Civil War Draft Enrollment and Roll of Volunteers, 1862, Allen Co., Indiana
Name | Age | Residence | Link |
Keafer, Jno. | 30 | Wayne Twp. |  | Keafgarber, George | 39 | Fort Wayne Ward 5 |  | Keagel, John | 27 | Lake Twp. |  | Kearns, Edward | 25 | Fort Wayne Ward 3 |  | Keaver, Joseph | 21 | St. Joseph Twp. |  | Keaver, William | 19 | St. Joseph Twp. |  | Kebbs, Daniel | | Cedar Creek Twp. |  | Kechner, John | 30 | Fort Wayne Ward 5 |  | Keck, John | 22 | Adams Twp. |  | Keefer, Henry | 34 | Fort Wayne Ward 4 |  | Keefer, Joseph | | Cedar Creek Twp. |  | Keefer, Saml. | 21 | Springfield Twp. |  | Keefer, Samuel | 18 | St. Joseph Twp. |  | Keefer, Wm. | 25 | Fort Wayne Ward 4 |  | Keeffer, Joseph | 25 | Washington Twp. |  | Keeken, Patck. | 35 | Fort Wayne Ward 2 |  | Keeller, Chas. | 43 | Wayne Twp. |  | Kees, Chas. | 32 | Fort Wayne Ward 4 |  | Kees, James | 23 | Maumee Twp. |  | Kees, William | 25 | Maumee Twp. |  | Keesler, Alfred | 18 | Springfield Twp. |  | Keesler, Martin | 19 | Springfield Twp. |  | Keesler, Peter | 42 | Milan Twp. |  | Keever, Wm. | 19 | St. Joseph Twp. |  | Keffe, Edward | 23 | Jefferson Twp. |  | Keffer, Nicholas | | Wayne Twp. |  | Kegg, Emanuel | 24 | St. Joseph Twp. |  | Kegg, Jacob | 24 | St. Joseph Twp. |  | Keif, David | 35 | Monroe Twp. |  | Keiffe, Dennis | 25 | Jefferson Twp. |  | Keigle, Salomon | 40 | Adams Twp. |  | Keler, Sebastian | 30 | Fort Wayne Ward 5 |  | Kelker, Anthony | 27 | Fort Wayne Ward 4 |  | Kelker, Geo. | 25 | Fort Wayne Ward 1 |  | Kelker, John | 35 | Fort Wayne Ward 1 |  | Kelker, Samuel | 20 | Fort Wayne Ward 2 |  | Kell, Jacob | 44 | Perry Twp. |  | Kell, Solomon | 19 | Perry Twp. |  | Kelle, Michael | 30 | Fort Wayne Ward 1 |  | Kellermeier, Lewis | 44 | Wayne Twp. |  | Kelley, Andy | 37 | Fort Wayne Ward 3 |  | Kelley, Geo. | 28 | Adams Twp. |  | Kelley, Henry | 22 | Aboite Twp. |  | Kelley, James | 38 | Fort Wayne Ward 4 |  | Kelley, John | 34 | Fort Wayne Ward 3 |  | Kelley, John | 24 | Madison Twp. |  | Kelley, Joshua | 23 | Adams Twp. |  | Kelley, Patrk. | 40 | Fort Wayne Ward 4 |  | Kelley, Timothy | 35 | Fort Wayne Ward 3 |  | Kellinger, eter | 26 | Marion Twp. |  | Kellinger, Henry | 23 | Adams Twp. |  | Kellinger, Jacob | 35 | Marion Twp. |  | Kellinger, Philip | 31 | Jackson Twp. |  | Kellner, Daniel | 28 | Washington Twp. |  | Kellogg, Samuel | 18 | Jefferson Twp. |  | Kelly, August | 30 | Perry Twp. |  | Kelly, Conrad | 27 | Pleasant Twp. |  | Kelly, Jas. | 33 | Fort Wayne Ward 2 |  | Kelly, John | 30 | Maumee Twp. |  | Kelsey, Abner A. | 38 | Lafayette Twp. |  | Kelsey, Danl. H. | 18 | Lafayette Twp. |  | Kelsey, David H. | 24 | Aboite Twp. |  | Kelsey, Frances A. | 19 | Lafayette Twp. |  | Kelsey, Henry S. | 40 | Lafayette Twp. |  | Kelsey, Jacob C. | 24 | Lafayette Twp. |  | Kelsey, James S. | 39 | Lafayette Twp. |  | Kelsey, Jas. | 32 | Aboite Twp. |  | Kelsey, Jas. T. | 31 | Aboite Twp. |  | Kelsey, Jeremiah | 26 | Lafayette Twp. |  | Kelsey, Jno. | 19 | Fort Wayne Ward 2 |  | Kelsey, Jos. | 22 | Aboite Twp. |  | Kelsey, Levi | 19 | Lafayette Twp. |  | Kelsey, Wm. A. | 21 | Aboite Twp. |  | Kemp, M. W. | 43 | Monroe Twp. |  | Kenark, John | 24 | Pleasant Twp. |  | Kendall, Thomas E. | 32 | Fort Wayne Ward 5 |  | Kenerk, Edward | 21 | Pleasant Twp. |  | Kenerk, Tomothy | 23 | Pleasant Twp. |  | Kenigan, Hugh | | Fort Wayne Ward 1 |  | Kenison, Joseph | 30 | Maumee Twp. |  | Kennedy, Michael | 36 | Adams Twp. |  | Kennedy, Philip | 30 | Adams Twp. |  | Kephner, Abram | 40 | Lafayette Twp. |  | Keplinger, Jacob | 25 | Fort Wayne Ward 2 |  | Keplinger, Jas. | 37 | Fort Wayne Ward 2 |  | Kepplinger, Jacob | 31 | Fort Wayne Ward 1 |  | Kerchmar, Bernhart | 40 | Marion Twp. |  | Kern, Casper | 41 | Adams Twp. |  | Kernes, James | 28 | Springfield Twp. |  | Kernes, Luther | 32 | Springfield Twp. |  | Kerr, William H. | 24 | Fort Wayne Ward 3 |  | Kesler, Henry | 44 | Springfield Twp. |  | Kestler, Levi | 24 | Perry Twp. |  | Kestler, Michael | 36 | Perry Twp. |  | Ketcher, John | 28 | Fort Wayne Ward 3 |  | Ketcher, Paul | 21 | Fort Wayne Ward 3 |  |