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Divorce News and Records, Allen Co., Indiana

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Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.


Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel

  • 03 Jan 1877 Sarah A. Campbell has applied for divorce from John Y. Campbell on grounds of abandonment and failure to provide.
  • 17 Jan 1877 Mary Lessiger has applied for divorce from Gottlieb Lessiger.
  • 17 Jan 1877 Elanor Holmes has applied for divorce from Bayless Holmes on grounds of habitual drunkenness and failure to support. They were married on October 9, 1867. She demands alimony and custody of three children.
    [Eleanor Holmes vs. Bayless Holmes, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 17 Jan 1877 Wilhelmina Piepkoin was married to Arthur Piepkoin on the 5th of October 1875. Arthur evidently did not enjoy the matrimonial state for on the 10th of May 1876, he got up and dusted and his frau has not seen or heard from him since. She asks for a divorce on grounds of failure to support and abandonment.
  • [19 Jan 1877] Harvey Isenhart vs. Sarah J. Isenhart, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 24 Jan 1877 Susan M. Wisong has got a divorce from James H. Wisong and the custody of the children.
  • 24 Jan 1877 George A. Shaffer vs. Catharine Shaffer.
  • 24 Jan 1877 Anne M. Strong was on Saturday granted a divorce from Cleveland Strong for abandonment, habitual drunkenness and failure to support.
  • 31 Jan 1877 DIVORCE DOINGS At the request of the Sentinel, Mr. Willis D. Maier, the efficient deputy clerk of the circuit court, has compiled from the records the following exhibit of the divorce business done in Allen County during the year 1876. It will soon be seen that only 26 divorces were granted during the year. Divorces granted, 26; Dismissed 12; Pending 16; total 54.

  • [10 Feb 1877] Mary Both vs. Bernard Both, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 14 Feb 1877 Daniel Young has been divorced from Melissa Young.
  • 14 Feb 1877 Mary Roth vs. Barney Roth.

  • 21 Mar 1877 Orland O. Douner vs. Lucinda Douner.
  • 21 Mar 1877 Henry Keys, an old citizen of Maysville died last week. A divorce suit is pending against him in circuit court.
  • 21 Mar 1877 Ellen Hodge vs. Ensley Hodge.
  • 21 Mar 1877 Ellen Umbaugh was granted a divorce from George Umbaugh for failure to support and abandonment.
  • 28 Mar 1877 Mary C. Tillow has applied for divorce from Jack Tillow to whom she was married in December 1872. The complaint sets up abandonment, failure to support and inhuman treatment.
  • 28 Mar 1877 Margaret Dunlap vs. Griffith Dunlap. The parties were married in 1855 and have five children. The plaintiff in her complaint makes divers and sundry charges against the defendant to the effect that he has applied to her habitually the vilest epithets; that he frequently accused her of adultery and called their children bastards; that he beat, cuffed and choked her and the children and refused to provide for their support. For these reasons she asks a divorce and alimony.
  • 28 Mar 1877 Judge O'Rourke on Monday heard some evidence in the case of Orlando Donner vs. Lucinda Donner. The application for divorce sets forth that the parties being first cousins are incompatible; that the defendant has refused to have intercourse with or bear children to plaintiff; that she has treated him cruelly, abandoned him etc.

