Boodey, Mabel Ellen
Seary, Thomas Jarmon | John E. Seary
Inez Edwards | Daniel H. Billings
Mary J. Graham | Frank J. Celarek, J.P. | 16 Jul 1957
159:333 |  |
Boofer, Edward Dale
Bowers, Beverly May | Mose Fell Boofer
Ollie Ruth George | Rennes Fay Bowers
Helen Virginia Mundorff | Rev. J. B. Sparling | 19 Aug 1950
134:404 |  |
Booher, Bonnie Judith
Charleston, Merlin |
| Wm. W. Moberly, J.P. | 16 Feb 1946
115:138 |  |
Booher, Cletus Amelious
Sitton, Mary Helen | Emmett Morris Booher
Margaret Elizabeth Topp | James Sitton
Mary Irene Riley | Very Rev. Msgr. J. A. Bapst | 21 May 1949
129:415 |  |
Booher, Gerald James
Hartzler, Mary Ann | James Booher
Mable Agnes Dawson | Floyd Leo Hartzler
Reatha Marie Smith | Rev. B. D. Nysewander | 22 Oct 1955
154:373 |  |
Booher, Jack Edward
Roberts, Betty Mae | Jack Randall Booher
Lo-Velma Thatcher Booher | Earnest Alfred Thatcher
Mary Gretchen Prichard Thatcher | Emery E. Stults, J.P. | 7 Jan 1947
119:356 |  |
Booher, Margaret E.
Hill, Floyd | Henry Hill
Anna Hill | John P. Topp
Elizabeth Sheldon | William L. Briggs, J.P. | 8 Sep 1945
112:471 |  |
Booher, Norma Sue
Wimmer, Jerry D. | Burl D. Wimmer
Mary Etta Smith | Harold Arthur Booher
Elsie Marie Jarvis | Harold D. Neel | 25 Mar 1961
170:459 |  |
Booher, Paul E.
Boester, Genevieve Cecelia | James Booher
Mabel Dawson | Arthur Fred Boester
Hannah Joshephine Rayhouser | Fred Wambsganss, Pastor | 19 Oct 1945
113:105 |  |
Book, Countless Arvilla
McBride, Bryan Jennings | John McBride
Elizabeth Keller | Harley Dean Miller
Lillian Norah Cooper | Emery E. Stults, J.P. | 26 Feb 1954
148:595 |  |
Book, Crystal Alice
Koch, Raymond Jack | Robert Thair Koch
Clara Elisibeth Schmidt | Walter Russell Book
Countless Arvilla Miller | Rev. Paul H. Krauss | 21 Jun 1947
121:394 |  |
Book, Demaris Ilene
Hutton, James Robert | Eric Robert Hutton
Alice Grace Krick | Walter E. Book
Hannah Jane Book | Rev. O. D. Wiscler | 19 Jan 1946
114:167 |  |
Book, Donna Marie
Magsamen, Joseph Mark | Andrew Magsamen
Helena Heinen | Walter Russell Book
Countless Arvilla Miller | Rev. Elmer E. Voelk | 21 May 1949
129:483 |  |
Book, Elsie May
Cornewell, Leo Roy | Elmore E. Cornewell
Cathryn T. Jhonson | Walter Russell Book
Countless Arvilla Miller | Leslie Eads | 10 Jul 1954
150:133 |  |
Book, Fred Ernest
Gruber, Sylvia Pearl | Thomas S. Book
Clara Ella Smith | DeWitt Clinton Freeman
