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Divorce News and Records, Allen Co., Indiana

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Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.


Fort Wayne Daily News (FWDN)
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (FWJG)
Fort Wayne Sentinel (FWS)

  • 01 Jan 1888 Catherine Shaffer seeks a divorce from Charles Shaffer, and also permission of the court to change her name. (FWDN)
  • 15 Jan 1888 Carrie B. Hill was granted a bill of divorce from John B. Hill yesterday by Judge O'Rourke for abandonment and failure to support. (FWJG)
  • 21 Jan 1888 Catharine J. Shaffer has filed suit for divorce from Charles Shaffer. (FWJG)
  • 21 Jan 1888 Frederick Smith has filed suit for divorce from Candis Smith. (FWJG)
  • 23 Jan 1888 Judge O'Rourke granted Eliza Morris a divorce from John Morris this morning. The defendant is a railroad man. (FWDN)
  • 27 Jan 1888 A suit for divorce was filed in the circuit court yesterday. Asker Kayser is plaintiff and Herminie Kayser defendant. (FWJG)
  • 27 Jan 1888 Judge O'Rourke granted a divorce to Rachel Kelley from John B. Kelley. The cause was cruelty, plaintiff was allowed possession of household goods. (FWJG)
  • 27 Jan 1888 Anna Troane was granted a divorce by Judge O'Rourke from Henry Troane yesterday on a charge of infidelity. (FWJG)
  • 28 Jan 1888 Anna L. Craige was granted a divorce from Augustus P. Craige and $800 alimony. (FWJG)

  • 19 Feb 1888 Lulu D. Ward was granted a decree of divorce from Edgar J. W. Ward for abandonment, failure to support and cruelty. Mrs. Was was allowed the custody of her two children. (FWJG)
  • 26 Feb 1888 In the case of Christian Eix vs. Charlotte Eix, a divorce was granted to the defendant on her complaint. (FWJG)
  • 27 Feb 1888 This afternoon John Gottleib Hettler, whose slight escapades have made him a character well known, applied for a divorce from his wife, Harriett Hettler, whom he says abandoned him four years ago. He makes no other charges and concludes by asking the custody of their four children. The parties were married twenty years ago. (FWS)
  • 28 Feb 1888 Christiana Clem was granted a divorce from Benjamin Clem today. (FWS)
  • 28 Feb 1888 Wm. Lezier enters suit against Rosetta Lezier for divorce. (FWDN)

  • 01 Mar 1888 Christina Clem was divorced from Benjamin Clem on a plea of abandonment. (FWJG)
  • 13 Mar 1888 Judge O'Rouke today granted a decree of divorce in the case of Wm. Leazier vs. Rosetta Leazier on grounds of abandonment. The parties are of Cedar Creek township. (FWDN)
  • 17 Mar 1888 Catherine S. Wells sues George R. Wells for a divorce and $500 alimony.
  • 20 Mar 1888 This morning there was filed, with the County Clerk, a complaint for divorce in which Mary A. Gebert charges that her husband, John L. Gebert an employee of the Pennington Works, struck, choked and kicked her, and threw her out of the door in a violent manner; that he has, on various occasions been abusive in language to her, threatening to shoot her and otherwise indulging in ungentlemanly action. The two have been separated for some time. On these grounds the plaintiff seeks a divorce from the defendant. (FWDN)
  • 21 Mar 1888 Eliza Nick has filed suit for divorce against Joseph Nick. (FWDN)
  • 22 Mar 1888 Only a few days ago a divorce complaint was filed by Mary Gerbert against John Gerbert. The divorce was granted by Judge O'Rourke, and the plaintiff was allowed to resume her maiden name, that of Mary Barchman. Mary, who it seems had been premeditating the action, flew to another lover, one Robt See, and a few hours after she has procured the papers, the two were married. Mr. Gerbert, who is a machinist, said today that things were charged in the complaint that he was not guilty of, but he saw that it was of no use to oppose a woman who had acquired love for another and inasmuch as her affections were centered elsewhere than on himself, it would only result in misery to live together. Mr. Gerbert declares that his wife was faithful to the marriage vows, and expressed regret that they could not live happly. He says furthermore that he is in the market. Mr. and Mrs. See are now domiciled in a cottage in the west end. The husband is employed in a machine works in the city. (FWDN)
  • 27 Mar 1888 Judge O'Rourke today granted to Oscar Kayser a divorce from Herminie Kayser. Oscar's wife is in Germany and refuses to come over here to live with him. (FWDN)
  • 27 Mar 1888 R. Minto Houghston sues for a divorce from John Houghston and the custody of their child. The charge is abandonment. (FWS)
  • 31 Mar 1888 Margaret Wells was yesterday granted a divorce and $500 alimony from George R. Wells, the Columbia street harness maker. (FWS)

