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Divorce News and Records, Allen Co., Indiana

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Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.


Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

  • 01 Jan 1932 Suit for divorce was filed in superior court No. 1 yesterday by William Baker against his wife Mrs. Edna Baker, whom he accused of cruel and inhuman treatment. Wedded in April 1929 they separated this month. Baker seeks custody of the three children.
  • 01 Jan 1932 Mrs. Dorothy Goheen sued Edward Goheen for a two-year limited separation. They were married in 1928, separating this month.
  • 03 Jan 1932 Suit for divorce from John S. Mitchell was filed in superior court No. 1 yesterday by Mrs. Grethel Mitchell of 933 Union street who charged that he "filfully and unjustifiably left her and went to points unknown." They separated September 15, 1929 it was said after a marriage contracted February 10, 1927.
  • 05 Jan 1932 Charging that her husband, Forrest Steele treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner in that he struck and beat her, accused her of associating with other men, cursed her and called her vile names, Mrs. Ruth Steele sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married September 15, 1928 the Steele's separated November 23, 1931.
  • 05 Jan 1932 Mrs. Betty Roll of 2709 Chestnut street who, according to her complaint was married August 9, 1931 to Jesse W. Roll, their separation taking place September 23, sought a divorce from him in superior court No. 1 on allegations that he swore at her continually and threatened to do her harm. She asked that her name be restored to Betty Winicker.
  • 05 Jan 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan granted Leon Miller a divorce from Mrs. Emma Miller on charges that the defendant stayed out nights and was guilty of other acts of cruelty. They separated last March after a marriage contracted in July, 1925.
  • 05 Jan 1932 Harry F. Kennerk assumed jurisdiction as special judge in the divorce action of Mrs. Gladys Moody against Collin Moody in superior court No. 1.
  • 06 Jan 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, George Flaugh was "lazy and shiftless" and that during part of more than two years she not only earned her own living, but supported him a well, Mrs. Delila Flaugh filed suit for divorce in circuit court yesterday. Married January 22, 1921, they separated September 8, 1930. The complaint further charged that Flaugh refused to work although he was able-bodied, and that Mrs. Flaugh could no longer live with him due to embarrassment caused her by his alleged failure to earn a livelihood. She seeks restoration of her former name, Delila Stanton.
  • 06 Jan 1932 Mrs. Miriam Ross of 1021 Eliza street sued in superior court No. 2 for divorce from James Ross, her complaint alleging in part that he has denied fatherhood of her child, custody of whom she seeks. They separated September 21, 1931. Mrs. Ross also claimed that her husband failed to make a home for the child and her-self and that he did no support them properly. While in rages he would call her vile and filthy names, she averred.
  • 06 Jan 1932 Mrs. Naomi Shaughnessy was decreed a divorce in superior court No. 1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan from Richard Shaughnessy on charges that he was guilty of desertion and habitual intoxication, and that he occasionally abused her when her was drunk. They separated February 28, 1931 after a marriage contracted in 1926. Mrs. Shaughnessy was awarded custody of her child and Shaughnessy was ordered to pay $5 weekly as support.
  • 06 Jan 1932 Subject to residence witness testimony, Frank M. Koeher was given a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 from Mrs. Pearl M. Koeher on claims that she was guilty of abandonment for more than two years and that her whereabouts were unknown to him. They married in 1902, separating in 1919.
  • 07 Jan 1932 Charging that her husband, Frank Gongwer slapped her, that he was cruel and quarrelsome and failed to provide, and that she was compelled to work, Mrs. Eunice Gongwer was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1926, the Gongwer's separated last September. Mrs. Gongwer's former name, Eunice Forbes was restored.
  • 07 Jan 1932 Lee W. Duncan of 1120 Oakdale drive filed suit in superior court No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Clara F. Duncan, alleging that she failed to make a proper home for him and that she did not cook his meals at various times. They separated this month after having been married in 1926. Duncan's complaint further charged that she made his home life unbearable and that it was impossible for them to live amicably together.
  • 07 Jan 1932 Mrs. Laurel Bradford sued in superior court No. 1 for a one-year limited separation from Lamoin Bradford, averring that he associated with other women, nagged at her and asked that she institute action to end their marriage. Married in 1911, they separated last month.
  • 08 Jan 1932 Her husband, Homer E. Roe struck her on more than one occasion and threatened to kill her, Mrs. Beatrice Mae Roe of 2616 ½ South Fairfield avenue averred in a divorce action filed in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Roe's complaint further charged that Roe made false accusations against her and that he associated with other women. She alleged that he has an "ungovernable temper" which she can tolerate no longer. His whereabouts are unknown to his wife, it was said. Married May 15, 1926, the Roes separated November 30, 1931. Mrs. Roe asked that she be granted custody of her child.
  • 08 Jan 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 awarded Mrs. Nelda C. Kellogg a divorce from Elmer E. Kellogg and $260 alimony, payable in weekly installments, on her testimony that Kellogg failed to provide and that she was thus compelled to work. They separated last November after a marriage entered into October 6, 1920. Mrs. Kellogg's former name, Nelda C. Potter was restored.
  • 08 Jan 1932 Dismissal was entered in the action of Mrs. Laurel Bradford against Lamoine Bradford, which had been pending in superior court No. 1.
  • 09 Jan 1932 Charging that his separation from his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Leighton was caused by cruel and inhuman treatment on her part, Harold Leighton filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The separated June 15, 1931, after a marriage contracted November 28, 1929. It was stated that Mrs. Leighton is now a resident of Hopkinsville, Ky.
  • 09 Jan 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan granted Mrs. Leona Jackson a divorce from Harry Jackson on her testimony that Jackson stayed away from home, associated with other women and failed to provide for his wife. The Jacksons were married in August, 1930. Mrs. Jackson was awarded custody of her child, for support of whom Jackson was ordered to pay $6 weekly.
  • 09 Jan 1932 Dismissal was entered in the divorce action of Daniel T. Omspacher against Christina Omspacher in superior court No. w.
  • 09 Jan 1932 Alleging that his former wife, Mrs. Leone Peddicord, who was granted a divorce from him last summer, has failed to comply with certain provisions of a court order for her custody of their child, James S. Peddicord filed a petition in superior court No. 1 yesterday, seeking suspension of the order requiring him to pay a stipulated sum weekly for the child's support.
  • 10 Jan 1932 On the receipt of his pay check, he would indorse it to this wife, Mrs. Edna M. Hein, who refused to give him sufficient money from his earnings to buy clothes and other necessary articles, John G. Hein alleged in a cross-complaint for divorce filed in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Hein's cross-complaint further charged that his wife accumulated accounts against him in excess of $600. She occasionally attended card parties and remained away from home until late at night, her averred. When she did remain home she spent her time playing cards for hours on end and would not speak to nor converse with Hein when she was thus engaged. Hein claimed there has been continual strife in their home. They were married April 24, 1907, separating December 23, 1931, it was said.
  • 10 Jan 1932 Charging that her husband, John Rosevear was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment, Mrs. Marjorie Rosevear of 425 East Wayne street filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married October 20, 1923, the parties separated November 21, 1924. Mrs. Rosevears complaint stated in part that Rosevear was "unmindful of his marital obligations" toward her.
  • 10 Jan 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Mary L. Decker a divorce from Kenneth R. Decker on her charges that Decker drank, stayed away from home and was guilty of other acts of cruelty, and failed as a provider. They separated last September after a marriage contracted in July, 1928. Mrs. Decker's former name, Mary L. Robinson was restored.
  • 10 Jan 1932 In superior court No. 2 Judge George H. Leonard awarded Mrs. Bertha M. Weaver a divorce from Ernest E. Weaver on allegations that the husband struck and kicked her and made false accusations against her. Wedded in May 1929, they separated last October.
  • 10 Jan 1932 Judge Leonard heard evidence in the divorce action of Mrs. Leora E. Hinton against Mark H. Hinton, indicating that a decree is to be entered for her subject to additional residence witness testimony. Mrs. Hinton charged that there was continual strife between her husband and herself and that he beat her until she was "black and blue." They were married in November, 1928 separating last October.
  • 10 Jan 1932 Order of dismissal for want to prosecution was entered in the divorce action of William R. Green against Mercy Green in superior court No. 1.
  • 10 Jan 1932 Evidence was partially submitted in the divorce action of John J. Gilbert against Belvie M. Gilbert and the case continued to January 18 by Harry F. Kennerk, special judge in superior court No. 1.
  • 12 Jan 1932 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Marie Bough neglected him and the children and stated that she preferred to live with her parents, John W. Bough filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1924, the boughs separated in June, 1930. Bough's complaint further charged that Mrs. Bough refused to live with him and the three children, that she said she could not live within his means of support and that she associated with other men ar divers times. He asked that he be given custody of the children.
  • 12 Jan 1932 Judge Chares J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Viola M. Fast a divorce from Forrest Fast on her averments that Fast cursed and swore at her and that she was compelled to work because of his failure to provide. She was awarded custody of her child, Fast being charged with its support. They separated last September.
  • 12 Jan 1932 In superior court No. 2 Judge George H. Leonard heard evidence in the contested action of Mrs. Violet Stokes against Lawrence Stokes for divorce and $5,000 alimony. Wedded in March, 1925, the litigants separated last September. Mrs. Stokes complaint alleged that Stokes failed to provide and that he dissipated certain of her savings acquired from the sick benefit fund of the General Electric company where she was employed prior to entering the Irene Byron sanitorium. Stokes cross-complaint alleged that they lived happily together until the first part of the year, 1929 when friction began to develop with his wife's parents.
  • 12 Jan 1932 Judge Ryan granted a petition of James S. Peddicord for suspension of a court order requiring payment of $7.50 per week for support of Peddicord's son since his marriage to Mrs. Leone Peddicord was terminated by divorce last July. The support order was vacated pending further order of the court on allegations of Peddicord that Mrs. Peddicord had deprived him of the privilege of seeing the child.
  • 13 Jan 1932 Alleging that her husband, Boyd Johnson associated with other women and that he squandered his income on "dissolute characters," Mrs. Esther John son filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. The present marriage was contracted February 23, 1931, and was disrupted by a separation in December, the complaint stating that the parties were first married in May, 1920, and remarried following a divorce. Mrs. Johnson further charged that her mate struck, beat and abused her, called her vile names and failed to provide a home and to clothe and care for her properly. He was addicted to the use of intoxicating liquor and would occasionally come home in a drunken condition, her complaint averred.
  • 13 Jan 1932 Mrs. Margaret E. Dimmick began action in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Glenn E. Dimmick, claiming in her complaint that their separation this month was caused by cruel and inhuman treatment of her by Dimmick. They were married in June, 1930. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Dimmick.
  • 14 Jan 1932 Charging that his wife continually nagged at and tormented him, making his home life unbearable, Homer Campbell of 2921 Broadway sued Mrs. Clara Campbell for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Because of the alleged actions of his wife, Campbell's complaint stated, it is impossible for him to live longer with her as her husband. There were married in 1901, separating this month.
  • 14 Jan 1932 James Ewing of 516 East Brackenridge street began suit in superior court No. 2 to end his marriage to Mrs. Claide Ewing, averring that she would absent herself from home and that she failed to observe her duties as his wife and the mother of their child, custody of whom he seeks. Wedded February 8, 1924, they separated last December.
  • 14 Jan 1932 J. Wesley Willis of 3203 Hoagland avenue sued in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Harriet R. Willis, asserting that she nagged at, quarreled with and complained of him and accused him falsely of immoral conduct. Married in 1913, they separated this month. Willis asks custody of a son, 18.
  • 14 Jan 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 decreed Mrs. Helene Henninger a divorce from John B. Henninger, restoring her name to Helene Pitzen, on cruelty charges, she claiming that the defendant struck her and knocked her down. They were married in 1926 and separated in November, 1930
  • 14 Jan 1932 Divorce was entered for Tom Hozien in action against Mrs. Martha Hozien by Judge Ryan on charges of cruelty and abandonment, terminating a marriage contracted in April, 1931.
  • 14 Jan 1932 Subject to certain fees, Ernest Timme was given a divorce from Mrs. Helen Timme in superior court No. 1 on Timme's allegations that she refused to live with him, abandoned him and told him to get a divorce. They separated in July, 1929 after a marriage contracted in 1923.
  • 14 Jan 1932 In superior court No. 2 Judge George H. Leonard gave Mrs. Adeline V. Overholt a divorce from John F. Overholt on charges of failure to provide and association with other women. Married in 1920, they separated last November. Mrs. Overholt was awarded $245 alimony and her former name was restored.
  • 14 Jan 1932 Judge Ryan overruled a plea in abatement filed by the defendant in the divorce action of Mrs. Celia M. McCaskey against Samuel C. McCaskey.
  • 15 Jan 1932 Her husband was guilty of cruel treatment in that he struck and injured her occasionally when he returned home in a drunken condition. Mrs. Donna M. Fulkerson alleged in a divorce action entered against Lemuel A. Fulkerson in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married April 8 1929, the parties separated December 29, 1931.
  • 15 Jan 1932 Mrs.Reatha Groves has sued in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Guy G. Groves on charges that he has abused the children, told her he no longer cared for her and failed to make reasonable provision for their support. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in 1907. Mrs. Groves asked that she be granted custody of the children.
  • 15 Jan 1932 Her husband, Steve Elmer struck her with his fists many times and left Fort Wayne on numerous occasions, having failed to return since his last departure in March, 1931. Mrs. Ruth Elmer of route No. 4 charges in a divorce action instituted in superior court No.1. The parties were married May 26, 1928. Mrs. Elmer further averred that Elmer abused and cursed her and failed to provide for their child and herself. Her complaint alleged that he never gave her any spending money nor cash for food and clothing, and that she is unable to live with him because of his cruel treatment. She asked that she be given custody of the child.
  • 15 Jan 1932 Judge Clarence R. McNabb granted Mrs. Hazel M. Myers a divorce from Frank J. Myers on charges of cruel and inhuman treatment, following a hearing in circuit court. Wedded in 1914, the parties separated last July. Mrs. Myers was awarded $1,000 alimony and the custody of the child, for support of whom Myers was ordered to pay $10 weekly.
  • 15 Jan 1932 Mack L. Rayl was decreed a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No 1, from Mrs. Mildred Rayl on testimony that she was quarrelsome and guilty of desertion and cruelty. They separated August 14, 1931, after a marriage contracted May 1, 1922.
  • 15 Jan 1932 Mrs. Elma Madlyne Martin was given a divorce from Robert Martin, whom she accused of cruelty and failure to provide in superior court No. 1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan. Her name was restored to Cochran. Married in 1929, they separated the following year.
  • 15 Jan 1932 In superior court No. 2 divorces were entered for Mrs. Adeline V. Overholt in suit against John F. Overholt. Mrs. Overholt's former name was restored under provision of the decree.
  • 15 Jan 1932 Divorce action was entered in superior court No. 2 by Mrs. Leona E. Hinton against Mark M. Hinton.
  • 16 Jan 1932 His complaint charging that his wife, Mrs. Winnie Mae Epps has associated with other men, Grenfall Epps of 1425 Hanna street filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The same Epps, according to his attorney, Andrew W. Perry, was found guilty by Judge Clarence R. McNabb in circuit court earlier in the day on a charge of frequenting house of ill fame, for which Judge McNabb fined him $10 and costs and ordered him committed to the Allen county jail for 19 days beginning Monday. Judge McNabb allowed Epps his liberty under a previously filed bond for $500, the defendant to report in circuit court Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Epps, who pleaded not guilty to the charge in circuit court yesterday, had been in jail awaiting trial approximately 16 days, it was said. The divorce action begun in superior court No. 1 stated that Mr. and Mrs. Epps contracted their matrimonial alliance in October, 1928, the marriage being disrupted by a separation last year. Epps became the indirect center of publicity when his attorney secured a mandate compelling the granting of an appeal of the case from city court to circuit court recently.
  • 17 Jan 1932 Her complaint averring in past the her tastes and those of her husband, Theodore H. Roehm, vary widely, causing trouble and friction between them, Mrs. Irene Roehm sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Roehm charged further that Roehm continually found fault with her and with the manner in which she managed and cared for their home, and that in event of a disagreement of any kind between them he would go for days without speaking to her. There alleged facts, it was asserted have rendered it impossible for the couple to live together peacefully, quietly and harmoniously and destroyed Mrs. Roehm's love and affection for her mate. Married May 8, 1931, it was stated, they separated October 3.
  • 17 Jan 1932 Seeking dissolution of her marriage to Gerald Alban, Mrs. Winifred Alban, suing in superior court No. 1 averred that although she conducted herself as a dutiful wife, Alban was guilty of extreme cruelty in that he would not support her and said he did not care for her and would not live with her. Alban, her complaint also charged, told her to get a divorce and go home to her mother, and she was forced to do so for support. They separated this month after a marriage contracted October 19, 1931. Mrs. Alban seeks restoration of her former name, Winifred Smith.
  • 17 Jan 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Florence M. Fagan a divorce from James H. Fagan on her testimony that the defendant was convicted of bank robbery at Spencerville and given a 20-year sentence. Wedded March 10, 1925, the Fagan's separated October 1, 1929. Mrs. Fagan was awarded custody of the four children, Fagan being charged with their support.
  • 17 Jan 1932 Modification of a support order in the divorce action of Mrs. Mary Puckett against Charles Puckett was also entered by Judge Ryan. Under a former order Puckett was ordered to pay $3 weekly for the children's support. The new order provided for payment of $5 weekly as support and gave Puckett the privilege of visiting the children at certain periods.
  • 19 Jan 1932 Her complaint charging in part that her husband, Chester C Coddington has recently been in the habit of staying away from home every night in the week and returning between 1 and 6 o'clock in the morning, Mrs. Susie M. Coddington of 1436 Lillie street sued him for a one-year limited separation in circuit court yesterday. The Coddingtons were married May 29, 1919 and have three children whose custody is sought by Mrs. Coddington. Mrs. Coddington alleged further that Coddington has "continually associated with strange women" and refused to tell her where he went during his nocturnal absences. The complaint stated that it is the plaintiff's belief that if Coddington was compelled to live apart from his family one year "he would in time see the folly of his ways" and a family reunion would be possible.
  • 19 Jan 1932 In superior court No. 2 Judge George H. Leonard awarded Mrs. Margaret A. Woods a divorce from Arthur K. Woods on allegations of non-support. Mrs. Woods was given custody of the child and Woods was ordered to pay $4 weekly as support for two months and $5 weekly thereafter.
  • 19 Jan 1932 Divorce action of Mrs. Esther Johnson against Boyd Johnson was taken under advisement until January 20 by Judge Leonard after introduction of evidence was concluded.
  • 20 Jan 1932 Her husband, Floyd Sproat falsely accused her of associating with other men, cursed her and Called her vile names and failed to provide properly for her, Mrs. Edna M. Sproat of 126 West Jefferson street charged in a suit for divorce filed in superior court No. 1 yesterday. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in January, 1926. Mrs. Sproat asked that she be awarded custody of the two children.
  • 20 Jan 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Marie Beaty a divorce from Ben Johnston Beaty on her allegations that Beaty struck her and was guilty of other acts of cruelty, and stayed out nights. Married August 9, 1924, they separated October 19. Mrs. Beaty was given custody of her child, for support of whom Beaty was ordered to pay $5 weekly.
  • 20 Jan 1932 Alleging that her husband, Ray L. Slusher associated with women of bad character and spent money on other persons, leaving his family without proper food and clothing, Mrs. Louise Slusher of 2413 Euclid avenue sued for divorce in superior court No.2 yesterday. Wedded July 15, 1913, they separated this month. Mrs. Slusher's complaint stated that she has been obliged to seek employment in order to gain the necessities of life during the past year. There are five children, custody of whom is asked by Mrs. Slusher.
  • 20 Jan 1932 Harry N. Gerardot began suit in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of his marriage to Mrs. Francoes M. Gerardot, asserting that she continuously nagged at and cursed him, and failed to prepare his meals properly and to perform her household duties in a satisfactory manner. The complaint alleged further that Mrs. Gerardot would stay out until early morning hours and refuse at various times to tell her husband her whereabouts, and that she failed to live within his means of support. The marriage, contracted in October, 1928 was disrupted by a separation this month.
  • 21 Jan 1932 Testifying that her husband, Rollyn F. Lloyd, had struck her, called her vile names and been guilty of desertion, failure to provide and various acts of cruelty, Mrs. Leota F. Floyd was awarded a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in September, 1929 the Lloyds separated in August, 1930. Mrs. Lloyd's name was restored to Leota Huss.
  • 21 Jan 1932 Mrs. Augusta Hickman was freed by Judge Ryan from her marriage to Victor Hickman on allegations that he became intoxicated and struck her and called her vile names. They separated last September after a marriage contracted in January, 1931. Mrs. Hickman's former name, Augusta Yantz was restored.
  • 21 Jan 1932 Divorce was entered for Mrs. Gladys Moody in her suit against Collin Moody on charges of failure to provide. The parties separated last October. Mrs. Moody's name was restored to Gladys Kleber. Attorney Harry F. Kennerk was special judge in the case.
  • 22 Jan 1932 Her complaint alleging that during her entire married life she has been compelled to go to the home of her parents and rely on them for support of her child and herself. Mrs. Alice Josephine Williams of 2824 Holton avenue filed suit for divorce from her husband, Joseph W. Williams in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Williams further charged that Williams failed to furnish his family with clothing and a suitable home. She and her husband separated last August. She asked that she be granted custody of the child.
  • 22 Jan 1932 Mrs. Esther M. Bryoade of 4527 Kenilworth avenue sued her husband, Charles L. Bryoade for divorce and $1,500 alimony, averring that he was in the habit of going out nights and staying until late hours, and would refuse to tell her where and with whom he had been. Married March 19, 1925, they separated this month.
  • 22 Jan 1932 Suti for a two-years limited separation from Frank Clark was entered in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Mabel E. Clark of 1223 West Jefferson street, who claimed that he beat and struck her and refused to support her. Wedded in 1901, they separated this month.
  • 22 Jan 1932 Mrs. Lillie Harp of 1136 West Main street sued in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Lawrence E. Harp whom she accused of failure to support her and refusal to take proper care of her when she was ill. They separated last August after a marriage contracted in November, 1929.
  • 22 Jan 1932 Homer E. Roe filed a plea of abatement to the divorce suit instituted against him in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Beatrice Mae Roe, alleging that he was a resident of Ohio when her complaint was filed, and hence is not entitled under the law to a divorce in Indiana.
  • 22 Jan 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan awarded Mrs. Madge Harber a divorce from Clifford Harber, restoring her former name, on her charges in superior court No. 1, that Harber was guilty of desertion, association with other women and other acts of cruelty. They married in February, 1929, separating last April.
  • 23 Jan 1932 Charging that her husband, Dwight E. Allen told her he did not care for her and that she should obtain a divorce, Mrs. Peggy G. Allen of 520 Tennessee avenue took him at his alleged word and sued him for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married February 14, 1924, the Allen separated this month. Mrs. Allen's complaint further averred that Allen was guilty of "gross neglect" of her and that he nagged and scolded her to such an extent that it became impossible for them to live together. She sought restoration of her former name, Peggy G. Willette.
  • 23 Jan 1932 In superior court No. 1 Judge Charles J. Ryan awarded Mrs. Alice E. Heiser a divorce from Martin C. Heiser on her allegations that he had called her vile names and been guilty of cruelty and that constant quarrels had ensued. The decree terminated a marriage which, contracted in 1923, was disrupted by a separation in January, 1931.
  • 23 Jan 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce was filed in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Blanche Lesh who alleged that her husband, Howard Lesh, whom she married in 1903, abandoned her when they separated in May, 1928, and refused to provide for her thereafter. Cruel and inhuman treatment was also charged in the cross-complaint. There are two children, both of age, it was sad.
  • 24 Jan 1932 His wife, Mrs. Mildred A. Schlup, falsely accused him of intimacy with other women, Howard L. Schlup averred in a divorce action filed in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The complaint further alleged that Mrs. Schlup was guilty of cruel treatment of her husband in that she "was extremely jealous" and had a violent temper. It was stated that the parties separated this month after a marriage contracted December 24, 1931.
  • 26 Jan 1932 Charging that on an occasion then she was sick and disabled, her husband, Theodore Dunbar left and took a trip out of town, Mrs. Lester Dunbar sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties were married in 1927. Mrs. Dunbar further accused her mate in part of staying out late nights. She asked that she be given custody of the two children.
  • 26 Jan 1932 Fred Branning began action in superior court No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Victoria Branning, the complaint alleging in part that she associated with other men, drank, stayed out late in the evenings, called her husband vile names and failed to care properly for the children. The marriage was contracted in 1928.
  • 26 Jan 1932 Ira M. Snouffer, judge pro tem of superior court No. 1, granted Charles S. Wick a divorce from Mrs. Gladys Wick on charges of cruel and inhuman treatment, restoring the wife's name to Gladys S. Martin. Wedded in 1917, they separated last October.
  • 26 Jan 1932 In superior court No. 1, judge pro tem Ira M. Snouffer awarded Mrs. Blanche Jean Bollenbach a divorce from Laverne E. Bollenbach, her name being restored to Blanch Jean Ogier. They separated last March after a marriage in 1912.
  • 26 Jan 1932 The separation suit of Mrs. Mary Dewood against Paul Dewood was dismissed in superior court No. 1.
  • 27 Jan 1932 Charging that because of the alleged failure of her husband, Walter B. Arick to make proper provision for her support, she has been compelled to live with her parents, Mrs. Vera Arick filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Arick's complaint further averred that Arick struck and slapped her and told her on various occasions that he was going to get a divorce from her. Married in April, 1925, they separated last October. Mrs. Arick seeks custody of her child.
  • 27 Jan 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce from John W. Bough was entered in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Marie Bough, who claimed he was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of her in that he stayed away at night, was unkind and untrue, would not live with her and did not provide properly. They separated in September, 1930, after a marriage contracted in May, 1924. Custody of the children was sought by Mrs. Bough.
  • 27 Jan 1932 Mrs. Rose Ellen Geller sued in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Walter N. Geller, her complaint alleging that he was argumentative and possessed of an ungovernable temper, "resulting in such chaos and strife in the house that continued living together became intolerable." She asked for restoration of her former name, Rose Ellen Johnson. Wedded in September, 1925, they separated last August.
  • 27 Jan 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Paulina Conner a divorce from Karl Conner on her charges that she was compelled to work and support herself because of Conner's failure to provide. Married in 1919, they separated last October. Mrs. Conner's former name, Pauline Grenwald was restored.
  • 28 Jan 1932 Testifying that her husband, Howard Moorman was guilty of failure to provide and desertion during a period of more than two years, Mrs. Charlotte Moorman was decreed a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in February 10, 1927, the Moormans separated August 1, 1930. Mrs. Moorman's former name was restored.
  • 28 Jan 1932 Orvill Lehman filed a petition in superior court No. 1, asking that his child be taken from the parents of his former wife, Grace Lehman, and placed in his custody. In October, 1928 the Lehmans were divorced, custody of the child being vested in the wife and Lehman ordered to pay $6 weekly for the child's support. The petition stated that Lehman has been informed that his former wife re-married and placed the child with her parents.
  • 28 Jan 1932 Mrs. Sophie Tanasoff, defendant in a marriage annulment action instituted by Spasa Tanasoff, filed a petition in superior court No. 2 for a support allowance by her husband for her child and herself. Judge George H. Leonard assigned a hearing on the petition for Saturday morning at 10 o'clock.
  • 29 Jan 1932 Charges that her husband, Clem R. Elberson ridiculed her in the presence of her friends and relatives and used "vile and vulgar language" before them were cited in a divorce complaint filed by Mrs. Ruth M. Elberson of 1128 East Washington boulevard in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Elberson further claimed that Elberson quarreled with and struck her, continually found fault and nagged, failed to support her and the child properly, and caused such constant strife practically all during their marriage that life with him became intolerable and unbearable to her. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in 1921. Mrs. Elberson seeks custody of the child.
  • 29 Jan 1932 Divorce from Edwin F. Hegerfeld, $2,500 alimony and restoration of her former name, Mildred J. Dornte, were sought by Mrs. Mildred Hegerfeld of 4409 Arlington avenue in an action entered in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Hegerfeld alleged in her complaint that her husband associated with other women, told her he did not care for her and asked her to bring suit for divorce, stating he neither loved her nor cared to live with her. At Times, she averred, he would "cruelly abuse" her by speaking disrespectfully of her. Wedded in 1927, they separated last November.
  • 29 Jan 1932 Alleging that her husband, Earl A. Gruber has occasionally struck and kicked her, "all without just cause," Mrs. Bernice A. Gruber of 3915 Hoagland avenue sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Gruber's complaint also asserted that she was cursed and sworn at by her mate. They separated this month after a marriage contracted April 7, 1920. The wife asks that she be granted custody of her child.
  • 29 Jan 1932 Mrs. Nellie D. Mills of Woodburn sued in superior court No. 2 to end her marriage to Harold R. Mills, averring that he deserted her in 1925 and went to parts unknown, having since failed to make reasonable provision for her support. They were married in 1920. Mrs. Mills asked that her former name, Nellie D. Ashton be restored.
  • 29 Jan 1932 On several occasions during the past two years, her husband George L. Heckber has struck and beaten her, called her vile and filthy names and ordered her to leave their home. Mrs. Mildred Heckber of 1211 West Jefferson street alleged in a divorce complaint instituted in superior court No. 2. Wedded in 1912, they separated last month.
  • 30 Jan 1932 Her complaint asserting that she was obliged to work as a clerk and domestic in order to maintain herself because her husband, Harry Bell failed to make reasonable provision for her support, although he was well able to do so, Mrs. Virginia Bell filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The Bells were married June 8, 1930, separating last August. Mrs. Bell sought restoration of her former name, Virginia Ehrman.
  • 30 Jan 1932 Mrs. Teresa Hartman of 129 ½ West Columbia street sued in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Richard Hartman, alleging that he was an habitual drunkard and that, while intoxicated, he cursed and swore at her, called her vile names. They separated this month after having been married in 1926. On several occasions, Hartman struck and beat his wife, leaving "black and blue" marks on her body for days thereafter. It was also averred that he was "lazy and indolent: and failed to provide a home for her during the past two years, thus obliging her to work for the necessities of life and to contribute toward his support. She asked that her name be restored to Teresa Mills.

  • 02 Feb 1932 Her complaint averring that her husband, Francis E. Wells often went for days without speaking to her, that he accused her falsely and refused to "take her places," Mrs. Ruby Wells sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married March 8, 1920, the litigants separated this month. There are two children, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Wells, whose complaint further declared that she can no longer live with the defendant and care for him "as a wife should care for and love a husband."
  • 02 Feb 1932 Mrs. Belvie M. Gilbert pf 222 East DeWald street filed action in superior court No. 2 against John J. Gilbert, alleging that he struck and beat her, cursed her and called her vile names and failed to provide for her properly. They separated last April after a marriage contracted in 1917.
  • 02 Feb 1932 Mrs. Agnes O. Littlefield of 1423 North Harrison street instituted suit in superior court No. 2 for a three-year limited separation and $60,000 alimony from her husband, A. Wayne Littlefield, jeweler at 206 West Berry street. Wedded September 6, 1910, the Littlefield's separated in 1930. Mrs. Littlefield alleged that her husband refused to talk to her for weeks at a time, that he would go around the house in a sullen and morose manner and "in every possible manner make life burdensome and unbearable" for her. Her complaint further charged in part that he would return home "at all hours of the night" and become angry and refuse to answer when she would request an explanation.
  • 02 Feb 1932 Introduction of evidence was resumed and concluded in the divorce action of Mrs. Violet Stokes against Lawrence Stokes in superior court No. 2.
  • 03 Feb 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, De Moss Taylor squandered his money on other women and neglected his wife while she was sick and disabled, Mrs. Dorothy Taylor of 523 Hayden street, sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The Taylors were married in July, 1930, separating last May. Mrs. Taylor averred further that Taylor called her vile names in the presence of friends and strangers, stayed out late at night, sometime all night, without giving any reasonable explanation for his absence, and that living with him any longer is unbearable. She sought restoration of her former name, Dorothy Cantrell.
  • 03 Feb 1932 Mrs. Blanche Dalwin began suit in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Harry Dalwin, asserting that he failed to make adequate provision for her support, that he was quarrelsome and nagged constantly at her. They separated last month after a marriage contracted in May, 1930.
  • 03 Feb 1932 Divorce from Glen Vaughn was sought by Mrs. Genevieve Vaughn in a complaint entered in superior court No. 1 stating in part that she "is no able to do anything to please him." They were married in 1926, Mrs. Vaughn alleging that their separation this month was caused by his cruel and inhuman treatment in that he quarreled with, swore at and cursed her. It was said that she has applied for a divorce on two other occasions.
  • 03 Feb 1932 Affidavit for a change of venue from Allen county was filed in superior court No. 2 by A. Wayne Littlefield, defendant in an action for a three-year limited separation and $60,000 alimony instituted against him by his wife, Mrs. Agnes O. Littlefield, Monday.
  • 04 Feb 1932 Her complaint alleging in part that her husband, Charles O. Ruch has been staying with "another woman" at a South Calhoun street address, Mrs. Else Ruch filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. On various occasions, Mrs. Ruch further charged, Ruch has come home in an intoxicated condition, and she has been compelled to work to support herself and child, custody of whom she seeks. Married in 1914, they separated last month.
  • 04 Feb 1932 Mrs. Charlotte Zeddis of 518 East State street sued in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Delbert W. Zeddis, averring that he struck her without cause at different times, repeatedly stayed out until late at night and sometimes remained away all night. They were married in 1928, separating this month. Mrs. Zeddis asked that she be awarded custody of her child.
  • 04 Feb 1932 Charging that her husband, Jethro Barber abandoned her, Mrs. Mary Frances Berber of 718 Harrison street began suit in superior court No. 1 for divorce, seeking to terminate a marriage which was contracted approximately 29 years ago. They separated in 1927.
  • 04 Feb 1932 Motion to set aside the judgement was filed by Frank J. Myers from whom his wife, Mrs. Hazel M. Myers was recently given a divorce and $1,000 alimony in circuit court.
  • 04 Feb 1932 James K. Rose was appointed special judge in the divorce action of Denver D. Barnes against Mamie Barnes, pending in superior court No. 1, on Barnes' affidavit for a change of venue from Judge Charles J. Ryan.
  • 05 Feb 1932 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Lydia E. Brachenhoff on various occasions during the last two years has ordered him to leave their home, the last time being when they separated in January, 1932. Gerhard Brachenhoff filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. They were married in October, 1929. Brachenhoff further averred that Mrs. Branchenhoff quarreled with him and occasionally refused to accompany him on visits to homes of his friends.
  • 05 Feb 1932 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Helen Ryberg in a divorce action entered in superior court No. 1 against Victor Ryberg who, it was said, lived at Toledo, O. Wedded in 1928, they separated last October.
  • 05 Feb 1932 Charging that her husband, Myrl B. Weaver struck her and was guilty of habitual intoxication, Mrs. Ida Mae Weaver was granted a divorce and restoration of her former name, Ida May Kankamp by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. They separated in May, 1930, after a marriage contracted in February the same year.
  • 05 Feb 1932 Mrs. Josie Smith was given a divorce from Chester Smith by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court on cruelty charges, ending a marriage entered into in November, 1926. Mrs. Smith's name was restored to Josie Marshall.
  • 06 Feb 1932 Asserting in part that her husband, Raymond L. Morris wanted her to get a divorce, Mrs. Erma Mae Morris was given one by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The decree terminated a marriage contracted in March, 1920, the parties separating in June, 1929. Mrs. Morris further averred that Morris stayed out nights and that he was quarrelsome.
  • 06 Feb 1932 Judge Ryan awarded Emery L. Bunyan a divorce from Mrs. Hazel E. Bunyan on allegations that she abandoned her husband and refused without cause to live with him. Married in 1909, the Bunyan's separated in 1926.
  • 07 Feb 1932 His wife, Mrs. Dorothy Brown refused to assist him in establishing a home, insisting on living at the home of her parents, knowing it was impossible for him to continue to make his home there, Dellzell J. Brown charged in a divorce complaint instituted in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in October, 1926, the Browns separated the following year. Brown further averred that Mrs. Brown has refused to return to him since their separation and that she, by her conduct, had destroyed his love and affection for her, causing him "great mental anguish and worry" and rendering it impossible for his to continue to live with her.
  • 07 Feb 1932 Divorce from Mrs. Dorothy Cypherd was sought by Liel Cyhperd of 220 East Jefferson street in an action filed in superior court No. 1, wherein he claimed that she constantly quarreled with and nagged at him, insisting that he change his position and objecting to his working overtime. She also accused him falsely of misconduct with other women. They separated in October, 1931, after a marriage contracted in 1923. Cyhper's complaint asserted that it was impossible for him to live longer with her because of constant strife in their home.
  • 09 Feb 1932 Alleging that her husband, William F. Kaufman struck and beat her and knocked her down, her face being disfigured, Mrs. Loreta Kaufman was granted a divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. It was further averred that on certain occasions when Mrs. Kaufman mentioned unpaid bills, her husband would become angry and beat her. Married in 1917, they separated in February, 1930.
  • 09 Feb 1932 Mrs. Ella M. Bauman of 2721 Lafayette street sued John A. Bauman for divorce in superior court No. 1, charging that he struck her on several occasions, constantly found fault with her and nagged at her. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in 1928. Mrs. Bauman seeks custody of her child.
  • 09 Feb 1932 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Genevieve E. Vaughn deserted him, Glenn Vaughn filed a cross-complaint for divorce from her and custody of their child, in superior court No. 1. Wedded in 1926, they separated this month.
  • 09 Feb 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 awarded Mrs. Helen Peel a divorce from William Peel on her allegations that Peel beat her, make false accusation against her and threatened to shoot her. They were married in June, 1930. Custody of her two children was vested in Mrs. Peel, the defendant being ordered to pay $12 weekly for their support.
  • 09 Feb 1932 Mrs. Selma Andres began action in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Walter Andres, claiming that he abandoned her without cause. Married in 1920, they separated in November, 1928. Mrs. Andres asked for custody of her children.
  • 09 Feb 1932 A five-year limited separation was sought by Mrs. Sophia Distel in a suit instituted in superior court No. 1 against her husband, Alvin Distel, whom she accused of drinking and of staying out late nights and refusing to explain his whereabouts. They separated this month after a marriage entered into in 1919.
  • 09 Feb 1932 Mrs. Bernadine Waters of route No. 1 sued in superior court No. 1 for divorce and $2,000 alimony from John A. Waters alleging that he beat her and drank, they were married in 1916.
  • 09 Feb 1932 William Prange sued in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Olga Prange, asserting that she nagged and quarreled and that her attitude since their marriage "has been one of unfriendliness and of a cold and distant demeanor." Wedded last June, they separated this month.
  • 10 Feb 1932 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Clio Gay called him names, threw dishes and skillet at him and refused to cook his meals, Fred Gay was granted a divorce by Judge George H. Leonard in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married in 1928, it was stated, the Gays separated last August.
  • 10 Feb 1932 Mrs. Loretta Romary of 1208 Erie street sued in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to George Romary, charging that he told her to leave home, falsely accused her of infidelity and cursed her. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in January, 1930. Romary created such constant strife that it became intolerable for them to live together longer, Mrs. Romary averred.
  • 10 Feb 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan granted Louis N. Rocca a divorce from Mrs. Dorothy Rocca on charges of desertion for more than two years, the defendant's former name, Dorothy Beech being restored. The litigants were married in 1922, separating in August, 1924. The suit was uncontested by the defendant, she being represented by counsel only. Rocca was prohibited from re-marrying with two year under the court order because, it was explained, the defendant is a non-resident of the state and personal service was not obtained.
  • 10 Feb 1932 Her complaint averring that her husband, Edwin F. Lawhead contributed nothing for her support and that he cursed her and quarreled and nagged at her, Mrs. Wilda Lawhead began a divorce action in superior court No. 1. They separated this month after a marriage entered into November 6, 1931.