Nancy Ann Stewart | W. Earl Pittenger | 12 Dec 1946
119:138 |  |
Book, Harlan Berdett
Minton, Ruby Maxine | Walter Edgar Book
Hannah Jane Stevens | Robert Samuel Minton
Ruby Pauline Clevenger | Rev. Christian M. Kocher | 18 Jul 1953
146:456 |  |
Book, June Gladys
Mueller, James Russell | Martin B. A. Mueller
Esther Harmeyer | Walter Russell Book
Countless Arvilla Miller | Leslie Eads | 7 May 1954
149:276 |  |
Book, Marjorie Joan
Kumfer, James Milo | James Theodore Kumfer
Goldie May Rice | Walter Russell Book
Countless Arvilla Miller | Luther E. Markin, Minister | 26 Oct 1946
118:334 |  |
Book, Sandra Jean
Hornsby, Richard Arlen | Charles William Hornsby
Martha Elizabeth Hixon | Russell Dewight Book
Frances Arloa Gump | W. Richard Wolfe | 19 Jul 1958
162:265 |  |
Book, Theadore Franklin
Bermes, Juanita Marie | Clarkson Book
Emma Britt | Owen Philip Bermes
Myrtle Marie Payton | Thurman B. Morris | 3 Apr 1960
167:386 |  |
Booker, Douglas
Miller, Juanita | Chink Booker
Bell Lockhide | Zack Miller
Bulah Thompa Johson | William L Briggs, J.P. | 20 Sep 1946
118:7 |  |
Booker, Frank James
Jones, Mary | Allen Booker
Belle Lackheart | Ed Carey
Odelia Glaston | William L. Briggs, J.P. | 20 Jan 1949
128:507 |  |
Booker, John Lewis
Temple, Estella Mae | Allen Booker
Bell Lockhart | Ben Temple
Theresa Porter | Wm. L. Briggs, J.P. | 13 Nov 1948
128:168 |  |
Booker, John Lewis
Wilson, Evelyn | Allen Booker
Belle Lockhart | John Wilson
Vassie Thompson | Cloy M. Gibbs, J.P. | 26 Aug 1950
134:498 |  |
Booker, Joseph
Booker, Josephine Patterson | Robert Booker
Luther Towsend | Selvin Patterson
Allen York | Chestly Whitt, Jr. | 17 Aug 1963
179:178 |  |
Booker, Josephine Patterson
Booker, Joseph | Robert Booker
Luther Towsend | Selvin Patterson
Allen York | Chestly Whitt, Jr. | 17 Aug 1963
179:178 |  |
Booker, Ronald Edward
Bledsoe, Charlotte Ann | Vernon Elvin Booker, Sr.
Margery Deloris Miller | Frederick Ottis Bledsoe, Jr.
Thelma Adele Knipstein | Donald J. Muldoon | 27 Jan 1962
173:402 |  |
Booker, Sole Coleman
Wilson, Mary Lou | Allen Booker
Nellie Bell Booker | John Wilson
Vassie Lee Thompson | Samuel C. Jones, J.P. | 7 Apr 1951
137:285 |  |
Booker, Sole Coleman
Turner, Alice Jean | Allie Booker
Nellie Bell Booker | John McNeal
Collona Faye Turner | P. H. Love | 19 Sep 1953
147:286 |  |
Booker, Vernon Elvin, Jr.
Dennis, Marilyn Kay | Vernon E. Booker, Sr.
