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Divorce News and Records, Allen Co., Indiana

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Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.


Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel

  • [18 Jan 1876] Samuel E. Large vs. Nancy E. Large, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 19 Jan 1876 Susan W. Wisong was married at Lancaster, Ohio on the 23rd day of November 1862 to James H. Wisong and the twain lived together until December 1, 1875 when they separated. Susan has now begun an action for divorce on the grounds of cruelty to herself and the children. She prays that the custody of the children and $500 alimony may be awarded her and that she may resume her maiden name Susan W. Clark.

  • 02 Feb 1876 Margaret E. Gleason vs. Amos M. Gleason. Margaret E. Gleason was married to Amos M. Gleason in 1870 in Steuben County, Indiana. Her matrimonial experience has been a checkered one and now she applies for a divorce. Her husband she charges with abusing her in various ways, beating, choking, striking, clubbing, kicking, threatening, calling names, etc. His chief amusement has been to execute lofty flourishes with a carving knife in immediate proximity to her face. The two children, fruits of their union, he has brutally whipped etc. Margaret says that Amos has $5,000 worth of property and therefore asks for $1,500 alimony and the custody of the children.
  • 02 Feb 1876 Rosa Zink vs. John Zink. Rosa Zink's story is of a somewhat different nature. She was married to John Zink in 1869 but she don't want any more of him. Her complaint, which was filed today, charges him with cruel treatment of various kinds. She says that he has an uncomfortable habit of charging her publicly with adultery whereas she is as pure as snow, that he has frequently asserted that she went to Chicago several times for the purpose of having criminal intercourse with a young limb of the law at that city who has a wife and who formerly lived at Fort Wayne. This she says is false. He has also accused her of spending his means in procuring abortions upon herself. She asserts that he spends his time and means in dissipations and in the company of prostitutes and that he contracted a loathsome disease which renders him a very undesirable husband. She estimates his property as worth $5,000 of which she desires $1,500 as alimony, the custody of their one child and a decree of divorce.
  • 23 Feb 1876 Angeline Chapman vs. Joseph Chapman, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 23 Feb 1876 Amanda Purcell vs. Irwin A. Purcell, divorce granted last Thursday by Judge Carson. The Hedekin House troubles are happily at an end. Mrs. E. A. Purcell having obtained her divorce, busting the bonds of matrimony that were tied by the parson when he solemnly said, "what God hath joined together let no man put asunder."
  • 23 Feb 1876 Much Married Marcus. Bigamy on a large scale. Marcus Greenwalt is a much-married man. He has been married in several different states and is no doubt still in the matrimonial line. Marcus is a short, heavy set, bald headed sinner about 45 years of age and his career has been indeed a brilliant one. He made his first entrance into this terrestrial sphere in the goodly centennial city of Philadelphia and at an early age he came to the sage conclusion that it was not good for man to live alone. He took as the wife of his bosom the charming young daughter of a wealthy citizen of the Quaker City. The honeymoon passed off without any serious storms and Mr. and Mrs. Greenwalt maintained comfortable relations for several years. But finally Marcus became tired of his partner and concluded to seek new conquests. Without warning, he left Philadelphia and proceeded to a place in the interior of Pennsylvania where after a short courtship, he again passed through the matrimonial mill and became possessed of wife No. 2. His second companion proved even less satisfactory that the first one had for he soon took her to Chicago where he basely deserted her and started again in quest of adventures and wives. His next connubial venture was in the state of Ohio where the ceremony which united him with a buxom young widow was duly performed. This alliance was maintained for some time but the ruling passion was yet strong and finally Geenwalt left the widow as he had left her predecessors. For a time his travels and adventures are wrapt in oblivion but about the year 1871 he came again to the surface and put in an appearance in Allen county. He secured employment at Hursh's mills in Cedar Creek township where he represented himself to be a single man and succeeded in gaining the affection of a charming young girl of 18, the daughter of a well-to-do citizen living in the neighborhood. Under cover of a promise of marriage he effected this young girls ruin and for a long time maintained a criminal intimacy with her. Finally however, the girl's shame became known and Greenwalt hastily "jumped the country" to avoid consequences. His whereabouts were discovered however and he was finally induced to return and marry the girl who in the meantime had become a mother. Greenwalt then settled down to domestic bliss with his fourth wife and her child. For a time matters moved smoothly but finally our hero became involved in a difficulty with a man named Gursh, which resulted in his indictment by the grand jury of Allen county for assault with intent to kill. The trial resulted in his acquittal and Greenwalt returned to his abiding place in Cedar Creek township. But a few weeks since, the wife whom he had deserted years ago in Chicago, and who had been on his trial ever since, arrived in Fort Wayne in search of this numerous Benedict. She employed a private detective to discover his whereabouts and finally learned where he was. She was about to pounce down upon him when he became aware of her arrival in this city and took himself out of the county in a hurry. It is reported that he has since been at Auburn near this city. There are indictments for bigamy pending against him in several places and there can be little doubt that he will finally atone for his numerous matrimonial escapades by passing a term of years in some penitentiary.