  • 10 Feb 1932 Suing in superior court No. 2 for divorce from his wife, Mrs. Mildred Banjavick, Mark Banjavick asserted in his complaint that he has neither heard from her nor seen her since their separation, July 21, 1929. Banjavick charged that the separation was caused by her cruel and inhuman treatment of him in that she allegedly associated with other men and on several occasions left him and the two children, custody of whom he seeks.
  • 10 Feb 1932 Plea in abatement to a divorce action filed against him by his wife, Mrs. Anna Crow, was entered by Harry Crow in superior court No. 1. Crow alleged that his wife has not been a resident of Indiana for a continuous period of sufficient length to entitle her, under the law, to sue for a divorce.
  • 11 Feb 1932 Mrs. Alice foster Mullins has been granted a divorce from Thomas H. Mullins by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. Her former name, Alice Foster McCulloch was restored.
  • 12 Feb 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Victor White, "cruelly beat and struck her" and that he has failed to support her during the entire period of their married life, Mrs. Mary White of 1116 Liberty street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday, married March 28, 1927, the separated on their wedding anniversary date two years later.
  • 12 Feb 1932 Mrs. Ruth E. McHenry was awarded a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1, on testimony that her husband, Ray McHenry beat her, failed to provide and was quarrelsome. They separated last September after a marriage contracted August 10, 1926. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. McHenry, and McHenry was charged with their support.
  • 12 Feb 1932 Charging that her husband, Lloyd Bowman failed to provide for more the two years and that he nagged and was quarrelsome, won a divorce for Mrs. Juanita Bowman by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. They were married on February 21, 1927 and disrupted by a separation last December. Mrs. Bowman was given custody of her child, Bowman being ordered to furnish support.
  • 12 Feb 1932 Divorce action of Harold I. Watemath against Mrs. Esther P. Watemath was dismissed in superior court No. 2.
  • 13 Feb 1932 Marriage contract of Virginia R. Barnes and Nathew Barns was annulled and declared void in an action on her behalf for annulment, by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The plaintiff, it was said, was approximately 14 years of age at the time of her marriage, the parties separating a comparatively short time afterward. The complaint averred that the plaintiff, at the time of separation, was legally incapable, by reason of her age, of ratifying, and that she had never ratified the contract of marriage.
  • 14 Feb 1932 Charging that her husband, Paul Jordan associated with other women and that he failed to provide, Mrs. Thelma Jordan was granted a divorce by Judge George H. Leonard in superior court No. 2 yesterday. The parties were married in November, 1929. Mrs. Jordan was awarded custody of the child, Jordan being ordered to pay $3.50 per week as support.
  • 14 Feb 1932 The divorce suit of Mrs. Loretta Romary against George Romary was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior court No. 1.
  • 16 Feb 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, George A. Gebhart "continually nagged and scolded" until her health became impaired and living together was rendered intolerable, Mrs. Marie A. Gebhart of 3124 Reed street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. They separated this month after marriage in 1905.
  • 16 Feb 1932 Mrs. Katherine Tielker was granted a divorce from Emmett Tielker and custody of the children, in circuit court, Tielker being ordered to pay $450 as alimony. He was given the right to visit the children at reasonable times and to have their custody during the summer school vacation.
  • 16 Feb 1932 Frank G. Tancey was decreed a divorce in superior court No. 1 from Mrs. Vera Tancey on charges of abandonment during a period of two years. Married in June, 1927 they separated in April 1929.
  • 16 Feb 1932 Mrs. Fern Molthan was awarded a divorce in superior court No. 1 from Edward Molthan and $200 alimony payable in monthly installments. Her name was restored to Fern McGuire. The parties separated in May, 1930 after a marriage contracted in September, 1925. Mrs. Molthan charged cruel and inhuman treatment.
  • 16 Feb 1932 Action for divorce, based on alleged incompatibility of temperament, was filed by Abraham L. Ochstein against Mrs. Inez J. Ochstein in superior court No. 1. Wedded in September, 1930, the separated last month.
  • 17 Feb 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, John Charhita, struck and beat her on several occasions, "leaving black and blue marks on her body for days thereafter," Mrs. Garnett Charhita of 2517 Graeter street sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Mrs. Charhita further accused her mate of cursing her and calling her vile names. Married in September 1926, they separated this month. Mrs. Charhita seeks custody of her child.
  • 17 Feb 1932 Mrs. Lillie Mae Bowers of 1401 South Anthony boulevard sued in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Ora Bowers, averring that he continually nagged at and scolded her to such an extent that it became impossible for them to live together and otherwise mistreated her. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in 1919. Custody of the children was asked by Mrs. Bowers.
  • 17 Feb 1932 A divorce action has been filed in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Emma A. Kees against Samuel A. Kees,, cruelty being alleged. They separated last month.
  • 17 Feb 1932 A divorce was granted by Ira M. Snouffer, judge pro tem in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Harriett E. Biddle was granted her legal freedom from Charles Biddle on allegations that he cursed and struck her and was guilty of other acts of cruelty. They were married in 1914.
  • 17 Feb 1932 Mrs. Celia M. McCaskey was given a divorce from Samuel C. McCaskey in superior court No. 1 by judge pro tem Ira M. Snouffer, on charges of cruel treatment and failure to provide. She was decreed $250 alimony and her name was ordered restored to Celia M. Lakey. Married in February, 1931, they separated in December.
  • 18 Feb 1932 Charging in part that her husband, Arthur M. Caldwell nagged at her and refused to live with her, Mrs. Anna Lee Caldwell was granted a divorce on a cross-complaint entered in an action begun by Caldwell, by Harry F. Kennerk, judge pro tem, in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1927, the parties separated in 1929. Custody of the children was vested in Mrs. Caldwell, Caldwell being ordered to pay $40 monthly for the children's support.
  • 19 Feb 1932 Charging that her husband, John R. Ramp failed to provide during a period of more than two years, Mrs. Helen M. Ramp was decreed a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No.1 yesterday. Mrs. Ramp further averred that Ramp made false accusations against her and that he was guilty of cruelty. Married in October, 1928 they separated in April, 1930. Mrs. Ramp's name was restored to Helen M. Weir.
  • 20 Feb 1932 Her complaint alleging in part that her husband, Milton E. Phillps, "tried to turn her own relatives against her by circulating reports that were untrue and slanderous," Mrs. Celia J. Phillips sued for divorce and $500 alimony in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in April, 1927 they separated this month. Mrs. Phillips further charged that Phillips failed to support her and that he continually found fault with her and complained of her performance of household duties. As a result of his alleged mistreatment, she became nervous and sick and lived in constant fear of him. She sought restoration of her former name, Celia J. Schultz.
  • 20 Feb 1932 Mrs. Etta Mallo of route No. 1, Roanoke filed suit in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Ralph Mallo, averring that he continually quarreled with and nagged at her, called her vile names, cursed and swore at her and ordered her to leave the premises. They separated this month after a marriage contracted last August.
  • 20 Feb 1932 Divorce from Otto Reader and restoration of her former name, Hilda Blaising were asked by Mrs. Hilda Reader of 1415 Erie street in an action instituted in superior court No. 1. Wedded in October, 1931, they separated this month.
  • 20 Feb 1932 Mrs. Mabel Nichols of 1009 Huestis avenue sued in superior court No. 2 for a divorce from Maylon Nichols, it being claimed that he has contributed nothing toward her support since they separated and "little when they were living together as husband and wife." They were married in November, 1927, and separated in September, 1929 having been previously married and divorced, it was said. Mrs. Nichols' complaint also charged that Nichols nagged at her, that he "stayed out night after night until 2, 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning," and that conditions became such that living with his was intolerable.
  • 20 Feb 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce was entered by Reuben Artlip in a suit begun by his wife, Mrs. Lucile Artlip, in superior court No. 1. Artlip alleged that she created such constant strife that for them to live together longer became intolerable. The marriage, contracted in May, 1930, was disrupted by a separation this month.
  • 20 Feb 1932 Cross-complaint filed by Arthur L. Dickover in the divorce action of his wife, Mrs. Mollie C. Dickover was dismissed by him in superior court No. 1.
  • 21 Feb 1932 Charging that her husband, Oliver J. Clark refused to talk to her for weeks at a time and that he finally told her to "get out and leave," Mrs. Mary M. Clark of 214 East Masterson avenue sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married August 20, 1917 the Clarks separated this month. There are no children. Mrs. Clark's complaint stated that she has been a kind and dutiful wife, but the Clark, without cause or provocation, threated her in a cruel and inhuman manner by constantly quarreling with and nagging at her.
  • 24 Feb 1932 Charging that her husband, Harry Crow, failed to provide during a period of more than two years, Mrs. Anna Crow was decreed a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in September, 1924, they separated in September 1931.
  • 24 Feb 1932 Mrs. Frieda Mary Bicknell was given a divorce in superior court No. 1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan, on testimony that her husband, Carlton M. Bicknell failed as a provider more than five years. They separated in February, 1931, after a marriage contracted in 1917.
  • 24 Feb 1932 Suing for a divorce and $2,000 alimony in superior court No. 1, Mrs. Helen J. Purman averred that her husband, Paul Purman failed to make reasonable provision for her support. Wedded in March, 1928, they separated last December. Mrs. Purman asked that her name be restored to Helen Lutey.
  • 24 Feb 1932 Edward G. Bertels sued in superior court No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Mabel Bertels, claiming that she left their home in May, 1929, and failed to return, although he frequently asked her to come back. They were married in March, 1927 and separated in May, 1929. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Bertels.
  • 24 Feb 1932 Suit for divorce was entered in superior court No. 1 by Walter M. Poe against Mrs. Katie Poe, alleged nagging and quarreling being cited. Their marriage, entered into in 1901 was disrupted by a separation last June.
  • 25 Feb 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, William D. Murphy was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward her in that he was "addicted to the drink habit", became intoxicated and gambled his money away, Mrs. Elva Murphy sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Murphy further accused Murphy of occasionally staying out all night, and asserted in her complaint that he "had made dire treats" against her to do her bodily harm. Married September 27, 1923, they separated this month.
  • 25 Feb 1932 Mrs. Dorothy Ertel began action in superior court No. 2 to end her marriage to Joseph Ertel, Jr., averring that he provoked numerous quarrels and in general created such strife that it became impossible for her to live with him. They separated this month after a marriage contracted July 18, 1928. Mrs. Ertel claimed the Ertel failed to make reasonable provision for support of his family, although he was well able to do so, during a period of more than two years prior to their separation. There are two children, a boy and a girl, the mother seeking custody of the latter child.
  • 26 Feb 1932 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Barva left him in January, 1930, and failed to return although he requested her to do so, Joseph E. Barba sued for divorce in circuit court yesterday. They were married in April, 1926.
  • 26 Feb 1932 Mrs. Margaret Kintz filed suit in superior court No. 2 to end her marriage to Garie Kintz, alleging in part that he kept late hours and refused to tell her where he had been, failed to provide properly for her and refused to live with her. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in September, 1931.
  • 26 Feb 1932 Averring that she and her husband, Richard B. Welch, were "temperamentally incompatible" and that she was forced to obtain employment because of his failure to support her adequately, Mrs. Marybelle Welch began action for divorce in superior court No. 1. They were married in September, 1928, separating last December. Mrs. Welch asked for restoration of her former name.
  • 26 Feb 1932 The divorce suit of Theodore Gephart against Velma Gephart was dismissed in superior court No. 1.
  • 27 Feb 1932 Charging that her husband, Albert Blume nagged at her and found fault until it became unbearable, Mrs. Grace Blume of 2325 Terrace road sued him for divorce and $5,000 alimony in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Alleged curses and vile names which, she said were applied to her by her mate, were also cited by Mrs. Blume in her action to terminate her marriage which was disrupted by a separation this year.
  • 27 Feb 1932 Mrs. Loretta C. Federspiel filed suit in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Anthony W. Federspiel, averring that he created such constant strife that for them to live together was rendered intolerable. They separated this month after a marital contract entered into in 1919.
  • 27 Feb 1932 Although her husband, Dominic Carpino was well able to provide for his family, he failed to do so, compelling her to earn money for the purchase of clothing for the child and herself and demanding that she turn over her surplus earnings to him, Mrs. Ethel Carpino of 2600 Dwenger avenue alleged in divorce suit began in superior court No. 1. Married in 1925, they separated last September. Mrs. Carpino's complaint further alleged that Carpino repeatedly struck and beat her, refused to appear with her outside their home in any social activities or places of public entertainment and occasionally remained away from home until late at night, sometimes all night, refusing to account for his absence. She asked that she be granted custody of the child.
  • 27 Feb 1932 Mrs. Clara E. Eversole of 723 ½ Locust street, suing Harold C. Eversle for divorce in superior court No.1, alleged in her complaint that he informed her that his mother hated her, but that his mother's home was the only place he offered to her as a home. It was charged that the mother-in-law treated her "as a hired girl without wages." The complaint further asserted that on an occasion when they were living in another county, the defendant bought the plaintiff a ticket and sent her back to Fort Wayne, saying that he never wanted to see her again. The third day after her arrival in Fort Wayne she had to seek charity before she could go any place to obtain work. Married in 1929, they separated in 1930.
  • 28 Feb 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, Louis C. LaHaise of 2012 St. Joe boulevard ridiculed her before her friends and relatives practically all during their married life, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth LaHaise sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married October 5, 1917, the parties separated this month. Mrs. LaHaise further alleged that LaHaise quarreled with her, nagged at her and made false accusations against her, according to the complaint. It was averred that he created such constant strife that for them to live together longer became intolerable to her. Custody of the two children is sought by the plaintiff.

  • 01 Mar 1932 Alleging in part that her husband, Walter M. Poe told her she "could take care of herself," Mrs. Katie Poe filed a cross-complaint for divorce and $2,000 alimony yesterday, in an action begun by him in superior court No. 1. Married in 1901 the parties separated last June. Mrs. Roe's cross-complaint further charged that Poe called her vile names and associated with other women, that he occasionally failed to return home at night, sometimes staying away days at a time, that he failed to provide necessary provisions for her maintenance and that he was "a habitual drunckard." The cross-complaint seeks custody of a son, 12.
  • 01 Mar 1932 Mrs. Virginia Motter was granted a divorce from Raymond Motter in superior court No. 1 on charges that he failed to provide, was quarrelsome and associate with other women. Custody of the children was vested in Mrs. Motter and Motter was ordered to pay for their support. They separated last December after a marriage contracted in 1921.
  • 01 Mar 1932 Lawrence W. White was given a divorce in Superior Court No. 1 on action against Mrs. Catherine F. White on allegations that the defendant refused to live with him and to keep house. Wedded in 1919, they separated in August 1930.
  • 01 Mar 1932 Mrs. Audrey V. Stookey was decreed a divorce from Kenneth W. Stookey in superior court No. 1 on averments that he found fault and quarreled with her and left her without cause. Her name was restored to Audrey V. Wells. They married in August, 1930, separating last December.
  • 01 Mar 1932 Mrs. Leonra Beatrice Bleich of 1305 North Anthony boulevard sued in superior court No. 2 for divorce from Theodore C. Bleich, alleging that he was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment and associated with other women. They separated last week, having been married in 1925.
  • 02 Mar 1932 Her complaint, alleging that she was compelled to reside with her mother because her husband, Roger R. Liniger, failed to take care of her, Mrs. Nellie M. Liniger sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Kiniger further charged that Liniger struck her and called her vile names. Married in March, 1927 they separated last December. She seeks restoration of her former name, Nellie M. Peterson.
  • 02 Mar 1932 Mrs. Bessie Holcroft of 623 Watkins street filed suit in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Herbert Holcroft, averring in part that he "continually found fault with and harassed" her and that he created constant strife. They separated last month after a marriage contracted in October, 1930. She asked that her name be restored to Bessie Skeer.
  • 02 Mar 1932 Mrs. Floy O'Hara of 1313 ½ Ohio street sued Thomas O'Hara for divorce in superior court No. 1, charging that he cursed her, struck and beat her and failed to provide properly. Wedded in February, 1930, they separated last month.
  • 03 Mar 1932 Her husband, Cloyd M. Shaw cursed, beat and struck her on numerous occasions and failed to provide properly, Mrs. Minna G. Shaw charged in a suit for divorce instituted in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married September 5, 1929, the Shaw's separated this month. They have on child.
  • 03 Mar 1932 Emry Hindenlang of 3225 Logan avenue began action in superior court No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Elizabeth Hindenlang, his complaint allegeing that on one occasion she ordered him to "pack his clothes and get out of their residence." Hindenlang further averred that Mrs. Hindenlang refused to live with him and urged him to procure a divorce. She constantly quarreled with him, and living with her became unbearable. Their marriage contracted Dec ember 23, 1916, was disrupted by a separation this month. They have no children.
  • 03 Mar 1932 In a divorce suit instituted in superior court No. 1, Earl Shuman alleged that his wife, Mrs. Nellie Shuman, deserted him in September, 1930, and had deprived him of the privilege of seeing their child born after the separation. Shuman has been unable to locate his wife. They were married in December, 1929.
  • 03 Mar 1932 Mrs. Helen Bowman was given a divorce from Paul H. Bowman in superior court No. 2 on allegations that he associated with other women, got drunk frequently and did not provide properly. Wedded in 1922, they separated last October. Mrs. Bowman was awarded custody of the child, for support of whom Bowman was ordered to pay $4 weekly.
  • 03 Mar 1932 A second paragraph seeking marriage annulment instead of a divorce has been filed by Mrs. Blanche E. Brown in her suit against Victor B. Brown in superior court No. 1. It was stated that she was 15 years old at the time of the marriage in December, 1930, and hence legally incapable of contracting the marriage because of her age. They separated last September. The plaintiff seeks the right to us her former name, Blanche E. Perkins.
  • 03 Mar 1932 Divorce action of Joseph E. Barva against Mrs. Elizabeth Barba was ordered transferred from circuit court to superior court No. 1.
  • 04 Mar 1932 Charging that her husband, Kerby Robinson created such constant strife that it became intolerable for her to live with him any longer, Mrs. Goldie Robinson filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. They separated this month after having been married September 22, 1925.
  • 04 Mar 1932 Plea in abatement to a divorce action brought by his fie, Mrs. Ruth Steele, was filed by Forrest Steele in superior court No. 1, it being averred that she instituted a suit against him in superior court No. 2 last year, alleging the same cause of action and that this case is still pending.
  • 04 Mar 1932 Mrs. Helen Wolff entered a supplemental complaint for divorce from Alfred H. Wolff in superior court No. 1, it being stated that she filed an original divorce action December 23, but that they were reunited after he promised to "conduct himself as a dutiful husband." She alleged, however that after their reunion he was indifferent toward her, treated her with contempt and refused to take her places. They against separated February 28 Mrs. Wolff seeks custody of her child.
  • 05 Mar 1932 Charging that her husband, Forest Steele associated with other women and that he failed to provide for her, Mrs. Ruth Steele was granted a divorce and restoration of her former name by Judge George H. Leonard in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married in 1928, they separated last November. Steele, on Thursday had filed a plea in abatement to a divorce suit which had been instituted against him in superior court No. 1 on the ground that the divorce action was still pending in superior court No. 2.
  • 05 Mar 1932 Action for annulment of marriage was instituted in circuit court by Mrs. Josephine Bubt Hale against Chauncey Hale. The parties were married February 27, 1932, it was stated. The complaint averred that the ride was 14 years old and that she was therefore legally incapable of contracting the marriage because of her age. The parties have never lived together, it was said. It was asked that the plaintiff be permitted to resume her former name, Josephine Bubt.
  • 05 Mar 1932 William N. Ballou assumed jurisdiction as special judge on a petition for the defendant for modification of a provision of the divorce decree previously entered for Stella Denner against Arthur Denner in superior court No. 1. Hearing on the petition was assigned for March 8.
  • 05 Mar 1932 Alleging that her husband, Emry Hindenlang, "has threatened to dynamite the house in which she and her children live," Mrs. Elizabeth Hindenlang of 3225 Logan avenue filed a cross-complaint for divorce, $500 alimony and custody of her two children in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties were married in December, 1916. Mrs. Hindenlang's cross-complaint further averred that Hindenlang has associated with other women "and at present is associating with one who resides on Elizabeth street," and that he has often falsely accused his wife of associating with other men. The wife further charged that he has slapped her and has called her vile names in the presence of the children, fatherhood of whom, it was alleged, he has denied.
  • 06 Mar 1932 Charging that her husband, Albert Keplinger failed to properly to support her and their child and that she was forced to seek employment among strangers, Mrs. Ruth Keplinger sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married March 8, 1927, they separated this month. Mrs. Keplinger's complaint further averred that Keplinger continually found fault with her and subjected her to "cruel and ugly nagging". She asked that she be granted custody of the child.
  • 06 Mar 1932 Mrs. Fredda M. Hinkle of the Van Buren apartments entered suit in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Harry H. Hinkle, her complaint alleging that he has been indifferent to her for many months, and told her she should get a divorce. He scolded and upbraided her without cause and unjustly complained of her treatment of him. The complaint asserted that "their tastes are absolutely different, they do not agree and cannot live happily together." Wedded in 1914, they separated last May. The plaintiff seeks restoration of her former name, Fredda M. Harner.
  • 08 Mar 1932 Averments that her husband, John J. Weis struck and beat her, was guilty of habitual drunkenness and that he left her without support were incorporated by Mrs. Juanita Weis of 122 Masterson avenue in a divorce complaint filed in superior court No. 2 yesterday. The parties were married November 28, 1927, separating last month. Mrs. Weis asks custody of the two children.
  • 08 Mar 1932 Her complaint alleging that Laurence Ray McKinzie fraudulently represented to her that he was more than 18 years of age when they entered into a marriage contract November 4, 1931. Mrs. Laura Maxine McKinzie sued for annulment in superior court No. 2. Mrs. McKinzie relied on the alleged representations of her husband, but charged that he was under 18 at the time and hence legally incapable of entering into the marriage contract. It was stated that they have never lived together. Mrs. McKinzie seeks restoration of her former name, Laura Maxine Bolens.
  • 08 Mar 1932 Limited separation from her husband, Robert Ennis, for a two-year period was sought by Mrs. Marjorie Ennis of 735 East Jefferson street in a suit entered in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Ennis charged in part that Ennis continually quarreled with and nagged at her, and "forced her to go home and live with her mother." She also claimed he failed to make a home for her and refused to take care of her when she was sick, that living with him under such conditions is impossible.
  • 08 Mar 1932 Divorce suit of Bernadine Waters against John A. Waters was dismissed in superior court No. 2.
  • 09 Mar 1932 Charging that he husband, William A. Elpers failed to support her when he was able to do so, and that she thus had to support herself, Mrs. Bertha S. Elpers filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married November 28, 1928, they separated this month. Mrs. Elpers complaint further asserted that Elpers "repeatedly cursed her without cause."
  • 09 Mar 1932 Ernest Vollmar of 510 East Wayne street suing Mrs. Zelpha Vollmar for divorce in superior court No. 1, averred in his complaint that she refused to live with him and "on more than one occasion told him to leave and get a divorce." They separated last January after having been married October 17, 1927. Vollmar recommended that custody of the three children be given the defendant, because of their youth, but he sought a court order entitling him to visit the children at all reasonable times.
  • 10 Mar 1932 Alleging that her husband, Fay J. King swore at her and struck her during a period of two years, Mrs. Ona King filed suit for divorce and $1,000 alimony in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties separated this month after having been married January 25, 1929. Mrs. King asked that her name be restored to Ona McElheney.
  • 11 Mar 1932 Alleging that certain "false and fraudulent representations" were made to him by the defendant prior to their marriage, November 6, 19312, Harley Quackenbush of Yoder filed a complaint against Mrs. Virginia Quackenbush for annulment of the marriage, in superior court No. 1 yesterday.
  • 11 Mar 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Grethel Mitchell a divorce from John S. Mitchell on her charges that Mitchell deserted her more than two years ago without cause. Married February 10, 1927, they separated in September, 1929.
  • 12 Mar 1932 Alleging that certain "false and fraudulent representations" were made to him by the defendant prior to their marriage, November 6, 1931, Harley Quackenbush of Yoder filed a complaint against Mrs. Virginia Quackenbush for annulment of the marriage, in superior court No. 1 yesterday.
  • 12 Mar 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Orethal Mitchell a divorce from John S. Mitchell on her charges that Mitchell deserted her more than two years ago without cause. Married February 10, 1927, they separated in September, 1929.
  • 13 Mar 1932 Her complaint alleging that when she asked her husband, Ernst Sollberger for money recently, he "threw 90 cents on the dresser and told her to get along on that and buy clothes for herself and four children." Mrs. Lydia Sollberger of 2020 St. Mary's avenue sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married June 3, 1917, the Sollberger's separated last month. Mrs. Sollberger's complaint further charged that, Sollberger "had been disagreeable at all times" and failed to make reasonable provision for his family during a period of more than three years. She asserted that she had been compelled to work in order to support herself and the children, custody of whom she seeks.
  • 13 Mar 1932 Mrs. Helen Williams of Springfield township filed suit in superior court No. 2 to end her marriage to John Williams, charging in part that he had associated with other women and failed to give his wife money with which to support his family, thereby compelling her to depend on charity from her parents and friends. Her complaint alleged that he "will not hold a steady position." They separated last month after a marriage contracted June 6, 1925. There are three children.
  • 13 Mar 1932 Mrs. Dorothy Goheen was given a divorce from Edward Goheen by Judge Pro Tem Fred Berkes in superior court No. 2 on charges that Goheen was guilty of non-support and cruelty. They separated last December after having been married approximately three years.
  • 13 Mar 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce from Mrs. Marie A. Gebhart was entered in superior court No. 1 by George A. Gebhart who alleged that she nagged at him and would not live within their means. He averred that she finally refused to reside with him at all. Wedded in 1925, they separated last month.
  • 15 Mar 1932 His complaint alleging that his wife, Mrs. Violet V. Walker left him and has refused to live with him since their separation, that she told him she no longer cared for him and that she associated with other men, Earl S. Walter filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Wedded September 2, 1926, the parties separated August 24, 1930.
  • 15 Mar 1932 The suit of Mrs. Fern Kramer against Joseph Kramer for limited separation was dismissed in superior court No. 2.
  • 16 Mar 1932 Charging that her husband, Donald A. Greene frequently stayed out late at night without telling her where he was, Mrs. Wylma Greene of 321 West Wildwood avenue sued him for divorce, $2,800 alimony and restoration of her former name, Wylma Smith, in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married March 12, 1927, the Greenes separated December 6, 1931. Mrs. Greene's complaint further averred that Greene quarreled with her and so conducted himself that it became impossible for her to continue to live with him in the marital relation.
  • 16 Mar 1932 Mrs. Oneta Lathrop filed suit in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Thomas Lathrop, whose address was given as Marshalltown, Ia., claiming that he refused to work and support his family properly and that he swore and nagged at her without cause. They were married August 22, 1927. Mrs. Lathrop charging that their separation last September was caused by cruel treatment of her by her husband.
  • 16 Mar 1932 Her husband, Roscoe A. Neff compelled her to furnish him with sums of money from her earning on the pretense that the sums were being used to pay indebtedness of his, but instead he used the money for the purpose of gambling. Mrs. Margaret M. Neff of 3626 South Barr street alleged in a divorce complaint filed in superior court No.1. They separated this month after a marriage contracted last October. Mrs. Neff further claimed that she was compelled to support herself the greater part of her married life, and that she had to live in the home of her husband's parents because of his failure to provide a home for her. He stayed away until late hours of night and refused to explain his absence, she alleged and recently struck her on the head with his fist, choked her and threatened to shoot her. She asked that her name be restored to Margaret M. Snyder.
  • 16 Mar 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Roy H. Miller on divers occasions handled her "in a rough and brutal manner" and that he occasionally became intoxicated "for periods of from two to six days at a time," Mrs. Nora L. Miller of 1311 East Pontiac street sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Mrs. Miller further charged that Miller habitually became angry with her without cause or provocation and that he left their home this month and took up a residence elsewhere. They were married October 25, 1908.
  • 16 Mar 1932 Suit for a six months limited separation was filed by Mrs. Alma Farnham of 1306 Lillie street against Ivan Farnham, the complaint asserting the he has been guilty "of extreme cruel and inhuman treatment" and that he "has threatened to inflict great harm" on her. Wedded August 21, 1928, they separated this month. Mrs. Farnham asked that she be granted custody of the two children and support during the separation period.
  • 17 Mar 1932 Charging that their separation was caused by cruel and inhuman treatment by her husband, Mrs. Madge M. Marsh sued Oliver Marsh for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married August 10, 1927 the parties separated in May, 1929.
  • 17 Mar 1932 In superior court No. 2 Victor M. Dibble was found guilty of contempt of court for alleged failure to comply with certain court orders in a divorce action wherein Grace B. Dibble was a party. Mrs. Dibble was said to be due an amount of $1,613 accumulated under previous orders Dibble was ordered to pay the court clerk for the benefit of Mrs. Dibble and a like sum April 1. Judgement in the contempt case was deferred until April 1.
  • 17 Mar 1932 Lee Rutledge filed suit in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Jessie Rutledge, averring that she deserted him and failed properly to make a home. Wedded July 19, 1925, they separated last month.
  • 18 Mar 1932 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Margaret Dimmick told him "that she did not care for him and would not live with him" and that on one occasion prior to their separation she left him, informing him that she would not live with him any longer, Glenn E. Dimmick yesterday filed a cross-complaint in a divorce action instituted by her in superior court No. 1. Dimmick alleged further that Mrs. Dimmick quarreled constantly with him. The separated last January after a marriage contracted in June, 1930. Dimmick seeks custody of the child.
  • 18 Mar 1932 Judge Pro Tem Fred Berkes granted Mrs. Jeane Louise Aman a divorce from Edward F. Aman in superior court No. 1 on her allegations that Aman was cruel and quarrelsome, told her to leave and get a divorce, struck her at different time and associated with other women. Wedded in February , 1926 they separated in December, 1930. Mrs. Aman's name was restored to Jeane Louise Springer.
  • 18 Mar 1932 Mrs. Evelyn Brubaker of 520 Lillian street sued Charles Brubaker for divorce in superior court No. 1 charging incompatibility. Married in November, 1930, the parties separated last December.
  • 19 Mar 1932 Charging that her husband Steven Emmett Burns failed to support his family during a period of more than two years, Mrs. Julietta Lange Burns was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Tem Fred Berkes in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in September, 1920 the parties separated in November, 1929. Mrs. Burns was awarded the care of a child involved.
  • 19 Mar 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce was filed by Paul Brandenburg in the action of his wife, Mrs. Hattie Brandenburg, pending in superior court No. 1. According to the cross-complaint, the parties were married August 8, 1931, separating August 25. The cross-complaint alleged in part that the wife has associated "with men of bad repute."
  • 19 Mar 1932 Mrs. Velma L. Brown has been given a divorce from Thomas R. Brown by Judge George H. Leonard in superior court No. 2, on allegations that Brown was "grouchy" and on one occasion refused to speak to her for six weeks. She also charged that he was guilty of desertion. Her name was restored to Velma L. Keel.
  • 20 Mar 1932 Charging that her husband, Gaylord N. Dasher struck her and was guilty of other acts of cruelty, Mrs. Montella T. Dasher was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Tem Fred Berkes in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married September 10, 1920, the parties separated August 17, 1931. The defendant was granted custody of the four children until further court order.
  • 20 Mar 1932 Cross-complaint for a limited separation from Lee H. Rutledge was filed by Mrs. Jessie A. Rutledge in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Rutledge averring that her husband had made threats and injurious statements concerning her and that there had been constant strife between them. They separated last month after a marriage contracted in 1925.
  • 20 Mar 1932 Allegations of cruelty were set up in a cross-complaint for divorce from Mrs. Ruth Elberson, entered by Clem R. Elberson in superior court No. 1. Wedded in 1921, the parties separated last January. Elberson asked that custody of their child be vested in him.
  • 22 Mar 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Henry Roemke struck and beat her, and told her to support herself, Mrs. Rose Roemke sued him for divorce and $3,000 alimony in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1926, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Roemke, who further charged that Roemke was quarrelsome and nagged continually, asked that she be granted custody of the child.
  • 22 Mar 1932 Mrs. Eva E. Hayes of 603 Greenlawn avenue filed suit in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Charles H. Hayes, averring that he was "disagreeable and incompatible" and associated with other women, which destroyed her love for him and made it impossible for her to continue to live with him. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in 1924.
  • 22 Mar 1932 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Pearl Vachon nagged at him, falsely accused him of associating with other women, and in fits of anger would call him vile names and curse him, keeping up constant strife and making life together impossible, John C. Vachon began action in superior court No 1 to end his marriage. Wedded in 1918, the parties separated last May. Vachon's complaint further alleged that shortly before the separation she induced him to assign his personal property to her, representing that she would sell it and divide the profits, but that after it was sold she kept the proceeds and went to Michigan.
  • 23 Mar 1932 Alleging in part that her husband, Homer Campbell "often told her he was going out to look for a $50,000 baby," Mrs. Clara Campbell filed a cross-complaint for limited separation in a divorce action begun by him, in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married in 1901, it was stated, the parties separated last January. Mrs. Campbell's cross-complaint alleged further that Campbell treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner all during their married life, that he "often became angry and would punish and slap her" and that he "called her vile and indecent names which cannot be set forth" unless the court so requires. She claimed she helped him in starting his automobile painting business, assisting in the cleaning and polishing of cars. The cross-complaint also charged in part that "when her folks would visit her it made him angry and he would go to his paint shop and stay there." But "he always wanted her to entertain his relatives." She seeks a limited separation for two years and an allowance of $20 weekly during the period.
  • 23 Mar 1932 Charging that her husband, Donald Van Tilbury, has at various times been cold and indifferent to her, that he "has lost all affection for her" and that their domestic situation is such that it is impossible for them to live together longer in peace and happiness, Mrs. Corinne F. Van Tilbury, residing in Lake township, sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married June 1, 1919, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Van Tilbury asked that she be granted custody of the child.
  • 23 Mar 1932 Urban Ernst filed a cross-complaint for divorce in a divorce action instituted by his wife, Mrs. Thelma Ernst in superior court No.1, alleging that she refused to live with him and that she occasionally went out at night in company with other men and women, returning at various times in an intoxicated condition. Ernst's cross-complaint further averred that Mrs. Ernst quarreled constantly with him and called him vile names, and that she would go among his friends and talk about him. The separated last September after a marriage contracted in April, 1928.
  • 23 Mar 1932 Complaint for modification of a divorce decree as to custody of a child or, as an alternative, reduction of a support allowance, was entered by Leo Maley against Hazel Maley in superior court No. 1. The Maleys were divorced in 1926, the former Mrs. Maley being awarded custody of a child involved, for support of whom Maley was ordered to pay $5 weekly. It was said that Maley has since re-married and has four children, all living with him on a farm in Whitley county. He earns $35 monthly, it was stated, and is unable to pay the $5 weekly as required under the court order. The complaint stated that he would be willing to give the child from his first marriage the same care he is giving his other children, if he were granted custody of the child. It was asked that the support payment be reduced is the court does not see fit to grant him custody.
  • 24 Mar 1932 Mrs. Esther M. Byroade was granted a divorce from Charles L. Byroade and $1,500 alimony following a hearing of her action in circuit court yesterday. Under terms of the decree, Mrs. Byroade's former name, Esther M. Becker was restored. The alimony was ordered paid at a rate of $300 per year.
  • 24 Mar 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Walter Freehill became an habitual drunkard and that while he was in such a condition, he would strike and beat her, leaving "black and blue" marks on her body for days afterward. Mrs. Helen Freehill of 1757 Hale avenue filed suit for a two-year limited separation and support in superior court No. 2. Married May 9, 1931, the parties separated this month it was stated. Mrs. Freehill further charged that Freehill would curse and swear at her and call her vile and filthy names.
  • 24 Mar 1932 Affidavit for a change of venue from Allen county was filed by the plaintiff in the divorce action of Mrs. Nina Current against Philip current, pending in superior court No. 1.
  • 25 Mar 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, Mervin J. Slater frequently told her he was tired of her and did not intend to support her and their child, and that he "wanted to have a good time and be out nights and go and return when he pleased," Mrs. Helen Slater sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. He sometimes remained out until 4 o'clock in the morning and frequently struck and injured her according to Mrs. Slater who it was said, married him in 1930, the separation taking place this month. She further claimed in part that he left her and the child alone a night when they were both in ill health. Mrs. Slater asked that she be granted custody of the child.
  • 25 Mar 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Winifred Alban a divorce from Gerald Alban on her charges that he cursed and swore at her, refused to work and failed to provide. Married in October, 1931, they separated last January. The wife's name was restores to Winifred Smith.
  • 26 Mar 1932 Alleging that she frequently became enraged at him and that she nagged and criticized him unjustly, accused him of infidelity and other acts unbecoming to a dutiful husband, William Brinsley filed a cross-complaint for divorce from Gladys Brinsley in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Wedded in April, 1929 the parties separated in September, 1930. Brinsley averred that his wife threatened several time to leave him and that on December 8, 1930, she left taking the child with her.
  • 27 Mar 1932 Mrs. Susie M. Coddington was awarded a divorce from her husband, Chester C. Coddington, custody of the three children, aged 10, 5 and 3 and support in the sum of $16 weekly under provisions of a decree entered in circuit court yesterday. Coddington was ordered to make the support payments commencing March 31. He is to have the privilege of visiting the children at all reasonable times. The Coddingtons separated last January after a marriage contracted in 1919. Mrs. Coddington who first sued for a limited separation, was given the decree on an amended complaint for absolute divorce. It was alleged that Coddington absented himself from home many times and stayed away all night, occasionally remaining out until between1 and 6 o'clock in the morning, and refused to say where he had been. The complaint further charged in part that he associated with other women.
  • 27 Mar 1932 Averring that her husband, Albert Crowel occasionally kicked and struck her and that he associate with lewd women, Mrs. Rhoda Crowel sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married in October, 1925, they separated this month. Mrs. Crowel further charged in her complaint that Crowel was cross and irritable during the greater part of their married life and that he used profane and obscene language. She asked that she be granted custody of the two children.
  • 27 Mar 1932 Mrs. Helen M. Draper was given a divorce from Merlin Draper in superior court No. 1 on averments that he refused to live with her. Wedded in 1911, they separated in 1927. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. Draper.
  • 27 Mar 1932 Venue of the divorce suit of Mrs. Nina Current against Philip Current was ordered changed from Allen superior court No. 1 to Adams county.
  • 27 Mar 1932 The divorce action of Mrs. Dorothy V. Lohmeyer against William J. Lohmeyer, Jr. was ordered dismissed in superior court No. 1.
  • 29 Mar 1932 His complaint alleging that his wife, Mrs. Wildred Griest left him, went to her parents' home and refused to return to him, and that she "repeatedly stated that she wished she was not married," Gerald Griest sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. They separated last September.
  • 29 Mar 1932 Mrs. Dorothy V. Lohmeyer of 1036 East Washington street filed suit in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to William J. Lohmeyer, Jr., charging that her told her to leave his home and neglected to support her. Wedded in 1928, they separated this month.
  • 29 Mar 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Ruth Elmer a divorce from Steve Elmer on her charges of cruelty in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Elmer was awarded custody of the child, Elmer being charged with its support.
  • 29 Mar 1932 Mrs. Cardes Bailey of 2129 John street entered a divorce complaint from Harmon E. Bailey, charged that he "locked her within her home and prevented her leaving" and that he repeatedly cursed and struck her. She further averred that she had to work and support herself and assist in his support. Married March 6, 1925, they separated this month.
  • 29 Mar 1932 Mrs. Sophia E. Kaake asked a divorce from Herbert W. Kaake in superior court No. 1, claiming that he failed to make reasonable provisions for her support. They separated last January after a marriage contracted in 1923.
  • 29 Mar 1932 Complaining that his wife, Mrs. Iva N. Brunson repeatedly told him she would not live with him, that she did not care for him, and instructed him to leave their home and stay away, Arthur S. Brunson of 1131 Hugh street file suit for divorce in superior court No. 1. They separated last April after a marriage entered into in 1926.
