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ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index

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Parties to the Deed                                                YearDeed Book
Ruad, A. J.toRundall, Charles186844:416Link to document image
Ruan, LawrencefromBrown, Edward1887106:399Link to document image
Ruan, LawrencefromBrown, J. P.187977:571Link to document image
Ruan, LawrencefromBrown, Jno. T.188189:49Link to document image
Rubey, Thomas D.toDiffenderfer, H. C.187872:484Link to document image
Rubey, Thos. D.fromPearson, Sampson187669:108Link to document image
Rubin, EdwardfromNirdlinger, Fred187153:114Link to document image
Rubin, EdwardfromOppenheimer, A.187153:414Link to document image
Rubin, EdwardfromWhite, Maria & J. B.187771:336Link to document image
Rubin, ElizatoBruebach, A. E.1888109:87Link to document image
Rubin, ElizafromCasso, Frank188494:316Link to document image
Rubin, ElizatoH. Berghoff Brig. Co.1888109:69Link to document image
Ruble, Julia A.fromRandall, P. A.1889110:620Link to document image
Ruby, A. M.fromRuby, Edward187874:504Link to document image
Ruby, A. M.fromSpringer, F.188286:290Link to document image
Ruby, A. M.toVizards, J. & A.188182:211Link to document image
Ruby, ArthurfromGross, Abner187257:167Link to document image
Ruby, Arthur M.toAmbrose, Patrick1896143:302Link to document image
Ruby, Arthur M.fromArcher, John D.1902167:307Link to document image
Ruby, Arthur M.fromBowser, Jacob C.186844:442Link to document image
Ruby, Arthur M.toButt, James D. (Et al.)1901163:499Link to document image
Ruby, Arthur M.toMurphy, Edward186744:20Link to document image
Ruby, EdwardfromHanna, Samuel (Pt.)1850K:259Link to document image
Ruby, EdwardtoRuby, A. M.187874:504Link to document image
Ruch, B. C.fromMiller, Silas M.187771:94Link to document image
Ruch, CatharinetoFalls, Jos.188289:190Link to document image
Ruch, Geo.fromAdams, Earl187977:261Link to document image
Ruch, GeorgetoAddams, Louis James (Et al.)1902171:82Link to document image
Ruch, GeorgetoAnspach, John P. (Et al.)1901162:422Link to document image
Ruch, GeorgefromRuch, Simon1897148:343Link to document image
Ruch, GeorgefromSheriff188080:37Link to document image
Ruch, GeorgetoTrustee Jackson Tp.1897147:441Link to document image
Ruch, JoshuafromStratton, Robt.188496:278Link to document image
Ruch, JoshuafromTrustees Wm. S. Pierson Estate1895139:90Link to document image
Ruch, Lenora (Et al.)fromLorane, Catharine (Et al.)1902167:230Link to document image
Ruch, LewisfromClark, James1859V:517Link to document image
Ruch, LewisfromFarrell, Edward1860Y:329Link to document image
Ruch, LewisfromFarrell, Edward (Est.)186638:653Link to document image
Ruch, LewisfromHobbs, Thomas1857U:483Link to document image
Ruch, LewisfromLopshire, Catharine187464:39Link to document image
Ruch, LewisfromLopshire, Catharine187466:137Link to document image
Ruch, Saml.fromCraig, Jno.188596:612Link to document image
Ruch, SimonfromMorton, Wm. H.1895139:341Link to document image
Ruch, SimontoRuch, George1897148:343Link to document image
Ruchel, CarolinefromLomas, Chas. Jr.1889111:381Link to document image
Ruchel, CarolinetoSmitley, Homer B. (Et ux.)1892126:7Link to document image
Ruchel, WilliamtoAxt, August W.1901164:246Link to document image
Ruchel, WilliamfromRossongton, Anna1900156:531Link to document image
Ruchel, WilliamtoSchoppmann, J. A. Wm.1890117:83Link to document image
Ruchel, Wm.fromGriebel, Mary (Et al.)188079:506Link to document image
Ruchel, Wm.fromStenps, Henry (Et al.)188079:506Link to document image
Ruchel, Wm. (Et ux.)fromBoutie, Ophelia1889112:636Link to document image
Ruck, GeorgefromDougherty, Solomon186539:362Link to document image
Ruck, JohnfromPfeiffer, Charles F.1898152:63Link to document image
Ruckaway, Wm.toSchaffer, Wm.187565:332Link to document image
Ruckles, DavidfromHull, Benjamin F.1851L:285Link to document image
Rudalph, FrankfromNewhause, Frank186649:200Link to document image
Ruddell, Richard Rec. Eel River R. R. co.toLogansport & Toledo Railway Company1901164:456Link to document image
Ruder, C.fromBrocking, Chas.188498:117Link to document image
Rudert, BarbarafromAllen Circuit Court1893129:551Link to document image
Rudert, BarbarafromRudert, Geo. (Est.)1893129:551Link to document image
Rudert, Geo. fromSnow, Jeannie M.188598:220Link to document image
Rudert, Geo. (Est.)toRudert, Barbara1893129:551Link to document image
Rudisell, AdamfromHoagland, Phiny186126:501Link to document image
Rudisell, H. J.fromHanna, Samuel186128:330Link to document image
Rudisell, H. J.fromPfeiffer, C. F.187054:119Link to document image
Rudisell, H. J.fromWynicker, Fred187154:120Link to document image
Rudisil, Margaret E.fromSunderland, Joseph R.187462:197Link to document image
Rudisill ElizabethfromSheriff1891113:391Link to document image
Rudisill, A. L.toAshley, Geo. H.186344:257Link to document image
Rudisill, A. L.toGassner, Nicholas186536:521Link to document image
Rudisill, A. Melis L. Est.toFreeman, Julia C.187463:29Link to document image
Rudisill, A. Melis L. Est.toFrench, Maria C.187463:29Link to document image
Rudisill, A. Melis L. Est.toHoagland, Harriet E.187463:29Link to document image
Rudisill, A. Melis L. Est.toRudisill, Eliza C.187463:29Link to document image
Rudisill, A. Melis L. Est.toSturgis, Mary187463:29Link to document image
Rudisill, A. Melis L. Est.toWithers, Martha187463:29Link to document image
Rudisill, AdamfromRaab, Christina188082:58Link to document image
Rudisill, AdamfromSheriff188290:37Link to document image
Rudisill, AdamfromThain, Charles1891125:345Link to document image
Rudisill, Adam J. (Et.)toThaim, Charles C.1891113:226Link to document image
Rudisill, AmeliatoGasser, Nicholas186744:41Link to document image
Rudisill, E.fromHanna, Saml.186333:371Link to document image
Rudisill, E. (Et al.)fromRudisill, H. J.186344:258Link to document image
Rudisill, E. (Et al.)fromWithers, W. H.186344:258Link to document image
Rudisill, E. C.toAshley, Geo. H.186344:257Link to document image
Rudisill, E. C.toDreibelbiss, John (Et ux.)1893129:124Link to document image
Rudisill, E. C.toGasser, Nicholas186536:521Link to document image
Rudisill, E. C.fromHamilton, Thos.186332:112Link to document image
Rudisill, E. E.toHattersley, Alfred187359:3Link to document image
Rudisill, E. E.toKramer, Peter187359:243Link to document image
Rudisill, E. E.toPhelps, Martha B.187462:339Link to document image
Rudisill, E. E.toSoliday, Sol D.187357:543Link to document image
Rudisill, E. E.toYoung, Stephen187463:174Link to document image
Rudisill, E. E. & H. J.fromBarnett, Abraham G.187463:478Link to document image
Rudisill, E. E. & H. J.toBaxter, Phoebe187465:231Link to document image
Rudisill, E. E. & H. J.toMoellering, Wm.187564:282Link to document image
Rudisill, E. E. & H. J.toRudisill, Elizabeth Sr.187567:64Link to document image
