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ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index

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Parties to the Deed                                                YearDeed Book
Teabold, GeorgefromBoecker, Fred. W.1894133:68Link to document image
Teagarden, AllietoWickliffe, Sarah C.1895140:102Link to document image
Teagarden, MarianfromMergel, Elizabeth1889111:597Link to document image
Teagarden, MariontoBeaird, Cyrus H. H. (Et ux.)1902166:408Link to document image
Teagarden, MariontoBeard, Cyrus H. (Et ux.)1902168:255Link to document image
Teagarden, Marion (Tr.)fromNelson, William R.1901161:78Link to document image
Teagarden, Marion (Tr.)fromRumsey, Rebecca R.1901161:30Link to document image
Teagarden, Marion (Tr.)fromTri State B. & L. A.1898162:195Link to document image
Teagarden, Marion (Trustee)fromRocjhill, H. C.1893129:348Link to document image
Teagarden, Marion (Trustee)toTri State B. & L. A.1895138:396Link to document image
Teagarden, Marion (Trustee)toWickliffe, Sarah C.1895140:102Link to document image
Teagarden, Marion F.toWyckoff, Alice J.1900159:268Link to document image
Teal, Ephraim (Heirs)toFilling, Henry D.186230:155Link to document image
Teal, Ephraim S.fromCrum, Mary Eliza185929:415Link to document image
Teal, Maud E.fromRussell, Peter W.1900157:126Link to document image
Tealking, FredfromHolland, Mary A.188495:254Link to document image
Teaman, MaryfromRichey, Jno. H.186745:183Link to document image
Teaman, MaryfromWoodford, Geo. J.186746:108Link to document image
Tearman, MaryfromBowser, Jacob C.186845:381Link to document image
Tearman, MaryfromReed, Hugh B.187153:271Link to document image
Tearnan, AllacefromThomas, S. A.187358:311Link to document image
Tearnan, AndrewfromJudson, D. C.186951:125Link to document image
Tearnan, MaryfromThompson, A. M.186845:399Link to document image
Teatmeyer, AnnatoMintch, Martin1894134:551Link to document image
Tebben, HarmontoFederspiel, Balsar186536:506Link to document image
Tebenbrock, FrederickfromDecker, John186640:124Link to document image
Teckelnbrock, Fred.fromHanna, Samuel186229:421Link to document image
Teckenbrock, Fred.toHenchu, Wm.186432:350Link to document image
Teckenbrock, FredericktoBoester, George187565:407Link to document image
Teckenbrock, Fredk.toMiller, Wm.187360:323Link to document image
Teckenbrock, Fredk.fromVordermark, Ernst187360:274Link to document image
Tecley, Geo. W.fromTilley, Thos.1886101:106Link to document image
Teen, KaleelfromDickerson, Jefferson1901163:80Link to document image
Teeple, GeorgetoAndorfer, Jos.186333:469Link to document image
Teeple, GeorgefromMginnis, T. D.1857U:352Link to document image
Teeple, MarytoSchlatter, B. B.188390:428Link to document image
Teeple, MarytoVanater, Jasper188289:459Link to document image
Teeple, MaryfromVanator, Jasper188289:458Link to document image
Teeters, Richard (Et al.)toTown, Sylvester1898157:453Link to document image
Teeters, WilsontoGaskill, Susan1889112:354Link to document image
Teeters, Wilson (Et ux.)fromRandall, J. F.1887108:489Link to document image
Tefft, DeliafromRandall, Julia F.1895138:264Link to document image
Tefft, DeliafromRandall, P. A.1895138:264Link to document image
Tefft, DeliatoTri State B. & L. A.1900158:501Link to document image
Tefft, E. S.fromSheriff187358:255Link to document image
Tefft, E. T.toCrabill, D. H.187976:470Link to document image
Tefft, E. T.fromTrustee of W. &. E. Canal185371:276Link to document image
Tefft, E. T.fromTrustees W. & E. Canal 185388:142Link to document image
Tefft, Erastus F.toBell, Geo. W.187155:100Link to document image
Tefft, Erastus T.fromAuditor1872A:52Link to document image
Tefft, Erastus T.toBorden, James W.187669:273Link to document image
Tefft, Erastus T.fromCraw, Maria P.187668:237Link to document image
Tefft, Erastus T.toHoffman, A. E.187265:346Link to document image
Tefft, Erastus T.fromSheriff186845:605Link to document image
