Divorce News and Records, Allen Co., Indiana
Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
- 01 Jan 1915 Judge Yaple granted a divorce to Elsie Snook from Ora Snook.
- 01 Jan 1915 The suit of Joshua C. Kinkel against Nina Kinkel has been sent to Adams county on a change of venue.
- 03 Jan 1915 In superior court, Laura E. Battenburg sues Jacob T. Battenburg for a decree of divorce. The couple were married September 4, 1911, and separated December 30, 1911. Failure to provide is the allegation.
- 05 Jan 1915 Judge Yaple yesterday granted a divorce to Mary Schmitz from her husband, Philip Schmitz. The wife's maiden name of Wybourn was restored.
- 05 Jan 1915 The divorce suit of Ella C. Bogash against Frank H. Bogash has been dismissed from circuit court.
- 05 Jan 1915 In the superior court Frank C. Worden has filed suit for divorce from his wife, Mary E. Worden. The couple were married December 2, 1912, and separated January 5, 1915. That the wife deserted her husband, filed suit against him for divorce, compelled him to pay the attorney fees, influenced him to take her back after suit was dismissed and then proved unfaithful are charges in the complaint.
- 05 Jan 1915 George Derrickson has filed a suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Anges Derrickson. The couple married in June, 1907, and separated in June, 1909. He says that his wife deserted him, left the city and wrote him a letter that she did not care for him and that she was engaged to marry another man.
- 05 Jan 1915 James C. Barnes has filed suit for divorce in superior court against Ola Barnes. The couple were married September 13, 1914, and separated October 3, 1914. The husband alleges that his wife spent her time visiting questionable places and that she committed adultery with other men whose name he does not know.
- 05 Jan 1915 Alleging abandonment, Fred J. Freese has asked for a divorce from his wife, Ollie L. Freese. The couple married in 1904 and separated in Dec. 1907.
- 07 Jan 1915 In the superior court Lavina W. McDougle has brought suit against he husband, William R. McDougle, for a decree of divorce. The couple were married May 9 and separated May 26. The wife alleges that her husband has filed to provide properly for her and that during their fifteen days of married life he gave her the diminutive sum of $2.75. He gave her no clothes, she says, and forced her to work out in order to make a living. The wife also says that her husband committed adultery with a "female whose name is unknown." A restraining order to prevent the defendant from drawing his wages at the Perfection Biscuit company was granted.
- 07 Jan 1915 Bernice Brown has filed suit for divorce from her husband, James Brown, alleging that the defendant was convicted of burglary and is now serving a term in Jeffersonville. She also wants the restoration of her maiden name, Ludy.
- 07 Jan 1915 Howard Byall was divorced from Matilda Byall in superior court yesterday.
- 07 Jan 1915 Pearl Fryer was cited to appear in superior court October 12 to answer contempt proceedings growning out of the divorce case filed by his wife, Daisy M. Fryer. He failed to appear, however, and Sheriff Gladieux was instructed to "bring the defendant forth-with. The sheriff learned that Fryer was in Kokomo and he left yesterday to bring him back.
- 08 Jan 1915 Judge Yaple in superior court yesterday afternoon granted a divorce to Ethel Fryer from her husband, Pearl A. Fryer, restored her maiden anem of Wilkinson and dismissed the contempt charges against the husband. Mr. Fryer was brougth back to Fort Wayne from Kokomo by Sheriff Gladleux. From the depot the two went directly to the court room, where the proceedings were held. Fryer has been ordered to appear in court last October, to answer to contempt proceedings, but he failed. Judge Yaple issued an order to Sheriff Gladieux to bring the defendant forthwith.
- 08 Jan 1915 Ethel Swihart was granted a divorce from Ernest Swihart and restored to her maiden name, Taylor.
- 08 Jan 1915 Alice Buffenbarger has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Henry Buffenbarger. The couple were married May 9, 1913, and separated November 1, 1914. The charge is cruel and inhuman treatment "which the plaintiff does not care to set out in the complaint."
- 09 Jan 1915 In the superior court, Elizabeth Langhrey has filed suit for divorce from William Langhrey. The couple were married Sept. 1, 1914, and separated Jan. 6, 1915. The wife charges the husband with begin an habitual drunkard and that he has failed to support her; that he cursed and swore at her and often came home intoxicated. The court issued an order restraining the husband from molesting his wife or even speaking to her on the street.
- 09 Jan 1915 Jessie Mott has filed suit in superior court for a divorce from George Mott, alleging curel and inhuman treatment.
- 09 Jan 1915 Dessie Shroll filed a suit in superior court for a divorce from Noah Shroll. The complaint was taken from the record by permission of Judge Yaple.
- 12 Jan 1015 Fearing that her husband may come back to Fort Wayne and attempt to share the home which the charitable people of Fort Wayne have provided for her, Mrs. Mary D. Griffin has filed a suit for divorce from Martin Griffin. The suit was filed in superior court. In her complaint, Mrs. Griffin alleges that she was married to Griffin in 1894 and that last June, after a night's dabauch, he deserted her, since which time he has not been heard from. Six children, ranging in age from two years to sixteen years, the wife asks the custody and the court is prayed to compel the husband to pay support money for the children. Griffin deserted his wife last summer and, unable to find enough work to keep the children in the home in which they were living when he left, Mrs. Griffin moved into a woodshed on Florence avenue, where charitable people found her one day with no food, fuel or clothes for the children. A home was provided for Mrs. Griffin at 1739 St. Mary's avenue and she was taken out of the Florence avenue shack.
- 13 Jan 1915 Florence Houk has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, Olonzo Houk, to whom she was married April 3, 1911, and from whom she separated August 16, 1914. Desertion and failure to provide are alleged. Custody of the child is asked.
- 13 Jan 1915 Zella B. Ritter has filed suit for divorce against her husband, Arthur H. Ritter. The couple were married Nov. 6, 1911, and separated Jan 2, 1912. Non-support is charged. The wife asked that her maiden name of Keller be restored.
- 14 Jan 1915 In the superior court. Lucious Converse has filed suit for divorce from his wife, Anna M. Converse, alleging that after he had suspicioned his wife of infidelity he went home unexpectedly one night - on the 6th. of January to be exact - and found her in his bed with another man. He says that he married his wife February 23, 1912, and lived with her until January 12, 1915, at which time, after she had confessed to adultery, he left her.
- 14 Jan 1915 Martha Dickover was divorced from William Dickover by Judge Yaple in superior court yesterday.
- 14 Jan 1915 The case of Clara Mann vs. Frank Mann has been dismissed from the superior court.
- 14 Jan 1915 Gertrude Reed has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, Earl Reed. The complaint alleges that the couple married June 18, 1914, and separated January 4, 1915. Failure to provide is the chief allegation. The wife also says that her husband has repeatedly cursed and swore at her and, unless restrained from visiting her home, she fears he wil carry out his threats to do her bodily harm. Judge Yaple issued the restraining order and the defendant is not permitted to visit her at 110 West Superior street.
- 15 Jan 1915 Charles Howard Estep has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Agnes Helen Estep, by whom he was deserted June 25, 1913. The complaint alleges that the wife took her children and went to Tyron, Pa., to live and that she refuses to come back to him.
- 16 Jan 1915 William Frederick has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from his wife, Etta Frederick, to whom he was married in September, 1902, and from whom he separated April 4, 1914. The plaintiff says that during their married life, his wife was anything but kind to him; that she cursed and struck him and associated with other men. After he became tired of this sort of treatment, he says, he went to a boarding house to live, but his wife came and made things so disagreeable that he was compelled to leave the place. He asks the custody of the child and a restraining order to prevent the wife from molesting him or interfering with him at the Corrugated paper works, where he is employed.
- 16 Jan 1915 Lena F. Edwards has filed suit for divorce against her husband, William E. Edwards, the complaint alleging abandonment. The couple were married November 29, 1909, and separated in March, 1914.
- 16 Jan 1915 In superior court, Mary A. Helicker has filed suit against William Helicker for divorce. The complaint alleges that the husband deserted her January 9.
- 17 Jan 1915 Fay Cohee was divorced from John Cohee by Judge Yaple in superior court and restored to her maiden name, Harter.
- 17 Jan 1915 In circuit court Cinderella Lauer has filed suit for divorce against her husband, Peter Lauer, the chief allegation being that when the husband found out the Mrs. Lauer was to become a mother, he became angey and threated her in a grossly cruel manner. The couple were married July 4, 1913, and separated January 10, 1915. The defendant is alleged to have spent a part of his money for drinks and of calling his wife vile and abusive names.
- 19 Jan 1915 Mary A. Wright has filed suit for divorce from her husband, William Wright, and she includes is the complaint a prayer for $2,500 alimony. She says she was married to her husband Janusry 27, 1881, and charges the husband with a long list of cruelties; that he drinks to excess and has heaped abuse upon her which has greatly affected he health. Once he threateded to stricke her with a chisel she say, and said that he would "fix her." if she attempted to apply for a divorce. A restraining order is asked to prevent him for molesting her at 1211 Rudisill aveune.
- 19 Jan 1915 In the superior court, Anna Meese has filed suit for divorce from her husband, Orrin Meese, to whom she was married in June, 1890, and from whom she separated March 17, 1911. The wife charges her husband with being a drunkard; that he beat and assualted her, called her vile names and refused to provide necessary clothing for her. Mrs. Meese says that because of her husband's neglect, she was compelled to go out and seek employment to live.
- 19 Jan 1915 James E. Kennedy has filed suit for divorce against Bertha Kennedy. The couple were married January 19, 1911, and separated January 16, 1915. Mr Kennedy says that his wife continually nagged him and accused him of associating with other persons.
- 19 Jan 1915 A suit has been filed in superior court by Cora B. Stumpf against Edward Stumpf for divorce. The couple married December 12, 1913, and separated Dec. 14, last year. Mrs. Stumpf says her husband charged her falsely with being an immoral woman and that she was untrue to him. She also says that her husband has possession of her property, which includes a diamond ring valued at $1,000. She also has an interest in a saloon which she thinks ought to be given to her. Once Stumpf drove his wife out of the house, she says, and threatened to sell her property, including the interest in the saloon. He also threatened to kill her, she alleges, and beat her up so badly that she was confined to her bed. Alimony in the sum of $2,000 is asked and a restraining order to prevent the husband from disposing of the property. She wants $10 a week for support, as she says he drove her from home without a cent.
- 19 Jan 1915 Clara Boedecker, who filed a suit some time ago in superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, William Boedecker, and then withdrew it upon the husband's promise to do better, has filed another suit. She says that she was compelled to leave her husband Jan. 16 because of his abuse; that he has called her vile names, and applied vile epithets to the children. She alleges that the husband was so jealous of her that he even kicked when she went to the door to meet collectors. Custody of the children and reasonable support money are asked.
- 19 Jan 1915 Frances Lash has filed suit for divorce from Golie Lash, alleging that once in a drunken rage, her threatened her with a revolver. She says she was forced to flee three miles to the home of a parent and that she has not gone back since. Drunkenness is another allegation.
- 19 Jan 1915 A suit was filed in superior court by Henrietta Gause from William Gause but the complaint was immediately withdrawn from the record.
- 20 Jan 1915 A complaint of thirteen lines filed in superior court, George E. Salisbury asks for a decree of divorce from his wife, Mary C. Salisbury. The couple were married in 1887 and in 1909 she deserted him. A disinterested party makes affidvit that the defendant is a none-resident of the state.
- 21 Jan 1915 Oriva Gray was granted a divorce from George Gray by Judge Yaple in superior court yesterday.
- 21 Jan 1915 Judge Yaple granted a divorce to Charles Harris from Carrie Harris and gave the husband custody of a child. Parties to the suit are colored.
- 21 Jan 1915 Gertrude Sheean has filed a long and sensational divorce complaint in superior court in which she asks to be forever separated from her husband, Thomas Sheean. The complaint says that they wer married in 1914 and separated January 17, 1915. Within a few days after the marriage, the wife say, her husband began to mistreat her; that her cursed and abused her and used language too vile to incorporate in the complaint. He also threatened to kill her, so the complaint sets forth. On January 17, the day upon which the separation too place, Mrs. Sheean says that he cursed and abused her knowing she was sick and nervous, after she had fainted and was lying on the floor unconscious, and that he attempted to take her life, and would have don so had neighbors not interceded for her. It was necessary to call the police, she says, and the husband told the officers that "he would fix her some day." The court issued a restraining order to prevent him from molesting her wherever she may be.
- 21 Jan 1915 John Cobbs was divorced from Margaret Cobbs. The case was heard before Judge Yaple in superior court.
- 22 Jan 1915 Alleging in his complaint that his wife is infatuated with a 19- year-old boy name Wilbur A. Winbaugh, Thomas E. Blackwell has asked the superior court for a decree of divorce from his wife, Alice B. Blackwell. The couple were married in 1895 and separated January 19, 1915, so the complaint says. The plaintiff sets forth a long list of cruelities to which he has been subjected from his wife; he accuses her of associating with other men, and, while she is 36 or 37 years old, she became infatuated with Winbaugh, only half as old as she. The husband also says that while he was a work nights she committed adultery with them. Custody of the children is asked.
- 22 Jan 1915 Carl R. Guyer was granted a divorce from Anna Guyer by Judge Yaple in superior court. The wife's maiden name, Bromel, was restored to her.
- 22 Jan 1915 Bessie Farnan is asking the superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, John Farnan, alleging that they were married February 17, 1902, and that in July, 1910, he deserted her. The custody of the children is included in the prayer.
- 23 Jan 1915 James M. Brown was divorced from Carrie Brown by Judge Yaple in superior court yesterday.
- 23 Jan 1915 Ada R. Conrad was granted a divorce from William Conrad in superior court yesterday. The defendant was ordered to pay $10 per month toward the support of a child given into the custody of George Conrad and the court decreed that both the father and mother shoudl have the privilege of seeing the child.
- 23 Jan 1915 In the superior court, Arthur C. Durbin sues his wife, Grace C. Durbin, for divorce. The couple married January 15, 1912, and separated January 21, 1915. The complaint charges that the wife called her husband vile names, struck him and abandoned him; that herself and her father, Charles Philips, moved his household goods out; that she told him she did not care for him, but thought more of her parents.
- 24 Jan 1915 Sarah A. Haskell has filed suit in superior court for a divorce from her husband, George P. Haskell, to whom she was married December 15, 1890, and with whom she lived one year, at which time he deserted her. Desertion is the grounds upon which the decree is asked and Mrs. Haskell says she was compelled to provide for and educate a child now grown up.
- 24 Jan 1915 Judge Yaple granted a divorce to Anna Franklin from Spencer Franklin and ordered the father to pay $10 a month toward support.
- 24 Jan 1915 Mary Tilden was divorce from Geo. Tilden in superior court. She was also given the custody of a minor child and $1,000 alimony.
- 24 Jan 1915 James Taylor was divorced from Mabel Taylor by proceedings held in superior court yesterday.
- 24 Jan 1915 Judge Yaple granted a divorce to Agnes Kellemeier from Harry Kellemeier and restored the wife's maiden name of Jensen.
- 26 Jan 1915 Emma Jones was divorced from Edward Jones and given the custody of four children, aged 11, 13, 15 and 17 years. The defendant was ordered to pay $175 attorney's fees.
- 26 Jan 1915 In the circuit court Roscoe E. Ellingwood has filed suit for divorce from his wife, Marie G. Ellingwood, to whom he was married March 29, 1914, and from whom he separated August 29, 1914. The complaint alleges that the wife refused to cook his meals for him and that he was forced to have his mother put up his dinners for him so he could go to work each morning. He also charges the wife with refusing to wash his clothing; she is alleged to have daid that she regretted the day she vere married him, she told the neighbors the same thing and told him that she did not like him any more. Once, he claims, she told him that she would commit suicide and kill the baby. On August 19, last year, she left him and has not come back yet, although he has asked her several times to do so. The only conditions under which she agreed to come back was for him to give her all the money he made and tha she "would be a woman only in name" in the language of the complaint.
- 27 Jan 1915 John Rost was divorced from Grace Rost by proceedings held in superior court yesterday.
- 27 Jan 1915 In the superior court, Lizzie Rutledge has filed suit for divorce from her husband, John Rutledge. The couple married June 16, 1910, and separated January 23, 1915. Non-support is the allegation. The complaint recites that on the day of separation, the defendant came home and shamefully abused his wife until it was necessary for her to call the police. In the city court he was fined $10 and costs, she says. Restoration of her maiden name, Van Allen, is asked.
- 27 Jan 1915 John H. Justus has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Addie V. Justus, to whom he was married March 1, 1913, and who on Sept. 1, 1914, deserted him. To the best of plaintiff's knowledge and belief, his wife left for parts unknown and he does not believe that she will ever come back agains. When she went she took along $35 of his money, so the complaint alleges, together with some kitchen utensils.
- 28 Jan 1915 Judge Yaple in the superior court granted a divorce to Margaret Barker from Philip Barker.
- 28 Jan 1915 In the superior court Frank McGuire has begun suit against Luella McGuire for a decree of divorce, alleging abandonment.
- 29 Jan 1915 Austin Henry has filed suit in superior court against Mary Elizabeth Henry for a decree of divorce, alleging desertion. The couple were married in 1911 and separated in 1912.
- 29 Jan 1915 Judge Yaple granted a divorce to Elizabeth Downs from George Downs.
- 29 Jan 1915 Alleging that they were married Sept. 18, 1912, and separated July 6, 1914, upon which date the husband deserted her, Wayne Harris is asking the superior court for a divorce from Howard Harris.
- 30 Jan 1915 The case of Henry Wiese against Louise Weise has been venued from the superior court to the Adams circuit court.
- 30 Jan 1915 Ada Repp was divorced from Charles Repp and given the custody of three children. The case was heard in superior court.
- 31 Jan 1915 In the superior court, Judge Yaple decreed that the marriage contract of Helen R. Hazzard vs. Frank Hazzard be annulled. The wife was restored to her maiden name Miller.
- 31 Jan 1915 Cora Armstrong was granted a decree of divorce from Arthur Armstrong and restored to her maide name Miller. The case was heard in superior court.
- 02 Feb 1915 Etta Fredericks has filed suit in superior court against William Fredericks to have him appear in court on February 6 and show cause why he should not stand in contempt. The complaint alleges that on January 20, 1915, he was order to pay her $5.00 forthwith as result of divorce proceedings and that he was also order by the court to pay $5.00 a week thereafter until the court decreed differently. He paid the first $5.00, she says, but the rest of the payments are still due in addition to $25.00 attorney's fee.
- 02 Feb 1915 Mary B. Langford has begun action against Obediah Langford for a decree of divorce and $15,000 alimony. The complaint alleges that the couple were married March 6, 1890, and that they separated January 17, 1915. That the husband has a vicious temper and has made her ill by his abuse, that he has used vile and indecent language in the presence of herself and daughters and facts set out in the complaint. Mrs. Langford says her husband is worth $50,000; that he has a 190-acre farm and property in Illinois. A sum of money equal to $1,1000 which Mrs. Langford had when she was married; is alleged to have been taken by the ddfendant, of which no accounting is made. She wants an order to restrain him from disposing of or mortgaging his property, molesting or visiting her at 801 Columbia avenue and also an order to restrain the German-American National bank from releasing his deposits.
- 03 Feb 1915 Judge Yaple granted a divorce to Louise Weise from Henry Weise on cross-complaint, allowed her $1,300 alimony and custody of a child.
- 03 Feb 1915 James E. Kennedy has filed a suit in superior court against his wife, Bertha Kennedy, for a decree of divorce. The couple were married January 19, 1911, and separated January 31, 1915. Cruel and inhuman treatment and that the wife associated with improper persons are the allegations.
- 03 Feb 1915 Minnie Anderson has filed suit for divorce from Charles Anderson. She also wants $1,000 alimony and a restraining order to prevent the defendant from molesting her. Failure to support is the allegation.
- 03 Feb 1915 Upon the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment and that his wife would not prepare his meals as she should, Theodore Steger is asking the superior court for a decree of divorce from his wife, Bertha Steger.
- 03 Feb 1915 Marian Beaton is asking the superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, James Beaton. Failure to provide is the charge. The couple lived together from May to September, 1914.
- 04 Feb 1915 Alleging about all the abuses to which a person could be subjected, Charles Anderson has filed a cross-complaint for divorce against his wife, Minnie Andersom. The suit was filed in Circuit court. The defendant and cross-complainant says that his wife cursed him, called him names which a newspaper is not permitted to publish, called him a fool and a liar and threatened to kill him. Ond day, so the complaint says, his wife threw a flat iron at him and she used such force that it went through a door panel. She accused him of associating with other women, he declares, although his wife admitted to him that she had been cuilty of immoral conduct with other men, the name of whom she mentioned to the husband. The children, of whom he asks the custody, were scolded and beaten by the wife, the complaint alleges; she left them for nine months one time and at another time for three months, during which time he says he had to take care of them. That the wife took the children to her mother's home, who is alleged in the complaint to be an immoral and unfit person to rear them, is another allegation.
- 04 Feb 1915 The case of Belle Eggiman against Peter Eggiman has been dismissed from the superior court.
- 04 Feb 1915 Olive Brown was divorced from Francis Brown by Judge Yaple. The husband was given the custody of the children.
- 04 Feb 1915 In the superior court Clemetto Dellarocco has begun action for a decree of divorce from Nellie Dellarocco to whom he was wedded May 17, 1912, and from whom he separated last Tuesday. The plaintiff claims that he was compelled to get his own breakfasts in the morning and that, on many occasions, after he had worked hard all day, he had to prepare his own supper, if he had anything to eat. He says his wife asked his forgiveness several times and promised to do better, but she never sticks to her word.
- 04 Feb 1915 The case of Hazel L. Geake vs. Martin Thomas Geake for divorce was dismissed from circuit court.
- 04 Feb 1915 Emily Hughes has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from George Hughes. The couple were married November 1, 1912, and separated January 28, 1915. That the husband has used profane language, became drunk and struck, kicked and abused her are allegations in the complaint. She also asks custody of the children, a restraining order to prevent him from disposing of her property and an order to keep him from drawing his wages at the White Fruit house.
- 04 Feb 1915 Ollie Davis tells the superior court that she married Homer Davis July 7, 1907, separated from him June 1, 1912, when he left the state; and that before he left she was compelled to undergo cruel and inhuman treatment from him, for all of which she believes she should be divorced.
- 05 Feb 1915 Joseph A. Current has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Minnie Current, in which he talls the court that he and his wife lived together "but a few weeks." He says that, althought there was a pre-nuptial understanding that a child by the wife's former marriage was to be supported by its grandmother, he was asked to support it and that the wife breaks her contract by not having the child taken to the grandmother. He says he cannot live with his wife because of her "vile temperament."
- 05 Feb 1915 Judge Yaple granted a divorce to Molly Stallbaum from Frederick Stallbaum and gave her the custody of a child, with a provision that the father be permitted to see it.
- 05 Feb 1915 The case of Anne Meese vs. Orrin Meese has been dismissed in superior court.
- 05 Feb 1915 Margaret Dodge was divorced from John W. Dodge in superior court yesterday.
- 05 Feb 1915 Judge Yaple issued an order to restrain John Rutledge from molesting his wife, Lizzie, who has a divorce suit pending in superior court. Rutledge is in jail at present, but his term of sentence will soon expire. The wife fears that unless he is enjoined from seeing her, he will do her bodily harm.
- 05 Feb 1915 Judge Eggeman issued an order restraining George Hughes from molesting his wife, Emily Hughes, pending divorce action filed the day before. The White Fruit house is also enjoined from paying wages to the defendant.
- 06 Feb 1915 Michael Flaig received a lot of love letters from a girl named Smith, who is said to live near Grabill. He carried the letters around in his pockets and his wife, Emma Flaig, found them one day. Two months ago Michael sued his wife for a divorce and named a long list of cruelties to which he had been subjected. The case came up for trail before Judge Yaple in superior court yesterday and Flaig recited his story to the judge. "Did you ever get any letter from _____?" Judge Aiken, who represented Mrs. Flaig, asked of the wirness. He said he had not. Then the attorney produced the letters and had the court stenographer mark them as exhibits, beginning with the first letter of the alphabet. When the stenographer finished the job he has used every letter in the alphabet, for there were exactly twenty-six love letters. One of these epistles written on Monday, told of how badly the girl was feeling from the effects of "the night before" when she had been with Flaig. At this point in the trail of the case, Judge Yaple made up his mind that Flaig was not entitled to a decree and promptly dismissed the case.
- 07 Feb 1915 Loa Hooker has begun action against Walter Hooker for a decree of divorce, alleging non-support. The couple were married March 26, 1906, and separated January 30, 1915. The wife wants $1,000 alimony and restoration of her maiden name, Pendleton.
- 09 Feb 1915 Hiram Porter was granted a divorce from his wife, Mary E. Porter, by Judge Yaple in superior court yesterday. He was also given the custody of a child.
- 09 Feb 1915 Judge Yaple granted a divorce to Amelia Bare from George Bare and restored her maiden name Koerber.
- 09 Feb 1915 The divorce case of Hooker vs. Hooker has been dismissed from the superior court.
- 10 Feb 1915 Mary Porter was granted $2,500 alimony in the superior court to be paid by her husband, Hiram Porter, who was the day before granted a divorce.
- 10 Feb 1915 Anna Medsker was granted a divorce from John H. Medsker in superior court.
- 10 Feb 1915 Rhoda Kleinhaus was divorced from Amos J. Kleinhaus and allowed $10 a month for support. Action was in superior court.
- 10 Feb 1915 In the superior court Herman B. Woolard has filed suit for divorce from Estella D. Woolard. The couple were married March 4, 1909, and separated September 1, 1914. The complaint alleges that the wife sought the company of other men that she mistreated him in various other ways.
- 10 Feb 1915 The case of Gertrude Sheean vs. Thomas Sheean has been dismissed from the superior court.
- 10 Feb 1915 The circuit court has granted a divorce to Emma B. Dyer from Frederick E. Dyer.
- 11 Feb 1915 Edward F. Stumpf has filed a petition in circuit court to have the case of his wife, Cora B. Stumpf, against himself dismissed, alleging that she has no ground for action, as she has not been a resident of the state of Indiana for two years.
- 11 Feb 1915 Cora B. Stumpf has filed a suit in circuit court to get possession of furniture from Edward Stumpf and damages in the sum of $250.
- 12 Feb 1915 Alleging that her husband, Arthur C. Godfrey, told her on February 6 last to take her damned clothes and get out and that she obeyed commands and went, Eva P. Godfrey is asking the superior court for a decree of divorce. The complaint relates that the couple were married August 17, 1909, and that they separated on the date above mentioned. In addition to the above allegations, the husband is said to have accused his wife of associating with other men within a year after he married her. A. restraining order was issued to prevent the husband from molesting his wife at 1231 East Lewis street, as she fears he will carry out a threat to kill her. Alimony in the sum of $500, support money and attorney fees are included in the prayer.
- 12 Feb 1915 In the case of Mary B. Langford vs. Obediah Landford for divorce, Judge Yaple has issued an order to permit the German-American National bank to pay the devendant money he has on deposit, although he must make an accounting to the bank.
