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Plat Map Index, 1860, Allen County, Indiana

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Ackle, W.Eel River4
Ackle, W.Eel River5
Ackley, L. R.Eel River8
Adaar, A.Madison30
Adair, A.Madison31
Adair, J.Madison34
Adair, Wm.Madison31
Adams, J.Jefferson17
Adams, J.Jefferson18
Adams, JeromeJefferson7
Adams, JesseJefferson7
Adams, S.Adams34
Agster, G. heirsAboite15
Ahinger, F.Jefferson4
Ahinger, P.Jefferson8
Ahrens, H.Adams33
Aikes, C.St. Joseph29
Aikes, E.Pleasant13
Akers, Jno.Lafayette20
Albaugh, E.Marion25
Aldeman, W.Milan4
Alduse, J.Madison2
Allen, H.Cedar Creek25
Allen, H.Cedar Creek26
Allen, H.Cedar Creek34
Allen, H.Maumee19
Allen, H.Scipio21
Allen, H.Scipio33
Allen, H.St. Joseph11
Allen, L.St. Joseph23
Allen, L. M.Jefferson27
Allen, LymanSt. Joseph14
Allen, LymanSt. Joseph23
Allen, T.Scipio5
Almeman, H.Marion10
Alswed, J.Adams35
Alswedd, F.Adams25
Amstuts, P.Springfield18
Amstuts, P.Springfield19
Anderson, A.Madison3
Anderson, C.Perry13
Anderson, H.Monroe31
Anderson, J.Monroe31
Anderson, Jno.Lake35
Anderson, P. P.Washington5
Anderson, P. P.Washington6
Anderson, R.Springfield33
Anderson, T. P.Eel River24
Anderson, Wm.Eel River25
Andrews, MaryPerry7
Andrews, S.Eel River2
Andrews, S.Eel River3
Andrews, T. M.Eel River3
Antrup, H. E.St. Joseph9
Antrup, H. E.St. Joseph16
Antrup, S. M.St. Joseph8
Antrup, S. M.St. Joseph9
Applegate, H.Maumee10
Arbine, C.Lake28
Arbine, C.Lake29
Arbine, J.Washington2
Arbine, J. Jr.Eel River36
Arbine, Jno.Washington13
Arbine, N.Eel River36
Arbine, N.Washington2
Archer, D. S.Washington3
Archer, F. S.Washington35
Archer, JohnWashington11
Archer, Wm.Washington28
Archer, Wm.Washington29
Argo, W.Monroe9
Armitage, Wm.Jefferson27
Armstrong, R.Eel River30
Arnold, E.Eel River27
Arnold, E.Eel River34
Arnold, F.Madison32
Arnold, J.Eel River35
Arnold, J.Eel River36
Asberry, A.Aboite28
Ash, DavidPerry36
Ashburn, M.Madison19
Ashendorf, O. N.Wayne33
Ashley, D. E.Maumee18
Ashley, E. D.St. Joseph24
Ashley, G. H.Maumee11
Ashley, J.Maumee2
Ashley, J.Maumee11
Ashley, J.Washington5
Ashley, Z.St. Joseph24
Ashton, A.Maumee5
Astay, I.Springfield17
Astry, J.Springfield19
Atkin, R.Jefferson31
Atkins, J.Milan10
Aubery, J.Perry23
Auer, E.Jackson22
Auman, WilliamMadison20
Austin, A.Adams11
Ayres, D.Cedar Creek7
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