ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index
Parties to the Deed | Year | Deed Book Citation | Image Link |
Pobison, Felix | to | Rose, Chas. W. (Et al.) | 1871 | 53:49 | | Pobst, Bruno | from | Stack, Erasomus | 1870 | 50:614 | | Poch, Ernst (Et al.) | from | Swinney, Rhesa (Trustee) | 1889 | 112:593 | | Poch, Moritz | to | Henline, John Henry | 1902 | 166:67 | | Pochin, Chas. J. | to | Guiff, Frank | 1896 | 144:135 | | Pochler, Clinton Adolph (Et al.) | from | Ninde Bros. | 1902 | 169:43 | | Pochler, Clinton Adolph (Et al.) | from | Ninde, Mary C. | 1902 | 169:45 | | Pochler, John F. | to | William, Frank | 1897 | 148:248 | | Pockler, Henry | from | Habel, Andrew | 1861 | 27:516 | | Pocock, Elihn | to | Genth, George | 1885 | 127:322 | | Pocock, Elihu | to | Ambler, David | 1877 | 71:117 | | Pocock, Elihu | from | Ambler, David | 1877 | 71:238 | | Pocock, Elihu | to | Genth, Geo. | 1885 | 99:260 | | Pocock, Elihu | to | Hamilton, Jno. W. | 1887 | 104:482 | | Pocock, Elihu | from | Kelsey, Aaron G. | 1855 | 92:389 | | Pocock, Elihu | to | Kright, Conrad | 1883 | 92:389 | | Pocock, Elihu | to | Wright, Maria | 1875 | 65:477 | | Pocock, Elihu | from | Wright, Nathaniel | 1875 | 65:198 | | Pocock, Jno. L. | from | Lindenwood Cemetery | 1885 | 114:199 | | Pocock, John L. | to | Root, Adaline M. | 1894 | 133:170 | | Poctch, Magdalena | to | Kelley, John L. | 1902 | 167:385 | | Pocuf, Octove | from | Wise, Pratt J. | 1869 | 48:275 | | Poebel, Gustave | to | Weber, Andrew | 1872 | 54:297 | | Poehler, C. & C. | from | Rose, C. H. (Adm.) | 1886 | 100:476 | | Poehler, Charles | from | Forbing, John | 1878 | 72:456 | | Poehler, Charles | from | Forbing, Peter | 1878 | 72:523 | | Poehler, Charles | to | Poehler, Christian | 1889 | 114:308 | | Poehler, Charles | from | Poehler, Christian | 1889 | 114:309 | | Poehler, Christian | from | Poehler, Charles | 1889 | 114:308 | | Poehler, Christian | to | Poehler, Charles | 1889 | 114:309 | | Poehler, Christian (Tr.) | from | Poejler, John F. | 1897 | 148:326 | | Poehler, John F. | to | Robinson, James M. | 1897 | 148:283 | | Poehler, John F. | from | Robinson, James M. | 1897 | 148:284 | | Poehler, John F. | from | Williams, Frank | 1897 | 148:248 | | Poehler, Sophie (Et al.) | to | Fruechtenicht, Sophie | 1895 | 137:246 | | Poehlier, Charles | to | Schaffer, Frederick W. | 1878 | 73:59 | | Poejler, John F. | to | Poehler, Christian (Tr.) | 1897 | 148:326 | | Poeppel, H. D. F. | to | Goeglein, Jacob | 1886 | 99:612 | | Poeppel, H. D. F. | to | Meyer, Jno. | 1885 | 98:379 | | Poeppel, H. D. F. | to | Young, Henry | 1881 | 83:10 | | Poeppler, Louis | from | Bruer, Mary J. | 1891 | 120:461 | | Poetsch, Agnes | from | Steinkaemper, Anthony | 1894 | 133:44 | | Poetsch, F. | from | Hill, H. | 1874 | 63:301 | | Poetsch, F. | from | Kraft, C. | 1874 | 63:301 | | Poetsch, Magdalena | to | Schaefer, Ferdinand (Et ux.) | 1902 | 165:546 | | Poff, C. R. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1885 | 98:585 | | Pohl, Henry | to | Pohl, Mari E. | 1899 | 154:171 | | Pohl, Jno. Geo. | from | Paine, L. C. | 1881 | 95:90 | | Pohl, John G. | from | Muhler, Anton | 1891 | 124:448 | | Pohl, John Geo. | to | Merkel, Anton | 1889 | 114:144 | | Pohl, John Geo. | to | Reardon, Jas. (Et ux.) | 1893 | 129:118 | | Pohl, Mari E. | from | Pohl, Henry | 1899 | 154:171 | | Pohle, Christina | from | Gimpel, Pauline | 1886 | 102:184 | | Pohle, E. & C. | from | Keefer, Christian | 1881 | 83:266 | | Pohle, E. & C. | to | Weil, Geo. | 1881 | 83:299 | | Pohle, Gustena | from | Pohle, Michael | 1877 | 72:457 | | Pohle, Gustina | from | Gimpel, Henry | 1881 | 84:25 | | Pohle, Justin | to | Buhr, Fred | 1881 | 91:289 | | Pohle, Michael | from | Paul, Adam | 1865 | 36:419 | | Pohle, Michael | to | Pohle, Gustena | 1877 | 72:457 | | Pohler, Carl | from | Forbing, Joseph | 1864 | 34:179 | | Pohler, Carl | to | Honeck, Conrad | 1851 | S:556 | | Pohler, Charles | from | Brakhage, August | 1856 | S:638 | | Pohler, Charles | from | Krudop, Charlotte | 1868 | 45:216 | | Pohler, Charles | from | Pohler, Henry G. | 1847 | S:556 | | Pohler, Charles | from | Seddlemeier, Anna | 1868 | 45:216 | | Pohler, Charles | from | Seddlemeier, Henry | 1868 | 45:216 | | Pohler, Charles | from | Seddlemeier, Herman | 1868 | 45:216 | | Pohler, Charles | from | Sedelmuir, Henry | 1866 | 38:546 | | Pohler, Charles (Will of Dec.) | to | | 1882 | 103:83 | | Pohler, Chas. | from | Saddlemier, Anna F. | 1861 | 28:64 | | Pohler, Chas. | from | Saddlemier, Charl. | 1861 | 28:64 | | Pohler, Henry G. | to | Pohler, Charles | 1847 | S:556 | | Pohlinz, John | from | White, James B. | 1874 | 62:425 | | Pohlman, Christ | from | Wood, H. A. | 1886 | 101:226 | | Pohlman, Christian | from | Reed, Hugh B. | 1873 | 58:403 | | Pohlman, E. & C. | to | Wood, H. A. | 1886 | 101:225 | | Pohlmann, E. | from | Reed, H. B. | 1886 | 100:148 | | Pohlmeyer, Louisa | from | Kammeyer, N. | 1883 | 91:540 | | Poi8nsett, J. S. | to | Hedges, J. P. | 1865 | 37:265 | | Poinset, Samuel | from | Bayonlon, Jonathan (Estate) | 1858 | W:12 | | Poinsett, Ed. (Et al.) | from | Crawford, E. J. | 1888 | 111:180 | | Poinsett, Edard | from | Poinsett, Ellen (Et al.) | 1895 | 140:394 | | Poinsett, Edward | from | Burton, Wm. J. | 1899 | 155:135 | | Poinsett, Edward | from | Graham, James N. | 1900 | 157:90 | | Poinsett, Edward | to | Kaough, James E. | 1899 | 153:11 | | Poinsett, Edward | from | Kruse, Ernest W. | 1898 | 155:357 | | Poinsett, Edward | to | Kruse, Ernest W. | 1899 | 155:362 | | Poinsett, Edward | from | Poinsett, Ellen | 1900 | 158:275 | | Poinsett, Edward | to | Poinsett, John | 1900 | 158:276 | | Poinsett, Edward | from | Schele, Mary A. (Et al.) | 1899 | 155:17 | | Poinsett, Edward | from | Smith, Elisha J. | 1898 | 152:292 | | Poinsett, Edward | to | Smith, Elisha J. (Et al.) | 1898 | 152:296 | | Poinsett, Ellen | to | Poinsett, Edward | 1900 | 158:275 | | Poinsett, Ellen (Et al.) | to | Poinsett, Edard | 1895 | 140:394 | | Poinsett, Emma | from | Knepper, William J. | 1902 | 166:529 | | Poinsett, I. A. | from | Scarlet, Wm. V. | 1880 | 81:389 | | Poinsett, I. A. (Et al.) | from | Scarlet, Wm. V. | 1880 | 81:389 | | Poinsett, J. S. | from | Holmes, Wm. | 1882 | 86:364 | | Poinsett, Jacob | from | Steele, Mary J. | 1893 | 131:427 | | Poinsett, Jno. (Et al.) | to | Scarlet, Wm. V. | 1880 | 81:388 | | Poinsett, Jno. L. | from | Hedges, Jno. P. | 1865 | 37:261 | | Poinsett, Jno. S. | from | Barrett, Fred C. | 1885 | 103:414 | | Poinsett, Jno. S. | from | Schele, Frank | 1884 | 95:374 | | Poinsett, Jno. S. | to | Stipe, Henry A. | 1866 | 41:401 | | Poinsett, Jno. S. | from | Taylor, R. W. | 1866 | 41:398 | | Poinsett, John | to | Baals, Margaret | 1895 | 140:144 | | Poinsett, John | to | Kickley, John C. F. | 1897 | 147:315 | | Poinsett, John | from | Pierce, Asa W. | 1878 | 73:370 | | Poinsett, John | from | Poinsett, Edward | 1900 | 158:276 | | Poinsett, John | from | Poinsett, Joseph | 1895 | 140:292 | | Poinsett, John | to | Poinsett, Joseph | 1895 | 145:108 | | Poinsett, John | to | Schlaudroff, Catherine | 1902 | 168:411 | | Poinsett, John | to | Schust, Andrew | 1872 | 54:498 | | Poinsett, John | to | Tilden, Charles L. | 1901 | 160:497 | | Poinsett, John | from | Weller, D. (Et al.) | 1872 | 54:495 | | Poinsett, John S. | from | Archer, John | 1859 | Y:313 | | Poinsett, John S. | from | Archer, William | 1859 | Y:313 | | Poinsett, John S. | from | Thumm, George | 1891 | 140:444 | | Poinsett, John S. | from | Thumm, Mary E. | 1891 | 140:444 | | Poinsett, Jos (Et ux.) | from | Roussean, R. Dl. | 1884 | 133:53 | | Poinsett, Jos. (Heirs) | to | Bloomhuff, S. N. | 1864 | 34:21 | | Poinsett, Joseph | from | Knepper, Harriet | 1894 | 133:119 | | Poinsett, Joseph | to | Knepper, William J. (Et al.) | 1902 | 166:528 | | Poinsett, Joseph | to | Poinsett, John | 1895 | 140:292 | | Poinsett, Joseph | from | Poinsett, John | 1895 | 145:108 | | Poinsett, Joseph | to | Rockhill, Wm. | 1859 | 71:107 | | Poinsett, Joseph | from | Rossean, Anna B. | 1895 | 145:107 | | Poinsett, Joseph | to | Young, W. H. | 1898 | 149:459 | | Poinsett, Oliver (Et ux.) | from | Ferris, Anna | 1891 | 123:22 | | Poinsett, Samuel | from | Bowser, Jacob C. | 1849 | 168:339 | | Poinsett, Samuel | to | Pierce, A. W. | 1857 | U:324 | | Poinsett, William | to | Adkins, Arthur | 1892 | 144:366 | | Poinsett, William | from | Adkins, Arthur | 1899 | 152:406 | | Poinsett, William | from | Maring, Ellen J. (Et al.) | 1896 | 142:205 | | Poinsett, William | from | Pierce, Asa W. | 1878 | 73:369 | | Poinsett, William | to | Schane, Walter P. | 1902 | 166:301 | | Poinsett, Wm. | to | Frame, Della (Et al.) | 1896 | 142:205 | | Poinsett, Wm. | from | Merriman, F. | 1885 | 99:263 | | Poinsette, John | from | Baals, Margaret | 1895 | 143:339 | | Poinsette, Joseph | from | Krieg, Anna | 1901 | 162:307 | | Points, H. H. | to | Beminghoff, D. | 1866 | 41:69 | | Points, H. H. | from | Person, S. M. | 1864 | 37:128 | | Points, H. H. | to | Walter, Jefferson | 1864 | 32:382 | | Poirson & Barrand | from | Auditor | 1874 | 61:488 | | Poirson, August | from | Poirson, Frank J. | 1895 | 137:194 | | Poirson, C. P. | from | Mannan, P. | 1855 | 42:296 | | Poirson, Cecile | to | McCue, James | 1866 | 41:576 | | Poirson, Eugenie | to | Bietzell, Marg. | 1889 | 112:122 | | Poirson, Eugenie | from | Poirson, Peter F. | 1890 | 118:458 | | Poirson, Eugenie (Et al.) | to | Poirson, Francis J. | 1889 | 112:124 | | Poirson, Eugenie (Et al.) | to | Poirson, Peter F. | 1889 | 112:123 | | Poirson, F. & A. F. | from | Romy, R. L. | 1882 | 88:535 | | Poirson, Felix | to | McCue, James | 1866 | 41:576 | | Poirson, Felix | from | Peter, Hubert | 1863 | 42:295 | | Poirson, Felix | from | Poirson, Frank J. | 1895 | 137:194 | | Poirson, Felix | from | Rose, Christian | 1867 | 41:599 | | Poirson, Felix (Comr.) | to | Michael, Herman (Et al.) | 1899 | 155:451 | | Poirson, Felix (Et al.) | from | Grand R. & I. Co | 1890 | 119:492 | | Poirson, Felix (Et al.) | from | Poirson, Frank J. (Et al.) | 1901 | 164:133 | | Poirson, Felix (Et al.) | to | White, August L. | 1897 | 145:259 | | Poirson, Francis J. | to | Dreyer, Carl F. H. | 1892 | 126:569 | | Poirson, Francis J. | to | Kohn, Frederick | 1892 | 126:570 | | Poirson, Francis J. | from | Poirson, Eugenie (Et al.) | 1889 | 112:124 | | Poirson, Frank J. | to | Poirson, August | 1895 | 137:194 | | Poirson, Frank J. | to | Poirson, Felix | 1895 | 137:194 | | Poirson, Frank J. (Adm.) | to | Koble, Catherine | 1900 | 162:34 | | Poirson, Frank j. (Adm.) | to | Tri State B. & L. A. | 1900 | 161:206 | | Poirson, Frank J. (Adm.) | to | Wilding, Charles A. | 1900 | 164:243 | | Poirson, Frank J. (Et al.) | from | Ehinger, Conrad | 1893 | 127:433 | | Poirson, Frank J. (Et al.) | from | Good, Henry (Et al.) | 1901 | 164:134 | | Poirson, Frank J. (Et al.) | to | Hartman, August | 1901 | 164:128 | | Poirson, Frank J. (Et al.) | to | Poirson, Felix (Et al.) | 1901 | 164:133 | | Poirson, Frank J. (Et al.) | from | Rothgeb, Jesse | 1899 | 153:163 | | Poirson, Frank J. (Et al.) | to | White, August L. | 1901 | 164:132 | | Poirson, Jno. B. | to | McCue, James | 1866 | 41:576 | | Poirson, John B. | from | Barrand, Peter F. | 1874 | 62:428 | | Poirson, John B. | from | Barrand, Peter F. | 1874 | 62:429 | | Poirson, John B. | to | Barrand, Peter F. | 1874 | 62:429 | | Poirson, John B. | to | Barrand, Peter F. | 1874 | 62:430 | | Poirson, M. E. (Adm.) | to | Rose, Anthony | 1882 | 88:288 | | Poirson, Margaret E. | to | Kahn, Frederick (Et ux.) | 1899 | 154:503 | | Poirson, Pete F. | to | Rothschild, Henry | 1897 | 145:200 | | Poirson, Pete F. | to | Sechler, Cath. C. | 1896 | 143:343 | | Poirson, Peter | to | Grueth, Verein | 1894 | 133:92 | | Poirson, Peter | from | Romy, Robt. L. (Et al.) | 1892 | 126:547 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | 1890 | 119:118 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Banet, Bell | 1895 | 139:161 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Banet, Belle F. | 1896 | 143:524 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Banet, Louis E. | 1896 | 143:522 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Barrand, Hubert | 1886 | 103:72 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Barrand, Hubert | 1888 | 107:440 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Barrus, Josephine | 1895 | 138:191 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Corlett, Joseph E. | 1899 | 153:540 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Corlett, Joseph E. (Et ux.) | 1897 | 148:287 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Cramer, Theresa | 1896 | 143:16 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Cranier, Teresa | 1896 | 152:68 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Dreyer, C. F. H. | 1889 | 112:163 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Freistoffer, Simon | 1898 | 154:224 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Hagan, Tho. W. | 1896 | 142:233 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Hanna, Eliz. C. | 1893 | 131:39 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Koble, Catharine | 1897 | 144:491 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Koehler, Louis & wife | 1894 | 134:191 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Pfeiffer, Mary | 1898 | 152:267 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Pfleidner, Mary | 1898 | 157:272 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Piepenbrink, Mary | 1897 | 147:247 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Poirson, Eugenie | 1890 | 118:458 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Poirson, Eugenie (Et al.) | 1889 | 112:123 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Ransbottom, J. F. | 1895 | 140:420 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Ransbottom, J. F. (Et ux.) | 1895 | 140:421 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Ransbottom, Rachel E. | 1895 | 140:420 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Romy, R. L. (Et al.) | 1890 | 119:69 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Rothschild, Henry | 1897 | 148:167 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Schneider, Geo. | 1894 | 133:259 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Sechler, Catharine C. | 1896 | 143:347 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Sites, Albert | 1895 | 142:219 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Stump, Eli C. | 1898 | 149:495 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Stump, Eli. C. | 1896 | 141:116 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Thompson, J. R. | 1895 | 140:64 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Thompson, Jno. R. | 1893 | 130:423 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Thompson, Samantha | 1893 | 130:463 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Thompson, Samaria | 1895 | 140:64 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Tuttle, Alwilda J. | 1893 | 130:57 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Waters, Clara | 1896 | 140:422 | | Poirson, Peter F. | to | Ziegler, Clara | 1895 | 137:490 | | Poirson, Peter F. | from | Ziegler, Clara | 1895 | 138:127 | | Poirson, Peter F. (Adm.) | to | Cook, Mary | 1899 | 154:227 | | Poirson, Peter F. (Tr.) | to | Gruber, Emma | 1899 | 156:118 | | Poirson, Peter P. | from | Wilson, Emma | 1894 | 131:566 | | Poiry, Mary | to | Brown, Aaron | 1885 | 99:578 | | Poiry, Mary | from | Federspiel, Balser Jr. | 1883 | 94:63 | | Poiry, Peter (Et ux.) | from | Bradway, Orlando E. | 1899 | 156:336 | | Poison, Eugenia | to | Kahn, Frek. | 1894 | 135:389 | | Poison, Felix (Et al.) | to | Hartman, August (Et al.) | 1902 | 165:451 | | Poison, Peter | to | Kroemer, Fredk. C. | 1893 | 130:270 | | Poison, Peter F. | from | Banet, Louis E. | 1895 | 139:161 | | Poison, Peter F. | from | Banet, Louis E. | 1896 | 144:31 | | Poison, Peter F. | from | Beitzell, Margaret | 1892 | 127:385 | | Poison, Peter F. | from | Hubbard, A. D. | 1895 | 140:7 | | Poison, Peter F. | from | Joly, Francis | 1894 | 135:390 | | Poison, Peter F. | from | Sayles, Josephine (Et al. Gdn.) | 1894 | 133:96 | | Poison, Peter F. | from | Sayles, Josephine (Et al.) | 1894 | 133:94 | | Poison, Peter F. | to | Sites, Edward F. (Et ux.) | 1899 | 155:238 | | Poison, Peter F. | from | Ziegler, Clara | 1895 | 139:423 | | Poison, Peter F. (Cour.) | to | Smith, Henry | 1898 | 151:386 | | Poison, Peter F. (Tr.) | from | Gruber, Joseph L. | 1899 | 156:117 | | Poiteaux, Alexander | from | Hull, Horace | 1854 | P:478 | | Pokle, Amalie (Et al.) | from | Gimpel, Henry | 1889 | 112:99 | | Poland, Anna M. | from | English, James | 1901 | 164:387 | | Poland, Annie M. | from | Logan, Hugo | 1901 | 165:232 | | Poland, L. C. | from | Vanhorn, Geo. | 1891 | 121:613 | | Poland, Laffer C. | to | Watson, Harriet M. | 1897 | 145:355 | | Polco, Francis | to | Metzger, H. M. | 1887 | 105:452 | | Polcon, Francis | from | Harper, B. F. | 1887 | 105:388 | | Polcon, Martin | to | Dickmeyer, Chas. | 1888 | 108:440 | | Polcon, Martin | to | Harper, B. F. | 1887 | 105:387 | | Polcon, Martin | from | Metzger, H. M. | 1887 | 105:453 | | Poley, Francis | to | Conrad, Mathias | 1857 | T:704 | | Poley, Mary F. | to | Martin, F. C. | 1879 | 77:372 | | Poley, Mary Francis | to | Morris, Margarett | 1877 | 72:425 | | Poley, Mary Francis | to | Sordlet, Louisa | 1877 | 72:425 | | Polhamus, A. H. | from | Herr, B. W. | 1879 | 78:281 | | Polhamus, A. H. | from | Herr, B. W. | 1883 | 91:242 | | Polhamus, A. H. | from | Johnson, Mary E. | 1876 | 69:228 | | Polhamus, A. H. | to | Marcy, Julia | 1880 | 85:457 | | Polhamus, A. H. | from | Polhamus, Wm. H. | 1890 | 115:483 | | Polhamus, A. H. | to | Rapp, C. G. | 1883 | 92:553 | | Polhamus, A. H. | to | Sine, Amos | 1880 | 81:154 | | Polhamus, A. H. | to | Sine, Amos | 1883 | 91:353 | | Polhamus, A. H. | to | Sine, Amos | 1883 | 93:457 | | Polhamus, A. H. | to | Smith, Chas. | 1880 | 80:546 | | Polhamus, A. Z. | from | Bowser, Augustus | 1895 | 139:554 | | Polhamus, A. Z. | from | Bowser, Sylvanus, F. | 1895 | 139:554 | | Polhamus, Albert H. | from | Carver, Kahn K. | 1873 | 59:505 | | Polhamus, Albert J. | to | Bowser, Laffayette E. | 1897 | 148:413 | | Polhamus, Albert J. | from | Bowser, Sylvanus F. (Et al.) | 1902 | 169:116 | | Polhamus, Albert Z. | from | Bowser, S. F. | 1895 | 139:197 | | Polhamus, Albert Z. | from | Bowser, Sarah F. | 1895 | 139:197 | | Polhamus, Albert Z. | from | Bowser, Syl. F. | 1893 | 131:420 | | Polhamus, Albert Z. | from | Bowser, Sylvania F. | 1894 | 135:300 | | Polhamus, Albert Z. (Et al.) | to | Polhamus, Mary J. | 1899 | 157:543 | | Polhamus, M. J. | from | Fairfield, O. K. | 1888 | 112:39 | | Polhamus, Mary J. | from | Polhamus, Albert Z. (Et al.) | 1899 | 157:543 | | Polhamus, Wm. H. | from | Carter, William | 1888 | 108:246 | | Polhamus, Wm. H. | to | Polhamus, A. H. | 1890 | 115:483 | | Polhanus, Albert Z. | to | Bowser, Syl. F. | 1893 | 131:421 | | Polirtz, Fritz | from | Dyke, Anton | 1887 | 104:73 | | Polk, Susannah A. (Et al.) | to | Shaffer, Amasa J. | 1898 | 152:4 | | Polk, William | from | France, Wm. H. | 1867 | 57:415 | | Polk, Wm. | to | | 1872 | | | Polk, Wm. | to | Fry, George | 1880 | 79:318 | | Polk, Wm. | from | Marquardt, Adam | 1865 | 39:303 | | Polk, Wm. | from | Marquart, Jno. | 1869 | 50:313 | | Pollard, Phillip | from | Brown, W. | 1853 | O:636 | | Pollard, Phillip | from | Brown, William L. | 1853 | O:636 | | Pollard, R. B. | from | Bowen, Wm. | 1879 | 76:501 | | Pollard, R. B. | to | Wolke, F. H. | 1879 | 76:502 | | Pollard, Robert | from | United States | 1838 | 70:68 | | Pollard, Robt. | to | Marquardt, Adam | 1862 | 29:573 | | Pollison, Samuel | to | baker, Jonas E.(Et ux.) | 1893 | 128:541 | | Pollison, Samuel | from | Worthington, L. N. | 1893 | 129:17 | | Pollison, Samuel | from | Worthington, Lewis N. | 1893 | 128:527 | | Pollitz, D. & M. | from | Schonefeld, H. (Et al.) | 1883 | 90:416 | | Pollitz, D. & M. | from | Sprandel, H. | 1883 | 90:416 | | Pollitz, Dietrich (Will) | to | | 1892 | 126:520 | | Pollitz, Dory (Guard) | to | Foellinger, S. (Et al.) | 1887 | 106:143 | | Pollitz, F. & A. | from | Schonefeld, Henry | 1883 | 90:323 | | Pollitz, Fritz | to | Schonefeld, Henry | 1885 | 97:146 | | Polloch, Wm. | from | Tobson, Benj. | 1866 | 50:505 | | Pollock, Elizabeth | to | Wyatt, Mandana | 1877 | 72:490 | | Pollock, Frank | to | Burnell, Frank (Et ux.) | 1890 | 115:520 | | Pollock, Frank (Et ux.) | from | Zollars, Allen (Et al.) | 1890 | 115:519 | | Pollock, James | to | Romy, Cathren A. | 1890 | 119:172 | | Pollock, James | from | Swayne, S. F. (Et al.) | 1890 | 111:69 | | Pollock, James | to | Watkins, S. E. | 1890 | 117:68 | | Pollock, James | from | Zollars, Allen (Et al.) | 1890 | 117:69 | | Pollock, Jas. H. | to | Ger. B. L. & S. A. No. 4 | 1894 | 131:543 | | Pollock, Jas. H. | from | Hanna, Mary E. | 1893 | 130:197 | | Pollock, Jas. H. | from | Hanna, O. S. | 1893 | 130:197 | | Pollock, Jas. H. | from | Zollars, Allen (Et al.) | 1889 | 112:403 | | Pollock, M. (Et al.) | to | Bower, Jacob | 1870 | 51:168 | | Pollock, Maud | to | Porter, John | 1890 | 118:422 | | Pollock, Maude | from | Barcus, H. H. | 1890 | 115:574 | | Pollock, W. H. | from | Zollars, Allen (Et al.) | 1889 | 117:276 | | Pollock, Wm. H. | to | Kelsey, Elias M. | 1890 | 117:277 | | Polly, Luella May (Et al.) | from | Parker, Margaret | 1902 | 169:545 | | Polock, Ja. H. | to | Middleton, George | 1889 | 112:404 | | Polsen, Michael | from | Trentman, A. C. | 1880 | 88:443 | | Polshire, O. J. | from | Lopshire, Geo. | 1886 | 100:391 | | Polsin, Martin | from | Aldrich, C. H. (Et al.) | 1882 | 88:440 | | Polsin, Martin | from | Barrett, J. M. (Et al.) | 1882 | 88:440 | | Poly, Francis | from | Jeanmougin, Gabriel | 1857 | U:40 | | Poly, Mary Frances | from | Conl, Juliene F. | 1860 | 26:186 | | Pomeroy, Enos | to | Norton, Robt. | 1869 | 55:468 | | Pomeroy, Henry | to | Hough, John | 1867 | 43:499 | | Pomeroy, Henry | to | L. E. W. & St. L. R. R. Co. | 1854 | Q:207 | | Pomeroy, Mary | to | Ellison, Rollin | 1889 | 116:47 | | Pomfrey, M. E. | from | Kowiansky, Max. | 1882 | 89:482 | | Pomper, Herman | from | Wood, Hester A. | 1889 | 112:332 | | Pomper, Herman (Et ux.) | from | Kaeser, Maria | 1902 | 167:290 | | Pomper, Richard E. | from | Meyer, William D. | 1902 | 166:126 | | Pompey, F. | to | Luhmann, Anna | 1862 | 29:480 | | Pompey, F. | from | Pompey, James W. | 1854 | Q:441 | | Pompey, James W. | to | Pompey, F. | 1854 | Q:441 | | Pompey, M. E. | from | Bittinger, Geo. L. | 1882 | 89:481 | | Pompey, M. E. | from | Chase, S. W. | 1882 | 90:106 | | Pompey, M. E. | from | Kreigh, Saml. | 1885 | 98:213 | | Pompey, Mary | from | Lutz, Jacob S. | 1883 | 93:186 | | Pompey, Mary E. | to | Carson, Hattie | 1884 | 94:578 | | Pompey, Mary E. | to | Lopshire, Wm. H. | 1884 | 98:23 | | Pomroy, Veronica A. | from | Wahner, Frankciska A. | 1890 | 114:584 | | Poncelar, Harriet | to | Hitzman, Fred. | 1864 | 34:551 | | Pond, Emma J. | from | Schnelker, Herman | 1888 | 108:316 | | Pond, Enos. A. | to | Taylor, Mary V. | 1861 | 112:457 | | Pond, Frank W. | from | Shoaff, Mary M. | 1886 | 102:348 | | Pond, Frank W. | from | Shoaff, Thos. B. | 1886 | 102:377 | | Pond, Frank W. | to | Shoaff, Thos. B. | 1886 | 102:542 | | Pond, Frank W. (Will) | to | | 1891 | 124:449 | | Pond, Olen J. | from | Knode, Robet S. | 1902 | 169:480 | | Pond, Olen J. | from | Youquelet, Alfred | 1900 | 159:526 | | Pond, Olen J. (Et al.) | to | Ft. Wayne Van Wert & Lima Tr. Co. | 1902 | 170:479 | | Ponisett, John | from | Hickman, Samantha | 1893 | 130:483 | | Ponisett, John | from | Hickman, Samantha | 1893 | 130:484 | | Ponisett, John | to | Hickman, Wm. | 1893 | 130:481 | | Ponisett, John | from | Hickman, Wm. | 1893 | 130:483 | | Ponisett, John | from | Hickman, Wm. | 1893 | 130:484 | | Ponisett, John S. | to | Ponisett, Jos. (Et ux.) | 1887 | 133:52 | | Ponisett, Jos. (Et ux.) | from | Ponisett, John S. | 1887 | 133:52 | | Ponisett, Joseph | from | Donahoo, John | 1861 | 28:51 | | Ponisett, William | from | Ammon, Phoebe | 1894 | 133:492 | | Ponisett, William | from | Ammon, Wm. | 1894 | 133:492 | | Ponlson, Wm. Sr. | from | Allen Cir. Court | 1894 | 135:46 | | Pontins, John | from | Keyser, Jacob M. (Et.) | 1891 | 122:350 | | Pontius, Abraham | to | Lesh, E. (Et al.) | 1882 | 88:200 | | Pontius, E. J. | to | Toensend, W. S. | 1882 | 89:322 | | Pontius, John | to | Keyser, Jacob M. | 1891 | 129:239 | | Pontius, John | to | Latta, Chas. S. | 1892 | 128:218 | | Pontius, John | from | Winch, Mildred | 1891 | 121:208 | | Pontius, John (Et al.) | from | Winch, Mildred | 1899 | 162:116 | | Ponuler, Harriet | from | Bateman, Jeremiah | 1862 | 28:535 | | Pook, William | from | Devlin, Helen L. | 1902 | 169:314 | | Pool & Weiler | to | Bayless, Eliza | 1871 | 56:176 | | Pool & Wieler | from | McLellen, Agnes | 1867 | 56:122 | | Pool, Chas. F. | from | Shaw, Samuel | 1870 | 51:164 | | Pool, Daniel | to | Graffe, C. H. | 1866 | 40:78 | | Pool, Daniel | to | Niezer, J. B. | 1866 | 40:78 | | Pool, David | from | Brackenridge, Geo. W. | 1862 | 29:133 | | Pool, David | from | Brackenridge, H. | 1862 | 29:133 | | Pool, David | from | Brackenridge, Joseph | 1862 | 29:133 | | Pool, David | from | Sturgis, Chas. E. | 1857 | V:118 | | Pool, Emery O. | to | Sweringer, Hiram V. | 1875 | 66:214 | | Pool, Florence | to | Miner, Sarah J. | 1886 | 106:407 | | Pool, Florence | to | Strap, Moris | 1885 | 100:117 | | Pool, Florence | to | Swift, Isabella B. | 1873 | 59:559 | | Pool, Frances J. | from | Holmes, Jno. W. (Adm.) | 1895 | 140:13 | | Pool, Francis J. | to | Greener, John (Et ux.) | 1898 | 150:69 | | Pool, Francis J. | from | Pool, Jas. T. | 1892 | 133:41 | | Pool, Francis J. (Et al.) | to | Tri State B. & L. A. | 1900 | 161:343 | | Pool, Francis John | from | Tyler, James S. | 1902 | 167:141 | | Pool, H. D. | to | Dwire, Shaplet (Et ux.) | 1888 | 108:61 | | Pool, H. D. | from | Pool, Samuel | 1888 | 107:580 | | Pool, H. D. | to | Wass, Permelia | 1888 | 108:328 | | Pool, H. D. & M. J. | from | Ballinger, C. H. | 1879 | 80:168 | | Pool, J. O. | from | Aurand, N. A. | 1882 | 88:258 | | Pool, J. O. | from | Maxhimer, M. | 1882 | 90:200 | | Pool, J. O. | to | Maxhimer, Wm. | 1882 | 90:201 | | Pool, J. T. | to | Albaugh, Eli | 1884 | 95:536 | | Pool, J. T. | to | Kimmel, Jno. | 1876 | 80:374 | | Pool, J. T. | to | Savio, Rosania | 1877 | 71:531 | | Pool, J. T. (Adm.) | to | Scar, John | 1879 | 77:545 | | Pool, James T. | from | Auditor | 1890 | 116:268 | | Pool, James T. | from | Crimmins, Patrick | 1857 | U:480 | | Pool, James T. | to | Horstmeyer, Louis | 1889 | 118:288 | | Pool, James T. | from | Pool, Mary Ann | 1897 | 145:512 | | Pool, James T. | to | Pool, Wm. G & Mary | 1874 | 64:186 | | Pool, James T. | from | Pool, Wm. G. | 1874 | 64:187 | | Pool, James T. | from | Robinson, Frank S. | 1900 | 156:392 | | Pool, James T. | to | Robinson, Ressie | 1900 | 156:393 | | Pool, Jas. O. | to | Aurand, Daniel | 1882 | 88:259 | | Pool, Jas. T. | from | Crow, Julian J. | 1884 | 96:267 | | Pool, Jas. T. | from | Hazzard, Lewis | 1866 | 40:26 | | Pool, Jas. T. | to | Pool, Francis J. | 1892 | 133:41 | | Pool, Jas. T. | to | Waite, Thomas | 1872 | 56:526 | | Pool, Joseph | from | Sheriff | 1877 | 70:296 | | Pool, M. | from | Smith, J. M. N. | 1862 | 29:259 | | Pool, M. M. | from | Miller, Lydia | 1882 | 88:375 | | Pool, Maria T. | from | Sweringen, Hiram V. | 1875 | 66:215 | | Pool, Martha | from | Knight, William | 1863 | 30:554 | | Pool, Martha | to | Walker, F. J. | 1863 | 32:88 | | Pool, Mary Ann | to | Pool, James T. | 1897 | 145:512 | | Pool, Mary M. | to | Templar, E. A. | 1886 | 101:141 | | Pool, N. D. | from | Thorp, D. O. | 1883 | 107:581 | | Pool, Saml. | to | Bender, Jno. H. | 1877 | 70:112 | | Pool, Saml. | to | Doggett, A. J. | 1877 | 88:162 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Argo, M. E. | 1865 | 36:555 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Ashworth, Robt. | 1865 | 36:298 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Baker, D. A. | 1866 | 40:291 | | Pool, Samuel | from | Barnhart, John | 1864 | 32:467 | | Pool, Samuel | from | Bender, John H. | 1877 | 70:536 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Calvert, Wm. A. | 1865 | 36:555 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Calvert, Wm. A. | 1865 | 39:296 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Clem, Benj. | 1866 | 39:548 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Clem, William | 1888 | 110:150 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Crick, Phillip | 1866 | 39:549 | | Pool, Samuel | from | Daniels, Simson N. | 1866 | 43:1 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Deal, F. M. | 1865 | 49:95 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Friedline, Jno. B. | 1871 | 56:209 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Gesinger, David | 1865 | 46:236 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Krick, Philip | 1888 | 108:412 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Krick, Phillip | 1866 | 41:614 | | Pool, Samuel | from | Lery, Potston | 1862 | 29:31 | | Pool, Samuel | from | Long, Andrew | 1869 | 47:408 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Lowmiller, Jno. | 1865 | 37:440 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Marts, Lewis H. | 1865 | 39:328 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Martz, Silas | 1865 | 54:25 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Maxheimer, Wm. | 1866 | 41:119 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Pool, H. D. | 1888 | 107:580 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Raver, Christian | 1876 | 69:98 | | Pool, Samuel | from | Rogers, Alex | 1866 | 42:333 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Rogers, Alex. | 1865 | 37:511 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Row, Cornelius | 1865 | 37:403 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Shack, Elizabeth | 1867 | 43:184 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Shade, Elizabeth | 1867 | 93:534 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Snelenberger, C. | 1865 | 37:403 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Snellingberger & Row | 1866 | 43:458 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Taylor, Oliver | 1888 | 108:413 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Wass, Permelia | 1888 | 108:327 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Weiler, James | 1865 | 65:370 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Weiler, James | 1871 | 65:370 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Whitright, Saml. | 1888 | 108:306 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Wilson, W. T. | 1869 | 61:241 | | Pool, Samuel | to | Wright, A. S. | 1875 | 65:80 | | Pool, Thomas D. | from | Swift, Bayless | 1873 | 59:560 | | Pool, Thos. D. | to | Stinman, Adam | 1874 | 63:401 | | Pool, Thos. D. | to | Swift, Alphens | 1875 | 68:267 | | Pool, Wm. G & Mary | from | Pool, James T. | 1874 | 64:186 | | Pool, Wm. G. | to | Kimmel, Jacob H. | 1874 | 62:364 | | Pool, Wm. G. | from | Kimmel, Jacob H. | 1874 | 63:94 | | Pool, Wm. G. | to | Kline, Margaret | 1865 | 36:457 | | Pool, Wm. G. | to | Pool, James T. | 1874 | 64:187 | | Pool, Wm. G. | from | Thompson, A. M. | 1864 | 35:144 | | Pool, Wm. G. | from | Thompson, A. N. | 1867 | 44:76 | | Pool, Wm. Geo. | to | Thompson, Ann M. | 1867 | 44:134 | | Poole, Emory O. | from | Bond, C. D. (Et al.) | 1872 | 59:104 | | Poole, Florence | to | Barnes, Sagishmeal | 1874 | 62:503 | | Poole, Florence | to | Dustman, H. A. | 1874 | 63:597 | | Poole, Florence | to | Fletcher, Chas. N. | 1880 | 79:156 | | Poole, Florence | from | Swift, Alpheus | 1875 | 70:445 | | Poole, Florence & Thos. D. | to | Argo, M. E. (Trustees) Christ Ch. | 1874 | 64:287 | | Poole, Florence & Thos. D. | to | Hartzell, Joseph | 1875 | 65:556 | | Poole, Florence & Thos. D. | to | Sweany, Jacob & Pool, Sam'l | 1874 | 64:287 | | Poole, Florence & Thos. D. | to | Wyckoff, J. S. & Cassady, Jacob | 1874 | 64:287 | | Poole, Frank H. | to | Allen, Frank F. | 1902 | 166:520 | | Poole, Frank H. | to | Bond, Albert L. | 1892 | 127:171 | | Poole, Frank H. | from | Henderson, S. C. | 1891 | 124:250 | | Poole, Frank H. | from | Lechler, Matilda C. | 1892 | 124:321 | | Poole, Frank H. | from | Reitze, Minnie C. | 1892 | 125:112 | | Poole, Frank H. | from | Rossington, R. B. | 1892 | 128:17 | | Poole, Frank H. | to | Rossington, R. B. (Et ux.) | 1892 | 127:216 | | Poole, Frank H. (Et ux.) | from | Hackins, Gustave L. | 1898 | 149:474 | | Poole, Maria T. | to | Winte, John C. | 1888 | 109:531 | | Poole, Martha | to | Komp, Daniel | 1865 | 36:465 | | Poole, Martha | from | Meyer, Henry | 1875 | 69:115 | | Poole, Martha | to | Morss, Laura L. | 1863 | 41:44 | | Poole, Samuel | to | Luce, Rosa | 1876 | 69:89 | | Poole, Thos. D. | to | Beugnot, J. F. | 1874 | 63:277 | | Pooley, Emma | to | Coonrad, Peter | 1876 | 69:466 | | Poop, Jno. | to | Reed, Henry | 1872 | 49:317 | | Poor H. M. of Jesus Christ | to | Stemen, C. b. (Et ux.) | 1896 | 142:545 | | Poor Hand Maids Jesus Christ | from | Ehrman, C. (Et al.) | 1882 | 87:418 | | Poor Hand Maids Jesus Christ | from | Griebel, E. | 1882 | 87:418 | | Poor Hand Maids Jesus Christ | from | Langohr, A. (Et al.) | 1882 | 87:418 | | Poor Hand Maids Jesus Christ | from | Langohr, A. J. (Guard) | 1882 | 88:127 | | Poor Hand Maids Jesus Christ | from | Motz, Geo. (Guard) | 1882 | 88:127 | | Poor Hand Maids Jesus Christ | from | Sommers, E. (Et al.) | 1882 | 87:418 | | Poor Hand Maids Jesus Christ | from | Spitz, Jno. Geo. | 1883 | 91:393 | | Poor Hand Maids Jesus Christ | to | Springer, John M. | 1890 | 118:310 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | to | Bauer, Kajetan J. | 1898 | 151:303 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | to | Bauer, Kajetan J. | 1901 | 163:312 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | from | Brueckner, Herman | 1899 | 154:232 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | from | Burns, Catharine | 1883 | 91:88 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | from | Deininger, U. | 1878 | 74:403 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | to | Denahy, Michael | 1883 | 91:90 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | to | Dreier, Wm. H. | 1890 | 122:2 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | from | Dwenger, Joseph | 1878 | 73:523 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | from | Dwenger, Joseph | 1878 | 73:524 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | from | Meriam, Ann J. | 1896 | 143:521 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | from | Messmann, Anthony | 1900 | 156:307 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | to | Miller, Samuel | 1900 | 156:440 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | from | Neurath, Elisabeth | 1898 | 149:354 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | from | Oeff, Charles E. (Admr.) | 1899 | 155:166 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | from | O'Hearn, John | 1893 | 130:80 