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ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index

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Parties to the Deed                                                YearDeed Book
Michael Loan Co.fromMichael, Leopold M.1896142:424Link to document image
Michael, AlvinatoDinius, Harry A.1899155:419Link to document image
Michael, AlvinefromHilbrecht, H. Jr.1888109:222Link to document image
Michael, AndreastoNord, Henry187773:495Link to document image
Michael, AndrewfromMichael, Geo.188187:364Link to document image
Michael, Barbary AnntoKile, Philip1853R:5Link to document image
Michael, CarrietoAllen County L. & S. A.1900162:446Link to document image
Michael, CarrietoBayer, Frederick1902167:438Link to document image
Michael, CarriefromBond, Jessie E.1889110:255Link to document image
Michael, CarrietoEvans, Della E.188599:77Link to document image
Michael, CarriefromHeckman, A. H.1888109:595Link to document image
Michael, CarrietoSchele, John H.1894131:500Link to document image
Michael, CarryfromMichael, Fred187771:479Link to document image
Michael, E. H.toRabus, G. A.1888108:60Link to document image
Michael, E. H. (Et ux.)fromBossler, Jessie A.1885103:466Link to document image
Michael, E. H. (Et ux.)fromOrt, Matilda1888108:385Link to document image
Michael, E. M.fromPoyner, Hugh V. (Et.)1891122:80Link to document image
Michael, ElisetoBrandt, Theodore1899152:476Link to document image
Michael, ElizabethfromHanderschild, S.1888107:154Link to document image
Michael, ElizabethtoHerber, Julius1853O:272Link to document image
Michael, ElizabethtoLower, John1853O:272Link to document image
Michael, Emanl. X.fromAultman, C. & Co.1889114:96Link to document image
Michael, EmanueltoKile, Philip1853R:5Link to document image
Michael, F.fromFort Wayne (City)188080:412Link to document image
Michael, F. J.fromMosier, Jno. M.1886100:220Link to document image
Michael, FannytoFirestine, Geo. (Et ux.)1888107:383Link to document image
Michael, FannytoKile, Philip1853R:5Link to document image
Michael, FranktoPahl, Mary1887105:14Link to document image
Michael, Frank J.toBuchheit, Alois J.1892127:277Link to document image
Michael, Frank J.fromBuchheit, Alois J.1892127:278Link to document image
Michael, FredtoBrown, Henry186436:126Link to document image
Michael, FredfromCity of Ft. Wayne1887103:43Link to document image
Michael, FredtoMichael, Carry187771:479Link to document image
Michael, FredfromWhite, M. H.188185:13Link to document image
Michael, Fred.toCity of Fort Wayne1886103:74Link to document image
Michael, FredericktoDedekind, Henrietta1859X:42Link to document image
Michael, FrederickfromMichael, Herman187771:475Link to document image
Michael, Geo.toMichael, Andrew188187:364Link to document image
Michael, GeorgetoBolmahn, Sophie1890127:445Link to document image
Michael, GeorgefromEdsall, Simon1889111:514Link to document image
Michael, H.fromAmentz, S.188288:436Link to document image
Michael, H.fromBauer, K. J.188290:32Link to document image
Michael, H.toBauer, K. J.188599:427Link to document image
Michael, H.toClausmeier, E. F. & M.188598:550Link to document image
Michael, H.fromDewald, L.188599:369Link to document image
Michael, H.fromDraker, John188599:368Link to document image
Michael, H.toEhrmann, Geo.188290:208Link to document image
Michael, H.toEhrmann, Mary188080:506Link to document image
Michael, H.toEvans, B. B.188599:432Link to document image
Michael, H.toHaag, F. & M.188495:600Link to document image
Michael, H.fromStone, Emma E.188496:470Link to document image
Michael, H. (Et al.)toDiebold, M.188290:1Link to document image
Michael, H. (Et ux.)fromHaller, Gottlieb1889110:583Link to document image
Michael, HenrytoKile, Philip1853R:5Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromAbel, John C.1897148:502Link to document image
Michael, HermantoAlbrecht, Pauline1888109:387Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromAuditor1887104:227Link to document image
Michael, HermantoBaltes, Peter & Anna1899154:364Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromBarton, C. M.187976:400Link to document image
Michael, HermantoBechtol, J. G. & E. F.188597:158Link to document image
Michael, HermantoBoag, Wm. G.187359:236Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromBond, Johanne Ida1901165:391Link to document image
michael, HermanfromBowser, Delihah1887104:621Link to document image
Michael, HermantoBrinkroeger, Frederick187771:451Link to document image
Michael, HermantoBrinkroeger, Wm.187771:451Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromBroom, Jane187360:301Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromBrower, Elizabeth188598:515Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromBrown, Jane1873107:570Link to document image
Michael, HermantoBulmahn, H. C.188394:212Link to document image
Michael, HermantoCook, Ernest W.1898154:147Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromCorcoran, Thos.1888108:606Link to document image
Michael, HermantoCurdes, Louis F.1902166:103Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromDessaner (Et al.)187254:369Link to document image
Michael, HermantoDeVilbiss, F. D.1889111:349Link to document image
Michael, HermantoDeVilbiss, Wm. F. (Et al.)1889112:185Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromDiether, Wm. A.1887103:308Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromDraker, Frank188598:64Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromEhrman, Charles187875:127Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromEhrmann, Matthis187564:317Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromEvans, B. B.188599:246Link to document image
Michael, HermantoFleming Mftg. Co.1887104:624Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromForbing, Jno.188496:253Link to document image
Michael, HermantoFrance, J. E. K.1885102:480Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromFurste, E. B.188392:337Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromGable, Peter187256:514Link to document image
Michael, HermantoGrage, Christina188288:481Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromGrage, Wm.188288:437Link to document image
Michael, HermantoHoffman, A. E. (Et al.)1887105:325Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromHonung, Max.1888108:608Link to document image
Michael, HermantoJones, E. A. L. M187979:499Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromKanning, Fred1887104:125Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromKoehnlein, F. G.1887106:51Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromKoehnlein, Henry1886102:206Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromKoehnlein, Wm.188597:207Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromLangohr, A. J.1886102:85Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromLasselle, C. E.187977:591Link to document image
Michael, HermantoLauer, Justin1900158:343Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromLauer, Justin1900161:308Link to document image
Michael, HermantoLehman, Jacob187671:167Link to document image
Michael, HermantoLivelsberger, A. M.187669:374Link to document image
Michael, HermantoMatsch, J. C. & S.188392:571Link to document image
Michael, HermantoMichael, Frederick187771:475Link to document image
Michael, HermantoNeff, August188390:535Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromNiemann, Gottlieb1898151:297Link to document image
Michael, HermantoNiemann, Gottlieb (Et al.)1898151:293Link to document image
Michael, HermantoPetgen, Nickolas188496:404Link to document image
Michael, HermantoRamm, Anton E.1889111:486Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromRathert, Henry C.1899155:465Link to document image
Michael, HermantoRathert, Henry C.1899155:466Link to document image
Michael, HermantoRissing, John H.1899155:214Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromRissing, Mary A.1899155:462Link to document image
Michael, HermantoRosenberger, Chas.187153:48Link to document image
Michael, HermantoScheffler, Gustav188495:239Link to document image
Michael, HermantoSchele, John H.1894131:500Link to document image
Michael, HermantoScherer, Fredk.187360:283Link to document image
Michael, HermantoSchmuck, Chas. B. (Et ux.)1898150:419Link to document image
Michael, HermantoSchroeder, Chr. L. (Et ux.)1900159:450Link to document image
Michael, HermantoShepler, Eliza J.1889112:429Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromSimons, M. W.1887105:367Link to document image
Michael, HermantoSmalyz, Paul J. (Et ux.)1901161:227Link to document image
Michael, HermantoSmith, C. G. & T. L.188289:122Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromSpencer, M. V. B.188391:597Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromSpooner, B. J. (Coms.)188079:31Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromTaylor, R. S.188186:140Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromTytus, Minnesota E.1901162:372Link to document image
Michael, HermantoWeber, Cary188393:354Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromWeller, Chas.1886101:613Link to document image
Michael, HermanfromWhite, M. H.188185:14Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Adm.)toAckerman, Frank E.1900169:40Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Adm.)toBauer, Kajetan J.1902168:56Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Adm.)toKuhne, Paul F.1899158:109Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Adm.)toNiswonger, Henry W.1901165:109Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Adm.)toPurman, Adeline1897145:246Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Adm.)toRosenberger, Wilhelmina1897147:178Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Admr.)toColeman, Lizzie (Et al.)1900157:254Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Admr.)toKover, Edward W.1899156:372Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Admr.)toRanner, Jane A.1899153:260Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Et al.)fromBaltes, A. M.1899154:274Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Et al.)fromPoirson, Felix (Comr.)1899155:451Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Et ux.)toDiether, Wm. A.1887103:313Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Et ux.)fromHamilton, Montgomery1897150:397Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Et ux.)fromKochler, John A. (Et al.)1891122:143Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Et ux.)toKoehler, John A.1891122:158Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Et ux.)fromLeikauf, Barbara1894132:257Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Et ux.)fromLeikauf, John1894132:257Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Et ux.)fromSchmuck, Chas. B.1898150:398Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Et ux.)fromSchroeder, Christian L.1900159:451Link to document image
Michael, Herman (Gdn. Et al.)toBusche, Henry1898151:515Link to document image
Michael, Hermn (Adm.)toHolmes, Sarah1899154:233Link to document image
Michael, J.fromSchoonover, Dl.187154:42Link to document image
Michael, Jno. B.fromSmith, M. F.1886100:591Link to document image
Michael, Jno. C.fromMorel, Elenora186641:514Link to document image
Michael, Jno. G.fromMichael, Jonathan186641:585Link to document image
Michael, JohnfromSmall, Rachel1893130:543Link to document image
Michael, John B. (Tr.)toWaid, Joseph L.1900160:156Link to document image
Michael, John C. (Et al.)toMichael, Jonathan1901162:328Link to document image
Michael, JonathanfromDeaner, Conrad186641:584Link to document image
Michael, JonathanfromGoldner, Joseph186330:610Link to document image
Michael, JonathanfromKnight, Conrad187254:472Link to document image
Michael, JonathantoMichael, Jno. G.186641:585Link to document image
Michael, JonathanfromMichael, John C. (Et al.)1901162:328Link to document image
Michael, JonathantoSimmers, D. W.1885100:89Link to document image
Michael, JonathanfromWells, Geo.188287:265Link to document image
Michael, L. M.toClaridge, Rupert R.1892124:520Link to document image
Michael, Leopold (Et al.)fromSheriff1893130:198Link to document image
Michael, Leopold M.toMichael Loan Co.1896142:424Link to document image
Michael, LinorfromDever, Florence1900162:417Link to document image
Michael, Linor I.toWise, Millie1897150:235Link to document image
Michael, MargarethatoBuchheit, Alois J.1892127:277Link to document image
Michael, MargarettafromBuchheit, Alois J.1892127:278Link to document image
Michael, MelissafromWise, Eliza M.1897144:516Link to document image
Michael, MelissatoWise, Eliza M.1897148:445Link to document image
Michael, PeterfromFederspiel, B.187154:333Link to document image
Michael, PhenietoAsher, Lottie D.1902167:487Link to document image
Michael, PheniefromEhrman, Mary1898152:526Link to document image
Michael, PhenietoFelts, Emma C.1900159:416Link to document image
Michael, PhenietoGriebel, William1899154:228Link to document image
Michael, PheniefromHamilton, Montgomery1900158:483Link to document image
Michael, PhenietoRoembke, Henry Jna Ernest1902167:265Link to document image
Michael, PhenietoRorick, Louisa1900160:233Link to document image
Michael, PhenietoSuetterlin, Reinhard1902167:564Link to document image
Michael, PhiliptoFirestine, Geo. (Et al.)1888107:382Link to document image
Michael, PhiliptoKile, Philip1853R:5Link to document image
Michael, PierrefromTayler, John186641:374Link to document image
Michael, PierretoTaylor, John186641:373Link to document image
Michael, Sarah JanetoKile, Philip1853R:5Link to document image
Michaelin, H.toMichaels, H. A.187048:559Link to document image
Michaelin, H. A. toMichaels, Elizabeth187048:560Link to document image
Michaelis, CharlesfromJahns, Elizabeth187875:310Link to document image
Michaelis, Chas.fromMichaelis, H. A. (Et al.)187875:311Link to document image
Michaelis, H. A. (Et al.)toMichaelis, Chas.187875:311Link to document image
Michaels, ElizabethfromMichaelin, H. A. 187048:560Link to document image
Michaels, F. J.fromTons, Wilhelhmena188598:374Link to document image
Michaels, FredfromCity of Fort Wayne 188080:412Link to document image
Michaels, H. A.fromMichaelin, H.187048:559Link to document image
Michaels, HermanfromFisher, D. C.187668:211Link to document image
Michaels, HermanfromFisher, David C.187359:358Link to document image
Michaels, HermanfromKeefer, Margaret A.186537:495Link to document image
Michaels, HermanfromSheriff1887105:5Link to document image
Michaels, HermanfromSjeidel, Chas.186950:22Link to document image
Michaels, John B. (Trustee)fromSimonton, Cathr.1890118:510Link to document image
Michaels, Linor I.fromBodine, Tisby A.1892128:30Link to document image
Michal, E. H.toFirestine, Geo. (Et al.)1888107:381Link to document image
Michall, FredericktoHilbrecht, H. Jr.1888108:492Link to document image
Michall, HermantoGable, Peter187564:413Link to document image
Michall, HermantoWelch, Jno. S.1888108:491Link to document image
Michalls, HettietoStapleton, Frank1894135:314Link to document image
Michard, PeterfromTaylor, John186539:30Link to document image
Michchael, MillerfromMiller, Benjamin1851U:483Link to document image
Micheals, FredtoCity- Fort Wayne188183:500Link to document image
Michel, Benj.toTrustees M. E. Church197357:347Link to document image
Michel, Chas. J.fromFlagle, Wilton G.1892128:27Link to document image
Michel, Elise (Et al.)fromBrandt, Theodore (Et al.)1899152:479Link to document image
Michel, Elise (Et al.)fromBreimeier, Elise (Et al.)1899152:475Link to document image
Michel, Geo.toKrimmel, C. & C.188184:502Link to document image
Michel, Geo.fromParks, Volney188185:378Link to document image
Michel, Geo.fromThieme, John G.187359:454Link to document image
Michel, GeorgefromRoy, John B.1898150:362Link to document image
Michel, Malissa A.fromWise, Eliza M.1902170:473Link to document image
Michigan Trust Co.fromHughart, Jno. H. P. (Trustee)1895140:1Link to document image
Mick, Abe C.fromCarroll, Pat J.1890118:304Link to document image
Mick, Abe. C. (Et x.)fromEstry, Elwood T.1894134:320Link to document image
Mick, Abraham C.fromOgle, John J.1896144:318Link to document image
Mick, Abraham C. (Et ux.)toBowser, Augustus (Et al.)1891113:109Link to document image
Mick, Abraham C. (Et ux.)toBowser, Sylvanus F. (Et al.)1891113:109Link to document image
Mick, Abraham C. (Et ux.)fromKirk, Lewis C.1901165:279Link to document image
Mick, Abraham C. (Et ux.)fromSallier, Justine1902168:449Link to document image
Mick, Abraham C. (Et ux.)fromWelker, Rachel D.1898150:98Link to document image
Mick, AndrewtoHouch, Hester187255:214Link to document image
Mick, AndrewtoSprague, John T.1854Q:586Link to document image
Mick, AnnafromOwens, Owen1902170:292Link to document image
Mick, AnnietoAllen, John T. (Et ux.)1900158:375Link to document image
Mick, Kittie M.fromBridge, Chas.188079:316Link to document image
Mick, Kittie M.toEstry, Elwood T.1894134:319Link to document image
Mick, Kittie M.fromKeyser, Jacob M. (Etu.)1891121:187Link to document image
Micke, AnnatoMattes, Jacob (Et ux.)1899155:383Link to document image
Mickels, JonathanfromEllison, John T.187566:489Link to document image
Mickow, Jno.toGerke, C. & H.188289:552Link to document image
Mickow, JohnfromSkinner, B. D.187257:12Link to document image
Middaugh, A. J.toPaul, N. C.1894136:297Link to document image
Middaugh, A. J.fromSeaton, Robt.187461:364Link to document image
Middaugh, A. P.fromRedding, Jno. F.186442:100Link to document image
Middaugh, Albert S.fromAllen Circuit Court1898150:522Link to document image
Middaugh, Albert S.fromWickliffe, Hannah M.1902166:262Link to document image
Middaugh, EmmatoGibson, J. W. (Et al.)1900159:394Link to document image
Middaugh, J. C.toMiller, Silas E.1890116:412Link to document image
Middaugh, J. C.fromWickliff, P. F.1889110:199Link to document image
Middaugh, J. D.toMason, Jos. S.186331:371Link to document image
Middaugh, JacobfromNickkleson, Samuel185870:535Link to document image
Middaugh, JamesfromHarman, J. B.1856Y:575Link to document image
Middaugh, Jas. (Heirs)toSeaton, Robt.186645:50Link to document image
Middaugh, Jas. (Heirs)toSeaton, Robt.186645:51Link to document image
Middaugh, Jas. (Heirs)toSeaton, Robt.186645:52Link to document image
Middaugh, Jas. D.fromMason, Josephus186337:240Link to document image
Middaugh, Jas. D.toWright, Nathaniel186442:37Link to document image
Middaugh, Mary A.fromBowersock, Andrew1896144:251Link to document image
Middaugh, N. B.toHays, D. B.186537:353Link to document image
Middaugh, Sidney R.fromBaker, Andrew J.187565:475Link to document image
Middendorf, BernfromWonker, Christopher1882113:468Link to document image
Middendorf, Her.fromJurgensen, Peter K.1897148:2Link to document image
Middendorf, Herm.fromVodde, Bernarddina1891113:149Link to document image
Middendorf, HermantoVodde, William H.1901163:214Link to document image
Middendorf, HermantoWonker, Frank1897147:185Link to document image
Middendorf, Herman (Et ux.)fromJurgensen, Peter K.1894133:330Link to document image
Middendorf, Herman (Et ux.)fromVodde, William H.1901163:215Link to document image
Middendorf, Maria AnntoMarians, Nicholas1854Q:469Link to document image
Middendorf, Mary AnnfromMarians, Nicholas1854Q:468Link to document image
Middeton, Geo. A.toDunifon, Henry187361:122Link to document image
Middleton (Et al.)fromLong, Geo. (Et al.)187051:352Link to document image
Middleton, A.toOlds, Hester A.187053:425Link to document image
Middleton, A. (Et al.)toRichard, Eli188186:106Link to document image
Middleton, A. E.fromMiddleton, Geo. A.186848:279Link to document image
Middleton, A. E.toMiddleton, Geo. A.1889112:405Link to document image
Middleton, A. E.fromRitter, Geo. W.186539:230Link to document image
Middleton, A. E.fromRollins, C. W.187874:468Link to document image
Middleton, A. E.toRollins, Chas. W.187670:353Link to document image
Middleton, A. E.toSnyder, Mary188286:523Link to document image
Middleton, A. E.fromSnyder, Mary188286:524Link to document image
Middleton, AmandfromJones, Edith1886102:51Link to document image
Middleton, AmbrosefromBird, Bowser (Et al.)187053:424Link to document image
Middleton, Ambrose E.toCary, Melancthon187462:340Link to document image
Middleton, Ambrose E.toStoneman, Jacob M.1898153:451Link to document image
Middleton, G. A. (Et al.)toBorker, John R.186847:67Link to document image
Middleton, Geo.fromMitten, Uriah186239:213Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. & A.fromBird, Ochmig186539:214Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. & A.fromBowser, J. C.186539:214Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. & A.fromMaples, Lewis C.186539:214Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. A.toBarnes, Joseph1896143:209Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. A.toBrzezinski, Thos.1888109:233Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. A.toColter, Jacob (Et al.)1889112:487Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. A.toHite, John & Henry187064:265Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. A.toMarquardt, P.186230:324Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. A.fromMathias, D. W.187670:4Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. A.toMiddleton, A. E.186848:279Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. A.fromMiddleton, A. E.1889112:405Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. A.fromMiller, Wm. H. H.186950:182Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. A.fromNathan, Julius (Et al.)1887109:232Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. A.fromRitter, Geo. W.186539:230Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. A.fromTrustees Hsnover College186845:248Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. A.toWilson, John186641:187Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. A.fromWilson, John186641:582Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. A.toWilson, John186861:587Link to document image
Middleton, Geo. H.toMathias, Daniel W.187565:389Link to document image
Middleton, GeorgefromPolock, Ja. H.1889112:404Link to document image
Middleton, George A.toRomy, Catharine A.187872:502Link to document image
Middleton, HumphreytoEmerheiser, Joseph1853O:310Link to document image
Middleton, HumphreytoSprague, George B.1853O:128Link to document image
Middleton, JosephtoShaffer, John1852P:115Link to document image
Middleton, Joseph H.fromMitton, Uriah1852N:89Link to document image
Middleton, MargaretfromBass, John H.1898151:513Link to document image
Middleton, Thos.fromLenharr, Harriet188183:41Link to document image
Middlton, A. E.fromBowser, J. C.187254:481Link to document image
Middough, JamestoDeaner, Jacob1858Y:576Link to document image
Middough, N. B.fromHatfield, Albert1855S:40Link to document image
Mienhardt, H.fromPreble, Darvis (Et al.)188394:17Link to document image
Mier, CharlesfromMiller, Robert E.187153:274Link to document image
Mier, SolomonfromAllen Cir. Court1892126:221Link to document image
Mier, SolomonfromStrasburg, Chris1892125:150Link to document image
Mier, Solomon (Et al.)toWeil, Abraham1892125:433Link to document image
Mier, Solomon (Et al.)toWeil, Isaac1892125:433Link to document image
Mier, WilliamfromHull, William R.1858W:298Link to document image
Miers, W. F.fromGregg, A. W.1892124:79Link to document image
Miers, Wm. F.toRonsley, Louis E.1894135:150Link to document image
Mieter, W. (Sr. Opr.)fromBecher, Enst D.187257:236Link to document image
Miick, O. P.fromRuppert, Elias187771:526Link to document image
Miikle, WilliamtoMikle, John1890117:534Link to document image
Miiller, Chas.fromSchnorberger, C.188288:210Link to document image
Mikle, Jno.fromHowell, Matilda188496:204Link to document image
Mikle, JohntoCochoit, Joseph187462:420Link to document image
Mikle, JohnfromGaylord, Sylvester1890116:314Link to document image
Mikle, JohntoLorrain, Nnicholas1890118:416Link to document image
Mikle, JohnfromMiikle, William1890117:534Link to document image
Mikle, JohnfromMikle, Peter187361:423Link to document image
Mikle, JohntoMonot, Eugene187464:361Link to document image
Mikle, JohnfromOsenbaugh, G. I.1885109:123Link to document image
Mikle, JohnfromShelley, Abe. (Et al.)1888109:122Link to document image
Mikle, JohnfromShelley, Abraham (Et al.)1890117:423Link to document image
Mikle, PeterfromBrick, Maurice1854P:719Link to document image
Mikle, PetertoBrown, David186950:554Link to document image
Mikle, PetertoFrancoise, C. C.1854Q:795Link to document image
Mikle, PetertoMikle, John187361:423Link to document image
Mikle, PeterfromNail, John186750:553Link to document image
Mikle, PeterfromSanders, John184926:202Link to document image
Mikle, Peter (by will to his wife)to188095:406Link to document image
Mikle, Peter (Dec. Will of)to18895:406Link to document image
Milamater, JacobfromRice, Abner187255:170Link to document image
Milan TownshipfromGrime, Carl1888108:110Link to document image
Miland, Ferd.fromStopenhagen, Wm. (Est.)186127:395Link to document image
Miland, Ferd.35:528fromScheiman, Chris.1864Link to document image
Miland, FredtoMolthan, Wm.186847:247Link to document image
Milard, I. M.fromGard, Marg. C.1891122:181Link to document image
Milburn, B. F.toFoot, H. B.187874:455Link to document image
Milburn, B. F.fromSnowden, H. M.187884:390Link to document image
Milburn, Benj. F.toPearson, James1893132:416Link to document image
Milburn, Benj. F.toPearson, Jerusha1893132:416Link to document image
Mileer, John H.toZuber, Philip1891122:247Link to document image
Miles, Anna a.toAustett, Augusta1898153:335Link to document image
Miles, Anna A.fromJanett, Cyrenius F. (Gdn. Et al.)1898150:525Link to document image
Miles, Anna A.fromJanett, Cyrenius F. (Gdn.)1898150:524Link to document image
Miles, Anna A.fromJarrett, Daisy V.1899153:334Link to document image
Miles, CharlesfromBuech, John186539:199Link to document image
Miles, Charles (Will)to1892130:477Link to document image
Miles, Chas.fromCarroll, Margaret188495:2Link to document image
Miles, Chas.fromHanna, O. S.187770:188Link to document image
Miles, Chas.fromLeonard, Wm.188495:1Link to document image
Miles, DavidfromLindenwood Cemetery1890116:624Link to document image
Miles, S. A.fromWood, Letilia188287:91Link to document image
Miles, Sarah A.fromHilkert, Lucy187360:349Link to document image
Miles, Sarah A.toMcKee, George W.1898151:470Link to document image
Miles, Sarah A.fromWalpole, Frank1898149:189Link to document image
Miles, Sarah A.toWalpole, Frank (Et ux.)1895139:162Link to document image
Miley, JohntoStevenson, Jno. D.186538:254Link to document image
Miley, JohntoStevenson, John D.187772:387Link to document image
Milholland, Jas.toBurt, Alex.186434:309Link to document image
Milk, LouisafromEdsall, Samuel186332:12Link to document image
Milla & BoergerfromTrustees 2nd Ref. S. Ch.187154:143Link to document image
Millard, ElizabethfromHoagland, Phiny186537:504Link to document image
Millard, Isabel M.toLehrman, Herman1901166:56Link to document image
Millard, Isabell M.toCutler, Elmer L.1896141:118Link to document image
Millard, Isabell M.fromCutler, Elmer L.1896151:530Link to document image
Millard, Isabell M.toCutler, Elmer L.1900159:352Link to document image
Millard, Isabell M.fromCutler, Elmer L.1900159:373Link to document image
Millard, Isabell M.toCutler, Iradell1896141:118Link to document image
Millard, Isabell M.toLehrman, Herman1902167:489Link to document image
Millard, Jno. B.fromBarass, Joseph187257:183Link to document image
Millard, Jno. B.fromBarrass, Joseph187257:183Link to document image
Millard, Mary EllenfromFerguson, John & wife1895138:418Link to document image
Millard, RobertfromFerguson, John & wife1895138:418Link to document image
Millard, W. W.toHartzall, Jno. R.1891122:134Link to document image
Millard, W. W.fromStone, Solon (Et.)1891122:132Link to document image
Millburn, Benj. F.fromBrousin, Wm. S.187770:351Link to document image
Mille, Samuel M.fromTillman, John1899155:532Link to document image
Milledge, MatildafromSimpson, Jas.186640:334Link to document image
Millege, P. (Et al.)toEsterline, W. J.188599:635Link to document image
Milleman, C. V.fromBrackenridge, H.186229:473Link to document image
Millen, MargretfromEmbry, L. S.186641:558Link to document image
Millenbaugh, H .toJenkinson, Moses186230:401Link to document image
Millenbaugh, HelenafromJenkinson, Moses196128:263Link to document image
Millenbaugh, JohntoFt. W. & Southern R. R. Co.1853O:704Link to document image
Millerto1856Link to document image
