child was vested in Mrs. Nelson during the school years, the father to have custody furing the school vacations.
  • 18 Aug 1933 Testifying that her husband, J. Albert Lauer was guilty of cruelty in that he told her to get a divorce and said he did not want to live with her any longer, Mrs. Catherine Lauer was granted a decree terminating her marriage by Judge Pro Tem George Washington Flick in superior No. 1 Friday. Nagging was also cited by Mrs. Lauer, who married June 1, 1920, separating from her husband July 25, 1932. Custody of the four children was vested in Mrs. Lauer and Lauer was ordered to pay $10 weekly for their support.
  • 18 Aug 1933 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Louise Mueller Flaugh of 1845 Broadway in a suit for divorce from Jacob Flaugh, filed in superior No. 1. They were married May 16, 1918 and separated in September, 1932.
  • 19 Aug 1933 Charging that her husband, Kenneth Smith associated with "lewd women" and failed to provide for his family, his misconduct resulting in the breakup of his home, Mrs. Edna Smith of Route No. 1 Spencerville, Ind. Springfield township, sued for divorce in superior No. 1 Saturday. Married June 27, 1929, the parties separated in August, 1932. Mrs. Smith seeks restoration of her former name, Edna Welch.
  • 19 Aug 1933 Judge Pro Tem George W. Flick granted Mrs. Lucille Milliman a divorce in superior No. 1 on charges that her husband, Merrit T. Milliman was guilty of cruelty. The divorce was awarded on a cross-complaint. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. Milliman, and Milliman was ordered to pay $5 weekly for their support.
  • 19 Aug 1933 Change of venue to Adams county was ordered in the divorce action of Kenneth A. Kuntz against Mrs. Elsie May Kuntz pending in superior No. 1 Saturday.
  • 19 Aug 1933 Testifying that her husband, Edward Cochran associated with other women and was guilty of non-support, Mrs. Edna Cochran was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Tem William O. Keane in superior No. 2. Custody of their child, Robert, 6, was vested in Mrs. Cochran with the stipulation that Cochran is to pay $3 weekly for the child's support. Cochran's cross-complaint was withdrawn at the outset of the hearing.
  • 19 Aug 1933 Attorney C. Byron Hayes was named special judge in the divorce action of Mrs. Lena Lunz against Sheriff Fred G. Lunz by Judge Pro Tem William G. Keane in superior No. 1 Saturday morning. The action was taken on application of Attorney Frank E. Corbett, representing Sheriff Lunz, for a change of venue from the judge and was authorized under a special provision of the statute. In addition to a divorce, Mrs. Lunz seeks $50,000 alimony. She has also sued one Genevieve Karana for $23,000 damages predicated on alleged alienation of the affections of Sheriff Lunz.
  • 22 Aug 1933 Alleging that her husband, Albert Gater, cursed her and called her vile names - too vile to set out in her complaint, unless upon court order - struck and beat her and failed properly to provide, Mrs. Garnet Gater of East Washington boulevard began action for divorce in superior No.1. They were married August 19, 1926, separating this year. Custody of the child is asked by Mrs. Gater.
  • 22 Aug 1933 Her husband, Ward Baker continually quarreled with and nagged at her, failed to provide properly and falsely accused her of associating with other men, Mrs. Irene Baker of 1825 Alliger street charged in a suit for divorce and custody of their three children. Married January 1, 1923, they separated this month.
  • 22 Aug 1933 Robert J. Gaskill, Jr. of Webster street began action in superior No. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Emma Gaskill, claiming that she treated him cruelly in that she called him vile names. Continually nagged at and quarreled with him to such an extent that they can no longer live together, and accused him of associating with other women. Wedded August 11, 1928, they separated this year.
  • 22 Aug 1933 Judge Pro Tem Paul Jasper granted John Bateman a default judgement for divorce from Mrs. Reda Bateman in superior No. 1 on Bateman's charge that she deserted his and went to Detroit. Custody of the two children was awarded Bateman. They were married in January, 1919.
  • 22 Aug 1933 Judge Pro Tem Paul Jasper granted Mrs. Martha J. Schwartz a divorce on testimony that her husband, Henry F. Schwartz was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment. Wedded November 3, 1903, they separated December 2, 1932.
  • 22 Aug 1933 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Alice M. Callahan has followed him about the streets of Fort Wayne, publicly cursing him and swearing at him "by day and by night," Patrick J. Callahan filed an amended divorce complaint in superior No. 2. The Callahan were married September 27, 1928. Callahan filed his divorce action in January, 1931. Mrs. Callahan entered a cross-complaint for separation. Callahan charged that his wife has frequently seen him and talked to him, and promised that if he would return to her she would control her temper, cease cursing and swearing at him and become a dutiful wife. He averred that she has failed to cease abusing him, and that she has falsely accused him of associating with other women and threatened him with physical violence if he proceeded with his divorce suit. Judge Pro Tem Ward E. Dildine granted an order restraining Mrs. Callahan from "cursing, swearing at, talking to, molesting: or in any manner interfering with her husband and his property during pendency of the action.
  • 22 Aug 1933 Second marital venture of Mrs. Leona Nichols and Forest Nichols terminated in the granting of a decree of divorce to Mrs. Nichols by Judge Pro Tem Paul C. Jasper in superior No. 1. The parties were married for the second time September 5, 1932 Mrs. Nichols having previously been given a divorce ending their initial marriage, by which they had on child. It was stated that Mrs. Nichols consented to the remarriage on Nichols' promises that he would treat her in a proper manner and provide for her and the child. They had been separated and divorce approximately five years when they were married the second time. The second marriage was disrupted by a separation May 26, 1933. Mrs. Nichols claiming that Nichols failed to live up to his promises in that he called her "vile and vicious names," struck her and failed to support his family properly. Judge Jasper awarded Mrs. Nichols the custody of the child, for support of whom Nichols was ordered to pay $3 weekly.
  • 23 Aug 1933 Her husband, Jess Herdspath, struck and beat her and threatened to kill her, Mrs. Emma Herdspath alleged in a divorce action filed in superior No. 1. They separated this month, Mrs. Herdspath asked that her husband be enjoined from drawing or assigning his wages coming due from the Weber hotel where he is employed, during the pendency of the action.
  • 23 Aug 1933 Asserting that their natures were incompatible and that there was constant bickering between them, making it impossible for them to live together, Floyd Lake of 3801 S. Barr street sued for divorce in superior No. 1. Married May 16, 1905, they separated this month.
  • 23 Aug 1933 Testifying that her husband, Edgar Fenton had been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment, Mrs. Evelyn Fenton was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Tem Paul Jasper in superior No. 1. Married September 2, 1922, they separated September 6, 1932. Mrs. Fenton was given custody of the three children and Fenton was ordered to pay $20 each half month for their support.
  • 23 Aug 1933 Mrs. Margaret Landon was granted a divorce from William S. Landon, ending a marriage contracted in March, 1897, by Judge Pro Tem William G. Keane in superior Court No. 2 on her charges that Landon had failed to support her since October, 1926.
  • 23 Aug 1933 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Reba Miller associated with one Henry Martin, and declared that "she loved him and would not give him up," Clinton Miller of 1020 ½ Schick street began action for divorce in superior No. 1. The Millers, according to the complaint lived a happy and contented life until Martin became a visitor at their home. Miller was employed nights between 11 p.m. and 7:30 a.m., and it was during those hours that Martin visited and associated with Mrs. Miller. Miller further alleged that Mrs. Miller, while in rages, would call him vile and filthy names. Married March 11, 1925, they separated this month. They have two children, custody of whom is sought by Miller.
  • 23 Aug 1933 Asserting that her husband, William P. Flecek, treated her in a morose and sullen manner, going about the house for days saying nothing and sulking, and giving her no attention whatsoever, Mrs. Hene P. Flecek began action for divorce in superior court No. 1 Wednesday. Wedded June 21, 1922, the Fleceks separated this month. She further claimed that he has struck and cursed her, calling her names unfit to be incorporated in her complaint.
  • 23 Aug 1933 Her husband, Theodore H. Goll failed to furnish her with a home as a result of which she was compelled to live with his parents, Mrs. Delene A. Goll charged in a suit for divorce filed in superior No. 1 Wednesday. Married June 19, 1933, the Golls separated this month. Mrs. Goll, who seeks restoration of her former name, Delene Stover, claimed further that Goll grossly neglected her, stayed out late at nights and was possessed of a violent and ungovernable temper.
  • 24 Aug 1933 Alleging that while she was confined to a Fort Wayne hospital by illness her husband, Louis Bange took their 12-years-old daughter to Indianapolis and now refuses to surrender her custody to the mother. Mrs. Louisa Bange filed a complaint for a two-year limited separation in superior court No.1. The litigants were married November 25, 1919, and separated this month. Mrs. Bange claimed that Bange treated her cruelly, failed to properly provide for her and neglected her in time of ill health. She seeks custody of the child.
  • 24 Aug 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce alleging that her husband, Clinton Miller attempted during a domestic quarrel to poison their son, Donald, 5, and threateded to drown their daughter, Eva, 6, was filed by Mrs. Reba Miller of 1020 ½ Schick street in his divorce action, pending in superior No. 1. The complaint charged that Miller, while quarreling with his wife, tried to make Donald drink iodine but Mrs. Miller struck him on the arm, knocking the bottle from his hand. Other alleged instances of marital strife were set forth in the cross-complaint. It was claimed that on one occasion Miller struck his wife and knocked her over a dining room chair, causing her to fall and suffer an injury to her back. At another time, he squeezed her arms so hard that "black and blue" marks were left as evidence of the mistreatment. Miller, according to the cross-complaint, manifested a jealous disposition and falsely accused his wife on various occasions without reason. If an agent called at the residence for the purpose of selling merchandise while Mrs. Miller was doing her housework, Miller would accuse her of having a sweetheart. Mrs. Miller alleged that Miller associated with other women. She claimed he told her she was too lazy to do her housework, although he knew she was ill. The parties were married March 11, 1926. Mrs. Miller seeks custody of the two children and $15 weekly as maintenance. A restraining order was issued by Judge Pro Tem Schoppman, hearing on Mrs. Miller's application for support being set for August 26.
  • 24 Aug 1933 Her complaint charging that her husband, Anthony Martinelli, abandoned her on May 17, 1928 and has since refused to live with her, after their marriage solemnized April 28, 1928. Mrs. Catherine Martinelli of 718 ½ Harrison street sued for divorce in superior No. 1. In addition to abandonment, Mrs. Martinelli seeks a divorce on averments that Martinelli quarreled with and nagged at her and failed to make reasonable provision for her support.
  • 24 Aug 1933 Clinton J. Hatch, a farmer residing on the Hatch road in Eel River township, filed suit in superior No. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Loretta J. Hatch, averring that she has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that she constantly quarrels with him and so conducts herself that it is impossible for them to continue living as husband and wife. Wedded December 21, 1915, they separated May 8, 1933. Hatch seeks custody of the three children, 15,13 and 8 years.
  • 24 Aug 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Margaret M. Ducklee against Elmer E. Ducklee was dismissed in Superior No. 1.
  • 24 Aug 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Edith Steele against Charles Steele was dismissed in Superior No. 1.
  • 24 Aug 1933 Mrs. Eleanor Keim of 1110 ½ Maumee avenue began action in superior No. 1 for divorce from John Keim, charging that he treated her cruelly in that he quarreled with and nagged at her and finally abandoned her. Wedded September 8, 1928, they separated February 24, 1930.
  • 25 Aug 1933 Asserting that his wife. Mrs. Lydia Mae McDonald left their home Friday evening, August 4, sued him for divorce Saturday and called him the same day and agreed to come back home, and did return Monday, August 7, Green McDonald filed a motion to dismiss her divorce suit in superior No. 1 Friday. Since the reconciliation, the parties have lived together as man and wife, it was said.
  • 25 Aug 1933 General charges to the effect that her husband, Jerome Geise treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner were set up by Mrs. Mary Geise of West Fourth street in a suit for divorce filed in superior No. 1. They were married November 22, 1926, separating this month.
  • 26 Aug 1933 Her husband, Raymond Williams struck her at various times, nagged at her and was quarrelsome, Mrs. Marie Williams of 1119 East Lewis street alleged in a suit for divorce filed Saturday in superior No. 1. Mrs. Williams claimed that Williams by his general manner and bearing, made it known to her that he no longer loved her, neglected to support her properly and falsely accused her of infidelity. They separated September 14, 1932, after having been married since September 20 1931. Mrs. Williams seeks restoration of her former name, Marie Knott.
  • 26 Aug 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Gladys Cervaris, swore at him and was in many other ways guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment, Joseph Cervaris sued for divorce in superior No. 1. They separated this month after having been married September 8, 1929.
  • 26 Aug 1933 Laotto Young was decreed a divorce by Judge Pro Tem Alva C. Carpenter in superior No. 1 on charges that her husband, Albert Young constantly nagged and found fault, created strife in the home and never kept his job, as a result of which she had to support herself. They were married July 2, 1923, separating last May. Custody of the child was given to Mrs. Young and Young was order to pay $5 weekly as support.
  • 26 Aug 1933 William Barnes was granted a divorce from Mrs. Thelma Barnes by Judge Pro Tem Carpenter in superior No. 1 on testimony that she called her husband names and abandoned him. Custody of the child was vested in Fannie and William Barnes.
  • 26 Aug 1933 Testifying that her husband, Carl Wehrle treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner by continually quarrelling with and nagging at her, that he failed to provide for her and abandoned her, Mrs. Esther Wehrle was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Tem Paul Jasper in superior No. 1. Wedded September 14, 1920, the parties separated October 20, 1932. Custody of the three children was vested in Mrs. Wehrle and Whrele was ordered to pay $60 monthly for their support, beginning in September.
  • 26 Aug 1933 In superior court No. 2 Judge Pro Tem Harold Coovel granted Mrs. Eva M. Cameron a divorce on her charges that her husband, Amos Cameron beat her, tried to drive her from home, called her names, wrongfully accused her of conduct reflecting on her chastity and neglected to provide reasonable means of support. It was held that Mrs. Cameron is the owner of all personal property located at 822 St. Marys avenue.
  • 27 Aug 1933 Superior No. 1 - In the suit wherein Mrs. Lucille Milliman was granted a divorce from Merrit T. Milliman on the cross-complaint August 19, custody of the children, Paul Milliman, 8 and Donna Jean Milliman, was awarded to Mrs. Milliman during the school vacation period, during which time Milliman was order to pay $5 weekly to the clerk of the court for their support. Milliman was given leave to see and have custody of the children on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, within the period. Milliman, according to the court order, was granted custody of the children during the school year, when Mrs. Milliman is to be authorized to see of have their custody on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
  • 27 Aug 1933 His wife, Mrs. Minnie Springer has a "disagreeable, hasty and obstinate disposition" and frequently failed to assist him in getting his meals on time, Alfred H. Springer, a farmer residing on the Leo road, Washington township, charged in a suit for divorce and custody of this three children, filed in superior No. 1. Springer claimed Mrs. Springer often failed to cook his evening meal until as late as 9 o'clock at night and that his noon meal would frequently not be ready until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. She continually accused him of associating with other women, knowing such accusations to be false, and called him vile names in the presence of the children and before other people. He averred she promised him on one occasion that she would interfere with him no longer and would make no more false accusations against him, but that she failed to keep the promise and quite recently again accused him of associating with women for the immoral purpose and charged him with making dates for the same reason. They were married September 25, 1932 and separated this month.
  • 27 Aug 1933 Charging that she was compelled to work in order to support her husband, Leland Gifford, that they constantly quarreled during their married life, that he threatened to shoot her one time and cursed her and swore at her on numerous occasions, Mrs. Laura B. Gifford of 2407 Courtland avenue, sued him for divorce in superior No. 1. Wedded May 25, 1918, they separated this month, Mrs. Gifford asked for restoration of her former name, Laura S Gessinger.
  • 29 Aug 1933 Although her husband, Sidney Powell has threatened her until she can no longer endure him under the same roof with her and she fears for her life should he be allowed to stay longer, he refused to leave the premises unless moved by order of court, Mrs. Rosa Lee Powell charged in a suit for divorce filed in superior No. 1. Married June 12, 1923, the parties separated last March. Since their separation and until now they have occupied separate rooms, but in the same residence. Mrs. Powell claimed that Powell has utterly failed to provide a place of abode and has become "exnoxious and comtemptible,"coming home druck and nagging and bickering at her and creating disturbances. Judge Pro Tem James Forth issued a restraining order under provision of which, in part, Powell was ordered to move from his wife's home.
  • 29 Aug 1933 Her husband, Frank Bowsman was addicted to the use of liquor and frequently became abusive while he was intoxicated, Mrs. Luella Bowsman of 1831 South Harrison sued for divorce in superior No. 1 Tuesday. Wedded January 8, 1926, they separated this month. Mrs. Bowsman seeks restoration of her former name. Luella Clear.
  • 29 Aug 1933 Asserting that her husband, William Youngberg told her to get a divorce, stating that he no longer cared for her, Mrs. Inez Youngberg of 178 Union street, beauty parlor operator, acted on his alleged advice by suing him for dissolution of matrimonial ties in superior No. 1. They separated this month after having been married October 15, 1925. They have one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Youngberg.
  • 29 Aug 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Violet Pillers against Delmar Pillers was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior No. 1.
  • 30 Aug 1933 His wife, Mrs. Louisa Bange told him she no longer loved him, that he should procure a divorce and ordered him out of his home. Louis Bange charged in a cross-complaint for divorce filed in superior No. 1. Married in November, 1919, they separated during the present month. Banger further claimed in part that Mrs. Banger associated with other men on various occasions in his presence and that of their child, custody of whom he seeks. She nagged at him , was quarrelsome and struck him, causing such constant strife that life together for them became unbearable, he asserted.
  • 30 Aug 1933 Alleging that her husband, Donald O. Bassett, associated with other women and told his wife to get a divorce, Mrs. Olive M. Bassett of 625 David street began action for divorce in superior No. 1. Mrs. Bassett averred that her husband's actions are such that it make it impossible for her to live with him They have on child.
  • 30 Aug 1933 Alleging that her husband, Charles N. Halle occasionally choked her and struck her in the face, and threatened many times to kill her, hinting "that she would be under six feet of sod and out of his way," Mrs. DeEtta C. Halle of 546 East Washington boulevard sued him for divorce in superior No. 2 Wednesday. Mrs. Halle's complaint further charged that Halle made threats toward her daughter by a former marriage and told his wife he "would see that her daughter disappeared and boasted of his gangster friends in Chicago whom he could get to do the work." Married September 29, 1928, the Halle's separated last January. Mrs. Halle claimed that she was compelled to work and support herself and daughter because of Halle's failure to provide. She averred he continually nagged at, quarreled with and abused her. She seeks restoration of her former name, DeEtta C. Kleinhens.
  • 30 Aug 1933 Alleging that her husband, Henry G. Franke brutally struck and beat her on several occasions, thereby driving her from their home, Mrs. Marie Franke of 2519 Gay street filed a cross-complaint for divorce against him in superior No. 1 Wednesday. They were married November 14, 1931, separating this month, Mrs. Franke seeks custody of her child and support.
  • 30 Aug 1933 Arnold Winans filed suit in superior Nor. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Eleanor Winans , charging that she treated him in a cruel and inhuman manner, They were married in 1931.