  • 04 Apr 1877 Charlotte Clemson has been granted a divorce from Amos Clemson who was convicted of a felony.
  • 04 Apr 1877 Orlando Donner was Tuesday granted a divorce from Lucinda Donner.
  • 04 Apr 1877 About four years ago a "high toned" young man came from Washington and a few months thereafter married a young woman who moved in our best German society. They lived together for a year and their union was blessed with the birth of a daughter. Shortly afterwards the fellow deserted his wife and child whom he had never properly supported, and since that time nothing has been heard from him. His deserted wife has been unable to earn her living on account of ill health and has only been prevented at times from starving by the charity of friends. A few days since, a member of the Fort Wayne bar was walking along the streets of Washington when he met the young man who was arrayed in the most stylish manner. It was learned that the fellow holds a $2,500 clerkship in one of the government departments. His father is a well-to-do citizen and when the young scamp came to Fort Wayne he had run away from Washington because he had seduced and ruined a young girl in that city. He is evidently a double-dyed villain. His deserted and wronged wife in Fort Wayne, now that she has learned his whereabouts and his circumstance, will no doubt institute a suit for divorce and alimony and thus secure support for herself and child.
  • [06 Apr 1877] Koleda Egster vs. George Egster, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 11 Apr 1877 The Canada divorce case has been stricken from the docket on account of the death of the defendant. (See Kennedy.)
  • 11 Apr 1877 BREACH OF PROMISE. The case of Elizabeth Etzel vs. Peter Felger is on trial in the circuit court before Judge O'Rourke and a jury. The plaintiff, who is an elderly widow and the mother of several children, alleges in the complaint that the defendant, who is a widower, proposed marriage to her and was accepted and afterwards upon the strength of that promise, he had intercourse with her, upon which he changed his mind and was married to another person. She claims damages in the sum of $5,000. The evidence taken in the case was of a sensational and juicy nature and the trial attracts many spectators. This afternoon the arguments of counsel are being heard, the Colericks appearing for the plaintiff and Mr. Ninde for the defendant. In the breach of promise and seduction suit of Etzel vs. Felger, the jury rendered a verdict for the plaintiff of $1,300.
  • 18 Apr 1877 A few months since, Mary Vandolah filed an application for a divorce from Benjamin Vandolah on the grounds of failure to provide, cruel and inhuman treatment, abusive epithets, abandonment, etc. The defendant then filed a cross petition for divorce from the plaintiff, the principal charge being that she had committed adultery with several persons whose names were given. The case came to trial in the first part of February in the circuit court before Judge O'Rourke and lasted several days. The testimony being of a very filthy description, the trial was largely attended by the scandal mongers. Evidence was offered by the defendant to show that the plaintiff had repeatedly committed adultery with various parties. Judge O'Rourke took the case under advisement and Monday rendered his decision granting a decree of divorce to the defendant but awarding the plaintiff $450 alimony to be paid by the defendant.
  • 18 Apr 1877 Emma Brossard is the latest victim of man's perfidy to come to the front and she tells the same old story. Her complaint was today filed in the circuit court and alleges that on the 15th of April 1876, she entered into a matrimonial contract with David Zimmerman (a bucket maker living at 141 Wells street) by virtue of which they promised to marry each other at a time to be thereafter fixed. The plaintiff further asserts that on the 15th of May 1876, the defendant, under cover of his promise of marriage, seduced, debauched and carnally knew the plaintiff, who was at that time of the age of eighteen years, and that he refused and neglected to carry out his promise of marriage. The plaintiff also alleges that she has given birth to a child of which the defendant is the father. Damages are asked in the sum of $2,500. The plaintiff, being an infant, begins the action through her next friend, Wm. Hahn. In connection with this complaint a petition was filed asking the court to grant an injunction restraining the defendant from selling, conveying, mortgaging, or incumbering in any way certain real estate of which he is the owner and which is fully described in the petition. An order was granted as prayed for to hold during the pendency of this cause.
  • 25 Apr 1877 Ellen Dodge was granted a divorce from Ensley Dodge on grounds of cruelty, failure to support, and unfaithfulness. She was awarded custody of the child.
  • 25 Apr 1877 Maria O. Dean has applied for divorce from Harmer Dean.