Rudisill, E. E. & H. J.fromYoung, Stephen186464:285Link to document image
Rudisill, EliztoTagtmeyer, D.1889110:465Link to document image
Rudisill, Eliza C.toGasser, Nicholas186744:41Link to document image
Rudisill, Eliza C.toKlotz, Herman (Et ux.)1888108:72Link to document image
Rudisill, Eliza C.fromRudisill, A. Melis L. Est.187463:29Link to document image
Rudisill, Eliza C.toTrustee Washington Tp.1899154:234Link to document image
Rudisill, Eliza C. (Et al.)fromFreeman, Henry R.1892127:360Link to document image
Rudisill, Eliza C. (Et al.)toFreeman, Henry R.1892127:361Link to document image
Rudisill, Eliza C. (Et al.)fromFreeman, Henry R.1898154:316Link to document image
Rudisill, ElizabethtoAshley, Geo. H.186344:257Link to document image
Rudisill, ElizabethtoBard, Samuel186639:390Link to document image
Rudisill, ElizabethtoBergman, H. P. (Et al.)1887105:331Link to document image
Rudisill, ElizabethtoDobilinski, Louise186639:390Link to document image
Rudisill, ElizabethfromEvans, William Rush1859Y:359Link to document image
Rudisill, ElizabethfromFreeman, N. B.186344:258Link to document image
Rudisill, ElizabethtoFreeman, N. B.186639:390Link to document image
Rudisill, ElizabethfromFreeman, Neton B.1859V:622Link to document image
Rudisill, ElizabethtoFrench, H & Co.186845:446Link to document image
Rudisill, ElizabethtoOrmiston, Alex & Lewis187566:519Link to document image
Rudisill, ElizabethtoOrmiston, Alex & Louis187564:315Link to document image
Rudisill, ElizabethfromOrmiston, Alex (Et al.)1886104:86Link to document image
Rudisill, ElizabethtoRudisill, Henry J.187564:335Link to document image
Rudisill, ElizabethfromRudisill, Henry J. (et ux.)187564:344Link to document image
Rudisill, ElizabethtoSavage, John H.187361:20Link to document image
Rudisill, Elizabeth (Et al.)fromFrench, R. Morgan186344:258Link to document image
Rudisill, Elizabeth E.toBrokew, Sarah J.187362:9Link to document image
Rudisill, Elizabeth E.toHill, Eliza Jane187565:585Link to document image
Rudisill, Elizabeth E.toSiemon, Rudolph187463:34Link to document image
Rudisill, Elizabeth E.toWilmot, James C.187361:349Link to document image
Rudisill, Elizabeth E.toWilson, Geo. H.187360:452Link to document image
Rudisill, Elizabeth Sr.fromRudisill, E. E. & H. J.187567:64Link to document image
Rudisill, EmanuelfromBerry, David1854O:456Link to document image
Rudisill, EmanuelfromFleming, William (Comr.)1859X:299Link to document image
Rudisill, EmanueltoLeah, John T.187360:50Link to document image
Rudisill, EmanuelfromTrustees W. & E. Canal186332:364Link to document image
Rudisill, EmanuelfromYeomans, Theron G.1853N:16Link to document image
Rudisill, H. I.fromFleming, William (Et al.)186331:216Link to document image
Rudisill, H. J.toFt. W. J. & S. R. R.187158:43Link to document image
Rudisill, H. J.toFt. Wayne City186642:34Link to document image
Rudisill, H. J.toHess, N. W.187256:386Link to document image
Rudisill, H. J.toHoagland, E. H.187254:370Link to document image
Rudisill, H. J.toKuntz, Peter186288:479Link to document image
Rudisill, H. J.toMessing, Charles187256:375Link to document image
Rudisill, H. J.toRandall, P. A.1888107:50Link to document image
Rudisill, H. J.toRudisill, E. (Et al.)186344:258Link to document image
Rudisill, H. J.toSiemon, Rudolph187257:214Link to document image
Rudisill, H. J.toSoliday, John A.187357:542Link to document image
Rudisill, H. J.toWaters, James187257:326Link to document image
Rudisill, HenryfromEden, James 1857U:178Link to document image
Rudisill, HenryfromFleming, Wm. (Et al.)1863154:49Link to document image
Rudisill, HenryfromHanna, Samuel1852M:476Link to document image
Rudisill, HenryfromMeyers, John F.1855S:300Link to document image
Rudisill, HenryfromYeomans, Salmon1853N:16Link to document image
Rudisill, HenryfromYeomans, Salmon G.1853N:16Link to document image
Rudisill, HenryfromYeomans, Theron G.1853N:16Link to document image
Rudisill, Henry J.toBaxter, James187570:158Link to document image
Rudisill, Henry J.toCentlivre Brwg. Co.C. L.1899156:90Link to document image
Rudisill, Henry J.toCentlivre, Chas. L.187463:480Link to document image
Rudisill, Henry J.fromFrench, R. Morgan186228:327Link to document image
Rudisill, Henry J.toHill, John E. Jr.187567:94Link to document image
Rudisill, Henry J.toHood, Alfred187566:208Link to document image
Rudisill, Henry J.toMoellering, Wm.187564:360Link to document image
Rudisill, Henry J.fromPeters, Jacob187567:63Link to document image
Rudisill, Henry J.fromRudisill, Elizabeth187564:335Link to document image
Rudisill, Henry J. (et ux.)toBurgess, H. Zollinger, C. & Kamm, J. J.187564:336Link to document image
Rudisill, Henry J. (et ux.)toRudisill, Elizabeth187564:344Link to document image
Rudisill, JacobfromSkinner, Thos. H. (Etta)1891123:81Link to document image
Rudisill, Jacob (Et al.)toBacher, Theo. J.1887103:280Link to document image
Rudisill, Jno. A.fromMyers, Jno. F.187668:262Link to document image
Rudisill, Jno. A.toRongart, Jno. A.186346:219Link to document image
Rudisill, JohnfromFreeman, N. B.186344:258Link to document image
Rudisill, JohnfromFrench, R. Morgan186344:258Link to document image
Rudisill, John A.toMyers, John A.187670:2Link to document image
Rudisill, M. E.fromLand & Security Co.1900157:81Link to document image
Rudisill, M. E.toSunderland, Benj.188397:205Link to document image
Rudisill, M. E.fromSunderland, J. R.188397:204Link to document image
Rudisill, Margaret E.fromSmitley, Geo. N.187669:Link to document image
Rudisill, Margaret E.toSunderland, Benj.188079:317Link to document image
Rudisill, Mary C.fromFreeman, Julia A.186332:30Link to document image
Rudisill, Mary C.fromFrench, Maria C.186332:30Link to document image
Rudisill, Theodore M.toWaters, John S.1900159:280Link to document image
Rudisills, E.toShuman, Erastus187051:403Link to document image
Rudkin, Jas.toBoswell, J. & M.188186:445Link to document image
Rudkin, Jas.fromKeller, Jno.188186:445Link to document image
Rudley, AntonfromDurrie, Horace186230:5Link to document image
Rudlph, Wm.fromHerington, Jos. S.186950:350Link to document image
Rudmiller, Jno. M.toDierstine, Conrad187051:95Link to document image
Rudmiller, Jno. M.toSchnelker, B. & Co.187051:92Link to document image
Rudolph C. (Et al.)fromKienzle, Christian1887104:472Link to document image
Rudolph W. M.fromArcher, John H.187154:203Link to document image
Rudolph, AlvinfromRudolph, Christina (Et al.)1894131:578Link to document image
Rudolph, AlvinfromRudolph, Gangolph1900159:234Link to document image
Rudolph, CharlesfromArcher, John187365:37Link to document image
Rudolph, Chas.fromArcher, Jno. H.187257:502Link to document image
Rudolph, Chas.fromHuffman, W. L.186338:160Link to document image
Rudolph, ChristinatoKienzle, Christian1887103:473Link to document image
Rudolph, ChristinafromKienzle, Christian1887104:472Link to document image
