ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index
Parties to the Deed | Year | Deed Book Citation | Image Link |
Vacating Alley | from | City Coms. Report | 1885 | 98:265 |  | Vacating Lots, Streets and Alleys in Fairport Allen Co. Court | to | | 1880 | 79:11 |  | vacating of street | from | White, James B. | 1880 | 80:121 |  | Vacation 2 feet off East line Lafayette St. From Holman To P. F. W. & C. Ry. | to | | 1890 | 113:53 |  | Vacation alley between Cedar & McCulloch St. | to | | 1895 | 2:38 |  | Vacation Alley between Francis & Harmer from Washington to Madison Strs. | to | | 1889 | 113:26 |  | Vacation Alley between Lots 46-47 and 51-52 | to | | 1889 | 113:1 |  | Vacation Alley in Riedley's Sub. of Lots 1, 2, 3 of Maples Ad. from Dury St. | to | | 1889 | 113:29 |  | Vacation Alley newteen Lots 43 & 44 | to | | 1892 | 1:76 |  | Vacation by City Coms. of alley | to | | 1883 | 93:178 |  | Vacation by City Coms. of alley | to | | 1883 | 93:576 |  | Vacation by Coms. of alley | to | | 1883 | 93:93 |  | Vacation of Alley between Archer Ave. & Alley South | to | | 1894 | 2:9 |  | Vacation of alley between Creighton Ave. & Taber & Hanna & Lafayette st. | to | | 1888 | 18:112 |  | Vacation of Alley between Lot 103-102 Hannas Addition | to | | 1894 | 133:60 |  | Vacation of Alley between Lots 10-11, 18-19 | to | | 1887 | 17:351 |  | Vacation of alley between Lots 108, 109, 116 & 117 | to | | 1880 | 80:531 |  | Vacation of Alley between Lots 127 & 128 Old Plat | to | | 1888 | 109:187 |  | Vacation of alley between Lots 129, 130, 143 & 144 | to | | 1880 | 80:536 |  | Vacation of Alley between Lots 136 & 137 Hannas Add. | to | | 1888 | 109:190 |  | Vacation of Alley between Lots 180-181-122 and 123 H. add. | to | | 1891 | 113:112 |  | Vacation of Alley between Lots 20-21 | to | | 1893 | 130:292 |  | Vacation of alley between Lots 36 & 37 | to | | 1880 | 81:443 |  | Vacation of Alley between Lots 6 & 7 Chutes & Prince Ad. | to | | 1889 | 110:333 |  | Vacation of Alley between Lots 64 & 65 Hannas Add. | to | | 1894 | 133:173 |  | Vacation of alley between Lots 66-67 Lasselles Ad. | to | | 1885 | 98:597 |  | Vacation of Alley between Lots 73, 74, 84 & 86 | to | | 1889 | 113:42 |  | Vacation of alley between Lots 76, 77, & 148, 149 Hannas Add. | to | | 1885 | 98:358 |  | Vacation of Alley on Broadway Addition | to | | 1890 | 113:50 |  | Vacation of Alley Streets in Crescent Addition | to | | 1893 | 2:5 |  | Vacation of Alley Sub. Lots 454, 455, 456 H. Ad. | to | | 1889 | 112:70 |  | Vacation of Andrew Street from First Alley North of Huffman St. | to | | 1891 | 122:603 |  | Vacation of Fox St. | from | City Commissioners | 1891 | 113:63 |  | Vacation of Fox Street From DeWald St. to Fairfields O. L. | to | | 1891 | 113:63 |  | Vacation of Harriet St. From Washt. St. To N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. | to | | 1890 | 113:55 |  | Vacation of Hench St. from First Alley North of Huffman St. | to | | 1891 | 122:612 |  | Vacation of Lots | to | | 1876 | 68:290 |  | Vacation Of Lots 1 to 14 & 16 to 38 in town plat of Edwardsburgh | to | | 1895 | 139:201 |  | Vacation of Pt. Wabash Avenue in J. B. Whites | to | | 1880 | 80:121 |  | Vacation of Short St. from First Alley North of Huffman St. to Huffman St. | to | | 1891 | 122:618 |  | Vacation of Third St. from West line of Clarks Add. Ton St. Mary's Avenue to a width of 50 ft. | to | | 1891 | 122:621 |  | Vacation of Washington Lane from Hanover St. | to | | 1888 | 18:149 |  | Vacation of Winter Street from Creighton Ave. To Lewis St. | to | | 1890 | 113:67 |  | Vachon & Palmer | from | Hayden, Eliza & Fredk. J. | 1875 | 67:35 |  | Vachon, Emma | from | Shearer, Hubert | 1896 | 142:430 |  | Vachon, George J. | to | Ake, Jesse | 1899 | 153:262 |  | Vachon, George J. | from | Yager, John D. | 1898 | 149:245 |  | Vachon, Jane A. | from | Orff, John | 1894 | 136:274 |  | Vachon, Rose | to | Lonyer, Mary A. | 1897 | 156:327 |  | Vachon, Theadore | to | Greek, Wm. W. | 1877 | 71:262 |  | Vachon, Thomas | to | Chapman, Preston | 1892 | 125:383 |  | Vachon, Thomas | to | Gibson, Jno. W. (Et al.) | 1890 | 117:616 |  | Vachon, Thomas | to | Hayden, Eliza Hanna | 1877 | 72:373 |  | Vachon, Thomas | from | McCulloch, Hugh | 1890 | 115:402 |  | Vachon, Thomas | from | Orr, Lillie Jane | 1895 | 142:426 |  | Vachon, Thos. | from | Hart, George | 1884 | 95:557 |  | Vachon, Vadall | to | Bird, David D. | 1899 | 155:337 |  | Vachon, Vadall Jr. | from | Bower, John F. | 1892 | 127:145 |  | Vachon, Zachariah | to | Gibson, Jno. W. (Et al.) | 1890 | 118:44 |  | Vachon, Zachias | to | Smith & Randal L. Co. | 1899 | 153:147 |  | Vaetter, Julius | to | Diehl, Eli. | 1884 | 95:373 |  | Vagur, Xavier | from | Edsall, Samuel | 1863 | 30:378 |  | Vail, A. R. | to | Withers, W. H. | 1881 | 82:367 |  | Vail, Aaron R. | from | Sheriff | 1880 | 82:121 |  | Vail, Amanda | to | White, Taylor | 1897 | 148:423 |  | Vail, C. S. | from | Withers, W. H. | 1881 | 82:369 |  | Vail, Jacob | from | Carray, B. A. | 1883 | 91:49 |  | Vail, Jacob | to | Carray, F. J. & B. A. | 1883 | 91:50 |  | Vail, Mary | to | Carroll, M. C. | 1886 | 100:459 |  | Vail, Mary | from | Titus, Jennie | 1883 | 91:459 |  | Vail, Thomas | from | Baade, Wilhelm | 1855 | S:19 |  | Valacot, Peter | from | Bickel, Felicia | 1867 | 43:550 |  | Valdemaier, Charles | from | Roy, John B. | 1873 | 60:319 |  | Valdemaier, Jno. (Et al.) | from | Bobay, Victor | 1871 | 51:540 |  | Valdenaine, Peter | from | Valdenaire, Mary T. | 1879 | 76:1 |  | Valdenair, John | from | Boby, Pauline | 1875 | 73:95 |  | Valdenair, John | to | Boley, Francis | 1875 | 74:47 |  | Valdenair, P. (Et al.) | to | Boley, F. and P. | 1882 | 87:560 |  | Valdenaire, Mary T. | to | Saiaizin, Frank & Mary | 1879 | 76:2 |  | Valdenaire, Mary T. | to | Valdenaine, Peter | 1879 | 76:1 |  | Valdenarie, J. (Jr.) | from | Valdenarie, John | 1868 | 49:37 |  | Valdenarie, John | to | Valdenarie, J. (Jr.) | 1868 | 49:37 |  | Valdenarie, John | to | Valdenarie, Peter | 1868 | 49:38 |  | Valdenarie, Peter | from | Valdenarie, John | 1868 | 49:38 |  | Valdeneir, John J. | to | Valdenier, Peter | 1878 | 75:50 |  | Valdeneir, Peter | from | Voldnere, Chas. | 1883 | 94:368 |  | Valdenier, Peter | from | Valdeneir, John J. | 1878 | 75:50 |  | Valderaw, John | from | Delagrange, Francis | 1866 | 41:156 |  | Valdmer, John | from | Townley, R. W. & J. W. | 1864 | 38:493 |  | Valdnere, Chas. J. | to | Sarrazin, Francis | 1881 | 113:140 |  | Valentine, Charles | from | Hayes, John | 1901 | 161:171 |  | Valentine, Charles | to | Meeks, John W. | 1902 | 171:237 |  | Valentine, Charles (Et al.) | from | Davis, Editha C. | 1901 | 165:408 |  | Valentine, Edward | from | Freyermuth, George W. (Adm.) | 1901 | 163:21 |  | Valentine, Edward | from | Krieg, Frederick | 1895 | 139:534 |  | Valentine, Edward | from | Weichselfelder, Louis A. | 1897 | 147:382 |  | Valentine, J. | to | Valentine, Jno. W. | 1880 | 81:395 |  | Valentine, Jackson | from | Alderman, Frank | 1897 | 148:441 |  | Valentine, Jackson | to | Dafforn, John | 1888 | 110:51 |  | Valentine, Jackson | to | Fderspiel, Joseph F. | 1899 | 156:33 |  | Valentine, Jackson | to | Trustees Eel River Tp. | 1889 | 115:133 |  | Valentine, Jackson | to | Valentine, John W. | 1899 | 156:332 |  | Valentine, Jackson (Guard) | to | Hollopeter, I & Arnold Henry | 1880 | 81:530 |  | Valentine, Jno. | from | Allen Cir. Court | 1885 | 97:414 |  | Valentine, Jno. | from | Harrison, J. T. | 1885 | 98:308 |  | Valentine, Jno. W. | from | Gieseking, John | 1894 | 134:349 |  | Valentine, Jno. W. | from | Hillegass, J. | 1884 | 95:282 |  | Valentine, Jno. W. | from | Valentine, J. | 1880 | 81:395 |  | Valentine, John | from | Hiton, Uriah W. | 1853 | O:475 |  | Valentine, John | from | United States | 1835 | 93:6 |  | Valentine, John | from | United States | 1835 | 93:7 |  | Valentine, John W. | from | Geiseking, Diedrick W. | 1877 | 73:93 |  | Valentine, John W. | to | Keck, Mary R. | 1894 | 133:181 |  | Valentine, John W. | from | Valentine, Jackson | 1899 | 156:332 |  | Valentine, L. A. (Et al.) | to | Bingham, Mary | 1883 | 91:567 |  | Valentine, Maria | from | federspiel, Joseph F. (Tr.) | 1899 | 156:334 |  | Valentine, Maria | from | Merica, Annis (Et al.) | 1883 | 93:143 |  | Valentine, Maria | from | Rowe, Melissa (Et al.) | 1883 | 93:143 |  | Valentine, Mary E. | from | Gieslking, John | 1894 | 134:349 |  | Valequette, Peter | from | Belbet, Mary An | 1854 | P:29 |  | Valeroff, Xavier F. | from | Carson, Wm. W. | 1854 | Q:227 |  | Valeroff, Xavier F. | from | Lasselle, Francis D. | 1861 | 28:363 |  | Vallie, Priscila | to | Woodcock, R. B. | 1879 | 78:164 |  | Valroff, August | from | Marchal, Peter | 1902 | 169:18 |  | Valroff, Delphine | from | Albert, Jules N. | 1870 | 51:93 |  | Valroff, Kavier | to | Albert, Jules N. | 1870 | 51:94 |  | Valroff, Xavier | to | Pennod, Alex | 1871 | 54:252 |  | Valroff, Xavier | from | Taylor, John | 1865 | 39:241 |  | Valtonair, Peter (Et al.) | to | Boley, F. & P. | 1879 | 81:490 |  | Value, Pricila | from | Killian, John | 1878 | 77:341 |  | Van Allen, Margaret | from | Whiting, Ann M. (Et.) | 1891 | 121:143 |  | Van Alstine, Ellen | to | Doehrman, Wm. | 1890 | 122:388 |  | Van Alstine, Frank S. | from | Roussean, Francis M. | 1895 | 157:167 |  | Van Alstine, Frank S. | to | Schell, William E. | 1898 | 151:154 |  | Van Alstine, L. A. (Et al.) | from | Ninde, L. M. | 1890 | 117:579 |  | Van Buskirk, A. E. | to | Felts, Geo. F. | 1896 | 143:394 |  | Van Buskirk, A. E. | to | Haberkorn, Caroline | 1895 | 140:148 |  | Van Buskirk, A. E. | from | Trustees Church of Covenant | 1896 | 143:395 |  | Van Buskirk, A. E. | to | Trustes of Church of the Covenant | 1895 | 139:552 |  | Van Buskirk, A. E. (Guard) | to | Bradley, Wm. F. (Trus.) | 1891 | 122:47 |  | Van Buskirk, Aaron E. | from | Hitzemann, Gottlieb H. (Sr.) | 1901 | 162:250 |  | Van Buskirk, Aaron E. | to | Van Buskirk, Minnie B. | 1901 | 163:461 |  | Van Buskirk, Aron E. | from | Haberkorn, Henry | 1895 | 140:147 |  | Van Buskirk, E. | to | Bell, Mary A. | 1877 | 75:93 |  | Van Buskirk, E. | from | Riley, Jesse | 1874 | 75:92 |  | Van Buskirk, Frank | from | Sprague, William R. | 1901 | 161:125 |  | Van Buskirk, Frank L. | from | Doherty, Chase | 1898 | 152:272 |  | Van Buskirk, John W. | from | Doherty, Chase | 1898 | 152:273 |  | Van Buskirk, John W. (Et al.) | from | Doherty, Chase | 1898 | 152:274 |  | Van Buskirk, L. | to | Herrick, Wm. S. | 1878 | 74:439 |  | Van Buskirk, L. | from | Herrick, Wm. S. | 1878 | 77:43 |  | Van Buskirk, L. | from | Knouse, Maria | 1878 | 77:44 |  | Van Buskirk, L. | from | Knouse, S. A. | 1877 | 77:43 |  | Van Buskirk, Minnie B. | from | Van Buskirk, Aaron E. | 1901 | 163:461 |  | Van Camo, Wm. W. | to | Van Camp, Jas. | 1878 | 74:198 |  | Van Camp, Albert | to | Klopfenstein, John S. | 1899 | 153:459 |  | Van Camp, Elizza | to | Klopfenstein, John S. | 1899 | 153:458 |  | Van Camp, Elizzy | from | Van Camp, James | 1897 | 148:296 |  | Van Camp, Harlow | from | Foust, Aaron | 1860 | Y:623 |  | Van Camp, Henry | to | Van Camp, Lizzy | 1900 | 156:230 |  | Van Camp, James | from | Graber, Christian | 1872 | 57:272 |  | Van Camp, James | to | Van Camp, Elizzy | 1897 | 148:296 |  | Van Camp, Jas. | to | Burchfield, Mary | 1878 | 74:309 |  | Van Camp, Jas. | from | Nuttle, James | 1878 | 74:68 |  | Van Camp, Jas. | from | Potter, James | 1882 | 89:264 |  | Van Camp, Jas. | from | Van Camo, Wm. W. | 1878 | 74:198 |  | Van Camp, Lizzy | from | Van Camp, Henry | 1900 | 156:230 |  | Van Camp, W. W. | from | Miller, Anson | 1877 | 72:45 |  | Van Doren, A. C. | to | Colter, J. & R. W. Smith | 1878 | 73:521 |  | Van Doren, Bruce | to | Colter, J. & R. W. Smith | 1878 | 73:521 |  | Van Doren, Hattie | to | Colter, J. & R. W. Smith | 1878 | 73:521 |  | Van Doren, Hester | to | Colter, J. & R. W. Smith | 1878 | 73:521 |  | Van Doren, Ida | to | Colter, J. & R. W. Smith | 1878 | 73:521 |  | Van Doren, Mary | to | Colter, J. & R. W. Smith | 1878 | 73:521 |  | Van Doren, Oscar | to | Colter, J. & R. W. Smith | 1878 | 73:521 |  | Van Doren, Wm. | to | Colter, J. & R. W. Smith | 1878 | 73:521 |  | Van Dusan, Wm. L. | to | Hollopeter, Andrew | 1853 | 140:99 |  | Van Geesin, Margaret | from | Williams, J. L. | 1872 | 57:26 |  | Van Gorder, Charles H. | from | Keel, Geo. C. | 1902 | 168:290 |  | Van Gorder, Charles H. | to | Keel, George C. | 1902 | 168:289 |  | Van Gorder, Chas. H. | from | Mowrer, Isaac | 1892 | 127:409 |  | Van Hoozen M. S. (Et al.) | from | Vass Hoozen, Ruth E. | 1897 | 145:291 |  | Van Hoozen, Henry | from | Roussean, Anna B. | 1898 | 149:194 |  | Van Hoozen, Maria S. | from | Vass Hoozen, Sarah | 1897 | 145:189 |  | Van Hoozen, Ruth E. | from | Smith, Printha | 1897 | 145:284 |  | Van Hoozen, Ruth E. | from | Taylor, Bertha A. (Et al.) | 1897 | 145:286 |  | Van Hoozen, Ruth E. | from | Taylor, Jacob L. (Gdn.) | 1897 | 145:287 |  | Van Hoozen, Ruth E. | from | Vass Hoozen, Sarah | 1897 | 145:285 |  | Van Hoozen, Ruth E. | from | Vass, Hoozen, Maria S. (Et al.) | 1897 | 145:288 |  | Van Horn, A. J. | to | Dagne & Miner | 1871 | 52:384 |  | Van Horn, Albert (Et ux.) | from | Soliday, Lincoln C. | 1901 | 163:278 |  | Van Horn, Esther | to | Van Horn, Silas | 1902 | 167:8 |  | Van Horn, George | to | Van Horn, Silas | 1899 | 155:346 |  | Van Horn, Isaac | to | Barfell, Benj. F. | 1897 | 145:109 |  | Van Horn, Jacob | to | Van Horn, Silas | 1902 | 167:7 |  | Van Horn, Jno. S. | from | Laughlin, Jno. C. C. | 1870 | 52:364 |  | Van Horn, John | from | Austin, Chas. B. | 1876 | 70:144 |  | Van Horn, Lyda | to | Neireiter, George | 1901 | 162:455 |  | Van Horn, Mary (Et al.) | to | Golden, Wm. | 1879 | 83:455 |  | Van Horn, Silas | from | Fisher, George W. | 1902 | 170:482 |  | Van Horn, Silas | to | Judt, George | 1902 | 167:11 |  | Van Horn, Silas | from | Van Horn, Esther | 1902 | 167:8 |  | Van Horn, Silas | from | Van Horn, George | 1899 | 155:346 |  | Van Horn, Silas | from | Van Horn, Jacob | 1902 | 167:7 |  | Van Horn, Silas | from | Van