  • 01 Mar 1876 Judge Carson granted Catharine Snively a decree of divorce from Henry J. Snively. The plaintiff was given custody of the child and $500 alimony.
  • 01 Mar 1876 Judge Carson on Saturday granted Josephine Adams a divorce from Milton Adams and also awarded her the custody of the child. By the terms of the decree she is prohibited from marrying within two years.
  • 08 Mar 1876 Judge Carson on Wednesday granted Camila Blair a divorce from David Blair together with the custody of the child.
  • 08 Mar 1876 In Circuit Court Wednesday Judge Carson ordered that Baron von Westrumb be compelled to pay all of the costs in the divorce suit of Wolf vs. Wolf commenced by him without authority and that he be suspended from all the privileges of the bar until he pays such costs.
  • 08 Mar 1876 Mr. Clark Fairbank is the author of the following vigorous paragraph in last week's Journal: The circuit court in session during the past week transacted quite a large amount of business. Granting divorces appears to be a leading feature in the proceedings of this court. A few days ago Mrs. E. A. Pursell, of the Hedekin House, was granted a separation from her husband and on Saturday last Catharine Snively obtained a decree of divorce against Henry J. Snively; also Josephine Adams was divorced from Milton Adams. Notwithstanding the amendments to the Indiana divorce law, the business still prospers. It may be all right but in the opinion of sensible people the great number of divorces granted here indicate a sadly demoralized state of society and a total disregard for the solemnities of the marriage contract. We commend Mr. Fairbank's views on this matter to the candid and thoughtful consideration of the public. It is one of the few subjects upon which he is well qualified to speak by reflection and experience. He has, as it were, been through the mill and knows how it is himself. When he talks about "a sadly demoralized state of society" and a "total disregard for the solemnities of the marriage contract" he is perfectly at home and his remarks ought to sink deeply into the hearts of the people. "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones" and a man who has been divorced himself, should respect the feelings of others who are passing through the same ordeal and some of them through no fault of their own. Go slow Fairbank.
  • 15 Mar 1876 Susie Probst has begun a suit for divorce from Wm. H. Probst on the grounds of desertion.
    [12 Mar 1876 Susie Brobst or Susie Probst vs. William H. Brobst or William H. Probst, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 15 Mar 1876 A man in Allen County has been married five years under an assumed name. His wife has just learned his real name through a law suit.
  • 15 Mar 1876 John Megahey wants the Circuit Court to grant him a divorce from Mary Megahey because she abuses him, threatens his life and refuses to cook his meals.
  • 15 Mar 1876 Charlotte Clemson desires a divorce from Amos Clemson because his continued presence at Michigan City is decidedly inconvenient. He went up for grand larceny.
    [04 Mar 1876 Charlotte Clemson vs. Amos W. Clemson, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 29 Mar 1876 (Henry C. F.) Westrumb, the shyster "attorney at law" (?) seems to have jumped from the frying pan into the fire. No sooner has he paid the costs in the Wolf case, in which he tried to divorce a couple without their knowledge or consent, than he is hauled up for collecting money as an attorney and failing to pay it over.

  • 05 Apr 1876 Harriet E. Davis has brought suit for a divorce from Hiram Davis for abandonment and failure to support. She also asks custody of the child and $500 alimony. [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • [06 Apr 1876] Francis Devaux vs. Angeline Devaux, Circuit Court, Case File
  • [12 Apr 1876] Catherine Hartman vs. John Hartman, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 12 Apr 1876 Ida Starss (sic) has filed complaint in the circuit court asking a divorce from Chas. Starss. The bill tells a sad story of outraged womanhood. It alleges that the plaintiff and defendant were married on May 9, 1874 and cohabited until October 17 the same month (sic) when the defendant abandoned her; that while they were living together the defendant was a habitual drunkard and vagabond and failed to support his wife; that during her pregnancy he choked, struck, and beat her inflicting injuries which are permanent; that he was fined for these offenses, that he not only did not support his wife but even squandered the money she earned by doing washings, etc. She asks an absolute divorce and the custody of the child.

  • 14 Jun 1876 Judge Carson Thursday granted a decree of divorce to Angeline Chapman from Jos. Chapman.
  • 14 Jun 1876 Judge Carson Saturday granted Susan Probst (alias Susan Robinson) a divorce from William H. Probst on grounds of desertion.
  • 28 Jun 1876 On Saturday, Judge Borden granted Mary Wallace a decree of divorce from Wm. J. Wallace together with alimony of $800 and the custody of one of the three children.

  • 19 Jul 1876 Elizabeth Odendahl vs. William D. Odendahl.
  • 19 Jul 1876 Marie O'Josephine Yahns desires a divorce from Wm. C. Yahns to whom she was married in this city January 4, 1874. She charges him and his parents with inhuman treatment, knocking her down, throwing dishes at her, calling her names, threatening to kill her and compelling her to do washing and housework for her support. There are no children.
  • [25 Jul 1876] Amanda Cummings vs. George Cummings, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 26 Jul 1876 Mary E. Pilgram has begun a suit for divorce from Ludwich L. Pilgram on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, failure to support, habitual drunkenness, and abandonment. The parties were married at Monroeville on October 1, 1874.