Rudolph, Christina (Et al.)toRudolph, Alvin1894131:578Link to document image
Rudolph, Christina (Et al.)toRudolph, Gaugolph1894131:579Link to document image
Rudolph, Christina (Et al.)toRudolph, Julius (Et al.)1894132:69Link to document image
Rudolph, FranktoMahut, Conrad187667:482Link to document image
Rudolph, G.fromBeck, F. J.187154:273Link to document image
Rudolph, GangolftoKlett, John A.1900160:270Link to document image
Rudolph, GangolphfromArcher1894132:249Link to document image
Rudolph, GangolphtoRudolph, Alvin1900159:234Link to document image
Rudolph, GaugolphfromRudolph, Christina (Et al.)1894131:579Link to document image
Rudolph, HermanfromFell, Christian186944:571Link to document image
Rudolph, Hermantomeyer, Jno. C.187874:258Link to document image
Rudolph, JuliusfromStapleton, Minnie1897144:441Link to document image
Rudolph, Julius (Et al.)fromRudolph, Christina (Et al.)1894132:69Link to document image
Rudolph, Mary I.toBarve, Alverretta O.1901160:395Link to document image
Rudolph, Mary I.fromFerckel, Susanna1898150:195Link to document image
Rudolph, Mary I.toFuchshuber, C. M.1892125:113Link to document image
Rudolph, Mary I.toJohnson, Lewis W.1896141:416Link to document image
Rudolph, Mary I.fromKing, Caroline M.1896142:200Link to document image
Rudolph, Mary I.fromRomy, Robert L.1891122:544Link to document image
Rudolph, Mary I.fromRomy, Robert L. (Et.)1891113:489Link to document image
Rudolph, Mary I.fromRomy, Robt. L.1889112:397Link to document image
Rudolph, SophiafromMakrt, Conrad187667:539Link to document image
Rudolph, W. M.fromArcher, John H.187051:330Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm.toArcher, Jno. H.187051:330Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm.toArcher, Jno. H.187254:438Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm.fromArcher, Jno. H.187254:607Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm.fromArcher, John H.187154:206Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm.fromBayless, Sol. D.186330:406Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm.toBechtold, Geo.186744:208Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm.fromBechtold, Geo.186844:397Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm.toBritcher, Edward187359:518Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm.toChase, Stephen187154:204Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm.fromCrock, John187771:2Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm.fromEmrig, Chas. G.186740:568Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm.toEmrig, Chas. G.186740:569Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm.toKandeer, Valentine187256:337Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm.toKauder, Valentine187566:201Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm.toYobst, Willi C.1894132:269Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm. L. (Et.)toRomy, Robert L.1891122:531Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm. L:. (Et.)toRomy, Robert L.1891121:140Link to document image
Rudolph, Wm. R.fromRomy, Robert L. (Et.)1891121:139Link to document image
Rue, LouisfromAuditor A. Co.186538:79Link to document image
Rue, LouisfromAuditor A. Co.186538:81Link to document image
Rue, Nick T.toMiller, Jno. M.187153:525Link to document image
Rue, Nick T.toRau, Casper187153:347Link to document image
Rue, RichardfromEnglish, Elisha G.1856S:652Link to document image
Rue, RichardfromEnglish, Elisha G.1856S:653Link to document image
Rue, RichardfromEnglish, Elisha G.1856S:654Link to document image
Rue, RichardfromHabecker, Elias186126:527Link to document image
Rue, RichardfromHam, Jason1858X:401Link to document image
Rue, RichardfromHolman, Joseph1857U:442Link to document image
Rue, RichardfromHolman, Joseph1857U:442Link to document image
Rue, RichardfromScarce, David1858X:401Link to document image
Rue, RichardfromScarce, David1858X:401Link to document image
Rueck, AdamfromCheveron, Xavier188184:296Link to document image
Ruelle, JosephfromBass, Jno. H.187051:236Link to document image
Ruen, LawrencefromBrown, Michael188392:562Link to document image
Ruerte, Mary (Et al.)toMasson, Jno. H.1888107:402Link to document image
Ruess, C. A.toHeit, Christian187874:142Link to document image
Ruess, K. H.toFrye, J. B. & J. N.1886101:245Link to document image
Ruess, Katie H.fromWhite, Jno. W.188081:16Link to document image
Ruf, Berchthold (Gdn.)toMarchant, David1902169:314Link to document image
Ruf, Berchthold (Gdn.)toSpindler, William A. 1901164:223Link to document image
Rufer, W. T.fromWinch, Mary C.1899154:518Link to document image
Rufer, William T.toMettler, Katie1901165:175Link to document image
Ruff, SarahfromBrown, Carrie188393:470Link to document image
Ruff, SarahtoLudwick, Chas. W.188393:471Link to document image
Ruff, SarahfromMelliron, Mary (Et al.)188393:470Link to document image
Ruff, SarahtoPlank, D. H.186538:290Link to document image
Ruffing, MartinfromRandall, G. (Et al. Exrs.)188495:616Link to document image
Ruffing, MartinfromRandall, P. A.188390:402Link to document image
Ruffing, MartinfromRandall, Perry A. (Et.)1891113:252Link to document image
Ruffing, PeterfromEdgerton, Jos. K.187477:196Link to document image
Ruffing, PetertoSimmons, Eli.1887106:301Link to document image
Ruffman, J. L.toBowers, Jno F.186948:546Link to document image
Ruffner, BenjaminfromBirkey, James L.1855S:143Link to document image
Ruffner, BenjaminfromBrice, John W.1855S:143Link to document image
Ruffner, BenjaminfromTrus. Wabash & Erie Canal1853113:565Link to document image
Ruffner, J. C.fromSheriff196130:547Link to document image
Ruffner, J. J.fromSheriff1859Y:129Link to document image
Ruffner, J. L.toBarcus, B. P.186845:582Link to document image
Ruffner, J. L.fromBarcus, B. P.186847:152Link to document image
Ruffner, J. L.toBond, C. D. (Et al.)186845:565Link to document image
Ruffner, J. L.toBowers, Jno. F.186950:106Link to document image
Ruffner, J. L.toFleming, Wm.186845:565Link to document image
Ruffner, J. L.fromFleming, Wm. (Comr.)186128:55Link to document image
Ruffner, J. L.toGlutting, Jacob186640:31Link to document image
Ruffner, J. L.toMason, Jos. S.186441:149Link to document image
Ruffner, J. L.toRekers, C. A.186640:31Link to document image
Ruffner, J. L.fromRupert, Ira186745:108Link to document image
Ruffner, J. L.fromTrustees W. & E. Canal186538:487Link to document image
Ruffner, Joachine L.fromFay, James A.186538:295Link to document image
Ruffner, MarytoLeammle, John187154:220Link to document image
Ruffnor, J. L.fromSheriff Allen Co.186135:98Link to document image
Ruffug, MartinfromLocke, Josiah188495:577Link to document image
Rufner, SamuelfromTri State B. & L. A.1893130:345Link to document image
Rug, Wm. F.fromHanna, Saml.186330:222Link to document image
Ruge, Jno. G.fromBowser, Jacob C.187669:141Link to document image
Ruge, Jno. G.toFleming, Wm.188185:261Link to document image