Horn, William O. | 1902 | 167:7 |  | Van Horn, Silas (Et ux.) | from | Kocher, Ollie | 1901 | 161:142 |  | Van Horn, William H. | from | Neireiter, George | 1901 | 163:317 |  | Van Horn, William O. | to | Van Horn, Silas | 1902 | 167:7 |  | Van Horn, Wm. (Et al.) | to | Golden, Elizabeth | 1880 | 83:135 |  | Van Liew, John | to | Shea, M. F. | 1879 | 78:416 |  | Van Meter, Homer L. | from | Dong, Wallace E. | 1897 | 147:10 |  | Van Meter, Homer L. | to | Doud, Fanny J. | 1897 | 147:11 |  | Van Meter, Homer L. | from | Hoffman, Wm. H. (Tr.) | 1900 | 157:117 |  | Van Meter, Homer L. | to | Hoffman, Wm. H. Jr. | 1900 | 158:334 |  | Van Meter, Homer L. | to | Kaade, Ferdinand (Et ux.) | 1900 | 158:398 |  | Van Meter, Homer L. | from | Smith, Myrtle I. | 1899 | 154:221 |  | Van Meter, Homer L. | to | Smith, Myrtle I. | 1900 | 156:253 |  | Van Meter, Homer L. | to | Winbaugh, George | 1900 | 159:396 |  | Van Meter, Homer L. | from | Winbaugh, George W. | 1900 | 159:7 |  | Van Meter, Homer L. (Gn.) | to | Wiehe, Henry (Et ux.) | 1902 | 166:198 |  | Van Meter. Homer L. | to | Lichtenwalter, Albert L. (Et al.) | 1902 | 170:542 |  | Van Ness, Cornelius O. | from | Fairbank, Carrie L. | 1902 | 168:10 |  | Van Osdale, Harvey W. | to | Curdes, Louis F. | 1899 | 152:459 |  | Van Osdale, Harvey W. (Et al.) | from | Curdes, Louis F. | 1899 | 152:437 |  | Van Rensselaer, Charlotte J. | to | Eveland, Peter | 1877 | 156:168 |  | Van Rensslear | from | Eveland, Peter (Et al.) | 1887 | 104:87 |  | Van Roy, Henry | from | Van Roy, John | 1901 | 163:27 |  | Van Roy, Henry | to | Van Roy, Mildred | 1901 | 163:28 |  | Van Roy, John | to | Van Roy, Henry | 1901 | 163:27 |  | Van Roy, Mildred | from | Van Roy, Henry | 1901 | 163:28 |  | Van Schnyver, H. A. | from | Crane, George D. | 1897 | 149:114 |  | Van Schuyver, Wm. J. | from | Sheriff | 1858 | W:328 |  | Van Sicle, Amos | from | Tombaugh, Merideth | 1897 | 149:147 |  | Van Slyke I. M. | to | Sprong, N. A. (Et ux.) | 1897 | 147:545 |  | Van Slyke, Emma B. | from | Sprong, N. A. | 1897 | 148:11 |  | Van Slyke, Emma B. | from | Sprong, N. A. | 1897 | 148:12 |  | Van Slyke, I. M. | from | Sprong, N. A. | 1896 | 143:40 |  | Van Slyke, I. M. | to | Sprong, N. A. (Et ux.) | 1897 | 147:546 |  | Van Slyke, I. M. (Trustee) | to | Bingham, Wm. H. | 1893 | 131:462 |  | Van Slyke, Ida M. | from | Williams, S. C. (Et al.) | 1890 | 115:527 |  | Van Slyke, Ira M. | from | Sherman, Geo. J. | 1893 | 132:53 |  | Van Slyke, Ira M. | from | Sherman, Geo. J. | 1893 | 132:54 |  | Van Sweringen, Cora | from | Kesler, Abraham J. | 1901 | 164:527 |  | Van Sweringen, Kate S. | from | Eakin, Margaret A. | 1899 | 153:219 |  | Van Sweringen, Kate S. | from | Meyer, Wm. Jr. (Et al.) | 1897 | 148:62 |  | Van Sweringer, Kate S. | to | Hunt, Hoyt B | 1900 | 159:336 |  | Van Tilburg, Emmons | from | Land & Security Co. | 1896 | 142:251 |  | Van Uleet, Wm. | from | Clark, Jacob M. | 1864 | 34:406 |  | Van Valkenburg, M. W. | from | Whitney, Newton L. | 1873 | 73:212 |  | Van Valkenburg, M. W. | to | Williamson, Alex | 1873 | 73:213 |  | Van Van Valkenberg | from | Auditor of Allen County | 1856 | S:455 |  | Van Voorhis, C. E. | to | Van Voorhis, Frank | 1879 | 77:70 |  | Van Voorhis, Chas. E. | to | Lenz, William | 1896 | 140:473 |  | Van Voorhis, F. | to | Phillips, J. B. & J. H. McCain | 1879 | 78:335 |  | Van Voorhis, F. & C. | from | Rockhill, J. D. B. | 1877 | 72:20 |  | Van Voorhis, Frank | from | Greene, Mary M. | 1873 | 60:54 |  | Van Voorhis, Frank | from | Hanna, Saml. T. | 1873 | 59:448 |  | Van Voorhis, Frank | from | Van Voorhis, C. E. | 1879 | 77:70 |  | Van Voorhis, Phillip | from | Baker, Jos. J. | 1881 | 86:57 |  | Van Zile, David | from | Steele, David | 1868 | 57:34 |  | Vanallen, John H. | from | Begue, John | 1868 | 60:185 |  | Vanallen, John H. | to | Todd, Sarah | 1873 | 60:186 |  | VanAlslme | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1859 | V:584 |  | Vanalstine | to | Jenkenson, Jos. J. | 1890 | 118:169 |  | Vanalstine, C. J. (Et al.) | to | Hughes, Lewis D. | 1891 | 124:259 |  | Vanalstine, Frank S. | from | Romy, Robert L. (Et.) | 1891 | 120:306 |  | Vanalstine, Wm. | from | Burgess, Henry | 1863 | 36:78 |  | Vanalstine, Wm. | to | Cathrell, Ann (Et al.) | 1869 | 48:213 |  | Vanalstine, Wm. | from | Ewing, Geo. W. | 1864 | 34:64 |  | Vanalstine, Wm. | from | Spencer, M. (Comr.) | 1864 | 35:343 |  | Vanalstine, Wm. | from | Spencer, M. (Comr.) | 1864 | 38:121 |  | Vananda, Eliza | from | Brackenridge, Joseph (Comr.) | 1852 | M:189 |  | Vananda, Felix P. | from | Pfeiffer, Christian F. | 1900 | 159:10 |  | Vananda, Peter W. | to | Baird, Julius W. | 1875 | 66:241 |  | Vananda, Peter W. | from | Wyatt, Henry | 1869 | 66:241 |  | Vanansdale, E. C. | from | Randall, P. A. | 1891 | 122:437 |  | Vanater, Jasper | from | Henderson, S. R. | 1867 | 43:433 |  | Vanater, Jasper | from | Teeple, Mary | 1882 | 89:459 |  | Vanator, Jasper | to | Farver, Jno. H. | 1881 | 84:30 |  | Vanator, Jasper | from | Needham, Thomton | 1878 | 74:287 |  | Vanator, Jasper | to | Schlatter, Bj. B. | 1894 | 135:58 |  | Vanator, Jasper | to | Teeple, Mary | 1882 | 89:458 |  | Vanatta, John C. | from | Bossler, John A. | 1898 | 151:306 |  | Vanausdall, Eliza C. | to | Rahe, August | 1902 | 168:114 |  | VanBaskirk, M. J. | from | Williams, J. L. | 1885 | 97:375 |  | Vanburn, Andrew | to | Miner, Henry (Trustee) | 1870 | 51:438 |  | VanBuskark, Jno. W. | from | Bell, Mary | 1880 | 84:394 |  | VanBuskerk, J. W. | to | Bobilya, E. L. | 1882 | 86:478 |  | Vanbuskerk, James | from | Deal, T. W. | 1867 | 50:315 |  | Vanbuskirk, A. E. | to | Hoffman, Christian | 1877 | 71:74 |  | Vanbuskirk, A. E. | from | Robinson, Mary A. | 1874 | 65:269 |  | Vanbuskirk, A. E. | from | Robinson, Mary A. | 1875 | 66:293 |  | VanBuskirk, Barrett R. (Et al.) | from | McIntosh, Susan R. | 1901 | 165:361 |  | Vanbuskirk, J (Et al.) | to | Rice, Jame (Et al.) | 1870 | 52:50 |  | Vanbuskirk, J (Et al.) | to | Vanbuskirk, Robt. | 1870 | 52:50 |  | Vanbuskirk, James | to | Purdy, Sarah A. | 1873 | 60:360 |  | Vanbuskirk, Jas | from | Shaffer, Wm. | 1864 | 34:59 |  | Vanbuskirk, Jas. | from | Shaffer, Jabez | 1864 | 46:115 |  | VanBuskirk, L. | from | Knouse, M. B. | 1875 | 68:205 |  | Vanbuskirk, M. E. (Et vir) | from | Edwards, Jno. W. (Et al.) | 1889 | 111:496 |  | VanBuskirk, Nannie (Et al.) | from | Whittern, Nelson H. | 1900 | 157:421 |  | VanBuskirk, Rebecca | from | Robertson, R. S. | 1873 | 62:303 |  | Vanbuskirk, Robt. | from | Vanbuskirk, J (Et al.) | 1870 | 52:50 |  | Vancamo, Albert | from | Vancamp, James | 1893 | 129:165 |  | Vancamo, Jas. | to | Vancamp, Albert | 1885 | 99:245 |  | VanCamp, A. | to | Hursh, H. A. | 1882 | 90:480 |  | Van-Camp, A. | from | Romy, Robt. L. | 1876 | 69:508 |  | Vancamp, Albert | to | Byers, Wm. A. | 1878 | 75:461 |  | Vancamp, Albert | from | Hursh, Wm. C. | 1879 | 76:581 |  | VanCamp, Albert | to | LaTourrette, Wm. H. | 1887 | 105:628 |  | Vancamp, Albert | from | Vancamo, Jas. | 1885 | 99:245 |  | Vancamp, Albert | to | Vancamp, James | 1897 | 148:165 |  | Vancamp, D. | to | Pickle, J. E. | 1879 | 77:511 |  | Vancamp, Eliza (et al.) | to | Heath, Stephen | 1877 | 72:331 |  | VanCamp, Harlow | from | Boger, Simon | 1859 | X:387 |  | VanCamp, Harlow | from | Hickman, Samuel | 1858 | W:255 |  | Vancamp, Henry | to | Vancamp, James | 1879 | 78:400 |  | VanCamp, Henry | from | VanCamp, James | 1891 | 113:331 |  | Vancamp, Henry | from | VanCamp, Jas. | 1888 | 108:152 |  | Vancamp, Henry | to | Vancamp, Jas. | 1888 | 109:429 |  | Vancamp, Henry (et al.) | to | Heath, Stephen | 1877 | 70:403 |  | VanCamp, Henry (Et.) | to | Muller, Catharine | 1891 | 121:29 |  | Vancamp, James | from | Brandenberger, Jacob | 1864 | 34:508 |  | VanCamp, James | to | Grubb, Jacob | 1874 | 65:136 |  | Vancamp, James | from | Lake, Curtis | 1880 | 79:259 |  | Vancamp, James | to | Langrave, Samuel | 1187 | 56:107 |  | VanCamp, James | from | Metzgae, Andrew | 1856 | S:383 |  | VanCamp, James | to | Miller, Rosetta | 1891 | 113:428 |  | VanCamp, James | from | Miller, Rosetta | 1891 | 124:74 |  | Vancamp, James | to | Muller, Cathr. E. | 1890 | 118:569 |  | VanCamp, James | from | Shimp, Wm. | 1873 | 59:261 |  | Vancamp, James | to | Vancamo, Albert | 1893 | 129:165 |  | Vancamp, James | from | Vancamp, Albert | 1897 | 148:165 |  | Vancamp, James | from | Vancamp, Henry | 1879 | 78:400 |  | VanCamp, James | to | VanCamp, Henry | 1891 | 113:331 |  | Vancamp, Jas. | to | Dieterick, A. J. | 1885 | 96:234 |  | VanCamp, Jas. | from | Douglass, J. W. | 1883 | 92:419 |  | VanCamp, Jas. | to | Freeman, S. | 1886 | 102:405 |  | VanCamp, Jas. | to | Hathaway, J. F. | 1881 | 89:222 |  | VanCamp, Jas. | from | Hathaway, J. F. | 1883 | 94:198 |  | Vancamp, Jas. | from | Kline, Mary | 1887 | 106:69 |  | VanCamp, Jas. | to | Lengacher, Jno. | 1882 | 89:363 |  | VanCamp, Jas. | to | Madden, Mary J. | 1884 | 94:222 |  | Vancamp, Jas. | from | Potter, Silas S. | 1885 | 99:245 |  | VanCamp, Jas. | to | Vancamp, Henry | 1888 | 108:152 |  | Vancamp, Jas. | from | Vancamp, Henry | 1888 | 109:429 |  | VanCamp, Jas. | to | Yerks, Jas. M. | 1884 | 94:532 |  | VanCamp, Jno. | from | George, L. D. | 1860 | 52:218 |  | Vancamp, Margaret | from | Grubb, Phoeba A. | 1879 | 77:40 |  | Vance, Susan S. | to | Ginty, Michael O. | 1897 | 147:349 |  | Vance, Susan S. | to | Iliff, David H. (Et ux.) | 1901 | 163:356 |  | Vance, Susan S. | from | Winch, Sherman P. (Et al.) | 1897 | 145:565 |  | Vanclewater, Martin | from | Augustine, Francis M. | 1864 | 31:550 |  | Vandala, Thos. J. | from | McTham, Thos. | 1872 | 55:286 |  | Vandalah, Ohns. | from | Auditor A. Co. | 1866 | A:13 |  | Vandalah, Thomas | from | Auditor A. Co. | 1866 | A:13 |  | Vandefan, C. J. | to | Rekeweg, D. | 1882 | 89:579 |  | Vandelah, Thos. | from | Hawk, David | 1863 | 33:461 |  | Vandepoel, Lampert | to | Twomey, Patrick | 1893 | 131:416 |  | Vandepoel, Theo. | to | Romary, August | 1887 | 106:276 |  | Vandepoll, Theo. | from | Manie, Joseph | 1868 | 46:492 |  | Vandepool, Theodore | from | Boltz, Gustave J. | 1872 | 57:150 |  | Vandepool, Theodore | from | Boltz, Gustave J. | 1872 | 57:150 |  | Vanderan, Casper J. | to | Sihler, Christian | 1875 | 64:510 |  | Vanderan, Casper J. & Charlotte | from | Sihler, Christian | 1875 | 64:511 |  | Vanderan, Fredk. | from | Vanderan, Jno. J. | 1888 | 108:224 |  | Vanderan, Fredk. (Et al.) | to | Ft. Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | 1901 | 163:95 |  | Vanderan, Jacob | from | Martin, Jno. D. | 1863 | 33:206 |  | Vanderan, Jacob | from | Munson, Chas. A. | 1866 | 41:199 |  | Vanderan, Jacob (Et ux.) | to | Kern, Jacob J. | 1891 | 119:584 |  | Vanderan, Jacob (Et ux.) | to | Kern, Jacob J. | 1891 | 119:585 |  | Vanderan, Jacob (Et ux.) | to | Vonderan, Frederick | 1891 | 120:37 |  | Vanderan, Jacob (Et ux.) | to | Vonderan, Herman (Et ux.) | 1891 | 120:36 |  | Vanderan, Jno. J. | to | Vanderan, Fredk. | 1888 | 108:224 |  | Vanderan, John | from | Sayres, Jas. B. | 1860 | 26:382 |  | Vanderan, Peter | to | Baxter, Thos. | 1881 | 83:27 |  | Vanderbilt, W. K. | to | Alcott, Fred. P. | 1895 | 136:293 |  | Vanderbilt, W. K. | from | Howard, Wm. B. (Trustee) | 1883 | 93:279 |  | Vanderbilt, Wm. K. | to | Flemimg, William | 1884 | 104:49 |  | Vanderdue, Charlotte (Et al.) | to | Reynolds, Frank P. | 1902 | 170:503 |  | Vanderford, Chas. E. (Et ux.) | from | Crawford, John T. | 1890 | 118:471 |  | Vanderford, Edna M. (Et al.) | from | Draker, John | 1902 | 167:104 |  | Vanderford, Ella | from | Arter, Mary A. | 1901 | 162:150 |  | Vandergriff, James | from | Chamberlain, Wooster | 1851 | P:622 |  | Vanderheyden, Derick | from | Herbest, John G. | 1852 | L:676 |  | Vanderly, Geo. J. | from | Hugnenard, Julia | 1892 | 125:6 |  | Vanderly, Geo. J. | from | Huguenard, Julius | 1886 | 102:239 |  | Vanderly, Geo. Joseph | to | Vanderly, Louis J. | 1900 | 158:156 |  | Vanderly, George J. | from | Comment, Justin C. | 1900 | 156:390 |  | Vanderly, George J. | to | Comment, Justin C. | 1900 | 156:511 |  | Vanderly, Louis J. | from | Vanderly, Geo. Joseph | 1900 | 158:156 |  | Vanderpool, Theo. | to | Tracey, Mary A. | 1875 | 66:181 |  | Vandewater, C. G. | from | Pape, Wm. (Adm.) | 1889 | 112:500 |  | Vandewater, C. G. | from | Vandewater, E. J. | 1889 | 112:272 |  | Vandewater, Chas. G. | to | Vandewater, Eliza J. | 1889 | 112:551 |  | Vandewater, E. J. | to | Vandewater, C. G. | 1889 | 112:272 |  | Vandewater, Eliza J. | to | Latta, Charles S. | 1891 | 120:397 |  | Vandewater, Eliza J. | from | Vandewater, Chas. G. | 1889 | 112:551 |  | Vandewater, Job. G. | from | Streeper, S. R. | 1859 | X:124 |  | VanDewater, John I. | from | Ranch, William | 1900 | 159:465 |  | Vandewater, Melvin R. | from | McCulloch, Hugh | 1860 | 26:31 |  | Vandewater, Melvin R. | from | P. Ft. W. & C. R. R. Co. | 1860 | 26:31 |  | Vandewater, Wm C. | from | Coles, Stephen | 1872 | 60:364 |  | Vandewater, Wm. C. | to | Ross, Marietta | 1878 | 60:365 |  | Vandewater, Wm. C. | to | Trustee Lake Tp. | 1872 | 65:115 |  | Vandolah, Benj. | from | Aubrey, Claude J. | 1866 | 39:554 |  | Vandolah, Benj. | to | Martin, Delphis | 1884 | 96:143 |  | Vandolah, Benj. | from | McComb, M. T. (Admr.) | 1900 | 157:277 |  | Vandolah, Benj. | from | Mondy, David | 1865 | 40:188 |  | Vandolah, Benj. | from | Vandolah, James | 1884 | 96:218 |  | Vandolah, Benj. | from | Vandolah, T. J. (Et al.) | 1884 | 95:550 |  | Vandolah, Benj. | from | Vandolah,T. J. | 1884 | 96:219 |  | Vandolah, Benj. (Et al.) | to | Vandolah, Thos. J. | 1884 | 95:549 |  | Vandolah, Benj. (Et al.) | from | Willbur, Geo. W. | 1880 | 81:201 |  | Vandolah, Benj. H. | from | Pequignot, Francis S. | 1891 | 120:452 |  | Vandolah, Benjamin | from | Anbrey, Claude J. | 1866 | 39:554 |  | Vandolah, Benjamin | from | Aubrey, Claude I. | 1866 | 39:550 |  | Vandolah, D. | to | Lechrone, S. B. | 1884 | 95:361 |  | Vandolah, D. & J. | from | Fair, Andrew | 1882 | 89:305 |  | Vandolah, D. &. J. | to | Lechrone, S. B. | 1883 | 93:99 |  | Vandolah, Druzilla | from | Vandolah, Jas. | 1882 | 89:306 |  | Vandolah, H. | to | Donaldson, Wm. | 1871 | 49:237 |  | Vandolah, James | to | Vandolah, Benj. | 1884 | 96:218 |  | Vandolah, James | to | Vandolah, T. J. | 1884 | 95:485 |  | Vandolah, Jas. | from | Sheriff | 1849 | W:158 |  | Vandolah, Jas. | to | Vandolah, Druzilla | 1882 | 89:306 |  | Vandolah, Jas. | from | Vandolah, T. J. (Et al.) | 1884 | 95:548 |  | Vandolah, Jas. | from | Vandolah, Thos. J. | 1872 | 56:44 |  | Vandolah, Jas. (Et al.) | from | Gump, David (Guard) | 1884 | 95:374 |  | Vandolah, Jos. | to | Shoaff, Jno. F. | 1882 | 87:149 |  | Vandolah, Joseph | from | Jolley, Francis | 1864 | 34:168 |  | Vandolah, Joseph | to | Jolly, Francis | 1869 | 130:70 |  | Vandolah, Joseph | from | Stephens, John (Ex.) | 1853 | O:372 |  | Vandolah, T. J. | from | Vandolah, James | 1884 | 95:485 |  | Vandolah, T. J. (Et al.) | to | Vandolah, Benj. | 1884 | 95:550 |  | Vandolah, T. J. (Et al.) | to | Vandolah, Jas. | 1884 | 95:548 |  | Vandolah, Thomas | from | Auditor Allen County | 1866 | A:13 |  | Vandolah, Thomas | from | Pequignot, Francis S. | 1891 | 120:452 |  | Vandolah, Thomas J. | from | Dubois, Lewis | 1864 | 32:422 |  | Vandolah, Thos. | from | Binkley, Levi | 1882 | 90:210 |  | Vandolah, Thos. | from | Rhodes, Thos. A. | 1886 | 101:529 |  | Vandolah, Thos. | from | Tracy, Wm. | 872 | 54:382 |  | Vandolah, Thos. (Et al.) | from | Fitch, Frances (Et al.) | 1884 | 94:516 |  | Vandolah, Thos. (Et al.) | from | Fitch, Frances (Et al.) | 1884 | 95:177 |  | Vandolah, Thos. (Et al.) | from | Griffin, S. J. (Et al.) | 1884 | 94:516 |  | Vandolah, Thos. (Et al.) | from | Griffin, S. J. (Et al.) | 1884 | 95:177 |  | Vandolah, Thos. (Et al.) | from | Griffin, S. J. (Et al.) | 1884 | 95:177 |  | Vandolah, Thos. J. | from | Vandolah, Benj. (Et al.) | 1884 | 95:549 |  | Vandolah, Thos. J. | to | Vandolah, Jas. | 1872 | 56:44 |  | Vandolah,T. J. | to | Vandolah, Benj. | 1884 | 96:219 |  | VanDom, A. C. (Adm.) | from | Willhelm, Jacob | 1880 | 80:422 |  | Vandoran, John | from | Coburn, Zilpha | 1867 | 69:143 |  | VanDoran, John | from | Sayres, (Heirs) | 1861 | 69:144 |  | VanDoren, A. C. | to | Tracy, Mary | 1886 | 103:167 |  | VanDoren, A. C. (et al.) | to | Colter, J. & P. W. Smith | 1876 | 69:139 |  | VanDoren, A. C. (et al.) | to | Wilhelm, Jacob | 1877 | 70:575 |  | VanDoren, Abram C. | to | VanDoren, Oscar (Et al.) | 1893 | 132:5 |  | VanDoren, Oscar (Et al.) | from | VanDoren, Abram C. | 1893 | 132:5 |  | Vandosen, William S. | from | Beebe, Horace | 1851 | L:277 |  | Vandozer, N. | from | Bailey, William | 1860 | Y:385 |  | Vandrean, Peter | from | Barney, Sol. (Et al.) | 1887 | 104:142 |  | Vandreau, Peter | from | Marshall, Jno. (Et al.) | 1887 | 104:142 |  | Vandrelig, George J. | to | Urbine, Elmer | 1902 | 171:152 |  | Vandwater, Wm. C. | from | Work, Jas. A. | 1872 | 54:625 |  | Vanet, Susan S. | to | Freistroffer, Simon (Et ux.) | 1902 | 171:16 |  | VanFleet, Ralph A. | from | Ft. Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | 1893 | 130:122 |  | Vangant, S. J. | from | Derby, Jas. W. | 1872 | 54:269 |  | Vanghn, Jas. M. | from | Smith, P. H. | 1858 | V:134 |  | Vanghn, Martin | from | Ellis, Robert | 1854 | Q:473 |  | Vangier, Kaver | to | Thomas, C. L. | 1867 | 47:130 |  | Vangier, Xavier | from | Miller, Charles | 1865 | 37:159 |  | Vangier, Xavier | to | Parrigeny, Felix | 1882 | 88:212 |  | Vangier, Xavier | from | Perrigay, Felia | 1864 | 37:65 |  | Vangier, Xavier | to | Reed, Jno. J. & A. | 1883 | 93:420 |  | Vangile, Thomas J. | to | Beightle, George F. | 1899 | 153:70 |  | Vanharn, A. J. | from | Miner, Henry | 1871 | 52:382 |  | Vanhausen, Nathaniel | from | Brandon, William G. | 1853 | N:377 |  | Vanhoogen | to | Fray, Henry | 1868 | 47:199 |  | Vanhoosen, George | from | Forsyth, Joseph | 1874 | 70:375 |  | Vanhoozan, N. | to | Forsithe, Jno. | 1853 | 90:246 |  | Vanhoozan, Nathaniel | from | Fulk, Frederick | 1853 | 75:46 |  | Vanhoozen, Geo. (Et al.) | to | Coblentz, Ephraim | 1884 | 96:638 |  | VanHoozen, Nath. | from | Auditor | 1856 | 123:17 |  | Vanhorn, A. J. & L. | from | Dague, Jacob (Et al.) | 1879 | 76:218 |  | Vanhorn, A. J. & L. | from | Miner, Henry (Et al.) | 1879 | 76:218 |  | Vanhorn, Albert | from | Osterman, Harriet | 1892 | 128:179 |  | Vanhorn, Albert | from | Vanhorn, James | 1896 | 142:102 |  | Vanhorn, Albert | to | Vanhorn, William H. | 1899 | 155:78 |  | Vanhorn, Albert | from | Vanhorne, Geo. | 1893 | 131:359 |  | Vanhorn, Eliza J. | from | Mercer, Jacob | 1892 | 123:526 |  | Vanhorn, Eliza Jane | to | Neireiter, George | 1899 | 156:24 |  | Vanhorn, Eliza Jane | to | Vanhorn, William H. | 1899 | 153:152 |  | Vanhorn, Esther (Et al.) | from | Adfield, Esther (Ex.) | 1892 | 124:382 |  | Vanhorn, Esther (Et al.) | from | Allen, Louisa | 1892 | 124:382 |  | Vanhorn, Geo. | to | Poland, L. C. | 1891 | 121:613 |  | Vanhorn, Geo. | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1851 | 88:420 |  | Vanhorn, George | from | Anspach, J. P. (Et al.) | 1891 | 120:603 |  | Vanhorn, George | from | Roose, Charles (Et.) | 1891 | 113:126 |  | Vanhorn, H. A. | from | Vanhorn, Wm. | 1884 | 96:158 |  | Vanhorn, Huldah A | to | Howell, E. M. | 1887 | 106:32 |  | VanHorn, James | to | Eigenberg, Henry | 1899 | 155:127 |  | Vanhorn, James | to | Vanhorn, Albert | 1896 | 142:102 |  | Vanhorn, James (Et al.) | from | Vanhorn, William | 1898 | 150:148 |  | Vanhorn, Jno. | to | Vanhorn, Wm. | 1884 | 96:159 |  | VanHorn, John | to | Read, Jas. M. | 1877 | 72:353 |  | VanHorn, John | to | Schoonover, William | 1878 | 72:556 |  | Vanhorn, John s. | to | Stephenson, John D. | 1874 | 64:290 |  | Vanhorn, Mary | from | Albaugh, Eli | 1862 | 33:170 |  | VanHorn, Mary | from | Barthold, Alexander H. | 1857 | V:17 |  | Vanhorn, Mary | from | Monesmith, Henry | 1864 | 41:14 |  | Vanhorn, Mary | from | Ruhl, James W. | 1864 | 41:14 |  | Vanhorn, Mary | from | Ruhl, Jas. W. | 1864 | 41:14 |  | Vanhorn, S. C. | from | Shaffer, Wm. | 1885 | 99:440 |  | Vanhorn, Sarah C. | to | Darr, Frederick | 1892 | 123:121 |  | Vanhorn, Sarah C. | from | Vanhorn, Wm. | 1897 | 147:342 |  | Vanhorn, William | from | Daugherty, William | 1864 | 37:260 |  | Vanhorn, William | to | Eigenberg, Henry | 1887 | 104:263 |  | Vanhorn, William | from | Foley, Bridget (Et.) | 1892 | 122:578 |  | Vanhorn, William | to | Vanhorn, James (Et al.) | 1898 | 150:148 |  | Vanhorn, William H. | from | Neireiter, George | 1899 | 156:25 |  | Vanhorn, William H. | from | Vanhorn, Albert | 1899 | 155:78 |  | Vanhorn, William H. | from | Vanhorn, Eliza Jane | 1899 | 153:152 |  | VanHorn, Wm. | from | Fry, John | 1872 | 55:222 |  | Vanhorn, Wm. | to | Hatfield, Wm. | 1872 | 55:123 |  | Vanhorn, Wm. | from | Rowdybush, Jno. | 1868 | 47:181 |  | VanHorn, Wm. | to | Smith, Jno. M. | 1879 | 86:101 |  | Vanhorn, Wm. | to | Vanhorn, H. A. | 1884 | 96:158 |  | Vanhorn, Wm. | from | Vanhorn, Jno. | 1884 | 96:159 |  | Vanhorn, Wm. | to | Vanhorn, Sarah C. | 1897 | 147:342 |  | VanHorn, Wm. A. | from | Hattendorf, Henry G. | 1899 | 154:293 |  | Vanhorn, Wn. | from | Bailey, Moses | 1879 | 86:100 |  | Vanhorne, Andrew | from | Barnhold, John | 1857 | U:286 |  | Vanhorne, Geo. | to | Vanhorn, Albert | 1893 | 131:359 |  | Vanliew, John | from | Trustee Wayne Lodge No. 25 | 1879 | 78:316 |  | VanMeter, Eugene | from | Abbott, Rosetta B. | 1887 | 103:539 |  | VanMeter, Homer L. | from | Barthold, Emma | 1902 | 170:540 |  | VanMeter, Homer L. | from | Caswell, Mary E. | 1899 | 155:84 |  | Vannatta, Mary L. | from | Roussean, James H. | 1900 | 159:300 |  | Vanness, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1867 | 42:382 |  | Vanness, Jno. H. | from | Fairfield, Asa | 1867 | 42:383 |  | Vanness, Jno. H. | from | Fairfield, Asa (Est.) | 1868 | 45:608 |  | Vanness, Jno. H. | to | McMillen, James | 1869 | 48:67 |  | Vanness, John | to | McMillen, Jas. | 1868 | 45:385 |  | Vanness, John H. | from | Auditor | 1867 | 42:382 |  | Vanness, John N. | from | Fairfield, Asa | 1867 | 42:383 |  | VanNoorhis, Frank | to | Lenz, Wm. | 1883 | 90:510 |  | Vannurder, Wm. | from | Smith, Joseph | 1866 | 41:147 |  | VanOopen, Bernhard | from | Edgerton, Joseph K. | 1878 | 72:502 |  | Vanopen, Bernard | to | Horman, Henry | 1880 | 80:64 |  | Vanosdale, H. W. (Ad.) | from | Rogers, Elmer H. | 1892 | 124:405 |  | Vanpeyma, Elizabeth (et.) | to | Richardson, Thos. A. | 1891 | 113:319 |  | VanRenssclaer, Charlotte | to | Eveland, Peter | 1877 | 70:450 |  | VanRensseber, L. J. | to | Stocks, Mary | 1895 | 137:431 |  | VanRile, Abraham | to | Treace, Geo. A. | 1886 | 99:597 |  | Vanris, Louis L. (Et ux.) | from | Schwieters, Mary E. | 1900 | 159:308 |  | Vansal--zer, W. J. | from | Sheriff | 1860 | Y:377 |  | Vanschruyoer, W. J. | to | Zoollars, Allen | 1873 | 58:227 |  | VanSchuyver, William J. | from | Hough, John (Jr.) | 1854 | P:214 |  | VanSlyke, I. M. | to | Sprong, Huldah B. | 1896 | 143:41 |  | VanSlyke, I. M. (Et al.) | from | Bingham, Wm. H. | 1893 | 131:463 |  | Vanslyke, I. M. (Trustee) | from | Sherman, Geo. F. | 1892 | 126:564 |  | Vanstinder, M. A. | from | Barnhart, John | 1871 | 54:359 |  | Vanstronnder, M. A. | to | Anthony, Abram | 1885 | 98:527 |  | VanTilburg, Emmons | from | Fields, William S. | 1891 | 122:412 |  | Vanurder, Wm. | from | Blue, Jno. B. | 1864 | 37:103 |  | Vanuwater, Henry D. | from | Dawson, Reuben J. | 1858 | 29:236 |  | VanVoorhis, F. | to | Fleming, Wm. | 1881 | 86:18 |  | VanVoorhis, F. | to | Geismar, John Adolph | 1874 | 61:437 |  | VanVoorhis, Frank | to | Doenzies, John | 1873 | 60:273 |  | VanVoorhis, Frank | to | Helbisen, Geo. M. | 1876 | 69:270 |  | VanVoorhis, Frank | to | Morgenthaler, Ella G. | 1873 | 62:53 |  | VanVoorhis, Frank | to | Newberger, Louis & Henry | 1873 | 60:445 |  | VanVoorhis, Frank | to | Nuttman, J. D. Jr. | 1881 | 85:69 |  | VanVoorhis, Frank | to | Pfliger, Jos. & A. | 1882 | 88:474 |  | VanVoorhis, Frank | from | Sheriff | 1881 | 84:503 |  | VanVoorhis, Philip | to | Baker, C. H. | 1883 | 95:236 |  | VanWormer, W. A. | to | Angevine, Wm. E. (Et ux.) | 1888 | 109:131 |  | VanWormer, W. A. | from | Haswell, Geo. I. | 1886 | 102:109 |  | VanWormer, W. A. (Et ux.) | from | Raifsnider, Jacob | 1885 | 98:599 |  | VanWormer, Wm. A. | from | Angevine, Wm. E. | 1888 | 109:109 |  | VanWormer, Wm. A. | to | Haswell, Geo. I. | 1886 | 102:108 |  | Vanzant, S. J. | to | Hawkins, John | 1872 | 56:160 |  | Vanzile, A. (Adm.) | from | Barve, Bernard | 1884 | 94:632 |  | Vanzile, Abraham | from | Chilcote, Nieodemus | 1858 | W:59 |  | Vanzile, Abraham | from | Sowards, John | 1853 | O:408 |  | Vanzile, Abraham | to | Vanzile, Franklin | 1901 | 163:505 |  | VanZile, Abraham (Com.) | to | Barva, Bernard | 1886 | 102:171 |  | Vanzile, Azaiiah | from | Vanzile, W. S. | 1879 | 78:489 |  | Vanzile, Azariah | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1882 | 89:536 |  | Vanzile, Azariah | from | Loudenslager, C. | 1881 | 85:97 |  | Vanzile, Azariah | from | Schlatter, Malinda | 1889 | 114:134 |  | Vanzile, Azariah | from | Spencer, John | 1855 | R:167 |  | Vanzile, Azariah | from | Vanzile, Susanna | 1885 | 97:549 |  | Vanzile, Azariah Jr. | from | Loudinschlager, C. | 1887 | 104:363 |  | Vanzile, Azriah | to | Landeslagar, C. | 1881 | 84:55 |  | Vanzile, Daniel | from | Ball, John | 1862 | 30:476 |  | Vanzile, Daniel | to | Steele, David | 1868 | 46:364 |  | Vanzile, David | from | Hursh, H. A. | 1885 | 97:119 |  | Vanzile, David | to | McCrory, Caroline | 1897 | 145:444 |  | Vanzile, David | to | Shambaugh, Wm. H. | 1887 | 105:578 |  | Vanzile, David (Et ux.) | from | Shambaugh, Wm. H. | 1887 | 105:577 |  | Vanzile, Franklin | from | Vanzile, Abraham | 1901 | 163:505 |  | Vanzile, Geo. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1882 | 89:536 |  | Vanzile, Geo. W. | to | Hursh, L. E. | 1882 | 97:282 |  | Vanzile, Jno. | from | Barve, Bernard | 1866 | 94:409 |  | Vanzile, Jno. | to | Hursh, Hiram | 1879 | 91:201 |  | Vanzile, John | to | Allen County | 1879 | 77:45 |  | Vanzile, John | to | Barvee, Barnard | 1866 | 94:541 |  | Vanzile, John | from | Depew, Lemuel | 1871 | 63:499 |  | Vanzile, John | from | Ewing, Geo. W. | 1864 | 41:318 |  | Vanzile, John | from | Herin, David E. O. | 1856 | 27:35 |  | Vanzile, John M. | to | Hensinger, John | 1889 | 114:507 |  | Vanzile, John M. | to | Vanzile, Thos. J. | 1889 | 114:506 |  | Vanzile, John M. (Et.) | to | Vanzile, Thos. J. | 1891 | 121:206 |  | VanZile, Mary | from | McClellan, Charles | 1901 | 165:386 |  | Vanzile, Susanah | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1882 | 89:536 |  | Vanzile, Susanna | to | Vanzile, Azariah | 1885 | 97:549 |  | Vanzile, T. J. & J. M. | from | Mayer, Theo. | 1882 | 89:271 |  | Vanzile, Thos. | to | Stirlen, Alex | 1880 | 82:116 |  | Vanzile, Thos. J. | from | Vanzile, John M. | 1889 | 114:506 |  | Vanzile, Thos. J. | from | Vanzile, John M. (Et.) | 1891 | 121:206 |  | Vanzile, W. S. | to | Vanzile, Azaiiah | 1879 | 78:489 |  | Vanzile, Zariah | from | Fox, Augustus | 1895 | 142:202 |  | Vanzilo, Abraham (Adm.) | to | Moss, Geo. W. | 1884 | 94:448 |  | Vardaman, D. B. (Et al.) | to | Orn, Sarah A. | 1891 | 121:104 |  | Vardaman, Rosan | to | Bell, Elmer | 1890 | 122:533 |  | Vardaman, Rosann | from | Bell, Millard F. (Et. al) | 1891 | 121:74 |  | Vardaman, Rosann | from | Carpenter, Francis (Et al.) | 1891 | 121:74 |  | Vardaman, Rosann | from | Denny, Elisbeth J. (Et al.) | 1891 | 121:74 |  | Vardaman, Rosann | from | Edenfield, John H. (Et ux.) | 1891 | 121:74 |  | Vardaman, Rosann | from | Orn, Sarah a. (Et al.) | 1891 | 121:74 |  | Vardeman, Daniel B. (Et.) | to | Bell, William E. | 1891 | 113:193 |  | Vardeman, L. E. | to | Vashon, Zachias | 1888 | 109:597 |  | Vardeman, Rosana (Et al.) | to | Bell, Zacariah J. | 1891 | 113:407 |  | Vardeman, Rosane (Et al.) | to | Carpenter, Ida | 1891 | 121:240 |  | Vardolah, Jos. | from | Stonebrunner, C. | 1865 | 36:413 |  | Varllerman, Jos. | from | Sordelet, P. J. | 1864 | 35:319 |  | Vaschan, Vedal | from | Bennett, M. W. | 1873 | 62:357 |  | Vash, Peter | from | Hellermann, Henry | 1860 | Y:516 |  | Vashon, Vandall | to | Schuhler, F. X. | 1876 | 69:532 |  | Vashon, Zachias | from | Vardeman, L. E. | 1888 | 109:597 |  | Vass Hoozen, John | to | Parmin, Frank P. | 1897 | 145:290 |  | Vass Hoozen, Ruth E. | to | Van Hoozen M. S. (Et al.) | 1897 | 145:291 |  | Vass Hoozen, Sarah | to | Van Hoozen, Maria S. | 1897 | 145:189 |  | Vass Hoozen, Sarah | to | Van Hoozen, Ruth E. | 1897 | 145:285 |  | Vass, Hoozen, Maria S. (Et al.) | to | Van Hoozen, Ruth E. | 1897 | 145:288 |  | Vauderley, Geo. J. | from | Ammons, Barba | 8176 | 68:144 |  | Vaughan, Genette | from | Vaughan, Marietta | 1891 | 122:1 |  | Vaughan, J. M. | to | New York Chicago & St. Louis R. W. Co. | 1881 | 84:128 |  | Vaughan, Judge | to | Shannon, Carga | 1851 | 133:149 |  | Vaughan, Lorinda | to | Vaughan, Marietta | 1887 | 107:213 |  | Vaughan, Lorinda | from | Vaughan, Marietta | 1887 | 107:214 |  | Vaughan, M (Et al.) | to | Vaughan, S. j. | 1887 | 107:212 |  | Vaughan, M. E. | from | Graves, Edson B. | 1866 | 48:243 |  | Vaughan, Marietta | to | Vaughan, Genette | 1891 | 122:1 |  | Vaughan, Marietta | from | Vaughan, Lorinda | 1887 | 107:213 |  | Vaughan, Marietta | to | Vaughan, Lorinda | 1887 | 107:214 |  | Vaughan, Marietta | to | Vaughan, Simeon | 1901 | 164:552 |  | Vaughan, Martin | to | Crawford, C. H. | 1877 | 71:441 |  | Vaughan, S. j. | from | Vaughan, M (Et al.) | 1887 | 107:212 |  | Vaughan, Simeon | from | Vaughan, Marietta | 1901 | 164:552 |  | Vaughan, Simeon J. (Tr.) | to | Boltemeyer, Ferdinand | 1901 | 162:61 |  | Vaughn, Almira | from | Emerick, Chas. J. | 1891 | 120:241 |  | Vaughn, Daniel | from | Parsons, Reuben | 1862 | 29:287 |  | Vaughn, James M. | from | Barva, Bernard R. | 1901 | 163:3 |  | Vaughn, James M. | from | Palmer, Jane | 1899 | 155:123 |  | Vaughn, James M. | from | Palmer, John Wm. (Et al.) | 1901 | 162:288 |  | Vaughn, Jas. M. | from | Smith, William A. | 1880 | 79:115 |  | Vaughn, Jas. M. (Adm.) | to | Moore, H. W. | 1893 | 129:33 |  | Vaughn, Judge | from | Bollenberg, Jacob | 1852 | M:487 |  | Vaughn, Mariah E. | to | Smith, Wm. A. | 1880 | 79:115 |  | Vaughn, Martin | from | Ellis, James | 1861 | 26:392 |  | Vaughn, Martin | from | Ellis, Robert | 1862 | 30:404 |  | Vaughn, W. M. | to | Emerick, C. F. | 1884 | 95:92 |  | Vaughn, Willard | from | Archer, Jno. | 1881 | 84:378 |  | Vaughn, Willard | to | Drew, Stephen | 1883 | 90:405 |  | Vaugier, Xavier | from | Schultz, Christopher | 1883 | 92:280 |  | Vavation 12 foot alley between Lots 15-16, 9-10 | to | | 1892 | 1:80 |  | Vawter, Geo. E. | from | Felts, Harman W. | 1902 | 169:248 |  | Vawter, Geo. E. | to | Felts, Harman W. (Et ux.) | 1902 | 169:248 |  | VCartwright, James M. | from | Crawford, Joshua | 1862 | 28:367 |  | Vean, Jno. S. | from | Erixson, Wm. | 1880 | 82:20 |  | Veatch, Elizabeth A. (Et al.) | to | Paul, William | 1898 | 149:469 |  | Veech, James | from | Moores, Charles W. | 1861 | 27:306 |  | Veg | from | Germain, E. d. | 1894 | Vegalue |  | Vegalians, Jacob | from | Coleman, Michael | 1854 | P:44 |  | Vegalue, Henry | to | Vegalus, Caroline | 1893 | 131:501 |  | Vegalues, C. (Guard) | to | Vegalues, Henry | 1887 | 106:323 |  | Vegalues, Caroline | to | Leikauf, Luvina (Et al.) | 1894 | 132:395 |  | Vegalues, Caroline | from | Vegalues, M. J. | 1887 | 105:61 |  | Vegalues, Catherine | to | Vegalues, H | 1887 | 105:83 |  | Vegalues, Catherine | to | Vegalues, Henry | 1887 | 105:82 |  | Vegalues, H | from | Vegalues, Catherine | 1887 | 105:83 |  | Vegalues, Henry | from | Allen Cir. Court | 1894 | 133:36 |  | Vegalues, Henry | to | German, Ros. M. (Et ux.) | 1894 | 132:388 |  | Vegalues, Henry | from | Ransbottom, J. F. | 1894 | 134:438 |  | Vegalues, Henry | to | Ransbottom, J. F. | 1895 | 140:418 |  | Vegalues, Henry | to | Ransbottom, Rachel E. | 1895 | 140:418 |  | Vegalues, Henry | from | Romy, Robert L. | 1889 | 114:403 |  | Vegalues, Henry | to | Schenkel, Mary (Et al.) | 1900 | 158:387 |  | Vegalues, Henry | from | Vegalues, C. (Guard) | 1887 | 106:323 |  | Vegalues, Henry | from | Vegalues, Catherine | 1887 | 105:82 |  | Vegalues, Henry (Et ux.) | from | Germain, R. w. | 1894 | 132:384 |  | Vegalues, M. I. | from | Brundige, David | 1882 | 88:581 |  | Vegalues, M. J. | to | Vegalues, Caroline | 1887 | 105:61 |  | Vegalues, Maggie | from | Croxton, Clara S. | 1900 | 158:179 |  | Vegalus, C. | from | Eq. Trust Co. | 1886 | 102:259 |  | Vegalus, Caroline | from | Vegalue, Henry | 1893 | 131:501 |  | Vehling, Christian | from | Menze, Henry | 1853 | M:723 |  | Veich, James | from | Morres, Charles W. | 1861 | 27:306 |  | Veit, Philip | from | Langenbacker, M. | 1888 | 107:623 |  | Veit, Philip | to | Selking, William C. (Et ux.) | 1901 | 166:59 |  | Veit, Philip J. | from | Barrone, Polley | 1896 | 141:464 |  | Veit, Philip J. | to | Ft. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co. | 1902 | 170:76 |  | Veit, Philip J. | from | Ginther, Geo. E. | 1894 | 134:117 |  | Veit, Philip J. | from | Ginther, Hannah D. | 1894 | 134:117 |  | Veit, Philip J. | from | Wolf, Sarah | 1889 | 114:125 |  | Veit, Phillip | from | Dicke, Christena | 1896 | 142:91 |  | Veit, Phillip | to | Dicke, Frederick | 1896 | 142:90 |  | Veit, Phillip | from | Dicke, Fredk. H. | 1896 | 142:91 |  | Veit, Phillip | from | Holmes, Milton | 1868 | 46:362 |  | Veit, Phillip | to | Rushart, Catherine | 1889 | 113:41 |  | Veit, Phillip | from | Rushart, Phillip | 1874 | 63:524 |  | Veit, Phillip | to | Weaver, Catharine | 1875 | 65:354 |  | Veith & Strodel | from | Carier, A. H. (Coms.) | 1886 | 101:271 |  | Veith, Frank | from | Jacoby, L. C. | 1887 | 105:476 |  | Veith, Peter | to | Bell, Thomas H. | 1890 | 115:344 |  | Veith, Peter | from | Colerick, W. G. Comr. | 1877 | 71:267 |  | Veith, Peter | to | Huguenard, V. A. | 1886 | 100:174 |  | Veith, Peter | to | Klenke, Fredk. | 1895 | 136:171 |  | Veith, Peter | to | Klenke, Mary | 1895 | 136:171 |  | Veith, Peter | to | Langhorst, Cath. Veith | 1900 | 159:208 |  | Veith, Peter | from | Leifels, Margaret | 1894 | 132:257 |  | Veith, Peter | from | Strodel, Geo. | 1877 | 71:271 |  | Veith, Peter | to | Strodel, Geo. | 1877 | 71:271 |  | Veith, Peter | to | Strodel, Geo. | 1886 | 101:260 |  | Veith, Peter | from | Strodel, Geo. | 1886 | 101:261 |  | Veith, Peter | from | Wersten, Fred | 1868 | 45:280 |  | Veith, Peter | from | Whitely, Thomas | 1874 | 61:197 |  | Velie, Stephen | from | Johnson, James W. | 1864 | 37:338 |  | Velie, Stephen | from | Johnson, Jas. W. | 1864 | 37:338 |  | Velsey, Seth M. | to | Fisk, Charles W. | 1894 | 143:427 |  | Velsey, Seth M. | from | Fisk, Helen B. | 1894 | 143:427 |  | Venallen, Elizabeth | to | Wageman, A. W. | 1885 | 97:483 |  | Vendeiley, George | from | Kohlinger, Phillip | 1865 | 39:474 |  | Venderley, G. J. | from | Venderley, Geo. | 1882 | 88:407 |  | Venderley, Geo. | to | Venderley, G. J. | 1882 | 88:407 |  | Venderley, Geo. (Dec. Will of) | to | | 1882 | 88:407 |  | Venderlis, George | from | Sonsatt, Francis | 1853 | N:746 |  | Venderly, Geo. | from | Mourey, Paul | 1865 | 37:369 |  | Vendorley, George J. | from | Shank, Henry A. | 1902 | 168:295 |  | Vendreley, Geo. I. | to | Bonjour, Louis | 1882 | 89:317 |  | Vendreliy, George J. | from | Townsend, George W. | 1899 | 156:10 |  | Venduly, George J. | to | Ft. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co. | 1902 | 170:72 |  | Verdy, Theophile | to | Beal, George | 1872 | 54:366 |  | Verillemim, Eugene | from | Comeille, Eugene | 1878 | 74:35 |  | Vermylea, Jesse | from | State of Indiana | 1899 | 155:3 |  | Vernon | from | Abbott, R. B. | 1887 | 107:561 |  | Vernon, E. E. | from | Fensler, David S. | 1893 | 164:140 |  | Vernon, Ed. E. | from | Abbott, R. B. | 1888 | 108:380 |  | Vernon, Edwin E. | to | Feusler, David S. | 1890 | 117:461 |  | Vernon, Eliza K. | from | Ferguson, Eliza | 1894 | 136:56 |  | Vernon, Eliza K. | from | Ferguson, John | 1894 | 136:56 |  | Verweire, Phelomena | from | Kucher, Anna | 1899 | 154:480 |  | Verweire, Phelomena | from | Kucher, Paul C. (Et al.) | 1899 | 154:481 |  | Vesey, Allen J. | from | Barrett, Wm. H. | 1888 | 114:455 |  | Vesey, Allen J. | to | Barrett, Wm. H. (Et al.) | 1889 | 114:453 |  | Vesey, Allen J. | from | Barve, Bernard | 1889 | 114:76 |  | Vesey, Allen J. | to | Beaver, Montgomery G. | 1902 | 171:136 |  | Vesey, Allen J. | to | Hull, Lizzie M. | 1890 | 117:235 |  | Vesey, Allen J. | from | Plokerd, Freeman | 1890 | 115:103 |  | Vesey, Allen J. | to | Romy, Robt. L. (Et al.) | 1890 | 116:13 |  | Vesey, Allen J. (Comr.) | to | Bente, George F. (Et al.) | 1901 | 164:200 |  | Vesey, Allen J. (Comr.) | to | Hockemeyer, William | 1901 | 160:423 |  | Vesey, Allen J. (Comr.) | to | Minnecker, Bertha S. | 1901 | 164:282 |  | Vesey, Allen J. (Et ux.) | from | Hartman, Sarepta E. | 1901 | 164:224 |  | Vesey, Charlotte L. | from | Connett, Martin | 1901 | 160:323 |  | Vesey, Charlotte L. (Et ux.) | from | Beaver, Mary E. | 1902 | 170:519 |  | Vesey, M. J. | from | Seavey, G. W. | 1883 | 92:118 |  | Vesey, Maggie J. | to | Boester, F. H. | 1883 | 93:322 |  | Vesey, Maggie S. | to | Conklin, Guy | 1899 | 154:193 |  | Vesey, Maggie S. | to | Galer, Vina | 1902 | 168:352 |  | Vesey, Maggie S. | from | Gay, Charlotte, S. | 1885 | 97:476 |  | Vesey, Maggie S. | from | Hayden, John W. | 1896 | 141:533 |  | Vesey, Maggie S. | from | Hayden, John W. | 1899 | 156:219 |  | Vesey, Maggie S. | from | Jones, David M. | 1887 | 104:365 |  | Vesey, Maggie S. | from | Lallow, Lewis J. | 1895 | 137:532 |  | Vesey, Maggie S. | to | Newton, Chas. H. | 1887 | 105:244 |  | Vesey, Maggie S. | to | Ryan, C. M. (Et al.) | 1893 | 130:17 |  | Vesey, Maggie S. | from | Ryan, Cornelius, M. (Et al.) | 1893 | 129:247 |  | Vesey, Maggie S. | from | Studabaker, D. (Et al.) | 1892 | 125:471 |  | Vesey, W. | to | France, E. K. | 1882 | 89:481 |  | Vesey, W. J. | from | Bangert, Mary M. | 1898 | 150:39 |  | Vesey, W. J. | from | Blood, Reuben | 1882 | 90:94 |  | Vesey, W. J. | to | Bullard, J. M. | 1881 | 92:200 |  | Vesey, W. J. | from | Evans, B. B. | 1886 | 102:45 |  | Vesey, W. J. | to | Evans, B. B. | 1886 | 102:46 |  | Vesey, W. j. | from | Feichter, Charles | 1897 | 145:73 |  | Vesey, W. J. | from | Frederickson, J. M. | 1886 | 101:487 |  | Vesey, W. J. | to | Methley, Anna | 1882 | 86:355 |  | Vesey, W. J. | from | Sheriff | 1882 | 89:478 |  | Vesey, W. J. (Adm.) | to | Buergel, M. J. | 1882 | 86:326 |  | Vesey, W. J. (Adm.) | to | Mayer, Theodore | 1883 | 92:196 |  | Vesey, W. J. (Coms.) | to | Brennan, Mary A. | 1881 | 86:552 |  | Vesey, W. J. (Coms.) | to | Gumpper, J. D. & C. C. | 1881 | 82:442 |  | Vesey, W. J. (Coms.) | to | Lomont, Afonse | 1887 | 104:358 |  | Vesey, W. J. (Coms.) | to | Mason, Jos. | 1881 | 82:512 |  | Vesey, W. J. (Coms.) | to | Pietz, J. F. | 1887 | 104:341 |  | Vesey, W. J. (Coms.) | to | Sines, Wm. W. | 1882 | 88:323 |  | Vesey, W. j. (Coms.) | to | Wasserbach, Jno. | 1886 | 100:55 |  | Vesey, W. J. (Et ux.) | from | Auditor | 1897 | 146:183 |  | Vesey, William | from | Butz, Frederick | 1897 | 145:500 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Bangert, Mary M. | 1898 | 150:44 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Beck, Annie | 1902 | 169:22 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Bieber, William H. | 1897 | 145:349 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Bisel, Elmer E. | 1901 | 164:409 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Bixler, Levi | 1901 | 161:478 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Bixler, Levi A. L. | 1897 | 145:281 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Bixler, Samuel B. | 1897 | 145:282 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Bixler, Samuel B. | 1901 | 161:479 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Boone, Mary A. | 1901 | 163:213 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Bowe, George H. | 1902 | 169:1 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Bower, Annie | 1902 | 169:22 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Butz, Maria | 1897 | 145:503 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Coblentz, Frank E. | 1897 | 147:445 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Cody, Bridget | 1899 | 155:149 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Crawford, Jno. T. | 1892 | 126:13 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Crick, Mary | 1902 | 169:71 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Crick, Reuben W. (Et al.) | 1902 | 169:72 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Crosby, Edwin J. | 1892 | 124:416 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Devlin, Helen L. | 1891 | 113:142 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Fairfield, Edith (Et al.) | 1900 | 157:396 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Federspiel, John B. | 1901 | 161:479 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Freistroffer, Simon (Et ux.) | 1902 | 167:248 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Fremion, Joseph E. (Et ux.) | 1897 | 147:175 |  | Vesey, William J. | from | Frenison, Joseph E. | 1897 | 147:176 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Grier, Joseph H. | 1890 | 119:12 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Gruber, Eliza Ellen | 1897 | 148:114 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Hahn, Herman M. | 1901 | 164:73 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Hahn, John L. | 1901 | 164:72 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Harrod, Morse | 1901 | 165:193 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Hayden, John W. | 1890 | 119:37 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Herrick, Horace N. | 1890 | 119:89 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Hilker, Charles F. | 1899 | 155:154 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Hoopengarner, Mary R. | 1902 | 169:68 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Johnson, May | 1890 | 117:451 