Marjorie Deloris Miller | Claude F. Dennis
Mary C. Mix | Rev. James E. Hayes | 25 Jul 1964
182:500 |  |
Bookmyer, Frank Ronald
Alspaugh, Rita Mae | Frank Raymond Bookmyer
Irma Mae Horne | Silas Floyd Alspaugh
Alice Catherine Piepenbrink | Rev. Edward Keener | 27 Oct 1956
157:363 |  |
Bookmyer, Mary Elizabeth
Centlivre, Bernard A. | Louis Alphonse Centlivre
Mary Elizabeth Wobler | Frank R. Bookmyer
Irma Horn | Very Rev. Msgr. Charles F. Girardot | 26 Nov 1960
169:565 |  |
Bookout, Guy Eldon
Bucher, Carole Joan | Arthur Bookout
Juanita Weaver | Joseph Frank Bucher
Nora Hazel Doan | Rev. E. E. Petznik | 30 Nov 1957
160:369 |  |
Bookout, Janet Eloise
Bradtmueller, Karl Julius, Jr. |
| Arthur Bookout
Juanita Weaver | Rev. Paul L. Dannefeldt | 5 Sep 1954
150:461 |  |
Bookout, Mary Jocelyn
Hosack, Richard David | Richard Louis Hosack
Iva Elizabeth Ulrich | Melvin Leonard Bookout
Caroline Lucinda Smith | John M. Kirkpatrick | 1 Jul 1961
171:440 |  |
Books, Alice Marie
Highlen, Dick Eugene | Lee R. Highlen
Mabel Ester Highlen | Ray Albert Books
Ruth Ann Evans | Rev. Ernest Lewellen | 17 Dec 1950
136:109 |  |
Books, Janice
Smith, Ronald Eugene | Kenneth Sanford Smith
Elouise Mary Linn Smith | Robert Terrill Books
Marjorie Jeanette Foreman Redd | Pastor G. E. Wick | 20 Aug 1955
153:598 |  |
Books, Janice
Donahey, Donald Edward | Herman William Donahey
Rachel Jean Walls | Robert Books
Marjorie Jenette Redd | Rev. Richard D. Wolfe | 2 Mar 1957
158:268 |  |
Books, John Edward
Cattin, Dorothy Evelyn | Ray Albert Books
Ruth Ann Evans | Paul Robert Cattin, Sr.
Dorothy Viola Angel | William J. Ratz | 31 Dec 1953
148:284 |  |
Books, Paul
Koch, Betty Jane | Roy Books
Ruth Evans | Rondo Sylvania Henry
Ruth Ida Weddle | Rev. Ernest Lewellen | 14 May 1950
133:137 |  |
Books, Ray
Noyer, Bertha B. | George W. Books
Rebecca Priest | Henry P. Riekling
Agnes Rebecca Mallo | Rev. Orlan Golden | 19 Oct 1946
118:288 |  |
Boomer, Barbara Jean
Raymond, Duane Kay | Cleveland Raymond
Mary Watkins | Donald Jerome Boomer
Wilma Mary Kurtz | Emery E. Stults | 4 Jun 1949
130:17 |  |
Boomershine, Guy
Rowbotham, Nellie Geneva | Burt Boomershine
Nellie Swan Boomershine | Roy Lobdell
Jessie Conklin | Emery E. Stults | 16 Sep 1946
117:580 |  |
Boomershine, Paul Edward
Grabner, Deloris Lucille | Floyd Arnold Boomershine
Thelma Marie Kelley | Orville Russel Grabner
Mildred Marie Leonard | Charles A. Byrt, Minister | 12 Oct 1944
109:505 |  |
Boon, Burton G.
DeLaGrange, Ethel A. | Martin S. Boon
Fanny Waston | Frank J. DeLaGrange
Anna Leonard | Msgr. John A. Dapp | 25 Oct 1947
123:433 |  |
Boon, Lynn Samuel
Firks, Beverly Ann | Burton G. Boon
Lucille Mary Sorg | Charles William Firks
Beulah Marie Firestine | Rev. Donald J. Muldoon | 21 May 1955
152:597 |  |
Boone, Barbara Lee
Short, Perry Kay | Perry Banks Short
Helen Mildred Schulthies | Vane C. Boone
Mary Areta Deam | Rev. Robert Faust Sheaffer | 21 Jul 1945
112:142 |  |
Boone, Betty
Meyer, Omer Jean | Omer John Meyer
Helen C. Krabach Meyer | Vane C. Boone
