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ACGSI Funeral Card Collection

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To contribute funeral cards to this collection, please email scanned images to the ACGSI webmaster at We are primarily interested in funeral cards from Allen County and surrounding counties, but we will add funeral cards from other areas to the collection as time permits. You may also submit funeral cards by mail:

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P.O. Box 12003
Fort Wayne, IN 46862

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Name                    Death
Peachy, Marion Jean Sawyer2024Hite, KendallvilleLake View Cem., KendallvillePastor Jared OlivettiLink to document image
Peachy, Willis Bill2013Hite, KendallvilleLake View Cem., KendallvillePastor Jared OlivettiLink to document image
Peaks, Lucy Marie2023Northern Indiana Funeral CareCovingtonPastors David Trimble and Dennis Burks, First Baptist ChurchLink to document image
Pearman, Robert L.2015D. O. McComb & SonsCovingtonLink to document image
Pearsall, Janice L.1993Brazzell, Albion & AvillaChristian Chapel Cem., MerriamWilliam Farmer, Trinity United Methodist Church, AlbionLink to document image
Pearsall, John W.1997Brazzell, Albion & AvillaChristian Chapel Cem., MerriamRev. Paul Wohlford, Trinity United Methodist ChurchLink to document image
Pearson, Andrew S. Drew2008D. O. McComb & SonsRiverviewRev. Rick Hawks, Blackhawk MinistriesLink to document image
Pearson, Antron Lamar, Sr.2011ConcordiaBishop Jerry M. Carter, Kings Chapel AssemblyLink to document image
Pearson, Arneater Robbins1982EllisCovingtonRev. David R. Bedenbaugh, Turner Chapel AMELink to document image
Pearson, Charles Thomas, Sr.2005Rev. Sam Shade, Jr., Pilgrim Baptist ChurchLink to document image
Pearson, Donald R.2014Glancy Funeral HomesGardens of Memory, MarionPastor Kathy Newton, Solid Rock United Methodist ChurchLink to document image
Pearson, Edith R.1975CovingtonPastor Wendell Holmes Abel, Turner Chapel AMELink to document image
Pearson, Huey Lawrence, Sr.2007Hockemeyer & MillerI.O.O.F., New HavenRev. Dr. Archie L. Criglar, Sr., Turner Chapel AMELink to document image
Pearson, James M., Pastor2012D. O. McComb & SonsRiverviewPastor Rick Hawks, Pastor Kelly Byrd, The ChapelLink to document image
Pearson, Michael Chris2012D. O. McComb & SonsCovingtonRev. Kenneth StirrattLink to document image
Pearson, Sandra2009EllisLindenwoodSupt. Lester Bush, Jr., Dupree Memorial COGICLink to document image
Pearson, Willie B.1982MicheauxLindenwoodRev. BendenbaughLink to document image
Pease, Arden L.2010D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Pease, Catherine S.2010D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Peconge, Paul Grumpy, Sr.2012D. O. McComb & SonsHighland ParkPastor Larry White, Rev. James Archambeault, Joshua PecongeLink to document image
Peden, Cloyce S.1977Link to document image
Pedersen, Wanda J.2014D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Peffley, Justin William2011D. O. McComb & SonsCovingtonPastor Scott MillsLink to document image
Pehlke, Fred W., Jr.1965Ulrey-Sedgwick, LigonierOak Park Cem., LigonierRev. Timothy Tims, Trinity Lutheran Church, LigonierLink to document image
Peil, Rose Elizabeth1959Catholic Diocese of Fort WayneLink to document image
Peil, William, Fr.2013D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Peirce, Catherine D.2015D. O. McComb & SonsConcordiaRev. Ray HarrisonLink to document image
Pelfrey, Mark A.2021Hite, KendallvilleSweet Cem., AlbionPastor Quint ZimmemanLink to document image
Pelfrey, Walter2020Hite, KendallvillePastor Austin GillilandLink to document image
Pelino, Lena Manganiello2010D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Pelis, Elizabeth Ann2016Northern Indiana Funeral CareFalls Cem., WabashPastor Jim Teasdale, Martini Lutheran ChurchLink to document image
Pelkington, Robert V., Sr.2016D. O. McComb & SonsHighland ParkFr. Jake Runyon, St. Jude Catholic ChurchLink to document image