Tefft, Erastus T.toTaylor, John187565:240Link to document image
Tefft, Erastus T.fromTrustees W. & E. Canal185380:164Link to document image
Teft, E. T.toO'Connell, J. (Et al.)187152:317Link to document image
Tegeder, FredfromSwinney, Rhesa (Ex.)188598:252Link to document image
Tegeder, FredricktoWright, Barbara1897157:400Link to document image
Tegeder, HenryfromBowers, James187669:517Link to document image
Tegeder, HenryfromStratton, Mary H.187668:319Link to document image
Tegler, PaultoStephan, Anthony1896144:129Link to document image
Tegler, PaulfromTiernan, Thomas1896143:252Link to document image
Tegmeyer, AnnafromBrahs, John C.1890117:494Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, AnnafromCook, Wm. S.187359:163Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, AnnatoMintch, Martha M.1894134:551Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, Anna (Et al.)fromBaltes, Michal (Et al.)1887105:53Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, Caroline E.fromTrease, George A.1897145:317Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, CatherinetoTegtmeyer, William C.1902169:84Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, ChristniatoWermuth, Charles1902170:294Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, ErnstfromSingmaster, Jos. Sr.187778:443Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, ErnsttoSingmaster, Joseph Sr.187771:275Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, F. B. H.fromZollars, Allen (Et al.)1887105:395Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, Frederick (Et ux.)fromKohlback, Minnie1902167:324Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, GracefromZimmerly, Fred J.1901164:9Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, Grace R.fromRuppel, Mary M.1900159:235Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, Grace RowetoSchefman, Louis1902170:478Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, Grace RowetoSchefman, Louis (Et ux.)1900160:213Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, Henry W.fromHurische, Henry1896141:139Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, LouisfromBruer, Mary J.1895138:6Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, M.fromMoser, J. M. 188390:327Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, M.toSchmidt, L. W. (Et al.)1886101:402Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, MarthatoFoley, Zoe May1899154:372Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, SarahfromBruer, Mary J.1895138:6Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, Theo. D. (Et ux.)fromFranke, John B.1899155:264Link to document image
Tegtmeyer, William C.fromTegtmeyer, Catherine1902169:84Link to document image
Tegtmyer, Fredk.toKayser, Ernst1895137:81Link to document image
Tegymeyer, Earnest (Et.)toSingnaster, Joseph M.1891121:196Link to document image
Tehursh, Wm.toGruthers, Franklin186852:597Link to document image
Teiler, M.fromBuhr, N. (Et al.)186349:283Link to document image
Teilking, FredtoMaddux, Geo.188598:404Link to document image
Teioman, HenryfromSheriff188080:125Link to document image
Teiss, LewisfromBartlett, Silas H.186950:164Link to document image
Telfer, A. BrantfromBell, Wm. M.1859Y:111Link to document image
Telfer, WilliamfromBell, Charles1858W:315Link to document image
Telfer, WilliamfromBenskin, Thos.186228:467Link to document image
Telfer, WilliamtoBeugnot, Antoine185830:2Link to document image
Telfer, WilliamfromBrant, C. E.186128:195Link to document image
Telfer, WilliamtoBriant, C. E.186128:249Link to document image
Telfer, WilliamfromBurgess, Eliza1860Y:204Link to document image
Telfer, WilliamfromBurgess, Henry186127:537Link to document image
Telfer, WilliamfromHartzell, Levi1859X:515Link to document image
Telfer, WilliamfromHough, John186128:194Link to document image
Telfer, WilliamfromMiller, braham1854R:271Link to document image
Telfer, WilliamtoSavourney, Francis185830:1Link to document image
Telfer, WilliamtoSmith, Cath.186332:54Link to document image
