ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index
Parties to the Deed | Year | Deed Book Citation | Image Link |
Th9ompson, James | to | Hunter, William T. | 1857 | W:350 |  | Thacker, Alvin | from | Scott, John | 1856 | T:205 |  | Thacker, Elizabeth | from | Scott, John | 1856 | T:205 |  | Thacker, Sarah J. | from | Kline, Frederick | 1867 | 43:358 |  | Thacker, Wm. H. | to | Curtice, Solon | 1871 | 54:124 |  | Thaen, John | from | Baker, Henry | 1860 | 26:241 |  | Thaim, Charles C. | from | Rudisill, Adam J. (Et.) | 1891 | 113:226 |  | Thain, Charles | to | Rudisill, Adam | 1891 | 125:345 |  | Thain, Charles | from | Sheriff | 1885 | 97:216 |  | Thain, Chas. C. (Et ux.) | from | Ft. Wayne Land & Imp. Co. | 1891 | 121:540 |  | Thain, Chas. C. (Et ux.) | from | Litet, Edward L. | 1899 | 152:422 |  | Thain, George | from | Brown, John | 1857 | T:485 |  | Thain, George | to | Caiman, J. K. | 1865 | 36:479 |  | Thain, George | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1859 | X:237 |  | Thain, George | from | Hattersley, Alfred | 1865 | 36:483 |  | Thain, George | to | Powel, David | 1868 | 44:333 |  | Thain, George | from | Strodel, Mathia | 1860 | 26:250 |  | Thain, Jno. & wife | to | Baltes, Michael | 1876 | 68:97 |  | Thain, John | to | Beecher, Ernst D. | 1860 | 26:286 |  | Thain, John | from | Bond, C. D. | 1863 | 31:372 |  | Thain, John | from | Bond, S. B. | 1863 | 31:372 |  | Thain, John | to | Breymayer, Ernst | 863 | 33:510 |  | Thain, John | to | Dannenfelder, Conrad | 1860 | 26:285 |  | Thain, John | from | Ewing, George W. | 1858 | V:401 |  | Thain, John | from | Fleming, William | 1863 | 31:372 |  | Thain, John | from | Hanna, Saml. | 1865 | 43:43 |  | Thain, John | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1859 | X:359 |  | Thain, John | from | Jones, William H. | 1863 | 31:372 |  | Thain, John | to | Sander, Charles W. | 1860 | 26:188 |  | Thain, Jos. (Jr.) | to | Hallaner, Dl. | 1870 | 51:316 |  | Thain, Mary | from | Fleming, Wm. | 1882 | 90:10 |  | Thain, Mary | from | Nelson, William R. | 1891 | 113:205 |  | Thain, Mary | from | Sheafer, Christ (Adm.) | 1886 | 101:107 |  | Thain, Mary (Et.) | to | Bell, Horace L. | 1891 | 113:204 |  | Thain, Ottilia | to | Meuller, Sebastian | 1861 | 26:578 |  | Thain, Rosina | from | Baltes, Michael | 1876 | 68:99 |  | Thain, Rosina | to | Borden, J. C. | 1886 | 100:636 |  | Thain, Rosina | to | Kraft, Conrad | 1883 | 91:371 |  | Thain, Rosina | from | Munson, C. A. | 1883 | 91:18 |  | Thain, Rosina | to | Neireiter, Conrad | 1893 | 127:535 |  | Thain, Rosina | to | Neireiter, Harriet | 1893 | 127:535 |  | Thain, Rosina | from | Trentman, A. C. | 1883 | 91:369 |  | Thain, Rosina | from | Weiseman, L. | 1883 | 91:175 |  | Thaine, Mary | to | Litot, Edward L. | 1899 | 152:429 |  | Thanhauser, Dl. | from | Sheriff | 1872 | 55:241 |  | Thanhouser, S. L. | to | Cody, Nora | 1872 | 58:18 |  | Tharp, Lorenzo | from | Hogue, John | 1851 | L:70 |  | Tharp, William | from | Edsall, Samuel | 1846 | R:130 |  | Tharp, Wm. | to | Masury, Joseph | 1860 | 31:220 |  | Thatcher, Abigail | to | Alleger, John D. | 1892 | 131:435 |  | Thatcher, Alva | to | Scott, John (Et al.) | 1862 | 31:109 |  | Thatcher, Ephriam | to | Gorham, Marcus | 1854 | S:275 |  | Thatcher, Julia | to | Roberts, George | 1893 | 129:340 |  | Thatcher, William | to | Gorham, Marquis | 1855 | S:273 |  | Thatcjer, Abigail | to | Casselman, John | 1893 | 131:478 |  | Thavenet, Alex. | from | Suter, Edwards | 1896 | 140:553 |  | Thaw, Charlie | to | Lintz, E. J. Y. | 1880 | 79:573 |  | Thaw, Charlie | from | Lintz, John K. | 1877 | 70:373 |  | Thayer, F. M. | to | Bond, S. B. | 1888 | 108:87 |  | Thayer, Fannie | from | Barrett, Jas. M. | 1884 | 97:332 |  | Thayer, Geo. F. | to | Nasbaum, Geo. W. | 1869 | 47:447 |  | Thayre, Elias | from | Stapleford, Wm. R. | 1849 | I:717 |  | Thayre, Geo. F. | from | Thayre, Geo. W. | 1855 | 29:498 |  | Thayre, Geo. F. | from | Thayre, Wm. W. | 1862 | 29:499 |  | Thayre, Geo. W. | to | Thayre, Geo. F. | 1855 | 29:498 |  | Thayre, George F. | to | Lake, Eli | 1858 | V:191 |  | Thayre, Wm. W. | to | Thayre, Geo. F. | 1862 | 29:499 |  | The C. L. Centivre Brewing Co. | from | Liebenguth, Charles | 1892 | 126:559 |  | The City of Fort Wayne | from | Robinson, Jas. H. | 1875 | 66:117 |  | The City of Fort Wayne | from | Williams, Jesse L. | 1879 | 76:518 |  | The city of Ft. Wayne | from | Plat of Noels 2nd Add. | 1856 | S:687 |  | The Reformed Orphans Home | from | Block, J. F. A. | 1883 | 95:259 |  | The Richmond Casket Co. | from | Sheriff | 1894 | 135:165 |  | The Town of | from | Bisaneor (Plat of) | 1851 | O:99 |  | The Town of | from | Harlan (Plat of ) | 1853 | P:244 |  | Theadgall, Ella | to | Haller, Gottlieb | 1895 | 139:484 |  | Theal, Gilbert | from | Bowen, Marvin L. | 1854 | P:470 |  | Theal, Gilbert | to | Fairfield, Harrison | 1856 | S:584 |  | Theal, Gilbert | from | Fairfield, W. H. | 1856 | T:698 |  | Theale, Giebert | to | Daily, Wm. T. | 1860 | 26:484 |  | Theele, Dietrick | from | Reinking, Diederick | 1867 | 40:506 |  | Theele, Dietrick | from | Reinking, Diederick | 1867 | 40:507 |  | Theemler, John | from | Stopher, Sarah A. (Et al.) | 1893 | 133:256 |  | Theemler, John | from | Stopher, Sarah A. (Et al.) | 1898 | 149:272 |  | Theemmlar, John | from | Hursh, John C. | 1902 | 167:434 |  | Theemmlar, John | from | Theemmlar, Levi | 1893 | 133:251 |  | Theemmlar, Levi | to | Theemmlar, John | 1893 | 133:251 |  | Theemmler, John | to | Holt, Mary E. A. | 1893 | 128:122 |  | Theemmular, Chas. | from | Theemmular, Levi | 1898 | 158:122 |  | Theemmular, Levi | to | Theemmular, Chas. | 1898 | 158:122 |  | Theeruler, John | to | Starr, Charles A. | 1899 | 154:185 |  | Theile, Conrad | from | Theile, Henry | 1863 | 30:489 |  | Theile, Frederick | from | Jansen, Isaac | 1962 | 28:510 |  | Theile, Frederick | to | Shupman, Richard | 1851 | Y:235 |  | Theile, Henry | from | Jansen, Isaac | 1862 | 28:510 |  | Theile, Henry | to | Schaffer, Christian | 1866 | 41:331 |  | Theile, Henry | to | Theile, Conrad | 1863 | 30:489 |  | Theile, Henry | to | Trustees E. L. Ch. St. M. | 1858 | W:375 |  | Theim, Andrew | to | Jensen, Henry | 1863 | 30:178 |  | Theime, Andrew | from | Sheriff | 1878 | 73:35 |  | Theime, Frederick | from | Carson, Catharine | 1858 | V:381 |  | Theime, Gottlieb John | to | Schulthess, Benjamin | 1853 | Q:771 |  | Theime, J. G. | from | Schulthes, C. B. | 1856 | S:404 |  | Theime, J. G. | to | Schulthes, C. Benjamin | 1856 | W:301 |  | Theime, J. G. | to | Walda, C. f. W. | 1882 | 88:247 |  | Theime, Jno. F. | to | Schmalhouse, M. A. | 1861 | 33:80 |  | Theime, Jno. G. | from | Piepenbrink, C. | 1873 | 58:146 |  | Theime, Jno. G. | to | Schmalhouse, M. A. | 1861 | 33:80 |  | Theime, Jno. G. | from | Sheriff | 1881 | 83:88 |  | Theime, Jno. G. | from | Withers, W. H. (Coms.) | 1880 | 82:152 |  | Theime, John Frederick | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1858 | V:380 |  | Theime, John G. | to | Keefer, William | 1858 | V:522 |  | Theime, John G. | from | Pettijohn, Eliza J. (Et al.) | 1856 | S:631 |  | Theime, John G. | from | Sheriff | 1856 | S:631 |  | Theime, John G. | from | Sturgis, Charles E. | 1854 | Q:212 |  | Theime, John Gottlieb | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1858 | V:380 |  | Theime, JohntGottleib | from | Carson, Catharine | 1858 | V:381 |  | Theime, Sarah C. | from | Rau, Casper | 1900 | 162:3 |  | Theismann, Gustave | to | Ft. W. Van W. & Lima Tr. Co. | 1902 | 170:64 |  | Theismann, Henry | from | Breen, Wm. P. (Extr.) | 1894 | 134:359 |  | Theismann, Wilhelmina (Et al.) | to | City of Fort Wayne | 1897 | 149:120 |  | Thelma, Frederick | from | Bruick, Louis | 1870 | 51:238 |  | Theme, Fred | from | Reinking, C. F. | 1868 | 47:13 |  | Theme, J. G. | to | Huffman, Sevila | 1872 | 56:470 |  | Theme, J. G. | from | Reinking, C. F. | 1868 | 47:14 |  | Theme, J. G. | from | Thieme, J. G. | 1857 | 35:102 |  | Theme, John A. | to | Moses, Aaron A. | 1892 | 124:207 |  | Thenne, J. G. | to | Fisher, George | 1856 | S:407 |  | Thewis, B. (Et al.) | to | Bauer, K. J. | 1881 | 86:335 |  | Thewis, B. (Et al.) | to | Bolman, Fred | 1883 | 91:525 |  | Thewis, Bertha (Et al.) | to | Koch, Catherine | 1881 | 86:269 |  | Thewis, Jno. (Et al.) | to | Koch, Charles | 1880 | 81:380 |  | Thewis, Jno. (Et al.) | to | Schwarz, Geo. | 1881 | 83:469 |  | Theye, Ferdinand | from | Rothgeb, Wm. | 1884 | 95:480 |  | Thibaut, Jacob A. | from | Potter, Viola T. | 1902 | 168:94 |  | Thibaut, Jacob A. (Et al.) | from | Cruthers, Mary E. | 1896 | 143:473 |  | Thieam, Andrew | from | Rockhill, William | 1857 | X:533 |  | Thiebant, J. A. | from | Grosjean, F. J. | 1883 | 92:509 |  | Thiebant, J. B. (Et al.) | to | Grosjean, Adolphe | 1879 | 79:357 |  | Thiebaur, F. (Et al.) | from | Corneille, E. P. | 1870 | 52:316 |  | Thiebaut, Francis | from | Pepe, C. C. | 1866 | 38:607 |  | Thiebaut, J. A. | to | Pepe, Jules | 1886 | 100:512 |  | Thiebold, John | to | Beeber, Elizabeth | 872 | 59:16 |  | Thiebold, Sally | from | Elbert, Delphine | 1872 | 49:293 |  | Thiebold, Sally | from | Sausser, Louis | 1870 | 51:353 |  | Thiebolt, Geo. Wm. | from | Ryan, Patrick Jr. | 1886 | 102:103 |  | Thiebolt, George Wm. (Et ux.) | to | New H. & Ft. Wayne Tpk. Co. | 1891 | 119:419 |  | Thieke, Henry | from | Pflleiderer, Jacob | 1892 | 126:378 |  | Thieke, Herman | from | Hilker, Margaret | 1892 | 125:192 |  | Thiel, Fredericka | from | Pierre, Jos. M. | 1889 | 110:503 |  | Thiel, Fredericka | from | Telly, Frank H. | 1894 | 136:326 |  | Thiel, Gilbert | from | Jenkinson, Moses | 1858 | V:157 |  | Thiel, Wm. | to | Domte, E. & C. | 1882 | 86:294 |  | Thiel, Wm. | from | Taylor, R. S. (Guard) | 1874 | 64:554 |  | Thiele, Conrad | from | Conner, Sarah | 1854 | P:718 |  | Thiele, Conrad | from | Lahrman, Emma | 1893 | 