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ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index

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Parties to the Deed                                                YearDeed Book
Ryall, CatharinetoLechler, Matilda1893129:418Link to document image
Ryall, CatherinefromRyan, John1889110:630Link to document image
Ryall, IsraelfromByall, James1843125:44Link to document image
Ryall, JohnfromNelson, Wm. R.196640:209Link to document image
Ryan & TanceyfromStier, John187154:91Link to document image
Ryan Trucking Co.toFort Wayne Art. Ice Co.1897148:328Link to document image
Ryan Trucking Co.fromRandall, P. A.1894131:537Link to document image
Ryan, AndrewtoBeady, Bridget186349:205Link to document image
Ryan, Anna N.fromStutz, Joseph1901166:208Link to document image
Ryan, BridgetfromColerick, Jno.186642:40Link to document image
Ryan, BridgetfromNelson, W. R.187463:532Link to document image
Ryan, BridgetfromPurman, Andrew A.187667:235Link to document image
Ryan, C. M. (Et al.)fromVesey, Maggie S.1893130:17Link to document image
Ryan, C. M. (Et ux.)fromBaltes, Michael (Et al.)1890116:474Link to document image
Ryan, CatharinefromO'Brien, Patrick1891113:111Link to document image
Ryan, CatharinefromPierce, James S.187360:449Link to document image
Ryan, CatharinetoWick, Ellen A.1898152:154Link to document image
Ryan, Chas. A.toBrown, Mary A.1887105:519Link to document image
Ryan, Chas. A.fromRyan, Jno.188494:419Link to document image
Ryan, ComeliusfromEby, Henry1858V:460Link to document image
Ryan, CorneliusfromFreistroffer, Simon1894133:409Link to document image
Ryan, Cornelius M.fromFerguson, Matthew A.1901160:414Link to document image
Ryan, Cornelius M.fromMyers, Wm. H.1894133:46Link to document image
Ryan, Cornelius M. (Et al.)toFronefield, Ruben1898152:33Link to document image
Ryan, Cornelius, M. (Et al.)toVesey, Maggie S.1893129:247Link to document image
Ryan, DanieltoBirch, Wm. S.187049:120Link to document image
Ryan, DanielfromCity Treasurer1888108:212Link to document image
Ryan, DanielfromCull, Cornelius186851:132Link to document image
Ryan, DanielfromKelly, Regina C.1887105:223Link to document image
Ryan, DanielfromKennark, Edward186641:495Link to document image
Ryan, DanieltoKennark, Salina186641:496Link to document image
Ryan, DanieltoMartin, Delphos F.1890116:321Link to document image
Ryan, DanielfromMoellering, Win.1887103:221Link to document image
Ryan, DanieltoRandall, P. A.1895138:197Link to document image
Ryan, DanielfromSheriff1888106:497Link to document image
Ryan, DanieltoSpalding, A. S.188597:26Link to document image
Ryan, DanielfromTancey, M.187463:256Link to document image
Ryan, DanieltoTancey, Michael187463:264Link to document image
Ryan, DanielfromTreasurer City1888108:212Link to document image
Ryan, DanieltoZink, John187566:175Link to document image
Ryan, DanielfromZink, Rosa & John187566:176Link to document image
Ryan, Daniel (Et.)toJurdain, Cel.1891122:57Link to document image
Ryan, Dl. (Adm.)toOrr, Michael187155:21Link to document image
Ryan, EllenfromDougherty, Catharine1896143:28Link to document image
Ryan, EllenfromLynch, John1895138:9Link to document image
Ryan, EllenfromLynch, Mary1894133:481Link to document image
Ryan, EllenfromLynch, Mary1895138:9Link to document image
Ryan, EllenfromWarn, Margaret (Gdn.)1895138:9Link to document image
Ryan, EllenfromWarn, Margarett (Gdn.)1894133:470Link to document image
Ryan, Ellen C.fromRyan, Patrick T. (Et al.)1901163:370Link to document image