  • 02 Apr 1888 Charlotte N. Grunelson sues for a divorce from Joseph Gruneison. (FWS)
  • 13 Apr 1888 Anna Liger has begun proceedings for a divorce from George H. Liger, alleging abandonment and infidelity on the part of her husband. They were married November 5, 1879 and have three children. (FWJG)
  • 13 Apr 1888 Catherine S. Stradley asks for a divorce from William D. Stradley. (FWJG)
  • 17 Apr 1888 Judge O'Rouke today granted a divorce in the case of R. Minta Houghton vs. John Houghton. (FWDN)
  • 17 Apr 1888 The divorce case of Magdalena Kellar vs. Casper Kellar was dismissed. (FWDN)
  • 17 Apr 1888 Anna Tyler was granted a divorce from Fred Tyler. (FWS)
  • 19 Apr 1888 Catherine J. Shaffer vs. Charles Shaffer, divorce granted and the plaintiff's name changed to Saively. (FWJG)
  • 19 Apr 1888 John G. Hettler has been granted a divorce from Harriet Hettler. (FWDN)
  • 19 Apr 1888 Carrie B. Hill was this morning granted a divorce from George Hill by Judge O'Rourke. (FWDN)
  • 25 Apr 1888 Phoebe Davaux has instituted a suit for divorce from Frank Devaux in the circuit court. The husband is charged with cruelty and threatening to kill the plaintiff. (FWJG)
  • 27 Apr 1888 Clara E. Etzell sues for a divorce from Frank A. Etzell. Mr. and Mrs. Etzell were married at Dayton. There was no love in the household and the husband abused his wife, striking her and calling her vile names. They separated last Tuesday and Mrs. Etzell wants alimony, alleging that her husband is worth $1,000. (FWS)
  • 28 Apr 1888 Harriet A. Betz sues Joseph Betz for divorce. (FWS)

  • 05 May 1888 Charlotte M. Gruneisen was granted a divorce from Joseph Grunisen the morning by Judge O'Rourke. (FWDN)
  • 15 May 1888 Judge O'Rourke has granted Eliza Bradmiller a divorce from Henry B. Bradmiller. (FWDN)
  • 18 May 1888 Judge O'Rourke granted Elizabeth Nick a divorce from John Nick today on the condition that she would not marry again within two years. (FWS)
  • 23 May 1888 Anna M. Waelfer has entered suit against Wm. Waelfer for divorce. She complains of cruel treatment and failure to provide. (FWDN)
  • 29 May 1888 Mary J. Snider was granted a divorce in the circuit court this morning from Jacob Snider, by Judge O'Rourke. (FWS)
  • 31 May 1888 Judge O'Rourke this morning granted a divorce to Cora E. Etzold from Frank A. Etzold. (FWDN)

  • 02 Jun 1888 Mary E. Carson sues for a divorce from Silas Carson. (FWS)
  • 09 Jun 1888 Mary J. Hatfield sues for a divorce from John W. Harfield, a farmer. (FWS)