130:465 |  | Thiele, Conrad | from | Lahrman, Jacob | 1893 | 130:465 |  | Thiele, Conrad | to | Landoffer, Geo. | 1871 | 51:605 |  | Thiele, Conrad | from | Steinbacker, A. M. | 1890 | 115:129 |  | Thiele, Conrad | to | Thiele, Henry | 1862 | 28:316 |  | Thiele, Conrad | from | Thiele, Henry | 1870 | 51:404 |  | Thiele, Conrad | from | Thiele, Henry | 1873 | 58:259 |  | Thiele, Conrad (Et ux.) | from | Steinbacher, Theo. (Et al.) | 1900 | 156:428 |  | Thiele, D. | to | Israel, Henry | 1886 | 101:93 |  | Thiele, D. | from | Skinner, B. D. | 1876 | 67:466 |  | Thiele, Deitrich | from | Bowser, Jacob C. | 1868 | 44:448 |  | Thiele, Diederich | to | Bresler, Allen | 1891 | 120:77 |  | Thiele, Diederick | from | Dierstein, Fredericka | 1891 | 122:314 |  | Thiele, Diedh. H. | from | Bash, Willis B. | 1890 | 117:94 |  | Thiele, Diedrich | from | Hermsdorfer, Geo. A. | 1887 | 103:281 |  | Thiele, Diereick | from | Reinking, Dietrick | 1862 | 30:18 |  | Thiele, Dietrich | from | Reinking, Deidrich | 1867 | 40:506 |  | Thiele, Dietrich | from | Reinking, Deidrich | 1867 | 40:507 |  | Thiele, F. C. | from | Preble, Mary (Et al.) | 1882 | 87:183 |  | Thiele, Fred | from | Schele, F. | 1885 | 97:266 |  | Thiele, Frederick | from | Sausser, Jno. J. | 1868 | 48:370 |  | Thiele, Frederick | from | Spitz, Michael (Et al.) | 1879 | 78:332 |  | Thiele, Frederick | to | Tele, Conrad | 1855 | Q:634 |  | Thiele, Frederick | to | Tele, Henry | 1855 | Q:635 |  | Thiele, Frederick Jr. | from | Thiele, Frederick Sr. | 1890 | 115:94 |  | Thiele, Frederick Sr. | to | Thiele, Frederick Jr. | 1890 | 115:94 |  | Thiele, Heinrich (Et.) | to | Trustees Ger. E. L. St. Peters Cong. | 1891 | 113:347 |  | Thiele, Henry | to | Brunmm, Wm. | 1867 | 43;323 |  | Thiele, Henry | to | Graffe, Geo. W. | 1871 | 54:158 |  | Thiele, Henry | from | Gutermuth, Geo. | 1867 | 44:82 |  | Thiele, Henry | from | Hartman, Henry | 1867 | 44:82 |  | Thiele, Henry | from | McDonald, John | 1902 | 168:416 |  | Thiele, Henry | to | Meier, Henry | 1879 | 92:119 |  | Thiele, Henry | from | Mollering, W. | 1863 | 30:507 |  | Thiele, Henry | from | Thiele, Conrad | 1862 | 28:316 |  | Thiele, Henry | to | Thiele, Conrad | 1870 | 51:404 |  | Thiele, Henry | to | Thiele, Conrad | 1873 | 58:259 |  | Thiele, William | from | Federspiel, Balser | 1871 | 52:624 |  | Thielker, Charles | from | Kimmel, Chriatian | 1869 | 50:292 |  | Thielker, Christian (Et ux.) | from | Klaehn, Wm. Robert | 1902 | 169:238 |  | Thiem, Andrew | from | Buuck, Conrad | 1879 | 78:498 |  | Thiem, Audrew | to | Thiem, J. A. & S. C. | 1882 | 88:198 |  | Thiem, J. A. & S. C. | from | Thiem, Audrew | 1882 | 88:198 |  | Thiem, John | from | Suter, Edward | 1889 | 111:321 |  | Thiem, John | to | Suter, Edward | 1889 | 111:601 |  | Thieme, Andrew | to | Durfee, Wm. A. & John A. | 1873 | 58:535 |  | Thieme, Andrew | from | Guthermuth, Jno. G. | 1881 | 83:20 |  | Thieme, Andrew | to | Jones, R. V. | 1866 | 40:338 |  | Thieme, Andrew | from | Jones, Resin V. | 1866 | 40:337 |  | Thieme, Andrew | from | Jones, Resin V. | 1866 | 40:337 |  | Thieme, Andrew | from | Morgan, Jno. B. | 1863 | 30:57 |  | Thieme, Andrew | to | Moynihan, Martin | 1882 | 90:159 |  | Thieme, Chas. F. (Et al.) | to | Schaber, Albert (Et ux.) | 1895 | 136:143 |  | Thieme, E. A. | from | Bruebach, Geo. T. | 1881 | 84:357 |  | Thieme, E. M. | to | Coverdale, A. S. & F. M. | 1886 | 99:514 |  | Thieme, Ernst L. | from | Begue, Mary (Et al.) | 1889 | 112:400 |  | Thieme, Fred | from | Piepenbrink, C. | 1868 | 47:13 |  | Thieme, Frederick | from | Hofner, John | 1864 | 47:13 |  | Thieme, Frederick J. | from | Jackson, Anna R. | 1902 | 166:484 |  | Thieme, Frederick J. | from | Lumbard, Sidney C. | 1898 | 151:429 |  | Thieme, Frederick J. | to | United Knitting Mills | 1898 | 151:429 |  | Thieme, Fredericka | to | Haag, Chas. | 1888 | 107:422 |  | Thieme, Fredericka | to | Pierre, Peter | 1895 | 140:21 |  | Thieme, Frederika | to | Haag, Mary C. | 1890 | 116:274 |  | Thieme, Fredk. J. | to | Thieme, John G. | 1896 | 141:169 |  | Thieme, Geo. & E. W. | from | Barrett, J. M. | 1883 | 92:336 |  | Thieme, Goetlieb | to | Thieme, John G. | 1896 | 141:169 |  | Thieme, Hugo | to | Thieme, John G. | 1896 | 141:169 |  | Thieme, J. G. | to | Goshom, N. L. | 1881 | 84:208 |  | Thieme, J. G. | from | Hofner, John | 1864 | 47:14 |  | Thieme, J. G. | to | Krackman, Doretha | 1877 | 70:198 |  | Thieme, J. G. | to | Lichtsinn, Henry | 1877 | 70:231 |  | Thieme, J. G. | from | Piepenbrink, C. | 1868 | 47:14 |  | Thieme, J. G. | to | Prange, Henry | 1881 | 83:411 |  | Thieme, J. G. | to | Sihler, Susanna | 1881 | 85:368 |  | Thieme, J. G. | to | Theme, J. G. | 1857 | 35:102 |  | Thieme, J. G. | to | Walda, H. B. (Et al.) | 1885 | 103:184 |  | Thieme, J. G. & J. F. | from | Sturgis, Chas. E. | 1858 | V:13 |  | Thieme, J. G. & wife | to | Hollmann, August | 1873 | 60:267 |  | Thieme, J. G. (Et al.) | to | Duemling, F. F. H. | 1881 | 84:346 |  | Thieme, J. G. (Et al.) | to | McGee, Owen | 1860 | 47:474 |  | Thieme, J. G. (Et al.) | to | Sahner, Marcus | 1881 | 84:151 |  | Thieme, J. G. Sub. Div. (Plat of) | to | | 1884 | 95:562 |  | Thieme, Jno A. | to | Pierre, Peter | 1895 | 140:21 |  | Thieme, Jno. A. | to | Hatfield, Jno. N. | 1879 | 80:395 |  | Thieme, Jno. A. | from | Justus, Lewis S | 1879 | 77:124 |  | Thieme, Jno. A. | from | Justus, Lewis S. | 1876 | 70:491 |  | Thieme, Jno. A. | to | Sharp, Roxcy | 1888 | 108:613 |  | Thieme, Jno. G. | to | Anger, L. E. | 1881 | 84:286 |  | Thieme, Jno. G. | to | Bickford, Geo. R. | 1884 | 96:29 |  | Thieme, Jno. G. | to | Bitler, Saml. D. (Et al.) | 1884 | 94:224 |  | Thieme, Jno. G. | to | Bosler, Frederick | 1867 | 40:567 |  | Thieme, Jno. G. | to | Branya, Henry | 1873 | 57:426 |  | Thieme, Jno. G. | to | Claus, J. A. | 1881 | 84:569 |  | Thieme, Jno. G. | from | Jno. T. | 1872 | 57:447 |  | Thieme, Jno. G. | to | Myer, Wilhelm | 1873 | 57:359 |  | Thieme, Jno. G. | to | Trustees G. E. L. St. P. Cong. (Et al.) | 1887 | 103:587 |  | Thieme, Jno. G. | to | Walda, C. C. | 1884 | 95:542 |  | Thieme, Jno. G. | to | Walda, H. B. (Et al.) | 1887 | 105:332 |  | Thieme, Jno. G. & J. F. | from | Krudop, John | 1876 | 67:528 |  | Thieme, Jno. G. (Et al.) | to | Bitler, S. D. (Et al.) | 1884 | 94:446 |  | Thieme, Johan G. | to | Fischer, Geo. | 1857 | 28:259 |  | Thieme, John | to | Flaig, George | 1901 | 161:395 |  | Thieme, John | from | Wise, Platt J. | 1888 | 108:599 |  | Thieme, John | from | Yohey, Maggie R. | 1887 | 105:431 |  | Thieme, John A. | to | Ambler, Saml. A. | 1895 | 139:168 |  | Thieme, John A. | from | Crance, Artirnicia | 1877 | 70:349 |  | Thieme, John A. | to | Thieme, John G. | 1896 | 141:169 |  | Thieme, John A. | from | Thieme, Theo. F. | 1890 | 116:403 |  | Thieme, John A. | to | Uihlein, August | 1901 | 161:378 |  | Thieme, John A. (Et al.) | from | Woodruff, Marvin | 1895 | 137:379 |  | Thieme, John A. (Et al.) | from | Woodruff, Mary H. | 895 | 137:379 |  | Thieme, John G. | to | Brookmann, Friez | 1873 | 60:494 |  | Thieme, John G. | to | Fitch, Amos (Et al.) | 1896 | 141:463 |  | Thieme, John G. | to | Franke, Henry | 1873 | 61:72 |  | Thieme, John G. | to | Gallmeyer, Ernest | 1873 | 60:138 |  | Thieme, John G. | from | Henderson, Wm. D. (Et al.) | 1856 | S:631 |  | Thieme, John G. | from | Hough, John | 1873 | 60:579 |  | Thieme, John G. | to | Luhman, Wm. | 1873 | 61:3 |  | Thieme, John G. | to | Michel, Geo. | 1873 | 59:454 |  | Thieme, John G. | to | Strieder, J. C. | 1895 | 136:371 |  | Thieme, John G. | from | Thieme, Fredk. J. | 1896 | 141:169 |  | Thieme, John G. | from | Thieme, Goetlieb | 1896 | 141:169 |  | Thieme, John G. | from | Thieme, Hugo | 1896 | 141:169 |  | Thieme, John G. | from | Thieme, John A. | 1896 | 141:169 |  | Thieme, John G. | from | Thieme, Lonnie (Et al.) | 1896 | 141:169 |  | Thieme, John G. | from | Thieme, Theodore F. | 1896 | 141:169 |  | Thieme, John G. | to | Volmerding, Fredk. | 1873 | 61:176 |  | Thieme, John G. | to | Votte, Christopher | 1873 | 60:284 |  | Thieme, John G. | to | Weidelman, Wm. | 1873 | 60:156 |  | Thieme, John G. | to | Wittie, Christian | 1873 | 64:268 |  | Thieme, John G. & Jno. F. | from | Krudop, John B. | 1883 | 92:446 |  | Thieme, John G. (Et al.) | from | Sheriff | 1893 | 128:221 |  | Thieme, John G. (Et ux.) | to | Heider, Wilhelm | 1890 | 120:122 |  | Thieme, Lonnie (Et al.) | to | Thieme, John G. | 1896 | 141:169 |  | Thieme, Mary | from | Thieme, Sophia | 1901 | 165:144 |  | Thieme, Sarah C. | to | Ambler, Saml. A. | 1895 | 139:168 |  | Thieme, Sarah C. | from | Ambler, Saml. A. | 1895 | 139:182 |  | Thieme, Sarah C. | to | Pierre, Peter | 1895 | 140:21 |  | Thieme, Sophia | to | Fischer, Henry (Et al.) | 1901 | 165:145 |  | Thieme, Sophia | to | Fisher, Max B. (Et al.) | 1901 | 163:502 |  | Thieme, Sophia | to | Thieme, Mary | 1901 | 165:144 |  | Thieme, T. F. | to | Gregg, Ann E. | 1885 | 99:88 |  | Thieme, Theo. F. | from | Gregg, Jas. S. | 1885 | 99:73 |  | Thieme, Theo. F. | to | Thieme, John A. | 1890 | 116:403 |  | Thieme, Theo. F. (Et al.) | from | Hanna, S. C. | 1888 | 109:472 |  | Thieme, Theodore F. | from | Meriwether, Georgetta | 1897 | 148:22 |  | Thieme, Theodore F. | to | Thieme, John G. | 1896 | 141:169 |  | Thiemer, Andrew | from | Sheriff | 1873 | 58:135 |  | Thiemey, Jno. A. | from | Miller, M. E. | 1883 | 93:587 |  | Thienie, Andrew | from | Thienie, Fredericka | 1890 | 115:9 |  | Thienie, Chas. F. W. | from | Thienie, Fredericka | 1890 | 115:13 |  | Thienie, Fredericka | to | Thienie, Andrew | 1890 | 115:9 |  | Thienie, Fredericka | to | Thienie, Chas. F. W. | 1890 | 115:13 |  | Thienie, Fredericka | to | Thienie, John A. (Et ux.) | 1890 | 115:11 |  | Thienie, John A. (Et ux.) | from | Thienie, Fredericka | 1890 | 115:11 |  | Thienie, John G. | to | Walda, Mathilda | 1892 | 127:326 |  | Thienie, Sophia | to | Walda, Mathilda | 1892 | 127:326 |  | Thierfelder, Alban (Et ux.) | from | Schneider, Mary M. | 1900 | 157:518 |  | Thierfelder, Richard | to | Steinhauser, Nicholas (Et ux.) | 1901 | 162:41 |  | Thierfelder, Richard (Et ux.) | from | Miller, Herman | 1900 | 157:19 |  | Thiesmann, Gustave | from | Rose, Chas. W. | 1892 | 128:48 |  | Thile, Frederick | from | Booth, Edward | 1853 | N:408 |  | Thilele, Conrad | from | Steinbacker, A. M. | 1890 | 116:93 |  | Thime, John G. | from | Hunter, Lewis C. | 1896 | 141:169 |  | Thimes, Jno. G. | to | Niemeyer, Jno. H. | 1886 | 112:156 |  | Thimlar, Chas. | from | Thimlar, Theo. | 1883 | 95:175 |  | Thimlar, Frank | from | Swartz, Clinton | 1902 | 169:393 |  | Thimlar, Jno. | from | Rinehart, A. | 1881 | 84:10 |  | Thimlar, Jno. | from | Romy, Robt. L. | 1875 | 66:114 |  | Thimlar, Jno. | from | Spencer, L. | 1882 | 94:313 |  | Thimlar, Levi (Etu.) | from | Snyder, Daniel (Et.) | 1890 | 120:609 |  | Thimlar, Levi (Etu.) | from | Snyder, Margett (Et.) | 1891 | 120:609 |  | Thimlar, Theo. | from | Halsey, J. W. | 1881 | 101:315 |  | Thimlar, Theo. | from | McBride, A. | 1879 | 77:108 |  | Thimlar, Theo. | to | Nuttle, A. D. | 1882 | 87:510 |  | Thimlar, Theo. | to | Thimlar, Chas. | 1883 | 95:175 |  | Thimlar, Theodore | from | Jonson, David A. | 1886 | 112:635 |  | Thimlar, Theodore | from | Nettlehorst, Charles C. | 1900 | 157:196 |  | Thimlar, Theodore | from | Ranson, Caroline E. | 1880 | 82:341 |  | Thimler, Frank | to | Grable, Daniel | 1901 | 162:199 |  | Thimler, Frank | from | Loucks, Oscar | 1895 | 149:130 |  | Thimler, Franklin | from | Beebe, Elisabeth L. | 1891 | 139:186 |  | Thimler, Franklin | from | Beebe, Francis | 1891 | 139:186 |  | Thimler, Jno. | to | Haase, Frank | 1884 | 95:148 |  | Thimler, Jno. | from | Haase, Frank | 1886 | 100:226 |  | Thimmlar, John | from | Coomer, Lafayette | 1888 | 109:117 |  | Thimmlar, John | from | Luce, Benj. E. | 1888 | 109:117 |  | Thimmlar, John | to | Thimmlar, Levi | 1893 | 132:149 |  | Thimmlar, Levi | from | Thimmlar, John | 1893 | 132:149 |  | Thimmler, Chas. | from | Thimmler, John | 1889 | 114:54 |  | Thimmler, John | from | Snyder, Daniel | 1864 | 37:163 |  | Thimmler, John | to | Thimmler, Chas. | 1889 | 114:54 |  | Thimpson, R. A. | from | Kirkwood, Thos. J. | 1889 | 112:492 |  | Thinler, John | from | Cummins, Joseph D. (Et al.) | 1897 | 148:67 |  | Third Presbyterian | from | Williams, Wdw. P. (Et al.) | 1900 | 159:321 |  | Third Presbyterian Ch. | from | Archibald, Edith B. | 1899 | 154:95 |  | Third Presbyterian Ch. | from | Pickard, Thomas R. | 1899 | 154:96 |  | Tholen, G. Heinrich | from | Strangmann, Diedr. | 1889 | 112:480 |  | Tholen, G. Henrich | to | Edelman, Clara A. | 1894 | 135:29 |  | Tholen, G. Henrich | to | Edelman, John | 194 | 135:29 |  | Tholen, Geo. H. | to | Hartman, Jno. G. | 1894 | 133:161 |  | Tholen, Geo. H. | from | Tholen, John G. | 1893 | 131:339 |  | Tholen, Geo. H. | from | Tholen, Lucy R. | 1893 | 131:339 |  | Tholen, Jno. G. | from | Murray, John | 1888 | 109:425 |  | Tholen, John G. | to | Tholen, Geo. H. | 1893 | 131:339 |  | Tholen, Lucy R. | to | Tholen, Geo. H. | 1893 | 131:339 |  | Thoman, Jno. | to | Hyser, Jackson | 1864 | 35:128 |  | Thomas & Johnson | from | Pinyerd, Joseph | 1875 | 67:79 |  | Thomas, A. E. (Comr.) | to | Haller, Gottlieb | 1896 | 144:206 |  | Thomas, A. E. (Et al.) | to | Bernreiter, Jno. | 1879 | 78:417 |  | Thomas, Ada N. (Et al.) | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1880 | 79:578 |  | Thomas, Albert D. (Cour.) | to | Cone, Calvin G. (Et ux.) | 1899 | 156:11 |  | Thomas, Albert E. | from | Graffe, Frederick M. | 1898 | 152:35 |  | Thomas, Albert E. | to | Graffe, Jennie | 1898 | 152:36 |  | Thomas, Albert E. (Comr.) | to | Holmes, John W. | 1897 | 148:24 |  | Thomas, Albert E. (Comr.) | to | Langham, James H. | 1897 | 148:175 |  | Thomas, Albert E. (Comr.) | to | Pape, William | 1898 | 149:45 |  | Thomas, Alfred B. | from | Loy, Wm. F. | 1873 | 64:530 |  | Thomas, Alfred B. | to | Main, George W. | 1875 | 65:119 |  | Thomas, B. C. | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1880 | 79:578 |  | Thomas, Byron S. (Et ux.) | from | Larimore, Thomas | 1902 | 166:190 |  | Thomas, C. (Et al.) | from | Gieseking, D. W. | 1879 | 82:558 |  | Thomas, C. E. | to | Lake Tp. | 1881 | 84:56 |  | Thomas, C. L. | to | Lamle, Gothieb | 1881 | 83:194 |  | Thomas, C. L. | from | Pierce, A. W. | 1882 | 90:104 |  | Thomas, C. L. | from | Thomas, Calvin | 1862 | 29:563 |  | Thomas, C. L. | from | Vangier, Kaver | 1867 | 47:130 |  | Thomas, C. R. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1885 | 98:585 |  | Thomas, Calvin | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1880 | 79:578 |  | Thomas, Calvin | to | Gehring, Jacob | 1879 | 81:247 |  | Thomas, Calvin | from | Smurr, Ann | 1857 | 29:401 |  | Thomas, Calvin | to | Thomas, C. L. | 1862 | 29:563 |  | Thomas, Calvin L. | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1880 | 79:578 |  | Thomas, Carrie L. | from | Romy, Robt. L. | 1895 | 139:551 |  | Thomas, CarrieL. | from | Miller, Wilhelmina | 1866 | 39:586 |  | Thomas, Charles E. | to | Breese, Eliza | 1877 | 72:263 |  | Thomas, Charles M. (Et al.) | from | McNamard, Robert | 1901 | 165:273 |  | Thomas, Chas. A. | from | Bond, L. A. | 1865 | 37:276 |  | Thomas, Chas. E. | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1880 | 79:578 |  | Thomas, Chas. E. | to | Lemley, Wm. A. | 1889 | 111:80 |  | Thomas, Chas. M. | to | Bond, Chas. D. | 1866 | 42:80 |  | Thomas, Chas. M. | from | Deardorff, Osro | 1897 | 145:303 |  | Thomas, Chas. M. | from | Romy, Robt. L. | 1895 | 139:551 |  | Thomas, Chas. M. | from | Romy, Robt. L. | 1896 | 144:35 |  | Thomas, Chas. M. | from | Romy, Robt. L. | 1896 | 144:36 |  | Thomas, Chas. M. | from | Wilson, George H. | 1897 | 145:302 |  | Thomas, Chauncey O. | to | Richey, Wm. J. | 1894 | 132:324 |  | Thomas, Clarence | from | Gernhardt, William | 1900 | 159:175 |  | Thomas, Clarence R. | from | Archer, William H. | 1901 | 163:243 |  | Thomas, Clarence R. | from | Gernhardt, Mary | 1895 | 138:311 |  | Thomas, Clarence R. | from | Gernhardt, Wm. | 1895 | 138:311 |  | Thomas, Clarence R. | from | Knoblauch, Otto | 1896 | 141:486 |  | Thomas, Clarence R. | from | Knoblauch, Otto | 1897 | 159:176 |  | Thomas, Clarence R. | to | Lochner, David | 1900 | 159:420 |  | Thomas, Clarence R. | to | Paff, Ellsworth (Et ux.) | 1901 | 165:427 |  | Thomas, Clarence R. | to | Roberts, Sylvenus | 1901 | 164:341 |  | Thomas, Clarence R. | from | Rupp, Jesse | 1897 | 145:325 |  | Thomas, Clarnce R. | from | Rumsey, Helen E. | 1901 | 163:542 |  | Thomas, D. W. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1885 | 98:585 |  | Thomas, D. w. | to | Daler, L. P. | 1889 | 110:128 |  | Thomas, D. W. | from | Hayden, J. W. | 1875 | 66:134 |  | Thomas, D. W. | to | Miller, Jno. M. | 1881 | 83:565 |  | Thomas, D. W. | to | N.Y.C. & St. L. Ry. Co. | 1881 | 86:13 |  | Thomas, D. W. (Et al.) | to | Thomas, W. S. | 1886 | 101:258 |  | Thomas, Daniel | from | Patent from State | 1833 | 26:543 |  | Thomas, David W. | from | Markley, Mary A. & Aaron | 1875 | 66:536 |  | Thomas, E. & J. | from | Eckles, N. P. | 1884 | 95:164 |  | Thomas, E. A. | from | French, Lavina | 1887 | 105:433 |  | Thomas, E. M. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1885 | 98:585 |  | Thomas, Elizabeth | to | Eninger, Saml. | 1886 | 108:309 |  | Thomas, Elizabeth | from | Lorell, Evin | 1860 | 28:514 |  | Thomas, Elizabeth | to | Riblet, Abijah B. | 1894 | 159:266 |  | Thomas, Elizabeth | from | Thomas, O. T. | 1885 | 97:385 |  | Thomas, Emma A. | to | Mix, Ella V. | 1894 | 135:136 |  | Thomas, Emma A. | to | Mix, Sylvester | 1894 | 135:136 |  | Thomas, Evan J. | to | Berthand, Annable | 1896 | 141:89 |  | Thomas, Evan J. | to | Berthand, Annal | 1896 | 141:89 |  | Thomas, Evan J. | to | Berthand, Jene | 1896 | 141:89 |  | Thomas, Evan J. | to | Berthand, Josephine | 1896 | 141:89 |  | Thomas, Evan J. | to | Berthand, Leon | 1896 | 141:89 |  | Thomas, Evan J. | to | Berthand, Sezer | 1896 | 141:89 |  | Thomas, Evan J. (Et ux.) | from | Falts, Owen | 1894 | 132:194 |  | Thomas, F. J. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1885 | 98:585 |  | Thomas, H. M. | from | Bitlinger, G. L. & A. W. | 1882 | 89:29 |  | Thomas, H. M. | to | Compton, A. E. | 1882 | 89:300 |  | Thomas, H. M. | to | Small, Almira | 1888 | 109:445 |  | Thomas, H. M. | to | True, Chas. F. | 1880 | 80:480 |  | Thomas, Hellen | from | Compton, A. E. (Et al.) | 1880 | 79:568 |  | Thomas, Hellen | from | True, Rebecca (Et al.) | 1880 | 79:568 |  | Thomas, Hiram | from | Jenks, Nathan | 1853 | P:624 |  | Thomas, Hiram D. | to | Astry, Isaac | 1854 | Q:355 |  | Thomas, Hugh | to | Schlatter, Sebastian | 1854 | Q:453 |  | Thomas, I. & M. | to | Hood, J. W. | 1875 | 75:414 |  | Thomas, Isam | to | Johnson, H. | 1881 | 83:534 |  | Thomas, Isam | from | Little, Andrew | 1865 | 38:56 |  | Thomas, Islam | to | Wimbaugh, Wm. | 189 | 48:167 |  | Thomas, Isum | from | Beaver, A. C. | 1879 | 83:480 |  | Thomas, Isum | from | Perkins, John | 1873 | 67:91 |  | Thomas, James G. | to | Spitz, Michael (Et al.) | 1899 | 153:375 |  | Thomas, Jas. G. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1885 | 98:585 |  | Thomas, Jas. G. | to | Dunter, H. F. | 1872 | 56:482 |  | Thomas, Jas. G. | to | Thomas, Wm. S. | 1882 | 96:362 |  | Thomas, Jean | from | Brocher, John | 1853 | O:244 |  | Thomas, Jno. (Hrs.) | to | Thomas, Philip | 1868 | 45:323 |  | Thomas, Jno. M. | from | McConkey, M. M. | 1884 | 108:352 |  | Thomas, Jno. M. (ET al.) | to | Harding, D. L. | 1888 | 108:351 |  | Thomas, John | from | Hyser, Andrew | 1858 | V:224 |  | Thomas, John | from | Ninde, L. m. (Admr.) | 1871 | 52:544 |  | Thomas, John | to | White, Jas. B. | 1872 | 54:457 |  | Thomas, John M. & Rosey Taylor (Division for Partition to ) | from | Taylor, Abraham (Estate) | 1856 | T:367 |  | Thomas, John W. (Et al.) | from | Allen Circuit Court | 1901 | 161:393 |  | Thomas, Jonathan | from | Garman, Benjamin F. | 1874 | 61:325 |  | Thomas, Jonathan | to | Rundles, John J. | 1875 | 73:392 |  | Thomas, Jos G. | from | Bittinger, A. H. | 1870 | 51:96 |  | Thomas, Jos. | from | Auditor | 1884 | 95:333 |  | Thomas, Jos. | from | Lunnon, W. P. | 1884 | 96:520 |  | Thomas, Joseph | to | Eckles, William H. | 1856 | S:587 |  | Thomas, Joseph | to | Riblet, George W. | 1894 | 164:159 |  | Thomas, Joseph | to | Timbrook, Abigail | 1890 | 117:341 |  | Thomas, L. A. | to | Lamley, Gottlieb | 1889 | 110:602 |  | Thomas, L. R. | to | Lutz, J. S. | 1880 | 82:117 |  | Thomas, L. R. (Et al.) | to | Bittinger, G. L. & A. W. | 1882 | 88:171 |  | Thomas, Lee R. | to | McBride, Strawder | 1875 | 67:79 |  | Thomas, Levi (Et al.) | to | Felts, Harmon W. | 1902 | 168:84 |  | Thomas, Lewis A. | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1880 | 79:578 |  | Thomas, M. | from | Bowers, L. H. | 1883 | 90:344 |  | Thomas, M. A. | to | Peterson, E. E. | 1883 | 94:206 |  | Thomas, M. C. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1885 | 98:585 |  | Thomas, M. J. & A. | to | Hood, J. W. | 1875 | 75:413 |  | Thomas, Mablon | from | Coehrane, P. M. | 1885 | 98:529 |  | Thomas, Magdalina (Et al.) | from | Hood, James W. | 1881 | 94:611 |  | Thomas, Mahlon | to | Fuelling, John F. | 1897 | 147:148 |  | Thomas, Mahlon | from | Fuelling, John F. | 1897 | 147:83 |  | Thomas, Mahlon | from | Keese, Samuel | 1887 | 104:427 |  | Thomas, Mahlon | to | Keese, Samuel | 1887 | 104:427 |  | Thomas, Mahlon | to | Kellermeier, Henry E. | 1901 | 165:153 |  | Thomas, Mahlon | from | Mays, Caroline | 1895 | 137:321 |  | Thomas, Mahlon | from | Mays, Frank | 1895 | 137:321 |  | Thomas, Mahlon | from | Mays, Geo. W. | 1895 | 137:321 |  | Thomas, Marg. J. (Ex.) | to | Sturm, Joseph F. | 1892 | 123:577 |  | Thomas, Margaret | from | Faulkner, W. H. | 1902 | 170:481 |  | Thomas, Margaret A. | to | Thomas, Vite E. | 1901 | 161:73 |  | Thomas, Margt. A. | from | Hood, Henry G. | 1895 | 139:12 |  | Thomas, Martha M. | to | Schilling, C. F. | 1891 | 122:312 |  | Thomas, Martha M. (Et ux.) | from | Miner, George E. | 1891 | 120:301 |  | Thomas, Mary A. | from | Long, Kittie | 1900 | 158:131 |  | Thomas, Mary L. | from | Hollopeter, Calista | 1882 | 95:563 |  | Thomas, Mary L. | from | Keese, Samuel | 1887 | 104:426 |  | Thomas, Mary L. | to | Kellermeier, Henry E. | 1901 | 163:213 |  | Thomas, Meegan | from | Bowser, Jacob C. | 1858 | W:444 |  | Thomas, Melissa J. | from | Perkins, John | 1872 | 67:90 |  | Thomas, Melissa J. | to | Perkins, John Jr. | 1872 | 60:555 |  | Thomas, Michael | from | Billings, Noyes | 1852 | M:569 |  | Thomas, Michael | from | Billings, Wm. W. | 1852 | M:569 |  | Thomas, Michael | to | Shippey, Nathan | 1853 | W:6 |  | Thomas, Michael (Sr.) | to | McBratney, William | 1857 | T:675 |  | Thomas, Milner | from | Pfeiffer, Charles F. (Tr.) | 1901 | 163:67 |  | Thomas, Morgan | from | Boitet, Francis | 1888 | 110:152 |  | Thomas, Morgan | to | Henry, Frank | 1896 | 142:359 |  | Thomas, Morgan | to | Henry, Frank | 1902 | 166:64 |  | Thomas, Morgan | to | Humbert, Justin | 1896 | 142:356 |  | Thomas, Morgan | from | Humbert, Justin | 1896 | 142:357 |  | Thomas, Morgan Sr. | from | Green, Elisha W. (Et al.) | 1898 | 150:535 |  | Thomas, Morgan Sr. | from | Green, Lucretia (Gdn.) | 1898 | 150:534 |  | Thomas, N. J. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1885 | 98:585 |  | Thomas, Nancy J. | from | Ashley, Emma V. (Et al.) | 1901 | 161:17 |  | Thomas, Nancy J. | from | Paff, Charlotte | 1888 | 127:421 |  | Thomas, Nancy J. | to | Paff, Ellsworth (Et ux.) | 1901 | 161:18 |  | Thomas, Nancy J. (Et al.) | to | Griswold, Richard A. | 1900 | 161:235 |  | Thomas, Naomi M. | from | Gieseking, Deid. | 1869 | 48:141 |  | Thomas, O. T. | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1880 | 79:578 |  | Thomas, O. T. | to | Lerch, Frank | 1882 | 90:59 |  | Thomas, O. T. | to | Thomas, Elizabeth | 1885 | 97:385 |  | Thomas, O. T. | from | Willenburg, F. M. | 1879 | 77:229 |  | Thomas, Philip | to | Pierce, Geo. M. | 1868 | 45:326 |  | Thomas, Philip | from | Thomas, Jno. (Hrs.) | 1868 | 45:323 |  | Thomas, Phillip | from | Lalour, Fanny | 1866 | 38:639 |  | Thomas, R. | from | Shannon, Boyd | 1863 | 100:54 |  | Thomas, R. O. | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1880 | 79:578 |  | Thomas, R. O. | to | Lemley, Wm. A. | 1889 | 111:333 |  | Thomas, Rebecca E. | from | Breese, Eliza | 1874 | 61:312 |  | Thomas, Rosa J. | from | Keyser, Jacob M. (Etu.) | 1891 | 121:189 |  | Thomas, Rosa J. | from | Land & Security Co. | 1897 | 149:376 |  | Thomas, Rosa J. | from | Owens, Owen | 1897 | 145:130 |  | Thomas, Royal O. | from | Sheriff | 1883 | 92:236 |  | Thomas, S. A. | from | Bloomhuff, W. D. (Et al.) | 1882 | 88:241 |  | Thomas, S. A. | to | Goleeke, Wm. & J. | 1881 | 85:183 |  | Thomas, S. A. | from | Mitchell, L. M. (Et al.) | 1882 | 88:244 |  | Thomas, S. A. | from | Richey, W. J. (Et al.) | 1882 | 88:241 |  | Thomas, S. A. | from | Spice, A. (Et al.) | 1882 | 88:241 |  | Thomas, S. A. | to | Spice, Robert (Et ux.) | 1888 | 109:162 |  | Thomas, S. A. | to | Tearnan, Allace | 1873 | 58:311 |  | Thomas, Sarah | from | Sheriff | 1873 | 58:107 |  | Thomas, Sarah (Et al.) | to | Rundles, John J. | 1880 | 79:224 |  | Thomas, Sarah A. | to | Bittinger, G. L. & A. M. | 1875 | 67:59 |  | Thomas, Sarah A. | from | Bittinger, George L. | 1875 | 67:38 |  | Thomas, Vanzile | from | Hollopeter, John W. | 1859 | Y:218 |  | Thomas, Vita E. | to | Reichelderfer, Aaron M. | 1902 | 168:424 |  | Thomas, Vite E. | from | Thomas, Margaret A. | 1901 | 161:73 |  | Thomas, W. S. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1885 | 98:585 |  | Thomas, W. S. | from | Henderson, L. J. | 1886 | 101:256 |  | Thomas, W. S. | from | Thomas, D. W. (Et al.) | 1886 | 101:258 |  | Thomas, William | to | Dollarhite, Alex | 1889 | 115:358 |  | Thomas, William S. | to | Spitz, Michael (Et ux.) | 1899 | 152:540 |  | Thomas, Wm. | to | Dollerhite, E. | 1881 | 85:289 |  | Thomas, Wm. | from | Stephens, A. J. | 1865 | 39:388 |  | Thomas, Wm. | to | Sullivan, Wm. H. | 1187 | 59:88 |  | Thomas, Wm. | from | Sullivan, Wm. H. | 1875 | 65:480 |  | Thomas, Wm. A. | to | Bottger, Jno. E. | 1892 | 124:128 |  | Thomas, Wm. A. | from | Harding, Dl. L. | 1888 | 108:350 |  | Thomas, Wm. A. (Et al.) | from | Bittler, Wm. | 1883 | 91:492 |  | Thomas, Wm. L. (Et ux.) | from | Potter, Orilla J. | 1886 | 104:132 |  | Thomas, Wm. S. | from | Thomas, Jas. G. | 1882 | 96:362 |  | Thomis, M. Lizza C. | from | Goodman, Aaron J. | 1883 | 112:278 |  | Thomma, J. A. | from | Sanerwein, Ernst | 1889 | 112:69 |  | Thomnia, Jacob (Admr.) | to | John, Ernest O. | 1899 | 153:441 |  | Thompon, Hetta F. | from | Meyer, Jno. F. W. | 1892 | 125:196 |  | Thompon, Lucy M. | from | Mills, Arther E. | 1894 | 135:24 |  | Thompon, Lucy M. | from | Mills, Cora M. | 1894 | 135:24 |  | Thompson & McGaw | from | State of Indiana | 1873 | 61:336 |  | Thompson, A. F. | to | Emery, Sarah | 1864 | 35:160 |  | Thompson, A. M. | from | Beaver, | 1866 | 42:52 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Beaver, Aug. C. | 1866 | 41:178 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Beaver, Aug. C. | 1866 | 41:6 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Beaver, Aug. C. | 1866 | 42:140 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Beavers, Aug. C. | 1868 | 48;123 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Beavers, Dl. S. | 1869 | 48:200 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Emery, Charles | 1863 | 31:338 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Fox, A. M. | 1885 | 98:59 |  | Thompson, A. M. | from | Hanna, L. M. | 1865 | 38:497 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Howard, W. H. | 1867 | 43:540 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Miller, W. H. H. (Et al.) | 1868 | 47:48 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Pool, Wm. G. | 1864 | 35:144 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Rabdall, T. P. | 1855 | 45:184 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Randall, F. P. | 1855 | 35:414 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Reed, Annie E. | 1868 | 48:193 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Reed, Annie E. | 1889 | 112:41 |  | Thompson, A. M. | from | Reed, H. B. | 1865 | 38:21 |  | Thompson, A. M. | from | Reed, Hugh B. | 1868 | 48:187 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Tearnan, Mary | 1868 | 45:399 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Thompson, A. M. | 1867 | 44:70 |  | Thompson, A. M. | from | Thompson, A. M. | 1867 | 44:70 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Thompson, Ann M. | 1865 | 38:497 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Thompson, B. S. | 1868 | 44:454 |  | Thompson, A. M. | to | Thompson, B. S. | 1868 | 48:189 |  | Thompson, A. M. | from | Thompson, B. S. | 1868 | 48:191 |  | Thompson, A. M. | from | Trentman, A. C. | 1887 | 106:92 |  | Thompson, A. M. (Et al.) | to | Dawson, J. W. | 1865 | 38:22 |  | Thompson, A. N. | to | Pool, Wm. G. | 1867 | 44:76 |  | Thompson, Alinda | from | Randle, Philander D. | 1849 | 35:500 |  | Thompson, Almeda D. | from | Daley, William T. | 1860 | 29:382 |  | Thompson, Alonzo | from | Oakman, M. A. | 1869 | 44:573 |  | Thompson, Ann M. | to | Hanna, L. M. | 1864 | 35:320 |  | Thompson, Ann m. | to | Nierman, Harman | 1860 | 26:234 |  | Thompson, Ann M. | from | Pool, Wm. Geo. | 1867 | 44:134 |  | Thompson, Ann M. | from | Reed, Hugh B. | 1868 | 48:198 |  | Thompson, Ann M. | to | Salimonie Ming. & Gas Co. | 1889 | 