  • 30 Aug 1933 Mrs. Lucille Jackson charged cruelty in an action for divorce from Kenneth Jackson of Van Buren apartments, entered in superior No. 1. Wedded November 2, 1932, they separated last May. Mrs. Jackson seeks custody of her infant child.
  • 31 Aug 1933 Alleging that her husband, Alfred H. Springer of the Leo road was an habitual drunkard and had bootleggers deliver whisky to him by the gallon at their home, Mrs. Minnie Springer filed a cross-complaint for a two-year limited separation in his divorce action pending in superior No. 1. Mrs. Springer further charged in part that Springer frequently came home nights in such an intoxicated condition that he was unable to get to bed and would lie around in the presence of his children until his drunken stupor wore off. He associated with other women according to the cross-complaint, and would quit the farm where his family lived, for days and nights at a time, leaving his wife to take care of the children and attend to the farm work. When she remonstrated with him he flew into a rage and cursed her, and on a recent occasion struck her, telling her it was none of her business when he left the farm and where he want while he was gone, she averred. Married September 25, 1921, the Springers separated this month. Mrs. Springer seeks custody of the three children, aged 10,8 and 6 years, and $25 week as support. A hearing was set for September 1 on a petition of Mrs. Springer for modification of a restraining order previously granted her husband.
  • 31 Aug 1933 Hearing on a petition of Howard Clark, asking that custody of Vermadean D. Clark, daughter of his former wife, Velma V. Clark, be diversted from the mother and placed with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Clark of Auburn was opened before Judge pro tem Dan C. Flanagan in superior No. 2 and continued until September 2. The former Mrs. Clark, who was granted a divorce and custody of the child June7, 1929, has filed an answer to the petition asking that she be allowed to retain the custody of the child. Numerous charges and counter-charges were made during the hearing as to the qualifications of the various parties seeking custody.

  • 01 Sep 1933 Divorce from Mrs. Elizabeth Browne was sought by F. E. Browns of 125 West Main street in a complaint filed in superior No. 1 charging that she has been guilty of cruelty in that she refused to live with him since the date of their separation. They were married August 8, 1929, separating April 17, 1931.
  • 01 Sep 1933 Judge Pro Tem James Forth of superior No.1 awarded Mrs. Nina B. McCutcheon a divorce and restored her former name, Nin B. Snell on allegations that her husband, Marl W. McCutcheon had been guilty of non-support and had struck her. Wedded June 15, 1930, they separated October 17, 1932.
  • 01 Sep 1933 Mrs. Verna Kohart was decreed a divorce by Judge Pro Tem Forth on allegations that her husband, Jacob Kohart nagged at her and found fault, refusing to live with her. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. Kohart and Kohart was ordered to pay $5 weekly for their support. Married August 24, 1921, they separated April 28, 1933.
  • 01 Sep 1933 Mrs. Thelma F. Koenig was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Tem Dan C. Flanagan in superior No. 2 on testimony that her husband, William F. Koenig constantly nagged at her and on a number of occasions struck her and called her vile names. They separated October 15, 1931, after having been married September 1, 1928. Her former name, Thelma Farnan was restored.
  • 02 Sep 1933 Her husband, August Kirchner was addicted to the drink habit and would become intoxicated in their home, Mrs. Mildred Kirchner alleged in a complaint for divorce filed in superior No. 1. Kirchner, her complaint charged further, was possessed of a violent and ungovernable temper and continually found fault with his wife, by reason of which she is unable to live with him any longer. Married September 24, 1925, they separated June 20, 1932. Mrs. Kirchner seeks custody of her son, Billie J. Kirchner.
  • 02 Sep 1933 Mrs. Christine Caldwell of 224 West Douglass street sued in superior No. 1 for divorce from Ezra Caldwell, averring that he has been guilty of associating with other women and has struck his wife on more than on occasion. Wedded October, 1921, they separated this month. There is one child, Margaret Lee Caldwell, 9 months old, custody of whom is asked by Mrs. Caldwell.
  • 05 Sep 1933 Charging that her husband, Ralph Benhower failed to contribute to the support of his family during a period of more than four years, Mrs. Theresa Benhower of 1329 Michigan avenue began action for divorce in superior No. 1 Tuesday. Married January 4, 1921, the Benhowers separated March 24, 1929. Mrs. Benhower claimed further that Benhower created such constant strife that for them to live together as husband and wife was rendered intolerable. She seeks custody of her two children, and requests that Benhower be ordered to support them. Benhower, she says is now in Lake City, Fla.
  • 05 Sep 1933 Mrs. Marcella D. Ferguson filed suit in superior No. 1 for divorce from Karl B. Ferguson averring that he frequently became intoxicated and, when in such condition used abusive language toward her and struck her. They separated August 30 after having been married May 19, 1925. Mrs. Ferguson seeks custody of her daughter.
  • 05 Sep 1933 Mrs. Jennie B. Benson was decreed a divorce in superior No. 1 on testimony that her husband, Albert Benson nagged at her and failed to provide during a period of three years, as a result of which she had to take in roomers in order to keep both her husband and herself. Wedded May 12, 1926, they separated April 30, 1932.
  • 06 Sep 1933 Treatment of her by her husband, Clifford Fox has been such that she is unable to live with him any longer. Mrs. Harriet Fox of route No. 8, Miller road, charged in a divorce complaint filed in superior No. 1. His conduct has been such that she does not desire to set it forth in her complaint unless she is required by the court to do so. Wedded July 2, 1932, they separated this month. Mrs. Fox seeks restoration of her former name, Harriet Brookmier.
  • 06 Sep 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Florence M. Pevert against Frank C. Pevert was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior No. 1
  • 06 Sep 1933 Charging that her husband, David B. Ramsay of Chicago, constantly quarreled with her and told her she was "a terrible housekeeper," stayed away late nights and became indifferent and cold, taking no interest in her, Mrs. Geraldine Ramsay of Crescent avenue sued him for divorce in superior No. 1. His indifference and mental cruelty caused her to suffer a nervous breakdown and she was compelled to leave and go to the home of her parents, where she became ill as a result of his cruelty, necessitating mental treatment. They were married June 12, 1928 and separated September 4, 1932. Mrs. Ramsay claimed that Remsay came to her home October 9, 1932, and told her he wanted a divorce, that he would not live with her any longer. As a result of his treatment she has lost 17 pounds, it was stated. She claimed her returned to Chicago without leaving anything for her maintenance. She seeks restoration of her former name, Geraldine Remmel and $500 alimony.
  • 07 Sep 1933 Charging that her husband, Walter J.Schmid, on different occasions came home under the influence of liquor, at which time he was very abusive toward her, and that he recently came home drunk and immediately sought her out and choked her, slapped her and punched her on the head, Mrs. Olive D. Schmid of 2102 Fleetwood avenue sued for divorce4 in superior No. 1. Wedded July 1931, the Schmids separated this month. Mrs. Schmid further complained that Schmid was cross and irritable the greater part of their married life and frequently made false charges against her of infidelity, accusing her of sunning around with other men.
  • 07 Sep 1933 Alleging that her husband, Edwin L. Slagle of 1015 East Lewis street committed an assault and battery on his wife and her youngest daughter by scalding them with boiling water, Mrs. May Slagle of 948 East Wayne Street filed suit for divorce in superior No. 1. Wedded January 20, 1912, the Slagle's separated last month. They have three children, aged 17, 15 and 14. Mrs. Slagle further charges that Slagle called her "vile and inhuman" names, constantly quarreled with and nagged at her and failed to make proper provision for her support during a period of more than two years. Her complaint alleged that from time to time he issued checks without having sufficient funds in the bank to cover them, as a result of which he was arrested last January. She asked that she be given custody of the children.
  • 08 Sep 1933 Charging in a cross-complaint that she had to work in order to support herself and contribute to the support of her husband, Charles LaFuse, Mrs. Ina LaFuse was granted a divorce and her former name, Ina Fingry, restored by Judge Pro Tem Harold Coovel in superior No. 1. Mrs. LaFuse's cross-bill further averred that LaFuse drank habitually and that it was his custom to remain in bed until noon. They were married April 7, 1928.
  • 08 Sep 1933 Wilbert Janke filed a cross-complaint for divorce in superior court 1 alleging that his wife, Mrs. Ruth Janke frequently became intoxicated and came home "at all hours of the afternoon in an intoxicated condition." Janke further accused Mrs. Janke of staying out late at nights without giving an accounting of her whereabouts, and claimed she constantly nagged and quarreled.
  • 09 Sep 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Dorothea Stein refused to cook his meals or take care of his clothes, that she nagged at him and left him five times, George F.Stein filed a cross-complaint for divorce in her action pending in superior No. 1 Saturday. Married March 8, 1917, the parties separated May 1, this year. Mrs. Stein in her complaint averred in part that Stein told her to get a divorce and leave him.
  • 09 Sep 1933 Charging that her husband, Edward Hullinger, has made no provision for her during the last 10 months, Mrs. Margarite Hullinger of 2206 Winter street, sued him for a two-year limited separation in superior No. 1 Saturday. Hulllinger, she further claimed was quarrelsome, had an ungovernable temper, continuously nagged and complained until life together became intolerable.
  • 09 Sep 1933 Ned W. Arick of 121 Congress avenue began suit in superior No. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Judith N. Arick, averring that he disposition and tendencies were incompatible to him. They were married November 16, 1929, living together until August 30, this year.
  • 09 Sep 1933 Mrs. Olive Johnson, residing near Ari, Eel River township, filed suit in superior No. 1 for divorce from Carlton Johnson, asserting that he has never properly supported her. He leaves for days, she claimed, and she is compelled to do all the labor in caring for everything about the premises in addition to the care of her household and children. She seeks $1,000 alimony and custody of her two children.
  • 09 Sep 1933 Her husband, Walter F. Klingenberger, struck her and frequently threatened her with harm, Mrs. Grace I. Klingenberger of 3108 South Calhoun street charged in a divorce action. Wedded June, 1925, they separated this month.
  • 09 Sep 1933 Mrs. Vera Margaret Fuller of 2431 Thompson avenue sued for divorce from Luke Fuller on general charged of cruel and inhuman treatment. Married August 21, 1928, they separated last May.
  • 09 Sep 1933 Mrs. Mary F. Newman entered suit for divorce from James F. Newman, averring he quarreled with and nagged at her and failed to provide properly. They were married October 4, 1932 and separated in July, this year.
  • 09 Sep 1933 Mrs. Elsie M. Morris was granted a divorce from Clarence G. Morris by Judge Pro Tem Harold Coovel in superior No. 1, ending a marriage contracted June 23 1919. The parties separated May 29, this year. Mrs. Morris charged in her complaint the Morris left home and refused to return after telling her he did not care for her. A property settlement was confirmed by the court.
  • 12 Sep 1933 Charging that her husband, Elmer C. Forks, had been guilty of cruelty, Mrs. Alta May Forks was granted a divorce and $1,248 alimony by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1, terminating a marriage which contracted July 18, 1924, was disrupted by a separation October 20, 1932. Mrs. Forks' name was restored to Alta May Godfrey.
  • 12 Sep 1933 Mrs. Ruth Emrick of 636 West Creighton avenue charged that her husband struck and beat her, leaving "black and blue" marks on her body for days. Mrs. Emrick seeks a two-year separation from her husband, Ralph Emrick and custody of her two children. She further claimed that Emrick ordered her out of the house and told her to get a divorce.
  • 12 Sep 1933 Mrs. Catherine M. Baxter of East Pontiac street asks for a divorce and $1,500 alimony from Cycil C. Baxter and restoration of her former name, Catherine M. Quince.
  • 12 Sep 1933 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. May Slagle, has associated with on Edward J. Hall, Edwin L. Slagle filed an answer of general denial to Mrs. Slagle's complaint for divorce in superior No. 1 Tuesday. Slagle denies all allegations set up in his wife's action and asks that she be denied the relief she seeks. The Slagles have three children. It was charged that Mrs. Slagle has been an associate and companion of the alleged "other man" over a period of years and has within the past three years been in his company three or four days a week. It was averred she refused requests of her husband, friends and members of the family to cease the alleged association. Slagle, in his answer of general denial, cited certain instances wherein, it was claimed, he encountered Mrs. Slagle and the other man together. As the result of a personal conversation, it was alleged, Hall agreed to stop associating with Mrs. Slagle provided she would discontinue calling him on the telephone. Slagle, it was claimed, has been caused great humiliation and embarrassment by the alleged action of his wife.
  • 12 Sep 1933 Alleging that her husband, Glenn Ramsey, told her she should get a divorce, that he "could live without her," Mrs. Dorothy Ramsey of 706 Glazier street acted upon his alleged advice by suing him for divorce in superior No. 1 Tuesday. Married April 3, 1930, the Ramsey's lived together until November, 1932. Mrs. Ramsey charged further that her husband failed to make any provision for her during a period of more than two years, and that she supported herself all during her married life and contributed to her husband's support as well for five years.
  • 12 Sep 1933 Mrs. Letitia V. Bushman of 1525 Cass street began action in superior No. 2 for divorce from Edward C. Bushman, averring that he has been keeping company with another woman during the past four months, has recently refused to live with his wife as her husband and requested her to apply for a divorce from him. Wedded May 5, 1926, they separated this month. Mrs. Bushman seeks restoration of her former name, Letitia Vance. She asks that her husband be restrained from selling or encumbering any of their personal property, including a automobile, household furniture and two Pomeranian dogs. The restraining order was granted.
  • 12 Sep 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior No. 1 granted Queen E. Brown a divorce from Henry J. Brown on charged that Brown failed to provide, left home at times and deserted her. They were married January 31, 1931, separating in June, the same year. Custody of the child was vested in Mrs. Brown, whose former name, Queen E. Clark was restored.
  • 13 Sep 1933 Her husband, Otie E. Eckrote, failed to support her and has lived in abandonment of her for more than two years past , Mrs. Amelia Eckrote of 1504 East Lewis street charged in a divorce suit filed in superior No. 1. Married June, 1908, they lived together until August 20, 1931.
  • 14 Sep 1933 Her husband, William C. Franke was guilty of cruelty in that he continually drank intoxicating liquor, came home all hours of the night without giving an account of his whereabouts and failed properly to provide a home for his wife and child. Mrs. Julia H. Franke of 441 East Taylor street charged in a suit for a one-year limited separation, filed in superior No. 2. Married January 3, 1927, the litigants separated September 13 this year. Mrs. Franke seeks custody of the child.
  • 14 Sep 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior No. 1 granted Mrs. Kathryn A. Lemke a divorce on charges that her husband, William Lemke, had been guilty of cruelty and had manifested a violent temper, resulting in constant quarrels. This was the third application for divorce. The parties separated last June after having been married September 3, 1921. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. Lemke and Lemke was charged with their support.
  • 14 Sep 1933 Ivan Shafer was given a divorce in superior No. 1 on allegation s that his wife, Mrs. Julia Shafer had abandoned him. Married in December, 1919, they separated in August 1926. Custody of the child was awarded to Minnie M. Shafer.
  • 15 Sep 1933 Mrs. Aldine Heightchew of 501 East Lewis street filed suit in superior No. 1 for divorce from Howard D. Heightchew, said to be residing in Lansing, Michigan, on the general claims of incompatibility. Married October 6. 1928, they separated December 20, 1932. Mrs. Heightchew seeks restoration of her former name.
  • 15 Sep 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan granted Mrs. Harriet Wise a divorce on testimony that her husband, David Wise, was quarrelsome. The court ordered an equal property settlement of $300 involved. Wedded in October, 1922, they lived together until July 10, this year.
  • 16 Sep 1933 Her husband, George Schacher failed to properly provide for her and bought no clothing or wearing apparel in 15 years, Mrs. Mary E. Schacher of 703 Home avenue charged in a suit for divorce filed in superior No. 1. They were married March 29, 1918, and lived together until this month. Mrs. Schacher's allegation as to Schacher's failure to buy her clothes was the only negative charge in her complaint, which further averred that he exhibited a "mean and ungovernable temper" toward her, struck and beat her and cursed and swore at her, threatening to take her life. She sought restoration of her former name, Mary E. Clark.
  • 16 Sep 1933 Testifying that her husband, Raymond Irwin was guilty of cruelty in that he told her to get out, cursed and abused her and failed to provide, Mrs. Florentine Irwin was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1. Married August 6, 1932, the Irwins separated September 26, the same year. Mrs. Irwin's former name, Florentine Didion was restored.
  • 16 Sep 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce was filed in superior No. 1 Saturday by Gus Sprunger, alleging that his wife, Mrs. Babe Sprunger, threatened to poison him and that she assaulted his threatening to strike him with her fist or some missile. Married January 10, 1920, they separated January 15, 1933. Sprunger further claimed that Mrs. Sprunger frequently cursed him, called him a name which was distinguished by frequent usage among members of the American Expeditionary Force serving in France during the World war, and ordered him from their home. In the spring of 1932, he averred, she ordered him out of the house, told him she was through with him and to "get the hell out," She continually nagged at him and on several occasions falsely accused him of intimacy with other women, he claimed. When she was angry with him she frequently broke dishes, the cross-complaint charged. Sprunger asserts that his wife's treatment of him up to the time of their separation was such that it is impossible for him to live with her peaceably. He asks that he be given a divorce and custody of his son, Robert Sprunger, 12. Mrs. Sprunger has sued for limited separation.
  • 19 Sep 1933 Testifying that her husband, Orville Detamore filed to provide during a period of five years, that she was compelled to support herself and child and that Detamore associated with other women, Mrs. Hazel Detamore was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. Married January, 1913, the Detamores separated January 1, this year. Mrs. Detamore was given custody of her child and Detamore was charged with its support.
  • 19 Sep 1933 Farrell Gerver was granted a divorce from Mrs. Alberta Gerver, evidence in the case having been introduced previously and entry of the decree withheld pending additional residence witness testimony.
  • 19 Sep 1933 In circuit court Judge Clarence R. McNabb granted Mrs. Evelyn Flaig a divorce from George Flaig on charges of cruel and inhuman treatment, and restored her former name, Evelyn Reiter.
  • 19 Sep 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Marie Penn against Sameul Penn was dismissed at costs to the plaintiff.
  • 19 Sep 1933 Mrs Jessie Phillips Rice began action in superior No.1 for divorce from Charles H. Rice, charging that he continually found fault with and nagged at her and never made himself agreeable about their home. Wedded August 20, 1916, they separated last month.
  • 21 Sep 1933 Asserting that her husband, John W. Money has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he left her August 23, 1924, and that she has not heard from him since that time, Mrs. Grace M. Money filed suit for divorce and custody of her five children, aged 18, 16, 14,13 and 11,in superior No 1. The parties were married September 16, 1913. Mrs. Money seeks restoration of her former name, Grace Burge.
  • 21 Sep 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Doris M. Pinkham stayed out "until all hours of the night and morning," and when questioned as to her whereabouts, stated she had been "running around at dance halls" and that other men had been bringing her home, William Pinkham filed a cross-complaint for divorce and custody of their minor child, in superior No. 1 Thursday. Married March 27, 1931, they separated this month. Pinkham further claimed in part that his wife continually nagged at him and struck him on several occasions, flying into fits of rage and abusing him. He averred he was compelled to obtain his food in an "eating house" because of her failure to prepare meals for him.