  • 03 Jul 1888 Mary A. Batchelder sues for a divorce from Jesse S. Batchelder, and $300 alimony. Mr. Batchelder, who is well known in politics, is charged by his wife with having committed adultery. She says he struck and beat her, called her vile and abusive names and alleges that he is a habitual drunkard. Mrs. Barchelder asks for the custody of their four children. Mr. and Mrs. Barchelder were married April 29, 1875, and lived together unitl June 25 last. (FWS)
  • 07 Jul 1888 Virgil B. Burns sues Myron Annetta Burnes for a divorce. The complaint alleges abandonment. (FWS)
  • 16 Jul 1888 Mrs. Lucretia Johnson has commenced suit in the circuit court against her husband Charles Johnson, for divorce. The parties were married in December, 1877, and the plaintiff alleges in her complaint that Johnson beat and otherwise cruelly treated her, and for that reason she asks a divorce. Mrs. Johnson left her husband a few weeks ago and refuses to live with him. (FWS)
  • 27 Jul 1888 Mary Foncanon vs. Oliver P. Foncanon, divorce granted to plaintiff. (FWJG)
  • 27 Jul 1888 Annie M. Waelfer vs. Wm. Waelfer, divorce granted to plaintiff. (FWJG)

  • 07 Aug 1888 Mary E. Bisson sues Martin Bisson in the courts for a divorce and alleges cruelty and drunkenness on the part of the defendant, and asks $500 alimony. (FWS)
  • [08 Aug 1888] Rachel M. Barrett vs. William H. Barrett, Superior Court, Case File

  • 04 Sep 1888 Catherine E. Bacon sues for a divorce from Henry Bacon. (FWS)
  • 09 Sep 1888 In the circuit court Jacob Smitley has commenced an action for a divorce from his wife, Anna Smitley. (FWJG)
  • 11 Sep 1888 A divorce was granted in the circuit court yesterday to Julia Stemen from Henry Stemen. (FWJG)
  • 11 Sep 1888 Michael Becker sues for a divorce from Elizabeth Becker. He says she whipped him and disabled him. (FWS)
  • 15 Sep 1888 Mary Ann Reading against George R. Reading, divorce. (FWJG)
  • 15 Sep 1888 Tillie Timbrook sues for a divorce from Geo. Timbrook. The plaintiff alleges that he has neglected her. (FWS)
  • 19 Sep 1888 Laura E. Myron has filed suit for divorce in superior court from Frank C. Myron, alimony in the sue of $1,000 is asked. (FWJG)
  • 22 Sep 1888 Michael Becker was this morning granted a divorce from Elizabeth Becker by Judge O'Rourke, and there by hangs a tale. As part of the evidence there was introduced the following remarkable agreement: This agreement, made this 20th day of March, 1888, by and between Michael Becker and Elizabeth Nick, witnesseth the Michael Becker agrees to marry Elizabeth Nick on the following conditions, that Michael Becker agrees to pay the $1,300 now due on property owned by Elizabeth Nick and secured by Mortgage on said property and said Elizabeth agrees to convey the above property known as No. 3 Williams addition, to said Michael Becker and Elizabeth Nick, jointly; and said Michael Becker agrees, by agreement, in case he shall outlive Elizabeth Nick, to only have a life interest in said estate, and after his death said lot shall be divided among the children of Elizabeth Nick. Elizabeth Nich agrees to ask for a divorce from Joseph Nick, and after the same is granted, she agrees to marry Michael Becker on the above conditions. Signed Michael Becker, Elizabeth Nick It will be seen by the above document and the subsequent proceedings that Elizabeth is somewhat of a hustler. She signed the foregoing paper on the 20th of March. Ten days later she applied for a divorce from Joseph Nick, which was granted on the 18th of May. On the 22nd of May she was married to Michael Becker and today, the 22nd of September she is again divorced. If any woman in this neighborhood can beat that record The Sentinel would like to hear of her. The decree divorcing her from Nick forbade her marring within a period of two years, but a little thing like that made no difference to the gay and festive maiden, and she married four day later. Michael is sixth-three, and Elizabeth is about fifty. Michael stated to the court that his spouse frequently knocked him down, threw dishwater in his face and perpetrated other indignities which he didn't relish. The judge speedily untied the knot which bound the twain and they left the court room both apparently well pleased. (FWS)
  • 25 Sep 1888 Florence C. Herring sues for a decree of divorce from Sennis Herring. (FWS)
  • 27 Sep 1888 Julia A. Scott has petitioned for divorce from John A. Scott on charge of failure to provide. This is the second time she has filed a complaint, the matter having been satisfactorily settled the first time. FEDN
  • 29 Sep 1888 Judge O'Rourke today granted a divorce to Florence Herring from Dennis Herring. (FWS)