Ruge, John G.toGrady, John E.187770:362Link to document image
Ruge, John G.fromGrady, John E.187874:60Link to document image
Rugg, Saml. L.fromSinclear, S. S.186130:85Link to document image
Rugg, Saml. L.fromSwaun, Jas. W. S.1859V:590Link to document image
Rugg, Saml. L.fromSwaun, R. W.1859V:589Link to document image
Rugg, SamuelfromHamilton, Allen1855W:637Link to document image
Rugg, Samuel L.fromEdsall, Simon1859Y:72Link to document image
Rugg, Samuel L.fromEdsall, Simon S.1859X:320Link to document image
Rugg, Samuel L.fromEdsall, William S.185727:172Link to document image
Ruggaber, Jos.fromBushman, J. A. (Ex.)188288:12Link to document image
Ruggaber, Mary K.toBreimeier, Louis C.1893131:194Link to document image
Ruglesperger, FrancisfromAuditor Allen County1852S:34Link to document image
Ruhe, Jas. H.fromHart, O. T.186331:337Link to document image
Ruhe, PeterfromLerory, Abraham186330:402Link to document image
Ruhl, Almira (Et al.)toHarrod, Isaac188287:184Link to document image
Ruhl, B. A. fromDougherty, E. E.188294:602Link to document image
Ruhl, C. E.fromDevilbiss, Wm. F.1889110:154Link to document image
Ruhl, C. R.fromLauferty, Isaac188599:620Link to document image
Ruhl, C. R.fromRuhl, M. L.188294:603Link to document image
Ruhl, C. R.fromShookman, Geo. (Et al.)188699:618Link to document image
Ruhl, Charles R.toSchoppmann, Ferdinand1902169:494Link to document image
Ruhl, Chas. (Et ux.)fromPovison, Peter F.1894132:227Link to document image
Ruhl, Ellsworth C.toRuhl, Wm. D.1900156:527Link to document image
Ruhl, GeorgefromYoung, Henry J.1854Q:370Link to document image
Ruhl, James H.fromEby, Henry186127:312Link to document image
Ruhl, Jas. H.fromDrage, Henry187053:273Link to document image
Ruhl, Jas. W.toVanhorn, Mary186441:14Link to document image
Ruhl, Jesse F.fromBaker, Jas. S.186432:478Link to document image
Ruhl, Jesse L.toMcNulty, Wm.186644:3Link to document image
Ruhl, Jessie T.toEickhoff, Cath.186950:186Link to document image
Ruhl, John C.fromBrown, Rebecca E.1888106:598Link to document image
Ruhl, John C.fromRuhl, Wm. d. (Et al.)1901162:355Link to document image
Ruhl, John C.toYouse, William A.1900157;221Link to document image
Ruhl, M. L.toRuhl, C. R.188294:603Link to document image
Ruhl, M. L.fromSeymoure, C. A.188287:370Link to document image
Ruhl, Mary L.toBobilya, Louis J.1895140:77Link to document image
Ruhl, Mary L.toBobilya, Louis J.1896143:310Link to document image
Ruhl, Mary L.fromHartnett, Richard1895140:92Link to document image
Ruhl, Mary L.fromHuss, M. a. 188394:109Link to document image
Ruhl, Mary L.toMcComb, W. S.1895138:95Link to document image
Ruhl, Mary L.toMcComb, Wm. S.1893136:494Link to document image
Ruhl, Mary L.fromRomy, Cathren A.1895140:91Link to document image
Ruhl, Mary L.fromRomy, Robt. L.1895140:91Link to document image
Ruhl, Mary L.fromShookman, Jno.188183:531Link to document image
Ruhl, Samantha A. (Et al.)fromSmitley, Enos C.1899156:488Link to document image
Ruhl, Wm. D.fromHuss, E. O.188287:371Link to document image
Ruhl, Wm. D.toMccomb, W. S.1895138:95Link to document image
Ruhl, Wm. D.fromRuhl, Ellsworth C.1900156:527Link to document image
Ruhl, Wm. D. (Et al.)toDaugherty, E.188288:412Link to document image
Ruhl, Wm. d. (Et al.)toRuhl, John C.1901162:355Link to document image
Ruhle, JamestoSnider, Jno. W.186643:62Link to document image
Ruhle, JamestoSnider, Jno. W.186643:63Link to document image
Ruhle, JamesfromSnider, Jno. W.186646:135Link to document image
Ruhle, Jess T.toPuhl, Noah186844:294Link to document image
Ruhle, Jesse L.fromBoling, L. R.186640:33Link to document image
Ruhle, Mary L.toShookman, Catharine188194:601Link to document image
Ruhling, Cath.fromPuhling, B. P.186846:306Link to document image
Ruhling, ConradfromHough, John186330:281Link to document image
Ruhling, ConradfromMeegan, Caroline E.187669:29Link to document image
Ruhling, ConradfromRuhling, Phillip J.1890132:413Link to document image
Ruhling, Jacob (Comr.)toSherrer, christian186642:99Link to document image
Ruhling, P. C.fromErdel, Valentine187153:413Link to document image
Ruhling, P. C.toErdel, Valentine187153:512Link to document image
Ruhling, Phillip J.toOtto, Maria C.1890132:412Link to document image
Ruhling, Phillip J.toRuhling, Conrad1890132:413Link to document image
Ruhling, TheresafromHough, John186950:14Link to document image
Ruhling, TheresatoMiller, Samantha187873:236Link to document image
Ruiggenberg, P. & C.fromBlubaugh, F.187674:351Link to document image
Ruke, NoahtoKranzman, H.187048:489Link to document image
Rukle, Julia A.toFlutron, August1893128:306Link to document image
Rul, N. T.fromSaunders, Benj.1858V:260Link to document image
Rula, JohnfromGreen, E. W.186744:313Link to document image
Rule, JonathanfromFrederick, Samuel1859X:386Link to document image
Ruley, Thomas D.fromDiffendarger, Henry C.187566:266Link to document image
Rullo, CharlesfromColerick, Edward F.1852M:491Link to document image
Rully, CatharinefromChaoman, George W.1857U:302Link to document image
Rulo, J. A.fromLucey, Jeremiah188286:479Link to document image
Rulo, Jno.toSchmidt, Geo. Jr.188186:115Link to document image
Rulo, JohnfromBartholomew, Hiram B.187462:494Link to document image
Rulo, JohnfromBurgess, Henry186666:86Link to document image
Rulo, JohntoHammond, John187462:90Link to document image
Rulo, JohntoKline, James186666:85Link to document image
Rulo, Julia A.fromColeman, C. B.1886102:59Link to document image
Rulo, Julia A.toMeyers, Henry188393:106Link to document image
Rulton, R. L.fromTrustees W. & E. Canal185255:243Link to document image
Rumbboldt, J. G. (Dec.)toRumboldt, Helena188292:43Link to document image
Rumbel, CharlesfromPourchy, Peter186847:157Link to document image
Rumbold, GottleibfromDierstein, Conrad186744:46Link to document image
Rumbold, GottliebtoKoeble, Eve186743:159Link to document image
Rumbold, GottliebfromKoeble, John G.186743:158Link to document image
Rumboldt, HelenafromRumbboldt, J. G. (Dec.)188292:43Link to document image
Rumboldt, John G. (Dec. Will of)to188292:43Link to document image
Rummel, Ada E.fromHirsch, Lazar1885105:31Link to document image
Rummel, EmeryfromMullenkopf, James1902170:399Link to document image
Rummel, Hulbert N.fromSpitz, Michael1902167:473Link to document image
Rummell, A.toHays, W. S.187463:365Link to document image
Rummell, A.fromHays, W. S.187463:366Link to document image
Rummell, AlbertfromFelger, Peter187254:489Link to document image
Rummell, AlberttoGable, J. & C.188391:333Link to document image
Rummell, AlberttoGerke, H. F. A.187873:344Link to document image
Rummell, AlbertfromGerke, H. F. A.187873:346Link to document image
Rummell, AlbertfromTravelber, Jno. E. (Et al.)187254:490Link to document image
Rummell, H. N.fromKnoblauch, Otto1896143:71Link to document image
Rummell, H. N.toMeyer, Jacob1900157:364Link to document image