Miller & BellfromTompkins, Eliab H.187360:313Link to document image
Miller & BoergerfromSheriff187462:84Link to document image
Miller & FarmerfromBowser, Jacob E.187362:629Link to document image
Miller & MoritzfromAveline, Shurick & Hasby187464:41Link to document image
Miller & RupertfromEwing, Geo. W. (Jr.)186248:28Link to document image
Miller & StonerfromBond, Chas. D.186947:308Link to document image
Miller & WiesefromHennick, Hermon184768:116Link to document image
Miller & WieserfromAuditor (H. W. Jones)184768:115Link to document image
Miller, A.fromWidner, Uriah186743:6Link to document image
Miller, A. (et al. Trustee)fromTrustee Milan Tp.187369:368Link to document image
Miller, A. (Jr.)fromMiller, A. (Sr.)187359:132Link to document image
Miller, A. (Sr.)toMiller, A. (Jr.)187359:132Link to document image
Miller, A. B.toCody, Morris1853T:518Link to document image
Miller, A. B.toGeiger, Harman1860Y:449Link to document image
Miller, A. B.toLiefels, Joseph1860Y:449Link to document image
Miller, A. B.fromRabus, Jno.188185:474Link to document image
Miller, A. B.fromTrentman, A. C.188288:406Link to document image
Miller, A. F. F.fromNinde, L. M. (Adm.)187155:36Link to document image
Miller, A. F. F.toPaine, Jas. D.188184:298Link to document image
Miller, A. F. F. (Et al.)toFletcher, M. M.187284:279Link to document image
Miller, A. F. F. (Et al.)toFletcher, M. M.188184:281Link to document image
Miller, A. H.fromComs. in Partition1886100:183Link to document image
Miller, A. J. (Et al.)toJustice, Lewis S.188494:525Link to document image
Miller, A. Sr.toMiller, Andrew188288:295Link to document image
Miller, AbbietoSnyder, Benj.188597:70Link to document image
Miller, Abe (Et al.)fromWebster, H. D.186958:267Link to document image
Miller, Abe (Et al.)fromWebster, Tamson E.186958:268Link to document image
Miller, Abe.fromPeters, Samuel186642:319Link to document image
Miller, Abe.toRodenbeck, D.186333:268Link to document image
Miller, Abel (Et al.)toHartzel, Levi186048:83Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoBegue, John186229:471Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamfromBiggs, Timothy1853O:188Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamfromBrockmiller, Charles1852M:433Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoBrockmiller, Charles1852O:364Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoBrockmiller, Wm.185238:391Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoBryant, Cyrus1854R:271Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoCrippen, A.186333:112Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoDriver, Charles1854P:156Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamfromDriver, Charles185780:203Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoErixson, Charles186744:143Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoGandy, O.188287:217Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoGladienx, Pierre1890118:339Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoGladieux, Pierre1853N:454Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamfromHenning, George187161:145Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoKlinker, William1852R:40Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoLee, Edward1855T:186Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoMerrillat, Eugene1856T:357Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamfromMiller, Abraham D.1856S:534Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoMiller, David186026:445Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoMiller, Geo. W.187161:139Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamfromMiller, John R.1856S:566Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoMiller, Levi186026:445Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoNickey, A. B.188287:217Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoPeterson, Jacob1854P:710Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoSlater, Isaac A.1856X:64Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoSlater, Isaac A.185880:204Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamfromSlater, Isaac A.1858V:616Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoSloffer, Aaron1857U:238Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoSullivan, Michaie186229:372Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoTrustees Adam Tp.1855R:329Link to document image
Miller, AbrahamtoWebster, H. D.186952:158Link to document image
Miller, Abraham (Assignee)fromState of Indiana184181:25Link to document image
Miller, Abraham (Assignee)fromState of Indiana184181:26Link to document image
Miller, Abraham (Et al.)toSloffer, Benj. F. (Et al.)1892127:343Link to document image
Miller, Abraham B.toBrackenridge, Robert(Jr.)1859X:224Link to document image
Miller, Abraham B.fromConger, John1853T:548Link to document image
Miller, Abraham B.toWright, James C.1860Y:187Link to document image
Miller, Abraham D.fromHartzell, Levi1851U:610Link to document image
Miller, Abraham D.toHartzell, Levi1856U:611Link to document image
Miller, Abraham D.toMiller, Abraham1856S:534Link to document image
Miller, AbramfromHenning, Geo.186850:291Link to document image
Miller, Abram (Est.)toMiller, Ely186642:10Link to document image
Miller, Abram (Est.)toMiller, I. J.186642:10Link to document image
Miller, Abram (Est.)toMiller, Jas. H.186642:10Link to document image
Miller, Abram (Est.)toMiller, Martha186642:10Link to document image
Miller, Abram (Est.)toMiller, Mesa186642:10Link to document image
Miller, Abram (Est.)toMiller, Peter186642:10Link to document image
Miller, Abram (Est.)toMiller, Zacharias186642:10Link to document image
Miller, Abram (Est.)toReynolds, Mary186642:10Link to document image
Miller, Aggie F. & C. G.toHeller, Peter187463:164Link to document image
Miller, Aggie F. F.toBleekman, Henrietta187565:35Link to document image
Miller, Aggie F. F.toSixbey, Charlie C.187671:508Link to document image
Miller, Agnes F. F.toOrff, Esther A.187670:176Link to document image
Miller, Agness F. F.fromFletcher, C. P. (Heirs)187358:326Link to document image
Miller, AlbertfromOssing, Albert188599:143Link to document image
Miller, AlberttoTaylor, Henry1894132:451Link to document image
Miller, Albert F.fromBarrett, Jas. M.1888109:128Link to document image
Miller, Albert F.fromFelts, Geo. F.1899154:10Link to document image
Miller, Albert F.fromTillman, Lucinda A.1900157:459Link to document image
Miller, Albert W.fromZimmerly, Fred J.1892124:19Link to document image
Miller, AlicetoHarsh, John S.1895138:534Link to document image
Miller, AlicetoRomy, Robt. L.1895137:434Link to document image
Miller, Alice J.toNuttle, Hannah A.1894132:207Link to document image
Miller, Alice M.toMuldvon, J. & heirs187976:325Link to document image
Miller, Alvira J.fromThompson, H. F.1888110:560Link to document image
Miller, AmandafromCollier, L.188087:456Link to document image
Miller, AmastoJohuston, Belinda187980:17Link to document image
Miller, AmastoMcCurdy, Miles C.186846:433Link to document image
Miller, AmastoMcCurdy, Wm.186846:434Link to document image
Miller, AmbhersttoHeath, Stephen186026:387Link to document image
Miller, AmeliafromGasso, August187770:155Link to document image
Miller, AmeliatoHaak, Theordore187976:45Link to document image
Miller, AmherstfromDresback, Isaac187873:175Link to document image
Miller, Amherst (et al. Trustee)fromSprague, Leroy187369:Link to document image
Miller, Amherst (Et al.)toTrustees Bowers Cemeter Association1897145:439Link to document image
Miller, Amherst Jr.fromKnight, Christian1889110:489Link to document image
Miller, Amherst Jr.fromKnight, Louis1889110:498Link to document image
Miller, Amherst Jr.fromMiller, Amherst Sr.1889112:93Link to document image
Miller, Amherst Sr.toKnight, Christena188287:500Link to document image
Miller, Amherst Sr.toKnight, Christina1889110:286Link to document image
Miller, Amherst Sr.toKnight, Lewis188287:499Link to document image
Miller, Amherst Sr.toKnight, Louis1889110:285Link to document image
Miller, Amherst Sr.toMiller, Amherst Jr.1889112:93Link to document image
Miller, Amherst Sr.fromMiller, Andrew1889111:184Link to document image
Miller, AmhurstfromChausse, Amos187056:368Link to document image
Miller, AmosfromFogel, Frank1895139:426Link to document image
Miller, AmosfromFogel, Myrta1895139:426Link to document image
Miller, AmostoFogle, Frank1887106:146Link to document image
Miller, AmosfromGriffin, Cornelius188392:578Link to document image
Miller, AmostoKohr, Franklin (Et al.)1897147:440Link to document image
Miller, AmosfromKrise, Isaac 186641:299Link to document image
Miller, AmosfromMiller, Michael186641:297Link to document image
Miller, AmosfromRichards, Jos. N.1893129:372Link to document image
Miller, AmostoSmith, Ayres186641:298Link to document image
Miller, AnastasiafromDiebold, Jos.188184:85Link to document image
Miller, AnastasiatoEhle, Wilhelm188183:175Link to document image
Miller, AnastasiatoQuicksell, Peter188392:166Link to document image
Miller, AnastasiafromQuicksell, Peter188392:167Link to document image
Miller, AnastasiafromRomy, R. L.188494:560Link to document image
Miller, AnastasiatoRomy, R. L. & C.188494:550Link to document image
Miller, AnastasiatoRomy, R. L. & C. A.188494:377Link to document image
Miller, AnastasiafromRomy, Robt. L.188494:549Link to document image
Miller, AndrewtoKline, Mary C.1893129:37Link to document image
Miller, AndrewfromMiller, A. Sr.188288:295Link to document image
Miller, AndrewtoMiller, Amherst Sr.1889111:184Link to document image
Miller, AndrewfromMiller, Christian1856S:474Link to document image
Miller, AndrewtoMiller, Christian1856S:532Link to document image
Miller, AndrewfromMiller, John1856S:474Link to document image
Miller, AndrewtoMiller, Joseph1856S:473Link to document image
Miller, AndrewfromMiller, Joseph1856S:474Link to document image
Miller, AndrewfromMiller, L. M.188494:417Link to document image
Miller, AndrewfromMiller, Michael186640:56Link to document image
Miller, AndrewtoReling, Jacob1856T:278Link to document image
Miller, AndrewfromYerks, James M. (Et ux.)1889120:238Link to document image
Miller, Andrew (Et al.)fromMiller, Louis (Et al.)1897150:372Link to document image
Miller, Andrew T.toFranklin, Richard L. 1843Y:52Link to document image
Miller, Andrw (Et al.)toMiller, Frank J.1898151:293Link to document image
Miller, AnistisiafromKampheus, B. J.187670:397Link to document image
Miller, AnntoDeel, Harriet1893131:118Link to document image
Miller, AnntoDeel, James1893131:118Link to document image
Miller, AnnafromFleming, Wm.187156:80Link to document image
Miller, AnnafromMiller, Catharine (Et al.)1897144;259Link to document image
Miller, Anna (Et al.)fromMiller, Christian1891121:108Link to document image
Miller, Anna B.fromTrustees 3rd St. M. E. Ch.188495:378Link to document image
Miller, Anna E.toYonngker, May187349:394Link to document image
Miller, Anna E. (E.)toRomy, Robert L.1892123:196Link to document image
Miller, Anna M. (Et al.)toBishoff, Peter1887103:551Link to document image
Miller, AnnastaniafromChapman, B. W.188183:441Link to document image
Miller, AnnastasiafromChapman, B. W.188183:441Link to document image
Miller, AnnefromMiller, John187360:479Link to document image
Miller, AnsontoVan Camp, W. W.187772:45Link to document image
Miller, AntasiafromMiller, M. H. (Et al.)188185:177Link to document image
Miller, AntasiafromMohr, Jno. Jr. (Et al.)188185:177Link to document image
Miller, AntasiafromTaylor, H. C. (Et al.)188185:177Link to document image
Miller, AomafromEtzold, Wm.186744:15Link to document image
Miller, AsatoOrff, John1853O:46Link to document image
Miller, AsenathfromBoehm, Christian F.1890116:578Link to document image
Miller, AsenathtoClemens, Jacob1894135:290Link to document image
Miller, AsenathfromLewis, William1886102:416Link to document image
Miller, AsenathtoPierre, Chas. J. (Et al.)1889111:188Link to document image
Miller, AsenathtoSal. Gas Company1892126:73Link to document image
Miller, AugustfromDoughman, N. D. (Guard)1892127:250Link to document image
Miller, AugusttoEhle, August N.188494:182Link to document image
Miller, AugustfromMack, Fredk.187051:26Link to document image
Miller, AugusttoMiller, Lizzie1899154:289Link to document image
Miller, AugusttoMiller, Mary F.1900158:34Link to document image
Miller, AugustfromRomy, Robert L.1892123:269Link to document image
Miller, AugusttoSweet, Warren1892126:332Link to document image
Miller, August (Ex.)fromBaltes, Michael (Ex.)1892123:269Link to document image
Miller, AugustafromJackson, Theo. (Et al.)1886103:225Link to document image
Miller, B. & L.fromOverholb, Jno.188079:505Link to document image
Miller, B. and L.fromOverholt, Jno.188394:287Link to document image
Miller, B. E.fromSorg, Peter187149:249Link to document image
Miller, B. F.toNail, John187669:520Link to document image
Miller, BarbaratoBeck, Anna M.188286:463Link to document image
Miller, BarbaratoBengnot, Jno. B.187255:423Link to document image
Miller, BarbaratoMiller, Jacob1896144:106Link to document image
Miller, BarbaratoMiller, Joel188494:290Link to document image
Miller, BarbaratoMiller, Lena188494:288Link to document image
Miller, BarbarafromMiller, Lena188494:288Link to document image
Miller, BarbaratoNull, L. S.187249:331Link to document image
Miller, BarbarafromRankert, Michael188081:540Link to document image
Miller, BarbarafromRankest, M.188183:390Link to document image
Miller, BarbarafromWhele, B. P.186950:244Link to document image
Miller, Barbara (Et al.)toMiller, Michael1896144:103Link to document image
Miller, Barbara E.toHunt, Patrick1894134:447Link to document image
Miller, Barbara E.toHunt, Rose1894134:447Link to document image
Miller, Barbara E.toMertz, Louis1894134:448Link to document image
Miller, Barbara E.toMeryz, Catharine1894134:448Link to document image
Miller, Barbara E.fromMiller, Frank A.1894134:439Link to document image
Miller, Barbara E.toMiller, Frank P.1894134:441Link to document image
Miller, Barbara E.toMiller, Frank P. (Et al.)1893129:241Link to document image
Miller, Barbara E.toMiller, Jos. A.1894134:440Link to document image
Miller, Barbara E.toMiller, Mary1894134:450Link to document image
Miller, Barbara E.toMiller, Paul1894134:450Link to document image
Miller, Bathaniel H.fromShirely, Arabella I. (Et al.)1902170:489Link to document image
Miller, Benj.toCope, Daniel (Et ux.)1888111:118Link to document image
Miller, Benj.toCope, Daniel (Et ux.)1888111:122Link to document image
Miller, Benj.fromCotton, Jno.188083:426Link to document image
Miller, Benj.fromCotton, John188083:426Link to document image
Miller, Benj.toDavidson, A. B.186652:351Link to document image
Miller, Benj.toFulkerson, Huldah1887103:445Link to document image
Miller, Benj.fromHill, C. A.187978:328Link to document image
Miller, Benj.fromHollopeter, M.187978:327Link to document image
Miller, Benj.toHolmes, David187249:388Link to document image
Miller, Benj.toMiller, Michael188079:482Link to document image
Miller, Benj.toNaylor, George1887103:447Link to document image
Miller, Benj.toSunderland, Thersa J.1895139:77Link to document image
Miller, Benj.toTrustees U. B. Ch.186651:141Link to document image
Miller, Benj.fromTytus, Minnesota E.1884103:446Link to document image
Miller, Benj. E.toHenry, A. M.1892124:272Link to document image
Miller, Benj. E.toMcWhirter, M. D.1895141:123Link to document image
Miller, Benj. E.fromUlery, John1889117:406Link to document image
Miller, Benj. F.toGinther, H. D.1887106:222Link to document image
Miller, Benj. F.fromLordaine, Nich.186851:375Link to document image
Miller, Benj. F.fromSowders, Jas. E.186645:558Link to document image
Miller, Benj. F. (Et ux.)toTillman, John L.1891113:274Link to document image
Miller, BenjamintoFitgerald, Louis (Trustee)188079:568Link to document image
Miller, BenjaminfromHutchins, Saxton1846O:738Link to document image
Miller, BenjamintoMichchael, Miller1851U:483Link to document image
Miller, BenjaminfromMiller, Michael1852N:549Link to document image
Miller, BenjamintoNaylot, George1887104:16Link to document image
Miller, BenjamintoSnyder, John1853O:737Link to document image
Miller, BenjamintoState1858V:374Link to document image
Miller, BenjaminfromTytus, M. e. (Et ux.)1884103:254Link to document image
Miller, Benjamin E.toEmrick, Ellis1898145:79Link to document image
Miller, Benjamin F.toLoudenbeck, John187565:427Link to document image
Miller, Benjamin F.fromMotz, Calvin187570:36Link to document image
Miller, Benjamin T.fromLoudenbeck, John187465:120Link to document image
Miller, Bennj.fromFarmer, Andrew186751:603Link to document image
Miller, Bertha C.toHormel, Lina W. (Et ux.)1902167:518Link to document image
Miller, Bertha C.fromTri State B. & L. A.1901164:8Link to document image
Miller, brahamtoTelfer, William1854R:271Link to document image
Miller, C. (Et al.)toKaiser, Geo. J.188289:499Link to document image
Miller, C. (Gdn.)toSorage, James186448:261Link to document image
Miller, C. A.toBeebe, Emma188084:358Link to document image
Miller, C. A.fromHammond, John188289:444Link to document image
Miller, C. A.toHartzell, A. M. & W. S.1886100:281Link to document image
Miller, C. A.fromMcMahon, Sylvester1891122:51Link to document image
Miller, C. A.toMiller, Jno. A.188184:13Link to document image
Miller, C. A.fromNeal, S. T.188188:76Link to document image
Miller, C. A.toSimpson, Sarah188287:569Link to document image
Miller, C. A.toSmall, F. P.188289:443Link to document image
Miller, C. A.toStutz, Jos.188288:77Link to document image
Miller, C. A.toStutz, Jos.188392:86Link to document image
Miller, C. A. (Trustee)toSpalding, A. S.188289:55Link to document image
Miller, C. C.fromParry, Isaac1888109:548Link to document image
Miller, C. H.fromDreier, Henry1886100:3Link to document image
Miller, C. H.fromDreier, W. H.188498:167Link to document image
Miller, C. H.fromHierholzer, M.188598:602Link to document image
Miller, C. H.fromStratton, Robt.188598:614Link to document image
Miller, Calvin A.fromConderat, Antoine187874:323Link to document image
Miller, Calvin A.toMoore, Geo. W.1889114:48Link to document image
Miller, Calvin A.toNull, L. S.187771:392Link to document image
Miller, Calvin A.fromNull, Lycurgus S.187360:227Link to document image
Miller, CarolinetoBechtold, Fred J.1889114:631Link to document image
Miller, CarolinefromBoyer, Saml. M. (Et al.)1891124:170Link to document image
Miller, CarolinefromDouglas, David P. (Et al.)1891124:170Link to document image
Miller, CarolinetoEby, Andrew188183:467Link to document image
Miller, CarolinefromEby, Andrew1888152:446Link to document image
Miller, CarolinefromEby, Jno. (Et al.)188081:430Link to document image
Miller, CarolinefromEby, Jno. (Et al.)188183:466Link to document image
Miller, CarolinefromEllingham, Eliz (Et al.)1891124:170Link to document image
Miller, CarolinefromFlynn, James (Et al.)1891124:170Link to document image
Miller, CarolinefromHutker, B. (Et al.)188183:466Link to document image
Miller, CarolinefromHutker, Bernard (Et al.)188081:430Link to document image
Miller, CarolinefromMiller, Charles S.1891113:138Link to document image
Miller, CarolinefromMiller, Jno. A. (E.)1891124:170Link to document image
Miller, CarolinetoPeters Box & Lumber Co.1892126:203Link to document image
Miller, CarolinefromSpecht, Mary C. (Et al.)1891124:170Link to document image
Miller, Caroline (Et al.)toEby, Andrew188081:432Link to document image
Miller, Caroline (Et al.)toEby, Andrew188183:481Link to document image
Miller, Caroline (Et al.)toEby, Henry (Et ux.)1899155:51Link to document image
Miller, Caroline (Et al.)toEby, Jno.188081:431Link to document image
Miller, Caroline (Et al.)toHutker, Bernard188081:433Link to document image
Miller, Caroline (Et vir.)fromMiller, Mary1889111:82Link to document image
Miller, Caroline S.fromSchaper, Fredk. C.1893128:178Link to document image
Miller, Caroline SophiafromSchaper, Frederick C.1894161:41Link to document image
Miller, CasperfromMcCulloch, Hugh1892127:364Link to document image
Miller, CasperfromRandall, P. A.188497:140Link to document image
Miller, CasperfromRandall, P. A.1886101:323Link to document image
Miller, CaspertoRandall, P. A.1886101:73Link to document image
Miller, CaspertoSummit City Soap Co188496:100Link to document image
Miller, CaspertoWoodruff, Marvin1893127:377Link to document image
Miller, Casper (Et al.)toMacDougal, Catherine1896141:153Link to document image
Miller, Casper (Et al.)toMacDougal, M. C.1896141:153Link to document image
Miller, Cath. D. (Et al.)fromMiller, Catharine (Et al.)1900157:29Link to document image
Miller, CathariefromForbing, Jacob188495:211Link to document image
Miller, CatharinefromArnold, Amos W.188597:4Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoArnold, Rhoda 188597:144Link to document image
Miller, CatharinefromBilger, Martin1889112:30Link to document image
Miller, CatharinefromBond, Jared D.1895140:63Link to document image
Miller, CatharinefromBowen, M. L.186126:492Link to document image
Miller, CatharinefromBower, John F.1893131:448Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoGraham, Jas. F.1892127:132Link to document image
Miller, CatharinefromHenderson, S. C.1889111:101Link to document image
Miller, CatharinefromHerrick, Anna1853N:399Link to document image
Miller, CatharinefromHerrick, Daniel1853N:399Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoHutchinson, F. J. & M. A.188392:318Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoKassans, Jacob1887106:145Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoLovall, Saml. B. (Et ux.)1890116:406Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoMiller, Catharine187464:293Link to document image
Miller, CatharinefromMiller, Catharine187464:293Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoMiller, Chas. C.1889112:394Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoMiller, Elias D.1894133:115Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoMiller, Elias D.1900157:26Link to document image
Miller, CatharinefromMiller, Henry C.1890117:563Link to document image
Miller, CatharinefromParks, Volney188287:256Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoRandall, P. A.188287:209Link to document image
Miller, CatharinefromRoy, John B.187360:325Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoSchele, August188391:511Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoScherer, H. P.1889112:213Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoSchlatter, John Jr.1893131:70Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoTustison, Oliver1888108:416Link to document image
Miller, CatharinefromVordermark, H. P.188392:299Link to document image
Miller, CatharinefromWhite, Jas. B.1888109:458Link to document image
Miller, CatharinefromWilliams, Henry M.1890116:445Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoWittie, Frank1891113:549Link to document image
Miller, CatharinetoYoder, John187464:294Link to document image
Miller, Catharine (Et al.)toMiller, Anna1897144;259Link to document image
Miller, Catharine (Et al.)toMiller, Cath. D. (Et al.)1900157:29Link to document image
Miller, Catharine (Et al.)toMiller, Cathsrine D.1897144:258Link to document image
Miller, Catharine (Et al.)toMiller, Samuel D.1900157:27Link to document image
Miller, CatherinatoMiller, Jacob186640:476Link to document image
Miller, CatherinefromGeaugue, A. M.188496:33Link to document image
Miller, CatherinetoKendrick, Chas. E.1896143:381Link to document image
Miller, CatherinefromMason, Nancy188183:358Link to document image
Miller, CatherinefromMiller, Henry J.1893138:231Link to document image
Miller, CatherinetoRice, Joseph1896145:129Link to document image
Miller, CatherinefromWhite, Jas. B.187257:100Link to document image
Miller, CatherinefromWilliams, H. M.1892126:156Link to document image
Miller, CathrinefromYoder, Jno.187979:18Link to document image
Miller, Cathsrine D.fromMiller, Catharine (Et al.)1897144:258Link to document image
Miller, CharlesfromBassett, Amelia (Et al.)1899152:551Link to document image
Miller, CharlestoSchele, John185926:283Link to document image
Miller, CharlestoVangier, Xavier186537:159Link to document image
Miller, Charles A. (Will of)to1896150:420Link to document image
Miller, Charles C.toArnold, Amos W.1891120:334Link to document image
Miller, Charles C.toCurdes, Louis F.1901164:23Link to document image
Miller, Charles C.toDammann, John (Et al.)1890116:2Link to document image
Miller, Charles C.toLovall, Saml. B. (Et ux.)1890116:407Link to document image
Miller, Charles C.toWeihe, Emil1891120:133Link to document image
Miller, Charles G. (Et ux.)fromWilding, Charles A.1901165:332Link to document image
Miller, Charles H.toHunter, Lewis C.1899153:428Link to document image
Miller, Charles H.fromMurphy, Mary M.1898151:256Link to document image
Miller, Charles H.toMurphy, Robert R.1898152:256Link to document image
Miller, Charles H.fromWhite, Jas. B.187771:429Link to document image
Miller, Charles H. (Et ux.)toDailey, Wm. H.1891120:518Link to document image
Miller, Charles L.fromWilliams, Mary H.1890118:429Link to document image
Miller, Charles S.toMiller, Caroline1891113:138Link to document image
Miller, CharlottatoFrench, J. A.187772:109Link to document image
Miller, CharlottafromMiller, George187771:134Link to document image
Miller, CharlottetoMiller, George187153:265Link to document image
Miller, CharlottefromNeiman, J. B.187773:474Link to document image
Miller, CharlottetoRich, Sanford187873:475Link to document image
Miller, Charlotte H.fromWhite, James B.187772:472Link to document image
Miller, Chas.fromBryant, Stephan18705:170Link to document image
Miller, Chas. M.toWhite, D. P.186950:243Link to document image
Miller, Chas. A. (Trustee)fromSheriff188079:387Link to document image
Miller, Chas. C.fromAllen Circuit Court1891121:398Link to document image
Miller, Chas. C.fromArnold, Rhoda1890117:188Link to document image
Miller, Chas. C.toArnold, Rhoda1890117:221Link to document image
Miller, Chas. C.fromCarver, John F.1890115:581Link to document image
Miller, Chas. C.toDammann, Jno. (Et al.)1890116:519Link to document image
Miller, Chas. C.toEllison, James1890116:524Link to document image
Miller, Chas. C.toMason, Josephus S.1890118:419Link to document image
Miller, Chas. C.toMason, Josephus S.1891125:26Link to document image
Miller, Chas. C.fromMiller, Catharine1889112:394Link to document image
Miller, Chas. C.toMiller, William1889112:601Link to document image
Miller, Chas. C.toSweet, Warren1890118:287Link to document image
Miller, Chas. E.fromMcCartney, Mary E.1892127:462Link to document image
Miller, Chas. E.toMiller, Emma1893127:465Link to document image
Miller, Chas. H.fromAmes, Rufus (Ex.)1892123:353Link to document image
Miller, Chas. H.fromBrackenridge, R. (Heirs)186640:511Link to document image
Miller, Chas. H.toEdgerton, Jos. K.187976:102Link to document image
Miller, Chas. H.toHawkey, Minnie1894134:471Link to document image
Miller, Chas. H.toHierholzer, C.186744:81Link to document image
Miller, Chas. H.fromNelson, Wm. R.1892123:355Link to document image
Miller, Chas. H.fromOrff, Charles E.1895137:168Link to document image
Miller, Chas. H.toPetz, Pauline & August187564:478Link to document image
Miller, Chas. H.toReiling, Dorethy189142:141Link to document image
Miller, Chas. H.toSummers, Jas.186740:520Link to document image
Miller, Chas. J.fromScherer, Andrew Jr.1895137:280Link to document image
Miller, Chas. L.toMcKinzie, John W.1897145:163Link to document image
Miller, Chas. L.toSaylor, Geo. B.1890117:416Link to document image
Miller, Chas. S. (Et al.)toMiller, Jno. A. (Et al.)1891124:166Link to document image
Miller, Chas. T. (Gdn.)toLageman, R. & H.187158:219Link to document image
Miller, Chas. T. (Guard)toJacoby, Geo.186948:384Link to document image
Miller, Chas. T. (Guard)toSpanley, Louis186948:386Link to document image
Miller, Chas. T. (Guard)toWolfort, R. H.186948:384Link to document image
Miller, Chas. T. (Guard)toZeigler, John186948:385Link to document image
Miller, Chr. H. (Et ux.)fromFreistroffer, Simon1900158:325Link to document image
Miller, Chris (Et al.)fromMiller, Elisabeth1897145:138Link to document image
Miller, ChrisriantoArcher, D. R.187461:623Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoBonsold, Saml. B. (Et al.)1891121:7 Link to document image
Miller, ChristianfromColeman, Nathan1854P:652Link to document image
Miller, ChristianfromEq. Trust Co.1887105:334Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoGoodin, Isaac1891121:7 Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoHarber, John1860Y:27Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoHoffman, George187770:348Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoLahmeyer, Mary1892123:494Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoMiller, Andrew1856S:474Link to document image