  • 01 Oct 1888 Sarah Ryan sues for a divorce from Calin Ryan. The complaint says that Ryan is a habitual drunkard and fails to provide for his family. She asks $500 alimony and the custody of three children. (FWS)
  • 02 Oct 1888 Judge Chapin today granted a divorce in the case of Ella Hall vs. Ernst Hall for abandonment. (FWDN)
  • 04 Oct 1888 In the circuit court yesterday, Judge O'Rourke granted a divorce to Mrs. Hover, she was also given the custody of the children. No alimony was granted, the evidence tending to prove that the defendant was not possessed of the means ascribed to him. (FWJG)
  • 04 Oct 1888 Amelia Lischer petitioned for a divorce from George Lischer. (FWDN)
  • 09 Oct 1888 Susan Reifine today sued for a divorce from Jonathan Reifineon the ground of cruelty and failure to provide. (FWS)
  • 10 Oct 1888 A complaint has been filed in the circuit court by Henry Jacobs, asking that a decree of divorce be granted him from his wife, Mary C. Jacobs. (FWJG)
  • 11 Oct 1888 Judge O'Rourke has granted a divorce to Julia A. Scott from John A. Scott. (FWS)
  • 11 Oct 1888 Judge O'Rourke has granted a divorce to Henry E. Brownell from Augusta Brownell. (FWS)
  • 11 Oct 1888 Hiram Palmer sues for a divorce from Cordelia Palmer, charging that the woman never loved him and has no fondness for this company. (FWS)
  • 14 Oct 1888 In the circuit court yesterday Anna Klebe was granted a divorce from her husband, Henry Klebe. (FWJG)
  • 20 Oct 1888 A divorce is wanted by Elijah Faulkner from his wife, Mariah, and an action has been commenced in the circuit court looking to such an end. (FWJG)
  • 20 Oct 1888 Sauan Reifine was granted a divorce from Johnathan Reifine in the circuit court today. (FWS)
  • 21 Oct 1888 A complaint for divorce has been filed in the circuit court by Sarah A. Edsall against Samuel G. Edsall. (FWJG)
  • 23 Oct 1888 Suit has been commenced in the circuit court by Mary Upmyer for divorce from her husband, Herman H. G. Upmyer. (FWJG)
  • 24 Oct 1888 Mattie Lane was divorced from John Lane and given the custody of a child in Circuit Court. (FWDN)
  • 24 Oct 1888 Henry Jacobs was divorced from Mary C. Jacobs in Circuit Court. (FWDN)
  • 24 Oct 1888 Hiram Palmer was divorced from Cordelia Palmer, the defendant getting the custody of children. (FWDN)
  • 30 Oct 1888 Jenny Ganey has entered suit in the Circuit Court for a divorce from Fred Ganey, charging abandonment. (FWDN)

