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ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index

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Parties to the Deed                                                YearDeed Book
Pobison, FelixtoRose, Chas. W. (Et al.)187153:49Link to document image
Pobst, BrunofromStack, Erasomus187050:614Link to document image
Poch, Ernst (Et al.)fromSwinney, Rhesa (Trustee)1889112:593Link to document image
Poch, MoritztoHenline, John Henry1902166:67Link to document image
Pochin, Chas. J.toGuiff, Frank1896144:135Link to document image
Pochler, Clinton Adolph (Et al.)fromNinde Bros.1902169:43Link to document image
Pochler, Clinton Adolph (Et al.)fromNinde, Mary C.1902169:45Link to document image
Pochler, John F.toWilliam, Frank1897148:248Link to document image
Pockler, HenryfromHabel, Andrew186127:516Link to document image
Pocock, ElihntoGenth, George1885127:322Link to document image
Pocock, ElihutoAmbler, David187771:117Link to document image
Pocock, ElihufromAmbler, David187771:238Link to document image
Pocock, ElihutoGenth, Geo.188599:260Link to document image
Pocock, ElihutoHamilton, Jno. W.1887104:482Link to document image
Pocock, ElihufromKelsey, Aaron G.185592:389Link to document image
Pocock, ElihutoKright, Conrad188392:389Link to document image
Pocock, ElihutoWright, Maria187565:477Link to document image
Pocock, ElihufromWright, Nathaniel187565:198Link to document image
Pocock, Jno. L.fromLindenwood Cemetery1885114:199Link to document image
Pocock, John L.toRoot, Adaline M.1894133:170Link to document image
Poctch, MagdalenatoKelley, John L.1902167:385Link to document image
Pocuf, OctovefromWise, Pratt J.186948:275Link to document image
Poebel, GustavetoWeber, Andrew187254:297Link to document image
Poehler, C. & C.fromRose, C. H. (Adm.)1886100:476Link to document image
Poehler, CharlesfromForbing, John187872:456Link to document image
Poehler, CharlesfromForbing, Peter187872:523Link to document image
Poehler, CharlestoPoehler, Christian1889114:308Link to document image
Poehler, CharlesfromPoehler, Christian1889114:309Link to document image
Poehler, ChristianfromPoehler, Charles1889114:308Link to document image
Poehler, ChristiantoPoehler, Charles1889114:309Link to document image
Poehler, Christian (Tr.)fromPoejler, John F.1897148:326Link to document image
Poehler, John F.toRobinson, James M.1897148:283Link to document image
Poehler, John F.fromRobinson, James M.1897148:284Link to document image
Poehler, John F.fromWilliams, Frank1897148:248Link to document image
Poehler, Sophie (Et al.)toFruechtenicht, Sophie1895137:246Link to document image
Poehlier, CharlestoSchaffer, Frederick W. 187873:59Link to document image
Poejler, John F.toPoehler, Christian (Tr.)1897148:326Link to document image
Poeppel, H. D. F.toGoeglein, Jacob188699:612Link to document image
Poeppel, H. D. F.toMeyer, Jno.188598:379Link to document image
Poeppel, H. D. F.toYoung, Henry188183:10Link to document image
Poeppler, LouisfromBruer, Mary J.1891120:461Link to document image
Poetsch, AgnesfromSteinkaemper, Anthony1894133:44Link to document image
Poetsch, F.fromHill, H.187463:301Link to document image
Poetsch, F.fromKraft, C.187463:301Link to document image
Poetsch, MagdalenatoSchaefer, Ferdinand (Et ux.)1902165:546Link to document image
Poff, C. R.fromCommissioner in Partition188598:585Link to document image
Pohl, HenrytoPohl, Mari E.1899154:171Link to document image
Pohl, Jno. Geo.fromPaine, L. C.188195:90Link to document image
Pohl, John G.fromMuhler, Anton1891124:448Link to document image
Pohl, John Geo.toMerkel, Anton1889114:144Link to document image
Pohl, John Geo.toReardon, Jas. (Et ux.)1893129:118Link to document image
Pohl, Mari E.fromPohl, Henry1899154:171Link to document image
Pohle, ChristinafromGimpel, Pauline1886102:184Link to document image
Pohle, E. & C.fromKeefer, Christian188183:266Link to document image
Pohle, E. & C.toWeil, Geo.188183:299Link to document image
Pohle, GustenafromPohle, Michael187772:457Link to document image
Pohle, GustinafromGimpel, Henry188184:25Link to document image
Pohle, JustintoBuhr, Fred188191:289Link to document image
Pohle, MichaelfromPaul, Adam186536:419Link to document image
Pohle, MichaeltoPohle, Gustena187772:457Link to document image
Pohler, CarlfromForbing, Joseph186434:179Link to document image
Pohler, CharlesfromBrakhage, August1856S:638Link to document image
Pohler, CharlesfromKrudop, Charlotte186845:216Link to document image
Pohler, CharlesfromSeddlemeier, Anna186845:216Link to document image
Pohler, CharlesfromSeddlemeier, Henry186845:216Link to document image
Pohler, CharlesfromSeddlemeier, Herman186845:216Link to document image
Pohler, CharlesfromSedelmuir, Henry186638:546Link to document image
Pohler, Charles (Will of Dec.)to1882103:83Link to document image
Pohler, Chas.fromSaddlemier, Anna F.186128:64Link to document image
Pohler, Chas.fromSaddlemier, Charl.186128:64Link to document image
Pohlinz, JohnfromWhite, James B.187462:425Link to document image
Pohlman, ChristfromWood, H. A.1886101:226Link to document image
Pohlman, ChristianfromReed, Hugh B.187358:403Link to document image
Pohlman, E. & C.toWood, H. A.1886101:225Link to document image
Pohlmann, E.fromReed, H. B.1886100:148Link to document image
Pohlmeyer, LouisafromKammeyer, N.188391:540Link to document image
Poi8nsett, J. S.toHedges, J. P.186537:265Link to document image
Poinset, SamuelfromBayonlon, Jonathan (Estate)1858W:12Link to document image
Poinsett, Ed. (Et al.)fromCrawford, E. J.1888111:180Link to document image
Poinsett, EdardfromPoinsett, Ellen (Et al.)1895140:394Link to document image
Poinsett, EdwardfromBurton, Wm. J.1899155:135Link to document image
Poinsett, EdwardfromGraham, James N.1900157:90Link to document image
Poinsett, EdwardtoKaough, James E.1899153:11Link to document image
Poinsett, EdwardfromKruse, Ernest W.1898155:357Link to document image
Poinsett, Edward toKruse, Ernest W.1899155:362Link to document image
Poinsett, EdwardfromPoinsett, Ellen1900158:275Link to document image
Poinsett, EdwardtoPoinsett, John1900158:276Link to document image
Poinsett, EdwardfromSchele, Mary A. (Et al.)1899155:17Link to document image
Poinsett, EdwardfromSmith, Elisha J.1898152:292Link to document image
Poinsett, EdwardtoSmith, Elisha J. (Et al.)1898152:296Link to document image
Poinsett, EllentoPoinsett, Edward1900158:275Link to document image
Poinsett, Ellen (Et al.)toPoinsett, Edard1895140:394Link to document image
Poinsett, EmmafromKnepper, William J.1902166:529Link to document image
Poinsett, I. A.fromScarlet, Wm. V.188081:389Link to document image
Poinsett, I. A. (Et al.)fromScarlet, Wm. V.188081:389Link to document image
Poinsett, J. S.fromHolmes, Wm.188286:364Link to document image
Poinsett, JacobfromSteele, Mary J.1893131:427Link to document image
Poinsett, Jno. (Et al.)toScarlet, Wm. V.188081:388Link to document image
Poinsett, Jno. L.fromHedges, Jno. P.186537:261Link to document image
Poinsett, Jno. S.fromBarrett, Fred C.1885103:414Link to document image
Poinsett, Jno. S.fromSchele, Frank188495:374Link to document image
Poinsett, Jno. S.toStipe, Henry A.186641:401Link to document image
Poinsett, Jno. S.fromTaylor, R. W.186641:398Link to document image
Poinsett, JohntoBaals, Margaret1895140:144Link to document image
Poinsett, JohntoKickley, John C. F.1897147:315Link to document image
Poinsett, JohnfromPierce, Asa W.187873:370Link to document image
Poinsett, JohnfromPoinsett, Edward1900158:276Link to document image
Poinsett, JohnfromPoinsett, Joseph1895140:292Link to document image
Poinsett, JohntoPoinsett, Joseph1895145:108Link to document image
Poinsett, JohntoSchlaudroff, Catherine1902168:411Link to document image
Poinsett, JohntoSchust, Andrew187254:498Link to document image
Poinsett, JohntoTilden, Charles L.1901160:497Link to document image
Poinsett, JohnfromWeller, D. (Et al.)187254:495Link to document image
Poinsett, John S.fromArcher, John1859Y:313Link to document image
Poinsett, John S.fromArcher, William1859Y:313Link to document image
Poinsett, John S.fromThumm, George1891140:444Link to document image
Poinsett, John S.fromThumm, Mary E.1891140:444Link to document image
Poinsett, Jos (Et ux.)fromRoussean, R. Dl.1884133:53Link to document image
Poinsett, Jos. (Heirs)toBloomhuff, S. N.186434:21Link to document image
Poinsett, JosephfromKnepper, Harriet1894133:119Link to document image
Poinsett, JosephtoKnepper, William J. (Et al.)1902166:528Link to document image
Poinsett, JosephtoPoinsett, John1895140:292Link to document image
Poinsett, JosephfromPoinsett, John1895145:108Link to document image
Poinsett, JosephtoRockhill, Wm.185971:107Link to document image
Poinsett, JosephfromRossean, Anna B.1895145:107Link to document image
Poinsett, JosephtoYoung, W. H.1898149:459Link to document image
Poinsett, Oliver (Et ux.)fromFerris, Anna1891123:22Link to document image
Poinsett, SamuelfromBowser, Jacob C.1849168:339Link to document image
Poinsett, WilliamtoAdkins, Arthur1892144:366Link to document image
Poinsett, WilliamfromAdkins, Arthur1899152:406Link to document image
Poinsett, WilliamfromMaring, Ellen J. (Et al.)1896142:205Link to document image
Poinsett, WilliamfromPierce, Asa W.187873:369Link to document image
Poinsett, WilliamtoSchane, Walter P.1902166:301Link to document image
Poinsett, Wm.toFrame, Della (Et al.)1896142:205Link to document image