  • 30 Mar 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, Guy F. VanBuskirk at all times treated her "coldly and indifferently" Mrs. Emma VanBuskirk of 2911 Broadway sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Wedded in December, 1929 the VanBuskirk's separated March 19 this year, when Mrs. VanBuskirk averred, her mate abandoned her.
  • 31 Mar 1932 Allegations that her husband, Glenn E. Dimmick struck her at different times and knocked her down were made by Mrs. Margaret E. Dimmick during a hearing on her application for divorce before Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. Married in 1929, the parties separated last January. Mrs. Dimmick was guilty of desertion. It was indicated that Mrs. Dimmick is to be decreed a divorce, subject to residence witness testimony, and she is to have custody of the child, for support of whom Dimmick is to pay $7.50 weekly.

  • 01 Apr 1932 Charging that her husband, John McClure treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner "without cause or foundation" and that he failed properly to support her, Mrs. Vera B. McClure's of 343 East Lewis street sued for divorce. Married in 1910, the McClure's separated in May, 1931 according to the complaint, it being stated that there are five children.
  • 01 Apr 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Ruth E. Steel a divorce from Roy Steele on her allegations that Steele was guilty of habitual intoxication and failure to provide and that he was abusive. Her name was restored to Ruth E. Hirschey. They separated last December after a marriage contracted in 1927.
  • 01 Apr 1932 Evidence was introduced in the contested action of Mrs. Gladys Brinsley against William Brinsley in superior court No. 1, it being indicated that the defendant is to be decreed a divorce from the plaintiff on a cross-complaint, subject to residence witness testimony. Brinsley charged in part that his wife refused to live with him. Wedded in 1929, they separated in December, 1930. Custody of the child is to be awarded to Mrs. Brinsley, Brinsley to pay $3.50 weekly as support.
  • 02 Apr 1932 Her complaint alleging in part that her husband at various times "has openly carried on a clandestine affair with a certain Miss _____," Mrs. Sue L. Grubb sued Frank Grubb for divorce and $2,000 alimony in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1919, the parties separated in February, this year. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Grubb. Mrs. Grubb further averred that Grubb neglected to make suitable provision for her during a period of two years past, and that she, therefore was compelled to return to her parents. He occasionally remained away from home until late at night, it was also stated.
  • 02 Apr 1932 Mrs. Ethel Grimes sued Roy Grimes for divorce in superior court No. 1, complaining that he continually quarreled with and nagged at her and has not cared for nor supported her. She sought restoration of her name to Ethel Le Voncher. They separated in November, 1929 after a marriage contracted in 1917.
  • 02 Apr 1932 Asserting in part that her husband, Charles Noble, called her vile names and beat her until she was "black and blue," Mrs. Ruth Noble filed action for divorce in superior court No. 1. The parties were married in 1929, separating last month. The wife sought restoration of her name to Ruth Mills.
  • 02 Apr 1932 Mrs. Rose Ellen Geller was given a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 from Walter Neil Geller, her name being restored to Rose Ellen Johnson, on averments of failure to provide. Wedded in 1928, they separated last August.
  • 02 Apr 1932 Mrs. Edna W. Bracken was decreed a divorce from Ray Bracken by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No.1 on allegations that he was guilty of habitual intoxication, failure to provide and association with other women. They were married in 1917, separating in Mary, 1931.
  • 02 Apr 1932 In superior court No. 2 Judge George H. Leonard gave Everett J. Thurber a divorce from Mrs. Frances R. Thurber on his charges that his wife nagged at him and complained about the amount of money he made. They separated last August after a marriage entered into in 1926.
  • 03 Apr 1932 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Mary Perugino was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward him in that he refused to cook his breakfasts when he came home in the mornings after working nights, Joe Perugino filed a cross-complaint for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The Perugino's separated February 19, this year. In addition to complaining that he was forced to cook his own meals, Perugino alleged in his cross-complaint that Mrs. Perugino continually nagged at and abused him "because he was unable to buy her fine clothes and give her sums of money for spending." For some time, Perugino was employed only part time and earned a very small sum. During the period, according to the cross-complaint, he was paying on the installment plan for the furniture with which their home was furnished and owed doctor and hospital bills, etc. He charged that it was necessary for his mother to care for his child because of the alleged failure of his wife to provide proper care. He asked that he be granted custody of the child.
  • 03 Apr 1932 Mrs. Mary M. Costello filed suit in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Timothy J. Costello, averring that he failed to support her properly. Married in August, 1930, they separated in July, 1931.
  • 03 Apr 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Mary Miller a divorce from James E. Miller on her averments that Miller nagged at her and was quarrelsome, and that he was guilty of cruelty and failure to provide. They separated in December 1931 after a marriage contracted the preceding October, it was said.
  • 05 Apr 1932 Alleging in part that her husband, Joseph L. Bardey would strike her on various occasions, knocking her to the floor, Mrs. Clara C. Bardey filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Bardey's complaint further charged in part the Bardey was "cross and irritable the greater part of their married life" and frequently swore at her in the presence of the children, that "he was insanely jealous" and would accuse her of acts of immorality which, he "well knew was untrue in every sense of the work."
  • 05 Apr 1932 Her husband, Leon Lipnik, desterted her and now resides in Kansas City. Mo., Mrs. Esther R. Lipnik of 827 Hamilton avenue averred in a divorce action instituted in superior court No. 1. Married in November, 1931, they separated in January, this year. Mrs. Lipnik, who asked that her name be restored to Esther R. Frank, also claimed that Lipnik told her she should get a divorce and that she was obliged to go among strangers to support herself because of his failure to provide.
  • 05 Apr 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan granted Mrs. Ruby Wells a divorce from Francis E. Wells on charges of cruelty and false accusations, custody of the two children being vested in her. Wells was ordered to pay $22.50 twice a month for support of the children, the parties separated last February.
  • 06 Apr 1932 His complaint alleging in part that his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Palmer would go out at night, stay until late and refuse to tell him where she had been, Eugen J. Palmer of route No. 4 Fort Wayne sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1923, the Palmers separated this year. Palmer further alleged that she occasionally called him vile name and "has been guilty of other conduct unbecoming a married woman."
  • 06 Apr 1932 Mrs. Thelma Musselman sued Howard Musselman for divorce in superior court No. 2, charging that he "would become violently angry without provocation", and that he "pouted and nagged"at her incessantly. She also averred that he struck her, sent her away from home on two occasions and failed to provide suitably for her and their daughter, custody of whom she seeks. The parties separated in May, 1931 after a marriage contracted in 1928.
  • 06 Apr 1932 Complaining that her husband Harold Eury, created such constant strife that for them to live longer together became intolerable, Mrs. Mildred Eury of 3712 South Barr street began action for divorce in superior court No. 1. Wedded in 1930, they separated this month.
  • 06 Apr 1932 Merle B. Jackson entered suit in superior court No. 1 to dissolve his marriage to Mrs. Grace L. Jackson, alleging that she told him she did not car for him and would not live with him any longer, that she failed to care properly for their home and occasionally stayed away at night, refusing to give an explanation as to her whereabouts. They separated last month after a marriage entered into in 1929. Jackson asked that he be awarded custody of the child.
  • 06 Apr 1932 Judge George H. Leonard of superior court No. 2 gave Mrs. Nellie D. Mills a divorce from Harold R. Mills on charges of abandonment and failure to provide. The parties were marred in 1920. Mrs. Mills' name was restored to Nellie D. Ashton.
  • 06 Apr 1932 Dismissal on motion of the plaintiff was entered in the divorce action of Mrs. Olive Smith against Arthur Dewey Smith in superior court No. 1.
  • 07 Apr 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Arthur Dewey Smith, violently struck her on several occasions, knocking her down and leaving marks and bruises on her body, Mrs. Olive M. Smith sued for divorce in superior court yesterday. Mrs. Smith further charged that Smith falsely accused her of associating with other men and that he called her vile names. Because of his alleged failure to support her, she claimed, she was compelled to earn her own way by operating a lunchroom on the Bluffton road near Fort Wayne. Married in October, 1929 they separated this month.
  • 07 Apr 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Lottie m. Grable a divorce from Millard A. Grable on her charges that Grable beat her a number of time, was cruel and quarrelsome and failed to provide. The parties separated last December after a marriage contracted in 1922. Mrs. Grable's former name was restored.
  • 07 Apr 1932 Averring that her husband, Gerald B. Straw failed to provide a proper home for her, Mrs. Carrie L. Pharis Straw began action to end her marriage and for restoration of her former name in superior court No. 1. Wedded in November, 1929, the Straws separated in June, 1931.
  • 08 Apr 1932 Charging that incompatibility of temperament existed between her husband, Edward W. O. Seidel and herself, Mrs. Linda L. Seidel was granted a divorce, $15,000 alimony and restoration of her former name, Linda Leslie, by Judge George H. Leonard in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married June 3, 1930 the parties separated November 24, 1931. The entry also included an order for the payment of $750 as attorney fees.
  • 08 Apr 1932 Alleging that strife and quarrels had ensued almost constantly during a period of almost seven years, Liel Cypherd was granted a divorce from Mrs. Dorothy Cypherd by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1924, the parties separated in October, 1931. Cypher further charged that the defendant interfered with his work and that she wanted him to get a divorce. The wife's former name was restored and she was given judgment against Cypherd for $200 alimony payable in monthly installments.
  • 08 Apr 1932 Judge George H. Leonard of superior court No. 2 entered a divorce for Mrs. Nellie D. Mills in her action against Harold R. Mills, evidence having been presented previously and formal entry of a decree temporarily postponed pending introduction of residence witness testimony.
  • 08 Apr 1932 Suit for a three-year limited separation from Jacob M. Klinefelter of Arcole, predicated on general charges of cruel and inhuman treatment, was file by Mrs. Gladys M. Klinefelter in superior court No. 1. Wedded in August 15, 1928, the Klinefelters separated this month. Mrs. Klinefelter seeks custody of her child.
  • 09 Apr 1932 Charging that her husband, Jerome A. Fuller had requested her to institute an action for divorce against him, Mrs. Edna B. Fuller of 613 Barr street complied with his alleged wishes by filing a complaint against him for dissolution of the marital tie in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Fuller averred that Fuller had failed to provide properly during the last two years and that on numerous occasions he told her he no longer had any affection for her and did not desire to continue to live with her. Married April 21, 1925, they separated March 5, 1931. Mrs. Fuller asked that she be granted custody of her child.
  • 09 Apr 1932 Mrs. Dad Bryce of 614 Centre street sued in superior court No.1 to end her marriage to Roy Bryce, complaining that he became intoxicated frequently, quarreled with and nagged at her, found fault with her and associated with other women. The parties separated July 18, 1928 after a marriage contracted September 8, 1923. Custody of the child is sought by Mrs. Bryce.
  • 09 Apr 1932 Mrs. Mary Hoppe was granted a divorce from Maurice Hoppe, her name being restored to Mary Burgan, by Judge Clarence R. McNabb in circuit court. Wedded in July, 1929, the litigants separated in June, 1931. Mrs. Hoppe was awarded alimony of $150, to be paid in installments.
  • 09 Apr 1932 Charging that her husband, Nelson M. Wasmuth was quarrelsome and that he failed to provide during a period of more than two years, Mrs. Margaret Wasmuth had been given a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. Wedded in March 1927, the litigants separated in December, 1931. Mrs. Wasmuth's name was restored to Margaret Pierce.
  • 10 Apr 1932 Her complaint asserting that she was forced to work and earn her own living because of the failure of her husband, Charles Ratliff to provide, Mrs. Ida May Ratliff sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The Ratliff's were married September 28, 1930, separating January 10, 1932. Mrs. Ratliff sought restoration of her former name, Ida May Helpfer.
  • 10 Apr 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan entered a divorce for William Brinsley on a cross-complaint in an action instituted in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Gladys Brinsley, evidence in the case having been introduced previously and entry of a decree withheld pending residence witness testimony. Brinsley had charged that his wife was guilty of cruelty, that she refused to live with him and wanted him to get a divorce. Wedded in December, 1928, the Brinsley's separated in Dec ember the following year. Mrs. Brinsley was awarded custody of her child, for support of whom Brinsley was ordered to pay $3.50 weekly.
  • 10 Apr 1932 Allegations that her husband, Cleo C. Thomas was guilty of habitual drunkenness, that he struck her and stayed out all night won Mrs. Goldie G. Tomas a divorce in superior court No. 1. The parties separated December 29, 1929 after a marriage contracted in August, 1929. Mrs. Thomas' name was restored to Goldie Urbine.
  • 12 Apr 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, William H. Steele on various occasions struck and beat her" with his clenched fist, causing painful bruises" Mrs. Minnie Steele of 1626 Wright street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Steele further complained that Steele "often called her vile and indecent names in the presence of strangers and friends: and that further living with him is unbearable to her. Married Marche 1, 1926, they separated April 9, this year. Mrs. Steele seeks restoration of her former name, Minnie Duykendolf.
  • 12 Apr 1932 Charging that her husband, Albert J. Arthurs failed to make reasonable provision for her support during a period of more than two years prior to their separation, although he was "well able to do so," and that she was obliged to work as a millinery clerk in various stores to maintain herself, Mrs. Ruby H. Arthurs sought a divorce in superior court No. 2.
  • 12 Apr 1932 Her husband, Ernest N. Wise struck, beat and cursed her and failed wholly to support her, Mrs. Erma F. Wise of route No. 8, Nuttman avenue, Fort Wayne averred in a divorce complaint entered in superior court No. 2. Wedded in 1925, they separated in August, 1930. Mrs. Wise asked that she be granted custody of the two children.
  • 13 Apr 1932 Charging that her husband, Robert D. Bradford failed to provide her with a suitable home and that during their life together she was compelled to seek employment in order to support herself, Mrs. Mildred Bradford of 2118 Bowser avenue sued for a five-year limited separation in superior court No.1 yesterday. Married August 8, 1923 the Bradford's separated this month. Mrs. Bradford's complaint further alleged that Bradford was quarrelsome and that he would refuse to accompany her to places of amusement. Because of his treatment of her it has become impossible for them to live together, she averred.
  • 13 Apr 1932 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Mildred Banjavich stayed out late at nights, that she attended drinking parties, associated with other men and was quarrelsome, Mark Banjavich was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. The parties separated in 1929 after a marriage contracted in 1925. Under the court order, custody of the two children was vested in the husband.
  • 14 Apr 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Bert Reed never properly provided food or clothing for her, that she has always had to work during her married life and that "for the past two years she has been compelled to support him", Mrs. Anna Reed of 217 West Superior street sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married May 3, 1917, the Reeds separated last September. Mrs. Reed further charged that Reed constantly nagged at and found fault with her, that he "was an excessive drinker of alcoholic beverages" and "was very profane, the language not being fit to set forth in the complaint" unless so ordered by the court. She claimed that he accused her of acts of immorality, "untrue in every sense of the word."
  • 14 Apr 1932 Mrs. Gracie Mae Blanks sued Thomas J. Blanks for divorce in superior court No. 1, averring that he beat her and their child without reason on the day of their separation and ordered her to leave the premises inhabited by them. She was "unexpectedly driven from her home and has no work, no money, property or credit". It was declared that "shortly after their marriage compatibility ceased to exist and the core of strife enlarged". They were married in 1930. Mrs. Blanks asked that she be given custody of the child.
  • 14 Apr 1932 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Lucille B. Taylor told him she did not care for him and did not want to live with him, "that he was just a meal ticket" and that she cared for another man, Edgar Taylor Wednesday filed a cross-complaint for divorce in an action for limited separation instituted by her in superior court No. 1. Taylor's cross-complaint further charged that she "refused to deport and conduct herself as a wife" and caused him considerable embarrassment by employing an individual to follow and "shadow" him. Wedded in 1915, the Taylors separated last year. Taylor asked that he be given custody of the child.
  • 15 Apr 1932 Averring that all during her married life she has been obliged to work among strangers in order to support herself and child, Mrs. E. Emma Eicks of 1121 Taylor street sued for divorce from Harold Eicks in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married May 29, 1923, the parties separated in June, 1929. Mrs. Eicks further averred that Eicks has been guilty of "cruel treatment and gross neglect' and that when they lived together, Eicks would remain away from home until late at night without giving any explanation as to his whereabouts. She asked that she be given custody of the child.
  • 15 Apr 1932 Arthur E. Blair and his wife, Mrs. Altha Blair, sued each other for divorce almost simultaneously, the actions of the plaintiffs being filed in superior court No.2 and superior court No. 1, respectively. Blair's attorney, according to deputies in the county clerk's office, was "first under the wire" with his complaint by a matter of minutes and it was deemed probably, therefore that a cross-complaint will be substituted for Mrs. Blair's action. The married life of the parties has been of shor duration according to the complaints, it being stated that they were married March 3, 1932, and separated Wednesday. Blair's complaint alleged in part that continuously since the marriage his wife has nagged at, criticized and quarreled with him without reasonable cause. On numerous occasions he charged, she left their home and remained away several hours at a time without explanation as to where she had gone or what she had been doing. He further averred that while they were at their home Wednesday she called the Fort Wayne police department, without any notice to him and caused an officer to be sent out to arrest him, for what purpose or wrong he does not know," It was alleged that he accompanied an office to the police station and while he was away from home his wife took his automobile and most of his personal property in the apartment and removed them to a place unknown to him. Blair has been guilty of drinking and association with other women according to the complaint of his wife who further asserted that he called her vile names and failed to provide properly. It was stated in her complaint that she has no money or means to prosecute her case or for support during pendency of the action. In addition to a divorce, she asked that he former name, Altha Pollock be restored and that she be awarded support of $15 weekly while the action is pending.
  • 15 Apr 1932 His wife, Mrs. Myrtle Darling was "irritable and quarrelsome" frequently slapped and struck him and left him on two or three occasions. Birdsell Darling of 614 ½ High street complained in a divorce suit instituted in superior court No. 1. They were married September 19, 1927. Darling further claimed that Mrs. Darling left him on July 15, 1930, and went to Van Wert, O with the two children and that she has remained away since that time without any cause or provocation on his part. Because of her conduct, he asserted it is no long possible for them to live together in the marital relation.
  • 16 Apr 1932 Her complaint charging that "from the beginning and at all times during their married life," her husband, Holman C. Laukhart, was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment, Mrs. Francys Ellen Laukhart of 2305 Leroy drive sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married November 3, 1930, the parties separated January 15, this year. Mrs. Laukhart sought restoration of her former name, Francys Ellen Saunders.
  • 16 Apr 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 awarded Mrs. Mildred Hegerfield a divorce from Edwin F. Hagerfield and alimony in the sum of $200 on her allegations that Hegerfield was cruel to her and associated with other women. The Hegerfields separated last November after a marriage contracted in August, 1927. Mrs. Hegerfield's name was restored to Mildred Dornte.
  • 16 Apr 1932 Charges that her husband, John C. Handbury had failed to support her during a period of more than two years were incorporated in a divorce complaint instituted by Mrs. Maude A. Handbury of New Haven in superior court No. 1. It was said that Handbury went to Hanover, Pa. Wedded in 1902, the parties separated in 1929.
  • 17 Apr 1932 Charging that her husband, Erwin Miller treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner without cause or provocation, calling her "vile and abusive" names, striking her and quarreling with nagging her, Mrs. Praxedes Miller of route No. 3, Fort Wayne, sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Miller further averred that Miller failed to support her. They were married December 1, 1930, according to her complaint.
  • 17 Apr 1932 Judge Pro Tem H. Parnell McGreevy warded Mrs. Lillie Harp a divorce from Lawrence E. Harp in superior court No. 1 on her averments that Harp was guilty of failure to provide. Wedded in November, 1929, they separated in August, 1931.
  • 17 Apr 1932 Suit of Mrs. Bradford against Robert E. Bradford for limited separation was dismissed by Judge Pro Tem McGreevy on motion of the plaintiff.
  • 19 Apr 1932Charging that her husband, Everett King struck and cursed her, called her vile names and refused to provide properly, Mrs. Viola King of 1827 Winter street sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married February 23, 1928 the parties separated in August, 1931.
  • 19 Apr 1932 Mrs. Georgia L. Talbot of 1421 Ohio street sued Louis C. Talbot for divorce in superior court No. 2, her complaint alleging that he was an habitual drunkard, that he failed reasonably to provide for her during a period of more than two years and that she had to work for her support. They separated this month after a marriage contracted September 9, 1929. She asked for restoration of her former name, Georgia L. Burden.
  • 19 Apr 1932 A divorce was entered for Dellzell J. Brown in action against Mrs. Dorothy Brown, on charges of cruelty and alleged refusal to live with the plaintiff in superior court No. 1. Wedded in 1926, they separated the following year.
  • 19 Apr 1932 Mrs. Blanche Dalwin was decreed a divorce in superior court No. 1 from Harry Dalwin on averments that he cursed her and failed to provide. They were married in 1930, separating in 1931.
  • 19 Apr 1932 In superior court No. 1 Mrs. Marie Gephart was awarded a divorce from George A. Gephart on testimony that he struck and beat her at different times and refused to live with her. They separated in February this year after a marriage entered into in 1905.
  • 19 Apr 1932 Charging in part that his wife, Mrs. Mildred A. Schlup, made a false accusations against him and told him she did not want to live with him, Howard L. Schlup was given a divorce in superior court No.1. They married in December, 1931, they separated last January.
  • 19 Apr 1932 Charges of failure to provide, habitual intoxication and cruelty won Mrs. Juanita Kaehr a divorce from Edward Kaehr in superior court No. 1. They married in 1926 and separated in June 1931. Mrs. Kaehr was awarded custody of the two children, for support of whom Kaehr was to pay support.
  • 19 Apr 1932 Abraham L. Ochstein was given a divorce from Mrs. Inez L. Ochstein on allegations that she was guilty of cruelty and association with other men in superior court No. 1. Her name was restored to Inez J. Liederman. Wedded in 1930, they separated in January, 1932.
  • 19 Apr 1932 His complaint alleging that his wife, Mrs. Alva Lammons, on one occasion hit him over the head with a stove poker, that she neglected the household duties including his washing and mending, and that she was in his car "continually for about seven to eight hours a day," Carl Homer Lammons sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Lammons further charged that Mrs. Lammons called him vile names and associated with other men. Married July 26, 1925, they separated this month. There are four children, Lammons asking the he be granted custody of a daughter, 5.
  • 19 Apr 1932 Mart Le Vack of 3204 Vesey avenue, suing in superior court No. 1 for a divorce from Mrs. Winnie Le Vack, averred that she was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that she refused to perform the necessary domestic work around the house and that she would not go to cities where he had to go in following his vocation of steel worker. She nagged at him until it made life unbearable for him. They separated in June, 1930 after a marriage contracted in 1924.
  • 20 Apr 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce alleging in part that her husband, Carl Homes Lammons beat, struck and choked her, that he "pulled her hair" and that he body was "bruised and blackened" from whippings she received from him, was filed by Mrs. Alma Lammons of 2131 John street in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Mrs. Lammons further charged that Lammons threatened to kill her, that he failed to support her and their children and "went around with other women". Married July 30, 1925, they separated this month. Mrs. Lammons asked that she be given custody of the four children.
  • 20 Apr 1932 Charging that her husband, Theodore Dixon was guilty of cruelty, failure to provide and association with other women, Mrs. Edythe Dixon was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. Married in September, 1929, they separated in March, 1930. Mrs. Dixon was awarded custody of her child, for support of whom Dixon was ordered to pay $4 weekly.
  • 21 Apr 1932Her complaint asserting that she had been at all times since their marriage a "kind and dutiful wife" to her husband, William Beaty, but that he had without provocation threated her in a cruel and inhuman manner by quarreling and nagging and has been guilty of "incompatibility as a husband", Mrs. Anna Beaty of route No. 6, Fort Wayne, sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married September 9, 1911, the Beatys separated this month. There is one child, now past 17, according to the complaint.
  • 21 Apr 1932 James K. Rose as special judge granted Mrs. Mamie Barnes a divorce from Denver D. Barnes on a cross-complaint. The parties separated in March 1931, after a marriage contracted in 1905. Mrs. Barnes' cross-complaint charged that Barnes cursed her and "used profanity profusely", stayed away from home at nights, as often as two or three nights a week, and failed to provide properly. Under the decree Mrs. Barnes was awarded household good in the residence at 619 Douglas street and an automobile involved was awarded to Barnes who was excused from making certain allegedly delinquent support payments.
  • 21 Apr 1932 A citation for contempt was filed by the plaintiff in the divorce case of Rose M. Kryder against Frank H. Kryder, Jr., in circuit court, the plaintiff, it was stated, having been granted a divorce March 12, 3910. Kryder was ordered to appear April 25.
  • 22 Apr 1932 Charging alienation of affections of her husband, Frank Grubb, Mrs. Sue L. Grubb filed suit against Bessie Bresnahas of 1211 Lake avenue for $10.000 damages in superior court No. 2. The plaintiff and Grubb were married July 30, 1919, according to the complaint, and lived together until August 27, 1931, when it was said Mrs. Grubb was "compelled to separate" from her husband because of his allegedly cruel and inhuman treatment of her. They have a son, 11. The complaint stated that the Grubbs lived happily together until the latter part of 1929 when, it was alleged, the defendant began to meet Grubb and go on automobile rides with him and permitted him to visit her. It was further alleged that the defendant won Grubb's affection "by showing him numerous marks of kindness," Grubb, it was averred, became indifferent toward the plaintiff and neglected her.
  • 23 Apr 1932 Mrs. Margaret E. Dimmick was awarded a divorce from Glenn E. Dimmick on allegations that he struck her at different time, knocked her down and was guilty of desertion in superior court No. 1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan. They were married in 1929, they separated last January. Mrs. Dimmick was given custody of her child, for support of whom Dimmick was ordered to pay $7.50 weekly.
  • 23 Apr 1932 Charging that he husband, Oliver J. Clark refused to talk with her during periods and that he was occasionally very quarrelsome, Mrs. Mary M. Clark was decreed a divorce in superior court No. 1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan. Wedded in 1917, they separated in February, this year.
  • 23 Apr 1932 A divorce was granted in superior court No. 1 to Mrs. Lillian Rohlfing on averments that her husband, Melvin Rohlfing was guilty of habitual intoxication, that he beat her, swore at her and stayed out nights. They separated in July, 1931, after a marriage contracted in 1926l
  • 23 Apr 1932 Mrs. Helen Keehn was given a divorce from Carlysle Keehn in superior court No. 1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan, on assertions that he was cruel and had failed to provide for her during a period of more than two year. They married in 1923, separating in June, 1931. Custody of a son was bested in Mrs. Keehn, the husband being ordered to pay $5 weekly as support.
  • 23 Apr 1932 Suit for divorce from John Ferris was instituted in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Eva L. Ferris who charged that he has failed to make reasonable provisions for her support for more than two years past, although capable of doing so. The parties, it was stated, were married March 4, 1898 and separated in September, 1925, their children being of age. Mrs. Ferris' complaint alleged further that Ferris constantly nagged at, criticized and attempted to quarrel with her, and swore at her and in her presence until living with him as his wife became unbearable for her. It was further said that his conduct caused her great mental anguish and suffering and destroyed her love and affection for him.
  • 24 Apr 1932 Subject to residence witness testimony, Mrs. Mary Frances Barger is to be granted a divorce from Jethro Barber, Judge Pro Tem Fred Berks indicated following the introduction of evidence in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Wedded September 7, 1903, the parties separated in October, 1927. Mrs. Jethro alleged that her husband drank and that he was guilty of cruel treatment.
  • 24 Apr 1932 Divorce action of Bernice A. Gruber against Earl E. Gruber was dismissed by agreement in superior court No. 1 yesterday.
  • 26 Apr 1932 Charging that her husband, Fred Middleton of route No. 7, Maples, Ind., failed to provide and that when her earned money he used it for the purchase of intoxicating liquor which he drank to excess, Mrs. Sylvia Middleton sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1921, they separated this month. Mrs. Middleton further charged that Middleton cursed and struck her on numerous occasions. She asked that she be granted custody of the four children.
  • 26 Apr 1932 Mrs. Blanche Brand of 2316 Oliver street began suit in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to George Brand, averring that he stayed away from home at nights and for days at a time, and refused to account for his whereabouts, and nagged at and quarreled with her without cause. They separated last month after a marriage contracted in 1930.
  • 26 Apr 1932 Her husband, Charles Hirschey, did not support her properly and advised her to obtain a divorce, Mrs. Luella Hirschey complained in an action instituted in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of the marital tie. They were married in 1919, separating more than two years ago. Custody of the three children was asked by Mrs. Hirschey.
  • 26 Apr 1932 Mrs. Louise Calkins of 624 Anderson avenue sued Ivan Calkins for divorce in superior court No. 2, charging that he failed to provide properly during a period of more than two years. Wedded in 1918, they separated this month.
  • 26 Apr 1932 Her complaint alleging in part that her husband, Warren F. Lock insisted on her leaving the city and going to Chicago to live with relatives of hers, refusing to go with her, Mrs. Ruth Ellen Lock of 442 Lasselle street began a divorce action in superior court No. 1. Married in 1930, they separated last February. Mrs. Lock further charged that Lock failed to provide, stayed away from home without accounting for his whereabouts and told her he did not care for her.
  • 26 Apr 1932 Mrs. Evelyn M. Hausbach was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No.1 on testimony that her husband, Willis R. Hausbach was guilty of cruelty and failure to provide. Mrs. Hausbach was awarded custody of her child, for support of whom Hausbach was ordered to pay $3 weekly. They separated in December, 1931 after a marriage entered into in March 1930.
  • 26 Apr 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan gave Edward G. Bertels a divorce from Mrs. Mabel Bertels on allegations of cruelty and abandonment, custody of the child being vested in the plaintiff. Wedded in 1927, they separated in 1929.
  • 26 Apr 1932 Judge Georg H. Leonard of superior court No. 2 awarded Mrs. Mabel Nichols a divorce from Maylon Nichols on her averments that Nichols stayed out late at nights and failed to provide. Married in 1927, they separated in 1929. Mrs. Nichols was given custody of the child and Nichols was ordered to pay $5 weekly for its support.
  • 26 Apr 1932 Charging that her husband, John Lehman was guilty of quarrelilng and that he associated with other women, Mrs. Edna Lehman was granted a divorce by Judge Leonard. Married in 1924, they separated last February.
  • 26 Apr 1932 Evidence was partially introduced in the divorce action of Mrs. Dorothy Ertel against Joseph Ertel in superior court No. 2.
  • 26 Apr 1932 A divorce decree was entered for Mrs. Mary F. Barber in her action against Jethro Barber in superior court No. 1, evidence having been introduces Saturday and entry of the decree withheld pending residence witness testimony.
  • 27 Apr 1932 His complaint alleging that his wife, Mrs. Lucile E. Lillich left their place of residence on March 5, stating "that she no longer loved him and that he should secure a divorce." Arthur C. Lillich filed a complaint for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties were married June 4, 1925 it was stated. Lillich further charged that prior to the separation Mrs. Lillich found fault with and nagged at him and that during practically all of their married life she created such constant strife that for them to live together any longer as husband and wife is intolerable and unbearable to him. There are three children.
  • 27 Apr 1932 Charging that her husband, Harry Bell was cruel and quarrelsome, that her struck her and stayed out nights, Mrs. Virginia Bell was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. The Bells, it was said separated in August, last year after a marriage contracted in 1930. Mrs. Bell's name was restored to Virginia Ehrman.
  • 28 Apr 1932 Having charged that her husband Joseph Ertel, Jr. told her he would not live with her and that she should get a divorce, Mrs. Dorothy Ertel followed his alleged advice by procuring a decree for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Evidence in the case, which was partially introduced earlier in the week, was concluded yesterday. It was further alleged that the defendant had associated with other women, stayed out nights and struck his wife. Married July 18, 1928, the Ertels separated September 5, 1931, it was said. Mrs. Ertel was granted custody of the child, for support of whom Ertel was ordered to pay $2.50 weekly.
  • 29 Apr 1932 Her complaint alleging in part that her husband, Carl Henschen, during a period of several months past has flagrantly associated with women other than the plaintiff and had done so in the plaintiff's presence, Mrs. Margaret Henschen of 1913 Spring street sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. The Henschens separated November 8, 1931 after a marriage contracted January 7, 1929. Mrs. Henschen further claimed that Henschen failed to provide a home for her and to support and maintain her properly, and that he has "Misconducted himself as a husband in other manner and forms."
  • 30 Apr 1932 Her complaint asserting in part that the conduct of her husband, William F. Carter has been such as to impair her health, Mrs. Cora A. Carter of 915 Clay street, filed suit for a two-year limited separation in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Carter charged that Carter, whom she married August 24, 1924, failed to provide and that she was thus forced to work in order to support and clothe herself. She further alleged that he cursed and swore at her, called her vile names, was unfaithful to her and conducted himself in such a manner that it is impossible for her to live longer with him in the marital relationship. They separated this month.
  • 30 Apr 1932 Alleging that he told her "to get out of the house and secure a divorce" and threatened to shoot her and her daughter with a revolver, Mrs. Loretta Keintz sued Valentine Keintz of 2518 Barr street for divorce in superior court No. 1. The parties, it was stated were married September 4, 1900, separating March 31 this year. Mrs. Keintz also averred that her husband accused her of associating with other men and constantly nagged at and found fault with her.

  • 01 May 1932 Charging that her husband, Andy Sowers of 546 Geraldine street, "wholly filed to provide a suitable and comfortable home" for her and told her that she should "get out" if she did not life the home and the manner in which she was being treated, Mrs. Flora E. Sowers of 540 Fricke avenue sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married June 29, 1928, the parties separated last February. Mrs. Sowers further alleged that Sowers cursed her and called her vile names and that by reason his treatment it became "intolerable and impossible: for them to live together.
  • 01 May 1932 Complaint for annulment of marriage was filed in superior court No. 1 against Charles P. Reilly by Mrs. Ethel Reilly, who alleged that he obtained her consent to marry him October 9, 1931 by fraud. The complaint alleged in part that Reilly fraudulently represented to her prior to the marriage "that he was a single and unmarried man and had never been married before", and that he told her he was financially able to support her. His name in reality was Charles M. Guy, it was asserted. It was charged that she afterward discovered he did not intend to live with her as her husband, and that he abandoned and deserted her. The place of residence of the defendant is unknown to the plaintiff, it was said.
  • 01 May 1932 Two divorces were granted in superior court No. 1. Urban Ernst was given a divorce from Mrs. Thelma Ernst on a cross-complaint, charging cruel and inhuman treatment. Wedded in 1928, the litigants separated in September, 1931.
  • 01 May 1932 Mrs. Helen J. Purman was awarded a divorce from Paul Purman, her name being restored to Helen Lutz. Purman she alleged, had been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of her and had informed her he did not care for her. They separated last December after a marriage contracted in March, 1928.
  • 03 May 1932 Alleging in part that his wife, Mrs. Clara F. Duncan made statements to the effect that he "was stingy", and "tightwad", Lee W. Duncan filed an amended complaint for divorce and answer of general denial to her cross-complaint in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married in October 1926, the parties separated last January. Duncan further averred in part that the defendant at one period refused to properly prepare his meals and that she made other derogatory statement concerning him.
  • 03 May 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, Louis Brown was an "habitual drunkard" and that, when intoxicated, he occasionally became abusive and struck her, leaving marks on her body. Mrs. Mary Brown of 2323 Miner street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1. Brown, she further alleged would call her vile and filthy names in the presence of their child and told her to get a divorce. She asked that she be given custody of the child.
  • 03 May 1932 Mrs. Gladys P. Mougin of 3230 North Clinton street filed suit in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Jule B. Mougin, her complaint asserting that he swore at and cursed her, failed to provide a home and conducted himself in such a manner that it was impossible for her to live with him further in the marital relationship. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Mougin.
  • 03 May 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Etha Walters a divorce from Harold Walters on allegations that Walters failed to provide for her, cursed her and called her vile names and associated with other women. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. Walters, the court ordering Walters to pay $5 weekly for their support. Wedded in 1927, the parties separated in September, 1930.
  • 04 May 1932 Alleging in part the his wife, Mrs. Olive M. Smith, cursed him on numerous occasions and that she struck him, Arthur Dewey Smith filed cross-complaint for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Smith who further averred that his wife was "continually finding fault" that she was jealous and possessed and ungovernable temper. The cross-complaint also embodied an answer to general denial of assertions made by the wife in her divorce complaint. Married in October, 1929, the parties separated last month.
  • 05 May 1932 Alleging in part that her husband, Clem R. Elberson once struck her and broke her nose, Mrs. Ruth M. Elberson was given a divorce, subject to residence witness testimony, by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in December, 1921, the parties separated last January. Under terms of the decree, Mrs. Elberson is to be awarded custody of her child and Elberson required to-pay $2.50 weekly for its support.
  • 05 May 1932 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Alice N. Dailey in a suit filed in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to William B. Dailey. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in April, 1928. Mrs. Dailey asked that she be granted custody of her child.
  • 05 May 1932 Her husband, Ralph W. Kronmiller, nagged at and quarreled with her until it became impossible for them to live together, Mrs. Mildred G. Kronmiller averred in a divorce action instituted in superior court No. 1. Wedded in February, 1931, they separated in November. Mrs. Kronmiller asked that her name be restored to Mildred G. Sheehan.
  • 06 May 1932 Charging in part that her husband, James Greenwell on one occasion "grabbed her and shook her up," leaving painful after effects for several days. Mrs. Bradie Greenwell was granted a divorce by Judge George H. Leonard in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Mrs. Greenwell further averred that Greenwell was guilty of failure to provide. Married in November, 1924, they separated last December. Mrs. Greenwell's name was restored to Bradie Jackson.
  • 07 May 1932 Alleging that since 1922 her husband, Edgar Taylor, struck her with his fists on numerous occasions, "severely injuring her body and her eye, until now her eye is affected and the sight thereof has been permanently impaired." Mrs. Lucille Taylor filed an amended complaint for a three-year limited separation in superior court No. 1 yesterday. A number of allegations were set up in the complaint which charged that the defendant has knocked her down, threatened to shoot her and "upon numerous occasions called her vile names, to vile to here repeated." Mrs. Taylor, it was stated, filed her complaint last August. The amended complaint alleged that the defendant thereafter called at her home, at 425 Fairmount place "in intoxicated condition during the night and broke down the door in order to gain admittance to the house and came into her bedroom and pulled her out of bed, dragged her downstairs by the hair, cursed her and forced her to have intimate relations with him against her will. He was restrained by the court from calling at her home, it was said. It was further averred in part that the defendant has associated with another woman. Mrs. Taylor asked that she be granted custody of her child and awarded support. They were married in 1915.
  • 07 May 1932 Mrs. Della Brown of 1333 Fourth street sued in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to George Brown, claiming that he created such constant strife that for them to live together as husband and wife became intolerable. Wedded in February, 1925 they separated this month.
  • 10 May 1932 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Clara L. Graves persisted in living with her relatives and refused to live with him in a home of their own, Louis Graves filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Graves complaint further charged that when he refused to support members of his wife's family, she refused to longer live with him. Married in October, 1928, they separated last March.
  • 10 May 1932 General averments of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Henry Franklin Magner in an action to end his marriage to Mrs. Sylvia Magner, entered in superior court No.1. Wedded in 1910, they separated this month. Magner asked that he be awarded custody of five minor children.
  • 10 May 1932 Mrs. Ona King was given a divorce from Fay J. King on charges that he swore at her, struck her and was guilty of other acts of cruelty, and failed to provide during a period of more the two years. Married in 1929, they separated last March. Mrs. King's name was restored to Ona McElhaney.
  • 10 May 1932 Mrs. Marybelle Welch was awarded a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No.1, from Richard B. Welch, her name being restored to Connett , on testimony to the affect that Welch was quarrelsome , failed to provide and made false accusations. They separated last year after a marriage contracted in 1928.