  • 02 May 1877 Judge O'Rourke so construes the divorce law as to hold that abandonment and failure to support must be of two years duration to warrant the granting of a divorce.
  • 02 May 1877 In the Telford divorce case, Judge O'Rourke, on Saturday granted a decree to the plaintiff together with the custody of the child and $500 alimony.
  • 09 May 1877 Jennie Griffith has been granted a divorce from Thomas Griffith for cruel treatment.
  • 09 May 1877 Koledo Egeter was Tuesday granted a divorce from George Egeter on the grounds of habitual drunkenness and she was awarded custody of the child.
  • 09 May 1877 Maria O. Deam has applied for a divorce from Homer Deam on the grounds of abandonment and failure to support.
  • 09 May 1877 Mary A. Keeny has been granted a divorce from Hamblin F. Keeny on the grounds of abandonment, cruelty, failure to support and habitual drunkenness.
  • 23 May 1877 NOTICE- whereas my wife, Margaret Ellen Mettert, having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, all persons are hereby cautioned against trusting her on my account as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. Samuel G. Mettert, Scipio Township, Allen County, Indiana.

  • 20 Jun 1877 In the divorce suit of Cornelia Jester vs. Thomas Jester, the court decreed the plaintiff a divorce with $1000 alimony and custody of the child. [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 27 Jun 1877 Victor Sailot has secured a divorce from his wife.
  • 27 Jun 1877 Mary Hogan and Sarah E. Falkinburgh have been divorced from their husbands.
  • 27 Jun 1877 The Hodge, Tilford and Keeny divorce cases have not been entered up on account of the non-payment of costs.
  • 27 Jun 1877 Laura Thompson became the wife of John E. Thompson on the 26th September 1872 but she doesn't care to continue that relationship any longer. In her complaint for a divorce which has just been filed in the circuit court she charges John with habitual drunkenness, failure to provide and abandonment.
  • 27 Jun 1877 CIRCUIT COURT activity: divorces granted 10; divorces refused 2.

  • 04 Jul 1877 Phoebe Ann Baranjar has applied for a divorce from her husband Ira B. Baranjar on the grounds of habitual drunkenness and cruel treatment. The parties were married on the 4 June 1875.
  • 04 Jul 1877 Anna E. Lawrence vs. John W. Lawrence.
  • 04 Jul 1877 Charity E. Burt filed a complaint in the circuit court on Thursday for a divorce from John A. Burt. The complaint alleges that the parties were married in Fort Wayne on the 3rd of April, 1865 and that the fruits of the union are five children; that the defendant has treated the plaintiff inhumanly and cruelly by beating and abusing her; that on the 9th of April he knocked her down with his fist; that he has used obscene language and called her indecent and vile names in the presence of the children; that he accused her wrongfully before the children of criminal intimacy with one _____ ______ to whom she went for advice; that he has for some time past associated and been criminally intimate with a widow named _____ ______; that he spent most of his time with the aforesaid widow and very frequently remained at her house all night with his family unprovided for; that upon one occasion in the presence of the plaintiff and her children, the naughty widow pulled the defendant from his bed and laid upon the floor with him for some time in an unbecoming and immodest manner; that defendant has failed to provide for his wife and children; that plaintiff has been a good wife to defendant. Some portions of the complaint are unfit for publication in a religious or family journal such as the Sentinel. The defendant is said to have real and personal property of the value of $4700. The plaintiff asks an absolute divorce, the custody of the children and $2000 alimony.
    [13 Apr 1877 Charity E. Burt vs. John A. Burt, Circuit Court, Case File]
    [children: John S. Burt, age 11; Mary E. Burt, age 10; Vilanca M. Burt, age 8; Viola E. Burt, age 5; Mattie C. Burt, age 2]
  • 11 Jul 1877 BREACH OF CONTRACT. Julia Hanley vs. Augustus Hunguenard, breach of marriage contract and seduction claiming damages in the sum of $2,500.
  • 25 Jul 1877 Several days ago a farmer hired a city man who was out of employment to go to the country to work in the harvest field. This morning ye harvest hand returned to the city unexpectedly after some clothes and when he reached home found his wife and a man whom he had never seen in an equivocal position. He bounced the interloper from the house and gave his wife three hours in which to pack up and leave.