112:378 |  | Thompson, Ann M. | from | Scott, Samuel | 1852 | L:629 |  | Thompson, Ann M. | from | Scott, Samuel | 1857 | T:131 |  | Thompson, Ann M. | from | Thompson, A. M. | 1865 | 38:497 |  | Thompson, Ann M. | to | Thompson, B. S. | 1865 | 39:475 |  | Thompson, Ann M. | to | Thompson, B. S. | 1872 | 55:536 |  | Thompson, Ann M. | from | Thompson, Bryon S. | 1873 | 49:419 |  | Thompson, Ann M. (Adm.) | to | Franke, Edward | 1854 | S:415 |  | Thompson, Ann M. (Admx.) | to | Edgerton, Joseph K. | 1854 | Q:276 |  | Thompson, Ann M. (Admx.) | to | Hough, John (Jr.) | 1855 | R:203 |  | Thompson, Ann M. (Et al.) | to | Aldrick, Chas. H. | 1880 | 79:220 |  | Thompson, Anna E. | from | hamilton, M. v. | 1889 | 114:543 |  | Thompson, Anna M. | to | Evans, Edwin | 1876 | 68:232 |  | Thompson, Augusta | from | Coombs, John M. | 1890 | 118:295 |  | Thompson, Augusta | to | Rocholl, Matilda O. | 1900 | 159:398 |  | Thompson, Austin M. | to | Avaline, Francis S. | 1852 | T:615 |  | Thompson, Austin M. | to | Beaver, D. S. | 1860 | 26:7 |  | Thompson, B. H. | to | Howard, W. H. | 1869 | 47:268 |  | Thompson, B. L. | to | Underhill, P. L. | 1865 | 39:22 |  | Thompson, B. Q. | from | Clark, Bridget (Et al.) | 1866 | 41:304 |  | Thompson, B. S. | from | Beaver, H. C. | 1866 | 44:293 |  | Thompson, B. S. | to | Bieber, Wm. H. | 1894 | 135:96 |  | Thompson, B. S. | to | Clark, Joseph | 1866 | 40:441 |  | Thompson, B. S. | from | Clark, Joseph | 1866 | 40:591 |  | Thompson, B. S. | to | Cook, Nathaniel | 1866 | 39:481 |  | Thompson, B. S. | to | Cook, Nathaniel | 1866 | 40:454 |  | Thompson, B. S. | from | Cook, Nathaniel | 1866 | 40:590 |  | Thompson, B. S. | to | Dedication of Huestis & Thompson to public use | 1871 | 55:22 |  | Thompson, B. S. | to | Grupe, Henry | 1866 | 41:155 |  | Thompson, B. S. | to | Grupe, Henry | 1866 | 41:155 |  | Thompson, B. S. | to | Hanna, Lucretia | 1864 | 37:101 |  | Thompson, B. S. | to | Lewis, M. L. | 1868 | 48:185 |  | Thompson, B. S. | from | Lewis, M. L. | 1872 | 55:487 |  | Thompson, B. S. | to | Miller, Wm. H. (Et al.) | 1872 | 57:53 |  | Thompson, B. S. | to | Pape, Charles | 1870 | 51:516 |  | Thompson, B. S. | to | Powers, Jno. A. | 1187 | 54:417 |  | Thompson, B. S. | from | Redelsheimer, H. | 1866 | 40:227 |  | Thompson, B. S. | to | Smith, Wm. E. | 1867 | 44:9 |  | Thompson, B. S. | to | Suter, Edward | 1893 | 132:73 |  | Thompson, B. S. | from | Thompson, A. M. | 1868 | 44:454 |  | Thompson, B. S. | from | Thompson, A. M. | 1868 | 48:189 |  | Thompson, B. S. | to | Thompson, A. M. | 1868 | 48:191 |  | Thompson, B. S. | from | Thompson, Ann M. | 1865 | 39:475 |  | Thompson, B. S. | from | Thompson, Ann M. | 1872 | 55:536 |  | Thompson, B. S. (Et al.) | from | Beberstein, Geo. W. | 1896 | 142:240 |  | Thompson, B. s. (Et al.) | to | Boltz, F. F. & C. A. | 1881 | 85:454 |  | Thompson, B. S. (Et al.) | to | Gearge, Dellie | 1890 | 113:235 |  | Thompson, Benj. F. (Et al.) | from | Lowyer, Joseph | 1897 | 149:94 |  | Thompson, Bryon S. | to | Reed, Hugh B. | 1873 | 49:420 |  | Thompson, Bryon S. | to | Thompson, Ann M. | 1873 | 49:419 |  | Thompson, Byron | from | Evans, Edwin | 1865 | 36:274 |  | Thompson, Byron | from | Fairfield, Asa | 1866 | 40:427 |  | Thompson, Byron | from | Reed, Hugh B. | 1868 | 48:188 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | to | Bard, Samuel | 1895 | 139:505 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | from | Dehaven, James A. | 1866 | 41:287 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | to | Denney, Josie | 1901 | 164:429 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | to | Eckart, Fredk. | 1873 | 60:173 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | to | Feichter, Mary M. | 1895 | 140:289 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | to | Larimore, Julia | 1895 | 140:23 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | to | Little, Andrew | 1898 | 152:301 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | to | Mayer & Graffe | 1874 | 63:47 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | to | Mayland, August F. | 1902 | 167:366 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | to | Monroe, Elizabeth | 1895 | 142:35 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | from | Pfleidner, Mary | 1899 | 157:273 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | to | Smith, Henry | 1872 | 60:590 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | to | Swayne, Mary C. | 1899 | 153:405 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | to | Trendman, Augustus & H. J. | 1873 | 58:546 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | from | Underhill, Phineas S. | 1866 | 39:429 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | from | Underhill, Phineas S. | 1866 | 39:444 |  | Thompson, Byron S. | from | Underhill, Phineas S. | 1866 | 39:525 |  | Thompson, Byron S. (Et al.) | from | Denney, Josie | 1901 | 165:506 |  | Thompson, Byron S. (Et al.) | from | Keller, Fredrick E. | 1899 | 164:421 |  | Thompson, Byron S. (Et al.) | from | Leffers, John | 1898 | 152:302 |  | Thompson, Byron S. (Et ux.) | from | Aulls, Charles W. | 1898 | 166:135 |  | Thompson, Byron S. (Et ux.) | from | Larimore, Miles H. | 1902 | 169:500 |  | Thompson, Byron S. (Et ux.) | from | Reed, Charles A. (Trustee) | 1902 | 166:257 |  | Thompson, Byron S. (Et ux.) | from | Robertson, Robert S. (Jr.) | 1899 | 164:98 |  | Thompson, Byron S. (Et ux.) | from | Wiest, Sarah Ann | 1902 | 168:367 |  | Thompson, C. S. | from | Hood, Mary E. (Etu.) | 1891 | 122:111 |  | Thompson, C. S. | from | Wyman, Mariah | 1890 | 122:112 |  | Thompson, Charles | from | Lucas, Thos. L. | 1879 | 76:229 |  | Thompson, Charles A. | from | Church, Walker | 1839 | O:551 |  | Thompson, Chas. | to | Bowman, O. P. | 1880 | 84:75 |  | Thompson, Chas. E. | from | Killian, Frank | 1898 | 150:338 |  | Thompson, Chas. L. | from | Gustin, John (Et ux.) | 1891 | 113:589 |  | Thompson, Chas. S. | to | Thompson, Elizabeth E. | 1896 | 143:312 |  | Thompson, Chas. S. | from | Thompson, Wm. T. | 1896 | 142:457 |  | Thompson, D. S. (Et al.) | to | Huestin, Alex C. | 1871 | 53:297 |  | Thompson, D. W. | to | Hyndman, Jos. | 1879 | 80:394 |  | Thompson, E. (Et al.) | to | City of Fort Wayne for school purposes | 1881 | 83:395 |  | Thompson, E. (Et al.) | to | Linz, Earnest | 1881 | 83:388 |  | Thompson, E. A. (Et al.) | to | N.Y.C. & St. L. Ry. Co. | 1881 | 86:23 |  | Thompson, E. L. | to | Maxwell, G. W. | 1879 | 79:30 |  | Thompson, Earnest L. | to | Cassahman, Dwight | 1896 | 141:62 |  | Thompson, Elizabeth A. | to | Cassehman, Dwight | 1896 | 141:62 |  | Thompson, Elizabeth E. | from | Thompson, Chas. S. | 1896 | 143:312 |  | Thompson, Emma | from | Shearing, Harriet E. | 1895 | 139:356 |  | Thompson, Emma S. (Et al.) | to | Meyers, Geo. B. | 1894 | 136:76 |  | Thompson, Frank | to | Cook, Ernest W. | 1897 | 149:95 |  | Thompson, Frank | from | Hobbs, Oscar L. | 1894 | 135:34 |  | Thompson, Geo. | from | Thompson, Jos. | 1875 | 84:371 |  | Thompson, Geo. W. | to | Gumett, Maggie | 1885 | 98:241 |  | Thompson, Geo. W. | from | Tyger, Louisa | 1880 | 84:372 |  | Thompson, George | from | Spangler, Fred (Et al.) | 1891 | 120:446 |  | Thompson, George | from | Yager, Amanda (Et al.) | 1890 | 120:446 |  | Thompson, George E. (Et al.) | to | Mullen, Eva | 1889 | 120:446 |  | Thompson, George W. | from | Winbaugh, John | 1901 | 160:523 |  | Thompson, George W. | to | Winbaugh, John (Et ux.) | 1902 | 167:402 |  | Thompson, H(etta) | to | Suter, Edward | 1893 | 17:432 |  | Thompson, H(etta) F. | from | Little, Albert H. | 1894 | 138:47 |  | Thompson, H(etta) F. | from | Little, Cora | 1894 | 138:47 |  | Thompson, H. (Etta) F. | from | Alden, Saml. R. | 1890 | 118:175 |  | Thompson, H. (Etta) F. | from | Bell, Joseph W. | 1895 | 139:18 |  | Thompson, H. (Etta) F. | from | Bell, Lizzie A. | 1895 | 139:18 |  | Thompson, H. (etta) F. | to | Burns, Mary M. | 1894 | 133:200 |  | Thompson, H. (Etta) F. | from | Burns, Mary Sr. | 1894 | 134:19 |  | Thompson, H. (Etta) F. | from | Crawford, John T. | 1893 | 131:392 |  | Thompson, H. (etta) F. | to | Roth, August | 1894 | 133:316 |  | Thompson, H. (etta) F. | to | Tagtmeyer, Christine | 1893 | 133:246 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Bard, Samuel | 1895 | 139:505 |  | Thompson, H. F. | from | Bard, Samuel | 1895 | 140:41 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Bieber, Wm. H. | 1894 | 135:96 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Bond, Stephen B. | 1879 | 76:284 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Burnett, Alice | 1894 | 132:542 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Burnett, Frank B. | 1894 | 132:542 |  | Thompson, H. F. | from | Caldwell, Albert I. | 1893 | 131:73 |  | Thompson, H. F. | from | Elliott, Fred B. | 1896 | 142:184 |  | Thompson, H. F. | from | Fort Wayne Nat. Bank | 1884 | 98:157 |  | Thompson, H. F. | from | Hartman, Mary | 1895 | 139:310 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Kinder, Paul P. | 1896 | 142:321 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Lahr, Geo. W. | 1893 | 132:25 |  | Thompson, H. F. | from | Larimore, Julia | 1895 | 139:507 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Larimore, Julia | 1895 | 140:23 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Little, Albert H. | 1894 | 136:64 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Miller, Alvira J. | 1888 | 110:560 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Moderwell, J. M. | 1889 | 112:72 |  | Thompson, H. F. | from | Monroe, Elizabeth | 1895 | 139:509 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Monroe, Elizabeth | 1895 | 142:35 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Nelson, Jno. W. (Et ux.) | 1895 | 140:360 |  | Thompson, H. F. | from | Reed, A. E. | 1885 | 99:105 |  | Thompson, H. F. | from | Reed, Annie E. | 1886 | 102:361 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Reed, Annie E. | 1886 | 102:444 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Reed, Annie E. | 1889 | 111:551 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Scotten, Catheran | 1890 | 118:360 |  | Thompson, H. F. | from | Sheriff | 1880 | 98:154 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Spereisen, J. Alex | 1894 | 131:556 |  | Thompson, H. F. | from | Suter, Edward | 1893 | 128:339 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Suter, Edward | 1893 | 132:73 |  | Thompson, H. F. | to | Trentman, A. C. | 1887 | 106:90 |  | Thompson, H. F. ((E.) | to | Trentman, A. C. | 1891 | 119:354 |  | Thompson, Helen F. (Et ux.) | to | Fleming, Thomas (Et ux.) | 1890 | 119:347 |  | Thompson, Hem. F. | from | Klomp, Sophia | 1891 | 123:165 |  | Thompson, Hen. F. | from | Ensch, Pheby A. | 1896 | 145:180 |  | Thompson, Hen. F. | to | Klomp, William | 1891 | 123:161 |  | Thompson, Hen. F. (Et.) | to | Dolman, John | 1891 | 120:170 |  | Thompson, Hennietta F. | to | Wiest, Sarah Ann | 1902 | 168:59 |  | Thompson, Henretta | from | Trentman, August C. | 1891 | 119:310 |  | Thompson, Henretta F. | to | Landenberger, J. M. | 1892 | 125:198 |  | Thompson, Henretta F. | to | Snyder, Mary E. | 1892 | 123:216 |  | Thompson, Henretta F. | to | Suter, Edward | 1891 | 121:534 |  | Thompson, Henretta F. | to | Suter, Edward | 1892 | 123:574 |  | Thompson, Henretta F. | to | Suter, Edward | 1892 | 125:546 |  | Thompson, Henretta F. | to | Syter, Edward | 1892 | 125:179 |  | Thompson, Henretta F. (Et ux.) | to | Sims, George H. (Et ux.) | 1891 | 119:457 |  | Thompson, Henretta F. (Et ux.) | to | Trentman, A. C. | 1891 | 121:436 |  | Thompson, Henretta F. (Et al.) | to | Humbke, August A. F. | 1891 | 119:371 |  | Thompson, Henretta F. (Et al.) | to | Kayser, August | 1891 | 119:376 |  | Thompson, Henretta F. (Etux.) | to | Stapleford, Clemence A. | 1891 | 119:397 |  | Thompson, Henretta F. (Etux.) | to | Suter, Edward | 1891 | 119:390 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Allen County L. & S. A. | 1898 | 154:125 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Barr, William J. | 1897 | 147:462 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | from | Barr, William J. | 1897 | 148:63 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Beberstein, Geo. W. (Et al.) | 1899 | 153:32 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Beberstine, Geo. W. (Et ux.) | 1897 | 147:209 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Bell, Joseph W. | 1895 | 147:115 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Bowser, Margaret | 1896 | 157:437 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Bundy, Joseph | 1899 | 153:240 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | from | Diffendorfer, Ada C. | 1902 | 170:186 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Elett, Herman (Et al.) | 1900 | 156:402 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | from | Empie, Louisa R. (Et al.) | 1901 | 165:176 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Feichter, Jacob H. | 1902 | 166:217 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Feichter, Mary M. | 1897 | 147:310 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Feichter, Mary M. | 1898 | 149:107 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Feichter, Mary M. | 1899 | 154:161 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Fox, William W. | 1902 | 167:403 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Gallmeier, Conrad W. (Et ux.) | 1898 | 151:107 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Houch, Amelia M. | 1898 | 149:412 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | from | Houck, John | 1898 | 149:509 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Keller, Frederick E. | 1901 | 166:142 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Keller, Fredrick E. | 1899 | 155:524 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Kirbach, Frank F. | 1900 | 156:395 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Larimore, Miles H. | 1902 | 169:117 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Larimore, Thomas | 1902 | 165:549 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | from | Little, Andrew | 1900 | 159:492 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Maikel, Nageeb (Et al.) | 1901 | 164:369 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Pfleidner, Mary | 1898 | 152:72 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Pfleidner, Mary | 1899 | 153:31 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Roemke, Conrad | 1901 | 161:429 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | from | Rothschild, Benjamin | 1896 | 148:63 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | from | Shaman, Samuel P. | 1898 | 149:158 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | from | Sheriff | 1899 | 153:28 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Suter, Edward | 1894 | 132:119 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Tagtmeyer, Christina | 1900 | 158:388 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Tagtmyer, Christina | 1898 | 151:138 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | from | Woebbeking, Theodore | 1900 | 159:425 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Woebking, Theodore (Et al.) | 1900 | 159:493 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Wyckoff, Alice J. | 1902 | 167:138 |  | Thompson, Henrietta F. | to | Zollinger, Daniel | 1902 | 168:202 |  | Thompson, Henriette F. | from | Little, Andrew | 1898 | 158:399 |  | Thompson, Henry J. | from | Tillman, John L. | 1894 | 134:193 |  | Thompson, Hetta F. | from | Bieber, Wm. H. | 1894 | 135:110 |  | Thompson, Hetta F. | from | Elett, Herman | 1896 | 141:171 |  | Thompson, Hetta F. | to | Ensch, Pheby A. | 1896 | 144:288 |  | Thompson, Hetta F. | to | Feichter, Mary M. | 1895 | 140:289 |  | Thompson, Hetta F. | to | Johnson, Augusta | 1895 | 136:133 |  | Thompson, Hetta F. | to | Johnson, Augusta | 1895 | 138:293 |  | Thompson, Hetta F. | from | Johnson, Augusta | 1895 | 138:48 |  | Thompson, Hetta F. | from | Nelson, John W. | 1895 | 140:554 |  | Thompson, Hetta F. | to | Robinson, Frank S. | 1894 | 135:112 |  | Thompson, Hetts F. | to | Nestel, Daniel | 1894 | 136:4 |  | Thompson, J. E. | to | P. F. W. & C. R. W. Co. | 1862 | 29:78 |  | Thompson, J. E. | to | Tilden, S. J. | 1862 | 28:566 |  | Thompson, J. R. | to | Poirson, Peter F. | 1895 | 140:64 |  | Thompson, J. R. | to | White, J. B. | 1886 | 101:380 |  | Thompson, J. R. & S. | from | White, Jas. B. | 1882 | 96:536 |  | Thompson, J. R. & S. | from | White, Jas. B. | 1886 | 102:78 |  | Thompson, James | to | Rhodes, Samuel | 1846 | Q:306 |  | Thompson, James | from | Rich, Mary A. | 1869 | 48:224 |  | Thompson, James M. | to | Banet, Joseph | 1859 | X:304 |  | Thompson, James M. | from | Fleming, W. (Commissiner) | 1858 | X:301 |  | Thompson, James M. | to | Hawkins, Robert | 1858 | V:117 |  | Thompson, James M. | to | Schlaughter, Christian | 1858 | V:136 |  | Thompson, James S. | from | Eggiman, Fredk. (Et ux.) | 1891 | 119:402 |  | Thompson, James S. | from | Smitley, Homer B. | 1897 | 144:236 |  | Thompson, James S. | to | Thompson, John E. | 1900 | 157:449 |  | Thompson, James S. | from | Thompson, Thomas | 1875 | 64:543 |  | Thompson, James S. | to | Thompson, Walter S. | 1900 | 157:386 |  | Thompson, James S. | to | Thompson, Wm. M. | 1900 | 157:450 |  | Thompson, James W. | from | McIntosh, John W. | 1866 | 43:139 |  | Thompson, Jas | to | Gilmore, Geo. | 1869 | 44:564 |  | Thompson, Jas. | to | Macts, Philip | 1860 | 44:140 |  | Thompson, Jas. | to | Shoup, Wm. H. | 1871 | 49:234 |  | Thompson, Jas. J. (register in bankruptcy) | to | R. L. Fite assignee of D. G. Devore | 1878 | 75:449 |  | Thompson, Jas. M. | to | Hood, Jas. W. | 1869 | 47:301 |  | Thompson, Jas. M. | to | Peters, Ernst | 1863 | 30:244 |  | Thompson, Jas. M. (et al.) | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1855 | 74:564 |  | Thompson, Jas. M. (et al.) | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1855 | 74:565 |  | Thompson, Jas. S. | to | Thompson, Wm. M. | 1896 | 142:429 |  | Thompson, Jeremiah | to | Gandy, Owen | 1865 | 39:228 |  | Thompson, Jeremiah (Et al.) | to | Gandy, Owen | 1856 | T:700 |  | Thompson, Jno. A. | to | Conrad, Casper | 1870 | 48:580 |  | Thompson, Jno. J. | to | Fullenwider, Elleazer | 1861 | 27:530 |  | Thompson, Jno. R. | to | Poirson, Peter F. | 1893 | 130:423 |  | Thompson, John | to | Barnard, Margaret | 1900 | 159:412 |  | Thompson, John | to | Bohner, Louis | 1902 | 170:250 |  | Thompson, John | to | Hutsell, John W. | 1858 | V:302 |  | Thompson, John | from | Roose, Charles (Et al.) | 1899 | 155:436 |  | Thompson, John (Et ux.) | from | Gallaway, Loa A. | 1900 | 159:413 |  | Thompson, John (Jr.) | from | Hawley, Gideon | 1852 | S:401 |  | Thompson, John (Jr.) | from | Townsend, Absalom | 1852 | S:402 |  | Thompson, John (Jr.) | from | Townsend, John F. | 1852 | S:402 |  | Thompson, John (Sr.) | to | Thompson, Margaret | 1858 | W:24 |  | Thompson, John (Sr.) | from | Thopson, John W. | 1852 | U:523 |  | Thompson, John A. | from | Green, Elisha W. | 1867 | 44:211 |  | Thompson, John E. | from | Thompson, James S. | 1900 | 157:449 |  | Thompson, John E. | to | Thompson, Wm. M. | 1900 | 157:451 |  | Thompson, John Edgar | from | P. Ft. W. & C. R. R. Co. | 1862 | 28:438 |  | Thompson, JohnEdgar | from | Ferguson, John | 1862 | 28:429 |  | Thompson, Jos. | from | Skinner, B. D. | 1873 | 68:76 |  | Thompson, Jos. | to | Thompson, Geo. | 1875 | 84:371 |  | Thompson, Jos. D. | from | Auditor | 1871 | 55:248 |  | Thompson, Joseph | to | Held, Ellen B. | 1876 | 68:422 |  | Thompson, L. G. | from | Johnson, Thos. (Comr.) | 