  • 11 May 1932 Her complaint asserting that on various occasions her husband would leave their home and not return for several days, refusing to divulge his whereabouts to her, Mrs. Ida Mae Clark of 233 ½ East Main street sued William Clark for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in Jul 1920, the parties separated in August 1931 in which month Mrs. Clark charged Clark left her home and she has not since seen him nor heard from him. She further averred that she was obliged to work in order to maintain herself.
  • 11 May 1932 Mrs. Neva B. Lee of 918 Burgess street sued in superior court No. 2 to end her marriage to Laurel Edward Lee, alleging that he was guilty of associating with other women and that he failed to provide properly for his wife and child. Wedded in 1927 the Lees separated last February. Mrs. Lee asked that she be granted custody of her child.
  • 11 May 1932 Charging in part that her husband Lawrence Ray McKinzie was several years younger than he represented himself to be at the time they were married, Mrs. Laura Maxine McKenzie was granted an annulment of the marriage by Judge George H. Leonard in superior court No. 2. The parties were married November 4, 1931. They never lived together according to the evidence.
  • 11 May 1932 In superior court No. 1 Judge Charles J. Ryan entered a decree for divorce for Mrs. Ruth M. Alberson in her action against Clem R. Elberson, evidence in the case having been introduced previously and entry of the decree temporality withheld pending residence witness testimony. Mrs. Elberson was awarded custody of her child, for support of whom Elberson was ordered to pay $2.50 weekly.
  • 12 May 1932 Marriage ceremony entered into by Mrs. Josephine Bupt Hale and Chauncey Hale was held void under a decree entered by Judge Clarence R. McNabb following a hearing on the girl's complaint for annulment in circuit court yesterday. The girl, a high school student was only 14 when she married, it was said. According to the decree her name was restored to Josephine Bupt. The couple never lived together, the girl stating that she returned to her home after the ceremony was performed. The license was procured by giving an incorrect age to the license clerk. According to the complaint the marriage ceremony was performed February 27, this year.
  • 12 May 1932 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Sarah Marie Smith falsely accused him of infidelity and that, during a period of more than two years past, she almost constantly found fault with and nagged at him. Alfred Smith sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties separated this month. Smith's complaint further averred that there "has been constant discord and strife in the family" for some time and that it is "impossible for them to live together any longer as husband and wife."
  • 12 May 1932 Mrs. Ethel Carpino was awarded a divorce in superior court No.1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan from Dominte Carpino on allegations that he was guilty of failure to provide, cursed and swore at her and struck her four or five times. Wedded in 1925, the separated in September, 1931, Mrs. Carpino was awarded custody of her child, for support of whom Carpino was ordered to pay $3 weekly.
  • 12 May 1932 In superior court No. 1, Judge Charles J. Ryan, Mrs. Genevieve Vaughn was decreed a divorce from Glenn Vaughn on testimony that he nagged continually, was quarrelsome concerning money matters and that they had frequent arguments. Married in 1926, they separated last February. It being stated that they had separated on previous occasions. A cross-complaint, which had been filed by Vaughn was withdrawn at the opening of the hearing. Custody of the child was vested in Mrs. Vaughn and Vaughn was ordered to pay $3 weekly as support.
  • 12 May 1932 Hearing of the suit of Mrs. Lucile Taylor against Edgar Taylor, for limited separation, was continued until next week after additional evidence had been presented in superior court No. 1. It was alleged in part that Taylor, a member of the Fort Wayne police department and formerly a member of the dry squad, came home intoxicated on several occasions and that he associated with other women. The wife also charged that Taylor had struck her and broken down doors at their home. Taylor has filed a cross-complaint in the action.
  • 13 May 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Edward Wolffer, has at time struck and beaten her "until she would carry black and blue marks about her body for days at a time," Mrs. Emma Wolffer filed suit for a five-year limited separation, $5,000 alimony, support and custody of her minor children in superior court No 1 yesterday. The parties were married September 2, 1908. There are four children, aged 20, 19, 16 and 8 years. Mrs. Wolffer further complained that there has been constant strife between her husband and herself such as to render it intolerable for them to live longer together. It was charged that he "has been cruel in the use of sharp and abusive language" toward her, and continually found fault with everything she did.
  • 13 May 1932 Allegations that her husband, Ray R. DeBolt struck and injured her were also set up in a suit for divorce and $5,000 alimony entered in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Gale De Bolt, who further averred that she was compelled to work and earn money, part of which was used for the support of her husband. Wedded July 8, 1929, they separated this month.
  • 13 May 1932 Evidence in the action of Mrs. Marjorie Ennis against Robert Ennis was heard in superior court No. 1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan who indicated that a decree is to be awarded the plaintiff on introduction of additional residence witness testimony. Mrs. Ennis charged that her husband was quarrelsome, refused to live with her and failed to provide. They were married in March 1931.
  • 13 May 1932 The divorce suit of Emry Hindenland against Mrs. Elizabeth Hindenlang was dismissed in superior court No. 1.
  • 14 May 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, Edward Oser treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner by failure to provide properly and by association with other women. Mrs. Thelma Oser of 1418 West Main street sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married Jly 22, 1928, the parties separated last March.
  • 14 May 1932 Gaston L. Geer sued Mrs. Irene M. Geer for divorce on general charged that she has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward him. They separated last March after a marriage contracted June 29, 1930.
  • 14 May 1932 Cross-complaint for a divorce from Mrs. Mary Brown was filed in superior court No. 1 by Louis Brown who alleged that she lied and cursed, occasionally stayed away a day or longer and refused to tell him where she was going or when she would return, failed to perform household duties and told him to procure a divorce. Brown asked that he be granted custody of their child.
  • 15 May 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce and $3,000 alimony, alleging in part that the cross-defendant "has become the father of three illegitimate children, each by a separate woman," was filed by Mrs. Evalyana Bowman against Gillard R. Bowman in superior court No. 1. The cross-complaint , entered through Attorneys Alva C. Carpenter and David E. Smith, stated that the Bowman's separated February 10, this year, after a marriage contracted March 15, 1921. Approximately three years prior to the separation, Bowman "found apartments for himself and occasionally spent a part of the time" with his wife. During their entire life together he was in the habit of remaining out late at nights and refusing to tell his wife where he had been, informing her it was "none of her business." It was asserted that he "associated with various other women," that he paid the mothers of the alleged illegitimate children "large sums of money," and that he told his wife he cared more for the women than he cared for her. He insisted that his wife procure a divorce from him, she averred, declaring in part "that he would never pay her a cent of money in alimony." During the past three years, he "has kept, supported and maintained another women," and informed his wife that he did not intend to provide for her "unless forced to do so." Mrs. Bowman further charged that Bowman at various times struck and beat her and that by reason of the alleged beatings her health has become impaired. He called her "vile and vicious names," gambled, drank to excess and failed to provide properly, it was claimed.
  • 17 May 1932 Charging that her husband, Roscoe A. Neff, struck and choked her and failed to provide, Mrs. Margaret M. Neff was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Neff also made allegations to the effect that she had been threatened with a gun. Married in October, 1931, the parties separated last March. Mrs. Neff's name was restored to Margaret M. Snyder.
  • 17 May 1932 Mrs. Fredda M. Hinkle was awarded a divorce from Harry H. Hinkle in the superior court No. 1, on averments that he was indifferent, cursed her and told her to get a divorce. Her former name, Fredda M. Harner was restored. Wedded in 1914, they separated in May, 1931.
  • 17 May 1932 Mrs. Lucy E. Knapp of the Hessen Cassel road sued to terminate her marriage to Everett C. Knapp in superior court No. 1. Her complaint alleged in part that the defendant was a "consistent user of intoxicating liquor," that he swore at and abused her, calling her vile names. She further claimed that he struck and beat her on various occasions. They separated thia month after a marriage contracted in 1924.
  • 17 May 1932 In superior court No. 1, Mrs. Isabella G. Dailey of 4836 Monroe street is seeking a divorce from Esialas W. Dailey, and $1,500 alimony, alleging in her complaint that he continually scolded and found fault with her, that he refused to work, cursed her in the presence of others and associated "with women of bad repute for morality," They married in 1921, separating this month.
  • 17 May 1932 A cross-complaint for divorce, alleging that his wife, Mrs. Wylma Greene, threatened his life and on one occasion attacked her with a razor, "cutting his clothes and also making a great gash across his chest," was filed by Donald A. Greene in superior court No. 1. It was also alleged in part that she undertook to induce him "to take deadly poison," and that she "scolded and harassed him." Married in 1923, they separated last December.
  • 18 May 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, Hurley Laughrey falsely accused her of infidelity in the presence of her children by a former marriage and before friends and acquaintances, causing her much humiliation and embarrassment, Mrs. Edna Laughrey of 1746 Franklin avenue sued him for divorce and $5000 alimony in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in April 1921, they separated this month. Mrs. Laughrey further averred that Laughrey created such constant strife, that for them to live longer together as husband and wife was intolerable.
  • 18 May 1932 Seeking a five-year limited separation and $3,000 alimony, Mrs. Helen Schoenherr of 1525 Runnion avenue began suit in superior court No. 1 against Magnus Schoenherr, claiming that he has refused to make proper arrangements for her maintenance for six months or more and that, although she is in "serious need of medical attention", he has declined to pay for such services. They were married in 1904.
  • 18 May 1932 Averring that her husband, Clyde E. Wasson has failed to provide for their two children and herself during a period of more than six months past, Mrs. Agnes Wasson filed suit for a two-year limited separation in superior court No. 2. Wedded in September 1922, they separated this month. Mrs. Wasson asked that she be decreed support and custody of the children.
  • 18 May 1932 Mrs. Katie Poe was granted a divorce from Walter M. Poe on a cross-complaint by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1.Mrs. Roe alleged that Poe drank, failed to provide, absented himself from home and called her vile names. They separated in June, 1931 after a marriage contracted in 1901.
  • 19 May 1932 Alleging that her husband, Donald A. Greene was guilty of cruelty in that he went out of town without giving explanations, remained away late at nights and associated with other women, Mrs. Wylma Greene was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in November, 1923, the parties separated December 6, 1931. Mrs. Greene's name was restored to Wylma Smith.
  • 19 May 1932 Judge Ryan awarded Earl S. Walker a divorce from Mrs. Violet V. Walker on Walker's charges that Mrs. Walker abandoned him and their child and that she had associated with other men. They separated in August, 1930 after a marriage contracted in September, 1926. Custody of the child was vested in Walker.
  • 19 May 1932 Suit for divorce from Floyd H. Waldron was entered in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Dorothy M. Waldron, who averred in part that prior to their separation this month he struck and beat her with his fists, leaving marks and bruises on her body and face. She further claims that he failed to provide a proper home and to support her properly. They were married January 18 this year, according to the complaint of Mrs. Waldron, who seeks restoration of her former name.
  • 19 May 1932 Norman C. Bates filed suit for divorce from Mrs. Beulah M. Bates in superior court No. 1 on general charges of cruel and inhuman treatment. They were married in 1927, separating this month.
  • 20 May 1932 Charging in part that his wife, Mrs. Grace Blume has gone out in company and bowled with another man, Albert Blume filed a cross-complaint for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Blume's cross-complaint further alleged that Mrs. Blume occasionally stayed out late nights, sometimes until 12 or 1 o'clock, without telling him of her whereabouts. It was charged that she has a personal attitude around the house "very antagonistic to everyone around her," that she was "mean in every way possible to the cross-complainant" and refused "to do things around the house which the average wife should do." There are two children, custody of whom is sought by Blume.
  • 21 May 1932 Charges that her husband, Robert Ennis refused to live with her and that he was quarrelsome and guilty of cruelty and failure to provide were made by Mrs. Marjorie Ennis during a hearing on her complaint for amelioration of matrimonial difficulties before Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The court indicated that a decree is to be entered for Mrs. Ennis following introduction of additional residence witness testimony and that she is to be adjudged the owner of household goods involved.
  • 21 May 1932 Alleging that her husband, Zack Maier "refused to let her go any place," that he beat and struck her and their baby and made false accusations against her, Mrs. Cornelia Maler of 2418 Graeter street sued of divorce in superior court No. 1. It was stated that Maier's have separated, suits for divorce having been filed on previous occasions. Married in October, 1928 they separated this month. Mrs. Maier asked that she be granted custody of the child.
  • 21 May 1932 The divorce suit of Mrs. Corninne F. Van Tilbury against Donald Van Tilbury was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior court No. 1.
  • 22 May 1932 Her complaint averring that "by reason of incompatibility of temperament " they can no longer live together as husband and wife, Mrs. Beryl M. Fisher filed suit for termination of her marriage to Clarence Fisher of 2036 Broadway, in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married March 19, 1927, the parties separated March 19 this year. There are no children. It was asked that Mrs. Fisher's former name, Beryl McFarland be restored.
  • 24 May 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband "is a consistent user of intoxicating liquor and has on numerous occasions come home in an intoxicated condition," Mrs. Lenna Virginia Ferguson of 712 ½ St. Marys avenue sued Daniel P. Ferguson for divorce in superior court No. 1. The Fergusons separated February 10, this year, after a marriage contracted August 28, 1924. Mrs. Ferguson further averred that she was compelled to seek employment in order to support herself and her two children, custody of whom she seeks.
  • 24 May 1932 Her husband, Ainsworth Bassett, deserted her May 5, their marriage having taken place March 2, 1932, Mrs. Ruth Bassett of 2413 North Anthony boulevard, averred in a divorce action instituted in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Bassett, who asked that her name be restored to Ruth Stockberger, also charged in her complaint that Bassett constantly nagged and scolded and failed to support her.
  • 24 May 1932 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Mildred G. Godfrey, abandoned him, associated with other men and was guilty of cruelty, Clarence J. Godfrey was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. Married in 1928, they separated in July, 1931.
  • 25 May 1932 Charging that her husband, Roy V. Bowen, left home on various occasions and remained away two and three days at a time, Mrs. Georgia L. Bowen sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. They separated this month after a marriage contracted February 28, 1931. Mrs. Bowen's complaint further alleged that Bowen was "insanely jealous" of her, repeatedly complained of and found fault with her and unjustly accused her of associating with men.
  • 25 May 1932 Suit for divorce from Joseph Kramer was filed in superior court No. 2 by Mrs. Fern Kramer of 1013 McKee street, who averred that he failed to furnish her with necessary provisions and clothing and that he deserted her February 13, this year. They were married August 27, 1925.
  • 25 May 1932 Her husband, Francis M. Richhart , cursed, threatened and abused her, failed to provide her with proper food and clothing and occasionally became angry and threatened her with bodily harm. Mrs. Rose Richhart of 1528 Oakland street asserted in a divorce action instituted in superior court No. 1. The parties were married in 1898 and separated this year, according to the complaint.
  • 25 May 1932 A five-year limited separation from her husband, Arthur La Master, was asked by Mrs. Louise La Master of 2416 Fox avenue in a divorce suit entered in superior court No. 1, charging that he came home drunk on numerous occasions, failed to support her and the three children and made life miserable for her to such an extent that she cannot continue to live with him. They separated this month. Mrs. La Master seeks custody of the children and support.
  • 26 May 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Robert Gunther struck her at various times, on one occasion "cutting and bruising her to such an extent that the services of a physician were required to care for her," Mrs. Lucile Gunther sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1920, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Gunther asked that she be granted custody of her child.
  • 26 May 1932 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Minnie Gladieux, continually absented herself from his home "by prolonged visits in the city of Lancaster, Pa., "denied him the company of his child, falsely accused him of associating with other women and constantly nagged at and quarreled with him, Edward F. Gladieux began action in superior court No. 2 to end his marriage. The litigants separated last January after a marriage contracted in 1921. Gladieux asked that the custody of the child be vested in him.
  • 26 May 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Selma Andres a divorce from Walter Andres on her charges that Andres had abandoned her. They were married in 1921. Mrs. Andres was awarded custody of the children, and Andres was charged with their support.
  • 27 May 1932 An amended complaint for divorce alleging in part that his wife, Mrs. Evalyana M. Bowman "has thrown various objects at him, such as knives and a hatchet," and has kicked, bitten and scratched him, was filed by Gillard R. Bowman in superior court No. 2 yesterday. The complaint embodied a wide variety of charges, ranging from the allegation that the defendant threatened to kill the plaintiff, or to hire another man to kill him, if he instituted action for a divorce from her, to the comparatively mild claim that she called him vile names, "too vile, repulsive and indecent to here repeat." Bowman averred that his wife was in the habit of leaving their home at night, while he was engaged in his employment as night yard man on a railroad, and remaining away days at a time. It was alleged that she "was in the company with and associating with numerous other men," and refused to tell her husband where she had been, informing him that she would lead her own life and do as she pleased. The complaint further charged in part that the defendant has "drunk intoxicating liquors to excess, and to such an extent that her health had been affected and undermined." Married March 15, 1921, the parties separated February 10, 1932. They have no children. Mrs. Bowman has entered a cross-complaint for divorce in the case.
  • 27 May 1932 Karl Hanke was awarded a divorce in superior court No. 1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan, from Mrs. Hildegard Hanke on allegations that she associated with other men, abandoned the plaintiff and refused to live with him. Wedded in May, 1929 they separated last July. Mrs. Hanke's name was restored to Hildegard Christen.
  • 27 May 1932 Mrs. Bertha S. Elpers was granted a divorce from William A. Elpers by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1, on testimony that she was compelled to work because of his failure to provide, and that he cursed her and called her vile names. They separated last March after a marriage contracted in 1928. Mrs. Elpers''former name, Bertha Deetz was restored.
  • 27 May 1932 Mrs. Lucile Taylor was granted a three-year limited divorce from Edgar Taylor, a member of the Fort Wayne police department in superior court No. 1. Custody of the couples 14 year-old son was vested in Mrs. Taylor, Taylor being ordered to pay $70 monthly as support. Married in 1915, the Taylors separated about a year ago.
  • 28 May 1932 Charging that her husband, Charles Brubaker struck her and was guilty of other acts of cruelty and that he failed to provide, Mrs. Evelyn Brubaker was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No.1 yesterday. Married November 2, 1930, the parties separated last December. Mrs. Brubaker's former name was restored.
  • 28 May 1932 Answer and cross-complaint were filed by Valentine Keintz in the action of Mrs. Loretta Keintz, pending in superior court No. 1. The litigants were married in 1900, separating last March, when Keintz charged, his wife deserted him. At the time the litigants were married they were practically without means, it was said. The cross-complaint stated that Keintz from time to time paid his wife sums of money which were used in acquiring title to and making improvements on certain pieces of real estate. It was further alleged in part that the defendant removed the defendant's savings account book from his safety deposit box in a local bank. Keintz averred that his wife quarreled with him without cause, found fault with him and unjustly accused him. He asked judgement for $27,655 to be declared a lien on certain real estate.
  • 28 May 1932 Cross-complaint for a five-year limited separation from Edward F. Gladieux and $5,000 alimony was entered by Mrs. Minnie Gladieux in superior court No. 2. Wedded in 1921, the parties separated last January. Mrs. Galdieux charged that her husband threated her in a cruel and inhuman manner and associated with other women. She asked that she be granted custody of her child.
  • 29 May 1932 Her husband, Joh Shirley was guilty of cruel treatment in that on several occasions he struck, kicked and choked her and was guilty of other acts of violence toward her, Mrs. Althea Shirley of Monroeville alleged in a divorce complaint entered in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Shirley further averred that Shirley drank intoxicating liquor, and that because of his alleged failure to provide adequately during a period of more than two years preceding their separation she was compelled to work outside her home in order to support herself and child. The Shirley's separated in August, 1931, after a marriage contracted November 25, 1926. Mrs. Shirley asked that she be awarded support and custody of her child.
  • 29 May 1932 Charging that her husband, Alvin F. Blakley became angry over trivial matters and threatened to do her bodily harm, that he was "unduly suspicious and has made a number of false accusation," Mrs. Sarah Blakley of 132 West Dewald street sued in superior court No.1 to end her marriage. Married in 1902, they separated this month.
  • 29 May 1932 Divorce from Everett Long was sought in a complaint instituted in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Elva C. Long of 1719 Edsall avenue, who alleged that he choked her and struck her with his fists at various times, and on one occasion "pulled her by the hells down a flight of stairs" in such a manner that her head struck on the steps. She also alleged that he was addicted to the use of intoxicating liquor, was quarrelsome and failed to provide, thus obligating her with the task of working for her own support. Wedded in 1916, they separated this month. The wife asked that custody of two adopted children be vested in her.
  • 29 May 1932 Mrs. Helen Slater was awarded a divorce from Melvin J. Slater by Judge Pro Tem Fred Berkes in superior court No. 1 on her charges that Slater stayed out nights and failed to provide. Their marriage, entered into in April, 1931 was disrupted by a separation last March. Mrs. Slater was given custody of a son, and Slater was ordered to pay $3 weekly as support.
  • 29 May 1932 Action of Mrs. Helen Freehill against Walter Freehill for limited separation was ordered dismissed by agreement in superior court No. 2.

  • 01 Jun 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce, alleging in part that his wife refused to live with him as the result of his ejecting another man from his home, was filed by Arthur Ohneck of route No. 5, Fort Wayne, against Mrs. Jessie Ohneck in superior court No. 2 yesterday. The Ohnecks, it was stated separated last April after a marriage contracted in 1919. Ohneck's cross-complaint averred that the cross-defendant insisted that "one Joe Brown" remain in their home and that he permitted him to live with them until he discovered that they were having" clandestine love affairs" whereupon the ejectment followed. Ohneck further claimed in part that his wife filed her divorce complaint against him without any provocation or grounds. He asked that he be granted custody of the five children.
  • 01 Jun 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, Allen A. Sours of 4217 South Lafayette street repeatedly struck her making "black and blue marks on her body." Mrs. Iva Sours sued for divorce and restoration of her former name, Iva Wise in superior court No. 1. Wedded in 1927, they separated this month.
  • 01 Jun 1932 A divorce was granted in superior court No. 1 to Mrs. Iva M. Brunson from Arthur S. Brunson on a cross-complaint averring that the cross-defendant was guilty of cruelty and association with other women. Married in 1925, they separated in May, 1931.
  • 01 Jun 1932 Mrs. Helen M. Sterling was awarded a divorce from Francis J. Sterling in superior court No. 1 on allegations that he told her to leave the home that he did not care for her and cursed and swore at her. Wedded in 1928, they separated in March 1931.
  • 03 Jun 1932 Charging that her husband, Wesley Hance failed to provide during a period of more than two years and that he deserted her, Mrs. Irene Hance filed suit to end her marriage in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married November 4, 1922, the parties separated November 1, 1928.
  • 03 Jun 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Irene Roehm a divorce from Theodore H. Roehm on her testimony that Roehm was moody and quarrelsome and absented himself at intervals. The couple had been married and divorced on a previous occasion. They were married the last time May 8, 1931, separating October 31.
  • 03 Jun 1932 Harley Quackenbush was given a divorce from Mrs. Virginia Quackenbush on allegations that she had made certain false representations to him prior to their marriage. Wedded November 7, 1931, they separated February 25 this year. Quackenbush had first filed a complaint for annulment of the marriage, but entered a second paragraph, asking for a divorce yesterday.
  • 03 Jun 1932 The divorce case of Lee W. Duncan against Mrs. Clara V. Duncan, in which a cross-complaint was filed was taken under advisement by Judge George H. Leonard following the conclusion of introduction of evidence in superior court No. 2.
  • 04 Jun 1932 Alleging in part that her husband, Henry Franklin Magner at various times flew into a rage and broke the furniture and swore at her, Mrs. Sylvia Magner filed a cross-complaint for divorce in his action pending in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1910, the parties separated last month according to Mrs. Magner's cross-complaint, being caused by Magner's alleged cruelty toward her. It was further averred that he was jealous of her, occasionally followed her when she left the house and falsely accused her infidelity. Mrs. Magner asked tht she be granted custody of the children.
  • 04 Jun 1932 Divorce from William Burroughs was sought by Mrs. Opal Burroughs of 1628 ½ South Calhoun street, who asserted that her treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner and failed to provide and to make a home for her. They separated last March after a marriage contracted in August, 1931.
  • 04 Jun 1932 William J. Bailey of 2015 North Jesse street began action for divorce in superior court No. 1, claiming that his wife, Mrs. Flossie H. Bailey remained away all night on one occasion after she had informed him that she was going to a dance. Bailey further averred that he has been informed that his wife had been seen in the company of another man. Concerning the time when she allegedly remained away all night, Bailey's complaint stated that she refused, on her return, to inform him where she had been, telling him "that the reason why she did not come home was because she was drinking" and did not want Bailey to know. Bailey further claimed that his wife told him she was tired of living with him and informed friends of his that she did not love him anymore and "didn't known why she married him." Bailey asked that custody of the child be vested in him. Mrs. Bailey instituted suit in the same court to end her marriage to Bailey, alleging in part that he frequently cursed and swore at her and ordered her to leave their home. She also averred that he refused her permission to see and to be with her child, custody of whom she seeks. Wedded June 15, 1929, the parties separated last month. One of the divorce complaints will probably be refiled as a cross-complaint to the other.
  • 04 Jun 1932 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up in a divorce action filed by Mrs. Crystal Sunday of 131 East Creighton avenue against Ralph W. Sunday in superior court No. 1. The parties separated last February after a marriage contracted in February, 1930. Mrs. Sunday sought restoration of her former name.
  • 04 Jun 1932Mrs. Ethel Grimes was given a divorce in superior court No. 1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan, from Roy Grimes on allegations that he was guilty of failure to provide and abandonment, her maiden name being restored. They were married in 1917.
  • 04 Jun 1932 Testifying that his wife, Mrs. Pearl Vachon called him vile names, made false accusations against him and quarreled constantly, John C. Vachon was awarded a divorced decree in superior court No. 1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan. The parties separated in May 1930.
  • 04 Jun 1932 Claiming that she was compelled to work because of failure of her husband, Herbert W. Kadde to provide, Mrs. Sophia E. Kadde was granted a divorce in superior court No. 1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan, ending a marriage entered into in 1923.
  • 05 Jun 1932 Charging that her husband, Guy O. Groves struck her and failed as a provided, Mrs. Reatha Groves was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The Groves further averred that Groves was guilty of cruelty and nagging and that he was quarrelsome all the time, nagged at her and made false accusation against her. Married December 25, 1907, they separated last January.
  • 07 Jun 1932 His complaint charging in part that his wife, Mrs. Cora Ballinger t various times left her home early in the evening and sometimes stayed away until morning, refusing to tell him of her whereabouts, Virgil Ballinger sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Ballinger further alleged that the defendant associated with other men and "uttlery failed to properly perform her household duties." Quarreling and nagging were also cited. It was stated that Ballinger does not known his wife's present whereabouts. Married August 15, 1927, they separated in November, 1929.
  • 07 Jun 1932 Mrs. A. Mae Freistroffer of 2703 North Clinton street began action in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Arthur C. Freistroffer, averring that her stayed away from home on several occasions and refused, on his return to give any account of his whereabouts. She further asserted that he failed to provide for her support. Wedded in 1921, they separated last month.
  • 07 Jun 1932 Judge George H. Leonard of superior court No. 2 granted Mrs. Emma Ruth Weaver a divorce from Bert E. Weaver on her charges that Weaver nagged and quarreled and failed to provide. They married in 1903, separating in September, 1930.
  • 08 Jun 1932 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Mildred Fox, refused to live with him and that she associated with other men. Lawrence G. Fox filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in May, 1929, the parties separated the same month, according to the complaint. It was stated that Fox, since the separation, endeavored to communicate with his wife, who at the time they separated resided in Chicago, but that his letters were returned to him unclaimed.
  • 08 Jun 1932 Mrs. Beulah L. Deeter began action in superior court No. 1 to terminate her marriage to Walter J. Deeter, whom she accused of treating her "in a cruel and inhuman manner at various time and in divers ways." They separated this month after a marriage contracted October 8, 1925.
  • 08 Jun 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Clarence E. Kintz, "has been convicted of an infamous crime: and against her wishes and over her objection, "insists on following an illegal occupation" and associates with other women, Mrs. Marcus B. Kintz sued in superior court No. 1 for divorce and $3,000 alimony. Mrs. Kintz also averred that Kintz struck her and that because of his failure to provide, she has been forced to work during the greater part of her married life. As a result of his treatment, she claimed her health has become impaired. She seeks restoration of her former name, Marcel B. Nash. They married in 1923, separating last January.
  • 08 Jun 1932 Divorce from James G. McCray was sought in a suit entered in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Margaret McCray who asserted in part that he has repeatedly told her "that he did not love her and has boasted to her about associating with other women." She also claimed that she has been compelled to support herself, that he refused to provide for her the necessities of a home and "abused her in other ways." Wedded in December, 1929, they separated this month.
  • 09 Jun 1932 Charging that her husband, Joseph Wojciechowski refused on numerous occasions to take her to places of Amunsement or to accompany her to social functions, Mrs. Gladys Wojciechowski of 1034 Franklin avenue sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in September, 1930, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Wojciechowski further averred that Wojciechoeski was quarrelsome and continually found fault with her. She asked that her name be restored to Gladys Williams.
  • 09 Jun 1932 Mrs. Nancy Adeline Russell, who it was stated is a nurse at the Irene Byron Tuberculosis sanatorium, began a divorce action against her husband, Harvey R. Russell in superior court No. 1,alleging that he abandoned her without cause June 17, 1929 and that she has not seen him nor heard from him since. They were married in 1926.
  • 09 Jun 1932 Charges that her husband, Gerald B. Straw used abusive language toward her, struck her and failed to provide, won a divorce for Mrs. Carrie L. Pharis Straw in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Judge Charles J. Ryan restored the plaintiff's name to Carrie L. Pharis Herring. They separated in June, 1931 after a marriage contracted in 1929.
  • 10 Jun 1932 Charging that her husband, Frank E. Brown abandoned her without legal cause April 18, 1928, Mrs. Nellie F. Brown of 817 Packard avenue filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties were married October 27, 1898, according to the complaint. They have two children, both of whom are married. It was further alleged that Brown frequently cursed and swore at his wife, called her vile names and on numerous occasions, threatened her with physical violence. She averred that he absented himself and went to parts unknown to her a number of times prior to the alleged abandonment.
  • 10 Jun 1932 Mrs. Thelma Musselman was granted a divorce from Howard Musselman and custody of her child by Judge Pro Tem Andrew W. Perry in superior court No. 2. The parties separated in May, 1931, after a marriage contracted in November, 1928. Musselman was ordered to pay $3 weekly for support of the child.
  • 10 Jun 1932 A divorce was granted by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 by John W. Bough in action against Mrs. Marie Bough, a cross-complaint of the defendant being withdrawn. Custody of the two children was bested in Bough with the provision the Mrs. Bough is to have charge of them during the summer vacation period, at which time Bough is to pay $5 weekly support. Bough averred in part that his wife cursed and nagged at him and associated with other men. Married in 1924, they separated in June, 1930.
  • 10 Jun 1932 Mrs. Grace L. Jackson was awarded a divorce in superior court No. 1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan, from Merle B. Jackson on a cross-complaint, alleging that he struck her, was quarrelsome and refused to live with her. Wedded in October, 1927, they separated last March. Custody of their child was given to Mrs. Helen A. Huguenard, route No. 6, Fort Wayne.
  • 11 Jun 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce alleging in part that her husband, Gaston L. Geer repeatedly told her "that he was in love with one ___" who resided in Fort Wayne, was filed by Mrs. Irene M. Geer in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married June 29, 1930, the Geer's separated last March. Mrs. Geer averred that the separation was caused by cruel treatment of her by Geer who associated with other women "on many and numerous occasions."
  • 11 Jun 1932 Mrs. Margaret Kintz was awarded a divorce in superior court No. 2 by Judge George H. Leonard from Garie Kintz on her testimony that he failed to provide and associated with other women. The separated last January after a marriage contracted in September, 1931. Her former name, Margaret Reed was restored.
  • 11 Jun 1932 In superior court No. 2, Judge George H. Leonard granted Mrs. Clara Duncan a divorce and $1,250 alimony on a cross-complaint against Lee W. Duncan, the case having been under advisement. Mrs. Duncan's name was restored to Clara Roche. She accused her husband to whom, it was said, she had been married previously, of various acts of cruelty.
  • 11 Jun 1932 Allegations that her husband, Ray E. Isaacs called her vile names, struck and beat her and failed to provide were incorporated in a divorce action entered by Mrs. Mary Isaacs of1324 Burgess street in superior court No. 1. Wedded in December, 1920 they separated this month. Mrs. Isaac's complaint stated that the defendant is now serving a sentence at the state penal farm. She claimed that he was in the habit of becoming intoxicated, and that when he was in such a condition, he was "dangerous and abusive." She asked that she be granted custody of her child.
  • 12 Jun 1932 Charges that her husband, Albert J. Arthurs failed as a provide won a divorce for Mrs. Ruby H. Arthurs in superior court No. 1. Married in Jun, 1920, the parties separated April 6, 1932.
  • 14 Jun 1932 Alleging in part that her husband, Rufus Beck, was dependent on his father for support and neglected to obtain work sufficient to support her, Mrs. Margaret Beck of 1203 McClellan street filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Mrs. Beck's complaint further averred that he husband refused to maintain a home for her and that she was compelled to live with his parents. The defendant would go to dances and associate with other women, and when she would admonish him concerning his conduct he would tell her to obtain a divorce. They were married September, 4, 1929.
  • 14 Jun 1932 Her husband, Delbert W. Zeddis repeatedly stayed out late at night, sometimes all night, and on various occasions become intoxicated and struck and injured her. Mrs. Charlotte M. Zeddis of 518 East State boulevard charged in a divorce action entered in superior court No. 1. Married in May, 1928, they separated this month.
  • 14 Jun 1932 Charging that her husband, James Lechleitner, cursed and abusted her without provocation and was "very irritable," especially when under the influence of intoxicating liquor, Mrs. Madge Lechleitner sued in superior court No. 1 seeking termination of her marriage. Wedded in April 1930, the separated this month. Mrs. Lechleitner also charged that the defendant has struck, beaten, choked and scratcher her and that he "very seldom" accompanied her anywhere. She asserted that she had left him because of his abuses and returned on his promises to do better, but that the promises were violated. She asked that she be given custody of her child.
  • 14 Jun 1932 Judge George H. Leonard of superior court No. 2 granted Mrs. Nora L. Miller a divorce from Ray H. Miller on her allegations that Miller left her for six or eight days at a time, occasionally came home in an intoxicated condition and threatened her with bodily harm. They separated last month after a marriage contracted in 1908.
  • 14 Jun 1932 In superior court No. 1, Judge Charles J. Ryan awarded Mrs. Esther R. Lipnik a divorce from Leon Lipnik on her testimony that Lipnik was guilty of cruelty and failure to provide, thus compelling her to work; and that he told her to get a divorce and left her. They married in November, 1931, separating last January. Mrs. Lipnik's name was restored to Esther Frank.
  • 14 Jun 1932 Subject to residence witness testimony, Judge Ryan gave Mrs. Stella McGary a divorce from Frank McGary, a former plainclothes officer of the Fort Wayne police department, on her allegations that the defendant swore at her, threatened her, said he "had another woman" and drank to excess. Wedded in 1911, they separated last April. Mrs. McGary was awarded custody of a child, 16 and McGary was charged with its support.
  • 15 Jun 1932 His complaint, alleging in part that his wife, Mrs. Hazel M. Holderman, "scolded him because he did not make more money to give to her" and "always wanted to spend more than he was making," Herman R. Holderman of 635 Leesburg road sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in October, 1910, they separated this month. Holderman further charged that the defendant constantly found fault with him and made it difficult for him to live peaceably at home, that she was away from home a good deal, that he was compelled to get his own meals in the morning, and that she made accusations against him without sufficient warrant for so doing. He asked that he be awarded custody of the child.
  • 15 Jun 1932 Mrs. Gladys Cerveris of 1012 East Lexington avenue began action in superior court No. 2 to end her marriage to Joseph Cerveris, averring that he threatened to kill her and falsely accused her of associating with other men while he, himself, associated with other women. They separated this month after a marriage contracted September 8, 1929.
  • 15 Jun 1932 Her husband, Henry Weaver would nag and "ask her to pack his clothes as he wanted to leave," Mrs. Ida Weaver of 4037 Hoagland avenue claimed in a suit for a two-year limited separation entered in superior court No. 1. Wedded in 1908, they separated last month.
  • 15 Jun 1932 Charging that her husband, Samuel Feighner frequently beat and struck her and cursed and swore at her, Mrs. Vera Feighner of 223 East Superior street began a divorce action in superior court No. 1. They were married in 1919, separating this month. Mrs. Feighner asked that custody of her son be vested in her.
  • 15 Jun 1932 A general charge of incompatibility was set up by Mrs. Leona Tracy in a divorce suit instated against Harold E. Tracy in superior court No. 1. Married in 1928, they separated this month. Mrs. Tracy asked that her name be restored to Leona Gordon.
  • 15 Jun 1932 Mrs. Altha Blair was awarded a divorce from Arthur Blair in superior court No. 1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan, on allegations that he beat her, drank to excess, failed to provide and associated with other women. Married March 3, 1932, the separated April 13, Mrs. Blair's name was restored to Altha Pollock.
  • 15 Jun 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Neta B. Stults a divorce from Earle H. Stults on a cross-complaint, charging that he struck her in the eye and nose, got intoxicated and failed as a provider. Custody of the children was vested in Mrs. Stults and Stults was ordered to pay $5 weekly for their support. They separated last September after a marriage entered into in 1924.
  • 15 Jun 1932 Mrs. Alma Shortt was decreed a divorce from James P. Shortt on allegations that he whipped her at different times. They married in 1920 and separated last April. Mrs. Shortt was given custody of the children and judgment for $300 alimony, the case being continued on the issue as to the support of the children.
  • 15 Jun 1932 In superior court No. 2 Judge George H. Leonard gave Mrs. Emra F. Wise a divorce from Ernest N. Wise on averments that Wise became intoxicated, beat her and failed to provide. She was awarded custody of the children, Wise being directed to pay $10 weekly for their support. Wedded in 1925, they separated in 1920.
  • 16 Jun 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce alleging in part that his wife, Mrs. Vera Feighner, drank and that she associated with other men was filed by Samuel Feighner in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married December 6, 1919 the parties separated this month. Feighner asked that he be awarded custody of the child.
  • 16 Jun 1932 Charging that her husband, Edward Burg without cause, treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner and refused to live with her, Mrs. Helen I. Burg of 428 Madison street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1. They separated last May after a marriage contracted September 11, 1927, Mrs. Burg's complaint further asserted that there were constant quarrels. She asked that she be given custody of her four children and support.
  • 16 Jun 1932 Mrs. Amelia Cox of 223 East Superior street began action in superior court No. 2 to end her marriage to Lawson Cox, averring that he struck and beat her, cursed her and called her vile names. Wedded March 1, 1916, they separated last April. Mrs. Cox seeks custody of the two children.
  • 17 Jun 1932 Alleging that her husband, Theodore Gephart associated with other women, failed to provide her with the necessities of life and told her to get a divorce, declaring that he could live with her no longer, Mrs. Velma Gephart of 4215 Robinwood drive sued for a two-year limited separation in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married in 1923, the Gephart's separated in February, 1931. Mrs. Gephart asked that she be awarded custody of the three children.
  • 17 Jun 1932 Elmer Pearson, suing in superior court No. 2 to end his marriage to Mrs. Esta Pearson, averred that they lived happily together, after their marriage in 1916, until the spring of 1931, when his complaint asserted, she lost her affection for him and informed him "that she would have nothing further to do with him as his wife." Pearson further alleged that Mrs. Pearson told him that she thought more of another than she did of him. The plaintiff stated that he had attitude toward their marriage tie and attempted without avail to persuade her to desist from meeting the other party. Quarrels, fault-finding and failure to cook his meals were also cited by Pearson in his charges against his wife.
  • 17 Jun 1932 Lee Rutledge was awarded a decree in superior court No. 1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan, dissolving his marriage to Mrs. Jesse Rutledge on averments that she was guilty of cruelty, nagging and fault-finding over a period of years. Wedded in 1925, they separated this year.
