Funeral Home Records, Allen Co., Indiana
We present this complilation of funeral record indexes as a research tool and not as a substitute for primary source records. Be wary, for errors lurk here.
Eubank, Morris E. married | Jesse Eubank; Sarah | 24 May 1973
| 16 Apr 1915 Fort Wayne | Lindenwood
| Sloan | Eubank, Sarah H. | Elizas Boyer-PA; Sophia Smith-PA | 29 Oct 1945
| 26 Jul 1870 Wells Co. | Redmeris Cem., Warren
| Sloan | Eugeman, Donald A. | | 15 Dec 1931
| 9y 22d
| Mungovan & Sons | Euglert, Mary Magdalene | | 10 Jan 1923 1014 E. Jefferson St. | 61y 7m 6d Fort Wayne | Lindenwood
| Peltier | Eulitt, [infant male] | Clyde W. Eulitt-Kendallville; France E. Kern-Bryan, OH | 2 May 1942
| Stillborn Fort Wayne | Oak Grove
| Klaehn | Eurick, [child] | Jame H. Eurick | 15 Jul 1919 1224 W. Main St. | 2 hrs. Fort Wayne | Adams Co., IN
Ray Cemetery | Peltier | Eux, Arthur married | August Eux-Allen Co.; Mamie Neadstem-Adams Co. | 8 Mar 1919
| 17 Jun 1884 Fort Wayne | Lindenwood
| Klaehn |