Pelkington, Robert V., Sr.2016D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Pellegrene, Pamela Heinecke2014D. O. McComb & SonsHighland ParkRev. Craig Duke, Good Shepherd United Methodist ChurchLink to document image
Pelletier, Jim2008D. O. McComb & SonsGreenlawnFr. Emery LongangaLink to document image
Pelter, Mary B.2016D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Pelz, Albert William, Sr.2018CovingtonLink to document image
Pelz, Claudia Ruth2017CovingtonWoodlawn Cem., Ohio City, OhioPastor Tim FranklinLink to document image
Pelz, Douglas S.2016D. O. McComb & SonsDr. John Blair, Coventry Baptist ChurchLink to document image
Pelz, Edward C., Jr.2013D. O. McComb & SonsLeoRev. David Pelz, Promise Lutheran ChurchLink to document image
Pelz, Raymond Charles2019CovingtonCovingtonPastor Tim Miller, Pastor Terry HabeggerLink to document image
Pemberton, Jean M.2015D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Pena, Virgilio Virgil2013D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Pena, Virgilio Virgil2013D. O. McComb & SonsFr. Phillip A. Widmann, St. Peter Catholic ChurchLink to document image
Pence, Bonnie A.2005Elzey-Patterson-RodakGreenlawnLink to document image
Pence, DeLores Dee2011D. O. McComb & SonsHighland ParkLink to document image
Pence, Glenda J.2018Laird-EddyPark Lawn Cem., Amboy, Ind.Pastor Dwight ElliottLink to document image
Pence, Wade D.1975D. O. McComb & SonsCovingtonRev. Donald McCordLink to document image
Pendleton, Mary M.2008Elzey Patterson RodakGreenlawnLink to document image
Penkul, Alexandrea1980Link to document image
Pennington, Lucille, Lady2010CarmichaelCovingtonSuff. Bishop Elbert C. Haywood, Greater Christ Temple ChurchLink to document image
Penny, Gladys Staley1969Link to document image
Penrod, Donna Jean2018Northern Indiana Funeral CareMarion National Cem., MarionPastor Barry Faucett, New Hope Wesleyan Ch., Columbia CityLink to document image
Penrod, Ralph Eugene2022Northern Indiana Funeral CareFairview Cem., North ManchesterPastor Rob Cover, Lakeland Grace Brethren Church, WarsawLink to document image
Pentz, Adolph M., Jr.1983D. O. McComb & SonsLindenwoodLink to document image
Pentz, Adolph M., Jr.1983D. O. McComb & SonsLindenwoodRev. Wayne BrassLink to document image
Pentz, Edith A.1981D. O. McComb & SonsLindenwoodRev. Wayne BrassLink to document image
Pentz, Edith A.1981D. O. McComb & SonsLindenwoodLink to document image
Pentz, Marguerite1980D. O. McComb & SonsLindenwoodRev. Wayne BrassLink to document image
Penzone, Carmen C.1971Link to document image
Penzone, Lena M.2003D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Pepe, Mary Alice1993D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Pepe, Patricia2013D. O. McComb & SonsI.O.O.F., New HavenRev. Richard Hartman, Epiphany Lutheran ChurchLink to document image
Pepe, Sidney Sid2011D. O. McComb & SonsLeoRev. Nate Schumacher, Rev. Bryce WintereggLink to document image
Pepple, James W.1991D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Pepple, Jo Ellen2013D. O. McComb & SonsRiverviewPastor Jeffrey CoppLink to document image
Pepple, Julie Ann2011D. O. McComb & SonsGreenwood Cem., Lagrange, Ind.Rev. David Binkley, Max Wanner, Harvester Av. Missionary Ch.Link to document image
Pepple, Kimberly D. Kim2009D. O. McComb & SonsFairviewPastor Jeffrey CoppLink to document image
Pepple, Paul Lee1962Sonday & Sheets, ChurubuscoFairview Cem.Rev. Buryl Hoover, Pleasant Hill Church of the BrethrenLink to document image
Peppler, John1996C. M. Sloan & SonsLindenwoodDr. Gary ForbesLink to document image
Pequignot, C. John2016D. O. McComb & SonsGreenlawnPastor Henry GrafLink to document image
Pequignot, Eugene C.1986Link to document image
Pequignot, Joanne2012D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Pequignot, Lynn E.2011D. O. McComb & SonsHighland ParkMsgr. John M. Kuzmich, St. Vincent dePaul Catholic ChurchLink to document image