Telfer, WilliamtoWadington, Wm.186845:532Link to document image
Telford, H. J.toMcPhail, J. A. & W.188495:194Link to document image
Telford, L. P.toCour, Ann G. L.187775:468Link to document image
Telford, L. P.fromCour, C. J. A.187568:131Link to document image
Telgman, JohnfromWiegand, Frank1899110:365Link to document image
Telgmann, JohnfromFrank, Christian1893131:307Link to document image
Telgmann, JohntoFranke, Christian1896143:241Link to document image
Telgmann, MargarethafromGerman, B. L. & S. A. No. 41900159:254Link to document image
Telker, Conrad & HenryfromAuditor of Allen County1854T:598Link to document image
Teller, MinervatoSwinney, Rhesa187515:615Link to document image
Telley, F. H. (Et al.)toGlenn, T. M. & V. C.188289:48Link to document image
Telley, Frank H.fromHoffman, A. E.1888107:538Link to document image
Telley, G. W. & F. H.fromDoriot, Emile188184:91Link to document image
Telley, Geo. W.fromBurns, Ellen1896143:307Link to document image
Telley, Geo. W. (Et al.)fromBurns, Ellen1898150:240Link to document image
Telley, ThomasfromGreene, Mary M.187359:565Link to document image
Telley, ThomasfromGreene, Mary M.187359:569Link to document image
Tellman, John (Et ux.)fromIndustrial Pk. Land Co.1902168:426Link to document image
Telly, Frank H.toThiel, Fredericka1894136:326Link to document image
Telman, Jno.toNoyer, Margaret1883101:438Link to document image
Temme, BarbarafromMack, Regina1900156:361Link to document image
Temme, BarbarafromTemme, Henry (Et.)1891113:471Link to document image
Temme, BarneyfromCook, L.1854S:208Link to document image
Temme, BenardfromBenoit, Julian186743:181Link to document image
Temme, Henry (Et.)toTemme, Barbara1891113:471Link to document image
Temme, LenatoEdwards, A. A.1897144:286Link to document image
Temme, Lena (Et al.)toTemme, Mary Sr.188185:574Link to document image
Temme, MarytoAnkenbrick, J. t.188186:87Link to document image
Temme, MaryfromBrown, Jacob C.187048:428Link to document image
Temme, MarytoWhetsell, E. P. F. 188496:9Link to document image
Temme, Mary (Sr. Et al.)toWorm, Anthony1895137:432Link to document image
Temme, Mary Sr.fromAllgier, Wm. (Et al.)188185:574Link to document image
Temme, Mary Sr.fromFelts, Chas. (Et al.)188185:574Link to document image
Temme, Mary Sr.fromPlatter, Geo. J.188185:576Link to document image
Temme, Mary Sr.fromPlatter, Geo. J.188392:184Link to document image
Temme, Mary Sr.fromTemme, Lena (Et al.)188185:574Link to document image
Temmy, HenrytoCameron, James187667:266Link to document image
Temper, Eliza A.fromCox, Patrick E.1898151:89Link to document image
Templar, E. A.fromBarrett, Jas. M.1887104:613Link to document image
Templar, E. A.fromDeeter, Angeline1887106:328Link to document image
Templar, E. A.toGrable, Alice188598:314Link to document image
Templar, E. A.toHerr, Isora1888108:238Link to document image
Templar, E. A.fromHorton, E. M. C.188390:567Link to document image
Templar, E. A.fromMulharen, Hannah1888110:82Link to document image
Templar, E. A.fromPool, Mary M.1886101:141Link to document image
Templar, E. A.fromRandall, P. A.1889112:252Link to document image
Templar, E. A.fromReed, James S. (Et.)1891121:474Link to document image
Templar, E. A.toStevens, Catharine1887106:329Link to document image
Templar, ElizafromHerr, George1888108:120Link to document image
Templar, Eliza AtoTrier, Wilhelmina187565:576Link to document image
Templar, Eliza A.fromFischer, Franz1893137:430Link to document image
Templar, Eliza A.toHmmill, Harry1894132:237Link to document image
Templar, Eliza A.fromKime, Franklin1895137:450Link to document image
Templar, Eliza A.toKimie, Franklin C. (Et ux.)1895137:451Link to document image
Templar, Eliza A.toMulharen, Hannah1888110:76Link to document image
Templar, Eliza A.toQuidor, Sarah B. (Et al.)1898150:154Link to document image
Templar, Eliza A.fromRoman Catholic Benevolent Assn.1900156:419Link to document image
Templar, Eliza A.toSpearing, H. E.1893129:280Link to document image