Miller, ChristianfromMiller, Andrew1856S:532Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoMiller, Anna (Et al.)1891121:108Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoMiller, Jacob1896144:104Link to document image
Miller, ChristianfromMiller, John1856S:532Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoMiller, John 1895137:487Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoMiller, John1895139:165Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoMiller, John1900160:64Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoMiller, Joseph1856S:473Link to document image
Miller, ChristianfromMiller, Joseph1856S:532Link to document image
Miller, ChristianfromMiller, Joseph187053:81Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoMiller, Julia A.1895137:216Link to document image
Miller, ChristianfromMiller, Julia A.1895139:165Link to document image
Miller, ChristianfromMiller, Michael1858V:47Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoNoll, Anna1900160:22Link to document image
Miller, ChristianfromPorter, Frances186231:392Link to document image
Miller, ChristianfromRabus, John187463:513Link to document image
Miller, ChristianfromRobinson, James M.1891120:307Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoSnyder, Mary L.1891120:278Link to document image
Miller, ChristianfromStock, George187874:284Link to document image
Miller, ChristianfromStrausser, Jos.187154:89Link to document image
Miller, ChristianfromWilliams, H. M.1892124:349Link to document image
Miller, ChristiantoWilliams, H. M.1893129:138Link to document image
Miller, Christian (Will of)to1884141:477Link to document image
Miller, Christiana (Et al.)toMiller, Ernst (E.)1892124:345Link to document image
Miller, ChristingfromMiller, Henry186483:29Link to document image
Miller, ClemenstoNoha, Joseph187360:378Link to document image
Miller, ClemenstoWeber, Adam186436:34Link to document image
Miller, ClementfromBond, L. A.188287:252Link to document image
Miller, ClementsfromBond, Chas. D.187359:511Link to document image
Miller, ClementsfromSturgis, Chas. E.1857U:404Link to document image
Miller, ComeliusfromFletter, Henry A.1894133:312Link to document image
Miller, ConradfromEicher, John186844:400Link to document image
Miller, ConradtoGresley, John187464:117Link to document image
Miller, ConradtoHart, George188392:497Link to document image
Miller, ConradtoKerr, Hugh186539:147Link to document image
Miller, ConradtoLower, John1858W:261Link to document image
Miller, ConradfromMiller, Gustav1886103:88Link to document image
Miller, ConradtoMiller, Kattie188287:519Link to document image
Miller, ConradfromMiller, Seraphine188287:506Link to document image
Miller, ConradfromMoshamer, John L.187464:45Link to document image
Miller, CorneliusfromDresback, Catheron1901164:430Link to document image
Miller, CorneliusfromFletter, H. a. (Guard)1881132:172Link to document image
Miller, CorneliustoFranklin, Zachariah187462:630Link to document image
Miller, CorneliusfromHimes, Elida R. (Et al.)1891122:401Link to document image
Miller, CorneliusfromKemery, Nancy M. (Et al.)1891122:401Link to document image
Miller, CorneliusfromMiller, Israel187152:496Link to document image
Miller, CorneliusfromPotter, Ezra187052:297Link to document image
Miller, CorneliustoSpade, Mary M.187670:174Link to document image
Miller, Cornelius (et ux.)toKernes, F.187463:239Link to document image
Miller, Cornelius A.fromHimes, Lucien M.1882132:330Link to document image
Miller, Cornelius A.toRaney, John (Et al.)1901160:547Link to document image
Miller, Cyrus E.fromBrandriff, A. D.1889112:48Link to document image
Miller, Cyrus S.toKelsey, Frank W. (Et ux.)1902168:308Link to document image
Miller, Cyrus S.toSiebold, Christopher (Et ux.)1902167:260Link to document image
Miller, Cyrus S. (Et al.)fromComrs. in Part.1901164:462Link to document image
Miller, Cyrus S. (Et al.)fromMiller, John A.1901161:384Link to document image
Miller, Cyrus W.toKintz, Lucia a. (Et al.)1895138:469Link to document image
Miller, D. A.toJacobs, John186847:196Link to document image
Miller, D. C. (Et al.)fromFleming, Wm.1888109:376Link to document image
Miller, D. M.toWilliamson, Alex186950:151Link to document image
Miller, D. S.fromHouser, Chas. & Jos.187771:239Link to document image
Miller, D. S. (Et al.)toFrank, Mendel187874:472Link to document image
Miller, D. W.toBengnot, Anthony186743:245Link to document image
Miller, D. W.toBengnot, Jno.186743:245Link to document image
Miller, D. W.toBeque, John186743:245Link to document image
Miller, D. W.toCertier, Lewis186743:245Link to document image
Miller, D. W.toHartzell, A. M.1886100:30Link to document image
Miller, D. W.toHartzell, A. M. & W. S.1886102:48Link to document image
Miller, D. W.fromMiller, D. W. (Est.)186538:481Link to document image
Miller, D. W.fromMiller, Rachel186538:321Link to document image
Miller, D. W.fromPeoples, Alex186851:176Link to document image
Miller, D. W.toSavoury, Francis186743:245Link to document image
Miller, D. W.toSchnelfer, H.186640:169Link to document image
Miller, D. W. & E. J.fromMiller, D. W. (Est.)186642:106Link to document image
Miller, D. W. (Est.)toMiller, D. W.186538:481Link to document image
Miller, D. W. (Est.)toMiller, D. W. & E. J.186642:106Link to document image
Miller, D. W. (Est.)toMiller, Geo. W.186538:481Link to document image
Miller, D. W. (Est.)toMiller, Rachel186538:481Link to document image
Miller, D. W. (Est.)toOvermeyer, S. J.186538:481Link to document image
Miller, D. W. (Est.)toReynolds, A. & D.186642:105Link to document image
Miller, D. W. (Est.)toReynolds, D. A.186538:481Link to document image
Miller, D. W. (Est.)toTinkham, Jno. P.186640:279Link to document image
Miller, DanfromMayers, G. P.186537:302Link to document image
Miller, DanielfromAuditor1892123:411Link to document image
Miller, DanieltoGinther, Sl.187155:111Link to document image
Miller, DanieltoGlodio, Peter1859Y:86Link to document image
Miller, DanieltoHollopeter, Jacob1858W:495Link to document image
Miller, DanieltoMarquit, Alfred187051:274Link to document image
Miller, DanielfromMiller, Joseph187053:82Link to document image
Miller, DanielfromOlmsted, Albert H. (Et.)1891121:455Link to document image
Miller, DanielfromSternman, Adam188081:423Link to document image
Miller, DanielfromTrustees W. & E.185248:390Link to document image
Miller, DanielfromTrustees W. & E.185648:389Link to document image
Miller, Daniel A.toMiller, John . (Et al.)1898149:426Link to document image
Miller, Daniel D.fromHeath, Rachel C.1891120:150Link to document image
Miller, Daniel D.toMiller, Mary1895138:13Link to document image
Miller, Daniel D.fromMiller, Mary1902168:159Link to document image
Miller, Daniel E.fromBrandenburgh, E.186536:478Link to document image
Miller, Daniel M.fromMoritz, John M.1893130:101Link to document image
Miller, Daniel M. (Et al.)toReiter, George1897148;255Link to document image
Miller, Daniel M. (Et.)fromRobinson, Lydia S.1891113:412Link to document image
Miller, Danl. M.fromShoaff, Mary (Et.)1891121:599Link to document image
Miller, Danl. M.fromShoaff, Thos. B.1891121:598Link to document image
Miller, Danl. M. (Et al.)toShoaff, Thos. B.1891121:601Link to document image
Miller, DavidtoKelsey, Aaron G.1853S:488Link to document image
Miller, DavidfromMiller, Abraham186026:445Link to document image
Miller, David A.fromMoorman, Charles1889114:39Link to document image
Miller, David A.toTodd, Almira M.187874:191Link to document image
Miller, David C. (Et al.)`toBusche, Ernst1890114:594Link to document image
Miller, David M.fromGandy, Oscar1901161:313Link to document image
Miller, David M.toGandy, Oscar1901164:298Link to document image
Miller, David M.fromGandy, Oscar1902169:392Link to document image
Miller, David W.fromIsenberger, Samuel A.1900158:81Link to document image
Miller, david W.fromKunkle, David186536:484Link to document image
Miller, David W.toMahoney, James186432:441Link to document image
Miller, David W.toMiller, Levi H.186027:6Link to document image
Miller, DavidW.fromMiller, Levi H.186035:64Link to document image
Miller, Dl. B.fromGerman, Richard186846:450Link to document image
Miller, Dl. B.toMiller, Robt. E.186847:267Link to document image
Miller, Dl. M. (Et al.)toCity1893141:402Link to document image
Miller, Drusilla E.fromMiller, Jessie M.1894134:476Link to document image
Miller, Drusilla E.toMiller, Jessie M.1902166:215Link to document image
Miller, Drusilla E.fromMiller, Wm. L.1894134:476Link to document image
Miller, E.fromHamilton, B.188186:295Link to document image
Miller, E. A.toCampbell, Jno. J.1886109:566Link to document image
Miller, E. A.fromPring, Jno.188084:263Link to document image
Miller, E. E. & L.toHuffman, Chas. V.187773:292Link to document image
Miller, E. H.toHoward, W. B.188186:30Link to document image
Miller, E. J.fromLoudenback, Jno.188189:117Link to document image
Miller, E. J.toWalker, Jas.188495:435Link to document image
Miller, E. J. F.toMiller, Nath.186847:110Link to document image
Miller, E. V.toBierbaum, Wm.188598:212Link to document image
Miller, E. V.fromReed, H. & B.188083:484Link to document image
Miller, E. V.fromReed, H. B.1886102:248Link to document image
Miller, E. V.fromReed, Hugh B.1886102:247Link to document image
Miller, EbenezerfromWilliams, S. M.187472:281Link to document image
Miller, EbenezertoYoung, Geo. A. (Et al.)187981:17Link to document image
Miller, Ed. C.fromRandall, A. L.1894135:426Link to document image
Miller, Ed. C.toRandall, A. L.1894136:93Link to document image
Miller, Ed. C. (Et ux.)fromBard, Samuel1894133:266Link to document image
Miller, EdwardfromHugenard, Claude186434:151Link to document image
Miller, EdwardfromHugnard, Chas. 187258:167Link to document image
Miller, EdwardtoRock, Lewis186539:312Link to document image
Miller, Edward D.fromBauserman, Geo. W.1890115:625Link to document image
Miller, Edward D.toBouserman, Geo. W.1890115:636Link to document image
Miller, Edward D. (Et ux.)toScott, Winfield (Et ux.)1891119:525Link to document image
Miller, Edward D. (Et ux.)toScott, Winifield1891120:202Link to document image
Miller, Edward R.fromLarimore, Julia1900156:284Link to document image
Miller, Edward R.toMiller, Flora E.1902169:471Link to document image
Miller, EdwinfromAnthony, Abram188598:528Link to document image
Miller, ElanorfromMiller, Geo. W. (Will)187977:494Link to document image
Miller, ElettoGrider, David1857U:347Link to document image
Miller, ElitoFisher, Jobst186846:305Link to document image
Miller, ElifromMiller, Isaac J.186642:76Link to document image
Miller, ElitoMiller, Isaac J.186642:77Link to document image
Miller, ElitoMiller, Peter186642:75Link to document image
Miller, ElifromMiller, Peter186642:76Link to document image
Miller, ElifromReynolds, Mary186642:76Link to document image
Miller, ElitoWhitaker, Jos. W.186847:21Link to document image
Miller, Eli.toReynolds, Mary186642:74Link to document image
Miller, Elias D.fromMiller, Catharine1894133:115Link to document image
Miller, Elias D.fromMiller, Catharine1900157:26Link to document image
Miller, ElisabethtoMiller, Chris (Et al.)1897145:138Link to document image
Miller, ElitfromMiller, William1853N:600Link to document image
Miller, ElizafromHamilton, Mont.1887104:129Link to document image
Miller, Eliza A.fromChapman, S. w. G.1893131:335Link to document image
Miller, Eliza A.toSunderland, Therea J.1895139:77Link to document image
Miller, Eliza AnnfromMiller, Jeremiah187978:328Link to document image
Miller, Eliza C.toNaylor, George1887103:448Link to document image
Miller, ElizabethfromAllen Cir. Court1882137:29Link to document image
Miller, ElizabethfromBeck, R. (Estate)186230:90Link to document image
Miller, ElizabethtoBoone, Jno. L.186330:364Link to document image
Miller, ElizabethfromKnoll, John1893129:352Link to document image
Miller, ElizabethtoKoll, John (Et al.)1887103:381Link to document image
Miller, ElizabethfromMcKenzie, Jacob I. (Et ux.)1894134:173Link to document image
Miller, ElizabethfromMetler, Noah1896144:197Link to document image
Miller, ElizabethfromMiller, Jno. A.1887103:379Link to document image
Miller, ElizabethfromMiller, John (heirs)187566:523Link to document image
Miller, ElizabethtoPirson, Anna1893131:377Link to document image
Miller, ElizabethtoShilling, Martin & Sophia187773:395Link to document image
Miller, ElizabethtoTrouyot, Victor188391:361Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth (Et al.)toBoyer, Saml. M. (Et al.)1891124:149Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth (Et al.)toWitzgall, Louis1893129:273Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth A.toFt. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:125Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth A.toFt. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:38Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth A.fromGraham, Samuel1889114:499Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth A.toHoffman, Christian (Et al.)1893128:80Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth A.toJacquay, August1889114:358Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth A.fromLand & Security Co.1897145:426Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth A.fromLowry, Robert1897145:427Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth A.fromMiller, Geo. J. (Et al.)1893128:262Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth A.toMiller, S. M.1893128:308Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth A.fromMorrison, Thomas R.187365:423Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth A.fromNail, John187670:37Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth A.fromNesbitt, Susannah1893128:261Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth A. (Et al.)toJacquay, Martha B.1889112:584Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth A. (Et al.)toSnyder, Benj.1889112:585Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth A. (Et al.)toSnyder, David B.1889112:567Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth J.fromMiller, Geo. W.1899156:330Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth J. (admn.)toNoonin, Josephine187565:434Link to document image
Miller, Elizabeth J. (admn.)toNoonin, Josephine187565:435Link to document image
Miller, Elizabetj A.fromSnider, Benj. (Et al.)1889114:359Link to document image
Miller, EllettoMiller, William L.1857X:69Link to document image
Miller, EllisfromSmith, Jno. W.186535:447Link to document image
Miller, Elmer E.fromCook, A. P.1899153:465Link to document image
Miller, ElyfromMiller, Abram (Est.)186642:10Link to document image
Miller, EmelinetoWall, Watson186333:73Link to document image
Miller, EmiliefromKukuk, Joseph187770:506Link to document image
Miller, EmilyfromSheridan, Michael187771:440Link to document image
Miller, EmmafromCommissioners by Partition187977:255Link to document image
Miller, EmmatoFogel, Frank1895139:426Link to document image
Miller, EmmafromMiller, Chas. E.1893127:465Link to document image
Miller, EmmafromMiller, Michael187572:203Link to document image
Miller, EmmafromRust, Elizabeth A.1894132:197Link to document image
Miller, EmmatoSelle, Gustave A.1898150:508Link to document image
Miller, Emma S.fromKuhne, F. W. (Et al.)1893130:86Link to document image
Miller, Emma V.toBowser, Deliah1889110:163Link to document image
Miller, Enoch J.fromMiller, Nathaniel H. (Et al.)1902170:407Link to document image
Miller, Enoch J. (Adm.)toSalisbury, F. J.1892128:97Link to document image
Miller, Ernest (Ex.)fromRodeman, Jno. W.1892124:345Link to document image
Miller, ErnsttoMiller, Jno. C.186944:468Link to document image
Miller, ErnstfromReed, Hugh B.188080:230Link to document image
Miller, Ernst (E.)fromMiller, Christiana (Et al.)1892124:345Link to document image
Miller, ErnstinetoDoswell, Alfred C.1902169:477Link to document image
Miller, ErnstinefromMiller, Herman1902167:448Link to document image
Miller, ErwinfromFuchs, Veronica (Et ux.)1891120:250Link to document image
Miller, Ethan D.fromWebster, Bull C.1896143:449Link to document image
Miller, Ethan D.fromWebster, Hiram D.1896143:450Link to document image
Miller, Ethan D.fromWebster, Tamson E.1896143:451Link to document image
Miller, EvafromDouglass, Almira1895140:34Link to document image
Miller, EvafromDouglass, Hattie1895140:34Link to document image
Miller, Eva E.toKlopfenstein, Christian1899153:528Link to document image
Miller, F. C.fromHuguenard, Julian188080:12Link to document image
Miller, F. J.toMiller, Lewis187873:319Link to document image
Miller, F. J.fromSchultz, Dorthea188287:485Link to document image
Miller, F. Jos.fromComs. in Partition188599:287Link to document image
Miller, Fanna (Et al.)toFt. Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co.1901163:122Link to document image
Miller, Fannie N.toWhite, Jas. B.1895136:557Link to document image
Miller, FerdinandfromDewald, Sophia A.186641:65Link to document image
Miller, Flora E.fromMiller, Edward R.1902169:471Link to document image
Miller, Flora E.fromMiller, Julia E.1892124:509Link to document image
Miller, FrancisfromHuguenard, A.187978:279Link to document image
Miller, FrancoisetoEvard, James186539:175Link to document image
Miller, FranktoBrooks, Edson A.1886103:213Link to document image
Miller, FrankfromCarter, Chas. L.1893130:370Link to document image
Miller, FranktoCarter, Chas. L.1893130:371Link to document image
Miller, FranktoFlaugh, Adam C.1902168:109Link to document image
Miller, FrankfromHamilton, Mont. (E.)1892124:519Link to document image
Miller, FranktoHarsh, John S.1895138:534Link to document image
Miller, FrankfromHeath, Stephen A. (Gdu.)1894132:296Link to document image
Miller, FrankfromJones, Susan M.1892124:402Link to document image
Miller, FranktoLyon, william (Et ux.)1898150:57Link to document image
Miller, FrankfromMartin, Jacob (Et al.)1894135:22Link to document image
Miller, FranktoNeumann, John M. (Et ux.)1902170:362Link to document image
Miller, FrankfromNiswoger, H. W.1896143:282Link to document image
Miller, FranktoNiswonger, Dr. H. W.1896144:109Link to document image
Miller, FrankfromNiswonger, R. C.1896143:281Link to document image
Miller, FranktoNiswonger, R. C.1896144:108Link to document image
Miller, FrankfromRomy, Cathr. A.1895137:530Link to document image
Miller, FranktoRomy, Robt. L.1895137:434Link to document image
Miller, FrankfromRomy, Robt. L.1895137:530Link to document image
Miller, FranktoRoselot, Charle A. (Et ux.)1900157:267Link to document image
Miller, FrankfromShimp, Richard188393:532Link to document image
Miller, FrankfromStone, F. B.1886101:31Link to document image
Miller, FranktoStone, John R.1902166:507Link to document image
Miller, FrankfromStone, John R.1902169:113Link to document image
Miller, FrankfromStone, Thad. B.1894132:295Link to document image
Miller, Frank (Et al.)fromWilliams, Mary H.1890115:369Link to document image
Miller, Frank (Et ux.)fromYoung, Charles H.1902169:123Link to document image
Miller, Frank (Et ux.)fromZschoche, Carl1900157:251Link to document image
Miller, Frank A.toMiller, Barbara E.1894134:439Link to document image
Miller, Frank H.fromBobilya, Louis J. (Et al.)1899154:507Link to document image
Miller, Frank J.toKrouse, C. D.1887103:133Link to document image
Miller, Frank J.fromMiller, Andrw (Et al.)1898151:293Link to document image
Miller, Frank J.fromMiller, John1896141:498Link to document image
Miller, Frank J.toMiller, John H.1897150:387Link to document image
Miller, Frank J.fromRing, John188080:1Link to document image
Miller, Frank J.fromUnger, Sylvia A.1887103:261Link to document image
Miller, Frank J. (Admr.)toKleinrichert, Jno. B.1895139:485Link to document image
Miller, Frank J. (Admr.)toMuhlenbruch, W. C.1895139:387Link to document image
Miller, Frank P.fromMiller, Barbara E.1894134:441Link to document image
Miller, Frank P. (Et al.)fromMiller, Barbara E.1893129:241Link to document image
Miller, Frank S.fromWhite, Jas. B.1893128:340Link to document image
Miller, Frank S.toWhite, Jas. B.1895136:557Link to document image
Miller, Franklin H.fromSnyder, Hestella1900159:249Link to document image
Miller, FredfromHedekin, Michael186436:20Link to document image
Miller, FredfromMcKean, Wm. T.186947:553Link to document image
Miller, Fred A.toFry, Joseph B.186846:584Link to document image
Miller, Fred J.fromYobst, Amand1886102:211Link to document image
Miller, Fred.fromSchuckman, 1n.186540:36Link to document image
Miller, FrederickfromAuer, Jacob186432:301Link to document image
Miller, FredericktoEveland, Saml. H.186643:20Link to document image
Miller, FredericktoHedekin, M.186640:509Link to document image
Miller, FredericktoHuber, Johann1890115:362Link to document image
Miller, FrederickfromKlinger, John1893131:85Link to document image
Miller, FrederickfromKlinger, Louisa1893131:85Link to document image
Miller, FredericktoKoons, Andrew186432:463Link to document image
Miller, FrederickfromKoons, Andrew186436:401Link to document image
Miller, FredericktoKunyz, A. (Jr.)187052:133Link to document image
Miller, FredericktoMiller, Herman W.1902168:310Link to document image
Miller, FredericktoRandall,F. P.1857U:50Link to document image
Miller, FrederickfromRegedanz, Chas. F.1897144:410Link to document image
Miller, FrederickfromSnodgrass, Margaret E.187463:511Link to document image
Miller, FrederickfromSteupe, Lewis186640:39Link to document image
Miller, FredericktoYoungblood, Saml.168539:149Link to document image
Miller, Frederick (Et al.)fromWehrenberg, H. (Et al.)1889114:100Link to document image
Miller, Fredk.toMcKee, Geo. W.1893132:554Link to document image
Miller, Fredk.fromSkinner, B. D.187359:532Link to document image
Miller, Fredk. J.toChapman, Wm. P. (Et ux.)1892127:272Link to document image
Miller, Fredk. W.toPape, Charles187565:358Link to document image
Miller, G. J.toHeigh, Elizabeth187874:256Link to document image
Miller, G. J.toHigh, Elizabeth187875:362Link to document image
Miller, G. J.fromOsburn, Jos. H. (Heirs)187255:349Link to document image
Miller, Geo W. (Will of)to187977:494Link to document image
Miller, Geo.toAndersen, Robert1896144:29Link to document image
Miller, Geo.fromMain, C. C.1894138:19Link to document image
Miller, Geo.fromNestle, Phillip187259:344Link to document image
Miller, Geo. (by admrs.)toDrake, James H.187566:502Link to document image
Miller, Geo. A.fromBauer, K. J.1894133:120Link to document image
Miller, Geo. F. (Et ux.)fromNahrwald, Mary1893129:330Link to document image
Miller, Geo. H.fromRomy, Robt. L. (Et al.)1894135:345Link to document image
Miller, Geo. J.toHighlen, W. F.188392:377Link to document image
Miller, Geo. J.toMiller, Samuel T.186947:249Link to document image
Miller, Geo. J.fromMiller, Samuel T.187051:279Link to document image
Miller, Geo. J.toNesbit, Jeremiah187255:280Link to document image
Miller, Geo. J.fromPettyjohn, Francis186539:241Link to document image
Miller, Geo. J.toWatson, S. A.187469:219Link to document image
Miller, Geo. J. (Et al.)toMiller, Elizabeth A.1893128:262Link to document image
Miller, Geo. N.fromDreggoo, Albert186948:231Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.toAlderman, Frank188182:452Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.fromAndrews, Rhodes186461:443Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.toBope, Michael188598:99Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.toBope, Michael (Et al.)1886103:220Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.toCooper, James P.187566:409Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.fromFritz, Reuben188185:465Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.fromGriffin, Cornelius188392:597Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.toJones, A. O.187978:554Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.fromKeslar, Henry186539:121Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.toMartin, Isiah187975:453Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.fromMiller, Abraham187161:139Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.fromMiller, D. W. (Est.)186538:481Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.toMiller, Elizabeth J.1899156:330Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.toMiller, John186435:521Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.toMiller, Joseph D.1896143:358Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.fromMiller, Michael187572:146Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.fromMiller, Rachel186330:385Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.fromMiller, Rachel186538:321Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.fromMiller, Rachel186639:593Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.fromMiller, Wm. C.1896142:154Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.fromSheriff1860Y:547Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.fromShimp, William187472:358Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.toShrimp, William187772:359Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.toWalker, Edward186950:306Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W.fromWhite, Jas. B.187978:553Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W. (Et al.)toLower, Sylvester188185:31Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W. (Et al.)toMiller, Jos D.1896142:156Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W. (Et al.)toMiller, Wm. C.1896142:155Link to document image
Miller, Geo. W. (Will)toMiller, Elanor187977:494Link to document image
Miller, Geoge S. (Et al.)toMiller, Nathaniel C.1899154:141Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromAllen Cir. Court1888109:589Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromBaldock, Thomas1852L:384Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromBirkhold, Matthew1902168:64Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromByers, Emmet1888108:29Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromCutter, Edward1856S:507Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromCutter, Josiah C.1856S:507Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoEdwards, C. S. & C. W.1857U:81Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromEdwards, C. S. W.1855R:697Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromEdwards, C. St. C. W.1857U:81Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromEdwards, James1856T:95Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromEdwards, James (Guard)1855R:697Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromEdwards, W. R. H.1855R:697Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromEwing, George W.1858V:301Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromEwing, George W.1858W:279Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromEwing, George W. (Jr.)1858W:279Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoFisher, George W.1849M:638Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoFt. W. & C. R. R. Co.1853T:434Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoFt. W. & Southern R. R. Co.1853O:680Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoFt. W. & Southern R. R. Co.1853O:681Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoFt. W. & Southern R. R. Co.1853O:683Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoGlodieus, Peter1858V:148Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromHamilton, Thomas1856T:258Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromHamilton, Thomas1856T:259Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromHouenstein, John1849K:84Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoHutker, Henry1899156:156Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromJones, William F.1857T:659Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoKintz, lexander1856T:194Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoKuch, Lewis1856S:432Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoMayer, Catharine1854P:684Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromMayer, George1854P:682Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoMeyer, Christiff1857V:286Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoMiller, Charlotta187771:134Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromMiller, Charlotte187153:265Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoNuttle, Hannah A.1894132:207Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoOhio & Indiana R. R. Co.1852M:660Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromPerkins, Nancy A.1896144:151Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromPfeiffer, Henry1898151:206Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoPfeiffer, Henry1900159:187Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoRandall, Franklin P.1853Q:423Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoRuppel, John1856T:194Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoStewart, Joseph186232:168Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoTalbot, E. M.1857U:75Link to document image