- 12 Feb 1915 Chloe Hoy was divorced from Ernest Hoy, given the custody of a child and $10 a month for support.
- 12 Feb 1915 The case of Carrie Monier vs. Norman Monier has been dismissed in superior court.
- 12 Feb 1915 Myrtle E. Bitner was divorced from Clark E. Bitner in superior court, given the custody of three children and allowed $18 a month for support.
- 13 Feb 1915 In the superior court, Edgar Coddington has begun suit against his wife, Mary E. Coddington, for a decree of divorce, alleging that they were married September 7, 1909, and that in November, 1909, she deserted him.
- 13 Feb 1915 An order has been issued by Judge Yaple in the superior court preventing Clemetoo DellaRicco from drawing his wages from the rolling mills. The order grew out of a suit in superior court by DellaRicco's wife for divorce.
- 14 Feb 1915 In the case of Pearl Harschbarger vs. Ancil Harshbarger Judge Yaple has issued an order to prevent the defendant from drawing his wages from the Fort Wayne & Northern Indiana Traction company.
- 14 Feb 1915 Mary Tilbury was allowed $10 a month for support and $25 attorney's fees in her suit for divorce against Charles Tilbury. The divorce was not granted, as the proper resident witnesses have not appeared in court.
- 14 Feb 1915 In the superior court, Jessie May Smith asks for a decree of divorce from Earl Smith. The couple married on Christmas eve, 1908, and separated Dec., 1911. Non-support is charged.
- 14 Feb 1915 The superior court has granted a divorce to Lillie Burdge from William Burdge.
- 14 Feb 1915 Samantha May Grames has begun action against James C. Grames for a decree of divorce. The couple married December 22, 1909, and separated April, 1914. The allegations are that the defendant drank, cursed his wife and failed to provide.
- 14 Feb 1915 John Morra is asking the superior court for a decree of divorce from his wife, Mary Morra, whom he wedded on New Year's day, 1912, and from whom he separated on Lincoln's birthday, 1915. The complaint alleges that the wife was neglectful with her household duties and left him for a month at a time.
- 16 Feb 1915 Charging his wife with infidelity and listing a lot of things which he says she has done to break up the family circle, John Craig has asked the superior court for a divorce from his wife, Rosella Craig, to whom he was married July 25, 1910, and from whom he separated February 11, 1915. The complaint alleges that the wife associated with other men and that on February 13, last, she was in "Poison's" wine room in company with another man drunk. She also has a habit of using bad language, he says, and on February 13 she swore at him and told him to "go and get a divorce, I am done with you". He says that she also said she didn't give a damn for their children. This is the second suit he has filed, so he sets out, the other one having been dismissed when she promised to do better. Custody of the children is asked.
- 16 Feb. 1915 Mary Hoover is suing for a divorce from William Hoover, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment. The couple were married in June, 1914, and separated in September.
- 16 Feb 1915 In the divorce case of Joseph Current and Minnie Current, the plaintiff has been restrained from drawing his money from the Tri-State Loan and Trust company.
- 16 Feb 1915 The superior court has modified the decree in the divorce case of Hazel Fry vs. Cleveland Fry, giving him the custody of a small son, with a provision that the wife be allowed to see the child one day each week.
- 17 Feb 1915 In the superior court, Sarah Roth sues her husband, Ernest Roth, for a decree of divorce, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment. A restraining order was granted to prevent the defendant from visiting or molesting his wife.
- 17 Feb 1915 In circuit court, the case of William Townsing vs. Paulina Toensing has been dismissed. A petition has been filed to declare Paulina Toensing of unsound mind.
- 17 Feb 1915 The superior court has granted a divorce to Elizabeth Raber from Harvey Raber and restored her maiden name, Riudfusz.
- 18 Feb 1915 During noon hour in circuit court yesterday, Tracy Gratz, charged with wife desertion, was brought before Judge Eggeman, who, after hearing the evidence, continued the case indefinitely after Grantz has promised on his honor to get a job and provide for his family. His father gave bond in the sum of $250 for the son's faithful performance of his duty. It is understood that the family will live together in Michigan, where the father has a position awaiting him.
- 18 Feb 1915 Judge Yaple in the superior court has ordered Obediah Langford to pay his wife, Mary Langford, for the support of minor children, the sum of $55 on or before next Monday, $100 on or before March 1, $100 each month thereafter during the pendency of divorce suit and $250 attorney's fees within thirty days.
- 18 Feb 1915 Bernadette Metcalfe has begun action in superior court against Howard Metcalfe for a decree of divorce. The couple were married May 13, 1911, and separated January 20, 1915. Cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to provide are the allegations. She wants her maiden name Herber restored.
- 18 Feb 1915 Bessie Mounsir asks the superior court for a decree of divorce from Victor Mounsir, to whom she was married June 19, 1912, and from whom she separated January 27, 1913. Desertion is the charge. The plaintiff asks restoration of her maiden name Keever.
- 19 Feb 1915 In the superior court Fred L. Freese sues Ollie L. Freese for a decree of divorce, alleging abandonment. The defendant is said to be a non-resident of the state of Indiana.
- 19 Feb 1915 Bernadette Metcalfe asks the superior court to annul her marriage to Howard Metcalf, alleging that she was incompetent to consummate a marriage contract because she was suffering from the effects of an anaesthetic given before she was operated upon. Her marriage took place a in hospital whicl she was confined to her bed and she says she did not known what she was doing at the time.
- 19 Feb 1915 Sam Bosworth was granted a divorce from Ethel Bosworth in superior court yesterday. He was ordered to pay $7.50 each month for the support of a seven -year-old child. Then the child becomes ten years old, the plaintiff must pay $10 a month. Bosworth's wife is in England.
- 20 Feb 1915 Cynthia Bargerhuff has begun action against her husband, George Bargerhuff, for a decree of divorce. The couple were married thirty years ago last October 27, and separated in Jamusey of this year. Failure to provide is charged. Custody of the children is asked.
- 21 Feb 1915 Ada Crumpacker was granted a divorce from Henry Crumpacker by Judge Yaple in superior court yesterday.
- 24 Feb 1915 Minnie Todd, who is asking the superior court to divorce her from Charles Todd, to whom shw was wedded June 29, 1902, and from whom she separated December 14, last. Failure to provide is the allegation in addition to a charge that the husband threatened to take her life, choked her and called her a hypocrite because she went to church.
- 24 Feb 1915 Cora Moon asked the superior court for a divorce from Alfred Moon. The couple were married August 20, 1912, and separated February 21, 1915. She charges that her husband threatened her life, called her naughty names and otherwise mistreated her. She wants $1,500 alimony and a restraining order to prevent him from molesting her.
- 24 Feb 1915 Evenlyn Oestermaier says she cannot live with Herman Oestermeier and asks the superior court to dissolve the marriage. The couple were married May 21, 1907, and separated this month. Failure to provide is charged. She wants $10 a month and custody of the children. The defendant appeared in person and filed an answer in general denial.
- 24 Feb 1915 In the superior court Forest Dunlap is seeking a divorce from Ida L. Dunlap. He says she married him in 1914, and separated from him in February of this year. The charges are cruel and inhuman treatment and that she told him to get a divorce.
- 24 Feb 1915 Lulu Johnston wants a divorce from Forest Johnston on the grounds of failure to provide.
- 24 Feb 1915 Frank Boitet charges his wife, Amanda C. Boitet, with adultery and asks the superior court to grant him a divorce. He says his wife has committed adultery with various persons, one of whom he mentions in the complaint.
- 24 Feb 1915 Clara Louise McGee wants a divorce from Thomas L. McGee. She married him in 1895 and separated from him Jul 7, 1914. That her husband nagged her, scolded her and make her work for a living is charged. The defendant is said to own a farm in Michigan worth $2,000. She wants $10 a week for support and $50 attorney's fees. The Pennsylvania company is asked to make an accounting for wages due.
- 24 Feb 1915 In the case of Emma Baker vs. Arthur Baker the defendant was ordered to pay $25 attorneys' fees and the case was dismissed.
- 24 Feb 1915 The superior court has granted a divorce to Laura Jones from Otto Jones.
- 25 Feb 1915 A copy of an Allen county newspaper which was sent to Lean Bauer, Chemnitz, Germany, in which appeared notice of divorce action was returned to the clerk's office yesterday unopened.
- 28 Feb 1915 In the superior court Pearl Garwood has filed suit against Nelson Garwood for a decree of divorce. She says they were married February 12, 1905, and separated in December 1914, after the husband had gone into the auto livery business and begun to hang around "dens of vice" and questionalbe places. She says he was a good husband until he went into the livery business and began to haul bad women around. She also say the husband deserted her and went to Cleveland, O., with a woman. There are five children, of whom the wife asks custody. She also wants $40 a month support money.
- 02 Mar 1915 The superior court has granted a divorce to Lenora Lyda from Chrales W. Lyda. She was restore to her maiden name, Evans.
- 02 Mar 1915 Mary Elizabeth Green lived with her husband, Albert G. Green only a short time, during the month of February in which they wer maried and separated, and now she is asking the circuit court to grant her a divorce. She say the the husband nagged her, sought to quarrel with her, scolded her and made living together utterly impossible. The defendant is alleged to have $12,000 worth of real estate and she wants him to pay her $5,000 alimony, $25 a week for support, $250 attorneys' fees and restore her maiden name, Mary Elizabeth Porter.
- 02 Mar 1915 In the superior court Lucinda Snyder has sued her husband, Samuel W. Snyder for a decree of divorce. The couple were married July 3, 1914, and separated December 28, 1914. The wife says that she gave her husband $100 to pay toward building a house on her lot and he kept the money for his own use. Another time she gave him $100 and he appropriated all but $21 to his own use. He is also accused of having taken $24 from her purse.
- 03 Mar 1915 Elizabeth Overly tells the superior court in her suit for divorce from her husband, William Overly, that all she has to show what her husband did for her is the way of providing the necessities of life ia a pair of shoes and a pair of slippers. The couple were married June 26, 1911, and separated March 2, 1915, and during all those years the above names is all that she mentions the husband did for her. It is also alleged that the husband inveigled her into the marriage under the pretest that he made $5.00 a day as a peddler. After she married hime she says she found out differently.
- 03 Mar 1915 In the superior court, Georgia Poinsette has filed suit for divorce from her husband, Henry J. Poinsette, whom she says she married November 30, 1910, and from whom she separated March 1, last. She wants $2,000 alimony, alleging that the husband owns a saloon and is worth $3,000, $25 a week for support, reasonable allowance for the children, of whom she asks the custody, and $50 to pay counsel. A restraining order is asked to prevent the husband from visiting her at 1108 Hanna street.
- 03 Mar 1915 Marie G. Ellingwood has begun action in superior court for a decree of divorce from Rsocoe C. Ellingwood. She says she was married March 9, 1914, and separated last December 30. Failure to provide and that the husband failed to pay the attention to her a man should show his wife are the allegations. She say that when she was ill, he refused to provide the proper medican attention and that she was compelled to go to the home of her parents previous to the birth of a child becuase the defendant's mother told her she could not stay with them. Alimony in the sum of $300 and custody of the child are asked.
- 03 Mar 1915 Nettie Murrel has sued her husband, Thomas Murrel, for a decree of divorce. The suit was filed in superior court. The couple are colored and the husband was sentenced Tuesday morning to serve a term in jail. The couple lived together from 1904 to 1915.
- 03 Mar 1915 Alleging non-support, Evelyn G. Von Dolson has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, Ernest Von Dolson.
- 05 Mar 1915 In superior court, Dora Shaffer sues her husband, Louis E. Shaffer, for a decree of divorce. The couple were married Jan. 25, 1910, and separated May 28, of the same year, at which time the husband is alleged to have deserted her, and left her without funds.
- 05 Mar 1915 Fairy Mae Wallmark, has begun action against John Edward Wallmart, for a decree of divorce, alleging failure to provide and desertion. She asks also the restoration of her maiden name. The couple were married Oct. 20, 1906, and separated in Oct. 1914.
- 05 Mar 1915 Georgia Carter was divorced from Charles Carter. Action was in superior court.
- 06 Mar 1915 Ida Dunlap has filed a cross-complaint for divorce from her husband, Forest E. Dunlap, and names the Nickel Plate railroad as co-defendant. A. restraining order has been issued preventing the husband from visiting or molesting her at 1221 East Lewis street and the railroad is enjoined from paying the defendant his wages.
- 06 Mar 1915 The suerior court has dismissed the case of Cora Moon vs. Alfred Moon.
- 07 Mar 1915 James Granes has been ordered by the superior court to pay $25 attorneys' fees. The order grew out of a divorce action filed by Samantha Granes.
- 07 Mar 1915 In the superior court Henry Buffenberger has been ordered to pay $5 a week toward the support of his wife, Alice Buffenberger, and $25 attorney fees.
- 07 Mar 1915 In the case of Lena Leazier vs. Chas. Leazier, the defendant has been ordered to pay $25 attorneys' fees.
- 07 Mar 1915 In the superior court Mabel L. McKinley sues Burton W. McKinley for a decree of divorce. The couple were married October 1, 1905, and separated March 2, 1915. Cruel and inhuman treatment generally is the charge. Alimony of $1,000 is asked.
- 07 Mar 1915 Charles F. Sears has begun action against Mary M. Sears for a decree of divorce. The couple were married May 23, 1894, and separated in 1914. That the wife refused to prepare his meals and on March 3 left his home and told him to get a divorce are the allegations.
- 09 Mar 1915 After thirty years of married life, John W. Wolcott is asking the superior court for a decree of divorce from his wife, Amanda Wolcott, to whom he was married Jan. 9, 1885, and from whom he separated March 6, 1915. The couple have as the fruits of their marriage nine children, five of whom are of minor age. The father asks that he be made the legal gauardina of these children. Mr. Wolcott charges his wife with druel and inhuman treatment and drunkenness.
- 09 Mar 1915 Marie Cloude was granted a decree of divorce from Harry Cloude in superior court.
- 09 Mar 1915 Edward Stumpf was cited to appear in circuit court forthwith and show cause why he should not stand in contempt for failure to pay attorney's fees and support money in a divorce suit his wife filed against him.
- 09 Mar 1915 In the suit of Clara L. vs. Thomas McGee, the defendant to pay plaintiff $15 every two weeks and $25 attorney's fee was ordered by the superior court.
- 09 Mar 1915 In the suit of Ida Dunlap vs. Forest Dunlap, defendant to pay plaintiff $3.00 weekly and $25 attorney's fees.
- 10 Mar 1915 The case of Mary Fuhs vs. Joseph Fuhs has been dismissed in superior court.
- 10 Mar 1915 The case of Pearl Snyder vs. Walter Snyder has been dismissed in superior court.
- 10 Mar 1915 In superior court yesterday Judge Yaple annulled the marriage contract of Bernadette Metcalfe and Howard Metcalfe, holding that the plaintiff was ill and confined in a hospital when the contract was made and that she was at that time incapable of entering into a contract of that kind.
- 10 Mar 1915 Fred Volkert has filed suit in superior court for decree of divorce from his wife, Mae Volkert. He says they were married August 18, 1909, and separated January 9, 1914, at which time he took his wife to visit her parents in Antwerp. She refused to come back to him, he alleges.
- 11 Mar 1915 Elizabeth Laughrey was granted a divorce from William Laughtey and restored to her maiden name, Ryan. Action was in superior court.
- 11 Mar 1915 Charles E. Leazier was granted a divorce from his wife, Lena Leazier on cross-complaint, and given the custody of four minor children. The case was heard in superior court.
- 11 Mar 1915 In the case of Max W. Kirbach vs. Adah Kirbach, the defendant has been restrained from visiting or molesting him at his place of business, 2822 John street. Kirbach alleges in his divorce complaint that his wife continually nagged him, was cruel to him and on many occasions scratched and struck him. He says his wife would throw the furniture about the house and break up dishes when she became angry.
- 11 Mar 1915 In the superior court Cora Culp begins action against Glenn Culp for a decree of divorce, alleging failure to provide. The couple married in 1912 and separated in 1914.
- 12 Mar 1915 Jessie Mott was granted a divorce from George Mott and given the custody of the children, allowed $10 a month for their support, abtained possession of personal property including a French poodle dog and four puppies.
- 12 Mar 1915 In the divrece case of Amanda Wolcott vs. John Wolcott, the defendant has been restrained from visiting her or disposing of his property. Action was in superior court.
- 12 Mar 1915 Nina Tolan is asking the superior court for a decree of divorce from Thomas Tolan, to whom she was married January 16, 1914, from whom she separated Feb. 14, 1915, and whom she charges with cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to provide. She asks a restraining order to prevent the husband from molesting her, prays for support money and attorney's fees.
- 12 Mar 1915 Charles Anderson's petition for the custody of a child has been refused by Judge Eggeman in circuit court. The court said he would decide who should have the child when the case comes up for trial. Minnie Anderson is the plaintiff in the divorce action.
- 12 Mar 1915 Elnore Carpenter has begun action against her husband, Amariah Carpenter, for a decree of divorce. She says he has been guilty of adultery with persons, the names of whom she does not know. Custody of the children is also asked.
- 13 Mar 1915 Judge Yaple granted a divorce to Laura Battenberg from Jacob Battenberg.
- 13 Mar 1915 In the superior court, Cora Shaw sues Tilman Shaw for a decree of divorce. The couple were married July 11, 1908, and separated February 9, 1915. The wife charges that her husband is an habitual drunkard, that he struck and beat her and accused her of being intimate with other men. A restraining order is asked to prevent the husband from molesting her and also from disposing of his property. Custody of the children is asked and $500 alimony.
- 13 Mar 1915 Roy O. Howe begins action against his wife, Bessie V. Howe, for divorce. The couple married on December 6, 1906, and separated March 1, 1913. Abandonment is alleged.
- 13 Mar 1915 Clara Seger has filed suit for divorce against her husband, Gale Seger. The couple married in 1908 and separated in 1912, at which time he is alleged to have abandoned her.
- 13 Mar 1915 Britta Kleinschmidt has begun action in superior court against Edward Kleinschmidt for a decree of divorce. The couple were married September 27, 1911, and separated March 9, 1915. Mrs. Kleinschmidt accuses her husband of having called her vile names; that he struck and beat her and otherwise mistreated her. Once before the couple separated, but upon the husband's promise to do better, she took him back. She asks $5,000 alimony and restoration of her maiden name, Van Gundy.
- 14 Mar 1915 Robert Fuellgraff was ordered by Judge Eggeman yesterday in circuit court to pay $15 a month toward the support of his children and his failure to comply with court order will subject him to a prison sentence. Fuellgraff was brought here from Chicago, and was represented by Attorney George W. Piney, of Chicago. He was divorced from first wife, married again and divorced from the second wife. He told the court he was willing to marry the first wife again and support her. The court gave him a severe grilling.
- 14 Mar 1915 Arthur Schlup was up before Judge Eggeman in circuit court to answer a charge of child neglect. The evidence showed that Schlup has lived with his wife two days and this was six years ago. He was ordered to pay $4 a month toward the support of a child.
- 14 Mar 1915 Gladys Shaw has begun action against Alfred Shaw for a decree of divorce. The couple married Feb. 20, 1912, and separated March 1, 1915. The wife charged her husband with having beaten her, called her bad names and accused her of infidelity. She wants the custody of the children, $1,000 alimony and an order restraining the Fort Wayne & Northern Indiana Traction company from paying the defendant his wages.
- 16 Mar 1915 Josiah Kinkle was granted a divorce from Nina Kinkle in superior court.
- 17 Mar 1915 William Fisher was granted a decree of divorce from Anna Fisher by proceedings in circuit court.
- 18 Mar 1915 Clara Sherwin has begun action in superior court for a decree of divorce from Robert G. Sherwin. The couple were married April 26, 1914, and separated February 23, 1915. The charges are cruel and inhuman treatment "which plaintiff deems best not to mention in complaint." A restraining order was granted to prevent the husband from molesting his wife at 1028 Lafayette street.
- 19 Mar 1915 Lizzie Chastek has filed in the circuit court a suit for divorce from her husband, Stephen Chastek, and in the complaint she list a lot of cruelties to which she has been subjected by her husband. The couple were married April 6, 1914, and separated March 10, 1915, at which time, it is alleged, the husband deserted her. She says that he accused her of writing letters to men other than those related to her and also told her that she was crazy. The complaint further sets out the the husband told his wife she was not decent and did not even look decent. One time he told her to go to hell, so the complaint recites. In addition to the above allegation, the complaint states that the husband called her bad names and that he swore at her in English, German and Hungarian languages. Mrs. Chastek is only twenty-seven. Alimony in the sum of $1,000 is asked.
- 19 Mar 1915 Alberta Watson has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Harley E. Watson, to whom she was married January 16, 1913, and from whom she separated February 29, 1915. Failure to provide is alleged. She wants a reasonable sum for support, to pay counsel, and a restraining order preventing the husband from molesting her during the pendency of the suit.
- 19 Mar 1915 The divorce suit of John H. Holcomb against Etta V. Holcomb has been venued to the circuit court from Wells county.
- 20 Mar 1915 Judge Wood, of the superior court, granted a divorce to Mary D. Griffin from Martin Griffin and gave the mother the custody of five minor children, ranging in age from two to thirteen years. Mrs. Griffin's husband deserted her last June after a night's drunken debauch and left her without clothes for the children to wear or food for them to eat. The family rented a small shed on Florence avenue, in which they lived last winter, until charitable people came to their assistance.
- 20 Mar 1915 Kintz Roebuck has filed a suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from William P. Roebuck. The plaintiff alleges that they separated in May, 1914, and that they have not lived together since. Cruel and inhuman treatment and abandonment are alleged.
- 20 Mar 1915 In the superior court Alice M. Botzler has filed suit for divorce from her husband, Michael G. Botzler. Failure to provide is the allegation.
- 20 Mar 1915 In the superior court, Alfred Shaw has filed a cross-complaint for divorce from his wife, Gladys Shaw. The wife filed suit against her husband March 13, in which she named a long list of alleged cruelties. The husband alleges that the wife has an ungovernable temper and that she associated with other men, one of whom, William Kelsey, 606 Hendricks street, he mentions. Mr. Shaw is employed by the Fort Wayne & Northern Indiana Traction company.
- 21 Mar 1915 In a complaint for divorce filed yesterday in superior court, Mae E. Boals says that her husband, Harvie A. Boals, boasted to her about the number of women he knew and with whom he had relations, the most of whom were women of bad repute. The couple married June 27, 1908, and separated March 13, 1915, after the husband told his wife he did not intend to change his ways, but that he would go with whomever he chose.
- 23 Mar 1915 George E. Salisbury was divorced from Mary C. Salisbury by Judge Yaple in superior court. The plaintiff was ordered to pay $25 attorney fees.
- 23 Mar 1915 In the case of Gladys Shaw vs. Alfred Shaw for divorce, the defendant, who has filed a cross-complaint, was ordered to pay $10 every two weeks to the wife's support.
- 23 Mar 1915 Lucinda Bennett wants a divorce from George Bennett on the grounds of failure to provide. The couple were married July 3, 1912, and separated in November, 1912.
- 23 Mar 1915 In the superior court Alice Matthews sues Jackson Matthews for a decree of divorce, alleging non-support. The couple were married in December, 1880, and separated March 2, 1915. A restraining order was issued preventing the husband from molesting her at 806 East Lewis street and Albert Webber is restrained from paying wages to the defendant.
- 24 Mar 1915 During his examination in superior court yesterday afternoon in a suit for divorce from his wife, James Wells staged a comedy all his own when he remarked to the court: "Well, now how is the h---- do you suppose a man can afford to pay for eight pairs of shoes and six hats from May to December?" Wells said that he had paid a bill of over $100 for the shoes and hats and that he couldn't stand any more of it. Several other times during the trial of the case Wells was wrought up to a high pitch and was only prevented from using similar language through the intervention of counsel. He was granted the decree and order to pay the costs.
- 24 Mar 1915 Lavina McDougle was granted a divorce from William McDougle by Judge Yaple in superior court.
- 24 Mar 1915 The superior court granted a divorce to Etta Fredericks from William Frederick and gave her the custody of a minor child.
- 24 Mar 1915 In the superior court, Ethel Bloemker sues Henry Bloemker for a decree of divorce. The couple were married April 26, 1910, and separated March 22, 1915. She charges that the husband cursed and swore at her, drank to excess, failed to provide and threatened her life. She also asks for $5 a week for support, attorneys' fees, and a restraining order to prevent him from molesting her at 417 Montgomery street, or disposing of his property. The defendant was yesterday morning fined $5 and costs for drunkenness and threatening his wife.
- 25 Mar 1915 Lena F. Edwards was granted a divorce from William C. Edwards. The couple are colored.
- 26 Mar 1915 Alexandria Vasiniewicz has filed suit for divorce against her husband, Charles Vasiniewicz. She says she was married August 1, 1889, and separated July 1, 1913, and that the husband has been guilty of extreme cruel and inhuman treatment in that he cursed her and called her vile names, is an habitual drunkard and that he often struck and beat her up. She wants $500 alimony; $20 a month for support and custody of the children.
- 26 Mar 1915 Judge Yaple granted a divorce to Clara Boedecker from William Boedecker.
- 26 Mar 1915 Ina Hahn was divorced from Hemil Hahn. Action was in superior court.
- 27 Mar 1915 The case of Bernette Kleinschmidt against Edward Kleinschmidt has been dismissed in superior court.
- 27 Mar 1915 Mary M. Boyle has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, Robert M. Boyle. The couple were married August 4, 1914, and separated March 15, 1915. The wife accuses her hasband of having called her vile names, and that he charged her falsely with having associated with other men. She say that he never bought her a dollar's worth of clothes in his life and that he refused to support her until she has to go to the home of her parents. She asks a restraining order to prevent the husband from molesting her at 322 East Main stree, a reasonable sum for support and attoryneys' fees.
- 27 Mar 1915 Cora Morris is suing her husband, William Morris for a decree of divorce. The couple married in 1902 and separated in 1914. The wife says her husband failed to provide for her, although he made a salary of $6 a day.
- 28 Mar 1915 Judge Yaple granted a divorce to Francis Lash from Goldie Lash and restored her maiden name, Francies Kumfer.
- 28 Mar 1915 Henrietta Gause was divorced from William Gause by proceeding in superior court yesterday.
- 28 Mar 1915 In the superior court Irene M. Hunt has begun action for a decree of divorce from Walter Hunt. The couple married November 4, 1911, and separated in January, 1914. Failure to provide is the allegation. Custody of the children is asked.
- 28 Mar 1915 Lulu Kamphues has filed suit in superior court for divorce from her husband, Julius Kamphues, to whom she was married February 27, 1904, and from whom she separated March 25, 1915. The complaint says that the husband abandoned her not less the five times and that on one occasion he went to Mishawaka and left her with a sick boy. The boy died and she was compell to ask the county to bury him. Druckenness is another allegation. The wife further says that her husband knocked her down once and had it not been for the intercession of his father, he would have killed her. She wants an absolute divorce, $1,000 alimony, custody of a child, attorneys' fees and a restraining order to prevent the husband from drawing his wages from Wilkins Bros. Packing company.
