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ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index

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Parties to the Deed                                                YearDeed Book
Jaap, Geo.fromFrance, J. e. K. (Com.)1886102:477Link to document image
Jaap, GeorgefromAbbott, Wm. T.1891122:171Link to document image
Jaap, GeorgetoCrawford, A. C.1888107:418Link to document image
Jaap, GeorgefromWhite, J. B.1891122:172Link to document image
Jaap, GeorgetoWhite, Jas. B.1893131:302Link to document image
Jaap, MarytoGoodfellow, James F.1902170:534Link to document image
Jaap, MaryfromGoodfellow, James Y.1902170:535Link to document image
Jaap, MaryfromLawton Pl. Imp. Co.1902169:489Link to document image
Jabas, EmilfromBuesching, Fred188393:32Link to document image
Jabas, EmilfromPerriguey, Peter1890116:384Link to document image
Jabas, Mary (Et al.)toPernot, Constant (Et ux.)1896143:32Link to document image
Jabker, Anna M.toStoppenhagen, Ernst187874:584Link to document image
Jabker, Anna M.fromStoppenhagen, Ernst187874:583Link to document image
Jabker, G. H.toSiemon, A. F.186272:74Link to document image
Jabker, Gerhard H. (Will of)to1877110:284Link to document image
Jack, LoufromDreibelbiss, John1897148:353Link to document image
Jackamier, C.toMagner, Joseph186438:144Link to document image
Jackamier, C.toMagner, Joseph186438:144Link to document image
Jackel, LeonardtoAllen County L. & S. A.1898149:531Link to document image
Jackemeier, HenryfromBranning, Hanna186641:498Link to document image
Jackemeiyer, ConradtoJackemeyer, Conrad C.1899153:60Link to document image
Jackemeyer, ConradfromMcDowell, A. F.188390:445Link to document image
Jackemeyer, Conrad C.fromJackemeiyer, Conrad1899153:60Link to document image
Jackemeyer, Conrad C.toJackemeyer, Henry1899155:85Link to document image
Jackemeyer, Conrad C.fromJackemeyer, Henry1899153:61Link to document image
Jackemeyer, HenryfromDecker, John1891119:537Link to document image
Jackemeyer, HenrytoJackemeyer, Conrad C.1899153:61Link to document image
Jackemeyer, HenryfromJackemeyer, Conrad C.1899155:85Link to document image
Jackemeyer, HenryfromLupken, Rudolph (Guard)1893129:327Link to document image
Jackemeyer, HenrytoSchulz, Henry186127:158Link to document image
Jackemeyer, HenryfromSchulz, Henry186127:157Link to document image
Jackenmyer, Conrad & CatherinetoFt. Wayne & E. R. R. Co.1894134:196Link to document image
Jackenmyer, Henry & ConradtoFt. Wayne & E. R. R. Co.1894134:198Link to document image
Jackers, MichaelfromHubler, Abram186333:69Link to document image
Jackmeyer, ConradtoCharanne, Seraphin1857U:10Link to document image
Jackmeyer, HenryfromSchaeper, Elizabeth (Et al.)1893129:121Link to document image
Jackson School Twp.fromAnspach, John P.1901163:25Link to document image
Jackson TownshipfromCaslleman, Richard186228:455Link to document image
Jackson townshipfromEvard, Clement1892134:251Link to document image
Jackson Tp.toBacon, Albert S.1900168:464Link to document image
Jackson Tp.fromBaldwin, Timothy1892134:252Link to document image
Jackson Tp.fromEvard, Clement188287:498Link to document image
Jackson Tp.fromFoster, Chas.188081:325Link to document image
Jackson, A.fromHough, John186333:36Link to document image
Jackson, A. A.fromBeninghoff, N.187050:459Link to document image