  • 22 Sep 1933When her husband, Green Mc Donald, pointed a loaded pistol at her on August 4 she ceased living with him and sued immediately for divorce, but she resumed the union on his promise to amend his ways, Mrs. Lylla McDonald of 1401 Division street charged in a divorce action filed in superior No. 2. However, the straw that broke the camel's back was laid on the dorsal portion of aforesaid dromedary when Green, on September 20, threatened his wife with a drawn razor, according to her complaint. The parties are colored. The razor was too much for Mrs. McDonald and to quote the words of her complaint, "it became necessary for her to defend herself against such action." In addition to "gun play" and "razor play," McDonald, according to his wife's action also was guilty of the well-known divorce court offenses of cursing and swearing at her and striking and beating her, as a result of which she was injured about the hands and face. Neighbors on one occasion had to call the police for her protection, it was averred. The McDonalds were married June 22, 1929. Mrs. McDonald seeks restoration of her former name, Lydia Downing.
  • 22 Sep 1933 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Beatrice Keller in a suit for divorce from Kenneth Keller, filed in superior No. 1. Wedded August 23, 1930, the litigants separated this month. Mrs. Keller seeks custody of her child, Doris.
  • 23 Sep 1933 Alleging that her husband, Ross Purdue of 423 Eckart street has 'beaten her up, torn the clothing off of her and destroyed the clothing which she did not have on," Mrs. Thelma Purdue filed against him the second paragraph of a complaint for divorce in superior No. 1 Saturday. Mrs. Purdue also filed information of contempt against Purdue, claiming her has violated a restraining order interdicting him from interfering with her and the two children at any time, in that he has beaten her, torn her clothing and grossly abused her. Hearing on the contempt information was set for September 27 at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Purdue likewise entered an application for support money and attorney fees. In her second paragraph Mrs. Purdue further averred that Purdue was extremely quarrelsome and had violent fits of temper, at which times he would frequently beat her until she was "black and blue," that he continuously nagged at and found fault with his wife and associated with other women, one of whom was named in the complaint as Alice Henning. He continually got drunk and called his wife vile names, it was charged. Although he has been called back to work on numerous occasions, he refused to work and told his wife that "if she wanted to get money, she could go down the line and get it," she alleges. She further charged that he has been engaged in the liquor business.
  • 23 Sep 1933 Charging that her husband, Wilfred Joseph Hosey, failed to provide her with proper means of support and with a suitable home, and that she was compelled to work during her married life to obtain necessities for herself, Mrs. Mildred Roslyn Hosey of 203 ½ West Superior street sued for a two-year limited separation in superior No. 2 Saturday. The defendant is a son of Mayor William J. Hosey. Mrs. Hosey, who seeks maintenance, further claimed in part that Hosey continually made life miserable for her by nagging at and finding fault with her, causing such constant strife that he life with him became almost unbearable, his actions rendering further married life with him intolerable. Married September 21, 1931, they lived together until August 31, 1933.
  • 23 Sep 1933 James W. Willson, insurance man, began action on superior No. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Mary Jane Willson of 3417 Webster street on allegations of cruel and inhuman treatment and the claim that her temperament was incompatible with that of his, resulting in irreconcilable differences between the parties. They were marred August 10, this year and separated September 4, it was stated.
  • 23 Sep 1933 Mrs. Helen Merchant of 1416 Lillie street filed suit in superior No. 1 for divorce from Donald D. Merchant, a captain of the Fort Wayne police department, charging cruel and inhuman treatment and seeking custody of their four children, comprising two daughters, aged 18 and 16 , and two sons, aged 12 and nine.
  • 23 Sep 1933 Asserting that her husband, Walter Bloom was guilty of cruelty in that he failed to provide and left her without cause, Mrs. Evelyn Bloom was given a divorce and her name restored to Evelyn Norris. The litigants were married August 10, 1929 and lived together until October, 1931.
  • 23 Sep 1933 Mrs. Vasa E. Newport was granted a divorce in superior No. 1 on charged that her husband, Frank E. Newport, had failed to provide. Her former name, Masa E. Evans was restored. They lived together from April 1, 1925 until January 2, this year.
  • 26 Sep 1933 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Flossie H. Bailey informed him that she cared nothing for him and their child and that she has been associating with one Lee Houser, who, according to the complaint has a wife whom he deserted since her has allegedly associated with Mrs. Bailey. William J. Bailey sued for divorce and custody of their child in superior No. 1 Monday. Married June 15, 1929, the Baileys separated this month. Bailey, it was stated has placed custody of the child with his mother since his wife allegedly deserted him.
  • 26 Sep 1933 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Tillie Norris of 1104 Glasgow avenue in an action for divorce from Ersil Norris, filed in superior No. 1 Monday. Married February 15, 1930, the litigants separated August 1, this year. Mrs. Norris seeks custody of her child.
  • 27 Sep 1933 Testifying that her husband, Clarence R. Welch, was guilty of cruelty in that he associated with other women and stayed out night, Mrs. Virginia B. Welch was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No 1 Tuesday. Married November 24, 1931, the parties lived together until May, 1933. Mrs. Welch's former name, Virginia B. Shireley was restores.
  • 27 Sep 1933 Mrs. Dottie Snyder began action on superior No. 1 to end her marriage to Charles Snyder, claiming her beat and struck her, called her vile names and threatened to kill her. He refused to work when work was offered and his wife had to support herself by doing washings, it was averred. They were married in 1905 and have one grown child.
  • 28 Sep 1933 While he was working nights at the General Electric company his wife, Mrs. Sarah M. Smith of 1430 Broadway, was "running around to different places with different men," and when he would ask her where and with whom she had been she would inform him it was none of his business, Alfred Smith charged in a suit for divorce filed in superior No. 1. Smith averred that she has come home on different occasions at 3 and 4 o'clock in the morning and as late as 7 o'clock in the morning. They were married November 3, 1924, and lived together until this month, when Smith claimed he left home on account of his wife's alleged misconduct.
  • 28 Sep 1933 Mrs. Margaret Johnson of Arcola began action in superior No. 1 to end her marriage to Thomas Stanley Johnson, said to be now residing in Columbus, O., on the claim that he failed to make reasonable provision for her and their child during a period of more than a year. They separated August 31, this year, after having been married July 7, 1927. Mrs. Johnson seeks custody of her child.
  • 28 Sep 1933 General charged of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Erma Smith in a suit for divorce from Chester Smith, filed in superior No. 1. Wedded June 17, 1923, they separated August 13.
  • 28 Sep 1933 Mrs. Patricia Burns sued in superior No. 1 for divorce from Norman Burns, asserting that he frequently became angry at her without cause and failed to support his wife and two children, custody of whom she seeks.
  • 28 Sep 1933 Mrs. Dorothea S. Stein was awarded a divorce from George F. Stein in superior No. 1 on charges that he told her to leave and to procure a divorce. Her former name, Dorothea S. Frahm was restored. Wedded March 8 1919, they separated May 1, this year.
  • 28 Sep 1933 His wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Parker, was guilty of cruelty in that after their marriage she refused to live with her husband, Melvin Parker of 2613 Charlotte avenue, and left him to live outside the state of Indiana, Parker charged in a suit for divorce filed in superior No. 1. Married in October, 1932, they separated the same month, according to the complaint.
  • 28 Sep 1933 Divorce action of Mrs. Evelyn Christman against Harold Christman was submitted before Judge Ryan in superior No. 1 on Christman's answer and cross-complaint. They were married December 12, 1930, and separated last July. Christman's cross-complaint alleged in part that his wife was lazy and failed to keep herself clean and their home in an orderly condition. He sought custody of their child.
  • 28 Sep 1933 The divorce suit of Mrs. Rose Roemke against Henry Roemke was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff.
  • 29 Sep 1933 Asserting that his wife, Mrs. Cleo L. Hurst, told him to leave their home and refused to live with him, Walter R. Hurst of 722 Huffman street sued her for divorce in superior No. 1. Married February 6, 1922, they separated June 18, this year.
  • 29 Sep 1933 Ralph M. Rosenwinkel began action in superior No. 2 for divorce from Mrs. Gladys M. Rosenwinkel of 1125 West Jefferson street, his complaint averring that incompatibility of temperament has rendered further married life impossible for them. Wedded Dec ember 28, 1923, they lived together until the present month.
  • 29 Sep 1933 Although her husband, Paul A. Mathewson, was well able to provide for her, he failed to do so and she had to work in order to maintain herself, Mrs. Elizabeth Mathewson charged in a divorce complaint entered in superior No. 1. They were married November 3, 1923 and separated August 17, 1933.
  • 30 Sep 1933 Mrs. Dessie B. Sheets was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1 Saturday on charged that her husband, Charles B. Sheets, Drank, that he abused her and threatened to kill her. They were married February 4, 1931 and separated last July.
  • 30 Sep 1933 Mrs. Charles B. Wolfe filed a cross-complaint in the divorce action of her husband, Charles B. Wolfe, pending in superior No. 1, charging that he had been guilty of cruelty in that he left her alone nights and deserted her. They separated Jun 1, 1933 after having been married October 20, 1922.

  • 03 Oct 1933 Charging that her husband, Henry Chard, refused at all times to furnish a home for her, Mrs. Velma Chard sued for divorce in superior No. 1 Tuesday. They were married June 24, 1933, living together until September 30. Mrs. Chard alleged her husband took her to the home of his parents where, she claimed, her husband and his parents continuously nagged at her and found fault, complained about all her actions and abused her. The parents, he complaint averred, insisted that their son discontinue living with her and finally directed her to leave their home, that they did not desire that the son accompany her. Mrs. Chard charged that she begged her husband to get a room or an apartment and furnish her with a home, but that he refused and he and his parents gathered her clothes and told her to leave. She seeks restoration of her former name Velma Schott.
  • 03 Oct 1933 Mrs. Alberta Jones of 2526 Beadell street began action for divorce from Ernest Jones, charging that he gave her black eyes, and failed to provide reasonably. Mrs. Jones seeks custody of her child.
  • 03 Oct 1933 Mrs. Ethel Hawk of 1513 Taylor street sued Ray O. Hawk for divorce, $250 alimony and restoration of her former name, Ethel Bell asserting that Hawk has been guilty of improper association with other women.
  • 03 Oct 1933 Mrs. Helen Mathews of 1026 East Washington boulevard filed a divorce action against Grover Mathews on general charges of cruel treatment. She seeks restoration of her former name, Helen Peel.
  • 03 Oct 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior No. 1 granted Mrs. Amelia L. Bleich a divorce on testimony that her husband, Arthur H. Bleich, cursed and struck her at different times and failed to provide. Married June 1, 1928, the litigants separated July 16, this year, it was said, being their second separation.
  • 03 Oct 1933 Judge Ryan indicated that he will also give Mrs. Leona Wolfe a divorce from Charles B. Wolfe on her cross-complaint averring the Wolfe had been guilty of cruelty in that he deserted her, refused to live with her and associated with other women. Wedded October 20, 1932, they separated last May.
  • 03 Oct 1933 Fred Shumaker, residing on the Bradbury road, Wayne township, began action in superior No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Gladys Shumaker, whom he married October 6, 1915, They separated in September, this year. They have two children, aged 17 and 19, of whom he see custody. Shumaker claimed he always kept his marriage contract and provided a home for his wife and children to the best of his ability, buying a house on the installment plan and making a dozen down payments thereon until he was unable longer to procure steady employment, whereupon he was obliged to surrender the house. He alleged that his wife has associated with immoral men and deserted him without cause.
  • 03 Oct 1933 Charging that her husband, Roy Strunk cursed her and called her vile names and struck and beat her, Mrs. Marie Strunk of route No. 8, Sand Point road, sued for divorce in superior No. 1. Mrs. Strunk seeks custody of the four children.
  • 03 Oct 1933 Testifying that her husband, Maurice J. Dwyer, deserted her and has failed to provide for more than three years, Mrs. Ethel Lee Dwyer was granted a divorce by Judge Chares J. Ryan, subject to additional residence witness testimony, in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Dwyer, whose name was restored to Ethel Lee Dellinger, was awarded custody of her daughter, 10.
  • 04 Oct 1933 Her husband, Herbert M. Ropa, Habitually left her alone a home evenings, and night after night, went away with other companions, Mrs. May Ropa of 3030 Holton avenue charged in a suit for two-year separation in superior No. 1. Wedded December 22, 1931, they were living together at the time of complaint was filed.
  • 04 Oct 1933 Mrs. Phyllis M. Beauchamp began action in superior No. 1 to end her marriage to Sidney H. Beauchamp, averring that he was guilty of cruelty in that he refused to live with her any longer and expressed his intention of living elsewhere and not returning to her. He said he would no longer provide her with a home, she claimed. They were married April 11, 1928, separating August 1930.
  • 06 Oct 1933 Mrs. Lena Lunz, wife of Sheriff Fred G. Lunz, whom she has sued for divorce and $50,000 alimony, was awarded judgement for $25,000 damages in action for alleged alienation of affection against Genevieve Childress Karans by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1 Thursday morning. The judgement in the alienation suit, which, it was stated, was not contested, represents the full amount sued for. Mrs. Lunz filed her action for divorce and $50,000 alimony against Sheriff Lunz and the suit against Genevieve Childress Karnas simultaneously in superior court 1 August. The divorce action has since been transferred to Adams county on a change of venue. The action in which Mrs. Lunz accused Genevieve Childress Karnas with having alienated the affections of Sheriff Lunz stated that Mr. and Mrs. Lunz were marries August 12, 1915. They lived together until August 8, 1933, when it was claimed, it 'became necessary' for them to separate and for Mrs. Luna to institute her divorce suit. Mrs. Lunz, in her divorce action which is still pending, also charged that Lunz associated with Genevieve Karnas. Both Mrs. Lunz and her husband seek custody of their child, Raymond, 12.
  • 07 Oct 1933 Continual association by his wife, Mrs. Helen Mathews with her relatives was held responsible by Grover Mathews of 110 East Columbia street, in a cross-complaint for divorce entered in superior No. 1, for the ship-wreck of his marital hopes. Continued life with his wife as a husband should live it was rendered impossible, Mathews alleged because of strife stirred up in his household by his wife's relatives, who he charged, used every possible means to promulgate discord between them in the daily routine of their domestic activities. He further averred in his cross-complaint that while he made adequate provision for the support of his wife, there was no appreciation on her part "for the efforts that he, as a faithful husband was extending in promotion the tranquility of their home."
  • 07 Oct 1933 Her husband, Fred Whicker, was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he associated with other women, maintained little interest in his home, and failed to provide properly for his wife, manifesting no disposition to make plans for her future welfare, Mrs. Esther Whicker of 315 East Washington boulevard charged in a divorce suit entered in superior No. 1. Married June 24, 1929, the Whickers separated June 1, 1932. They have one child, custody of whom is sought Mr. Mrs. Whicker.
  • 07 Oct 1933 Mrs. Esther M. Stahl was granted a divorce from Herman A. Stahl by Judge Harry W. Muller in superior No. 2 on allegations that her husband choked and mistreated her. They were married October 5. 1932. Mrs. Stahl was awarded custody of her child for support of whom Stahl was ordered to pay $3 weekly.
  • 07 Oct 1933 Lee M. Jones began action in superior No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Mina A. Jones, averring that she was cruel in that she constantly scolded and nagged at her husband, was "insanely jealous," accused him of associating with other women, and deserted him. Wedded August 19, 1930, they separated last April.
  • 10 Oct 1933 Charging that her husband, Green McDonald threatened her with a revolver and ordered her out, Mrs. Lydia Mae McDonald was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1 Tuesday. Her former name, Lydia Mae Downing was restored. Married June 23, 1925, the parties separated August 4, this year. A divorce suit which Mrs. McDonald had filed in superior No. 2 was dismissed on her motion.
  • 10 Oct 1933 A divorce decree was entered for Mrs. Leona Nichols in action against Forest Nichols in superior No. 1, evidence having been introduced August 2.
  • 11 Oct 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Helen E. Vought, ran around with other men, Charles E. Vought was granted a divorce by Judge Harry W. Muller in superior court No. 2 Wednesday ending a marriage contracted April 30, 1912. The parties lived together until August20, 1930. They have one child, aged 20 who is now supporting herself. Vought, who also sued to quiet title to involved real estate, was given judgement for title of the real estate.
  • 13 Oct 1933 Answer to a citation for contempt filed by Mrs. Flossie Bailey against William Bailey is a divorce action pending in superior court No. 1 was entered by Bailey Friday. Judge Charles J. Ryan assigned a hearing on the citation and answer for October 14 at 9 a.m. Bailey in his answer stated in part that he and his wife became reconciled a week after she filed her suit on October 13. They have one child, nearly 3. They have been married more than four years and Bailey's answer set forth that he purchased his household goods on the installment plan, because he had no cash. Since the case was filed and for a long time prior thereto, he has been able to earn only $4 weekly, he said. He stated that he turned his pay check over to his wife with the understanding that she would make it go as far as she could on the bills they owe and that he took out only for his car fare. Without his knowledge, he claimed, his wife bought certain clothing on weekly payments, leaving bills unpaid while he and the child needed clothes.
  • 13 Oct 1933 Superior No. 1 - The divorce action of Mrs. Mary A. Taylor against James K. Taylor was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff Friday.
  • 13 Oct 1933 Her complaint asserting that further life with her husband, Paul Williams of 1322 Harmar street is "unbelievable," Mrs. Mae Williams of 1405 ½ Hanna street sued him for divorce in superior No. 1. Wedded January 29, 1928, the litigants separated February 3, 1930, when Mrs. William Claims Williams deserted her without fault on her part.
  • 13 Oct 1933 Charging that during the past five years she has been obliged to work in order to support herself and that she has also contributed to the maintenance of her husband, Harold O. Van Alstine, Mrs. Venieta Van Alstine of 316 West DeWald street sued him for divorce in superior No. 1. Married September 27, 1922, they separated September 3, this year. Mrs. Van Alstine seeks restoration of her former name, Venieta Adams.
  • 14 Oct 1933 Testifying that her husband, Oliver T. Dyer failed to provide during a period of more than two years, Mrs. LaVonne Dyer was granted a divorce and custody of their child, for support of whom Dyer was ordered to pay $3 weekly by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1. They separated August 20, 1930, after having been married January 2, 1927.
  • 14 Oct 1933 Harry Hause of 1330 Fourth street sued in superior No. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Anna Hause, charging that she quarreled and nagged and that incompatibility existed between them. Married June 12, 1924, they separated September 6, 1933.
  • 17 Oct 1933 Asserting that her husband, Herbert Shew stayed out all night and declined to account for his absence, that he refused to take her with him when he left home, and during a period of more than three months past, has been guilty of "mental cruelty" in that he refused to talk to her, Mrs. Ethel Shew filed complaint for divorce in superior court No. 1. Wedded in January 31, 1932, they separated during the current month. They have one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Shew, who also asks $3,000 alimony. Shew is the owner of a restaurant, the value of which is set in the complaint at $6,000.
  • 17 Oct 1933 Mrs. Mable Pinkerton began action in superior No. 1 for divorce from Harry Pinkerton, alleging that he was possessed of an ungovernable temper, that he cursed and swore at her and occasionally struck her. They separated this month after having been married November 8, 1921. Mrs. Pinkerton seeks restoration of her former name, Mabel Rider.
  • 17 Oct 1933 Divorce from Eugene Franks was sought by Mrs. Nellie Franks of 227 West Lewis street in an action filed in superior No. 1, wherein she alleged that he would go out and get drunk, and while under the influence of liquor, would continually nag at and quarrel with her, and that he has continuously threatened to inflict bodily injuries upon her. They were married September 7, 1921 and separated during the current month.