  • 17 Jun 1932 Mrs. Ida May Ratliff was given a divorce from Charles Ratliff in superior court No. 1 by Judge Charles J. Ryan on charges of failure to provide and abandonment, her former name being restored. They separated last January after a marriage contracted in September, 1930.
  • 17 Jun 1932 In superior court No. 2 Judge Pro Tem Andrew W. Perry refused to grant a divorce in the contested action of Mrs. Grace Blume against Albert Blume, holding that her husband would not kiss her shortly after their marriage ceremony and told of an occasion when Blume allegedly struck her. Blume's cross-complaint charged in part that his wife occasionally stayed out late at nights.
  • 17 Jun 1932 Venue of the divorce action of Gailard R. Bowman against Evalyana M. Bowman was ordered changed from superior court No. 2 to Whitley county.
  • 18 Jun 1932 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Freida Aldrich falsely accused him of associating with other women, Henry Aldrich sued her for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Aldrich further averred that Mrs. Aldrich constantly quarreled with and nagged at him and that she cursed and swore at him at various times during their life together. They were married November 20, 1930, separating in January, 1931.
  • 18 Jun 1932 Her husband, Lester Mohr threatened to do her bodily harm and attempted on several occasions to choke her, Mrs. Florence Mohr of route No. 1, Hoagland, alleged in a divorce action instituted in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Mohr also claimed that Mohr often struck her and swore and cursed at her, telling her at various times that "she should leave and that he cared nothing for her." They separated this month after a marriage contracted in November, 1930.
  • 19 Jun 1932 Charges of association with other men were incorporated in a cross-complaint for divorce filed by John Shireley in the divorce action of his wife, Mrs. Althea Shireley, pending in superior court No. 1. The partied were married November 25, 1926. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by the cross-plaintiff.
  • 19 Jun 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce on grounds of alleged cruel and inhuman treatment was filed by Mrs. Grace L. Jackson against Merle S. Jackson in superior court No. 1.
  • 19 Jun 1932 Her husband, Paul Kress has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that practically ever since their marriage he has constantly nagged at her, scolded her without reason and insisted that she obtain a divorce, Mrs. Alice May Kress alleged in a divorce complaint entered in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Kress further averred that Kress told her he would not live with her. Wedded September 1, 1928, the separated in December, 1931. Mrs. Kress asked for restoration of her former name, Gibson.
  • 19 Jun 1932 In superior court No. 1 Judge Pro Tem James D. Sturgis granted Mrs. Ada Bryce a divorce from Roy Brice on charges of cruel and inhuman treatment, custody of the child being vested in Mrs. Bryce. They separated in July, 1928 after a marriage contracted in 1923.
  • 21 Jul 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, Leroy Hapner,"has assaulted her and in many other ways cruelty and inhumanly treated her," Mrs. Ada M. Hapner of 315 Brandriff street filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in December, 1922, the Hapner's separated this month. There are two children, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Hapner, who averred that Hapner has failed to support her and the children during a period of more than two years. About June 1, she claimed he deserted her without cause and left his family with insufficient support.
  • 21 Jul 1932 Mrs. Laucie H. Reyer sought a divorce in superior court No. 1 from her husband, Herman W. Reyer on assertions that he was guilty of cruel treatment in that he struck and injured her on repeated occasions. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in 1928. Mrs. Reyer asked that the custody of the two children be vested in her. Her complaint alleged that the defendant took one of the children from her possession.
  • 21 Jul 1932 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Margaret Stellhorn refused, without any fault on his part to live with him, Raymond Stellhorn of 1214 St. Marys avenue began action in superior court No. 1 to end his marriage. Wedded March 26, 1924, they separated last April. Stellhorn asked that custody of the child be awarded to him.
  • 21 Jul 1932 Mart LeVack was decreed a divorce from Mrs. Winnie LeVack in superior court No. 1 on averments that she was quarrelsome and Jealous, nagged constantly and that there was "constant fighting." They were married in August, 1925, separating in June, 1930.
  • 22 Jun 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, William Dick choked her, accused her falsely, was "insanely jealous" of her, nagged and failed to provide properly, Mrs. Mildred Dick of 608 West Superior street filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties separated this month after a marriage contracted April 11, 1932, it was stated. Mrs. Dick asked for restoration of her former name, Mildred Green.
  • 22 Jun 1932 Mrs. Esther Lauer began action in superior court No. 2 seeking to terminate her marriage to Bernard Lauer on charges that he habitually became intoxicated since their marriage and frequently beat her, making life so unbearable for her that she was compelled to leave his home this month. It was further asserted in part that, Mrs. Lauer is "nervous and sick and unable to work." They were married February 2, 1931.
  • 24 Jun 1932 Charging that her husband, Albert Blume struck and beat her, cursed her and called her vile names, and falsely accused her of associating with other men, Mrs. Grace Blume of 2325 Terrace road filed suit for divorce and $1,500 alimony in superior court No. 1 yesterday. They separated after a marriage contracted last December.
  • 24 Jun 1932 Mrs. Daisy Baker sought to end her marriage to Kemp Baker in a divorce action filed in superior court No. 1. She charged that he cursed and swore at her, abused her and used foul language in her presence. Wedded in 1908, they separated in July, 1930. Mrs. Baker asked that she be awarded custody of the five children.
  • 24 Jun 1932 His wife, Mrs. Itha E. Trosin, "openly and falsely" accused him of associating with lewd women, repeatedly accused him of drinking and "characterized his as a drunkard," Fred W. Trosin of 1614 Green street alleged in a complaint for divorce filed in superior court No. 1. Married May 2, 1932, it was stated they separated Jun 8. Trosin further claimed that Mrs. Trosin cursed and swore at him, refused to do the duties of a housewife and neglected to maintain the home he provided.
  • 24 Jun 1932 In superior court No. 1, Mrs. Margaret Hays of 2210 Winter street, seeking to dissolve her marriage to Robert Hays, asserted that he called her vile names, struck and beat her and nagged at her. They were married June 17, 1931, separating this month.
  • 24 Jun 1932 Mrs. Jean Ruhl of 2519 Smith street sued Neil Ruhl for divorce in superior court No. 1, alleging that he beat her, failed to provide properly and associated with other women. Wedded in April, 1929 they separated in February, 1930.
  • 24 Jun 1932 Mrs. Eva L. Ferris was given a divorce from John Ferris from whom she had been separated approximately seven years, on testimony to the effect that he associated with other women, drank heavily and failed to provide, in superior court No. 1. They were married in 1898, is was said, and separated in 1925.
  • 24 Jun 1932 Mrs. Edna B. Fuller was freed from her marriage to Jerome A. Fuller in superior court No. 1, on allegations that he had failed to provide during a period of more than two years, and told her to get a divorce. They separated last March after a marriage contracted in 1925. Custody of the child was vested in Mrs. Fuller. Fuller being charged with the child's support.
  • 24 Jun 1932 Charges that her husband, Charles O. Ruch, struck her and refused to provide won a divorce for Mrs. Else Ruch in superior court No. 1. She was given custody of the child, the defendant being charged with its support. Wedded in 1914, they separated last January.
  • 24 Jun 1932 Affidavit for a change of venue from Judge Charles J. Ryan was filed in the divorce suit of Loretta Keintz against Valentine Keintz, pending in superior court No. 1.
  • 25 Jun 1932 His complaint alleging that within a week after their marriage, his wife Mrs. Mildred Martin, left him "and told him that she would not live with his and that he should get a divorce," Steve Martin of 2433 Graeter street filed suit for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 1. Married in September, 1931, the parties separated in October. Martin averred that his wife refused absolutely to live with him further.
  • 25 Jun 1932 Mrs. Diamond Alday of 5000 McClellan avenue sued in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Walter Alday, charging the he frequently struck and beat her and called her vile names. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in July, 1925. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Alday.
  • 25 Jun 1932 Averring that her husband, Glenn Johnson treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner, cursed her, called her vile names, failed to provide properly for her and associated with other women, Mrs. Mary Johnson of Maumee township began action for dissolution of her marriage. The parties separated this month.
  • 28 Jun 1932 Allegations that her husband, James Bush struck her and knocked her unconscious several times were made by Mrs. Edith Bush during a hearing on her suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Bush further claimed that Bush had failed to provide during more than two years. Married in 1927, they separated in June, 1931. Judge Charles J. Ryan indicated that a divorce is to be entered for Mrs. Bush and her name restored to Edith Rex, following additional residence witness testimony.
  • 28 Jun 1932 A divorce was likewise entered subject to residence testimony, in behalf of Mrs. Maude Osterman in her action against Clarence Osterman in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Osterman averred in part that Osterman struck her and was guilty of cruelty and nagging. They separated in Mary, 1931 after a marriage contracted in 1918.
  • 28 Jun 1932 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Rosella Floyd in a divorce suit against Frank Floyd in superior court No. 1. Wedded February 14, 1930, they separated last April. Mrs. Floyd asked that she be awarded custody of the child.
  • 28 Jun 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce alleging in part that his wife, Mrs. Diamond Alday "told him that she cared nothing about him and his ___ kid, and stated she was going to get a divorce" and marry another man with whom, it was charged she had been associating for a long period of time, was filed by Walter Alday in superior court No. 1. Married in 1925, the parties separated this month. Alday, has no steady employment and had no work whatever until he commenced to solicit jobs cleaning cisterns at which he make approximately $1 daily. He asked that he granted custody of the child.
  • 28 Jun 1932 A supplemental complaint for divorce was filed in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Wilda Lawhead who sued her husband, Edwin P. Lawhead for dissolution of marital ties last February, averring that he was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment, quarreled with and nagged at her, cursed her and failed to provide properly. Mrs. Lawhead was induced to resume living with her husband in March on his solicitations and promises to treat her kindly and support her properly, but the reunion last only until June 9 when she was compelled again to separate from him.
  • 28 Jun 1932 Allegations that her husband, Arthur E. Ohneck, falsely accused her of association with other men, swore at her in the presence of their children and failed to provide properly were made by Mrs. Jessie A. Ohneck during a hearing on her divorce action before Judge George H. Leonard in superior court No. 2. Married in 1919, the parties separated last April. There are five children. The hearing was continued for introduction of additional evidence.
  • 28 Jun 1932 Her husband, Clifford Johnson often cursed her and struck and beat her until "black and blue marks" would be left on her body, Mrs. Esther Johnson of 1619 South Harrison street averred in a divorce complaint entered in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Johnson further charged that Johnson drank intoxicating liquor to excess and that when he was intoxicated should occasionally be compelled t leave home in order to avoid his abuse. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in 1926.
  • 28 Jun 1932 Alleged intoxication by her husband, Robert Winans and beating and abuse were likewise cited by Mrs. Irene Winans of 1203 McClellan street in a suit filed in superior court No. 2 to end her marriage. Wedded in April, 1931 the litigants separated last April. Mrs. Winans Claimed that Winans failed to obtain employment in order to provide her with the necessities of life. He would falsely accuse her of association with other men and with becoming intoxicated, and at such time would sometime strike and beat her. Her complaint citied occasions when Winans came to her home in an intoxicated condition, overturned and broke numerous articles of furniture and decorations, beat her, threw her across a room, attempted to strike her with a bottle and threatened to shoot her. She also averred that he cursed and threatened her, called her vile names and associated with other women.
  • 28 Jun 1932 Mrs. Gertrude Johnson of 702 East Washington boulevard began action in superior court No. 2 for divorce and restoration of her former name, Gertrude Hoy, charging that her husband, Lysle Johnson, filed to support her, although her has had five automobiles since their marriage. Once he rented a house "and pretended to start house-keeping, but refused to pay the bills." It was averred that he has been out of employment since November, 1931, except that he works one day a week for which he receives $3, spending the money for gasoline. They married in January, 1928, separating this month.
  • 28 Jun 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 entered a divorce decree for Mrs. Maude Osterman in action against Clarence Osterman, she having alleged that the defendant was guilty of various acts of cruelty and had been convicted of a felony. They separated last year after a marriage entered into in 1918.
  • 30 Jun 1932 Her complaint, alleging in part that her husband, Rama Sellers, struck and cursed her and associated with other women, Mrs. Fairy Sellers of 1333 Spy Run avenue filed suit for a two-year limited separation in superior court No. 2 yesterday. The litigants were wedded January 27, 1918, and afterward re-married in 1930, living together until about April 25, this year. Mrs. Sellers further charged that Sellers failed to make suitable provision of clothing, fuel and food for her and the two children.
  • 30 Jun 1932 Charging that her husband, Harold Zimmer, drank intoxicating liquor and gambled, and that he failed to support her and the children during a period of years, Mrs. Cecilia Zimmer sued for divorce in superior court No. 1. Married in January, 1922 the parties separated in August, 1930. There are four children, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Zimmer.

  • 01 Jul 1932 Charging that her husband, Ernest Casteel served part of a 1 to 10 year sentence imposed on a charge of implication in the robbery of a filling station on the Lima road some time ago, Mrs. Merle Casteel was granted a divorce by Judge George H. Leonard in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married October 11, 1926, the parties separated in November, 1930. According to the wife's testimony, the defendant also figured in other court proceedings. Custody of the child was vested in Mrs. Casteel and Casteel was ordered to pay $4 weekly for the child's support.
  • 01 Jul 1932 Order of dismissal was entered in the divorce action of Mrs. Lavinia L. Smith against Benjamin H. Smith in superior court No. 1.
  • 01 Jul 1932 Order of dismissal was entered in the divorce action of Mrs. Melba Genicki against Victor Genicki in superior court No. 1.
  • 01 Jul 1932 The divorce action of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth La Haise against Louise C. La Haise was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior court No. 2.
  • 02 Jul 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, Dale Ferrell struck and beat her on many occasions and falsely accused her of infidelity, Mrs. Magaret Ferrell filed suit for a one-year limited separation from bed and board in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The Ferrells were married December 24, 1927. Mrs. Ferrell further averred that Ferrell constantly nagged at and abused her by swearing and cursing at her, and stated that there has been such constant strife between them as to render it intolerable for them to live together. She asked that she be given custody of her child, and that she be decreed maintenance during the period of separation.
  • 02 Jul 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 gave Mrs. Flora E. Sowers a divorce from Andy Sowers on allegations that he was guilty of cruelty in that he struck and cursed her numerous times and failed to provide. Wedded on June 29, 1928, the parties separated February 9, this year. Mrs. Bower's name was restored to Flora Swain.
  • 02 Jul 1932 Mrs. Mary Elizabeth LaHaise began action in superior court No. 2 for dissolution of her marriage to Louis C. LaHaise of 2104 Alabama avenue, alleging in part that he drank intoxicating liquor and came home while under the influence, in the presence of their two children. Mrs. LaHaise also charged that LaHaise continually found fault with and nagged at her, quarreled with her continually and created such strife practically all during their married life that for them to live together longer as husband and wife is unbearable to her. The litigants separated last month after a marriage contracted October 5, 1917. Custody of the children was sought by Mrs. LaHaise. A divorce suit which Mrs. LaHaise had filed some time ago against her husband was dismissed in superior court No. 2 Thursday.
  • 03 Jul 1932 Charging that her husband, Walter Beaty, associated with other women, stayed out nights, was quarrelsome and guilty of other acts of cruelty. Mrs. Anna Beaty was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties separated last April after a marriage contracted September 9, 1911.
  • 03 Jul 1932 Evidence was introduced in the divorce suit of Earl C. Dennis against Mrs. Ines M. Dennis, entry of decree being withheld pending residence witness testimony. The plaintiff alleged that the defendant abandoned her in 1928. They were married in 1919.
  • 03 Jul 1932 An order under which the defendant is to pay $10 weekly for support of his family was entered in the divorce action of Mrs. Lydia Sollberger against Ernst Sollberger, pending in superior court No. 1.
  • 06 Jul 1932 Charging that her husband, Edward Martenies, deserted her without cause and that he "now resided somewhere in the state of Wisconsin," Mrs. Neva Imogene Martenies of 806 West Forth street filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. The parties were married July 12, 1929. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Martenies, who further alleges that Martenies called her vile names and failed to make a home for her.
  • 06 Jul 1932 Mrs. Artella Trout of 244 East Masterson avenue sued in superior court No. 1 for a six month's separation from Murel Trout, averring that he cursed her repeatedly, usin g vile and obscene language in the presence of their children, refused to live with her and associated with other women. They separated last May after a marriage contracted in 1920. Mrs. Trout seeks custody of the two children.
  • 06 Jul 1932 Continuing his campaign to rid the docket of his court of untried cases. Judge Charles J. Ryan entered orders of dismissal in the following divorce actions pending in superior court No. 1: Floyd R. against Rosanna Foster; Mildred against Roy Baxter; Ottilie against Robert S. Hedges; Edith against George A. Cecil; Ida Mae against William Clark; Elizabeth C. against James J. Tyler; Robert L. against Mildred L Seney and William H. against Edna Rush. The suit of Gladys M. Klinefelter against Jacob M. Klinefleter, for limited separation was also dismissed.
  • 07 Jul 1932 His complaint alleging that his wife, Mrs. Roxie B. Lhamon, occasionally became violently angry at him and that she, without cause, would "strike, slap and curse" him, John A. Lhamon filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1910, they separated this year. There are three children. Lhamon further charged in part that his wife on occasion would go to his place of business and interfere with the business, as a result of which he has been humiliated and lost trade and customers. He alleged that she refused to prepare meals for him and t keep his room and clothing in order, that she continually found fault with him and nagged at his and that "living together as husband and wife is a constant strife and unbearable.
  • 07 Jul 1932 Mrs. Ethel Reilly was granted an annulment of her marriage contract to Charles P. Reilly by Judge Charles F. Ryan in superior court No. 1 on allgations that the defendant was married and not divorced at the time, that he married under an assumed name and abandoned the plaintiff. The marriage ceremony between the parties was entered into in October, 1931, and they separated the same month, it was stated.
  • 07 Jul 1932 Mrs. Lydia Sollberger was given a divorce, in superior court No. 1 from Ernest Sollberger on averments that he told her to get a divorce, failed to provide, refused to make a home for the children and did not want to live with her. They separated last February after a marriage contracted in 1917. Custody of the four children was vested in Mrs. Sollberger and Sollberger was ordered to pay $5 weekly for their support, to be increased when his earning capacity permits.
  • 07 Jul 1932 A charge of failure to provide during a period of more than two years won Mrs. Maude A. Handbury a divorce from John D. Hanbury in superior court No. 1. Wedded in 1902, they separated in 1929.
  • 07 Jul 1932 Mrs. Minna G. Shaw was decreed a divorce from Cloyd M. Shaw in superior court No. 1, on testimony to the effect that he struck her at different times, knocked her down and called her vile names, ending a marriage entered into in 1924. They separated last March. Mrs. Shaw was awarded custody of the two children and Shaw was ordered to pay $1.50 weekly for their support.
  • 07 Jul 1932 Orders of dismissal for want of prosecution were entered in the divorce suits of Bessie E. against Forest Thompson and Marcelle against Louis Bedford in superior court No. 1.
  • 08 Jul 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, Milton O'Brien spent "all his money for intoxicating liquor, " that he became intoxicated, stayed out all night and on his return was cruel and abusive toward her and swore at the children, Mrs. Mollie O'Brien of 1823 South Lafayette street sued for a two-year limited separation in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Mrs. O'Brien further averred that O'Brien failed properly and adequately to provide for his family "until such condition has become unbearable." Wedded July 30, 1921, they separated this month. Mrs. O'Brien asked that she be decreed support and custody of the three children.
  • 08 Jul 1932 A two-year limited separation from Fred Harpel was sought by Mrs. Mae Harpel of 2116 Winch street who claimed that he got drunk and occasionally struck and abused her when he came home. Recently the defendant came home in the afternoon and struck the plaintiff. It was also charged that he has threatened to kill her. They separated last month after a marriage contracted in 1919. Mrs. Harpel asked that she be awarded support and the custody of the children be vested in her.
  • 08 Jul 1932 Jacob Gonser of Harlan began action in superior court No. 1 for termination of his marriage to Mrs. Gertrude I. Gonser on allegations that she abandoned him in March, 1927, and has since refused to live with him. There is one child who has been in the custody of a grandmother, Mrs. S. A. Dix of Harlan. Goner asked that the custody of the child be continued with the grandmother.
  • 08 Jul 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Alice M. Dailey a divorce from William B. Dailey on testimony to the affect that Dailey swore at her, told her to get out and was habitually intoxicated. They were married in April, 1928 and separated last May. Mrs. Dailey was awarded custody of her child and Dailey was ordered to pay $3 weekly as support.
  • 09 Jul 1932 Suit for annulment of her marriage to John Stackhouse, alleging that because of her age she was legally incapable of entering into a marriage contract and that she was induced by fraud to enter the contact, was filed by Mrs. Marcella Stackhouse in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married February 5, 1930, the parties separated the same day. Stackhouse, is a non-resident of Indiana and resides at Columbus, O. Mrs. Stackhouse also seeks restoration of her maiden name.
  • 09 Jul 1932 Charging that her husband, Edgar K. Gusler repeatedly asserted that he no longer had any affection for her that he failed to support her and their child, Mrs. Virginia Gusler sued for divorce in superior court No. 2. The Guslers separated last January after a marriage contracted October 2, 1925. Mrs. Gusler asked that she be granted custody of the child.
  • 09 Jul 1932 Mrs. Artina Kallenback of 1209 East Wayne street began action in superior court No. 2 to end her marriage to Harold Kallenbeck, averring that he failed to take her places with him and absented himself from home nights, remaining away until 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning. Mrs. Kallenback claimed further that her husband would refuse to talk to her for days at a time. By reson of these alleged circumstances it is impossible for them to live together any longer as husband and wife. Custody of the child is sought by Mrs. Kallenback. Wedded March 26, 1924, they separated this month.
  • 10 Jul 1932 Her complaint averring that her husband, Hosea Pinckney, "became incompatible and too hard to please," Mrs. Adell Pinckney began suit against him for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married February 27, 1929, they separated January 1, this year. Mrs. Pinckney charged further that Pinckney on various occasions nagged at and abused her and bickered with her "until married life became a burden." She seeks restoration of her former name, Adell Payne.
  • 10 Jul 1932 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Killiam Meyers told him that she "would not live with him and that he could seek his friends and associates elsewhere, that she had plenty of boyfriends," Walter Meyers of 1703 East Washington boulevard filed an action in superior court No. 2 seeking dissolution of marital ties. They separated this month after a marriage contracted April 23, 1923. Meyers claimed that Mrs. Meyers refused to live with him, and that she continued to seek and accept employment over his objections. He also charged that she was guilty of desertion.
  • 10 Jul 1932 In furtherance to rid the docket of untried cases, orders of dismissal were entered in the following suits in superior court No. 1: Mrs. Mary Egts against Carl Egts; Mrs. Irene E. Anspach against Lawrence J Anspach, for separation; Mrs. Emma French against Johnnie French, for divorce; Mrs. Margaret McCray against James McCray, for divorce; Mrs. Leta Pappas against Gust Pappas, for divorce; Roy Turnipseed against Mrs. Leota Turnipseed, for divorce.
  • 12 Jul 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, Joseph Breinfalk, "on repeated and frequent occasions" remained away from their home until late hours at night and until morning, and refused to explain his nocturnal absences, Mrs. Elsie P. Breinfalk of 2118 Maumee avenue sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. They separated this month after a marriage contracted January 10, 1931. Mrs. Breinfalk further averred that Breinfalk struck her on various occasions and associated with other women.
  • 12 Jul 1932 Order of dismissal for want of prosecution was entered in the divorce action of Mrs. Nina Thompson against Roy L. Thompson in superior court No. 1.
  • 12 Jul 1932 The divorce suit of Mrs. Ruth V. Pursley against Floyd E. Pursley was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff in superior court No. 1.
  • 13 Jul 1932 Mrs. Luella Squires was given a divorce from Emmett E. Squires on her allegations that he had cursed her and been guilty of habitual drunkenness and failure to provide. Married in 1927, they separated in July, 1931, this having been the second separation. The case was continued as to support and custody of the children.
  • 13 Jul 1932 Mrs. Ida Mae Clark was awarded a divorce from William Clark on charges that he was guilty of cruelty and habitual intoxication, called her vile names and abandoned her. Wedded in July, 1930, they separated in August, 1931. Mrs. Clark's name was restored to Ida Mae De Ford.
  • 13 Jul 1932 Her husband, John Abel treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner in that he continually nagged at and found fault with her and failed to provide properly, Mrs. Sevilla Abel of 1216 Union street averred in a divorce action filed in superior court No. 1. They separated last month. Mrs. Abel asked that she be given custody of the child, and support.
  • 13 Jul 1932 Orders of dismissal for want of prosecution were entered in the following divorce actions in superior court No. 1: Mrs. Iva Moyer against David Moyer; Mrs. Cronelia Maier against Zack Maier, and Tony Krieff against Mrs. Myrtle Krieff.
  • 14 Jul 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce alleging in part that his wife, Mrs. Fairy Sellers, has at various times filed three actions against him, causing him "much humiliation and incurring expense, scandal and inconvenience", was filed by Rama Sellers in the wife's suit for limited separation, pending in superior court No. 2 yesterday. According to the cross-complaint, the parties were married January 27, 1919, and were divorced after the wife began an action against the husband. They were later remarried, living together until April 25, this year, when they again separated. Sellers charged that after the second marriage and prior to the second separation his wife was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of him in that she created such constant strife that for them longer to life together was intolerable. He asked he be granted a divorce and custody of the two children.
  • 14 Jul 1932 Mrs. Alma Farnham entered suit in superior court No. 2 for a limited separation of six months from Ivan Farnham, charging that during the period of their marriage he has been guilty of "extreme cruel and inhuman treatment' of her. Wedded August 21, 1928, they separated this month. Custody of the two children is sought by Mrs. Farnham.
  • 14 Jul 1932 Oders of dismissal for want of prosecution were entered in the actions of: Willis E. Dowler against Mrs. Altavena L. Dowler; Mrs. Mildred G. Kronmiller against Ralph W. Kronmiller; Mrs. Patia P. Burns against Norman E. Burns; Mrs. Bertha Jackson against Manson L. Jackson and Mrs. Gladys Lochner against Elsworth Lochner, for separation in superior court No. 1.
  • 15 Jul 1932 Charging that her husband, Timothy J. Costello was guilty of cruelty, failure to provide and "personal abuse," Mrs. Mary M. Costello was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in August, 1930, they separated in July, 1931.
  • 15 Jul 1932 Mrs. Emma Van Buskirk was decreed a divorce from Guy F. Van Buskirk in superior court No. 1, on allegations that he absented himself from home, quarreled constantly and left "two or three times." Wedded in December, 1929, they separated last March. Mrs. Van Buskirk's name was restored to Emme Wolff.
  • 16 Jul 1932 Charging that her husband, Ralph W. Kronmiller was quarrelsome, the he nagged at and struck her and that they separated several times, Mrs. Mildred G. Kronmiller was given a divorce, her name being restored to Mildred Sheehan, in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in February, 1931, they separated in November.
  • 16 Jul 1932 Mrs. Thelma Vogel filed suit in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Frank G. Vogel, alleging that he was convicted of robbery and given a prison sentence in circuit court in 1930. Wedded in August, 1930, they separated in October, the same year. Mrs. Vogel asked for restoration of her former name, Thelma Fields.
  • 16 Jul 1932 Mrs. Lucile Bennigan sought a divorce from Walter Bennigan on averments that he cursed and struck her, knocking her down, became intoxicated, and quarrelsome and falsely accused her of infidelity. They were married in June, 1929, separating in June, this year. Mrs. Bennigan seeks custody of her child.
  • 19 Jul 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce alleging in part that his wife, Mrs. Emma Wolffer, has threatened on several occasions to kill him, was filed by Edward Wolffer in his complaint for separation, pending in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1908, the parties separated last May. Wolffer's cross-complaint further averred that Mrs. Wolffer has been "unsanitary and disorderly" in the maintenance of their home and that she has refused to perform her duties as his wife. He asked that he be granted custody of the four children.
  • 19 Jul 1932 Suit for a one-year limited separation, asserting that her husband, Eli Todoran, since their marriage last January "has associated and continues to associate" with another woman, with whom he corresponds and arranges appointments, was filed by Mrs. Anna Todoran of 2502 Taylor street in superior court No. 2. Mrs. Todoran averred that when she remonstrated with Todoran in regard to the matter he threatened to slap her, and do her other bodily injury." They separated this month.
  • 19 Jul 1932 Her complaint alleging in part that her husband, Walter H. Elliott, "has lived with a female person other than his wife," Mrs. Marguerite E. Elliott filed suit for divorce in circuit court yesterday. Married in April, last year, they separated this month. Mrs. Elliott asked that she be granted custody of her child.
  • 19 Jul 1932 William F. Grotrian of 2809 South Hanna street sued in superior court No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Lena Grotrian, charging that she has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that she has refused to live with him and "told him that she does not love him," Wedded in September, 1920, they separated in June, 1931.
  • 19 Jul 1932 Charging that her husband, Hurley Laughrey, nagged constantly at her and struck her at different times. Mrs. Edna Laughrey was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No.1. They were married in 1921, separating in May, 1932. Mrs. Laughrey's name was restored to Edna Bonham.
  • 20 Jul 1932 Asserting that she always supported herself and bought her own clothes because of the failure of her husband, Burl Cox to support her properly, Mrs. Maud Cox of 1710 Tecumseh street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. On various occasions, Cox called her vile and filthy names and falsely accused her of associating with other men. Married October, 12, 1927, they separated in December, 1930. Mrs. Cox asked that her name be restored to Maud Oswalt.
  • 20 Jul 1932 Charging that her husband, Harold Tyler created such constant strife that for them to live together as husband and wife was intolerable, Mrs. Beatrice Tyler of 2405 Perth street filed action in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage. They separated last May after a marriage contracted in 1930. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Tyler.
  • 20 Jul 1932 His complaint charging that his wife, Mrs. Libby Eckerle came home under the influence of liquor, Henry E. Eckerle sued for divorce in superior court No. 1. Wedded May 15, 1930, they separated last January. Eckerle further charged that his wife would become angry with him and curse him, calling him vile names, all of which destroyed his love and affection for her and made it impossible for them to live in a peaceful and quiet manner.
  • 21 Jul 1932 His complaint asserting that he has no heard from his wife, Mrs. Cleo Swihart since January, 1929, and that he does not know her whereabouts, Walter I Swihart of 2407 Cortland avenue sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married May 1, 1919, they separated in 1927, it was stated. Swihart averred that Mrs. Swihart treated him in a cruel and inhuman manner "at various time and in divers ways,"
  • 21 Jul 1932 Her husband, Thomas H. Penn contributed nothing toward her support, making it necessary for her to work among strangers, Mrs. Frances Penn charged in a divorce action entered in superior court No. 2. Wedded September 25, 1928, they separated March 16, 1930 when, according to Mrs. Penn, Penn deserted her without cause.
  • 21 Jul 1932 Charging that her husband, Holman C. Laukhart was guilty of cruelty, Mrs. Francys Ellen Laukhart was decreed a divorce, her name being restored to Francys Ellen Saunders, in superior court No. 1. They separated last January after a marriage contracted in November, 1930.
  • 21 Jul 1932 A cross-complaint was filed by Mrs. Etha E. Trosin, contesting a divorce action of her husband, Fred W. Trosin, pending in superior court No. 1.
  • 22 Jul 1932 His complaint alleging that his wife, Mrs. Dora Shaw, "would remain away from her home day and night" and that she associated with another man, Clayton W. Shaw of 1926 Alleger street sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Shaw further charged that Mrs. Shaw failed to care for his home and prepare his meals. Married in 1920, they separated this month. There are two children, custody of whom is sought by Shaw.
  • 22 Jul 1932 Charging that her husband, Earl M. Ormiston, struck her and called her "vile and vicious" names in the presence of their two children, Mrs. Lula B. Ormiston was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Tem Fred Berks in superior court No. 1. The Ormiston's separated last year, after a marriage contracted in 1916. Mrs. Ormiston was granted custody of the two children for support of whom Ormiston was ordered to pay $5 weekly.
  • 22 Jul 1932 Orders of dismissal for want of prosecution were entered in the following domestic relations actions pending in superior court No. 1: Mrs. Eva Swank against Herschel Swank, for divorce; Mrs. Lillian Callahan against Richard E. Callahan, for divorce; Mrs. Magdalena Laughlin against Alonzo Laughlin, for limited separation; Mrs. Clara J. Dunbar against Deryll K. Dunbar, for limited separation.
  • 24 Jul 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Henry Buckingham would frequently remain away until late at night and return in an intoxicated condition and that when she would remonstrate with him he would say, "Get a divorce, you are not my type," Mrs. Catherine Buckingham of 2329 Charlotte Street sued for a two-year separation and $2,500 alimony in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in November, 1930, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Buckingham's complaint further charged that Buckinghan would call her vile and filthy names and that on one occasion he cursed and swore at her in the presence of guests, embarrassing her to such an extent that she left in the presence of her company.
  • 24 Jul 1932 In superior court No. 1 Mrs. Beryl M. Fisher was granted a divorce from Clarence Fisher by Judge pro tem Fred Berks on her allegations that Fisher cursed her and called her vile names and asked her to procure a divorce. The litigants separated last January after a marriage contracted in March, 1927. Mrs. Fisher's name was restored to Beryl E. McFarland.
  • 26 Jul 1932 Charging that her husband, John Ellis treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner in that he cursed her, called her vile names and failed to provide properly, Mrs. Daisy Ellis of 1112 Windon avenue filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married March 17, 1915, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Ellis has six children, custody of whom she seeks, according to her complaint. It was further charged by Mrs. Ellis that her husband falsely accused her of associating with other men.
  • 27 Jul 1932 Her complaint alleging in part that her husband, Calvin Smith, "would not work when there was an opportunity to work, and would not try to get work," Mrs. Catherine Smith sued him for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married July 6, 1929, the Smiths separated this month. Mrs. Smith further charged that Smith has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of her during a period of two years past in that he would become angry over trivial causes and on such occasions would strike and beat her. This, it was said, "would occur as often as twice a week." Mrs. Smith claimed that her husband would curse and swear at her and call her vile and indecent names - "too vile and indecent to be set out in the complaint," it was asserted; but she plan to produce proof concerning the epithets at the time of the trial. On such occasions he would tell her "that if she did not like his actions, she could get out." The couple has two children, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Smith.
  • 28 Jul 1932 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Gladys Klinefelter was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that she nagged constantly and found fault with "everything he did or intended to do," Jacob Klinefelter of Arcola sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Because of her alleged nagging proclivities, Mrs. Klinefleter has made life unbearable for him. His complaint embodied an allegation to the effect that the defendant has at various times threatened him with bodily injury and has tried to kill him and their child. Wedded August 15, 1928, the Klinefelters separated this month. Klinefelter asked that he be granted custody of his son, age 2.
  • 28 Jul 1932 Her husband, Glenn Robinson failed to provide and did not make a home for the members of his family, abandoned them and refused to make any provision for their support, Mrs. Katie Robinson averred ins a divorce complaint entered in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Robinson also charged that Robinson drank to excess and remained in an intoxicated condition for days. He was abusive and frequently cursed her and called her vile names. The parties separated in April, 1925, after a marriage contracted in 1910.
  • 29 Jul 1932 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Hazel Casper has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that she found fault with him and associated with other men, Charles E. Casper filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Casper's complaint asserted that his wife's alleged conduct has destroyed his love and affection for her and made it impossible for them to live together. Married February 9, 1924, they separated in August, 1929.
  • 29 Jul 1932 Judge pro tam Alva C. Carpenter granted Mrs. Georgia L. Bowen a divorce from Roy V. Bowen in superior court No. 1, on allegation that Bowen repeatedly complained of and found fault with her and unjustly accused her of association with other men. The latter charge of the husband was said to have resulted from his finding some matches in their automobile after she had been using it one day. Mrs. Bowen's complaint further averred that Bowen left their home on various occasions, remaining away two or three days at a time. They separated last May after a marriage contracted in February, 1931. Mrs. Bowen's name was restored to Georgia L. Kintz.
  • 30 Jul 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, William Harley Williamson, failed to furnish support for her and their son, 8, during a period of more than four years, Mrs. Bernice I. Williamson filed suit for divorce and $2,500 alimony in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Williamson is now a resident of Findlay, O., according to his wife's complaint. Married April 28, 1923, the Williamsons separated June 11, 1927. Mrs. Williamson asked that she be granted custody of the child.
  • 30 Jul 1932 Alleging that cruel and inhuman treatment on the part of her husband, Clarence Debolt, has caused her "severe mental anguish" and that she can no longer live with him, Mrs. Flora Debolt of 2046 John street began action to end her marriage in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Debolt averred that Debolt has failed to provide for her and refused to live with her. They were married February 19, this year.
  • 31 Jul 1932Asserting in part that her husband, Dwight E. Allen told her on many occasions to get a divorce, Mrs. Peggy G. Allen was granted a decree dissolving the marital tie by Judge pro tem Alva C. Carpenter in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Allen, whose name was restored to Peggy G. Willette, further charged that Allen scolded and nagged continuously and that her health became affected. Married in February 1924, they separated last January.

  • 02 Aug 1932 Her complaint alleging in part that her husband, William Groemaux was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he "failed to provide a proper home," Mrs. Alice Groemaux filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married November 25, 1931, the litigants separated last month. It was further averred that Mrs. Groemaux was compelled to live with her husband s mother and brother. She asked for restoration of her former name.
  • 02 Aug 1932 Order of dismissal on motion of the plaintiff was entered in the action of Mrs. Anna Todoran against Eli Todoran, for limited separation in superior court No. 2.
  • 03 Aug 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Thomas B. Lovell was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he refused to let her eat while the rest of the family was eating, Mrs. Della Faye Lovell sued him for divorce and $750 alimony in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married April 29, 1915, the Lovell's separated this month. Mrs. Lovell averred further that Lovell has accused her of associating with other men and "has inflicted bodily harm upon her and put her in mental and physical pain because of such actions," Due to this alleged treatment, it was stated, Lovell has destroyed the affection of his wife for him and rendered it impossible for her longer to live with him in the marital relationship. They have three children, aged 15, 13 and 11, it was said.
  • 03 Aug 1932 Mrs. Wanda Stull of 619 West Jefferson street filed suit in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Albert Stull on the claim that he deserted her in February, 1930. They were married September 15, 1929
  • 03 Aug 1932 Five-year limited separation from Hamilton Castle was asked in the complaint instituted in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Frances Castle of 2429 New Haven avenue, who complained that he frequently absented himself from home for long periods and over- night, refusing to account to her as to his whereabouts, and that he declined to give her a sufficient amount of his earnings to furnish her with adequate support. Married in 1908, they separated this month.
  • 03 Aug 1932 Declaring that her husband, John Navrotsky told her she could get a divorce, that he would refuse to live with her any longer, Mrs. Catherine C. Navrotsky of 2310 Terrace road began action in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of marital ties. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in 1922. Custody of the three children is sought by Mrs. Navrotsky. It was also charged by Mrs. Navrotsky that Navrotsky constantly nagged at and swore at her and called her vile names in the presence of their children. On numerous occasions during the last few months, he absented himself from their home practically every night, refusing to till her where he was going or what he was doing. He stuck and beat her and would not talk to her, she claimed further.
  • 03 Aug 1932 Mrs. Margaret Farnan of 238 West Baker street sued Frank Farnan for divorce in superior court No. 1, averring that he frequently struck and beat her. Wedded in 1910, they separated this month.
  • 03 Aug 1932 Trial of the contested divorce action of Mrs. Cornelia Maier against Zack Maier was opened before Special Judge Fred Berkes in superior court No. 1.
  • 04 Aug 1932 Charging that she had been compelled to live with her parents because of failure of her husband, Aubrey E. Berger to provide properly for her support and that of their child, Mrs. Gladys Berger sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married June 20, 1929, the Berger's separated last month. Mrs. Berger's complaint asserted that the alleged failure of Berger to provide properly has extended over a period of more than two years. She asked that she be awarded custody of the child.