Jackson, A. A.fromJackson, Abram186743:55Link to document image
Jackson, A. A.fromLoveland, Jno. N.188286:338Link to document image
Jackson, A. A.fromSmitley, Jacob188597:628Link to document image
Jackson, A. A.toWarner, Geo. W.1887103:621Link to document image
Jackson, A. P.toHammon, M. A.187669:142Link to document image
Jackson, A. P.fromHammon, M. A.188391:412Link to document image
Jackson, A. P.fromJackson, Ira C.186844:366Link to document image
Jackson, A. P.toSwayne, Mary C.1887106:98Link to document image
Jackson, A. P.toTrustees Christian Church188079:178Link to document image
Jackson, A.P. (Et ux.)fromZollars, Allen (Et al.)1887108:333Link to document image
Jackson, AbrahamtoFoote, Abraham186538:318Link to document image
Jackson, AbrahamtoForte, Abraham186538:318Link to document image
Jackson, AbramtoJackson, A. A.186743:55Link to document image
Jackson, AbramfromJackson, Adam (Et al.)187255:551Link to document image
Jackson, AbramtoJackson, Albert186743:55Link to document image
Jackson, AbramfromJackson, Chas. W.188392:528Link to document image
Jackson, AbramtoJackson, Chas. W.1890119:148Link to document image
Jackson, Adam (Et al.)toJackson, Abram187255:551Link to document image
Jackson, AlbertfromJackson, Abram186743:55Link to document image
Jackson, Albert A.fromJackson, Chas. W.1889111:218Link to document image
Jackson, Albert A.fromJackson, Clyde J.1897148:471Link to document image
Jackson, Albert A.toJackson, Clyde J.1897148:472Link to document image
Jackson, Albert A.toJackson, Clyde J.1900157:461Link to document image
Jackson, Allen (Et. )toCraig, James1891122:534Link to document image
Jackson, Allen P.toHies, Adolphus J. (Et ux.)1896164:541Link to document image
Jackson, Allen P.toJackson, Effie A.1895137:541Link to document image
Jackson, Allen P.fromMygrant, Wm.187258:539Link to document image
Jackson, Allen P.fromNinde, L. m.1889138:35Link to document image
Jackson, Anna R.fromHomsher, Frank B.1902171:224Link to document image
Jackson, Anna R.toThieme, Frederick J.1902166:484Link to document image
Jackson, Arthur R.toJackson, Mary Jane1900160:3Link to document image
Jackson, Asa W.fromDieterick, Emanuel186848:24Link to document image
Jackson, Augustus B.fromTrescler, Henry (Comr.)1901166:36Link to document image
Jackson, Aza W.toFriebt, Susie E.187255:274Link to document image
Jackson, C. M. G. J.toBoman, John H.1856S:387Link to document image
Jackson, C. W.fromDeatsman, W. G.1888109:538Link to document image
Jackson, Chas. W.toJackson, Abram188392:528Link to document image
Jackson, Chas. W.fromJackson, Abram1890119:148Link to document image
Jackson, Chas. W.toJackson, Albert A.1889111:218Link to document image
Jackson, Chas. W.fromJackson, Harriet188182:305Link to document image
Jackson, Clyde J.toJackson, Albert A.1897148:471Link to document image
Jackson, Clyde J.fromJackson, Albert A.1897148:472Link to document image
Jackson, Clyde J.fromJackson, Albert A.1900157:461Link to document image
Jackson, Clyde J.toJakson, Albert A.1900159:433Link to document image
Jackson, Clyde J.toParker, John1902166:415Link to document image
Jackson, DavidtoThumma, John1860Y:213Link to document image
Jackson, Effie A.fromJackson, Allen P.1895137:541Link to document image
Jackson, Elizabeth (Et al.)fromJones, Lilly1902167:491Link to document image
Jackson, Elizabeth (Et al.)fromJones, Minnie1900160:5Link to document image