  • 17 Oct 1933 Fred Rice of 1102 Degroff street sued in superior No. 2 to end his marriage to Mrs. Clara Rice, averring that she has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of him in that she told him she no longer cared for him and wanted him to get a divorce. Married June 4, 1912, they separated this month. They have six children, aged 12, 9, 7, 3 and 19 years, the latter of whom is married and maintains his own home, all of the other children living with the defendant.
  • 17 Oct 1933 The divorce action of Earl E. Gruber against Mrs. Bernice A. Gruber was set for trial November 2 in superior No. 2.
  • 17 Oct 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior No. 1 granted Theodore Fallour a divorce from Mrs. Velma Fallour on testimony that she was guilty of cruelty and false accusations, that she was quarrelsome and called her husband vile name. Married October 1, 1930, they separated August 12, this year.
  • 17 Oct 1933 Mrs. Beatrice Jellison was awarded a divorce by Judge Ryan on charged that her husband, Robert A. Jellison, Jr. failed to provide and was guilty of cruelty. They separated August 1, this year, after having been married September 11, 1923. Mrs. Jellison was given custody of her two children and Jellison was charged with their support.
  • 17 Oct 1933 General assertions of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Hilda Wisniewski of 2822 South Anthony boulevard in a divorce action entered against Frank Wisniewski in superior No. 1. Wedded November 8, 1923, they live together until the present month. Mrs. Wisniewski asked that custody of the four children aged 10, 7, 4 and 1 year be vested in her.
  • 17 Oct 1933 Charging that her husband, William McCullough of 3281 New Haven avenue was addicted to alcoholic beverages, drank to excess and became intoxicated at frequent intervals, Mrs. Cora McCullough sued for divorce in superior No. 1 Tuesday. Mrs. McCullough averred further that McCullough on numerous occasions used physical violence on her and that he frequently stayed away from home without offering any excuse for his absence. She asked for restoration of her former name. Cora Gilford.
  • 18 Oct 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Minnie Price would take necessary articles of his clothing and give them to her relatives and that when he remonstrated with her for such actions, she struck him, pulled his hair and told him to leave and not return. Chester Price of 2901 South Anthony boulevard sued her for divorce in superior No. 1. Price's complaint further alleged that when he went home at about 11 p.m. October 14, 1933, he found the house without lights and the doors locked, as a result of which he was obliged to force entry. After getting inside and turning on the lights, it was charged, he found his wife in the company of one Alvin Ray, the wife, it was said, refusing to make any explanation as to Ray's presence in the house. Price also claimed that his wife was possessed of a violent temper and that she swore and cursed at him on numerous occasions. They were married May 4, 1920 and have two children, aged 11 and nine years, custody of whom is sought by Price.
  • 18 Oct 1933 Mrs. Lucille Swartz of 615 Walnut street began action in superior No. 1 to terminate her marriage to Harold Swartz of Decatur, averring that he deserted her December 25, 1932 and refused to work and support her, as a consequence of which she has geen compelled to support herself and maintain a home for both parties. She alleged that he associated repeatedly with other women. The marriage was contracted January 20, 1922.
  • 18 Oct 1933 Her husband, Ray L. Slusher threatened to kill her, associated with other women and stayed out all night, causing the plaintiff "great mental suffering." Mrs. Louise Slusher of 1127 East Washington street charged in a divorce suit entered in circuit court. Wedded July 15, 1913, at Grand Rapids, Mich. the litigants lived together until the current month. Mrs. Slusher asks that custody of her three children, aged 14, 12 and seven years be vested in her.
  • 18 Oct 1933 Mrs. Florence Braddock of 1023 Webster street sued in superior No. 1 to dissolve her marriage to Thad Braddock, asserting that he quarreled with and nagged at her and failed over a long period of time to support her properly. They were married September 21, 1922, separating last August.
  • 18 Oct 1933 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Willa R. Robinson of 117 East Pontiac street in a suit for divorce from Ira W. Robinson, entered in superior No. 1. Wedded September 25, 1919, they separated June, 1931.
  • 18 Oct 1933 Harold G. Amiss of 436 East Berry street filed suit in superior No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Helen R. Amiss on the claim that she was quarrelsome and constantly nagged at him, making life almost unbearable for him. They married April 24, 1932, separating this month.
  • 18 Oct 1933 Mrs. Bertha M. Smith of 909 Herman street sued in superior No.1 for divorce from William Smith on the assertion that he abandoned and deserted her, disrupting a marriage contracted September 2, 1932.
  • 19 Oct 1933 Asserting that her husband, William Ceasar, had failed to keep alleged promises to reform, Mrs. Edith Ceasar of 103 East superior street filed action for divorce against him in superior No. 1. This was said to be the second divorce suit Mrs. Ceasar has begun against her mate. She entered suit against him February 23, 1933, her complaint stated, but on his promises to cease accusing her falsely of acts of immorality and to try to do better, the "undertook to try it again." It was claimed, however that on different occasions and specifically on the night of October 16, this year, he again charged her with acts of misconduct which he allegedly well knew were false and untrue in every sense of the word." The parties were married February 24, 1898, it was said. Mrs. Ceasar averred that, Ceasar had been guilty of cruelty in that he had absented himself from home for 10 years and that he frequently inflicted severe bodily harm to her. It was claimed he was "very profane around the house," his language being unfit to be set out in the complaint unless the court orders it. Mrs. Ceasar, her complaint stated, has been compelled to work during most of her married life in order to maintain herself and the three children. It being charged that in 1923 she loaned Ceasar $750 which he has failed to pay back. It was said the she has an equity in a property at 3202 Dinnen street on which there is a mortgage of $1,700, and that for 10 years she conducted a livery stable whereby she earned money by which to purchase the property and maintain herself. Mrs. Ceasar, who seeks $1,500 alimony and a support allowance of $5 weekly for the children, alleged that Ceasar has threatened to take her life and the lives of the children.
  • 19 Oct 1933 Averring that her husband, Ralph Hixon, cursed her, calling her names too wile to set out in the complaint unless as ordered by the court, that he neglected to provide properly for her and that he associated with other women, Mrs. Marie Hixon of Thompson street sued him for divorce in superior No. 1 Wednesday. The Hixons separated last May.
  • 20 Oct 1933 Asserting that her husband, Henry D. German had wholly failed to make any provision for her and their child, custody of whom she seeks, and been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in other respects, Mrs. Esther Pearl of 530 West Berry street sued for divorce in superior No. 1. Married May 13, 1929, they separated in October, 1931.
  • 20 Oct 1933 Alleging that her husband, Glenn E. Goshorn was selfish, that he gave her ony 50 cents from his pay check with the admonition that that amount was plenty, and that he always gave her the smallest portion of anything that could be divided, Mrs. Beryl F. Goshorn filed suit in superior court No. 1 Friday for divorce. In the complaint, Mrs. Goshorn set out that the couple was married on March 4, 1933. There is one child, a daughter. Her husband was cruel and inhuman in his treatment, and was possessed of an ungovernable temper, she alleged. She declared that because of being with child she was forced to give up her employment, to which her husband objected, and that because of his treatment she has been unable to regain her health following the birth of their child. Mrs. Goshorn seeks divorce, support for herself and her child during the period of action is pending, permanent support for the child and its custody.
  • 21 Oct 1933 Alleging that her husband was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he cursed her and called her vile name, Mrs. Virginia McMahon of 518 West Brackenridge street brought suit in superior court No. 1 late Friday against Judson Q. McMahon for divorce. In the complaint, Mrs. McMahon said she had reason to fear her husband, and asked the court to enjoin and restrain him from molesting or harming her.
  • 21 Oct 1933 Mrs. Laucie H. Reyer began action in superior No. 1 for divorce from Herman W. Reyer on charges that he struck her. Married January 12, 1928, they separated July 9, this year. Mrs. Reyer seeks custody of the two children.
  • 21 Oct 1933 A decree of divorce was entered fro Mrs. Gertrude Wert in her action against Olive Wert, wherein evidence had been introduced previously. Mrs. Wert was given custody of her child, for support of whom Wert was ordered to pay $2 weekly. They separated December 15, 1931, after having been married April 14, 1931.
  • 21 Oct 1933 The divorce suit of Mrs. Ethel Shew against Herbert Shew was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior No. 1.
  • 23 Oct 1933 Alleging that her husband, Emil X. Voirol has treated her cruelly, continually quarreling with and nagging at her, calling her vile names, striking and beating her and threatening to kill her, Mrs. Orpha Voirol of route No. 4 , Fort Wayne, sued for divorce in superior No. 1 Monday. Married January 14, 1920, they separated this month.
  • 23 Oct 1933 Mrs. Orpha Warner of 1731 Fourth street began action in superior No. 1 to end her marriage to Othel Warner, asserting that he drank to excess and at such times, abused her by cursing and striking her. Wedded April 29, 1933, they separated during the current month.
  • 23 Oct 1933 Mrs. Delene A. Goll was granted a divorce in superior court No.1 from Theodore H. Goll on testimony that he had been guilty of habitual intoxication. They separated August 23, 1933, after having been married June 19, 1913. Mrs. Goll's former name, Delene Stovers was restored.
  • 23 Oct 1933 Clinton J. Hatch was awarded a divorce on allegations that his wife, Mrs. Loretta J. Hatch, left him without cause and that she was quarrelsome. Wedded September 21, 1915, they separated May 9, this year. Custody of the two children was vested in Hatch.
  • 24 Oct 1933 Mrs. Hattie Kendxierski was granted a divorce from Frank Kendzierski and custody of the couple's five children, aged 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10, by Judge Pro Tem Fred Berkes in superior No. 1. Mrs. Kendzierski had sued for limited separation from her husband, who she alleged had engendered such constant strife as to render their living together insufferable. She claimed further that Kendzierski had associated with another woman. The Kendzierskis separated July 13, 1933.
  • 25 Oct 1933 Testifying that her husband, Robert Stewart abandoned her and associated with other women, Mrs. Catherine Stewart was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No.1. Married March 30, 1933, the parties lived together until Jun 30. Mrs. Stewart's former name, Catherine Barbour was restored.
  • 25 Oct 1933 Her husband , Charles O. Byrde continually nagged at her, failed to provide for her since their marriage and humiliated her "before all her friends," Mrs. Julia M. Byrde of 3619 Wells street averred in a divorce action entered in superior No. 1. Wedded in December, 1923, they separated this month. Mrs. Byrde seeks custody of the two children, aged 4 and 2 years.
  • 26 Oct 1933 Alleging that her husband, Clarence E. Delegrange was an habitual drunkard and was cruel to her when intoxicated, and that he stayed away from home nights without her knowing his whereabouts, Mrs. Mabel L. Delagrance of 416 East Pontiac street began action for divorce and $5,000 alimony in superior No. 1. Married June 28, 1921, the litigants separated the present month. Mrs. Delagrange seeks restoration of her former name, Mabel L. Shaw.
  • 26 Oct 1933 Harold H. Davis sued in superior No.1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Audrey Davis of 2401 Scheele avenue, charging that she refused to perform her household duties, including the preparation of his meals, and the she frequently left home and remained away for periods of several months at a time. He further claimed that she frequently made accusations against him which she knew to be untrue.
  • 27 Oct 1933 Alleging that her husband, "Clarence J. Robbins refused to provide her with clothes for dress and street wear, giving her, in fact, only two house dresses during the period of their marriage, and that "she was obliged to call upon her relatives for assistance in that respect," Mrs. Edna A. Robbins of 2020 ½ Hanna street sued him for divorce in superior No. 1. Married November 28, 1928, the parties lived together until July, this year. Mrs. Robbins claimed that Robbins manifested an ungovernable temper that he often scolded and swore at her, called her indecent names and told her he had no love for her. In July, she claimed, he left her in a fit of anger and his whereabouts are unknown to her, but she believes he is "beyond the border of the state of Indiana." Since his departure Mrs. Robbins has been obliged to support herself and her child by her own efforts, it was stated. She asked that she be given custody of the child.
  • 27 Oct 1933 Orders of dismissal for want of Prosecution wer entered in a number of divorce actions which have been pending in superior No. 1. The cases follow: Mrs. Bessie Holcroft against Herbert Holcroft; Mrs. Gertrude Boss against Frank Boss; Mrs. Clara C. Bardey against Joseph L. Bardey; Mrs. Rhoda Crowel against Albert Crowel; Mrs.Tresa Corbin against Orville Corbin.
  • 28 Oct 1933 Charging that her husband, George A. Bulger struck and choked her on numerous occasions; that he neglected to provide properly during the past year, although able to provide, and refused to pay various obligations, Mrs. Lucile Bulger of 1120 Sinclair street sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Bulger also claimed Bulger manifested an ungovernable temper and called her vile names. They were married November 25, 1926, and separated this month. Mrs. Bulger seeks custody of her child, 5.
  • 28 Oct 1933 Donald DeWitt filed a petition in the divorce action of Mrs. Marvel DeWitt pending in superior court No.2 seeking custody of his daughter, hearing on the petition being assigned for October 30 at 10 a.m. DeWitt, it was said has had custody of his two sons and his wife custody of the daughter for support of whom he was ordered to pay $4 weekly. He claimed he is unable to meet the support payments, although he agreed to support the daughter in event her custody is vested in him. Because of his inability to pay he has been "constantly harassed" by his wife, it was charged.
  • 28 Oct 1933 Alleging that her husband, Caleb Roe called her "vile and indecent names" and that he returned home on numerous occasions in an intoxicated condition, Mrs. Bertha Roe sued him for a two-year separation in superior No. 1. Married November 24, 1910, the Roes separated this month. Mrs. Roe claimed that Roe was possessed of a "temper that is uncontrollable" and that he "quarrels and nags continuously." She seeks custody of her five children, ages 18, 16, 14, 13 and 11 years, and support.
  • 28 Oct 1933 Charging that her husband, Melvin L. Brown treated her cruelly by failing to provide for her and abandoned her on the date of their separation, January 23, 1929. Mrs. Grace Brown os 1118 High street sued for divorce in superior No. 1. They were married June 10, 1907. Mrs. Brown seeks custody of her child, aged seven. Brown, affiant is informed, now resides in Ohio and she had not heard from him for four years.
  • 28 Oct 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce, alleging that her husband, Charles Rainier, associated with other women and cursed, struck and shook her on various occasions, was filed by Mrs. Dorothy Rainier of 1833 ½ Wells street in superior No. 2. Wedded January 26, 1926, they separated this month. They have on child, custody of whom is sought by the mother. Mrs. Rainier further charged in part that in order to more fully conserve the joint finances she did the family washing on a washing machine in the basement, but that since the complaint was filed her husband has denied her access to the basement, where she also fired the furnace, thereby resulting in a deprivation of heat for herself, her child and others.
  • 31 Oct 1933 Dwight W. Campbell of 912 Savilla avenue began action in superior court No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Marian Campbell, his complaint stating that she is not now a resident of Indiana, but, as he "believes, resides somewhere in the state of Florida or Illinois" - he "does not know her exact address." Married August 30, 1925, they separated May 21, 1928. Campbell charged that his wife abandoned him.
  • 31 Oct 1933 Her complaint asserting that he husband, Louis Rosena neglected to provide her with necessities of life, and that he nagged and was quarrelsome, subjecting her to mental cruelty and anguish, Mrs. Thelma Rosena sued for divorce in superior court No.1. Married April 28, 1925, they separated in April, 1931.
  • 31 Oct 1933 Mrs. Hilda C. Henderson of rural route No. 1 New Haven, began action in superior No. 1 to end her marriage to Gale G. Henderson, averring that he failed to provide suitably. Mrs. Henderson seeks custody of the two children.
  • 31 Oct 1933 Charging that her husband, Russell L. Wolfe continually nagged at and criticized her without cause, and that he wrongfully accused her of associating with other men and struck and slapped her, Mrs. "Minerva B. Wolfe of 167 Hendricks street sued him for divorce in superior No. 1. Married November 9, 1929, they separated this month, prior to her marriage Mrs. Wolfe was Minerva M. Walter.
  • 31 Oct 1933 Mrs. Myrl Procise of 3629 South Clinton street began action in superior No. 1 to end her marriage to Martin Procise, charging cruel and inhuman treatment. She seeks custody of their seven children. They were married April 11, 1916, separating this monty.
  • 31 Oct 1933 Dismissals were entered in the divorce actions of Mrs. Ruth Noble against Charles Noble; Mrs. Lucile Gunther against Robert Gunther; Mrs. Mary White against Victor White and Emry Hindenlang against Mrs. Elizabeth Hindenlang in superior No. 1

  • 01 Nov 1933 Her husband, Herman D. Felt told her on several occasions "to get out of their home and stay out," telling her he no longer cared for her, and once she was compelled to leave their home and seek refuge with her parents, but later, for the sake of their child, she went back and lived with her mate again, "upon his promise that he would treat her with a due respect as good husband, should treat his wife," Mrs. Lena Felt, of route No. 1 Monroeville, charged in a divorce action filed in superior No. 1. Married January 18, 1929, they separated this month. Mrs. Felt averred that Felt was guilty of "extreme cruelty and gross neglect" toward her in that he "continuously and habitually imbibed intoxicating liquors, and while under the influence of liquor, struck beat and kicked her, Inflicting severe bodily injuries, using profane and abusive language in her presence and before their child. She asks that custody of the child be vested in her.
  • 01 Nov 1933 Testimony to the effect that her husband, Dwight Ruse had abused her, leaving marks on her wrist, cursed her and called her vile names, was presented by Mrs. Blanche Ruse during the trial of her divorce action in superior No.2. She charged further that she had contributed partly to Ruse's support. They separated December 27, 1930, after having been married November 1, 1929. They have no children. The case was taken under advisement by Judge Harry W. Muller.
  • 01 Nov 1933 Charging that her husband, William Ceasae had been guilty of cruelty in that he struck her at different times, causing her face to become blackened from the blows, Mrs. Edith Ceasae was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1. Married February 24, 1898, the Ceasars separated February 23, 1933. They had separated on previous occasion, it was said.
  • 01 Nov 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Sue L. Grubb against Frank Grubb was dismissed for want of prosecution in superior No. 1. Claiming that although he has completely paid out a $500 judgement entered when he and his former wife, Alta M. Krider, were divorced from each other in July, 1924, she has refused to sign the judgment docket in satisfaction of the judgment so as to permit him to complete a loan for which he has made application and to clear up his title to certain real estate. Arthur Krider began action for satisfaction of judgment in superior No. 1. Krider asked that his former wife be ordered to sign the judgment docket, releasing and satisfying the judgment, or that some person named by the court sign and release the judgment on her behalf.
  • 01 Nov 1933 Alleging that her husband, George Crandall inflicted bodily injury upon her on numerous occasions by striking her with his fists, Mrs. Roberta Crandall of 326 ½ East Lewis street sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1 Wednesday. Married November 22, 1930, the Crandall's separated this month. They have two children, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Crandall, who charged further that Crandall habitually became angry with her without cause and used abusive language and cursed her in the presence of their children.
