Dr. Lewis G. Thompson estate debtors, 1825-1845, Fort Wayne, Indiana
The 1846 list did not include the dates the debts were incurred. We have noted the account book letter (A, B, D, E, or F) in place of the year since it appears that the account books were chronological.
Hacket, [Mrs.] $2.00 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hackett, [Mrs.] $2.00 1835 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hackett, S. $16.38 1844 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hackey, A. $0.50 1844 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hackley, James $5.50 A Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hackley, James $5.50 1826 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hackley, Rebecca $13.25 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hackley, Rebecca $156.43 1834 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hackley, Rebecca, Mrs. $255.00 1835 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hadley, James $1.00 F Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hadley, James $1.00 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Haley, Thomas $15.75 F Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Haley, Thomas $21.25 1838 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Haley, Thos. $5.50 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hall, Samuel $0.87 1843 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Halliday, Sterling $6.75 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hamegan, Pat $1.75 F Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hamilton $11.75 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hamilton $11.75 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hamilton, A. $70.25 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hamilton, Allen $44.38 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hamilton, Allen $89.76 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hamilton, Allen $87.25 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hamilton, John $50.50 F Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hamilton, John $50.50 1838 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hamilton, Stephen $3.50 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hamilton, Thomas $2.75 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hamilton, Thomas $7.75 1838 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hamilton, Thos. $3.25 1843 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hamlin, Stephen $3.50 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hammond $0.75 1845 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hampton, Jessee $10.00 1833 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hanegan, Pat $1.75 1838 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Haney, Francis $0.75 1834 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hanna, Hugh $6.00 1834 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hanna, S. $240.00 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hanna, S. & H. $3.50 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hanna, S. & H. $2.75 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hanna, Samuel $60.00 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hanna, Samuel $1.50 F Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hanna, William $0.75 1841 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hannah & Ward $1.75 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hardesty $5.75 1842 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Harlis, Martin $31.37 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Harlis, Martin $12.68 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Harlis, Martin $12.68 1831 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Harrington, Thomas $3.50 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Harrington, Thomas $3.50 1835 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Harris $4.25 1844 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Harris, Elisha B. $1.50 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Harris, Elisha B. $1.50 1835 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Harris, William D. $3.25 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hart, Austin $13.50 F Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hart, Austin $13.50 1838 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hart, George $1.25 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hart, George $1.25 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Harvay, John $1.50 1836 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hatch $9.38 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hatch $9.38 1836 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hatch, Jason $10.50 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hatch, Jason $10.50 1836 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hatfield, James $33.82 1834 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hathaway, John $0.25 1841 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hauley, Thomas $4.50 1843 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hauseman, Joshua $13.63 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hayford, M. W. $2.00 1843 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hazelett, Thomas $0.50 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hazelitt, Thomas $2.00 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hazlett, Thomas $10.95 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Healy, Thomas $1.00 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Healy, Thomas $1.00 1835 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Heardsley, Phillip $3.00 1844 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hedges, J. P. $12.25 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hedges, John P. $27.92 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hedges, W. B. $5.25 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hedges, W. B. $5.25 1833 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Heekman, Thomas $1.50 1841 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Heiston, James $1.50 1834 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Helaken, John $3.88 1839 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hell, John $6.50 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Heller, Henry $24.50 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Helvey, Richard $1.75 1834 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Henderson, Lenos $2.00 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Henderson, W. A. $20.75 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Henderson, William A. $58.00 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Henderson, William A. $1.75 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Henderson, Wm. A. $85.50 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Henderson, Z. $40.00 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Henderson, Zenas $40.00 1834 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Henderson, Zenas $20.00 1840 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Henley, Michael $0.38 1835 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Henly, Michael $0.38 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Henner, G. F. $5.00 1825 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Henry, Francis $0.75 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Herbert, Mathew $1.25 1843 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Herbert, Matthew $1.25 F Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hervey, John $1.50 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hickman, George $0.50 1844 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hickman, Thomas $2.00 1841 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Higginbotham, George $0.81 1841 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Higginbotham, George $15.00 1841 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Higgins, Stephen $5.00 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Higgins, Stephen $5.00 1834 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Higgins, Vandone $7.25 1836 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Higgins, Vandorn $7.25 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Higgins, William $0.50 