Poinsett, Wm.fromMerriman, F.188599:263Link to document image
Poinsette, JohnfromBaals, Margaret1895143:339Link to document image
Poinsette, JosephfromKrieg, Anna1901162:307Link to document image
Points, H. H.toBeminghoff, D.186641:69Link to document image
Points, H. H.fromPerson, S. M.186437:128Link to document image
Points, H. H.toWalter, Jefferson186432:382Link to document image
Poirson & BarrandfromAuditor187461:488Link to document image
Poirson, AugustfromPoirson, Frank J.1895137:194Link to document image
Poirson, C. P.fromMannan, P.185542:296Link to document image
Poirson, CeciletoMcCue, James186641:576Link to document image
Poirson, EugenietoBietzell, Marg.1889112:122Link to document image
Poirson, EugeniefromPoirson, Peter F.1890118:458Link to document image
Poirson, Eugenie (Et al.)toPoirson, Francis J.1889112:124Link to document image
Poirson, Eugenie (Et al.)toPoirson, Peter F.1889112:123Link to document image
Poirson, F. & A. F.fromRomy, R. L.188288:535Link to document image
Poirson, FelixtoMcCue, James186641:576Link to document image
Poirson, FelixfromPeter, Hubert186342:295Link to document image
Poirson, FelixfromPoirson, Frank J.1895137:194Link to document image
Poirson, FelixfromRose, Christian186741:599Link to document image
Poirson, Felix (Comr.)toMichael, Herman (Et al.)1899155:451Link to document image
Poirson, Felix (Et al.)fromGrand R. & I. Co1890119:492Link to document image
Poirson, Felix (Et al.)fromPoirson, Frank J. (Et al.)1901164:133Link to document image
Poirson, Felix (Et al.)toWhite, August L.1897145:259Link to document image
Poirson, Francis J.toDreyer, Carl F. H.1892126:569Link to document image
Poirson, Francis J.toKohn, Frederick1892126:570Link to document image
Poirson, Francis J.fromPoirson, Eugenie (Et al.)1889112:124Link to document image
Poirson, Frank J.toPoirson, August1895137:194Link to document image
Poirson, Frank J.toPoirson, Felix1895137:194Link to document image
Poirson, Frank J. (Adm.)toKoble, Catherine1900162:34Link to document image
Poirson, Frank j. (Adm.)toTri State B. & L. A.1900161:206Link to document image
Poirson, Frank J. (Adm.)toWilding, Charles A.1900164:243Link to document image
Poirson, Frank J. (Et al.)fromEhinger, Conrad1893127:433Link to document image
Poirson, Frank J. (Et al.)fromGood, Henry (Et al.)1901164:134Link to document image
Poirson, Frank J. (Et al.)toHartman, August1901164:128Link to document image
Poirson, Frank J. (Et al.)toPoirson, Felix (Et al.)1901164:133Link to document image
Poirson, Frank J. (Et al.)fromRothgeb, Jesse1899153:163Link to document image
Poirson, Frank J. (Et al.)toWhite, August L.1901164:132Link to document image
Poirson, Jno. B.toMcCue, James186641:576Link to document image
Poirson, John B.fromBarrand, Peter F.187462:428Link to document image
Poirson, John B.fromBarrand, Peter F.187462:429Link to document image
Poirson, John B.toBarrand, Peter F.187462:429Link to document image
Poirson, John B.toBarrand, Peter F.187462:430Link to document image
Poirson, M. E. (Adm.)toRose, Anthony188288:288Link to document image
Poirson, Margaret E.toKahn, Frederick (Et ux.)1899154:503Link to document image
Poirson, Pete F.toRothschild, Henry1897145:200Link to document image
Poirson, Pete F.toSechler, Cath. C.1896143:343Link to document image
Poirson, PetertoGrueth, Verein1894133:92Link to document image
Poirson, PeterfromRomy, Robt. L. (Et al.)1892126:547Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromBaltes, Michael (Et al.)1890119:118Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromBanet, Bell1895139:161Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toBanet, Belle F.1896143:524Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toBanet, Louis E.1896143:522Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toBarrand, Hubert1886103:72Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromBarrand, Hubert1888107:440Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromBarrus, Josephine1895138:191Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromCorlett, Joseph E.1899153:540Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toCorlett, Joseph E. (Et ux.)1897148:287Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromCramer, Theresa1896143:16Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toCranier, Teresa1896152:68Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toDreyer, C. F. H.1889112:163Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromFreistoffer, Simon1898154:224Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toHagan, Tho. W.1896142:233Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromHanna, Eliz. C.1893131:39Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromKoble, Catharine1897144:491Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromKoehler, Louis & wife1894134:191Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toPfeiffer, Mary1898152:267Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toPfleidner, Mary1898157:272Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toPiepenbrink, Mary1897147:247Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toPoirson, Eugenie1890118:458Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromPoirson, Eugenie (Et al.)1889112:123Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromRansbottom, J. F.1895140:420Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toRansbottom, J. F. (Et ux.)1895140:421Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromRansbottom, Rachel E.1895140:420Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toRomy, R. L. (Et al.)1890119:69Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromRothschild, Henry1897148:167Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromSchneider, Geo.1894133:259Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromSechler, Catharine C.1896143:347Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toSites, Albert1895142:219Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromStump, Eli C.1898149:495Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toStump, Eli. C.1896141:116Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromThompson, J. R.1895140:64Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromThompson, Jno. R.1893130:423Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toThompson, Samantha1893130:463Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromThompson, Samaria1895140:64Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toTuttle, Alwilda J.1893130:57Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromWaters, Clara1896140:422Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.toZiegler, Clara1895137:490Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F.fromZiegler, Clara1895138:127Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F. (Adm.)toCook, Mary1899154:227Link to document image
Poirson, Peter F. (Tr.)toGruber, Emma1899156:118Link to document image
Poirson, Peter P.fromWilson, Emma1894131:566Link to document image
Poiry, MarytoBrown, Aaron188599:578Link to document image
Poiry, MaryfromFederspiel, Balser Jr.188394:63Link to document image
Poiry, Peter (Et ux.)fromBradway, Orlando E.1899156:336Link to document image
Poison, EugeniatoKahn, Frek.1894135:389Link to document image
Poison, Felix (Et al.)toHartman, August (Et al.)1902165:451Link to document image
Poison, PetertoKroemer, Fredk. C.1893130:270Link to document image
Poison, Peter F.fromBanet, Louis E.1895139:161Link to document image
Poison, Peter F.fromBanet, Louis E.1896144:31Link to document image
Poison, Peter F.fromBeitzell, Margaret1892127:385Link to document image
Poison, Peter F.fromHubbard, A. D.1895140:7Link to document image
Poison, Peter F.fromJoly, Francis1894135:390Link to document image
Poison, Peter F.fromSayles, Josephine (Et al. Gdn.)1894133:96Link to document image
Poison, Peter F.fromSayles, Josephine (Et al.)1894133:94Link to document image
Poison, Peter F.toSites, Edward F. (Et ux.)1899155:238Link to document image
Poison, Peter F.fromZiegler, Clara1895139:423Link to document image
Poison, Peter F. (Cour.)toSmith, Henry1898151:386Link to document image
Poison, Peter F. (Tr.)fromGruber, Joseph L.1899156:117Link to document image
Poiteaux, AlexanderfromHull, Horace1854P:478Link to document image
Pokle, Amalie (Et al.)fromGimpel, Henry1889112:99Link to document image
Poland, Anna M.fromEnglish, James1901164:387Link to document image
Poland, Annie M.fromLogan, Hugo1901165:232Link to document image
Poland, L. C.fromVanhorn, Geo.1891121:613Link to document image
Poland, Laffer C.toWatson, Harriet M.1897145:355Link to document image
Polco, FrancistoMetzger, H. M.1887105:452Link to document image
Polcon, FrancisfromHarper, B. F.1887105:388Link to document image
Polcon, MartintoDickmeyer, Chas.1888108:440Link to document image
Polcon, MartintoHarper, B. F.1887105:387Link to document image
Polcon, MartinfromMetzger, H. M.1887105:453Link to document image
Poley, Mary F.toMartin, F. C.187977:372Link to document image
Poley, Mary FrancistoMorris, Margarett187772:425Link to document image
Poley, Mary FrancistoSordlet, Louisa187772:425Link to document image
Polhamus, A. H.fromHerr, B. W.187978:281Link to document image
Polhamus, A. H.fromHerr, B. W.188391:242Link to document image
Polhamus, A. H. fromJohnson, Mary E.187669:228Link to document image