  • 01 Nov 1933 An answer in two paragraphs, alleging in part that the plaintiff has been "convicted in the state of Indiana of an infamous crime, to wit; forging money order," was filed by Mrs. Helen Greer in the divorce action of Glenn C. Greer pending in superior No. 1. Married in July, 1931, the Greer's separated in December, the same year. She further claimed that Greer, for more than six months previously to the filing of his petition for divorce, has not been a bona fide resident of Allen county. Mrs. Greer asks that she be given a divorce on her cross-complaint, that her maiden name, Helen O'Brien be restored and that she be awarded $500 alimony.
  • 01 Nov 1933 The divorce suit of John C. Vachon against Mrs. Pearl Vachon was dismissed in superior No. 1.
  • 02 Nov 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Hazel Seibert, cursed him and quarreled with him and that she was "always dissatisfied," Jess H. Seibert of 198 South Lafayette street sued her for divorce in superior No. 1. Seibert further alleged that Mrs. Seibert associated with other men. Married June 5, 1914, they separated in September, 1927. He says he has not heard from her for two yers and that he has been informed she now resides in Cleveland, O.
  • 02 Nov 1933 Alleging that her husband, Otto Pointer, on November 1 struck her with a fist on the left side of her face and that on November 2 he chased her out of the house with a pocket knife, Mrs. Eleanor Pointer, of 1319 Barr street sued him for divorce in superior No. 1 Thursday. They were married in December, 1932. The complaint further averred that when the parties were living on John street during the month of October the "defendant became a maniac and ran this plaintiff out of her own home" and tore all the paper off the walls. She claimed that he "becomes angry most of the time" without any gault on her part. She asserted that he is an habitual drunkard and, when under the influence of liquor, became abusive and would strike and beat her without cause.
  • 02 Nov 1933 The divorce actions of Dennis Milanos against Mrs. Thelma Milanos, Mrs. Leona Wehinger against Wilbur Wehlinger, Mrs. Ruth Noble against Charles Noble, Mrs. Jean Hall against Don Hall, Fred Branning against Mrs. Victoria Branning, Mrs. Agnes Kurtenback against Clarence Kurtenback, Mrs. Alice Josephine Williams against Joseph W. Williams, and Mrs. Elva C. Long against Everett Long were dismissed in Superior No. 1 for want of prosecution.
  • 03 Nov 1933 Testifying that her husband, Alfred L. Mowrey, threatened to kill her, that he drank, manifested a bad temper and was quarrelsome, Mrs. Bytha Mowrey was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1. The court ruled that the plaintiff is the owner of all household goods now in the residence at 3030 Pittsburg street. Married May 7, 1925, the Mowrey's separated July 17, this year.
  • 03 Nov 1933 Suit of Mrs. Ethel Hawk against Ray Hawk, for divorce, and Mrs. Sophia Distel against Elvin Distel, for limited separation, were dismissed for want of prosecution on superior No. 1. The divorce action of Henry Franklin Magner against Mrs. Sylvia Magner was dismissed in the same court by agreement.
  • 03 Nov 1933 Mrs. Kathryn Hutchens of 1005 Pasadena drive filed suit for divorce against Jesse Platt Hutchens, secretary-manager of the Fort Wayne Motor club, in superior No. 1 late Thursday afternoon. Married May 22, 1909, the litigants separated in September, this year. They have one child, Barbara Ann Hutchens, 20. Mrs. Hutchens, in her complaint, charged that Hutchens has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in the he has absented himself for long periods of time without letting her know his whereabouts, and that he had neglected her, complained and found fault with her without reasonable cause or excuse. It was further stated that she has "always been a loving and dutiful wife" to the defendant, and that the matters complained of are without fault on her part.
  • 04 Nov 1933 Suit for divorce and $15,000 alimony was filed by Mrs. Florence C. Schoch of 167 West Third street against Edward F. Schoch in superior No. 1 Saturday. The parties were married in January, 1897, and separated this month. Mrs. Schoch claims that her husband threated her in a cruel and inhuman manner during the period of their married life that she was without means to provide for her support during the pendency of the action. She charged that she has good reason to fear the Schoch will "commit a violent injury" upon her unless he is restrained. Her complaint set forth that Schoeh is the owner of property which was accumulated through their joint efforts.
  • 04 Nov 1933 Charging that her husband, Jack McKay, "failed to appreciate her making his home pleasant for him" and told her he no longer cared for her, Mrs. Goldie McKay of 510 West fifth street sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1. Married November 29, 1925, the McKays separated September 1, 1932. Mrs. McKay's complaint averred that not-withstanding the fact that she has been at all times a "good, kind and dutiful wife," he has without cause or provocation quarreled with and nagged at her and called her vile and abusive names.
  • 04 Nov 1933 Mrs. Emmalena Arnold of 3317 Felician street began action in superior No. 1 to end her marriage to Valentine D. Arnold, claiming that he has been guilty of cruelty in that he has frequently remained away from home until early hours of the morning and failed to properly support his wife and their two children, custody of whom she seeks. Wedded Jun 5, 1929, they separated this month.
  • 04 Nov 1933 Charging that her husband, Thomas Nard of 1934 John street, was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he drove her from home, refused to provide for her and "on the slightest imaginary provocation" was abusive toward her without cause, Mrs. Lucinda A. Nard of 502 Lassalle street sued for a one-year limited separation and support of $10 weekly, in superior No. 1 Saturday. Wedded December 22, 1929, the Nards separated September 18, this year. Mrs. Nard further averred that although Nard refused to provide for her maintenance, he spent part of his wages in entertaining other women.
  • 04 Nov 1933 The divorce actions of Emily against Timothy Dixie and Dorothy against DeMoss Taylor were dismissed for want of prosecution and the suit of Veronica against Charles Crabill was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior No. 1
  • 07 Nov 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Marian Calkins left their home at 1502 Maumee avenue March 1, 1930 and has never returned, Raymond E. Calkins sued for divorce in superior No. 1 Tuesday. The Parties were married January 18, 1920. Calkins complaint further averred that when Mrs. Calkins left she said she was going to New York. He said he has had no knowledge of her whereabouts since she left, and had no communication with her during a period of three years and 10 months.
  • 07 Nov 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan granted Mrs. Geraldine Ramsey a divorce and $200 alimony in superior No. 1on her charges that her husband, David V. Ramsey had been guilty of cruelty in that he stayed out nights, told her he wanted a divorce, was indifferent and left her without providing support. Wedded June 12, 1923, they separated September 4, 1932. Mrs. Ramsey's former name, Geraldine Remmel was restored.
  • 07 Nov 1933 Alleging that her husband, Joseph Calland cursed and beat her and their nine children, Mrs. Ella Calland of 1918 Oliver street sued him for divorce in superior No. 1. Married December 25, 1912, at Mr. Arry, Va., the Calland's separated September 18, this year. Mrs. Calland charged that the separation was due to habitual drunkenness on the part of her husband, averring that he was cruel and guilty of inhuman treatment, and failed to provide properly. The nine children range in age from 20, years to 1 year. Calland, according to the complaint, is now confined at the state penal farm at Putnamville, to which he was sentenced in Fort Wayne city court for allegedly striking his children. Mrs. Calland seeks custody of the children and $500 alimony.
  • 07 Nov 1933 Mrs. Bessie M. Miller was given a decree ending her marriage to Albert W. Miller on allegations that he beat her three different time, associated with other women and failed to provide. Wedded December 20, 1930, they separated July 28, 1933.
  • 07 Nov 1933 Mrs. Babe Sprunger was awarded a divorce from Gus Sprunger who, she testified, had been cruel in the he struck her at different times. They separated last month after having been married January 10, 1920. Mrs. Sprunger has sued originally for limited separation, but filed a complaint for an absolute divorce shortly before the case was heard. Under terms of the decree Mrs. Sprunger is to have custody of her child during the school years, at which times Sprunger is to pay $3 weekly for its maintenance, and Sprunger is to be vested with its custody during school vacation periods.
  • 07 Nov 1933 Mrs. Eva Swank was granted a divorce from Herschel Swank on allegations that he had failed to provide during a period of more than two years. Married December 5, 1916, they separated September 10, 1931. Mrs. Swank was given custody of one child, 16, for support of whom Swank was directed to pay $3 weekly,and custody of the other child, 14, was vested in Swank.
  • 08 Nov 1933 Alleging that on the day of their separation her husband, Joe Burnette took all the money he had given her for the upkeep of herself and five-weeks-old baby and then drove her, with the child in her arms, into the street and ordered her not to return. Mrs. Elizabeth Burnette, a resident of Wayne township, filed suit for a two-year limited separation in superior No. 1. The complaint stated in part that Mrs. Burnette "is only 15 years old and is without ample and general knowledge of the things of life so as to survive among the fittest, and realizes the path and conditions before her and her child of tender days." She believes, it was said, "that a separation from bed and board for a period of two years or more" would enable her "to find herself, learn more about life and its obligations and more about the ways and means of making a livelihood for herself and her child." Married March 29, 1933, the Burnette's separated November 2, it was stated. Mrs. Burnette charged further that Burnette was habitually cruel to her in that he beat and struck her on divers occasions during their married life. The mother seeks custody of the child, Bobbie Joe Burnette, the complaint setting forth that "a child of such tender years need the care of his mother."
  • 09 Nov 1933 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Catherine Baxter, manifested a violent temper and at times, when preparing lunch for her husband, would have fits of anger and throw the dishes against the wall and door of the house, breaking the dishes which he had purchased for her to use in keeping house, Cyril C. Baxter failed a cross-complaint for divorce Wednesday in her divorce action pending in superior No. 2. Baxter is an employee of the Pennsylvania Railroad company. The parties were married October 6, 1928, separating September 12, 1933. Baxter averred that his wife continually nagged at him, calling him "vile and vicious" names, went about the community and talked about him to others and circulated false accusation concerning him. He further claimed that she failed to prepare proper meals for him, that he might be able physically to perform the work of the said railroad company." The cross-complaint stated the Mrs. Baxter objected to her husband going to see his married daughter, 24, by a former marriage, his visits being the source of quarrels. She had been married to two different men prior to her marriage to Baxter and has a son who for the considerable length of time had made his home with the Baxter's.
  • 09 Nov 1933 The divorce action of Norman C. Bates against Mrs. Beulah M. Bates was dismissed in superior No. 1.
  • 09 Nov 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Loretta E. Honeick against Herbert H. Honeick was dismissed in superior No. 1.
  • 09 Nov 1933 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Jesse Burkhead not only failed to support her but "has compelled her to go out and beg money in order to support him." Mrs. Stella Burkhead of 1212 Wells street sued him for divorce in superior No. 1. Married November 11, 1919, the Burkheads separated March 28, 1933. They have no children. Mrs. Burkhead charged further that her mate cursed and swore at her and on different occasion threatened to kill her. She asked for a restraining order, stating that she fears that when he learns of the filling of the complaint he will seek her out and do her great bodily harm unless he is restrained by the court from so doing.
  • 09 Nov 1933 Charging that her husband, Willie Owen Rupert, called her vile names, falsely accused her of being intimate with strange men, continually sulked and refused to talk to his wife or any member of their family, Mrs. Bessie Rupert of 338 Elizabeth street sued him for divorce in superior No.1 Thursday. Married April 5, 1913, they separated this month. Mrs. Pupert seeks custody of the two children, aged 16 and 14.
  • 09 Nov 1933 Because of neglect on the part of his wife to take care of his clothing he was obliged to do his own laundry and mending, and he is now suing for divorce, Harlend Spangler of 707 West Berry street averred in a complaint entered in superior No. 1. Spangler's complaint set forth that "he feats, and had good cause to fear," that when his wife "learns of the filing of this complaint for divorce, she will immediately seek out this plaintiff and subject him to physical violence, unless restrained by order of this court from so doing. Spangler charged further that Mrs. Spangler used intoxicating liquor to excess, frequently remained away from their home all night, and associated with other men. Wedded August 7, 1931, they separated last month. They have no children.
  • 09 Nov 1933 Mrs. Ruth Reaser began action in superior No. 1 to end her marriage to Charles Reaser, claiming he treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner without provocation on her part, calling her vile and abusive names, quarreling with and nagged at her and striking her. They separated August 15, this year, having been married January 19, 1929. Mrs. Reaser seeks custody of her son, Martin LeRoy Reaser, aged six months.
  • 10 Nov 1933 Alleging that her husband, Edward Abousamara, continually nagged at her and failed to provide, Mrs. Marie Abousamara of 1007 East Lewis street sued for divorce in superior No. 1. Married February 1, 1933, they separated ths month. On application of the wife, a restraining order was issued interdicting the defendant from entering the premises and molesting her.
  • 10 Nov 1933 Mrs. Mary Lee was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior No. 1 on testimony that her husband, Elihu Lee, struck her and associated with other women. Wedded August 21, 1928, they separated September 5, this year. Her former name Mary Hudson was restored.
  • 10 Nov 1933 Charging that her husband Raymond Clark struck her on numerous occasions and threatened continuously to do her bodily harm, Mrs. Sally Vaughn Clark sued him for divorce and $5,000 alimony in superior No. 1 Friday. Married January 24, 1924, the Clarks separated this month. Mrs. Clark charged further that Clark has falsely accused her of infidelity, and had conducted himself toward her in such a manner that life with him is intolerable. The parties, through their joint efforts have acquired a restaurant business at 211 West Berry street and a half interest in the Pioneer Inn, located three miles northwest of Fort Wayne on the Lincoln highway, west, it was stated. Mrs. Clark sought a restraining order interdicting Clark from molesting her or from disposing of the business, etc. She asked for restoration of her former name, Sally Ethel Vaughn.
  • 10 Nov 1933 Mrs. Georgia C. Boiles of 608 Kinsmore avenue began action on superior No. 1 for a divorce from Lee Owen Bolies, charging he treated her cruelly in various ways and finally abandoned her. They separated April 1, 1931, after having been married June 12, 1919. Mrs. Bolies seeks custody of the two children.
  • 10 Nov 1933 Orders of dismissal for want of prosecution were entered in the following domestic relations cases in superior No. 1: Nelson Bucher vs Mary Bucher, divorce; Louise LaMaster vs. Arthur LeMaster, separation; William C. Radkey vs. Minne Radkey, divorce; Gracie M. Blanks vs. Thomas J. Blanks, divorce; Ida McConnell vs Lud McConnell, divorce; Eugene J. Palmer vs. Dorothy Palmer, divorce; Pauline Spangle vs. Eugene Spangle, divorce; Hilda Reader vs. Otto Reader, divorce; Dorothy White vs. Richard C. White, divorce; Marie Soule vs. Marion Soule, divorce; Alfred Smith vs. Sarah M. Smith, divorce; Celis J. Phillips vs. Milton E. Phillips, divorce. The suit of Alda Kolkman vs. William Kolkman, for separation was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff.
  • 11 Nov 1933 Mrs. Mable B. Schuler of 318 Edna street charged that her husband, Lawrence E. Schuler was extremely quarrelsome and ill-tempered, indulging in violent fits of temper and continually finding fault with her until the condition became unbearable, Married November 7m 1911, they separated this month. Mrs. Schuler seeks custody of her children.
  • 11 Nov 1933 Averments that her husband, Edward J. Storch failed to make reasonable provision for her support or to provide a home for his family were set up by Mrs. Kathryn Storch of 1203 West Wayne street in her complaint. Wedded October 25, 1927, the litigants separated May 28, 1932. Custody of her two children was asked by Mrs. Storch.
  • 11 Nov 1933 Mrs. Ella Bowers of 1529 California avenue claimed she had to work because of alleged failure of her husband, Joseph Bowers to support her or to make an reasonable effort to do so. They separated September 1, this year, after having been married September 23, 1929.
  • 11 Nov 1933 Mrs. Georgia C. Boiles of 608 Kinsmore avenue asserted in her action that her husband, Owen Boiles treated her cruelly and finally abandoned her. They were married June 12, 1919, separating April 1, 1931. Mrs. Boiles asked that custody of her two sons be vested in her.
  • 11 Nov 1933 Mrs. Irene A. Nolan of 1444 East Lewis street set up general charges of cruel and inhuman treatment against her husband, Harry D. Nolan, whom she married August 15, 1927, separating from him November 15, 1932. She seeks custody of the two children.
  • 11 Nov 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior No. 1 granted Mrs. Clara J. Dunbar a divorce on a divorce on allegations that her husband, Deryll K. Dunbar was guilty of cruelty in that he struck and beat her. Married in March, 1931 they separated in June, the same year.
  • 11 Nov 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Ida Mae Shinabery against Lawrence Shinabery and Mrs. Mary E. Schacher against George Schacher were dismissed on motion of the respective plaintiffs in superior court No. 1.
  • 13 Nov 1933 Charging that her husband, Dewey Holmes treated her cruelly in that he often cursed and swore at her, called her vile and indecent names and on divers occasions struck and beat her, Mrs. Rosetta Holmes of 2526 Graeter street sued him for divorce in superior No. 1 Monday. Married October 8, 1920, they separated July 26, 1933, when, Mrs. Holmes claimed, Holmes left her while she was sick and unable to work for her own support. Because of his abuse, she asserted, her health has become grossly impaired. She seeks restoration of her former name, Rosette Pennington.
  • 13 Nov 1933 The divorce suit of Mrs. Neva B. Lee against Laurel Edward Lee was dismissed in superior No. 1.
  • 14 Nov 1933 Charging that her husband, Edward R. Allen, without cause or provocation on her part, treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner in various ways, failing to support her and finally abandoning her on the date of the separation, June 12, 1930. Mrs. Alice Allen, residing in a rural route near Fort Wayne, sued him for divorce in superior No. 1 Tuesday. They were married January 20, 1927. Mrs. Allen says she has been informed that Allen resides somewhere in Michigan.
  • 14 Nov 1933 Alleging that her husband, Wilbur D. Smith associated with another women and openly lived with her as his wife, Mrs. Faye H. Smith filed a cross-complaint against him in his divorce action pending in superior No.1, asking that she be granted the decree and $2,000 alimony. It was further charged in part in the cross-complaint that Smith abandoned his wife and daughter, the latter being past 18, and refused to live with them during a period of more than two years, failing to provide properly for their needs and forcing them to apply for aid from friends and relatives. The Smiths were married November 15, 1911, separating in May, 1931. The cross-complaint stated that while they were still living together they were given promissory notes in the sum of $5,000 as their joint property by Smith's brother, the mores being payable at the rate of $500 per year, the last note to become due and payable in 1938. Mrs. Smith, it was said believes that five of the notes totaling approximately $3,000, have not been paid, but fears that unless a court order is entered to prevent such action Smith may collect the balance due on the notes and not account to her for collections made.
  • 14 Nov 1933 Alleging that her husband Charles H. Ogden chopped up the furniture and threatened even her with violence, Mrs. Florence H. Ogden was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1. Married January 16, 1929, the Ogden's separated August 15, this year. The wife's former name, Florence Conn was restored and arrearages in a former support order were directed paid by Ogden at the rate of $2.50 weekly.
  • 14 Nov 1933 Alleging that her husband, Dr. Lawrence Shinabery has threatened to take their three children from her and will do so unless he be restrained by the court, Mrs. Ida May Shinabery of 1235 West Main street sued him for a five-year limited separation in superior No. 1. Married February 28, 1923, the Shinaberys separated October 12, this year. Mrs. Shinabery's complaint averred that such constant strife exists between them as to render impossible their living together, and that they are incompatible in temperament. She seeks custody of the children and maintenance.