Areta Dean Boone | Dr. George Wm. Allison | 3 Nov 1945
113:191 |  |
Boone, Claude
Keller, Donna Bell | Samuel Boone
Julia Webb | Glenn Keller
Savilla Herendeen | Emery E. Stults, J.P. | 22 Apr 1950
133:20 |  |
Boone, Clive Hans
Skinner, Joan Ruth | Ora Earl Boone
Lillian Lavra Lida Hans | Perry Edward Skinner
Louise Marie Steiss | Walter M. Schoedel | 26 Apr 1964
181:475 |  |
Boone, Joseph
Watkins, Vivian Louise | Teague Boone
Alice Sawson | Lorenzo R. Watkins
Catherine Virginia Williams | Luther Patrick | 23 May 1960
168:77 |  |
Boone, Joseph Edward
Surface, Kay Louise | Joseph Raphael Boone
Marie Angela Schutte | Conn Edwin Surface
Adelyne Winifred Ragan | Charles F. Gerardot | 8 Apr 1961
170:420 |  |
Boone, Joseph William
Peck, Wilma Jenetta | Joseph H. Boone
Myrtle Mae Staples | Chester Lee Peck
Martha Jenetta Fender | P. A. Lyons, Sr., J.P. | 8 Feb 1954
148:496 |  |
Boone, Leona
Terry, Eugene | Sid Terry
Annie August Terry | George Boone
Alice Boone | Carl C. Bullerman | 10 Jun 1960
168:66 |  |
Boone, Martha Amanda
Dirmeyer, Robert Otto |
| The Ven. J. McNeal Wheatley | 29 Nov 1945
114:109 |  |
Boone, Martha Camilla
Haneline, Wilbur Dale | Burnice Haneline
Janetta Pearl Beghtel | Geo. Frank Barnes
Edna Drew Tharp | Frank Lansing | 2 Jul 1960
168:361 |  |
Boone, Richard Donald
Laudodio, Rafilda Rita | George Wm. Boone
Stella Marie McGary | Pagquale Laudodio
Teresa Ferrogamo | Msgr. John A. Dapp | 17 May 1951
137:520 |  |
Boone, Robert Joseph
Stonebraker, Patricia Ann | Edwin E. Boone
Kathryn Elisabeth McCollum | Otis Montel Stonebraker
Lona Louise Conard | Frank J. Celarek, J P | 13 Apr 1956
155:284 |  |
Boone, William George
Snyder, Betty Jane | George William Boone
Stella Marie McGary | Frederick Snyder
Louise Laurent | V. Rev. Msgr. John A. Bapst | 14 Jul 1945
112:85 |  |
Boop, Virgil Alva
Bellinger, Mable Marciele | Alva Boop
Hazel Edna Boop | Gaylord Bellinger
Zetta Blankerd Bellinger Howe | William W. Moberly, J.P. | 5 Apr 1943
105:16 |  |
Boore, Beulah M.
Stirk, Roy J. | Samuel W. Stirk
Mary J. Stirk | George W. Straw
Laura E. Stauffer | Rev. Carl O. Wirey | 27 Sep 1957
160:66 |  |
Boose, Dean Robert
Bentley, Nancy Mae | Forrest Hamilton Boose
Frances Eleanor Flowers | Lyle Lindsey Bentley
Dorothy Esther Mauck | E. Stanley McKee | 17 Jul 1954
150:194 |  |
Booth, Alvin Carl
McKnight, Opal Frances | Percy Booth
Edith Lockart | Thomas McKnight
Opal Freda Quellin | Samuel C. Jones, J.P. | 14 Dec 1951
140:411 |  |
Booth, Barbara Ann
Sorg, Larry William | William A. Sorg
Esther G. Treuchet | Roland Eugene Booth
Clara Marie Holmes | Rev. D. L. Monahan | 18 Sep 1954
151:7 |  |
Booth, Blanche A.
Bell, David W. | John W. Bell
Rose E. Dudley | Frederick Scott
Elizabeth Scott Murray | Emery E. Stults, J.P. | 25 Feb 1949
129:105 |  |
Booth, Carol Jean
Butler, John Manford | Ralph Wilmer Butler
Mary Mae Stiner | William Lee Pugh
Mary Ann Whitticar | The Rev. William L. Pifer | 22 Jan 1956
155:177 |  |
Booth, Charles Curtis C.