Polhamus, A. H.toMarcy, Julia188085:457Link to document image
Polhamus, A. H.fromPolhamus, Wm. H.1890115:483Link to document image
Polhamus, A. H.toRapp, C. G.188392:553Link to document image
Polhamus, A. H.toSine, Amos188081:154Link to document image
Polhamus, A. H.toSine, Amos188391:353Link to document image
Polhamus, A. H.toSine, Amos188393:457Link to document image
Polhamus, A. H.toSmith, Chas.188080:546Link to document image
Polhamus, A. Z.fromBowser, Augustus1895139:554Link to document image
Polhamus, A. Z.fromBowser, Sylvanus, F.1895139:554Link to document image
Polhamus, Albert H.fromCarver, Kahn K.187359:505Link to document image
Polhamus, Albert J.toBowser, Laffayette E.1897148:413Link to document image
Polhamus, Albert J.fromBowser, Sylvanus F. (Et al.)1902169:116Link to document image
Polhamus, Albert Z.fromBowser, S. F.1895139:197Link to document image
Polhamus, Albert Z.fromBowser, Sarah F.1895139:197Link to document image
Polhamus, Albert Z.fromBowser, Syl. F.1893131:420Link to document image
Polhamus, Albert Z.fromBowser, Sylvania F.1894135:300Link to document image
Polhamus, Albert Z. (Et al.)toPolhamus, Mary J.1899157:543Link to document image
Polhamus, M. J.fromFairfield, O. K.1888112:39Link to document image
Polhamus, Mary J.fromPolhamus, Albert Z. (Et al.)1899157:543Link to document image
Polhamus, Wm. H.fromCarter, William1888108:246Link to document image
Polhamus, Wm. H.toPolhamus, A. H.1890115:483Link to document image
Polhanus, Albert Z.toBowser, Syl. F.1893131:421Link to document image
Polirtz, FritzfromDyke, Anton1887104:73Link to document image
Polk, Susannah A. (Et al.)toShaffer, Amasa J.1898152:4Link to document image
Polk, WilliamfromFrance, Wm. H.186757:415Link to document image
Polk, Wm.to1872Link to document image
Polk, Wm.toFry, George188079:318Link to document image
Polk, Wm.fromMarquardt, Adam186539:303Link to document image
Polk, Wm. fromMarquart, Jno.186950:313Link to document image
Pollard, PhillipfromBrown, W.1853O:636Link to document image
Pollard, PhillipfromBrown, William L.1853O:636Link to document image
Pollard, R. B.fromBowen, Wm.187976:501Link to document image
Pollard, R. B.toWolke, F. H.187976:502Link to document image
Pollard, RobertfromUnited States183870:68Link to document image
Pollard, Robt.toMarquardt, Adam186229:573Link to document image
Pollison, Samueltobaker, Jonas E.(Et ux.)1893128:541Link to document image
Pollison, SamuelfromWorthington, L. N.1893129:17Link to document image
Pollison, SamuelfromWorthington, Lewis N. 1893128:527Link to document image
Pollitz, D. & M.fromSchonefeld, H. (Et al.)188390:416Link to document image
Pollitz, D. & M. fromSprandel, H.188390:416Link to document image
Pollitz, Dietrich (Will)to1892126:520Link to document image
Pollitz, Dory (Guard)toFoellinger, S. (Et al.)1887106:143Link to document image
Pollitz, F. & A.fromSchonefeld, Henry188390:323Link to document image
Pollitz, FritztoSchonefeld, Henry188597:146Link to document image
Polloch, Wm.fromTobson, Benj.186650:505Link to document image
Pollock, ElizabethtoWyatt, Mandana187772:490Link to document image
Pollock, FranktoBurnell, Frank (Et ux.)1890115:520Link to document image
Pollock, Frank (Et ux.)fromZollars, Allen (Et al.)1890115:519Link to document image
Pollock, JamestoRomy, Cathren A.1890119:172Link to document image
Pollock, JamesfromSwayne, S. F. (Et al.)1890111:69Link to document image
Pollock, JamestoWatkins, S. E.1890117:68Link to document image
Pollock, JamesfromZollars, Allen (Et al.)1890117:69Link to document image
Pollock, Jas. H.toGer. B. L. & S. A. No. 41894131:543Link to document image
Pollock, Jas. H.fromHanna, Mary E.1893130:197Link to document image
Pollock, Jas. H.fromHanna, O. S.1893130:197Link to document image
Pollock, Jas. H.fromZollars, Allen (Et al.)1889112:403Link to document image
Pollock, M. (Et al.)toBower, Jacob187051:168Link to document image
Pollock, MaudtoPorter, John1890118:422Link to document image
Pollock, MaudefromBarcus, H. H.1890115:574Link to document image
Pollock, W. H.fromZollars, Allen (Et al.)1889117:276Link to document image
Pollock, Wm. H.toKelsey, Elias M.1890117:277Link to document image
Polly, Luella May (Et al.)fromParker, Margaret1902169:545Link to document image
Polock, Ja. H.toMiddleton, George1889112:404Link to document image
Polsen, MichaelfromTrentman, A. C.188088:443Link to document image
Polshire, O. J.fromLopshire, Geo.1886100:391Link to document image
Polsin, MartinfromAldrich, C. H. (Et al.)188288:440Link to document image
Polsin, MartinfromBarrett, J. M. (Et al.)188288:440Link to document image
Poly, FrancisfromJeanmougin, Gabriel1857U:40Link to document image
Poly, Mary FrancesfromConl, Juliene F.186026:186Link to document image
Pomeroy, EnostoNorton, Robt.186955:468Link to document image
Pomeroy, HenrytoHough, John186743:499Link to document image
Pomeroy, MarytoEllison, Rollin1889116:47Link to document image
Pomfrey, M. E.fromKowiansky, Max.188289:482Link to document image
Pomper, HermanfromWood, Hester A.1889112:332Link to document image
Pomper, Herman (Et ux.)fromKaeser, Maria1902167:290Link to document image
Pomper, Richard E.fromMeyer, William D.1902166:126Link to document image
Pompey, F.toLuhmann, Anna186229:480Link to document image
Pompey, M. E.fromBittinger, Geo. L.188289:481Link to document image
Pompey, M. E.fromChase, S. W.188290:106Link to document image
Pompey, M. E.fromKreigh, Saml.188598:213Link to document image
Pompey, MaryfromLutz, Jacob S.188393:186Link to document image
Pompey, Mary E.toCarson, Hattie188494:578Link to document image
Pompey, Mary E.toLopshire, Wm. H.188498:23Link to document image
Pomroy, Veronica A.fromWahner, Frankciska A.1890114:584Link to document image
Poncelar, HarriettoHitzman, Fred.186434:551Link to document image
Pond, Emma J.fromSchnelker, Herman1888108:316Link to document image
Pond, Enos. A.toTaylor, Mary V.1861112:457Link to document image
Pond, Frank W.fromShoaff, Mary M.1886102:348Link to document image
Pond, Frank W.fromShoaff, Thos. B.1886102:377Link to document image
Pond, Frank W.toShoaff, Thos. B.1886102:542Link to document image
Pond, Frank W. (Will)to1891124:449Link to document image
Pond, Olen J.fromKnode, Robet S.1902169:480Link to document image
Pond, Olen J.fromYouquelet, Alfred1900159:526Link to document image
Pond, Olen J. (Et al.)toFt. Wayne Van Wert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:479Link to document image
Ponisett, JohnfromHickman, Samantha1893130:483Link to document image
Ponisett, JohnfromHickman, Samantha1893130:484Link to document image
Ponisett, JohntoHickman, Wm.1893130:481Link to document image
Ponisett, JohnfromHickman, Wm.1893130:483Link to document image
Ponisett, JohnfromHickman, Wm.1893130:484Link to document image
Ponisett, John S.toPonisett, Jos. (Et ux.)1887133:52Link to document image
Ponisett, Jos. (Et ux.)fromPonisett, John S.1887133:52Link to document image
Ponisett, JosephfromDonahoo, John186128:51Link to document image
Ponisett, WilliamfromAmmon, Phoebe1894133:492Link to document image
Ponisett, WilliamfromAmmon, Wm.1894133:492Link to document image
Ponlson, Wm. Sr.fromAllen Cir. Court1894135:46Link to document image
Pontins, JohnfromKeyser, Jacob M. (Et.)1891122:350Link to document image
Pontius, AbrahamtoLesh, E. (Et al.)188288:200Link to document image
Pontius, E. J.toToensend, W. S.188289:322Link to document image
Pontius, JohntoKeyser, Jacob M.1891129:239Link to document image
Pontius, JohntoLatta, Chas. S.1892128:218Link to document image
Pontius, JohnfromWinch, Mildred1891121:208Link to document image
Pontius, John (Et al.)fromWinch, Mildred1899162:116Link to document image
Ponuler, HarrietfromBateman, Jeremiah186228:535Link to document image
Pook, WilliamfromDevlin, Helen L.1902169:314Link to document image
Pool & WeilertoBayless, Eliza187156:176Link to document image
Pool & WielerfromMcLellen, Agnes186756:122Link to document image
Pool, Chas. F.fromShaw, Samuel187051:164Link to document image
Pool, DanieltoGraffe, C. H.186640:78Link to document image
Pool, DanieltoNiezer, J. B.186640:78Link to document image
Pool, DavidfromBrackenridge, Geo. W.186229:133Link to document image
Pool, DavidfromBrackenridge, H.186229:133Link to document image
Pool, DavidfromBrackenridge, Joseph186229:133Link to document image
Pool, DavidfromSturgis, Chas. E.1857V:118Link to document image
Pool, Emery O.toSweringer, Hiram V.187566:214Link to document image
Pool, FlorencetoMiner, Sarah J.1886106:407Link to document image
Pool, FlorencetoStrap, Moris1885100:117Link to document image
Pool, FlorencetoSwift, Isabella B.187359:559Link to document image
Pool, Frances J.fromHolmes, Jno. W. (Adm.)1895140:13Link to document image
Pool, Francis J.toGreener, John (Et ux.)1898150:69Link to document image
Pool, Francis J.fromPool, Jas. T.1892133:41Link to document image
Pool, Francis J. (Et al.)toTri State B. & L. A.1900161:343Link to document image
Pool, Francis JohnfromTyler, James S.1902167:141Link to document image
Pool, H. D.toDwire, Shaplet (Et ux.)1888108:61Link to document image
Pool, H. D.fromPool, Samuel1888107:580Link to document image
Pool, H. D.toWass, Permelia1888108:328Link to document image
Pool, H. D. & M. J.fromBallinger, C. H.187980:168Link to document image
Pool, J. O.fromAurand, N. A.188288:258Link to document image
Pool, J. O.fromMaxhimer, M.188290:200Link to document image
