ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index
Parties to the Deed | Year | Deed Book Citation | Image Link |
Ryall, Catharine | to | Lechler, Matilda | 1893 | 129:418 |  | Ryall, Catherine | from | Ryan, John | 1889 | 110:630 |  | Ryall, Israel | from | Byall, James | 1843 | 125:44 |  | Ryall, John | from | Nelson, William R. | 1866 | 40:209 |  | Ryall, John | from | Nelson, Wm. R. | 1966 | 40:209 |  | Ryan & Tancey | from | Stier, John | 1871 | 54:91 |  | Ryan Trucking Co. | to | Fort Wayne Art. Ice Co. | 1897 | 148:328 |  | Ryan Trucking Co. | from | Randall, P. A. | 1894 | 131:537 |  | Ryan, Andrew | to | Beady, Bridget | 1863 | 49:205 |  | Ryan, Anna N. | from | Stutz, Joseph | 1901 | 166:208 |  | Ryan, Bridget | from | Colerick, Jno. | 1866 | 42:40 |  | Ryan, Bridget | to | Mailand, Frederick | 1858 | W:14 |  | Ryan, Bridget | from | Nelson, W. R. | 1874 | 63:532 |  | Ryan, Bridget | from | Purman, Andrew A. | 1876 | 67:235 |  | Ryan, C. M. (Et al.) | from | Vesey, Maggie S. | 1893 | 130:17 |  | Ryan, C. M. (Et ux.) | from | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | 1890 | 116:474 |  | Ryan, Catharine | from | O'Brien, Patrick | 1891 | 113:111 |  | Ryan, Catharine | from | Pierce, James S. | 1873 | 60:449 |  | Ryan, Catharine | to | Wick, Ellen A. | 1898 | 152:154 |  | Ryan, Chas. A. | to | Brown, Mary A. | 1887 | 105:519 |  | Ryan, Chas. A. | from | Ryan, Jno. | 1884 | 94:419 |  | Ryan, Comelius | from | Eby, Henry | 1858 | V:460 |  | Ryan, Cornelius | from | Freistroffer, Simon | 1894 | 133:409 |  | Ryan, Cornelius | to | Hart, Oliver | 1861 | 27:340 |  | Ryan, Cornelius M. | from | Ferguson, Matthew A. | 1901 | 160:414 |  | Ryan, Cornelius M. | from | Myers, Wm. H. | 1894 | 133:46 |  | Ryan, Cornelius M. (Et al.) | to | Fronefield, Ruben | 1898 | 152:33 |  | Ryan, Cornelius, M. (Et al.) | to | Vesey, Maggie S. | 1893 | 129:247 |  | Ryan, Daniel | to | Birch, Wm. S. | 1870 | 49:120 |  | Ryan, Daniel | from | City Treasurer | 1888 | 108:212 |  | Ryan, Daniel | from | Cull, Cornelius | 1868 | 51:132 |  | Ryan, Daniel | from | Kelly, Regina C. | 1887 | 105:223 |  | Ryan, Daniel | from | Kennark, Edward | 1866 | 41:495 |  | Ryan, Daniel | to | Kennark, Salina | 1866 | 41:496 |  | Ryan, Daniel | to | Kennark, Salina | 1866 | 41:496 |  | Ryan, Daniel | to | Martin, Delphos F. | 1890 | 116:321 |  | Ryan, Daniel | from | Moellering, Win. | 1887 | 103:221 |  | Ryan, Daniel | to | Randall, P. A. | 1895 | 138:197 |  | Ryan, Daniel | from | Sheriff | 1888 | 106:497 |  | Ryan, Daniel | to | Spalding, A. S. | 1885 | 97:26 |  | Ryan, Daniel | from | Tancey, M. | 1874 | 63:256 |  | Ryan, Daniel | to | Tancey, Michael | 1874 | 63:264 |  | Ryan, Daniel | from | Treasurer City | 1888 | 108:212 |  | Ryan, Daniel | to | Zink, John | 1875 | 66:175 |  | Ryan, Daniel | from | Zink, Rosa & John | 1875 | 66:176 |  | Ryan, Daniel (Et.) | to | Jurdain, Cel. | 1891 | 122:57 |  | Ryan, Dl. (Adm.) | to | Orr, Michael | 1871 | 55:21 |  | Ryan, Ellen | from | Dougherty, Catharine | 1896 | 143:28 |  | Ryan, Ellen | from | Lynch, John | 1895 | 138:9 |  | Ryan, Ellen | from | Lynch, Mary | 1894 | 133:481 |  | Ryan, Ellen | from | Lynch, Mary | 1895 | 138:9 |  | Ryan, Ellen | from | Warn, Margaret (Gdn.) | 1895 | 138:9 |  | Ryan, Ellen | from | Warn, Margarett (Gdn.) | 1894 | 133:470 |  | Ryan, Ellen C. | from | Ryan, Patrick T. (Et al.) | 1901 | 163:370 |  | Ryan, Ellen E. | to | Ryan, Patrick T. | 1902 | 167:16 |  | Ryan, Ellen M. | to | Huston, Harry M. | 1897 | 145:176 |  | Ryan, Emma A. | to | Betts, Mary e. (Et al.) | 1897 | 148:80 |  | Ryan, Emma A. | to | Brown, George H. (Et ux.) | 1899 | 156:44 |  | Ryan, Emma A. | to | DeVaux, Amy H. | 1900 | 158:285 |  | Ryan, Emma A. | to | DeVaux, David | 1900 | 158:286 |  | Ryan, Emma A. | from | Downig, Lulu D. | 1897 | 145:442 |  | Ryan, Emma A. | to | Heaton, O. N. (Trustee) | 1896 | 142:119 |  | Ryan, Emma A. | to | Kanning, Wm. F. | 1899 | 154:270 |  | Ryan, Emma A. | to | Lewis, Mary A. | 1896 | 144:231 |  | Ryan, Emma A. | to | Lichtle, Peter P. (Et ux.) | 1896 | 144:161 |  | Ryan, Emma A. | to | Martin, Chas. F. | 1896 | 143:346 |  | Ryan, Emma A. | to | Tri State B. & L. A. | 1898 | 151:178 |  | Ryan, F. D. (Et al.) | to | Blosser, Jno. | 1881 | 85:468 |  | Ryan, Florence C. | to | Evans, Frank D. | 1902 | 168:120 |  | Ryan, Henry P. | from | Mathias, Dora Belle | 1901 | 163:540 |  | Ryan, Henry P. | to | Mathias, Dora Belle | 1901 | 163:381 |  | Ryan, Henry P. | from | Mathias, John J. | 1901 | 163:539 |  | Ryan, Henry P. | from | Mathias, John J. | 1901 | 163:380 |  | Ryan, Henry P. | to | Mathias, John J. (Et ux.) | 1901 | 163:541 |  | Ryan, J. N. | to | Brown, Jno. | 1881 | 83:403 |  | Ryan, J. W. | to | Bulger, M. J. | 1882 | 87:235 |  | Ryan, James | from | Callaghan, Jno. | 1872 | 56:133 |  | Ryan, James | from | Edgerton, Jos. K. | 1867 | 40:473 |  | Ryan, James | from | Enders, Peter | 1868 | 46:561 |  | Ryan, James | from | Ryan, Michael | 1887 | 104:94 |  | Ryan, James | to | Ryan, Patrick | 1872 | 56:134 |  | Ryan, James | to | Ryan, Thomas | 1868 | 46:470 |  | Ryan, James | to | Ryan, Thomas | 1872 | 56:135 |  | Ryan, James | from | Schosger, Michael | 1869 | 49:6 |  | Ryan, James | from | Sturgis, Charles E. | 1855 | S:104 |  | Ryan, James A. | from | Alderman, Frank | 1893 | 129:17 |  | Ryan, James A. | to | Haller, Gottlieb | 1895 | 138:335 |  | Ryan, James W. | from | Damin, Ephraim | 1862 | 30:298 |  | Ryan, James W. | to | Kelker, Anthony | 1860 | 26:21 |  | Ryan, James W. | from | McKinley, Alexander | 1863 | 34:517 |  | Ryan, James W. | to | Miller, Lydia | 1863 | 33:167 |  | Ryan, James W. | to | Pfeiffer, Christian | 1860 | Y:158 |  | Ryan, James W. | to | Ryan, Mary Jane | 1860 | Y:638 |  | Ryan, James W. | to | Ryan, Mary Jane | 1863 | 37:549 |  | Ryan, James W. | to | Tagtmeyer, David | 1864 | 36:19 |  | Ryan, James W. & M. W. | to | Keegan, Sarah A. | 1864 | 32:264 |  | Ryan, Jas. | from | Fairfield, C. K. | 1882 | 87:361 |  | Ryan, Jas. | to | Ryan, Michael | 1882 | 87:553 |  | Ryan, Jas. W. | to | Forbaugh, B. | 1870 | 50:421 |  | Ryan, Jas. W. | from | Sturgis, Chas. E. | 1863 | 30:299 |  | Ryan, Jno. | to | Ryan, Chas. A. | 1884 | 94:419 |  | Ryan, Jno. | from | Ryan, Jos. | 1883 | 90:401 |  | Ryan, Jno. | from | Seavey, G. W. (Com.) | 1883 | 91:18 |  | Ryan, Jno. | to | Swayne, S. F. | 1886 | 99:553 |  | Ryan, Jno. | from | Taylor, R. S. | 1885 | 100:83 |  | Ryan, John | from | Brenton, Samuel | 1852 | M:484 |  | Ryan, John | from | Brenton, Samuel | 1852 | M:484 |  | Ryan, John | to | Dignan, Thos. | 1857 | U:305 |  | Ryan, John | to | Eakinger, Conrad | 1872 | 56:126 |  | Ryan, John | to | Edwards, Daniel | 1867 | 43:369 |  | Ryan, John | to | Edwards, Danl. | 1867 | 43:369 |  | Ryan, John | to | Embry, Eliza A. | 1868 | 46:354 |  | Ryan, John | to | Ft. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co. | 1902 | 170:439 |  | Ryan, John | to | Guan, Peter | 1888 | 107:76 |  | Ryan, John | to | Gylnn, Ellen (Et al.) | 1893 | 128:64 |  | Ryan, John | to | Heustis, Alexander C. | 1858 | V:604 |  | Ryan, John | to | Howley, Bernard | 1863 | 34:13 |  | Ryan, John | from | Huestis, Alex C. | 1858 | 34:419 |  | Ryan, John | to | Lynch, Joshua | 1873 | 60:443 |  | Ryan, John | to | Martin, John | 1868 | 45:415 |  | Ryan, John | from | McCormick, Henry | 1854 | X:17 |  | Ryan, John | from | Mccune, Robert L. | 1860 | Y:364 |  | Ryan, John | to | Mescho, Nicholas | 1873 | 59:472 |  | Ryan, John | from | Ninde, Jas. W. | 1886 | 100:24 |  | Ryan, John | to | Ryall, Catherine | 1889 | 110:630 |  | Ryan, John | to | Ryan, Matilda | 1890 | 115:342 |  | Ryan, John | to | Ryan, Michael | 1858 | Y:288 |  | Ryan, John | to | Ryan, Michael (Et al.) | 1890 | 115:341 |  | Ryan, John | from | Ryan, Patrick | 1875 | 64:575 |  | Ryan, John | from | Ryan, Patrick T. (Et al.) | 1901 | 163:368 |  | Ryan, John | from | Sheriff | 1883 | 92:391 |  | Ryan, John | from | Small, F. P. | 1880 | 80:3 |  | Ryan, John | from | Williams, Henry M. | 1902 | 170:338 |  | Ryan, John (Et al.) | to | Ryan, Patrick T. | 1901 | 163:367 |  | Ryan, John (Et