Miller, GeorgefromUlter, Eliza A.187356:391Link to document image
Miller, GeorgetoWolke, Frances1857U:506Link to document image
Miller, George (From)toEdwards, James1856T:95Link to document image
Miller, George A.toContant, Claude A.1902168:30Link to document image
Miller, George B.fromKing, Sarah J.1901163:173Link to document image
Miller, George F. Wm.toAugustine, Geo. F.187360:324Link to document image
Miller, George J.toMiller, Samuel T.187264:281Link to document image
Miller, George J.toNesbitt, Jeremiah1897145:192Link to document image
Miller, George R.fromHamilton, Phoebe A. (Et al.)1902168:190Link to document image
Miller, George S.toShurman, E.1897145:224Link to document image
Miller, George S.fromShurman, Erastus1897145:223Link to document image
Miller, George W.toByers, Phebe A.187464:123Link to document image
Miller, George W.fromGeorge, Lorenzo D.186432:326Link to document image
Miller, George W.toTownsend, George W.186026:13Link to document image
Miller, George W. (Et al.)toDoty, Solomon1891113:481Link to document image
Miller, Gertrude A.toRies, Phillip A.1895138:149Link to document image
Miller, GilbertfromCulver, Will1891121:631Link to document image
Miller, GilberttoFruechtenicht, Wm.1892125:343Link to document image
Miller, GilberttoSchnelker, B. H. (Et ux.)1897145:343Link to document image
Miller, Gilbert (Et ux.)fromBranneisen, Jos.1889114:133Link to document image
Miller, Gilbert C. (Et ux.)fromPhillips, Jno. T.1889114:185Link to document image
Miller, Gilbert S.fromIndustrial Park Land Company1895143:479Link to document image
Miller, Gottlieb (Et ux.)fromErtel, George1888107:626Link to document image
Miller, GustavfromBrooks, C. E.186948:18Link to document image
Miller, GustavtoKoehler, Michael1880100:143Link to document image
Miller, GustavtoMiller, Conrad1886103:88Link to document image
Miller, GustavfromOrff, Mary187257:278Link to document image
Miller, GustavtoWagner, Henry G.187360:103Link to document image
Miller, H. (Heirs)fromRhodes, Daniel186642:171Link to document image
Miller, H. (Heirs)fromSloffer, Aaron186642:172Link to document image
Miller, H. A. (Et al.)fromColbert, Jos.188288:434Link to document image
Miller, H. A. (Et al.)toMinges, E. K.1888110:370Link to document image
Miller, H. A. (Et al.)toWitham, Maria188393:565Link to document image
Miller, H. F.fromWhite, Jas. B.187257:38Link to document image
Miller, H. F. C.fromMeyer, G. F. C.187877:317Link to document image
Miller, H. H.toBaker, H. S.1888109:475Link to document image
Miller, H. J.fromArcher, A. M.188286:507Link to document image
Miller, H. J.toBaker, Wm. D.187051:160Link to document image
Miller, H. J.toBoltz, F. C.188286:454Link to document image
Miller, H. J.toBoltz, F. C.188286:482Link to document image
Miller, H. J.fromHarrod, Morgan186951:175Link to document image
Miller, H. J.fromRow, D. A.186751:159Link to document image
Miller, H. J.fromTancy, Michael188080:390Link to document image
Miller, H. J.toWhite, J. W.188080:499Link to document image
Miller, H. P.fromStephens, Rebel187155:75Link to document image
Miller, H. W.fromWilliams, H. M.1887104:355Link to document image
Miller, HannahfromMcDonnough, J. B.187775:180Link to document image
Miller, HannahtoTanner, Aquilla188195:176Link to document image
Miller, HannahfromWilliamson, Alex186951:173Link to document image
Miller, Hannah J.toMartz, Margret J.1892127:109Link to document image
Miller, Hannah J.toMcDonnough, Jas. B.187772:294Link to document image
Miller, Harriet M.fromBeck, Richard1860Y:281Link to document image
Miller, Harry D.fromTrempel, Jacob (Et.)1891120:463Link to document image
Miller, Harry D.toTremple, Mary1891120:462Link to document image
Miller, Hattie (Et al.)toRobison, W. S.1888126:530Link to document image
Miller, Hattie K.fromFort Wayne Land & I. Co.1897148:114Link to document image
Miller, Hattie K.toSelle, Gustave A.1900157:489Link to document image
Miller, HeinricktoNietert, Christian186641:427Link to document image
Miller, HenriettafromBrackenridge, Eliza J.1896143:241Link to document image
Miller, HenriettafromRodemann, Wm.187569:197Link to document image
Miller, HenryfromCurtis, Margaret1893131:316Link to document image
Miller, HenryfromEby, Andrew188183:467Link to document image
Miller, HenrytoHollenbeck, August W.187567:26Link to document image
Miller, HenrytoLinker, Mary1902167:467Link to document image
Miller, HenrytoMiller, Christing186483:29Link to document image
Miller, HenryfromMiller, Mary M.1889112:328Link to document image
Miller, HenrytoMiller, Mary M.1889158:298Link to document image
Miller, HenrytoRost, Herman1890117:42Link to document image
Miller, HenrytoSavage, Jas.186444:455Link to document image
Miller, HenryfromWilliams, J. L.186540:492Link to document image
Miller, HenrytoWilliams, Reuben1848R:611Link to document image
Miller, Henry & S.fromMommer, Susannah188393:133Link to document image
Miller, Henry (Et al.)toMurray, James1891113:293Link to document image
Miller, Henry (Et ux.)toOechtering, John H.1891121:30Link to document image
Miller, Henry (Heirs)toMiller, Mary J.186331:122Link to document image
Miller, Henry (Heirs)toSlofer, William186331:122Link to document image
Miller, Henry (Heirs)toSloffer, Aaron186331:132Link to document image
Miller, Henry (Heirs)toSloffer, Aaron186642:175Link to document image
Miller, Henry (Heirs)toSloffer, Rebecca186642:173Link to document image
Miller, Henry (Will of)to186483:29Link to document image
Miller, Henry A.fromCrawford, Adam C.1902169:193Link to document image
Miller, Henry A.toCrawford, Adam C. (Et ux.)1902169:263Link to document image
Miller, Henry A.fromHoppe, Henry (Et al.)1891121:122Link to document image
Miller, Henry A.fromRobinson, John C. F.1894169:261Link to document image
Miller, Henry A.fromSmith, J. L. (Et al.)1891121:122Link to document image
Miller, Henry A.fromSmitley, Enos (Et al. Trs.)1895169:260Link to document image
Miller, Henry A.toUrbine, Alfred188394:42Link to document image
Miller, Henry B.toBrown, William R.187976:192Link to document image
Miller, Henry B.fromMiller, Jno. B.187774:253Link to document image
Miller, Henry C.toEby, Eli1890124:229Link to document image
Miller, Henry C.toMiller, Catharine1890117:563Link to document image
Miller, Henry D. (Et ux.)fromRandall, Winifred J.1902170:194Link to document image
Miller, Henry H.fromBreniser, Lucy1888107:369Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromBowers, Maria1892126:162Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.toCraig, Matthew C.1890117:178Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromCraig, Matthew C.1890117:181Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromDills, Thos. J.1892125:512Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromDinner, Jas. M. (Et ux.)1892124:6Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromFisher, D. c.1887104:30Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromFleming, Helen F. (Guard)1892124:5Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromFleming, Helen F. (Guard)1892124:6Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.toMcDonald, R. T.1892125:513Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromMcKinnie, Wm. M.1892124:6Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.toMiller, Catherine1893138:231Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.toMiller, William1893138:231Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromNelson, Wm. R.1892124:248Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.toPotts, Joseph H.1892124:537Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromRau, Caspar1890117:114Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromRau, Casper1902170:161Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.toSimon, Jules (Et al.)1898151:535Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.toSlattery, Emma L.1902170:485Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.toStraus, Simon J. (Et al.)1902170:526Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromTrentman, A. B. (Et.)1892124:6Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromWagenhals, E. H.1889111:380Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromWalton, Chas. E. 1892127:183Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromWhite, John W.188081:491Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromWillien, Mary E. (Et.)1892124:6Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.fromWitte, Frank1892126:468Link to document image
Miller, Henry J.toWitte, Helen1892126:469Link to document image
Miller, henry J. (E.)toSlattery, M. M. M.1892124:248Link to document image
Miller, Henry J. (Et al.)toWehrenberg Bushing & Schele1899156:433Link to document image
Miller, Henry J. (Et ux.)toStier, Catherine1891121:4 Link to document image
Miller, Henry L.fromMiller, Joseph A.1902168:168Link to document image
Miller, Henry M.fromSlataper, D. L.1889112:574Link to document image
Miller, Henry M.toSpeicher, Danl. D. (Et ux.)1897147:285Link to document image
Miller, Henry S.toRoler, Margt. J.1894133:217Link to document image
Miller, HeremiahtoHollopeter, Geo. W.187873:228Link to document image
Miller, HermanfromKnoblauch, Otto1897148:6Link to document image
Miller, HermanfromKnoblauch, Otto1902168:401Link to document image
Miller, HermanfromLumbard, S. c.1893128:290Link to document image
Miller, HermantoMiller, Ernstine1902167:448Link to document image
Miller, HermanfromRandall, Perry A.188393:116Link to document image
Miller, HermantoThierfelder, Richard (Et ux.)1900157:19Link to document image
Miller, Herman J. (Et ux.)fromWagenhals, Ellen Hamilton1902169:51Link to document image
Miller, Herman W.fromMiller, Frederick1902168:310Link to document image
Miller, HernianfromLumbard, Sidney C.1899153:103Link to document image
Miller, Hulbert O.fromMoses, Nancy1899153:314Link to document image
Miller, Hulbert O.toMoses, Nancy1899153:315Link to document image
Miller, Huldah J.fromHeckler, Sarah187469:93Link to document image
Miller, Huldah J.fromMercer, Sherman (et al.)187469:93Link to document image
Miller, I. J.fromMiller, Abram (Est.)186642:10Link to document image
Miller, Ida E.toDoyle, Jeremiah E.1896141:186Link to document image
Miller, Ida E.toFt. Wayne VanWert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:438Link to document image
Miller, Ida E.fromNew Haven and Ft. Wayne Tpk. Co.1896142:50Link to document image
Miller, Ida M.fromCurdes, Louis F.1901164:22Link to document image
Miller, Ira M. (Et al.)fromPfeiffer, Charles F.1902168:173Link to document image
Miller, IsaactoMiller, Samuel186640:576Link to document image
Miller, IsaacfromMiller, Samuel187256:285Link to document image
Miller, IsaactoWalton, C. E.188081:253Link to document image
Miller, IsaactoWehmyer, Julia1888108:332Link to document image
Miller, Isaac J.toAndrews, James186746:51Link to document image
Miller, Isaac J.fromAuditor1875A:76Link to document image
Miller, Isaac J.toFt. W. Van Wert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:34Link to document image
Miller, Isaac J.toMiller, Eli186642:76Link to document image
Miller, Isaac J.fromMiller, Eli186642:77Link to document image
Miller, Isaac J.toMiller, Peter186642:75Link to document image
Miller, Isaac J.fromMiller, Peter186642:77Link to document image
Miller, Isaac J.toReynolds, Mary186642:74Link to document image
Miller, Isaac J.fromReynolds, Mary186642:77Link to document image
Miller, Isaac J.toStone, Solon187770:524Link to document image
Miller, Isaac J. (Et ux.)fromCameron, James1901164:225Link to document image
Miller, IsaeltoGebhart, C.187566:426Link to document image
Miller, IsaeltoParks, Volney187566:427Link to document image
Miller, IsaeltoWessell, Elizabeth187566:458Link to document image
Miller, IsraelfromA---, David186640:180Link to document image
Miller, IsraelfromAmbler, David186640:180Link to document image
Miller, IsraelfromAmbler, David186640:180Link to document image
Miller, IsraelfromAmbler, Samuel186436:70Link to document image
Miller, IsraeltoEsmond, George187669:258Link to document image
Miller, IsraelfromFrance, Henry F.187674:409Link to document image
Miller, IsraeltoGreene, Geo. G.187667:515Link to document image
Miller, IsraeltoMiller, Cornelius187152:496Link to document image
Miller, IsraelfromMiller, John (Heirs)187566:425Link to document image
Miller, IsraelfromParks, Volney187566:430Link to document image
Miller, IsraeltoWessal, John185230:58Link to document image
Miller, IsraeltoWessal, John186230:41Link to document image
Miller, IsraeltoWhite, James b.187874:410Link to document image
Miller, IsraelfromWhitmore, Ed.187051:240Link to document image
Miller, IsraelfromWhitmore, Ed.187152:337Link to document image
Miller, IsraelfromWhitmore, Ed.187152:496Link to document image
Miller, IsraeltoWhitmore, Edward187162:289Link to document image
Miller, IsraeltoWhitmore, Edward187162:290Link to document image
Miller, IsrealtoAmbler, David186640:149Link to document image
Miller, IsrealfromParks, Volney187668:300Link to document image
Miller, J. (Et al.)toDeVilbiss, Alex187049:183Link to document image
Miller, J. A. (Et al.)toBrown, A. M. & D. M.188081:346Link to document image
Miller, J. B.toSpringer, George186126:483Link to document image
Miller, J. C.fromKenan, Alvin187977:295Link to document image
Miller, J. ChristtoBicknese, Friederick188391:502Link to document image
Miller, J. D.fromBiggs, Martha (Et al.)187980:420Link to document image
Miller, J. D.fromClem, Margaret187980:420Link to document image
Miller, J. D.fromCorville, B. (Et al.)187980:420Link to document image
Miller, J. D.fromKrider, Martin (Et al.)187980:420Link to document image
Miller, J. D.fromMeriam, R. (Et al.)187980:420Link to document image
Miller, J. D.fromScott, Mary (Et al.)187980:420Link to document image
Miller, J. D.fromWalters, Susan187980:420Link to document image
Miller, J. D. & LewisfromClem, Adam (Et al.)186976:210Link to document image
Miller, J. D. & LewisfromCorvill, Lewis (Et al.)185976:209Link to document image
Miller, J. D. & LewisfromMeriam, A. (Et al.)185976:209Link to document image
Miller, J. E. D. (Et al.)fromHowell, E. M.1889110:437Link to document image
Miller, J. F. W.toBarnes, James187565:430Link to document image
Miller, J. H. HermanfromLuhmann, Anna M.187565:545Link to document image
Miller, J. J.toGriffin, Horatis187155:91Link to document image
Miller, J. M.fromTresselt, C.187463:348Link to document image
Miller, J. R.fromHamilton, Jas. M.185042:126Link to document image
Miller, J. R.fromUrbine, Cassimer187667:553Link to document image
Miller, JacobtoBitner, J. R.188081:200Link to document image
Miller, JacobfromCommissioners by Partition188081:414Link to document image
Miller, JacobtoJustus, Lewis S.187874:59Link to document image
Miller, JacobfromKirsh, Valentine186539:188Link to document image
Miller, JacobfromLenz, Jno. H.188185:427Link to document image
Miller, JacobfromMiller, Barbara1896144:106Link to document image
Miller, JacobfromMiller, Catherina186640:476Link to document image
Miller, JacobfromMiller, Christian1896144:104Link to document image
Miller, JacobfromMiller, Joel1902166:156Link to document image
Miller, JacobtoMiller, S. & K.188185:428Link to document image
Miller, JacobtoMiller, William186640:477Link to document image
Miller, JacobtoPape, Wm.188184:80Link to document image
Miller, JacobfromPickard, Thos. R.187667:540Link to document image
Miller, JacobfromSuter, Edward187461:591Link to document image
Miller, JacobtoSuter, Edward187772:392Link to document image
Miller, Jacob (Trustee)toAble, Peter1897145:241Link to document image
Miller, Jacob (Trustee)fromBuehrer, Barney D.1896144:141Link to document image
Miller, Jacob (Trustee)fromKutzli, Conrad H.1897145:136Link to document image
Miller, Jacob B.fromBower, Jno. F.188189:319Link to document image
Miller, Jacob B.toBower, Jno. F.1887105:257Link to document image
Miller, Jacob B.toJustus, Lewis S.187669:94Link to document image
Miller, Jacob D.toMiller, Lewis D.187772:396Link to document image
Miller, Jacob D.toMiller, Lewis D.187976:411Link to document image
Miller, Jacob D. & LewisfromGrider, Martin (Et al.)186976:210Link to document image
Miller, Jacob D. & LewisfromWalter, Jno. C. (Et al.)185976:209Link to document image
Miller, Jacob W.fromDrake, Jas. H.187875:574Link to document image
Miller, Jacob W.fromDrake, Jas. H.187976:423Link to document image
Miller, Jacob W.fromFelts, Harman W.1902165:488Link to document image
Miller, Jacob W.fromGangwer, George W.1898151:182Link to document image
Miller, Jacob W.fromTillman, Lucinda A.1899154:251Link to document image
Miller, James B.fromConners, David1858W:81Link to document image
Miller, James E. (Et ux.)fromBrandt, Fredk. G. (Et al.)1900158:526Link to document image
Miller, JanetoTonkel, Frank E.1902168:371Link to document image
Miller, Jas. H.fromMiller, Abram (Est.)186642:10Link to document image
Miller, Jas. T. (Gdn.)toSchmidt, Fred S.187155:426Link to document image
Miller, Jas. T. (Guard)toFrank, Jno. H.187155:174Link to document image
Miller, Jas. T. (Guard)toMcNamara, Wash.187155:136Link to document image
Miller, Jas. T. (Guard)toSander, Chas. W.186538:141Link to document image
Miller, Jas. T. (Guard)toSander, Chas. W.186538:91Link to document image
Miller, Jay C.fromRandall, Winifred J.1900162:39Link to document image
Miller, Jay C.toTri State B. & L. Assn.1902169:136Link to document image
Miller, JennietoBell, Mary A.1900158:78Link to document image
Miller, JennietoEmrick, Tillie1898152:448Link to document image
Miller, JenniefromHubler, Saml. M.1894140:481Link to document image
Miller, JennietoMcWhirter, M. D.1895141:123Link to document image
Miller, Jennie R.toMcCague, John (Et ux.)1901165:459Link to document image
Miller, JeramiahtoNotestine, Jno.187196:3Link to document image
Miller, JeremiahtoAshley, Geo. L. (Et al.)188597:56Link to document image
Miller, JeremiahfromBarr, Amos187463:447Link to document image
Miller, JeremiahtoDepew, John187048:416Link to document image
Miller, JeremiahfromEwing, Geo. W. (Est.)186745:213Link to document image
Miller, JeremiahtoGarvey, P. H. & M.188288:314Link to document image
Miller, JeremiahtoHallopeter, M.186844:495Link to document image
Miller, JeremiahtoHollopeter, Wm. H.186944:589Link to document image
Miller, JeremiahfromHough, John186747:357Link to document image
Miller, JeremiahtoMiller, Eliza Ann187978:328Link to document image
Miller, JeremiahtoMunson, L. W.187051:111Link to document image
Miller, JeremiahfromNoel, Sophia C.186543:147Link to document image
Miller, JeremiahtoOpdyke, Heinzle186744:199Link to document image
Miller, JeremiahtoPaff, E. M.188393:422Link to document image
Miller, JeremiahfromStoner, Jno. (Et al.)186647:356Link to document image
Miller, JeremiahfromThurston, D. P. (Guard)186948:62Link to document image
Miller, Jeremiah & H. M. StonertoMather, Roland187668:500Link to document image
Miller, Jeremiah (Et al.)toMiller, Wm. H.1886110:481Link to document image
Miller, JermiahfromHigh, Jos. D.187049:155Link to document image
Miller, JerrytoBeightle, Geo. F.187154:241Link to document image
Miller, JerryfromCotton, Eliza A (Et al.)188296:75Link to document image
Miller, JerrytoDepew, John186949:221Link to document image
Miller, JerryfromMyers, David186844:490Link to document image
Miller, Jessie M.fromFally, William W.1899156:221Link to document image
Miller, Jessie M.fromMcDonald, Emma1891132:553Link to document image
Miller, Jessie M.toMiller, Drusilla E.1894134:476Link to document image
Miller, Jessie M.fromMiller, Drusilla E.1902166:215Link to document image
Miller, Jessie M.fromMiller, Wm. L.1898149:6Link to document image
Miller, Jno.fromForbing, Jno.188495:340Link to document image
Miller, Jno.toMiller, Mary1886100:594Link to document image
Miller, Jno.fromMyers, Jacob188599:154Link to document image
Miller, Jno. (Et al.)fromBickel, A. J.187357:331Link to document image
Miller, Jno. (Et al.)fromWright, Nath'l.187156:81Link to document image
Miller, Jno. (heirs)toMason, Nancy187667:319Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.toBaker, Henry186846:280Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.fromBaker, Jas. S.186640:126Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.fromBowers, L. H.187566:61Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.toBowers, L. H.187566:61Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.toDeastine, Chris.186641:464Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.fromEhle, Michael1888108:70Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.toKline, Jas.187463:402Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.toKnoll, John (Et al.)1887103:380Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.toMcLaughlin, Danl.186640:109Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.fromMiller, C. A.188184:13Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.toMiller, Elizabeth1887103:379Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.fromPowers, Samuel186950:2Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.toQuicksell, Peter1887106:57Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.fromQuicksell, Peter1887106:59Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.toRice, B. F.188599:203Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.toSiemon, Aug. F.186846:267Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A.fromWhedon, D. P.187153:42Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A. (E.)toDouglas, D. P. (Et al.)1891124:176Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A. (E.)toEllingham, Eliz (At.)1891124:176Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A. (E.)toFlynn, Sarah C.1891124:173Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A. (E.)toMiller, Caroline1891124:170Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A. (E.)toSpecht, Mary C.1891124:176Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A. (Et al.)fromBoyer, Saml. M. (Et al.)1891124:166Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A. (Et al.)fromFlynn, James (Et al.)1891124:166Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A. (Et al.)fromMiller, Chas. S. (Et al.)1891124:166Link to document image
Miller, Jno. A. (Et al.)fromSpecht, Mary C. (Et al.)1891124:166Link to document image
Miller, Jno. B.fromBond, Stephen B.187567:313Link to document image
Miller, Jno. B.fromFleming, Wm.187567:313Link to document image
Miller, Jno. B.toMiller, Henry B.187774:253Link to document image
Miller, Jno. C.fromMiller, Ernst186944:468Link to document image
Miller, Jno. D.toBowman, AnnR.186434:440Link to document image
Miller, Jno. D.fromBurgess, Henry186026:288Link to document image
Miller, Jno. D.toCorson, Johan188393:517Link to document image
Miller, Jno. D.fromTaylor, R. S.188497:14Link to document image
Miller, Jno. E.fromMiller, William186740:487Link to document image
Miller, Jno. H.fromBowser, J. C.185944:559Link to document image
Miller, Jno. H.fromBullard, J. M.1889110:338Link to document image
Miller, Jno. H.toMiller, Wm. L.188081:250Link to document image
Miller, Jno. H.fromPrezinger, J. R.188391:98Link to document image
Miller, Jno. H.fromTaylor, R. S.188186:147Link to document image
Miller, Jno. J.fromEwing, Geo. W.186434:62Link to document image
Miller, Jno. J.toWeber, Catharine187153:481Link to document image
Miller, Jno. J.toWeik, Adam186640:366Link to document image
Miller, Jno. L.fromMiller, William186740:486Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromAbbott, R. B.1888108:490Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.toAlbert, Jules186537:541Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.toAlbert, JulesN.186539:118Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.toAlderman, Frank1892126:303Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromAuditor187882:409Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.toBaker, J. & K.187874:233Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromBaker, Kilian187874:231Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromBaker, Kilian188079:474Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromBrown, L. S.186948:36Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromBrown, L. S.186984:108Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.toBrumdige, David1880103:233Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromBundy, Jos.188495:451Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromCity Treasurer1889111:133Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromCity Treasurer1889111:136Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.toCrall, Mary A.1895140:238Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromEckart, Fred188184:197Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromEckart. Elizabeht186331:471Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromEmpie, Thos. B.187978:39Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromEvans, S. C.188393:87Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromFleming, Wm.188185:9Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.toGeller, Theodore186744:164Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.toHartman, L. R.186640:142Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromHill,Margaret W.187978:534Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromHuffman, W. L.186744:163Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.toLeonard, Nelson187999:535Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromLillie, Samuel186950:190Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromMeegan, Caroline E.187669:67Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.toMooney, William186434:190Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromNichols, Wm.186950:64Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromRandall, J. W.188185:588Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromRue, Nick T.187153:525Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromSeavey, G. W. 188185:91Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromSeavey, G. W. 188286:453Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromSheriff187874:206Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromSheriff187874:214Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromSheriff187977:318Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromSheriff187978:129Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromSheriff187978:425Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromSmart, Mary H.188496:271Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.toSnider, Lois M.187985:488Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromTaylor, R. S.1854100:78Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.fromThomas, D. W.188183:565Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M.toWente, Wilmeine186441:526Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M. (Et al.)fromAlden, S. R.1894135:52Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M. (Et al.)fromBeaver, A. C.188393:99Link to document image
Miller, Jno. M. (Et al.)fromCrow, Mary A.188496:210Link to document image
Miller, Jno. P.toGrant, Joseph186948:356Link to document image
Miller, Jno. P.fromMiller, Margaret186948:345Link to document image
Miller, Jno. Sr.fromRockhill, Emily188290:256Link to document image
Miller, Jno.D.fromGeiseman, H. (Guard)186845:384Link to document image
Miller, Jno.P.fromGiant, Joseph186948:345Link to document image
Miller, JoelfromMiller, Barbara188494:290Link to document image
Miller, JoeltoMiller, Jacob1902166:156Link to document image
Miller, JoelfromMiller, Noah1892127:365Link to document image
Miller, JoeltoMiller, Noah1892127:366Link to document image
Miller, Joel (Et al.)fromShordon, Senora1902166:157Link to document image
Miller, Joel (Et al.)fromWilbur, George W.1898150:182Link to document image
Miller, JohnfromArcher, John H.187360:94Link to document image
Miller, JohnfromBillings, Noyes1851M:313Link to document image
Miller, JohnfromBillings, William H.1851M:313Link to document image
Miller, JohnfromBowser, Jacob C.1853O:479Link to document image