Pool, J. O.toMaxhimer, Wm.188290:201Link to document image
Pool, J. T.toAlbaugh, Eli188495:536Link to document image
Pool, J. T.toKimmel, Jno.187680:374Link to document image
Pool, J. T.toSavio, Rosania187771:531Link to document image
Pool, J. T. (Adm.)toScar, John187977:545Link to document image
Pool, James T.fromAuditor1890116:268Link to document image
Pool, James T.fromCrimmins, Patrick1857U:480Link to document image
Pool, James T.toHorstmeyer, Louis1889118:288Link to document image
Pool, James T.fromPool, Mary Ann1897145:512Link to document image
Pool, James T.toPool, Wm. G & Mary187464:186Link to document image
Pool, James T.fromPool, Wm. G.187464:187Link to document image
Pool, James T.fromRobinson, Frank S.1900156:392Link to document image
Pool, James T.toRobinson, Ressie1900156:393Link to document image
Pool, Jas. O.toAurand, Daniel188288:259Link to document image
Pool, Jas. T.fromCrow, Julian J.188496:267Link to document image
Pool, Jas. T.fromHazzard, Lewis186640:26Link to document image
Pool, Jas. T.toPool, Francis J.1892133:41Link to document image
Pool, Jas. T.toWaite, Thomas187256:526Link to document image
Pool, Joseph fromSheriff187770:296Link to document image
Pool, M.fromSmith, J. M. N.186229:259Link to document image
Pool, M. M.fromMiller, Lydia188288:375Link to document image
Pool, Maria T.fromSweringen, Hiram V.187566:215Link to document image
Pool, MarthafromKnight, William186330:554Link to document image
Pool, MarthatoWalker, F. J.186332:88Link to document image
Pool, Mary AnntoPool, James T.1897145:512Link to document image
Pool, Mary M.toTemplar, E. A.1886101:141Link to document image
Pool, N. D.fromThorp, D. O.1883107:581Link to document image
Pool, Saml.toBender, Jno. H.187770:112Link to document image
Pool, Saml.toDoggett, A. J.187788:162Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoArgo, M. E.186536:555Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoAshworth, Robt.186536:298Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoBaker, D. A.186640:291Link to document image
Pool, SamuelfromBarnhart, John186432:467Link to document image
Pool, SamuelfromBender, John H.187770:536Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoCalvert, Wm. A.186536:555Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoCalvert, Wm. A.186539:296Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoClem, Benj.186639:548Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoClem, William1888110:150Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoCrick, Phillip186639:549Link to document image
Pool, SamuelfromDaniels, Simson N.186643:1Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoDeal, F. M.186549:95Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoFriedline, Jno. B.187156:209Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoGesinger, David186546:236Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoKrick, Philip1888108:412Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoKrick, Phillip186641:614Link to document image
Pool, SamuelfromLery, Potston186229:31Link to document image
Pool, SamuelfromLong, Andrew186947:408Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoLowmiller, Jno.186537:440Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoMarts, Lewis H.186539:328Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoMartz, Silas186554:25Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoMaxheimer, Wm.186641:119Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoPool, H. D.1888107:580Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoRaver, Christian187669:98Link to document image
Pool, SamuelfromRogers, Alex186642:333Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoRogers, Alex.186537:511Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoRow, Cornelius186537:403Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoShack, Elizabeth186743:184Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoShade, Elizabeth186793:534Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoSnelenberger, C.186537:403Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoSnellingberger & Row186643:458Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoTaylor, Oliver1888108:413Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoWass, Permelia1888108:327Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoWeiler, James186565:370Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoWeiler, James187165:370Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoWhitright, Saml.1888108:306Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoWilson, W. T.186961:241Link to document image
Pool, SamueltoWright, A. S.187565:80Link to document image
Pool, Thomas D.fromSwift, Bayless187359:560Link to document image
Pool, Thos. D.toStinman, Adam187463:401Link to document image
Pool, Thos. D.toSwift, Alphens187568:267Link to document image
Pool, Wm. G & MaryfromPool, James T.187464:186Link to document image
Pool, Wm. G.toKimmel, Jacob H.187462:364Link to document image
Pool, Wm. G.fromKimmel, Jacob H.187463:94Link to document image
Pool, Wm. G.toKline, Margaret186536:457Link to document image
Pool, Wm. G.toPool, James T.187464:187Link to document image
Pool, Wm. G.fromThompson, A. M.186435:144Link to document image
Pool, Wm. G.fromThompson, A. N.186744:76Link to document image
Pool, Wm. Geo.toThompson, Ann M.186744:134Link to document image
Poole, Emory O.fromBond, C. D. (Et al.)187259:104Link to document image
Poole, FlorencetoBarnes, Sagishmeal187462:503Link to document image
Poole, FlorencetoDustman, H. A.187463:597Link to document image
Poole, FlorencetoFletcher, Chas. N.188079:156Link to document image
Poole, FlorencefromSwift, Alpheus187570:445Link to document image
Poole, Florence & Thos. D.toArgo, M. E. (Trustees) Christ Ch.187464:287Link to document image
Poole, Florence & Thos. D.toHartzell, Joseph187565:556Link to document image
Poole, Florence & Thos. D.toSweany, Jacob & Pool, Sam'l187464:287Link to document image
Poole, Florence & Thos. D.toWyckoff, J. S. & Cassady, Jacob187464:287Link to document image
Poole, Frank H.toAllen, Frank F.1902166:520Link to document image
Poole, Frank H.toBond, Albert L.1892127:171Link to document image
Poole, Frank H.fromHenderson, S. C.1891124:250Link to document image
Poole, Frank H.fromLechler, Matilda C.1892124:321Link to document image
Poole, Frank H.fromReitze, Minnie C.1892125:112Link to document image
Poole, Frank H.fromRossington, R. B.1892128:17Link to document image
Poole, Frank H.toRossington, R. B. (Et ux.)1892127:216Link to document image
Poole, Frank H. (Et ux.)fromHackins, Gustave L.1898149:474Link to document image
Poole, Maria T.toWinte, John C.1888109:531Link to document image
Poole, MarthatoKomp, Daniel186536:465Link to document image
Poole, MarthafromMeyer, Henry187569:115Link to document image
Poole, MarthatoMorss, Laura L.186341:44Link to document image
Poole, SamueltoLuce, Rosa187669:89Link to document image
Poole, Thos. D.toBeugnot, J. F.187463:277Link to document image
Pooley, EmmatoCoonrad, Peter187669:466Link to document image
Poop, Jno.toReed, Henry187249:317Link to document image
Poor H. M. of Jesus ChristtoStemen, C. b. (Et ux.)1896142:545Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids Jesus ChristfromEhrman, C. (Et al.)188287:418Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids Jesus ChristfromGriebel, E.188287:418Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids Jesus ChristfromLangohr, A. (Et al.)188287:418Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids Jesus ChristfromLangohr, A. J. (Guard)188288:127Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids Jesus ChristfromMotz, Geo. (Guard)188288:127Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids Jesus ChristfromSommers, E. (Et al.)188287:418Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids Jesus ChristfromSpitz, Jno. Geo.188391:393Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids Jesus ChristtoSpringer, John M.1890118:310Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristtoBauer, Kajetan J.1898151:303Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristtoBauer, Kajetan J.1901163:312Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristfromBrueckner, Herman1899154:232Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristfromBurns, Catharine188391:88Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristfromDeininger, U.187874:403Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ toDenahy, Michael188391:90Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristtoDreier, Wm. H.1890122:2Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristfromDwenger, Joseph187873:523Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristfromDwenger, Joseph187873:524Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristfromMeriam, Ann J.1896143:521Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristfromMessmann, Anthony1900156:307Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristtoMiller, Samuel1900156:440Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristfromNeurath, Elisabeth1898149:354Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristfromOeff, Charles E. (Admr.)1899155:166Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristfromO'Hearn, John1893130:80Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristfromOrff, Johanna ( Et al.)1899155:211Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristfromOrff, Johannah (Et al.)1899155:167Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristfromSnyder, George1900159:335Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus ChristfromVollmer, Louise1895141:87Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ toYoung, S. & C.188392:315Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ (Et al.)toDrew, S. A.188286:491Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ (Et al.)toHugnenard, V. A.188390:433Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ (Et al.)toOrr, Susan188185:8Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ (Et al.)toSteinbacher, A. M.1889112:48Link to document image