Ryan, Ellen E.toRyan, Patrick T.1902167:16Link to document image
Ryan, Ellen M.toHuston, Harry M. 1897145:176Link to document image
Ryan, Emma A.toBetts, Mary e. (Et al.)1897148:80Link to document image
Ryan, Emma A.toBrown, George H. (Et ux.)1899156:44Link to document image
Ryan, Emma A.toDeVaux, Amy H.1900158:285Link to document image
Ryan, Emma A.toDeVaux, David1900158:286Link to document image
Ryan, Emma A.fromDownig, Lulu D.1897145:442Link to document image
Ryan, Emma A.toHeaton, O. N. (Trustee)1896142:119Link to document image
Ryan, Emma A.toKanning, Wm. F.1899154:270Link to document image
Ryan, Emma A.toLewis, Mary A.1896144:231Link to document image
Ryan, Emma A.toLichtle, Peter P. (Et ux.)1896144:161Link to document image
Ryan, Emma A.toMartin, Chas. F.1896143:346Link to document image
Ryan, Emma A.toTri State B. & L. A. 1898151:178Link to document image
Ryan, F. D. (Et al.)toBlosser, Jno.188185:468Link to document image
Ryan, Florence C.toEvans, Frank D.1902168:120Link to document image
Ryan, Henry P.fromMathias, Dora Belle1901163:540Link to document image
Ryan, Henry P.toMathias, Dora Belle1901163:381Link to document image
Ryan, Henry P.fromMathias, John J.1901163:539Link to document image
Ryan, Henry P.fromMathias, John J.1901163:380Link to document image
Ryan, Henry P.toMathias, John J. (Et ux.)1901163:541Link to document image
Ryan, J. N.toBrown, Jno.188183:403Link to document image
Ryan, J. W.toBulger, M. J.188287:235Link to document image
Ryan, JamesfromCallaghan, Jno.187256:133Link to document image
Ryan, JamesfromEdgerton, Jos. K.186740:473Link to document image
Ryan, JamesfromEnders, Peter186846:561Link to document image
Ryan, JamesfromRyan, Michael1887104:94Link to document image
Ryan, JamestoRyan, Patrick187256:134Link to document image
Ryan, JamestoRyan, Thomas186846:470Link to document image
Ryan, JamestoRyan, Thomas187256:135Link to document image
Ryan, JamesfromSchosger, Michael186949:6Link to document image
Ryan, James A.fromAlderman, Frank1893129:17Link to document image
Ryan, James A.toHaller, Gottlieb1895138:335Link to document image
Ryan, James W.fromDamin, Ephraim186230:298Link to document image
Ryan, Jas.fromFairfield, C. K.188287:361Link to document image
Ryan, Jas.toRyan, Michael188287:553Link to document image
Ryan, Jas. W.toForbaugh, B.187050:421Link to document image
Ryan, Jas. W.fromSturgis, Chas. E.186330:299Link to document image
Ryan, Jno.toRyan, Chas. A.188494:419Link to document image
Ryan, Jno.fromRyan, Jos.188390:401Link to document image
Ryan, Jno.fromSeavey, G. W. (Com.)188391:18Link to document image
Ryan, Jno.toSwayne, S. F.188699:553Link to document image
Ryan, Jno. fromTaylor, R. S.1885100:83Link to document image
Ryan, JohnfromBrenton, Samuel1852M:484Link to document image
Ryan, JohnfromBrenton, Samuel1852M:484Link to document image
Ryan, JohntoEakinger, Conrad187256:126Link to document image
Ryan, JohntoEdwards, Danl.186743:369Link to document image
Ryan, JohntoEmbry, Eliza A.186846:354Link to document image
Ryan, JohntoFt. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:439Link to document image
Ryan, JohntoGuan, Peter1888107:76Link to document image
Ryan, JohntoGylnn, Ellen (Et al.)1893128:64Link to document image
Ryan, JohnfromHuestis, Alex C.185834:419Link to document image
Ryan, JohntoLynch, Joshua187360:443Link to document image
Ryan, JohntoMartin, John186845:415Link to document image
Ryan, JohntoMescho, Nicholas187359:472Link to document image
Ryan, JohnfromNinde, Jas. W.1886100:24Link to document image
Ryan, JohntoRyall, Catherine1889110:630Link to document image