Miller, JohntoEarl, Washington1852N:663Link to document image
Miller, JohnfromFleming, Wm.187156:69Link to document image
Miller, JohntoFreiburger, John1897147:208Link to document image
Miller, JohntoGerig, Andrew1853N:575Link to document image
Miller, JohnfromHenning, Thomas1856S:536Link to document image
Miller, JohntoHolmes, Exter D.1894135:298Link to document image
Miller, JohntoJustus, Lewis186638:428Link to document image
Miller, JohnfromJustus, Lewis186638:431Link to document image
Miller, JohnfromJustus, Lewis186638:431Link to document image
Miller, JohnfromKeim, Jonas H.1887103:255Link to document image
Miller, JohnfromMarquardt, J. S.186950:584Link to document image
Miller, JohntoMerrillot, Sarah A.1891113:78Link to document image
Miller, JohntoMiller, Andrew1856S:474Link to document image
Miller, JohntoMiller, Anne187360:479Link to document image
Miller, JohntoMiller, Christian1856S:532Link to document image
Miller, John fromMiller, Christian1895137:487Link to document image
Miller, JohnfromMiller, Christian1895139:165Link to document image
Miller, JohnfromMiller, Christian1900160:64Link to document image
Miller, JohntoMiller, Frank J.1896141:498Link to document image
Miller, JohnfromMiller, Geo. W.186435:521Link to document image
Miller, JohntoMiller, Joseph1853N:2Link to document image
Miller, JohntoMiller, Joseph1856S:473Link to document image
Miller, JohntoMiller, William H.1889115:253Link to document image
Miller, JohntoMoss, Alexious1850N:62Link to document image
Miller, JohntoMoss, Raphael1850N:62Link to document image
Miller, JohntoRomery, A.188081:554Link to document image
Miller, JohntoSpringer, Jno. M.188289:441Link to document image
Miller, JohntoStephenson, John D.1856T:552Link to document image
Miller, JohnfromTrustees W. & E. Canal186331:94Link to document image
Miller, JohnfromTrustees W. & E. Canal186331:95Link to document image
Miller, JohntoWilkins, Catharine186332:323Link to document image
Miller, John & PetertoShaff, B. F.187349:414Link to document image
Miller, John (Et ux.)fromCrawford, John F. (Et ux.)1891121:211Link to document image
Miller, John (Et ux.)fromSeeds, Martha J.1895140:232Link to document image
Miller, John (Et ux.)fromSwinney, Rhesa (Et al.)1897147:139Link to document image
Miller, John (Et ux.)fromVesey, William J.1900159:196Link to document image
Miller, John (heirs)toGundy, Mary A.187566:525Link to document image
Miller, John (heirs)toMiller, Elizabeth187566:523Link to document image
Miller, John (Heirs)toMiller, Israel187566:425Link to document image
Miller, John (heirs)toMiller, John A.187566:526Link to document image
Miller, John (heirs)toMiller, Julia A.187566:524Link to document image
Miller, John . (Et al.)fromMiller, Daniel A.1898149:426Link to document image
Miller, John A.fromBaker, Henry186846:265Link to document image
Miller, John A.toJames, Jonathan1889110:377Link to document image
Miller, John A.fromJenison, Wm. T.187050:631Link to document image
Miller, John A.fromKammeyer, Henry186641:32Link to document image
Miller, John A.toKnoll, Geo. (Et ux.)1893130:35Link to document image
Miller, John A.toKnoll, John1893129:351Link to document image
Miller, John A.fromKnoll, John1893129:352Link to document image
Miller, John A.fromKomp, Daniel187464:553Link to document image
Miller, John A.toMiller, Cyrus S. (Et al.)1901161:384Link to document image
Miller, John A.fromMiller, John (heirs)187566:526Link to document image
Miller, John A.fromMiller, Julia Ann1878118:308Link to document image
Miller, John A.toMiller, Saml.187362:320Link to document image
Miller, John A.fromMiller, Samuel187360:598Link to document image
Miller, John A.fromMiller, Samuel187565:378Link to document image
Miller, John A.toMiller, Samuel187567:10Link to document image
Miller, John A.toNull, L. S.187255:502Link to document image
Miller, John A.toPirson, Anna1893131:377Link to document image
Miller, John a.toSchilling, Maria S.1896143:416Link to document image
Miller, John A.fromScribner, Levy186846:590Link to document image
Miller, John A.fromSiemon, A. F.186846:266Link to document image
Miller, John A.toWhedon, D. P.187153:43Link to document image
Miller, John A. (Et al.)toWhlein, August1902170:341Link to document image
Miller, John B.toBrown, Wm. R.187771:10Link to document image
Miller, John B.toMiller, Jonathan G.1892123:564Link to document image
Miller, John C.toEpple, Gotlieb187771:491Link to document image
Miller, John C.fromKeller, Joseph187669:99Link to document image
Miller, John ChristiantoRodemann, Jno. W.187669:316Link to document image
Miller, John D,toKlingenberger, Christoph1859X:215Link to document image
Miller, John D.toMeyer, Diedrick1890170:389Link to document image
Miller, John D.fromMiller, Sarah A.1895137:454Link to document image
Miller, John D.toMiller, Sarah A.1895137:455Link to document image
Miller, John D.fromMiller, Wm. E.1895137:454Link to document image
Miller, John D.toODea, Dennis187176:100Link to document image
Miller, John E.fromLanternier, Joseph1890119:96Link to document image
Miller, John E. (Et ux.)toWinchester, W. C.1893130:515Link to document image
Miller, John F.fromSmith, Frances E.1894136:114Link to document image
Miller, John F.fromSmith, Jonas1894136:115Link to document image
Miller, John F.toTrustees Wayne Tp.1857U:413Link to document image
Miller, John H.toBarrand, John B. (Et ux.)1892126:368Link to document image
Miller, John H.toBaysinger, James A. (Et ux.)1901165:456Link to document image
Miller, John H.fromFreiburger, John1897147:2Link to document image
Miller, John H.fromGibson, Mary J.1891120:405Link to document image
Miller, John H.toIrelan, Aaron W.1896142:137Link to document image
Miller, John H.toIsrael, Ernst W.1892126:225Link to document image
Miller, John H.fromKrose, Catharine1897147:1Link to document image
Miller, John H.fromMiller, Frank J.1897150:387Link to document image
Miller, John H.fromMiller, Louis (Et al.)1897145:590Link to document image
Miller, John H.fromMiller, Mary1897145:592Link to document image
Miller, John H.toSmaltz, F. M. & J.188391:198Link to document image
Miller, John H.fromTaylor, R. S. (Guard)187358:482Link to document image
Miller, John H.fromZuber, Jacob189421:170Link to document image
Miller, John H.fromZuber, Philip (Et.)1891121:40Link to document image
Miller, John H. (Et al.)toLahmeyer, Caroline1895138:44Link to document image
Miller, John H. (Et al.)toMiller, Joseph L. (Et ux.)1896143:30Link to document image
Miller, John H. (Et ux.)toCutler, Elmer S.1891120:39Link to document image
Miller, John H. (Et ux.)toZuber, Philip1891121:142Link to document image
Miller, John J.toGibson, William H.185626:306Link to document image
Miller, John J.fromWever, Ervin187051:83Link to document image
Miller, John JacobtoLaw, Thomas1857T:689Link to document image
Miller, John Jr.toBryant, M. E.1888109:411Link to document image
Miller, John Jr.toGumpper, J. D.1890126:566Link to document image
Miller, John Jr.fromHiggins, Ela S.1888114:462Link to document image
Miller, John Jr.fromMiner, John1889112:317Link to document image
Miller, John L.fromHager, Zella1891113:275Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromArcher, John H.187461:579Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromAuditor1887104:619Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromAuditor1892125:489Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromBaker, Adam187566:550Link to document image
Miller, John M.toBaker, Adam187567:136Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromCarey, Rebecca M.187875:340Link to document image
Miller, John M.toClemonson, J. C.1858V:159Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromComparet, Elizabeth187358:488Link to document image
Miller, John M.toCroxton, Clara M.1898150:274Link to document image
Miller, John M.toCroxton, Clara S.1897150:538Link to document image
Miller, John M.toCroxton, Clara S.1897150:539Link to document image
Miller, John M.toCroxton, Clara S.1897150:540Link to document image
Miller, John M.toCroxton, Clara S.1897150:541Link to document image
Miller, John M.toCroxton, Clara S.1897150:542Link to document image
Miller, John M.toCroxton, Clara S.1897150:544Link to document image
Miller, John M.toCroxton, North A.1891150:274Link to document image
Miller, John M.toCroxton, Worthington1886119:375Link to document image
Miller, John M.toEdgerton, Jos. K.187359:578Link to document image
Miller, John M.toEdsall, William S.1855S:325Link to document image
Miller, John M.toEssig, Ella M.1896141:164Link to document image
Miller, John M.toGeffney, Edward1859V:461Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromHanna, Samuel1850K:44Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromHartman, Homer C.1890118:463Link to document image
Miller, John M.toHattersley, Alfred1893127:538Link to document image
Miller, John M.toHattersley, Willis1893127:537Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromHill, Maria A.187669:330Link to document image
Miller, John M.toImbach, John (Et al.)1894132:528Link to document image
Miller, John M.toKanning, Wm.186462:545Link to document image
Miller, John M.toKrudop, Geo. H.1893129:215Link to document image
Miller, John M.toKrudop, George H.1898153:489Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromLenker, Henry186331:471Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromLenker, John186331:471Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromMarkley, Mary Alice187873:386Link to document image
Miller, John M.toMeese, Phillip L. (Et al.)1893128:181Link to document image
Miller, John M.toMetzger, Julia D.1894135:352Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromMeyer, Henrieta1891113:122Link to document image
Miller, John M.toMeyers, Henretta1891122:238Link to document image
Miller, John M.toMeyzger, Harry M.1894135:352Link to document image
Miller, John M.toMiller, Lucy O.1893132:17Link to document image
Miller, John M.toMorris, Ann B.1898150:273Link to document image
Miller, John M.toMorris, Anna Bell1897150:547Link to document image
Miller, John M.toMorris, Anna Bell (Et al.)1897150:543Link to document image
Miller, John M.toMorris, Anna Bell (Et al.)1897150:545Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromMorris, Saml. L. (Rec.)1896143:464Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromNoble, G. T.187258:65Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromNoble, Hannah A.1890116:573Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromNoble, Hannah A.1893129:174Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromNoble, Lyman187152:577Link to document image
Miller, John M.toPearson, Chas. H.186947:262Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromRabus, Gust A.1890118:465Link to document image
Miller, John M.toRabus, Gustave A.1890118:317Link to document image
Miller, John M.toSale, Ann E.1893129:170Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromScar, Adam187670:334Link to document image
Miller, John M.toScherer, Christian187463:13Link to document image
Miller, John M.toSeidel, Edward1894134:557Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromSheriff187873:411Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromSheriff187873:541Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromSheriff187976:163Link to document image
Miller, John M.toSinclair, Joseph1854P:224Link to document image
Miller, John M.fromSweet, Saml. B.187975:379Link to document image
Miller, John M.toWilson, Edward M.1894135:353Link to document image
Miller, John M.toWilson, Edwd. M.1890118:292Link to document image
Miller, John M.toWilson, Mary McCrea1894135:353Link to document image
Miller, John M. (Et al.)fromAlden, S. R.1894139:144Link to document image
Miller, John M. (Et al.)toPaulers, Mary C.1894139:145Link to document image
Miller, John M. (Et al.)fromSheriff187976:203Link to document image
Miller, John M. (Et al.)toStory, James1856T:344Link to document image
Miller, John M. (Et ux.)toDaniels, A. J.1893130:515Link to document image
Miller, John M. (Et ux.)toLongacre, Milton P.1891121:10Link to document image
Miller, John M. (Et ux.)toMiller, Minna A.1891119:552Link to document image
Miller, John M. (Et ux.)toMorris, Anna Bell1891119:529Link to document image
Miller, John MichaelfromBeckman, Henry W.187566:558Link to document image
Miller, John P.fromLichtenwalter, Sam186845:365Link to document image
Miller, John P.toTrustees Jefferson Tp.1857U:175Link to document image
Miller, John R.toFauret, Lucas187566:386Link to document image
Miller, John R.toGerardot, Lewis187566:395Link to document image
Miller, John R.fromGerardot, Lewis187566:413Link to document image
Miller, John R.fromHartzell, Levi1853N:135Link to document image
Miller, John R.toMiller, Abraham1856S:566Link to document image
Miller, John S.fromVesey, William J. (Et.)1891120:336Link to document image
Miller, John V.toColes, Edmund H.1890117:452Link to document image
Miller, John W.fromCrawford, John T. (Et.)1891113:301Link to document image
Miller, John W.toCroxton, Clara S.1897150:537Link to document image
Miller, John W.toDoyle, Jeremiah E.1896141:186Link to document image
Miller, John W.toFranklin, Richard L.1843Y:52Link to document image
Miller, John W.fromHayden, John W.1892126:223Link to document image
Miller, John W.toKennark, Edward1853O:153Link to document image
Miller, John W.toRoesener, Fredk.1894134:507Link to document image
Miller, John W.fromWagoner, Annette S.1890118:311Link to document image
Miller, JonathantoClayton, John185827:340Link to document image
Miller, JonathantoEngle, Armed186956:258Link to document image
Miller, JonathanfromJacobs, Elijah1857U:397Link to document image
Miller, JonathantoRabbit, Nicholas186639:413Link to document image
Miller, JonathanfromRabbit, Nicholas186639:414Link to document image
Miller, JonathantoWorks, Silas186950:125Link to document image
Miller, Jonathan G.toLeatherman, Sarah E.1892126:367Link to document image
Miller, Jonathan G.fromMiller, John B.1892123:564Link to document image
Miller, Jos D.fromMiller, Geo. W. (Et al.)1896142:156Link to document image
Miller, Jos.toBashelier, Louis188079:290Link to document image
Miller, Jos.fromRoy, Julian187668:312Link to document image
Miller, Jos.fromSnider, Jacob W.188597:406Link to document image
Miller, Jos. A.fromAuditor1873A:56Link to document image
Miller, Jos. A.toFort Wayne Saengerbund189320:246Link to document image
Miller, Jos. A.fromHelnike, Marg.1888107:78Link to document image
Miller, Jos. A.fromMiller, Barbara E.1894134:440Link to document image
Miller, Jos. F. (Etu.)toFewes, Henry1892123:510Link to document image
Miller, JosephfromBond, H. M. C.1887104:336Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoBurgess, Henry187771:172Link to document image
Miller, JosephfromFaust, Aaron187053:77Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoForthmiller, J.& Hellwarth, M.187873:358Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoGeiger, H. & Mayes, M.188080:455Link to document image
Miller, JosephfromHamilton, Allen1845I:359Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoHarber, John1857T:656Link to document image
Miller, Joseph fromHarber, John1857T:657Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoHeller, Thomas187053:30Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoKampheus, B. J.187670:396Link to document image
Miller, JosephfromKetcher, E. P.186644:282Link to document image
Miller, JosephfromMiller, Andrew1856S:473Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoMiller, Andrew1856S:474Link to document image
Miller, JosephfromMiller, Christian1856S:473Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoMiller, Christian1856S:532Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoMiller, Christian187053:81Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoMiller, Daniel187053:82Link to document image
Miller, JosephfromMiller, John1853N:2Link to document image
Miller, JosephfromMiller, John1856S:473Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoMiller, Magdalene1892126:188Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoMiller, Michael187053:83Link to document image
Miller, JosephfromMitchell, Thomas B. (Trustee)1852R:570Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoNix, Valentine1859X:218Link to document image
Miller, JosephfromPilgrim, L. L.186432:389Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoRosenthal, Emma186844:287Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoRoy, Mary Alice187669:313Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoSlemmer, Elizabeth187051:341Link to document image
Miller, JosephfromStoll, Daniel186231:350Link to document image
Miller, JosephfromSwinney, Rhesa1887105:542Link to document image
Miller, JosephfromSwinney, Rhesa (Et al.)1895136:552Link to document image
Miller, JosephtoWillbur, George1892127:550Link to document image
Miller, Joseph A & RebeccafromSinclair, Saml. E. (Comr.)187463:471Link to document image
Miller, Joseph A.toCity of Fort Wayne1902168:482Link to document image
Miller, Joseph A.fromComrs. in Part.1901164:462Link to document image
Miller, Joseph A.toKelsey, Frank W. (Et ux.)1902168:307Link to document image
Miller, Joseph A.toMiller, Henry L.1902168:168Link to document image
Miller, Joseph A.toMiller, Robert K.1902168:369Link to document image
Miller, Joseph C.toCrawford, Henry C.1902167:19Link to document image
Miller, Joseph C. & George B.fromHanna, Samuel1839S:684Link to document image
Miller, Joseph D.fromBarkley, Saraah A.1896143:362Link to document image
Miller, Joseph D.fromMiller, Geo. W.1896143:358Link to document image
Miller, Joseph F.fromCitizens Loan & Imp. Co.1899153:390Link to document image
Miller, Joseph F.fromReichelderfer, Aron M.1897145:383Link to document image
Miller, Joseph F.fromReichelderfer, Aron M.1897145:384Link to document image
Miller, Joseph L.fromWolke, Louis184861:158Link to document image
Miller, Joseph L. (Et ux.)fromMiller, John H. (Et al.)1896143:30Link to document image
Miller, Joseph W.fromJones, Levi M.1889114:408Link to document image
Miller, Joseph W.toNoonan, Josephine1889114:409Link to document image
Miller, JuliafromBayless, Alex H.187668:521Link to document image
Miller, JuliafromBrooks, Wm. H.188081:409Link to document image
Miller, JuliatoBrooks, Wm. H.188081:475Link to document image
Miller, JuliafromCramer, David1888106:532Link to document image
Miller, JuliafromEckart, Fred1888107:234Link to document image
Miller, JuliafromGreek, V. A.188082:59Link to document image
Miller, JuliafromHorton, Theo.188599:324Link to document image
Miller, JuliatoHorton, Theo.188599:326Link to document image
Miller, JuliafromKeyser, Jacob M. (Et ux.)1891121:34Link to document image
Miller, JuliatoMcCurdy, Isabelle1890116:333Link to document image
Miller, JuliafromMerillat, Joseph P. (Et ux.)1891120:111Link to document image
Miller, JuliafromMoore, Allen H.187257:314Link to document image
Miller, JuliafromRomy, C. A. & R. L.187978:527Link to document image
Miller, JuliafromSteiger, David187462:16Link to document image
Miller, JuliafromTessier, Yocs188289:85Link to document image
Miller, Julia A.toBarrett, Jas. M.188289:433Link to document image
Miller, Julia A.fromMiller, Christian1895137:216Link to document image
Miller, Julia A.toMiller, Christian1895139:165Link to document image
Miller, Julia A.fromMiller, John (heirs)187566:524Link to document image
Miller, Julia A.fromVoirol, William1901165:172Link to document image
Miller, Julia AnntoMiller, John A.1878118:308Link to document image
Miller, Julia E.toMiller, Flora E.1892124:509Link to document image
Miller, JuniefromHugler, Saml. M.1895141:124Link to document image
Miller, K. B.fromMiller, Urban B.1855S:102Link to document image
Miller, KatherinefromRyan, Margaret1897148:225Link to document image
Miller, KattiefromMiller, Conrad188287:519Link to document image
Miller, Kendrick B.toEvans, Anthony1856T:196Link to document image
Miller, Krudop (Et al.)fromBeaver, A. C.187053:246Link to document image
Miller, L. D.fromBauserman, E. D.188394:639Link to document image
Miller, L. D.toPhipps, R. V.188080:514Link to document image
Miller, L. D.toRobinson, J. L.188287:502Link to document image
Miller, L. D.fromShopman, D. (Et al.)188394:639Link to document image
Miller, L. H.toEveland, Peter188289:267Link to document image
Miller, L. J.toHuffman, C. V.187875:344Link to document image
Miller, L. J.fromShippy, Robt. M.87875:344Link to document image
Miller, L. m.fromGernhardt, Wm.1897144:371Link to document image
Miller, L. M.toMiller, Andrew188494:417Link to document image
Miller, L. S.fromStone, T. E.187357:522Link to document image
Miller, LenatoMiller, Barbara188494:288Link to document image
Miller, LenafromMiller, Barbara188494:288Link to document image
Miller, LenatoMiller, Noah188494:289Link to document image
Miller, LevifromBieber, Enoch186126:444Link to document image
Miller, LevifromLauferty, Isaac188288:396Link to document image
Miller, LevifromMiller, Abraham186026:445Link to document image
Miller, Levi H.fromBarrows, R. (Est.)186538:171Link to document image
Miller, Levi H.toBeeber, Enoch186127:7Link to document image
Miller, Levi H.toDowling, B.187154:176Link to document image
Miller, Levi H.fromGebhart, George186641:279Link to document image
Miller, Levi H.fromMiller, David W.186027:6Link to document image
Miller, Levi H.toMiller, DavidW.186035:64Link to document image
Miller, Levi H.toWest, Samuel186158:494Link to document image
Miller, Levi H.toWolf, Adolphus186538:231Link to document image
Miller, Levi, H.fromShuckman, N.186536:497Link to document image
Miller, LewisfromBeckman, Jno. C.188391:248Link to document image
Miller, LewistoBeckman, Jno. C.188394:167Link to document image
Miller, LewisfromHanna, Samuel1852M:89Link to document image
Miller, LewisfromMiller, F. J.187873:319Link to document image
Miller, LewistoMommer, J. J. & M. A.187977:423Link to document image
Miller, LewistoMuhlenbrush, Deiderick1860Y:559Link to document image
Miller, LewistoParker, Eli1888107:291Link to document image
Miller, LewistoParkison, W. J.188494:317Link to document image
Miller, LewistoRickey, Richard 1852O:20Link to document image
Miller, LewistoZimmerman, M.186539:20Link to document image
Miller, Lewis A.fromBunn, Lewis187267:34Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D.fromBiggs, Martha (Et al.)187976:411Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D.fromClem, Margaret187976:411Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D.fromCorville, Barbara (Et al.)187976:411Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D.fromKrider, Martin (Et al.)187976:411Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D.fromMeriam, Rebecca (Et al.)187976:411Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D.fromMiller, Jacob D.187772:396Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D.fromMiller, Jacob D.187976:411Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D.toRobinson, Catharine (Et al.)1893129:390Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D.toRobinson, Catharine (Et ux.)1893128:65Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D.toRobinson, J. L.1888107:263Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D.fromScott, Mary (Et al.)187976:411Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D.fromSmith, J. L.1893129:140Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D.toStites, Almira187976:196Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D.toUlery, John1889114:292Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D.fromWallers, Susan (Et al.)187976:411Link to document image
Miller, Lewis D. (Et al.)fromFrance, Charles D.1899157:201Link to document image
Miller, Lillie D.toRoesener, Fredk.1894134:507Link to document image
Miller, LissettefromRodemann, J. W.187770:417Link to document image
Miller, LizziefromKuhne, Fredk. W.1895138:361Link to document image
Miller, LizziefromMiller, August1899154:289Link to document image
Miller, Lizzie O.fromJeanpierre, Rose1900158:12Link to document image
miller, Losina M.toBotteron, Mary J.1902167:273Link to document image
Miller, LouistoAnger, Chas.187359:187Link to document image
Miller, LouisfromDalman, Wm.1888107:289Link to document image
Miller, LouisfromEwing, Geo. W.186434:63Link to document image
Miller, LouistoFoellinger, Jacob186641:247Link to document image
Miller, LouisfromStock, George187565:43Link to document image
Miller, LouistoStock, George187874:283Link to document image
Miller, LouisfromSturgis, Wm. E.186641:246Link to document image
Miller, LouisfromSturgis, Wm. G. E.186433:523Link to document image
Miller, Louis (Et al.)toKrouse, Catharine1897148:510Link to document image
Miller, Louis (Et al.)toMiller, Andrew (Et al.)1897150:372Link to document image
Miller, Louis (Et al.)toMiller, John H.1897145:590Link to document image
Miller, Louis A.fromHesler, Geo. F.187874:463Link to document image
Miller, Louis D.fromStites, Almira187976:196Link to document image
Miller, Louis J.toTagmeyer, F. H.1895137:23Link to document image
Miller, Louis J.fromWilliams, Ed. P. (Et al.)1893130:43Link to document image
Miller, LouisatoBosselman, Wm.1897144:354Link to document image
Miller, LouisafromDegitz, Franklin1897148:185Link to document image
Miller, LouisafromHough, John186950:13Link to document image
Miller, LouisafromWaliemath, L. D.1888118:563Link to document image
Miller, Louisa M.fromForce, Wm. M.1889114:129Link to document image
Miller, Louisa M.toMartin, Aug. J.1889111:148Link to document image
Miller, Louisa M.fromSutter, Chas.188185:352Link to document image
Miller, LouisefromDalman, Wm.187153:319Link to document image
Miller, LouisefromSinel, Mary1902166:548Link to document image
Miller, Louise (Et al.)fromJustus, Louis S.187257:64Link to document image
Miller, Lucinda M.toSprunger, Isaac1900157:296Link to document image
Miller, LucretiafromGundy, Mary A.187569:70Link to document image
Miller, Lucy A.toBear, George1900158:548Link to document image
Miller, Lucy A.fromMiller, Michael1890115:387Link to document image
Miller, Lucy A.fromRichards, Jos. N.1893129:556Link to document image
Miller, Lucy A.fromRichards, Rebeca1893129:556Link to document image
Miller, Lucy O.fromMiller, John M.1893132:17Link to document image
Miller, Lucy O.fromWhitright, Saml.1889114:75Link to document image
Miller, LydiafromBrackenridge, Eliza J.1898149:291Link to document image
Miller, LydiatoBruinson, R.188184:518Link to document image
Miller, LydiafromBrunson, Reuben188185:4Link to document image
Miller, LydiafromFrech, Henry188390:357Link to document image
Miller, LydiatoFrench, Henry188390:356Link to document image
Miller, LydiatoHomeyer, Henry C. D.1900158:409Link to document image
Miller, LydiatoPool, M. M.188288:375Link to document image
Miller, LydiafromRehm, Samuel188184:77Link to document image
Miller, LydiafromRomy, Robert L.1889112:566Link to document image
Miller, LydiatoRomy, Robt. L.1888109:317Link to document image
Miller, LydiafromRoss, Alfred187254:562Link to document image
Miller, LydiatoSnyder, George1895140:172Link to document image
Miller, LydiatoSnyder, George1897147:330Link to document image
Miller, LydiafromSwinney, Rhesa1894138:451Link to document image
Miller, LydiafromTanny, David186435:413Link to document image
Miller, Lydia (Et al.)toNull, L. S.187155:140Link to document image
Miller, Lydia A.toBurgess, Henry187462:358Link to document image
Miller, Lydia A.toNull, L. S.187154:251Link to document image
Miller, Lydia A. (guard.)toBurgess, Henry187462:452Link to document image
Miller, M.fromVollmer, D.187463:326Link to document image
Miller, M. & H.fromHafner, Jno.188185:298Link to document image
Miller, M. & S.fromHafner, Jno.188185:297Link to document image
Miller, M. A.fromWalker, Jas.188497:91Link to document image
Miller, M. A. (Et al.)toLahmeyer, F. C.1887103:228Link to document image
Miller, M. A. E.toBittinger, G. L. & A. W.187977:479Link to document image
Miller, M. A. E.fromBittinger, Geo. L.187977:451Link to document image
Miller, M. E.toBittinger, J. R.188183:117Link to document image
Miller, M. E.toEdgerton, J. K.186229:542Link to document image
Miller, M. E.toThiemey, Jno. A.188393:587Link to document image
Miller, M. E.fromTrontman, Ber.186431:593Link to document image
Miller, M. E.toWhite, Jas. B.187256:493Link to document image
Miller, M. E. & C. C.fromTaylor, Adaline188598:10Link to document image
Miller, M. H.toHayes, Wm. C.188183:79Link to document image
Miller, M. H.fromRichards, David187669:114Link to document image