Jackson, Elizabeth J.toReddin, Wm. J.187669:45Link to document image
Jackson, Elizabeth J.fromReddin, Wm. J.187669:46Link to document image
Jackson, F. W.fromHorn, Pat. (Comr.)186538:205Link to document image
Jackson, H. W.fromAllen Cir. Court1894133:405Link to document image
Jackson, H. W.fromBlack, Calvin (Et al.)188287:201Link to document image
Jackson, H. W.fromBlack, John T.1890117:313Link to document image
Jackson, H. W.toLoveland, H. W.187977:123Link to document image
Jackson, H. W.fromShordon, Wm. (Et al.)188287:201Link to document image
Jackson, HarrietfromDriver, Willis M.187566:340Link to document image
Jackson, HarriettoJackson, Chas. W.188182:305Link to document image
Jackson, HenrytoN. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Co.1898150:240Link to document image
Jackson, HenrytoStauffer,Daniel1890117:408Link to document image
Jackson, Henry W.toBandelier, Emmet (Et ux.)1894135:463Link to document image
Jackson, Henry W.fromLoveland, Hezekiah W.187461:469Link to document image
Jackson, I. C.toCraig, P. H.187978:81Link to document image
Jackson, Ira C.fromCory, Lewis G.186639:423Link to document image
Jackson, Ira C.toCraig, James1889110:331Link to document image
Jackson, Ira C.fromCraig, P. H.1888108:620Link to document image
Jackson, Ira C.toJackson, A. P.186844:366Link to document image
Jackson, J. H.fromReddin, S. Q.187976:330Link to document image
Jackson, J. M. C. G.toLittle, James187050:524Link to document image
Jackson, J. M. C. G.fromSowers, Levi185838:198Link to document image
Jackson, J. M. C. T.fromKelsey, F. E.186750:170Link to document image
Jackson, J. P.fromBond, C. E. (Et al.)188183:491Link to document image
Jackson, J. P.fromLumbard, S. C. (Et al.)188183:491Link to document image
Jackson, J. P.toOwens, Owen188495:371Link to document image
Jackson, J. P. (Et ux.)fromWilliams, S. C. (Et al.)1888109:633Link to document image
Jackson, Jennie M.fromKickley, Joseph E.1893130:523Link to document image
Jackson, Jennie M.fromKickley, Melissa J.1893130:523Link to document image
Jackson, Jennie M.toKime, Franklin C.1902170:276Link to document image
Jackson, Jennie M.fromLand & Security Co.1898151:446Link to document image
Jackson, Jno. M. C. G.toLittle, James186541:554Link to document image
Jackson, Jno. Mc. G.fromLittle, James187051:126Link to document image
Jackson, JohnfromFlack, Robert1890117:599Link to document image
Jackson, JohntoGraham, James E.1897155:450Link to document image
Jackson, JohnfromOster, Johanna C.1896142:440Link to document image
Jackson, JohnfromRegel, Marie1896142:439Link to document image
Jackson, John M. C.toBlauser, Martha J.1857V:54Link to document image
Jackson, John M. C. G.toBolinger, George1854P:464Link to document image
Jackson, John M. C. G.toKore, Elias187362:248Link to document image
Jackson, John M. C. G.toLittle, James186541:554Link to document image
Jackson, John P.toHosler, Samuel186026:410Link to document image
Jackson, Johnson P.fromOlds, Charles H.188080:452Link to document image
Jackson, Johnson P.toOlds, Sarah E.188080:453Link to document image
Jackson, Johnson P.toPlantinga, Peter1896142:549Link to document image
Jackson, KirbyfromBrackenridge, R. (Est.)186644:128Link to document image
Jackson, KirbyfromMeredith, M. V. B.187051:9Link to document image
Jackson, LouisfromKeck, Mary R.1888109:525Link to document image