Rummell, Hulbert N.fromMullet, Charles1902169:475Link to document image
Rummell, Hulbert N.toNelson, John W.1902169:387Link to document image
Rummell, Hulbert N.toWertman, Frank1902169:476Link to document image
Rump, E. F. (Comr.)toRump, Ernst H.1888108:554Link to document image
Rump, ErnestfromPierson, John M.1893128:97Link to document image
Rump, Ernest F.fromFricke, Wm.187461:541Link to document image
Rump, Ernest F.fromSheriff1899156:59Link to document image
Rump, Ernest H.fromBarthold, Emma1901165:373Link to document image
Rump, Ernest H.toRump, Frederick J.1901165:371Link to document image
Rump, Ernest H.fromRump, Frederick J.1901165:372Link to document image
Rump, Ernest H.toSelle, Gustave a. (Et ux.)1901165:370Link to document image
Rump, Ernst F.fromRump, F. F.187151:591Link to document image
Rump, Ernst F.toRump, Harman187461:589Link to document image
Rump, Ernst H.toBrass, Louise C.1893127:468Link to document image
Rump, Ernst H.fromRump, E. F. (Comr.)1888108:554Link to document image
Rump, Ernst H.toRump, Fredk. J.1893127:496Link to document image
Rump, F. F.fromMcCullack, Chas.187254:630Link to document image
Rump, F. F.toRump, Ernst F.187151:591Link to document image
Rump, Frank F.fromBond, C. D. (Et al.)186950:307Link to document image
Rump, Frank F.toRump, Herman F.187360:226Link to document image
Rump, FrederickfromConrad, George187564:462Link to document image
Rump, Frederick J.fromAllen County L. & S. A.1901164:451Link to document image
Rump, Frederick J.fromIndustrial Park Land Company1900159:546Link to document image
Rump, Frederick J.toKnipstein, Fredk. (Et ux.)1901161:63Link to document image
Rump, Frederick J.fromRump, Ernest H.1901165:371Link to document image
Rump, Frederick J.toRump, Ernest H.1901165:372Link to document image
Rump, Fredk. J.fromRump, Ernst H.1893127:496Link to document image
Rump, H. F.toDrebert, H. J.188186:162Link to document image
Rump, HarmanfromRump, Ernst F.187461:589Link to document image
Rump, Herman F.fromRump, Frank F.187360:226Link to document image
Rump, S. A.fromReddin, Wm. (Est.)187052:46Link to document image
Rumpf, DanieltoHiggs, George A.1901161:115Link to document image
Rumpf, DanielfromSteinacker, Frances1898152:16Link to document image
Rumsey, B. R.toLuers, Jno. H.186848:89Link to document image
Rumsey, H. B.toN.Y.C. & St. L. Rw. Co.188186:397Link to document image
Rumsey, H. E.toEdgerton, Jos. K.1888108:215Link to document image
Rumsey, HelenfromEdgerton, Jos. K.186538:72Link to document image
Rumsey, Helen E.fromComrs. in Part1901163:35Link to document image
Rumsey, Helen E.toDougherty, Sl. W.1890117:14Link to document image
Rumsey, Helen E.toPriest, Edward1902166:225Link to document image
Rumsey, Helen E.toThomas, Clarnce R.1901163:542Link to document image
Rumsey, Helen E. (Etu.)toGilbert, Charles W.1891113:572Link to document image
Rumsey, PhiltoG. R. & Ind. R. R.186948:533Link to document image
Rumsey, PhiltoNelson, Wm. R.186844:504Link to document image
Rumsey, PhilofromChittenden, Erastus186229:55Link to document image
Rumsey, PhilotoHoffman, Wm. H.187567:163Link to document image
Rumsey, PhilotoPeters, Jno. C. & M.188393:468Link to document image
Rumsey, PhilotoRockhill, H. C.188294:278Link to document image
Rumsey, PhilotoTyler, W. R.188091:415Link to document image
Rumsey, Philo (et al.)toUnger, Barbara187772:277Link to document image
Rumsey, Philo.toPeters, Jno. C.188079:366Link to document image
Rumsey, Philo.toRockhill, Howell C.1895137:269Link to document image
Rumsey, Phils.toEckart & Linker187255:335Link to document image
Rumsey, R. R.toBeaver, Aug. C.186744:101Link to document image
Rumsey, R. R.toCourdevoy, Leonard188599:317Link to document image
Rumsey, R. R.toFleming, O. E.1886102:588Link to document image
Rumsey, R. R.toFleming, O. E.1886102:594Link to document image
Rumsey, R. R.toGreiner, Alvin188186:180Link to document image
Rumsey, R. R.toHoffman, A. E. & W. H.188185:373Link to document image
Rumsey, R. R.toHoffman, A. E. & W. H.188290:97Link to document image
Rumsey, R. R.fromNelson, Wm. R.186844:409Link to document image
Rumsey, R. R.toRockhill, H. C.1889112:269Link to document image
Rumsey, R. R.toRockhill, H. C.1889112:63Link to document image
Rumsey, R. R. (Et al.)toBreidenstine, M.1887103:299Link to document image
Rumsey, Reb. R.toRockhill, H. C.1893128:484Link to document image
Rumsey, RebeccatoCourdevey, Louis188599:125Link to document image
Rumsey, RebeccafromCraw, Maria R.188289:564Link to document image
Rumsey, RebeccafromNelson, I. D. G. (Et al.)188289:564Link to document image
Rumsey, RebeccafromNelson, Wm. R.186740:577Link to document image
Rumsey, RebeccatoNelson, Wm. R.186742:418Link to document image
Rumsey, RebeccafromRockhill, E. (Et al.)188289:564Link to document image
Rumsey, RebeccafromRockhill, H. C.1895140:252Link to document image
Rumsey, RebeccafromRockhill, Wm. (Est.)186642:232Link to document image
Rumsey, RebeccafromWheeler, Nelson (Et al.)188289:564Link to document image
Rumsey, Rebecca R.toFahlsing, Fredk. W.1890119:115Link to document image
Rumsey, Rebecca R.toFleming, O. E.188393:557Link to document image
Rumsey, Rebecca R.toNelson, William R.1900157:118Link to document image
Rumsey, Rebecca R.fromNelson, Wm. R.187465:519Link to document image
Rumsey, Rebecca R.toNelson, Wm. R.187465:519Link to document image
Rumsey, Rebecca R.toRockhill, Howell C.1895137:269Link to document image
Rumsey, Rebecca R.toTeagarden, Marion (Tr.)1901161:30Link to document image
Rumsley, R. R.toRomy, Robert L.1892125:230Link to document image
Rundall, CharlesfromRuad, A. J.186844:416Link to document image
Rundall, Wm. C.fromBeane, Jacob118627:52Link to document image
Rundel, CharlestoAshley, Alacthen A.187565:330Link to document image
Rundel, CharlesfromAshley, Philo H.187565:355Link to document image
Rundel, CharlesfromCretzer, Jno. H.187050:458Link to document image
Rundel, CharlestoDennis, R. A.187050:599Link to document image
Rundel, CharlestoDennis, R. A.187050:600Link to document image
Rundel, CharlestoFledderman, John G.187566:483Link to document image
Rundel, CharlestoRundel, Martin186847:175Link to document image
Rundel, Chas.toCretzer, Jno. H.187050:494Link to document image
Rundel, Chas.fromNewell, Chas. D.186641:400Link to document image
Rundel, Chas.fromSmith, Orson187462:558Link to document image
Rundel, Elizabeth A.toEckert, Rachel187874:509Link to document image
Rundel, IsaacfromGrojean, Augustus186743:351Link to document image
Rundel, IsaactoRundel, Laura187465:279Link to document image
Rundel, LaurafromRundel, Isaac187465:279Link to document image
Rundel, LauratoRundel, Sarah187465:280Link to document image
Rundel, MartinfromRundel, Charles186847:175Link to document image
Rundel, MartintoSmith, Orson187050:535Link to document image
Rundel, MaryfromNiezer, Lewis188080:11Link to document image
Rundel, MarytoRidenour, C. S. (Et ux.)1890118:321Link to document image