Miller, M. H.fromWilliamson, Alex186950:182Link to document image
Miller, M. H. (Et al.)toMiller, Antasia188185:177Link to document image
Miller, M. Jr.toDehne, Minnie188291:27Link to document image
Miller, M. Jr.toLabbe, Jos. (Et ux.)188496:38Link to document image
Miller, M. Jr.toMartin, J. & E.188290:166Link to document image
Miller, M. Jr.fromMiller, S.188290:587Link to document image
Miller, M. Jr.fromStratton, Robt.188085:60Link to document image
Miller, MagdalenefromEicher, Adaline1892126:187Link to document image
Miller, MagdalenefromMiller, Joseph1892126:188Link to document image
Miller, MagdalenefromMiller, Peter1890126:186Link to document image
Miller, MagdalinefromWagler, Adaline1894132:441Link to document image
Miller, Malisa J.fromShutt, John M.1892126:465Link to document image
Miller, Malissa J.toMills, Samuel1892126:385Link to document image
Miller, Malissa J.fromReichelder, Jno. D.1889114:589Link to document image
Miller, Malissa J.fromReichelderfer, A. M.1892127:382Link to document image
Miller, Malissa J.toSchlatter, Christ S.1892127:146Link to document image
Miller, Malissa J. (Et al.)toReichelderfer, A. M.1894132:529Link to document image
Miller, MarcellustoBradley, Wm. (Trus.)1891122:43Link to document image
Miller, MargaretfromClayton, Henry187981:539Link to document image
Miller, MargarettoGarrett, Z. T.188496:252Link to document image
Miller, MargarettoGrant, Joseph186948:356Link to document image
Miller, MargaretfromHamilton, Allen (est.)187366:417Link to document image
Miller, MargaretfromHanna, Henry C.187360:408Link to document image
Miller, MargaretfromHayes, John H.1901164:148Link to document image
Miller, MargaretfromKell, George E.187577:377Link to document image
Miller, MargarettoMiller, Jno. P.186948:345Link to document image
Miller, MargaretfromMonahan, Catharine188396:107Link to document image
Miller, MargarettoSchwier, William187772:344Link to document image
Miller, MargaretfromSheriff187565:125Link to document image
Miller, MargaretfromStoner, Emilia187996:74Link to document image
Miller, MargaretfromStoner, Emilia187996:75Link to document image
Miller, MargarettoTrustees U. B. Ch. Cedarville187695:631Link to document image
Miller, MargarettoVordermark, Ernst186434:77Link to document image
Miller, MargaretfromWalter, Euphernia C.187875:202Link to document image
Miller, Margaret E.fromCretzer, Henretta B.187360:390Link to document image
Miller, Margaret E.fromEmbry, James1858V:257Link to document image
Miller, MargarethfromEme, C. F.187463:325Link to document image
Miller, Margaretta fromWalter, Charles W.187566:545Link to document image
Miller, Margt. A.fromSesseman, Wm.1893130:400Link to document image
Miller, MariannafromMiller, Michael Wm.1875126:537Link to document image
Miller, MarthafromBird, Ochmig186748:30Link to document image
Miller, MarthafromBird, Ochmig186845:249Link to document image
Miller, MarthafromBowser, Jacob C.186748:29Link to document image
Miller, MarthafromEdwards, Chas. S. W.187052:259Link to document image
Miller, MarthatoGilmartin, Edward188186:73Link to document image
Miller, MarthatoHarber, Nicholas186852:39Link to document image
Miller, MarthafromHarber, Nicholas186948:48Link to document image
Miller, MarthafromHarber, Nick197358:337Link to document image
Miller, MarthatoHedekin, Thos. B.186847:303Link to document image
Miller, MarthafromHough, John186743:280Link to document image
Miller, MarthatoJennings, R. B.187050:586Link to document image
Miller, MarthafromMarsh, H. W.186948:51Link to document image
Miller, MarthafromMiller, Abram (Est.)186642:10Link to document image
Miller, MarthatoMyers, George186947:401Link to document image
Miller, MarthafromRandall, P. A.188182:573Link to document image
Miller, MarthafromRupeert, Ira187773:80Link to document image
Miller, MarthafromRupert, Ira188080:14Link to document image
Miller, MarthatoRupert, Ira188287:292Link to document image
Miller, MarthatoStarkey, H. A.186950:99Link to document image
Miller, Martha (Et al.)toDiffendorffer, H. C.187978:265Link to document image
Miller, MaryfromGoeglein, Jno.187566:17Link to document image
Miller, MaryfromHash, George188392:498Link to document image
Miller, MaryfromHayden, John W.1893128:544Link to document image
Miller, MaryfromKleinmuller, Henry187566:17Link to document image
Miller, MaryfromMiller, Barbara E.1894134:450Link to document image
Miller, MarytoMiller, Caroline (Et vir.)1889111:82Link to document image
Miller, MaryfromMiller, Daniel D.1895138:13Link to document image
Miller, MarytoMiller, Daniel D.1902168:159Link to document image
Miller, MaryfromMiller, Jno.1886100:594Link to document image
Miller, MarytoMiller, John H.1897145:592Link to document image
Miller, Marytoremeker, MaryM.186740:580Link to document image
Miller, MarytoSchmitt, John1894131:539Link to document image
Miller, MaryfromWebster, Frank S.1902171:198Link to document image
Miller, Mary & HenryfromCommissioners by Partition188081:414Link to document image
Miller, Mary (Heirs)toStoffer, Aaron (Jr.)187152:319Link to document image
Miller, Mary A.toHolmes, Exter D.1894135:298Link to document image
Miller, Mary A.fromLabbe, Joseph188598:396Link to document image
Miller, Mary A. (Et al.)toHamlet, Jesse E.1901162:503Link to document image
Miller, Mary C.toSavage, Jno. E.187052:149Link to document image
Miller, Mary C.toStone, Alba C.187565:357Link to document image
Miller, Mary E.fromAndews, Wm. H.187257:549Link to document image
Miller, Mary E.toDoty, Solomon187256:145Link to document image
Miller, Mary E.toHall, Alvin186536:272Link to document image
Miller, Mary E.fromHeath, Hiram186331:278Link to document image
Miller, Mary E.fromSheriff1899155:105Link to document image
Miller, Mary E.fromVesey, William J.1898150:204Link to document image
Miller, Mary E.fromWise, P. J.188391:199Link to document image
Miller, Mary E. (Will Of)to1878112:541Link to document image
Miller, Mary F.fromDoughman, Willie A. (Wife)1892127:250Link to document image
Miller, Mary F.fromDoughman, Willis A.1900158:35Link to document image
Miller, Mary F.fromMiller, August1900158:34Link to document image
Miller, Mary F.toTennisson, John A.1902168:323Link to document image
Miller, Mary J.toFry, Frederick G.1898149:496Link to document image
Miller, Mary J.fromHolmes, Geo. W.1892127:370Link to document image
Miller, Mary J.fromMiller, Henry (Heirs)186331:122Link to document image
Miller, Mary J.toMiller, Milo A.1897148:40Link to document image
Miller, Mary J.fromSalisbury, F. J.1893129:283Link to document image
Miller, Mary L.fromNoyer, Margaret188598:481Link to document image
Miller, Mary M.fromHill, Maria B.186332:50Link to document image
Miller, Mary M.toMiller, Henry1889112:328Link to document image
Miller, Mary M.fromMiller, Henry1889158:298Link to document image
Miller, Mary M.fromMünch, Frank Sr.1897145:376Link to document image
Miller, Mary M.toMünch, Frank Sr.1898151:188Link to document image
Miller, Mary M. (Et al.)toGruber, Frank J. (Et al.)1889114:382Link to document image
Miller, MathiasfromBeaver, D. S.187255:476Link to document image
Miller, MathiastoEmbre, Frank187461:269Link to document image
Miller, MathiastoEme, O. F.187463:45Link to document image
Miller, MathiasfromHarz, Michael1857U:460Link to document image
Miller, MathiasfromJenkinson, Isaac185927:42Link to document image
Miller, MathiasfromLewis, Samuel186740:483Link to document image
Miller, MathiastoLipp, Nicholas1860Y:215Link to document image
Miller, MathiastoParks, Volney187461:435Link to document image
Miller, MathiasfromParks, Volney187462:324Link to document image
Miller, MathiastoVollmer, Daniel187463:46Link to document image
Miller, MathiasfromWalter, Chas. W.187463:45Link to document image
Miller, MathiastoWalter, Wm. A.187462:325Link to document image
Miller, MathiastoWalter, Wm. B.187462:326Link to document image
Miller, Mathias Jr.toBuckles, J. P.188082:63Link to document image
Miller, Mathias Jr.fromCommissioners by Partition188081:414Link to document image
Miller, Mathias Jr.toStratton, Robt.188081:13Link to document image
Miller, Matthew Jr.fromPickard, Thos. R.187771:537Link to document image
Miller, MendelfromSchulz, Peter186536:469Link to document image
Miller, MesafromMiller, Abram (Est.)186642:10Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoBanta, Herman1860Y:114Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoBass, Jno. H.188287:356Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoBear, Geo. and Jos. N.1887103:13Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoBear, George187873:445Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoCollier, Leonard187873:43Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromEicher, Peter187254:523Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromFalsing, Conrad187054:439Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoFarmer, Andrew1851103:12Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoFarmer, Andrew186746:3Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromFarmer, Andrew1886103:12Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromFitzgerald, Louis188079:482Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoFritschler, Cath.186846:439Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromGreenawalt, Martin186745:72Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromGreenwell, C. L.187072:202Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromGreenwell, F.187072:202Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromGreenwell, G. W.187072:202Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromKenzy, Gideon187249:306Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromKlotz, David186330:324Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromLengacher, Mary (Et al.)1896144:105Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoMiller, Amos186641:297Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoMiller, Andrew186640:56Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromMiller, Barbara (Et al.)1896144:103Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromMiller, Benj.188079:482Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoMiller, Benjamin1852N:549Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoMiller, Christian1858V:47Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoMiller, Emma187572:203Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoMiller, Geo. W.187572:146Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromMiller, Joseph187053:83Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoMiller, Lucy A.1890115:387Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromMorell, Nancy1854P:466Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromMorell, Nancy A.1855R:365Link to document image
Miller, MichaeltoPfleidner, Mary1897147:251Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromShill, Jacob H.187154:50Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromTritachler, J. P.186846:405Link to document image
Miller, MichaelfromWatterson, Wm.186646:172Link to document image
Miller, Michael (Et ux.)fromPfleidner, Mary1900159:525Link to document image
Miller, Michael Wm.toMiller, Marianna1875126:537Link to document image
Miller, Milo A.fromGailey, Sarah J.1902169:499Link to document image
Miller, Milo A.fromMiller, Mary J.1897148:40Link to document image
Miller, Milo A.fromMiller, Nathaniel H. (Et al.)1902170:527Link to document image
Miller, MiltonfromHefner, John1844N:645Link to document image
Miller, MiltontoHenderson, William1854P:417Link to document image
Miller, MiltontoHull, Elizabeth1846N:645Link to document image
Miller, Minna A.fromMiller, John M. (Et ux.)1891119:552Link to document image
Miller, MinnietoKohr, Nicholas1894132:475Link to document image
Miller, Minnie R. (Et al.)fromKlotz, Anna1900158;552Link to document image
Miller, N. C.toEmbrey, Eliza Ann1860Y:372Link to document image
Miller, N. C.toEmbry, Eliza A.186847:464Link to document image
Miller, N. C.fromHite, Harvey F.1883121:354Link to document image
Miller, N. C.fromSchwieters, Mary E.1902169:59Link to document image
Miller, N. C.fromWilson, George1892126:104Link to document image
Miller, N. H.fromSouders, Jas. B.187149:198Link to document image
Miller, N. H.fromSowder, Jas. E.186643:27Link to document image
Miller, N. H. Jr.fromReynolds, Jane188287:273Link to document image
Miller, N. J.toGinther, J. H.188391:46Link to document image
Miller, N. J.fromLoudenback, Jno.188190:582Link to document image
Miller, N. J.fromMason, Nancy188183:358Link to document image
Miller, NancyfromCoverdale, H. L.188494:492Link to document image
Miller, NancytoDoughman, N. D.1890117:511Link to document image
Miller, NancyfromDoughman. N. D.1890118:158Link to document image
Miller, NancyfromDrier, Wm. H. (Et al.)1891120:515Link to document image
Miller, NancyfromFelts, Geo. F. (Et ux.)1891120:203Link to document image
Miller, NancytoLeikauf, Julia1895139:472Link to document image
Miller, NancytoLomiller, Elroy (Et ux.)1894134:106Link to document image
Miller, NancyfromMcMahon, Thomas1891122:598Link to document image
Miller, NancyfromWilliams, Jas. B. (Et.)1891120:515Link to document image
Miller, Nancy J.toDoughman, N. D. (Et al.)1890118:159Link to document image
Miller, Nath.fromMiller, E. J. F.186847:110Link to document image
Miller, Nathan E.toHorst, David186437:17Link to document image
Miller, Nathaniel C.toBleekman, John E.1902167:523Link to document image
Miller, Nathaniel C.fromEmerick, Andrew1857T:578Link to document image
Miller, Nathaniel C.fromMiller, Geoge S. (Et al.)1899154:141Link to document image
Miller, Nathaniel C.toNiswonger, Henry W.1899160:472Link to document image
Miller, Nathaniel C.toSchwieters, Mary E.1902167:333Link to document image
Miller, Nathaniel H.fromChristy, James P.1852Q:243Link to document image
Miller, Nathaniel H. (Et al.)toHullinger, Albina A.1902170:536Link to document image
Miller, Nathaniel H. (Et al.)toMiller, Enoch J.1902170:407Link to document image
Miller, Nathaniel H. (Et al.)toMiller, Milo A.1902170:527Link to document image
Miller, Nellie H.fromRandall, A. L.1894135:426Link to document image
Miller, Nellie H.toRandall, A. L.1894136:93Link to document image
Miller, NewtontoBolyard, Levi H.1894135:9Link to document image
Miller, NewtontoEmerick, William M.1902167:88Link to document image
Miller, NewtonfromEvers, Henry1900157:485Link to document image
Miller, NewtonfromGailey, James1899153:550Link to document image
Miller, NewtontoGailey, James M.1901166:499Link to document image
Miller, NewtonfromHimes, Salathiel (Et al.)1891125:405Link to document image
Miller, NewtonfromHowe, Francis M.1894138:39Link to document image
Miller, Newton (Et al.)fromAllen Superior Court1899155:104Link to document image
Miller, Newton L.toCook, Arthue P.1900157:201Link to document image
Miller, Newton L.fromStirling, John G.1898150:198Link to document image
Miller, Newyon (Et al.)fromLand & Security Co.1896142:228Link to document image
Miller, NoahfromGerig, Enoch G.1902169:369Link to document image
Miller, NoahfromMetler, Elizabeth1896144:196Link to document image
Miller, NoahtoMiller, Joel1892127:365Link to document image
Miller, NoahfromMiller, Joel1892127:366Link to document image
Miller, NoahfromMiller, Lena188494:289Link to document image
Miller, NoahtoWitmer, Christian1892127:367Link to document image
Miller, NorthfromBell, Elias1854P:680Link to document image
Miller, NorthtoRoudot, John August1856T:7Link to document image
Miller, O. G. (Et al.)toWhite, Jas. B.187254:557Link to document image
Miller, O. W.fromKeefer, Frank L.1898152:368Link to document image
Miller, Orey E.fromRomy, Robt. L. (Et al.)1894135:344Link to document image
Miller, Owen W.fromKeefer, Charles A.1899155:441Link to document image
Miller, Owen W.fromMiller, William H.1899156:145Link to document image
Miller, Owen W.fromMiller, Wm. H.1889115:252Link to document image
Miller, Owen W.fromMoore, Mary A. (Et al.)1898152:368Link to document image
Miller, Owen W.fromZeis, Margaret E. (Et al.)1899156:144Link to document image
Miller, P. A.fromCommissioner in Partition188599:50Link to document image
Miller, PaultoLauer, Justin188494:104Link to document image
Miller, PaulfromMiller, Barbara E.1894134:450Link to document image
Miller, PaulfromSallier, Francis188185:143Link to document image
Miller, Paulina M.fromSeiler, John (Gdn.)1901162:165Link to document image
Miller, PaulinefromAllen Superior Court1901163:236Link to document image
Miller, Pauline M.fromRose, Mathias1901162:166Link to document image
Miller, PeterfromBowser, Jacob C.186945:622Link to document image
Miller, PetertoKeimechert, L.186744:67Link to document image
Miller, PetertoMcMahon, Syl.187153:88Link to document image
Miller, PeterfromMcMahon, Syl.187154:69Link to document image
Miller, PeterfromMiller, Abram (Est.)186642:10Link to document image
Miller, PeterfromMiller, Eli186642:75Link to document image
Miller, PetertoMiller, Eli186642:76Link to document image
Miller, PeterfromMiller, Isaac J.186642:75Link to document image
Miller, PetertoMiller, Isaac J.186642:77Link to document image
Miller, PetertoMiller, Magdalene1890126:186Link to document image
Miller, PetertoMonahan, Daniel186846:355Link to document image
Miller, PetertoReynolds, Mary186642:74Link to document image
Miller, PeterfromReynolds, Mary186642:75Link to document image
Miller, PetertoRitter, Jacob & Anna187566:191Link to document image
Miller, PeterfromRobinson, Jas. L.186950:386Link to document image
Miller, PetertoRobinson, Sarah186950:543Link to document image
Miller, PetertoSchwartz, Geo.187154:70Link to document image
Miller, PetertoWaggoner, R. T.188599:477Link to document image
Miller, PeterfromWaggoner, R. T.1886101:242Link to document image
Miller, PeterfromWoodward, M. E.186947:210Link to document image
Miller, PeterfromZergler, John187153:62Link to document image
Miller, Peter (Et al.)toWilber, George W.1890119:234Link to document image
Miller, R. E.toBrueck, Peter186432:399Link to document image
Miller, R. E.fromCochrane, Jno. (Et al.)188494:393Link to document image
Miller, R. E.fromHumphrey, Geo. (Et al.)188494:393Link to document image
Miller, R. E.fromMuhler, C. F. (Et al.)188494:393Link to document image
Miller, R. E.fromTrentman, A. C.188494:393Link to document image
Miller, R. H.fromEvans, S. C.187254:573Link to document image
Miller, RabunfromMyers, Barnhard1856T:216Link to document image
Miller, RachealfromSheriff1860Y:547Link to document image
Miller, RacheltoMiller, D. W.186538:321Link to document image
Miller, RachelfromMiller, D. W. (Est.)186538:481Link to document image
Miller, RacheltoMiller, Geo. W.186330:385Link to document image
Miller, RacheltoMiller, Geo. W.186538:321Link to document image
Miller, RacheltoMiller, Geo. W.186639:593Link to document image
Miller, RacheltoOvermeyer, S. J.186538:321Link to document image
Miller, RachelfromOvermire, S. J.186947:332Link to document image
Miller, RacheltoReynolds, D. A.186538:321Link to document image
Miller, ReginatoDixon, Ella C.1900158:389Link to document image
Miller, RichardfromBarbour, Marg. S.1892125:90Link to document image
Miller, RichardtoTri State B. & L. A.1901163:281Link to document image
Miller, RobertfromHowey, Isaac186640:358Link to document image
Miller, RoberttoSorg, Peter187149:248Link to document image
Miller, RoberttoStein, Peter186330:545Link to document image
Miller, Robert E.fromDreibillbiss, John P.186432:232Link to document image
Miller, Robert E.toMier, Charles187153:274Link to document image
Miller, Robert K.fromMiller, Joseph A.1902168:369Link to document image
Miller, Robt.fromKelsey, S. B.188495:133Link to document image
Miller, Robt. C.fromAdkins, A. W.186747:10Link to document image
Miller, Robt. E.fromHarrison, T. S.186436:401Link to document image
Miller, Robt. E.toJones, Resin V.186432:474Link to document image
Miller, Robt. E.toLucy, Hilkert187256:104Link to document image
Miller, Robt. E.toMethley, Jno. (Et al.)187256:236Link to document image
Miller, Robt. E.fromMiller, Dl. B.186847:267Link to document image
Miller, Robt. E.fromSheriff187873:172Link to document image
Miller, Robt. E.toSiemon, Rudolph1888108:45Link to document image
Miller, Robt. E.fromSiemon, Rudolph1888108:48Link to document image
Miller, Robt. E.fromSnively, Jno. M.186432:378Link to document image
Miller, RodolffromMerrillet, Alphouse186536:265Link to document image
Miller, Rosamond H.toBurlingame, Simon D.187462:598Link to document image
Miller, RosellatoByers, Jonathan E.1891122:447Link to document image
Miller, RosettafromVanCamp, James1891113:428Link to document image
Miller, RosettatoVanCamp, James1891124:74Link to document image
Miller, RudolphfromMayer, William186435:169Link to document image
Miller, RudolphtoMerilette, Aug.186536:391Link to document image
Miller, RudolphtoPowers, S. H.186641:536Link to document image
Miller, S.toMiller, M. Jr.188290:587Link to document image
Miller, S. & K.fromMiller, Jacob188185:428Link to document image
Miller, S. M.fromAuditor1892123:339Link to document image
Miller, S. M.fromEmenhiser, S.187368:77Link to document image
Miller, S. M.fromMiller, Elizabeth A.1893128:308Link to document image
Miller, S. R.fromJacob, George188494:557Link to document image
Miller, SallietoAllen, Emina186434:565Link to document image
Miller, SalliefromAllen, Emma186537:51Link to document image
Miller, SallietoFarman, Owen186535:505Link to document image
Miller, SalliefromParent, H. J.186333:136Link to document image
Miller, Sam T.toMiller, Saml. M.188393:526Link to document image
Miller, Sam. (Coms.)toFurthmiller, Jacob1886100:422Link to document image
Miller, SamanthatoFreistroffer, Simon (Et ux.)1900158:336Link to document image
Miller, SamanthafromRuhling, Theresa187873:236Link to document image
Miller, SamanthafromSchwartz, Margaretha1897145:225Link to document image
Miller, SamanthatoSchwartz, Margaretha1897145:226Link to document image
Miller, Saml.fromDornte, Wm.188186:349Link to document image
Miller, Saml.fromMiller, John A.187362:320Link to document image
Miller, Saml.fromYoungker, Hannah188495:459Link to document image
Miller, Saml. (Guard)toTillberry, Mary188599:72Link to document image
Miller, Saml. A.fromBudd, Jos. E.1886102:365Link to document image
Miller, Saml. A.toFisher, Henry1890115:23Link to document image
Miller, Saml. A.fromFogel, Orrin (Et al.)1891122:287Link to document image
Miller, Saml. A.toMathews, Lucinda1896144:364Link to document image
Miller, Saml. D. (Et al.)fromWilbur, Geo. W.1896140:475Link to document image
Miller, Saml. M.fromMiller, Sam T.188393:526Link to document image
Miller, SamuelfromBlackburn, H.187249:311Link to document image
Miller, SamuelfromBrooks, John187464:182Link to document image
Miller, SamueltoLake, Geo. P.187153:573Link to document image
Miller, SamuelfromMiller, Isaac186640:576Link to document image
Miller, SamueltoMiller, Isaac187256:285Link to document image
Miller, SamueltoMiller, John A.187360:598Link to document image
Miller, SamueltoMiller, John A.187565:378Link to document image
Miller, SamuelfromMiller, John A.187567:10Link to document image
Miller, SamuelfromOetman, William1902169:446Link to document image
Miller, SamuelfromPoor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ1900156:440Link to document image
Miller, SamueltoYoungker, I. C. & H.188495:458Link to document image
Miller, SamueltoYoungker, I. C. & H.188495:497Link to document image
Miller, Samuel D.fromFleming, Wm.187053:76Link to document image
Miller, Samuel D.fromMiller, Catharine (Et al.)1900157:27Link to document image
Miller, Samuel D.toPoulsen, Sarah A.187153:437Link to document image
Miller, Samuel M.fromLowry, Robert1897147:226Link to document image
Miller, Samuel M.toTillman, John1900156:362Link to document image
Miller, Samuel T.fromKennedy, Philo. P.187979:96Link to document image
Miller, Samuel T.fromMiller, Geo. J.186947:249Link to document image
Miller, Samuel T.toMiller, Geo. J.187051:279Link to document image
Miller, Samuel T.fromMiller, George J.187264:281Link to document image
Miller, SarahfromAuditor1902166:120Link to document image
Miller, SarahfromCrocton, Worthington A. (Et al.)1886113:445Link to document image
Miller, SarahfromCroxton, Worth. A.1891150:275Link to document image
Miller, SarahfromFarnan, Owen186435:193Link to document image
Miller, SarahtoImbach, John (Et al.)1894132:538Link to document image
Miller, Sarah (Et al.)toBrons, Alexander1902166:260Link to document image
Miller, Sarah (Et al.)toKrudop, George H.1902168:220Link to document image
Miller, Sarah A.fromDrebert, Frank1895140:70Link to document image
Miller, Sarah A.toDrebert, Katharine J.1895145:120Link to document image
Miller, Sarah A.toFt. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:36Link to document image
Miller, Sarah A.fromHuth, Erwein1889111:527Link to document image
Miller, Sarah A.fromHuth, Erwin1887103:592Link to document image
Miller, Sarah A.toMiller, John D.1895137:454Link to document image
Miller, Sarah A.fromMiller, John D.1895137:455Link to document image
Miller, Sarah A.fromRuppel, Magdalena1889115:347Link to document image
Miller, Sarah E.fromMiner, Wm. E. (Ex.)1889110:380Link to document image
Miller, Sarah M.toFry, Sarah J.186743:33Link to document image
Miller, Sarah R.fromBrown, John O.1902167:446Link to document image
Miller, Sarah R.toFreistroffer, Simon (Et ux.)1902167:440Link to document image
Miller, SebastianfromRothschild, Benj.1892127:176Link to document image
Miller, SebastiantoSchmitt, John1894131:539Link to document image
Miller, SebastianfromSinclair, Frances C.1893141:163Link to document image
Miller, SebastianfromSinclair, Susan S.1893141:163Link to document image
Miller, SebastianfromWilkerson, John1894131:538Link to document image
Miller, SeraphtoStone, Emma E.188290:168Link to document image
Miller, Seraphim (Et ux.)toMurray, James1891113:292Link to document image
Miller, SeraphinfromCommissioners by Partition188081:414Link to document image
Miller, SeraphintoGruber, Frank J. (Et al.)1889114:383Link to document image
Miller, SeraphinetoMiller, Conrad188287:506Link to document image
Miller, SeraphinefromPickard, Thos. R.187771:538Link to document image
Miller, Seraphlim (Et ux.)toOechtering, John H.1891121:32Link to document image
Miller, SexaphtoPape, Wm.188185:554Link to document image
Miller, SilastoHolmes, Geo. W.1889110:387Link to document image
Miller, SilasfromMcIntosh, John1888109:638Link to document image
Miller, Silas E.toKohr, Nicholas1894132:475Link to document image
Miller, Silas E.fromMiddaugh, J. C.1890116:412Link to document image
Miller, Silas F.fromKoehler, Mary1900157:31Link to document image
Miller, Silas F.fromMason, Catharine A.1902166:191Link to document image
Miller, Silas M.toRuch, B. C.187771:94Link to document image
Miller, SimonfromComstock, Charles1850Q:202Link to document image
Miller, SimontoRathford, David1857U:68Link to document image
Miller, SophiafromEhle, August N.188494:356Link to document image
Miller, Sophia (Adm.)toFrost, Harriet188288:233Link to document image
Miller, Sophia (Adm.)toFrost, Harriet188288:234Link to document image
Miller, susan C.toFrance, Henry F.187674:408Link to document image
Miller, Susan C.fromGreen, Geo. G.187668:68Link to document image
Miller, SylvestertoRichmond, D. C.186744:148Link to document image
Miller, Theo. N.fromBieser, Milton188598:442Link to document image
Miller, Theodore N.fromKuhne, F. W. (Et al.)1893130:86Link to document image
Miller, Thos. J.fromHaney, Patrick186568:244Link to document image
Miller, Urbai B.fromBrady, Samuel1853O:244Link to document image
Miller, Urban B.toMiller, K. B.1855S:102Link to document image
Miller, Urban B.toTownley, Robert W.1853O:246Link to document image
Miller, Urban U.toWarrimer, Arthur F.1897145:491Link to document image
Miller, Urban W.fromWarriner, Arthur F.1897145:489Link to document image
Miller, W.fromCase, Abagail187357:539Link to document image
Miller, W. B.toMock, Rebecca1858V:342Link to document image
Miller, W. H.toGonty, W. H.188185:408Link to document image
Miller, W. H.fromReed, Jennie188393:116Link to document image