  • 01 Aug 1877 This morning about 11:30 George Egeter, a cabinet maker in the employ of John M. Miller, visited the house #17 Cass street in Bloomingdale and stabbed the woman who was recently his wife, but who was divorced from him on the 23rd of last month. He entered the house with a chisel in his hand and assaulted the unfortunate woman. (Very long article.)
  • 01 Aug 1877 George Egeter who tried to murder his wife the other day is said to be insane. He should be sent either to the penitentiary or the lunatic asylum.
  • 15 Aug 1877 It is said that George Egeter will not be prosecuted because his wife refuses to appear against him.
  • 15 Aug 1877 MATRIMONIAL MUDDLE. At the last term of the circuit court, Mary Ellen Hodge obtained a decree of divorce from her husband Emsley Hodge. As the costs were not paid however, the decree was not entered up and the parties still remain to all intents and purposes man and wife in the eyes of the law. On the 30th of April George Cummins obtained a license to marry Mary Ellen Hodge and it is presumed that the ceremony was duly performed. Yesterday, Emsley Hodge, her husband, got a license to marry Sarah E. Estell and by this time the ceremony has doubtless been performed. Both of these marriages are unauthorized, null and void, and the parties thereto are liable to prosecution for bigamy.
  • 22 Aug 1877 Mary Ann Logan has filed a petition in the circuit court for a divorce from Wesley Logan to whom she was married in 1869. The grounds are cruel and inhuman treatment and habitual drunkenness. The plaintiff also asks permission to resume her maiden name, Mary Ann Markley.
  • 29 Aug 1877 MORE MARITAL MISERY. In the circuit court Agnes Miller Wednesday filed for divorce from Thomas Miller. The complaint tells a sad story of wrong and wretchedness. It sets forth that the plaintiff was married to the defendant in 1871 and that the issue of this union is two children; that the defendant is a habitual drunkard; that he has given the plaintiff cruel and inhuman treatment; that he has frequently used violent language to her; threatened to injure her and has struck and beat and assaulted her in various ways; that he has failed to provide for herself and children, but on the contrary has squandered her hard earnings in drunkenness and dissipation. The complaint further alleges that by doing washing and other labor, the plaintiff obtained money and purchased a sewing machine, a bed and some furniture and that she opened at No. 174 Calhoun street a shop for the mending of parasols and umbrellas and that the defendant threatens to sell the sewing machine and other property and even the parasols etc. belonging to other persons but now in the plaintiff's custody. She prays for an absolute divorce, the custody of the two children and also for a restraining order preventing the defendant from selling or in any way interfering with the goods and chattels held by her or now in her custody and belonging to other parties.
  • 29 Aug 1877 Sarah A. Holsworth has filed a complaint in the circuit court against John A. Holsworth and Frederick Barthold which sets forth that she was married to John A. Holsworth on the 3rd of June 1875 and had lived with him as his wife until the 4th of August, 1877 during all of which time he had treated her with indifference, neglect, and cruelty. It is alleged that when she was very ill with typhoid fever and confined to her bed for a long period of time, he had frequently left her alone and unattended for days, when she was wholly unable to help herself; that he has abused her with the utmost foulness of speech and used the vilest epithets to her; that on the 2nd of January, 1877, he assailed her with a torrent of invectives and order her to leave the premises; that on the 10th of July he refused to give her access to her clothing and instructed his sons by a former wife not to allow her to get it; that when she attempted to do so he struck her two violent blows to the face with his fist; that on the 4th day of August he again abused her shamefully and twice on the same day seized her by the throat and choked her until she could not speak; that she was compelled to take refuge with her sister, Mrs. Camilla Blair in this city for protection and shelter; that on the 12th of August he pursued her to Blair's where he again abused her, shook his fist under her nose and threatened to strike her and to "put a face on her different from what she had if he could get her home"; that he took a pair of blacksmith tongs and swung them back and forth over her head as if intending to strike her and "in such a manner as to inspire her with mortal terror and apprehension of momentarily being felled to the earth"; that he styled her with more emphasis than elegance, a (explicative) and used toward her the most obscene and loathsomely vulgar language. The plaintiff states that when she was married to the defendant she owned forty acres of land in Whitley County, a horse, a lot of furniture and $1000 in cash, $941 of which she loaned to the defendant; and that as security he executed a trust deed for certain real estate to her brother, Fred Barthold who is therefore made a party to the suit. The plaintiff prays for a decree of divorce with suitable alimony and that she be given possession of all the property owned by her at the date of her marriage.
  • 29 Aug 1877 Nora M. Gephart has filed a petition in the circuit court for a divorce from her husband, Ashel T. Gephart, and for the restoration of her maiden name, Nora M. Simms. She was married to the defendant in September, 1868 in Montgomery County, Ohio and she charges him with abandonment, failure to support and cruel and inhuman treatment such as beating and striking her and locking her out of the house in cold and inclement weather. She also asserts that the defendant has been drunk for the past four years.
    [Nora M. Gephart vs. Asahel T. Gephart, Circuit Court, Case File]