Rundel, SarahfromRundel, Laura187465:280Link to document image
Rundell, CharlestoRock, Mary J.187566:459Link to document image
Rundl, CharlestoSmith, O.187668:316Link to document image
Rundle, CharlesfromDennis, R. A. (Et al.)187153:92Link to document image
Rundle, Chas.fromKell, George187566:356Link to document image
Rundle, E. A. fromDennis, R. A. (Et al.)187153:91Link to document image
Rundles, Esther E. (Et al.)toRundles, John J.188079:224Link to document image
Rundles, J. J. (Et al.)toBanatt, John187257:332Link to document image
Rundles, Jno. J.fromHalliday, E. E. (Et al.)188291:355Link to document image
Rundles, Jno. J.fromKiracofe, A. R. (Et al.)188291:355Link to document image
Rundles, Jno. J.fromKiracofe, C. H. (Et al.)188081:452Link to document image
Rundles, Jno. J.fromPerry, E. R. (Et al.)188291:355Link to document image
Rundles, Jno. J.fromPerry, J. F. (Et al.)188081:452Link to document image
Rundles, John J.fromRundles, Esther E. (Et al.)188079:224Link to document image
Rundles, John J.fromThomas, Jonathan187573:392Link to document image
Rundles, John J.fromThomas, Sarah (Et al.)188079:224Link to document image
Rundles, Mary C.fromMcComb, Morton T. (Adm.)1901162:99Link to document image
Rundles, SarahfromHatch, N. V.186133:19Link to document image
Runich, FrancisfromPepe, Mar C.186950:118Link to document image
Runion, HarrietfromFarmer, Andrew1886100:304Link to document image
Runke, Wm.fromDroegemeyer, Wilhelmina187978:292Link to document image
Runking, C. F.toConzelman, M.187153:261Link to document image
Runn, JohnfromHouse, John (Et al.)188292:243Link to document image
Runnels, EdwinfromRunnels, Thos. B.186058:199Link to document image
Runnels, Jno. G.fromBall, William1858Y:57Link to document image
Runnels, Thos. B.toRunnels, Edwin186058:199Link to document image
Runnion, E. S.fromFleming, Wm.188185:307Link to document image
Runnion, HarrietttoBear, George1897149:13Link to document image
Runnion, HarriettfromCollier, Leonard188186:221Link to document image
Runnion, ThomasfromFelts, George F.1900156:537Link to document image
Runyan, Jno. B.toSmith, Jonas187053:430Link to document image
Runyan, L. H.toNegley, I.187771:277Link to document image
Runyan, LevifromRunyan, William87771:196Link to document image
Runyan, WilliamtoRunyan, Levi87771:196Link to document image
Runyan, Wm.fromAldrich, Willard187566:317Link to document image
Runyon, DavidtoBobilys, L. J.1889112:4Link to document image
Runyon, DavidfromChase, S. W.1888108:331Link to document image
Rupe, EmanueltoFugley, Jno W.186553:568Link to document image
Rupe, EmanueltoGrubb, Ira J.186561:272Link to document image
Rupe, EmanuelfromReichelderfer, Chas.186561:271Link to document image
Rupe, MarytoNotestine, Peter1868123:459Link to document image
Rupeert, IratoMiller, Martha187773:80Link to document image
Ruper, J. D.toRyel, Chas. F.1893132:256Link to document image
Rupert, A. A.toRupert, M.188286:480Link to document image
Rupert, CharlottetoMoellering, W. L. (Et ux.)1889112:214Link to document image
Rupert, CharlottefromRandall, Julia F.1889112:337Link to document image
Rupert, CharlottefromStapleford, Emma1886101:73Link to document image
Rupert, Comelias & CerillafromWiddifield, Mordacai187875:125Link to document image
Rupert, ElitoGorrell, Cyrus G.1900161:509Link to document image
Rupert, EliasfromHood, Henry G.186639:372Link to document image
Rupert, EliastoRupert, Manassa186639:478Link to document image
Rupert, EliastoRupert, Manassa186643:17Link to document image
Rupert, EliasfromRuppert, Mannassa186947:421Link to document image
Rupert, EliasfromSheriff187152:593Link to document image
Rupert, Emma A.fromRoose, Charles (Et al.)1891120:493Link to document image
Rupert, Emma B.fromAnspach, J. P. (Et al.)1891120:493Link to document image
Rupert, F. & S.fromShaffer, Jno.188393:541Link to document image
Rupert, IratoBowen, Geo. R.188597:127Link to document image
Rupert, IratoDrake, James H.187566:198Link to document image
Rupert, IrafromEwing, George W.1858V:301Link to document image
Rupert, IrafromEwing, George W.1858W:279Link to document image
Rupert, IrafromEwing, George W. (Jr.)1858W:279Link to document image
Rupert, IratoFay, James A.187565:621Link to document image
Rupert, IratoMiller, Martha188080:14Link to document image
Rupert, IrafromMiller, Martha188287:292Link to document image
Rupert, IratoRuffner, J. L.186745:108Link to document image
Rupert, IrafromSheriff186027:505Link to document image
Rupert, IrafromSmith, Henry C.184942:156Link to document image
Rupert, IratoStapleford, Augusta1899155:499Link to document image
Rupert, IrafromTurner, R. D.186145:496Link to document image
Rupert, Ira (Adm.)toMeyer, Fred188391:308Link to document image
Rupert, JacobfromFox, Emanuel185928:353Link to document image
Rupert, M.toFoote, J. G.188286:481Link to document image
Rupert, M.fromRupert, A. A.188286:480Link to document image
Rupert, ManassafromHutchinson, C. W.188289:364Link to document image
Rupert, ManassafromRupert, Elias186639:478Link to document image
Rupert, ManassafromRupert, Elias186643:17Link to document image
Rupert, ManassetoHitzemann, Geo. (Et al.)1889114:401Link to document image
Rupp, BarbarafromEdgerton, C. W. (Adm.)1894132:343Link to document image
Rupp, BarbarafromEdgerton, Hannah M.1894132:344Link to document image
Rupp, BarbaratoRupp, Jesse (Et al.)1899154:14Link to document image
Rupp, Daniel (Et ux.)fromEdgerton, C. W. (Adm.)1894132:345Link to document image
Rupp, Daniel (Et ux.)fromEdgerton, Hannah M.1894132:345Link to document image
Rupp, EmmatoBuehrer, Jacob A.1896140:422Link to document image
Rupp, JessetoHarris, Bernard P.1897145:335Link to document image
Rupp, JessetoSyphers, Jos. W.1897145:336Link to document image
Rupp, JessetoThomas, Clarence R.1897145:325Link to document image
Rupp, Jesse (Et al.)toGerber, Annie1901164:506Link to document image
Rupp, Jesse (Et al.)fromRupp, Barbara1899154:14Link to document image
Rupp, JessifromGernhardt, Mary1895139:184Link to document image
Rupp, JessifromGernhardt, Wm.1895139:184Link to document image
Rupp, Jno.fromMonning, Henry188494:97Link to document image
Rupp, JohnfromBoasa, Frederick187463:599Link to document image
Rupp, JohnfromCoombs, Ann187874:92Link to document image
Rupp, JohntoHeckler, George187874:94Link to document image
Rupp, JohnfromHelmkamp, H.187051:37Link to document image
Rupp, JohnfromLehman, Samuel L. (Et al.)1898152:371Link to document image
Rupp, JohnfromMadison, Wm. J.186846:251Link to document image
Rupp, JohnfromSitheus, Stephen187874:93Link to document image
Rupp, JohnfromWhite, Jas. B.187257:42Link to document image
Rupp, JohntoZimmerman, E.187566:145Link to document image
Rupp, John (Et ux.)fromBossler, Eliza K.1890113:361Link to document image
Rupp, John (Et ux.)fromBossler, Eliza K.1890117:211Link to document image
Rupp, MennatoBuehrer, Jacob A.1896140:422Link to document image