Poor Hand Maids of JesusChristfromSteinbacher, M.1889110:563Link to document image
Poor Handmaids Jesus ChristfromHibbelen, Theo.188496:523Link to document image
Poor Handmaids of Jesus ChristfromDalmon, John1902169:304Link to document image
Poor Handmaids of Jesus ChristfromHill, Cynthia A.1900158:355Link to document image
Poor Handmaids of Jesus ChristfromNeff, Jacob J.187468:479Link to document image
Poorman, M. D. (Et ux.)fromKuhne, Paul f. (Comr.)1890116:99Link to document image
Poorman, M. D. (Et ux.)fromMaier, John G.1892128:499Link to document image
Poorman, M. D. (Et ux.)fromSprague, Jno. T.1890115:19Link to document image
Poorman, Madison D.toMartin, John B. (Et ux.)1900158:390Link to document image
Poorman, Madison D.toMusgrave, A. J.1894133:337Link to document image
Poorman, WilliamtoMayhew, Mollie1901161:211Link to document image
Poorman, Wm. (Et ux.)fromMayhew, Allen1901161:210Link to document image
Poote, SamuelfromSwift, Alpheus187156:121Link to document image
Pooten, E. W.fromBrackenridge, Robt.186126:475Link to document image
Pope, FrederickfromBulonger, Gerard1850M:630Link to document image
Popertz, Fredk.fromSappington, Jacob187156:472Link to document image
Popette, PeterfromHoagland, Phiny186432:426Link to document image
Popp, AdamfromMiller, W. H. H.1886100:12Link to document image
Popp, AdamtoReuss, John B.1889114:86Link to document image
Popp, AdamfromRomy, Robert L. (Et.)1891121:84Link to document image
Popp, AdamtoShambaugh, H.1892127:59Link to document image
Popp, Eunice M.toBranstrator, Amos (Et ux.)1899153:195Link to document image
Popp, Eunice M.fromRandall, Perry A.1896143:147Link to document image
Popp, FredtoHoffman, H.186846:481Link to document image
Popp, FrederickfromHoffman, H. (Et al.)186846:480Link to document image
Popp, FrederickfromPopp, John186743:431Link to document image
Popp, FredrichfromStapleton, Joshua188391:111Link to document image
Popp, FriedricktoPopp, Henry1900158:117Link to document image
Popp, FriedricktoPopp, Jacob1900158:118Link to document image
Popp, FriedricktoPopp, Mary1900158:118Link to document image
Popp, Harman A.fromReihling, William J.1898150:272Link to document image
Popp, HenryfromPopp, Friedrick1900158:117Link to document image
Popp, JacobfromPopp, Friedrick1900158:118Link to document image
Popp, JohntoPopp, Frederick186743:431Link to document image
Popp, MaryfromPopp, Friedrick1900158:118Link to document image
Poppel, JohnfromWood, B. R.186641:508Link to document image
Poppler, LouistoFelt, Wm. H. (Et ux.)1896142:280Link to document image
Poppleton, MarthatoWilson, Mrs. S. A.1886102:407Link to document image
Porber, John (Et al.)toFrench, Ella M.1890119:223Link to document image
Porchy, PierrefromPetgen, Nicolas186330:565Link to document image
Porsch, George B.fromAlden, Samuel A. (Tr.)1902169:511Link to document image
Porsch, George B. (Et al.)toFleichman, John M.1899153:551Link to document image
Porsch, George B. (Et ux.)fromSmith, Rezin D.1902169:284Link to document image
Porsen, BernardfromAuditor1849X:571Link to document image
Porter, AllenfromAuditor1893128:129Link to document image
Porter, AllenfromFleming, Jas. W.187256:474Link to document image
Porter, AllenfromJohnson, Elizabeth (Et ux.)1891120:107Link to document image
Porter, AllenfromPorter, John S. (Et al.)1889120:107Link to document image
Porter, AllentoReuille, Louis J. (Et ux.)1901165:113Link to document image
Porter, AllenfromSeavey, Gid. W.1890118:498Link to document image
Porter, AllenfromShipman, Eliza (Et al.)1891120:107Link to document image
Porter, AllenfromSpringer, Ellen (Et al.)1891120:107Link to document image
Porter, Amanda A.fromBond, C. D. & S. B.186950:23Link to document image
Porter, CatharinefromMcCulloch, Samuel1844113:429Link to document image
Porter, Charles H.fromFlick, Clara B.1902168:245Link to document image
Porter, Clara A.toMognihan, Martha187052:166Link to document image
Porter, CrawfordfromBurrier, Joseph1895139:39Link to document image
Porter, CrawfordfromBurrier, Sarah A.1895139:39Link to document image
Porter, CrawfordtoPorter, Daniel188496:269Link to document image
Porter, CrawfordfromPorter, Daniel188496:270Link to document image
Porter, CrawfordfromPorter, Jas.188184:399Link to document image
Porter, CrawfordtoPorter, Sarah1895139:35Link to document image
Porter, CrawfordfromSmith, Adeline E.1896142:418Link to document image
Porter, CrawfordfromWann, Daniel1900156:398Link to document image
Porter, D. L.fromChapman, W. F.1883109:111Link to document image
Porter, DanielfromPorter, Crawford188496:269Link to document image
Porter, DanieltoPorter, Crawford188496:270Link to document image
Porter, DanielfromPorter, Jas.188184:400Link to document image
Porter, DanieltoRoberts, Charles1900157:498Link to document image
Porter, DanieltoRoberts, Irwin1900157:497Link to document image
Porter, Danl. (Et al.)toPorter, J. & C.188191:214Link to document image
Porter, David L.fromPorter, Joseph1887106:390Link to document image
Porter, ElizabethfromLine, Annie E.187357:388Link to document image
Porter, ElizabethtoTri State B. & L. No. 11893127:430Link to document image
Porter, Elizabeth (Et al.)toMalone, Peter188392:400Link to document image
Porter, FrancefromKinsey, Joseph185933:357Link to document image
Porter, FrancestoMiller, Christian186231:392Link to document image
Porter, FrancisfromFredline, John1855X:288Link to document image
Porter, H. M. G.fromMaise, Susan A.187051:209Link to document image
Porter, H. W. F.fromSherman, E.186950:324Link to document image
Porter, H. W. Y.toCity186950:326Link to document image
Porter, Harvey M.fromBlume, Amdrew (Adm.)1900160:230Link to document image
Porter, HesterfromPorter, Hiram1899153:444Link to document image
Porter, HesterfromPorter, James S.1902167:280Link to document image
Porter, HirafromGoings, William186331:573Link to document image
Porter, HiramtoArcher, H. C. & S. J.188291:21Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromArnold, Eli187051:525Link to document image
Porter, HiramtoArnold, Eli187052:269Link to document image
Porter, HiramtoBiggs, Rezin186432:353Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromBush, Sarah188287:545Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromBush, Sarah (Guard)188287:546Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromChapman, George W.1860Y:632Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromCooper, Ella (Et al.)1887108:344Link to document image
Porter, HiramtoDisler, I. W.187999:512Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromGoings, David186231:369Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromGoings, Francis186331:573Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromHunsche, Henry1891122:66Link to document image
Porter, HiramtoLauer, Gustav187051:343Link to document image
Porter, HiramtoMayhew, Jos.188289:416Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromMorell, Henry & C.188287:544Link to document image
Porter, HiramtoParker, F. A. C.1885100:363Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromParker, F. A. c.1886100:362Link to document image
Porter, HiramtoPorter, Hester1899153:444Link to document image
Porter, HiramtoPorter, James S.1899156:337Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromPorter, Rethene186331:573Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromRomy, Catharine A.187165:226Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromYerks, Andrew187265:223Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromYerks, John (heirs)187165:224Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromYerks, Nathaniel187165:226Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromYerks, William187151:526Link to document image
Porter, HiramfromYerks, William187265:221Link to document image
Porter, Hiram (Adm.)toFrance, J. E. K.1899160:31Link to document image
Porter, Hiram (Adm.)toGoetz, Christina1899157:524Link to document image
Porter, Hiram (Adm.)toHanna, Jas. T.1894133:372Link to document image
Porter, Hiram (Adm.)toSchlandroff, Chr.1899157:446Link to document image
Porter, J. & C.fromPorter, Danl. (Et al.)188191:214Link to document image
Porter, JamestoDer. & I. R. R. Co.187052:532Link to document image
Porter, JamesfromEly, John187254:583Link to document image
Porter, James S.toPorter, Hester1902167:280Link to document image
Porter, James S.fromPorter, Hiram1899156:337Link to document image
Porter, James S. (Et ux.)fromBittinger, Adam H. (Comr.)1900158:201Link to document image
Porter, Jas.toPorter, Crawford188184:399Link to document image
Porter, Jas.toPorter, Daniel188184:400Link to document image