Ryan, JohntoRyan, Matilda1890115:342Link to document image
Ryan, JohntoRyan, Michael (Et al.)1890115:341Link to document image
Ryan, JohnfromRyan, Patrick187564:575Link to document image
Ryan, JohnfromRyan, Patrick T. (Et al.)1901163:368Link to document image
Ryan, JohnfromSheriff188392:391Link to document image
Ryan, JohnfromSmall, F. P.188080:3Link to document image
Ryan, JohnfromWilliams, Henry M.1902170:338Link to document image
Ryan, John (Et al.)toRyan, Patrick T.1901163:367Link to document image
Ryan, John (Et al.)toTravis, Zebulon H.1900160:126Link to document image
Ryan, John (Et ux.)fromClem, Daniel V.1901165:139Link to document image
Ryan, John (Et ux.)fromUeber, Joseph1886103:73Link to document image
Ryan, John a.toKnispel, Emil J.1901163:480Link to document image
Ryan, John A.fromMason, Philomene (Et al.)1902165:521Link to document image
Ryan, John a. (Et al.)toSchmidt, August F.1901165:426Link to document image
Ryan, John A. (Et al.)toSuik, Mrs. Elizabeth189376:522Link to document image
Ryan, John B.fromEick, Benjamin F.1902166;133Link to document image
Ryan, John B.toEick, Benjamin f. (Et ux.)1902166:134Link to document image
Ryan, John B.fromHugenard, Mary Ann1901165:97Link to document image
Ryan, John B.fromHuguenard, Mary Ann1901165:97Link to document image
Ryan, John B.toHuguenard, Mary Ann1901165:89Link to document image
Ryan, John W.fromSargent, Charlotte187565:53Link to document image
Ryan, John W.fromSargent, Charlotte187565:54Link to document image
Ryan, Jos.toRyan, Jno.188390:401Link to document image
Ryan, JosephfromRyan, Patrick T. (Et al.)190163:369Link to document image
Ryan, Julia M.toHaller, Gottlieb1895138:335Link to document image
Ryan, L. J.fromKoehler, John A.1893129:350Link to document image
Ryan, LouisafromEdmiston, John J.1900167:310Link to document image
Ryan, M. A.toUeber, A. & J.1886101:12Link to document image
Ryan, M. M.fromLampke, Conrad1888109:158Link to document image
Ryan, MargaretfromAllen, Cyrus W.186130:299Link to document image
Ryan, MargaretfromBesancon, Alex. F.1898152:60Link to document image
Ryan, MargarettoBesancon, Alex. F. (Et ux.)1898152:29Link to document image
Ryan, MargaretfromBreidenstein, M.186951:67Link to document image
Ryan, MargarettoLuers, Jno. H.187049:296Link to document image
Ryan, MargaretfromLuers, John H.186744:170Link to document image
Ryan, MargaretfromMcDonald, R. T. (Et ux.)1891121:152Link to document image
Ryan, MargarettoMiller, Katherine1897148:225Link to document image
Ryan, MargarettoPreble, Darius M.1898151:228Link to document image
Ryan, MargaretfromPreble, Darius M.1898152:28Link to document image
Ryan, MargarettoTri State B. & L. A.1899153:128Link to document image
Ryan, Margaret J.fromGlynn, Mathias187772:79Link to document image
Ryan, Margaret M.fromCurrent, William1894134:30Link to document image
Ryan, Margaret M.fromHayden, Eliza H. (Et.)1889121:153Link to document image
Ryan, MargretfromLuley, Frank J. (Ex.)1897147:493Link to document image
Ryan, MaryfromDevhin, John186950:112Link to document image
Ryan, MaryfromLynch, John187671:339Link to document image
Ryan, MarytoRyan, Michael (Et al.)188194:491Link to document image
Ryan, MarytoVoirol, Florence & August187362:64Link to document image
Ryan, Mary A.toCrumbley, Gorham187567:129Link to document image
Ryan, Mary A.fromMcAllister, Kate1896141:50Link to document image
Ryan, Mary A.toMorris, John Jr.1896140:529Link to document image
Ryan, Mary A.fromRaab, John187256:115Link to document image
Ryan, Mary A.fromRandall, P. A. (Trustee)1895137:24Link to document image