  • 14 Nov 1933 A complaint for a two-year limited separation was filed by Mrs. Lucille Franklin Stonecipher against Joseph Stonecipher in superior No. 2 late Monday. Mrs. Stonecipher's complaint alleged in part that over a period of six months and longer prior to November 3, Stonecipher on numerous occasions brought girls to their home, and on other occasions induced Mrs. Stonecipher to invite girls there, and in his wife's presence, made love to the girls, holding them in his lap, which it is perhaps unnecessary to relate - caused strife between the Stoneciphers and rendered their living together intolerable. Mrs. Stonecipher further charged that her husband told her last month that he "wanted to be free and do as he pleased," and on November 3 took his personal belongings and left their home, telling her he was leaving not to return. They were married July 2, 1930. Mrs. Stonecipher seeks maintenance in the sum of $15 weekly.
  • 14 Nov 1933 Frank Clark of 2924 Winter street began action in superior No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Mabel E. Clark on the claim that she cursed him and called him vile and indecent names, associated with strange men and otherwise conducted herself in such a manner that he is unable to live with her any longer. They separated August 9, 1932, after having been married December 20, 1901.
  • 14 Nov 1933 Orders of dismissal for want of prosecution were entered in the follow divorce actions in superior No. 1: Wilmer Neuenschwander against Dorothy Neuenschwander; Bessie Marlott against Frank Marlott; Praxedes Miller against Edwin Miller; Los McLaughlin against Wayne McLaughlin; Etta Mallo against Ralph Mallo.
  • 15 Nov 1933 Her husband, Henry Blume spent most of his wages for intoxicating liquor and was in the habit of getting drunk, Mrs. Ilean Blume charged in a suit for divorce filed in superior No. 1. Mrs. Blume's complaint further asserted that Blume would not allow her any money to pay on the furniture they had purchased on credit, and as a result the furniture was repossessed and she and her child, 2, had to go to the home of her parents in Fort Wayne. The Blumes were married in February, 1930. Mrs. Blume averred that Blume deserted her without cause in October, this year. She has been informed that he is now outside Indiana. Although he was earning about $100 per month he never properly supported his wife and child it was claimed. Mrs. Blume seeks custody of the child and asks that she be allowed $7 weekly for the child's support, regardless of her husband's alleged desertion of his family or his present whereabouts.
  • 15 Nov 1933 Mrs. Lucille Cox was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Rayn of superior No. 1 on charges that her husband, Walter Cox, abandoned her and failed to provide. Married December 18, 1923, they separated March 20, 1924, it was stated in the divorce action not being filed until approximately nine years later.
  • 15 Nov 1933 Dismissal for want of prosecution was ordered in the divorce suit of Mrs. Olive M. Smith against Arthur Dewey Smith.
  • 16 Nov 1933 Charging that her husband, George W. Leazier, deserted her and their two children, aged 5 and 3, in December, 1931, after striking and beating her, Mrs. Mary Wanita Leazier of 1931 Ellen street sued him for divorce in superior No. 1 Thursday. Mrs. Leazier claimed that all during their married life Leazier treated his family cruelly in that he failed to provide food and clothing for them.
  • 16 Nov 1933 His complaint alleging that his wife, Mrs. Tillie Knupp of 5300 South Harrison street, refused to prepare his meals or perform the "unual and ordinary duties of a wife," and that she swore at and cursed him on many occasions "to his great and lasting mental anguish," Herschel C. Knupp, a railroad fireman, filed suit for divorce in superior No. 1. They were married December 12, 1927, Knupp averring that Mrs. Knupp deserted him June 15, this year. Knupp claimed further that his wife refused to assist him in the preservation of their home.
  • 16 Nov 1933 Harold Christman, a tailor began action in circuit court to end his marriage to Mrs. Evelyn Christman, it being alleged in his action that she was indolent and lazy in her domestic duties and in the care of their child, 2, which, it was claimed, would be permitted to remain in a filthy and dirty physical condition. It was also charged that she was given to ceaseless nagging at and quarreling with her husband without provocation, that that she used profane and vile language in the presence of the child, custody of whom he seeks. They separated July 18, 1933, after having been married December 13, 1930.
  • 16 Nov 1933 Charging that her husband, Arthur W. Colditz, "grossly deserted her," leaving her without funds and forcing her to depend upon herself, abandoning her and their child and failing to provide over a period of two years, Mrs. Frieda G. Colditz of 613 Lillian street was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1. Colditz, it was stated is now a resident of Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Colditz, whose complaint averred that Colditz otherwise mistreated her and misconducted himself in such a manner that she is not able to live with him any longer, was awarded custody of her son Eugene, 8. Colditz being charged with child's support. Married November 9, 1924, the litigants separated November 10, 1930.
  • 16 Nov 1933 His wife, Mrs. Bessie E. Annis, cursed him and called him vile names - "too ville," it was claimed, even to set out in the complaint - and scolded and nagged at him to such an extent that it rendered it impossible for them to live together, Ward E. Annis of 1811 South Clinton street asserted in a divorce complaint entered in superior No. 1. Annis also claimed that Mrs. Annis manifested an ungovernable temper and "was guilty of other conduct the nature of which will be brought out at the time of the trial." They were married March 9, 1926.
  • 17 Nov 1933 The charge - a rather unusual one in divorce proceedings - that his wife, Mrs. Grace Herron, had been guilty of cruelty in that she refused to told with him at times was made in superior No.1 by James Herron who was given a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan. Herron claimed further that Mrs. Herron had told him to get a divorce and been quarrelsome at times. Married March 3, 1932, they separated July 17.
  • 17 Nov 1933 The divorce action of Mrs. Belle Porter against Reaty Porter was dismissed for want of prosecution.
  • 18 Nov 1933 Testifying that his wife, Mrs. Ruth E. Koers, had been cruel to him and associated with other men, Louis L. Koers was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No.1. Married in February, 1928, they separated in August, 1923. Mrs. Koers former name, Ruth E. Stutzenberger was restored.
  • 18 Nov 1933 Mrs. Lois McClenahan began action in superior No. 1 to terminate her marriage to Bernard McClenahan, averring that during their married life, which began September 19, 1930, MrCleahan had been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment. They separated in October this year. Mrs. McCleahan seeks restoration of her former name.
  • 18 Nov 1933 Charging that he husband, Lester I. Tegtmeyer of 1016 McKee street, was guilty of cruelty in that he frequently struck her, Mrs. Viola E. Tegtmeyer sued him for divorce in superior No.1 Saturday. Married September 23, 1930, they separated in Mary, 1931.
  • 21 Nov 1933 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Theodore Bley threatened to "get her" if she applied for divorce, Mrs. Violet Bley of route No. 7, Fort Wayne sued him for severance of the matrimonial know in superior court No.1. Married August 13, 1930, the Bleys separated this month. Mrs. Bley averred that Bley wrongfully accused her of associating with other men, that he used vile and indecent language in the presence of her children by another marriage, and told her he married her only for a home. She charged that he refused to do any work about the house and garden and that she was compelled to do such work, besides "working out" to assist in keeping her family. He engendered such constant strife that for them to live together was rendered impossible, she claimed.
  • 22 Nov 1933 Testifying that her husband, William King had been guilty of failure to provide over two years, Mrs. Naomi King was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No.1. Mrs. King was awarded custody of the child, 5, and King charged with its support. Married July 25, 1926, they separated November 16, 1928.
  • 23 Nov 1933 Charging that her husband, James Wells left and deserted her on seven different occasions, Mrs. Rosa Wells of 327 East Douglar street sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Wells complaint averred that Wells "did leave and desert her then and there" at one time while she was in a hospital operating room in the process of undergoing an operation. After Wells had allegedly deserted his spouse on the operating table, so to speak, she did not hear from him during a period of more than three months, she claimed. It was further asserted that he did not visit her for more than a year following her serious illness, and contributed nothing for her medical attention or maintenance during the time. She charged that as a result of his "philanderous attitude" toward other women her health "has been and is materially impaired." The complaint asserted that he "boldly takes his female associated to theaters and other public places: frequented by Mrs. Wells, much to the latter's embarrassment. They were married December 11, 1919. Mrs. Wells claims that Wells deserted her the last time on November 8, this year. She averred he has frequently cursed and sworn at her, called her vile names and threatened to do her bodily harm. Concerning her husband's numerous desertions, Mrs. Wells charged that on each occasion when he returned to the home of her parents where she was forced to reside, he promised to mend his ways, but "totally failed to do so" with the result that further living with him is unbearable.
  • 23 Nov 1933 His wife, Thelma Fry of 1116 Taylor street, deserted him twice during their married life, which beginning August 19, 1933, was disrupted by a separation in November, and told him "there was no use trying to live together." Burton Fry of 921 Lincoln avenue charged in a suit for divorce entered in superior No. 1. Fry claimed further that Mrs. Fry informed him that she would not live with him and cared nothing about him.
  • 23 Nov 1933 Alleging that her husband, Jesse Burkhead, whom she has sued for divorce unlawfully hold possession of her personal belongings, consisting of dress, coats, shoes and other wearing apparel. Mrs. Stella Burkhead filed a petition against him, asking the he be cited to appear and show cause why he should not be ordered to deliver up her belongings, in superior No. 1 Thursday.
  • 24 Nov 1933 His complaint charging that his wife, Mrs. Juanita Berg deserted him without cause in November, 1932, and left for parts unknown to him, Herschel Berg of 134 West Superior street sued her for divorce in superior court No. 1 Friday. They were marred July 3, 1926. Berg's complaint alleged that just prior to the desertion Mrs. Berg informed him she was going to leave him and "told him of her interest in another man," exhibiting presents said to have been received through her acquaintance and association with the "other man." Berg, it was stated, has never heard from her since and does not known where she lives, although he believes she left the state of Indiana.
  • 24 Nov 1933 The divorce suit of Goldie Robinson against Kerby Robinson was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in Superior No. 1.
  • 24 Nov 1933 Change of venue to Huntington county was ordered in the divorce action of Caroline M. Baxter against Cyril C. Baxter from Superior No. 2.
  • 24 Nov 1933 His wife, Mrs. Stella Bunkhead, "walked out on him" with other men on seven different occasions, and each time he would take her back and give her another chance, Jesse Buckhead alleged in a cross-complaint for divorce entered in his wife's divorce action in superior court No. 1 late Thursday. Bunkhead further charged that on March 28, 1932 she left him and went to live with another man by the name of Bruno Wechauski, that she lived with this "other man," with Burkhead's knowledge, at 1212 Wells street and at 725 High street as husband and wife. The Burkheads were married November 11, 1929. The cross-complaint alleged that Mrs. Burkhead, ever since their marriage, has been an habitual drunkard and that on several occasions she came home drunk "in the wee hours of the morning" and would curse, nag and agitate him. In the past Burkhead has been unable to find employment and supported his wife through the aid of the township trustee. He has no job now, and if the court should make a support order it would be impossible for him to comply with it, His cross-complaint averred.
  • 24 Nov 1933 Cross-complaint for divorce and $1,000 alimony was filed by Mrs. Tillie Knupp in the divorce action of her husband, Herschel C. Knupp, in superior No. 1 Friday. Married December 12, 1927, the parties separated this year. Mrs. Knupp had a steady position with the G. E. company for four years after her marriage and earned on an average $25 weekly. Various household goods which she purchased, or aided in purchasing, were listed. It was claimed that she paid from her own earnings a $400 note which Knapp owed to his mother and was unable to pay, and that she joined with him in the purchase of an automobile. Knupp obtained a divorce prior to his marriage to the present Mrs. Knupp, it was said, and was required under a court order to support the children. His present wife said she paid one-half of the money due on an interest they obtained in a house and lot at 2004 Maumee avenue, and when Knupp was arrested on a charge of child neglect, on complaint of his former wife, the present Mrs. Knupp joined with him in conveying this real amount to the mother of the children in settlement of the case. When the cross-complainant lost her hob, Knupp refused to provide a home for her or support her and she had to go to her mother's home to live. She also claimed Knupp swore at her and cursed her.
  • 25 Nov 1933 Her husband, Harold Leach constantly nagged at her and found fault with her without cause, failed to provide a home for her and on or about November 8, when they separated, her quarreled with her and threatened to do her bodily harm, Mrs. Maxine Leach of 1219 St. Mary's avenue charged in a divorce suit entered in superior No. 1. They were married June 17, 1932. She seeks restoration of her maiden name.
  • 25 Nov 1933 Charging that her husband, Ruffus Case was lazy and that she was compelled to work during her married life in order to support herself and their two children, Mrs. Cleo Case sued him for divorce and restoration of her former name, Cleo Mercer, in superior No. 1. Wedded May 26, 1922, they separated in January, 1923. Mrs. Case asked that the children, aged 9 and 7, be permitted to remain at the home of her husband's mother, Mrs. Mary Ellen Case in Adams county.
  • 25 Nov 1933 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Florence Wenker of 2324 South Lafayette street in a complaint for divorce from Harry Wenker, filed in superior No. 1. Wedded September 4, 1919, the Wenkers separated in June, 1932. Mrs. Wenker seeks custody of the two children.
  • 25 Nov 1933 Mrs. Margaret Johnson, now residing at Arcola, began action in superior No. 1 to terminate her marriage to Thomas Spanley Johnson, charging that he has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he failed to provide during a period of one and one-half years, and at various times quarreded with nagged at his wife without fault on her part. They separated September 15, 1933 after having been married July 8, 1927. Mrs. Johnson seeks custody of the child.
  • 25 Nov 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior No. 1 granted Franklin J. Seiders a divorce from Mrs. Gertrude Seiders on allegation that she refused to live with her husband and told him to get a divorce. Wedded August 31, 1927, they separated January 28, 1930.
  • 25 Nov 1933 James W. Wilson was granted a divorce from his wife, Mrs. Mary Jane Wilson on general charged of cruelty by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1 Saturday. The only charge made by Wilson was on of cruelty. Married August 10, 1933, the litigants separated September 5, it was stated.
  • 25 Nov 1933 Mrs. Theresa Benhover was given a divorce from Ralph Benhover in the Superior No. 1 on testimony that he had been guilty of abandonment and had failed to provide during a period of more than two years. Wedded January 4, 1921, they separated March 26, 1928. Mrs. Benhower was awarded custody of her children, aged eight and six and Benhower was charged with their support.
  • 28 Nov 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Beulah Survnet, abandoned his approximately two years ago and that she never visited their child, Lowell K. Survant was awarded custody of his child, Lowell Robert, 3.
  • 28 Nov 1933 Divorce action of Mrs. Gale DeBolt against Ray R. DeBolt was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior No. 1.
  • 28 Nov 1933 Alleging that her husband, Paul C. Regadanz associated with other women, Mrs. Helen Regadanz sued him for divorce and $1,000 alimony in superior No. 1 late Monday. Mrs. Regadanz claimed further that Regadanz deserted her last August. They were married in September, 1915. Mrs. Regadanz's complaint asserted thaty purchased certain household goods on the "payment plan" that she placed several hundred dollars she had inherited from her parents to the account of both Regadanz and herself, and that she made the greater portion of the payments on their personal property, including an automobile.
  • 28 Nov 1933 Her complaint asserting that her husband, Frank Nagel, continually quarreled with and nagged at her, wholly without fault on her part, that he threatened her and associated with other women, Mrs. Dora Mae Nagel of 504 Kinsmore avenue sued for divorce in superior No. 1. They were married March 4, 1929, separating this month.
  • 28 Nov 1933 Her husband, Karl B. Ferguson, has been guilty of cruel treatment in that he manifested a violent temper, habitually became angry with her without cause and did not properly support his wife and child, Mrs. Marcella Ferguson of 1018 Elmwood avenue charged in a suite for divorce in superior court No. 1. Wedded May 19, 1924, they separated this month. Mrs. Ferguson averred further that Ferguson on various occasions struck her and used vile and indecent language in her presence and the presence of their child, custody of whom she asks.
  • 28 Nov 1933 Living with his wife, Mrs. Marie Roehm has come to be wholly incompatible, Otto F. Roehm, a foreman at the General Electric company, charged in a suit for divorce. They were married December 1918, separating November 15, 1933.
  • 28 Nov 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior No. 1 granted Mrs. Sarah M. Smith a divorce from Alfred Smith on her cross-complaint charging that Smith had been cruel in that he stayed out nights and associated with other women. Wedded November 8, 1924, they separated September 25, this year.
  • 28 Nov 1933 Alleging that her husband, Harlend Spangler, boastfully told her of his associations with other women and told her on various occasions that if she would not get a divorce, he would procure one, because he loved another woman, and desired to marry the latter, Mrs. Patricia Spangler filed a cross-complaint for divorce against him in superior No. 2 Tuesday. Married August 7, 1931, the Spangler's separated last month. Mrs. Spangler further averred that Spangler failed to furnish her with any support over a period of months, necessitating that she work in restaurants. Her cross-complaint alleged that after she had been married she discovered that her husband had served time in a penitentiary. She seeks restoration of her former name.
  • 28 Nov 1933 Charging that her husband, James W. Murray was guilty of cruelty in that he got drunk and threatened her, and was generally quarrelsome, Mrs. Bernice H. Murray was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1 Tuesday. The parties were married January 18, 1923. Mrs. Murray was awarded custody of her son, aged3, and Murray ordered to pay $4 weekly for the child's support.
  • 29 Nov 1933 Alleging that her husband, Ernest A. Brinkman, Sr. was guilty of habitual cruelty in that he nagged at and found fault with her, that he failed to provide properly, thus forcing her to work to obtain sufficient money to provide for her personal needs, Mrs. Minna Brinkman of 3422 Lillie street sued him for a two-year limited separation in superior court No.1 Wednesday. Habitual cruelty, nagging and faultfinding were also cited by her. Married August 27, 1932, the Brinkman's separated this month. Mrs. Brinkman charged that Brinkman refused to give her necessary funds with which to purchase clothing, although her has been steadily employed and had an income sufficient to care for her properly. She seeks alimony of $18 weekly.
  • 29 Nov 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Helen Regadanz of 218 West Jefferson street, filed suit for divorce against him Monday and on the same day took possession of his automobile which was parked on Calhoun streed and drove it away Fred C. Regadanz filed a petition in superior No. 1 for an order to require her to return the car. Regadanz, according to his petition, is a lineman employed by the Indiana Service Corporation and needs that automobile for the purpose of going to and returning from work.
  • 29 Nov 1933 Alleging that her husband, Joseph Stonecipher, has been guilty of cruelty over a period of six months and longer in that he has made love to other girls in the presence of his wife and told the latter that he "wanted to be free to run around as he pleased," Mrs. Lucille Franklin Stonecipher filed an amended complaint for divorce in superior No. 1 Wednesday. She had sued originally for limited separation. The Stoneciphers were married July 2, 1930. Mrs. Stonecipher alleged that on November 3, 1933 he left their home and told her he did not intend to return.
  • 29 Nov 1922 Her complaint alleging that her husband, John E. Wade of 2820 Oliver street "on at least one occasion" brought another woman into their home and told his wife, in the presence of "the other woman," that he loved the latter more than he did his wife. Mrs. Mamie Wade sued him for divorce in superior No. 1 late Tuesday. Married May 12, 1911, the Wades separated this month. Mrs. Wade further charged in her action that Wade has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward her in that he nagged at her continuously and knocked her down numerous times, struck her with his fists and inflicted severe bodily harm. It was asserted that he "has an ungovernable temper" and "files into fits of rage," on which occasions he becomes abusive to his wife in that he used vile and indecent language. The condition has grown continuously worse until it has become impossible for the litigants to live together, it was stated. Mrs. Wade alleged that her husband told her he did not care to live with her any longer, that he was "tired of married life, and their marriage was a failure." She claimed that he stayed out "until all hours of the night and morning" and when questioned as to his whereabouts stated it was none of his wife's business.