  • 09 Aug 1876 Catharine A. Eckert wants a divorce from Jacob Eckert on the grounds of abandonment and failure to support. [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 09 Aug 1876 Our readers will remember an account published in this paper of the matrimonial infelicity of Anton R. Abel and his wife Mary Abel of Aboite township. A short time since, Mrs. Abel had her husband and stepsons arrested for assault and also instituted a suit for divorce. The troubles are now ended and peace is again restored. Last Friday Mr. Abel deeded to his wife all of his property and on the same evening a formal reconciliation took place in the presence of numerous friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Abel publicly renewed their marriage vows amidst hearty congratulations. Afterwards the young people of the vicinity gathered around the house and in true country style gave a "belling" to the Abels. The reconciliation is said to be complete; one of the conditions being that the stepchildren of Mrs. Abel shall leave the house and remain away.
    [01 Jul 1876] Mary Able vs. Anton R. Able, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 20 Aug 1876 There are 25 divorce cases on the docket for the next term of the circuit court.
  • [21 Aug 1876] Sarah E. Falkenburgh or Falkenberg vs. Samuel Falkenburgh or Falkenberg, Circuit Court, Case File
  • [24 Aug 1876] Mary Jane Large vs. Samuel E. Large, Circuit Court, Case File
  • [25 Aug 1876] Caroline Ella Meegan vs. Thomas J. Meegan, Circuit Court, Case File

  • 13 Sep 1876 Arminta J. Looney received a divorce from Patrick Looney in circuit court Wednesday and the same evening she was married to Leander McGinniss.
  • 13 Sep 1876 Elizabeth Odendahl was on Thursday granted a divorce from John Odendahl on the grounds of abandonment. She is prohibited from marrying again within two years.
  • 20 Sep 1876 Caroline Shannon Wednesday received a divorce from Boyd Shannon.
  • 20 Sep 1876 Mary Dove was on Friday granted a decree of divorce from Cyrus Dove on the grounds of abandonment. [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 27 Sep 1876 Mary Pool Thursday applied for divorce from Spencer M. Pool on the grounds of cruelty and failure to support.

  • 25 Oct 1876 Judge Carson Friday granted Joseph A. Wells a decree of divorce from Maria Wells.
  • 25 Oct 1876 Mary Kennedy vs. Augustus Kennedy on grounds of cruel treatment, habitual drunkenness and failure to support. There are five children of whom she asked custody and $2,000 alimony.
  • 25 Oct 1876 The suit of Sylvester Stopher vs. Frances Stopher for divorce came up in the circuit court today by the Hon. Newton Burwell, acting judge. A cross bill for a divorce has been filed by Frances Stopher through her attorney Jacob Bittenger and a decree was entered in her favor and the custody of the child awarded her.

  • [03 Nov 1876] Catherine Dietrick vs. Davis Dietrick, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 08 Nov 1876 John Schuster wants a divorce from Mary Schuster on the grounds of abandonment and lewdness.
  • 08 Nov 1876 Catharine Detrick has applied for a divorce from Davis Detrick on the grounds of abandonment, failure to support and cruel treatment. The parties were married in 1866 and have no children.
  • 08 Nov 1876 John B. Chaplin, a Huntertown minister, has applied for a divorce from Martha J. Chaplin on the grounds of desertion and "refusal to perform the duties of a wife".
    [03 Nov 1876 John P. Chaplin vs. Martha J. Chaplin, Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 15 Nov 1876 Samantha A. Kees has applied for a divorce from Henry Kees on the grounds of cruelty, failure to support and abandonment. The parties were married in 1854 and have five children. [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 15 Nov 1876 "Dr." Doggett's wife, who lives in Logansport, has applied in the Cass Circuit Court for a divorce. She asks $1,000 alimony. The necessary papers have been served upon the "doctor" in this city.
  • 29 Nov 1876 Judge O'Rourke Friday granted Anna Bogash a divorce from Fred. Bogash on the grounds of cruelty, failure to support and abandonment. [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 29 Nov 1876 Judge O'Rourke has granted Catharine Deatrick a divorce from Davis Deatrick.

  • 13 Dec 1876 Judge O'Rourke yesterday granted Mary Pool a divorce from Spencer Pool on grounds of abandonment, failure to support and cruelty. She was awarded custody of their child.
  • 20 Dec 1876 Ellen Umbaugh has applied for divorce from George Umbaugh for desertion and failure to support. They were married June 30, 1870. [Circuit Court, Case File]
  • 27 Dec 1876 Mary Pilgram has been granted a divorce from Ludwick L. Pilgram on the grounds of drunkenness and abandonment.
  • [28 Dec 1876 Sarah A. Campbell vs. John G. Campbell, Circuit Court, Case File]
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Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.