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Kiefhaber, Pauline | 1890 | 122:294 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Kierspe, Fred W. | 1892 | 124:361 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Kiespe, Charls (Et ux.) | 1890 | 117:419 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Kluge, Joseph (Et ux.) | 1897 | 147:241 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Kuper, Anna | 1899 | 153:431 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Mason, Joseph A. | 1902 | 166:277 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | McCracken, Jay (Et ux.) | 1902 | 171:237 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Miller, John (Et ux.) | 1900 | 159:196 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Miller, Mary E. | 1898 | 150:204 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Payton, Joshua (Et ux.) | 1897 | 148:251 |  | Vesey, William J. | from | Randall, Perry A. | 1896 | 143:551 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Randall, Perry A. | 1897 | 147:430 |  | Vesey, William J. | from | Richards, Catharine | 1897 | 148:184 |  | Vesey, William J. | from | Sheriff | 1902 | 168:537 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Shive, Aaron | 1902 | 166:210 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Shive, Aaron | 1902 | 170:227 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Shive, Mary M. | 1902 | 166:147 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Simminger, Henry (Jr.) | 1902 | 166:230 |  | Vesey, William J. | from | Simons, William H. | 1896 | 143:432 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Straus, Simon J. (Et al.) | 1902 | 166:385 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Taylor, Robert S. | 1902 | 168:541 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Turner, Asa | 1897 | 147:256 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Von Kahlden, Benno C. | 1901 | 162:384 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Von Kahlden, Benno C. | 1901 | 165:274 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Von Kahlden, Bruno C. | 1902 | 171:141 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Wefel, Martin H. | 1897 | 147:222 |  | Vesey, William J. | from | Whitlock, Mary S. (Et al.) | 1900 | 160:508 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Yann, George V. | 1902 | 170:156 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Young, William H. | 1899 | 153:108 |  | Vesey, William J. | from | Young, William H. | 1899 | 153:202 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Zavick, Anna | 1902 | 171:159 |  | Vesey, William J. | to | Zollars, Allen | 1897 | 148:276 |  | Vesey, William J. (Et al.) | to | Mrtin, Augustus E. | 1890 | 119:240 |  | Vesey, William J. (Et al.) | from | Sheriff | 1899 | 155:150 |  | Vesey, William J. (Et ux.) | from | Berghoff Brewing Co. | 1901 | 167:233 |  | Vesey, William J. (Et ux.) | from | Wilding, Charles A. | 1901 | 163:159 |  | Vesey, William J. (Et.) | to | Ashley, Amandus E. | 1890 | 120:307 |  | Vesey, William J. (Et.) | to | Connett, Marcus (Et.) | 1890 | 122:410 |  | Vesey, William J. (Et.) | to | Lilot, Joseph V. | 1891 | 120:302 |  | Vesey, William J. (Et.) | to | Miller, John S. | 1891 | 120:336 |  | Vesey, Wm. | to | Malone, Peter | 1890 | 118:123 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Babcock, Thos. Z. | 1894 | 132:270 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Backofen, Julius | 1896 | 145:191 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Baker, Isaac W. | 1892 | 125:144 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Beaber, Caroline S. | 1890 | 117:545 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Bell, Jos. W. | 1887 | 106:117 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Bieber, Wm. H. | 1897 | 145:410 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Bieber, Wm. H. | 1897 | 145:411 |  | vesey, Wm. J. | from | Brown, Nath. P. | 1892 | 123:151 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Brown, Nathan P. | 1892 | 123:151 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Bullard, S. L. | 1881 | 92:202 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Bundy, Chas. | 1883 | 91:512 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Burns, Ellen | 1888 | 107:627 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Clifford, Jas. E. | 1894 | 134:78 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Crabbs, Elizabeth | 1887 | 106:196 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Crawford, Clara E. | 1895 | 140:124 |  | vesey, Wm. J. | from | Crawford, John T. | 1893 | 131:171 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Crawford, John T. (Et ux.) | 1893 | 130:470 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Durdes, L. F. | 1896 | 144:143 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Eme, Julian F. | 1890 | 117:347 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Evans, B. B. | 1886 | 100:243 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Evans, B. B. | 1886 | 100:355 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Evans, B. B. | 1887 | 105:150 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Evans, B. B. (Et ux.) | 1886 | 100:356 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Evans, B. B. (Et ux.) | 1886 | 100:357 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Fairfield, Cyrus K. | 1890 | 123:566 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Federspiel, John B. (Et ux.) | 1897 | 144:507 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Frederickson, A. C. | 1886 | 101:488 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Hayden, Jno. W. | 1890 | 117:555 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Heaton, Kate R. | 1894 | 133:303 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Heaton, Owen N. | 1894 | 133:303 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Hodges, Henry F. | 1896 | 142:84 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Holmes, Geo. W. | 1882 | 90:245 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Horstmeyer, H. C. | 1892 | 125:317 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Huxoll, August | 1896 | 142:530 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Johnson, May | 1890 | 117:556 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Keller, Mary | 1894 | 133:522 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Kneally, John (Et al.) | 188 | 131:468 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Lallow, Lewis J. | 1895 | 137:532 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | McQuarrie, Annie | 1896 | 142:307 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Methley, Anna | 1881 | 84:297 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Methley, Jno. | 1881 | 84:297 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Methley, John | 1882 | 86:355 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Miner, Wm. E. (Extr.) | 1890 | 117:135 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | from | Morris, John Jr. (Comr.) | 1895 | 138:370 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Morris, Stephen | 1887 | 104:257 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Ninde, Henry W. | 1890 | 129:449 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Ninde, Henry W. | 1892 | 129:450 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Roberts, Stephen J. | 1892 | 124:18 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Roesner, Frederick | 1894 | 134:552 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Scheffler, Gustav | 1896 | 143:69 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Schwartz, Wm. G. | 1893 | 130:150 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Steadman, Wm. S. | 1895 | 139:183 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Thurman, Chas. W. (Et ux.) | 1897 | 144:530 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Tieman, Henry | 1893 | 130:161 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Tierman, Fred. K. | 1894 | 139:27 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Wilson, George (Et ux.) | 1890 | 118:206 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. | to | Yates, William | 1890 | 117:238 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Adm.) | to | McLain, Ella | 1888 | 108:344 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Adm.) | to | Stahl, S. J. | 1881 | 84:233 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Admr.) | to | McCulloch, Chase | 1897 | 147:340 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Admr.) | to | Pfeiffer, charles F. | 1900 | 158:129 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Comr.) | to | Darr, Samuel | 1895 | 139:500 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Comr.) | to | Grage, Emma L. | 1897 | 148:450 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Comr.) | to | Grage, Wm. A. (Et ux.) | 1897 | 148:457 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Comr.) | to | Houliham, M. J. | 1890 | 116:414 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Coms.) | to | Holmes, Eleanor | 1883 | 90:339 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Coms.) | to | Jones, C. B. | 1881 | 84:229 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Coms.) | to | ORourke, A. L. | 1882 | 90:337 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Coms.) | to | Rear, Margaret | 1883 | 93:44 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Coms.) | to | Woodwort, Mary | 1886 | 101:113 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Et al. Com.) | to | Bullard, Geo. | 1887 | 105:507 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Et al. Com.) | to | Eckart, Fred (Et al.) | 1887 | 105:565 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Et al. Com.) | to | Eckart, Frederick | 1887 | 105:18 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Et al. Com.) | to | Flemimg, William | 1887 | 105:46 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Et al. Com.) | to | Hofer, Theobold | 1887 | 105:205 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Et al. Com.) | to | Schugg, Adolph | 1887 | 105:204 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Et al.) | from | Barrett, James M. | 1890 | 116:372 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Et ux.) | from | Auger, Benj. L. | 1896 | 141:534 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Et ux.) | from | Land & Security Co. | 1897 | 145:410 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Et ux.) | from | Randall, Perry A. | 1897 | 145:412 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Et ux.) | from | Sheriff | 1897 | 147:497 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Et.) | to | Haas, W. J. | 1891 | 121:494 |  | Vesey, Wm. J. (Et.) | to | Siebold, John (Et.) | 1891 | 121:313 |  | Vesper, Amanda | to | Spittler, Edward | 1900 | 157:43 |  | Vessey, Allen J. | from | Plikerd, Joseph | 1890 | 115:143 |  | Vetter, Michael | from | May, Ezra | 1855 | R:729 |  | Vetter, Michael | from | Reichelderfer, Lewis | 1859 | 30:280 |  | Vetter, Susannah | from | Deetrick, Emanuel | 1861 | 28:90 |  | Vetter, Susannah | from | Reichelderfer, Lewis | 1857 | U:246 |  | Vevia, F. X. | to | Fravers, Martin | 1885 | 99:279 |  | Vevia, F. X. | from | McNair, Chas. | 1884 | 95:538 |  | Vevia, F. X. & M. | from | Shidel, Lena | 1880 | 80:154 |  | Vevia, Frank H. | to | Loney, George (Et ux.) | 1890 | 115:375 |  | Vian, Jno. | from | DeMoss, M. J. (Et al.) | 1878 | 82:18 |  | Vian, Jno. | from | McCune, Amos | 1879 | 82:19 |  | Vian, Jno. | from | McCune, Jas. (Et al.) | 1878 | 82:18 |  | Vian, John S. | to | Brown, S. F. | 1886 | 107:545 |  | Viard, Adelinde | from | Montague, Auguste | 1875 | 66:497 |  | Viard, Victor | from | Begue, John | 1875 | 65:385 |  | Viard, Victor | from | Braheir, Francis | 1875 | 65:315 |  | Viard, Victor | from | Carier, Augustus H. | 1875 | 65:385 |  | Viard, Victor | to | Carier, Augustus H. | 1875 | 66:543 |  | Viard, Victor | to | Montague, Auguste | 1875 | 66:84 |  | Viber, Geo. H. | to | Branstrator, Wm. | 1894 | 133:213 |  | Viberg, Augusta | from | Baltes, Michael | 1882 | 102:287 |  | Viberg, Augusta | from | Kemp, Ophelia E. | 1874 | 62:356 |  | Viberg, Augusta | to | Meiser, Fiatta | 1887 | 103:44 |  | Viberg, Augusta | from | Walter, Chas. W. | 1886 | 102:335 |  | Viberg, Augusta | to | Walter, M. A. | 1886 | 102:354 |  | Viberg, Augusta | to | Wheelock, Addie | 1882 | 90:119 |  | Viberg, Augusta H. | from | Lonergan, Matilda A. | 1901 | 162:121 |  | Viberg, Augusta H. | from | Williams, Edward P. (Et al.) | 1189 | 113:270 |  | Viberg, Augusta H. | from | Williams, Edward P. (Et al.) | 1891 | 113:272 |  | Viberg, C. H. | from | Ridenour, H. J. | 1869 | 47:342 |  | Viberg, C. H. | to | Steele, Malinda | 1879 | 79:5 |  | Viberg, Conrad | to | Spidler, Lycurgus | 1867 | 44:315 |  | Viberg, Conrad | to | Viberg, Geo. H. | 1890 | 119:215 |  | Viberg, Conrad H. | to | McCrory, David | 1876 | 69:107 |  | Viberg, Conrad H. | to | Paulen, Mathias | 1873 | 60:219 |  | Viberg, Conrad H. | from | Silver, Joseph C. | 1856 | S:554 |  | Viberg, Conrad H. | to | Steel, David | 1872 | 79:125 |  | Viberg, Conrad H. | from | Steel, David | 1875 | 68:243 |  | Viberg, Conrad H. | from | Steele, David | 1879 | 79:126 |  | Viberg, Conrad H. | to | Trustees Erick Chapel | 1890 | 116:374 |  | Viberg, Geo. | to | Ellison, Hannah H. | 1894 | 133:547 |  | Viberg, Geo. | from | Ellison, Thos. E. | 1894 | 133:547 |  | Viberg, Geo. | to | Ellison, Thos. E. | 1894 | 133:547 |  | Viberg, Geo. H. | from | Auditor | 1896 | 143:349 |  | Viberg, Geo. H. | to | Bostick, Wm. D. | 1895 | 138:345 |  | Viberg, Geo. H. | from | Bostick, Wm. D. | 1895 | 138:462 |  | Viberg, Geo. H. | from | Guilford, L. R. | 1885 | 99:576 |  | Viberg, Geo. H. | from | Guilford, L. R. | 1885 | 99:576 |  | Viberg, Geo. H. | from | Guilford, L. R. | 1885 | 99:577 |  | Viberg, Geo. H. | from | Guilford, L. R. | 1885 | 99:577 |  | Viberg, Geo. H. | from | Kelly, Sarah | 1892 | 126:23 |  | Viberg, Geo. H. | from | Lee, John