  • 04 Aug 1932 Her husband, Clarence W. Kurtenback struck and beat her, leaving marks and bruises on her body, Mrs. Agnes M. Kurtenback alleged in a divorce action instituted in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Kurtenback further averred that Kurtenback failed to provide her with a proper home and to support her properly. They separated last April after a marriage contracted September 5, 1929. There are no children. Mrs. Kurtenback asked for restoration of her former name.
  • 05 Aug 1932 Her amended complaint setting forth that a reconciliation with her husband, Edmund Hedges failed when he drove away in his automobile with her clothes and personal belongings and left her standing on the sidewalk, after he had persuaded her to accompany him to Noblesville, Mrs. Dorothy Hedges was granted a divorce by Judge pro tem E. Everett Bloom in superior court 2 yesterday. Married March 30, 1929, the parties separated November 10, 1931. Mrs. Hedges supplemental complaint stated that subsequent to the filing of her divorce action and the serving of summons on Hedges, he left Fort Wayne, his whereabouts are unknown to her. Later, it was set out, he reappeared in Fort Wayne and called on her to her residence and they again agreed to resume marital relationship. The agreement, Mrs. Hedges claimed was based on Hedges promise not to repeat the acts of cruelty alleged in her original complaint. She averred he informed her that he was temporarily residing on Noblesville, where he said he had procured employment and persuaded her to accompany him to that place. Accordingly, she arranged her affairs, packed her clothing and personal belongings and placed them in the automobile with in intention of going with him to Noblesville. It was charged however, that before she could get into the automobile, he started the machine and drove away with her personal property and wearing apparel, leaving her standing on the sidewalk. In preparation for the trip to Noblesville, Mrs. Hedges had given up her room, and because of her husband's action in driving away without her, she was left in a destitute condition without money or a place to stay. The amended complaint alleged that the plaintiff definitely learned several weeks later that her husband was in Noblesville, and that when she went there, she found that he was conducting a roadhouse and living with his former wife. When the plaintiff demanded that he make provision for her support, he beat and severely injured her, as a result of which he was arrested for assault and battery. Mrs. Hedges name was restored to Dorothy Buckles.
  • 05 Aug 1932 Charging that her husband, Alvin Distel would stay out late at night, sometimes not coming home at all and would refuse to give any explanation of his whereabouts, telling her "that it was none of her business," Mrs. Sophia Distel of 319 Pasadena drive filed suit for a five-year separation in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married March 20, 1919, the Distels separated this month. Mrs. Distel further averred that Distel would drink to excess and was in the habit of becoming intoxicated, being abusive when in such condition. The litigants have no children. Mrs. Distel asked that she be granted support during the period of the separation.
  • 05 Aug 1932 Her husband, Charles E. Foster told her he did not care for her and urged her to get a divorce, according to Mrs. Marguerite S. Foster, who acted on his alleged recommendation by suing him for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 1. The Fosters separated in January, 1930 after a marriage contracted in May, 1920. Mrs. Foster also claimed that Foster failed to provide for more than two years, frequently became intoxicated, neglected her and their children and finally deserted them. She asked that she be granted custody of the two children, aged 13 and 8.
  • 05 Aug 1932 Divorce from Daniel E. McNeal was sought by Mrs. Marie E. McNeal in an action entered in superior court No. 2, wherein she alleged that he was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of her and failure to provide. Wedded December 6, 1930, they separated in January, this year. Mrs. McNeal sought restoration of her former name, Marie A. Bishop.
  • 06 Aug 1932 Charging that her husband, John L. Christen requested her to obtain a divorce, Mrs. Alma R. Christen acted toward fulfillment of his alleged wishes by suing him for dissolution of the marital tie in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married February 20, 1926, the litigants separated this month. Mrs. Christen further averred that Christen refused to live with her as her husband, telling her that he "did not want to and would not live with her as he husband," and frequently informed her he did not have any affection for her. He failed to make provision for her support, she claimed. By his conduct, she averred he caused her "mental anguish and suffering" and destroyed her love and affection for him, making it impossible for her to continue to live with his as his wife.
  • 06 Aug 1932 Action seeking annulment of his marriage to Mrs. Lavelda Gerardot was entered in superior court No. 1 by Cletus Gerardot, 20. Wedded June 29 at Ottawa, O, the parties separated July 2 it was stated. The complaint comprised three paragraphs alleging in substance that Gerardot was legally incapable of entering into the marriage because of his age, that the marriage was void because it was performed without a license issued in Allen county where both parties resided and that the plaintiff was induced through fraudulent representations to marry the defendant.
  • 06 Aug 1932 Dismissal on motion of the plaintiff was entered in the divorce suit of Mrs. Elsie P. Breinfalk against Joseph Breinfalk, which had been pending in superior court No. 1.
  • 07 Aug 1932 Charging that such strife developed between them that for them to live together was rendered intolerable, Mrs. Helen Conley of 2429 South Calhoun street filed suit for divorce from her husband, John E. Conley, in superior court No. 1. Married June 16, 1922 the litigants separated this month. Mrs. Conley's complaint alleged that the defendant was quarrelsome and nagged at and found fault with her. Mrs. Conley asked that she be granted custody of her daughter.
  • 07 Aug 1932 Non-support was alleged in a divorce action entered in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Clarice Miller Swander of 1335 Summit street against her husband, Amel J. Swander. The parties separated February 21, 1930, after a marriage contracted April 28, 1928. Mrs. Swander averred that she was required to support herself all during her marriage life. She asked that her form name, Clarice Miller be restored.
  • 09 Aug 1932 Suit for divorce, charging that she has been compelled to work and earn her own livelihood because of the failure of her husband, Earl Stahl to provide properly, was filed by Mrs. Ann Stahl of 412 East Taber street in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married September 18, 1920, they separated this month.
  • 09 Aug 1932 Charging that her husband, Clarence Parisot called her vile and filthy names and that "when she remonstrated with him relative to his unbecoming conduct, he told her to leave and get a divorce," Mrs. Edith Parisot of 2508 Wells street sued for a two-year separation and support, in superior court No. 2. The parties separated this month after a marriage contracted September 19, 1931. Mrs. Parisot's complaint further alleged in part that the defendant has never provided a home for her nor supported her properly since their marriage, and that he has denied the fatherhood of her unborn child.
  • 09 Aug 1932 Deciding the divorce action of Mrs. Cornelia Maier against Zack Maier, in which evidence was introduced several days ago, Special Judge Fred Berkes granted Maier a divorce in superior court No. 1 on allegations that the wife had associated with other men for immoral purposes. Wedded in October, 1928 the litigants separated last May. Custody of the child was vested in Mrs. Maier and Maier was ordered to pay $5 weekly for its support.
  • 09 Aug 1932 Mrs. A. Mae Freistroffer was awarded a divorce from Arthur C. Freistroffer on her charges that Freistroffer had been guilty of cruel treatment and non-support, by Judge pro tem Ward E. Dildine in superior court No. 1. Married in 1921, the litigants separated last May.
  • 11 Aug 1932 His complaint asserting that his wife, Mrs. Lucille Huey abandoned him and refused to live with him as his wife, Herman Huey filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married July 25, 1925, the Hueys separated May 31, 1929. Charging that Mrs. Huey has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment, Huey averred that she has demonstrated, by reason of her alleged long abandonment of him, that it is impossible for them to live together as husband and wife. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Huey.
  • 11 Aug 1932 Hearing of the divorce action of Arthur C. Lillich against Mrs. Lucile E. Lillich was continued until Friday, September 12 following a partial introduction of evidence in superior court No. 1. Lillich's complaint alleged in part that his wife continually found fault with him and nagged at him, creating such constant strife that for them to live together as husband and wife became intolerable to him. He further claimed that she left their place of residence last March, stating that she no longer cared to live with him and no longer loved him, and that he should secure a divorce. There are three children.
  • 12 Aug 1932 Her complaint charging in part that her husband, William F. Buesching, "mentally abused" her, Mrs. Elmina May Buesching sued for divorce in superior court No. 2. yesterday. Mrs. Buesching further averred that Buesching nagged at and scolded her and failed to make reasonable provision for the support of his family. Thus, it was claimed, she has been obliged to seek employment in order to clothe herself and provide necessities. Wedded in 1921, the parties separated this month. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Buesching.
  • 12 Aug 1932 Mrs. Ada Dunfee of 238 East Masterson avenue, suing in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of her marriage to Elijah Dunfee, alleged that he would nag at and quarrel with her and the children, find fault with and curse and swear at them, "making home life unpleasant for all of them." They separated this month, after a marriage contracted in 1915. Mrs. Dunfee asked that she be granted custody of the three children.
  • 12 Aug 1932 Charging desertion, Mrs. Nancy Adaline Russell was granted a divorce from Harvey R. Russell by Judge pro tem Ward E. Dildine in superior court No. 1. Married in 1926, the litigants separated in 1929. Custody of the child was vested in the plaintiff, the defendant being charged with its support.
  • 12 Aug 1932 Suit for a five-year limited separation, alleging that constant strife has rendered it intolerable for them to live together, was entered by Mrs. Mildred Degitz of 1928 Roy street against Roy Degitz in superior court No. 1. They were married in 1924, separating this month. Mrs. Degitz asked that custody of the two children be vested in her.
  • 13 Aug 1932 Decree of divorce, under which the wife was given custody of the two daughters and the husband custody of the two sons, was entered for Mrs. Sylvia Middleton in suit against Fred Middleton, by Judge pro tem Ward E. Dildine, in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The divorce was granted Mrs. Middleton on her charges that Middleton had been guilty of cruel treatment and non-support. They separated last April after a marriage entered into in November, 1921. Under the decree, custody of the children, Betty Lou, 5 and Agnes Marie, 2, was vested in Mrs. Middleton while Middleton was awarded custody of Roy William, 8 and Ross, 6. Middleton was ordered to pay Mrs. Middleton $3 weekly, beginning August 15, toward support of the two daughters. Mrs. Middleton was given possession of property now occupied by Middleton, all personal property belonging to Mrs. Middleton to remain on the premises. The court decree even provided for distribution of garden produce growing on the premises, it being adjudged that Middleton is to receive one-half.
  • 13 Aug 1932 In superior court No. 2 Judge pro tem H. James Flack granted Mrs. Fern Kramer a divorce from Joseph Kramer and restored her name to Fern Atkins. Married August 27, 1925, the Kramer's separated last February. Mrs. Kramer's complaint averred that Kramer failed to make reasonable provision for her support, that he deserted her last February without cause and had deserted her at various times prior thereto.
  • 13 Aug 1932 Mrs. Maude Rutlage of 1001 Cottage avenue filed suit in superior court No. 2 to end her marriage to Sylvester Rutlage, her complaint alleging that on the day following their marriage he was arrested and subsequently convicted of a felony and sentenced to the Indiana state prison at Michigan City. They separated this month after a marriage contracted October 24, 1930. Mrs. Rutlage asked for restoration of her former name, Maude Miller.
  • 14 Aug 1932 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up in a divorce complaint filed yesterday in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Queen E. Brown against Henry J. Brown. They separated last June after a marriage contracted January 31, 1931. There is one child.
  • 14 Aug 1932 Seeking a divorce in superior court No. 1 from Charles Urean, Mrs. Mary Urean averred that he refused to buy a sufficient amount of food or any clothing for her. He likewise refused to give her enough money, and was "in the habit of cursing her," it was charged. Wedded June 1, this year, they separated in August according to the complaint. Mrs. Urean further claimed that Urean's treatment of her was such that she was compelled to leave his home.
  • 14 Aug 1932 Order of dismissal at the plaintiff's cost was entered in the divorce suit of Mrs. Mary Isaacs against Ray E. Isaacs in superior court No. 1
  • 16 Aug 1932 Her complaint averring that her husband, Kenneth Hartman told her "that he wanted romance and lots of it" and that he could not get it from her, Mrs. Blanche Hartman sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in May, 1928, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Hartman further alleged that her husband recently "has been drinking constantly" and that during his drunken periods he slapped her and told her to get a divorce. She asked that her former name, Blanche O'Connell be restored. It was stated that she is unable to work, and is the mother of two children by a former marriage.
  • 16 Aug 1932 Divorce from Garth W. Bender was sought by Mrs. Louise J. Bender in a suit filed in superior court No. 1, charging cruel and inhuman treatment. She asked that she be granted custody of the two children. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in 1922.
  • 17 Aug 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Charles O. Smith struck her with such force that her nose was broken and that he choked her, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Smith of 2408 Terrace road sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married November 29, 1902 the parties separated last month. Mrs. Smith further charged in part that Smith used abusive and profane language toward her in the presence of their friends and acquaintances, causing her great humiliation and embarrassment. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Smith.
  • 17 Aug 1932 Divorce from Harold H. Wagner was sought by Mrs. Catherine M. Wagner in an action instituted in superior court No. 1, averring in part that he was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he failed to provide her with a suitable home or necessities of life. The Wagner's separated last month after a marriage contracted August 19, 1929. It was also claimed by Mrs. Wagner that Wagner absented himself from home, refusing to tell her where he was going, and associated with other women on numerous occasions. Mrs. Wagner asked that custody of the child be vested in her.
  • 17 Aug 1932 Alleging that her husband, Ben G. Quigley violently cursed and abused her many times, causing her "much mental anguish," and failed wholly to provide, Mrs. Della Quigley sought a divorce in an action instituted in superior court No. 1. Wedded November 14, 1931, they separated in June, this year. A restraining order was applied for, seeking in part to prevent Quigley from taking produce, said to belong to his wife from a garden in the 1900 block of Henrietta street.
  • 17 Aug 1932 Herman R. Holderman was granted a divorce by Judge pro tem Paul E. Congdon in superior court No. 1 from Hazel M. Holderman on allegations in part, that she nagged at him because he could not make more money, did not take care of her house-wifely duties, accused him of "running around with other women" and told him to get a divorce. The Holderman's separated this year after a marriage solemnized in 1910. Custody of a son, 14 was vested in the plaintiff.
  • 17 Aug 1932 Robert C. Camp was decreed a divorce by Judge pro tem Paul E. Congdon in superior court No. 1 from Mrs. Celina Avena Camp on testimony that she had been guilty of quarreling and nagging, that she refused to live with him and told him to get a divorce. They married in 1922, separating in April, 1931, when Camp last saw his wife, it was stated.
  • 18 Aug 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Arthur J. Wingerter did not contribute anything toward her support and that he has failed to obtain employment during the major part of their married life, Mrs. Gladys L. Wingerter of 522 East DeWald street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Wingerter further charged that Wingerter had nagged at and quarreled with her to such an extent that her love and affection for him has been destroyed. Married October 15, 1931, they separated last June.
  • 18 Aug 1932 Averring that her husband, Nick Weidner scolded her over trivial matters, often swore at her, struck her in the face and neglected to provide properly for her, thus obliging her to seek aid from her father, Mrs. Emma Weidner asked a divorce in superior court No. 1. Wedded March 28, 1928, they separated last month. Mrs. Weidner asked that her name be restored to Emma Popp.
  • 18 Aug 1932 Mrs. Hazel Ringgenberg sued for divorce from John Ringgenberg and restoration of her former name, Hazel Johnson, on allegations that on various occasions he cursed her, kicked her, beat her with his fists and did not support her properly. They were married in 1925. Mrs. Ringgenberg's complaint charged that her husband last month took his belongings and left their home, stating he would live with her no longer.
  • 18 Aug 1932 Charging that her husband, Amos Cameron her "constantly attempted" to drive her from their home, and that he has struck and beaten her and called her vulgar and indecent names, Mrs. Eva M. Cameron sued in superior court No. 2 for divorce and $3,000 alimony. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in January, 1931. Mrs. Cameron further averred that Cameron wrongfully charged her with conduct reflecting on her chastity and neglected to furnish reasonable means of support.
  • 18 Aug 1932 His wife, Mrs. Agnes B. Bruick, would nag constantly at him "and by her words and conduct made their home a place of constant strife and turmoil." Edwin M. Bruick alleged in a divorce complaint entered in superior court No. 1. They were married in 1925. Bruick alleged that his wife last February told him she did not wish to live with him any longer, and left him, falling to return.
  • 18 Aug 1932 Mrs. Lucy E. Knapp was given a divorce from Everett C. Knapp in superior court No.1, on allegation that he struck and beat her, drank to excess and swore and cursed her. They separated last May after a marriage entered into in November, 1924.
  • 18 Aug 1932 In superior court No. 1, Judge pro tem Paul E. Congdon awarded Henry Aldrich a divorce from Mrs. Freida Aldrich on testimony to the effect that she cursed him, was quarrelsome and accused him unjustly of associating with other women. Wedded in 1930, they separated in January, 1931.
  • 19 Aug 1932 Charging in part that her husband, Reuben W. Artlip, struck her in the mouth so hard that several of her teeth were knocked loose, Mrs. Lucille Artlip was granted a divorce by Judge pro tem Paul E. Congdon in superior court. Married in May, 1930, the parties separated this year. Mrs. Artlip further averred that Artlip drank, failed to support her properly, cursed and abandoned her, leaving her penniless and necessitating that she support herself. Her former name was restored.
  • 19 Aug 1932 In superior court No. 2 Judge pro tem Harry F. Kennerk awarded Mrs. Margaret Beck a divorce on her allegations that her husband, Rufus Beck did not want to live with her, associated with other women and would not work. They separated in June, 1931 after a marriage contracted in September, 1929.
  • 19 Aug 1932 Louis I. Graves was decreed a divorce in superior court No.2 on charges that his wife, Mrs. Clara L. Graves would not leave her people even when her offered her a home. Wedded in October, 1928, they separated last March.
  • 20 Aug 1932 Her complaint, alleging that her husband, Francis G. McClenahan, "threatened to do her great bodily harm, even to the taking of her life," Mrs. Mildred McClenahan of 2515 Kensington boulevard sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married January 15, 1918, they separated last April. Mrs. McClenahan further charged that McClenahan cursed her, called her vicious name, struck and beat her on many occasions, and failed to support her and their daughter, necessitating that the plaintiff work. Mrs. McClenahan asked that she be awarded custody of the daughter.
  • 20 Aug 1932 John Beres of 2510 Maumee avenue filed suit in superior court No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Frances Madeline Beres on allegation that she was guilty of infidelity and that she lived in abandonment of him during period of two years or more. They separated in December, 1929 after a marriage contracted in November, 1926.
  • 21 Aug 1932 Her complaint stating that she and her husband, Victor S. Smith of Connersville, were married May 15, 1930 and separated May 21, the same year, Mrs. Edith Smith sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Smith averred that Smith "wholly neglected and failed to support her or provide for her," She asked for restoration of her former name, Edith Sawyer.
  • 21 Aug 1932 Mrs. Edith Jones of 3008 North Anthony boulevard began action in superior court No. 1 for a two-year limited separation from John L. Jones, to whom she was married in March 1898, the parties separating in November, 1930. Jones, his wife alleged was extremely quarrelsome, nagged constantly at her and refused to provide her with support sufficient to enable her to live comfortably and to have proper food and clothing. Conditions became so intolerable that he was obliged to leave home.
  • 23 Aug 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, Allen A. Sours repeatedly struck her, so violently at times as to cause "black and blue marks" on her body, Mrs. Iva Sours was granted a divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1927, the litigants separated last May. Mrs. Sours' former name, Iva Wise was restored.
  • 23 Aug 1932 Mrs. Ada M. Hapner was awarded a divorce from LeRoy Hapner in superior court No. 1 on allegations that Hapner threated her cruelly and inhumanly in various ways, failed to support her and the children and deserted her about June 1 this year. The Hapner's were married in 1922. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. Hapner and Hapner was ordered to pay $5 weekly for their support.
  • 23 Aug 1932 Andrew W. Fagan was given a divorce from Mrs. Josephine F. Fagan on a cross-complaint in superior court No. 1, averring in part that during their entire married life she created such constant strife that for them to live together was rendered intolerable. Wedded in 1929, they separated in August 1931. Mrs. Fagan's name was restored to Josephine F. Mayer.
  • 23 Aug 1932 Asserting in her complaint that they are incompatible in "temper, dispositions and aptitude," Mrs. Elsie Dixie sued Clarence Dixie for divorce in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Dixie further claimed that living with Dixie is unbearable and that her health has been undermined. They separated in December, 1931 after a marriage contracted in 1928.
  • 24 Aug 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Cecil Warner squandered his wages for liquor and on numerous occasions came home in an intoxicated condition and struck and beat her, Mrs. Carrie Warner or 2223 Zollinger street sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married in January, 1910, they separated this month. There are 10 children, four of them minors, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Warner. According to her complaint Mrs. Warner further charged that Warner would scold and swear and misuse the minor children.
  • 24 Aug 1932 Mrs. Gladys Stumpf of 922 Fulton street began action in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Alfred Stumpf, her complaint averring that although "she has been at all times since their marriage a kind and dutiful wife," Stumpf has without provocation treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner by constantly quarreling with and nagging at her. They separated in January, 1928 after a marriage contracted in April, 1924.
  • 24 Aug 1932 Suit for divorce from Mrs. Nora W. Krick was instituted in superior court No. 2 by Floyd E. Krick whose complaint alleged that she had neglected her household duties, frequently absented herself from their home until late hous at night and associated with other men "so openly that neighbors would refuse to even call at the plaintiff's home." It was alleged that the defendant has been in the society of one, Merl Trout who according to the complaint, is a married man who has separated from his wife. Wedded June 25, 1919, the Krick's separated this month.
  • 24 Aug 1932 Attorney Harry F. Kennerk, sitting as special judge after Judge pro tem Alexander M. Campbell declined jurisdiction in the case because of personal knowledge of the facts, granted Steve Martin a divorce from Mrs. Mildred Martin on Martin's allegations that the defendant refused to live with him although he offered to provide for her. Martin alleged that the defendant refused to come to his home, saying she would live with no man. They were married in September, 1931. The defendant's name was restored to Mildred Kostie.
  • 25 Aug 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband occasionally entered their home in an intoxicated condition and that one time when she requested that he discontinue the practice her "flow into a rage of temper, seized a gun" and threatened to do her great bodily harm. Mrs. Eunice Ream of 802 West Washington street sued Ernest R. Ream for divorce in superior court No. 1. Married June 22, 1910, they separated last month. It was stated Mrs. Ream asked that she be granted $500 alimony.
  • 25 Aug 1932 Mrs. Emma Kramer of 3126 Oliver street began suit in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Nicholas Kramer, charging in her complaint that he failed to provide properly and that when she would remonstrate with him concerning his alleged refusal to seek employment, he would fly into a rage, curse and swear at her and "tell her to mind her own business," The Kramers separated last July after a marriage contracted June 3, 1926. The complaint also alleged in part that the defendant was convicted on a charge of larceny and sent to the state penal farm. Mrs. Kramer asked for restoration of her former name, Emma Reidel.
  • 25 Aug 1932 Answer of general denial and cross-complaint for divorce incorporation allegations of cruel treatment was filed by Mrs. Myrtle E. Snyder in the action of her husband, Clifton Snyder pending in superior court No. 2.
  • 25 Aug 1932 Mrs. Nora E. Krick entered a cross-complaint for divorce and $2,500 alimony in the suit of her husband, Floyd E. Krick filed Tuesday in the same court. Mrs. Krick averred in part that Erick occasionally threatened her with physical violence and called her vile and indecent names. They separated this month after a marriage entered into in June 1919.
  • 25 Aug 1932 The suit of Mrs. Emma Wolffer against Edward Wolffer, for a five-year separation and $5,000 alimony, was continued to August 26 following a partial introduction of evidence before Special Judge Ray E. McCall in superior court No. 1. A separation suit which Mrs. Wolffer had filed previously was dismissed on her motion yesterday.
  • 26 Aug 1932 Charging that her husband, Wade H. Carter threatened to take her life, that he choked, cursed and struck her and that there were constant strife and quarrels between them, Mrs. Trilby U. Carter of 436 East Berry street sued for a two-year separation in superior court No. 1 yesterday. They were married December 26, 1926. Mrs. Carter further averred in her complaint that her health has become impaired as a result of the strife and quarrels. There is one child, custody of whom she seeks.
  • 26 Aug 1932 Mrs. Margaret B. Ferrell of 503 East Berry street began action in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Dale O. Ferrell, alleging that he has "repeatedly assaulted her" and frequently accused her of associating with other men, although he knew that said accusations were untrue. Wedded December 24, 1927, they separated last June. Mrs. Ferrell asked that she be given custody of her child.
  • 26 Aug 1932 A two-year separation from her husband, Max H. Taylor was sought by Mrs. Ruby O. Taylor in a complaint entered in superior court No. 1, claiming that he drank, stayed out late at nights without telling her where he was going, and made false accusation against her. Mrs. Taylor averred that Taylor left their home recently. She asserted that it is impossible for her longer to live with him in the marriage relationship. They were married October 26, 1918. Custody of the three children was asked by Mrs. Taylor.
  • 26 Aug 1932 Charging in part that her husband, Harold E. Tracy failed to provide a home for her and that it was necessary for her to support herself, Mrs. Leona Tracy was awarded a divorce in superior court No. 1. They separated last June after a marriage contracted in January, 1928. Mrs. Tracy's former name, Leona Gordon was restored.
  • 26 Aug 1932 Application for citation of her husband, Floyd E. Krick for contempt of court on the allegation that he came to premises from which he was supposed to stay away by virtue of a restraining order, was filed by Mrs. Nora Krick in superior court No. 2. Mrs. Krick Wednesday entered a cross-complaint for divorce and $2,500 alimony in an action begun by her husband.
  • 27 Aug 1932 Seeking custody of his daughter, Elva Doris Hoffman, 6, Russell Hoffman filed a petition in superior court No. 2 yesterday seeking to modify a court order entered when he was f=given a divorce from his former wife, Helen C. Hoffman, April 4, 1931. Hoffman was awarded his legal freedom on allegations that his wife told him to get a divorce and that she stayed out late at night and refused to go out with him. They were married in 1924. At the time the divorce decree was entered, custody of the child was vested in its grandparents, Albert and Myrtle Ramsey. The petition stated that Mrs. Ramsey has since died and that her husband is not able to look after the child.
  • 28 Aug 1932 His complaint averring that his wife, Mrs. Helen L. Johnson quarreled with and nagged at him "for no reason that he can assign," John H. Johnson, an insurance solicitor, sued for divorce in superior court No. 1. Yesterday. Married September 3, 1927, the Johnsons separated this month. Johnson further charged that the condition he complains of has existed during his marriage to such an extent, that it is impossible for he and his wife to live together longer. He asked that he be given custody of his child. Johnson, it was stated, formerly lived at Indianapolis and since coming to Fort Wayne he has resided at 514 Charlotte avenue and 1202 Dodge avenue.
  • 28 Aug 1932 Mrs. Thelma M. Young of 716 Jackson street began action in superior court No. 2 to end her marriage to Charles R. Young, charging that he has created such constant strife that for them to live longer together is intolerable. They separated this month after a marriage contracted December 30, 1930.
  • 30 Aug 1932 Her complaint alleging in part that her husband, Mike Derloshon struck, beat and kicked her several times, inflicting severs bodily injuries, Mrs. Lizzie Derloshon of 2430 Graeter street sued for divorce and $5,000 alimony in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Derloshon, Mrs. Derloshon further averred, has been builty "of extreme cruelty and gross neglect" toward her and that about 10 years ago he "began and continuously and habitually imbibed intoxicating liquors." She also claimed that he habitually maintained toward her a "cold and distant demeanor" and used profane and abusive language in addressing her.
  • 30 Aug 1932 Walter F. Bass, suing in superior court No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Helen May Bass, charged that she refused and neglected to prepare meals for him, continuously found fault and nagged, and taking their child and her clothing, left their home. All of this, Bass claimed, has destroyed his love and affection for her and made it impossible for them to live together. They separated this month after a marriage contracted February 7, 1931.
  • 31 Aug 1932 Her complaint asserting that her husband, Earl Ramey has on innumerable occasions "walked out on her" and told her several times to get a divorce, Mrs. Margaret Ramey sued him for a three-year limited separation in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in June, 1921 the Ramey's separated in October, 1931. There are three children, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Ramey. Mrs. Ramey charged that when her youngest child was only a few weeks old her husband again "walked out on her," taking his clothes and refusing to tell her where he was going. She averred that she can no longer live with him because of his cruel and inhuman treatment toward her, claiming that he has been indifferent toward her all during their married life and that he has stayed away from home and refused to tell her his whereabouts, many times staying all night.
  • 31 Aug 1932 Mrs. Mary Stuck of 4029 South Gay street began action in superior court No. 2 to end her marriage to John W. Stuck, declaring that their separation this month was caused by cruel and inhuman treatment on his part. She also charged that he failed to provide. Wedded December, 16,1922, the Stucks separated this month. There are four children, Mrs. Stucks asked that she be granted custody of her daughter, aged 9.
  • 31 Aug 1932 Order of dismissal was entered in the divorce action of Mrs. Mildred McClenahan against Francis M. McClenahan in superior court No. 1.

  • 01 Sep 1932 Charging that her husband, Caston L. Otter had been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment, Mrs. Irene M. Otter was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Tem Fred D. Schoppman in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Otter had entered a cross-complaint in a divorce action instituted by her husband, alleging in part that he associated with other women. Married in June, 1920 the Otters separated last March.
  • 01 Sep 1932 His wife, Mrs. Ocie Waters has associated with other men, Mark Waters averred in a divorce action entered in superior court No. 1. The defendant is serving a prison term at Indianapolis, according to the complaint. They were married in 1920. Walters asked that he be awarded custody of the seven children.
  • 01 Sep 1932 Averring that her husband, Ernest C. Toerpel has from time to time severely beaten her and that she had to seek employment in order to maintain herself, Mrs. Marie Toerpel of 330 East Leith street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1. Wedded in 1917, the Toerpel's separated this month. Custody of the two children is sought by Toerpel.
  • 02 Sep 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Lawrence A. Frans associated with other women Mrs. Edna N. Frans of 3406 Brooklyn avenue filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married June 29, 1918, the parties separated August 13 this year. Mrs. Frans claimed further that Frans cursed her and called her vile names. She asked for restoration of her former name, Edna N. Williams.
  • 03 Sep 1932 Charging that her husband, Harry Smith, "cruelly choked and beat" her recently and that he told her to get a divorce, that he would not live with her, Mrs. Myrtle Smith of 3516 South Barr street acted on his alleged instructions by suing him for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 1. Married November 2, 1930, the Smiths separated last month.
  • 03 Sep 1932 Paul C. Nord filed a complaint in superior court No. 1 to end his marriage to Mrs. Lillian Anna Nord on averments that she had been cruel and inhuman toward him in that she was cross and irritable the greater part of their married life and constantly found fault and nagged, which made living with her impossible. The Nord's separated in January, 1932, after a marriage contracted March 15, 1931. There is one child.
  • 03 Sep 1932 A request for $5,000 alimony was set up in an amended complaint for divorce entered in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Pauline Evers against Steve Evers. The original complaint was filed last April.
  • 03 Sep 1932 Her complaint alleging in part that during all their married life her husband, Alfred S. Redding, has been in the habit of using liquor and that "in celebration of their marriage he became so intoxicated that he slept out in the yard all night," Mrs. Matilda Redding began action for a five-year separation in circuit court yesterday. Redding, it was indicated, worked on a delivery route, and his wife further charged that "he informed her that every morning while upon his rounds of delivery a certain woman had in readiness for him at 9 a.m. a good lunch and good beer," Mrs. Redding's complaint alleged that "the defendant is very familiar with the latter part of the entertainment," but stated that he "does not know the name of the lady who is rendering such aid during his long continued depression." Married July 7, 1928, the Redding's separated last month.
  • 04 Sep 1932 Alleging that she had been obliged to seek employment as a restaurant waitress and that she has contributed of her earnings to the support of her husband, Ferdinand Howbridge, Mrs. Grace Howbridge of 2934 Smith street sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married December 6, 1930, the litigants separated June 25, this year. Mrs. Howbridge's complaint further alleged that the defendant was "insanely jealous" of her and that because of his jealousy he would fly into rages and call her vile names. He would curse and swear at her until living with him has become an impossible. Mrs. Howridge asked that her former name, Grace Lehman be restored.
  • 07 Sep 1932 Her complaint alleging in part that her husband, William V. Hoy, locked the doors and windows of their home and refused her admission, Mrs. Mary M. Hoy of 3401 Oliver street sued for divorce sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1927, the Hoy's separated that month. Mrs. Hoy further charged that Hoy repeatedly struck her and swore at her. She asks that she be awarded custody of her child.
  • 07 Sep 1932 Albert Gebhart began action in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of his marriage to Mrs. Laura Gebhart, charging that she quarreled continuously with him, found fault and was "mean" to and quarreled with his child by a former marriage. She was "very jealous" of him and accused him falsely of being friendly with other women, his complaint further averred. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in January, 1931, it was stated.
  • 07 Sep 1932 Limited separation during a period of one year from her husband, guy W. Roser, was sought in a suit instituted in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Myrtle Roser whose complaint alleged that Roser became an habitual drunkard and that, while under the influence of liquor, he threatened to injure her and to destroy her property. Wedded in 1912, they separated last month.
  • 07 Sep 1932 Suit for divorce from Jerome V. Bopp was entered in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Lela M. Bopp of 434 West Berry street, who claimed that he abandoned her in June, 1929, and failed to make reasonable provision for her support. They were married in 1922.
  • 08 Sep 1932 Her complaint alleging in part that her husband, Carl Egts used physical violence on her on various occasions, slapped and struck her and called her vile names, Mrs. Mary Egts sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties separated this month after a marriage contracted March 1, 1927. Mrs. Egts further charged that Egts refused to live with her as man and wife, and that he associated with other women. There are two children custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Egts.
  • 08 Sep 1932 Mrs. Artella Trout was granted a divorce from Murel Trout. Mrs. Trout, who sued originally for limited separation, filed an amended complaint seeking a divorce. She charged that Trout went with other women and refused to live with her. Married in March, 1920, they separated last May. Mrs. Trout was awarded custody of the two children and Trout was ordered to pay $5 weekly for their support.
  • 09 Sep 1932 Charging that her husband, Ralph E. Tarney associated with other women, Mrs. Helen V. Tarney of 222 West Gumpper avenue filed a complaint for divorce and $5,000 alimony in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1916, the Tarney's separated last month. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Tarney. She also asked that Tarney be enjoined from selling or encumbering the equipment, good will and business of a dry cleaning establishment which he conducts on East Pontiac street.
  • 09 Sep 1932 Mrs. Nellie P. Brown was granted a divorce from Frank E. Brown in superior court No. 1 on charges that Brown left her, used vile language and was guilty of various acts of cruelty. They separated in 1928.
  • 09 Sep 1932 Mrs. Adell Pinckney was awarded a divorce in superior court No. 1 on averments that her husband, Hosen Pinekney, quarreled with and nagged at her and that they could not get along. Her former name, Adell Payne was restored. They separated this year after a marriage contracted in 1929.
  • 09 Sep 1932 Special Judge Ray E. McCall denied Mrs. Enna Wolffer a limited separation on her complaint and Edward Wolffer a divorce on his cross-complaint, in superior court No. 1. In her complaint for separation Mrs. Wolffer had alleged that Wolffer had beaten her, used abusive language and continually found fault with her. Wolffer, in his cross-complaint for divorce, averred that she has threatened to kill him and refused to perform her duties as his wife, etc. Married in 1908, the separated last May.
  • 09 Sep 1932 An amended complaint asking for a divorce was filed in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Margaret Ramey who, on August 30, sued her husband, Earl Ramey, for limited separation.
  • 09 Sep 1932 Mrs. Augusta A. Bowman began action in superior court No. 2 for dissolution of her marriage to Lloyd E. Bowman, alleging in part that he quarreled with and nagged at her and refused to permit her minor children by a former marriage, who were dependent on her, to live with or to visit her. Mrs. Bowman further averred that Bowman refused to speak to her during periods of time and embarrassed her "in front of company" to such an extent that it made life intolerable for her to live with him. Wedded in 1918 , they separated last February.
  • 09 Sep 1932 Keats Johnstone filed a cross-complaint for divorce in an action instituted against him by his wife, Mrs. Justine, W. Johnstone, in superior court No. 2 alleging that she abandoned him without fault on his part and refused to live with him during a period of two years. They separated in April, 1930 after a marriage contracted in December, 1929.
  • 11 Sep 1932 Charging that her husband, Henry Eckerle, struck and beat her, called her vile names and failed to provide properly, Mrs. Libby Eckerle filed a cross-complaint for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married May 14, 1930, the parties separated this year.
  • 11 Sep 1932 General allegations that her husband, Edgar Fenton treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner were set up by Mrs. Evelyn Fenton in a complaint for divorce and $3,000 alimony instituted in superior court No. 1. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in September, 1922. Custody of the three children is sought by Mrs. Fenton.
  • 11 Sep 1932 Limited separation during a period of five years was asked by Mrs. Ada Hoshaw in a complaint entered in superior court No. 1 against Edward Hoshaw whom she accused of neglecting to provide suitably for her. Mrs. Hoshaw further averred that Hoshaw associated with other women and that he at various times left his wife and refused to live with her. Wedded in 1900, they separated in February, 1929.
  • 11 Sep 1932 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Ethel Lucile Sullivan, "has not shown agreeable companionship…requisite of married life," and that she "had constantly been super-critical" of him, James Martin Sullivan sued for divorce in superior court No.1. They separated this month after a marriage entered into in June, 1926. Sullivan's complaint also charged that his wife has unfairly accused him "of being too lazy to obtain work," whereas in truth her "has most assiduously endeavored to find employment." There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Sullivan.
  • 11 Sep 1932 Allegations that his wife, Mrs. Marie Borean of 2545 Fairfield View place, has sought throughout their married life to live beyond his means and that she has been dissatisfied in that he was not able to sup0ply her with the standard of living she desired, were set up in an action begun by Gino Borean in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of marital ties. Married in July, 1926, they separated last month.
  • 11 Sep 1932 Mrs. Coleen Coleman of 3701 Smith street sued George Coleman for divorce in superior court No. 1, claiming that he cursed her and called her vile names, and failed to provide properly. They separated last April after a marriage begun in July, 1927.
  • 11 Sep 1932 Judge Pro Tem Patrick W. Donahue, Jr., granted two divorces in superior court No. 1. Virgil Kinder won a divorce on charges that his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Ann Kinder failed to get his meals, cursed him, stayed out nights and accused him falsely. Wedded in July, 1929, they separated in November, the same year.
  • 11 Sep 1932 Mrs. Edwina Mack was freed from her marriage to Delbert E. Mack on testimony that he associated with other women and did not provide. Their marriage, contracted in January, 1923, was disrupted by a separation in April 1929.
  • 13 Sep 1932 Her complaint asserting that she was compelled to leave her husband, Charles F. Howell, on account of his cruel and inhuman treatment to her, Mrs. Bertha Howell sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married Dec ember 6, 1902, the parties separated May 14, 1930. Mrs. Howell averred that Howell was quarrelsome with her, continually found fault, absented himself from home for long periods and refused to tell her of his whereabouts, and failed to make reasonable provisions for her support.
  • 13 Sep 1932 Mrs. Florentine Bowman of 2224 Lafayette street began action in superior court No. 1 for termination of her marriage to Kenneth Bowman, alleging that he failed to provide properly for her and "has been guilty of other conduct unbecoming a married man," The Bowman's separated in May, 1931, after a marriage contracted July 8, 1927.
  • 14 Sep 1932 Charging that her husband, Walter Meyers failed to provide her with necessities, such as clothing, medical care, nurse hire and hospital expense which became necessary by reason of an illness, Mrs. Lillian Meyers filed a cross-complaint for divorce and $5,000 alimony in superior court No.2 yesterday. Mrs. Meyers' cross-complaint further stated in part that Meyers has accused her of "having plenty of boyfriends, which is all false and untrue." She claimed that he "was cold and indifferent," frequently told her he cared nothing for her and in numerous ways made life unbeatable for her. They separated in 1930.