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Higgins, William $1.00 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Higgins, William $1.50 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hill & Fleming $10.00 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hill, Adam $14.00 1836 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hill, George F. $4.00 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hill, George F. $21.25 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hill, George F. $25.25 1839 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hill, John $6.50 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hill, William $15.25 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hill, William $15.25 1836 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hillaker, John $3.88 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hinton, James $0.25 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hinton, Samuel $2.25 F Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hoagland, T. $0.50 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hoben, John $0.37 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hogan, John $1.00 1844 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hogland, T. $19.69 1844 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Holbrook $2.50 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Holbrook $2.50 1834 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Holcomb, A. $5.25 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Holcomb, A. $27.00 1836 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Holcomb, Absalom $21.75 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Holden, George W. $5.00 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Holdon, George $5.00 1836 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Holiday, Jedediah $3.50 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Holiday, Sterling $45.63 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Holland, Barney $3.75 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Holland, Barney $3.75 1836 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Holland, James $2.00 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Holland, James $2.00 1835 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Holland, M. $6.25 1845 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Holliday, Everich $0.75 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Holliday, Ezariah $66.75 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Holliday, Ezriah $67.50 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Holliday, Jedediah $3.50 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Holliday, Sterling $16.25 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Holliday, Sterling $19.00 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Holliday, Sterling $3.63 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Holliday, Sterling $0.25 1838 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Holman, Joseph $16.87 A Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Holman, Joseph $16.87 1828 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Holmes, Joshua $3.50 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Holmes, Joshua $3.50 1836 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hon $7.50 1844 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hood, John $1.12 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hood, John $1.12 1834 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hood, Robert $61.27 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hood, Robert $29.28 1834 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hood, Robt. $4.25 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hood, Thompson $0.25 1845 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hook, George $0.50 1843 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hopple $2.75 F Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hopple $2.75 1838 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hopple, George $6.12 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hopple, George $6.13 1835 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Horin, Michael $7.00 1845 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Horn $7.50 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Horn $7.50 1838 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Horton, Saml. $2.25 1838 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Houns, Wm. D. $2.00 1836 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Houseman, Joshua $10.37 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Houseman, Joshua $13.63 1836 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Houseman, Joshua $10.37 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Houser, Alois $6.75 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Howard, Daniel L. $3.75 1833 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Howard, H. A. $6.63 F Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Howard, H. A. $6.63 1846 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Howe, Richard $3.25 1845 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Howell, Joseph $2.25 1844 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Howser $0.50 F Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Howser, Alvis $6.75 1836 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hoyle $0.50 1841 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hoyt, Benjamin $3.50 1843 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hoyt, Russell $15.00 1845 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hubbell, M. W. $0.63 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hubbell, M. W. $1.00 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hubbell, M. W. $1.63 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hubbell, M. W. $10.50 1839 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hubble, [Mrs.] $9.00 1842 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Huddleson $0.63 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Huddleson $0.63 1835 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hudson, [Mrs.] $3.50 1844 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hudson, Jeremiah $12.12 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hudson, Jeremiah $19.13 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hudson, Jeremiah $31.25 1836 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hughes, A. $0.50 1843 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hughes, David $8.15 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hughes, David $8.15 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hughes, Edward $0.88 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hughes, Edward $0.88 1836 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hughes, Isaaih $42.80 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hughes, Isaaih $100.25 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hughes, Isiah $8.25 1833 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hughes, Isiah $213.85 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hughes, J. $35.44 1834 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hughes, Thomas $15.75 F Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hughes, Thomas $8.75 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hughes, Thomas $24.50 1838 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hughes, Thos. $3.75 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hughling, Peter $12.50 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Huling, Peter $43.61 B Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Huling, Peter $25.63 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Huling, Peter $5.00 F Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Huling, Peter $86.74 1837 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hull, A. $10.00 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hull, Adam $4.00 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Humphrey, James $9.00 E Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hunt, George $1.25 F Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hunts, L. M. $5.00 1834 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)
Hurton, James $1.50 D Collectable (Nov. 1846)
Hyss, Clark J. $3.25 1839 Insolvent (Aug. 1850)