H. (Et al.) | 1893 | 129:38 |  | Viberg, Geo. H. | from | Lee, John N. (Et al.) | 1893 | 129:226 |  | Viberg, Geo. H. | from | Sites, Ida C. | 1894 | 133:166 |  | Viberg, Geo. H. | from | Viberg, Conrad | 1890 | 119:215 |  | Viberg, Geo. H. | to | Vollmer, Louise | 1896 | 141:137 |  | Viberg, Geo. H. | to | Warner, Samuel | 1886 | 100:288 |  | Viberg, George H. | from | Ind. Investment Co. | 1902 | 169:346 |  | Viberg, George H. | from | Land & Security Co. | 1898 | 152:119 |  | Viberg, George H. | to | Lindsey, Angie | 1896 | 162:339 |  | Viberg, George H. | to | Shambaugh, William H. | 1902 | 169:347 |  | Viberg, George H. | to | Warner, James | 1886 | 147:450 |  | Viberge, Conrad | to | Spitler, Lycurgus | 1867 | 74:213 |  | Viburg, C. H. | from | Auditor | 1867 | A:26 |  | Viburg, C. H. | from | Wilson, Thos. (Est.) | 1867 | 43:200 |  | Viburg, C. H. | from | Wilson, Thos. (Est.) | 1867 | 43:201 |  | Vick, Jno. H. | from | Leitz, Herman | 1886 | 101:329 |  | Vickars, Jesse | from | Hawley, Gideon | 1852 | P:100 |  | Vickars, Jesse | from | Schermerhorn, Peter V. D. | 1853 | P:97 |  | Vickers, Jesse | from | Mann, Charles A. | 1852 | P:101 |  | Vickers, Jesse | from | Mitchell, Thomas B. | 1853 | P:97 |  | Vickers, Jesse | from | Morse, Oliver A. | 1852 | P:102 |  | Viele, Stephen | to | Loend, Chas. | 1873 | 62:260 |  | Viele, Stephen | to | Mettert, Samuel G. | 1873 | 62:257 |  | Vieweger, Robert | from | Henschen, Dina | 1901 | 164:308 |  | Vila, Lewis | to | Duck, Elizabeth | 1874 | 63:327 |  | Vila, Lewis | from | Duck, F. | 1874 | 63:328 |  | Viland, Frederick | from | Debolt, Chancey A. | 1899 | 153:236 |  | Viland, Frederick | to | Gallaway, David H. | 1900 | 158:112 |  | Viland, Frederick (Jr.) | from | Lalonde, Rachel | 1902 | 166:35 |  | Vilerg, Conrad | from | Bowser, J. C. | 1863 | 33:464 |  | Villermin, Aug. | to | Favoret, Francis | 869 | 47:500 |  | Vince, Jno. | to | Schlemer, Caroline | 1881 | 88:2 |  | Vince, M. & J. | from | Snellenberger, M. J. | 1879 | 88:3 |  | Vince, Margaret | from | Auditor | 1900 | 159:325 |  | Vince, Margaret | to | Snellenberger, M. & D. B. | 1879 | 76:111 |  | Vince, Margret | to | Mumma, Geo. W. | 1881 | 87:528 |  | Vince, Margret | from | Schlemmer, Philip | 1881 | 87:527 |  | Vince, Margret | from | Worden, Jno. B. | 1878 | 76:300 |  | Vincent, James | from | De la Camp, John | 1878 | 75:163 |  | Vincent, James | to | Meyers, D. H. | 1887 | 105:154 |  | Vincent, James | from | Sheriff | 1877 | 70:493 |  | Vincent, James | to | Shordon, Wm. | 1890 | 117:374 |  | Vincent, James | from | Taylor, John | 1873 | 60:553 |  | Vincent, James | to | Taylor, Mahala A. | 1880 | 80:228 |  | Vincent, James | from | Taylor, William C. | 1880 | 80:227 |  | Vincent, Jas. | to | Taylor, Adeline | 1880 | 81:238 |  | Vincent, Jas. | from | Taylor, Jno. | 1880 | 81:70 |  | Vincent, Jas. | from | Taylor, Jno. | 1883 | 90:581 |  | Vincent, Jas. | to | Taylor, John | 1881 | 86:116 |  | Vincent, Julia | from | Sames, John | 1866 | 40:412 |  | Vindolah, Henry | from | Wells, John F. | 1870 | 50:526 |  | Vineyard, Elizabeth | to | Crabill, Jacob | 1874 | 62:309 |  | Vineyard, Wm. (Heirs) | to | Crabill, Jacob | 1874 | 62:306 |  | Vining, J. W. | from | Antrup, Henry E. | 1861 | 28:557 |  | Vining, James W. | from | Klinger, Peter | 1863 | 30:258 |  | Vining, Jas. W. | from | Antrup, F. W. | 1866 | 40:466 |  | Vinkehuan, Charles | from | Evard, John A. | 1860 | 26:214 |  | Vinnig, James W. | from | Gillett, Wilkes | 1866 | 41:131 |  | Vinny, James W. | from | Antrup, Frederick W. | 1866 | 40:466 |  | Vinot, Claude J. | from | Reed, Abraham P. | 1863 | 35:381 |  | Vinot, Francis | to | Chevillat, Josiphine | 1869 | 50:284 |  | Vinot, Francis | from | Schinner, Aug. V. | 1864 | 35:382 |  | Vinson, Edward L. (Et ux.) | from | Hutchison, John (Et al.) | 1901 | 1164:18 |  | Vinyard, David | to | Crabill, Jacob | 1879 | 76:355 |  | Violan, Joseph | from | Certia, Peter | 1869 | 50:370 |  | Violand, Adalade | from | Lunward, S. C. | 1882 | 89:439 |  | Violand, Adalaide | to | Corneille, A. L. | 1884 | 96:446 |  | Violand, Adelaide | from | Violand, Joseph | 1895 | 136:103 |  | Violand, J. F. | from | Owens, Owen | 1882 | 87:326 |  | Violand, J. F. (Et al.) | to | Corneille, A. L. | 1884 | 96:447 |  | Violand, J. F. (Et al.) | to | Scheele, Jacob (Et al.) | 1884 | 96:571 |  | Violand, Jos. | from | Bulger, E. J. | 1884 | 95:439 |  | Violand, Jos. | to | Cornielle, A. L. | 1883 | 91:402 |  | Violand, Jos. | to | Lumbard, S. C. | 1882 | 89:438 |  | Violand, Jos. | from | Mooney, Robt. | 1865 | 37:339 |  | Violand, Jos. | from | Violand, Lewis | 1883 | 90:271 |  | Violand, Joseph | from | Bobillier, Ann Gustave | 1859 | V:565 |  | Violand, Joseph | from | Burgess, Henry | 1853 | N:631 |  | Violand, Joseph | from | Edsall, Peter | 1875 | 65:174 |  | Violand, Joseph | to | Edsall, Peter | 1875 | 65:96 |  | Violand, Joseph | from | Ladig, Christopher | 1864 | 34:267 |  | Violand, Joseph | to | Lordier, August | 1878 | 75:287 |  | Violand, Joseph | from | McFarland, Dennas L. | 1863 | 38:504 |  | Violand, Joseph | from | Oliver, John | 1871 | 55:33 |  | Violand, Joseph | to | Pichon, Charles (Et al.) | 1897 | 147:533 |  | Violand, Joseph | from | Small, Wm. J. | 1860 | 26:458 |  | Violand, Joseph | to | Violand, Adelaide | 1895 | 136:103 |  | Violand, Joseph (Et al.) | to | Bower, George B. M. | 1899 | 154:194 |  | Violand, Joseph (Gdn.) | to | Pichon, Charles (Et al.) | 1897 | 147:534 |  | Violand, Joseph F. | from | Green, Elisha W. | 1872 | 61:195 |  | Violand, Joseph F. | to | Shay, Patrick | 1877 | 70:371 |  | Violand, Lewis | to | Violand, Jos. | 1883 | 90:271 |  | Violon, Joseph | from | Adan, August | 1871 | 53:166 |  | Violon, Joseph | to | Didier, Alexis | 1873 | 59:352 |  | Violon, Joseph | to | Maire, Jno. P. | 1871 | 53:365 |  | Violond, Emelia | from | Bueter, John B. (Et al.) | 1902 | 166:265 |  | Vionet, Constant | from | Grand Rapids & Ind. R. R. | 1876 | 69:394 |  | Virgil, Almon | from | Falls, D. M. (Et al.) | 1882 | 89:11 |  | Virgil, Almon | from | Rahdert, F. (Et al.) | 1882 | 89:11 |  | Virgil, Almon | to | Virgil, Anna E. | 1889 | 110:153 |  | Virgil, Almon | to | Virgil, AnnE. | 1889 | 111:620 |  | Virgil, Almon | to | Virgil, Thos. S. | 1882 | 89:15 |  | Virgil, Almon | to | Virgil, Thos. S. | 1883 | 92:17 |  | Virgil, Anna E. | to | Grosvenor, Mark H. | 1890 | 119:82 |  | Virgil, Anna E. | to | Grosvenor, Mark H. | 1890 | 119:83 |  | Virgil, Anna E. | from | Virgil, Almon | 1889 | 110:153 |  | Virgil, AnnE. | from | Virgil, Almon | 1889 | 111:620 |  | Virgil, Elizabeth | from | Chittenden, E. L. | 1871 | 54:187 |  | Virgil, Thos. S. | from | Bond, Chas. E. (Et al.) | 1886 | 102:210 |  | Virgil, Thos. S. | from | Virgil, Almon | 1882 | 89:15 |  | Virgil, Thos. S. | from | Virgil, Almon | 1883 | 92:17 |  | Virol, M. M. C. | to | Pepe, Francis | 1868 | 46:370 |  | Virrea, Margaret | from | Auditor | 1900 | 159:325 |  | Vizard, Ann | from | Vizard, Martin (Et al.) | 1890 | 119:225 |  | Vizard, Anna A. | to | Vizard, John (Et.) | 1890 | 122:461 |  | Vizard, Anna A. (Et ux.) | to | Vizard, Mary | 1888 | 116:11 |  | Vizard, Anthony | to | Bauer, K. J. | 1878 | 74:162 |  | Vizard, Anthony | from | Vizard, Rose | 1873 | 61:124 |  | Vizard, E. (Et al.) | to | Bottenberg, D. | 1881 | 85:356 |  | Vizard, Elizabeth | from | Reese, Chas. E. | 1892 | 124:567 |  | Vizard, Ellen | from | Vizard, John (Et al.) | 1897 | 148:206 |  | Vizard, J. & A. | from | Gallagher, Anthony | 1882 | 90:61 |  | Vizard, Jno. | to | Gallagher, A. | 1882 | 89:192 |  | Vizard, Jno. | to | Vizard, Mary | 1885 | 96:607 |  | Vizard, Jno. & Ann | from | Vizard, Mary | 1885 | 98:520 |  | Vizard, Jno. (Et ux.) | from | Vizard, Mary | 1887 | 104:447 |  | Vizard, John | from | Gallagher, Anthony | 1878 | 74:189 |  | Vizard, John | to | Galliger, Anthony | 1875 | 65:579 |  | Vizard, John | to | Vizard, Mary | 1887 | 104:442 |  | Vizard, John (Et al.) | to | Vizard, Ellen | 1897 | 148:206 |  | Vizard, John (Et al.) | to | Vizard, Margaret | 1897 | 148:207 |  | Vizard, John (Et.) | from | Vizard, Anna A. | 1890 | 122:461 |  | Vizard, M. & J. | from | Hanna, H. C. Jr. (Coms.) | 1882 | 90:213 |  | Vizard, Margaret | from | Vizard, John (Et al.) | 1897 | 148:207 |  | Vizard, Martin (Et al.) | to | Vizard, Ann | 1890 | 119:225 |  | Vizard, Mary | from | Vizard, Anna A. (Et ux.) | 1888 | 116:11 |  | Vizard, Mary | from | Vizard, Jno. | 1885 | 96:607 |  | Vizard, Mary | to | Vizard, Jno. & Ann | 1885 | 98:520 |  | Vizard, Mary | to | Vizard, Jno. (Et ux.) | 1887 | 104:447 |  | Vizard, Mary | from | Vizard, John | 1887 | 104:442 |  | Vizard, Michael | to | Ehrman, M. & R. | 1884 | 96:115 |  | Vizard, Michael | to | Vizard, Rose | 1876 | 67:459 |  | Vizard, Michael F. | from | Vizard, Rose | 1873 | 60:118 |  | Vizard, Rose | from | Brooks, | 1863 | 30:494 |  | Vizard, Rose | to | Vizard, Anthony | 1873 | 61:124 |  | Vizard, Rose | from | Vizard, Michael | 1876 | 67:459 |  | Vizard, Rose | to | Vizard, Michael F. | 1873 | 60:118 |  | Vizard, Rose | to | Vizard, Thomas | 1868 | 44:275 |  | Vizard, Rose | to | Vizard, Thomas | 1871 | 51:604 |  | Vizard, Thomas | to | Howley, Catharine | 1890 | 117:296 |  | Vizard, Thomas | from | Vizard, Rose | 1868 | 44:275 |  | Vizard, Thomas | from | Vizard, Rose | 1871 | 51:604 |  | Vizard, William | from | Bond, Chas. D. | 1864 | 37:48 |  | Vizard, William | from | Bond, S. B. | 1864 | 37:48 |  | Vizard, William | from | Devore, David G. | 1865 | 38:196 |  | Vizard, William | from | Doeherty, Patrick | 1867 | 44:280 |  | Vizard, William | from | Fleming, William | 1864 | 37:98 |  | Vizard, William | from | Jones, William H. | 1864 | 37:48 |  | Vizard, William | to | Reese, Chas. E. | 1892 | 124:566 |  | Vizard, William & Elizabeth | from | Doeherty, Patrick | 1867 | 44:87 |  | Vizard, Wm | from | Devore, David G. | 1874 | 64:339 |  | Vizard, Wm. | to | McMahon, Thos. | 1884 | 94:175 |  | Vizard, Wm. | to | Racine, Fred L. | 1868 | 44:375 |  | Vizard, Wm. & E. | from | Ratledge, Wm. | 1883 | 94:174 |  | Vizards, J. & A. | from | Ruby, A. M. | 1881 | 82:211 |  | Vizzard, Anna | from | Vizzard, P. J. | 1888 | 109:509 |  | Vizzard, Anthony | from | Vizzard, Martin | 1875 | 66:379 |  | Vizzard, Martin | to | Vizzard, Anthony | 1875 | 66:379 |  | Vizzard, Martin | from | Vizzard, Rose | 1875 | 66:366 |  | Vizzard, P. J. | to | Vizzard, Anna | 1888 | 109:509 |  | Vizzard, Rose | to | Vizzard, Martin | 1875 | 66:366 |  | Vizzard, Wm. | from | Cowell, Mary (Et al.) | 1876 | 84:369 |  | Vizzard, Wm. | from | Ratlidge, C. (Et al.) | 1876 | 84:369 |  | Vizzard, Wm. | from | Sheriff | 1883 | 93:130 |  | Vizzard, Wm. | from | Slattery, Rebecca (Et al.) | 1876 | 84:369 |  | Vizzard, Wm. | to | Tabler, E. H. | 1881 | 84:544 |  | Vlmer, Christopher | from | Bell, Wm. M. | 1871 | 53:406 |  | Voberg, Augusta H. | to | Curtis, Wm. B. (Et ux.) | 1900 | 157:104 |  | Voberg, George H. | to | Branstrator, William | 1899 | 154:463 |  | Vock, John H. | to | Mahrt, Ellen M. | 1888 | 108:116 |  | Voda, Christopher | from | Voda, William | 1870 | 49:65 |  | Voda, William | to | Voda, Christopher | 1870 | 49:65 |  | Vodde, Bernarddina | to | Middendorf, Herm. | 1891 | 113:149 |  | Vodde, Bernarddina | to | Waenker, Christopher | 1891 | 113:150 |  | Vodde, Bernarddina (Et al.) | from | Allen C. Court | 1891 | 113:167 |  | Vodde, Christopher | to | Jud & Kranshopf | 1873 | 59:266 |  | Vodde, Christopher | from | Steinborn, John | 1902 | 169:524 |  | Vodde, Christopher | from | Taylor, John | 1870 | 51:305 |  | Vodde, F. F. | from | Vodde, Wm. | 1880 | 80:288 |  | Vodde, Fred. F. | from | Taylor, John | 1889 | 112:55 |  | Vodde, Gerhard Wm. Henry (Will) | to | | 1885 | 115:311 |  | Vodde, Magdalen | to | Brase, Fredrick C. | 1902 | 169:191 |  | Vodde, Magdalena | from | Kneede, D. B. | 1882 | 86:238 |  | Vodde, Magdelain | to | Drunn, Chas. W. (Et ux.) | 1898 | 150:506 |  | Vodde, Magdelain | from | Kuhne, Frederick W. | 1898 | 150:449 |  | Vodde, William | from | Green, Elisha W. | 1867 | 44:240 |  | Vodde, William | from | Sheriff | 1879 | 78:347 |  | Vodde, William H. | from | Middendorf, Herman | 1901 | 163:214 |  | Vodde, William H. | to | Middendorf, Herman (Et ux.) | 1901 | 163:215 |  | Vodde, William H. (Et al.) | from | Allen C. Court | 1891 | 113:167 |  | Vodde, Wm. | to | Vodde, F. F. | 1880 | 80:288 |  | Vodea, Christopher | to | McDougall, Wm. | 1871 | 53:500 |  | Vodely, Andrew | from | Flanigan, Jno. | 1882 | 89:353 |  | Voder, Catharine | from | Emerick, Wm. | 1883 | 90:543 |  | Vodermark, Ernst | from | Hamilton, Allen | 1861 | 27:349 |  | Vodermark, Ernst | from | Hamilton, Allen | 1862 | 28:365 |  | Vodermark, Ernst | from | McCulloch, Hugh | 1861 | 27:349 |  | Voeglie, Andrew | from | Edsall, Cimon | 1886 | 101:138 |  | Voeker, Fred. | from | Skelling, Jacob | 1863 | 31:208 |  | Voelker, Fredk. | from | B**, Frek. | 1890 | 118:555 |  | Voelter, M. E. | to | N.Y.C. & St. L. Ry. Co. | 1881 | 86:36 |  | Voendrau, Kasper | from | Perriguey, Peter (Etu.) | 1891 | 119:532 |  | Voetter, Anna E. | from | Voetter, Julius | 1896 | 143:196 |  | Voetter, Anna E. (Et al.) | from | Voetter, George | 1896 | 143:237 |  | Voetter, George | to | Voetter, Anna E. (Et al.) | 1896 | 143:237 |  | Voetter, J. (Assignment in Bankruptcy) | to | | 1878 | 10:509 |  | Voetter, Julius | from | Faulkner, Wm. M. | 1875 | 65:377 |  | Voetter, Julius | from | Holmes, Joshua | 1884 | 95:94 |  | Voetter, Julius | from | Holmes, William | 1874 | 62:125 |  | Voetter, Julius | from | Holmes, Wm. | 1883 | 90:267 |  | Voetter, Julius | from | Schwartz, Henry | 1885 | 97:503 |  | Voetter, Julius | to | Shaw, W. A. | 1890 | 122:485 |  | Voetter, Julius | to | Succop, A. E. | 1893 | 129:119 |  | Voetter, Julius | to | Voetter, Anna E. | 1896 | 143:196 |  | Voetter, Julius (in Bankruptcy) | to | Holmes, Reason C. | 1878 | 10:509 |  | Voetter, Julius (per Registry) | to | Brainard, Ira F. | 1878 | 10:509 |  | Voetter, M. E. | to | Glass, Jas. W. | 1881 | 82:527 |  | Voetter, M. E. | to | Schwartz, Henry | 1885 | 97:490 |  | Voetter, Marg E. | from | Carpenter, J. Mc. F. | 1892 | 125:70 |  | Voetter, Marg E. | from | Shaw, W. A. | 1892 | 125:72 |  | Voetter, Marg. E. | from | Shaw, W. A. | 1892 | 125:70 |  | Voetter, Margaret E. | from | Brainard, I. F. (Assignee) | 1878 | 73:449 |  | Voetter, Margaret E. | from | Brainard, I. F. (Assignee) | 1878 | 73:452 |  | Voetter, Margaret E. | from | Holmes, R. C. (Assignee) | 1878 | 73:449 |  | Voetter, Margaret E. | from | Holmes, R. C. (Assignee) | 1878 | 73:452 |  | Voettin, Margaret E. | from | Brainard, I. F. (assignee) | 1878 | 73:449 |  | Voettin, Margaret E. | from | Brainard, I. F. (assignee) | 1878 | 73:452 |  | Vogei, Erdemuth | to | Figel, Chas. | 1887 | 104:451 |  | Vogel, A. E. | to | Stenner, E. P. (Et al.) | 1885 | 98:476 |  | Vogel, A. E. W. | from | Baker, Chas. | 1863 | 34:587 |  | Vogel, Caroline | from | Lindenberg, Fred | 1884 | 95:91 |  | Vogel, Charles G. | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1856 | S:368 |  | Vogel, CharlesG. | from | Richey, James | 1865 | 36:322 |  | Vogel, Chas. G. | to | Stenner, E. P. | 1871 | 53:315 |  | Vogel, Chas. G. | to | Vogel, F. B. | 1872 | 57:244 |  | Vogel, Chas. G. &Frank B. | from | Sheriff | 1873 | 58:383 |  | Vogel, Erdemuth | to | Phillips, C. W. | 1887 | 106:81 |  | Vogel, Erdemuth | from | Sheriff | 1880 | 82:134 |  | Vogel, F. B. | from | Vogel, Chas. G. | 1872 | 57:244 |  | Vogel, Frank | to | Eckart, Fred | 1883 | 91:397 |  | Vogel, Frank B. | from | Alliger, Sarah M. | 1877 | 70:43 |  | Vogel, V. E. | to | Eckart, Anna | 1885 | 99:301 |  | Vogel, Veronica | to | Nuide, L. M. | 1889 | 114:493 |  | Vogel, Veronica | from | Siemon, Rudolph | 1887 | 114:488 |  | Vogel, Veronica E. | to | Leichner, John | 1887 | 103:118 |  | Vogel, Veronica E. | to | Mergel, Elizabeth | 1887 | 105:117 |  | Vogel, William | from | Heskler, John | 1858 | V:180 |  | Vogeley, Andrew | from | Schlup, Frederick | 1892 | 126:90 |  | Vogeley, Kate | to | Steinacker, Frank J. | 1898 | 151:117 |  | Vogeley, Wm. (Admr.) | to | Steinacker, Frank J. | 1898 | 150:378 |  | Vogeli, Andrew | from | Busse, Christian C. | 1873 | 60:136 |  | Vogely, Andrew | from | Abbott, Rosetta B. | 1888 | 115:181 |  | Vogely, Andrew | from | Baker, Cora | 1889 | 111:591 |  | Vogely, Andrew | to | Becker, A. E. C. | 1881 | 82:413 |  | Vogely, Andrew | to | Bohnahn, Sophia | 1890 | 122:363 |  | Vogely, Andrew | from | Bulgeer, Eliza J. | 1885 | 98:511 |  | Vogely, Andrew | from | Grevier, Louis F. | 1875 | 65:558 |  | Vogely, Andrew | from | McCulloch, Charles | 1901 | 164:288 |  | Vogely, Andrew | from | Pequignot, C. J. | 1889 | 112:466 |  | Vogely, Andrew | from | Piepenbrink, Ernst J. | 1895 | 140:217 |  | Vogely, Andrew | from | Piepenbrink, Mary | 1895 | 140:217 |  | Vogely, Andrew | to | Scherer, Louis P. Jr. | 1890 | 118276 |  | Vogely, Andrew | from | Taylor, John | 1890 | 117:460 |  | Vogely, Andrew | to | Trustee Adams Tp. | 1899 | 154:168 |  | Vogely, Andrew | from | Wambsgans, P. | 1886 | 102:486 |  | Vogely, Andrew | from | Wilmot, James C. | 1877 | 72:448 |  | Vogely, Andrew | to | Wilmot, Jas. C. | 1877 | 72:113 |  | Vogely, Andrew (Et al.) | from | Kohrman, Henry W. | 1902 | 170:386 |  | Vogier, Xavier | from | Edsall, Samuel | 1863 | 33:6 |  | Vogler, Charlotte (Et al.) | from | Vogler, Theodore | 1899 | 155:399 |  | Vogler, Edward | to | Beck, Francis J. | 1874 | 64:107 |  | Vogler, Theodore | to | Vogler, Charlotte (Et al.) | 1899 | 155:399 |  | Vogley, Andrew | from | Lillie, Mery E. | 1874 | 62:9 |  | Voigt, Fredman | from | Beard, Charles G. | 1900 | 159:282 |  | Voigt, Henry C. (Et ux.) | from | Freistroffer, John | 1901 | 161:373 |  | Voigt, Margaret | from | Bahrdt, Christopher | 1879 | 80:192 |  | Voigt, Margaret | from | Bahrdt, Christopher (Guard) | 1879 | 80:193 |  | Voinet, Condant | from | Tritch, Wm. T. | 1863 | 30:65 |  | Voinet, Constant | to | Ervin, Jeremiah & R. | 1876 | 73:94 |  | Voinet, Jane L. | from | Delagrange, Justin | 1873 | 61:166 |  | Voiral, August | to | Voiral, Florent | 1883 | 91:264 |  | Voiral, August | to | Voiral, Florent | 1883 | 91:265 |  | Voiral, Florent | from | Voiral, August | 1883 | 91:264 |  | Voiral, Florent | from | Voiral, August | 1883 | 91:265 |  | Voirbe, Frank J. | from | Dreibelbiss, John | 1893 | 129:426 |  | Voirdt, Florence | to | Collin, Joseph & Mary | 1873 | 59:167 |  | Voiriot, Jule | from | Cadleman, Joseph | 1856 | S:506 |  | Voirol, Albert | from | Lenington, Homer | 1901 | 164:121 |  | Voirol, August | from | O'Rourke, E. (comr.) | 1877 | 70:459 |  | Voirol, August | to | Quince, Soloman | 1881 | 85:180 |  | Voirol, E. F. J. | from | Ferckel, Adam (Et ux.) | 1892 | 123:147 |  | Voirol, E. F. J. | to | Ferckel, Susana | 1892 | 123:148 |  | Voirol, Emil | from | Urbine, Elmer | 1894 | 171:153 |  | Voirol, Euphrasie | to | Branstrator, C. W. | 1895 | 137:403 |  | Voirol, Flarent (Et al.) | from | Voirol, Louis | 1870 | 50:529 |  | Voirol, Florence | from | Auditor | 1893 | 131:97 |  | Voirol, Florence | from | Knappenberger, W. | 1890 | 115:212 |  | Voirol, Florence & August | from | Ryan, Mary | 1873 | 62:64 |  | Voirol, Florent | to | Branstratoe, C. W. | 1895 | 137:403 |  | Voirol, Florent & August | from | Bowser, Jacob C. | 1875 | 65:134 |  | Voirol, Florian | from | Williams, Henry M. | 1902 | 165:546 |  | Voirol, Florian | from | Williams, Henry M. | 1902 | 171:216 |  | Voirol, Frank | from | Eckart, Fredk. | 1875 | 66:491 |  | Voirol, Frank | to | Lenington, James | 1892 | 124:238 |  | Voirol, Frank | from | Linker, Henry E. | 1875 | 66:491 |  | Voirol, Frank | from | Paul, Henry C. (Et al.) | 1889 | 112:152 |  | Voirol, Frank F. | from | Boiter, Alice M. | 1898 | 151:286 |  | Voirol, Frank F. | from | Boitet, Jennie M. | 1898 | 151:294 |  | Voirol, Frank F. | from | Reuille, Mary P. | 1898 | 151:286 |  | Voirol, Frank J. | from | Citizens L. & Imp. Co. | 1890 | 116:543 |  | Voirol, Louis | to | Voirol, Flarent (Et al.) | 1870 | 50:529 |  | Voirol, Louis | from | Voirol, Lydia | 1895 | 137:169 |  | Voirol, Louis | from | Voirol, William | 1895 | 137:169 |  | Voirol, Lydia | to | Voirol, Louis | 1895 | 137:169 |  | Voirol, Mary M. C. | from | Adam, August | 1866 | 38:587 |  | Voirol, Mary M. C. | from | Adam, Auguste | 1866 | 38:587 |  | Voirol, Mary M. C. | from | Adam, Auguste | 1866 | 38:587 |  | Voirol, Melinie | from | Quince, Solomon | 1881 | 86:247 |  | Voirol, Melissa | from | Lassus, Jno. B. | 1885 | 99:490 |  | Voirol, William | from | Converse, Edson | 1899 | 153:49 |  | Voirol, William | from | Finan, Edward | 1901 | 163:166 |  | Voirol, William | to | Ft. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co. | 1902 | 170:74 |  | Voirol, William | to | Miller, Julia A. | 1901 | 165:172 |  | Voirol, William | from | Taylor, Fidella M. | 1894 | 132:484 |  | Voirol, William | to | Voirol, Louis | 1895 | 137:169 |  | Voirol, William | from | Winans, Hester A. | 1902 | 171:58 |  | Voirol, Wm. & Louis | from | Greer, Maria J. | 1885 | 97:450 |  | Voirolt, Florian | from | Auditor A. Co. | 1891 | 120:23 |  | Voirolt, Florian | from | Auditor A. Co. | 1891 | 120:25 |  | Voisol, Louis | from | Castleman, William | 1853 | Q:52 |  | Voitter, Marg. E. | from | Doughman, A. (Et.) | 1892 | 124:139 |  | Volaw, Jonas | from | Cin. Union & Ft. Wayne R. R. Co. | 1863 | 30:533 |  | Voldeneir, Peter | from | Sarazen, Francis | 1883 | 92:435 |  | Voldeneir, Peter | to | Sarazen, Francis & Mary | 1883 | 92:430 |  | Voldnere, Chas. | from | Eby, Daniel (guard) | 1882 | 89:275 |  | Voldnere, Chas. | to | Valdeneir, Peter | 1883 | 94:368 |  | Voldnere, Chas. | from | Voldnere, Peter | 1882 | 89:277 |  | Voldnere, L. | to | Voldnere, Peter | 1882 | 89:276 |  | Voldnere, Peter | to | Voldnere, Chas. | 1882 | 89:277 |  | Voldnere, Peter | from | Voldnere, L. | 1882 | 89:276 |  | Volhert, Fred. | from | Shellinger, Eliza | 1863 | 31:208 |  | Volhert, Frederick | from | Beninghoff, Benjamin | 1863 | 31:208 |  | Volhert, Frederick | from | Beninghoff, Daniel | 1863 | 31:208 |  | Volhert, Frederick | from | Beninghoff, Nathan | 1863 | 31:208 |  | Volhert, Frederick | from | Beninghoff, Solomon | 1863 | 31:208 |  | Volk, Elizabeth (Et al.) | to | Grice, Jesse | 1891 | 121:610 |  | Volkart, Fredk. Jr. | to | Sowers, Christian | 1874 | 62:314 |  | Volkart, Samuel | to | Sowers, Christian | 1875 | 66:568 |  | Volkening, Wilhelm | from | German Cleveland B. L. & S. Astn. | 1894 | 134:135 |  | Volkert, B. A. | to | Pearson, A. P. | 1882 | 92:348 |  | Volkert, B. A. (Et al.) | to | Umstead, A. B. | 1882 | 90:310 |  | Volkert, Betsy A. | from | Nusbaum, Jennie E. (Et ux.) | 1902 | 168:67 |  | Volkert, Betsy A. (Et al.) | to | Pearson, Phylena | 1884 | 94:133 |  | Volkert, Frederick | from | Buchanan, George | 1856 | T:382 |  | Volkert, Frederick | from | Hartman, George R. | 1859 | X:503 |  | Volkert, Samantha A. | from | Koch, Simon | 1878 | 75:226 |  | Volkert, Saml. | to | Countryman, W. | 1878 | 73:261 |  | Volkert, Saml. | from | Leonard, Henry | 1881 | 100:449 |  | Volkert, Saml. | from | Parker, L. J. | 1876 | 73:260 |  | Volkert, Saml. | from | Squires, Aurela (Et al.) | 1876 | 73:260 |  | Volkert, Saml. | from | Webber, C. S. (Et al.) | 1876 | 73:260 |  | Volkert, Samuel | from | Moore, John | 1895 | 139:206 |  | Volkert, Samuel | from | Stiver, Jacob N. (Et al.) | 1902 | 168:66 |  | Volland, H. & I. | from | Cocanour, J. B. (Et al.) | 1882 | 89:417 |  | Volland, H. & I. | from | French, C. G. (Et al.) | 1882 | 89:417 |  | Volland, H. J. Jr. | from | Haag, Frederick | 1889 | 111:567 |  | Volland, Henry | from | Bostick, Emanuel | 1859 | Y:64 |  | Volland, Henry | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1859 | V:601 |  | Volland, Henry | from | Orff, John | 1863 | 52:362 |  | Volland, Henry | from | Volland, Jno. G. | 1891 | 124:110 |  | Volland, Henry J. | to | McFerran, Jno. A. (Et ux.) | 1893 | 129:542 |  | Volland, Henry J. | from | Romy, Robt. L. | 1890 | 117:360 |  | Volland, Henry J. Jr. | to | Hochstetter, Wm. | 1890 | 116:470 |  | Volland, Henry Sr. | from | Arantz, Philip | 1899 | 154:256 |  | Volland, Jno. G. | from | Saunders, Mary E. | 1892 | 124:109 |  | Volland, Jno. G. | to | Volland, Henry | 1891 | 124:110 |  | Volland, John G. | from | Alderman, Frank | 1900 | 157:151 |  | Volland, John G. | from | Bruebach, Amelia E. | 1902 | 166:234 |  | Volland, John G. | from | Haley, Joseph A. | 1899 | 154:152 |  | Volland, John G. | to | Rowe, Mary M. | 1901 | 162:440 |  | Volland, William G. | from | Helling, Frderick | 1899 | 155:29 |  | Vollmer, Carolina | from | Schneider, Cath. (Et al.) | 1898 | 149:342 |  | Vollmer, Carolina | to | Schneider, Catharine | 1898 | 149:350 |  | Vollmer, D. | from | Hanna, Chas. | 1874 | 63:321 |  | Vollmer, D. | to | Miller, M. | 1874 | 63:326 |  | Vollmer, D. | to | Nieman, Gottlieb | 1874 | 63:320 |  | Vollmer, Daniel | from | Hanna, H. C. | 1872 | 57:341 |  | Vollmer, Daniel | from | Hartnutt, Jas. | 1867 | 44:40 |  | Vollmer, Daniel | from | Hazard, Lewis | 1867 | 44:159 |  | Vollmer, Daniel | from | Miller, Mathias | 1874 | 63:46 |  | Vollmer, Daniel | to | Schmid, Lorenz | 1874 | 61:486 |  | Vollmer, Daniel | from | Schmidt, Lorenz | 1874 | 64:363 |  | Vollmer, Daniel | to | Sturgis, Louise | 1869 | 47:344 |  | Vollmer, Daniel | to | Wessell, John | 1868 | 44;360 |  | Vollmer, Danl. | from | Sturgis, Louisa | 1867 | 44:73 |  | Vollmer, Danl. | from | Weist, Hezekiah | 1867 | 46:72 |  | Vollmer, Fred | from | Prusse, Charles | 1867 | 46:30 |  | Vollmer, Fred. C. (Et ux.) | from | Kriete, Charles F. | 1900 | 159:550 |  | Vollmer, Louis Gotlieb | from | Siver, Emett L. | 1902 | 171:196 |  | Vollmer, Louisa | from | Lewis, William | 1877 | 73:34 |  | Vollmer, Louise | to | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | 1895 | 141:87 |  | Vollmer, Louise | from | Viberg, Geo. H. | 1896 | 141:137 |  | Vollmer, Wm. C. | from | Volmer, Frederick (Et ux.) | 1891 | 120:77 |  | Vollmerding, F. | from | Courter, Mary | 1885 | 100:527 |  | Vollmerding, Fred | from | Hanna, Jas. T. | 1890 | 117:285 |  | Vollner, Daniel | from | Sturgis, Louis | 1873 | 57:250 |  | Vollride, Christian | to | Meyer, Henry | 1877 | 73:214 |  | Vollride, Christian | from | Peters, John C. | 1877 | 72:426 |  | Vollrider, Christian | from | Peters, John C. | 1875 | 67:39 |  | Vollriede, Chris | from | Miner, Geo. E. | 1888 | 109:440 |  | Volmer, Barney | from | Sturgis, Chas. E. | 1858 | V:336 |  | Volmer, Charles H. | from | Schper, Frederick H. | 1851 | K:647 |  | Volmer, Daniel | from | Hanna, H. C. | 1871 | 54:320 |  | Volmer, Daniel | from | Hanna, H. C. | 1871 | 54:321 |  | Volmer, Frederick | to | Volmer, Frederick C. | 1891 | 127:94 |  | Volmer, Frederick (Et ux.) | to | Vollmer, Wm. C. | 1891 | 120:77 |  | Volmer, Frederick C. | from | Volmer, Frederick | 1891 | 127:94 |  | Volmer, Fredk. C. | to | Kuhne, H. Richard | 1896 | 143:242 |  | Volmer, Mary F. | from | Kuhne, H. Richard | 1896 | 143:243 |  | Volmerding, Fredk. | from | Thieme, John G. | 1873 | 61:176 |  | Voltinair, P. (Et al.) | from | Boley, Francis | 1879 | 82:87 |  | Voltz, Christian | to | Sledd, S. D. | 1882 | 88:508 |  | Voltz, Emanuel | from | Wilkerson, A. C. (Et al.) | 1887 | 103:618 |  | Voltz, Karl | from | Coles, J. K. P. | 1881 | 88:521 |  | Volyz, Emanuel | from | Weibel, Fred (Et al.) | 1900 | 157:199 |  | Volz, A. & M. | from | Zoller, Valentine | 1883 | 92:107 |  | Volz, Anna | from | Elett, Christian | 1900 | 158:248 |  | Volz, Anna | to | Gutermuth, John H. (Et al.) | 1899 | 154:432 |  | Volz, Anton | to | Kelpin, Luis | 1895 | 137:338 |  | Volz, Balsar (Et ux.) | from | Buuck, William | 1900 | 160:152 |  | Volz, Carl | to | Coles, J. K. P. | 1882 | 89:380 |  | Volz, Charles | from | Niehoff, Anna | 1894 | 138:186 |  | Volz, Charles | from | Orff, E. A. | 1885 | 98:627 |  | Volz, Chas. | from | Fay, Margaret | 1885 | 98:460 |  | Volz, Emanuel & Jacob Volz | from | Coverdall, Henry | 1876 | 69:37 |  | Volz, Henry | from | Nichoff, Anna L. | 1887 | 105:610 |  | Volz, Henry Jr. | from | Niehoff, Anna | 1894 | 138:187 |  | Volz, Jacob | from | Seibold, Geo. | 1857 | 28:517 |  | Volz, John | to | Flaig, Jacob | 1873 | 58:308 |  | Volz, John | to | Guthermuth, Henry C. | 1900 | 157:169 |  | Volz, John | to | Hiser, Wm. H. (Et ux.) | 1900 | 157:389 |  | Volz, John | from | Lipes, Robert F. | 1899 | 155:363 |  | Volz, John A. | to | Gutermuth, John H. | 1899 | 155:237 |  | Volz, Margaretha | to | Kelpin, Luis | 1895 | 137:338 |  | Von Behrens, Ferdinand | to | Banks, Elmer E. (Et ux.) | 1901 | 162:225 |  | Von Bonhoret, Charles G. | from | Colerick, Edward F. | 1853 | N:375 |  | Von Dissen, Wm. | from | Ertel, Geo. (Et ux.) | 1893 | 130:240 |  | Von Dissen, Wm. | to | Ertel, George | 1893 | 130:240 |  | Von Dissen, Wm. | from | Ertel, George | 1895 | 139:400 |  | Von Horn, William (Adm.) | to | Neireiter, George | 1901 | 162:411 |  | Von Kahlden, Benno C. | from | Vesey, William J. | 1901 | 162:384 |  | Von Kahlden, Benno C. | from | Vesey, William J. | 1901 | 165:274 |  | Von Kahlden, Bruno C. | from | Vesey, William J. | 1902 | 171:141 |  | Von Open, Bernard | to | Snyder, Jonathan | 1891 | 124:46 |  | Von Schench, Lud. | from | Trustees Ger. Ev. Luth. St. Paul Church | 1897 | 148:408 |  | VonArnine, E. A. | from | Claridge, R. R. | 1891 | 124:521 |  | VonBehrens, F. | from | Potter, Mary F. | 1887 | 105:218 |  | VonBonhorst, Charles G. | from | Edgerton, Joseph K. | 1854 | Q:147 |  | Vonder Aue, Jacob | from | Sihler, Susanna | 1884 | 96:186 |  | Vonderan, C. J. | from | Beck, F. J. | 1872 | 56:400 |  | Vonderan, Chris G. (Et ux.) | from | Vonderan, Herm. G. (Et.) | 1891 | 120:115 |  | Vonderan, Frederick | from | Lapp, Martin | 1901 | 165:516 |  | Vonderan, Frederick | from | Vanderan, Jacob (Et ux.) | 1891 | 120:37 |  | Vonderan, Herm. G. (Et.) | to | Vonderan, Chris G. (Et ux.) | 1891 | 120:115 |  | Vonderan, Herman | from | Vonderan, Jacob | 1884 | 96:401 |  | Vonderan, Herman (Et al.) | to | Ft. Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | 1901 | 162:490 |  | Vonderan, Herman (Et ux.) | from | Vanderan, Jacob (Et ux.) | 1891 | 120:36 |  | Vonderan, J. J. | from | Timmermaster, I. H. | 1872 | 58:56 |  | Vonderan, Jacob | from | Barthel, Johan George | 1854 | O:619 |  | Vonderan, Jacob | from | Edgerton, Jos. K. | 1882 | 88:56 |  | Vonderan, Jacob | from | Forbush, E. B. (Et al.) | 1882 | 86:528 |  | Vonderan, Jacob | from | Hayden, A. L. (Et al.) | 1882 | 86:528 |  | Vonderan, Jacob | from | Hayden, Fred (Atty.) | 1882 | 86:528 |  | Vonderan, Jacob | to | Hollmann, Susanna | 1884 | 96:343 |  | Vonderan, Jacob | from | Kern, Jacob J. (Et ux.) | 1891 | 120:15 |  | Vonderan, Jacob | to | Meyer, Wm. | 1871 | 53:548 |  | Vonderan, Jacob | to | Paul, Henry C. | 1879 | 76:307 |  | Vonderan, Jacob | from | Reckewey, Carl | 1858 | V:388 |  | Vonderan, Jacob | to | Shone, Louis | 1871 | 53:549 |  | Vonderan, Jacob | to | Vonderan, Herman | 1884 | 96:401 |  | Vonderan, Jacob | to | Vonderan, X. G, | 1879 | 80:374 |  | Vonderan, Jacob | from | Wallace, H. M. F. (Et al.) | 1882 | 86:528 |  | Vonderan, Jacob G. | from | Vonderan, Peter | 1899 | 152:413 |  | Vonderan, Jacob Jr. | from | Vonderan, Jacob Sr. | 1896 | 142:302 |  | Vonderan, Jacob Jr. | from | Vonderan, Jacob Sr. | 1896 | 144:80 |  | Vonderan, Jacob Sr. | to | Vonderan, Jacob Jr. | 1896 | 142:302 |  | Vonderan, Jacob Sr. | to | Vonderan, Jacob Jr. | 1896 | 144:80 |  | Vonderan, Jacob Sr. | to | Vonderan, Peter (Et ux.) | 1896 | 142:314 |  | Vonderan, Peter | to | Meyer, Jno. F. W. | 1887 | 106:233 |  | Vonderan, Peter | to | Vonderan, Jacob G. | 1899 | 152:413 |  | Vonderan, Peter (Et ux.) | from | Vonderan, Jacob Sr. | 1896 | 142:314 |  | Vonderan, X. G, | from | Vonderan, Jacob | 1879 | 80:374 |  | Vonderans, C. G. (Et ux.) | from | Tieman, Thomas | 1895 | 139:368 |  | Vonderaw, Peter | from | Paul, Henry C. | 1879 | 76:279 |  | Vonghan, Maria | from | Graves, Edson B. | 1871 | 53:266 |  | Vonopen, Barney | from | Allen, B. R. (Et al. Ex.) | 1881 | 92:196 |  | Vonopen, Barney | from | Allen, S. H. (Et al. Ex.) | 1881 | 92:196 |  | VonOpen, Barney | from | Clark, E. W. (Et ux.) | 1892 | 123:374 |  | VonOpen, Barney | from | Coffin, H. R. (Et al.) Exec. | 1881 | 92:195 |  | VonOpen, Barney | from | Dexter, E. D. (Et al. Exec.) | 1881 | 92:195 |  | VonOpen, Barney | from | Pierson, Wm. S. (Exec.) | 1881 | 92:195 |  | VonOpen, Barney | from | Spalding, R. P. (Et al. Exec.) | 1881 | 92:195 |  | Vonot, C. S. | from | Loyer, Stephen | 1865 | 37:342 |  | Voorhees, Dl. M. | to | Bowers, John H. | 1893 | 132:112 |  | Voorhees, Edward T. | to | Gieseking, Caroline | 1902 | 168:73 |  | Voorhees, Edward T. (Et ux.) | from | Ludwick, Amanda A. | 1899 | 154:249 |  | Voorhees, Peter V. | from | Kaplen, Henry | 1899 | 154:78 |  | Voorhees, R. J. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1881 | 84:259 |  | Voors, Jno. G. Jr. | to | Voors, Jno. G. Sr. | 1879 | 76:478 |  | Voors, Jno. G. Sr. | from | Voors, Jno. G. Jr. | 1879 | 76:478 |  | Voors, John B. | to | Romy, R. L. | 1895 | 138:90 |  | Voors, John B. | from | Romy, Robert L. | 1895 | 150:74 |  | Voors, John B. | to | Slagle, Jenni | 1898 | 150:122 |  | Voors, John G. | from | Beck, F. J. | 1869 | 50:325 |  | Voors, John G. | to | Pfleidner, Mary | 1897 | 147:333 |  | Voors, John G. Jr. | from | Voors, John G. Sr. | 1874 | 63:1 |  | Voors, John G. Jr. (Et ux.) | from | Hafner, Charles (Et al.) | 1891 | 120:367 |  | Voors, John G. Sr. | to | Voors, John G. Jr. | 1874 | 63:1 |  | Voors, John Gerhard Sr. (Will of) | to | | 1879 | 154:118 |  | Voors, John S. | to | | 1890 | 119:31 |  | Vordeman, Daniel B. (Et al.) | to | Bell, Elmon | 1891 | 120:148 |  | Vordeman, Daniel B. (Et al.) | to | Bell, John J. | 1891 | 120:145 |  | Vordeman, Daniel B. (Et al.) | to | Bell, Millard F. | 1891 | 120:146 |  | Vordeman, Daniel B. (Et al.) | to | Deney, Mandey M. | 1891 | 120:299 |  | Vordeman, Daniel B. (Et al.) | to | Edenfield, Mary Q. | 1891 | 120:279 |  | Vordeman, Danl. (Et al.) | to | Denny, Elizabeth J. | 1891 | 120:75 |  | Vordemark, Harry E. | from | Vordermark, Mamie M. | 1901 | 166:22 |  | Vordemark, J. W. | from | Pranger, John H. | 1877 | 72:103 |  | Vordemark, Jno. W. (Et al.) | from | Vordermark, L. P. | 1894 | 133:247 |  | Vordermack, J. W. (Etux.) | from | Colson, Nicholas | 1885 | 98:178 |  | Vordermaek, John W. | from | Ninde, N. W. (Comr.) | 1894 | 135:129 |  | Vordermaek, Mamie | from | Ninde, N. W. (Comr.) | 1894 | 135:211 |  | Vordermaek, Mattie | from | Ninde, N. W. (Comr.) | 1894 | 135:128 |  | Vordermark, Ada L. (Et al.) | from | Vordermark, Henry P. | 1888 | 166:21 |  | Vordermark, C. (Et al.) | from | Coms. in Partition | 1885 | 99:445 |  | Vordermark, C. (Et al.) | to | Cosgrove, F. K. Jr. | 1886 | 100:486 |  | Vordermark, C. (Et al.) | to | Hildebrand, Wm. | 1882 | 86:553 |  | Vordermark, C. (Et al.) | to | Vordermark, J. w. & H. P. | 1885 | 99:568 |  | Vordermark, C. (Et al.) | to | Vordermark, J. W. & H. P. | 1885 | 99:569 |  | Vordermark, E. | to | Dormer, Peter | 1873 | 57:505 |  | Vordermark, E. | to | Habecker, Wm. H. | 1873 | 57:534 |  | Vordermark, E. R. W. | to | Vordermark, Jno. W. | 1885 | 97:631 |  | Vordermark, E.(Guard) | to | Gregg, James S. | 1872 | 55:432 |  | Vordermark, Ernest | from | Crisenberry, Peter S. | 1878 | 72:420 |  | Vordermark, Ernest | from | Sheriff | 1878 | 75:262 |  | Vordermark, Ernest | from | White, James B. | 1878 | 72:420 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | to | Bierbaum, F. | 1874 | 68:185 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | from | Embry, Elizabeth | 1864 | 34:77 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | from | Embry, Jas. L. | 1864 | 34:77 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | from | Embry, Jas. S. | 1864 | 34:77 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | from | Embry, Lewis | 1864 | 34:77 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | from | Embry, Lewis A. | 1864 | 34:77 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | to | Felger, Peter | 1873 | 60:85 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | to | Henschen, Henry G. | 1873 | 62:69 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | to | Hilgeman, Fredk. | 1873 | 61:120 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | to | Keppler, Louisa C. | 1873 | 60:164 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | to | McCann, A. F. | 1879 | 75:580 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | from | McCulloch, Hugh | 1862 | 28:365 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | from | Miller, Margaret | 1864 | 34:77 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | to | Murray, Geo. S. | 1879 | 75:558 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | to | Richling, Conrad | 1873 | 60:448 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | to | Richling,Phillip J. | 1873 | 60:447 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | to | Rogge, Fredk. | 1874 | 63:469 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | to | Schwartz, Carl | 1876 | 70:6 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | to | Teckenbrock, Fredk. | 1873 | 60:274 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | from | Trustees St. P. Ch. | 1870 | 57:306 |  | Vordermark, Ernst | to | Uhlenhake, Wm. | 1873 | 61:198 |  | Vordermark, H. P. | to | Miller, Catharine | 1883 | 92:299 |  | Vordermark, H. P. & L. | from | Davis, M. M. | 1882 | 88:347 |  | Vordermark, H. P. & L. A. | from | Brosius, Henry | 1882 | 89:143 |  | Vordermark, Harry E. | from | Vordermark, Henry P. | 1888 | 166:20 |  | Vordermark, Harry E. (Et ux.) | from | Hamilton, Margaret V. | 1900 | 159:369 |  | Vordermark, Henry P. | to | Vordermark, Ada L. (Et al.) | 1888 | 166:21 |  | Vordermark, Henry P. | to | Vordermark, Harry E. | 1888 | 166:20 |  | Vordermark, J. G. | from | Pritchard, Thos. | 1874 | 63:265 |  | Vordermark, J. G. (Et al.) | to | Peters, Ernst | 1889 | 114:566 |  | Vordermark, J. W. & H. P. | from | Sheriff | 1886 | 99:629 |  | Vordermark, J. w. & H. P. | from | Vordermark, C. (Et al.) | 1885 | 99:568 |  | Vordermark, J. W. & H. P. | from | Vordermark, C. (Et al.) | 1885 | 99:569 |  | Vordermark, J. W. & L. | from | Wilhelm, Mary H. | 1883 | 93:264 |  | Vordermark, J. W. (Coms.) | to | Herr, Jno. P. | 1882 | 87:141 |  | Vordermark, J. W. (Coms.) | to | Hildebrand, Wm. | 1882 | 87:138 |  | Vordermark, J. W. (Et al.) | to | Trustee Grace Rg Ch | 1884 | 94:89 |  | Vordermark, Jno. W. | to | Fahlsing, Fred W. | 1887 | 105:134 |  | Vordermark, Jno. W. | to | Ferguson, Jno. (Et al.) | 1894 | 135:532 |  | Vordermark, Jno. W. | to | Palmer, Earl | 1894 | 135:532 |  | Vordermark, Jno. W. | from | Vordermark, E. R. W. | 1885 | 97:631 |  | Vordermark, Jno. W. | to | White, Alex B. | 1894 | 135:53 |  | Vordermark, Jno. W. (Et al.) | from | Sheriff | 1878 | 74:574 |  | Vordermark, Jno. W. (Et al.) | to | Wilhelm, Mary H. | 1883 | 93:261 |  | Vordermark, L. P. | to | Vordemark, Jno. W. (Et al.) | 1894 | 133:247 |  | Vordermark, Lillie | from | Ninde, N. W. (Comr.) | 1894 | 136:12 |  | Vordermark, Lillie A. | to | Ferguson, John | 1894 | 135:533 |  | Vordermark, Lillie A. | to | Palmer, Earl | 1894 | 135:533 |  | Vordermark, Lucinda | from | Bertels, John | 1898 | 152:210 |  | Vordermark, Lucinda | to | Flaig, George (Et ux.) | 1898 | 152:226 |  | Vordermark, Mamie M. | to | Vordemark, Harry E. | 1901 | 166:22 |  | Vordermark, Matic | to | Bauer, K. J. | 1886 | 101:528 |  | Vordermark, Matie | from | Niswonger, Henry W. | 1899 | 154:472 |  | Vordermark, Matie | to | Niswonger, Henry W. | 1899 | 154:87 |  | Vordermark, Matie | from | Swayne, S. F. | 1885 | 97:148 |  | Vorholzer, Cath. | to | Dammeier, Wm. | 1888 | 108:52 |  | Vorholzer, Michael | from | Reidmiller, J. M. | 1873 | 59:166 |  | Vorndran, Kaspar | from | Nicole, Frederick | 1898 | 149:324 |  | Vorndran, Kaspar | to | Nicole, Frederick | 1898 | 149:325 |  | Vorndran, Kaspar | from | Nicole, Therese | 1898 | 149:323 |  | Vorndran, Kasper | from | Monnier, Edward | 1902 | 167:405 |  | Vorndran, Killian | from | Wright, Addie F. | 1902 | 169:133 |  | Vorndran, Rosa | to | Schmitt, Adam P. | 1902 | 169:80 |  | Vorris, Wm. N. | to | Luther, Israel | 1868 | 45:541 |  | Vorrolt, August | from | Dronhard, Jos. | 1883 | 92:530 |  | Vorrolt, Meline | to | Lassus, Jno. B. | 1885 | 98:134 |  | Vorrolt, Melinie | to | Drouhard, Jos. | 1883 | 92:527 |  | Voss, Ernst (Heirs) | to | Schmidt, Jno. W. | 1865 | 51:561 |  | Voss, Ernst H. | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1843 | S:333 |  | Voss, Louis | to | Romy, Bertha | 1874 | 61:542 |  | Voss, Louis | from | Romy, Chas. | 1874 | 61:542 |  | Votrie, Caroline | from | Keefer, Barbara | 1887 | 105:510 |  | Votrie, James | from | Gresley, John | 1888 | 107:411 |  | Votte, Christopher | from | Thieme, John G. | 1873 | 60:284 |  | Vouderan, Jacob | from | Peters, John C. | 1877 | 71:505 |  | Vought, Elizabeth | from | Jones, L. M. | 1889 | 110:438 |  | Vought, Elizabeth | to | Leidoff, Conrad | 1890 | 116:207 |  | Vought, Elizabeth | to | Pfeiffer, John N. (Et al.) | 1894 | 132:205 |  | Vought, John S. | from | Lindenwood Cemetery | 1890 | 115:215 |  | Vought, William | from | Mason, Josephus S. | 1890 | 124:95 |  | Vought, Wm. S. (Et ux.) | from | Pfeiffer, John N. (Et al.) | 1894 | 132:206 |  | Voumans, Morris | from | Browne, S. E. | 1882 | 89:281 |  | Vrbine, Jos. | from | Evans, Samuel C. | 1870 | 51:302 |  | Vreeland, Henry S. (Et ux.) | from | Citizens Loan & Improvement Co. | 1896 | 142:289 |  | Vuildenim, Eugene C. | from | Wickliffe, Amanda | 1898 | 151:325 |  | Vuillemin, E. | from | Lacroix, Lewis | 1879 | 76:458 |  | Vuillemin, Eugene C. | to | Wickliffe, Amanda (Et al.) | 1898 | 152:447 |  | Vuillemin, Eugenie | to | Cornielle, Eugene | 1877 | 72:104 |  | Vuillemin, Eugenie | to | Cornielle, Eugene | 1877 | 72:105 |  | Vuillemin, Julie | to | Cornielle, Eugene | 1877 | 72:105 |  | Vuillemin, Mary L. | to | Cornielle, Eugene | 1877 | 72:105 |  |