- 30 Mar 1915 In the superior court, Edna Sovine has filed suit against William H. Sovine for a decree of divorce. She says they were married June 1, 1907, and separated March 1, 1915, because of defendant's cruel and inhuman treatment. She wants $1,000 alimony, restoration of her maiden name, Edna Boschet, and a restraining order to prevent the husband from drawing his deposits from the First, Old, Hamilton and German-American National banks.
- 30 Mar 1915 Sarah A. Haskell was divorce from William P. Haskell by proceedings in superior court yesterday.
- 31 Mar 1915 In the superior court John Hocker has begun action for a decree of divorce from his wife, Mary Smith, to whom he was married September 15, 1895, and who is alleged to have deserted him in 1912. The defendant is represented to be a non-resident of the state by affidavit of a disinterested person.
- 31 Mar 1915 Iva Dempsey was granted a divorce from Homer Dempsey by proceedings in superior court yesterday. The defendant did not appear at the hearing.
- 01 Apr 1915 In the circuit court, Irma M. Croxton sues Walter E. Croxton for a decree of divorce. The couple were married January 20, 1912, and separated March 30, 1915. The complaint alleges that on January 8, 1915, the husband grabbed his wife and threw her against a hot stove and injured her so severely that she had hemorrhages as a result. She says that her husband stays out all night and spends most of his wages for drink. He failed to provide for her, the complaint alleges, and she was compelled to stay with his mother, and he subjected her to the parent's cruel treatment, in which the plaintiff was choked and struck by defendant's mother. She wants $1,000 alimony, support money and all other relief.
- 02 Apr 1915 In the case of Mary B. Langford vs. Obediah Langford, the superior court has given the defendant permission to mortage certain real estate.
- 03 Apr 1915 In the superior court in the matter of Zella Ritter vs. Arthur Ritter, the defendant was ordered to pay $16 a month toward the support of his wife pendente lite.
- 03 Apr 1915 The divorce suit of Catherine Smith vs. David N. Smith has been venued to Huntington county from the superior court of Allen county.
- 03 Apr 1915 Luella McQuire was granted a divorce from Frank McQuire and restored to her maiden name, Kohll. The divorce was on cross-complaint.
- 04 Apr 1915 Judge Yaple granted a divorce to Lizzie Rutledge from John Rutledge and restored her maiden name, Van Allen.
- 04 Apr 1915 James Kennedy was granted a divorce from Bertha Kennedy.
- 04 Apr 1915 Thomas Blackwell was granted a divorce from Alice Blackwell, plaintiff fiven custody of two children and ordered to pay $80 alimony to his wife.
- 04 Apr 1915 Myrtle Strum was granted a divorce from Verne Sturm, wife's maiden name, Koehler restored.
- 04 Apr 1915 The Bloemker divorce suit was dismissed in superior court.
- 04 Apr 1915 James H. Fagan is made defendant in a suit for divorce filed in the superior court by Grace E. Fagan. The couple were married on the Fourth of July, 1911, and separated April 2, 1915. The husband is accused of having called his wife vile names, that he filed to support her and treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner. A restraining order to prevent the husband from molesting his wife at 1526 East Creighton avenue, attorneys' fes and support money are asked.
- 04 Apr 1915 Mark Walters has file suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from his wife, Ocie Walters, to whom he was married April 29, 1912, and from whom he separated April 2, 1915. The husband says that his wife has an ungovernable temper, continually nagged him and otherwise mistreated him. He says he took her back once upon her promise to do better.
- 04 Apr 1915 Lowis Mansdorfer has filed suit against Henriette Mansdorfer for divorce. He says he married his wife on the first day of February, 1915, and lived with her three weeks; that she associated with immoral men and told him to get a divorce because she didn't like him.
- 06 Apr 1915 John H. Justus was granted a divorce from Addie Justus by proceedings in superior court yesterday.
- 06 Apr 1915 The superior court has dismissed the case of Sobine vs. Sovine.
- 06 Apr 1915 Esther Pommert has filed suit for divorce against Francis Pommert. She says she was married to defendant March 25, 1913, and separated from him in January, 1915. She alleges that the husband failed to support her and that within three months after marriage they were compelled to go to his parents' home. Later, she says she had to go to the home of her father. She asks $520 a year support for a child, whose custody the wife wants.
- 07 Apr 1915 The case of Toensing vs. Toensing has been postponed in the circuit court until April 21.
- 07 Apr 1915 Eva Mills was granted a divorce from George Mills in superior court yesterday.
- 07 Apr 1915 Bessie Leonard was divorced from John E. Leonard by proceedings in superior court.
- 07 Apr 1915 George Killen is asking the superior court to a modify divorce decree when his wife was granted a decree. He says that he is unable to pay $30 a month support because his business is losing him money.
- 07 Apr 1915 Marian Beaton has been granted a divorce from James Beaton and restored to her maiden name, Holmes.
- 08 Apr 1915 Eva Tieman was divorced from Herman Tieman by proceedings in superior court.
- 08 Apr 1915 After living for twenty-five years with Samuel Haverstock in lawful wedded state, Maude Haverstock has go tired of repeated desertions and necessity to work our to earn her low living and had brought suit against him for divorce. She also asks the superior court to give her alimony of $2,000. She says he has failed to provide and that during the past year she has had to support herself, while her husband would go away for days and weeks at a time and leave her in ignorance of his whereabouts. An order has been issued to restrain the Hamilton National bank from paying him money he has deposited there. Fort Wayne News-Sentinel
- 08 Apr 1915 In the superior court Theodore Steger has been granted a divorce from Bertha Steger. Fort Wayne News-Sentinel
- 08 Apr 1915 Ollie Davis has been granted a divorce from Homer Davis in the superior court, allowed the custody of minor children and $8 a month support. Fort Wayne News-Sentinel
- 10 Apr 1915 Alice Julian was granted a divorce from Alva Julian by proceedings in superior court yesterday.
- 11 Apr 1915 Otto Winkelmeyer has filed suit in superior court against Minnie Winkelmeyer for a decree of divorce. He charges that his wife was extremely cruel to him and that she accused him falsely. The couple were married January 22, 1914, and separated March 27, last.
- 14 Apr 1915 Herman Woolard was granted a divorce from Estella Woolard by proceeding held in superior court yesterday.
- 14 Apr 1915 Helen Abbott sues James Abbott for a decree of divorce. The complaint alleges that the husband called his wife vile names and struck her. They were married October 5, 1905, and separated September 19, 1914.
- 14 Apr 1915 Albert Younghans asks the superior court for a decree of divorce from Gerturde Younghans, to whom he was married August 8, 1912, and from whom he separated May 1, 1913. He says that after the first separation, they were united and ashor time later they were separated again when the wife refused to live with him, struck him and called him bad names.
- 14 Apr 1915 Maude Daseler has filed suit in superior court for a limited separation from Charles Dasele. The couple married in 1898 and sparated the 19th of last March. The wife says her husband has treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner, called her vile names and cursed her and stayed out late at night. A restraining order was issued to prevent the husband from molesting her at 619 Madison street or disposing of his household furniture.
- 14 Apr 1915 Eva P. Godfrey was granted a divorce from Arthur Godfrey in superior court last evening.
- 15 Apr 1915 Florence Houck was granted a decree of divorce from Alonzo Houck, and given the custody of a child. The husband was ordered to pay $8 a month for the child's support.
- 16 Apr 1915 In the superior court, a restraining order has been issued to prevent John Craig from molesting his wife at 1012 Clay street or from drawing his wages from the Moellering Construction company during the pendency of divorce suit in which Rosella Craig is a cross-complainant.
- 16 Apr 1915 Archie Boland, defendant in a divorce suit brought by his wife, Hulda Boland, appeared in superior court yesterday to answer contempt charges, and was given until April 20 to comply with the court's orders to pay support money to his wife.
- 17 Apr 1915 Alleging that her husband has already squandered a small farm through drink and that he is soon to come into possession of $15,000 worth more that she fears he will squander, Hattie B. Heffelfinger has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from John K. Heffelfinger. She wants $5,000 alimony and a restraining order which was granted to prevent him from molesting her at 516 West Berry street or from drawing his wages at the Hamilton National bank. The complaint says that the couple were married August 11, 1899, and separated April 12, 1915. The husband is accused of being an habitual drunkard; that he spent all fo his money in saloons, failed to provide for her and compelled her to work in order to get enough to support herself and children. A part of the time she says she had to support her husband. An 80 acre farm was squander fro drink, the wife says, and personal property worth $1,500 went to same way. She also says that her husband threatened her life and struck her. By inheritance, the wife says, the defendant will come into possession of a farm worth $15,000.
- 18 Apr 1915 Alice Buffenbarger was granted a divorce from Henry Buffenbarger, given alimony of $20 and restored to her maiden name, Alice Foughty.
- 20 Apr 1915 In the superior court Jacob C. Soliday has filed suit for divorce from his wife, Minnie Soliday, and in the complaint he alleges that the wife struck him, beat him, scratched his face with her finger nails and broke his eye glasses. The couple were married in December, 1894, were divorced in 1912, and remarried agains January 4, 1913. The plaintiff says he is willing to support his wife as the court sees fit, but it is impossible to live together. He wants an order permitting the sheriff to go to the home, 318 First street, and get his clothing.
- 20 Apr 1915 Edgar Coddington was granted a divorce from Ethel Coddington by proceedings in superior court yesterday.
- 20 Apr 1915 Alfred Shaw has been ordered by the superior court to pay $25 fees to his wife's attorneys.
- 20 Apr 1915 Estella Worley has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from James Worley. The couple were married in 1910 and separated in April 1915. Failure to provide, cruel and inhuman treatment and drunkenness are the allegations.
- 21 Apr 1915 James J. Wood, works manager of the Fort Wayne Electric works, has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from his wife, Helen D. Wood, whom he married April 16, 1908, and from whom he says he separated April 18, 1915. The complaint says that the wife has been guilty of many indiscretions, all of which will be brought out at the trial. "Said defendant," the complaint says, "ignoring her social position, ignoring the provisions plaintiff has made for her and the comforts with which he surrounded her, openly and notoriously was guilty of acts of indiscretion which brought plaintiff into public contempt and ridicule, and although plaintiff expostulated with and begged defendant to cease her improper conduct, she refused to do so and advised plaintiff that she cared nothing for him; that her love was gone and that she proposed to do just as she pleased without consulting hi wishes or desires. It is further alleged the wife's actions were of such a manner as to bring her into contempt and disgrace and to bar her from social intercourse with respectable persons.
- 21 Apr 1915 Mildred M. Westerlin has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Harry L. Westerlin. The couple were married Oct. 2, 1911, and separated April 19, 1915. Nonsupport and cruel and inhuman treatment are alleged. She asks $1,000 alimony and $10 a month for support. A restraining order was issued to prevent the husband from molesting his wife in Woodburn.
- 21 Apr 1915 Fay Hiestand wants a divorce from Willis Hiestand, on the grounds of habitual drunkenness and cruelty. Custody of the child is also asked.
- 21 Apr 1915 In the superior court Alice Lung sued Daniel Lung for a decree of divorce. The complaint alleges drunkenness. Alimony in the sum of $2,000 is asked.
- 22 Apr 1915 In circuit court the case of Paulina Toensing vs. William Toensing has been dismissed. The defendant was ordered to pay Dr. Rothschild the sum of $50 and $50 for plaintiff's board for three months.
- 22 Apr 1915 The superior court has granted a divorce to Emma Reffeit from Harry Reffeit. Three children were given into the custody of the board of children's guardians. Homes will be provided for them.
- 22 Apr 1915 Hazel Fowler asks the superior court for a decree of divorce from Raymond Fowler, to whom she was married July 9, 1910, and from whom she separated three years ago. Failure to provide and desertion are alleged.
- 22 Apr 1915 Murtle Welsh has filed suit in the superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, John Welsh. The couple were married March 6, 1905, and separated April 20, 1915. The wife accuses her husband of drinking to excess, that he called her vile names, struck and beat her, drove her away from home and falsely accused her of being intimate with strange men. A restraining order to prevent the New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad company from paying the defendant his wages is asked, and also an order to prevent the husband from molesting his wife at 1502 West Main street.
- 23 Apr 1915 Earl Reed has been cited to appear in superior court April 27 and show cause why he should not be cited for contempt for failure to pay support money to his wife pending divorce action.
- 23 Apr 1915 In superior court Gail Martin has filed suit against Robert Martin for a decree of divorce. She alleges cruel and inhuman treatment, that the defendant has an ugly disposition and continually nags her. The sum of $5.00 a week for support and custody of the child is asked.
- 23 Apr 1915 Minnie Soliday has filed a cross-complaint for divorce from her husband, John Soliday. The wife charges that husband with being an habitual drunkard, that he calls her vile names, abuses her, and boasted of his relation with other women.
- 24 Apr 1915 Hazel Moss has begun action against Frank Moss for a decree of divorce. The couple were married November 14, 1914, and separated December 2 of the same year, at which time the defendant deserted his wife and went to Pittsburgh, so the complaint says. The wife says that during their married life she has to work in a factory to support herself. She asks restoration of her maiden name.
- 24 Apr 1915 John J. Kelly was granted a divorce from Lillian Kelly by proceedings held in superior court.
- 25 Apr 1915 Cinderelia Lauer was granted a divorce from Paul J. Lauer by proceedings in circuit court. She was awarded custody of a child and $4.00 a week for its support.
- 27 Apr 1915 Edith Hixon was divorced from Raymond Hixon, awarded $10 a month for support and given the custody of a child.
- 28 Apr 1915 Murtle Hooper has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from John Hooper, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to provide.
- 28 Apr 1915 Ezza Orebaugh has begun action against John A. Orenbaugh for a decree of divorce. The complaint charges that the husband has called his wife vile names, left her when she was ill and failed to support her. The couple were married in December, 1913 and separated in April, 1914.
- 28 Apr 1915 In the case of Otto Winkelmeyer vs. Minnie Winkelmeyer the defendant has been ordered to pay $5 a week to his wife and $25 attorneys' fees.
- 29 Apr 1915 Minnie Todd was granted a divorce from Charles Todd by proceedings held in superior court.
- 29 Apr 1915 John Holcomb was divorced from Etta Holcomb in the superior court. The case was transferred here from Bluffton.
- 29 Apr 1915 Cora Smeaders has filed suit in the superior court for a decree of divorce from George W. Smeaders, $2,600 alimony, $25 for support and custody of children. The couple were married September 17, 1899, and separated April 13, 1910, at which time the defendant is said to have abandoned her.
- 29 Apr 1915 Walter E. Croxton was ordered to pay $25 attorneys' fees and $4 a week for support to his wife, Irma Croxton.
- 30 Apr 1915 Alice Treuchet has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Louis Treuchet, to whom she was married December 21, 1910, and from whom she separated April 26, 1915. She charges her husband with habitual drunkenness, failure to provide; that he cursed her, threatened her life, falsely accused her of associating with other men, when he himself consorted with bad women; that he left the city and took another woman with him, the name of whom she does not know. In addition to an absolute decree, she wants attorneys' fees, reasonable support and an order to prevent the husband from molesting her.
- 01 May 1915 Eva Chambers has filed suit in the superior court for a decree of divorce from Ralph Chambers, alleging curel and inhuman treatment. She wants her maiden name, Rittinger, restored, reasonable attoryneys' fees and an order to restrain the Parkard company from paying the defendant his wages.
- 02 May 1915 Grank Boitet was granted a divorce from Amanda C. Boitet by proceedings in superior court yesterday.
- 02 May 1915 Pearl Garwood was divorced from Nelson Garwood in the superior court.
- 02 May 1915 Samantha Mae Grames was granted a divorce from James C. Grames.
- 04 May 1915 The superior court has refused to modify the divorce decree in the case of George Killen and he must continue to pay $30.00 a month toward the support of his wife.
- 04 May 1915 Jacob Soliday was ordered to pay $5.00 a week for the support of his wife and $25.00 attorney's fees.
- 05 May 1915 Enos Lord has filed suit for divorce from Ida Lord. The complaint says that the couple were married August 10, 1886, and that they separated Nov. 29, 1914; that the wife told her husband she hated him, was constantly nagging him, swore at him and stayed away from his home. He says that his wife established a separate domicile and entertained men there. The couple have eight children, of whom he wants the custody.
- 07 May 1915 In the superior court, Lola Bertha Moore has filed suit for a decree of divorce from her husband, Jesse Moore, to whom she was married in September, 1911, and from whom she separated May 4, 1915, when the two has a quarrel at their home. Mrs. Moore says that her husband is an habiutal drunkard and that he spends the $22 weekly he gets in wages from the Grace Construction company in saloons. She says that on the night of May 4 he came home at 7 o'clock in a drunken condition and that he struck her over the hear with a steel frying pan and otherwise mistreated her until she was compelled to glee for her life. "Some way unknown to the plaintiff," the complaint says, the husband set fire to the home and destroyed it, together with all her personal belongings. The wife alleges that she is unable to work now because of the injuries she received at the hands of her husband. In additioon to the decree, Mrs. Moore wants $2,000 alimony, a restraining order to prevent him from drawing this wages from the Grace Construction company and restoration of her maiden name, Woods.
- 07 May 1915 Howard W. Harvey has begun action against Elizabeth C. Harvey for a decree of divorce on the grounds of abandonment. The couple were married May 3, 1912, and separated April 30, 1913.
- 08 May 1915 Dora Shaffer was granted a divorce from John Shaffer by proceedings in superior court yesterday. The woman testified that her husband left her when he found out she was to become a mother and that he had told her he would not live with a woman who would have children. The child died soon after its birth and the husband wanted to come back. The wife refused to take him back and Judge Yaple sustained her.
- 08 May 1915 Rose Carpenter has filed suit in superior court against James F. Carpenter for a decree of divorce, on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment.
- 09 May 1915 Charles F. Sears was granted a divorce from Mary M. Sears by proceedings held in superior court yesterday.
- 09 May 1915 Cora D. Stumpf has filed suit in superior court to get possession of furniture, diamond ring, automobile and stock of goods in the four-mile road house between Fort Wayne and New Haven, which she claims is unlawfully held by her husband, Edward Stumpf, against whom divorce proceedings were filed some time ago.
- 09 May 1915 Linnie Casterline has filed a suit against Herman Casterline for a decree of divorce. She says they were Married October 15, 1905, and that on January, 1912, they were divorced, married again February 25, 1914, and separated again March 14, 1914. The wife charges her husband with cruel and inhuman treatment; that he cursed her, called her vile names and falsely accused her of improper relations with other men. She wants custody of the children.
- 11 May 1915 In superior court, Katarina Markewiec has filed suit against Stansilaus Markewiec for a decree of divorce. The couple were married February 15, 1911, and separated April 1, 1913. The allegations are that the husband called his wife vile names, struck and abused her and threatened to kill her. Custody of the child is asked.
- 11 May 1915 Another divorce case in superior court is that of Martin Klug vs. Lillian Klug. The couple married September 17, 1910, and separated February 4, 1915. Abandonment is the allegation.
- 11 May 1915 May Sweeney is asking the superior court for a decree of divorce from Joseph Sweeney, to whom she was married September 21, 1911, and from whom she separated April 11, 1915. The wife says that her husband called her vile names, associated with other women and otherwise mistreated her.
- 11 May 1915 Hazel Ann Johnson says it is impossible for her to live with Curtis Johnson and the superior court is asked to grant a divorce. The couple were married November 6, 1911, and separated December 1, 1914. Failure to provide is charged.
- 12 May 1915 Ida Lord has filed a cross-complaint for divorce from her husband, Enos Lord. She says that the husband is jealous of her, accused her of going with other men, refused to pay the house rent, neglected the children and was arrested on a charge of child neglect. She says that the judge of the court ordered him to pay $9 a week toward the children's support, but this is too small considering the fact that he make $24 a week in wages.
- 12 May 1915 Ida J. Kirkland has filed suit in the superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, Bruce E. Kirkland, to whom she was married Jan. 28, 1886, and from whom she separated in November, 1914. Cruel and inhuman treatment is alleged and the wife says that her husband absented himself from his home for long periods at a time. Alleging that the plaintiff is worth $12,000, she wants $4,000 of it in alimony. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland formerly lived in Cromwell and Ligonier.
- 12 May 1915 Catherine Krock has filed suit for divorce from her husband, George Krock. Mrs. Krock says her husband signed a pledge to quit drinking, but notwithstanding this fact, he comes home "beastly drunk," every Saturday night, and that he beats her up with his fists. The complaint says that the husband calls his wife names that cannot be set out in the complaint. Mrs. Krock says that the husband indecently exposed himself in front of his children. Former divorce suits were withdrawn, the complaint says when the husband agreed to do better.
- 13 May 1915 In the superior court, Minnie Hamilton has filed suit against her husband, John Hamilton, for a decree of divorce. The couple were married September 31, 1901, and separated May 11, 1915. The wife charges her husband with cruel and inhuman treatment and habitual drunkenness, and that he spends all the money he makes on liquor instead of using it to support his family. The wife wants the custody fo the children.
- 13 May 1915 The superior court granted a divorce to Amiel Harshbarger from Pearl Harshbarger on cross-complaint.
- 13 May 1915 In the case of lola Moore vs. Bertha Moore, the defendant has filed a motion in superior court to have a restraining order modified.
- 14 May 1915 In the superior court, Sophie C. McGhee has filed suit against Galen A. McGhee for a decree of divorce. The couple were married in October, 1908, and separated October 11, 1914. The wife says that her husband failed to provide for her; that he spent his money exclusively on himself and treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner. She wants her maiden name, Sophie Roth, restored.
- 15 May 1915 In the case of Virginia Pearl Renbarger vs. Louis A. Renbarger, the defendant has been cited to appear forthwith to show cause why he should not stand in contempt for failure to pay support money to his wife in divorce action.
- 15 May 1915 In the superior court, Florence Bowman has begun action against Charles W. Bowman for a decree of divorce. The couple were married June 20, 1907, and separated May 10, 1915. Cruel and inhuman treatment is the allegation.
- 15 May 1915 Lena Peckham has filed suit for divorce from her husband, Earl R. Peckham, alleging failure to provide. The couple were married November 8, 1913, and separated in 1914. The wife says that soon after the birth of their baby, the husband deserted her and refused to lfe with her. She asks for the child's custody and reasonable sum for support.
- 16 May 1915 Louis M. Heath was ordered to appear in superior court Monday and answer contempt proceedings for failure to pay support money to his wife.
- 16 May 1915 Austin Henry was granted a divorce from Elizabeth Henry by proceedings in superior court.
- 16 May 1915 John Hamilton was ordered to pay $5.00 a week support to his wife and $25.00 attorneys' fees.
- 16 May 1915 Charles H. Estep was granted a divorce from Agnes Estep. The case was heard in the superior court.
- 16 May 1915 Marilia S. Williams has brought suit against Oscar Williams for a decree of divorce. The couple were married March 14, 1915, and separated May 15, 1915. The wife charges her husband with extreme cruelty in that he made her work in the fields, was cross to her, called her a "nigger," and falsely accused her of intamney with other men. One time, she says, he told her that is he had a revolver he would kill her; that he struck and beat her and twisted her neck on one occasion until she screamed for mercy. She asks support, attorney fees and an order restraining the Hamilton National bank from surrendering the defendant's deposits.
- 16 May 1915 Bertha Hulsey sues Benjamin Hulsey for divorce on the grounds of non-support, desertion and drunkenness. The couple married September 5, 1914, and separated March 16, 1915.
- 18 May 1915 Frieda Bauermeister and her husband, Ernest C. Bauermeister, after having tried to live together for less than three years, have asked the superior court to dissolve the marriage, although to whom the decree sill be granted is another matter. Mrs. Bauermeister filed a suit in court yesterday afternoon for a divorce and two hours later, Mr. Bauermeister filed a direct complaint against his wife, although neither knew the action taken by the other. In the wife's conplaint she says she was married to her husband in August, 1912, and separated in May, 1915; that the husband hit her with his fist, called her bad names, gave the child liquor until it became drunken and otherwise cruelly and inhumanely treated her. She says that she filed suit for divorce once before and withdrew it on the husband's promise to do better. In addition to the decree, she wants the custody of a child, and order restraining the Summit City Soap works from paying Mr. Bauermeister his wages, and order to prevent him from molesting his wife, $1,000 alimony, $5 a week for support and $25 attorneys' fees. In the husband's complaint, he alleges that his wife cursed and swore at him, threatened to kill him, and left his home against his wishes. He also asks for custody of the child.
- 18 May 1915 Hulda Boland was granted a divorce from Archie Boland and given the custody of two children. He was ordered to pay $10 a month for support.
- 18 May 1915 Cora D. Gardinier has filed suit against Sidney F. Gardinier for a decree of divorce. The couple were married May 21, 1896, and separated yesterday. In addition to a charge of failure to provide, the wife says that her husband called her vile names and that when she was sick he said to her; "Well, now what in the hell is the matter with you?"; that he threw her watch and pocketbook on the floor and lost his temper. The defendant is also accused of being an habitual gambler, and that he refused to speak to her for three weeks. She wants $2,000 alimony, attorney's fees, and order restraining the S.F. Bowser company from paying him wages and that he be enjoined from disposing of his property.
- 18 May 1915 Louis Treuchet was cited to appear in superior court at 9 o'clock a.m. May 21, and show cause why he shoud not stnad in contempt for failure to pay support money to his wife, Alice.
- 18 May 1915 Loretta L. Taylor, in a complaint containing 83 words, asks the superior court for a divorce from William N. Taylor, who, she clains deserted her in 1911, after they has been married seventeen years.
- 18 May 1915 Arvilla Brown sues George Edward Brown for a decree of divorce. The couple married May 10, 1911, and separated May 2, 1915. The wife says her husband struck and kicked her and caused her to lose a child by his cruel treatment of her. Alimony in the sum of $500 is asked.
- 19 May 1915 Anna M. Layton filed suit against Lyman Layton for divorce, alleging that her husband struck her, threw her to the floor, amde disparaging remarks about her physical condition, cursed her, called her vile name, gave her none of his affection and told her when she was sick that he wished she would die. Non-support is another allegation. In addition to the decree, she wants $50 to pay her attorneys, $40 a month for the support of herself and children, whose custody she asks, a restraining order to prevent his from molesting her and asks that the Pennsylvania be ordered to apy into court the wages due defendant.
- 19 May 1915 Henry Poinsette filed a cross-complaint against his wife, Georgia Poinsette, for a decree of divorce, alleging that Mrs. Poinsette would lock the front door of the house, while men vistors would leave the back door. The cross-complainant says that his wife admitted once that she had a man in house, but upon her promise to cease the practice, he concluded to live with her. He says that his wife played the piano in a burlesque show against his wished and that she has a desire to go on the stage, against his wishes. Other charges are that she threatened to beat him with kitchen utensils, and that once she threatened him with a butcher knife. Poinsette blames his mother-in-law for much of the trouble. He wants the custody of the children. The suit of Mrs. Poinsette was filed in March.
- 19 May 1915 Earl Peckham has been ordered by the superior court to pay $15 a month for the support of his wife, Lena Peckham, and $25 attorneys' fees.