Rupp, MennatoShort, Jacob B.1895140:208Link to document image
Rupp, MennofromEdgerton, C. W. (Adm.)1895137:36Link to document image
Rupp, MennofromShort, Jacob C.1895140:209Link to document image
Rupp, PhillippfromLoos, Henry1889111:147Link to document image
Rupp, Saml.fromEdgerton, C. W. (Adm.)1895137:40Link to document image
Rupp, Samuel (Et al.)toDavis, J. W.1901161:421Link to document image
Rupp, SolomonfromEdgerton, C. W. (Adm.)1895137:37Link to document image
Rupp, SolomonfromEdgerton, H. M.1895137:29Link to document image
Rupp, SolomontoKeiser, Henry1896142:96Link to document image
Rupp, SophiatoAdams, Bert1902168:214Link to document image
Rupp, SophiatoBoese, Frederick1889114:210Link to document image
Rupp, SophiafromWhite, Jas. B.188289:90Link to document image
Ruppeert, F.fromRuppert, A. A. (Adm.)188495:601Link to document image
Ruppel, Frank (Et al.)toRuppel, Mary M.1898152:48Link to document image
Ruppel, JohnfromHamilton, Allen186333:394Link to document image
Ruppel, JohntoLahrman, George187567:25Link to document image
Ruppel, JohnfromMiller, George1856T:194Link to document image
Ruppel, JohntoRowe, Melissa187772:256Link to document image
Ruppel, JohnfromRowe, Melissa187975:490Link to document image
Ruppel, JohntoRuppel, Mary M.1890118:503Link to document image
Ruppel, M. (Et al.)toMoellering, C.188394:37Link to document image
Ruppel, MagdalenatoMiller, Sarah A.1889115:347Link to document image
Ruppel, MargaretfromLahman, George187567:37Link to document image
Ruppel, Mary M.toHarper, Louisa Mary1902169:58Link to document image
Ruppel, Mary M.fromKlug, Matilda (Et al.)1898152:5Link to document image
Ruppel, Mary M.fromRowe, Melissa A.1900158:512Link to document image
Ruppel, Mary M.fromRuppel, Frank (Et al.)1898152:48Link to document image
Ruppel, Mary M.fromRuppel, John1890118:503Link to document image
Ruppel, Mary M.toTegtmeyer, Grace R.1900159:235Link to document image
Ruppel, PaulfromPratt, Wm. T.187361:49Link to document image
Ruppert, A. A.fromCommissioner in Partition188495:88Link to document image
Ruppert, A. A. (Adm.)toRuppeert, F.188495:601Link to document image
Ruppert, A. a. (Admx.)toAlden, Carrie S.1889128:503Link to document image
Ruppert, Charle W.fromBaker, Ella J.1897147:397Link to document image
Ruppert, Charles W.fromKnapp, Laura B.1901162:142Link to document image
Ruppert, Charles W.fromRuppert, Clinton D.1902169:482Link to document image
Ruppert, Charles W.fromRuppert, Isaac1897147:396Link to document image
Ruppert, Charles W.toRuppert, Isaac1897147:399Link to document image
Ruppert, Clinton D.toRuppert, Charles W.1902169:482Link to document image
Ruppert, Clinton D.toRuppert, Isaac1902169:288Link to document image
Ruppert, ElitoFunk, L. J.188290:48Link to document image
Ruppert, ElifromMills, Samuel188083:307Link to document image
Ruppert, EliastoBorden, D. F.186643:437Link to document image
Ruppert, EliasfromCrimmins, Henry187670:145Link to document image
Ruppert, EliastoCummins, C. E.187674:211Link to document image
Ruppert, EliastoMarquit, Alfred187257:364Link to document image
Ruppert, EliastoMiick, O. P.187771:526Link to document image
Ruppert, EliasfromMonger, M. C.186332:66Link to document image
Ruppert, EliastoOmo, J. H.187784:531Link to document image
Ruppert, EliasfromOmo, Jos. H.187357:401Link to document image
Ruppert, EliastoPattee, Elizabeth187565:579Link to document image
Ruppert, EliasfromPattel, E. J.187670:146Link to document image
Ruppert, EliasfromReichelderfer, Chas.187154:66Link to document image
Ruppert, EliastoRuppert, M.186950:103Link to document image
Ruppert, EliasfromRuppert, Simon187772:17Link to document image
Ruppert, EliastoRuppert, Simon187772:55Link to document image
Ruppert, EliasfromSheriff187258:93Link to document image
Ruppert, F. (Et al.)toRuppert, Manasse188082:26Link to document image
Ruppert, Franklin (Et.)toBurrier, Sarah A.1891120:474Link to document image
Ruppert, IsaacfromBaker, Ella J.1897147:398Link to document image
Ruppert, IsaacfromBurrier, Isaac1900159:430Link to document image
Ruppert, IsaacfromKnapp, Laura B.1901161:524Link to document image
Ruppert, IsaactoRuppert, Charles W.1897147:396Link to document image
Ruppert, IsaacfromRuppert, Charles W.1897147:399Link to document image
Ruppert, IsaacfromRuppert, Clinton D.1902169:288Link to document image
Ruppert, JacobtoRothgeb, Hezakiah186745:204Link to document image
Ruppert, M.fromRuppert, Elias186950:103Link to document image
Ruppert, M. (Et al.)toTraxler, Rosetta188085:363Link to document image
Ruppert, MamassefromHettinger, Malinda (Et al.)188082:26Link to document image
Ruppert, ManassefromRuppert, F. (Et al.)188082:26Link to document image
Ruppert, ManassetoRuppert, Simon187669:194Link to document image
Ruppert, ManassefromTraxler, R. (Et al.)188082:26Link to document image
Ruppert, ManasseefromCummins, Martha188183:107Link to document image
Ruppert, ManasseefromGrosh, Mary ( Et al.)188082:26Link to document image
Ruppert, ManasseefromWonn, Salome188183:113Link to document image
Ruppert, MannassatoRupert, Elias186947:421Link to document image
Ruppert, Oscar H.toHiggins, Maurice D.1898152:332Link to document image
Ruppert, SimontoRuppert, Elias187772:17Link to document image
Ruppert, SimonfromRuppert, Elias187772:55Link to document image
Ruppert, SimonfromRuppert, Manasse187669:194Link to document image
Ruppert, ZurillatoHom, J. P.188288:199Link to document image
Rupple, FabainfromFulton, James186745:73Link to document image
Rupple, FabianfromAhlschroede, O.186745:73Link to document image
Rupple, FabianfromAhlschwede, Christian186745:73Link to document image
Rupple, FabiantoSpregel, Ernst187255:334Link to document image
Rupple, FebianfromFulton, James186743:572Link to document image
Rupple, JohnfromColeman, Jacob187461:379Link to document image
Rupple, JohntoColeman, Mary187464:497Link to document image
Rupple, JohntoColeman, Mary187464:59Link to document image
Rupple, JohntoDudenharfer, F.187051:65Link to document image
Rupple, JohnfromDudenkaefer, C.186950:86Link to document image
Rupple, JohnfromLawer, Paul186330:399Link to document image
Rupple, MaryfromAnderson, Calvin187256:168Link to document image
Rupple, PaulfromBappit, Armand188495:389Link to document image
Rupright, Jno.toEssig, A. P. & S.1886100:79Link to document image
Rupright, Jno. (Trustee)fromEssig, Adam P.187358:282Link to document image
Rurode, E. C.fromCarry, E. F.1886101:401Link to document image
Rurode, E. C.fromRoot, L. B.188287:175Link to document image
Rurode, E. C. (Et al.)toRoot, L. B.188287:176Link to document image
Rurode, E. P. & E. C.fromWoolworth, Lucy C. 1896143:7Link to document image
Rurode, Ernst C.toHaiber, Chas. F.1896142:542Link to document image
Rurode, Ernst C.fromKoehlinger, Rosa (Et al.)1892125:492Link to document image
Rurode, Ernst C.toRoot, Lewis B.1888107:176Link to document image