Jackson, LouistoKeck, Mary R.1890116:336Link to document image
Jackson, M. A.toImgraham, C. A.187153:490Link to document image
Jackson, M. J. (Et al.)fromComs. in Partition1886100:183Link to document image
Jackson, MartinfromGump, Isaac D.1887103:53Link to document image
Jackson, MartinfromHatch, Altha L.1894136:24Link to document image
Jackson, MartinfromHatch, Saml. B.1894136:24Link to document image
Jackson, MartintoHatch, Samuel B.1894148:159Link to document image
Jackson, MarytoColerick, Dl. G.1893129:192Link to document image
Jackson, MaryfromGraham, James E.1897155:450Link to document image
Jackson, Mary A.fromBoyles, Robt. D.187359:526Link to document image
Jackson, Mary A.fromBurger, Addie R. (Et al.)1894134:486Link to document image
Jackson, Mary A.fromCronkhite, Wm. A.187153:372Link to document image
Jackson, Mary A.toZook, David C.1899153:464Link to document image
Jackson, Mary A.toZook, Dnnis C.1898152:51Link to document image
Jackson, Mary JanefromJackson, Arthur R.1900160:3Link to document image
Jackson, MaryetteafromJamey, Frederick1897160:46Link to document image
Jackson, MercyfromCummings, Asa W.1851S:221Link to document image
Jackson, MercyfromCummings, Eneas1851S:221Link to document image
Jackson, MercyfromCummings, Isaac1851S:378Link to document image
Jackson, MercyfromCummings, John1847S:371Link to document image
Jackson, MercyfromCummings, Jos. S.851S:221Link to document image
Jackson, MercyfromCummings, Seth G.1851S:221Link to document image
Jackson, P. W.fromEme, Claude F.1888107:146Link to document image
Jackson, P. W.toGillett, D. M.1887106:259Link to document image
Jackson, P. W.toKell, John185528:463Link to document image
Jackson, P. W.toMcComb, Melia N.1887106:260Link to document image
Jackson, P. W.toRoss, J. B.187874:400Link to document image
Jackson, P. W.fromRoss, J. B.187978:523Link to document image
Jackson, P. W.toRoy, Felix1888107:20Link to document image
Jackson, P. W.toSterling, Alexander186331:402Link to document image
Jackson, P. W.toStrong, Mary1888109:24Link to document image
Jackson, P. W. V.fromHorn, Pat. (Com.)186948:413Link to document image
Jackson, PeterfromCameron, James187668:397Link to document image
Jackson, PetertoCameron, Malinda187668:396Link to document image
Jackson, Phannel W.toRhoades, Thomas A.1899157:426Link to document image
Jackson, Phoebe (Et al.)fromMcCulloch, Hugh184385:200Link to document image
Jackson, Reb. F.fromHayes, Richard M.1893129:220Link to document image
Jackson, RebeccafromGraham, James E.1899153:484Link to document image
Jackson, RebeccatoSmith and Randall Lumber Company1900157:50Link to document image
Jackson, RebeccafromStump, Eli C.1893131:220Link to document image
Jackson, SamueltoRichards, Andrew186537:211Link to document image
Jackson, Sarah E.fromWarner, Geo. W.1887103:621Link to document image
Jackson, Silas A.fromCarson, W. W.188393:561Link to document image
Jackson, Silas A.toGraham, James E.1899153:483Link to document image
Jackson, Silas A.toJunk, John P. (Et ux.)1899153:482Link to document image
Jackson, Silas A.toStump, Eli C.1893131:219Link to document image
Jackson, Silas A.fromWells, Christina (Et ux.)1889118:466Link to document image
Jackson, Susan (Et al.)toBrown, A. M. & D. M.188393:226Link to document image
Jackson, Theo.fromBallon, O. (Et al.)1886103:227Link to document image
Jackson, Theo. (Et al.)toBallow, Olive1886103:226Link to document image