Pequignot, Patricia R.2016D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Pequignot, Ronald D. Pic2011Klaehn, Fahl & MeltonPastor Bob Bruckner, St. Michael Lutheran ChurchLink to document image
Pequignot, William K.2012D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Percy, Phillip C.2013Northern Indiana Funeral CareFremont Cem., Fremont, Ind.Pastor Jon BruneyLink to document image
Perez, Beverly2013D. O. McComb & SonsJehovah Witness Spanish CongregationLink to document image
Perez, Joe L.2011D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Perez, Jose2012Mungovan & SonsLink to document image
Perez, Joseph2014Northern Indiana Funeral CareMarion National Cem., MarionChaplain Mike WakelandLink to document image
Perez, Margaret T.2011Mungovan & SonsLink to document image
Perkins, Edwin B., Jr.2019Hite, KendallvilleRev. Dr. Dan BarkerLink to document image
Perkins, Floyd C.1967Moss Chapel, Dunedin, Fla.Sylvan Abbey Mem. Park Cem., Pinellas Co., Fla.Rev. M. A. Seiver, Berea Baptist Church, Palm Harbor, Fla.Link to document image
Perkins, Franklin M.2012D. O. McComb & SonsPrairie GroveRev. David AltmanLink to document image
Perkins, Izabella Grace2012D. O. McComb & SonsI.O.O.F., New HavenPastor Andy WeilLink to document image
Perkins, James C.2012D. O. McComb & SonsGreenlawnFr. Jacob MeyerLink to document image
Perkins, Janice Lynn2009D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Perkins, Mark J.2013Northern Indiana Funeral CarePastor Keith Koteskey, Avalon Missionary ChurchLink to document image
Perkins, Opal Lovett1991Klaehn, Fahl & MeltonWright Cem., Steuben Co.Rev. Richard KilgoreLink to document image
Perkins, Robert David2011D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Perkins, Robert David2011D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Perkins, Timothy D.2011D. O. McComb & SonsPrairie GroveRev. David AltmanLink to document image
Perlini, Patricia Eva2013D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Pernell, Zaniya Gabriella Monaee2014D. O. McComb & SonsLindenwoodLink to document image
Perrey, Helen L.2008Klaehn, Fahl & MeltonLink to document image
Perrey, Helen L.2008Klaehn, Fahl & MeltonCatholicFr. Daryl RybickiLink to document image
Perriguey, Gerald J.1974Link to document image
Perriguey, Margaret1942Link to document image
Perrin, Marie A.1986D. O. McComb & SonsLindenwoodRev. David D. Young, Plymouth Congregational ChurchLink to document image
Perrine, Patricia J.2013D. O. McComb & SonsLindenwoodRev. Michael HammLink to document image
Perry, Alberta Johnson2004EllisLink to document image
Perry, Antoine Joseph2016CovingtonCovingtonLink to document image
Perry, Crystal Jean1996EllisCovingtonRev. Sam Shade, Jr., Pilgrim Baptist ChurchLink to document image
Perry, Enoch, Jr.2006EllisConcordiaPastor Bill McGill, Imani Baptist TempleLink to document image
Perry, Ephraim1913Link to document image
Perry, Jada L.1972Bonham, Miser & Brazzell, AlbionOrange Cem., Rome CityRev. C. Donald Richter, St. Mark's Lutheran Church, AlbionLink to document image
Perry, Jean Eloise1998PickettCovingtonRev. Clyde Adams, Union Baptist ChurchLink to document image
Perry, Jessie D., Elder1978MicheauxLindenwoodRev. John T. Dupree, Hayden St. COGICLink to document image
Perry, Joanna M.1990Ulrey-Renner, LigonierOak Park Cem., LigonierRev. Lawrence ByrnesLink to document image
Perry, John Albert2002CarmichaelCovingtonRev. Starks, Greater Mt. Ararat Baptist ChurchLink to document image
Perry, Lois E. Paxton2008King, Mentone, Ind.Mentone Cem., Mentone, Ind.Rev. Robert JarboeLink to document image
Perry, Marjorie L. Rankin2014D. O. McComb & SonsLindenwoodPastor Jeff LehnLink to document image
Perry, Mason Paul2013Beams Funeral Home, FremontRev. Randall SchroederLink to document image
Perry, Roland A.1976Link to document image
Perry, Ruth H. Taylor2001MicheauxCovingtonPastor William Gary, Turner Chapel AMELink to document image
Perry, Victoria2000D. O. McComb & SonsCatholicQueen of Angels Catholic ChurchLink to document image