  • 14 Sep 1932 Willie Eaves of 1312 Barr street began action in superior court No.1 for dissolution of his marriage to Mrs. Juanita Eaves, claiming that she was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward him in that during the whole of their married life she created such constant strife that for them to live together was unbearable. Married July 9, 1928, they separated in December, 1929, when Eaves averred, his wife deserted him.
  • 15 Sep 1932 Her complaint charging in part that her husband, Otto Rodemeyer, "has threatened to beat her if her meets her on the street," Mrs. Grace B. Rodemeyer sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married May 14, this year, the Rodemeyer's separated during the current month, Mrs. Rodemeyer averring that the separation was caused by cruel and inhuman treatment of her by her husband in that he choked and struck her. In filing the suit, she is complying with the alleged wishes of her husband, who has told her to get a divorce.
  • 15 Sep 1932 Mrs. Marie Fanslau sought a divorce from Claris Fanslau on averments that he was guilty of cruelty and failed to support her. They separated last June after a marriage contracted in November, 1930.
  • 15 Sep 1932 Mrs. Mary K. Fortier of 1603 East Lewis street asked a decree to end her marriage to James Fortier on assertions that he created constant strife and failed to provide. She seeks custody of her child.
  • 15 Sep 1932 Suing for divorce from Mrs. Josephine Ward, Almond Ward alleged that she crated such constant strife that for them to live together as husband and wife was intolerable and that she deserted him in January, 1913. They were married in 1903. There are five children.
  • 16 Sep 1932 Her complaint charging in part that because of threats by her husband, Robert Jones, to do her great violence, she was compelled to seek refuge away from his home and to separate from him, Mrs. Billie Jones sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married June 26, 1930, the parties separated this month, Mrs. Jones averring that the separation was due to cruel treatment of her by Jones. During the past three or four months he has mistreated her, bickered and made life together miserable, she claimed. This treatment, it was alleged, recently reached a climax when Jones struck and beat the plaintiff about the head and body.
  • 16 Sep 1932 Mrs. Hazel P. Ormsby of 1026 Liberty street began action in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of her marriage to Ralph D. Ormsby, alleging that he "would become badly intoxicated every week or so, sometimes staying intoxicated several days at a time." When he can home in an intoxicated condition he would frequently "become intolerable" toward his wife, flying into rages, cursing and swearing at her and using vile and indecent names toward her. She further claimed that he would "strike and beat her in a rude and unmerciful manner." Wedded June 25, 1927, the Ormsby's separated this month. Mrs. Ormsby asked that she be granted custody of the two children.
  • 16 Sep 1932 Order of dismissal for want of prosecution was entered in the divorce suit of W.J. Jaquman against Dewey Jaquman in superior court No. 1.
  • 17 Sep 1932 His complaint alleging in part that his wife, Mrs. Edna Lopshire would go out nights and not return until 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning, and occasionally would come home in an intoxicated condition, Richard Lopshire of route No. 2, St. Joseph township, sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married December 7, 1931, the Lopshire's separated May 17, this year. Lopshire's complaint further charged that the defendant associated with other men and "was guilty of other conduct unbecoming a married woman. '
  • 17 Sep 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce averring that his wife, Mrs. Mary Urean, "from the time of their marriage was extracting money from him continually, compelling his to dispose of his property rights, and obtained the money therefrom," was filed by Charles Urean in a divorce action instituted by her in superior court No. 1. Wedded in June, 1932, the parties separated in August. Urean, according to the cross-complaint is 76 years old and unable to secure steady employment. He further claimed that his wife was "cross and irritable," continually found fault with him and "refused to do the necessary things around the house in keeping things sanitary."
  • 17 Sep 1932 Mrs. Margaret Gerke began action in superior court No. 1 for a one-year limited separation from her husband, William L. Gerke, charging that he was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he called her "vile and vicious" names and beat and struck her. They separated this month after a marriage entered into in August, 1930.
  • 20 Sep 1932 Charles Noel, said to be a player on the House of David baseball team, was named defendant is a suit for divorce filed yesterday by his wife Goldie Noel. The couple was married December 24 1919, and separated last June. Mrs. Noel charges that her husband drank to excess and that he would often fly into a rage when she addressed him.
  • 20 Sep 1932 Mrs. Anna Rose McAfee of 625 Davis street sued John W. McAfee of 1617 Boone street, for a divorce and restraining order to prevent McAfee from molesting her. She alleged that her husband nagged her and swore at her, the couple has one child.
  • 20 Sep 1932 Mrs. Rosella Floyd sued Frank R. Floyd for divorce in a complaint charging him with associating with other women. She asks the custody of their child.
  • 20 Sep 1932 Mrs. Artina Kallenback was granted a divorce from Harold Kallenback by Judge George H. Leonard of superior court No. 2 yesterday. The plaintiff testified that her husband stayed out late of nights and on some occasions would remain away from home all night. She was granted the custody of their child and the defendant was ordered to pay $5 per week for its support.
  • 21 Sep 1932 Charging that her husband, John C. Hammond sat up all night with a razor in his hand threatening to cut her throat, Mrs. Ellen A. Hammond yesterday filed suit for a divorce. She alleges that on another occasion, Hammond broke her nose. She asks the custody of their five children. The couple was married December 5, 1911 and separated September 18, 1932.
  • 21 Sep 1932 Mrs. Mildred Schoemaker sued for a divorce from Lester Schoemaker who she alleged, is now serving time in the Ohio state prison for forgery.
  • 21 Sep 1932 Mrs. Beatrice Tyler was granted a divorce from Harold Tyler by Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1. The plaintiff was granted the custody of their child and the defendant was charged with its support. She testified that her husband left her four times without cause.
  • 22 Sep 1932 Margaret Schneider of 2410 Eastbrock drive was named defendant in a suit for $25,000 filed yesterday by Catherine D. Lauer who alleged that the defendant alienated the affections of her husband, J. Albert Lauer. The Laure's were married in 1920 and have four children, the complaint says. They lived happily until Mrs. Lauer charges her husband and the defendant began to have clandestine meetings. Lauer lost interest in his family and his work and finally gave up his occupation, it was charged. Mrs. Lauer says that Margaret Schneider has offered to pay her a large sum of money if she will obtain a divorce.
  • 24 Sep 1932 Charging failure to provide and incompatibility, Mrs. Louexes Horstmann fild suit for a divorce from Vern Horstmann yesterday, the couple was married August 14, 1929 and separated on September 1, of this year. Mrs. Horstmann asks the custody of their one child.
  • 27 Sep 1932 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Sarah Ellen Mildebrandt in an action for divorce from Edwin O. Mildbrandt filed in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married February 7, 1931, the parties separated this month.
  • 27 Sep 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Luella Wittie a divorce on allegations that her husband, Herman Wittle failed to make suitable provisions for support and to provide a home. They separated last April after a marriage contracted in September, 1931. Mrs. Wittie was awarded custody of the child and Wittie was charged with its support.
  • 27 Sep 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce averring that his wife, Mrs. Margaret B. Ferrell refused to cook his meals and that she stayed out late nights, was entered in superior court No. 1 by Dale O. Ferrell. Ferrell also alleged in part that Mrs. Ferrell cursed him and that she was absent from their home for considerable periods on several occasions. Wedded in December, 1927, they separated last month. Ferrell asked that custody of his three-year-old daughter be vested in him.
  • 28 Sep 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce alleging in part that his wife, Mrs. Margaret B. Ferrell, repeatedly stayed out late at night and refused to tell him where she had gone or whom she had been with, was filed by Dale O. Ferrell in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married December 24, 1927, the Ferrells separated in August, this year, it was stated. Ferrell further charged that Mrs. Ferrell has cursed and sworn at him and refused to prepare his meals, and that she left him and their child several times. He asked that he be granted custody of the child.
  • 28 Sep 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Pearl Stevens a divorce on her averments that her husband, Cloyd Stevens, Called her vile names, nagged constantly, cursed and swore at her and accused her falsely. The parties separated last July after a marriage contracted April 10, 1918. Mrs. Stevens was awarded custody of the two children, for support of whom Stevens was ordered to pay $7 weekly beginning October 1.
  • 28 Sep 1932 An amended cross-complaint was entered by Mrs. Marjorie Ramsey in the divorce action filed against her by her husband, Donald Ramsey, in superior court No. 2. Mrs. Ramsey charged in part that Ramsey told her he did not love her, asked her to get a divorce and deserted her. A limited separation was sought in the cross-complaint. The parties were married in January, 1924, separating in August, 1931.
  • 28 Sep 1932 Mrs. Dorothy Reasoner of 2528 Ede avenue began suit in circuit court for a five-year separation from Floyd Reasoner, claiming that he has been "cold and abusive" toward her during the last several months, although she has always tried to conduct herself "as becomes a true and dutiful wife," done everything within her power to make married life as happy as possible for him and attempted to please him. Reasoner, her complaint charged, has totally neglected to pay any attention to her, has left home at night and stayed out until morning without informing her of his whereabouts or offering any excuse for his absence, told her "that he cares nothing whatever for her" and advised her to get a divorce. Wedded November 27, 1924, the litigants separated this month. Mrs. Reasoner asked that custody of her daughter be vested in her.
  • 28 Sep 1932 Dismissal on motion of the plaintiff was entered in the divorce action of Mrs. Myrtle Smith against Harry Smith in superior court No. 1.
  • 29 Sep 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce, alleging in part that her husband, Clayton W. Shaw, "would say he wished she filled a casket ready for burial," was filed by Mrs. Dora Shaw in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married October 11, 1920, the Shaw's separated last July, when, Mrs. Shaw charged, Shaw abandoned her and instituted his divorce action. She further averred that he cursed her many times, called her "vile and vicious names," frequently became intoxicated, was abusive of her and threatened to do her bodily harm and falsely accused her of associating with other men. She asked that she be awarded custody of the two children.
  • 29 Sep 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Ford Hall struck and severely injured her, after which he informed her that he intended to leave and never return, and that he did leave their home, taking with him his clothing and personal effects, Mrs. Ethel Mae Hall of 1229 Calhoun street sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Wedded December 24, 1930, the Halls separated this month. Mrs. Hall averred that approximately three months after the marriage Hall began and continued habitually to maintain toward her a "cold and distant demeanor" and started using profane and abusive language in her presence. He repeatedly accused her of un-chastity and "conduct unbecoming a dutiful wife," it was further claimed and on numerous occasions returned home in an intoxicated condition, called her vile names and threatened to kill her. She asked that her name be restored to Ethel Sterling.
  • 29 Sep 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Arthur C. Lillieh a divorce from Mrs. Lucile E. Lillich on general charges of cruel and inhuman treatment. Custody of the Children was vested in Mrs. Killich and Lillich was ordered to pay $5 weekly for their support. They separated last March after a marriage contracted in 1925.
  • 30 Sep 1932 Her complaint charging that she and her husband, Charles C. Winston are "grossly and irreparably incompatible in temperament, disposition, tastes and made of living," Mrs. Ruth Winston sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Wedded March 26, 1930, the Winston's separated this month. Mrs. Winston further averred that Winston has insisted upon his own method of living to such an extent that he has made living with him unbearable and burdensome, and that her health has been undermined. She claimed that he has often stayed away from home for days at a time without explanation or reason for his absence, declaring "that it is none of the plaintiff's business as to his whereabouts." Mrs. Winston asked that her former name, Ruth Smith be restored.
  • 30 Sep 1932 Divorce from Harry Swaidner was sought in a complaint entered in superior court No. 2 by Mrs. Margaret Swaidner of 1015 Maumee avenue who claimed that he failed to provide a home for her and that she was obliged to seek employment among strangers to support herself. They separated in 1929 after a marriage entered into in September, 1928. Restoration of her former name, Margaret Hinton, was requested by the plaintiff.
  • 30 Sep 1932 Mrs. Nasabe Maloley sued Sam M. Maloley for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 1, setting up general charges of cruel and inhuman treatment. Married in 1910, they separated this month. Mrs. Maloley asked that she be given custody of the two children.

  • 01 Oct 1932 Charging that her husband, William D. Murphy, drank, gambled, stayed out nights, was guilty of habitual intoxication and that he struck her, Mrs. Elva Murphy was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Wedded in 1923, the Murphy's separated last February. Mrs. Murphy was awarded custody of her child, for support of whom Murphy was ordered to pay $4 weekly.
  • 01 Oct 1932 Mrs. Hazel P. Safford of 1919 St. Joe boulevard began action in superior court No. 2 for termination of her marriage to Lawrence L. Safford, her complaint alleging in part that he cursed her and called her vile names and threatened her life. She further claimed that he failed to provide, thus forcing her to secure support elsewhere. They separated this month after a marriage entered into October 16, 1913. There are five children, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Stafford.
  • 04 Oct 1932 Charging that her husband, William Harley Williamson failed to provide properly during a period of five years, Mrs. Bernice I. Williamson was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Williamson was awarded custody of her child and Williamson was charged with its support. Married in 1923, they separated in 1927.
  • 04 Oct 1932Charles Doescher sued in superior court No. 1 to terminate his marriage to Mrs. Verlin Doescher, averring that she treated him cruelly and deserted him last month without cause and has since lived apart from him. They were married last March.
  • 04 Oct 1932 Dismissal on motion of the plaintiff was entered in the divorce action of Ethel Mae Hall against Ford Hall in superior court No. 1.
  • 05 Oct 1932 Charging that her husband, Forrest H. Batdorf was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he told her he was "finished with her" and would no longer live with her, Mrs. Grace C. Batdorf sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married March 1, 1912, the Batdorfs separated March 19, 1932. Mrs. Batdorf's complaint further averred that Batdorf on numerous occasions stayed away from their home for days at a time, and that he associated with other women. There are two children, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Batdorf.
  • 06 Oct 1932 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Esther P. Waltemath refused to keep house and cook the meals, Harold L. Waltemath was granted a divorce by Judge George H. Leonard in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Waltemath further charged that Mrs. Waltemath got him into debt and that she left him and went home when he remonstrated against her allegedly giving his money to her relatives. Married July 25, 1931, they separated last July. Mrs. Waltemath's former name, Esther Rice was restored.
  • 07 Oct 1932 Suit for a three-year limited separation on charges that her husband, Julian H. Schone has been guilty of cruel treatment was filed by Mrs. Carrie Schone of 622 East Washington boulevard in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married January 1, 1916, the parties separated this month. She seeks custody of the four children and support.
  • 08 Oct 1932 Charging that her husband, John L. Christen told her he did not love her anymore and to get a divorce, Mrs. Alma R. Christen was given a decree dissolving her marriage by Judge George H. Leonard in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married in 1928, the parties separated last August. During the first year Christen treated his wife well, but after that he ignored her and associated with other women, she alleged. She claimed further that he was guilty of failure to provide.
  • 08 Oct 1932 Action for support money was filed by Mrs. Elsie Johnson against her husband, Fred E. Johnson in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Johnson charged that Johnson, to whom she was married in 1916, deserted her in February, 1929, and has since failed to make sufficient provision for her support. Johnson, it was stated, owns certain real estate from which there is a monthly rental income of $30. It is asked that support money be paid to Mrs. Johnson from the rental payments.
  • 09 Oct 1932 Charging that her husband, Edward Eicks has been gu8ilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that he failed to provide during a period of more than two years, Mrs. Crescence Eicks sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Mrs. Eicks claimed that since her marriage on September 21, 1926, she has provided entirely for herself. They separated in November, 1927.
  • 09 Oct 1932 Mrs. Agnes Kurtenback was awarded a divorce from Clarence W. Kurtenback in superior court No. 1 on allegations that he called her vile names and struck her. They separated last April after a marriage contracted in 1929.
  • 09 Oct 1932 In superior court No. 1, Mrs. Alice Gremaux was given a divorce on charges that her husband William Gremaux struck her and was quarrelsome. They were married in November, 1931, separating last July. The wife's former name, Alice Maloney was restored.
  • 09 Oct 1932 Her husband, Clarence H. Gleich was quarrelsome and threated her so cruelly that it became impossible for them to live together, Mrs. Margaret R. Gleich of 1808 St. Joe boulevard averred in a divorce action enter in superior court. Wedded in 1910, they separated last month.
  • 11 Oct 1932 Charging that her husband, Fredrie Grant Lupton constantly quarreled with her, making it impossible for them to live together, Mrs. Vivian Louise Lupton sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married November 13, 1926, they separated this month. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Lupton.
  • 12 Oct 1932 Her husband, Harry Fong associated with other women, Mrs. Ilif Fong charged in a divorce complaint filed in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Fong claimed further that Fong continually nagged at and quarreled with her and made false accusations against her until it was no longer possible for her to live with him in peace and harmony. They were married September 13, last year.
  • 12 Oct 1932 In superior court No. 1 Judge pro tem Harry F. Kennerk granted Mrs. Ruth Robinson a divorce from Clyde Robinson on averments that she had to support herself, that Robinson drank to excess, left her on several occasions and beat her. Her former name, Ruth Smith was restored.
  • 12 Oct 1932 Mrs. Helen Conley was awarded a divorce from Dr. John Conley on allegations that he found fault and was quarrelsome. Custody of the child of the parties was vested in Mrs. Conley, the defendant being ordered to pay an agreed sum for support of the child.
  • 12 Oct 1932 Mrs. Lucile Beck of 125 West Masterson avenue sued in superior court No. 1 for a divorce from Alvin E. Back, charging that their separation last July was caused by cruel treatment of her in that the defendant drank habitually, left her on several occasions, stayed away for days at a time, and struck her on several occasions. Wedded March 17, 1921, they separated last July. Mrs. Beck asked for restoration of her former name, Lucile Parrish.
  • 12 Oct 1932 Mrs. Freda G. Ball instituted suit for divorce from Harry B. Ball in superior court No. 2, alleging that he beat her on numerous occasions and that they separated because of his cruel and inhuman treatment toward her. The parties were married in May, 1922 and separated this month.
  • 12 Oct 1932 Judge George H. Leonard of superior court No. 2 granted Mrs. Frances Penn a divorce on allegations that her husband, Thomas H. Penn was guilty of failure to provide during a period of more than two years. They were married in September, 1928.
  • 13 Oct 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, Halford H. Clemens failed to support her or to "make any reasonable effort" to support her, Mrs. Ruth Clemens sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married June 3 1929, the litigants separated July 28, 1931. Mrs. Clemens further averred that Clemens threatened to do her great bodily harm.
  • 13 Oct 1932 Mrs. Mae DeWitt of 1908 Fairfield avenue began action in superior court No. 2 for divorce and $2,000 alimony from her husband, George DeWitt, claiming that their separation this month was caused by his extreme cruelty toward her. They were married July 24, 1926.
  • 13 Oct 1932 Judge Pro Tem Harry F. Kennerk in superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Ann Stahl a divorce from Earl Stahl, whom she accused in part of failure to provide, terminating their marriage contracted in 1920. The plaintiff's former name was restored.
  • 13 Oct 1932 Fred Elsworth Doran was given a decree in divorce action against Mrs. Minnie Doran by Judge Pro Tem Harry F. Kennert in superior court No. 1. They were married in 1904.
  • 14 Oct 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, James K. Taylor has threatened to inflict bodily injury on her and to kill her should she bring an action for divorce against him, Mrs. Mary A. Taylor of Burgess street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married March 10, 1930, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Taylor, who asked for restoration of her former name, Mary Alice Snider, averred that the separation was caused by cruel and inhuman treatment of her by the defendant.
  • 15 Oct 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce, charging that her husband, Fred W. Trosin falsely accused her of associating with other men and that her was 'guilty of other conduct unbecoming a married man," was filed by Mrs. Itha E. Trosin in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Trosin further alleged that from the time of her marriage until the separation this month Trosin treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner in that he cursed her and called her vile names, repeatedly threatening to do her bodily injury, and that he failed to provide properly.
  • 15 Oct 1932 Judge pro tem Harry F. Kennerk granted Mrs. Sevilla Abel a divorce in superior court No. 1 on her allegations that her husband, John Abel associated with other women and failed to support the plaintiff and her child. Custody of the child was vested in Mrs. Abel, Abel being charged with the child's support.
  • 15 Oct 1932 Suit for divorce and $300 alimony was entered in superior court No. 1 against Wilbur M. Loveall by Mrs. Mary A. Loveall, who charged cruel and inhuman treatment. Married in April, 1918, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Loveall seeks custody of her child.
  • 16 Oct 1932 Her complaint charging in part that her husband, Edward Cochran told her he was "through"with her and that he could not afford to support a wife, Mrs. Edna Cochran of 1008 Comparet street filed suit for a two-year limited separation in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Wedded September 18, 1924 the Cochrans separated last month. Mrs. Cochran further alleged that Cochran, while in a rage, told her to get a divorce that he would live with her no longer, and that during the past year he has maintained a cold and distant demeanor and addressed her in a "surly, cold and harsh manner." She asked that she be given custody of her child.
  • 16 Oct 1932 Testifying that her husband, Herman Huey was guilty of cruelty in that he struck her at different times and associated with other women, Mrs. Lucille Huey was awarded a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The decree was entered on Mrs. Huey's cross-complaint which was filed in an action for divorce instituted against her by Huey. Custody of a child of the litigants was vested in George and Helen Winkler, Huey being charged with the child's support. Married July 25, 1925, the Huey's separated Mary 31, 1930.
  • 18 Oct 1932 Her complaint charging that she was compelled to work in order to support herself and that the money her husband, Herschell A. Jackson earned was spent for gambling, Mrs. Ida Constance Jackson of 2403 Weisser Park Avenue sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Jackson claimed that Jackson failed to provide for her during the last eight years. Married in April, 1924 they separated last March.
  • 18 Oct 1932 Mrs. Emma Weidner was given a divorce in superior court No. 1 from Nick Weidner, her name being restored to Emma Popp, on testimony to the effect that Weidner was cruel and quarrelsome and stuck her at different time. They separated last July after a marriage contracted in March, 1928.
  • 18 Oct 1932 Edwin M. Bruick was awarded a decree in the divorce action against Mrs. Agnes C. Bruick in superior court No. 1, alleging that the defendant left him without cause, refused to live with him and was guilty of other acts of cruelty. Wedded in 1925, they separated last February.
  • 19 Oct 1932 His complaint averring that his wife, Mrs. Ida A. Mapel deserted him, refusing to accompany him to new places of abode where his business called him that she went to "parts unknown" and that her present place of residence is unknown to him, Ralph R. Mapel of 314 East Lewis street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mapel, who operates a restaurant, further alleged that his wife, on frequent occasions "was seen riding with a male companion." Married in 1913, they lived together until seven years ago, it was stated.
  • 19 Oct 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Hazel Ringenberg a divorce from John Ringenberg, restoring her name to Hazel Johnson, on allegations that Ringenberg left her without cause, cursed, kicked and beat her and failed to provide. Married in February, 1925, the separated last August.
  • 19 Oct 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 decreed a divorce to Mrs. Blanche Hartman from Kenneth Hartman on charges that he struck her, failed to provide and drank. They separated last August after a marriage entered into in May, 1928. Mrs. Hartman's name was restored to Blanche O'Connell.
  • 19 Oct 1932 Divorce was refused by Special Judge William N. Ballou in the action of Mrs. Loretta Keintz against Valentin Keintz, who had filed a cross-complaint seek a decree. Sensational charges and county-charges were made during the hearing, each party accusing the other of quarrelsomeness and complaining that the other made false accusations. Wedded in 1900, they separated last March.
  • 20 Oct 1932 His complaint charging that his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Lowrance frequently told him "to get out of their house and leave her alone," William E. Lowrance sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Lowrance did as his wife allegedly requested and left, it was stated. It was further averred by Lowrance that the defendant slapped, cursed and struck him on numerous occasions. Married January 1, 1925, they separated February 1, 1930.
  • 20 Oct 1932 Mrs. Hazel Yoder began action in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of her marriage to Clarence Yoder, who she claimed, treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner from the time of their marriage until their separation and that he failed to provide properly for her and associated with other women. They separated last July after a marriage entered into in October, 1926. Mrs. Yoder asked that she be awarded custody of the two children.
  • 20 Oct 1932 Charging that her husband, Joseph L. Beauchot would sulk and pout at frequent intervals and frequently absent himself from their home, remaining away days at a time, telling her it was none of her business when she inquired where he had been and why he had gone away. Mrs. Quma Beauchot instituted a divorce suit in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Beauchot alleged further that Beauchot failed to provide, thus compelling her to purchase her own wearing apparel and groceries, and at time, to pay the house rent, gas, light and water bills. Wedded in January, 1927, they separated last July. Restoration of her former name, Quma Hutchens was sought.
  • 21 Oct 1932 Alleging that he has endeavored unsuccessfully to work out a solution of his marital difficulties with his wife, Mrs. Alice M. Callahan, and that she cursed and swore at him every time he attempted to talk to her, Patrick J. Callahan began supplemental proceedings for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married in 1928, the parties separated this month. They originally separated in December, 1930, and Callahan filed a divorce suit and his wife entered a cross-complaint for separation.
  • 21 Oct 1932 In superior court No. 2 Judge Pro Tem Louis Crosby granted Mrs. Maude Rutlage a divorce from Sylvester Rutlage on cruelty charges, restoring her name to Maude Miller.
  • 22 Oct 1932 Charging that her husband, Vernon Smith told her to get a divorce, Mrs. Myrtle Smith of 1109 ½ Erie street acted on his alleged advice by beginning an action to end her marriage in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in April, 1926, the parties separated this month. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Smith, who further averred that Smith informed her he could not support her and that he falsely accused her of association with other men.
  • 22 Oct 1932 Suit for divorce was entered in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Nina B. McCutchen, who alleged that her husband, Marl W. McCutchen filed to provide, frequently struck her and associated with other women. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in June, 1930. Mrs. McCutchen asked for restoration of her former name, Nina Snell.
  • 22 Oct 1932 Frank L. Holmes is seeking to end his marriage to Mrs. Ruth Holmes in divorce action begun in superior court No. 1. He charged that she neglected him without cause. Wedded in 1925, they separated in 1927.
  • 22 Oct 1932 Mrs. Charlotte Schell of 823 Archer avenue sued John Schell for divorce, alleging that he drank to excess, beat her and failed to provide. They separated last August after having been married in 1927. Mrs. Schell asked that she be given custody of her child.
  • 22 Oct 1932 In superior court No. 2 Mrs. Elimor Pilett sued for a divorce from Edwin Pilett, averring that he nagged at her continually and was so quarrelsome that it became impossible for them to live together. Married in November 1930, they separated last August.
  • 25 Oct 1932 His complaint alleging that the defendant did not take proper care of the home and the children, Fred Busche sued Mrs. Marie Busche for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in February, 1909 the parties separated this month. There are eight children, six of whom are under the age of 16, it was stated. Busche further averred that Mrs. Busche occasionally swore and cursed at him, associated with other man and left her home for days at a time and refused to give him an accounting of her whereabouts.
  • 25 Oct. 1932 Divorce and alimony in the sum of $3,000 were sought by Mrs. Lilliam E. Wilson in an action instituted against her husband, Darrell F. Wilson, in superior court No. 1. She claimed that Wilson failed to provide proper support and that he treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner. They separated this month after a marriage contracted in July, 1922. Mrs. Wilson asked that she be awarded custody of her child.
  • 25 Oct 1932 General averments of cruel and Inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Mary Holloway of 608 East Washington boulevard in a divorce complaint entered against Merle Holloway in superior court No. 1. Wedded in July, they separated this month. Restoration of her former name, Mary Katra was sought by the plaintiff.
  • 25 Oct 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Grace Blume a divorce from Albert Blume and $500 alimony on her testimony that Blume had struck and beaten her. They separated last June after having been previously divorced and remarried, it was stated.
  • 25 Oct 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce was filed in superior court No. 2 in the suit of Mrs. Edna Cochran, by Edward Cochran, who alleged in part that she fought with the neighbors and cursed, abused and found fault with him. They were married in 1924.
  • 25 Oct 1932 Dismissal on motion of the plaintiff was entered in the action of Mrs. Stella E. Waters against Vergil A. Waters in superior court No. 2.
  • 26 Oct 1932 Charging that her husband, Wilbur Gowen has been guilty of habitual cruelty toward her and habitual drunkenness, Mrs. Nellie B. Gowen of 1217 Elm street sued for a two-year limited separation in superior court No. 2 yesterday. They separated this month after a marriage entered into September 20, 1930.
  • 26 Oct 1932 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Carrie L. Ferrell in a divorce action entered in superior court No. 1 against Russell William Ferrell. Married August 23, 1925, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Ferrell asked that custody of her child be awarded to her mother, Mrs. J. B Schey.
  • 26 Oct 1932 Her complaint asserting that incompatibility of temperament of the parties has rendered it impossible for them to live together longer, Mrs. Emma Wolffer of route No. 4, Bluffton road, began action in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Ed Wolffer. Wedded in 1908, they separated this month. There are four children, aged 21, 19, 16 and 9. Mrs. Wolffer further averred that Wolffer continually nagged at and quarreled with her. She seeks custody of her daughter, 9.
  • 26 Oct 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce and $1,000 Alimony was instituted in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Linnie J. Miller in the action of Edward J. Miller, whom she accused of having failed to support her properly during a period of more than five years, thus having necessitated that she earn sufficient money to clothe herself. The cross-complaint stated that Mrs. Miller has been in ill health and in need of medical attention for some years, and that until about 60 days preceding the separation Miller, in a measure, provided medical services for her and bought medicine from time to time. It was alleged, however that he bacem angry one day and informed her "that he was tired of doctoring her," She further claimed that he beat and struck her on one occasion. The parties were married April 14, 1896 it was said, separating last month. Mrs. Miller asks that her name be restored to Linne J. Bryan.
  • 26 Oct 1932 Alleging that he wasted his money, spending it on other women and for liquor and gambling, Mrs. Elsie Levine began action against Jacob Levine for a two-year separation in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Levine further claimed in part that Levine cursed her, told her he did not care for her and threatened her and their children. Wedded in 1913, they separated this month.
  • 26 Oct 1932 Action for divorce from Richard E. Callahan was filed in superior court No. 2 by Mrs. Killian Callahan of 1203 McClellan street, her complaint alleging that he failed to make any provision for her support and maintenance or to provide a home during a period of more than two years, and that she maintained and supported him much of the time they live together. She further claimed that he continually nagged and scolded her without provocation. They were married September 17, 1928, separating this month.
  • 27 Oct 1932 Charging that her husband, John W. Eicks struck her on various occasions without cause, Mrs. Blanche M. Eicks of 322 Greenlawn avenue sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married June 12, 1926, they separated this month. Other allegations of cruel and inhuman treatment on the part of Eicks were set up by Mrs. Eicks, whose complaint expressed fear that the defendant may dispose of household goods, etc., in their home, unless restrained by the court. Mrs. Eicks asked for restoration of her former name, Blanche M. Brunner.
  • 27 Oct 1932 Testimony that her husband, Victor S. Smith was guilty of failure to provide during a period of more than two years resulted in the entry of a divorce decree for Mrs. Edith Smith by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. They were married in May, 1930. Mrs. Smith's former name, Edith Sawyer was restored.
  • 28 Oct 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Charles Oswald Gunther recently struck her in the mouth, knocking out a tooth, Mrs. Janet Gunther filed suit for a two-year separation in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married October 27, 1927, the Gunther's separated this year. They have one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Gunther, who alleges that the separation was caused by cruel treatment of her on the part of her husband. She averred that he has claimed he cannot support her and the child.
  • 28 Oct 1932 Cross-Complaint for divorce was entered by Jacob Levine in the divorce action of his wife, Mrs. Elsie Levine, pending against him in superior court No. 1. Levine averred in part that Mrs. Levine nagged at and abused him, called him vile names and wrongfully accused him of association with other women. The cross-complaint further alleged that "she has on various occasions stuck him and told him that she did not care for him and she would make him get out and pay her some money," Levine, in his cross-complaint also charged that she was a "spendthrift" and spent "large sums of his money," and that she abused him "in such a manner that life with her is almost unbearable." The litigants separated this month after having been married in November, 1913. There are four children, aged 18, 15, 12 and 10, custody of whom is sought by Levine.
  • 28 Oct 1932 His complaint alleging that his wife, Mrs. Dean Meyer visited his place of business and created a disturbance in the presence of his employee, calling him names and causing him humiliation, Harry J. Meyer of 3122 Parnell avenue, a contractor, sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in April, 1930, the parties separated this month. Meyer further charged that Mrs. Meyer was quarrelsome and nagged continually. He asked that the defendant be restrained from calling at his place of business.
  • 28 Oct 1932 Judge George H. Leonard of superior court No. 2 granted Mrs. Thelma M. Young a divorce on her charges that her husband, Charles R. Young got drunk and struck her and failed to provide properly. They were married in September, 1929. Mrs. Young's former name, Thelma M. Parker was restored.
  • 29 Oct 1932 Charging that her husband, Harry J. Meyer struck and abused her at various times and cursed her and called her vile names, often in public places, which she said was very humiliating to her, Mrs. Dean Meyer filed a cross-complaint for separation in his divorce action, in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Wedded in March, 1930 the parties separated this month when, Mrs. Meyer alleged, Meyer abandoned her. Mrs. Meyer averred that then Meyer was under the influence of liquor her would curse and strike her, and that such condition "was practically habitual." She claimed that his cruelty has rendered it intolerable for them to live together.
  • 29 Oct 1932 Mrs. Hughberta Deamer of 3220 South Barr street began suit in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Max Deamer, claiming that he has refused to make adequate provision during a period of more than two years and that she has, therefore been compelled to seek employment in order to support herself and child, custody of whom she seeks. They separated in July, 1930 after a marriage contracted in February, 1929.
  • 29 Oct 1932 Her husband, Henry Fuhrer would become angry at her without cause and strike her in the face with his open hand, Mrs. Alice Fuhrer charged in a suit for divorce and alimony, instituted in superior court No. 1. Married in November, 1923, they separated this month, Mrs. Fuhrer claiming that Fuhrer left her without cause. Mrs. Fuhrer further averred in part that he no longer cared for her and wanted her to secure a divorce.
  • 30 Oct 1932 His complaint charging in part that his wife lives with her parents and will not go to a home provided by him, Robert Beard sued Mrs. Maxine Beard for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Beard further claimed that Mrs. Beard has constantly nagged at and found fault with him and accused him "of conduct unbecoming a husband," It was stated in his complaint that there has been constant strife between them for such a long time that it is intolerable for them to live longer together. They separated this month after having been married February 4, 1930.
  • 30 Oct 1932 Mrs. Lizzie Derloshon was awarded a divorce from Mike Derloshon by Judge Charles J. Ryan on her testimony in superior court No. 1. Wedded in September, 1907, the parties separated in August, 1932. Mrs. Derloshon alleged that her husband became intoxicated habitually struck her, called her vile names and failed to provide properly.

  • 01 Nov 1932 Charging that her husband, Walter R. Amacher, repeatedly struck and injured her and that he has threatened to take the household furniture, part of which she says, she assisted in purchasing, Mrs. Helen J. Amacher sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in December, 1928 the parties separated this month. There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Amacher.
  • 01 Nov 1932 Mrs. Helen Kemery began action in superior court No. 1 to end her marriage to Lloyd Kamery, averring that he at no time supported her or provided a home for her, thus necessitating that he support herself, and that he was quarrelsome and abusive. They separated in July, 1931, after having been married in September, 1930. She seeks restoration of her former name.
  • 01 Nov 1932 Judgement for marriage annulment was entered on behalf of Mrs. Ora Jeanette Passon Smith in suit against Connell D. Smith, by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. The plaintiff's name was restored to Ora Jeanette Passon. It was alleged that the defendant was married at the time of the marriage with the plaintiff in August, 1930, the plaintiff being unaware of his former marriage.
  • 01 Nov 1932 Forrest Nichols of 2720 Buena Vista drive filed suit in superior court No. 2 for divorce from Mrs. Leona May Nichols on cruelty charges.
  • 02 Nov 1932 Setting up general charges that during their married life her husband, Spire Trikoff, has treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner, Mrs. Genievieve Trikoff filed suit for a two-years limited separation and $10,000 alimony in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Trikoff, according to the complaint, operated a lunchroom and soft drink parlor at 1812 John street. Married in May, 1922, the parties separated last August. Mrs. Trikoff seeks custody of the two children who, it was said, are now in the defendant's custody. In her petition for a restraining order allusions were made to "repeated attacks", Trikoff was alleged to have made on her and threats voiced against her.
  • 02 Nov 1932 Dr. Morse Harrod of 634 East Washington boulevard instituted action in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of his marriage to Mrs. Bertha D. Harrod, his complaint averring in part that it is impossible on account of incompatibility for him to live longer with the defendant. They separated last March, it was said after a marriage entered into in Mar, 1926.
  • 02 Nov 1932 Mrs. Eliza DeBolt was granted a divorce in superior court No.1 from Clarence DeBolt and her name restored to Flora Bill on her claims that he was cruel, abandoned her without cause and failed to provide. They separated last March.
  • 02 Nov 1932 Mrs. Lena Grotrian was awarded a divorce on a cross-complaint, averring that the husband, William F. Grotrian, who filed the original action, failed to provide and that she was thus compelled to work. Her former name, Lena Guthermuth was restored. Wedded in 1928, they separated in June, 1930.
  • 02 Nov 1932 Testifying that her husband, Ban G. Quigley, was quality of failure to provide and intoxication, and that he was cruel and threatened her, Mrs. Della Quigley was decreed a divorce and her former name, Della Moore, restored. They separated last June after having been married in November, 1931. It was stated that this was the defendant's fourth and the plaintiff's second marriage.
  • 02 Nov 1932 Mrs. Alta M. Arter of 728 Poplar street began action in superior court No. 1 to terminate her marriage to Russell B. Arter, alleging that he called her vile names and struck and bruised her. They were married in 1929, separating in October, this year. Mrs. Arter asked that her former name, Alta M. Johnson be restored.
  • 03 Nov 1932 His complaint charging that his wife, Mrs. Mabel Derrickson, refused to leave her parents in Murphysboro, Ill when his work required his to come to Fort Wayne, Amos Derrickson sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Derrickson further claimed in part that the defendant "told him to do ahead and get a divorce," Married in March, 1928, they separated in January, 1930. The plaintiff asked that the custody of the child be vested in the defendant.
  • 03 Nov 1932 General charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Pauline Sarasien of 1212 Stophlet street, in a divorce action against Harry J. Sarasien. Mrs. Sarasien asked that her name be restored to Pauelina Schoolcraft. Wedded in May, 1923, they separated in September, 1931
  • 03 Nov 1932 Charges of cruel and inhuman treatment were set up by Mrs. Harriet Gee of 525 Huffman street, seeking a divorce from Howard Gee. Restoration of her former name, Harriet Miller was asked by Mrs. Gee in superior court No. 2. The Gees, it was said, were married in March 1932 and separated last month.
  • 03 Nov 1932 Mrs. Mary Stuck was given a divorce in superior court No. 2 on allegations that her husband, John W. Stuck failed to provide, was quarrelsome and swore at the threatened her. They separated last August after a marriage entered into in December, 1922. Custody of the couple's three sons was vested in Stuck and Mrs. Stuck was awarded custody of their daughter. It was provided that both parties are to be permitted to visit with the respective children at reasonable times. Stuck was charged with the support of the children.
  • 04 Nov 1932 Her complaint asserting that she was forced to live with her parents because her husband, George Willard Moss, filed to provide a home for her. Mrs. Ruth E. Moss filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married August 19, 1918, the parties separated last August. There are two children, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Moss. She further charged that Moss cursed her and the children on various occasions, and that he left home at different times, remaining away several weeks without letting anyone know his whereabouts.
  • 04 Nov 1932 In superior court No. 2 Judge Pro Tem Harold R. McClain granted Mrs. Grace Housbridge a divorce from Ferdinand Housbridge, restoring her former name, Grace Lehman.
  • 04 Nov 1932 Mrs. Helen Place filed suit in superior court No. 1. Seeking to end her marriage to Willard Place, averring that he treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner and failed to provide for her and their child, they separated in December, 1931, after a marriage contracted April 12, 1924. Mrs. Place asked that she be awarded custody of the child.