  • 29 Nov 1933 Her husband, Royal Hoagland has been guilty of cruel treatment, in that he would leave their home and remain away until late at night and occasionally all night, Mrs. Alice Hoagland of 1323 John street charged in a suit for a one-year-limited separation entered in superior No. 2. Wedded June 9, 1910, the litigants separated this month. Mrs. Hoagland charged further that Hoagland has accused her of conduct unbecoming a dutiful wife and that her husband's temperament and disposition have become unbearable to her, rendering it impossible for her to live with him any longer in the same house. Mrs. Hoagland asked that she be awarded custody of her four children.
  • 29 Nov 1933 Testifying that her husband, Glen Castle had been guilty of cruelty in that he cursed and swore at her, made false accusations against her and engaged in constant quarreling, Mrs. Anna Castle was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Rayne In superior No.1. Mrs. Castle was awarded custody of her two children, for support of whom Castle was ordered to Pay $10 weekly, to be reduced to $8 when Mrs. Castle has other income. Wedded July 7, 1928, the litigants separated September 9, this year.
  • 30 Nov 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Cleo L. Hurst ordered him to leave, abandoned him and refused to live with him, Walter R. Hurst was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1 late Wednesday. Married February 6, 1922, the litigants separated Jun 18, this year.
  • 30 Nov 1933 Mrs. Elizabeth Mathewson was decreed a divorce by Judge Ryan on testimony that her husband, Paul A. Mathewson had been guilty of failure to provide during a period of more than two years. They separated August 17, 1933 after having been married November 3, 1922.
  • 30 Nov 1933 General charged of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Donald Martz in a complaint for divorce from Helen Martz, filed in superior No. 1. Wedded May 4, 1929, the parties separated this month.

  • 02 Dec 1933 Her complaint asserting that her husband, George Graves has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward her in that he called her vile name and falsely accused her, making it impossible for them to get along, Mrs. Mildred Graves sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 Saturday. Married May 20, 1933, the parties separated November 29. Mrs. Graves claimed that she cannot and will not live any longer with her husband as his wife, because of his treatment of her. She seeks restoration of her former name, Mildred Brown.
  • 02 Dec 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Olive M. Bassett a divorce on testimony that her husband, Donald G. Bassett had threatened her, associated with other women and failed to provide. Wedded in April, 1930, they separated August 18, this year. Mrs. Bassett was given custody of her child, aged 18 months, for support of whom Bassett was ordered to pay $1 weekly.
  • 02 Dec 1933 Mrs. Mildred McClanahan was decreed a divorce by Judge Ryan on testimony that her husband, Francis McClanahan choked and struck her. They were married January 13, 1918, separating January 25, 1933. Custody of a daughter was vested in Mrs. McClanahan and McClanahan was ordered to pay $4 weekly for the child's support. Mrs. McClanahan was adjudged owner of all household goods belonging to the parties and located at Pettit's Storage Warehouse company.
  • 02 Dec 1933 Mrs. Mona Sands was awarded a divorce from Roy Sands on averments that he drank, struck her numerous times and was guilty of other acts of cruelty. Sands, it was stated received a state prison sentence. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. Sands and her former husband was charged with their support.
  • 02 Dec 1933 Charging that her husband, Gerald W. Moser failed to make reasonable provision for her support, as a result of which she was compelled to support herself and also paid various items of indebtedness for him, Mrs. Ada F. Moser sued for divorce in superior court No.1. Wedded October 10, 1929, they separated November 9, this year. She seeks restoration of her former name, Ada F. Raber.
  • 05 Dec 1933 Charging that her husband, Chester Smith told her to get out, failed to provide, associated with other women, "pouted and quarreled" and was guilty of other acts of cruelty, Mrs. Erma Smith was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1 Tuesday. Married June 17, 1933, the Smiths separated last August. Mrs. Smith's former name, Erma S. Kroemer was restored.
  • 05 Dec 1933 Mrs. Alma Lammons filed suit in superior No. 1 to terminate her marriage to Carl Lammons on allegations that he repeatedly beat and struck her, cursed her and called her vile names and neglected to support her. He is now confined in a state penal institution at Greencastle, Ind, according to the complaint. Wedded August 30, 1925, they separated June 11, this year. The have six children, ranging in age from seven years to four months.
  • 05 Dec 1933 Her husband, Robert Young often stayed out late at nights, occasionally all night and, remained away several nights at a time without giving any reason therefor or account of his sojourns, Mrs. Bernetta Young of 1237 Eliza street charged in a divorce action entered in superior No. 1. Wedded July 5, 1925, the litigants lived together until the current month. Mrs. Young averred that when she would inquire of her husband as to where he had gone in the course of his allegedly philandering escapades, he would become abusive and use vile and indecent language toward her. She sought restoration of her former name, Bernetta Carter.
  • 05 Dec 1933 Charging that her husband, Frank Howenstein of 908 Cass street, had been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he constantly nagged at and quarreled with her and was abusive toward her when he was under the influence of liquor. Mrs. Margerite Howenstein of 2019 South Hanna street sued him for divorce in superior No. 1. Mrs. Howenstein charged further that Howenstein associated with other women.
  • 06 Dec 1933 Numerous charges of a sensational nature were incorporated in a cross-complaint for divorce filed by Russell L. Wolfe, a street car conductor, late Tuesday in the divorce action of his wife, Mrs. Minerva M. Wolfe pending in superior No. 1. Wolf's cross complaint set forth that his marriage to Mrs. Wolfe on November 9, 1929, was her third marriage and that both her former marriages were dissolved by divorce. He asserted that at no time during the entire period of their marriage has Mrs. Wolfe demonstrated any love or affection for him but has at all times been "cruel and vicious toward him and toward his child and her child." The cross-complaint alleged that on one occasion she "held the hand of her child in a flame until the flesh was burned to the bone and on various other occasions employed disciplinary measures with said children which are equally as cruel and inhuman." Wolfe charged that his wife several times slapped and bit him, presided in swearing and cursing at him and continually nagged at him, finding fault with all his words and actions. He claimed that although he made every effort to provide his wife and family with a good home and the conveniences and comforts of life, she was at all times dissatisfied and required him to move their place of abode 14 times in three years. He averred that she failed to care for their home, remaining away from the residence during the day and evening, and using it only as a place to sleep. She would leave the children without anyone in charge of them during unreasonable and unnecessary periods, and on various occasions required the children to remain on the streets until a late hour while she associated with other men. Wolfe's cross-complaint alleged. Wolfe charged that at such times. And at other times for many months prior to their separation, his wife would meet and associate with her first husband, from whom she was divorced, and that since the separation she has resided with the family of her former husband, and at their residence "has met and associated with said former husband regularly." It was also charged by Wolfe that following his separation from Mrs. Wolfe, she and her former husband went to Wolfe's home and took furniture and personal belongings of the cross-complainant. Wolfe claimed he had reason to believe that she might sell and dispose of the personal property belonging to him, and sought a restraining order to prevent the possibility of such action. It was further asserted that because of threats allegedly made by her, Wolfe "has just cause to ear that she will visit him at his place of residence for the sole purpose of doing him bodily harm." He asked that a restraining order be issued to enjoin her from molesting or annoying him at any time or place during pendency of the action. The parties separated October 30, 1932. Nine addresses in Fort Wayne where they were said to have resided during the past six months were listed in the cross-complaint.
  • 07 Dec 1933 Her husband, Ronald G. Tobias found fault with the way she did her housework and she could do nothing whatsoever in her home that pleased or suited him, Mrs. Emily M. Tobias of 1805 Gruber street charged in a suit for divorce filed in superior No. 1. Married April 25, 1933, the litigants separated November 26. Mrs. Tobias further averred that ever since their marriage Tobias has insisted that she ignore and give up her former friends, telling her that it was her duty to devote all her time to him. She claimed he forbade her to visit or associate with her former friends. If she want to see her parents, brothers or sisters he "would insist upon her accounting for every minute of the time that she was away and would often hint to her that he believed she might have been out with some other person: and was not telling him the truth as to her whereabouts, her complaint asserted. Tobias, according to his wife's action, continually nagged at her, and since they were married she has continued to work and help support the household. She insisted that it is impossible for them to live together any longer as husband and wife. She asked that her former name, Emily M. Nierman be restored.
  • 07 Dec 1933 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Margaret M. Borkenstein of 220 South Cornell Circle in a suit for divorce from Carl N. Borkenstein, filed in superior No. 1. Wedded December 17, 1910, the Borkensteins separated this month. Mrs. Borkenstein asked for a restraining order to enjoin her husband from visiting her place of residence and from selling and encumbering property and household goods therein, said to be owned by them jointly.
  • 07 Dec 1933 Alleging that her husband, Joseph F. Shie frequently inflicted upon her "severe bodily injury, beating and striking her so violently that marks were left on her face and body for days as a result thereof, Mrs. Marjorie J. Shie of 1213 East Washington boulevard sued for divorce in superior No. 1. Married April 30, 1913, the Shies separated this month. Mrs. Shie's complaint charged further that Shie "is cross and irritable" and has been so for years past, and that he manifested as ungovernable temper, using vile and profane language. The parties have nine children, six of whom are under the age of 16, the youngest aged 3, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Shie. She averred that Shie has threatened to take her life and the lives of their children.
  • 07 Dec 1933 Suit to terminate her marriage was filed in superior No. 1 by Mrs. Eva M wolf of 2108 Eby avenue, who charged that her husband, Clifton Wolf , was quarrelsome and manifested an ungovernable temper. Repeatedly during their married life he cursed and swore at her in language too vile to set out in her complaint unless she is ordered by the court to do so, it was stated. She also claimed that he often stayed out late at night until early hours of the morning, failing to advise her of his whereabouts, and that he did not properly provide for his wife, son and daughter, although he was able to do so. Mrs. Wolf, is was asserted, has been required to take in washings and do other work in order to properly provide for her children and herself. They were married December 22, 1915, separating this month. Mrs. Wolf seeks custody of the children.
  • 07 Dec 1933 Testifying that her husband, Charles H. Rice had been guilty of cruelty in that he nagged at her and was quarrelsome, Mrs. Jessie Phillippe Rice was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1. Wedded August 20m 1918, they separated November 12, 1933.
  • 07 Dec 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Bonnie Ziegler treated him in a cruel and inhuman manner without any provocation therefore, that she "absolutely refused to live with him and threw his clothes out,: Clarence E. Ziegler of 1223 Ewing street sued her for divorce in superior No. 1 Thursday. Married in Mary, 1930, they separated in September, this year. They have no children.
  • 08 Dec 1933 Testifying that her husband, Erail Norris left her at different times, made false accusations against her, failed to provide and was guilty of other acts of cruelty, Mrs. Tillie Norris was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. Married February 15, 1930, the parties separated August 1, this year. Mrs. Norris was awarded custody of her child, for support of whom Norris was ordered to pay $3 weekly.
  • 09 Dec 1933 Charging that her husband, Jonathan L. Merkey, struck her and that he failed to provide over a period of two years, Mrs. Donna Merkey was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1 Saturday. Married Jul 23, 1921, the Merkeys separated October 9, this year. Mrs. Merkey was awarded custody of her child, Dan, 8, and Merkey was charged with the child's support. She was adjudged the sole owner of all chattel property described in her complaint, consisting of certain articles of furniture.
  • 09 Dec 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Frances Ade, has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of him in that " by disposition and temperament: she has rendered the parties incompatible with each other, Eli Ada filed a petition for divorce in superior No. 1. Wedded August 21, 1929, the parties lived together until early this month when they separated. They have a daughter. Ade, it was stated is regularly employed and because of the nature of his employment is unable to care personally for the child. His complaint said, however, that his wife is unemployed and during the period of her unemployment her husband desires that she have possession of the child, but that he be permitted to visit the child at all reasonable times.
  • 09 Dec 1933 Complaint for divorce and $20,000 alimony was filed by Mrs. Josephine Price of 2526 Eastbrook drive against Murray W. Price in superior No. 1 Saturday. Married January 22, 1921, the parties separated October 22, 1924, when they separated for the first time and Mrs. Price sued for divorce, resulting in a decree. They have two children. Upon Price's alleged promise "to conduct himself and live as a husband should," and "by reason of his entreaties and for the benefit of said children" the complaint stated they were remarried October 25, 1926, and lived together until this month, when according to Mrs. Price, Price left their home and has not yet returned. The complaint alleged that Price has been "sullen and irritated' had refused to treat his wife with any kindness or "show her any respect," that he drank to excess and remained out nights, not returning until early in the morning and sometimes remaining out all night. His conduct has continued and grown worse until it has been impossible for the parties to live together, it was averred. Price is engaged in the business of selling newspapers and periodicals, it was stated, his wife's complaint setting forth that he has property valued at approximately $30,000. The complaint asked that Mrs. Price be given custody of the children and $50 weekly as support pending hearing of the divorce application.
  • 12 Dec 1933 Alleging that her husband, Dale R. Young, treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner in that he struck and beat her, knocking her down on various occasions, and threatened to kill her, Mrs. Carrie Young of 440 East Lewis street began action in superior No.1 Tuesday to end her marriage. Married November 10, 1918, the litigants separated this year. They have three children, aged 12, 9 and 6, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Young.
  • 12 Dec 1933 Mrs. Eva Mason of 1524 East Creighton avenue filed suit in superior No. 1 for divorce, averring that her husband, Sedoris Mason, treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner. They were married May 10, 1922, separating September 11, 1933. Mrs. Mason asks that custody of the six children be vest in her.
  • 12 Dec 1933 Averring that it was necessary for her to provide for herself and child during the entire period of her marriage, Mrs. Marie K. Lininger sued Victor F. Lininger for divorce in superior No. 1. Wedded in March, 1928 they separated in August, 1929. Mrs. Lininger does not know the present whereabouts of her husband. She seeks custody of the child, Eileen Lininger.
  • 12 Dec 1933 Testifying that his wife, Mrs. LaVerne Spridgeon, drew a knife on him, cursed him and her mother-in-law and manifested a bad temper in other ways, Carroll Spridgeon was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1 late Monday. Married October 18, 1930, the Spridgeon's separated March 9, 1933. Spridgeon was prohibited from remarrying within two years.
  • 12 Dec 1933 Judge Ryan also awarded Mrs. Carrie L. Ferrell a divorce on charges that her husband, Russell William Ferrell, had been cruel in that he told her to get a divorce, quarreled with her constantly and failed to provide. Wedded August 23, 1925, they separated October 1, 1932. Custody of their child was vested in Ferrell until the end of the school term, after which the custody is to be transferred to Mrs. Farrell until further order. Ferrell is to take the child to Mrs. Ferrell for week-ends upon her request.
  • 12 Dec 1933 Charles C. Carpenter of 1327 Barr street began action in superior No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Catherine Carpenter, averring that she has been cruel and inhuman toward him "at various times and in divers ways." They have two children, custody of whom is sought by Carpenter. Married November 9, 1929, they separated March 27, 1931.
  • 12 Dec 1933 The complaint asserting that although she and her husband, Corie D. Johnson were married March 6, 1915, they never lived together. Mrs. Mertie Johnson sued for divorce in superior No. 1. Failure to provide was also cited. When last heard from Johnson was in Chicago, it was stated.
  • 13 Dec 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Elsie Dixie nagged at him and bickered with him "until married life became a burden," Clarence Dixie of 1920 Oliver street sued her for divorce in superior No. 1 Tuesday. Married in July, 1928, the Dixies separated in September, 1931. In July, 1933, it was stated, they "reconsidered their difficulties" and resumed living together until December8, when they again separated. Dixie averred that the separation was due "to a continuous false accusation" by his wife as to his alleged association with other women. Her conduct has been such that marriage relation has frown "repulsive and intolerable," he claimed.
  • 13 Dec 1933 Charging that husband, Carlton Kind, Persisted in swearing and cursing at her and Has brutally beaten her without cause, Mrs. Marcelia King of 2002 North Barr street filed a petition for divorce in superior No. 1. Married April 9, 1930, the Kings lived together until this month, when they separated. They have one child, Carol Jean, born April 12, 1931, custody of whom is sought by the mother. Mrs. King averred that King failed to support her and permitted both her and the child to go hungry, despite the fact that he was earning wages sufficient to provide amply for their support. She claimed that he was an habitual drunkard and came home drunk late at night on numerous occasions during their married life. She seeks restoration of her former name, Marcelia Smith.
  • 13 Dec 1933 A complaint for divorce incorporating no charges whatsoever against the defendant was filed in superior No. 1 Wednesday by Attorneys McAdams J. Lincoln for Byron Moss of 1620 Alabama avenue, a shoe saleman, against Mrs. Anna Moss. The complaint merely asks that the bonds of matrimony be dissolved and Moss granted a divorce.
  • 13 Dec 1933 Mrs. Alice Daily of 2805 Lillie street began action in superior No.1 to end her marriage to George Daily, averring that he argued and quarreled with her on numerous occasions, used vile and abusive language in her presence and left home for long periods of time, refusing to account to his wife for his absences. Wedded May 14, 1931, they separated November 14, this year.
  • 13 Dec 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior No. 1 granted Mrs. Faye H. Smith a divorce from Wilbur D. Smith on a cross-complaint charging that her husband, Wilbur D. Smith had failed to provide for her during a period of more than two years. Mrs. Smith was also awarded judgement against Smith for $900 and costs as alimony. Married November 13, 1911, they separated May 2, 1931.
  • 14 Dec 1933 Allegations of a sensational nature were incorporated in the cross-complaint for separation filed by Mrs. May D. Coen in the divorce action of her husband, George C. Coen in superior court No.2 late Wednesday. Coen, she alleges ins manager of an automobile business in Warsaw and lavishes his attention and money upon another woman while his wife and three children suffer, being forced to accept charity. They formerly lived in Ohio, the complaint reads , and when Coen came to Indiana he left his family without support. He recently had his wife arrested for slander, she states and avers that she is crazy. She asks that the court grant her separation of bed and board and that Coen be compelled to support his family during the interval.
  • 14 Dec 1933 Her husband, George Bassett, was habitually cruel and inhuman in his treatment of her in that he beat and struck her on various occasions and nagged at and fussed with her continuously, Mrs. Myrtle Bassett of 2007 Weisser Park charged in a divorce complaint entered in superior No. 1. They separated this month. On the day of the separation, Mrs. Bassett averred, Bassett took all the money he had given her to pay the rent and for the upkeep of their two children, Clifford, 9 and Della, 7. Bassett, it was stated, is an able bodied man working on a government civil works project with a present earning capacity of $15 weekly. Mrs. Bassett seeks custody of the two children and support of $8 weekly.
  • 14 Dec 1933 Charging that her husband, Frank Zuber was an habitual drunkard and that he has failed to provide for her support and maintenance during the past four or five years, Mrs. Rosella Zuber of route No. 4 Monroeville, sued him for divorce. Married July 25, 1925, they separated August 1, 1929. They have one child, Ivan Zuber, 6, custody of whom is sought by the mother.