- 19 May 1915 Jessie Mae Smith was granted a divorce from Earl Smith and restored to her maiden name, Hickox.
- 19 May 1915 Ernest Bauermeister was ordered to pay $5 a week toward the support of his wife, Frieda Bauermeister nad $25 attorneys' fees.
- 19 May 1915 Angeline Ellen Heller was divorced from Bert C. Heller by proceedings in superior court.
- 19 May 1915 In the superior court Anna Ensch has filed suit against John Ensch for a decree of divorce. The couple were married February 10, 1902, and separated May 17, 1915. That the husband called her vile names, cursed and swore at her and is an habitual drunkard are the allegations of the complaint. She wants the custody of the child, $5 a week for support, $50 attorneys' fees, and a restraining order to keep him from visiting her or selling his property.
- 19 May 1915 John Heffelfinger has been ordered to pay $50 attorneys' fees to his wife's counsel and $12 a month for the support of two children, who have been given into the custody of Margaret Heffelfinger.
- 20 May 1915 In the superior court yesterday afternoon, Judge Yaple granted a divorce to Mary Langford from Obediah Landford and gave the wife the custody of the children. The defendant was also ordered to pay to the wife alimony in the sum of $9,250 and costs of suit. An allowance was also made for plaintiff's attorneys.
- 20 May 1915 Kintz Roebuck was granted a divorce from William P. Roebuck, given custody of a child and allowed $6 a month for support. The defendant is permitted to have the child during July and August of each year and also permission to visit it the first Saturday and Sunday of each month.
- 20 May 1915 Edgar Stirlen is made defendant in a suit for divorce filed by Cora C. Stirlen. The couple were married in 1890 and separated in 1914. Drunkenness and desertion are the allegations. The defendant is said to be worth considerable money and a prayer for $5,000 alimony and custody of the children is included.
- 21 May 1915 The divorce suit of Anna M. Layton vs. Lyman Layton has been dismissed in the superior court and the restraining order canceled.
- 21 May 1915 Carl Herfort has been ordered by the superior court to return his children to Mrs. Wilhelmina Deisch, a grandmother, into whose custody they were given when the Herfort divorce case was tried.
- 21 May 1915 Lucinda Snyder was granted a divorce from Samuel Snyder by proceedings in superior court.
- 21 May 1915 In the case of Alice Lung vs. Daniel Lung, the defendant has been ordered to pay $5 a week toweard the support of the wife and $25 attorneys' fees
- 21 May 1915 Daniedl Hahn has been ordered to present himself in the superior court June 4 and show cause why he did not make his appearance before the sheriff of Franklin county as ordered. Hahn's wife is suing him for a divorce and he was cited for contempt some time ago.
- 22 May 1915 Judge Yaple presided as special judge in the hearing of the case of Minnie vs. Charles Anderson, action for divorce. The plaintiff was granted a decree, was given $400 alimony, eight dollars per month and the custody of the daughter. The defendant was given the custody of the son.
- 23 May 1915 Martha Elizabeth Fry has filed suit in the superior court for a decree of divorce from Alex Fry, alleging non-support. The couple were married July 19, 1911, and separated in August of the same year.
- 23 May 1915 James J. Noonan wants a divorce from Frankces Noonan, according to a suit he file in the superior court yesterday. The couple were married February 15, 1915, and separated three months and seven days later. The husband says his wife drank liquor in wine rooms against his wishes.
- 23 May 1915 Bessie Smith is asking the superior court for a decree of divorce from Walter C. Smith, to whom she was married November 19, 1913, and from whom she separated February 15, 1915. The wife says her husband has an ungovernable temper and that on one occasion he choked her. Alimony in the sum of $1,000 is asked.
- 25 May 1915 Cynthia Bargerhoff was granted a divorce from George Bargerhoff in the superior court, given the custody of a child and awarded $10.00 a month for support.
- 25 May 1915 In the superior court Peter Ladig has filed a cross-complaint against Minnie Ladig for divorce. He alleges that the wife deserted him and them wrote a letter asking that he take her back. He says he did take her back, but she did not keep her promises that she would stay at home and quit drinking, be a good housekeeper and "cut everything out and do what was right." The complaint alleges that, after the husband took his wife back, she told him some things he did not know before. One day when he came home from work, he says, she wa gone and when he went to look for her he found her in a hotel with another man. He tried to get her our, so he alleges, and she caused so much disturbance the police were called. That she deserted him a dozen time., attacked him with a butcher knife and pawned her jewelry as well as his are allegations in the complaint.
- 25 May 1915 Deiliah Swain has begun suit against Howard Swain for a decree of divorce. The couple were married July 29, 1903 and separated in June, 1912. It is alleged that the husband failed to support his wife and is now serving a sentence in prison. Custody of the children and $1,000 alimony are asked.
- 25 May 1915 In the circuit court Ada Kierbach was granted a divorce from Max Kiervach on a cross-complaint, given $200 alimony and restored to her maiden name, Liebrenz.
- 26 May 1915 In superior court, Emily D. Mason sues Edward J. Mason for a decree of divorce. The couple were married April 12, 1910, and separated May 25, 1915. The wife accuses her husband of having struck and beat her, that he called her vile name and cursed her, failed to provide and drank to excess. Alimony in the sum of $500 is asked and a restraining order to prevent him from molesting her.
- 27 May 1915 Emma Stewart was granted a divorce from John S. Stewart. The case was heard in superior court.
- 27 May 1915 Norbert Ladig has filed suit in the superior court for a decree of divorce from Rose Ladig, alleging that when he married his wife, she represented that she was in good health. After the marriage he says he found out she was subject to fits. The husband says his wife has been cruel to him and had him arrested for non-support; and that he had to spend two nights in jail, which greatly embarrased him. The couple married August 6, 1914, and separated May 1, this year.
- 27 May 1915 William Anderson wants a divorce from Matilda Anderson on the grounds that the wife not only abused him herself, but that she induced her children by a former marriage to make life miserable for him. The couple married March 30, 1914, and separated August 26, when, he says, he could stand the treatment no longer. The plaintiff also says his wife charged him with illicit relations with other women.
- 27 May 1915 Anthony A. Kayser has been ordered to pay $4.00 a week for four weeks and $3.00 a week thereafter toward the support of his wife, Laouia M. Kayser, who is suing him for divorce.
- 28 May 1915 Louis Sarasein, who chose a prison sentence in the circuit court Wednesday afternoon in preference to paying his dovorced wife $12 a month, weakened yesterday morning, after he had spent one night in the Allen county jail and asked permission to go before the court and make a new promise to Judge Eggeman. Sheriff Gladieux compiled with the man's request and he was given another chance to make the payments and keep out of the penitentiary. When Sarasein awoke yesterday morning in jail, he made up his mind that he did not care to spend seven years behind bars when he could keep out for three dollars a week.
- 28 May 1915 In the superior court Mary Brooks has begun action against William Brooks for a decree of divorce. The couple were married May 10, 18??, and separated April 3, 1903. The wife charges that the husband has struck her, called her vile names and forced her to work for a living. The defendant is said to be a non-resident of the state of Indiana.
- 29 May 1915 In superior court, Agnes Learch has filed a suit against Charles Learch for limited separation, custody of child, support money and alimony. She says she was married to her husband October 23, 1912, and separated January 11, 1915; that he is a drunkard and that since January 1 he has given her bu t $17 to live on. The Wells-Fargo company is restrained from paying wages to the defendant.
- 02 Jun 1915 Bertha Hanton wants a divorce from William D. Hanton, to whom she was married April 25, 1914, and from whom she separated in April, 1915. The wife alleges that the husband has called her vile names, cursed her and struck and beat her until she had to seek the services of a physician. Threat to ill is also alleged. Included in the complaint is a prayer for support money and a restraining order to prevent the Anthony Printing company from paying the defendant his wages and also an order to prevent him for molesting her at 607 East Washington street.
- 02 Jun 1915 Edna Lanning wants a divorce from Otto A. Lanning according to a complaint filed yesterday in the superior court. The couple were married January 24, 1914, and separated June 1, 1915. Non-support and cruel and inhuman treatment are alleged. She wants the custody of a child and support money.
- 03 Jun 1915 Dorothy Sanders asks the superior court for a decree of divorce from Charles L. Sanders, whom she married Oct. 13, 1901, and whom she left May 20, 1915. The plaintiff says that her husband has cruelly beaten and struck her and that he was so cruell to her she was sick for days at a time after his attacks. He threatened to kill her and drew knives on her, the complaint alleges; he is an habitual drunkard, grambles and failed to provide. The usual restraining orders are asked.
- 03 Jun 1915 Walter McDonald is seeking a divorce from June M. McDonald. The couple married July 31, 1913, and separated in April, last. The plaintiff alleges that his wife called him vile names, refused to do her household duties and kept company with other men. He say she even brought other men to the house while he was away.
- 03 Jun 1915 Frank P. Miller asks for a divorce from Ida A. Miller, to whom he was married Sept. 7, 1914, and from whom he separated last month. The husband says that his wife deserted him several times and that in May, 1915, she left home in the morning and didn't come back.
- 03 Jun 1915 Ruth M. Miller sues her husband, Oral D. Miller, for a decree of divorce. The couple were married May 16, 1910, and separated May 22, 1915. That the husband made no suitable provision for her support, that he drinks and associates with women of ill repute, boasted to her of his indiscretions, called her vile names, spent his money for liquor and otherwise mistreated her are allegations set out in the complaint. Alimony in the sum of $500 is asked and a restraining order to prevent him from molesting her or disposing of his property. The two jointly own a truck farm.
- 03 Jun 1915 Judge Yaple has sustained a motion to reopen the divorce case of Benjamin Ridder vs. Pearl Ridder. The husband was originally granted the divorce.
- 04 Jun 1915 Bertha Croft sues Josiah P. Croft for a decree of divorce. The couple were married November 13, 1914, and separated in March of this year. Mrs. Croft says her husband has gailed to provide for her and that since January 1, he has contributed $3.00 toward her support. He called her vile names, she says, and refused to call a doctor when she was ill. He also threw dished at her while she lay in bed sick, the complaint alleges.
- 04 Jun 1915 A suit for divorce was filed by Georgiana Burritt against George Burritt. The couple married December 6, 1906, and separated June 3, 1915. The wife alleges that her husband has repeatedly cursed and struck her and that he came home on one occasion and gave her a beating. She asks custody of the children.
- 04 Jun 1915 Judge Yaple granted a divorce to Clemetto Della Rocco from Nellie Della Rocco and ordered him to pay $10 a month for the support of two children who were given into the custody of the defendant.
- 04 Jun 1915 Bernon Pollack, defendant in the suit of Iva Pollack for divorce, has been cited to appear in superior court June 9 to answer contempt proceedings.
- 05 Jun 1915 Wilhelmina Morse has filed suit in the superior court for a decree of divorce from James F. Morse, to whom she was married in October, 1889, and from whom she separated two years ago, after he abandoned her. She says that the husband is guilty of adultery.
- 05 Jun 1915 Arthur Ulrich has filed suit against Pauline J. Ulrich for a decree of divorce. The couple married October 1, 1912, and separated June 3, 1915. The husband says his wife is continually nagging him and that she is insanely jealous. He alleges that he took her back several times on her promise to be good, but she failed.
- 06 Jun 1915 Charles Tilbury was granted a divorce from Mary Tilbury on a cross-complaint. The case was heard in the superior court. Mrs. Tilbury was given the custody of a daughter, while the husband gets the two sons.
- 06 Jun 1915 The suit of Mae Boals vs. Harvie A. Boals was dismissed in superior court.
- 08 Jun 1915 Ida A. Miller has filed a cross-complaint for divorce from Frank P. Miller. She says that some time ago she procured a divorce from her husband and that ever since the decree he had threatened to kill her and her people if she would not remarry him. In 1914, she says, she was dangerously ill and that in September of that year, she remarried him. He failed to support her, she alleges, and told her to get a divorce. The divorce complaint which the husband filed, alleged that she did not know where she was when in fact she was in Columbia City visiting relatives, according to the cross-complaint. The wife asks for $500 alimony and an order to prevent the Summit City Soap works from paying wages to the plaintiff.
- 08 Jun 1915 Pauline J. Ulrich asks the superior court to grant her a divorce from Arthur Ulrich on corss-complaint. She says that on June 3 her husband deserted her and left her with no funds for her support; she was compelled to go to the home of her aunt; the husband drinks to excess, has an ungovernable temper; found fault with her, cursed her and told her he would get rid of her. The wife wants the custody of the child.
- 08 Jun 1915 Jacob Ensch has filed a petition in superior court to have divorce decree modified. He says that his wife was granted a divorce and given custody of the children, and that she is an unfit person to care for them. He wants the court to award him the custody, agreeing to send them to school and Sunday school and make good citizens out of them.
- 08 Jun 1915 Laura L. Fisher filed suit against Marion E. Fisher for divorce. The complaint was withdrawn from the files.
- 08 Jun 1915 Augusta Hoffman seeks a divorce from Otto G. Hoffman. The complaint was withdrawn from the files.
- 08 Jun 1915 Gladys Mae Perry sues for a divorce from William N. Perry. The complaint was withdrawn from the files.
- 08 Jun 1915 Sarah Bollman wants a divorce from Arthur Bollman. She was married to defendant Feb. 24, 1912, and separated June 5, this year. The allegations are that the husband struck and beat his wife, called her vile names and assaulted her. She wants the custody of a child and $500 alimony.
- 09 Jun 1915 George Killen has been cited to appear in superior court June 15 to answer contempt proceedings for failure to pay support money to his wife.
- 09 Jun 1915 In the superior court, Laura B. Lepper has filed suit for divorce against Warren B. Leeper. The couple were married August 20, 1909, and separated in September, 1914. The wife charges that her husband deserted her, cursed at her, called her vile names and committed adultery with a woman whose name she does not know. She asks custody of a child and $2,000 alimony.
- 09 Jun 1915 Ollie Shannon has filed suit against Chester Shannon for a decree of divorce, alleging desertion, cruel and inhuman treatment and non-support. The couple were married May 7, 1913, and separated Feb. 24, 1915.
- 09 Jun 1915 In the superior court, Clara Long has commenced suit against Louis Long for a divorce on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. The couple were married Mary 12, 1911, and separated January 13, last. Custody of the children and support money are asked.
- 10 Jun 1915 Alleging that his wife, Blossom Violet Ebert, associated with other men and that at one time she placed her arms around another man's neck, John A. Ebert has filed suit for divorce in superior court. The couple were married March 23, 1913, and separated May 24, 1915. In his complaint, the husband says that his wife neglected her household duties, she refused to cook his meals, and left their child at home alone or with neighbors while she ran around. She also drank liquor with other men, he says, and when reprimanded for it she told him it "was none of his business."
- 10 Jun 1915 Laura B. Lepper wants a divorce from Warren B. Lepper to whom she was married August 20, 1909, and from whom she separated in September, 1914. The wife alleges that her husband left her March 18, 1911, swore at her , called her vile names and on one occasion choked her. She says that on September 5, 1914, the husband associated with another woman and that she caught him in bed with her. Custody of a child is asked and $2,000 alimony.
- 10 Jun 1915 May G. Stapleton filed a suit for divorce from James S. Stapleton in the grounds that he cursed her, called her vile names and beat her. The couple married October 17, 1911, and separated May 15, this year. She wants her maiden name, May Phillips restored.
- 10 Jun 1915 Clark Bitner appeared in superior court to answer contempt proceedings for failure to pay support money to his wife and he was permitted to go to work and raise the cash.
- 11 Jun 1915 The divorce suit of Anna Ensch vs. John Ensch has been dismissed in the superior court.
- 11 Jun 1915 In the case of Ann Ensch vs. Jacob Ensch, the defendant has been awarded the custody of two children in superior court.
- 11 Jun 1915 Clifton Benoy wants a divorce from Belle Benoy, to whom she was married May 13, 1909, and from whom she separated in May 1915. He says that his wife deserted him and the he tried several time to get her to come back and live with him. He says she takes auto rides with certain people and that on one occasion she was in a buggy with two men, was thrown out of the buggy in an accident and had to go to the hospital.
- 11 Jun 1915 The superior court has ordered John Ensch to pay $12.50 weekly to the support of his wife.
- 11 Jun 1915 Raymond Hixon, defendant in a divorce suit filed by his wife, Edith Hixon has been cited to appear in superior court June 15 to answer contempt proceedings for failure to pay support money to his wife.
- 13 Jun 1915 Anna A. Campbell was granted a divorce from Charles H. Campbell in superior court.
- 13 Jun 1915 Flora Welch was divorced from Thomas B. Welch on cross-complaint. She was also given alimony in the sum of $200 payable $10 a month. The case was heard in superior court.
- 13 Jun 1915 Flora O'Hara has filed a suit in superior court for divorce from Ferdinand O'Hara. The couple were married May 7, 1905, and separated this month. The wife says her husband struck her, refusted to support her and choked her. The superior court, granted an order restraining the defendant from molesting his wife at 1321 Wells street and the Lake Erie and Western Railroad company is made to answer as to money due him.
- 15 Jun 1915 Robert Younghaus was granted a divorce from Gertrude Younghaus by proceedings in superior court.
- 15 Jun 1915 Malinda Bennett was divorced from George Bennett in the superior court and permitted to resume her maided name of Kanibach.
- 15 Jun 1915 The superior court ordered John Naylor to pay $8.00 a month toward the support of a child which was born after Naylor was divorced from his wife, Avis E. Naylor.
- 15 Jun 1915 Ida Lanning was divorced from Otto Lanning by the superior court and awarded $20 a month for support. The defendant was ordered to pay attorneys fees.
- 15 Jun 1915 Blossom Violet Ebert has filed a cross-complaint against John A. Ebert for divorce. She says her husband is insanely jealous of her, that he accused her of intimacy with other men, which was false and that he often said to her, Such and such a man is a good friends of yours, why don't you get money from him? The defendant accuses the plaintiff of knocking her down and on one accasion he injured her so severely she was laid up for a week. She says he failed to provide for her and that some times she has nothing to eat. He reused to pay for their furniture, she say and the furniture company had to take the good back. Custody of a minor child, reasonable alimony and support are asked.
- 15 Jun 1915 Emma E. Flaig has filed a suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Michael Flaig, alleging that for some time he has failed and refused to support her, that he absented himself from home and ran around with other women. On on occasion the complaint says he filed suit for divorce from her but was denied a decree in court. The couple married in 1902 and separated last November. She asks custody of a son.
- 17 Jun 1915 In the superior court, John C. Hamm has filed suit for a decree of divorce from Bessie Hamm, alleging that the wife was cruel to him that she told him she did not love him, threatened to poison him and refused to prepare his meals as a good wife should. The complaint also says that Mrs. Hamm told her husband she only married him so she could get away from the home she had at the time of marriage.
- 17 Jun 1915 Lillie Carver tells the superior court in her suit for divorce from Heastis Carver that her husband threw her to the floor, dragged her onto the porch and out into the yard and then told her to go. The wife says that while she was preparing the Sunday dinner, June 13, the husband flew into a rage and committed the above offenses. Mrs. Carver sets out the she has been a kind and dutiful wife, gut that her husband has falsely accused her of unchased association and of "making dates," besides kicking her and brutally mistreating her. She says that she was only a mere girl when she was married, although she weighed 110 pounds. Since his mistreatment, she says, she is a nervous wreck and has lost fifty pounds in weight. On the Sunday specifically mentioned, Mrs. Carver says her husband asked her of she wasn't going and told her he "would hurry it along." She asks an order restraining the Wayne Knitting mills from paying the defendant his wages and restoration of her maide name, Lillie Ranks.
- 17 Jun 1915 George Siler wants the superior court to divorce him from his wife, Nettie Siler, on the grounds of abandonment. The couple were married in 1889 and lived together until six weeks ago, when the wife left him, so he says.
- 17 Jun 1915 The suit of Maud Daesler vs. Charles Daesler has been dismissed.
- 17 Jun 1915 The suit of Sarah Bollman vs. Arthur Bollman has been dismissed.
- 17 Jun 1915 Raymond R. Hixon appeared in superior court to answer contempt proceedings for failure to pay support money to his divorced wife, but was excused when he promised to make good.
- 18 Jun 1915 James Wells has been cited to appear before Judge Yaple in superior court and show cause why he should not be punished for contempt. Wells has failed to pay money for the support of his wife as ordered by the court.
- 18 Jun 1915 Eva Esterling charges Oscar Esterling with failing to perform the part of a good and faithful husband and of deserting her, hence she asks a divorce.
- 19 Jun 1915 Adolph Fabian was granted a divorce from Gerhardine Fabian on cross-complaint by proceedings in superior court.
- 19 Jun 1915 Amos Kleinhans was cited to appear June 22 to show cause why he should not stand in contempt for failure to pay support money to his wife.
- 19 Jun 1915 Bessie Hamm has filed a cross-complaint for divorce from John C. Hamm alleging cruel and inhuman treatment since they were married November 9, 1912, and the husband refused to live with and sent her home to her mother. The couple were married in California she says and the husband made her work as a cook on a ranch. She wants $2,000 alimony.
- 20 Jun 1915 In the superior court, Fairy May Wallmark was divorced from John Edward Wallmark, given the custody of children and awarded $10 a month for their support.
- 20 Jun 1915 In circuit court Elenore Carpenter was granted a divorce from Ameriah Carpenter. The defendant did not appear in person.
- 20 Jun 1915 Pearl Middleton has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from George Middleton on the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment. The couple married December 11, 1911, and separated last month.
- 22 Jun 1915 In the superior court, Frank Besancon has filed suit for divorce from his wife, Margarette Beasoncon. The couple were married in 1883 and separated in Septembe, 1914. Cruel and inhuman treatment is alleged, although no specific charges are made.
- 22 Jun 1915 The superior court granted Ida Dunlap a divorce from Horace Dunlap on her cross-complaint.
- 23 Jun 1915 The suit was filed by Mabel C. Tomson against Thomas T. Tomson. She says they were married March 12, 1915, and sparated last Sunday. For a month after the marriage the husband treated his wife kindly and was good to her, she say. After that be began to subject her to cruelty, the nature of which is decidely shocking and unfit to reproduce. Mrs. Tomason says her health has been impaired by her husband's treatment. Alimony is the sum of $500 is asked and restoration of her maiden name, Mabel C. LeGraw.
- 23 Jun 1915 Margaret Besancon has filed a cross-complaint for divorce from Frank A. Besancon, alleging that the husband drinks to excess, struck her with his fists and slapped her until it made he ill. The plaintiff is also charged with having threatened to kill her, that he cursed her, boasted of his relations with other women, and drove herself and children from the house. She wants $2,000 alimony and a restraining order to prevent him from molesting her at 2503 Pleasant avenue.
- 23 Jun 1915 William Wight wants a divorce from Susan Wight, to whom he was married two years ago and from whom he separated several days ago. The plaintiff alleges that his wife stayed out late at night and would give him no information as to where she had been, that she uses profane language and abused him.
- 23 Jun 1915 Helen W. Hunter seeks a decree of divorce from Harry W. Hunter, on the grounds that he struck her, used vile language and told her if she did not like the way he acted she could get a divorce. The husband is also accused of having left the city in company with another woman.
- 23 Jun 1915 A divorce complaint was filed by Bell Lahey against Thomas Lahey. The couple were married Jan. 22, 1903, and separated April 24, 1914. Mrs. Lahey says her husband threatened her life and on the day of separation threw her out of the house and old her not to come back.
- 23 Jun 1915 Amos Kleinhans appeared in superior court ot answer contempt proceedings. He was discharged upon his promise to make back payments.
- 24 Jun 1915 In the superior court, Elizabeth Affolder has filed suit for divorce from John W. Affolder, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment and that on June 20 of this year he viciously assaulted her and the next day threatened to do her bodily harm when she asked for $2.00 with which to buy groceries. The wife says the husband claimed the right to whip her whenever he thought she ought to have it. The couple were married in 1899. She wants $500 alimony, custody of three children and the usual restraining orders.
- 24 Jun 1915 The superior court has modified the restraining order in the case of Ruth M. Miller vs. Ora D. Miller, giving him permission to return to his farm to work and permitting him to see his children occasionally.
- 24 Jun 1915 The divorce suit of Ethel R. Solt vs. Otto Roy Solt has been dismissed in superior court.
- 25 Jun 1915 Gail Martin was granted a divorce from Robert Martin. Judge Yaple ruled that both the father and the mother should have custody of the child, the father six months out of the year and the mother the other six months. The defendant was ordered to pay $8.00 a month toward the child's support.
- 25 Jun 1915 Susan Wight has filed a cross-complaint against William Wight, alleging that he beat and struck her, choked and kicked her, threatened to drive her out of the house, threatened to kill her, cursed her and called her vile names, has a vicious temper and drinks to excess. Alimony of $1,000 and restraining order to prevent the Fort Wayne Electric works from paying wages to defendant are asked.
- 26 Jun 1915 Mildred Westerlin was granted a divorce from Harry Westerlin, given the custody of minor child and allowed $7.00 a month for its support.
- 26 Jun 1915 Frank Shunk has been cited to appear in superior court June 30 and show cause why he should not stand in contempt for failure to pay support money to his wife, Birdie Shunk.
- 26 Jun 1915 Hattie Heffelfinger was granted a divorce from John K. Heffelfinger. The case was heard in the superior court.
- 26 Jun 1915 Anna Seltenright wants a divorce from Hugh Seltenright. The couple were married October 26, 1912 and separated June 25, 1915. The complaint alleges that the husband todl his wife he only married her so she could take care of his children, that on May 10, 1915, he slapped her, charged her with having found another man, cursed and swore at her and said he was the boss of his wife as well as of his house. She wants the custody of children and restraining order to prevent his from disposing of his property or drawing his wages from the Pennsylvania company.
- 26 Jun 1915 George C. Rederson tells the superior court that his wife, Rose Redderson deserted him and he wants a divorce. The couple were married August 1, 1910 and separated February 5, 1912. The defendant is said to be a non-resident of the state.
- 27 Jun 1915 Mary E. Bruns has filed a suit in the superior court for a decree of divorce from John W. Bruns, alleging that her husband cursed her, called her vile names, struck her, failed to provide and drank to excess.
- 27 Jun 1915 The divorce case of Mabel Tomson against Thomas Tomson has been dismissed in superior court.
- 27 Jun 1915 The divorce case of Flora O'Hara vs. Ferdinand O'Hara has been dismissed in superior court.
- 27 Jun 1915 The superior court has dismissed the case of Evelyn Van Dolson vs. Ernest Van Dolson.
- 29 Jun 1915 The superior court has dismissed the case of Elizabeth Schneossenburg vs. Andrew Schnoessenburg.
- 29 Jun 1915 The superior court has dismissed the case of Goldie Benner vs. William Benner.
- 29 Jun 1915 The superior court has dismissed the case of Charles A. Molitor vs. Rose Moliter.
- 29 Jun 1915 The superior court his dismissed the case of Rubie Dressel vs. John Dressel.
- 29 Jun 1915 The superior court his dismissed the case of Grace Kuhn vs. Solomon Kuhn.
- 29 Jun 1915 The superior court has dismissed the case of Mattie Peartree vs. Roy Peartree.