  • 05 Nov 1932 General charge of cruel and inhuman treatment was charged by Mrs. Rose Moore in superior court No. 1. She is asking that her marriage to Albert Moore be terminated, seeks custody of her two children. Married in October, 1924, the Moore's separated this month.
  • 05 Nov 1932 Mrs. Marquerite Pumphrey of 1215 Sherman street filed a charge of cruel and inhuman treatment in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Mrs. Pumphrey, is seeking a divorce from Glen D. Pumphrey, asking for restoration of her former name, Marguerite Lynch, and for an alimony of $500. They separated last month after having been married July 3.
  • 05 Nov 1932 Judge George H. Leonard of superior court No. 2 gave Mrs. Fairy Sellers a divorce from Rama Sellers on her testimony, in part, that Sellers failed to provide and that he hit her in the eye. Mrs. Sellers had sued originally for a limited separation, but filed an amended complaint for divorce when Sellers dismissed a cross-complaint yesterday. Mrs. Sellers claimed that Sellers had associated with other women and that she re-married him on his promise to discontinue this alleged practice. They were married the first time in 1918 and re-married in 1929, separating the last time in May, 1932, it was stated, Custody of the children was vested in Mrs. Sellers, and Sellers was ordered to pay $5 weekly for their support.
  • 05 Nov 1932 Order of dismissal was entered in the divorce suit of Mrs. Elizabeth J. Smith against Charles O. Smith in superior court No. 1.
  • 05 Nov 1932 Her complaint asserting in part that her husband, Benjamin L. Koch, has been quality of "extreme cruelty and gross neglect of duty" towards her in the for the past two years he "has gambled the grated part of his wages in games of chance," Mrs. Marie Koch of 2939 Oliver street sued for a one-year limited separation in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married in November, 1902, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Koch claimed further that Koch has called her "vile and filthy names" and told her to leave their house, that he did not care to live with her and had no affection for her. She charged that he struck and beat her on several occasions, leaving "black and blue marks" on her body.
  • 05 Nov 1932 Mrs. Ladys Cerveris began action in superior court No. 2. seeking a divorce from Joseph Cerveris, averring that he cursed her and called her vile names, and struck and beat her. They separated this year after a marriage contracted in September, 1929.
  • 06 Nov 1932 Charging that her husband, Milton Heathman, while in a rage, told her that he would not live with her and that she should get a divorce, Mrs. Elsie Heathman of 516 West Berry street acted on his alleged advice by suing for dissolution of Matrimonial ties in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Wedded June 9, 1924, the Heathmans separated last April. Mrs. Heathman declared in her action that it is impossible for her to live with Heathman any longer because of alleged incompatibility of temperament. See seeks custody of the two children.
  • 08 Nov 1932 Her complaint asserting that she and her husband, John R. Campbell are incompatible, Mrs. June Campbell of West Marin street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The Campbell's separated last month after having been married in February. Mrs. Campbell seeks restoration of her former name.
  • 08 Nov 1932 Testifying that her husband, Jerome W. Bopp failed to provide during a period of more than two years and that she does not know his present whereabouts, Mrs. Lela M. Bopp was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. Married September 19, 1922, the Bopp's separated in January, 1919.
  • 08 Nov 1932 Order od dismissal was entered in the limited separation suit of Mrs. Marie Koch against Benjamin Koch in superior court No. 1.
  • 09 Nov 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Otto F. Schirnack, was in the habit of becoming intoxicated and that he was abusive when he was in said condition, Mrs. Frieda Schirnack of 596 E. Creighton avenue, sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties were married July, 1901, and separated this month. The children are now over the age of 16 years, it was stated. Mrs. Schirnack further charged that Schirnack was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward her in the he failed to make suitable provisions for her support during a period of more than two years. She claimed that he has threatened to do her bodily harm.
  • 09 Nov 1932 Order of dismissal was entered in the divorce suit of Forest Nichols against Mrs. Lenna Nichols in superior court No. 1
  • 10 Nov 1932 Charging that her husband, William W. Hay had been fuilty of cruelty, Mrs. Mary M. Hay was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Hay testified that Hay had struck her at different times. Married September 14, 1927, they separated September 6, 1932. Custody of the child was vested in Mrs. Hay, Hay being ordered to pay $3.50 weekly as support.
  • 11 Nov 1932 Her action charging that her husband, Glenn L. Eme, "has never shown any interest in the family home and residence" and left the "heavy work" and "practically all the work" for her to do, Mrs. Margaret Mae Eme of 1607 Fairhill road sued for divorce and $500 alimony in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Wedded in November, 1919, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Eme averred further that Eme, during a period of several years past has "continually and persistently" left her alone at night, despite her remonstrances, and spent many of his evenings away from home, refusing to inform her as to where he went. She claimed that he has now refused to live longer with her. There are two children, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Eme.
  • 11 Nov 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Gino Borean a divorce on his allegations that his wife, Mrs. Marie Borean was guilty of cruelty, that she absented herself frequently and was quarrelsome. It was said they had separated three times, the lost occasion being in August, 1932. They were married in July, 1926. The defendant's former name, Marie Iamarino was restored.
  • 13 Nov 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce, alleging in past that his wife, Mrs. Bernice H. Murray, associated and went out riding with other men was filed by James M. Murray in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married June 15, 1929, the parties separated in September, 1931. Murray's cross-complaint further charged that Mrs. Murray failed to keep the home properly in order and to care for the child, custody of whom is sought by the cross-complainant.
  • 13 Nov 1932 Mrs. Genevieve D. Ayers was granted a divorce in superior court No. 1 on testimony that her husband, Floyd H. Ayers has been guilty of cruelty and failure as a provider, and that she had been compelled to work during her married life. They separated last August after having been married September 2, 1906.
  • 13 Nov 1932 A motion for a new trial was entered by the plaintiff in the action of Mrs. Loretta Keintz against Valentin Keintz in superior court No. 1. Divorce had been denied the parties by Special Judge William N. Ballou following a previous hearing of the case.
  • 15 Nov 1932 Charging that her husband, Edward Oser failed to provide, thus necessitating that she work, Mrs. Thelma Oser was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married July 22, 1928, the litigants separated last March. Mrs. Oser claimed further that Oser struck and cursed her. Her former name, Thelma Couts was restored.
  • 15 Nov 1932 The divorce action of Walter Meyers against Mrs. Lillian Meyers was set for determination by Judge George H. Leonard November 21 in superior court No. 2. The case has been under advisement since the introduction of evidence October 18.
  • 15 Nov 1932 Contempt proceedings against the plaintiff in the suit of Carl Engelking against Beulah Engelking, wherein the defendant was granted a divorce on a cross-complaint in 1919, were heard before Special Judge Ira M. Snouffer in superior court No. 1, the proceedings, involving alleged non-payment of certain support payments, being continued for final decision.
  • 16 Nov 1932 Her complaint charging in part that her husband, Vilas D. Ludy left their home from time to time, remaining away for several days and nights on an occasion, and frequently returned in an intoxicated condition, Mrs. Orda Ludy sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married November 10, 1919, the litigants separated last May. Mrs. Ludy further averred that the alleged abuse and neglect of her by Ludy caused her "great mental anguish and humiliation." Because of his conduct it is impossible for them longer to live together, she claimed.
  • 16 Nov 1932 Orders of dismissal on motion of the respective plaintiffs were entered in the divorce actions of Mrs. Sarah Ellen Mildebrandt against Edwin G. Mildebrandt and Mrs. Mary Holloway against Merle Holloway, in superior court No. 1.
  • 17 Nov 1932 Charging in part that her husband, Edward A. Fix, left their home without an explanation of any kind to her and went to live with relatives of his in Warren county, Ind., last August, Mrs. Rosa B. Fix of 3717 South Hanna street filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The litigants were married July 11, 1910. Mrs. Fix further claimed that Fix failed to make reasonable provision for her support and maintenance, and that he criticized and at times cursed her without cause or provocation during a long period prior to their separation last August. Fix has not returned to their home since his alleged departure, according to Mrs. Fix's complaint, and has contributed nothing toward the support o fhis wife. It was stated that his conduct has caused her "great anguish and worry" and destroyed her love and affection for him, rendering it impossible for her to continue living with him.
  • 18 Nov 1932 Charging that her husband, George Baus was guilty of cruelty in that he cursed her, threatened violence and left her without cause, Mrs. Sarah Baus was granted a divorce and alimony in the sum of $50 by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties separated last July 29 after having been married August 20, 1930.
  • 18 Nov 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Herbert F. Stoll, drove her from home and that she is unable to live with him any longer by reason thereof, Mrs. Harriet H. Stoll sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Wedded February 19, 1921, the Stolls separated this month. Mrs. Stoll further claimed that Stoll has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward her in that he struck and beat her, cursed her and called her vile names.
  • 19 Nov 1932 Charging that his wife, Mrs. Anna L. Dickey would keep late hours away from home and refuse to inform him as to where she had been or with whom she had associated, thus causing him "mental anguish and suffering", Carl Dickey sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The Dickeys separated last February after having been married June 18, 1930, Dickey claiming that the separation was due to cruel and inhuman treatment of him by his wife, it being alleged that she refused to perform her household duties and to give her husband "proper matrimonial attention". Dickey, it was further stated, suffered from incompatibility and, as a result, the relations of the parties to each other "have grown repulsive and cruel."
  • 20 Nov 1932 A marital venture which reached a climax when her husband, Theodore W. Voges, allegedly left her last month, telling her that he was "going to fine another boarding place" and that she should obtain a divorce, was described in a divorce complaint filed by Mrs. Esther A. Voges in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Voges claimed that Voges failed to make reasonable provision for her maintenance and that of their child, custody of whom she seeks, and that he frequently quarreled with her without cause and struck her. They were married September 19, 1926.
  • 20 Nov 1932 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Vera Feighner, cursed and abused him, "telling his to get out and go, that she would have nothing further to do with him," and that she, without cause, abandoned him and their infant son and broke up their home, Samuel Feighner sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Wedded December 6, 1919, the Feighner's separated last September. Feighner's complaint, which set forth that he believes that the defendant now lives in Detroit, further alleged in part that she was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment in that she drank intoxicating liquor to excess and associated with men and women of questionable character, all without the husband's consent. It was charged that she permitted men and women of immoral character to loiter and drink liquor at the home in the presence of the litigants' son, custody of whom Feighner seeks to have vested in his mother, Mrs. Clara Feighner.
  • 20 Nov 1932 Divorce decrees were awarded to two wives by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1. A decree was entered for Mrs. Idabelle Kenzie, ending her marriage to Harry Kenzie, who, she had previously testified, was cruel, failed as a provide and told her he did not want to live with her. They were married in December, 1930. Mrs. Kenzie's name was restored to Idabelle Holmes. The case had been under advisement since a hearing November 12.
  • 20 Nov 1932 Mrs. Alma Farnham was granted a divorce from Ivan Farnham whom she accused of cruelty and of striking her. Custody of the two children was given to Mrs. Farnham, and Farnham was ordered to pay $10 weekly for support of the children and $69.75 as back support payments. The marriage was contracted in August, 1928, the litigants separating last July.
  • 22 Nov 1932 Charging that her husband, Burnell Ault called her vile names and "ordered her from their home with the admonition never to return," Mrs. Mary Ault of 211 West Leith street sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married in April, 1929, the litigants separated this month. Mrs. Ault asked for restoration of her former name, Mary Pennington.
  • 22 Nov 1932 Mrs. Eva Powell was given a divorce from John H. Powell by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 on averments that he was guilty of cruelty, stayed out nights and associated with other women. The parties separated last August after having been married in 1920. Mrs. Powelll was awarded custody of the three children, for support of whom Powell was order to pay $9 weekly.
  • 22 Nov 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 awarded Mrs. Gladys Stumpf a decreed of divorce from Alfred Stumpf on allegations that he struck and threatened to kill her and failed to provide. They separated in January, 1928. The plaintiff's former name, Gladys Pittaford was restored.
  • 23 Nov 1932 Her complaint asserting that her husband, Jerome Bobilya on numerous occasions urged her to get a divorce, Mrs. Linda Bobilya filed suit for a two-year limited separation in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married October 25, 1915, the litigants separated this month. There are six children, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Bobilya. It was further charged by Mrs. Bobilya that Bobilya has been guilty of "Extreme cruel and inhuman treatment" of her, that he constantly quarreled with her and was "cold and indifferent." There has been such constant strife between them as to render it intolerable for them to live together, she claimed.
  • 24 Nov 1932 Her complaint asserting that her husband, Charles B. Brown failed to provide a home for her or to support her in a suitable manner, Mrs. Ruth P. Brown sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married November 24, 1927, the litigants separated in April, 1931. Mrs. Brown seeks restoration of her former name, Ruth P. Hawk.
  • 24 Nov 1932 Contending that her husband, Manson L. Jackson frequently struck her and used "violent and profane language" toward her, Mrs. Bertha A. Jackson began action for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties were married in January, 1907 and separated this month. Mrs. Jackson asked that she be awarded custody of seven of her children who are minors and living at home.
  • 26 Nov 1932 Her husband, Howard C. Moore had been guilty of abandonment and cruel and inhuman treatment in that he left her wholly unprovided for in the city of Fort Wayne, Mrs. Frances E. Moore of 1106 Columbia avenue charged in a divorce complaint filed in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married July 28, they separated September 25, this year. Mrs. Moore's complaint further asserted that Moore never provided her with a home and that she has been compelled to live with her friends or relatives almost all the time since her marriage. It was stated that she has had no communication with the defendant since last October.
  • 26 Nov 1932 A divorce decree has been entered for Mrs. Lydia Sollberger against Ernest Sollberger, formal entry of the decree having been withheld for residence witness testimony at the time of the hearing last June. The parties separated last February after having been married in 1917. Custody of the three children was vested in Mrs. Sollberger and Sollberger was ordered to pay $5 weekly for their support.
  • 27 Nov 1932 His wife, Mrs. Junita Eaves, left him without cause, Willie Eaves testified in the course of a hearing on his complaint for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Eaves claimed further that Mrs. Eaves was guilty of other acts of cruelty. They separated in December, 1929 after having been married July 9, 1928. Entry of a decree was temporarily postponed by Judge Charles J. Ryan pending introduction of additional residence testimony.
  • 27 Nov 1932 Order of dismissal was entered in the sit of Mrs. Dorothy Reasoner against Floyd Reasoner, an action for limited separation, in circuit court.
  • 29 Nov 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce alleging in part "that he has had to sleep on a cot by himself for seven or eight years" was entered by Earl Ramey in the action of his wife, Mrs. Margaret Ramey, pending in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in June, 1921, the litigants separated in October, 1921, the litigants separated in October, 1931. Ramey further averred that his wife refused to leave her mother's home and that she would not "allow him any privileges" with the three children. He claimed that Mrs. Ramey quarreled with and nagged at him and called him vile names.
  • 29 Nov 1932 Charging that her husband, Louis C. LaHaise drank, nagged and found fault, making life unbearable for her, Mrs. Mary E. LaHaise was granted a divorce by Judge George H Leonard in superior court No. 2. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. LaHaise, and LaHaise was ordered to pay $10 weekly for their support. The parties separated last June after having been married in October, 1917.
  • 30 Nov 1932 Charging that her husband, Earl Ramey was cruelty and that he left her numerous times, Mrs. Margaret Ramey was granted a divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Custody of the three children was vested in Mrs. Ramey and Ramey was ordered to pay $5 weekly for their support. Married June 4, 1921, they separated in September, 1931. Prior to the hearing Ramey withdrew a cross-complaint for divorce, which he had filed Monday.
  • 30 Nov 1932 In superior court No. 2 Mrs. Grace Ulrich was given a divorce on her charges, in part that her husband, Ferdinand Ulrich got drunk and that she had to work because of his failure to support her. They separated in September, 1931, after having been married November 15, 1930. Her former name, Grace Klein was restored.
  • 30 Nov 1932 suit for divorce from Victor Seelos was entered in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Leona Seelos of 2208 Fairfield avenue, who claimed that he failed to provide during a period of more than two years. Wedded in 1910, they separated in March, 1930.
  • 30 Nov 1932 Her complaint averring that her husband, Dwight Kain was guilty of "cruelty and gross neglect" toward her and that, while in rages he would call her vile names and on other occasions would go for days at a time without speaking to her, Mrs. Ailene Kain of 1615 Milan street sued for divorce in superior court No. 2. Mrs. Kain charged that at one time while she was confined to bed with illness Kain left for the purpose of seeing a doctor, but did not return home until the following day. She claimed that when she remonstrated with him concerning the incident her told her, "If you do not like it, get out." They were married in November, 1931, separating this month. Mrs. Kain asked for restoration of her former name, Ailene Stoner.

  • 01 Dec 1932Her complaint asserting that her husband, William Cross nagged so much and was so quarrelsome that she "has become exceedingly nervous and is now in ill-health as a result there-of," Mrs. Charlotte Cross of 638 Putnam street sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married June 20, 1906, the litigants separated this month. Mrs. Cross further claimed that Cross failed to provide properly for her. There are three children, aged 22, 20 and 18.
  • 01 Dec 1932 Suit for a two-year limited separation was filed in superior court No. 1 by Mrs. Evalyn John of 1241 Ewing street, who charged that her husband, William J. John abandoned her about October 1, this year, and that she has since been compelled to live with relatives. They were married December 7, 1929
  • 01 Dec 1932 Charging that their married life "has been one of continuous disagreement and quarrelling" and that she and the defendant are "wholly incompatible," Adrian C. Seery began action in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Nina V. Seery." Wedded in March, 1931, they separated May 3, this year, when Seery alleged, Mrs. Seery left their home and has since lived apart from him. His complaint stated that there is no possibility of them continuing their relation as husband and wife, that she has informed him that it was her desire that he procure a divorce.
  • 01 Dec 1932 Mrs. Lucille Anderson of 803 Main street, New Haven, entered suit in superior court No. 1 for divorce for Robert Anderson, claiming that he treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner in that he failed to make reasonable provision for her maintenance and that she was thus forced to support herself all during their married life. They were married January 5, this year, and separated in October. Mrs. Anderson seeks restoration of her former name.
  • 01 Dec 1932 Allegations of physical abuse and threats to kill resulted in the entry of a divorce for Mrs. Hazel P. Safford in action against Lawrence L. Safford in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Custody of the children was vested in Mrs. Safford and Safford was charged with their support.
  • 01 Dec 1932 Decree of divorce was entered yesterday for Willie Eaves in action against Mrs. Junita Eaves in superior court No. 1, evidence having been introduced previously with formal entry of the decree withheld pending residence witness testimony.
  • 02 Dec 1932 His complaint alleging that his wife, Mrs. Emma B. Burnsworth has struck him with her fist and slapped and kicked him, Charles W. Burnsworth sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married September 4, 1926, the parties separated last month. Burnsworth charged further that Mrs. Burnsworth railed at him "almost constantly" when he was in her presence, called him vile and indecent names, wrongly accused him of association with other women, and threatened on several different occasions to kill him. It was alleged in Burnsworth's complaint that on one occasion his wife came home at night after he had gone to bed and, during an outburst of temper, jerked the covers off the bed, proceeded to tear off his night shirt and drag the mattress from the bed to the floor. Burnsworth, it was stated, "feels that he can no longer live with her and should be given an absolute divorce." He gave her all his earning except a few dollars each weeks which he kept out for spending money, it was said.
  • 03 Dec 1932 His complaint charging that his wife Mrs. Luna Mincoff was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of him, Vocho William Mincoff began action in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The Mincoff's separated this month it was stated after having been married last June. Mincoff's action averred that Mrs. Mincoff nagged constantly and was of a very quarrelsome disposition.
  • 04 Dec 1932 Her complaint charging in part "that for all the past year" her husband, John M. Davidson, "had continually quarreled and nagged" at her and told her to get a divorce from him, Mrs. Harriet Davidson of 720 West DeWald street acted on his alleged advice by suing him for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Mrs. Davidson further claimed that Davidson called her "vile and filthy" names. They separated this month after having been married November 14, 1925. She asked that she be granted custody of the child.
  • 04 Dec 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 awarded Charles Doescher a divorce from Mrs. Verlin Doescher on the plaintiff's charges that his wife was guilty of cruelty and constant quarrelling. Wedded March 28, this year, they separated last September. Doescher also testified that Mrs. Doescher refused to live with him and that she left him.
  • 06 Dec 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, Howard C. Barrand struck her, threatened her life and told her he did not want to live with her, Mrs. Maude A. Barrand sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married December 17, 1927, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Barrand seeks restoration of her former name, Maude A. Hill.
  • 06 Dec 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Euncie Ream a divorce from Ernest T. Ream, her complaint averring that the defendant had occasionally entered their home in an intoxicated condition and that on one occasion when she requested that he discontinue the practice he "flew into a rage of temper, seized a gun" and threatened to do her great bodily harm. It was stated that police, who were summoned to the scene, used tear gas in their attempts to get the defendant out of the house. The Reams separated last July after having been married June 22, 1910.
  • 06 Dec 1932 Mrs. Edith Marrs of 1906 Fairfield avenue began action in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of her marriage to John Marrs, who owns a filling station at Larwell, Ind., on charges that he abandoned her during a period of two years and failed to make reasonable provisions for her support. Wedded August 7, 1907, they separated during the latter part of 1928.
  • 06 Dec 1932 Alleging that his wife, Mrs. Lillian Meyers told him "that she would not live with him as his wife and that he could seek his friends and associates elsewhere, what she had plenty of boyfriends," Walter Meyers of 1703 East Washington boulevard sued for divorce in superior court No. 1. Meyers further claimed that his wife called him "vile and filthy names, cursed him and swore at him, and that on one occasion when they were residents of another city he returned home and found her in company with another man whose name he was unable to learn. The divorce suit of Walter Meyers against Mrs. Lillian Meyers was dismissed in superior court No. 2
  • 07 Dec 1932 Her complaint charging that her husband, Henry E. Wilsey failed to support her properly and that he was guilty of abandonment, Mrs. Minerva Wilsey sued for divorce and $20,000 alimony in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties were married in 1923. It was stated that the defendant owns 160 acres of land in Lagrange county and that, to the best of the plaintiff's information and belief he is also the owner of $60,000 in United States government bonds.
  • 07 Dec 1932 Her husband, Merle John Van Horn treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner in that he was "cross and surly" with her and failed to provide properly. Mrs. Wahnetta Evelyn Van Horn averred in a divorce action instituted in superior court No. 1. Wedded August 23, 1931 the Van Horns separated last November. Mrs. Van Horn seeks restoration of her former name, Wahnetta Evelyn Dell.
  • 07 Dec 1932 A cross-complaint for divorce and custody of the two children was filed by Harry B. Ball in the action of Mrs. Freda G. Ball pending in superior court No. 2. Married in May, 1922 the parties separated last October.
  • 08 Dec 1932 Indications that an attempted reunion with his wife, Mrs. Helen J. Amacher, was a failure were set forth in a cross-complaint for divorce filed by Walter R. Amacher in her action pending in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married December 18, 1926 the Amachers separated October 29, 1932, it was stated. The cross-complaint set forth that after the separation and the filing of the divorce complaint by the plaintiff the parties went back together until November 25, when they finally separated. Amachers cross-complaint alleged that before and after the filing of the original divorce complaint the plaintiff was guilty of associating with other men and that she did not care properly for the infant child of the litigant, custody of whom he seeks.
  • 08 Dec 1932 William C. Radkey began action in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of his marriage to Mrs. Minnie Radkey on general charges of cruel and inhuman treatment. The Radkeys were married November 25, 1902, separating in September, 1931. There are three children, all of whom have attained their majority and are self-supporting.
  • 08 Dec 1932 Charging that her husband, John D. Hammond threatened her life and did not support her properly, competing her to depend at times on charity, Mrs. Ellen A. Hammond was given a divorce in superior court No. 1. Custody of the children was vested in Mrs. Hammond and Hammond was charged with their support. They separated in September, 1922, after having been married in 1911.
  • 09 Dec 1932 Charging that her husband, Clarence H. Gleich was guilty of cruelty in that he used profane language, cursed and swore at her and quarreled constantly, Mrs. Margaret R. Gleich was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties separated last August after having been married April 30, 1910.
  • 10 Dec 1932 Charging in part that her husband, Jacob Klinefleter has kicked beaten and choked her, Mrs. Gladys Klinefelter filed a cross-complaint for a three-year limited separation in his divorce action pending in superior court No. 2 yesterday. Married August 15, 1928, the Klinefelters separated July 25, 1932. Mrs. Klinefelter averred that Klinefelter has been guilty of habitual cruelty toward her and that there has existed such constant strife between them as to render it intolerable for them to live together. Her cross-complaint alleged that Klinefelter, on repeated occasions and entirely without cause, has struck her with his closed fists and, at other times "has choked her to such an extent that her neck has been bruised by the maltreatment." She claimed further that he occasionally left her and stayed away days at a time, swore at her and called her names "unfit to set out" and wrongfully accused her of improper conduct. She asked that she be given custody of the child.
  • 10 Dec 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce was entered by Mrs. Nina V. Seery in the divorce suit of her husband, Adrian C. Seery, in superior court No. 1. Mrs. Seery claimed that Seery continually nagged at and found fault with her and at numerous times told her he no longer loved her. By reason of his alleged violent temper and quarrelsome disposition she had been compelled to separate from him. Wedded March 4, 1931, they separated May 25, 1932.
  • 11 Dec 1932 Complaint for divorce asserting that continual nagging and fault-finding has rendered it impossible for them to live longer together in the marital relationship has been filed Preslie G. Cullen of 3932 Barr street against Erma V. Cullen in superior court No. 1. Married January 8, 1928 the litigants separated November 2, this year. It was charged that the defendant treated the plaintiff in a cruel and inhuman manner from the time the marriage was contracted until the date of the separation.
  • 11 Dec 1932 Her husband, Paul Lindemuth was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of her in that he failed to provide her with a place of residence, Mrs. Geraldine Lindemuth averred in a divorce action instituted in superior court No. 1. The parties separated this month after having been married May 2, 1931. Mrs. Lindemuth seeks restoration of her former name, Geraldine Bogan.
  • 11 Dec 1932 Order of dismissal for want of prosecution was entered in a divorce suit of Earl Boxell against Nela Boxell which had been pending in superior court No. 1.
  • 11 Dec 1932 Evidence was introduced in the divorce suit of Mrs. Goldie Noel against Charles Noel, former professional baseball player, in superior court No. 2, the case being taken under advisement by the court. Mrs. Noel alleged that the defendant struck her, drank to excess and failed as a provided. The separated last June after a marriage contracted in 1919.
  • 13 Dec 1932 Her complaint asserting that it is "impossible for them to live together in peace," Mrs. Minnie Linhart Gruber sued Frederick W. Gruber for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married October 4, 1922, the litigants separated November 24. Mrs. Gruber claimed that Gruber was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of her in that he failed to support her, thus compelling her to work and earn her own living, and that he called her vile and indecent names and cursed her. She asked for restoration of her former name, Minnie Linhart.
  • 13 Dec 1932 Divorce from Ernest Coonrod was sought by Mrs. Gertrude Coonrod in an action filed in superior court No.1, charging him with cruelty in that he quarreled with, abused and struck her and threatened her life. The complaint stated that Mrs. Coonrod no longer cares for the defendant, as a wife should care for a husband," and feels that she can no longer live with him. Wedded August 26, 1925, they separated last February 8. Mrs. Coonrod asked that she be granted custody of the three children.
  • 13 Dec 1932 In superior court No. 1 Judge Charles J. Ryan granted Mrs. Hazel P. Ormsby a divorce on her allegations that her husband, Ralph D. Ormsby was guilty of habitual intoxication and that he struck her and cursed and swore at her. The parties separated last September after having been married June 25, 1927. Custody of the children was awarded to Mrs. Ormsby, and Ormsby was ordered to pay $7 weekly for their support.
  • 13 Dec 1932 A decree of divorce was entered for Mrs. Mabel Strayer on cruelty charged in action against Louis Strayer in superior court No. 1, evidence having been introduced previously. Married in 1926, they separated in September, 1928.
  • 13 Dec 1932 Mrs. Maryuerite E. Elliott was given a divorce from Walter N. Elliott by Judge Clarence R. McNabb in circuit court on allegations of infidelity. Wedded April 21, 1931, they separated last July. Elliott was ordered to pay $3 weekly for support of the child, custody of whom was vested in Mrs. Elliott.
  • 13 Dec 1932 Order of dismissal for want of prosecution was entered in the divorce suit of Mrs. Irene H. Morton against Clyde F. Morton in superior court No. 1.
  • 14 Dec 1932 His complaint asserting that his wife, Mrs. Julia E. Dellrocco, told him she wanted him to get a divorce, Clement Dellrocco acted toward fulfillment of her alleged wish by suing her for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married July 13m 1912, the parties separated this month. There are four children, Dellrocco charged that the separation was caused by cruel and inhuman treatment of him by his wife, alleging in part that she quarreled with him constantly.
  • 14 Dec 1932 Nelson Bucher of 4320 Marquette drive filed suit in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Mrs. Mary Bucher, averring that while she was living with him she "constantly quarreled and found fault with everything: he did and became "very dissatisfied with living in his home." They separated last September after having married November 10, 1923. Bucher further claimed that his wife frequently threatened to leave and not return, and that she finally did leave on September 12 and had continued since to live apart from him.
  • 15 Dec 1932 Charging that her husband, Donald Van Tilbury "has at various times been cold and indifferent to her" and "has lost all affection for her," Mrs. Corinne F. Van Tilbury filed suit for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. The parties separated last November after having been married June 1, 1919. Mrs. Van Tilbury's complaint further averred that "the domestic situation of the parties is now such that it is impossible of them to live together longer in peace and happiness." There is one child, custody of whom is sought by Mrs. Tilbury.
  • 16 Dec 1932 Her complaint asserting that her husband, George Flaig on numerous occasions "attended wild parties with other women" and that he was arrested last October, Mrs. Evelyn Flaig filed suit for divorce in circuit court yesterday. According to the complaint, the parties were married March 8, 1930, and separated May 13, the same year, when, it was claimed, Mrs. Flaig was compelled to leave her husband on account of his cruel and inhuman action toward her. She averred that he was lazy and refused to work and support her, thus compelling her to work during her entire married life in order to maintain herself. She seeks restoration of her former name, Evelyn Reiter.
  • 16 Dec 1932 Mrs. Leona F. Wehinger sued Wilbur Wehinger of 1213 East Lewis street for divorce in superior court No. 1, alleging that he treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner by striking her and beating her causing her injury, on numerous occasions.
  • 16 Dec 1932 Judge Charles J. Ryan of superior court No. 1 granted Mrs. Thelma Vogel a divorce from Frank C. Vogel on charged that the defendant was convicted of a felony. Wedded August 18, 1930, they separated in October, the same year. Mrs. Vogel's former name, Thelma Fields was restored.
  • 16 Dec 1932 In superior court No. 2 Judge George H. Leonard awarded Mrs. Maxine Prates a divorce on testimony that her husband, Henry Prates, struck her, called her names and failed to provide. They were married January 9, 1931. Mrs. Prates name was restored to Maxine Prough.
  • 16 Dec 1932 Elmer Archey sued in superior court No. 1 for dissolution of his marriage to Mrs. Thelma Archey, claiming that she constantly nagged at him, told him she cared nothing for him and wanted him to get a divorce. They separated last April after having been married in May, 1924.
  • 16 Dec 1932 Mrs. Loretta E. Honeick, suing in superior court No. 1 for divorce from Herbert H. Honeick, averred in her complaint that their "natures were incompatible," "hat there was constant bickering between them and that he repeatedly told her he did not love her and would not live with her. She seeks restoration of her former name, Loretta Sappenfield. Married in November, 1929, they separated this month.
  • 17 Dec 1932 Her complaint alleging that her husband, Alvin Geisman was an "habitual drunkard" and that he frequently returned home in an intoxicated condition, at which times he would curse and swear at her and call her vile names, Mrs. Olive Geisman of 1341 Ruchanan street sued for divorce in superior court No. 2 yesterday. They separated this month after having been married November 25, 1918. Mrs. Mrs. Geisman further charged that the defendant was of "a quarrelsome disposition", that he continually nagged at and quarreled with her and on numerous occasions, struck and beat her. There is one child, custody of whom she seeks.
  • 20 Dec 1932 Charging that her husband, Garth W. Bender was guilty of cruelty in that he swore at her and left her without cause, Mrs. Louise J. Bender has been awarded a decree of divorce in superior court No. 1. Married in 1922, the parties separated last August. Custody of the two children was vested in Mrs. Bended, Bender being ordered to pay $5 weekly for their support.
  • 20 Dec 1932 Her complaint asserting that her husband, Ernest F. Roth told her on numerous occasions to get a divorce, Mrs. Mary E. Roth of 2909 Plaza drive acted on his alleged advice by suing him for dissolution of marital ties in superior court No. 2 yesterday. They separated this month after having been married June 6, 1928. Mrs. Roth further averred that Roth cursed at her and that because of his alleged cruel treatment, her love for him has been destroyed and she can no longer live with him on the marital relationship. She seeks restoration of her former name, Mary E. Wenger.
  • 21 Dec 1932 His complaint alleging that his wife, Mrs. Viola H. Buchan falsely accused him of associating with other women, and that she remonstrated with him when he visited his relatives, insisting that he not visit them, and quarreling with and nagging at him because he did, George Buchan of 2415 Miner street, sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in November, 1922, the parties separated this month.
  • 21 Dec 1932 Mrs. Ruth Richard of 208 West Washington boulevard filed suit I superior court No. 2 for divorce from Clarence Richard, her action asserting in part that she began action against him for divorce May 7, 1931, but that shortly thereafter he "importuned and coaxed" her to return to live with him, promising to discontinue his alleged ill-treatment of her and misconduct if she would return. They resumed the marital relationship, it was said, but Mrs. Richard alleged, the defendant soon began to associate with other women and abuse the plaintiff by calling her vile names, striking her and telling her that she should "get out and get a divorce." Mrs. Richard sought restoration of her former name, Ruth Sanders.
  • 22 Dec 1932 Testifying that her husband, Vernon Smith failed to support his family properly, Mrs. Myrtle Smith was granted a divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Mrs. Smith further claimed, in part that Smith unjustly accused her of associating with other men, and that he was jealous of her. Custody of a child, 4, was awarded to Mrs. Smith, and Smith was ordered to pay $3 weekly at the Allen county clerk's office for the support of the child.
  • 23 Dec 1932 Her complaints asserting that her husband, Edwin W. Lyman, has recently stayed out all night on frequent occasions, "coming in in the early hours of norming with the contention that he is tired of marriage responsibility," Mrs. Leona Lyman of 1418 Francis street sued for a three-year limited separation in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married April 9, 1925, the parties separated this month. Mrs. Lyman claimed further that Lyman had given no reason for his nocturnal absences.
  • 23 Dec 1932 Mrs. Mary Evcans Elliott sued Maurice Elliott for a one-year limited separation in superior court No. 1, it being stated that they were married February 18, 1932, and separated this month, when the wife alleged, he left her without any means of support. Mrs. Elliott further charged in part that she was "obliged to support herself, when she could find work and live with her relatives, except for a very short period."
  • 23 Dec 1932 A divorce was entered for Mrs. Mabel Strayer in action against Louis Strayer in superior court No. 1, evidence having been introduced previously and formal entry of the decree withheld pending residence testimony.
  • 24 Dec 1932 Charging that her husband, Dale O. Ferrell was jealous, that he struck her numerous times and accused her of associating with other men, Mrs. Margaret B. Ferrell was granted a divorce by Judge Pro Tem Harry F. Kennerk in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married in 1927, the litigants separated in 1929.
  • 24 Dec 1932 In superior court No. 2 Mrs. Margaret Henschen was granted a divorce and her former name, Margaret Esterline, restored on testimony to the effect that her husband, Carl Henschen, failed to provide for her and associated with other women. They separated in August, 1931, after having been married in January, 1929.
  • 24 Dec 1932 Order of dismissal for want of prosecution was entered in the suit of Maude Pappert against Arthur Pappert, an action for limited separation, in superior court No. 2.
  • 28 Dec 1932 His complaint charging that his wife, Mrs. Crystal E. Sunday, was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of him in that she refused to live with him, Ralph W. Sunday of 131 East Creighton avenue sued for divorce in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married February 15, 1930, the parties separated last February. Sunday further claimed that his wife continually found fault with him.
  • 28 Dec 1932 Mrs. Elnore Zytone, defendant in a divorce suit entered in superior court No. 1 by Samuel Zytone December 8, filed a plea in abatement yesterday, it being claimed in part that a complaint she filed against Zytone in October, 1931, is still pending in court. The plea in abatement also stated that the true name of the defendant in the latest-filed action if Eleanore Gladys Zytone and Selim Zytone that of the plaintiff.
  • 28 Dec 1932 Joh D. Hammond filed a petition in superior court No. 1 seeking modification of the divorce decree given his wife, Mrs. Ellen A. Hammond, December 6, asking that custody of the children be vested in him.
  • 29 Dec 1932 Charging that her husband, Louis Houchin left her without cause and failed to provide, Mrs. Bertha Houchin was granted a divorce in superior court No. 1. Wedded in April, 1931, the parties separated in December the same year. Mrs. Houchin's former name, Bertha Bryan was restored.
  • 29 Dec 1932 Mrs. Ruby Marcile Salazar was given a divorce from Edmund Salazar in superior court No. 1 on averments that he had been guilty of cruelty and struck her at different times. They separated last August after having been married June 1, 1930. Her former name was restored.
  • 29 Dec 1932 Cross-complaint for divorce alleging in part that his wife, Mrs. Carrie Schone, has associated with another name, was filed by Julian H. Schone in her limited separation action in superior court No. 1. Married in 1916, the Schones separated last October. Schone's cross-complaint alleged that the plainriff has refused to live with him as his wife, and has "traveled about the country in the company of one Leo J. Woehnker." Schone further claimed that Mrs. Schone called him "vile, vulgar and indecent names" and ridiculed him in the presence of the children. She deserted him without cause, it was charged, taking their two youngest children with her. The cross-complaint stated that he believes she is now living in Chicago. He asked that custody of the four children be vested in him. The action was set for hearing January 17.
  • 30 Dec 1932 Testifying that her husband, Henry Fuhrer, had been guilty of cruelty toward her, Mrs. Alice Fuhrer was granted a divorce by Judge Charles J. Ryan in superior court No. 1 yesterday. Married November 28, 1923, the Fuhrers separated last October. Mar Fuhrer charged specifically that Fuhrer had stuck her, her former name, Alice Johnson, was restored.
  • 30 Dec 1932 Mrs. Lillian Callahan was given a divorce in superior court No. 2 from Richard E. Callahan whom she accused of non-support and of nagging at her. They separated October 20, 1928, after having been married September 7, the same year. Mrs. Callahan's name was restored to Lillian Richards.
  • 31 Dec 1932 A judgment of $15,000 alimony is asked by Mrs. Fernnie B. Clark in a suit for divorce filed against William Clark. The plaintiff also asks that her maiden name of Fernnie Smith be restored. She alleges that her husband told her that he had ceased to love her and advised her to go get a divorce. She claims that her husband owns property in both the city and the county. The couple was married in 1924 and separated during the present year.
  • 31 Dec 1932 Mrs. Alice Margaret Boesch sued William W. Boesch for divorce, the custody of three children and $1,000 alimony. She alleged cruel and inhuman treatment. The couple was married in 1918.
  • 31 Dec 1932 Robert Kummer is named defendant in a divorce action commenced by Mrs. Helen J. Kummer, 731 Madison street. The Kummers were married on October 1, last. She charges incompatability and asks that her maiden name of Helen Whitley be restored.
  • 31 Dec 1932 Charging failure to provide and nagging, Mrs. Helen Norton, 3028 South Webster street, sued Jesse Norton, 1219 Spring street, for divorce.
  • 31 Dec 1931 Mrs. Louise Captain, 3728 Reed street, sued John Captain for divorce, alleging that he told her he did not care for her. She wants her former name of Louise Begue restored.
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