1841 | 42:538 |  | Thompson, L. G. | from | Johnson, Thos. (Comr.) | 1841 | 42:540 |  | Thompson, L. G. | to | Thonpson, Wm. B. (Et al.) | 855 | 45:129 |  | Thompson, L. M. | from | Bacon, J. E. | 1884 | 109:499 |  | Thompson, L. M. | from | Bittler, Wm. | 1889 | 111:474 |  | Thompson, L. M. | to | Kuyoth, L. & L. | 1886 | 101:128 |  | Thompson, Lewis G. | from | Allen County | 1832 | 66:323 |  | Thompson, Lewis G. | from | Chapman, Reeve | 1831 | Q:163 |  | Thompson, Lewis G. | from | Johnson, Thomas (Com.) | 1841 | 42:538 |  | Thompson, Lewis G. | from | Johnson, Thomas (Com.) | 1841 | 42:540 |  | Thompson, Lizzie | to | Klopfenstein, M. | 1880 | 93:521 |  | Thompson, Lock. W. (Et al.) | to | Trustees Monroeville Charge U. B. Church | 1900 | 159:269 |  | Thompson, M. M. | from | Denner, Angeline | 1888 | 109:625 |  | Thompson, M. M. | from | Lehr, John G. | 1893 | 131:350 |  | Thompson, M. M. | from | Lehr, Mary J. | 1893 | 131:350 |  | Thompson, M. M. | to | Moellering, Wm. | 1888 | 109:629 |  | Thompson, M. M. | from | Rose, Maurice F. | 1888 | 110:106 |  | Thompson, M. M. | to | Rose, Maurice F. | 1889 | 111:60 |  | Thompson, M. W. | to | Davis, Lydia | 1855 | R:674 |  | Thompson, M. W. | to | Gray, Cornelius | 1851 | X:139 |  | Thompson, M. W. | to | Watson, Bell | 1859 | X:183 |  | Thompson, Mahala | to | Astry, Isaac | 1889 | 112:623 |  | Thompson, Marg. | to | Davis, L. A. | 1867 | 45:89 |  | Thompson, Margaret | from | Thompson, John (Sr.) | 1858 | W:24 |  | Thompson, Mary A. | to | Schuckman, Nicholas | 1874 | 64:118 |  | Thompson, Milo | from | Chariher, Peter L. | 1859 | 33:320 |  | Thompson, Milo | from | Risdon, Altha | 1867 | 44:4 |  | Thompson, Milo | from | Risdon, Altha | 1867 | 44:4 |  | Thompson, Milo | to | Schuchman & Suelker | 1863 | 31:305 |  | Thompson, Milo | from | Stocks, Wm. | 1867 | 47:345 |  | Thompson, Milton (Ex.) | to | Schuckman, Nicholas | 1875 | 72:523 |  | Thompson, Milton M. | from | Alderman, Frank | 1891 | 120:300 |  | Thompson, Milton M. | to | Bacon, A. E. | 1898 | 151:316 |  | Thompson, Milton M. | to | Mills, Arthur (Et ux.) | 1894 | 134:28 |  | Thompson, Moses W. | from | Bennett, Solomon | 1846 | U:511 |  | Thompson, Moses W. | from | Heller, Peter | 1850 | X:140 |  | Thompson, Moses W. | to | Schoonover, Nelson | 1859 | X:194 |  | Thompson, N. W. | from | Crow, Mary A. | 1881 | 86:186 |  | Thompson, Nelson | from | Fisher, D. C. | 1887 | 103:91 |  | Thompson, Nelson | to | Kayser, Fredk. D. | 1889 | 112:409 |  | Thompson, Nelson | from | Ninde, L. M. (Adm.) | 1871 | 52:453 |  | Thompson, Nelson | to | Owens, Owen | 1881 | 83:374 |  | Thompson, Nelson | from | Williams, E. P. | 1875 | 67:5 |  | Thompson, Owen | to | Allen Co. L. & S. A. | 1898 | 149:532 |  | Thompson, Owen | from | Ninde, L. M. | 1895 | 139:400 |  | Thompson, Perry H. (Et ux.) | from | Saviers, George B. | 1902 | 169:97 |  | Thompson, Rebecca | from | Cole, Ambrose | 1853 | O:308 |  | Thompson, Rebecca | to | Nebhood, Jacob | 1866 | 41:461 |  | Thompson, Rebecca | to | Nelhood, Jacob | 1866 | 41:462 |  | Thompson, Rebecca | from | Reithmiller, Jno. G. | 1866 | 41:518 |  | Thompson, Rebecca | from | Reithmiller, John G. | 1866 | 41:518 |  | Thompson, Rhoda A. | from | Kirkwood, Thomas J. | 1891 | 113:231 |  | Thompson, Rhoda A. | to | Zuber, Phillip | 1891 | 121:25 |  | Thompson, S. E. | from | Robbins, Jno. E. | 1865 | 46:494 |  | Thompson, S. R. W. | to | Maxwell, G. W. | 1879 | 79:29 |  | Thompson, S. R. W. | to | Taylor, Judson M. | 1877 | 97:561 |  | Thompson, S. S. | to | Slagel, Geo. W. | 1859 | 27:322 |  | Thompson, Salathens | from | Johnson, John | 1858 | 27:321 |  | Thompson, Salathiel | from | Thompson, Samuel | 1854 | Q:185 |  | Thompson, Sallie A. | to | Lahr, Geo. W. | 1893 | 132:25 |  | Thompson, Samantha | from | Poirson, Peter F. | 1893 | 130:463 |  | Thompson, Samaria | to | Poirson, Peter F. | 1895 | 140:64 |  | Thompson, Samuel | to | Thompson, Salathiel | 1854 | Q:185 |  | Thompson, Sevenia | from | Coms. in Part. | 1895 | 139:155 |  | Thompson, Sevenia | to | Null, Susan | 1898 | 152:201 |  | Thompson, Sl. | to | Robbins, Jno. E. | 1869 | 48:454 |  | Thompson, Slonzo | to | Eastman, Baxter | 1871 | 52:475 |  | Thompson, Susan | from | Hirrington, Elizabeth | 1878 | 78:160 |  | Thompson, Susan | to | White, Gracie | 1882 | 88:15 |  | Thompson, Thomas | to | Thompson, James S. | 1875 | 64:543 |  | Thompson, Thomas | to | Thompson, Wm. H. | 1875 | 64:542 |  | Thompson, Thomas | from | United States | 1835 | 65:374 |  | Thompson, Thomas | from | United States | 1835 | 65:375 |  | Thompson, Uriah | to | Botteron, Derron S. & F. (Children) | 1855 | S:248 |  | Thompson, Uriah | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1853 | Q:427 |  | Thompson, Uriah | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1853 | Q:428 |  | Thompson, Uriah | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1853 | Q:429 |  | Thompson, Uriah | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1853 | Q:430 |  | Thompson, W. E. | to | Maxwell, G. W. | 1879 | 79:28 |  | Thompson, W. H. | to | Moss, Franklin (Et ux.) | 1896 | 144:41 |  | Thompson, W. L. | from | Simonton, H. J. | 1883 | 92:257 |  | Thompson, Walte A. (Et ux.) | from | Lehman, Conrad | 1899 | 155:213 |  | Thompson, Walter S. | from | Thompson, James S. | 1900 | 157:386 |  | Thompson, Walter S. | to | Thompson, William M. | 1900 | 158:547 |  | Thompson, William | to | Klenke, August H. | 1901 | 165:302 |  | Thompson, William M. | from | Thompson, Walter S. | 1900 | 158:547 |  | Thompson, William W. | to | Gallaway, John W. | 1898 | 151:101 |  | Thompson, Wilson L. | from | United States | 1834 | X:303 |  | Thompson, Wm. | from | Isenberger, Saml. A. | 1893 | 127:447 |  | Thompson, Wm. | from | Knoblauch, Otto | 1895 | 142:201 |  | Thompson, Wm. H. | from | Moss, Franklin | 1896 | 144:33 |  | Thompson, Wm. H. | from | Thompson, Thomas | 1875 | 64:542 |  | Thompson, Wm. H. (Et al.) | from | Wheeler, Wm. H. | 1893 | 129:66 |  | Thompson, Wm. H. (Et ux.) | from | Gallaway, John W. | 1899 | 155:172 |  | Thompson, Wm. H. (Et ux.) | from | Roose, Chas. (Et al.) | 1895 | 141:140 |  | Thompson, Wm. L. | from | Coleman, Chas. F. (Et al.) | 1895 | 152:374 |  | Thompson, Wm. L. | to | Lowry, Robt. | 1896 | 142:139 |  | Thompson, Wm. M. | from | Meyer, John C. | 1898 | 149:96 |  | Thompson, Wm. M. | from | Thompson, James S. | 1900 | 157:450 |  | Thompson, Wm. M. | from | Thompson, Jas. S. | 1896 | 142:429 |  | Thompson, Wm. M. | from | Thompson, John E. | 1900 | 157:451 |  | Thompson, Wm. R. | to | Klopfensteine, Michael | 1875 | 65:500 |  | Thompson, Wm. T. | to | Thompson, Chas. S. | 1896 | 142:457 |  | Thompson, X. F. | to | Nestel, Daniel | 1885 | 99:106 |  | Thomson, Earnest | from | Sheehan, Chas. S. | 1893 | 131:461 |  | Thomton, Andrew | from | Burchfield, S. C. | 1873 | 93:204 |  | Thomton, S. A. | from | Hursh, E. A. (Et al.) | 1885 | 99:402 |  | Thomton, S. A. | from | Hursh, E. A. (Guard) | 1885 | 99:401 |  | Thomton, S. A. | to | Morton, L. E. | 1884 | 96:358 |  | Thomton, S. A. | from | Parker, Charles | 1897 | 145:208 |  | Thomton, S. a. | from | Parker, Ellen | 1897 | 145:209 |  | Thomton, S. A. (Et al.) | from | Parker, D. (Et al.) | 1885 | 97:85 |  | Thone, Charles | to | Bierbaum, Fredk. | 1889 | 112:509 |  | Thone, Charles | from | Koenig, Edward | 1886 | 102:390 |  | Thonpson, Wm. B. (Et al.) | from | Thompson, L. G. | 855 | 45:129 |  | Thonward, Minnie | to | Lamboley, Dora Eliz. | 1900 | 159:337 |  | Thoompson, B. S. | to | Reed, Annie E. | 1868 | 48:192 |  | Thopson, B. S. | to | Bossler, H. H. | 1866 | 40:428 |  | Thopson, Byron S. | from | Redelsheimer, Henry | 1866 | 40:227 |  | Thopson, John W. | to | Thompson, John (Sr.) | 1852 | U:523 |  | Thoret | from | Shaffer, John | 1864 | 46:488 |  | Thorne, Amy J. | to | Minerd, Jaes | 1898 | 153:238 |  | Thornten, S. A. | from | Wheeler, Schuyler | 1869 | 57:224 |  | Thornton, Andrew | from | Billman, Elias | 1875 | 64:344 |  | Thornton, Andrew | from | Billman, Elias | 1877 | 71:539 |  | Thornton, Andrew | to | McKinley, Adam | 1877 | 71:540 |  | Thornton, Andrew | to | Shimo, Richard | 1874 | 64:366 |  | Thornton, Ellen | to | Ballon, Jas. E. | 1888 | 107:332 |  | Thornton, Ellen | from | Bohart, Myra I. | 1888 | 115:184 |  | Thornton, Ellen | from | Hunter, Jos. T. | 1888 | 107:320 |  | Thornton, Ellen | from | Parker, Charles | 1889 | 116:49 |  | Thornton, M. D. | from | Thornton, S. A. | 1887 | 103:408 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | Ballon, J. E. | 1887 | 103:563 |  | Thornton, S. A. | from | Barens, Beulah | 1860 | 26:51 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | Beardsley, J. O. | 1860 | 26:422 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | Beardsley, J. O. | 1860 | 26:424 |  | Thornton, S. A. | from | Beardsley, J. O. | 1867 | 40:472 |  | Thornton, S. A. | from | Cummings, Jos. | 1865 | 42:298 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | Emrich, Wm. | 1883 | 91:82 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | Fuller, Jas. L. | 1861 | 34:537 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | Griffin, Lucy A. | 1860 | 27:352 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | Harland, Hannah | 1865 | 45:361 |  | Thornton, S. A. | from | Heintzelman, Susan | 1884 | 94:319 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | Hillegass, Jacob | 1861 | 27:155 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | Hillegass, Lucy A. | 1861 | 27:155 |  | Thornton, S. A. | from | Hunter, G. & W. S. | 1883 | 91:253 |  | Thornton, S. A. | from | Hunter, Jos. T. | 1888 | 107:320 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | Hunter, Mahala | 1888 | 107:17 |  | Thornton, S. A. | from | Hunter, Wm. S. | 1887 | 103:407 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | Hunter, Wm. T. | 