Ryan, Mary A. (Et al.)fromStahl, Barbary A.1887137:24Link to document image
Ryan, Mary AnntoAuman, Elias187667:351Link to document image
Ryan, Mary C.toLiehuer, George W.1895138:409Link to document image
Ryan, Mary J.fromComs. in Part.1895139:155Link to document image
Ryan, Mary J.toFt. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:54Link to document image
Ryan, Mary J.fromPowers, Valentine1899155:259Link to document image
Ryan, MatildatoBarva, Philomene188598:538Link to document image
Ryan, MatildafromHoover, Abraham1898151:168Link to document image
Ryan, MatildatoHoover, Maud S.1898151:169Link to document image
Ryan, MatildatoHoover, Sarah Maude1902170:460Link to document image
Ryan, MatildafromRockhill, H. C.1888109:414Link to document image
Ryan, MatildafromRyan, John1890115:342Link to document image
Ryan, MichaeltoChapman, N. E.188393:526Link to document image
Ryan, MichaelfromFarleg, Nicholas1859Y:22Link to document image
Ryan, MichaelfromFt. Wayne Land & Imp. Co.1890119:251Link to document image
Ryan, MichaeltoHild, Henry (Et ux.)1893129:378Link to document image
Ryan, MichaelfromHough, Jessie W.188081:73Link to document image
Ryan, MichaelfromJones, L. M.1886101:51Link to document image
Ryan, MichaelfromLynch, John187153:345Link to document image
Ryan, MichaeltoRobinson, B. A.186948:335Link to document image
Ryan, MichaelfromRockhill, H. C.1886100:44Link to document image
Ryan, MichaeltoRockhill, H. C.1888109:415Link to document image
Ryan, MichaeltoRyan, James1887104:94Link to document image
Ryan, MichaelfromRyan, Jas.188287:553Link to document image
Ryan, MichaelfromRyan, Wm.186744:215Link to document image
Ryan, MichaelfromRyan, Wm.186782:31Link to document image
Ryan, MichaeltoRyan, Wm.186744:182Link to document image
Ryan, Michael (Et al.)fromRyan, John1890115:341Link to document image
Ryan, Michael (Et al.)fromRyan, Mary188194:491Link to document image
Ryan, Michael (Et ux.)fromRockhill, H. C.1888109:413Link to document image
Ryan, O. F.toFox, Helen1886101:148Link to document image
Ryan, O. F.fromGamble, Mary188599:332Link to document image
Ryan, P. O.fromBaker, Henry186743:9Link to document image
Ryan, P. O.toMadigan, Bridget185351:263Link to document image
Ryan, PatfromDard, Charles187155:32Link to document image
Ryan, Pat (Jr.)fromScott, David186949:5Link to document image
Ryan, PatrickfromBanline, Sarah188185:337Link to document image
Ryan, PatrickfromRyan, James187256:134Link to document image
Ryan, PatricktoRyan, John187564:575Link to document image
Ryan, PatrickfromRyan, Thos. (Et al.)187580:2Link to document image
Ryan, PatricktoWesling, William (Et ux.)1901163:523Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick (Et ux.)fromHunter, Lewis C.1901164:257Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick (Jr.)fromEdgerton, Jos. K.186436:69Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick Jr.toBauline, Sarah188194:250Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick Jr.fromRyan, Patrick Sr.188495:245Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick Jr.fromRyan, Thomas187565:352Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick Jr.toThiebolt, Geo. Wm.1886102:103Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick O.fromMeegan, Caroline E.187464:112Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick R.fromEhinger, Conrad1899153:325Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick Sr.toRyan, Patrick Jr.188495:245Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick Sr. (Will)to1884117:90Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick T.fromRyan, Ellen E.1902167:16Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick T.fromRyan, John (Et al.)1901163:367Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick T. (Et al.)toRyan, Ellen C.1901163:370Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick T. (Et al.)toRyan, John1901163:368Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick T. (Et al.)toRyan, Joseph190163:369Link to document image