- 29 Jun 1915 John Hocker Smith was granted a divorce from Mary Smith by proceedings in superior court yesterday.
- 29 Jun 1915 In the case of Bertha Croft vs. Josiah Croft, the defendant has been ordered to pay $4.00 a week support and $25 attorneys' fees.
- 30 Jun 1915 Laura Welsh was granted a divorce from John Welsh in superior court.
- 30 Jun 1915 Nettie Siler has filed a cross-complaint for divorce from G. Siler. She alleges that her husband has refused to support her, cursed her, called her indecent names and told her she was a fool. He is also charged with having told his wife she was crazy. In addition to the decree Mrs. Siler wants the custody of the children.
- 01 Jul 1915 Cora Smeaders was granted a decree of divorce from George Smeaders and given the custody of five children. The husband was ordered to pay $30.00 a month for support.
- 01 Jul 1915 Clara L. McGee was divorced from Thomas McGee and given the custody of two children. The husband pay $5.00 a month support.
- 01 Jul 1915 Frank Shunk appeared in superior court yesterday to answer contempt proceedings for failing to pay $5.00 a week to the support of his divorced wife and children. Judge Yaple gave his his choice of either paying the money or going to jail and Shunk chose the former.
- 03 Jul 1915 Housten Carver was ordered to pay into the hands of the clerk forthwith the sum of $39 for the support of his wife, Nellie, who is suing him for divorce.
- 04 Jul 1915 Clarice Cummings has filed for divorce from Elmo Cummings, on the ground of desertion. The couple were married Oct. 12, 1900, and separated in June, 1913.
- 04 Jul 1915 Louis Wagner wants a divorce from Louise Wagner, to whom he was married Jan. 16 1913, and from whom he separated May 30, 1915. The complaint alleges that she refused to live with him, would not permit him to visit his relatives and accused him falsely of having been intimate with other women. He also charges that his wife tried to drive him from the house and said she could make a living without him.
- 04 Jul 1915 Josephine Hensel wants a divorce from Ray Hensel. The couple were married Oct. 24, 1914, and separated yesterday. The allegations are that the defendant took his personal belongings and left her and told her that she could get along the best way she could. That he threatened her life is another allegation. The usual restraining orders are asked for and the Corrugated Paper company is restrained from paying wages to the defendant.
- 04 Jul 1915 Effie Welker wants a divorce from Noah Welker. She says they were married June 21, 1913, and separated Oct. 20, 1913. Mrs. Welker alleges that her husband deserted her.
- 04 Jul 1915 Edna Baker has filed buit for a decree of divorce from Arthur Baker on the grounds that he struck her and left her without funds, making her work out to earn enought money to live on. The couple were married August 19, 1911, and separated June 26, 1915.
- 04 Jul 1915 Hazel Moss was granted a decree of divorce from Frank Moss. Her maiden name, Hunt, was restored.
- 04 Jul 1915 Ernest Bauermeister, whose wife, Frieda Bauermeister is suing him for divorce, appeared in superior court yesterday on citation for contempt. He was given a reasonable time to make payments.
- 07 Jul 1915 Katherine Helvig has commenced a suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Andrew Helvig, to whom she was married in July, 1900, and from whom she separated in April, 1913. The complaint charges that the husband struck and beat his wife and made her work while she was sick. Abandonment is another allegation.
- 07 Jul 1915 George C. Yax wants a divorce from Florence M. Yax on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. The couple were married in 1912, and separated July 1, of this year.
- 07 Jul 1915 In superior court, Mildren Ludwick sues Charles Ludwick for divorce. The couple were married in Hillsdale, Mich., March 9, 1914, and separated July 4, 1915. That the defendant cursed and abused his wife, falsely accused her of intimacy with other men, drinks to excess and failed to provide are allegations in the complaint. She wants $1,000 aliminy, a restraining order to prevent him from drawing his deposits in the Farmers State bank at Sheldon and an order to keep his wages tied up at the Fort Wayne Electric works.
- 07 Jul 1915 Charging that her husband associated with other women and treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner, Elsie Myers, seeks a divorce from Forrest Meyers, custody of children, support money and attorney's fees. The couple was married Jan. 21, 1911.
- 07 Jul 1915 Ludwig Waldschmidt has filed suit for divorce from his wife, Hanna Waldschmidt and in the complaint he alleges that when he came home from work March 8, last, he found his home deserted and "no cheery wife to greet him and no lunch or eatables on which to regale himself or fortify his inner man for word." He says he did not know where his wife was until April 28, when he received a letter from her from Lima, saying he could see her if he pleased, or not, just to suit himself. The couple were married February 8, 1913.
- 08 Jul 1915 The transcript in the divorce suit of Virgil Clark against Effie Clark was brought to the Allen superior court from the Huntington circuit court at Huntington by Clerk Charles Griffiths yesterday. The complaint alleges that the couple were married Jan 8, 1914 and that a final separation took place April 1, 1915, when the plaintiff was driven away from the defendants' parents home in Wells county by her father. He say he was entitled to a share of his father-in-law's crops, but that, after he was ejected from the farm, he lost his interest. He also says that his wife refused to live with him and had him arrested in Bluffton for wife desertion and that when he appeared in court for trial, the prosecutor has the judge dismiss the case. The wife also filed a suit, so he says, in the Huntington court against the plaintiff's parents for alienation, doing so only because she wanted to get some money for them.
- 08 Jul 1915 Nellie A. Pease sues William Pease for a decree of divorce on the grounds of abandonment. It is alleged that the defendant associated himself with immoral women and that when she objected, he left her without funds. She wants $500 alimony.
- 08 Jul 1915 Francis Dennis is asking for a divorce from Maude Dennis, alleging that on June 22, she life him with a note saying she would never return. Cruel and inhuman treatmetn are also charged. Custody of two children is prayed for.
- 08 Jul 1915 In the case of James Noonan vs. Frances Noonan, the defendant has been ordered to pay $3.00 a week toward the support of his wife and $25 attorneys' fees.
- 08 Jul 1915 Josephine Hensel has dismissed her suit for divorce from Roy Hensel.
- 09 Jul 1915 Louise Kennelly has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from John E. Kennelly. She says she was married September 23, 1895, and separated yesterday because the husband had an ungovernable temper, used bad language and threatened he with bodily harm. She produced a restraining order to keep him from molestinng her. Alimony in the sum of $1,000 and attorneys' fees are asked.
- 09 Jul 1915 Judge Yaple granted a divorce to Louise M. Kayser from Anthony A. Kayser, gave her custody of three children and ordered the husband to apy $12 a month toward support.
- 10 Jul 1915 It did not take William Agler long to find out that he married the wrong woman, for just four days after the ceremony, he says she left him for, for all of which he believes he should have a decree of divorce from the superior court. William Agler was married to Agnes Mattes June 26 and the separation took place June 30, according to his complaint filed by his attorney yesterday. He says soon after the marriage his young wife told him she did not love him, would not live with him and besides she had some one else who would care for her.
- 10 Jul 1915 Rosa Hausbach tells the superior court that for twenty-five years she drugeded to help support her husband, Nicholas Hausbach, and family, and that she cannot stand it any longer. In her divorce complaint, filed yesterday, she accuses her husband of threateninng to stricke her calling her vile names and otherwise mistreating her. The couple were married in 1886 and separated October 27, 1914.
- 11 Jul 1915 Judge Yaple, of the superior court, has issued an order citing Archie Boland to appear at 9 o'clock a.m. July 14 and show cause why he should not stand in contempt for failing to pay support money to his wife.
- 11 Jul 1915 Hazel Anna Johnson was granted a divorce from Curtis Johnson by proceeding in superior court.
- 11 Jul 1915 Grace Warner has dismissed her suit against Frederick Warner in the superior court.
- 11 Jul 1915 Charles Ludwick has been ordered to pay his wife, Mildred Ludwick, $5 a week during pendency of divorce complaint.
- 13 Jul 1915 In the superior court Elizabeth McManus has filed a divorce suit against John McManus. She alleges in her compliant that she had to work to support herself even before her husband left her last New Year's day, and that now, since he has been gone for an indefinite time, she thinks she ought to be freed from him. Mrs. McManus also charges that her husband was extremely cruel to her and that he was an habitual drunkard.
- 14 Jul 1915 Nellie Lindsey has filed for a divorce from Harry Lindsey. The plaintiff alleges that on July 11, of this year, the defendant treatened to kill her with an ax and that when she fled for safety he battered in the door and probably would have killed her had it not been for the interference of neighbors. The complaint further alleges that the husband has always been extremely cruel and at different times has threatened her with bodily harm. She says she was away from him for a year and that she went back to him upon his promise to reform. She wants $1,000 alimony, custody of children and usual restraining orders.
- 14 Jul 1915 Theresa Crawl seeks a divorce from Albert Crawl on the grounds of inhuman treatment, alleging that the husband beat her up and choked her. She wants $500 alimony, custody of child and $25 a month for support.
- 14 Jul 1915 Edith Smethers wants to be divorced from Thomas Smethers and in the complaint she includes a prayer for $1,500 alimony. Cruel and inhuman treatment is alleged.
- 14 Jul 1915 Frank Fought is made defendant in a suit for divorce brought by his wife, Olive Fought. The plaintiff alleges that the husband has refused to work and support, as a result of which she has had to seek employment and support herself. Mrs. Fought wants $1,000 alimony and support money.
- 14 Jul 1915 Hans J. Meyers has filed suit for divorce from his wife, Mollie Meyers, to whom he was married June 11, 1908, and from whom he separated June 24, 1913. Desertion is the charge.
- 14 Jul 1915 After hearing the evidence which took up practically all day, Judge Yaple refused to grant a divorce to Enos Lord from his wife, Ida Lord. Mrs. Lord has filed a cross-complaint against her husband and the two attorneys staged quite a legal battle for the edification of the crowded court room before the case was completed. The couple have nine children.
- 14 Jul 1915 Ida J. Kirkland was divorced from Bruce E. Kirkland by proceedings in superior court yesterday. At the conclusion of the trial of the case, the defendant cashed a check and paid his wife $4,000 in cash as alimony.
- 15 Jul 1915 "What have you to say for yourself?" asked Judge Carl Yaple, of the superior court to Archie Boland, who appeared on citation for contempt. "Why, judge, I dunno; I can't think reight to-day!" Boland answered. "Why can't you think; what's the matter with you?" the court asked again. "Well, judge, I've got the headache to-day." the man replied. Boland has been cited to appear in superior court at nine o'clock yesterday morning to the notice and failed to show up. The court sent the sheriff after him and at 1:30 he appeared before the judge, who asked him why he did not pay $10 a month to the support of his children as he had been ordered. Bolasn seemed to care little about what his homor told him and proudly remarked that he didn't have a job and didn't want one. "All right," the court said. "Maybe thirty days with the sheriff will make you feel more like workign and fix that headache up so you can think better. Boland went over.
- 15 Jul 1915 Sophia McGhee was divorced from Galen McGhee by proceedings in superior court yesterday.
- 16 Jul 1915 Mrs. Helen Baker-Wood, wife of Works Manager James J. Wood, of the Fort Wayne Electric works, was granted a divorce from her husband by Judge Yaple in superior court yesterday and given alimony said to be not less the $20,000. The amount of alimony was settled out of court and was not made a matter of record. Mrs. Wood obtained her divorce on a cross-complaint. The cross-complaint was filed yesterday morning and curel and inhuman treatment was alleged. Mrs. Wood said on the witness stand that her hasband refused to take her out because she looked too much life a chorus girl. When the question of alimony came up, Mrs. Wood said that her husband had agreed to give her $10,000 at one time of she would get a divorce and that on another occasion he offered her $20,000. The proceedings were short and only a few people were in the court room.
- 16 Jul 1915 Matilda Williams was divorced from John Williams by proceedings in superior court yesterday. Her maiden name, Coby was restored.
- 16 Jul 1915 In the case of Alice Treuchet vs. Louis Treuchet, the defendant has been cited to appear in superior court July 20 and show casue why he has failed to make payments to his wife.
- 18 Jul 1915 Rosella M. Blaising has filed a buit against Oscar Blaising for divorce. She alleges that her husband has failed to suppport her. The couple were married in 1911 and separated in 1915. Alimony in the sum of $1,000 is asked, in addition to support money and attorney fees.
- 18 Jul 1915 Hazel Vining wants a divorce from Joseph Vining on the grounds of non-support. The couple married June 6, 1914, and separated May 24, 1915.
- 18 Jul 1915 Robert W. Crockett was granted a divorce from Gertrude Crockett. The costs were assussed against the plaintiff.
- 21 Jul 1915 Myrtle Rayhouser wants a divorce from William Rayhouser on the ground that the husband falsely accused her of undue intimacy with other men, called her vile names and struck her. The couple were married March 7, 1907, and separated July 15, 1915. Reasonable alimony, support money and a restraining order to prevent him from molesting her at 1302 Fairfield avenue and from drawing his money at the Fort Wayne Electric works are asked.
- 21 Jul 1915 Phoebe Cartright has filed suit for divorce against Clinton E. Cartright, alleging desertion. The couple were married February 24, 1912, and separated last month. Custody of a child is asked.
- 21 Jul 1915 Winnie Hamilton was granted a divorce from John Hamilton and the superior court has ordered the defendant to pay $2.50 weekly for the support of three children whose custody she gets.
- 22 Jul 1915 George G. Salisbury vs. Mary Salisbury, complaint for divorce was dismissed.
- 22 Jul 1915 Mary Schneider vs. Edward Schneider, complaint for divorce was dismissed.
- 22 Jul 1915 Alice Anderson vs. Charles Anderson, complaint for divorce was dismissed.
- 22 Jul 1915 Virgie Carpenter vs. Wesley Carpenter, complaint for divorce was dismissed.
- 22 Jul 1915 Reuben J. Felix vs. Christina Felix, complaint for divorce was dismissed.
- 22 Jul 1915 Ella Shovlin vs. James P. Shovlin, complaint for divorce was dismissed.
- 22 Jul 1915 Joseph Harker vs. Frances Harker, complaint for divorce was dismissed.
- 22 Jul 1915 The superior court dismissed the divorce case of Alice Treuchet vs. Louis Treuchet. The Parties to the suit have effected a reconcilation.
- 22 Jul 1915 Caroline Taylor tells the superior court that while she was "away up-town", her husband, Cecil A. Taylor, entertained women in the house; that he committed adultery with them, beat and struck his wife and failed to properly provide for her, for all of which she wants a decree of divorce. She says she learned from friends of the husband's practice and that when she knew for a certainty what her home was being used for, she left her husband. The couple were married June 20, 1908, and separated July 20, this year. She wants $1,000 alimony and custody of a child.
- 22 Jul 1915 Judge Yaple refused to grant a divorce to Joseph Harker, who asked a decree from his wife, Frances M. Harker.
- 23 Jul 1915 Grace Rainey wants a decree of divorce from Gray Rainey, to whom she was married Nov. 11, 1911, and from whom she separated in July, 1915. The allegations are that the husband struck his wife, called her vile names and otherwise mistreated her. Reasonable alimony is asked.
- 23 Jul 1915 Florena O. Thompson has filed a suit in the superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, Russell Thompson, on the grounds of non-support and cruelty. The couple were married Sept. 14, 1913, and separated July 7, 1915.
- 23 Jul 1915 Alleging abandonment, Tina Kinsey has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Carl A. Kinsey. The couple were married June 27, 1906, and separated Sept. 7, 1911. She says her husband was convicted in the circuit court in 1912 of wife desertion.
- 23 Jul 1915 Blanche Hamm has commenced suit against Arthur Hamm for divorce. Failure to support is charged. They were married in March, 1913, and separated in May, this year.
- 24 Jul 1915 In an effort to effect a reconciliation between the interested parties, Judge Yaple did not grant a decree in the divorce case of Georgia Poinsette vs. Henry Poinsette. The case was on trial the most of two days in superior court and some of the testimony was very shocking. The couple have two children, for whose custody both are fighting.
- 24 Jul 1915 Emma Degitz was granted a divorce from William Degitz in a cross-complaint.
- 24 Jul 1915 Nellie Hensinger seeks a divorce from George Henisnger, alleging in her complaint to the superior court that the husband did not interfere with a sixteen-year-old son stood up and cursed his mother. She says he cursed her himself, beat her and falsely accused her of intimacy with other men.
- 24 Jul 1915 Frank P. Miller has been cited to appear in superior court July 27 and show cause why he has failed to make payments to his wife in divorce action.
- 25 Jul 1915 After having lived together since June 21, 1886, the marriage contract of Ellen Donart and Milton Donart is about to be broken through the medium of divorce if a case filed in superior court yesterday by the wife is prosecuted to final judgement. Mrs. Donart alleges in her complaint that her husband has for some time told her to get a divorce and go back home; that her refused to take a bath and made himself obnoxious by his filthy condition. She says that when she would ask him to take a bath, he became enraged and abused her, and that he never gave her sufficient funds to keep herself. The court is asked to grant the decree and allow her a resonable sum for support.
- 25 Jul 1915 Alleging abandonment, Clara M.Shanton has filed suit against her husband, Roy M. Shanton for divorce. The couple were married November 15, 1909, and separated July 16, 1913.
- 25 Jul 1915 Maude Haverstock was granted a divorce from Samuel Haverstock and the superior court ordered the defendant to pay $2,000 alimony.
- 25 Jul 1915 Anna Seitenright has dismissed her suit against Hugh Seitenright for divorce.
- 27 Jul 1915 The following divorce cases were dismissed by Judge Yaple in superior court yesterday. Charles McFall vs. Clara McFall, Mildren Finegan vs. Clarence L. Finegan, Hazel L. Rogge vs. Carl Rogge, Lola Hooker vs. Walter Hooker and John Moore vs. Mary Moore.
- 27 Jul 1915 Harley B. Dennis was granted a divorce decree from Alberta Dennis after he had convinced the court that the sanitary conditions surrounding the home in which Alberta was to preside were not of the best. The custody of their child was given to the grandparents.
- 27 Jul 1915 Louis Mansdorfer was given a divorce from Henrietta Mansdorfer.
- 28 Jul 1915 Starting at nine o'clock yesterday morning, Judge Yaple spent the enire day in Superior court hearing the complaint of Lena Moore vs. Jesse Moore for divorce and her suit to recover $1,000 damages for the loss of their home by fire, which, the plaintiff says was cuased when he attacked her with a skillet and overturned a lamp. Moore's version of the affair was that he returned home and was met by his wife who wielded a hatchet. He caught up the skillet to ward the blow he says was aimed at his head and the lamp was overturned, setting fire to a partition in the room which was finished only with roofing paper.
- 28 Jul 1915 Georgia Poinsette was granted a divorce in superior court yesterday from Henry Poinsette, received the custody of two minor children and was allowed $100 alimony. The defendant was ordered to pay the sum of $5 per week for the support of the children. For a time a decision was held up by the court in the hope that a reconciliation between the young people could be brought about but the good intentions failed.
- 28 Jul 1915 Loretta Taylor has filed a second paragraph of complaint in her action for divorce against William Taylor in which she charged him with cruelty in extreme form and of various types. She says he frequently cursed her and struck her and that she was compelled to do the bulk of the farm work. She asks for an allowance of $250 attorhey's fees and for alimony in the sum of $2,000.
- 28 Jul 1915 Frank Miller, cited to appear in superior court and show cause why he failed to pay support money, was in court with $17 to square up his delinquency and the contempt proceedings were dismissed.
- 29 Jul 1915 Yesterday forenoon was devoted to completing the evidence in the suit for divorce brought by Lena Moore vs. Jesse Moore and the suit she has filed asking for damages in the sum of $1,000. The actions were heard jointly. Judge Eggeman has taken the case uner advisement.
- 29 Jul 1915 Miranda Williams was granted a divorce from Don F. Williams and was given the right to use her maiden name.
- 29 Jul 1915 The suit of Myrtle Rayhouser vs. William Rayhouser for divorce has been dismissed.
- 30 Jul 1915 Mrs. Jennie Segelstrom alleged that fourteen months with George were more than enough. She declared that while he deserted her last February, he was guilty of outbursts of temper that froze her soul during their married life and that he drank to excess. She ask for $35 for her immediate support.
- 30 Jul 1915 Morgan Fortney seeks a divorce from Pearl Fortney, alleging that she refused to prepare his meals, constantly ran him in debt at various stores about the city and associated with bad men. She finally deserted him, taking their two children and he tell the court that she is not a fit person to have the custody of the little ones.
- 30 Jul 1915 William Fahlsing seeks a divorce from Iva Fahlshing, alleging that she ran around nights with other men, was untrue to her marriage vows and treated him cruelly.
- 01 Aug 1915 Thirty-six years of married life ended yesterday for Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tapp, when Mrs. Tapp brought suit for divorce demanding alimony in the sum of $10,000 and had her husband locked in jail on surety of the peace proceedings. Tapp was arrested during the afternoon at his home by Detective Joseph Brennan and Officers Westerman, Paul and Degitz. He made no resistance and will be held for several days without bail until he has had a chance to recover from the effects of a long debauch which it is chargd was responsible for the filing of the divorce complaint. At the time Tapp was arrested his wife and daughter were at police headquarters fearing to return home until Tapp had been taken in charge. The divorce complaint alleges that for the past eight years Tapp has treated his wife and family in a cruel and inhuman manner, frequently threatening to kill them, striking Mrs. Tapp and driving them all from home. Mrs. Tapp declares that she is without funds. Tapp having squandered her money riotiously. She says, however, that he is the owner of considerable real estate, cash and personal property and she obtained a restraining order in court yesterday forbidding him disposing of his property in any way. The restraining order was served by a sheriff's deputy after Tapp had been locked in jail on the surety of the peace charge. Herman Tapp has for years been engaged in the contracting business and has built many bridges and buildings throughout the city. He was for a long time in charge of the concrete work for the Pennsylvania Railroad company.
- 01 Aug 1915 Martha Tegtmeyer has commenced a suit against Henry Tegtmeyer for divorce. She charges that in the five years they lived together he struck and beat her and that life was anything but a glad sweet song. She asked for an allowance and a restraining order, which was granted by the court.
- 01 Aug 1915 Elsie Bloemker, whose husband, Henry shot himself throught the lung July 18 in an attempt at suicide, recounts this face in her complaint for divorce which charges him with extreme cruelty. Hardly had this suit been placed on the docket when Henry himself, his wounds healed, appeared and throught his attorneys brought a suit on his own account. He declares that his wife refused to live with him and that after she had induced him to resign a lucrative position here and go to Toledo with the understanding that she would join him later, she refused. Then it was that he came back home and staged the gun play.
- 03 Aug 1915 While the bond of Herman Tapp, defendant in a divorce complaint filed Saturday by his wife and held in jail on surety of peace proceedings, has been fixed at $10,000, it had not been furnished late yesterday evening and Tapp will remain in jail until to-day at least. His attorney stated yesterday that the matter would doubtless be adjusted to-day and Tapp given his liberty.
- 03 Aug 1915 In the suit of Jennie E. Lewton vs. Perry V. Lewton, action for divorce, the defendant has been ordered by the court to pay a sum of $50 for the support of the plaintiff.
- 03 Aug 1915 Alice Rodebaugh has commenced action for divorce against Oral Rodebaugh, charging that he was recently convicted of entering a house to commit a felony. She alleges that the five years of theirmarried life were anything but pleasant, that he cursed her and threatened her life and failed to treat her as a husband should.
- 03 Aug 1915 Lillian F. Grossman sues Joseph Grossman for divorce, declaring that his treats to kill her drove her to leave his home with her child.
- 03 Aug 1915 Roy Hensel in his action for divorce against Josephine Hensel declares she capped a career of abuse and profanity with the bit of gun play and that throughout their married life she has constantly nagged at him.
- 03 Aug 1915 Inex Ransom asks only a limited divorce from Andrew Ransom, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment. She asks an injunction forbidding him from in any way molesting her.
- 04 Aug 1915 Ruth M. Miller has commenced a suit against Oral Miller for divorce. Ruth M. Miller was yesterday granted a divorce from Oral Miller in superior court and was awarded the custody of their minor child, the household goods. Miller was instructed to pay her the sum of $14 monthly for its support.
- 04 Aug 1915 Elsie Pattee Rush seeks a divorce from Otto C. Rush and asks alimony in the sum of $500, alleging that her husband treated her cruelly and that he falsely accused her of undue intimancy with other men.
- 06 Aug 1915 The superior court has dismissed the case of William Anderson vs. Matilda Anderson.
- 06 Aug 1915 Alberta Watson was divorced from Harley E. Watson. She was given the custody of a minor child and the husband was ordered to pay $10 a month toward the child's support.
- 06 Aug 1915 Edith McAllister has filed a suit in superior court against Guy McAllister, alias Guy Stookey, for a decree of divorce, alleging that during their married life the husband has struck and beat his wife, that he ran around with other women and took them out joy riding in an automobile which he owns. Mrs. McAllister filed a suit some time ago against her husband, but it was withdrawn after the couple patched up their differences. The couple were married February 21, 1914, under the name of McAllister. After the marriage the wife says he assumed the name of Stookey and never gave her any reason why he was married under on name and now goes by another name. Stookey, or McAllister, was up before Judge Kerr in city court yesterday morning for beating his wife when she found him with two other women in his machine. In addition to the decree, the wife asks that the Benevolent Order of Buffaloes be restrained from paying the defendant his wages and that he be enjoined from molesting her at their Barr street home.
- 07 Aug 1915 In the superior court yesterday Stella Schearer filed a suit for divorce from her husband, Robert Schearer, alleging he called her vile names, struck her and expelled her from their home. She wants the custody of a child and a restraining order to prevent him from disposing of his property.
- 07 Aug 1915 Bertha Keck is seeking a decree of divorce from Comodore Keck. The couple were married Nov. 30, 1915, and separated in May, this year. The wife alleges that her husband abused her, called her names and struck her. Mrs. Keck asks custody of a minor child.
- 07 Aug 1915 Gladys Perry was granted a divorce from William N. Perry and permitted to resume her maided name, Moses.
- 08 Aug 1915 Enos Lord was granted a divorce from Ida Lord and with wife was given the custody of the children. Enos was ordered to pay $7 a week toward the support of the children.
- 08 Aug 1915 Ellen Smith wants a divorce from Sidney Smith on the grounds that the husband nagged her, called her vile names and quarreled with her. The couple were married on Christmas day, 1913, and separated the following May 1.
- 08 Aug 1915 In the superior court Rose Berry has filed suit against William Berry for divorce. She says they were married June 2, 1912, and that one year less one day later he left her and has never come back.
- 08 Aug 1915 Florence Lesh asks the superior court for a decree of divorce from Emmet Lesh. Mrs. Lesh filed suit some time ago against her husbnad and upon his proomise to do better, she did not prosecute the case.
- 08 Aug 1915 The superior court has dismissed the case of Edith Smethers vs. Thomas Smethers.
- 10 Aug 1915 Martin Klug was granted a divorce from Lillian Klug by proceedings in superior court yesterday.
- 10 Aug 1915 Clara Huge has filed suit for divorce against her husband, Theodore Huge. The wife charges desertion.