Porter, Jno. N.fromBobelia, L. J.1886102:165Link to document image
Porter, JohntoBobilya, Louis J.1890115:576Link to document image
Porter, JohnfromBuck, Delitha1890117:390Link to document image
Porter, JohntoDooings, Sarah A.1890116:330Link to document image
Porter, JohnfromGebhart, Valentine1891121:94Link to document image
Porter, JohnfromHarrod, Morgan1890116:548Link to document image
Porter, JohnfromHener, Sophia (Et ux.)1891121:213Link to document image
Porter, JohntoHeuer, Sophia1891121:167Link to document image
Porter, JohnfromHeuer, William (Et ux.)1891121:165Link to document image
Porter, JohnfromHite, Harvey T.1889111:332Link to document image
Porter, JohnfromHofer, Theabold1890115:585Link to document image
Porter, JohnfromMeier, Leonard J.1890117:212Link to document image
Porter, JohntoMeier, Minnie A.1890117;247Link to document image
Porter, JohnfromPollock, Maud1890118:422Link to document image
Porter, John (E.)toEvard, Julius1891123:28Link to document image
Porter, John (Et al.)toAumann, Charles1890117:138Link to document image
Porter, John (Et al.)toEvard, Julus1889121:307Link to document image
Porter, John (Et al.)toMason, Joseph S.1891113:338Link to document image
Porter, John (Et al.)toSledt, Samuel D.1891113:338Link to document image
Porter, John (Etu.)toGebhart, Maggie1891121:92Link to document image
Porter, John (Etu.)toHite, Eliza1891113:442Link to document image
Porter, John N.toGeake, William1886102:332Link to document image
Porter, John S. (Et al.)toPorter, Allen1889120:107Link to document image
Porter, Jos.fromJacobs, Jno. H.188185:553Link to document image
Porter, JosephtoCothrell, Allie1901164:169Link to document image
Porter, JosephfromOrr, Eleanor N. (Et al.)1889114:609Link to document image
Porter, JosephtoPorter, David L.1887106:390Link to document image
Porter, Lillie A.fromWoodworth, Ed. 1894134:14Link to document image
Porter, LizziefromFt. Wayne Land & Imp. Co.1892124:429Link to document image
Porter, LizziefromMcCulloch, Chas. (Et al.)1893127:514Link to document image
Porter, LizzietoNiblick, William H.1893160:356Link to document image
Porter, M. G.toLine, Anna B. 187357:387Link to document image
Porter, MargarettoFuelling, G. H.1896142:279Link to document image
Porter, Margaret (Et al.)fromCothrell, Allie1901164:170Link to document image
Porter, Mary A.toCrawford, Jno. W.1889137:112Link to document image
Porter, MichaeltoClark, Zacheus186446:194Link to document image
Porter, MichaeltoJames, Elizabeth186434:219Link to document image
Porter, MichaeltoJames, R. G.186638:621Link to document image
Porter, MichaelfromSharp, Geo. W.186538:620Link to document image
Porter, MichaelfromSharp, Jas. W.186431:591Link to document image
Porter, MichaelfromSharp, Silas H.186431:591Link to document image
Porter, Miles F.fromLocke, Anthony1894133:116Link to document image
Porter, Miles F.toWoodworth, Ed J.1894134:13Link to document image
Porter, Newton G.toCruthers, Mary E.1892125:169Link to document image
Porter, Oliver F.fromEby, Eli1895137:354Link to document image
Porter, RethenetoPorter, Hiram186331:573Link to document image
Porter, SamuelfromLong, Elizabeth187361:205Link to document image
Porter, Samuel (Et al.)toHaak, Theodore1890117:413Link to document image
Porter, SarahtoBorden, Melvin A.1898150:203Link to document image
Porter, SarahtoDorsey, Leonard1895139:36Link to document image
Porter, SarahfromPorter, Crawford1895139:35Link to document image
Porter, Wm. P.toHeaton, O. N. (Trustee)1896144:73Link to document image
Porter, Wm. P. (Et ux.)fromJones, Levi M.1886104:401Link to document image
Portwe, John (Et al.)fromMorris, John (Et al.)1890117:122Link to document image
Poscch, Elizabeth (Et ux.)fromWehler, Charles1895140:16Link to document image
Post, B. L.fromRockhill, H. C.188496:257Link to document image
Post, Bernard L.fromWheeler, Nelson (Et al.)1887103:512Link to document image
Post, Bernhard L. (Et.)toKuhue, Paul F.1891121:276Link to document image
Post, Geo. H.fromNommay, Philomane188495:545Link to document image
Post, LouisefromKuhne, Paul F.1891121:277Link to document image
Poston, E. W.fromGreen, Thomas186844:335Link to document image
Poston, E. W.toLangohr, John186950:463Link to document image
Poston, E. W.fromOakley, C. B.187051:288Link to document image
Poston, E. W.toReinking, F.187566:166Link to document image
Poston, Elisha W.toGreene, Thos.186746:58Link to document image
Poston, Elisha W.fromMurray, Caroline186333:478Link to document image
Poston, Elisha W.toWallen, Charles E.187360:102Link to document image
Potter, Chas. J. (Et al.)fromPaine, James D.1891122:637Link to document image
Potter, D. M.toMaddox, A. M.188183:510Link to document image
Potter, Dorothy M. (Et.)toMaddox, Anna M.1891110:505Link to document image
Potter, Dorthy M.fromArnold, A. W.187771:204Link to document image
Potter, ElizabethfromBargns, D. (nee Yalis)186742:369Link to document image
Potter, ElizabethtoBond, C. E. (Et al.)188391:507Link to document image
Potter, ElizabethfromBond, Chas. B. 187051:450Link to document image
Potter, ElizabethfromBond, Chas. B.187051:451Link to document image
Potter, ElizabethfromEwing, Geo. W. (est.)187360:288Link to document image
Potter, ElizabethtoShirk, H. J.187772:551Link to document image
Potter, ElizabethtoStump, Jonathan187360:206Link to document image
Potter, ElizabethfromWheeler, M. R.187049:136Link to document image
Potter, ErafromBaehring, W.1855W:396Link to document image
Potter, EunicetoDice, Caroline1897144:386Link to document image
Potter, EunicetoPotter, Silas S.1897144:390Link to document image
Potter, EunicetoZinn, George (Et ux.)1897144:389Link to document image
Potter, Eunice E.fromMcCarthy, John H.1901160:459Link to document image
Potter, EzratoChenevent, Chas187052:167Link to document image
Potter, EzratoCummins, Albert187052:296Link to document image
Potter, EzratoMiller, Cornelius187052:297Link to document image
Potter, EzrafromPhillips, A. A.187052:32Link to document image
Potter, F. J. (Et ux.)fromBaltes, Michael1889112:90Link to document image
Potter, Francis J.toKehling, Theresa (Et ux.)1896144:44Link to document image
Potter, Geo. L.fromFrench, R. M.1887106:481Link to document image
Potter, Geo. L.toFrench, R. M. (Et ux.)1887106:595Link to document image
Potter, JamestoChurch of God187569:426Link to document image
Potter, JamestoGreen, Lillie M.1888108:458Link to document image
Potter, JamestoPotter, Newton G.1887104:366Link to document image
Potter, JamestoPotter, Silas S.187877:96Link to document image
Potter, JamestoRich, Biram L.1896143:319Link to document image
Potter, JamestoRichards, William187770:345Link to document image
Potter, JamestoSwartz, Henry187349:424Link to document image
Potter, JamestoVan Camp, Jas.188289:264Link to document image
Potter, JamestoWappins, Geo.186845:423Link to document image
Potter, JamestoYoung, Elizabeth188494:614Link to document image
Potter, JanetoGriswold, Richard A.1900161:236Link to document image
Potter, Jas. toRichards, Wm.187887:353Link to document image
Potter, Joa L.fromHartman, Geo. R.187049:79Link to document image
Potter, JohnfromArcher, John H.187269:87Link to document image
Potter, JohntoArnold, A. W.187771:203Link to document image
Potter, Jos. L.toBashet, John186740:594Link to document image
Potter, Jos. L.fromHood, Wm. E.186846:136Link to document image
Potter, Jos. L.toShirk, H. J.187772:551Link to document image
Potter, Jos. L.fromWilding, James186744:39Link to document image
Potter, Jos. L.toWilding, James186744:538Link to document image
Potter, JosephtoL.Strong, H. P.187256:243Link to document image
Potter, Joseph L.todIsay, Alida L.187872:496Link to document image
Potter, M. F. (Et al.)fromTilton, Josiah1888107:603Link to document image
Potter, Margaret J.fromAllen Superior Court1900158:55Link to document image
Potter, Margaret JanefromMoon, Christopher C.1899155:312Link to document image
Potter, Mary F.toBartels, Wm.1888108:400Link to document image
Potter, Mary F.fromBullard, Jennie M.1890115:462Link to document image
Potter, Mary F.fromEq. Trust Co.1887103:28Link to document image
Potter, Mary F.toFuchs, C. (Et ux.)1888108:505Link to document image
Potter, Mary F.toLeonard, Elmer1892156:56Link to document image
Potter, Mary F.fromStratton, Robt.1887106:39Link to document image
Potter, Mary F.fromStratton, Robt.1888108:398Link to document image
Potter, Mary F.toSuter, Edward1890115:472Link to document image
Potter, Mary F.toVonBehrens, F.1887105:218Link to document image
Potter, Mary F.fromWhitney, Mirande O.1890116:581Link to document image
Potter, Mary F. (Et al.)toPliett, Charles1888108:245Link to document image
Potter, Mary T.fromEq. Trust Co.1888108:506Link to document image
Potter, N. KarrtoBuck, Frederick187978:305Link to document image
Potter, N. KarrfromGood, Caroline187978:304Link to document image
Potter, Newton G.toBowman, Mary A.1898153:178Link to document image
Potter, Newton G.fromCruthers, Mary E.1892125:168Link to document image
Potter, Newton G.fromPotter, James1887104:366Link to document image
Potter, O. E.toHuffman, Saml. M.187978:111Link to document image
Potter, O. E.fromShulters, J. H.187978:110Link to document image
Potter, O. J.fromCommissioner in Partition188598:585Link to document image
Potter, OliverfromUnited States1840149:437Link to document image
Potter, Orilla J.toThomas, Wm. L. (Et ux.)1886104:132Link to document image