1865 | 43:125 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | Mason, George | 1864 | 36:553 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | McNall, Jno. (Et ux.) | 1885 | 98:68 |  | Thornton, S. A. | from | Parker, Lucy | 1864 | 35:393 |  | Thornton, S. A. | from | Parker, Lucy | 1864 | 36:134 |  | Thornton, S. A. | from | Parker, V. C. | 1864 | 35:392 |  | Thornton, S. A. | from | Rhoads, J. F. | 1886 | 101:104 |  | Thornton, S. A. | from | Spanburgh, Cath. (Et al.) | 1887 | 106:100 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | Thornton, M. D. | 1887 | 103:408 |  | Thornton, S. A. | from | Wells, Wm. D. | 1892 | 129:491 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | Wells, Wm. D. (Et ux.) | 1888 | 107:406 |  | Thornton, S. A. | to | Wyatt, Jas. | 1870 | 77:73 |  | Thornton, S. A. (Et al.) | from | Morton, Laura E. | 1884 | 96:357 |  | Thornton, S. A. (Et ux.) | from | McNall, John | 1886 | 103:506 |  | Thornton, Stephen A. | from | Brooks, William | 1902 | 167:524 |  | Thornton, Stephen A. | from | Cummings, Joseph | 1858 | W:521 |  | Thornton, Stephen A. | from | Dunten, Pamelia | 1857 | Y:121 |  | Thornton, Stephen A. | from | Griffin, Lucy A. | 1861 | 28:386 |  | Thornton, Stephen A. | to | Gump, Henry M. (Et al.) | 1898 | 149:403 |  | Thorp, Caroline | from | Stein, Fred W. | 1973 | 58:518 |  | Thorp, D. O. | to | Pool, N. D. | 1883 | 107:581 |  | Thorp, Geo. B. | to | Gutermuth, Benj. | 1878 | 74:78 |  | Thorp, Geo. F. | to | Hood, Jas. W. | 1875 | 75:554 |  | Thorp, Geo. F. | from | Hood, Jas. W. | 1875 | 77:505 |  | Thorp, Geo. F. (Et al.) | to | Zeis, Lewis | 1879 | 78:308 |  | Thorp, George F. | from | Lehr, John G. | 1864 | 42:341 |  | Thorp, H. D. | to | Leha, Mary J. | 1879 | 78:83 |  | Thorp, Henry D. | from | Jenk, Nathan | 1851 | 38:809 |  | Thorp, Henry D. | from | Jenks, Nathan | 1851 | 38:809 |  | Thorp, Henry D. | to | Schlatter, C. S. | 1879 | 76:507 |  | Thorp, Ida | to | Cook, Eugene | 1902 | 170:342 |  | Thorp, Ida | from | Worden, Joseph G. | 1901 | 160:273 |  | Thorp, James W. | to | Ohio & Ind. R. R. Co. | 1853 | R:96 |  | Thorp, John | to | Rowe, Louisa | 1854 | Q:372 |  | Thorp, John G. (Et al.) | to | Hettinger, Emmanuel | 1902 | 166:455 |  | Thorp, John G. (Et al.) | to | Zeis, Tillie | 1901 | 166:401 |  | Thorp, Martha S. | from | Bloomhuff, S. C. | 1862 | 29:216 |  | Thorp, Polly | from | Lake, Isabella | 1887 | 103:165 |  | Thorp, Sarah M. | to | Zeis, Lewis | 1879 | 79:239 |  | Thorp, Theo. | to | Zies, Lewis | 1879 | 78:199 |  | Thorp, William | to | Ohio & Ind. R. R. Co. | 1853 | R:96 |  | Thorp, Wm. | to | Stemberg, P. A. | 1872 | 55:209 |  | Thorpe, Dyer P. | from | French, Chas. G. | 1887 | 106:255 |  | Thorpe, Dyer P. (Et.) | to | Treith, D. O. | 1891 | 122:3 |  | Thorpe, Martha S. | to | Courdaway, Peter | 1864 | 35:64 |  | Thorumm, Jacob | from | Fleming, William | 1865 | 39:150 |  | Thorward, Minnie | from | Curdes, Louis F. | 1896 | 141:516 |  | Thrall, Willis | to | Baker, Henry | 1861 | 27:535 |  | Thrall, Willis | to | Brown, John | 1859 | 30:516 |  | Thrall, Willis | from | Randall, F. P. | 1871 | 53:391 |  | Thrall, Willis | to | Stevens, Thos. | 1859 | 30:516 |  | Thrasher, F. | to | Seabold, Chris. | 1887 | 107:564 |  | Thrasher, Ulysses J. | from | Haiber, Charles F. | 1900 | 158:206 |  | Threadgale, Ellen | from | Rhine, John | 1887 | 106:214 |  | Threadgall, Ella | from | Allen Sup. Court | 1895 | 138:155 |  | Threadgall, Ella | to | Corcoran, Mary A. | 1889 | 114:524 |  | Threadgall, Ella | from | Hamilton, Montg. | 1889 | 114:9 |  | Threadgall, Ella | from | Kumfer, Owen | 1886 | 102:191 |  | Threadgall, Ellen (Et al.) | to | Hobrock, J. H. Jr. | 1890 | 115:433 |  | Threadgall, George | to | Haller, Gottlieb | 1895 | 139:484 |  | Threadgall, John | to | Ninde, L. M. | 1876 | 71:137 |  | Threadgall, Lucy | from | Putt, Mary E. | 1870 | 50:518 |  | Threewits, James | to | Threewits, Marion A. | 1875 | 67:138 |  | Threewits, John F. & J. K. | to | Clark, R. M. | 1876 | 70:546 |  | Threewits, John F. & J. K. | to | Simpson, E. V. | 1876 | 70:546 |  | Threewits, John F. & J. K. | to | Simpson, Marcus | 1876 | 70:546 |  | Threewits, John F. & J. K. | to | Starkey, T. E. | 1876 | 70:546 |  | Threewits, Marion A. | from | Threewits, James | 1875 | 67:138 |  | Threewitts, John F. | from | Alford, Joseph G. | 1873 | 60:18 |  | Thress, John | from | Goeglein, John | 1863 | 33:439 |  | Thresz, John | to | Busche, Ernst | 1866 | 38:432 |  | Thrush, Wm. T. | from | Smith, Danl. W. | 1861 | 28:484 |  | Thruston, C. E. | from | Holladay, Jesse (Trustee) | 1882 | 91:472 |  | Thruston, Charlotte E. | from | Holladay, Jesse, (Trustee) | 1882 | 89:197 |  | Thullen, Adam | from | Zuber, Mary L. | 1896 | 144:164 |  | Thum, Jacob | from | Sheriff | 1877 | 71:414 |  | Thumb, Jacob | from | Cremmins, Patrick | 1868 | 45:583 |  | Thumm, George | from | Chittenden, Henry T. | 1896 | 154:229 |  | Thumm, George | to | Poinsett, John S. | 1891 | 140:444 |  | Thumm, George | from | Thumm, Jacob | 1888 | 109:235 |  | Thumm, Isaac | from | Blystone, Issac | 1866 | 38:650 |  | Thumm, J. (Et al.) | to | Dewald, Catharine | 1881 | 85:543 |  | Thumm, Jacob | from | Bond, C. D. & S. B. | 1865 | 39:150 |  | Thumm, Jacob | from | Jones, William H. | 1865 | 39:150 |  | Thumm, Jacob | from | Jones, Wm. H. | 1865 | 39:150 |  | Thumm, Jacob | to | McQuiston, A. P. | 1878 | 90:532 |  | Thumm, Jacob | to | Oswald, Jno. M. | 1885 | 99:309 |  | Thumm, Jacob | to | Pfeiffer, Jno. C. | 1866 | 41:280 |  | Thumm, Jacob | from | Schust, Andrew | 1885 | 99:310 |  | Thumm, Jacob | to | Thumm, George | 1888 | 109:235 |  | Thumm, Jacob | to | Wehrs, Frederick | 1866 | 41:280 |  | Thumm, Jacob (Will) | to | | 1888 | 119:424 |  | Thumm, Mary E. | to | Poinsett, John S. | 1891 | 140:444 |  | Thumma, John | from | Jackson, David | 1860 | Y:213 |  | Thummd, John | to | McCrory, Jas. | 1862 | 31:471 |  | Thunan, John A. | from | Godard, Ebenezer A. | 1866 | 42:89 |  | Thurber, Benj. | from | Sheriff | 1848 | 26:414 |  | Thurber, Ellen | from | Schoonover, Nancy | 1865 | 37:296 |  | Thurber, I. C. & E. | to | Schoonover, Wm. H. | 1866 | 39:515 |  | Thurber, L. E. | from | Schoonover, Nancy | 1864 | 34:570 |  | Thurber, Lewis E. | from | Burns, Ellen | 1877 | 72:257 |  | Thurber, Marcellus | from | Henry, John A. (Etu.) | 1892 | 122:557 |  | Thurber, Marcellus | from | Hourigan, John D. | 1901 | 161:33 |  | Thurber, Mark | from | Chapman, Preston | 1898 | 149:538 |  | Thurber, Mark | to | Chapman, Preston | 1898 | 149:538 |  | Thurber, Mark | from | McCulloch, Hugh | 1888 | 106:547 |  | Thurber, Mark K. | to | Ake, Marion | 1901 | 165:195 |  | Thurman, C. W. | to | Kolb, Jno. Adam | 1883 | 92:88 |  | Thurman, C. W. | from | Kolb, Wilhelmena | 1883 | 92:87 |  | Thurman, C. W. | to | Romy, R. L. | 1885 | 99:464 |  | Thurman, C. W. | from | Romy, R. L. | 1885 | 99:466 |  | Thurman, C. W. (Adm.) | to | Mennebroker, M. | 1881 | 89:320 |  | Thurman, Charles | from | Reinke, Fred W. | 1867 | 40:587 |  | Thurman, Charles W. | from | Allen Superior Court | 1902 | 170:414 |  | Thurman, Charles W. | from | Allen Superior Court | 1903 | 171:402 |  | Thurman, Charles W. | to | Trautman, David H. (Et ux.) | 1900 | 160:191 |  | Thurman, Charles W. | to | Turner, Allen F. | 1900 | 159:542 |  | Thurman, Charles W. | to | Turner, Elwood | 1900 | 159:543 |  | Thurman, Charles W. | to | Weichselfelder, John F. (Et ux.) | 1900 | 159:225 |  | Thurman, Charles W. (Et ux.) | from | Reiling, Dorothea | 1899 | 154:251 |  | Thurman, Chas. | from | Auditor | 1880 | A:161 |  | Thurman, Chas. | from | Auditor | 1883 | 92:510 |  | Thurman, Chas. | to | McPhail, J. A. & Wm. | 1885 | 98:168 |  | Thurman, Chas. | from | Renke, Fred. W. | 1867 | 40:587 |  | Thurman, Chas. | to | Tombaugh, T. C. | 1881 | 83:114 |  | Thurman, Chas. | from | White, James B. | 1873 | 59:501 |  | Thurman, Chas. W. | from | Auditor | 1896 | 141:141 |  | Thurman, Chas. W. | from | Auditor | 1896 | 141:143 |  | Thurman, Chas. W. | from | Auditor | 1896 | 141:145 |  | Thurman, Chas. W. | from | Fanthaber, Bertha (Et al.) | 1893 | 127:474 |  | Thurman, Chas. W. | to | Franke, Julian F. | 1895 | 139:210 |  | Thurman, Chas. W. | from | McCulloch, Charles | 1889 | 115:301 |  | Thurman, Chas. W. | to | Monper, Anna | 1896 | 142:188 |  | Thurman, Chas. W. | from | Reed, Hugh B. | 1889 | 115:300 |  | Thurman, Chas. W. (Et al.) | from | Laukenan, Henry (Et al.) | 1899 | 154:87 |  | Thurman, Chas. W. (Et ux.) | from | Franke, Julian F. | 1895 | 139:211 |  | Thurman, Chas. W. (Et ux.) | from | Monper, Anna | 1896 | 142:188 |  | Thurman, Chas. W. (Et ux.) | from | Vesey, Wm. J. | 1897 | 144:530 |  | Thurman, Jacob | to | Tulermann, John | 1866 | 41:84 |  | Thurman, Jacob | to | Tulermann, John Jacob | 1866 | 41:84 |  | Thurman, Q. W. | from | Auditor | 1893 | 129:13 |  | Thurmann, C. W. (Adm.) | to | Kunkle, E. B. | 1883 | 90:538 |  | Thursan, John A. | from | Devoe, Elijah | 1866 | 42:89 |  | Thurston, C. E. | from | Holladay, Jesse (Trustee) | 1882 | 91:472 |  | Thurston, D. P. | to | Brandt, Yorgens & Ranke | 1869 | 63:158 |  | Thurston, D. P. (Gd.) | to | Craw, G. A. & E. L. | 1869 | 63:414 |  | Thurston, D. P. (Guard) | to | Bond & Fleming | 1870 | 48:548 |  | Thurston, D. P. (Guard) | to | Brandt, Ranke, & Yergens | 1869 | 64:183 |  | Thurston, D. P. (Guard) | to | Miller, Jeremiah | 1869 | 48:62 |  | Thurston, D. P. (Guard) | to | Nelson, Jno. W. | 1869 | 48:65 |  | Thurston, D. P. (Guard) | to | Welling, Henry | 1869 | 48:220 |  | Thurston, Edwin R. | from | United States | 1837 | P:540 |  | Thurston, Mary | to | Stone, Anson | 1854 | Q:181 |  | Thyen, Jno. W. | from | Eq. Trust Co. | 1887 | 104:395 |  | Thyen, John H. | to | Martin, Emmett | 1902 | 166:398 |  | Thyen, John H. | from | Nyboer, John H. (Et al.) | 1896 | 142:45 |  |