  • 14 Dec 1933 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Mary Marable of 913 Illsley drive in an action to end her marriage to Elmer Marable, whom she married September 8, 1926. They separated in June, 1931. There are five children, Alice 6, Roberta, 5, Elmer 3 ½ , Mary Patricia 2, and Dentis, none months. Mrs. Marable asks that custody be vested in her.
  • 15 Dec 1933 Charging that her husband, Richard Martin had been guilty of abandonment and failure to provide during a period of more than two years, Mrs. Eunice Martin was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1. Married March 17, 1930, the Martins separated May 28 1931. The decree was entered subject to additional residence witness testimony.
  • 15 Dec 1933 After Mrs. Louisa Adler broke down on the witness stand and began to seep inconsolably shortly before noon in the hearing of her contested complaint for a five-year-limited separation from her husband, Oscar Adler, a Fort Wayne milk dealer, Judge Harry W. Muller adjourned further proceedings until afternoon in superior No.2 Friday morning. Married in September, 1913, The Adlers separated April 24, 1923. They have three children, aged 11, 18 and 19. Mrs. Adler charged in part that her husband would leave home at noon and not return until about midnight. She alleged that he associated with another woman, one Anna Sramart. Mrs. Adler claimed that when she asked him about the "other woman" he would tell her it was none of her business, that if he chose to associate with another woman his wife had no right to interfere. Mrs. Adler alleged that when she returned from a trip to Germany she found articles belonging to the "other woman" in her home and pictures of various relatives of the "other woman" on the walls.
  • 16 Dec 1933 Asserting that her husband, Norman Burns recently went to a restaurant where she is employed, and abused her, threatening t take their two children away from her, Mrs. Patricia Burns filed a petition for a restraining order in her suit for divorce pending in superior No. 1. Mrs. Burns' petition stated that he has been advised that if her husband repeats his "performance," she will lose her position and thus be deprived of a source of income necessary to maintain herself and the children. The restraining order was granted by Judge Charles J. Ryan.
  • 16 Dec 1933 It's not an old national custom (the plaintiff said so herself), but rifling a sleeping husband's pockets is one way to get money for groceries and a trip to Germany, the testimony of Mrs. Louisa Adler, in her suit against Oscar Adler for a five-year limited separation indicated. Evidence in the suit, being heard before Judge Harry W. Muller in superior court No. 2, brought out that Mrs. Adler had made a trip to Germany. Attorney Samuel C. Cleland, for the defendant, asked Mrs. Adler where she got the money for the trip and she said she had kept boarders. "It was out of that money you saved enough to go to Germany," Cleland inquired? "Not all," Mrs. Adler replied. "I got some of it out of his pants pocket once in a while." She indicated that her husband did not give her money for household necessities and that she used the time-honored custom to procure it. At one time while Mr. Adler was on the stand his 18 year-old son, William interrupted the proceedlings to deny a statement the father made concerning the plaintiff. Judge Muller recessed court briefly and questioned the youth privately. Adler in contesting the suit is asking that he be given a divorce. The case was continued until 9 a.m. Tuesday.
  • 16 Dec 1933 Testifying that her husband, Burnell Ault, had been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he was quarrelsome and threatened to kill her, Mrs. Ault was granted a divorce by Judge Harry W. Muller in superior No. 2. They were married April 6, 1929, separating November 20, 1932. Mrs. Ault's former name, Mary Pennington was restored.
  • 16 Dec 1933 Her husband, Clarence Grush, remained away from their home at night without explanation and was guilty of other acts of cruel and inhuman treatment, Mrs. Mildred Grush of 1315 East Creighton avenue averred in a divorce action filed in superior No. 1. Wedded July 27, 1917, they separated December 1, 1933. They have one son, Clarence Norman Grush, 12.
  • 16 Dec 1933 A decree of divorce was entered for Mrs. Eunice Martin by Judge Charles J. Ryan in her suit against Richard Martin, following the introduction of additional residence witness testimony in superior No. 1. Evidence in the case had been hear previously.
  • 16 Dec 1933 Mrs. Minnie M. Lewis was given a divorce by Judge Ryan in superior No. 1 on testimony to the effect that her husband, Sherman O Lewis, quarreled constantly and finally left her. Married October 20, 1928, they separated March 13, this year. Mrs. Lewis stated that she does not know the present whereabouts of her husband.
  • 16 Dec 1933 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Lola Gertrude Perkins, has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward him throughout their married life, Ned B. Perkins of 615 Boltz street sued her for divorce in superior No. 1 Saturday. Married in Danville, Ill, March 30, 1929, the litigants separated November 17, this year.
  • 16 Dec 1933 Judge Charles J. Ryan granted Harry Hanse a divorce on charges that his wife, Mrs. Anna Hanse, associated with other men, refused to keep house and was guilty of other acts of cruelty. Wedded July 12, 1924, they separated September 6, 1933
  • 16 Dec 1933 Mrs. Venieta Van Alstine was decreed a divorce by Judge Rayn on allegations that her husband, Harold Van Alstine, failed to provide support over a period of five years. They were married September 27, 1922, separating September 30, 1933. Her former name, Venieta Adams was restored.
  • 16 Dec 1933 Alleging that her husband, Burl W. Lehman, continually swore at her and cursed her, called her vile names and repeatedly struck her with his fists, threatening to "beat up on her" sufficiently so that it would be necessary for her to go to a hospital for treatment, Mrs. Marie F. Lehman of 3507 Winter street sued for divorce in superior No. 1 Saturday. Mrs. Lehman further charged in her complaint that her husband manifested a violent temperament and inability to control his anger. She claimed he failed to provide during the past 12 years, although able to do so, and that she supported him during that period. They were married Christmas day, 1912, and separated this month. She asked that her husband be restrained even from calling her on the telephone.
  • 19 Dec 1933 His, wife, Mrs. Maude Cass, left their home without cause or notice December 14, 1933, taking with her one of their children, Terrell Cass, 5, and is now living with relatives in Randolph county Indiana. Irven Cass of 446 Boltz street charged in a shit for divorce filed in superior No. 1. The litigants were married February 19, 1924. In addition to the son, Terrell, they have another son, Donald, 7, and a daughter, Juanita, 9. Cass asked that he be given custody of the three children. He claimed further that his wife abused him and called him vile names.
  • 19 Dec 1933 Mrs. Agnes Wasson was granted a divorce by Judge Harry W. Muller in superior No. 2 on testimony that her husband, Clyde E. Wasson, said her did not love her, but "loved another," that he associated with other women and was guilty of non-support. Wedded September 30, 1922, they separated May 17, 1932. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. Wasson and Wasson was ordered to pay $4 weekly for their support.
  • 20 Dec 1933 Testifying that his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Laisure, was guilty of cruelty and abandonment without cause, Calvin R. Laissure was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1. Wedded January 25, 1928, the Laisures separated November 21, 1930.
  • 20 Dec 1933 Mrs. Esther M. Oser began action in superior No. 1 for dissolution of her marriage to Howard W. Oser on allegations that he had been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of her at various times and in divers ways. They were married November 12, 1918, separating November 6, this year. Mrs. Oser claiming that the separation was caused by her husband's cruel treatment. They have five children ranging in age from 13 Years to six months, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Oser, who, it was stated, has been a resident of Allen county over a period of 33 years.
  • 20 Dec 1933 Testifying that her husband, Luke Fuller, struck her and left her at different times. That he was cruel and abusive, swore at her and was guilty of habitual intoxication, Mrs. Vera Margaret Fuller was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1. Married August 31, 1925, they separated Mary 15, 1932. Mrs. Fuller's former name, Vera Aiken was restored.
  • 21 Dec 1933 Her husband, Loyal Ziegler, treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner in various ways and failed to support her and their 16 months old daughter, Mrs. Margaret Ziegler of 1909 South Hanna street, charged in a suit for divorce instituted in superior No. 1. Wedded November 21, 1931, the Ziegler's separated this month. Mrs. Ziegler seeks custody of her child.
  • 21 Dec 1933 Mrs. Louise Adler was granted a limited separation from her husband, Oscar Adler, a Fort Wayne milk dealer, for a period of two years by Judge Harry W. Muller in superior No. 2 Thursday, terminating a hearing which had been in progress two and one-half days. Adler was denied a divorce as sought in his cross-complaint. Mrs. Adler was given custody of the three children, Gertrude, William and Hele, the father being ordered to pay $12 weekly as support, furnish dairy supplies for the family and pay gas, water, light and fuel bills until further order of the court. Judge Muller announced that a further order would be entered January 8 in regard to property rights and support allowance. A petition of Mrs. Adler's attorney for the allowance of additional attorney fees was denied. An appraisal fee of $7.50 was allowed to Henry Branning and Harry Zwahlen, realtors, as appraisers of Adler's property. Adler was ordered to pay $250 additional for benefit of his wife's attorney, payable one-half in 30 days and one-half in 60 days. A touching note was added to the proceedings Wednesday afternoon when the youngest daughter of the couple tearfully begged her father to return to his wife.
  • 22 Dec 1933 His complaint charging that his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Scott, deserted him without cause December 18, 1930, and has since refused to live with him, Grover Scott filed suit for divorce in superior No. 1. The parties were married December 17, 1926.
  • 22 Dec 1933 The divorce action of Lewis E. Mobberly against Mrs. Edna M. Mobberly was dismissed in superior No. 1 at costs to the plaintiff.
  • 22 Dec 1933 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Rev. Clausen E. A. McKim, assistant pastor of the Central Church of Christ, subjected her to physical violence on several occasions and repeatedly told her he no longer loved her. Mrs. Lorena M. McKim of 901 Edgewater avenue, sued him for a divorce, $1,000 alimony and restoration of her maiden name, Lorena M. Ford. They were married July 24, 1929, separating May 29, 1933. Rev. McKim, according to his wife's action, informed her "that he could not care for her as he formerly did and had said to her that he wanted her to get out of their home and go home to her mother." Mrs. McKim claimed that her husband has particularly shown a lock of interest in, and affection for her since May 24, 1933, when she was injured in an automobile accident, as a result of which she was confined to a hospital for two weeks and later to her bed at home over a considerable period. It was charged that during this time and since Rev. McKim frequently absented himself from his wife's presence, remaining away from home until late hours at night and refusing to account for his absence. On one occasion, the complaint averred, he absented himself for as long as a week, refusing to say where he was going or after he had come back to state where he had been. Her complaint alleged that he has during the period, associated with and kept company with other women and gone our joy-riding with such other women all night and until early hours of the morning". By reason of these alleged facts having become known to others, Mrs. McKim, it was said, has been subjected to great humiliation and embarrassment. It was charged by her that on May 29, 1933, Rev. McKim, without notice to his wife, who was then in Fort Wayne, suddenly resigned a pastorate which he had held in Pendleton, Ind., and moved their household belongings to his parents' home in Fort Wayne and has since lived apart from his wife, subjecting her to further humiliation and embarrassment. Rev. McKim, it was stated, is the owner of considerable household furniture, an automobile and other personal property, including choses in action, which Mrs. McKim believes to be a reasonable value of $2,000.
  • 23 Dec 1933 Stating that her husband, Rev. Clausen E. A. McKim, whom she recently sued for divorce and $1,000 alimony has been employed during the last six months as assistant pastor of a church in Fort Wayne and in addition has worked with his father, in a special evangelistic engagement at Danville, Ill., and also at "some city in Missouri," from which he derived some income, the exact amount being unknown to her, Mrs. Lorena M. McKim filed a petition for temporary alimony in superior No. 2 Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. McKim have lived apart six months and she has been wholly dependent upon her parents during the period. It was stated that her father is now incapacitated and has no earning capacity. Rev. McKim, it was further set forth, has personal property including household furniture and an automobile, as well as money on deposit, all having a reasonable value from $500 to $1,000. Mrs. McKim asked that he be compelled to make provisions for her support and pay a reasonable fee for the services of her attorney.
  • 23 Dec 1933 Testifying that her husband, Raymond Peters failed to provide and that he quarreled with and nagged at her constantly, Mrs. Sylvia Peters was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1 Saturday. Wedded June 19, 1931, the litigants separated July 29, 1932. This was the second marriage of the parties, it was stated. Mrs. Peters was awarded custody of her child, for support of whom Peters was ordered to pay $5 weekly.
  • 23 Dec 1933 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Marcella King, frequently went out with other men, leaving their child, Carol Jean King, 21 month old, unattended, Carlton King filed a cross-complaint for divorce and custody of the child in her divorce action pending in superior No. 1. Wedded April 8, 1931, the Kings separated December 11, this year. King in his cross-complaint, further charged that his wife had been builty of other acts of cruelty in that on numerous occasions she cursed, struck and slapped him for no justifiable reason whatsoever. He claimed that she failed to keep their living quarters clean, also neglecting her personal cleanliness, and failed to care for their child and keep it in a clean and healthful condition. King alleged that Mrs. King received telephone calls from other men, and that on several occasions she entertained men in the litigants' home while King was absent at work. He averred that although he gave her the major portion of his wages she would nag at him for more money.
  • 23 Dec 1933 Testifying that her husband, Melvin Parker never visited her while she was confined in the hospital and that he failed to provide a home, Mrs. Elizabeth Parker was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1. Married September 28, 1932, the parties separated the following month. Mrs. Parker was awarded custody of her child, Melvin, Jr., Parker being ordered to pay $3 weekly for support of the child beginning December 12.
  • 23 Dec 1933 Claiming that his wearing apparel, including even his working clothyes, and his means of making a living have been tied up by virtue of a restraining order entered in the divorce action of his wife, Mrs. Marie F. Lehman, Burl W. Lehman filed a petition for modification of the restraining order in superior No. 1. The petition stated that Lehman is a general contractor and cabinet maker by trade and that in connection with his home at 3507 Winter street he has rented a shop located in the rear of the lot and disconnected from the house. All his tools and equipment are located there, also a number of unfinished articles on which he has worked, it was stated. The entrance to the shop is no connected in any way with the house. It was further set forth that immediately prior to the filing of his wife's divorce complaint Lehman purchased coal and wood and placed them in the basement of the house. He has no income except that received from his labor in connection with the operation of his shop, the petition stated. Lehman, it was said, always gave his wife all his earning and he now has no money and no place to keep a truck which is necessary in the operation of his business. By reason of the restraining order entered against him, he is prevented from entering the premises for any purpose. He says it is necessary for him to go to and from the shop and to have the right to operate it. The keys are in the possession of a roomer at his house. Lehman asks that the restraining order be modified so as to allow him to use his shop, that the keys be turned over to him and that his clothing and the part of his equipment in the basement of his home be taken to his shop, or permission given him to remove it while his wife is away.
  • 27 Dec 1933 Testimony to the effect that her husband, Edward Martenies, deserted her July 24, 1929, 12 days after they were married, was given by Mrs. Neva Imogene Martenies during hearing on her divorce action before Judge Harry W. Muller in superior No. 2 late Tuesday. The couple has one child, Virginia Imogene Joan, born April 12, 1930. Judge Muller continued the case for introduction of further evidence.
  • 27 Dec 1933 Petition of Burl W. Lehman for modification of a restraining order previously entered in the divorce action of his wife, Mrs. Marie F. Lehman was sustained by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior No. 1, in that Lehman is to be permitted to visit his former home at 3507 Winter street and get his personal belongings. Lehman, in his petition, claimed that his wearing apparel, including even his working clothes and his means of making a living had been tied up by virtue of the restraining order entered in his wife's suit.
  • 27 Dec 1933 Alleging that her husband Cliffton Snyder cursed her and called her vile names, falsely accused her and drank to excess, Mrs. Myrtle Snyder of 230 West Baker street sued for divorce in superior No. 1. Married December 9, 1905, the parties separated in 1931.
  • 28 Dec 1933 Allegations to the effect that her husband, Harold Christman told her on numerous occasions "that he did not like her because she was fat," that he would beat their 2 year-old son and otherwise treat the child cruelly, and then laugh when the child cried. Were incorporated in a cross-complaint for a two-year limited separation filed by Mrs. Evelyn Christman in Christman's divorce action pending in circuit court late Wednesday. Mrs. Christman alleged further that Christman would twist the boy's toes until the child cried, and taught the infant to use vulgat language in her presence and the presence of other persons. The cross-complaint averred that Mrs. Christman was informed by one Carl Mayer that Christman had offered him $50 if he would shoot her and the child. It was also alleged that Christman has associated with one Martha Steger. Wedded December 13, 1930, the litigants separated July 18, this year. Mrs. Christman asks that custody of their son, Raymond Eugene Christman be vested in her. It was claimed that Christman has cursed his wife and called her names that "because of the vulgarity of same,: she is unable to set forth in her cross-complaint. He did not provide her with proper clothing, she asserted. Mrs. Christman contended in her cross-complaint that Christman is not the proper person to have the custody of the child, who has been living with her since the separation. It was asked the Christman be required to pay a sufficient sum for support of Mrs. Christman and the child during pendency of the action, and that he be required to pay her attorney fees and the costs in the case. Summons were ordered on Christman, returnable January 10.
  • 28 Dec 1933 Testimony to the effect the her husband, Thad Braddock had been guilty of cruelty in that he gambled, drank and failed to provide, was given by Mrs. Florence Braddock during hearing on her complaint for divorce in superior No. 1 late Wednesday. Married September 21, 1922, the litigants separated August 13, this year. Judge Charles J. Ryan indicated he will enter a divorce decree for Mrs. Braddock following presentation of additional residence witness evidence.
  • 28 Dec 1933 Her husband, Joseph Savio, was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of her in that he cursed her on numerous occasions, often threatened her with bodily injury and falsely accused her of various actions, Mrs. Ethel Savio of 1021Sherman street alleged in a suit for divorce entered in superior No. 1. Married Dec ember 24, 1927, the parties lived together until December 26, this year.
  • 28 Dec 1933 Her complaint charging that her husband, Donald Doyle, was convicted of a felony in February, 1932 and is at present incarcerated in the prison at Michigan City, Mrs. Frances Doyle of 339 Baker street sued for divorce in superior No. 1. Thursday. Married January 15, 1925, the parties separated in February 1932. They have no children.
  • 29 Dec 1933 Her complaint asserting that her husband, Roger Fuller of 725 Pasadena drive told her on numerous occasions that he had lost his affections for her and did not love her any more, urging her to seek a divorce, Mrs. Eleanor Fuller acted on his alleged request by suing him in Superior No. 1 for dissolution of the marital tie. Wedded August 31, 1929, the Fullers separated the day after Christmas, this year. They have one child, George Fuller, 19 months, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Fuller.
  • 29 Dec 1933 After additional residence witness testimony had been introduced, Judge Charles J. Ryan late Thursday granted Mrs. Florence Braddock a divorce from Thad Braddock, evidence in the case having been introduced previously. Mrs. Braddock accuse her husband of various acts of cruelty.
  • 29 Dec 1933 Mrs. Catherin M. Baxter was granted a divorce by Judge Harry W. Muller in superior No.2 on charged that her husband, Cyril C. Baxter had cursed, slapped and choked her. Mrs. Baxter's former name was restored. Married in October, 1928, they separated September 12, this year. Baxter was ordered to pay a total of $200 for his wife, in specified installments. Mrs. Baxter was awarded the household goods.
  • 30 Dec 1933 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Lee Sapp treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner during the period of their married life, Mrs. Marygold Sapp sued him for divorce in superior No. 1 Saturday. Married May 23, 1931, the Sapps separated December 20, this year. Mrs. Sapp seeks restoration of her former name, Marygold Hull.
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