Civil War Draft Enrollment and Roll of Volunteers, 1862, Allen Co., Indiana
Name | Age | Residence | Link |
Sea, Fredck. | 32 | Fort Wayne Ward 1 | | Seabold, Gotleib | 39 | Fort Wayne Ward 4 | | Seabold, Jno. | 39 | Fort Wayne Ward 4 | | Seabolt, Jno. | 41 | Lafayette Twp. | | Seabring, Jno. | 27 | Aboite Twp. | | Seaffel, Chas. | 39 | Aboite Twp. | | Seamon, Paul | 36 | Fort Wayne Ward 2 | | Sebring, Geo. F. | 21 | Wayne Twp. | | Sebring, Jos. | 29 | Lake Twp. | | Sebring, Thos. V. | 26 | Wayne Twp. | | Sechler, Jacob D. | 26 | Perry Twp. | | Sedgwick, Jno. | 39 | Fort Wayne Ward 2 | | Seeger, Adam | 38 | Wayne Twp. | | Seeley, Augustus | 18 | Fort Wayne Ward 2 | | Seibeler, Jerry | 40 | Lake Twp. | | Seibert, Adam | 19 | Jefferson Twp. | | Seibert, Geo. | 21 | Jefferson Twp. | | Seibert, Jno. | 23 | Jefferson Twp. | | Seibold, Gottleib | 18 | Lafayette Twp. | | Seibolt, David | 40 | Wayne Twp. | | Seibres, Henry | 28 | Adams Twp. | | Seidle, Edward | 36 | Fort Wayne Ward 3 | | Seigel, Richard | 37 | Monroe Twp. | | Selee, Augustus | 43 | Wayne Twp. | | Selfrank, Henry | | Marion Twp. | | Selking, Conrad | 43 | Marion Twp. | | Selle, Samuel, Jr. | 31 | Wayne Twp. | | Sellers, Joseph | 34 | Springfield Twp. | | Seminett, Peter | 40 | Wayne Twp. | | Sempman, Seth | 25 | Adams Twp. | | Serge, Joseph | 36 | Marion Twp. | | Sevalio, Linus | 21 | Wayne Twp. | | Seybott, Charles | 27 | Fort Wayne Ward 5 | |