Funeral Home Records, Allen Co., Indiana
We present this complilation of funeral record indexes as a research tool and not as a substitute for primary source records. Be wary, for errors lurk here.
O'Keefe, Catherine widow | | 4 Oct 1890 165 Gay St. | 72y Ireland | Catholic
| Peltier | O'Keefe, Catherine married | | 8 Apr 1921
| 63y 3m 14d
| Plymouth
| Mungovan & Sons | O'Keefe, Mary E. single | | 5 Sep 1890 165 Gay St. | 44y Ohio | Catholic
| Peltier | O'Keley, Flora | John Wesley Dague; Blanch Lyon | 13 Aug 1955 Parkview | 46y
| Maplewood Cem., Decatur, IN
| Tom Mungovan