Templar, Eliza A.fromStevens, Catharine1887106:327Link to document image
Templar, Eliza A.toTri State B. & L. A.1895138:443Link to document image
Templar, HarrytoHammill, Harry1894132:237Link to document image
Templar, Harry (Et al.)toShordon, Daniel1901164:500Link to document image
Templar, HenryfromColerick, M. A.186846:391Link to document image
Templar, HenrytoCummings, Thos. J. T.187359:447Link to document image
Templar, HenryfromTemplar, James187358:407Link to document image
Templar, JamestoTemplar, Henry187358:407Link to document image
Temple, AnnafromManok, Simon186535:476Link to document image
Temple, JacobtoManok, Simon186537:217Link to document image
Templer, Eliza A.fromHoffman, Daniel1897148:240Link to document image
Templer, HarrytoSledd, Samuel D. (Et ux.)1901163:10Link to document image
Templer, HenrytoTempler, James186950:45Link to document image
Templer, JamesfromTempler, Henry186950:45Link to document image
Templer, James N.fromCin. Union & Ft. Wayne R. R. Co.186330:517Link to document image
Templer, Jas. N.toMooney, Enes T.186332:136Link to document image
Templeton, S. M. (Excutors)fromFleming, Wm.187979:21Link to document image
Temsnel, HenryfromTinkham, Jno P.186544:57Link to document image
Ten Broek Lasage, Hendrik W. (Et ux.)fromOrr, James H. (Et ux.)1902169:223Link to document image
Ten, Eyck H. H.fromFlowers, Menno S.1890118:351Link to document image
Ten, Eyck H. H.fromFlowers, Menno S.1890118:352Link to document image
Tenchtgenhagen, CharlesfromBaker, Henry1858V:435Link to document image
Tenchtgerhagen, HenryfromBecquette, Theresa1855R:518Link to document image
Tenell, JephthafromCretcher, Jno. O.186435:199Link to document image
Tenett, FrankfromTernet, Aug. J.1892127:149Link to document image
Teneyck, Henry (Et.)toTrentman, A. C.1891121:44Link to document image
Tenge, HenryfromKnode, Lucy B.187256:319Link to document image
Tenge, HenrytoKnode, Robert S.187359:374Link to document image
Tennant, JewettfromHenry, James M.1902168:73Link to document image
Tenney, E. L.fromFerris, Anna1887105:535Link to document image
Tenney, E. L.toFerris, Anna1887105:536Link to document image
Tenney, E. L.fromSpitler, Jno. M.188390:377Link to document image
Tenney, Edwin L.toAnishi, Jas. S.1894134:339Link to document image
Tenney, LucindatoAnishi, Jas. S.1894134:339Link to document image
Tennis or Turris, MarytoTurris, Gabriel (Hrs.)186845:425Link to document image
Tennisson, John A.fromMiller, Mary F.1902168:323Link to document image
Tenret, Claude F.fromDickerson, Grover186642:259Link to document image
Tentonia B. & L. & S. A.fromHettler, Christopher F.1898152:133Link to document image
Tentonia B. L. & S. A.toKreighbaum, Rachel (Et al.)1897147:345Link to document image
Tentonia B. L. & S. A.fromMartin, Henry W.1897148:451Link to document image
Tentonia Building L. and S. A.fromFabian, Adolph1895139:303Link to document image
Tentonia Building Loan & Savings Asta.fromWeber, John1895136:55Link to document image
Tentonia, B. L. & S. A.fromMinnick, Phillip1896142:327Link to document image
Tentonia, B. L. & S. A.fromSheriff1897148:145Link to document image
Tentonia, B. L. & S. A.toTaylor, Henry J.1899155:5Link to document image
Tentonia, B. L. & S. A.fromWhit, Joseph D.1899153:120Link to document image
Tentonia, B. L. & S. A.fromWyss, Lina1898149:211Link to document image
Tentonia, B. L. & S. A.toWyss, Rosa A.1901166:118Link to document image
Tentonia, B. L. & S. Assn.fromMinnich, Phillip1902168:448Link to document image
Teny, Mary A.toBolling, C. E.187154:207Link to document image
Teny, Mary A.toNahrwold, Wm.187359:7Link to document image
Teny, Mary A.toOswalt, Wm. A.187152:509Link to document image
Tenzer, Herman B. (Et al.)fromEverett, C. W. (Et al.)1890117:332Link to document image
Tenzer, Herman B. (Et.)toGefell, Gustave (Et.)1891120:567Link to document image
Tenzer, Herman B. (Et.)toSmith, Chas. J. (Et.)1891120:567Link to document image
Terber, Conrad (Guard)toSoest, Christian188494:532Link to document image