- 12 Aug 1915 John R. Hagans has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Margaret Hagans, alleging abandonment. The couple were married Nov. 8, 1910, and separated May 1, 1913. The plaintiff says that on the last-named date his wife left him and although her has asked her to come back, she refused to do so.
- 12 Aug 1915 Agnes Davis wants a divorce from Homer A. Davis on the grounds of failure to provide and cruel and inhuman treatment.
- 12 Aug 1915 In the superior court Emma Dunlap has filed suit against Cal Dunlap for divorce. Non-support is the allegation. The couple were married in 1899 and separated in June, 1904.
- 14 Aug 1915 Emma Croxton was gtanted a divorce from Walter E. Croxton. The father was awarded the custody of the children.
- 14 Aug 1915 Laura B. Lepper was divorced from Warren B. Lepper by proceedings in superior court. He will pay $10 a month for the support of the children.
- 14 Aug 1915 Deliah Swain was granted a divorce from Howard Swain, and allowed $10 a month support.
- 14 Aug 1915 Mabel Tomson has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Thomas Tomson, charging that the husband drinks, failed to properly support her, called her vile names and abused her. The couple were married March 8, 1915 and separated August 9, 1915.
- 14 Aug 1915 In the divorce proceedings of Edith McAllister vs. Guy McAllister, alias Stookey, the superior court has ordered the defendant to pay $10 weekly to his wife and permitted him to draw his money.
- 17 Aug 1915 Alleging that the defendant was insane when the contract was made and the marriage solemnized, Josephine Barrackman has filed suit in superior court to have her marriage annuled. She says that she was married to Henry A. Thorpe October 1, 1913, but at that time she did not know that he was insane and not capable of entering into a contract of this kind. The complaint also alleges that the defendant was a minor when the contract was made.
- 17 Aug 1915 Laura Strain says in a petition filed with the superior court that, because of undue influence which her former husband, Peter Duetachmann, is influencing over her son Carrol, she can do nothing with him and therefor she wants the court to take the child away from her and give him to the father. Mrs. Strain was divorced from her husband in 1911 and at that time she was given the custody of the children. The oldest boy is now seventeen years of age. Mrs. Strain says that the husband is keeping Carrol constantly and that the child is only home long enought to eat his meals and sleep from midnight on. She also wants $5 a week for the support of the youngest child.
- 17 Aug 1915 Cora Hoverter is asking the superior court for a decree of divorce from Clarence Hoverter, $1,500 alimony and custody of children. The complaint recites that the defendant has been cruel to his wife, struck and beat her and falsely accused her of infidelty. Failure to provide is another allegation.
- 17 Aug 1915 Eliza Thompson seeks a decree of divorce from Charles J. Thompson on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment and drunkenness. The couple were married in 1908.
- 18 Aug 1915 In the superior court Glen Poice has filed suit for divorce against her husband, George Poice, alleging that they have not lived together since 1913, when the defendant deserted her, ever since failing to support or come back to her.
- 18 Aug 1915 Eva Eberling was divorced from Oscar Eberling by proceedings in superior court.
- 19 Aug 1915 Laura Alexander has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Charles Alexander, alleging abandonment. The couple were married August 20, 1912, and separated August 30, 1912.
- 19 Aug 1915 Charging that her husband cursed her, called her vile name, is an habitual drunkard and deserted her, Bessie M. Davis has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from John F. Davis. The couple were married October 22, 1903, and separated in February, 1915.
- 19 Aug 1915 Emma E. Flaig was granted a divorce from Michael Flaig by proceedings in superior court yesterday. The plaintiff was given the custody of minor child, but permission was given the defendant to see the child at reasonable times. The defendant was ordered to pay $12 a month toward the child's support.
- 20 Aug 1915 Judge Dreibelbiss granted a divorce to Pauline Ulrich from Arthur Ulrich on cross-complaint. The wife was given the custody of a son and $12.00 a month for support.
- 21 Aug 1915 Rosa A. Fry seeks a divorce from Charles E. Fry on the grounds that he has failed to properly support her, is an habitual drunkard and that he cursed and abused her. On Christmas day, 1913, she say, the husband choked her. In addition to the decree she wants custody of five children, $2,000 alimony and $200 a year for support.
- 21 Aug 1915 In her complaint for divorce from Charles Arthur Sheets, Vera Beatrice Sheets says that he accosicates with other women and has treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner, making it impossible for the two to live together. The couple were married November 17, 1907, and separated yesterday.
- 21 Aug 1915 Katarina Markewiec asks a divorce from Stanilaus Markewiec alleging that he is a non-resident of the state.
- 21 Aug 1915 Peter Ladig was granted a divorce from Minnie Ladig on cross-complaint. The case was heard in the superior court.
- 21 Aug 1915 Ernest C. Bauermeister has been cited to appear in superior court August 24 to show cause why he should not stand in contempt for failing to make payments to his wife as ordered by the court.
- 21 Aug 1915 Vern Pollock has been cited to appear August 26 to show cause why he should not stand in contempt for failing to make payments to his wife as ordered by the court.
- 21 Aug 1915 George Killen has been cited to appear August 26 to show cause why he should not stand in contempt for failing to make payments to his wife as ordered by the court.
- 22 Aug 1915 In the case of Laure Strain vs. Peter Duetschmann, the defendant has been given custody of a son, Carroll, by proceedings in the superior court. The petitioner alleged in her complaint that she would prefer the child, as she could not control him inasmuch as the father had exercised undue influence over him.
- 22 Aug 1915 Dessa Hoover wants a divorce from Ora A. Hoover, alleging in her complaint that he has failed to provide for her, forced her to make a living for herself and threatened to do her bodily harm. The couple were married four years ago and separated this month. The wife wants an order to prevent the husband from molesting her at 2730 Weisser Park avenue and restoration of her maiden name, Mitchell.
- 22 Aug 1915 Bessie Smith has filed suit against Walter C. Smith for divorce, on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. The defendant is said to be a non-resident.
- 24 Aug 1915 Mary M. Brown has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from William Brown, alleging that, because he abandoned her, she has been compelled to work out to make a living. The couple were married February 5, 1914, and separated May 13, 1915.
- 24 Aug 1015 Frank Bramer wants a divorce from Frances Bramer, alleging that his wife had a man in Kendallville for whom she cared more that she did for the plaintiff.
- 24 Aug 1915 In the case of Lola Bertha Moore vs. Jesse Moore, the plaintiff was given a decree of divorce. In the suit for damages costs were assessed against the husband. A settlement was made outside of court. Mrs. Moore had charged her husband with have gone home drunk, upset a lamp and set the house on fire, destroying her belongings.
- 24 Aug 1915 Bertha Hulsey was divorced from Raymond Hulsey by proceedings in superior court yesterday.
- 24 Aug 1915 Lillie M. Silvernale was granted a divorce from Hubert C. Silvernale.
- 25 Aug 1915 Emma Robinson has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Jay Robinson, charging that he struck and beat her, and threatened to do her bodily harm. The couple was married in March, 1910, and separated yesterday. A restraining order was issued to prevent the husband from molesting the wife at 136 Murray street.
- 25 Aug 1915 June McDonald has filed suit against Walter McDonald for a decree of divorce. She says that her husband neglected to provide for her and made it necessary for her to beg for the necessities of life. That he bought her no clothes, gave her no money and treated her cruelly are allegations in the complaint. A restraining order was granted to prevent the husband from drawing his wages at the Banner laundry.
- 25 Aug 1915 In a divorce complaint filed in superior court Alice Stippich alleges that her husband, Frank Stippich, in addition to cruel and inhuman treatment generally, attempted to pull out his wife's hair. Last June, the wife says Frank kicked her in the back breaking one of the bones. The plow put her in bed for two weeks, and when she recovered she left him and went to the home of her parents. Upon the promise that he would be good to her in the future, Mrs. Stippich went back to him, so she alleges, but he failed to make good the promise. Last Sunday, the complaint further recites, he gave her another beating and tried to tear our her hair. Custody of a son, support money and a restraining order are included in the prayer.
- 25 Aug 1915 Milton Claycomb seeks a divorce from his wife, May Claycomb, to whom he was married in 1893 and from whom he separated in 1912. Abandonment is the allegation. Custody of three minor children is asked.
- 25 Aug 1915 The superior court has granted a divorce to Hanna Greenwald from Walter Greenwald.
- 25 Aug 1915 Thomas Tomson filed a counter suit against his wife, Mabel Tomson, in which he alleges that he has reason to believe that the wife has another husband from whom she has not been legally separated. When he learned of this, he says he left her and, because of her ill treatment , he was compelled to stay away.
- 26 Aug 1915 Vernon Pollock appeared in superior court yesterday to answer contempt proceedings for failing to make payments to his wife who is suing him for divorce. The court gave him thirty days to make good.
- 27 Aug 1915 The case of Catherine Smith, who seeks a divorce from David N. Smith, is being heard before Judge Yaple in the superior court. The case will be continued to-day. The evidence presented yesterday was decidedly nasty.
- 27 Aug 1915 Judge Yaple ordered Thomas Tomson to pay $15.00 a week toward the support of his wife, Mabel Tomson, who is suing him for divorce.
- 28 Aug 1915 The case of Martha Tegtmeyer vs. Henry Tegtmeyer has been dismissed in superior court.
- 28 Aug 1915 John C. Hamm has been cited to appear in superior cout August 31 and show cause why he sould not stand in contempt for failing to pay $5.00 a week to his wife, who is suing him for divorce.
- 28 Aug 1915 Ruth Shuster has filed suit for divorce from Clayton Shuster, alleging that the husband refused to provide his wife with a good home, treated her cruelly and associated with other women.
- 28 Aug 1915 In the superior court Eva Lorain has filed suit for divorce from her husband, Henry Lorain. The complaint says that, although the husband falsely accuses her of associating with other men, he himself was guilty of associating with bad women. She says that on August 21 the husband committed adultry. That he threatened to kill his wife in another allegation. The unsual restraining orders were granted by the court.
- 28 Aug 1915 Becasue John Mowery packed up his clothes on August 21 and deserted her, Samatha Mowery is asking the superior court for a decree of divorce. She sets out that she hasn't seen him since he left, does not know where he is, although she believes that he is somewhere in this county. The complaint alleges that the defendant drink to excess, called her vile names and failed to support her. The court granted a restraining order to prevent him from molesting his wife at their home on Fletcher avenue.
- 29 Aug 1915 Carrie Manier has filed a suit in circuit court to have her husband Norman Manier, contribute funds toward her support. The complaint alleges that the couple were married Dec. 21, 1912, and that soon after he took his belongings and left her, since which time he has failed to support her. She says that the husband is employed by the Corrugated Paper works and earns $15 to $20 a week.
- 29 Aug 1915 Nettie Siler was granted a divorce from George Siler on cross complaint. The case was heard in superior court.
- 31 Aug 1915 Ethel Bechtol alleges in her complaint for divorce from her husband, Chester Bechtol, that during the four years of their married life she was compelled to earn a living for the two, that her husband, who has now deserted her, treated her cruelly and inhumanely and associated with other women. The couple were married September 16, 1911, and separated July 1, 1915.
- 31 Aug 1915 Nora Cheviron wants a divorce from Theodore Cheviron to whom she was married May 31, 1913, and from whom she separated August 23, this year. She says that in addition to the husband's cruel and inhuman treatment, he called her vile name, accused her falsely, and associated with other women and failed to properly support her.
- 31 Aug 1915 The superior court has ordered Jay Robinson to pay his wife, Emma Robinson $25. Mrs. Robinson is suing for divorce.
- 31 Aug 1915 James E. Miller was granted a divorce from Ida Miller by superior court proceedings.
- 01 Sep 1915 The divorce case of Frank Besancon vs. Gertrude Besancon and her cross-complaint has been taken under advisement by Judge Yaple, of the superior court.
- 01 Sep 1915 The divorce case of Agnes Lerch vs. Charles Lerch has been dismissed from the superior court.
- 01 Sep 1915 Mragaret Hilker was subpoenaed to appear in the superior court to testify in the divorce case of Catherine vs. David N. Smith, but she failed to show up. Yesterday the superior court continued the case until September 9 and in the meantime the sheriff will attempt to fine Margaret. Her testimony is said to be very valuable in the particular case.
- 02 Sep 1915 Earl Ernest Yarian tells the superior court in a suit for divorce from Ada Belle Yarian that his wife spent too much of her time taking in excursions with other men, that she refused to do the housework, scolded him and refused to cook his meals life a good wife should. The complaint alleges that Mrs. Yarian told her husband she didn't care for him and said she wished he would go away and stay.
- 02 Sep 1915 Francis Sunderland says he is getting tired of the way his wife, Cecile Mildred Sunderland has been treating him and he is asking the superior court to dissolve the matrimonial bargain. He complains that his wife has neglected and failed to perform her household duties and would not mend and take care of his clothing. He adds that she has an ungovernable temper and has refused to live with him.
- 02 Sep 1915 Helen Link has filed a suit in superior court asking for support from her husband, William Link, to whom she was married June 5, 1911. She alleges that since the marriage he has never supported her as he should, and compelled her to go to the home of his people. The firm of Keller & Sons by which the defendant is employed, is made a party to the suit. She wants $25 a month for support.
- 03 Sep 1915 Louise Rodenbeck has filed a suit in circuit court to recover damages in the sum of $2,000 from Mrs. Florence Waltz, alleging in the complaint that Mrs. Waltz induced Louis Rodenbeck, husband of the plaintiff, to committ an act against marriage vows, and alienated the affections of Louis. Mrs. Rodenbeck says that she and her husband lived happily until last February, when the Waltz woman became intimate with the husband had illicit relations with him. Frank Waltz is made a party defendant. The complaint says that " the affections of her husbank have beenwilfully, maliciously and wickedly stolen" by Mrs. Waltz.
- 03 Sep 1915 Paul Lichtle took off his shoes on August 2, last, and with one of them he beat his wife over the head, inflicting an ugly wound, according to a suit for divorce filed in superior court yesterday by Bertha Lichtle. Bertha says her husband committed the brutal act in the presence of some of their children, but that this was not the first time he had cruelly treated her. On one other occasion the wife says her husband knocked her down. Unless restrained by the court, the wife says she fears her husband will kill her. She wants an allowance of $30 a month for her support and the support of seven children, ranging in age from four to nineteen years, and an order to prevent him from drawing his wages at the Bass foundry or his deposits from the German-American Trust company.
- 03 Sep 1915 Alleging that her husband spent his time away from her and often remained out late at night, that he refused to work, associated with other women, that he forged her father's name to a note, was caught at it and was tried and conviced in the circuit court, Caroline Sallier has filed suit in superior court against Frank X. Sallier for a decree of divorce.
- 03 Sep 1915 Ten years was enough for Lena M. Pattee to live with her husband, Jesse T. Pattee, so she tells the superior court in a suit for divorce filed yesterday. Mrs. Pattee says that her husband has been extremely cruel to her and called her vile and indecent names. Because he refused to support her she says she was compelled to work and do the supporting herself. The couple were married in August, 1905, and separated last month.
- 03 Sep 1915 William Link has answered the suit of his wife, who asks for support money, by filing a case in superior court for divorce from Helen Link. In his complaint, Link says that his wife refused to cook his meals and do the housework and that she left him and forced him to support her at the home of her parents. He says she made dates with other men and often remarked that she liked to go auto riding with them.
- 03 Sep 1915 Grace L. Strohe was divorced from Ira A. Strohe.
- 04 Sep 1915 Beulah Klingenberger has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Walter Frederick Klingenberger, alleging that they were married May 14, 1913, and separated. They were reunited and lived together two years, she says, when her husband deserted her and failed to provide for her. During their married life, the husband cursed his wife, so she says, struck her, associated with other women and drank to excess.
- 04 Sep 1915 Judge Yaple in the superior court concluded the Lord divorce hearing yesterday when he gave the custody of six minor children to the husband, Enos Lord, and awarding him certain chattels. The order of court asking him to support the children has been set aside.
- 04 Sep 1915 George Pederson was granted a divorce from Rose Pederson by proceedings in superior court.
- 05 Sep 1915 In the superior court Clara Cook has filed suit for divorce against Charles Cook, alleging that the defendant treated her cruelly and inhumanely and failed to provide for her. The couple married May 30, 1898, and separated August 1, 1913.
- 08 Sep 1915 Anna Overholser has begun action in superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, George E. Overholser. She alleges in her complaint that the husband has been extremely cruel to her and that he has filed to properly support her. That he drinks to excess, and called her vile and indecent name are other allegations.
- 08 Sep 1915 Katherine Helvig was granted a divorce from Andrew Helvig by proceedings in superior court yesterday.
- 09 Sep 1915 Fred G. West has filed suit for divorce against hi wife, Ada West, alleging that his wife refused to cook his meals and refused to live with him. The couple were married in August, this year, and lived together only until a short time.
- 09 Sep 1915 Alleging that his wife refused to prepare his meals for him and make it necessary for him to go to a restaurant whenever he wanted anything to eat, William G. Anweiler has filed suit for divorce against Catherine Anweiler. The couple were married in 1892, and separated in 1912. The complaint further alleges that the defendant refused for nine and ten months at a time to "occupy any relationship with him." That the wife told her husband she didn't care for him is another allegation in the complaint.
- 09 Sep 1915 Paul Lichtle has filed a cross-complaint for divorce from his wife, Bertha Lichtle, alleging that the plaintiff has treated him cruelly, neglected to do her housework and did not care for the children properly. He says she annoyed him when he tried to sleep. He wants the custody of seven children.
- 10 Sep 1915 Alice Treuchet has filed a suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, Louis Treuchet, alleging that he is an habitual drunkard and has failed to provide for her. Mrs. Treuchet filed a similar suit some weeks ago and later had it dismissed. She says her husband failed to live up to his promises under which she took him back.
- 10 Sep 1915 Naomi Conrad sues John Conrad in the superior court for a decree of divorce. The couple were married November 26, 1913, and separated August 28. The wife says her husband made no reasonalbe provision for her support, has an uncontrollable temper and cursed her. The court granted a restraining order to prevent the husband from molesing her.
- 10 Sep 1915 Ada West is made defendant in a suit for divorce file by her husband, Fred West. The husband says his wife was cruel to him, refused to cook his meals and declined to live with him.
- 10 Sep 1915 Edna Fletter was granted a divorce from Robert E. Fletter and restored to her maiden name, Cartwright.
- 11 Sep 1915 Carrie Manier has dismissed her suit for divorce against Norman Manier.
- 11 Sep 1915 Catherine Smith was granted a limited separation for one year from David Smith, given the custody of a child and he was ordered to pay $20 a month.
- 11 Sep 1915 Susan Wight was granted a divorce from William Wight on her cross-complaint.
- 11 Sep 1915 The superior court granted a divorce to James J. Noonan from Frances D. Noonan.
- 11 Sep 1915 Ada Sherwood has filed suit for divorce from James E. Sherwood, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment, that he boasted of his relations with other women and called his wife vile and indecent names.
- 12 Sep 1915 Lillian Mennewisch has filed suit for divorce from her husband, Harry W. Mennewisch, to whom she was married February 17, 1906, and from whom she separated Aug. 30, 1915. She alleges in the complaint that the husband is an habitual drunkard, has struck her and beat her and make living together uttlerly impossible. She wants $1,000 alimony and custody of children.
- 12 Sep 1915 The case of Helen Link vs. William Link for support was dismissed, and in the case of William Link vs. Helen Link for divorce, the superior court ordered him to pay $5 a week toward his wife's support.
- 14 Sep 1915 John Sarfan says his wife, Jeanette Sarfan, went to winerooms with other men and treated him cruelly when she did consent to stay at home. The couple was married in February, 1913, and separated last Saturday.
- 14 Sep 1915 A degree of divorce was granted by Judge Yaple in the superior court yesterday afternoon to Mildred Ludwick from Charles Ludwick, and the husband was ordered to pay $10 per month for the support of his seven-month-old child, of which Mrs. Ludwick was given custody. The hearing of the case occupied the entire day.
- 14 Sep 1915 Charging that she refused to cook his meals or attend to her other household duties, Fred Gagnon is suing his wife, Anna Gagnon for divorce.
- 15 Sep 1915 Thurza Morris is asking a divorce and $1,000 alimony from Samuel Morris, charging that for two years he has done nothing toward the support of herself and their seventeen-year-old daughter.
- 15 Sep 1915 John Blevins wants a divorce from Agnes Blevins, charging that she made their married life intolerable by accusing him falsely with addociating with other women and by picking quarrells with him at the instance of her parents.
- 15 Sep 1915 Cruel and inhuman treatment and desertion are cited by William Michael as reasons why he should have a divorce from Anna B. Michael.
- 15 Sep 1915 To obtain a two-year separation from board and bed for two ywars from her husband, Peter W. Vonderau, Mrs. Sophia Vonderau brought suit in the superior court yesterday. She alleges that her husband constantly found fault with her without reason, borrowed and spent $1,800 of her money and refused to take her any place. She wants her $1,800 back, attorney's fees and $50 per month during the two years that, she expects, will cause him to come to a sense of appreciation of her.
- 15 Sep 1915 Florence E. Vaughn brought suit in the superior court yesterday against Harry W. Vaughn, charging cruelty. She cites numerous instances wherein her husband knocked her down and otherwise abused her. She make the Fort Wayne Rolling Mills company a party to the suit to prevent him from drawing money due him in wages and asks that he be restrained from selling their household goods. She als wants back her maiden name, Florence E. Young.
- 16 Sep 1915 Because, she says, she fears that her husband, Frederick Snyder, will continue his abuse of her, Anna Snyder asks in a suit for divorce, filed in the superior court yesterday, that he be restrained from visiting her home at 234 East Columbia street. She also petitions the cour to give he the custody of their five-year-old son, Berkley.
- 17 Sep 1915 Mary E. Bruns was granted a divorce from John W. Bruns in the superior court yesterday.
- 17 Sep 1915 Paul Lichtle, sued for divorce by Bertha Lichtle, has been ordered by Judge Yaple to pay $5 per week for the support of the children of the couple.
- 17 Sep 1915 The divorce suit of Joshus C.Kinkle against Nine Kinkle, in the superior court, and will be heard September 21.
- 17 Sep 1915 Clarice Cummings was granted a divorce in the superior court yesterday from Elmo Cummings.
- 18 Sep 1915 Divorce, $5,000 alimony and an order restraining him from visiting her are asked by Grace Wanner is a suit filed yesterday against Frederick S. Wanner. She charges that her husband is an habitual drunkard and treated her cruelly.
- 18 Sep 1915 Judge Yaple yesterday ordered Robert Scherer to appear to-day to show cause why he ingnored the superior court order to pay $8 semi-monthly for the support of his family.
- 18 Sep 1915 Rose Hausbach was granted a divorce from Nicholas Hausbach in the superior court yesterday.
- 19 Sep 1915 Minnie current was granted a divorce in the superior court yesterday from Joseph A. Current, the decision being based on the cross complaint filed by the woman after she had dismissed her original suit and her husband had brought a counter action. Her maiden name, Minnie Itskin, was restored to her in the decree.
- 19 Sep 1915 Louis Treuchet was yesterday ordered to pay $25 attorney's fees to Alice Treuchet, his wife, so that she may prosecute the divorce action she has brought against him.
- 19 Sep 1915 Loretta L. Taylor was granted a divorce in the superior court late yesterday afternoon from William W. Taylor.
- 21 Sep 1915 In a suit for divorce filed yesterday by George H. Matthias against Emma Matthias he says that, after twenty years of married life, the women deserted him in 1911.
- 21 Sep 1915 Helena Hunter was granted a divorce by the superior court yesterday, given the custody of four minor children and allowed $20 per month from her husband.
- 21 Sep 1915 John Hamm, who has violated an order from the superior court to pay $5 per week to his wife, now suing him for divorce, was yesterday cited to appear next Saturday to explain.
- 21 Sep 1915 By consent of the plaintiff, the superior court has modified the restraining order in the divorce suit of Lizzie M. Tapp vs. Herman W. Tapp, so that the latter may sell lands to Edwin Gearhart for $10,000. The money is to be applied on a mortgage on other property owned by Tapp.
- 21 Sep 1915 In her suit for divorce against James Hanson, May Hanson asks the custody of three minor children. She charges cruel and inhuman treatment and non-support.
- 23 Sep 1915 Matilda Lawhead has brought suit in superior court against Wilbur E. Lawhead, a Pennsylvania patrolman, asking a divorce, custody of three minor children, reasonalbe alimony and an order restraining him from visiting their home at 419 East DeWald street and preventing the Pennsylvania compnay from paying him money due him in salary. She says he treated her cruelly, threateded her life and made her existence unbearable because of his continued nagging and accusations of misconduct.
- 23 Sep 1915 Cruelty and failure to provide are ascribed by Clara Cook as reasons why she should have a divorce from Charles E. Cook.
- 23 Sep 1915 Tina Kinsey was granted a divorce by the superior court yesterday from Carl Kinsey.
- 23 Sep 1915 Grace Schulz yesterday filed a petition to have Fred Schulz cited for failure to pay her the sum granted her in a judgment.
- 24 Sep 1915 "I have sent many men to prison for the crime to which you have just confessed and I am sorry there is no way that I can put you there, for if there ever was an example of wanton neglect of children, you have shown it," declared Judge John W. Eggeman from the bench in the circuit court yesterday afternoon when Mrs. Maude Dennis, sued for divorce by her husband, Francis M. Dennis, grinningly asserted that she had not seen her three babies since she left the family home in Lafayette township last June, and cared nothing about the little ones. When the case was called yesterday afternoon Mrs. Dennis had not appeared in the court room and was represented by her attorney, David Hogg. Throught inquiry Judge Eddeman learned that the woman was employed at the Banner laundry and he ordered Deputy Clerk Young to make out a writ of attachmane, armed with which Duputy Sheriff Herman Witte went to the laundry and brought the defendant into court. Mrs. Dennis admitted on the stand that the only reason she left her family was because she did not life life on the farm and would rather stay in town and "run around." Mrs. Dennis' grin was not dispelled by one of the severest grillings a woman every received in the curcuit court room, and, abandoning hope of reuniting the couple, Judge Eggeman granted the divorce and gave Dennis custody of the children.
- 24 Sep 1915 Edna Grubb wants a divorce from George W. Grubb, a Pennsylvania engineer, the custody of their one child and an order restraining his employer from paying him wages due him until she can be granted an allowance. She says he pouted continually and caused her great nervousness.
- 24 Sep 1915 Divorce, custody of two children, reasonable alimony and an order restraining the defendant from visiting the family home at 3220 Fairfield avenue, is asked by Sarah Figel in a suit instituted yesterday against Louis Figel. She says that her husband falsely accused her with associating with other men.
- 25 Sep 1915 Mrs. Luckey Janney was unlucky in her choice of a husband. She says so in a complaint filed yesterday afternoon in which she asks a divorce from George F. Janney, $1,000 alimony and the custody of two children. Cruelty and failure to provide is charged. The couple was married on April 29, 1911 and separated on Christmas day, 1912.
- 25 Sep 1915 The divorce proceedings of Minetta Axter against Chester Axter was set for trial September 28 by Judge Eggeman yesterday.