Jackson, Theo. (Et al.)toMiller, Augusta1886103:225Link to document image
Jackson, TheodorefromBallon, Olive1889114:151Link to document image
Jackson, Thos.fromBond, Chas. E. (Et al.)188596:556Link to document image
Jackson, Thos.fromBursley, G. E.188598:299Link to document image
Jackson, VictorfromBeck, F. J.187256:1Link to document image
Jackson, W. A.toWilson, Hiram1855R:17Link to document image
Jackson, W. A. (Et al. assignees)fromUnited States183388:188Link to document image
Jackson, W. C.fromAnspock, Jno. P. (Et al.)1890120:328Link to document image
Jackson, W. C.fromRoose, Chas. (Et al.)1890120:328Link to document image
Jackson, W. C.toSavage, Thos. J.1892126:176Link to document image
Jackson, W. T.toLynch, Isabele188288:186Link to document image
Jackson, William A.toCoates, John smith1856T:364Link to document image
Jackson, william A.toKlinger, John C.1858W:108Link to document image
Jackson, Wm. A.toLinden, George W.1856U:112Link to document image
Jackson, Wm. A.fromMiner, Gaines185148:538Link to document image
Jackson, Wm. T.fromCampbell, I. & Jno.186641:127Link to document image
Jackson, Wm. T.toCronkhite, Wm. A.187153:371Link to document image
Jackson, Wm. T.fromHamilton, A. H.1892125:290Link to document image
Jackson, Zoda (Et al.)toWhite, Emiel1894133:188Link to document image
Jaclson TownshipfromGerard, Auguste188288:545Link to document image
Jacob, AugustatoBauer, K. J.1887105:391Link to document image
Jacob, Augusta (Et al.)fromLoeffler, Rosa (Et al.)1891122:147Link to document image
Jacob, augusta (Et ux.)fromBauer, K. J.1887105:391Link to document image
Jacob, C. G.toConrad, Wm.1886101:282Link to document image
Jacob, C. G.fromMoran, Peter A.188390:384Link to document image
Jacob, Charles W.fromDawson, John W.186742:381Link to document image
Jacob, Chas. W.fromWagner, Rupert1889110:227Link to document image
Jacob, ChristinafromConrad, Wm.1886101:478Link to document image
Jacob, DavidfromEwing, Geo. W.186434:265Link to document image
Jacob, Elizabeth (Et ux.)fromRodabaugh, J. F.1889111:578Link to document image
Jacob, FredtoBlee, William186640:347Link to document image
Jacob, FredericktoBlee, William186640:347Link to document image
Jacob, FrederickfromYergens, Wm.186639:348Link to document image
Jacob, Geo. & Bitler, Wm.fromSheriff187976:7Link to document image
Jacob, Geo. & Wm. BittlerfromFort Wayne G. B. L. & S. A. No. 4187882:569Link to document image
Jacob, GeorgetoBittler, Wm. & M.187977:426Link to document image
Jacob, GeorgetoMiller, S. R.188494:557Link to document image
Jacob, GeorgefromSteup, H. A.188494:556Link to document image
Jacob, HenrytoBesancon, Alex. F. (Et ux.)1897148:233Link to document image
Jacob, HenrytoChristie, Joseph (Et ux.)1896143:232Link to document image
Jacob, HenrytoEbert, Douglas F.1897145:373Link to document image
Jacob, HenrytoLawrence, Mary E.1896142:102Link to document image
Jacob, HenrytoMengerson, Charles1902168:31Link to document image
Jacob, HenryfromSwayne, S. F.188186:447Link to document image
Jacob, Henry & ElizabethfromLawrence, Amos1896141:396Link to document image
Jacob, Henry (Et al.)fromChristie, Joseph1896142:445Link to document image
Jacob, Henry (Et al.)fromRomy, Robert L.1897145:374Link to document image
Jacob, Henry (Et ux.)fromBesancon, Alexander F.1897148:95Link to document image
Jacob, Jno. H.fromBissell, Geo. P.1886100:342Link to document image
