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Allen County, Indiana Genealogy
Milan Township Churches
Organized in March 1838
Gar Creek Mennonite Church
About 1854 Mennonites settled at Gar Creek village 11 miles northeast of Fort Wayne. Services were held in Bethel Chapel. Regular services were discontinued about 1910." More information is found at The Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online (GAMEO).
Milan Center Methodist Protestant Church
Corner of Doty and Milan Center Roads
Organized in 1905/06 when a series of meetings were held in the old Milan Center schoolhouse. Land was donated and construction on the church was begun in 1906. Church disbanded sometime after 1954. Records may be at the DePauw University Library, Greencastle, IN.
Milan Evangelical Lutheran Church (Barnett Chapel) and Barnett Chapel Cemetery
State Road 37 and Barnett Road
Organized in 1864. Merged with St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Harlan (Springfield Township) in 1921. Now part of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (see Springfield Township).
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church Gar Creek and Cemetery

1910 N. Berthaud Road, New Haven
Website: http://www.stpaulgarcreek.com/
Organized in 1880 by 14 members of Emanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, New Haven. Birth, baptism, confirmation, marriage and death records exist since 1880. Early records in German. Records have been photocopied and are available at the Allen County Public Library. See May 14, 1898 Fort Wayne News newspaper item stating there are plans for a handsome parsonage by the German Lutheran congregation at Gar Creek posted May 13, 2017 in the original Great Memories and History of Fort Wayne, Indiana page on Facebook.
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