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | from | Orff, Johanna ( Et al.) | 1899 | 155:211 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | from | Orff, Johannah (Et al.) | 1899 | 155:167 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | from | Snyder, George | 1900 | 159:335 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | from | Vollmer, Louise | 1895 | 141:87 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | to | Young, S. & C. | 1883 | 92:315 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ (Et al.) | to | Drew, S. A. | 1882 | 86:491 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ (Et al.) | to | Hugnenard, V. A. | 1883 | 90:433 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ (Et al.) | to | Orr, Susan | 1881 | 85:8 | | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ (Et al.) | to | Steinbacher, A. M. | 1889 | 112:48 | | Poor Hand Maids of JesusChrist | from | Steinbacher, M. | 1889 | 110:563 | | Poor Handmaids Jesus Christ | from | Hibbelen, Theo. | 1884 | 96:523 | | Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ | from | Dalmon, John | 1902 | 169:304 | | Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ | from | Hill, Cynthia A. | 1900 | 158:355 | | Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ | from | Neff, Jacob J. | 1874 | 68:479 | | Poorman, M. D. (Et ux.) | from | Kuhne, Paul f. (Comr.) | 1890 | 116:99 | | Poorman, M. D. (Et ux.) | from | Maier, John G. | 1892 | 128:499 | | Poorman, M. D. (Et ux.) | from | Sprague, Jno. T. | 1890 | 115:19 | | Poorman, Madison D. | to | Martin, John B. (Et ux.) | 1900 | 158:390 | | Poorman, Madison D. | to | Musgrave, A. J. | 1894 | 133:337 | | Poorman, William | to | Mayhew, Mollie | 1901 | 161:211 | | Poorman, Wm. (Et ux.) | from | Mayhew, Allen | 1901 | 161:210 | | Poote, Samuel | from | Swift, Alpheus | 1871 | 56:121 | | Pooten, E. W. | from | Brackenridge, Robt. | 1861 | 26:475 | | Pope, Frederick | from | Bulonger, Gerard | 1850 | M:630 | | Popertz, Fredk. | from | Sappington, Jacob | 1871 | 56:472 | | Popette, Peter | from | Hoagland, Phiny | 1864 | 32:426 | | Popp, Adam | from | Miller, W. H. H. | 1886 | 100:12 | | Popp, Adam | to | Reuss, John B. | 1889 | 114:86 | | Popp, Adam | from | Romy, Robert L. (Et.) | 1891 | 121:84 | | Popp, Adam | to | Shambaugh, H. | 1892 | 127:59 | | Popp, Eunice M. | to | Branstrator, Amos (Et ux.) | 1899 | 153:195 | | Popp, Eunice M. | from | Randall, Perry A. | 1896 | 143:147 | | Popp, Fred | to | Hoffman, H. | 1868 | 46:481 | | Popp, Frederick | from | Hoffman, H. (Et al.) | 1868 | 46:480 | | Popp, Frederick | from | Popp, John | 1867 | 43:431 | | Popp, Fredrich | from | Stapleton, Joshua | 1883 | 91:111 | | Popp, Friedrick | to | Popp, Henry | 1900 | 158:117 | | Popp, Friedrick | to | Popp, Jacob | 1900 | 158:118 | | Popp, Friedrick | to | Popp, Mary | 1900 | 158:118 | | Popp, Harman A. | from | Reihling, William J. | 1898 | 150:272 | | Popp, Henry | from | Popp, Friedrick | 1900 | 158:117 | | Popp, Jacob | from | Popp, Friedrick | 1900 | 158:118 | | Popp, John | to | Popp, Frederick | 1867 | 43:431 | | Popp, Mary | from | Popp, Friedrick | 1900 | 158:118 | | Poppel, John | from | Wood, B. R. | 1866 | 41:508 | | Poppler, Louis | to | Felt, Wm. H. (Et ux.) | 1896 | 142:280 | | Poppleton, Martha | to | Wilson, Mrs. S. A. | 1886 | 102:407 | | Porber, John (Et al.) | to | French, Ella M. | 1890 | 119:223 | | Porchy, Pierre | from | Petgen, Nicolas | 1863 | 30:565 | | Porsch, George B. | from | Alden, Samuel A. (Tr.) | 1902 | 169:511 | | Porsch, George B. (Et al.) | to | Fleichman, John M. | 1899 | 153:551 | | Porsch, George B. (Et ux.) | from | Smith, Rezin D. | 1902 | 169:284 | | Porsen, Bernard | from | Auditor | 1849 | X:571 | | Porter, Allen | from | Auditor | 1893 | 128:129 | | Porter, Allen | from | Fleming, Jas. W. | 1872 | 56:474 | | Porter, Allen | from | Johnson, Elizabeth (Et ux.) | 1891 | 120:107 | | Porter, Allen | from | Porter, John S. (Et al.) | 1889 | 120:107 | | Porter, Allen | to | Reuille, Louis J. (Et ux.) | 1901 | 165:113 | | Porter, Allen | from | Seavey, Gid. W. | 1890 | 118:498 | | Porter, Allen | from | Shipman, Eliza (Et al.) | 1891 | 120:107 | | Porter, Allen | from | Springer, Ellen (Et al.) | 1891 | 120:107 | | Porter, Amanda A. | from | Bond, C. D. & S. B. | 1869 | 50:23 | | Porter, Catharine | from | McCulloch, Samuel | 1844 | 113:429 | | Porter, Charles H. | from | Flick, Clara B. | 1902 | 168:245 | | Porter, Clara A. | to | Mognihan, Martha | 1870 | 52:166 | | Porter, Crawford | from | Burrier, Joseph | 1895 | 139:39 | | Porter, Crawford | from | Burrier, Sarah A. | 1895 | 139:39 | | Porter, Crawford | to | Porter, Daniel | 1884 | 96:269 | | Porter, Crawford | from | Porter, Daniel | 1884 | 96:270 | | Porter, Crawford | from | Porter, Jas. | 1881 | 84:399 | | Porter, Crawford | to | Porter, Sarah | 1895 | 139:35 | | Porter, Crawford | from | Smith, Adeline E. | 1896 | 142:418 | | Porter, Crawford | from | Wann, Daniel | 1900 | 156:398 | | Porter, D. L. | from | Chapman, W. F. | 1883 | 109:111 | | Porter, Daniel | from | Porter, Crawford | 1884 | 96:269 | | Porter, Daniel | to | Porter, Crawford | 1884 | 96:270 | | Porter, Daniel | from | Porter, Jas. | 1881 | 84:400 | | Porter, Daniel | to | Roberts, Charles | 1900 | 157:498 | | Porter, Daniel | to | Roberts, Irwin | 1900 | 157:497 | | Porter, Danl. (Et al.) | to | Porter, J. & C. | 1881 | 91:214 | | Porter, David L. | from | Porter, Joseph | 1887 | 106:390 | | Porter, Elizabeth | from | Line, Annie E. | 1873 | 57:388 | | Porter, Elizabeth | to | Tri State B. & L. No. 1 | 1893 | 127:430 | | Porter, Elizabeth (Et al.) | to | Malone, Peter | 1883 | 92:400 | | Porter, France | from | Kinsey, Joseph | 1859 | 33:357 | | Porter, Frances | to | Miller, Christian | 1862 | 31:392 | | Porter, Francis | from | Fredline, John | 1855 | X:288 | | Porter, H. M. G. | from | Maise, Susan A. | 1870 | 51:209 | | Porter, H. W. F. | from | Sherman, E. | 1869 | 50:324 | | Porter, H. W. Y. | to | City | 1869 | 50:326 | | Porter, Harvey M. | from | Blume, Amdrew (Adm.) | 1900 | 160:230 | | Porter, Hester | from | Porter, Hiram | 1899 | 153:444 | | Porter, Hester | from | Porter, James S. | 1902 | 167:280 | | Porter, Hira | from | Goings, William | 1863 | 31:573 | | Porter, Hiram | to | Archer, H. C. & S. J. | 1882 | 91:21 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Arnold, Eli | 1870 | 51:525 | | Porter, Hiram | to | Arnold, Eli | 1870 | 52:269 | | Porter, Hiram | to | Biggs, Rezin | 1864 | 32:353 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Bush, Sarah | 1882 | 87:545 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Bush, Sarah (Guard) | 1882 | 87:546 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Chapman, George W. | 1860 | Y:632 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Cooper, Ella (Et al.) | 1887 | 108:344 | | Porter, Hiram | to | Disler, I. W. | 1879 | 99:512 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Goings, David | 1862 | 31:369 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Goings, Francis | 1863 | 31:573 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Hunsche, Henry | 1891 | 122:66 | | Porter, Hiram | to | Lauer, Gustav | 1870 | 51:343 | | Porter, Hiram | to | Mayhew, Jos. | 1882 | 89:416 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Morell, Henry & C. | 1882 | 87:544 | | Porter, Hiram | to | Parker, F. A. C. | 1885 | 100:363 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Parker, F. A. c. | 1886 | 100:362 | | Porter, Hiram | to | Porter, Hester | 1899 | 153:444 | | Porter, Hiram | to | Porter, James S. | 1899 | 156:337 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Porter, Rethene | 1863 | 31:573 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Romy, Catharine A. | 1871 | 65:226 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Yerks, Andrew | 1872 | 65:223 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Yerks, John (heirs) | 1871 | 65:224 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Yerks, Nathaniel | 1871 | 65:226 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Yerks, William | 1871 | 51:526 | | Porter, Hiram | from | Yerks, William | 1872 | 65:221 | | Porter, Hiram (Adm.) | to | France, J. E. K. | 1899 | 160:31 | | Porter, Hiram (Adm.) | to | Goetz, Christina | 1899 | 157:524 | | Porter, Hiram (Adm.) | to | Hanna, Jas. T. | 1894 | 133:372 | | Porter, Hiram (Adm.) | to | Schlandroff, Chr. | 1899 | 157:446 | | Porter, J. & C. | from | Porter, Danl. (Et al.) | 1881 | 91:214 | | Porter, James | to | Der. & I. R. R. Co. | 1870 | 52:532 | | Porter, James | from | Ely, John | 1872 | 54:583 | | Porter, James S. | to | Porter, Hester | 1902 | 167:280 | | Porter, James S. | from | Porter, Hiram | 1899 | 156:337 | | Porter, James S. (Et ux.) | from | Bittinger, Adam H. (Comr.) | 1900 | 158:201 | | Porter, Jas. | to | Porter, Crawford | 1881 | 84:399 | | Porter, Jas. | to | Porter, Daniel | 1881 | 84:400 | | Porter, Jno. N. | from | Bobelia, L. J. | 1886 | 102:165 | | Porter, John | to | Bobilya, Louis J. | 1890 | 115:576 | | Porter, John | from | Buck, Delitha | 1890 | 117:390 | | Porter, John | to | Dooings, Sarah A. | 1890 | 116:330 | | Porter, John | from | Gebhart, Valentine | 1891 | 121:94 | | Porter, John | from | Harrod, Morgan | 1890 | 116:548 | | Porter, John | from | Hener, Sophia (Et ux.) | 1891 | 121:213 | | Porter, John | to | Heuer, Sophia | 1891 | 121:167 | | Porter, John | from | Heuer, William (Et ux.) | 1891 | 121:165 | | Porter, John | from | Hite, Harvey T. | 1889 | 111:332 | | Porter, John | from | Hofer, Theabold | 1890 | 115:585 | | Porter, John | from | Meier, Leonard J. | 1890 | 117:212 | | Porter, John | to | Meier, Minnie A. | 1890 | 117;247 | | Porter, John | from | Pollock, Maud | 1890 | 118:422 | | Porter, John (E.) | to | Evard, Julius | 1891 | 123:28 | | Porter, John (Et al.) | to | Aumann, Charles | 1890 | 117:138 | | Porter, John (Et al.) | to | Evard, Julus | 1889 | 121:307 | | Porter, John (Et al.) | to | Mason, Joseph S. | 1891 | 113:338 | | Porter, John (Et al.) | to | Sledt, Samuel D. | 1891 | 113:338 | | Porter, John (Etu.) | to | Gebhart, Maggie | 1891 | 121:92 | | Porter, John (Etu.) | to | Hite, Eliza | 1891 | 113:442 | | Porter, John N. | to | Geake, William | 1886 | 102:332 | | Porter, John S. (Et al.) | to | Porter, Allen | 1889 | 120:107 | | Porter, Jos. | from | Jacobs, Jno. H. | 1881 | 85:553 | | Porter, Joseph | to | Cothrell, Allie | 1901 | 164:169 | | Porter, Joseph | from | Orr, Eleanor N. (Et al.) | 1889 | 114:609 | | Porter, Joseph | to | Porter, David L. | 1887 | 106:390 | | Porter, Lillie A. | from | Woodworth, Ed. | 1894 | 134:14 | | Porter, Lizzie | from | Ft. Wayne Land & Imp. Co. | 1892 | 124:429 | | Porter, Lizzie | from | McCulloch, Chas. (Et al.) | 1893 | 127:514 | | Porter, Lizzie | to | Niblick, William H. | 1893 | 160:356 | | Porter, M. G. | to | Line, Anna B. | 1873 | 57:387 | | Porter, Margaret | to | Fuelling, G. H. | 1896 | 142:279 | | Porter, Margaret (Et al.) | from | Cothrell, Allie | 1901 | 164:170 | | Porter, Mary A. | to | Crawford, Jno. W. | 1889 | 137:112 | | Porter, Michael | to | Clark, Zacheus | 1864 | 46:194 | | Porter, Michael | to | James, Elizabeth | 1864 | 34:219 | | Porter, Michael | to | James, R. G. | 1866 | 38:621 | | Porter, Michael | from | Sharp, Geo. W. | 1865 | 38:620 | | Porter, Michael | from | Sharp, Jas. W. | 1864 | 31:591 | | Porter, Michael | from | Sharp, Silas H. | 1864 | 31:591 | | Porter, Miles F. | from | Locke, Anthony | 1894 | 133:116 | | Porter, Miles F. | to | Woodworth, Ed J. | 1894 | 134:13 | | Porter, Newton G. | to | Cruthers, Mary E. | 1892 | 125:169 | | Porter, Oliver F. | from | Eby, Eli | 1895 | 137:354 | | Porter, Rethene | to | Porter, Hiram | 1863 | 31:573 | | Porter, Samuel | from | Long, Elizabeth | 1873 | 61:205 | | Porter, Samuel (Et al.) | to | Haak, Theodore | 1890 | 117:413 | | Porter, Sarah | to | Borden, Melvin A. | 1898 | 150:203 | | Porter, Sarah | to | Dorsey, Leonard | 1895 | 139:36 | | Porter, Sarah | from | Porter, Crawford | 1895 | 139:35 | | Porter, Wm. P. | to | Heaton, O. N. (Trustee) | 1896 | 144:73 | | Porter, Wm. P. (Et ux.) | from | Jones, Levi M. | 1886 | 104:401 | | Portwe, John (Et al.) | from | Morris, John (Et al.) | 1890 | 117:122 | | Poscch, Elizabeth (Et ux.) | from | Wehler, Charles | 1895 | 140:16 | | Post, B. L. | from | Rockhill, H. C. | 1884 | 96:257 | | Post, Bernard L. | from | Wheeler, Nelson (Et al.) | 1887 | 103:512 | | Post, Bernhard L. (Et.) | to | Kuhue, Paul F. | 1891 | 121:276 | | Post, Geo. H. | from | Nommay, Philomane | 1884 | 95:545 | | Post, Louise | from | Kuhne, Paul F. | 1891 | 121:277 | | Poston, E. W. | from | Green, Thomas | 1868 | 44:335 | | Poston, E. W. | to | Langohr, John | 1869 | 50:463 | | Poston, E. W. | from | Oakley, C. B. | 1870 | 51:288 | | Poston, E. W. | to | Reinking, F. | 1875 | 66:166 | | Poston, Elisha W. | to | Greene, Thos. | 1867 | 46:58 | | Poston, Elisha W. | from | Murray, Caroline | 1863 | 33:478 | | Poston, Elisha W. | to | Wallen, Charles E. | 1873 | 60:102 | | Potter, Chas. J. (Et al.) | from | Paine, James D. | 1891 | 122:637 | | Potter, D. M. | to | Maddox, A. M. | 1881 | 83:510 | | Potter, Dorothy M. (Et.) | to | Maddox, Anna M. | 1891 | 110:505 | | Potter, Dorthy M. | from | Arnold, A. W. | 1877 | 71:204 | | Potter, Elizabeth | from | Bargns, D. (nee Yalis) | 1867 | 42:369 | | Potter, Elizabeth | to | Bond, C. E. (Et al.) | 1883 | 91:507 | | Potter, Elizabeth | from | Bond, Chas. B. | 1870 | 51:450 | | Potter, Elizabeth | from | Bond, Chas. B. | 1870 | 51:451 | | Potter, Elizabeth | from | Ewing, Geo. W. (est.) | 1873 | 60:288 | | Potter, Elizabeth | to | Shirk, H. J. | 1877 | 72:551 | | Potter, Elizabeth | to | Stump, Jonathan | 1873 | 60:206 | | Potter, Elizabeth | from | Wheeler, M. R. | 1870 | 49:136 | | Potter, Era | from | Baehring, W. | 1855 | W:396 | | Potter, Eunice | to | Dice, Caroline | 1897 | 144:386 | | Potter, Eunice | to | Potter, Silas S. | 1897 | 144:390 | | Potter, Eunice | to | Zinn, George (Et ux.) | 1897 | 144:389 | | Potter, Eunice E. | from | McCarthy, John H. | 1901 | 160:459 | | Potter, Ezra | to | Chenevent, Chas | 1870 | 52:167 | | Potter, Ezra | to | Cummins, Albert | 1870 | 52:296 | | Potter, Ezra | to | Miller, Cornelius | 1870 | 52:297 | | Potter, Ezra | from | Phillips, A. A. | 1870 | 52:32 | | Potter, F. J. (Et ux.) | from | Baltes, Michael | 1889 | 112:90 | | Potter, Francis J. | to | Kehling, Theresa (Et ux.) | 1896 | 144:44 | | Potter, Geo. L. | from | French, R. M. | 1887 | 106:481 | | Potter, Geo. L. | to | French, R. M. (Et ux.) | 1887 | 106:595 | | Potter, James | to | Church of God | 1875 | 69:426 | | Potter, James | to | Green, Lillie M. | 1888 | 108:458 | | Potter, James | to | Potter, Newton G. | 1887 | 104:366 | | Potter, James | to | Potter, Silas S. | 1878 | 77:96 | | Potter, James | to | Rich, Biram L. | 1896 | 143:319 | | Potter, James | to | Richards, William | 1877 | 70:345 | | Potter, James | to | Swartz, Henry | 1873 | 49:424 | | Potter, James | to | Van Camp, Jas. | 1882 | 89:264 | | Potter, James | to | Wappins, Geo. | 1868 | 45:423 | | Potter, James | to | Young, Elizabeth | 1884 | 94:614 | | Potter, Jane | to | Griswold, Richard A. | 1900 | 161:236 | | Potter, Jas. | to | Richards, Wm. | 1878 | 87:353 | | Potter, Joa L. | from | Hartman, Geo. R. | 1870 | 49:79 | | Potter, John | from | Archer, John H. | 1872 | 69:87 | | Potter, John | to | Arnold, A. W. | 1877 | 71:203 | | Potter, Jos. L. | to | Bashet, John | 1867 | 40:594 | | Potter, Jos. L. | from | Hood, Wm. E. | 1868 | 46:136 | | Potter, Jos. L. | to | Shirk, H. J. | 1877 | 72:551 | | Potter, Jos. L. | from | Wilding, James | 1867 | 44:39 | | Potter, Jos. L. | to | Wilding, James | 1867 | 44:538 | | Potter, Joseph | to | L.Strong, H. P. | 1872 | 56:243 | | Potter, Joseph L. | to | dIsay, Alida L. | 1878 | 72:496 | | Potter, M. F. (Et al.) | from | Tilton, Josiah | 1888 | 107:603 | | Potter, Margaret J. | from | Allen Superior Court | 1900 | 158:55 | | Potter, Margaret Jane | from | Moon, Christopher C. | 1899 | 155:312 | | Potter, Mary F. | to | Bartels, Wm. | 1888 | 108:400 | | Potter, Mary F. | from | Bullard, Jennie M. | 1890 | 115:462 | | Potter, Mary F. | from | Eq. Trust Co. | 1887 | 103:28 | | Potter, Mary F. | to | Fuchs, C. (Et ux.) | 1888 | 108:505 | | Potter, Mary F. | to | Leonard, Elmer | 1892 | 156:56 | | Potter, Mary F. | from | Stratton, Robt. | 1887 | 106:39 | | Potter, Mary F. | from | Stratton, Robt. | 1888 | 108:398 | | Potter, Mary F. | to | Suter, Edward | 1890 | 115:472 | | Potter, Mary F. | to | VonBehrens, F. | 1887 | 105:218 | | Potter, Mary F. | from | Whitney, Mirande O. | 1890 | 116:581 | | Potter, Mary F. (Et al.) | to | Pliett, Charles | 1888 | 108:245 | | Potter, Mary T. | from | Eq. Trust Co. | 1888 | 108:506 | | Potter, N. Karr | to | Buck, Frederick | 1879 | 78:305 | | Potter, N. Karr | from | Good, Caroline | 1879 | 78:304 | | Potter, Newton G. | to | Bowman, Mary A. | 1898 | 153:178 | | Potter, Newton G. | from | Cruthers, Mary E. | 1892 | 125:168 | | Potter, Newton G. | from | Potter, James | 1887 | 104:366 | | Potter, O. E. | to | Huffman, Saml. M. | 1879 | 78:111 | | Potter, O. E. | from | Shulters, J. H. | 1879 | 78:110 | | Potter, O. J. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1885 | 98:585 | | Potter, oah W. | to | Freeman, John | 1855 | S:8 | | Potter, Oliver | from | United States | 1840 | 149:437 | | Potter, Orilla J. | to | Thomas, Wm. L. (Et ux.) | 1886 | 104:132 | | Potter, Orlando B. | from | Eyanson, Thomas | 1859 | X:33 | | Potter, P. L. | from | Carman, Wm. O. (Et al.) | 1882 | 95:358 | | Potter, P. L. | from | Church, F. & A. | 1882 | 88:410 | | Potter, P. L. | from | Eq. Trust Co. | 1887 | 103:335 | | Potter, P. L. | to | Pageler, Fred | 1887 | 103:378 | | Potter, P. L. | to | Swann, Henrietta | 1876 | 70:51 | | Potter, P. L. | to | Wolf, Abraham | 1882 | 88:411 | | Potter, P. L. (Coms.) | to | Oglesby, Wm. (Et al.) | 1884 | 96:456 | | Potter, P. L. (Et al.) | to | Welson, G. Es. | 1886 | 101:367 | | Potter, P. L. (Et ux.) | from | leonard, Elmer | 1892 | 156:57 | | Potter, Philip L. | to | Frederickson, C. | 1884 | 95:359 | | Potter, Philip L. | to | Gillette, Edwin A. (Et ux.) | 1899 | 156:58 | | Potter, Philip L. | from | Stratton, Robert | 1889 | 114:38 | | Potter, Phillip L. | to | Bence, Sarah A. | 1889 | 114:569 | | Potter, Phillip L. (assg.) | to | Rayhouser, Elizabeth J. | 1876 | 70:537 | | Potter, Silas S. | to | Dice, Caroline | 1898 | 150:159 | | Potter, Silas S. | from | Potter, Eunice | 1897 | 144:390 | | Potter, Silas S. | from | Potter, James | 1878 | 77:96 | | Potter, Silas S. | to | Vancamp, Jas. | 1885 | 99:245 | | Potter, Thomas | from | Archer, Jno. H. | 1872 | 66:6 | | Potter, Thomas | to | Archer, John H. | 1875 | 65:482 | | Potter, Thomas | from | Archer, John H. | 1875 | 65:483 | | Potter, Viola T. | to | Thibaut, Jacob A. | 1902 | 168:94 | | Potter, Wm. H. | to | Dille, J. H. | 1875 | 67:320 | | Potthoff, William | from | Ankenbuick, Martin H. | 1902 | 168:123 | | Potthoff, Wm. | to | Ankenbruck, Martin H. | 1902 | 168:124 | | Potts, Clara S. | from | Jeffries, George | 1902 | 170:192 | | Potts, Elizabeth | from | Allen Circuit Court | 1901 | 162:270 | | Potts, Elizabeth | to | Crabill, Minnie | 1901 | 162:270 | | Potts, Elizabeth | to | Crabill, Minnie | 1901 | 164:487 | | Potts, Hiram | from | Colter, Jacob (Et al.) | 1889 | 110:231 | | Potts, Hiram | to | Smith, Milton A. | 1892 | 123:27 | | Potts, Joseph H. | from | Miller, Henry J. | 1892 | 124:537 | | Potts, Joseph H. | from | Slattery, M. M. M. | 1892 | 124:537 | | Potts, Malinda | to | Spindler, Wm. A. | 1877 | 72:84 | | Potts, Thomas | from | McFadden, William | 1860 | 26:158 | | Potts, Thomas | to | Smith, Arnold | 1855 | 66:360 | | Potts, Thomas | to | Smith, Arnold | 1866 | 41:430 | | Potts, William A. | from | Darr, John F. | 1901 | 166:276 | | Potts, Wm. | from | Ellison, Thos. E. (Coms.) | 1888 | 110:232 | | Potts, Wm. A. | from | Emenhiser, Stephen | 1873 | 64:181 | | Potts, Wm. A. | to | Emenhiser, Stephen | 1875 | 67:322 | | Potts, Wm. A. | from | Harrod, Newton | 1881 | 83:569 | | Potts, Wm. A. | from | McIntosh, B. A. | 1882 | 88:93 | | Potts, Wm. A. | to | McIntosh, Jno. W. | 1888 | 107:124 | | Potwin, A. c. | to | Wigman, Henry | 1866 | 38:458 | | Potwin, Anson C. | to | Barbour, M. F. | 1862 | 31:446 | | Potwin, Charles A. (Et al.) | to | Romy, Robert L. | 1891 | 121 | | Potwin, Chas. W. | from | Carter, Jno. W. | 1872 | 55:226 | | Poulsen, H. C. | to | Harbor, Amelia J. | 1892 | 125:251 | | Poulsen, Michael | from | Koorsen, John Michael | 1902 | 169:427 | | Poulsen, Sarah A. | from | Miller, Samuel D. | 1871 | 53:437 | | Poulson, Anna | to | Poulson, Britton (Et al.) | 1898 | 149:410 | | Poulson, Anna (Trustee) | from | Poulson, Wm. | 1889 | 21:128 | | Poulson, Britton | to | Poulson, Sarah A. | 1898 | 151:471 | | Poulson, Britton (Et al.) | from | Poulson, Anna | 1898 | 149:410 | | Poulson, Francis M. (Et al.) | to | Poulson, Sarah A. | 1898 | 151:472 | | Poulson, Sarah A. | to | Doty, W. P. | 1883 | 97:630 | | Poulson, Sarah A. | to | Lillie, James & John Jr. | 1873 | 59:465 | | Poulson, Sarah A. | from | Poulson, Britton | 1898 | 151:471 | | Poulson, Sarah A. | from | Poulson, Francis M. (Et al.) | 1898 | 151:472 | | Poulson, Sarah A. | from | White, James B. | 1877 | 72:262 | | Poulson, Wm. | from | Lehr, Jno. G. | 1879 | 77:441 | | Poulson, Wm. | to | Poulson, Anna (Trustee) | 1889 | 21:128 | | Poulson, Wm. Sr. | from | Auditor | 1894 | 134:132 | | Pourchy, Peter | to | Laurent, Virginia | 1865 | 38:338 | | Pourchy, Peter | to | Rumbel, Charles | 1868 | 47:157 | | Poussean, Anna B. | from | Palmer, Earl (Et al.) | 1899 | 156:321 | | Poussry, Frances | from | Roussey, Aug. (Et al.) | 1871 | 55:172 | | Povison, Eugenia | from | Povison, Peter F. | 1892 | 127:387 | | Povison, Peter F. | to | Kahn, Frederick | 1892 | 127:386 | | Povison, Peter F. | to | Povison, Eugenia | 1892 | 127:387 | | Povison, Peter F. | to | Ruhl, Chas. (Et ux.) | 1894 | 132:227 | | Powars, J. P. (Guard) | to | Lampert, Caroline | 1881 | 85:216 | | Powars, Sybilla | to | Laubach, A. J. | 1886 | 101:162 | | Powars, Sybilla | from | Lehman, Charles | 1888 | 106:493 | | Powars, Sybilla | from | Napheys, A. C. (Et al.) | 1886 | 100:558 | | Powars, Sybilla | from | Ninde, H. W. (Guard) | 1888 | 106:493 | | Powars, Sybilla | to | Rodabaugh, J. F. | 1889 | 114:317 | | Powars, Sybilla (Adm.) | to | Laubach, A. J. | 1886 | 101:164 | | Powel, David | from | Thain, George | 1868 | 44:333 | | Powel, John | to | Justus, Lewis S. | 1874 | 65:256 | | Powell, Aaron | to | Crickmore, Henry | 1885 | 97:71 | | Powell, David | to | Schmidt, Margaret | 1870 | 49:132 | | Powell, Frank | from | Wiseman, Jacob | 1902 | 171:46 | | Powell, Harriet | from | Powell, Rebecca | 1877 | 96:590 | | Powell, Hiram L. | to | Pettie, Adam | 1856 | T:281 | | Powell, Isaac B. (Et al.) | from | Rhodes, Isaac | 1879 | 77:335 | | Powell, Isaac B. (Et ux.) | from | Randall, Winifred J. | 1902 | 169:324 | | Powell, Jas. A. | to | Warner, Samuel | 1873 | 58:190 | | Powell, John M. | to | Crance, Wm. | 1875 | 67:101 | | Powell, John M. | to | Schoonover, Samuel E. | 1874 | 65:10 | | Powell, John M. & Sarah C. | from | Bonard, Donatus | 1874 | 62:265 | | Powell, John M. (Et al.) | to | Herman, Martha E. | 1902 | 166:250 | | Powell, Joseph | to | Botteron, Charles A. | 1901 | 164:80 | | Powell, Joseph | from | Hough, John | 1864 | 34:494 | | Powell, Joseph (Et ux.) | from | Botteron, Charles A. | 1901 | 164:80 | | Powell, Lizzie | to | Randall, Winifred J. | 1902 | 170:245 | | Powell, Lizzie | from | Roy, Catherine (Et al.) | 1901 | 161:82 | | Powell, Mathias | from | McCrory, David | 1870 | 52:284 | | Powell, Nancy (Heirs) | to | Pestit, Adam | 1863 | 31:318 | | Powell, Osias | to | Pettit, E. J. | 1885 | 99:36 | | Powell, Polly | from | Farrell, Cornelius (Et al.) | 1891 | 113:394 | | Powell, Polly | from | Farrell, George B. | 1891 | 113:395 | | Powell, Polly | to | Rice, John H. | 1895 | 144:399 | | Powell, Rebecca | to | Crance, A. | 1876 | 68:71 | | Powell, Rebecca | to | Powell, Harriet | 1877 | 96:590 | | Powell, Rebecca (Et al.) | from | Hickox, W. S. | 1873 | 58:275 | | Powell, S. C. (Et al.) | from | Hickox, W. S. | 1873 | 58:274 | | Powell, Sarah | from | Justus, Lewis S. | 1875 | 65:407 | | Powell, Sarah | to | Rhoades, Isaac | 1877 | 70:223 | | Powell, Sarah B. | from | Pierce, John E. | 1900 | 156:391 | | Powell, Sarah B. | from | Pierce, John E. | 1902 | 168:12 | | Powell, Sarah B. (Et ux.) | to | Gandy, Oscar | 1902 | 170:385 | | Powell, Sarah C. | from | Todd, Jesse | 1873 | 60:163 | | Powell, Warren | to | Crowell, Eli | 1867 | 43:509 | | Powell, Warren | from | Smith, Jas. W. T. | 1863 | 34:580 | | Powell, Wm. | to | Brown, Wm. | 1886 | 101:200 | | Powell, Wm. | from | Roberts, Chas. F. | 1885 | 98:306 | | Power, Amasa | from | Burgess, Henry | 1864 | 45:251 | | Powermaster, S. | to | Rodocker, Levi | 1878 | 78:264 | | Powers, A. A. V. | from | Burgess, Henry | 1860 | 44:540 | | Powers, A. V. (Et al.) | from | Auditor | 1880 | 79:468 | | Powers, A. V. (Et al.) | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1881 | 86:128 | | Powers, A. V. (Et al.) | from | Sheriff | 1880 | 82:69 | | Powers, A. V. (Et al.) | from | Smith, Benjamin F. | 1880 | 79:467 | | Powers, Amasa | to | | 1872 | | | Powers, Amasa | from | Beugnot, V. | 1863 | 30:505 | | Powers, Amasa | to | Biggs, Joseph | 1864 | 36:181 | | Powers, Amasa | from | Burgess, Henry | 1857 | 33:527 | | Powers, Amasa | to | Jasquay, Lemmel | 1866 | 44:265 | | Powers, Amasa | from | Lake, Eli | 1865 | 36:213 | | Powers, Amasa | from | Lake, Eli | 1865 | 36:214 | | Powers, Amasa | to | Mix, Thos. D. | 1864 | 36:181 | | Powers, Amasa | to | Powers, Jno. A. | 1864 | 31:506 | | Powers, Amasa | to | Powers, Volney | 1864 | 31:506 | | Powers, Amasa | to | Ranke, Wm. | 1863 | 30:403 | | Powers, Amasa | to | Robinson, R. D. | 1863 | 33:99 | | Powers, Amasa | from | Rogers, L. M. | 1868 | 51:523 | | Powers, Amaza | to | Lepper, Louis | 1870 | 49:187 | | Powers, Aretas & Saml. | from | United States | 1835 | 71:33 | | Powers, Aretus | to | West, Samuel | 1877 | 70:288 | | Powers, Avetus | from | Day, John | 1866 | 41:511 | | Powers, Bridget | from | Baker, Henry | 1865 | 39:35 | | Powers, E. M. | to | Angel, B. D. | 1879 | 77:439 | | Powers, E. M. | from | Auditor | 1875 | A:75 | | Powers, E. M. | from | Auditor (Wm. T. Abbott) | 1877 | A:94 | | Powers, E. M. | from | Barnett, S. E. | 1882 | 88:117 | | Powers, E. M. | from | Barnett, S. E. | 1883 | 90:499 | | Powers, E. M. | from | Barrett, A. G. | 1883 | 91:102 | | Powers, E. M. | to | Bond, Jared D. | 1888 | 109:160 | | Powers, E. M. | from | Shoaff, S. R. (Et al.) | 1883 | 90:498 | | Powers, E. M. | to | Smith, Margaret S. | 1879 | 77:419 | | Powers, E. M. | from | Stapleford, Chas. E. | 1875 | 66:123 | | Powers, E. M. | from | Wall, Watson (Et al.) | 1883 | 90:498 | | Powers, E. M. (Et al.) | from | Alden, Sl. R. | 1888 | 107:596 | | Powers, E. M. (Et al.) | from | Bourie, L. T. | 1888 | 107:597 | | Powers, E. M. (Trustee) | from | Sheriff | 1898 | 151:219 | | Powers, Elvina | from | Beeber, Richard | 1859 | Y:26 | | Powers, Emma M. | to | Barnett, S. Elizabeth | 1901 | 164:69 | | Powers, Emmet | from | Paul, Henry C. (Et.) | 1886 | 120:557 | | Powers, Emmet | from | Powers, Volney | 1875 | 66:471 | | Powers, Emmet M. | to | Bissell, Geo. P. | 1876 | 68:491 | | Powers, Emmet M. | from | Bullard, George | 1889 | 120:558 | | Powers, Emmet M. | from | McCulloch, Charles | 1897 | 148:68 | | Powers, Emmet M. | to | Paul, Henry C. | 1894 | 133:19 | | Powers, Emmet M. | to | Rittenhousr, Thomas J. | 1898 | 152:25 | | Powers, Emmet M. | to | Roussean, F. M. | 1894 | 132:551 | | Powers, Emmet M. (Tr.) | to | Barnett, S. Elizabeth | 1898 | 159:360 | | Powers, Emmet M. (Tr.) | to | Barnett, S. Elizabeth | 1898 | 159:361 | | Powers, Emmett M. | from | Barnett, Abraham G. (Gdn.) | 1883 | 151:229 | | Powers, Emmett M. (Tr.) | from | Hayden, John W. (Sp. Comr.) | 1894 | 151:216 | | Powers, Ernest M. | to | Angell, B. D. | 1878 | 74:176 | | Powers, Ernest M. | to | Barnett, S. Elizabeth | 1898 | 151:273 | | Powers, Ernest M. | to | Barnett, S. Elizabeth | 1898 | 151:275 | | Powers, Fannie (Et al.) | from | Coms. in Part. | 1895 | 139:155 | | Powers, Fannie (Et al.) | to | Null, Susan | 1899 | 153:519 | | Powers, Francis M. | to | Null, Susan | 1899 | 153:518 | | Powers, G. L. | to | McDougal, T. F. | 1882 | 87:255 | | Powers, Helen (Et al.) | to | Lake, Eli | 1878 | 74:348 | | Powers, Helen M. | to | Brudi, George G. (Et ux.) | 1902 | 170:502 | | Powers, Helen M. | from | Powers, Volney | 1873 | 49:366 | | Powers, Helen M. | to | Stapleford, Julua M. | 1902 | 170:501 | | Powers, Helen M. (Et al.) | to | Riegel & Bongher | 1893 | 129;304 | | Powers, Helen M. (Et al.) | to | Schmitker, Aug. R. | 1895 | 140:82 | | Powers, Helen M. (Et al.) | to | School City | 1892 | 130:52 | | Powers, Helen M. (Et al.) | from | School City | 1893 | 129:404 | | Powers, Hellen M. | from | Stapleford, Julia M. | 1876 | 69:168 | | Powers, Henry | from | Mathews, Samuel | 1858 | W:633 | | Powers, Homer | to | Snider, Edward | 1886 | 102:404 | | Powers, J. P. | to | Lampert, C. | 1881 | 85:126 | | Powers, James | to | Wiese, Carl G. | 1899 | 154:143 | | Powers, James W. | from | Coms. in Part. | 1895 | 139:155 | | Powers, Jas. W. (Et al.) | to | Trustees Maumee Lodge 354 K. of P. | 1896 | 141:251 | | Powers, Jesse C. (Admr.) | to | Dougall, Allan H. | 1879 | 81:495 | | Powers, Jessie C. | from | Stapleford, Mary J. | 1877 | 70:162 | | Powers, Jno. A. | from | Brown, John | 1860 | Y:630 | | Powers, Jno. A. | to | Harrod, Isaac | 1867 | 43:580 | | Powers, Jno. A. | to | Madison, E. A. | 1872 | 56:344 | | Powers, Jno. A. | to | McIntosh, John | 1867 | 43:581 | | Powers, Jno. A. | to | Meriam, Edward | 1867 | 43:582 | | Powers, Jno. A. | from | Powers, Amasa | 1864 | 31:506 | | Powers, Jno. A. | from | Schuchman, N. | 1864 | 33:528 | | Powers, Jno. A. | from | Thompson, B. S. | 1187 | 54:417 | | Powers, Jno. A. | from | Ward, William | 1867 | 43:579 | | Powers, Jno. A. | to | Wilder, Jos. W. | 1870 | 51:280 | | Powers, Jno. A. | to | Williams, M. | 1870 | 50:504 | | Powers, John | to | Dougall, A. H. | 1866 | 39:568 | | Powers, John | to | Powers, Volney | 1866 | 39:568 | | Powers, John A. | to | Baker, Wm. D. | 1873 | 60:204 | | Powers, John A. | from | Brown, John | 1854 | O:128 | | Powers, L. (late Roberts) | to | McFarland, B. B. | 1864 | 34:263 | | Powers, Lavina | to | Blackburn, Henry | 1867 | 43:443 | | Powers, Lavinia | from | Burgess, Henry | 1864 | 34:596 | | Powers, M. E. | from | Pattee, Lorenzo | 1863 | 30:368 | | Powers, Mathilda | from | Robbe, Fillmore L. | 1896 | 144:126 | | Powers, Matilda (Tr.) | to | Robbe, Juanita Serphine | 1902 | 168:440 | | Powers, Nancy | to | Hayes, Thomas | 1894 | 134:335 | | Powers, Nancy | from | Justus, Lewis S. | 1883 | 92:442 | | Powers, Orin | from | Cooper, Samuel C. | 1852 | M:509 | | Powers, Orren | to | Edgerton, Joseph K. | 1855 | R:613 | | Powers, Reuben | to | Bell, Wm. M. | 1866 | 42:48 | | Powers, Reuben | from | Burgess, Henry | 1853 | 26:340 | | Powers, Reuben | to | Edgerton, Joseph K. | 1854 | P:602 | | Powers, Reuben | to | Edgerton, Joseph K. | 1854 | Q:187 | | Powers, Reuben | to | Miller, Abraham | 1854 | P:660 | | Powers, Reuben | to | Miller, Abraham | 1854 | P:661 | | Powers, Reuben | to | Miller, Abraham | 1854 | Q:32 | | Powers, Reuben | to | Miller, Abraham | 1854 | Q:74 | | Powers, Reuben | to | Powers, Saml. | 1853 | 92:276 | | Powers, Reuben | to | Rowdenbash, Adam | 1854 | U:44 | | Powers, Reuben | to | Schuckman, Nacholas | 1854 | R:308 | | Powers, Reuben | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1853 | 92:262 | | Powers, Reuben | to | Webber, Benjamin | 1854 | Q:139 | | Powers, Reuben | to | Whitaker, Susan | 1853 | 35:429 | | Powers, S. H. | from | Miller, Rudolph | 1866 | 41:536 | | Powers, S. H. | to | Null, Upton | 1866 | 40:508 | | Powers, Saml. | from | Powers, Reuben | 1853 | 92:276 | | Powers, Samuel | to | Blackburn, Jacob | 1866 | 90:330 | | Powers, Samuel | to | Miller, Jno. A. | 1869 | 50:2 | | Powers, Samuel | to | Small, Jane A. | 1865 | 36:485 | | Powers, Samuel | to | Urbine, Frank | 1877 | 71:314 | | Powers, Sarah | from | Brooks, Jno. | 1882 | 88:489 | | Powers, Sarah | from | Linden, Geo. W. | 1882 | 88:496 | | Powers, Sarah (Et al.) | from | Knode, L. B. | 1886 | 100:312 | | Powers, Sybilla (Admirx.) | to | Rodabaugh, Jno. F. | 1890 | 115:292 | | Powers, Sybilla (Admx.) | to | Paul, H. C. | 1886 | 133:7 | | Powers, Sybilla (Et al.) | to | Lampert, C. | 1881 | 85:126 | | Powers, Thomas | to | Brake, Sara A. | 1866 | 44:336 | | Powers, Thomas | to | Griffin, Thos. | 1867 | 42:558 | | Powers, Thos. | to | Griffin, Thomas | 1868 | 44:503 | | Powers, Thos. | to | Underhill, P. S. | 1865 | 37:328 | | Powers, Valentine | from | Coms. in Part. | 1895 | 139:155 | | Powers, Valentine | to | Rogers, Lamort M. | 1895 | 141:421 | | Powers, Valentine | to | Ryan, Mary J. | 1899 | 155:259 | | Powers, Valentine | to | Trustees Maumee L. No. 354 K. of P. | 1895 | 141:277 | | Powers, Valentine (Et al.) | from | Schulz, Sarah (Et al.) | 1894 | 136:18 | | Powers, Volney | from | Baker, Mary J. | 1875 | 66:121d | | Powers, Volney | from | Burgess, Henry | 1857 | 33:527 | | Powers, Volney | from | Dougall, Allan H. | 1875 | 65:160 | | Powers, Volney | from | Lollo, Augustus | 1869 | 44:574 | | Powers, Volney | from | Powers, Amasa | 1864 | 31:506 | | Powers, Volney | to | Powers, Emmet | 1875 | 66:471 | | Powers, Volney | to | Powers, Helen M. | 1873 | 49:366 | | Powers, Volney | from | Powers, John | 1866 | 39:568 | | Powers, Volney | to | Ranke, Wm. | 1863 | 30:403 | | Powers, Volney | from | Schuchman, N. | 1864 | 33:528 | | Powers, Volney | from | Stapleford, Chas. E. | 1875 | 66:122 | | Powers, Volney | to | Stapleford, Chas. E. | 1875 | 66:564 | | Powers, Volney | to | Worthington, W. W. | 1875 | 66:200 | | Powes, Emmet | from | Olmsted, A. A. | 1883 | 91:104 | | Poxley, Geo. W. | from | Scott, Moses H. | 1885 | 98:547 | | Poyer, John | to | True, Daniel | 1853 | T:352 | | Poyneer, A. S. | from | Auditor | 1878 | 74:28 | | Poyneer, A. S. | from | Auditor | 1878 | 74:28 | | Poyneer, David H. | to | Amotutz, Jacob | 1879 | 78:492 | | Poyneer, David H. | from | Griber, Henry | 1878 | 78:423 | | Poyneer, Geo. W. & S. A. | to | Amstutz, Jacob | 1879 | 78:526 | | Poyneer, H. V. | from | Hiatt, M. M. | 1889 | 111:489 | | Poyner, Hugh V. | to | Dollarhite, Emsley | 1890 | 118:210 | | Poyner, Hugh V. (Et.) | to | Michael, E. M. | 1891 | 122:80 | | Poysen, Hiram | from | Holzworth, Addison | 1881 | 84:315 | | Poyser, Henry J. (Will Of) | to | | 1894 | 140:404 | | Poyser, Hiram | from | Evans, Edwin | 1887 | 104:478 | | Poyser, Hiram | to | Holzworth, Josephine | 1881 | 84:316 | | Poyser, Hiram | from | Humphrey, George | 1859 | V:486 | | Poyser, Hiram | from | Hurd, Orrin D. | 1859 | V:486 | | Poyser, Hiram | to | Rippe, Chas. (Et al.) | 1888 | 108:536 | | Poyser, X. J. | from | Spinger, Loran | 1882 | 88:79 | |