Miller, W. H.toSwayne, S. F.188286:488Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H.toBenoy, C. W.1886100:548Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H.toDague, Jacob (Et al.)186950:331Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H.toFey, Jacob (Et ux.)1890116:221Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H.fromHadley, E. (Ex.)186950:295Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H.toHough, S. D.187977:400Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H.fromHough, S. D.187977:401Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H.toPopp, Adam1886100:12Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H.toRandall, Perry A.188599:219Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H.toRies, Phillip A.1895138:149Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H.toRohrbach, M.186847:4Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H.fromSanborn, Laura L.186638:624Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H.toSmith, Manning188496:204Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H.toStace, Alfred W.1889112:189Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H. (to1867Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H. (Comr.)toGibson, David186742:568Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H. (Comr.)toShammerle, Fred.186742:568Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H. (Comr.)toTyler, May186642:43Link to document image
Miller, W. H. H. (Et al.)fromThompson, A. M.186847:48Link to document image
Miller, WallingtoLamboley, Eugene186331:50Link to document image
Miller, Walter D. (Et ux.)fromModerwell, Jay M.1890116:353Link to document image
Miller, WendelltoSummers, John187154:157Link to document image
Miller, WertoSchul, Peter186437:332Link to document image
Miller, WhilleminafromHartman, Henry187360:122Link to document image
Miller, WilhelmenatoSpenley, Martin Jr.187977:514Link to document image
Miller, WilhelminatoBurger, Wm.186640:323Link to document image
Miller, WilhelminafromHamilton, Allen (Heir)186538:272Link to document image
Miller, WilhelminatoHawkey, Minnie1894134:471Link to document image
Miller, WilhelminatoHendrickson, Walter a. (Et ux.)1900160:91Link to document image
Miller, WilhelminafromMcKnight, James & Cath.187464:262Link to document image
Miller, WilhelminafromMcKnight, James (guard)187464:261Link to document image
Miller, WilhelminatoThomas, CarrieL.186639:586Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromAuditor1890116:114Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromBeckman, Mary1895136:130Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromBeckman, N. D. F.1895136:130Link to document image
Miller, WilliamtoBoerger, Rudolph187257:109Link to document image
Miller, WilliamtoC. L. Centlivre Brewing Co.1894135:291Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromCarey, Jacob187052:123Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromCentlivre, L. A. (Et al.)1894135:310Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromColerick, R. B. (Coms.)188393:353Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromDiffendarfer, Jas. M.1893130:133Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromGandy, Oscar1901162:67Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromHamilton, Allen (Est.)186642:190Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromHanna, Elizabeth C.1890117:202Link to document image
Miller, WilliamtoHartman, Henry1895137:162Link to document image
Miller, WilliamtoHartman, Joseph1895137:162Link to document image
Miller, WilliamtoKrock, Jno.188392:333Link to document image
Miller, WilliamtoMason, Josephus S.1893130:9Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromMiller, Chas. C.1889112:601Link to document image
Miller, WilliamtoMiller, Elit1853N:600Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromMiller, Henry J.1893138:231Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromMiller, Jacob186640:477Link to document image
Miller, WilliamtoMiller, Jno. E.186740:487Link to document image
Miller, WilliamtoMiller, Jno. L.186740:486Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromSchiefer, C. S.1888108:383Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromUlery, Eliza1896142:140Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromWilliams, J. L.186640:457Link to document image
Miller, WilliamfromZegenfus, David187873:192Link to document image
Miller, William E.toBayer, Jacob1900159:547Link to document image
Miller, William G.fromForbing, John1901160:472Link to document image
Miller, William G.toStahl, Charles A.1900160:150Link to document image
Miller, William H.fromBaker, Hattie A.1895153:383Link to document image
Miller, William H.fromKeefer, Charles A.1899157:335Link to document image
Miller, William H.fromKeefer, Frank L.1897153:384Link to document image
Miller, William H.fromMiller, John1889115:253Link to document image
Miller, William H.toMiller, Owen W.1899156:145Link to document image
Miller, William L.fromGreider, David186639:577Link to document image
Miller, William L.fromMiller, Ellet1857X:69Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromBass, Jno. h.188286:254Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toBecker, John J.187462:572Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromBird, OChmig185491:169Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromBoerger, Rudolph187256:330Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromBoerger, Rudolph187257:20Link to document image
Miller, Wm. toBouger, Rudolph187256:329Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromBowser, D. & J. C.188394:48Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toBrown, Vallorous1888107:587Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toChaney, Jas.185491:170Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromDiffendarfer, H. (Et al.)187978:411Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toEaston, chas. E.187461:233Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromEgelhoff, S. (Et al.)188392:72Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromFisher, David C.187359:457Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toFranz, A. Frank186437:304Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromGeiger, Augusta (Et al.)187978:411Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromHanna, Charles187156:324Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toKukuk, Joseph187770:505Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromKuster, Henry187570:212Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromLauer, Jno. H.1891121:630Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromLeitch, Mary A. (Et al.)187978:411Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toMcCain, J. (Et al. Ex.)1886101:273Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromMiller, Wm. H. H.187359:457Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toMisener & Murphy187359:577Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toMollet, Henry187359:234Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toMollet, Peter187359:223Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toNeireiter, Casper187259:484Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromNickey, A. B.188391:93Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromPape, Chas.187360:417Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toPio, William187359:143Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toPranger, Conrad187359:512Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromPukonick, Ger.187256:349Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromRandall, Perry A.188393:134Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toSchearer, Christian187565:240Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromSheridan, Michael187668:277Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromSigel, M. (Et al.)188392:72Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromSmith, Wm. T.187876:342Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toStevens, Wm. & Ephraim187364:37Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromTeckenbrock, Fredk.187360:323Link to document image
Miller, Wm.toTrustees 2 Ger. R. Salem Cong.187564:496Link to document image
Miller, Wm.fromWiley, S. J.188080:160Link to document image
Miller, Wm. (Comr.)toErhart, Soophia1890118:4Link to document image
Miller, Wm. (Et ux.)fromHartman, Joseph (Et al.)1897147:432Link to document image
Miller, Wm. C.fromBarkley, Sarah A. (Et al.)1896144:29Link to document image
Miller, Wm. C.toMiller, Geo. W.1896142:154Link to document image
Miller, Wm. C.fromMiller, Geo. W. (Et al.)1896142:155Link to document image
Miller, Wm. E.fromDrebert, Frank1895140:70Link to document image
Miller, Wm. E.toMiller, John D.1895137:454Link to document image
Miller, Wm. E.fromTaylor, R. S.188599:333Link to document image
Miller, Wm. F.fromReiter, Mary1893130:65Link to document image
Miller, Wm. F.toReiter, Mary1893130:79Link to document image
Miller, Wm. F. (Et ux.)fromRowe, Nicholas B.1896141:383Link to document image
Miller, Wm. G.fromLade, Max. G.1888108:241Link to document image
Miller, Wm. G. (Et al.)toPfleidner, Mary1901161:258Link to document image
Miller, Wm. G. (Ex.)toPfleidner, Mary1901161:268Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H.toAdams, S. E.1888110:480Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H.toBayless, Alex H.187668:518Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H.toGerberding, Aug.1889112:368Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H.fromGreek, V. A.188184:543Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H.fromGundy, Mary A. (et al.)187568:239Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H.fromHarber, Peter186947:341Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H.toKnoll, John1891123:153Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H.fromMcKinley, Sarah Ann188392:444Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H.fromMiller, Jeremiah (Et al.)1886110:481Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H.toMiller, Owen W.1889115:252Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H.toMoore, Allen X.187257:71Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H.toMoore, Lavinia188185:312Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H.toParker, H. C.187463:408Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H.toSwayne, S. F.1883102:443Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. & J. A.toMarillat, J. P. & S. A.188289:565Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. (Et al.)fromThompson, B. S.187257:53Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toAldrich, H. M.187668:210Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toBell, Robert C.187462:568Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.fromBell, Robt. C.187462:587Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toBrodt, Frederick1890117:199Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.fromCommissioners by Partition187977:185Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.fromCoombs, Wm. H.186950:73Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toEvans, A. S. & Co.187257:56Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toFreistroffer, Simon1897148:211Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toGebhard, Angeline1887105:357Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toGebhard, Chas. W.1897144:310Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.fromGraham, Jas. S.187359:1Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.fromHerndon, Jno. M.186642:147Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.fromHerndon, Jno. M.186846:239Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toHough, John187462:588Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toHough, Sarah D.1896143:162Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toIten, Adeline1888109:229Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toKocks, Francis J.187360:47Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toLeikauf, H. W.1889114:264Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toMesserschmidt, Mary1893129:363Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toMesserschmidt, Wm.1896143:193Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toMiddleton, Geo. A.186950:182Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toMiller, Wm.187359:457Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toNewland, Isaac187152:511Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toPatton, Maria1886102:304Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toQuandt, Chas.186851:312Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.fromSheriff187258:54Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toTrustees St. Jno. Ch.186950:74Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toWhite, Jas. B.187875:79Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H.toWolf, August1890117:189Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H. (Coms.)toMeiser, Benj.186879:590Link to document image
Miller, Wm. H. H. (Et al.)fromLewis, M. l.186948:242Link to document image
Miller, Wm. Henry S.toAshley, Adessa M.1898149:60Link to document image
Miller, Wm. Henry S.fromAshley, Adessa M.1902169:461Link to document image
Miller, Wm. Henry S.toKryder, Clarence F. (Et ux.)1902171:35Link to document image
Miller, Wm. L.toHatch, Louis S.186344:132Link to document image
Miller, Wm. L.toMiller, Drusilla E.1894134:476Link to document image
Miller, Wm. L.toMiller, Jessie M.1898149:6Link to document image
Miller, Wm. L.fromMiller, Jno. H.188081:250Link to document image
Miller, Wm. L.toRamsoner, J. A.1886102:113Link to document image
Miller, Wm. L.fromTaylor, R. S. (Guard)187464:377Link to document image
Miller, Wm. L. (Et al.)fromB.., Flora O.1890116:400Link to document image
Miller, Wm. P.toFranklin, Richard L.1843Y:52Link to document image
Miller, Wm.H. H.fromMarge, Jno. L.186641:342Link to document image
Miller, XavierfromHerndon, Jno. M.186434:585Link to document image
Miller, ZachtoLupkin, L.187052:145Link to document image
Miller, ZachariastoAmeg, Daniel (Et al.)186846:390Link to document image
Miller, ZachariastoMcKee, Robert186951:96Link to document image
Miller, ZachariasfromMiller, Abram (Est.)186642:10Link to document image
Miller, ZachariastoRisden, Nathaniel186746:356Link to document image
Miller,LewisfromColerick, Henry R.1860Y:459Link to document image
Millering, Wm.fromKrudop, John B.187461:340Link to document image
Milles, JanetoHollopeter, Jacob1858W:493Link to document image
Milles, Wm. S.toFerguson, John186947:337Link to document image
Millhouse, S. & E. J.fromFrance, J. E. K.188496:5Link to document image
Millhouse, S. & E. J.fromLimes, M. J.188289:518Link to document image
Millhouse, Saml. (Et ux.)fromKeyser, Jacob M.1892126:366Link to document image
Milliard, John D.toRohrbach, John187565:112Link to document image
Milligan, H. J.fromFletcher, S. A.188496:138Link to document image
Milligan, H. J. (Trustee)toBash, W. B.1888109:185Link to document image
Milliman, C. V. N.toBrackenridge, T. K.186230:99Link to document image
Milliman, C. V. N.fromBrackenridge, Theo. K.186230:271Link to document image
Milliman, ElizatoEldridge, Erastus186845:419Link to document image
Milliman, H. J.fromSmith, John W.187976:541Link to document image
Milliman, StewardfromMilliman, Wm.188291:572Link to document image
Milliman, WilliamfromHeath, Stephen1848I:699Link to document image
Milliman, Wm.toChester, Chas. E.1890115:446Link to document image
Milliman, Wm.toMilliman, Steward188291:572Link to document image
Millimater, J. C.toGinther, Sidney187359:40Link to document image
Millimater, Jacob C.toEvard, Clement187360:379Link to document image
Millir, Wm. H. H.fromBunce, S. A.187155:27Link to document image
Millman, BrienttoKrebuell, Daniel1854P:498Link to document image
Mills, A. J. H.toMills, Elizabeth1857U:288Link to document image
Mills, Andrew J. H.toHosler, Joseph B.1853N:28Link to document image
Mills, Andrew J. H.fromHostter, Jos. B.1853N:7Link to document image
Mills, Andrew J. H.toRussell, Peter186432:447Link to document image
Mills, Arther E.toThompon, Lucy M.1894135:24Link to document image
Mills, Arthur (Et ux.)fromThompson, Milton M.1894134:28Link to document image
Mills, Arthur E. (Et al.)fromBond, S. B.1887105:26Link to document image
Mills, Bluford A. (Et ux.)fromSnider, Lois M.1889114:138Link to document image
Mills, Blyford A. (Et ux.)fromSnider, Lois M.1892126:128Link to document image
Mills, CatharinefromFairfield, C. K.188392:408Link to document image
Mills, CatharinefromKuhne, Fredk. W. (Et al.)1893131:13Link to document image
Mills, CatherinefromMorse, Edward188392:409Link to document image
Mills, CathrinefromFairfield, C. K.188393:8Link to document image
Mills, CharlestoMills, Samuel1885118:500Link to document image
Mills, Chas.fromMills, Samuel188194:570Link to document image
Mills, Chas. L.toMail, John187052:311Link to document image
Mills, Chas. L.toWyleman, J. N. & R.187052:246Link to document image
Mills, Cora M.toThompon, Lucy M.1894135:24Link to document image
Mills, CordeliatoAndrews, F. M.186650:517Link to document image
Mills, CordeliafromHanon, Christian B.1860Y:634Link to document image
Mills, ElizabethfromMills, A. J. H.1857U:288Link to document image
Mills, ElizabethtoMills, Louise1860Y:196Link to document image
Mills, ElizabethfromSheriff, A. Co.1857U:287Link to document image
Mills, FrancistoDavis, Waldo T.187872:483Link to document image
Mills, FrancisfromRassett, Chas. J.187770:101Link to document image
Mills, Geo.fromUnited States185077:561Link to document image
Mills, Geo. W.fromBittinger, Jacob R. (Comr.)1895137:500Link to document image
Mills, Geo. W.toBowersock, A.187154:508Link to document image
Mills, Geo. W.toDentelsbeck, Geo. M.187461:483Link to document image
Mills, Geo. W.toFelts, Harman W.1896141:263Link to document image
Mills, Geo. W.fromSwift, Bayless1867129:11Link to document image
Mills, George W.fromBowman, Calvin1895138:220Link to document image
Mills, Horatis T.fromHartman, H. C.186949:31Link to document image
Mills, Horatis T.toMeyer, Henry C.1887104:200Link to document image
Mills, I. A. (Est.)toNail, John186638:584Link to document image
Mills, I. A. (Est.)toWeilemann, Jacob186638:582Link to document image
Mills, I. A. (Est.)toWeilemann, Rudolph186638:582Link to document image
Mills, I. A. (Est.)toWeilemann, Ulrich186638:582Link to document image
Mills, Isaac A.fromHaynes, Maria184138:399Link to document image
Mills, J. C.fromFelts, Emma1896141:462Link to document image
Mills, J. C.fromFelts, Harman W.1896141:462Link to document image
Mills, JabeztoBourie, Louis T.1856S:606Link to document image
Mills, JamestoBaxter, Lavina187565:512Link to document image
Mills, Jane (Dec. by will)toMills, Samuel186284:439Link to document image
Mills, Jane (Will of)to188384:439Link to document image
Mills, Jesse E.fromSmith, Kansas (Et al.)1898153:209Link to document image
Mills, JohntoBowman, George (Et al.)1902169:397Link to document image
Mills, JohnfromPaul, Henry C.1900156:508Link to document image
Mills, John D.toHains, Joel186027:559Link to document image
Mills, John D.toReggle, Uriah1860Y:421Link to document image
Mills, John D.toSurface, Henry186127:17Link to document image
Mills, John D.toWeaver, Thomas186027:15Link to document image
Mills, John L. (Et ux.)fromRandall, Winifred J.1898150:290Link to document image
Mills, JosephfromNinde, Levi J. (Et al.)1898150:391Link to document image
Mills, JosephfromNinde, Levi J. (Et al.)1898150:392Link to document image
Mills, LouisafromBrackenridge, Jas.186538:75Link to document image
Mills, LouisatoCulbertson, H. H.186746:94Link to document image
Mills, LouisatoEdwards, Daniel186127:153Link to document image
Mills, LouisafromEdwards, Daniel186127:154Link to document image
Mills, LouisatoHood, Lucina186846:435Link to document image
Mills, LouisafromJacob, Phillip186846:414Link to document image
Mills, LouisafromSheriff186331:96Link to document image
Mills, LouisatoShunk, Allen186434:139Link to document image
Mills, Louisa (Et al.)toAnderson, F. H.186332:118Link to document image
Mills, LouisefromMills, Elizabeth1860Y:196Link to document image
Mills, LundfromAnderson, Felix H.186333:68Link to document image
Mills, M. M. (Et al.)fromCommissioner in Partition188186:518Link to document image
Mills, Martha (Et al.)toMarquit, S. M.188495:350Link to document image
Mills, Mary D. (Et ux.)fromCefel, Charles1902168:195Link to document image
Mills, Nancy A.toHollopeter, Jacob1858W:493Link to document image
Mills, R. B.fromFelts, Harman W.1896142:65Link to document image
Mills, RachelfromArcher, David R.187360:590Link to document image
Mills, RobertfromDolan, Ella (Et al.)1902168:240Link to document image
Mills, RobertfromLynch, Thomas1898152:303Link to document image
Mills, Robert B.toKinnan, Asee S.1859Y:112Link to document image
Mills, Robert B.fromNinde, Levi J.1898150:178Link to document image
Mills, Robert B.fromSeavey, Gideon W.1891121:502Link to document image
Mills, Saml.toBrown, Wm. E.187883:8Link to document image
Mills, Saml.fromMay, Ezra186330:150Link to document image
Mills, Saml.fromRoberts, Edward 188083:9Link to document image
Mills, Saml. (Admr.)toHerrick, Mary187879:253Link to document image
Mills, Saml. Jr.fromMarquit, S. M.1887106:111Link to document image
Mills, Saml. Jr.toNollopeter, B. S. (Et ux.)1894135:218Link to document image
Mills, Saml. Jr.toSwartz, Clinton1889111:259Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromAlderman, Dayton H. (Et al.)1902168:301Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromAlderman, Frank (Adm.)1902168:306Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromAlderman, Martha J.1902168:551Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoAshton, Ambrose186647:173Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoBeech, Henry L.1898149:491Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromBond, S. B.1889112:163Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromBreen, Wm. P. (Coms.)188392:593Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoCook, Ernest W.1901163:244Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromCummins, Henry1894138:59Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoCummins, Martha188083:306Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoDalman, Charles1902169:81Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromFleming, William188192:592Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromHaifley, John W. (Et al.)1900159:474Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoHartstein, Andrew1893128:531Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromHerrick, Horace186228:485Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromHood, Samuel187462:426Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromHoover, William (Et al.)188192:591Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromJames, Wm. J.187465:427Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromJobs, J. M. (Et al.)188192:591Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromKees, Susanah (Et al.)188192:591Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoKentner, Alex186746:537Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoLake, Chas. C.1888110:86Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromMeyers, Chas. E.1896142:12Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromMiller, Malissa J.1892126:385Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromMills, Charles1885118:500Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoMills, Chas.188194:570Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromMills, Jane (Dec. by will)186284:439Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoMills, Samuel Jr.1881115:376Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoMills, Will T.1898149:380Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoMitchell, Geo. W.1896143:414Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoPage, Wm.187668:222Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromPeterson, Elizabeth E.1896141:65Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoRoth, Levi1901165:257Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoRuppert, Eli188083:307Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoShoup, William1902169:435Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromShoup, William1902170:324Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromSmith, Jno. W.186952:358Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromSmith, John W.187360:554Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoSwift, Clarence F. (Et ux.)1902168:552Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoTimbrook, John187464:85Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoTimbrook, Wm.187466:324Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoWakefield, E.186434:456Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromWiddifield, Mordeeai187874:290Link to document image
Mills, SamuelfromYaggy, John1901163:410Link to document image
Mills, SamueltoZeis, George W.1901161:481Link to document image
Mills, Samuel (Adm.)toPerkins, Samantha1878119:409Link to document image
Mills, Samuel (Et al.)fromReichelderfer, A. M.1895139:113Link to document image
Mills, Samuel (Et ux.)toHollopeter B. S.1891119:571Link to document image
Mills, Samuel Jr.fromMills, Samuel1881115:376Link to document image
Mills, Samuel Sr.fromGruber, John N.1888130:136Link to document image
Mills, Sarah A. (Et al.)fromBriant, Isadore A. (Et al.)1900157:14Link to document image
Mills, Sarah A. (Et al.)toLehman, John C. (Et al.)1902168:217Link to document image
Mills, Will T.fromMills, Samuel1898149:380Link to document image
Mills, WilliamtoAuer, John (Et ux.)1892127:128Link to document image
Mills, William V.toHollopeter, Jacob1858W:494Link to document image
Mills, Wm. (Et ux.)fromCrance, M.1886101:415Link to document image
Mills, Wm. H.toLuc, Joseph186537:460Link to document image
Mills, Wm. H.toReuille, Adolph186554:2Link to document image
Mills, Wm. W.toHasper, Philip187255:519Link to document image
Milmine, GeorgetoBass, John H.1889117:2Link to document image
Milren, Jeremiah R.fromHollopeter, Wesley185P:367Link to document image
Miltenberger, Peter J.fromClay, Mary1900158:501Link to document image
Milton, UriahtoParker, John R.187049:222Link to document image
Mincel, CatherinefromKeef, David186944:527Link to document image
Minch, CatherinefromSmith, John187156:103Link to document image
Minch, NicholasfromMunch, Francis185737:184Link to document image
Minchart, MargarettoLahmon, Theodore1892124:149Link to document image
Minde, James W.fromSwayne, William M.1902166:373Link to document image
Minde, James W.toSwayne, William M. (Et al.)1902171:113Link to document image
Minde, Jas. W.fromSwayne, S. F.188392:284Link to document image
Minde, Lindley M.fromMontgomery, Mary S.1857X:147Link to document image
Minder, GottfriedfromBalsiger, Albert1901165:187Link to document image
Minder, GottfriedtoSpringer, Isaac1901165:383Link to document image
Minder, GottfriedfromSpringer, Isaac1902169:415Link to document image
Minder, GottfriedfromSprunger, Isaac1901165:188Link to document image
Minder, GottfriedtoWoodburn Banking Co.1902167:563Link to document image
Mindorf, Maria AnnfromMendorff, William1854Q:467Link to document image
Minehard, S. P.fromRichmond, Ernst186949:69Link to document image
Minehart, M.fromRobinson, Jno. A.186546:251Link to document image
Minehart, MichaeltoBuskirk, Geo. W.188289:423Link to document image
Minehart, Simon P.toWade, George G.187361:498Link to document image
Miner, B. D.fromAuditor1875A:71Link to document image
Miner, B. D.toBanta, Harman186539:21Link to document image
Miner, B. D.fromCase, Chas. (Coms.)185674:379Link to document image
Miner, B. D.toColes, James187360:431Link to document image
Miner, B. D.fromColes, Jesse (Admr.)187360:403Link to document image
Miner, B. D.fromEvans, S. C.187258:14Link to document image
Miner, B. D.fromEwing, C. F.186642:121Link to document image
Miner, B. D.toEwing, Geo. W.186539:3Link to document image
Miner, B. D.toEwing, Geo. W.187152:446Link to document image
Miner, B. D.fromEwing, Geo. W. (Est.)186642:119Link to document image
Miner, B. D.fromEwing, Geo. W. (Jr.)186642:121Link to document image
Miner, B. D.fromEwing, Wm. A.186439:2Link to document image
Miner, B. D.toFairfield, Asa186330:506Link to document image
Miner, B. D.toGriebel, Wm.188391:193Link to document image
Miner, B. D.fromGuthrie, C. W.186537:555Link to document image
Miner, B. D.toHolladay, Jesse187668:505Link to document image
Miner, B. D.fromHolladay, L. H.186642:192Link to document image
Miner, B. D.toMiner, Cora188599:595Link to document image
Miner, B. D.toMiner, Geo. E.188599:346Link to document image
Miner, B. D.toMiner, Sarah E.186743:403Link to document image
Miner, B. D.toMiner, Wm. E.187975:508Link to document image
Miner, B. D.toReiter, Fred J. H.187154:148Link to document image