Potter, Orlando B.fromEyanson, Thomas1859X:33Link to document image
Potter, P. L.fromCarman, Wm. O. (Et al.)188295:358Link to document image
Potter, P. L.fromChurch, F. & A.188288:410Link to document image
Potter, P. L.fromEq. Trust Co.1887103:335Link to document image
Potter, P. L.toPageler, Fred1887103:378Link to document image
Potter, P. L.toSwann, Henrietta187670:51Link to document image
Potter, P. L.toWolf, Abraham188288:411Link to document image
Potter, P. L. (Coms.)toOglesby, Wm. (Et al.)188496:456Link to document image
Potter, P. L. (Et al.)toWelson, G. Es. 1886101:367Link to document image
Potter, P. L. (Et ux.)fromleonard, Elmer1892156:57Link to document image
Potter, Philip L.toFrederickson, C.188495:359Link to document image
Potter, Philip L.toGillette, Edwin A. (Et ux.)1899156:58Link to document image
Potter, Philip L.fromStratton, Robert1889114:38Link to document image
Potter, Phillip L.toBence, Sarah A.1889114:569Link to document image
Potter, Phillip L. (assg.)toRayhouser, Elizabeth J.187670:537Link to document image
Potter, Silas S.toDice, Caroline1898150:159Link to document image
Potter, Silas S.fromPotter, Eunice1897144:390Link to document image
Potter, Silas S.fromPotter, James187877:96Link to document image
Potter, Silas S.toVancamp, Jas.188599:245Link to document image
Potter, ThomasfromArcher, Jno. H.187266:6Link to document image
Potter, ThomastoArcher, John H.187565:482Link to document image
Potter, ThomasfromArcher, John H.187565:483Link to document image
Potter, Viola T.toThibaut, Jacob A.1902168:94Link to document image
Potter, Wm. H.toDille, J. H.187567:320Link to document image
Potthoff, WilliamfromAnkenbuick, Martin H.1902168:123Link to document image
Potthoff, Wm.toAnkenbruck, Martin H.1902168:124Link to document image
Potts, Clara S.fromJeffries, George1902170:192Link to document image
Potts, ElizabethfromAllen Circuit Court1901162:270Link to document image
Potts, ElizabethtoCrabill, Minnie1901162:270Link to document image
Potts, ElizabethtoCrabill, Minnie1901164:487Link to document image
Potts, HiramfromColter, Jacob (Et al.)1889110:231Link to document image
Potts, HiramtoSmith, Milton A.1892123:27Link to document image
Potts, Joseph H.fromMiller, Henry J.1892124:537Link to document image
Potts, Joseph H.fromSlattery, M. M. M.1892124:537Link to document image
Potts, MalindatoSpindler, Wm. A.187772:84Link to document image
Potts, ThomastoSmith, Arnold185566:360Link to document image
Potts, ThomastoSmith, Arnold186641:430Link to document image
Potts, William A.fromDarr, John F.1901166:276Link to document image
Potts, Wm.fromEllison, Thos. E. (Coms.)1888110:232Link to document image
Potts, Wm. A.fromEmenhiser, Stephen187364:181Link to document image
Potts, Wm. A.toEmenhiser, Stephen187567:322Link to document image
Potts, Wm. A.fromHarrod, Newton188183:569Link to document image
Potts, Wm. A.fromMcIntosh, B. A.188288:93Link to document image
Potts, Wm. A.toMcIntosh, Jno. W.1888107:124Link to document image
Potwin, A. c.toWigman, Henry186638:458Link to document image
Potwin, Anson C.toBarbour, M. F.186231:446Link to document image
Potwin, Charles A. (Et al.)toRomy, Robert L.1891121Link to document image
Potwin, Chas. W.fromCarter, Jno. W.187255:226Link to document image
Poulsen, H. C.toHarbor, Amelia J.1892125:251Link to document image
Poulsen, MichaelfromKoorsen, John Michael1902169:427Link to document image
Poulsen, Sarah A.fromMiller, Samuel D.187153:437Link to document image
Poulson, AnnatoPoulson, Britton (Et al.)1898149:410Link to document image
Poulson, Anna (Trustee)fromPoulson, Wm.188921:128Link to document image
Poulson, BrittontoPoulson, Sarah A.1898151:471Link to document image
Poulson, Britton (Et al.)fromPoulson, Anna1898149:410Link to document image
Poulson, Francis M. (Et al.)toPoulson, Sarah A.1898151:472Link to document image
Poulson, Sarah A.toDoty, W. P.188397:630Link to document image
Poulson, Sarah A.toLillie, James & John Jr.187359:465Link to document image
Poulson, Sarah A.fromPoulson, Britton1898151:471Link to document image
Poulson, Sarah A.fromPoulson, Francis M. (Et al.)1898151:472Link to document image
Poulson, Sarah A.fromWhite, James B.187772:262Link to document image
Poulson, Wm.fromLehr, Jno. G.187977:441Link to document image
Poulson, Wm.toPoulson, Anna (Trustee)188921:128Link to document image
Poulson, Wm. Sr.fromAuditor1894134:132Link to document image
Pourchy, PetertoLaurent, Virginia186538:338Link to document image
Pourchy, PetertoRumbel, Charles186847:157Link to document image
Poussean, Anna B.fromPalmer, Earl (Et al.)1899156:321Link to document image
Poussry, FrancesfromRoussey, Aug. (Et al.)187155:172Link to document image
Povison, EugeniafromPovison, Peter F.1892127:387Link to document image
Povison, Peter F.toKahn, Frederick1892127:386Link to document image
Povison, Peter F.toPovison, Eugenia1892127:387Link to document image
Povison, Peter F.toRuhl, Chas. (Et ux.)1894132:227Link to document image
Powars, J. P. (Guard)toLampert, Caroline188185:216Link to document image
Powars, SybillatoLaubach, A. J.1886101:162Link to document image
Powars, SybillafromLehman, Charles1888106:493Link to document image
Powars, SybillafromNapheys, A. C. (Et al.)1886100:558Link to document image
Powars, SybillafromNinde, H. W. (Guard)1888106:493Link to document image
Powars, SybillatoRodabaugh, J. F.1889114:317Link to document image
Powars, Sybilla (Adm.)toLaubach, A. J.1886101:164Link to document image
Powel, DavidfromThain, George186844:333Link to document image
Powel, JohntoJustus, Lewis S.187465:256Link to document image
Powell, AarontoCrickmore, Henry188597:71Link to document image
Powell, DavidtoSchmidt, Margaret187049:132Link to document image
Powell, FrankfromWiseman, Jacob1902171:46Link to document image
Powell, HarrietfromPowell, Rebecca187796:590Link to document image
Powell, Isaac B. (Et al.)fromRhodes, Isaac187977:335Link to document image
Powell, Isaac B. (Et ux.)fromRandall, Winifred J.1902169:324Link to document image
Powell, Jas. A.toWarner, Samuel187358:190Link to document image
Powell, John M.toCrance, Wm.187567:101Link to document image
Powell, John M.toSchoonover, Samuel E.187465:10Link to document image
Powell, John M. & Sarah C.fromBonard, Donatus187462:265Link to document image
Powell, John M. (Et al.)toHerman, Martha E.1902166:250Link to document image
Powell, JosephtoBotteron, Charles A.1901164:80Link to document image
Powell, JosephfromHough, John186434:494Link to document image
Powell, Joseph (Et ux.)fromBotteron, Charles A.1901164:80Link to document image
Powell, LizzietoRandall, Winifred J.1902170:245Link to document image
Powell, LizziefromRoy, Catherine (Et al.)1901161:82Link to document image
Powell, MathiasfromMcCrory, David187052:284Link to document image
Powell, Nancy (Heirs)toPestit, Adam186331:318Link to document image
Powell, OsiastoPettit, E. J.188599:36Link to document image
Powell, PollyfromFarrell, Cornelius (Et al.)1891113:394Link to document image
Powell, PollyfromFarrell, George B. 1891113:395Link to document image
Powell, PollytoRice, John H.1895144:399Link to document image
Powell, RebeccatoCrance, A.187668:71Link to document image
Powell, RebeccatoPowell, Harriet187796:590Link to document image
Powell, Rebecca (Et al.)fromHickox, W. S.187358:275Link to document image
Powell, S. C. (Et al.)fromHickox, W. S.187358:274Link to document image
Powell, SarahfromJustus, Lewis S.187565:407Link to document image
Powell, SarahtoRhoades, Isaac187770:223Link to document image
Powell, Sarah B.fromPierce, John E.1900156:391Link to document image
Powell, Sarah B.fromPierce, John E.1902168:12Link to document image
Powell, Sarah B. (Et ux.)toGandy, Oscar1902170:385Link to document image
Powell, Sarah C.fromTodd, Jesse187360:163Link to document image
Powell, WarrentoCrowell, Eli186743:509Link to document image
Powell, WarrenfromSmith, Jas. W. T.186334:580Link to document image
Powell, Wm.toBrown, Wm.1886101:200Link to document image
Powell, Wm.fromRoberts, Chas. F.188598:306Link to document image
Power, AmasafromBurgess, Henry186445:251Link to document image
Powermaster, S.toRodocker, Levi187878:264Link to document image
Powers, A. A. V.fromBurgess, Henry186044:540Link to document image
Powers, A. V. (Et al.)fromAuditor188079:468Link to document image
Powers, A. V. (Et al.)fromCommissioner in Partition188186:128Link to document image
Powers, A. V. (Et al.)fromSheriff188082:69Link to document image
Powers, A. V. (Et al.)fromSmith, Benjamin F.188079:467Link to document image
Powers, Amasato1872Link to document image
Powers, AmasafromBeugnot, V.186330:505Link to document image
Powers, AmasatoBiggs, Joseph186436:181Link to document image
Powers, AmasafromBurgess, Henry185733:527Link to document image
Powers, AmasatoJasquay, Lemmel186644:265Link to document image
Powers, AmasafromLake, Eli186536:213Link to document image
Powers, AmasafromLake, Eli186536:214Link to document image
Powers, AmasatoMix, Thos. D.186436:181Link to document image
Powers, AmasatoPowers, Jno. A.186431:506Link to document image
Powers, AmasatoPowers, Volney186431:506Link to document image
Powers, AmasatoRanke, Wm.186330:403Link to document image
Powers, AmasatoRobinson, R. D.186333:99Link to document image
Powers, AmasafromRogers, L. M.186851:523Link to document image
Powers, AmazatoLepper, Louis187049:187Link to document image