- 25 Sep 1915 George Kelly is asking a divorce from Helen Kelly. He says she would not cook his meals and that she frequently referred to him as a "damn tramp." He gave all of his wages, he says, to the woman and her two childran by a former marriage.
- 25 Sep 1915 Caroline Taylor was granted a divorce in the superior court yesterday morning from Cecil A. Taylor and was given the custody of their child. Taylor was ordered to pay $3 per week for the support of the baby.
- 26 Sep 1915 Emily D. Mason was granted a divorce from Edward J. Mason by Judge Yaple yesterday morning.
- 28 Sep 1915 Suit for $10,000 damages for the allienation of the affection of his wife, Mrs. Edna Grubb, was entered in the superior court yesterday by George W. Grubb against his mother-in-law, Mrs. Clara Thompson. He alleges that Mrs. Thompson persuaded Mrs. Grubb, her daughter, to leave and divorce him and made false representation to kill the you woman's love. She also threatened, Grubb says, to disinherit her. The Grubbs were married in 1910 and lived happily for two years, when Mrs. Thompson, the complaint charges, started to make trouble. Mrs. Grubb finally heeded her mother's pleas and threats and on September 22 brought suit for divorce. She took her eight-year-old son to Chicago with her to live with her mother.
- 28 Sep 1915 Hans J. Meyers was granted a divorce from Mollie Meyers in the superior court yesterday.
- 28 Sep 1915 In the case of John Blevins vs. Agnes Blevins, for divorce, Judge Yaple yesterday ordered the plaintiff to pay $10 per month toward the support of the wife during the pendency of the suit and to pay $25 attorney's fees.
- 28 Sep 1915 Laura L. Fisher has been divorced from Marion E. Fisher in the superior court.
- 29 Sep 1915 If absence makes the heart grow fonder and distance lends enchantment then Deffie V. Mangan's little scheme to make her husband, Frank Mangan, behave, will be successful. In the superior court yesterday she brought suit for a limited separation that is evidently calculated to teach Mangan a lesson. She says that for several years he had failed to provide for her, has cursed and struck her and in other ways treated her cruelly. She asks the custody of their fifteen-year-old daughter, Vivian, and an allowance for the support of herself and the child.
- 29 Sep 1915 Ida N. Baker is asking a divorce from Riley L. Baker, to whom she was married thirty years ago. She charges failure to provide, says he cursed her and beat her and has made life unbearable. The custody of two minor children is asked.
- 29 Sep 1915 When Frank L. Harper left his sick wife and three little children two years ago there was but thirty cents in the family purse. In a suit for divorce filed yesterday she charges that her missing spouse, from whom she has not heard since his abrupt departure, is an habitual drunkard and that he failed to properly provide during the time he lived with her. She wants the costs in the case charged against him and that he be located and forced to pay her an allowance.
- 29 Sep 1915 Because a women attends burlesque shows is not sufficient grounds upon which her husband can procure a divorce, according to a decision by Judge Yaple in the superior court yesterday afternoon. Frank Miller charged his wife with that offense in his suit for legal separation and said that she "ran around" too much when she should be home. The case occupied the entire day yesterday and in the end Miller was unable to show infidelity on the part of the woman.
- 30 Sep 1915 Mrs. Amanda Hyde brought suit in the superior court yesterday against Charles J. Hyde, alleging cruelty, infidelity and failure to provide and asking $10,000 alimony. She also wants the custody of their seventeen-year-old daughter, the other children being over age. She alleges that her husband forced her to deed to him a ninety-nine acre farm upon which she paid the taxes and, the proceeds of which he used in buying other property. The family lives on Center avenue.
- 01 Oct 1915 Henry F. Bloemker, who took a shot at himself in the county public comfort station several weeks ago in an attempt at suicide because his wife Elsie Bloemker, has left him and was suing him for a divorce, was granted a legal separation from the woman by Judge Yaple yesterday on his cross-complaint in which he showed that she had been to blame for their domestic infelicity. Her suit was dismissed.
- 01 Oct 1915 Charging habitual drunkenness, cruel treatment and failure to provide and asking the custody of two minor children, Mrs. Minnie Hamilton has begun suit for divorce against Robert Hamilton, to who she was married twenty-eight years ago. She caused his arrest Wednesday night when he came home intoxicated and abused her. Alimony in the sum of $1,000 is also asked and he is restrained from selling any of his property or visiting his wife while the suit is pending.
- 01 Oct 1915 William Sproat wants a divorce from Ellen Sproat, charging that she called him vile names and continually accused him falsely of associating with other women. They were married twenty-five-years ago and are the parents of eleven children.
- 01 Oct 1915 William Weibel knocked his wife, Olive B. Weibel, througth a door and then locked the portal against her, beat her up frequently and blackened her eye on one occasion. That's what she says in a suit for divorce filed yesterday. She wants $1,000 alimony and the custody of their children. The couple were married in 1900.
- 01 Oct 1915 The divorce action of Alice Stippish against Frank Stippish was dismissed in the superior court yesterday.
- 02 Oct 1915 Minetta Agster was granted separation for one years from Chester Agster in the circuit court yesterday and was given the custody of two children during that period. Agster was ordered to pay $25 per month toward the support of the family and $50 for his wife's attorney's fees.
- 02 Oct 1915 Alimony in the sum of $500 and a divorce is asked by Anna Gagnon in a cross-complaint to the divorce action brought against her a few days ago by her husband, Fred Gagnon. She charges cruelty, in that he falsely accused her of infidelity, and says he abandoned her.
- 03 Oct 1915 Judge Yaple yesterday refused a divorce in the case of Cora D. Gardiner vs. Sidney Gardiner.
- 03 Oct 1915 A divorce, custody of a child and an order for the defendant to pay $8 per month for the support of the little one was granted yesterday by the superior court in the case of Lena May Peckham against Earl R. Peckham.
- 03 Oct 1915 John C. Hamm, cited a short time ago for failure to obey Judge Yaple's order to pay toweard the support of his family, appeared yesterday and proved that he is unable to work to earn the money. He was dismissed.
- 03 Oct 1915 Oral Miller has been cited for contempt for failure to pay to the support of his wife, Ruth Miller, as ordered by the superior court.
- 05 Oct 1915 Married ten days ago for the second time, Rilla May Roberts has brought suit in the superior court against her new husband, William M. Roberts. For brevity the marital career of the pair probably sets a new record in Fort Wayne. She charges that he nagged her constantly from the day of their wedding until she gave him up as hopeless and left. He accused her falsely, she says, with associating with other men, and continually addressed her in the vilest terms. The marriage license record shows that Mrs. Roberts, whose first husband's name was Armstrong, is thirty years of age and was a cook by occupation. Roberts, who had also been married before, is twenty-eight years old.
- 05 Oct 1915 Mrs. Nellie Miller, a bride of last June, began suit for divorce yesterday against her husband, Harry Miller, charging that he is a habitual drunkard, accused her with intimacy with other men, struck and beat her and threatened her life with a gun and razor.
- 05 Oct 1915 An order issued by Judge Yaple in the superior court yesterday restrains William Sproat from visiting Ellen Sproat at her residence, 1608 Sinclair street. Mrs. Sproat brought suit for divorce Saturday.
- 05 Oct 1915 Otto C. Rush has been cited for contempt of court by Judge Yaple and has been summoned to appear next Saturday to explain why he has not made payments to his wife as he was ordered to do.
- 05 Oct 1915 Blanche Hamm was divorced from Arthur Hamm in the superior court yesterday and her maiden name, Slater, was restored to her. She ia prevented from marrying again for two years.
- 05 Oct 1915 Samuel Norris has filed a cross-complaint in the suit for divorce against him by his wife, Thurza Norris. He declares that the woman was always cross and irritable and that she frequently told him she did not care to live with him. He always provided well for his wife and daughter, he says. The couple married in 1891. Failure to provide and desertion is alleged by Mrs. Norris in her complaint.
- 05 Oct 1915 Lillian F. Grossman has been divorced from Joseph Grossman in the circuit court.
- 06 Oct 1915 In the suit for divorce filed yesterday by Goldie Smith against Alvin Smith, the defendant is charged with cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to provide. During the four years of wedded life, Mrs. Smith says, her husband bought her but two dresses and never spent one cent in clothing their child, who is now 2 1/2 year of age. She says he cursed her and rediculed her because of her ill health and compared her insultingly to other women. Her father, she asserts in the complaint, allowed them to live in one of his houses without rent.
- 06 Oct 1915 The complaint and cross-complaint in the case of William E. Alger vs. Agnes Alger were dismissed in the superior court yesterday.
- 06 Oct 1915 Linnie Overholt was granted a divorce from Earl Overholt in the superior court yesterday and her maiden name, Linnie Bennett, was restored to her.
- 06 Oct 1915 A divorce is asked in a suit brought yesterday by Helen C. Clear against Frank H. Clear.
- 06 Oct 1915 Charlotte Chartier is suing Thekphile Chartier for divorce and asks the custody of three children, now with their grandmother in Connecticut. She says she was deserted eight years ago and has not heard from her husband since that time.
- 07 Oct 1915 Deserted by her husband, Sebastian Miller, Mrs. Marie Miller has brought an action asking permission to collect rents from his properties to support herself. She includes in the complaint Jacob and John Miller, who, she says, owes money to her absent husband, and the German-American National bank, where he has money on deposit. Since Miller left the plaintiff she says, she has been living with her six grown-up children.
- 07 Oct 1915 Mayme Bucher was divorced from Hugh Bucher in the superior court yesterday.
- 07 Oct 1915 Clara M. Shanton was divorced from Roy M. Shanton in the superior court yesterday and her maiden name, Sunday, was restored to her. Judge Yaple issued an order preventing either from marrying within two years.
- 07 Oct 1915 William Fahlsing was divorced from Iva Fhalsing in the superior court yesterday.
- 07 Oct 1915 Failure to provide and cruelty are ascribed by Koneta Van Dorn in a suit filed in the superior court yesterday as reason why she should have a divorce from Clifford Van Doren. She asks the custody of a three-year-old child.
- 08 Oct 1915 Mrs. Belle Lahey was granted a divorce from Thomas Lahey by Judge Yaple in the superior court yesterday. She testified to innumerable cruelties she suffered from her husband. On one accasion, she said, when she was too ill to leave her bed, Lahey poured kerosene on the bed clothing and threatened to set it afire. When she was forced to get up and perform the housework as he ordered, he took an axe and demolished the bed.
- 08 Oct 1915 The divorce action of Matilda Lawhead against Wilbur E. Lawhead in the superior court has been dismissed.
- 09 Oct 1915 Amelia R. LeMay is asking the superior court for a decree of divorce from Garry A. LeMay, to whom she was married July 14, 1897, and from whom she separated this monty. She alleges that the defendant struck her, choked her and threatened her with violence; that he told her to take he things and get out and otherwise mistreated her. She wants the custody of a child and reasonable support.
- 09 Oct 1915 In the superior court, Lois Hoerner asks a divorce from Frederick Hoerner, alleging that her husband kept company with another woman and when she accused him he admitted that it was the truth. She says the husband became angry when she asked him about it and declared he would not live with her. She asks $1,000 alimony.
- 10 Oct 1915 Laura M. Morrison says in a suit for divorce against her husband, Edward Morrison, that, on the eighth day of May, 1909, after he had taken all the money she had, he left her and has not been heard of since. The couple were married May 23, 1908, and lived together nearly a year.
- 10 Oct 1915 The suit filed by Mrs. Lois Hoerner Friday against Frederick Hoerner was for limited separation and not for divorce. The separation is for such time as the court may deem proper.
- 10 Oct 1915 Effie Welker was granted a divorce from Noan Welker and restored to her maiden name Hamilton. The case was heard in superior court.
- 12 Oct 1915 In a complaint to the superior court for divorce, John C. Keller says that his wife, Bessie Keller, to whom he was married in 1908, deserted him June 22, 1914, and has since refused to live with him. He charges cruel and inhuman treatmetn by his wife and say that almost every job he took he lost because of his wife's interference. That she associated with other men is another allegation in the complaint.
- 12 Oct 1915 Louise Hoerner, who filed a suit in superior court a few days ago for a limited separation from her husband, Frederick C. Hoerner, is made defendant in a suit filed yesterday by the husband in which he asks an absolute divorce. He alleges that his wife failed to attend to her household duties and that she boasted of a friend she has in Akron, O., whom she said she could marry. He says that he furnished a home at an expense of $500, but that his wife spent one-third of her time away from it.
- 13 Oct 1915 Charles H. Laurie has filed suit for divorce from his wife, Carrie Laurie, alleging that when he procured a job in Ohio and left his work as a street car conductor here, his wife refused to accompany him to their new home and insisted in staying in Fort Wayne with her parents. Cruel and inhuman treatment are also alleged in the complaint.
- 13 Oct 1915 Mary Lindner has filed a suit for divorce against her husband, Andrew Lindner, to whom she was wedded only two months ago. She alleges that her husband continually reminded her of his first wife and was always telling her what she did and how she did it. Then he would compare the work of the two, making unfavorable comment about the present wife. She says that the husband has been cruel to her and often refused to speak to her for days at a time.
- 13 Oct 1915 The superior court has dismissed the case of Sarah Figel vs. Louis Figel.
- 14 Oct 1915 Eva Burke has filed suit for divorce from Harry L. Burke. The couple were married September 25 and separated October 4. It is alleged in the complaint that the wife was forced to leave her husband because he wanted her to lead a life of shame. When she refused his shameful proposal, it is alleged that he called her vile names.
- 14 Oct 1915 Nellie A. Pease was granted a divorce from William H. Pease and her maiden name of Roberts restored.
- 14 Oct 1915 Alexander Vasiniewicz was granted a divorce from Charles Vasiniewicz and custody of three minor children.
- 15 Oct 1915 Gladys Saunders wants a divorce from Harold Saunders, to whom she was wedded May 19, 1913, and from whom she separated October 30, last year. She alleges in her complaint that her husband made life miserable for her, that he nagged her and called her vile name and stayed out late at nights with other women. The husband is alleged to have told his wife that unless she left he would.
- 15 Oct 1915 Frank B. Snarr tells the superior court in a suit for divorce from his wife, Elizabeth Snarr, that they were married in 1904 and lived together until July, 1915, when she abandoned him. In 1911, he says, his wife left him and went to Kansas City, where she stayed more than a year. Then she returned, he alleges, and filed a suit against him for divorce. The suit was contested and the court dismissed it. A reconciliation was effected and the couple lived together until last July, at which time she again left.
- 16 Oct 1915 The case of Lillian Mennewisch vs. Harry W. Mennewisch was dismissed in superior court.
- 16 Oct 1915 The case of Ollie V. Weibel vs. William Weibel, the defendant ordered to pay $7.00 a week toward his wife's support and $25 attorneys' fees.
- 16 Oct 1915 Nellie Lindsey was divorced from Harry Lindsey and awarded custody of children.
- 16 Oct 1915 A suit for divorce was filed in superior court by Afton Rodenbeck against Arthur E. Rodenbeck, cruel and inhuman treatment and adultery being charged. The couple were married January 27, 1912, and separated July 8, 1915.
- 17 Oct 1915 Grace Rainey was granted a divorce from Gray Rainey by proceedings in superior court yesterday.
- 17 Oct 1915 Judge Yaple has cited Nobert Ladig to appear in superior court Oct. 20 and show cause why he should not be held in contempt of court for failing to make payments to his wife, Rose Ladig, who is suing him for divorce.
- 19 Oct 1915 Franz Mann has filed a suit in superior court against Clara Mann for divorce. He alleges that the couple were married May 20, 1907, in Dresden, Germany, and separated yesterday. The husband charges that his wife has been extremely cruel to him, that she refused to cook his meals and would not speak to him. Another charge is that Mrs. Mann threw a coffee pot at her husband and struck him a terrific blow above the left eye.
- 19 Oct 1915 Bessie Keller has filed an application in superior court to have her husband, John C. Keller, support her during pendency of divorce case.
- 19 Oct 1915 Esther Pommert was granted a divorce from Francis Pommert by proceedings in superior court. The husband was ordered to pay $8 a month toward the support of a child.
- 19 Oct 1915 James Crowell has been cited to appear in superior court at 9 o'clock on the morning of October 23 and show cause why he should not stand in contempt for failure to make payments to his wife who is suing him for divorce.
- 20 Oct 1915 Edna E. Dorman has filed suit for divorce against her husband, Thomas O. Dorman, to whom she was married August 28, 1902, and from whom she separated in February, 1915. The wife alleges that her husband failed to provide for her and that she was compelled to work to support herself.
- 20 Oct 1915 Otillie M. Harper has filed suit in the superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, Harry Harper. She alleges non-support and says that she does not known where the defendant is.
- 20 Oct 1915 In the superior court Clara Kruse has filed suit for divorce from Henry Kruse. She also wants the custody of four children. The complaint alleges that the husband has been an habitual drunkard for fifteen years, that he struck and beat her, failed to support her and made it necessary for her to go to work, while he spent his earnings for booze.
- 20 Oct 1915 In answer to a complaint filed Monday by her husband, Clara Mann has filed a cross-complaint in superior court for a decree of divorce from Franz Mann. She says that her husband has called her vile names on several occasions and that four different times he struck her.
- 20 Oct 1915 Bessie Smith was granted a divorce from Walter C. Smith by proceedings in superior court.
- 21 Oct 1915 Norbert Ladig and Otto Winkelmeyer appeared in superior court yesterday to answere to contempt proceedings for failure to pay support money to wives who are suing for divorce. The cases were continued until November 1, and in the meantime the court will see whether the fellows make good or not.
- 22 Oct 1915 Louise D. Miller has filed suit in circuit court for a decree of divorce from Elmer E. Miller, alleging that the defendant called her names, wrongfully accused her of a want of chastity and continually nagged and scolded her. The wife says that he frequently told her to leave and that he did not provide properly for her. The defendant is alleged to have property, which he has threatened to dispose of, and for this reason she has procured an order preventing him from so doing. She wants $1,000 alimony and support money.
- 22 Oct 1915 Joseph D. Bartholomew has begun action in superior court for a decree of divorce from his wife, Nellie D. Bartholomew. The husband says that his wife abandoned him five years ago and went to England to live, refusing to have anything to do with him unless he went to the old world after her. The couple were married in 1908.
- 22 Oct 1915 Judge Yaple, of the superior court has cited Virgil Clark to appear October 30 and answer contempt proceedings for failure to pay support money.
- 23 Oct 1915 In the superior court, Mary Rundquist has brought action against her husband, Albert Rundquist, for a decree of divorce, alleging abandonment. The couple were married May 25, 1898, and separated April 10, 1908.
- 23 Oct 1915 Commodore Keck was ordered by the superior court to pay $2.50 a week toward the support of his wife and $25 attorneys' fees.
- 23 Oct 1915 Morgan Fortney has been granted a divorce from Ethel Fortney by proceeding in superior court.
- 24 Oct 1915 James F. Crowel has filed a petition in auperior court to have decree modified. He says that in 1910 his wife, Ollie J. Crowel was granted a divorce from him and awarded the custody of a child. Since then she has refusted to give the child a proper home and has brought it up in bad environments, the complaint alleges. Now, he wants the decree modified so he can get custody of the child.
- 24 Oct 1915 Alleging cruel and inhuman treatment, Martin D. Wright has filed suit for divorce against his wife, Verla Wright. The couple were married in 1910 and separated in September, 1915.
- 24 Oct 1915 In her complaint for divorce against her husband, William Driver, Hattie M. Driver, alleges that the husband is a drunkard, that she left him several times and went back to him upon his promise to do better, but that he broke the promises. The husband is alleged to have procured, without her consent, the plaintiff's signature to a deed of conveyance of the defendant's farm to his father for the purpose of aiding him in contesting a mortgage now pending against him. The wife says that, unless restrained by the court, the defendant will deliver the deed to his father and that the latter will dispose of the property, said to be worth $8,000. She wants the restraining order, support money and custody of children.
- 26 Oct 1915 Nina B. Hodge asks a decree from her husband, Theoddius Hodge, to whom she was married June 6, 1910, and from whom she separated December 7, 1911. She charges desertion.
- 26 Oct 1915 John L. Smyers is asking for a decree of divorce from Vernie V. Smyers. The couple were married September 10, 1913, and separated October 25, 1915. The husband alleges that his wife failed and rfused to speak to him for days at a time; that she continually nagged, scolded and criticised him, swore at him and made instulting and disgusting remarks about him. He further alleges that the wife accused him of associating with other women and that she told him to get a divorce, and to do away and stay.
- 26 Oct 1915 Charles F. Buhr says in a complaint for divorce from his wife, Margaret Buhr, that she paid too much attention to other men and neglected him and her household duties. He charges that his wife went out riding with other men, that she drank beer and otherwise conducted herself in an unbecoming fashion. He says that his wife promised to quit her meanness and that he forgave her, but she didn't stick to the promise. The couple were married December 24, 1910.
- 26 Oct 1915 Lulu Moses wants a divorce from Carl Moses on the ground of non-support. They were married in November, 1913.
- 26 Oct 1915 The superior court granted a divorce yesterday to Nina Dunlap from Calvin Dunlap.
- 26 Oct 1915 Stella Schearer has been granted a divorce from Robert Schearer and given the custody of one child. The case was hear in superior court.
- 27 Oct 1915 Mary Ette Jackson asks the superior court for a decree of divorce from Elmer C. Jackson, alleging that the defendant was sentenced to prison October 23 for from two to fourteen years for an infamous crime. She also wants $2,000 alimony. Jackson was convicted of assault and battery with intent to commit criminal assault.
- 27 Oct 1915 Katerina Markewiec was divorce from Stanislaus Markewiec in superior court yesterday afternoon and a few minutes later she was licensed to wed John Cinpedro.
- 27 Oct 1915 In the case of Stella Schearer against Robert Schearer for divorce, the defendant was awarded custody of the child.
- 28 Oct 1915 Katherine Bauss has filed suit in superior court for separation from bed and beard from Conrad Bauss for a period of one year. She alleges in the complaint that the couple were married thirty years ago and that they separated September 22, last. She alleges that the husband continually scolded her, called her bad names and threatened to throw her out of the house; that he drove the children from the home and repeatedly struck her. The wife wants the custody of nine children and an order restraining the defendant from disposing of his interest in the Maumee Coal company or other property, or from molesting her at 1032 East Lewis street.
- 28 Oct 1915 Catherine M. Anweiler has filed a cross-complaint in superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, William G. Anweiler. She alleges that the husband was a drunkard, that he abused her and her children and falsely accused her. The couple were married in 1892 and separated in 1908.
- 29 Oct 1915 Gertrude Reed has filed suit in the superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, Earl Reed. Mrs. Reed says that she filed a suit against her husband last January and that, upon his promise to treat her as a husband should, she withdrew the complaint. This time she alleges that the husband had called her names unfit to print in newspapers and falsely accused her of associating with other men. One thousand alimony is asked.
- 29 Oct 1915 John A. Egbert has been cited to appear in superior court November 1 to show cause why he has failed to make payments to his wife, Blossom Egbert.
- 29 Oct 1915 Mabel Thomson was granted a divorce from Thomas Thomson by proceeding in superior court.
- 29 Oct 1915 The superior court granted a divorce to Eva Eberling from Oscar Eberling.
- 30 Oct 1915 In a suit filed in superior court for divorce, Luella Crane says that her husband, Arthur crane, to whom she was married June 26, 1914, and from whom she separated in March, 1915, took $1,500, all the money she had, and squandered it. She further alleges that the defendant is "a common drunkard." that he called her vile name and falsely accused her of intimacy with other men. He cursed her, she says, and failed to properly provide, besides having associated with and received letters from lewd women.
- 30 Oct 1915 The superior court granted a divorce to Eva Eberling from Oscar Eberling.
- 30 Oct 1915 Clara Long wants the superior court to divorce her from Louis Long. She alleges that the husband has falsely accused her of association with other men. She wants the custody of two children and usual restraining orders.
- 31 Oct 1915 The superior court granted a divorce to Glenn Poince from George L. Poince and permitted her to resume her maiden name, Dunten.
- 31 Oct 1915 The case of Gertrude Reed vs. Earl Reed was dismissed in the superior court.
- 31 Oct 1915 Hazel Rogge wants a divorce from Carl Rogge. She says they were married April 6, 1910, and separated yesterday. Cruel and inhuman treatment are alleged.
- 02 Nov 1915 Mary Wolverton has filed a suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from her husband, Herbert Wolverton, alleging that the husband treated her cruelly, did not properly provide for her support and associated with other women.
- 02 Nov 1915 Ida G. Fry has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Robert Fry. She charges that the husband beat the children until they would become black and blue. She wants the custody of four children and alimony in the sum of $3,000.
- 03 Nov 1915 Conrad Bauss has filed a counter suit in superior court in which he asks for a divorce from Katherine Bauss. He also says that he is unable to make payments to his wife that she has asked for and prays the court to decrease them. He says in his complaint the the wife and her family refused to speak to him or recognize him. The couple married in 1885.
- 03 Nov 1915 Lula Branstrator wants a divorce from Hugh Branstrator, to whom she was married January 14, 1905, and from whom she separated November 2, 1915. She alleges cruel and inhuman treatment and charges that the husband threatened to kill her. She asks support money and a restraining order against the Fort Wayne Electric works.
- 03 Nov 1915 Earl Ernest Yarian was divorced from Ada Belle Yarian by proceedings in superior court.
- 03 Nov 1915 Caroline Sallier was granted a divorce from Francis Sallier.
- 03 Nov 1915 The superior court has dismissed the case of Amanda J. Hyde vs. Charles S. Hyde.
- 03 Nov 1915 Laura Alixander was divorced from Charles Alixander by the superior court.
- 05 Nov 1915 In the superior court, Mabel Whitbech sues Winifred Scott Whitbech for divorce.
- 05 Nov 1915 The case of Ida Fry vs. Robert Fry has been dismissed in superior court.
- 05 Nov 1915 Martin O. Wright was ordered by the superior court to pay $4 a week to the support of his wife and $25 attorneys' fees.
- 06 Nov 1915 Adah Kirbach has filed suit in superior court for a ten-year separation from Max Kirbach. She says that she was married the last time on August 7, 1915, and separated yesterday. Once before she was married, but because of the husband's cruel treatment, she was divorced and them remarried. Her husband has called her bad names, she says, has cursed her and several times threw heavy weights on her. In addition to the separation, she wants $100 a month for support and attorneys' fees, besides an order to prevent the husband from molesting her at 2233 John street.
- 06 Nov 1915 Daisy N. Ryan tells the superior court in suit for divorce from her husband, William H. Ryan, that she was driven away from the home of her husband's parents and that she was compelled to find refuge for herself and new born babe at the home of her sister. The complaint charges cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to support. She says that the husband has not done anything to care for her or the child and she prays an order of court to compel him to do so.
- 06 Nov 1915 In the superior court, Elmer Reed has begun suit for divorce against his wife, Blanche Reed. The husband says his wife was unfaithful and name one of the men with whom she was intimate. The wife visited wine rooms with other men, the husband alleges.
- 06 Nov 1915 The superior court has dismissed the case of Cora Dornte vs. Theodore Dornte.