Tergeus, Henry A. (Et al.)fromHarrod, Eli1893129:5Link to document image
Tergeus, Henry A. (Et al.)fromHarrod, Eunice1893129:4Link to document image
Ternan, MaryfromMartin, Wm.186330:490Link to document image
Ternet, AnnietoTernet, John B.1893127:555Link to document image
Ternet, Aug. J.toTenett, Frank1892127:149Link to document image
Ternet, August J.toTernet, John B.1892124:244Link to document image
Ternet, CharlesfromBoitet, Celina (Ex.)1898149:549Link to document image
Ternet, CharlestoCowlardot, Narcis A.1898150:194Link to document image
Ternet, CharlestoF. W. Van W. & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:146Link to document image
Ternet, CharlesfromGladieux, F. C.1893129:64Link to document image
Ternet, CharlestoTernett, Frank1892127:149Link to document image
Ternet, Claude F.toDickerson (Et al.)186642:259Link to document image
Ternet, Claude T.fromLomont, C. F.186747:518Link to document image
Ternet, Emil J.toTernett, Frank1892127:149Link to document image
Ternet, EmiletoFt. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:444Link to document image
Ternet, ErniefromBanet, Clarice (Et al.)1896141:129Link to document image
Ternet, FrancisfromCarier, Augustus H. Comr.187565:535Link to document image
Ternet, FrancisfromCochoit, Joseph186537:233Link to document image
Ternet, FrancistoGochoit, Joseph (Et al.)186647:104Link to document image
Ternet, FrancistoRoy, Florentin187772:73Link to document image
Ternet, FrankfromBoiteux, P. X. Francis1901164:144Link to document image
Ternet, JohntoFt. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:443Link to document image
Ternet, JohntoFt. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:441Link to document image
Ternet, JohntoTernett, Frank1892127:149Link to document image
Ternet, John B.fromTernet, Annie1893127:555Link to document image
Ternet, John B.fromTernet, August J.1892124:244Link to document image
Ternett, FrankfromTernet, Charles1892127:149Link to document image
Ternett, FrankfromTernet, Emil J.1892127:149Link to document image
Ternett, FrankfromTernet, John1892127:149Link to document image
Terrance, BelletoKeplinger, Abram187278:98Link to document image
Terrel, Geo. B.fromHuss, E. O.188192:573Link to document image
Terry, Geo H.toMcCain, J. H.188079:403Link to document image
Terry, Geo H.toPhillips, Jay188079:403Link to document image
Terry, Geo. H.fromBass, John H.187260:604Link to document image
Terry, Geo. H.toBond, William J.187873:89Link to document image
Terry, Geo. H.toBond, Wm. J.188079:330Link to document image
Terry, Geo. H.toEvans, S. Cary186950:233Link to document image
Terry, Geo. H.fromMannweiler, M. A.1892125:210Link to document image
Terry, Geo. H.toWery, Henry1895137:437Link to document image
Terry, George H.fromKelsey, William A.186640:194Link to document image
Terry, Mary A.fromBolling, C. E.187056:422Link to document image
Terry, Mary A.fromBrooks, Wm. H. (Jr.)187255:322Link to document image
Terry, Mary A.fromChapman, Cath.187153:128Link to document image
Terry, Mary A.fromMasson, Jno. B.186646:324Link to document image
Tessarant, LudwigtoHankal, John186743:207Link to document image
Tessier, YocstoMiller, Julia188289:85Link to document image
Tessier, Yoes.fromRead, Jas. M.188081:459Link to document image
Tesson, Jno. F.fromEdgerton, Jos. K.186640:446Link to document image
Tester, WilliamtoChapman, Preston (Et al.)1897152:173Link to document image
Tester, WilliamfromTaylor, Oliver1896143:107Link to document image
Testison, SebastianfromCarvin, Joshua1860Y:397Link to document image
Tetrington, D. & M. E.fromWehrs, H. W.188391:589Link to document image
Tetrington, DavidtoKanning, Sophia1889110:158Link to document image
Teuse, WilliamtoRobins, Maria187565:288Link to document image
Tevis, Isaac S. (Et al.)fromEsmond Milling Co.1887105:479Link to document image
Tevis, Isaac S. (Et al.)toHart, Mrs. R. T.1888109:59Link to document image

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