  • 01 Nov 1888 Henry Gamer this afternoon filed suit for divorce from Merica A. Gamer. (FWS)
  • [08 Nov 1888] Martha Edsall vs. Samuel Edsall, Circuit Court, Case File
  • 14 Nov 1888 Mr. John Courady is tired of wedded bliss and seeks a legal separation from Mary Courady. (FWS)
  • 14 Nov 1888 Delia Yerk filed application this morning for a decree of divorce from her husband, Charles Yerk. The complaint alleges that, although Yerk is a moulder and makes good wages, he squanders it for drink and wholly neglects her. The neglect has driven Mrs. Yerk to earning her own support at the washboard, and , to add insult to injury, the man abuses her. (FWS)
  • 18 Nov 1888 Louise Balfe's husband has procured a divorce from her. He claims he was awfully deceived. If he had displayed common ordinary sense, he would not have been deceived. (FWJG)
  • 20 Nov 1888 Annie Cunningham, a servant maid at the Nave house, out near the new Pittsburg yards, this morning filed a petition for a decree of divorce from her husband, James Cunningham, now a brakeman on the Chicago and Atlantic road. The man was cruel to her and fails to provide a home. (FWS)
  • 20 Nov 1888 the divorce case of John Courady vs. Mary Courady was dismissed. (FWS)
  • 21 Nov 1888 In the circuit court yesterday Emma Ankrim and Hilbert Ankrim were given permission to walk in single harness, the divorce having been granted to Emma on her complaint. (FWJG)
  • 22 Nov 1888 Mary C. Flutter sues for a divorce from John Flutter. She says Flutter has been cruel, and fails to provide for her support, adding that he has been too familiar with a Mrs. Mapes, of Ossian. (FWS)
  • 22 Nov 1888 In the circuit court yesterday a divorce was granted David H. Neiswonger from his wife, Elizabeth Neiswonger. (FWJG)
  • 23 Nov 1888 Judge O'Rourke today granted a divorce to Caroline Burine from Wm. R. Burine, with $400 alimony and the custody of their children. (FWDN)
  • 24 Nov 1888 Judge O'Rourke today divorced Elijah Faulkner from Maria Faulkner. (FWS)
  • 28 Nov 1888 In the circuit court yesterday, Mary Upmeyer was granted a divorce from her liege lord and husband, Herman H. G. Upmeyer. The custody of a child was also awarded to her. (FWJG)