Finkbeiner, Maxine Lucille | John Martin Booth
Leafa Ardell Fisher | Samuel Justice Finkbeiner
Hazel Justice Ramp | George B. Wood, Rector | 22 Sep 1951
139:433 |  |
Booth, Clara Marie
Gill, Ernest William | Nathan Decker Gill
Florence Belle Travis | Richard Thomas Holmes
Carrie Weller | Rev. Walter Klausing | 23 Sep 1950
135:133 |  |
Booth, Hazel Lambert
Clark, Oscar Leslie | William Sherman Clark
Blanche Bradford | Eli Cloyde Lambert
Annie Coffee Lambert | John B. Bozer, J.P. | 4 Feb 1953
145:64 |  |
Booth, Jennie Theresa
Duffield, Irving, Jr. | Irving Duffield
Florence Wilmar | Jasper Booth
Katherine Stout | Smith, Charles H. | 25 Sep 1944
109:433 |  |
Booth, Joe Glen
Weimer, Wanda Irene | Raymond Booth
Jessie R. Booth | Leland Edgar Weimer
Martha Glanda Stambaugh | Rev. A. E. Kemp, D.D. | 10 Jan 1953
144:536 |  |
Booth, Larry Dean
McCullough, Judith Kay | Earl William Booth, Jr.
Wanda Elizabeth Maitlen | Willis Eugene McCullough
Minnie Brubaker | E. Clayton Gooden | 23 Sep 1961
172:380 |  |
Booth, Mary Margaret
Durbin, James Albert | James Lloyd Durbin
Ola Rainsberg | Samuel William Booth
Mary Richards | Rev. P. L. Mast | 4 Aug 1952
143:62 |  |
Booth, Nancy Ann
Allen, William Henry | Ernest Allen
Mary Bell Postelwait Allen | George Washington Timus
Mary Name | Emery E. Stults, J.P. | 10 Dec 1954
151:485 |  |
Booth, Sandra Kay
Wise, Raymond Fredrick | Fred Fairbanks Wise
Daisy Bell Oliver | John Edward Booth
Stella Mae Vess | Irene E. Swihart | 24 Jan 1964
181:4 |  |
Booth, Sharol Ann
Brubaker, Ronald Martin | Ronald Leroy Brubaker
Dorothy Jane Walbert | Earl William Booth, Jr.
Wanda Elizabeth Maitlen | E. Clayton Gooden | 11 Mar 1961
170:358 |  |
Booth, Wanda Irene Weimer
Oliver, Maurice Wesley | Hanley Beverly Oliver
Selah Mae Smoyer | Leland Edgar Weimer
Martha Celanda Stambaugh | Rev. Edwin A Nerger | 11 Aug 1956
156:557 |  |
Booth, Willis James
Stewart, Rose Marie | Stanley A. Booth
Gertude E. Booth | Patrick Francis Brannigan
Norah Josephine Ford | Emery E. Stults, J.P. | 9 Aug 1951
139:71 |  |
Boothby, Darrell Allen
Young, Kathleen Sue | Charles Glenn Boothby
Jerry Ferra Saunders | Richard John Charles Young
Aileen Christina Hendorf | Edward W. Roswog | 5 Sep 1969
205:25 |  |
Boothby, Eugene
Lobdell, Carrie May | William B. F. Boothby
Isabelle Emery | Wallace Lobdell
Leota B. Miller | Rev. K. A. Hawkins | 13 May 1951
137:488 |  |
Boothe, Edna Isebell
Harth, Herbert William | David C. Harth
Ava Lora Browning | Clay Pincard Boothe
Mary Edna Young | Emery E. Stults, J.P. | 6 Feb 1953
145:78 |  |
Boothe, Robert T.
Damron, Ada L. | Taplie Boothe
Dowie Byrd Boothe | Murry L. Cooper
Ivie P. Hudgins | |
133:35 |  |
Boothley, Earl
Ceci, Rita | Charles Boothley
Orpha Fisher Boothley | Pasquale Ceci
Vincenza Galiera | Msgr. John A. Dapp | 31 Oct 1947
123:479 |  |
Booze, Maude Dorothy
Hedges, Edgar Everett | Frank D. Hedges
Caroline Donovan | Milton D. Buckles
Emma Gilbert | Emery E. Stults, J.P. | 1 Apr 1952
141:368 |  |