- 07 Nov 1915 Judge Morris granted a divorce to Wilhelmina Morse in three minutes yesterday afternoon. The woman's husband, James F. Morse, has been away for eight years and is supposed to be in Connecticut now.
- 07 Nov 1915 The suit of Adah Kirbach for ten-year separation from Max Kirbach has been dismissed in superior court.
- 07 Nov 1915 Dessie Hoover was granted a divorce from Ora A. Hoover by proceedings in superior court.
- 09 Nov 1915 Dora Houser has filed a supplemental complaint against John Houser for divorce.
- 09 Nov 1915 In superior court Ruth Boomer has filed suit against Frank Boomer for divorce. She says they were married July 19, 1913, and separated in September, 1914. Failure to provide is alleged. The husband is in jail, charged with grand larceny.
- 09 Nov 1915 Missouri Basey recites in her complaint for divorce against Alonzo Basey that her has been extremely cruel to her and that several times in the past few years she has been compelled to have him arrested. Because she fears he will seriously harm her, she asks an order to prevent him from molesting her.
- 09 Nov 1915 Alice Rodebaugh was granted a divorce from Oral Roadebaugh by the superior court, and permitted to resume her maiden name, Shields.
- 09 Nov 1915 Bessie M. Davis was divorced from John F. Davis, and the husband was ordered to pay $10 monthly toward the support of a child whose custody the wife gets.
- 10 Nov 1915 Mary I. Mohr has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Henry A. Mohr. The couple were married March 1, 1899, and separated June 1, 1913. Failure to support is alleged.
- 10 Nov 1915 Alice Burlage was divorced from Henry Burlage and restored to her maiden name, Lauer.
- 10 Nov 1915 The superior court dismissed the case of Alice Lung vs. Daniel Lung.
- 10 Nov 1915 Lena May Pattee was granted a divorce from Jesse T. Pattee and permitted to resume her maiden name, Glor.
- 10 Nov 1915 William B. Link was refused a divorce from Helen Link by the superior court.
- 10 Nov 1915 Sadie M. Fulton asks a divorce from Walter B. Fulton in a suit filed yesterday in superior court, alleging that for the past year the defendant has been habitually intoxicated. The wife accuses her husband of extreme cruelty, and also that he made false accusations about her chastity; that he cursed her in the presence of the children, and also cursed the little one. The wife further says that the husband threatened to kill her and burn the house. She wants the custody of the children.
- 11 Nov 1915 Ada Bell Taylor filed a suit yesterday against her husband, Cecil Taylor, for divorce, alleging a list of cruelties that cannot be printed in a newspaper. Mrs. Taymor was married less than a week ago, having been divorced fro Earl E. Yarian. The wife alleges that the husband began to curse and abuse her as soon as the were married and the he accused her falsely of intimacy with other men. In addition to the decree she asks $5.00 a month for support and the usual restraining orders.
- 11 Nov 1915 Thomas L. McGee has filed a petition in circuit court asking the custody of a child whom the court gave to his divorced wife, Clara L. McGee. He says that when the decree was made, the wife was given custody of a child, and he was ordered to pay $5.00 a month for its support. He paid $25, he says, and then found that the child had been given into the custody of Joseph Bashore, a farmer, near Latty, Ohio.
- 11 Nov 1915 Frank Fought has filed a cross-complaint for divorce against his wife, Olive Fought. He alleges that the wife has been living in adultery with another man.
- 12 Nov 1915 Hattie Huber wants to make sure she is going to be divorced from Anthony "Tony" Huber, for she has two suits pending in the circuit court. One suit was filed March 6, last, and is still undisposed of. The other suit was filed yesterday. Mrs. Huber says that she was married last January 6, and that she separated November 10. Her husband, she says, has been extremely cruel to her and has shown an unnatural conduct toward her. The complaint ends up by says, "defendant's earning were contributed to the coffers of Bacchus in order to satisfy his appetite for liquor." The first suit never came to trail, although for a time, the defendants's wages were attached at the Pennsylvania. The suit yesterday asks that the Pennsylvania compnay be made to answer for money due the defendant.
- 12 Nov 1915 Helen Pulley makes some charges against her husband, George A. Pulley, that cannot be set out in the columns of a newspaper. She says they were married in January, 1913, and that the husband has been cruel to her and mistreated her in various ways.
- 12 Nov 1915 Eda B. Caughlin wants a divorce from John M. Caughlin, alleging that since their marriage October 1, 1914, the defendant has been cruel to her, that he deserted her, drank to excess and is now a common drunkard. The couple separated July 16, last. In addition to the decree she asks restoration of her maiden name Ollinger, and an order to prevent him from drawing his wages from the Wells-Fargo Express company.
- 12 Nov 1915 George Adams was ordered to pay $4 a week toward the support of his wife and $25 attorney fees.
- 12 Nov 1915 Conrad Bausse was ordered to pay $25 attorneys' fees forthwith.
- 12 Nov 1915 The case of Amelia Boedecker vs. Fred Boedecker has been dismissed.
- 12 Nov 1915 Charles Griffin vs. Lulu Griffin, filed Nov. 18, 1913, divorce, dismissed.
- 12 Nov 1915 Stephen Dalton vs. Anna A. Dalton, divorce, dismissed.
- 12 Nov 1915 Rose Ladig was granted a divorce from Norbert Ladig on cross-complaint and restored to her maiden name, Meyers.
- 13 Nov 1915 Edna Blood wants a divorce from Allen Blood, alleging that she is in constant fear that the husband will carry out his threats to do her bodily harm. The couple were married June 24, 1913, and separated October 22, 1915. The wife alleges that her husband has been cruel to her, that he called her vile names, too vile to set our in the complaint and that on many occasions he pointed a revolver at her and threatened her life.
- 13 Nov 1915 Russell Thompson and Gary Rainey, defendants in divorce suits, have been cited to appear in superior court and show cause why they should not stand in contempt. They are cited to appear November 15.
- 13 Nov 1915 Daniel Straub has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Sarah J. Straub, alleging that the wife called him a "slouch" and that she wasted his earnings. They were married in 1882.
- 14 Nov 1915 Clara Hugh was granted a divorce from Theodore Hugh and custody of child in superior court.
- 14 Nov 1915 Phoebe Cartwright and was granted a divorce from Clinton E. Cartwright and custody of the child, husband ordered to pay $10 toward child's support.
- 14 Nov 1915 John A. Ebert was granted a divorce from Blossom Violet Ebert and custody of the child.
- 14 Nov 1915 Wayne Harris was granted a divorce from Howard Harris and her maiden name Beyerlein restored.
- 14 Nov 1915 Ethel Shutt was divorced from Edward Shutt.
- 14 Nov 1915 Mabel M. Imhoff seeks a divorce from William V. Imhoff on the grounds that her husband cursed her, called her vile names, beat her and is an habitual drunkard. Non-support is another allegation.
- 16 Nov 1915 In the superior court, Julius Fabian has filed suit for divorce from Mary Fabian, to whom he was married May 12, 1915, and from whom he separated this month. He says that he was divorced from his wife once before, but that a conciliation was effected and the two went together again. Cruel and inhuman treatment is charged and that the wife called her husband bad names, had a ungovernable temper and that it is impossible for them to live together.
- 16 Nov 1915 Gray Rainey appeared in superior court yesterday to answer contempt proceedings for failure to make payments to his wife, Grace Rainey. He promised to make the payments here-after and was released.
- 16 Nov 1915 The superior court has dismissed the case of Florence E. Vaughn vs. Harry W. Vaughn.
- 17 Nov 1915 Frances Long, who alleges that Lloyd Long absolutely refused to support her, would not live with her, abused her, compelled her to work for a living and did various other things that a good husband should not do, has filed suit for divorce. The couple were married May 20, 1911 and separated November 8, 1914.
- 17 Nov 1915 Helen Leverton has filed suit for divorce against Donald Leverton and says that, after telling her to get a divorce, her husband left her and refused to provide anything for her support. The couple were married August 12, 1914.
- 17 Nov 1915 Ethel Miller files suit for divorce from John E. Miller. She claims that he was lazy and refused to work and, in order to keep from supporting the family, he threatened to kill them all with gas. She says the husband has also subjected her to extreme cruelty and on one particular occasion injured her by twisting her wrist.
- 17 Nov 1915 Lewis S. Richardson has dismissed his suit against Sarah Richardson, in superior court.
- 17 Nov 1915 In the divorce suit of Kintz Roebuck vs. William P. Roebuch, the superior court has decreed that the order relative to the care and custody of a minor child be the defendant be vacated and made null and void.
- 18 Nov 1915 Anna Sonne is asking the superior court for a decree of divorce from William Sonne, alleging that the husband cursed her, called her viled names and treated her so cruelly that her health has been ruined. She wants $1,000 alimony, support money and restoration of her maiden name, Lamley.
- 18 Nov 1915 Mary J. Fabian has filed a cross-complaint against Julius Frabian for divorce. She charges drunkenness.
- 18 Nov 1915 The case of Fred Curry vs. Mary Curry for divorce has been dismissed in superior court.
- 19 Nov 1915 Eva Vicario says in a suit filed in superior court yesterday that on May 4, this year, she entered into a marriage contract with Joseph Mannely, who is now said to be living at 402 North Third street, Richmond, and that upon his representations that he was a single man, the wedding ceremony was performed. Soon after the marriage, she says she found out that Mannely has another wife and that since then she has refused to have anything to do with him, that she left him and now wants the marriage annulled. The marriage was a "pretended" affair, the complaint alleges.
- 19 Nov 1915 Alleging that her husband has frequently struck her, that he made life so unpleasant she was forced to leave him and that she fears he will carry out his threats to do her bodily harm, Elizabeth Grage has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from William G. Grage, custody of three children, $1,000 alimony and support for the children until the youngest becomes of age. The couple were married November 7, 1894 and have seven children.
- 19 Nov 1915 Clara Beebe has filed suit for divorce from her husband, Julius Beebe, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment and failure for provide. She asks the restoration of her maiden name, Clara Allen. The couple were married in September, 1914.
- 20 Nov 1915 Minnie S. Skinker is seeking a divorce from Harry S. Skinker, alleging in the complaint that they wer married April 19, 1912, and separated in April, 1914; that the defendant has treated her cruelly, struck and beat her and called her vile names.
- 20 Nov 1915 The divorce case of Walter Klingenberg against Beulah Klingernber has been dismiss for superior court.
- 20 Nov 1915 May Hansen was granted a divorce from James Hanson by Judge Eggeman, of the circuit court.
- 21 Nov 1915 The case of George Kling vs. Edna Kling was dismissed in superior court.
- 21 Nov 1915 The case of Amelia Pauley vs. James Pauley was dismissed in superior court.
- 21 Nov 1915 The case of Jennie Segalstrom vs. George Segalstrom was dismissed in superior court.
- 21 Nov 1915 The case of Sophie Vanderau vs. Peter W. Vanderau was dismissed in superior court.
- 21 Nov 1915 Ellsworth Davis appeared before Judge Yaple to answer contempt proceedings yesterday. The court gave his a lecture and let him go upon his promise to make payments to his wife hereafter.
- 23 Nov 1915 Britia Kleinschmidt has filed a suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Edward Kleinschmidt, to whom she was married September 27, 1911, and from whom she separated November 22, 1915. She alleges that the defendant called her vile names, that he beat her until she carried bruises as a result. She further charges that they separated on previous occasions, but that she always took him back on his promises to do better. These promises were broken, she says, and now the husband is worse than he was before. He accused her falsely of meeting other men, she says, and threatened her life. In addition to the decree, she asks alimony of $2,500 and a restraining order to prevent him from milesting her or drawing his wages. She wants her maiden name, Van Gundy, restored.
- 23 Nov 1915 Charles Bradburn is seeking a divorce from Cecil Bradburn. The plaintiff alleges that his wife continually nagged him and that she stayed out late of nights with other men. The couple were married in 1909 and have two children.
- 23 Nov 1915 The case of Harriett Gause vs. George W. Gause was dismissed in superior court.
- 24 Nov 1915 Cecil Bradburn has filed a cross-complaint for divorce from Charles Bradburn. She alleges that her husband made her work in a factory and that all the money he made he spent on himself. She say he accused her falsely of intimacy with other men.
- 24 Nov 1915 Agnes Blevins has filed cross-complaint for divorce from John W. Blevins. She says that she lived with her husband for some time and that he acquired the habit of running around with other women "without her consent." She wants reasonalbe alimony and restoration of her maiden name.
- 25 Nov 1915 Emel V. Williams has filed suit for a divorce from Frankwood E. Williams, to whom she was married June 29, 1912, and from whom she separated recently. She alleges that the husband failed to provide for her. She asks restoration of her maiden name.
- 25 Nov 1915 Eli B. Hobson alleges in a complaint for divorce from his wife, Mabel Hobson, that, she failed and refused to get his breakfast in the morning before he went to work as a railroad brakeman; that she refused for weeks at a time to speak to him, that she struck him, tore the shirt off his back and told him she didn't care fro him. He says she had a fondness for other men and often spent her time with them. The couple were married Dec. 23, 1907, and separated yesterday.
- 25 Nov 1915 The divorce case of Missouri Basey vs. Alonzo Basey has been dismissed from superior court.
- 27 Nov 1915 Howard Sargent thought he could throw himself on the mercy of the court yesterday afternoon when he pleaded guilty to a charge of child neglect and get a suspended sentence, but Judge Eggeman couldn't see things that way, so he sent him to the state prison to serve from one to seven years.
- 27 Nov 1915 George Matthias was divorced from Emma Matthias by proceedings in superior court yesterday.
- 28 Nov 1915 In the superior court, Vincent Joslin has filed suit for divorce against Elizabeth Joslin, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to provide. The couple were married in November, 1912, and separated October 20, 1915.
- 28 Nov 1915 Milton Claybombe was divorced from Mae Claycombe by proceedings in superior court.
- 30 Nov 1915 In the case of James Crowl vs. Ollie Crowl, the superior court modified an order for support money, so the husband must pay $10 a week until June 1, 1916. when he will be released. The former order required him to pay $10 a week until further order of the court.
- 30 Nov 1915 For want of prosecution the case of Cora Hill vs. Nathan Hill was dismissed in superior court.
- 30 Nov 1915 The superior court granted a divorce to Jennie Lewton from Perry Lewton, awarded her the custody of a child and ordered him to pay $12 a month for its support.
- 30 Nov 1915 The case of Fred J. vs. Oilie L. Freese was dismissed in superior court.
- 30 Nov 1915 Ida M. Harper was divorced from Frank L. Harper and awarded custody of three children.
- 02 Dec 1915 George Salisbury and his wife, Catherine Salisbury, started a lot of trouble Sunday afternoon at their home in Wallen when George used his wife as a target for a handful of coal, choked her and otherwise beat her up until she found it necessary to file an affidavit against him for assault and battery. The case came up before Judge Kerr yesterday morning and Salisbury was fined $10 and costs. The fine should have been $100, Mrs. Salisbury thought, so she went to the prosecutor and tried to have a heavier fine imposed upon her husband. This failing, she shought the services of a lawyer and filed a suit for divorce against George, Alleging in the complaint that she was married April 18 last and separated November 28; that the husband beat her and struck her, and even threatened to take her life. She recites in the complaint that she had to have him arrested and fined for assaulting her. That he bought a gun for the express purpose of killing her is another allegation in the complaint.
- 02 Dec 1915 Anna Mendenhall seeks a divorce from Harry Mendenhall, alleging in the complaint that her husband deserted her and called her vile names. The couple were married in March, 1908.
- 02 Dec 1915 Mabel M. Shirey wants a legal separation from George Shirey. She charges that her husband has failed to support her and had treated her cruelly. The couple were married in August, 1907, and separated in June 1915.
- 02 Dec 1915 Catherine Moring asks the superior court for a five-year separation from August Moring, to whom she was wedded in June, 1883, and from whom she separated October 21, 1915. Mrs. Moring says that her husband falsely accused her of undue intimacy with other men and made remarks reflecting upon her chastity. That he called her vile names and threateded to kill her are other allegation in the complaint. Custody of the children is asked.
- 02 Dec 1915 Maud Franks sues Herbert Franks for a divorce, alleging abandonment. The couple wer married November 18, 1906, and separated January 19, 1913.
- 02 Dec 1915 Martha Fry was granted a divorce from Alex Fry by proceedings in superior court and permitted to resume hermaiden name of Mouring.
- 02 Dec 1915 John R. Hagans was divorced from Margaret Hagans by proceedings in circuit court.
- 02 Dec 1915 Noah Egley filed a suit for divorce in superior court against Emma B. Egley, but the complaint was withdrawn from the files for a period of ten days.
- 04 Dec 1915 Ethel Dory has filed a suit against Harry Dory for a decree of divorce, alleging failure to provide. The couple were married Nov. 11, 1906, and separated Fe. 10, 1913.
- 04 Dec 1915 Levi Jackson has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from his wife, Elena Jackson. He says she deserted him four years ago. Custody of the children is asked by the father.
- 05 Dec 1915 The superior court granted a divorce to Ethel Bectol from Chester Bechtol and permitted her to resume her maiden name of Fosnaugh.
- 07 Dec 1915 Mary Besancon was divorced from Frank Besancon on cross-complaint in superior court.
- 07 Dec 1915 Henry Presuhu has filed a suit for divorce from May Preshuhu, alleging abandonment. The couple were married March 15, 1902, and separated in November, this year.
- 08 Dec 1915 According to John Hamm, who filed suit for divorce from Dessie Hamm some time ago, he was called a "red-headed pup" and in appearing before Judge Yaple in the superior court yesterday in the trial of the cross complaint filed by his wife, he disproved this particular statement, for he is bald headed. The case was taken under advisement.
- 08 Dec 1915 Sidney Gardiner has filed suit for divorce in the superior court, charging in his complaint that his wife, Carrie, neglected her household duties, prohibited him from sitting at the same talbe with her, and beating him. He also wants the custody of one of their three children.
- 08 Dec 1915 Mrs. Adah Kirbach has filed a second divorce suit against Max Kirbach. She charged this time, cruel and inhuman treatment. She also wants her maiden name, Adah Liebranz, restored. The couple were divorced last summer, and remarried August 7, last.
- 08 Dec 1915 In the suit of Minnie Helbig vs. Henry F. Helbig, the circuit court has declared the defendant legally dead. He has not been heard from for ten years and his property requires administration.
- 08 Dec 1915 Mary Kitchen has commenced suit for a divorce against Edgar Kitche, the complaint being filed by her attorney. She charges him with being an habitual drunkard, with cruelty and with failure to support her. They were married in 1897.
- 08 Dec 1915 Virgil Clark has been granted a divorce from Effie Clark.
- 08 Dec 1915 Fred West was divorced from Ada West.
- 08 Dec 1915 Eileen Schlink seeks a divorce from Leo Schlink, charging that her husband has made her married life one of horror. They were married November 1, and separated December 1.
- 10 Dec 1915 Milton Claycomb was granted a divorce from May Claycomb in the superior court and granted custody of their two minor children.
- 11 Dec 1915 Charles Plasterer, as plaintiff in the recent divorce suit against Lulu Plasterer yesterday filed application in the superior court for the custody of his two children, Ruth and Raymond, aged eleven and fourteen respectively. The court granted the petition and Mr. Plasterer is to have the children until further orders from the court. The defendant, however, has the right to visit them at any time. The children have been at the county orphanage for some time.
- 11 Dec 1915 Edna Leamon has filed suit for divorce from Alfred Leamon. They were married in 1910 and separated last month. She charged him with cruel treatment and non-support. She also asks that a restraining order be granted to keep the S.F. Bowser company from paying her husband the wages due him.
- 11 Dec 1915 Ida Dunlap has begun an action in the superior court to compel her former husband to pay her $40 awarded her with the decree. The Nickel Plate road is ordered to show what money is due the divorced husband, Forrest Dunlap.
- 11 Dec 1915 In the superior court Judge Yaple has granted a decree in the case of Eva Vicario vs. Joseph Mannely annulling a marriage.
- 12 Dec 1915 The superior court has dismissed the case of Louisa Kennelly against John D. Kennelly.
- 12 Dec 1915 Joseph F. Bley has filed a suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from his wife, Elizabeth Bley, whom he characterizes as an habitual drunkard. He says that his wife has been cruel to him, called him vile names and false accused him of immoral conduct. He further says that she has been given an opportunity to live with him, but that she refuses.
- 12 Dec 1915 Herbert Wolverton has been cited to appear in superior court Dec. 17 and answer contempt proceedings for failure to pay support money to his wife.
- 14 Dec 1915 In the superior court, Nellie Taylor seeks a divorce from Octavius Taylor, alleging that the husband called her vile names, struck her, and drinks to excess. The couple were married April 20, 1914 and separated Dec. 6. She wants the restoration of her maiden name Nellie Buckner.
- 14 Dec 1915 Pearl Price has filed suit in superior court for a decree of divorce from Bryan Price, to whom she was married July 21, 1915, and from whom she separated Nov. 29, 1915. The wife says her husband told her he didn't care for her and refused to live with her. The south branch of the German-American Trust company is restrained from paying deposits to the defendant.
- 14 Dec 1915 Laura M. Morrison was granted a divorce from Edward Morrison by proceedings in circuit court.
- 16 Dec 1915 In the superior court, Minnie Schleicher for a decree of divorce, alleging failure to provide. The couple were married June 11, 1911, and separated in September, 1914. In three years, the wife says, her husband gave her $25, and then begged a part of it away from her.
- 17 Dec 1915 Afton Rodenbeck was granted a divorce from Arthur Rodenbeck and restored to her maiden name of Wolf.
- 19 Dec 1915 Catherine Anweiler was granted a divorce from William G. Anweiler by proceedings in superior court and awarded the custody of one child. The husband was ordered to pay $15 a month toward the child's support.
- 19 Dec 1915 John Hamm was divorced from Bessie Hamm in superior court and she was permitted to resume her maiden name of Poince.
- 19 Dec 1915 In the case of Helen Leverton vs. Donald Leverton, the defendant was ordered to pay $25 attorney fees.
- 21 Dec 1915 Judge Yaple, in the superior court, refused to grant a divorce to Carmela Coppolino from Carmelo Coppolino. The defendant's cross-complaint was dismissed.
- 21 Dec 1915 Otille Harper was granted a divorce from Harry Harper by proceedings in superior court. She was also permitted to resume her maiden name of Younghouse.
- 21 Dec 1915 The superior court has dismissed the case of Nellie Miller vs. Harry Miller.
- 21 Dec 1915 The superior court has dismissed the case of Maynard F. Howell vs. Mabel Howell.
- 22 Dec 1915 Judge Yaple granted a divorce yesterday to Frank Snarr from Elizabeth Snarr and gave him the custody of two minor children. The wife was awarded alimony of $125.
- 23 Dec 1915 Arthur Baker says in a complaint filed in superior court against Emma Baker for a decree of divorce, that because he did not have the smae religious faith as that of his wife, "the disparity caused constant quarreling," and that it is impossible for them to get along together. The couple were married August 19, 1909, and separated in October, of this year. In addition to the religious quarrel, the plaintiff says that his wife has an ungovernable temper, that she subjected him to physical violence, struck and beat him with her fists and with a broom and other instruments; that several time she threw his possessions out of the house and told him to get out and stay out.
- 23 Dec 1915 Joseph H. Bartholomew was granted a divorce from Nellie D. Bartholomew and he was ordered to pay $10 a month for the support of minor children.
- 24 Dec 1915 John E. Miller has better make some provisions for the support of his children if he doesn't care to go to the penitentiary. Yesterday, Miller faced Judge Eggeman on a charge of child desertion and the court gave him a severe grilling and another chance to make good. Failure to do so will mean punishment. Miller's wife is only eighteen years of age and she has a suit pending for divorce.
- 28 Dec 1915 Mary Lindner has dismissed her suit against Andrew Lindner for divorce and entered a general denial to her husband's cross-complaint. The defendant was granted a divorce and the plaintiff was given $200 alimony.
- 28 Dec 1915 Gladys Sanders was granted a divorce from Harold Sanders and permitted to resume her maiden name of Franklin.
- 28 Dec 1915 Mary E. Jackson was granted a divorce from Elmer Jackson. The defendant is serving a sentence in Michigan City for criminal intent.
- 29 Dec 1915 These cases were dismissed in superior court yesterday; Jennie H. Green vs. Scott E. Green, Rose Graham vs. George Graham, Claude Newcomb vs. Elizabeth Newcomb, Evelyn M. Cooper vs. Arthur Coopper, William C. Morris vs. Georgia Morris, Agnes Kintz vs. Enoch Kintz, Nellie Hensinger vs. George W. Hensinger, and Forest Dunlap vs. Ida L. Dunlap.
- 29 Dec 1915 Elizabeth M. Meek asks the superior court for a decree of divorce from Stanley Meek, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment. A restraining order was granted.
- 29 Dec 1915 Stella Scheuman was given the custody of her children by proceedings in circuit court. It was shown that Edward Scheuman, the father and custodian of the children, has not provided properly for them.
- 29 Dec 1915 Etta May Jackson was divorced from Elmer C. Jackson in superior court.
- 30 Dec 1915 Evidence was heard by Judge Yaple in the superior court yesterday afternoon in the case of William Agler vs. Agnes Agler, for divorce, but no decision will be rendered until a suitable home is found for their eighteen-month-old baby, which neither of the parents want and the origin of which the father doubts, according to his testimony. The husband, who is but nineteen years of age, was arrested on a paternity preceeding a few days after the birth of the child, and married the girl, aged twenty-one, in order to settle the case. The couple lived together four days and then separated. The plaintiff's attorney introduced evidence to show that the defendant had twice been the mother of an illegitimate child.
- 30 Dec 1915 Whether the couples involved have become reconciled, Judge Yaple does not know, but the cases had not been prosecuted when they were called for trial and another big assortment of divorce suits were dismissed yesterday. They were: Beulah H. Long vs. Daniel Long, Rosella Craig vs. John Craig, John Craig vs. Rosella Craig, Alfred Young vs. Minnie Young, Esther Moore vs. Charles D. Moore, Burton McKinley vs. Mabel McKinley, Elizabeth Harshbarger vs. Sylvester Harshbarger, William Wurtle vs. Eliza Wurtle, Bessie Smith vs. Robert E. Smith, Wallace Harris vs. Laura Harris, Benjamin H. Moore vs. Bertha A. Moore, Oscar Hobson vs. Emma Hobson, Delia Oliver vs. Isaiah Oliver, Ella May Philo vs. Clarence M. Philo, and Edith Butcher vs. Floyd B. Butcher.
- 31 Dec 1915 In a suit for divorce brought by Grace Jackson yesterday against Otis Jackson, the plaintiff alleges that her spouse associates with other women and brags about it. She asks the custody of their little girl and that the Angle Dial Scale Co. be refrained from paying him wages due him. The couple was married in Jun, 1914 and separated in October, this year.
- 31 Dec 1915 Samuel Norris was granted a divorce from Thurza Norris in the superior court yesterday afternoon.
- 31 Dec 1915 The divorce suit of Eva Eberling vs. Oscar Eberling was dismissed.
- 31 Dec 1915 The divorce suit of Fred Marquardt against Florence Marguardt was dismissed.
Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.