Perry-Cook, Devonnaya Renee Hope2013D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Persing, Peggy C. Perry2015D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Pesenecker, Michael D.2012D. O. McComb & SonsRev. Mike Harris, Calvary Baptist ChurchLink to document image
Peterink, Gloria Ann2023Link to document image
Peterink, Paul J.1999D. O. McComb & SonsSt. Peter Catholic ChurchLink to document image
Peterink, Rose Mary I.2015D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Peters, Betty M. Kocher2016D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Peters, Charles Chuck Connelly2009D. O. McComb & SonsHamilton Cem., Hamilton, Ind.Link to document image
Peters, David William2023Hockemeyer & MillerHamilton Cem., Hamilton, Ind.Link to document image
Peters, Dolores M.2015D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Peters, Eugene M. Pete1985Thoma-Rich, BlufftonElm Grove Cem., BlufftonRev. Daniel SteinerLink to document image
Peters, Margaret M.2011D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Peters, Phyllis Ann2014D. O. McComb & SonsRiverviewRev. Nancy WattaLink to document image
Peters, Robert W.1994E. Harper & SonConcordiaRev. Herbert M. Gerken, Martini Lutheran ChurchLink to document image
Peters, Thomas William2021Hite, KendallvilleSt. Marys Catholic Cem., AvillaFr. Daniel Chukwuleta, St. Mary's Catholic Church, AvillaLink to document image
Petersen, Imogene Jeannie2018Hite, KendallvilleOrange Cem., Rome CityPastor Shawn Shepherd, Bethel Baptist ChurchLink to document image
Peterson, Charles Pete2009D. O. McComb & SonsCovingtonRev. J. BrownLink to document image
Peterson, Dave R.2019FairHavenSt. Peters LutheranSt. Peters LutheranLink to document image
Peterson, David Reed2019Rev. Steve Ahlersmeyer, St. Peters Lutheran ChurchLink to document image
Peterson, Jane E.1983Cutler Funeral HomeSt. Joseph Mem. Park Cem., South BendRev. David Schrader, Door Village, United Methodist ChurchLink to document image
Peterson, Jane E.1983St. Joseph Valley Mem. Cem., South Bend, Ind.Door Village United Methodist ChurchLink to document image
Peterson, Julia May Berkheiser2023FairHavenSt. Peter LutheranLink to document image
Peterson, Kathleen Sue2015D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Peterson, Mary Stridde2009D. O. McComb & SonsDr. Derek Weber, Aldersgate United Methodist ChurchLink to document image
Peterson, Norma Eleanor Shipley2019Rev. Dr. Kathleen Haller, Trinity English Lutheran ChurchLink to document image
Peterson, Norma Elenor2019CovingtonCovingtonRev. Dr. Kathleen HallerLink to document image
Peterson, Norman2001Feller Funeral Home, Waterloo, Ind.Sipio Cem., Hicksville, OhioRev. William KasterLink to document image
Peterson, Otha Douglas1989MicheauxRev. P. H. Love, Friendship Baptist ChurchLink to document image
Peterson, Sally K.2015D. O. McComb & SonsRiverviewRev. David MitchellLink to document image
Peterson, William R.1989KlaehnHighland ParkRev. Craig AmlinLink to document image
Peterson, Wilma Lee1987MicheauxRev. P. H. Love, Friendship Baptist ChurchLink to document image
Petit, Dorothy M.1996Klaehn, Fahl & MeltonLink to document image
Petit, Vincent Andrew2016D. O. McComb & SonsCatholicFr. Joseph GaughanLink to document image
Petrie, Altimorie Eugene2002EllisLink to document image
Petrie, Gladys1986MicheauxLindenwoodElder John T. Dupree, Hayden St. COGICLink to document image
Petro, Harriet G.2014D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Petro, Louis G.2011D. O. McComb & SonsCovingtonFr. Paul BebisLink to document image
Petro, Louis G.2011D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image
Petry, Grace1985Williamson & Spencer, PortlandSalamonia Cem., Salamonia, Ind.Rev. Francis Bock, Ft. Recovery United Church of ChristLink to document image
Pettit, Gerald Phillip2024Northern Indiana Funeral CarePastor Jay Scott, Empower Church, HicksvilleLink to document image
Petty, Marie A.2011D. O. McComb & SonsLink to document image

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