al.) | to | Travis, Zebulon H. | 1900 | 160:126 |  | Ryan, John (Et ux.) | from | Clem, Daniel V. | 1901 | 165:139 |  | Ryan, John (Et ux.) | from | Ueber, Joseph | 1886 | 103:73 |  | Ryan, John a. | to | Knispel, Emil J. | 1901 | 163:480 |  | Ryan, John A. | from | Mason, Philomene (Et al.) | 1902 | 165:521 |  | Ryan, John a. (Et al.) | to | Schmidt, August F. | 1901 | 165:426 |  | Ryan, John A. (Et al.) | to | Suik, Mrs. Elizabeth | 1893 | 76:522 |  | Ryan, John B. | from | Eick, Benjamin F. | 1902 | 166;133 |  | Ryan, John B. | to | Eick, Benjamin f. (Et ux.) | 1902 | 166:134 |  | Ryan, John B. | from | Hugenard, Mary Ann | 1901 | 165:97 |  | Ryan, John B. | from | Huguenard, Mary Ann | 1901 | 165:97 |  | Ryan, John B. | to | Huguenard, Mary Ann | 1901 | 165:89 |  | Ryan, John W. | from | Sargent, Charlotte | 1875 | 65:53 |  | Ryan, John W. | from | Sargent, Charlotte | 1875 | 65:54 |  | Ryan, Jos. | to | Ryan, Jno. | 1883 | 90:401 |  | Ryan, Joseph | from | Ryan, Patrick T. (Et al.) | 1901 | 63:369 |  | Ryan, Julia M. | to | Haller, Gottlieb | 1895 | 138:335 |  | Ryan, L. J. | from | Koehler, John A. | 1893 | 129:350 |  | Ryan, Louisa | from | Edmiston, John J. | 1900 | 167:310 |  | Ryan, M. A. | to | Ueber, A. & J. | 1886 | 101:12 |  | Ryan, M. M. | from | Lampke, Conrad | 1888 | 109:158 |  | Ryan, Margaret | from | Allen, Cyrus W. | 1861 | 30:299 |  | Ryan, Margaret | from | Besancon, Alex. F. | 1898 | 152:60 |  | Ryan, Margaret | to | Besancon, Alex. F. (Et ux.) | 1898 | 152:29 |  | Ryan, Margaret | from | Breidenstein, M. | 1869 | 51:67 |  | Ryan, Margaret | to | Luers, Jno. H. | 1870 | 49:296 |  | Ryan, Margaret | from | Luers, John H. | 1867 | 44:170 |  | Ryan, Margaret | from | McDonald, R. T. (Et ux.) | 1891 | 121:152 |  | Ryan, Margaret | to | Miller, Katherine | 1897 | 148:225 |  | Ryan, Margaret | to | Preble, Darius M. | 1898 | 151:228 |  | Ryan, Margaret | from | Preble, Darius M. | 1898 | 152:28 |  | Ryan, Margaret | to | Tri State B. & L. A. | 1899 | 153:128 |  | Ryan, Margaret J. | from | Glynn, Mathias | 1877 | 72:79 |  | Ryan, Margaret M. | from | Current, William | 1894 | 134:30 |  | Ryan, Margaret M. | from | Hayden, Eliza H. (Et.) | 1889 | 121:153 |  | Ryan, Margret | from | Luley, Frank J. (Ex.) | 1897 | 147:493 |  | Ryan, Mary | from | Devhin, John | 1869 | 50:112 |  | Ryan, Mary | from | Lynch, John | 1876 | 71:339 |  | Ryan, Mary | to | Ryan, Michael (Et al.) | 1881 | 94:491 |  | Ryan, Mary | to | Voirol, Florence & August | 1873 | 62:64 |  | Ryan, Mary A. | to | Crumbley, Gorham | 1875 | 67:129 |  | Ryan, Mary A. | from | McAllister, Kate | 1896 | 141:50 |  | Ryan, Mary A. | to | Morris, John Jr. | 1896 | 140:529 |  | Ryan, Mary A. | from | Raab, John | 1872 | 56:115 |  | Ryan, Mary A. | from | Randall, P. A. (Trustee) | 1895 | 137:24 |  | Ryan, Mary A. (Et al.) | from | Stahl, Barbary A. | 1887 | 137:24 |  | Ryan, Mary Ann | to | Auman, Elias | 1876 | 67:351 |  | Ryan, Mary C. | to | Liehuer, George W. | 1895 | 138:409 |  | Ryan, Mary J. | from | Coms. in Part. | 1895 | 139:155 |  | Ryan, Mary J. | to | Ft. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co. | 1902 | 170:54 |  | Ryan, Mary J. | to | Kelker, Anthony | 1863 | 33:479 |  | Ryan, Mary J. | from | Powers, Valentine | 1899 | 155:259 |  | Ryan, Mary Jane | from | Ryan, James W. | 1860 | Y:638 |  | Ryan, Mary Jane | from | Ryan, James W. | 1863 | 37:549 |  | Ryan, Matilda | to | Barva, Philomene | 1885 | 98:538 |  | Ryan, Matilda | from | Hoover, Abraham | 1898 | 151:168 |  | Ryan, Matilda | to | Hoover, Maud S. | 1898 | 151:169 |  | Ryan, Matilda | to | Hoover, Sarah Maude | 1902 | 170:460 |  | Ryan, Matilda | from | Rockhill, H. C. | 1888 | 109:414 |  | Ryan, Matilda | from | Ryan, John | 1890 | 115:342 |  | Ryan, Michael | to | Chapman, N. E. | 1883 | 93:526 |  | Ryan, Michael | from | Farleg, Nicholas | 1859 | Y:22 |  | Ryan, Michael | from | Ft. Wayne Land & Imp. Co. | 1890 | 119:251 |  | Ryan, Michael | to | Hild, Henry (Et ux.) | 1893 | 129:378 |  | Ryan, Michael | to | Hildebrand, Wm. | 1860 | Y:299 |  | Ryan, Michael | from | Hough, Jessie W. | 1880 | 81:73 |  | Ryan, Michael | from | Jones, L. M. | 1886 | 101:51 |  | Ryan, Michael | from | Lynch, John | 1871 | 53:345 |  | Ryan, Michael | from | McCulloch, Hugh | 1860 | Y:256 |  | Ryan, Michael | to | McTeague, Patrick | 1863 | 32:42 |  | Ryan, Michael | to | Robinson, B. A. | 1869 | 48:335 |  | Ryan, Michael | from | Rockhill, H. C. | 1886 | 100:44 |  | Ryan, Michael | to | Rockhill, H. C. | 1888 | 109:415 |  | Ryan, Michael | to | Ryan, James | 1887 | 104:94 |  | Ryan, Michael | from | Ryan, Jas. | 1882 | 87:553 |  | Ryan, Michael | from | Ryan, John | 1858 | Y:288 |  | Ryan, Michael | to | Ryan, William | 1867 | 44:182 |  | Ryan, Michael | from | Ryan, William | 1867 | 44:215 |  | Ryan, Michael | from | Ryan, Wm. | 1867 | 44:215 |  | Ryan, Michael | from | Ryan, Wm. | 1867 | 82:31 |  | Ryan, Michael | to | Ryan, Wm. | 1867 | 44:182 |  | Ryan, Michael (Et al.) | from | Ryan, John | 1890 | 115:341 |  | Ryan, Michael (Et al.) | from | Ryan, Mary | 1881 | 94:491 |  | Ryan, Michael (Et ux.) | from | Rockhill, H. C. | 1888 | 109:413 |  | Ryan, O. F. | to | Fox, Helen | 1886 | 101:148 |  | Ryan, O. F. | from | Gamble, Mary | 1885 | 99:332 |  | Ryan, P. O. | from | Baker, Henry | 1867 | 43:9 |  | Ryan, P. O. | to | Madigan, Bridget | 1853 | 51:263 |  | Ryan, Pat | from | Dard, Charles | 1871 | 55:32 |  | Ryan, Pat (Jr.) | from | Scott, David | 1869 | 49:5 |  | Ryan, Patrick | from | Banline, Sarah | 1881 | 85:337 |  | Ryan, Patrick | from | Ryan, James | 1872 | 56:134 |  | Ryan, Patrick | to | Ryan, John | 1875 | 64:575 |  | Ryan, Patrick | from | Ryan, Thos. (Et al.) | 1875 | 80:2 |  | Ryan, Patrick | from | Schuckman, N. | 1855 | S:513 |  | Ryan, Patrick | from | State of Indiana | 1845 | S:596 |  | Ryan, Patrick | to | Wesling, William (Et ux.) | 1901 | 163:523 |  | Ryan, Patrick (Et ux.) | from | Hunter, Lewis C. | 1901 | 164:257 |  | Ryan, Patrick (Jr.) | from | Edgerton, Jos. K. | 1864 | 36:69 |  | Ryan, Patrick Jr. | to | Bauline, Sarah | 1881 | 94:250 |  | Ryan, Patrick Jr. | from | Ryan, Patrick Sr. | 1884 | 95:245 |  | Ryan, Patrick Jr. | from | Ryan, Thomas | 1875 | 65:352 |  | Ryan, Patrick Jr. | to | Thiebolt, Geo. Wm. | 1886 | 102:103 |  | Ryan, Patrick O. | from | Meegan, Caroline E. | 1874 | 64:112 |  | Ryan, Patrick R. | from | Ehinger, Conrad | 1899 | 153:325 |  | Ryan, Patrick Sr. | to | Ryan, Patrick Jr. | 1884 | 95:245 |  | Ryan, Patrick Sr. (Will) | to | | 1884 | 117:90 |  | Ryan, Patrick T. | from | Ryan, Ellen E. | 1902 | 167:16 |  | Ryan, Patrick T. | from | Ryan, John (Et al.) | 1901 | 163:367 |  | Ryan, Patrick T. (Et al.) | to | Ryan, Ellen C. | 1901 | 163:370 |  | Ryan, Patrick T. (Et al.) | to | Ryan, John | 1901 | 163:368 |  | Ryan, Patrick T. (Et al.) | to | Ryan, Joseph | 1901 | 63:369 |  | Ryan, Patrick T. (Et al.) | to | Townsend, Anna A. (Et al.) | 1901 | 163:370 |  | Ryan, Paul | to | Siebold, Julia | 1893 | 130:48 |  | Ryan, Paul (Et al.) | from | Bond, Charles E. (Et al.) | 1891 | 120:600 |  | Ryan, Paul (Et.) | from | Lumbard, Sidney C. (Et al.) | 1891 | 120:600 |  | Ryan, Rosanna | to | Steupe, Lewis | 1861 | 27:24 |  | Ryan, Rossanna | from | Ryan, William | 1869 | 44:590 |  | Ryan, Susan | from | Foster, Andrew | 1898 | 155:554 |  | Ryan, Thomas | from | Edgerton, Joseph K. | 1863 | 32:117 |  | Ryan, Thomas | from | Morris, John Jr. | 1896 | 140:530 |  | Ryan, Thomas | to | Morris, John Jr. | 1896 | 140:529 |  | Ryan, Thomas | to | Morris, John Jr. | 1896 | 140:548 |  | Ryan, Thomas | from | Randall, P. A. (Trustee) | 1895 | 137:24 |  | Ryan, Thomas | from | Ryan, James | 1868 | 46:470 |  | Ryan, Thomas | from | Ryan, James | 1872 | 56:135 |  | Ryan, Thomas | to | Ryan, Patrick Jr. | 1875 | 65:352 |  | Ryan, Thomas (Et ux.) | to | McAllister, Kate M. | 1896 | 141:49 |  | Ryan, Thos. | to | Hagerman, Caroline | 1876 | 68:354 |  | Ryan, Thos. | from | Shob, Adam (et al.) | 1874 | 63:376 |  | Ryan, Thos. | from | Shob, Adam (et al.) | 1874 | 63:377 |  | Ryan, Thos. (Et al.) | to | Ryan, Patrick | 1875 | 80:2 |  | Ryan, W. C. | from | Hough, John | 1864 | 33:499 |  | Ryan, W. C. | to | Knapp, Jno. R. | 1871 | 54:545 |  | Ryan, Wash C. | to | Johnson, F. A. | 1871 | 54:597 |  | Ryan, William | from | Farleg, Nicholas | 1859 | Y:22 |  | Ryan, William | from | Hamilton, Allen | 1853 | O:124 |  | Ryan, William | to | Liehuer, George W. | 1895 | 138:409 |  | Ryan, William | from | McCulloch, Hugh | 1860 | Y:256 |  | Ryan, William | to | McTeague, Patrick | 1863 | 32:42 |  | Ryan, William | from | P. Ft. W. & C. R. R. Co. | 1860 | Y:257 |  | Ryan, William | from | Ryan, Michael | 1867 | 44:182 |  | Ryan, William | to | Ryan, Michael | 1867 | 44:215 |  | Ryan, William | to | Ryan, Rossanna | 1869 | 44:590 |  | Ryan, William | to | Seabold, V. | 187 | 56:38 |  | Ryan, William C. | from | Whitney, Jas. E. | 1896 | 144:198 |  | Ryan, William C. | to | Whitney, Jas. E. | 1896 | 144:199 |  | Ryan, Wm. | to | Ryan, Michael | 1867 | 44:215 |  | Ryan, Wm. | to | Ryan, Michael | 1867 | 82:31 |  | Ryan, Wm. | from | Ryan, Michael | 1867 | 44:182 |  | Ryan, Wm. & M. | from | Bond, Stephen B. | 1863 | 30:602 |  | Ryan, Wm. (Et al.) | to | Robinson, B. A. | 1872 | 54:327 |  | Ryden, Aaron & Jesse | to | Darby, Ann | 1865 | 38:430 |  | Ryden, Aaron L. | to | Miller, Peter | 1860 | 28:460 |  | Ryder, A. & J. | to | Darby, Ann | 1865 | 38:430 |  | Ryder, Aaron | to | Prill, Isaac | 1859 | 27:304 |  | Ryder, Aaron L. | to | Jones, Benjamin | 1863 | 31:504 |  | Ryder, Aaron L. | to | Jones, John | 1862 | 29:387 |  | Ryder, Aaron L. | to | Laughlon, James | 1860 | Y:353 |  | Ryder, Aaron L. | to | Prill, Emanuel | 1862 | 29:424 |  | Ryder, Aaron L. | to | Way, Pater | 1962 | 30:109 |  | Ryder, Jesse | to | Jones, Benjamin | 1863 | 31:504 |  | Ryder, Jesse | to | Jones, John | 1862 | 29:387 |  | Ryder, Jesse | to | Laughlon, James | 1860 | Y:353 |  | Ryder, Jesse | to | Miller, Peter | 1860 | 28:460 |  | Ryder, Jesse | to | Prill, Emanuel | 1862 | 29:424 |  | Ryder, Jesse | to | Prill, Isaac | 1859 | 27:304 |  | Ryder, Jesse | to | Way, Peter | 1962 | 30:109 |  | Ryder, Jesse & Aaron | to | Stirling, Wilson R. | 1873 | 61:94 |  | Ryder, Mary E. | from | Smith, Frank C. | 1893 | 131:91 |  | Rydolph, Wm. | to | Elbert, Delphine | 1873 | 60:187 |  | Ryel, Charles F. | to | Ladig, Annie L. | 1897 | 149:304 |  | Ryel, Chas. F. | from | Ruper, J. D. | 1893 | 132:256 |  | Ryns, D. A. | from | Mohr, H. H. | 1882 | 89:437 |  | Ryns, William H. | to | Kearns, Dennis | 1900 | 159:348 |  | Ryon, O. F. | from | Gamble, Mary | 1885 | 99:332 |  | Ryus, Diantha A. | to | Smith, Esther | 1899 | 154:47 |  | Ryus, Diantha A. | from | Smith, Esther | 1901 | 165:108 |  | Ryus, William H. | from | Smith, Esther | 1899 | 154:48 |  |