Rurode, Ernst C. & Emma P.fromShoaf, Saml. H.187461:590Link to document image
Rurode, Ernst C. & Emma P.fromShoaf, Wade C.187462:17Link to document image
Rus, MathiasfromWilt, Jno. M.186746:91Link to document image
Rush, HenryfromMann, Perri F.187464:222Link to document image
Rush, HenryfromMcGrew, Wm.188289:57Link to document image
Rush, HenryfromOtten, Johanna J.187565:317Link to document image
Rush, HenrytoRush, Mary187667:524Link to document image
Rush, HenrytoSweeny, Jos.1886101:524Link to document image
Rush, Margaret R.fromBohn, Wm. A.1893127:482Link to document image
Rush, MaryfromRush, Henry187667:524Link to document image
Rushart, AndrewfromAuditor188699:604Link to document image
Rushart, Andrew (Et.)toBremer, John1891119:432Link to document image
Rushart, CatharinetoBixler, William (Et ux.)1899156:438Link to document image
Rushart, CatherinefromVeit, Phillip1889113:41Link to document image
Rushart, PhilliptoVeit, Phillip187463:524Link to document image
Rushman, C. S.toRiehle, M. A.188391:468Link to document image
Rushman, C. S.fromSomers, Jos.188182:528Link to document image
Rushmann, K. S.fromSnider, Elizabeth (Et al.)1893131:261Link to document image
Rushton, Mary M.fromRushton, Rebecca188597:557Link to document image
Rushton, RebeccafromBell, Geo. W.186436:75Link to document image
Rushton, RebeccatoRushton, Mary M.188597:557Link to document image
Rushton, W. (Trustee)toPage & Ostatag1886101:378Link to document image
Ruskart, AndrewfromGrover, Alfred T.1888106:513Link to document image
Russe and GrubbfromAuker, Levi186453:567Link to document image
Russel, Louis (Et ux.)fromRodenbeck, William1900159:342Link to document image
Russel, PeterfromMyers, E. F.188597:380Link to document image
Russell, A. & P.fromSchmidt, Geo.187981:136Link to document image
Russell, A. C.fromEvans, J. P. (Et al.)187976:101Link to document image
Russell, A. C.fromMcDonald, A. T. (Et al.)187976:101Link to document image
Russell, A. C.fromWebb, M. A. (Et al.)187976:101Link to document image
Russell, A. C. (Et al.)toWallingford, J. N.1886100:612Link to document image
Russell, A. L.fromBeck, F. J.187050:502Link to document image
Russell, Andrew J.toIrwin, Geo. B.1894133:322Link to document image
Russell, Andrew J.fromLarimore, Thomas1894133:111Link to document image
Russell, C. G.fromChappall, Jno.186536:247Link to document image
Russell, CarolinetoWitz, George187359:336Link to document image
Russell, Chas. G.toStein, Fred.186638:616Link to document image
Russell, Emma (Et al.)toUlmel, Henry1897147:114Link to document image
Russell, FrancesfromNinde, H.186338:573Link to document image
Russell, Frank G.fromStilson, Geo. W.1895137:377Link to document image
Russell, Jas. T.fromShields, Jans186134:164Link to document image
Russell, LewisfromZollars, Allen (Et al.)1888108:586Link to document image
Russell, Louis (Et ux.)fromRodenbeck, William1900158:394Link to document image
Russell, MargarettoCruthers, Mary E.1896143:248Link to document image
Russell, PetertoBauer, K. J.188495:561Link to document image
Russell, PeterfromMills, Andrew J. H.186432:447Link to document image
Russell, PetertoSchmidt, George187976:216Link to document image
Russell, Peter W.toHobrock, J. Herman1892126:335Link to document image
Russell, Peter W.toTeal, Maud E.1900157:126Link to document image
Russell, Thomas J.toWass, Samuel L. (Jr.)1900166:137Link to document image
Russell, Thomas J. (Et al.)fromWells, Jane1899155:413Link to document image
Russell, Victor E.fromOlds, Sarah E.1898149:453Link to document image
Russell, Victor E.fromShaw, Thomas1898150:340Link to document image
Russell, Wm.toRussell, Wm. J. (et al.)187771:474Link to document image
Russell, Wm. J.fromBowser, S. F.188183:254Link to document image
Russell, Wm. J.fromBowser, S. F. (Guard)187976:173Link to document image
Russell, Wm. J.toMoore, M. J.188496:95Link to document image
Russell, Wm. J. (et al.)fromRussell, Wm.187771:474Link to document image
Russlot, CathrinefromMiner, George E. (Et al.)1891120:89Link to document image
Rust, CarolinetoKlaffei, Charles1902166:452Link to document image
Rust, Caroline S.fromNichter, Joseph1902168:398Link to document image
Rust, Caroline S.fromRust, Henry F. C.1894131:493Link to document image
Rust, Elizabeth A,toKnoedler, Henry1894133:482Link to document image
Rust, Elizabeth A.toGOShorn, Wm. H.1893130:265Link to document image
Rust, Elizabeth A.toMiller, Emma1894132:197Link to document image
Rust, Elizabeth A.fromTaylor, H. C. (Et al.)1893130:304Link to document image
Rust, Elizabeth A.fromTaylor, Wm. C.1893130:113Link to document image
Rust, Elizabeth A.toWithington & Cooley M. Co.1899154:443Link to document image
Rust, Elizabeth a. (Et al.)toTaylor, Chas. E.1894135:203Link to document image
Rust, H. C. F.fromBraener, Conrad1886100:504Link to document image
Rust, H. F. C.toBruns, William1887103:433Link to document image
Rust, Harman (Et ux.)fromRepper, Abraham P.1902168:328Link to document image
Rust, Henry F. C.toRust, Caroline S.1894131:493Link to document image
Rust, JohnfromHough, John187256:315Link to document image
Rust, JohntoKnoedler, Henry1894133:482Link to document image
Rust, OscartoBenton, Charlie187772:248Link to document image
Rust, OscarfromFrench, R. E.187772:169Link to document image
Rust, OscarfromWhite, James B.187772:188Link to document image
Ruston, Harriet G.toWells, Maria187360:564Link to document image
Rutan, Lizzie (Et al.)toWinters, Charles (Et al.)1898151:112Link to document image
Rutdorf, ErnstfromHardesty, Edward1894133:132Link to document image
Ruter, D. J.toCin. Rich. & Ft. W. R. R. 187155:398Link to document image
Ruter, Fred (Jr.)fromMensing, Chas.187256:53Link to document image
Ruth, Eph.fromTryon, Jno. M.187668:191Link to document image
Ruth, EphraimtoCox, J. D.188185:447Link to document image
Ruth, Ephraim (Adm.)toGinther, G. E.188082:502Link to document image
Ruth, Joseph J. (Et ux.)fromEickhoff, Bernhard H.1899154:427Link to document image
Ruth, MaryfromSchultz, Peter186744:90Link to document image
Ruthers, C.toKroesch, S.187249:340Link to document image
Ruthfon, JacobfromShort, John A.1858V:256Link to document image
Ruthrauff, H. E.toWhitney, W. I. & M. P.188287:568Link to document image
Ruthrauff, Henrietta E.fromDacheleiner, John W.187462:54Link to document image
Rutledge, Florence M.fromBaldwin, Timothy (Et al.)1895137:382Link to document image
Rutledge, Florence M.toFreese, Lizzie1898152:234Link to document image
Rutledge, Florence M.toMeyer, William D.1896143:424Link to document image
Ruttedge, ArthurtoRuttedge, Wm. & V.187464:175Link to document image
Ruttedge, Wm. & V.fromRuttedge, Arthur187464:175Link to document image
Rutter, FrederickfromHanna, Samuel1852O:530Link to document image
Ruttledge, Wm. A. C.fromDevore, David G.187570:458Link to document image
Rutzell, PeterfromHentzell, Jacob (Jr.)1854T:373Link to document image

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