Powers, Aretas & Saml.fromUnited States183571:33Link to document image
Powers, AretustoWest, Samuel187770:288Link to document image
Powers, AvetusfromDay, John186641:511Link to document image
Powers, BridgetfromBaker, Henry186539:35Link to document image
Powers, E. M.toAngel, B. D.187977:439Link to document image
Powers, E. M.fromAuditor1875A:75Link to document image
Powers, E. M.fromAuditor (Wm. T. Abbott)1877A:94Link to document image
Powers, E. M.fromBarnett, S. E.188288:117Link to document image
Powers, E. M.fromBarnett, S. E.188390:499Link to document image
Powers, E. M.fromBarrett, A. G.188391:102Link to document image
Powers, E. M.toBond, Jared D.1888109:160Link to document image
Powers, E. M.fromShoaff, S. R. (Et al.)188390:498Link to document image
Powers, E. M.toSmith, Margaret S.187977:419Link to document image
Powers, E. M.fromStapleford, Chas. E.187566:123Link to document image
Powers, E. M.fromWall, Watson (Et al.)188390:498Link to document image
Powers, E. M. (Et al.)fromAlden, Sl. R.1888107:596Link to document image
Powers, E. M. (Et al.)fromBourie, L. T.1888107:597Link to document image
Powers, E. M. (Trustee)fromSheriff1898151:219Link to document image
Powers, ElvinafromBeeber, Richard1859Y:26Link to document image
Powers, Emma M.toBarnett, S. Elizabeth1901164:69Link to document image
Powers, EmmetfromPaul, Henry C. (Et.)1886120:557Link to document image
Powers, EmmetfromPowers, Volney187566:471Link to document image
Powers, Emmet M.toBissell, Geo. P.187668:491Link to document image
Powers, Emmet M.fromBullard, George1889120:558Link to document image
Powers, Emmet M.fromMcCulloch, Charles1897148:68Link to document image
Powers, Emmet M.toPaul, Henry C.1894133:19Link to document image
Powers, Emmet M.toRittenhousr, Thomas J.1898152:25Link to document image
Powers, Emmet M.toRoussean, F. M.1894132:551Link to document image
Powers, Emmet M. (Tr.)toBarnett, S. Elizabeth1898159:360Link to document image
Powers, Emmet M. (Tr.)toBarnett, S. Elizabeth1898159:361Link to document image
Powers, Emmett M.fromBarnett, Abraham G. (Gdn.)1883151:229Link to document image
Powers, Emmett M. (Tr.)fromHayden, John W. (Sp. Comr.)1894151:216Link to document image
Powers, Ernest M.toAngell, B. D.187874:176Link to document image
Powers, Ernest M.toBarnett, S. Elizabeth1898151:273Link to document image
Powers, Ernest M.toBarnett, S. Elizabeth1898151:275Link to document image
Powers, Fannie (Et al.)fromComs. in Part.1895139:155Link to document image
Powers, Fannie (Et al.)toNull, Susan1899153:519Link to document image
Powers, Francis M.toNull, Susan1899153:518Link to document image
Powers, G. L.toMcDougal, T. F.188287:255Link to document image
Powers, Helen (Et al.)toLake, Eli187874:348Link to document image
Powers, Helen M.toBrudi, George G. (Et ux.)1902170:502Link to document image
Powers, Helen M.fromPowers, Volney187349:366Link to document image
Powers, Helen M.toStapleford, Julua M.1902170:501Link to document image
Powers, Helen M. (Et al.)toRiegel & Bongher1893129;304Link to document image
Powers, Helen M. (Et al.)toSchmitker, Aug. R.1895140:82Link to document image
Powers, Helen M. (Et al.)toSchool City1892130:52Link to document image
Powers, Helen M. (Et al.)fromSchool City1893129:404Link to document image
Powers, Hellen M.fromStapleford, Julia M.187669:168Link to document image
Powers, HenryfromMathews, Samuel1858W:633Link to document image
Powers, HomertoSnider, Edward1886102:404Link to document image
Powers, J. P.toLampert, C.188185:126Link to document image
Powers, JamestoWiese, Carl G.1899154:143Link to document image
Powers, James W.fromComs. in Part.1895139:155Link to document image
Powers, Jas. W. (Et al.)toTrustees Maumee Lodge 354 K. of P.1896141:251Link to document image
Powers, Jesse C. (Admr.)toDougall, Allan H.187981:495Link to document image
Powers, Jessie C.fromStapleford, Mary J.187770:162Link to document image
Powers, Jno. A.fromBrown, John1860Y:630Link to document image
Powers, Jno. A.toHarrod, Isaac186743:580Link to document image
Powers, Jno. A.toMadison, E. A.187256:344Link to document image
Powers, Jno. A.toMcIntosh, John186743:581Link to document image
Powers, Jno. A.toMeriam, Edward186743:582Link to document image
Powers, Jno. A.fromPowers, Amasa186431:506Link to document image
Powers, Jno. A.fromSchuchman, N.186433:528Link to document image
Powers, Jno. A.fromThompson, B. S.118754:417Link to document image
Powers, Jno. A.fromWard, William186743:579Link to document image
Powers, Jno. A.toWilder, Jos. W.187051:280Link to document image
Powers, Jno. A.toWilliams, M.187050:504Link to document image
Powers, JohntoDougall, A. H.186639:568Link to document image
Powers, JohntoPowers, Volney186639:568Link to document image
Powers, John A.toBaker, Wm. D.187360:204Link to document image
Powers, John A.fromBrown, John1854O:128Link to document image
Powers, L. (late Roberts)toMcFarland, B. B.186434:263Link to document image
Powers, LavinatoBlackburn, Henry186743:443Link to document image
Powers, LaviniafromBurgess, Henry186434:596Link to document image
Powers, M. E.fromPattee, Lorenzo186330:368Link to document image
Powers, MathildafromRobbe, Fillmore L.1896144:126Link to document image
Powers, Matilda (Tr.)toRobbe, Juanita Serphine1902168:440Link to document image
Powers, NancytoHayes, Thomas1894134:335Link to document image
Powers, NancyfromJustus, Lewis S.188392:442Link to document image
Powers, OrinfromCooper, Samuel C.1852M:509Link to document image
Powers, ReubentoBell, Wm. M.186642:48Link to document image
Powers, ReubenfromBurgess, Henry185326:340Link to document image
Powers, ReubentoPowers, Saml.185392:276Link to document image
Powers, ReubenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal 185392:262Link to document image
Powers, ReubentoWhitaker, Susan185335:429Link to document image
Powers, S. H.fromMiller, Rudolph186641:536Link to document image
Powers, S. H.toNull, Upton186640:508Link to document image
Powers, Saml.fromPowers, Reuben185392:276Link to document image
Powers, SamueltoBlackburn, Jacob186690:330Link to document image
Powers, SamueltoMiller, Jno. A.186950:2Link to document image
Powers, SamueltoSmall, Jane A.186536:485Link to document image
Powers, SamueltoUrbine, Frank187771:314Link to document image
Powers, SarahfromBrooks, Jno.188288:489Link to document image
Powers, SarahfromLinden, Geo. W.188288:496Link to document image
Powers, Sarah (Et al.)fromKnode, L. B.1886100:312Link to document image
Powers, Sybilla (Admirx.)toRodabaugh, Jno. F.1890115:292Link to document image
Powers, Sybilla (Admx.)toPaul, H. C.1886133:7Link to document image
Powers, Sybilla (Et al.)toLampert, C.188185:126Link to document image
Powers, ThomastoBrake, Sara A.186644:336Link to document image
Powers, ThomastoGriffin, Thos.186742:558Link to document image
Powers, Thos.toGriffin, Thomas186844:503Link to document image
Powers, Thos.toUnderhill, P. S.186537:328Link to document image
Powers, ValentinefromComs. in Part.1895139:155Link to document image
Powers, ValentinetoRogers, Lamort M.1895141:421Link to document image
Powers, ValentinetoRyan, Mary J.1899155:259Link to document image
Powers, ValentinetoTrustees Maumee L. No. 354 K. of P.1895141:277Link to document image
Powers, Valentine (Et al.)fromSchulz, Sarah (Et al.)1894136:18Link to document image
Powers, VolneyfromBaker, Mary J.187566:121dLink to document image
Powers, VolneyfromBurgess, Henry185733:527Link to document image
Powers, VolneyfromDougall, Allan H.187565:160Link to document image
Powers, VolneyfromLollo, Augustus186944:574Link to document image
Powers, VolneyfromPowers, Amasa186431:506Link to document image
Powers, VolneytoPowers, Emmet187566:471Link to document image
Powers, VolneytoPowers, Helen M.187349:366Link to document image
Powers, VolneyfromPowers, John186639:568Link to document image
Powers, VolneytoRanke, Wm.186330:403Link to document image
Powers, VolneyfromSchuchman, N.186433:528Link to document image
Powers, VolneyfromStapleford, Chas. E.187566:122Link to document image
Powers, VolneytoStapleford, Chas. E.187566:564Link to document image
Powers, VolneytoWorthington, W. W.187566:200Link to document image
Powes, EmmetfromOlmsted, A. A.188391:104Link to document image
Poxley, Geo. W.fromScott, Moses H.188598:547Link to document image
Poyneer, A. S.fromAuditor187874:28Link to document image
Poyneer, A. S.fromAuditor187874:28Link to document image
Poyneer, David H.toAmotutz, Jacob187978:492Link to document image
Poyneer, David H.fromGriber, Henry187878:423Link to document image
Poyneer, Geo. W. & S. A.toAmstutz, Jacob187978:526Link to document image
Poyneer, H. V.fromHiatt, M. M.1889111:489Link to document image
Poyner, Hugh V.toDollarhite, Emsley1890118:210Link to document image
Poyner, Hugh V. (Et.)toMichael, E. M.1891122:80Link to document image
Poysen, HiramfromHolzworth, Addison188184:315Link to document image
Poyser, Henry J. (Will Of)to1894140:404Link to document image
Poyser, HiramfromEvans, Edwin1887104:478Link to document image
Poyser, HiramtoHolzworth, Josephine188184:316Link to document image
Poyser, HiramfromHumphrey, George1859V:486Link to document image
Poyser, HiramfromHurd, Orrin D.1859V:486Link to document image
Poyser, HiramtoRippe, Chas. (Et al.)1888108:536Link to document image
Poyser, X. J.fromSpinger, Loran188288:79Link to document image

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