Bastardy Case News Excerpts, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Allen County Bastardy cases as found in Fort Wayne Daily Gazette unless otherwise noted.
- 3 Jan 1892 The case of Jennie Bullion charging bastardy against Charles Hill was certified to the circuit court by Justice Wilkinson yesterday. The young man is under $500 bond.
- 5 Jan 1892 The case of the state on the relation of Mary Lauer against Henry Harber charged with bastardy an appeal from the court of Justice Hays has been filed.
- 26 Jul 1892 Mary A. Langdon, a pretty young woman who lives in the eastern edge of this county, swore out a warrant in JusticeWilkinson's court late last night against Frank Fleck who lives near Antwerp, Ohio, charging him with bastardy. The parties are children of prominent rural families and the arrest of Mr. Fleck last night by Constable W. H. Kauffman made quite a stir in his quiet neighborhood, as his father is wealthy, as farmers look upon wealth. Fleck was brought to this city and a constable went to the house of Deputy County Clerk Metzgar at 11 p.m., but Harry refused to come down town to issue the license, although informed that it was to save the young bridegroom, who had consented to marry the girl, from going to jail. After the return of the constable another man was sent in another direction to awaken Frank Belot, another of Clerk Souder's deputies. Mr. Belot responded cheerfully and a little before midnight the couple were wedded by Justice Wilkinson in Lawyer N. D. Boughman's office in the bank block. They are satisfied and will live together.
- 7 Aug 1892 Frances Ludwig expects soon to become a mother but she is not married. Yesterday she began bastardy proceedings against John Hiser, nephew of road-house keeper Hiser, before Justice Tancey. The case continued until August 4 and the defendant gave bond in $500 for his appearance.
- 15 Oct 1892 The bastardy case of Jennie Donnelly vs. Ethan Miller was certified from Justice Wilkinson's court yesterday to the circuit court.