Miner, B. D.toRoesener, H. F.188597:521Link to document image
Miner, B. D.fromSheriff187255:229Link to document image
Miner, B. D.toSleupe, Henry186338:333Link to document image
Miner, B. D.fromSteup, Henry186330:447Link to document image
Miner, B. D.fromStorkweather, E.1860Y:95Link to document image
Miner, B. D. (Admr.)toWalke, Lewis1855S:98Link to document image
Miner, B. D. (Et al.)fromSheriff196952:76Link to document image
Miner, B. D. (Exr.)toEwing, Geo. W.186638:659Link to document image
Miner, Bbyrum D.toEwing, George1856S:625Link to document image
Miner, Bryum D.toRapp, George1858W:19Link to document image
Miner, Byron D.fromEwing, Geo. W.186639:570Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.fromBass, Sion S.1853N:626Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.fromBass, Sion S.1857U:6Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.fromBayless, M. W.1857U:217Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.toBond, Stephen B.1859V:505Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.toEwing, G. W.1856S:492Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.fromEwing, G. W.1857T:593Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.toEwing, George W.1856S:625Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.fromEwing, George W.186127:162Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.fromEwing, George W.186230:49Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.toEwing, W. G.1856S:492Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.fromFairfield, Asa186330:504Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.toLillie, James186127:121Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.toReiling, August1856V:315Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.toStarkweather, Susan1860Y:94Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.toWarner, Martha Emma1856T:79Link to document image
Miner, Byrum D.toWatson, Bell1853O:247Link to document image
Miner, Byrun, D. (Adm.)toBond, Charles D.1855R:134Link to document image
Miner, Charles S.fromSchnorr, Tobias1902167:81Link to document image
Miner, Charles S.toSchnorr, Tobias (Et ux.)1902167:82Link to document image
Miner, CorafromMiner, B. D.188599:595Link to document image
Miner, ElifromAllen Circuit Court1887104:10Link to document image
Miner, ElifromMurphy, Clara E. (Et al.)1887103:333Link to document image
Miner, ElitoMurphy, Geo. A.1887104:4Link to document image
Miner, ElizabethtoKomp, Clarissa186643:4Link to document image
Miner, GainestoJackson, Wm. A.185148:538Link to document image
Miner, Geo. E.toBrown, Amanda L.1895140:238Link to document image
Miner, Geo. E.toEmbry, Elizabeth1892125:506Link to document image
Miner, Geo. E.toHastey, Elizabeth1894134:118Link to document image
Miner, Geo. E.toHastry, S. Webster1894134:118Link to document image
Miner, Geo. E.fromMiner, B. D.188599:346Link to document image
Miner, Geo. E.fromMiner, Wm. E.188596:599Link to document image
Miner, Geo. E.toRandall, Alfred L.1894135:106Link to document image
Miner, Geo. E.toVollriede, Chris1888109:440Link to document image
Miner, Geo. E.fromWitmer, Frances E.1892125:505Link to document image
Miner, Geo. E.toWitner, Frances E.1892125:507Link to document image
Miner, Geo. E.toYoung, Wm. H.1890131:63Link to document image
Miner, Geoge E.toPassino, Joseph (Et ux.)1900159:140Link to document image
Miner, George E.fromAxt., Elizabeth1902170:175Link to document image
Miner, George E.fromAxt., Elizabeth (Admn.)1902170:177Link to document image
Miner, George E.fromFelger, Dorothy1899155:380Link to document image
Miner, George E.fromFelger, Henry W. (Admr.)1899155:380Link to document image
Miner, George E.fromPassino, Joseph1900159:139Link to document image
Miner, George E.toPutman, Charles1902168:168Link to document image
Miner, George E.toPutman, Charles1902169:141Link to document image
Miner, George E.toScherer, Mary C.1899155:381Link to document image
Miner, George E.toThomas, Martha M. (Et ux.)1891120:301Link to document image
Miner, George E.toUhlig, Ernst Paul (Et ux.)1902170:176Link to document image
Miner, George E. (Et al.)toRusslot, Cathrine1891120:89Link to document image
Miner, Grace E.toGard, Brookfield1893132:56Link to document image
Miner, Gracie E.toOstman, Johana1892131:259Link to document image
Miner, HenrytoVanharn, A. J.187152:382Link to document image
Miner, Henry (Et al.)toVanhorn, A. J. & L.187976:218Link to document image
Miner, Henry (Et ux.)toTrus. Monroe Tp.1891119:583Link to document image
Miner, Henry (Trustee)fromVanburn, Andrew187051:438Link to document image
Miner, JamesfromBauserman, S. A.186331:181Link to document image
Miner, JamestoBauserman, S. A.187155:77Link to document image
Miner, JamesfromBrown, S. F.187154:486Link to document image
Miner, JamesfromLambert, Henry186154:133Link to document image
Miner, JamestoMonnier, Alexis187254:482Link to document image
Miner, JamestoRockafellow, Caroline L.1898158:268Link to document image
Miner, Jas. M.toKomp, Daniel186746:45Link to document image
Miner, JohntoMiller, John Jr.1889112:317Link to document image
Miner, L. R.fromSnyder, D. C.187463:115Link to document image
Miner, L. R.toSnyder, R.187463:116Link to document image
Miner, LeahtoTaylor, Jno. M.187770:234Link to document image
Miner, M. J.toDeiwert, Henry187567:253Link to document image
Miner, Martha Emma (Will)to1859X:354Link to document image
Miner, Mary J.toKomp, Daniel186746:45Link to document image
Miner, Nancy E.fromMiner, S. P.186330:410Link to document image
Miner, Phoebe J.fromRamsey, Peter (Etu.)1891113:518Link to document image
Miner, S. P.fromCochrane, John186641:98Link to document image
Miner, S. P.toMiner, Nancy E.186330:410Link to document image
Miner, Samuel R.fromBickel, Jacob1900160:67Link to document image
Miner, Samuel R.toTri State B. & L. A.1901164:531Link to document image
Miner, SarahtoReiling, Dorothea1894135;206Link to document image
Miner, SarahfromReiter, Fred (Jr.)187154:156Link to document image
Miner, Sarah E.fromEwing, Geo. W. 186434:396Link to document image
Miner, Sarah E.fromMiner, B. D.186743:403Link to document image
Miner, Sarah ElizabethfromEwing, George W.186230:48Link to document image
Miner, Sarah J.fromPool, Florence1886106:407Link to document image
Miner, Simon P.fromHumphrey, Geo.186641:98Link to document image
Miner, W. E.fromMcCulloch, F. H.188183:197Link to document image
Miner, W. E.toSage, Arthur (Et al.)1892126:119Link to document image
Miner, William E.toBoerger, Simon J.1897149:394Link to document image
Miner, William E. (Et al.)toPfleidner, Mary1901163:415Link to document image
Miner, William E. (Et ux.)toEgle, Warren1891121:212Link to document image
Miner, William E. (Et ux.)toOverly, Didymus1891121:210Link to document image
Miner, William E. (Et ux.)toStoll, Lewis1891119:501Link to document image
Miner, William E. (Et ux.)toYoung, George1891113:599Link to document image
Miner, William E. (Et ux.)toYoung, Leora (Et ux.)1891113:232Link to document image
Miner, Wm. C. (Extr.)fromSheriff1894131:503Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E.toBuford, Edward188393:129Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E.toGard, Brookfield1893132:56Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E.toLemks, Adelia1892127:150Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E.fromMiner, B. D.187975:508Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E.toMiner, Geo. E.188596:599Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E.toOstman, Johana1892131:259Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E.toWells, John W.1896141:487Link to document image
Miner, Wm. e. & WifetoGorniley, John H. & Wife1893134:164Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Et al.)toHaiber, Fredk. 1893128:361Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Ex. & C.)toJacobs, Andrew1893130:157Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Ex. & C.)toScott, Stephen D.1893130:159Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Ex. & T.)toHislop, H. W.1887104:169Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Ex. & T.)toHislop, Jno. S.1887104:168Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Ex.)toBobilya, Louis J.1899153:263Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Ex.)toBolton, Nehemiah1888108:335Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Ex.)toMiller, Sarah E.1889110:380Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Ex.)toNoll, Andrew1889111:77Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Ex.)toRouch, Amanda A.1897148:180Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Ex.)toUlenhake, H. A.1887105:166Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Ex.)fromUlenhake, H. A.1888108:571Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Extr. and Trustee)toRiethmiller, Aug.1895136:367Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Extr.)toBrimsley, Geo. C. Jr.1890117:147Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Extr.)toGriebel, Mary1895138:219Link to document image
Miner, Wm. e. (Extr.)toSeemann, Wm. C.1895137:502Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Extr.)toStevens, Albert J.1889111:254Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Extr.)toVesey, Wm. J.1890117:135Link to document image
Miner, Wm. E. (Trustee)toHayden, Jno. W.1887105:152Link to document image
Miner, Wm. H. H.toFletcher, S. M. (Et al.)1889113:4Link to document image
Minera, John R.fromLomiller, Elroy1900157:308Link to document image
Minerd, JaesfromThorne, Amy J.1898153:238Link to document image
Minerd, James (Et al.)fromKrick, Elijah (Et al.)1899154:395Link to document image
Minerd, James (Et al.)fromKrick, Miner1899154:394Link to document image
Minerd, James (Et ux.)fromBall, Barbary Ann (Et al.)1898151:491Link to document image
Minerd, James (Et ux.)fromPring, Caroline (Et al.)1898151:490Link to document image
Minerd, JanefromSheahan, Wm.187465:108Link to document image
Minerd, Jas.fromMinerd, John1894132:268Link to document image
Minerd, JohntoMinerd, Jas.1894132:268Link to document image
Minerd, JohntoMinerd, Martha J.1894132:268Link to document image
Minerd, Martha J.fromMinerd, John1894132:268Link to document image
Miners, B. D. (Plat of )to188392:62Link to document image
Minesmith, HenryfromBeny, Jas. S.186542:369Link to document image
Miney, JosephtoColeman, Jaacob1859Y:80Link to document image
Mingerson, CarlfromTownley, R. W. & J. W.186330:459Link to document image
Mingerson, Chas.fromEicks, Henry188599:152Link to document image
Minges, E. K.fromMiller, H. A. (Et al.)1888110:370Link to document image
Mingrove, EdwardfromIndiana Inv. Co.1898154:95Link to document image
Minich, Harry (Et al.)fromSiebert, Charles1900156:352Link to document image
Minich, HenryfromClifford, James1892127:165Link to document image
Minich, Henry (Et ux.)fromKline, Jacob1900158;238Link to document image
Minich, JohnfromClifford, James1892126:420Link to document image
Minich, John B.toClifford, James1895139:335Link to document image
Minick, AnnettiefromHood, Robert188183:230Link to document image
Minick, O. (Et al.)toHood, Robt.188081:466Link to document image
Minick, OlivertoDorsey, Geo. J.188289:34Link to document image
Minick, OliverfromEninger, Charles W. (Et al.)1901162:170Link to document image
Minick, OliverfromEninger, Chas. W.1895136:406Link to document image
Minick, OliverfromGernhardt, Wm.1896157:340Link to document image
Minick, OlivertoKeefer, David (Et al.)1895139:172Link to document image
Minick, OlivertoNagel, Conrad1900157:341Link to document image
Minick, OliverfromWilson, Alfred B.186361:566Link to document image
Minick, Oliver (Et al.)fromFiedler, Marinda (Et al.)1889111:33Link to document image
Minick, Oliver P.toWells, Elizabeth188081:436Link to document image
Minier, FranklintoSoutlhi, Jno.188392:493Link to document image
Minne, FredfromRandall, F. P.185491:14Link to document image
Minne, Frederick (Sr. Est.)toCook, Philip C.1856Y:30Link to document image
Minnecker, Bertha S.fromVesey, Allen J. (Comr.)1901164:282Link to document image
Minnee, FredericktoHarris, John1852N:98Link to document image
Minneker, Bertha S.toSchoppmann, Philip1901164:285Link to document image
Minneker, ErnsttoBueker, Fred W.187153:382Link to document image
Minneker, Henry (Et ux.)fromGeerken, George1892126:278Link to document image
Minnewisch, Cath.fromFelger, Henry W. (Et al.)1898154:361Link to document image
Minnich, Francis (Jr.)fromHough, John (Jr.)1857T:515Link to document image
Minnich, James w.toBowser, S. F.1898152:278Link to document image
Minnich, JohnfromCrabill, Levi1895140:396Link to document image
Minnich, JosephtoMinnich, Wm. R.1859153:206Link to document image
Minnich, KatefromBriggemann, Wm. H.1895139:133Link to document image
Minnich, Matilda (Et al.)toMinnich, Phillip (Et ux.)1901163:272Link to document image
Minnich, MichaeltoYounkman, David1857U:15Link to document image
Minnich, NettiefromPreston, Mathias G.187472:476Link to document image
Minnich, OliverfromCosgrove, F. K. Sr.188079:331Link to document image
Minnich, OliverfromPreston, Mathias187872:475Link to document image
Minnich, PhillipfromHamlet, Jesse E.1897145:541Link to document image
Minnich, PhilliptoTentonia, B. L. & S. Assn.1902168:448Link to document image
Minnich, Phillip (Et ux.)fromBriggemann, Wm. H.1895139:133Link to document image
Minnich, Phillip (Et ux.)fromMinnich, Matilda (Et al.)1901163:272Link to document image
Minnich, Wm. R.fromMinnich, Joseph1859153:206Link to document image
Minnick, Jas. W.fromFort Wayne Land & I. Co.1897149:280Link to document image
Minnick, JosephfromFreeman, Newton B.185427:37Link to document image
Minnick, JosephfromTownley, Jas. O.185427:37Link to document image
Minnick, OliverfromPerkins, Ruth1895136:406Link to document image
Minnick, OlivertoReider, Granville A. (Et al.)1896142:233Link to document image
Minnick, OliverfromSkinner, Jonas187359:184Link to document image
Minnick, Oliver (Et ux.)toSwift, Clarence F.1891113:377Link to document image
Minnick, PhilliptoTentonia, B. L. & S. A.1896142:327Link to document image
Minnie, ElizabethfromRandall, F. P. (Comr.)184042:289Link to document image
Minnie, Mary L.toGasser, A.187261:46Link to document image
Minnie, Mary L.fromWard, Ellwood187461:199Link to document image
Minnie, Mary L.toWard, Elwood187461:474Link to document image
Minnie, NancyfromTower, Benj. H.186537:567Link to document image
Minnker, ErnstfromHilgeman, E. H.187051:471Link to document image
Minnoch, S. and G.fromBlessing, Jno. G.1860Y:46Link to document image
Minor, LeahfromHenning, Adam187670:54Link to document image
Minor, LeahtoPriff, David M.1853N:237Link to document image
Minser, Chas. H.fromGonty, James M.1894132:423Link to document image
Minser, GeorgefromReed, Chas. A. (Trustee)1890117:157Link to document image
Minshall, D. W.fromGookins, S. B. & Thos. Dowling187668:357Link to document image
Minshall, D. W.toTrull, Wm. B.187770:294Link to document image
Minshall, Deloso W.fromButler, Noble C.1892127:15Link to document image
Minster, John G.toFt. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:127Link to document image
Minster, John G.toFt. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:40Link to document image
Minster, John G. (Et al.)fromStraughan, Joseph C.1901161:420Link to document image
Mintch, Marten M.toRandall, P. A.1892124:130Link to document image
Mintch, Martha M.fromColerick, Guy (Comr.)1902171:225Link to document image
Mintch, Martha M.fromTegtmeyer, Anna1894134:551Link to document image
Mintch, MartinfromTeatmeyer, Anna1894134:551Link to document image
Mintch, Martin M.toColerick, Guy1902171:225Link to document image
Miracle & WatsonfromMiracle, Esk.187565:481Link to document image
Miracle, E. (Et al.)toGillett, C. M. & H.188081:122Link to document image
Miracle, EmmalinetoSwift, Alphens1895138:228Link to document image
Miracle, EnochfromMercantile Trust Co.188081:159Link to document image
Miracle, EnochfromMiracle, Geo. K.187874:585Link to document image
Miracle, EnochfromMiracle, Mary187978:540Link to document image
Miracle, EnochfromWatson, Mary187770:250Link to document image
Miracle, Enoch (Et al.)toEby, Daniel187673:456Link to document image
Miracle, Esk.toMiracle & Watson187565:481Link to document image
Miracle, Esk.toMiracle, George187565:481Link to document image
Miracle, Geo. H.fromJahn, Robert1887104:373Link to document image
Miracle, Geo. K.fromBarret, M. E. (Et. al.)188081:369Link to document image
Miracle, Geo. K.toBartels, Henry188080:552Link to document image
Miracle, Geo. K.toBercot, Henry1896142:438Link to document image
Miracle, Geo. K.fromJahn, E. & M. (Et al.)188081:369Link to document image
Miracle, Geo. K.toMiracle, Enoch187874:585Link to document image
Miracle, Geo. K.toPepe, Mary1886102:236Link to document image
Miracle, Geo. K.toSwift, Alphens1895138:228Link to document image
Miracle, Geo. K.toSwift, C. L.1880100:585Link to document image
Miracle, Geo. K.toSwift, Katharina1886100:586Link to document image
Miracle, Geo. K. (Et ux.)fromSordelet, Louis1899153:194Link to document image
Miracle, GeorgefromMiracle, Esk.187565:481Link to document image
Miracle, George K.toSordelet, Louis1897147:339Link to document image
Miracle, JohntoDunbar, Wm.186229:435Link to document image
Miracle, MarytoMiracle, Enoch187978:540Link to document image
Mirade, George K.toBeckman, Edward1902169:189Link to document image
Mirade, JohnfromEme, John Humbert186127:515Link to document image
Mirah, D. E.fromCampbell, Robert1856S:487Link to document image
Mire, ChristianfromSmith, Jacob B.186333:189Link to document image
Mires, Mary EllentoFreeman, Robt. L.187570:530Link to document image
Mires, VolentinefromMeyer, Charles184674:240Link to document image
Mirick, Dalus E.toCampbell, Robert C.1856T:414Link to document image
Mirvitt, Mary L.toTreace, Geo. W.187875:372Link to document image
Mische, MichaelfromGable, Christian186844:236Link to document image
Mischo, CatharinefromWiehe, Ferdinand188496:57Link to document image
Mischo, MichaeltoRoth, Frederich187152:304Link to document image
Mischo, NicholasfromEmbry, Lewis S.186947:536Link to document image
Mischo, NicholastoFt. Wayne187566:371Link to document image
Mischo, NicholasfromSkinner, F. H.188079:438Link to document image
Misener & MurphyfromMiller, Wm.187359:577Link to document image
Mising, CharlestoRandall, P. A.1893130:21Link to document image
Misner & MurphytoBiddle, Thomas M.187361:304Link to document image
Misner, A. & G.toDix, Esther188494:379Link to document image
Misner, A. A.fromRaab, John186947:499Link to document image
Misner, A. A.fromStoll, Henry187883:281Link to document image
Misner, Amanda A.fromBrown, Amos187670:445Link to document image
Misner, Amanda A.toQuinn, Daniel187462:119Link to document image
Misner, Amanda A.toStall, Henry187873:238Link to document image
Misner, AnnafromAuditor1886100:197Link to document image
Misner, AnnafromBowser, Aug. (Et ux.)1892123:403Link to document image
Misner, AnnafromDeVilbiss, Thos. D.1889115:273Link to document image
Misner, AnnatoHeffner, Reb. B.1893131:472Link to document image
Misner, AnnafromHeffner, Rebecca B.1883131:471Link to document image
Misner, AnnafromMisner, Lemuel H.1890115:272Link to document image
Misner, AnnatoWass, Jane1893131:374Link to document image
Misner, AnnatoWass, Saml. L.1893131:374Link to document image
Misner, AnnafromWass, Samuel L.1893131:373Link to document image
Misner, AnniefromBowser, Julia A.1887104:236Link to document image
Misner, AnniefromKrutsch, Rosa B.1891119:374Link to document image
Misner, Clarence E. (Et al.)fromFort Wayne L. & Imp. Co.1896143:456Link to document image
Misner, JamesfromPayne, Wm. C.187050:450Link to document image
Misner, James A.toBrown, Amos187566:44Link to document image
Misner, Jas. A.toBittinger, A. H.186947:433Link to document image
Misner, Jas. A.fromBond, Chas. D.186743:468Link to document image
Misner, Lemuel H.toMisner, Anna1890115:272Link to document image
Misner, RoseyfromPickard, Thos. R.187771:544Link to document image
Mission Boards German Baptist Brother ChurchfromBass, John H.1898151:236Link to document image
Missionary Society (Et al.)toEhle, William1898152:146Link to document image
Mitchel, P. (Et al.)fromHollopeter, Israel188496:117Link to document image
Mitchell, C. P.fromAuditor1900146:578Link to document image
Mitchell, C. P.toRedelsheimer, David S.1900157:219Link to document image
Mitchell, Commodore P. (Et ux.)fromColyer, Jacob1898150:462Link to document image
Mitchell, G. E. (Etu.)toWarner, A. G.1892123:345Link to document image
Mitchell, G. W.toEckes, Jas. A.187874:450Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. F.toRoller, Josiah186746:50Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. W.fromDaniels, Wm. B.187359:262Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. W.fromDowell, Wm.187153:256Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. W.fromEckles, Jas. A.187772:14Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. W.fromEckles, N. P.187772:14Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. W.toFosnight, Solomon1892127:497Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. W.fromMills, Samuel1896143:414Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. W.toReichelderfer, Chas.186230:361Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. W.toSmall, John188081:516Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. W.fromSmith, Andrew188183:76Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. W.toStopher, Mary E.1892124:497Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. W.fromSwift, Clarence1894133:71Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. W.fromTownsend, Jno. H.186642:38Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. W.toTruitt, T. S.188288:244Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. W. (Et al.)toHiggins, Geo.1892125:291Link to document image
Mitchell, Geo. W. (Et al.)toSmall, Jno.187977:387Link to document image
Mitchell, George W.toSwift, Edward1897149:264Link to document image
Mitchell, J. t.toFosnight, Solomon187674:479Link to document image
Mitchell, J. T.fromSnyder, J.187463:204Link to document image
Mitchell, L. M. (Et al.)toThomas, S. A.188288:244Link to document image
Mitchell, LewiatoGrosh, John1857T:532Link to document image
Mitchell, LewistoSouder, Henry1853M:767Link to document image
Mitchell, Louisa (Et al.)toCedar Creek School1889121:27Link to document image
Mitchell, M.toLower, Martin186330:291Link to document image
Mitchell, MargaretfromBeck, Wm. L.186330:269Link to document image
Mitchell, MargaretfromEwing, George W.1860Y:400Link to document image
Mitchell, Mars.toBeck, Wm. L.186330:271Link to document image
Mitchell, Mary A.toFox, Ammon186641:478Link to document image
Mitchell, Mary A.fromMay, Ezra186331:48Link to document image
Mitchell, P. C.fromEstill, Jas. A. (Et ux.)1891121:568Link to document image
Mitchell, Phil.toWeisell, Elzina1888107:497Link to document image
Mitchell, PhilandertoBrown, Susan C.1891126:279Link to document image
Mitchell, PhilanderfromLefever, S. E.188390:371Link to document image
Mitchell, Philander C.toBeyerley, David1901165:413Link to document image
Mitchell, Philander C. (Et al.)fromWells, Aaron1901165:557Link to document image
Mitchell, Philander C. (Et ux.)fromSchoonmaker, Hannah B. P.1902165:561Link to document image
Mitchell, S. J.fromLuce, Catharine188495:484Link to document image
Mitchell, Sarah J.fromAuditor1898146:439Link to document image
Mitchell, Thomas B.toButler, George1853P:426Link to document image
Mitchell, Thomas B.toVickers, Jesse1853P:97Link to document image
Mitchell, Thomas B. (Trustee)toMiller, Joseph1852R:570Link to document image
Mitchell, WilliamfromFoster, David N.1890118:393Link to document image
Mitchell, WilliamtoJohnson, Lucinda1837N:437Link to document image
Mithley, AnnatoBoltz, Catharine188391:55Link to document image
Mitsderfer, AndrewfromMunch, Frank187673:134Link to document image
Mitsdoerfer, AndreastoCleber, Christian187873:129Link to document image
Mittel, UlrichfromBird & Brown186948:181Link to document image
Mitten, AugustefromMitten, J. (Est.)186127:393Link to document image
Mitten, E. J.toAber, D. J. & Susana188392:566Link to document image
Mitten, E. J.fromPrezinger, J. R.188392:474Link to document image
Mitten, EmmettoFanand, Wm. C.187978:536Link to document image
Mitten, EmmetfromLillie, Mary E.187978:469Link to document image
Mitten, EmmettfromMitten, J. (Est.)186127:393Link to document image
Mitten, J. (Est.)toMitten, Auguste186127:393Link to document image
Mitten, J. (Est.)toMitten, Emmett186127:393Link to document image
Mitten, J. (Est.)toMitten, Lucy Clara186127:393Link to document image
Mitten, J. E.fromPape, William188392:475Link to document image
Mitten, J. R.toDill, Charles1853N:634Link to document image
Mitten, J. R.fromJenkinson, Moses185042:126Link to document image
Mitten, Jeremiah R.toBlue, John B.1853Q:254Link to document image
Mitten, Jeremiah R.fromJekinson, Moses185042:126Link to document image
Mitten, L. C.fromBloomhuff, S. H.187152:304Link to document image
Mitten, L. F.toLamb, Charles186330:294Link to document image
Mitten, Lucy C.toWheelock, E. G.187873:371Link to document image
Mitten, Lucy ClarafromMitten, J. (Est.)186127:393Link to document image
Mitten, RobertfromHall, Sarah A.186127:253Link to document image
Mitten, SylvesterfromCross, James T.1850N:51Link to document image
Mitten, SylvestertoMarquart, John1851Q:773Link to document image
Mitten, UriahtoAikin, Isaac1855S:92Link to document image
Mitten, UriahtoBird, Ochmiond186948:182Link to document image
Mitten, UriahfromBouls, Mary186127;279Link to document image
Mitten, UriahfromHobbs, Daniel (Est. of)1858U:598Link to document image
Mitten, UriahfromHobbs, Sarah1857U:370Link to document image
Mitten, UriahtoHobbs, Thomas1852P:463Link to document image
Mitten, UriahtoHobbs, William1852P:113Link to document image
Mitten, UriahfromKelley, John186239:212Link to document image
Mitten, UriahtoLenhart, Peter188286:240Link to document image
Mitten, UriahfromMapel, L. S.188186:155Link to document image
Mitten, UriahtoMiddleton, Geo.186239:213Link to document image
Mitten, UriastoBacon, Samuel185248:165Link to document image
Mitten, UriasfromCross, James T.1885N:51Link to document image
Mitten, UriastoHobbs, Thomas1852P:462Link to document image
Mitten, UriastoJones, Enos1852N:759Link to document image
Mitten, UriastoNail, John185248:460Link to document image
Mitten, UriastoOhio & Ind. R. R. Co.1851R:85Link to document image
Mittendorf, BarneyfromKrull, udolph188183:141Link to document image
Mittendorf, HenrytoMarans, Nicholas1854Q:224Link to document image
Mitter, HenryfromBaltzell, Henry1851K:633Link to document image
Mitter, PeterfromMeyer, C. F. G.186636:560Link to document image
Mittert, Sol. G.toBunier, Phillip186950:461Link to document image
Mittler, MathiastoReinhard, M.187254:230Link to document image
Mitton, E. (by Guard)toMayers, G. P.186230:140Link to document image
Mitton, Jer. B.toDailey, Wm. T.185142:127Link to document image
Mitton, SylvestertoReynolds, William1850N:54Link to document image
Mitton, UriahfromHobbs, Thomas (Admr.)1858136:488Link to document image
Mitton, UriahtoMiddleton, Joseph H.1852N:89Link to document image
Mitton, UriahtoReynolds, William1850N:54Link to document image
Mitts, Geo. W. (Adm.)toEarlgrovine, H.187152:487Link to document image
Mitztoerfer, AndrewfromLang, Joseph186847:53Link to document image
Mix, Ella V.fromThomas, Emma A.1894135:136Link to document image
Mix, F. D.fromChausse, Amede186536:428Link to document image
Mix, Justus L.toJacobs, E. A.1853O:622Link to document image
Mix, Moritz (Et ux.)toMengerson, Eliz.1892123:227Link to document image
Mix, MortizfromEix, Matilda1888107:167Link to document image
Mix, Samuel F.toRice, Abner (Jr.)187051:195Link to document image
Mix, SylvesterfromThomas, Emma A.1894135:136Link to document image
Mix, T. D.toChaussa, Amedee186536:429Link to document image
Mix, Thomas D.fromChaussee, Amedee186130:177Link to document image
Mix, Thomas D.toHollmann, William187976:286Link to document image
Mix, Thomas D.fromKnodi, R. S.187976:297Link to document image
Mix, Thomas D.toRodes, Jacob1857U:12Link to document image
Mix, Thos. D.toBiggs, Joseph186435:446Link to document image
Mix, Thos. D.fromPowers, Amasa186436:181Link to document image
Mix, Thos. D.toTrontner, J. & M. M.188598:271Link to document image
Mix, Thos. D.fromTroutner, Jno.188598:270Link to document image
Mixter, GeorgetoAnderson, T. P.186538:378Link to document image

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