  • 04 Dec 1888 David Bice is the name of a well-to-do farmer in Springfield township, Allen county. David has, if a complaint filed yesterday in the Allen circuit court is to be believed, been acting very band and naughty toward the partner of his bosom, and has not conducted himself in the chaste and modest manner becoming a liege lord, wherefore the abused wife, Amy Bice, asks the court to sever the connubial knot which now so closely unites the two, and decree to her a divorce and alimony, together with the custody of the children that have been the result of the union. The plaintiff in her complaint makes some very damaging charges against David, which if true show that gentleman to be not only naughty, bur very ungentlemanly, pugnacious and not at all gallant to the one he promised to cherish and protect. She says they were married on January 10, 1878, and she resided with her husband over since deporting herself as a good and lawful wife, performed all duties and had always been obedient and faithful. Three children were born to them, aged respectively, 5 years, 2 years, and 9 months. David, on the contrary to his wife's disposition, was ugly – in fact, a bold, bad man. He is charged with being a man of violent and ungovernable temper, and for many years past has been abusing the plaintiff. In September, 1887, she instituted a suit for divorce for cruel and inhuman treatment, he often have struck and bruised her, at one time having knocked her down by striking her on the breast with his fists, but David became very repentant and profuse in his promises of better treatment, and she dismissed the action, and again took up her residence with him. These promises went for naught, for on January 2, 1888, David is charged with committing adultery with a woman who lived in the house, and openly thus lived until April, 1888, when the plaintiff was enabled to send the woman away. Since that time Bice is said to have been extremely cruel and repeatedly struck and beat plaintiff and on the last day of October cut a great gash over her eye from which the blood flowed freely, running over and staining her garments. Again on the 18th of November, he struck her twice in the face with his fists, causing great pain and anguish, and has frequently called her hard names. The defendant is worth about $1,500 owing nice property, and by reason of his conduct and habits is unfit to have the care of children, wherefore the divorce is prayed for, together with the custody of the children, $1,000 alimony, and $500 additional for the care of the children, together with a restraining order preventing him from cutting timber from the land, as he proposes to do. (FWJG)
  • 08 Dec 1888 Mrs. Anna V. Pixler this morning filed proceedings for a divorce from Frank T. Pixler, and bases her suit on abandonment. Mr. Pixler is employed at the Olds works. (FWS)
  • 08 Dec 1888 Judge O'Rourke today decreed a divorce to Louisa Huber from Henry Huber. (FWS)
  • 09 Dec 1888 Billy Rice is trying to get a divorce from his wife so he can marry the divorced wife of Billy Emerson. This is something unusual as the profession seldom go through the mere formality of procuring a divorce. (FWJG)
  • 11 Dec 1888 George Lapoint lives in the Third ward of the city of Fort Wayne, and tells a sad tale as to how he has been abused and maltreated by his wife, Rillie Lapoint. George has stood the terrible ordeal until he thinks forbearance no longer a virtue, and has accordingly concluded to apply to the circuit court for the balm to all poor oppressed and downtrodden husbands – a divorce. In his complaint George states that they were married on May 5, 1886, and have no children. On his part he has always been a kind, dutiful and loving husband. Rillie, however, has been naughty, failing and refusing to comply with the requirements of the marital contract. She has treated him cruelly and inhumanly, even to calling him ugly and vile names, and has neglected to do her duty as a good wife should do, and has also not attended to her household affairs. About the 10th of August, 1887, she even ran away from her husband, leaving him lonely and disconsolate ever since that time. On his part he gave her on cause for such treatment, as he has always treated her kindly and provided for her. On account of all this cruelty George asks to be divorced from Rillie, and never more have anything to do with her. (FWJG)
  • 11 Dec 1888 The application of Delia Yerkes for a divorce from Charles Yerkes was dismissed from the superior court yesterday. (FWJG)
  • 13 Dec 1888 Martha Krutsch asks the protection of law in granting her a divorce from David Krutsch. It is alleged that the defendant is cruel to his wife, and that he fails to provide for her. She asks for a divorce and $500 alimony. (FWDN)
  • 13 Dec 1888 Hannah T. Vogel today filed a complaint for a divorce from Jacob Vogel. It is charged that the defendant brutally treated the plaintiff while she was pregnant; that he threatened to take her life, and other threats, that if true, would place him on a level with beasts and not with man. Mr. Vogel is a stone cutter and lives in White's addition. (FWDN)
  • 13 Dec 1888 Mary Bonsir has filed a complaint in Superior Court for a divorce from Amiel Bonsir. The principal charge is abandonment and failure to provide for herself and 2-year-old son. (FWDN)
  • 13 Dec 1888 Martha Krutsch sues for a divorce from David Krutsch, who abused and abandoned her. (FWS)
  • 14 Dec 1888 The application of Mary C. Flutter for a divorce from John Flutter was granted and Mary fluttered out of the court, the ties which bound her and John so unlovingly completely served. (FWJG)
  • 19 Dec 1888 In the circuit court yesterday a divorce was granted George C. Lapoint from Rillie Lapoint. The divorce was granted on his complaint of cruel and inhuman treatment and abandonment. (FWJG)
