Funeral Home Records, Allen Co., Indiana
We present this complilation of funeral record indexes as a research tool and not as a substitute for primary source records. Be wary, for errors lurk here.
Gnau, Elizabeth wid-Peter | Henry Lauer; Philomene Koch | 18 Sep 1959
| 6 Dec 1872 Fort Wayne | Catholic
| Mungovan & Sons | Gnau, John | | 17 Nov 1939
| 84y 2m 21d
| Catholic
| Mungovan & Sons | Gnau, Joseph C. m-Maude | Peter Gnau; Mary Faux | 26 Jul 1952
| 9 Jul 1888 Fort Wayne | Catholic
| Mungovan & Sons | Gnau, Mary married | | 21 Aug 1895 13 Force St. | 32y Fort Wayne | Catholic
| Peltier | Gnau, Maude wid-Joseph C. | Wm. Brown | 12 Oct 1961
| 20 Jun 1882 Wabash Co. | LIndenwood
| Mungovan & Sons | Gnau, Peter m-Mary Elizabeth | Conrad Gnau-Germany | 21 Jul 1942
| 78y 10m 13d Germany | Catholic
| Mungovan & Sons | Gnau, Regina Margaret | | 14 Oct 1946
| 82y 7m 27d
| Catholic
| Mungovan & Sons | Gnau,John A. | Peter Gnau; Margaret Lauer | 29 Jul 1970 Parkview Hosp. | 69y 4m 8d Fort Wayne | Catholic
| Tom Mungovan