  • 05 Sep 1877 On Saturday afternoon, Chas. Shaub was bound over to the criminal court on charges of bigamy.
  • 05 Sep 1877 Ellen Wagner has applied for a divorce from Perry Wagner on account of failure to support. The defendant lives at Columbus, Ohio.
  • 05 Sep 1877 Hannah Critchet has applied for a divorce from Geo. A. Critchet. The parties were married at South Bend, August 31st, 1871. Plaintiff alleges that the defendant has not supported her for several years and that he abandoned her on the 27th of August 1867 (sic). She says he is an educated man who earns a good living teaching school and that while he left his family destitute, he himself went to the centennial and stayed six weeks.
    [28 Aug 1877 Hannah Critchet vs. George A. Critchet, Superior Court, Case File]
  • 05 Sep 1877 A few days since the Sentinel printed the synopsis of the divorce complaint in the case of Sarah A. Holsworth vs. John A. Holsworth. The latter called at this office today and desired the statement made that most of the charges against him were false. He asserts that the trouble is caused by his wife's brother, Barthold, who desires to get hold of her property and says that her first husband, Henry Tettner, committed suicide at the station house about eight years ago on account of the persecutions of her and Barthold.
  • 05 Sep 1877 Kate M. Conroy today filed a petition in the superior court for a divorce from Thomas H. Conroy. The complaint sets forth, in substance, that the parties were married on November 15th, 1868, in the then territory of Nevada and that they have one child, a boy of five years; that by their joint labors they have accumulated $1000 in money, a house and lot worth $1000, a lot of household goods and a set of barber's furniture; that the defendant at an early stage developed a spirit of general cussedness, neglected to support his wife and child and took to squandering his substance in drinking and gambling; that he treated the plaintiff cruelly and inhumanly by frequently striking and beating her; that on the 27th of August he playfully threw a knife at her which came near sending her to kingdom come; that about the same time defendant locked her out of their house and when she went to the window to demand entrance he threatened to kill and to mash her and fell to breaking up the furniture with all his might. The plaintiff asks for a divorce with $1000 alimony and the custody of the child; and also that an order be issued restraining the defendant from disposing of any of his property until the suit is decided.
    [Katie Conroy vs. Thomas H. Conroy, Superior Court, Case File]
  • 12 Sep 1877 David Archer of Washington Township is minus a wife, she having suddenly departed for parts unknown.
  • 12 Sep 1877 Maria O. Deem vs. Homer Deem dismissed at defendants costs.
    [05 May 1877 Maria O. Deem vs. Harner Deem, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 12 Sep 1877 Thursday in circuit court Anna E. Lawrence was granted a divorce from John W. Lawrence for cruelty and failure to support.
  • 12 Sep 1877 The Grand Jury returned an indictment on Henry Shaub for bigamy and open and notorious fornication.
  • 19 Sep 1877 Charity Burt was Monday granted a divorce from John E. Burt and given custody of the child.
  • 19 Sep 1877 Judge O'Rourke granted a decree of divorce to Agnes Miller vs. Thomas Miller for cruelty and failure to provide.
  • 26 Sep 1877 Lillie E. Davis Wednesday petitioned for a divorce from Joseph Davis, whom she married in Indianapolis in 1874. She charges him with habitual idleness and drunkenness, failure to provide, abandonment, misuse of the plaintiff's earnings, associating with dissolute women, cruel and inhuman treatment, the use of vile epithets, striking, beating and choking the plaintiff etc. There is one child, of whom plaintiff asks the custody. [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 26 Sep 1877 In the case of Laura Thompson vs. John E. Thompson, Judge O'Rourke granted a decree of divorce to plaintiff on the grounds of habitual drunkenness, abandonment, and failure to provide.
  • 26 Sep 1877 Judge Sinclair presided in the divorce case of Rosetta Moneysmith vs. Henry Moneysmith. The plaintiff petitioned for a divorce on the grounds of cruelty and failure to provide, and the defendant filed a cross-petition alleging plaintiff's adultery with one Henry Roe and charging her with inhuman treatment. Judge Sinclair awarded defendant a divorce, giving plaintiff $300 alimony and the custody of the child (aged eight years) with an allowance of $50 annually for his support until he reaches the age of fourteen.
  • 26 Sep 1877 The divorce case of Mary C. Tillen vs. Jackson Tillen was dismissed by the plaintiff at her costs.