  • 19 Dec 1888 Mary Jane Gibson, whose husband answers to the mellifluous sounding name of William, considers herself a very badly treated woman, in consequence of which she has resolved to intercede with the judge of the Allen county circuit court to barst the fetters that have so strongly bound her to sweet William. Her application states she was married in the city of Fort Wayne on July 30, 1878, and tha result is that three little Gibsons help make up the fifty or sixty million inhabitants of the United States. For the past six years, and at present, she is a resident of Monroe township, and has always conducted herself as a good, kind and prudent wife, while the naughty Billy on the other hand has wholly neglected his marriage vows and his duties to the wife and family of his manly bosom. He is charged with having been very unkind, even cruel and inhuman, from the fact that on December 17, and even on divers other days, he proceeded to spoil her looks by converting himself into a battering ram to pound up her face, and when he became tired of this kind of amusement to throw her to the floor, and at all times failing to provide suitable food and clothing for her. Not content with this for the last three years past he has accused her of being unchaste, and such other little by plays as he might see fit to indulge himself in to make his life more exciting. The defendant is owner is fee-simple of thirty acres of land, the value of which is placed at $2,000. The plaintiff wants a good slice of this, and as she declares him to be a man of violent and ungovernable temper, immoral habits, and un-fit to have the care of children, she asks the court to decree her a divorce and $1,000 alimony, together with the custody of the children. (FWJG)
  • 23 Dec 1888 Application has been made by Amelia Croy for a divorce and $300 alimony from her husband, Columbus Croy. The defendant has a very pretty and popular christian name but that does not prevent his better half from lodging against him the complaint of being very cruel and inhuman. Then Columbus is possessed of big hands and heavy brogans which he was wont to use on Amelia to her intense disgust. In fact, Columbus kept the house in a terror and his bride left him in a very few months after marriage. The honeymoon is scarcely well over, the couple only having been married last June, but the wife is afraid to live with him, hence takes this action. (FWJG)
  • 24 Dec 1888 The divorce suit of Amy Bice vs. David Bice was dismissed by Judge O'Rourke this morning. (FWDN)
  • 27 Dec 1888 Albert Stacy has filed a complaint in the circuit court for divorce from his wife, Susan Stacy, and the charges he prefers against her are not of the most chaste and refined kind, and would lead any one to suppose that Susy was a bad, bad woman, and has been treating Albert's affections and love in the most ruthless manner. Albert says they lived together happily and contented, wrapped up in the bonds of blissful love, from the time of their marriage up until October 27, 1877, at which time there came to him a revelation. His eyes were opened, as it were. At that time they were living at Columbia City, and the plaintiff's business required his absence from home during the night time. The it was that the tempter came and old Nick entered the household, for he avers that on the night of September 20, 1887, and at divers times before and after that date, during his absence, his wife admitted other men, receiving them into the house with her, and lasciviously conducting herself towards them and committing adultery. He also charges that she frequently attempted to induce their daughter, fifteen years of age, to engage in like practices as herself with the men who clandestinely visited the house. Two children were the results of the marriage, one of whom since he parted with his wife he has kept with him, and the other he had cared for by a relative, and as he deems her not a proper person to have charge of them, he asks that not only a decree of divorce be granted him, but also that he may have the custody of the children. (FWJG)
  • 27 Dec 1888 Thomas B. Brooks, according to a complaint filed in the circuit court by Elizabeth J. Brooks, must be a bold, bad man – at any rate the gentle Lizzie has had a surfeit of Tommy, and wants the court to dissolve the bonds that unite them as man and wife. She avers that away back in 1866 he left her, and they have not been together since that time, and that since he has failed to provide for herself and the child that was the result of their marriage. She also charges him with cruel and inhuman treatment, and that he was guilty of striking her with his hands and fists. She sustained a severe illness, and for the greater part of three months she labored under severe mental affliction so as to be most of the time delirious, yet Thomas left her, giving her no attention whatever, although he was abundantly able to look after and care for her. She believes him to be a man wholly unfit to have charge of the child, wherefore she asks that not only a decree of divorce be granted her, but the custody of her child as well together with all proper relief in the case. (FWJG)
  • 29 Dec 1888 Yesterday, by her attorney, Mattie Roderick filed a complaint in the Allen circuit court, asking that a divorce be granted her from her husband, William Roderick. It seems that Billy has been a very frisky sort of personage. After his marriage to Mattie, he could not content himself with the caresses and kind attentions of his spouse, but in a short time wearied of his bargain and sought other pastures in which to browse and grow fat. The complaint alleges that the couple was married on the 22nd of December, 1979, and live together until December 1, 1886. He frequently, however, broke the monotony of a sort of humdrum existence by applying abusive language and vile names to his wife, and when that kind of sport grew too tame, he applied himself to decorating her face and head with pretty little black and blue marks, put there in an artistic manner by his maulers. Finally this became irksome and for the last three years past he has entirely abandoned her, and wholly neglected to provide in any manner for her or the offspring, a boy now eight years of age. Not only this, but the coy Billy has been for the last two years basking in other pastures. Away out in Lincoln, Nebraska, he entered fresh field, and during his absence her “has been living in equivocal relations with another woman by the name of Lou Snell, living with her as his wife. In view of all these things, and the further fact that he is an unfit person to have charge of the child – having all these years failed to provide for it – the plaintiff asks that a divorce be decreed her together with the custody of the boy. (FWJG)
  • 29 Dec 1888 Susannah Main sues Christ Main for divorce and alimony. The parties live in Maumee township. (FWS)
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Some of the cases listed were dismissed and others resulted in divorce decrees.