Ryan, Patrick T. (Et al.)toTownsend, Anna A. (Et al.)1901163:370Link to document image
Ryan, PaultoSiebold, Julia1893130:48Link to document image
Ryan, Paul (Et al.)fromBond, Charles E. (Et al.)1891120:600Link to document image
Ryan, Paul (Et.)fromLumbard, Sidney C. (Et al.)1891120:600Link to document image
Ryan, RossannafromRyan, William186944:590Link to document image
Ryan, SusanfromFoster, Andrew1898155:554Link to document image
Ryan, ThomasfromEdgerton, Joseph K.186332:117Link to document image
Ryan, ThomasfromMorris, John Jr.1896140:530Link to document image
Ryan, ThomastoMorris, John Jr.1896140:548Link to document image
Ryan, ThomastoMorris, John Jr.1896140:529Link to document image
Ryan, ThomasfromRandall, P. A. (Trustee)1895137:24Link to document image
Ryan, ThomasfromRyan, James186846:470Link to document image
Ryan, ThomasfromRyan, James187256:135Link to document image
Ryan, ThomastoRyan, Patrick Jr.187565:352Link to document image
Ryan, Thomas (Et ux.)toMcAllister, Kate M.1896141:49Link to document image
Ryan, Thos.toHagerman, Caroline187668:354Link to document image
Ryan, Thos.fromShob, Adam (et al.)187463:376Link to document image
Ryan, Thos.fromShob, Adam (et al.)187463:377Link to document image
Ryan, Thos. (Et al.)toRyan, Patrick187580:2Link to document image
Ryan, W. C.fromHough, John186433:499Link to document image
Ryan, W. C.toKnapp, Jno. R.187154:545Link to document image
Ryan, Wash C.toJohnson, F. A.187154:597Link to document image
Ryan, WilliamfromFarleg, Nicholas1859Y:22Link to document image
Ryan, WilliamfromHamilton, Allen1853O:124Link to document image
Ryan, WilliamtoLiehuer, George W.1895138:409Link to document image
Ryan, WilliamtoRyan, Rossanna186944:590Link to document image
Ryan, WilliamtoSeabold, V.18756:38Link to document image
Ryan, William C.toWhitney, Jas. E.1896144:199Link to document image
Ryan, William C.fromWhitney, Jas. E.1896144:198Link to document image
Ryan, Wm.fromRyan, Michael186744:182Link to document image
Ryan, Wm.toRyan, Michael186782:31Link to document image
Ryan, Wm.toRyan, Michael186744:215Link to document image
Ryan, Wm. & M.fromBond, Stephen B.186330:602Link to document image
Ryan, Wm. (Et al.)toRobinson, B. A.187254:327Link to document image
Ryder, A. & J.toDarby, Ann186538:430Link to document image
Ryder, Jesse & AarontoStirling, Wilson R.187361:94Link to document image
Ryder, Mary E.fromSmith, Frank C.1893131:91Link to document image
Rydolph, Wm.toElbert, Delphine187360:187Link to document image
Ryel, Charles F.toLadig, Annie L.1897149:304Link to document image
Ryel, Chas. F.fromRuper, J. D.1893132:256Link to document image
Ryns, D. A.fromMohr, H. H.188289:437Link to document image
Ryns, William H.toKearns, Dennis1900159:348Link to document image
Ryon, O. F.fromGamble, Mary188599:332Link to document image
Ryus, Diantha A.toSmith, Esther1899154:47Link to document image
Ryus, Diantha A.fromSmith, Esther1901165:108Link to document image
Ryus, William H.fromSmith, Esther1899154:48Link to document image

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