  • 10 Oct 1877 Edward Hill vs. Agnes L. Hill, divorce.
  • 10 Oct 1877 Martha A. Attick vs. James O. Attick, divorce in superior court. [Circuit Court, Case File]
    [child: Jasper Burton Attick, age 2]
  • 10 Oct 1877 Mary M. Baker vs. Louis Baker, divorce on grounds of failure to provide and cruel treatment. [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 10 Oct 1877 Phoebe Ann Barringer vs. Ira R. Barringer, divorce granted to plaintiff.
    [Phoebe Ann Barragar vs. Ira R. Barragar, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 10 Oct 1877 Sarah Riley vs. Laban J. Riley, divorce granted to plaintiff, $300 alimony awarded and custody of the children.
  • 17 Oct 1877 Mary R. Hutzel vs. John Hutzel. The parties were married about two months since.
  • 24 Oct 1877 Barton Ball and Emma Ball who were recently married in this city were a divorced couple.
  • 24 Oct 1877 Martha A. Attick vs. James O. Attick for a divorce, custody of a child and $2000 alimony, was tried this afternoon by Judge O'Rourke. The parties were married August 31, 1871 and the separation is asked for on grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, failure to provide and habitual drunkenness. The court granted the prayers of the petitioner.
  • 24 Oct 1877 Hannah Cricket vs. George H. Cricket, continued in superior court.

  • 07 Nov 1877 Mary M. Baker was granted a decree of divorce from Louis Baker.
  • 07 Nov 1877 The divorce case of John W. Walker vs. Fannie Walker was dismissed.
  • 07 Nov 1877 Frederick Kayser has applied for a divorce from Nancy Kayser on grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, foul and abusive language, etc. He alleges that he is a cripple and that his wife has ridiculed and made sport of his misfortune and taken advantage of it to inflict upon him personal injuries, beating him, bruising him in the head and face, assaulting him with a butcher knife, etc. The plaintiff prays for an absolute divorce and custody of the one child. [Superior Court, Case File]
  • 14 Nov 1877 The decrees of divorce in the Barreger and Miller cases will be null and void if the costs are not paid within two days.
  • 14 Nov 1877 The Richards divorce case will be tried this afternoon. In the case of Henry Richards vs. Eliza Jane Richards, the complaint of petitioner was withdrawn and divorce awarded to the defendant at plaintiff's costs together with custody of the children and $465 alimony, payable in installments.
  • 14 Nov 1877 The September term of court had 10 divorces.
  • 14 Nov 1877 Peter Beveo vs. Mary L. Beveo on grounds of abandonment. The sheriff has returned the writ unserved, Mary having gone to Texas.
    [Peter Beavo or Beveo vs. Mary Beavo or Beveo, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 14 Nov 1877 Margaret Miller on Friday filed a petition in the superior court for a divorce from Matthias Miller. Plaintiff in her complaint, alleges that she was married to defendant in Fort Wayne on the 17th of August 1852, more than twenty five years ago; that the past quarter of a century has been deucedly unpleasant for her, as her liege lord has continually treated her in a cruel and unhuman manner; that by way of amusement he has struck and beaten her with a club and with his fist, and whenever he wanted a little extra fun he attempted to shoot her; that upon one occasion he would have perforated her with a bullet but for the interference of her son; that he has applied to her in his playful moments, all manner of vile, filthy and opprobrious epithets and has accused her of associating with lewd women; that he has frequently left her several weeks at a time, failing to provide support for his family, etc., etc. On the whole, after twenty five years of sad experience, the plaintiff has concluded that the married state is not what it is "cracked" up to be, and she therefore asks the court to sunder the bonds, which fasten her to her husband and give her the custody of their four children together with judgement for the costs.
  • 21 Nov 1877 Mary Waltz was married to Henry Waltz on the 17th of October 1875. She is now tired of the Waltz and wants the dance to stop, at least she today filed an application for a divorce. In the complaint she charges her liege lord with cruel and inhuman treatment, such as striking, beating, etc; also with the use of vile and abusive epithets towards her and failure to support. She also charges that on the 1st of October he committed adultery with Lavinia Fiest, a common prostitute, and that he has at divers times committed adultery with different parties, whose names are unknown to the plaintiff. She asks the custody of the child and $300 alimony.
  • 21 Nov 1877 Adrait Cooper has applied for a divorce from Lewis Cooper, to whom she was married on the 4th of May 1874, on the grounds of abandonment and failure to support. There is one child of whom the plaintiff asks the custody. [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 28 Nov 1877 Martha Jackson vs. Samuel Jackson, divorce dismissed. [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 28 Nov 1877 Margaret Dunlap vs. Griffith Dunlap, divorce dismissed.
  • 28 Nov 1877 McGahey vs. McGahey, divorce dismissed.
  • 28 Nov 1877 Davis vs. Davis, divorce dismissed.
  • 28 Nov 1877 Emeline McEwen has applied for a divorce from George W. McEwen to whom she married at Leo the 12 Feb 1871. The parties lived together until the 8th March 1875 when the plaintiff alleges the defendant abandoned her and ever since that time failed to support her or her child for whose maintenance she has been compelled to labor. She also states that the defendant's whereabouts is unknown to her. Petitioner prays also for the custody of the child, a boy aged four years.

  • 05 Dec 1877 Edward C. Hill was granted a divorce from Agnes L. Hill.
  • 12 Dec 1877 Margaret Smith vs. John B. Smith, divorce dismissed.
  • 12 Dec 1877 Jane Clark vs. Lewis Clark, divorce dismissed, Circuit Court, Case File.
  • 12 Dec 1877 Margaret Miller vs. Mathias Miller, divorce granted in Superior court and custody of three minor children. This is the first divorce granted in this court.
  • 19 Dec 1877 Dora Beach applied for a divorce from Frederick Beach (not the hardware merchant) to whom she was married on November 15, 1876. The grounds alleged are abandonment, failure to support and cruel treatment.
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Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.