Jacob, Mary A.fromHanna, Samuel1858X:30Link to document image
Jacob, PhilliptoMills, Louisa186846:414Link to document image
Jacob, PhillipfromMommer, Lewis186844:295Link to document image
Jacob, PhillipfromStemler, Phillip186640:296Link to document image
Jacob, PhillipenatoPape, Carl1856W:33Link to document image
Jacob, PhillipstoMommer, Lewis186844:296Link to document image
Jacob, PhilopenafromPapa, Chas.186846:560Link to document image
Jacob, WilhelminafromBlackburn, Leonard1855R:667Link to document image
Jacobison, VigderfromWells, Arnold187257;131Link to document image
Jacobs, AbetoFry, Charles E. (Et al.)1900160:111Link to document image
Jacobs, AbefromOberholtzer, Samuel1899154:168Link to document image
Jacobs, AndrewtoCooper, Geo. J.188496:10Link to document image
Jacobs, AndrewfromMiner, Wm. E. (Ex. & C.)1893130:157Link to document image
Jacobs, AndrewfromORourke, H. S.188289:278Link to document image
Jacobs, AndrewfromSwinney, Phesa (Ex.)1887104:187Link to document image
Jacobs, Andrew (Et al.)toJacobs, George (Et ux.)1891119:341Link to document image
Jacobs, AnnatoPape, Chas.1893131:4Link to document image
Jacobs, C. W.toFalker, Frank188184:92Link to document image
Jacobs, Charles W.toKomp, Daniel1898151:25Link to document image
Jacobs, Charles W.fromKomp, Daniel1898151:19Link to document image
Jacobs, Charles W. (Adm.)toBrons, Alexander1900160:148Link to document image
Jacobs, Chas W.fromEgeter, Geo.187668:100Link to document image
Jacobs, Chas.fromJacobs, P.1886101:386Link to document image
Jacobs, Chas. W.fromAlliger, Sarah M.187669:204Link to document image
Jacobs, Chas. W.toFreese, August1896141:200Link to document image
Jacobs, Chas. W.fromFreese, August1896141:201Link to document image
Jacobs, Chas. W.fromFreese, Christina1896141:201Link to document image
Jacobs, Chas. W.toKoenig, Edward1886102:44Link to document image
Jacobs, Chas. W.fromMalnavski, G.188699:554Link to document image
Jacobs, Chas. W.toNeumann, John1888107:446Link to document image
Jacobs, Chas. W.fromWagner, Phillipine188495:388Link to document image
Jacobs, Chas. Wm.fromSchmidt, P. C.187051:350Link to document image
Jacobs, E. A.fromMix, Justus L.1853O:622Link to document image
Jacobs, EliahtoAdair, Samuel1851Q:734Link to document image
Jacobs, ElijahtoMiller, Jonathan1857U:397Link to document image
Jacobs, ElizabethtoEckert, Frederick1888107:121Link to document image
Jacobs, ElizabethfromNinde, Jas. W.188497:536Link to document image
Jacobs, G. & MaryfromDiehe, Michael188598:479Link to document image
Jacobs, Geo.toKuntz, Geo. H.1898150:14Link to document image
Jacobs, Geo.fromSteup, H. A. (Adm.)187994:481Link to document image
Jacobs, GeorgetoBoecker, Fredk. W.1890118:77Link to document image
Jacobs, GeorgetoDickinson, Emma L.1898151:234Link to document image
Jacobs, GeorgefromGauntt, Forest G.1901165:415Link to document image
Jacobs, GeorgetoGresley, Emma1902169:364Link to document image
Jacobs, GeorgefromHenry, Nancy A.1897147:260Link to document image
Jacobs, GeorgetoHenry, Nancy A.1897147:217Link to document image
Jacobs, GeorgefromJcobs, George1891122:250Link to document image
Jacobs, GeorgefromKinder, Paul P.1897148:401Link to document image
Jacobs, George (Et ux.)fromBittler, Mary (Et ux.)1891119:341Link to document image
Jacobs, George (Et ux.)fromJacobs, Andrew (Et al.)1891119:341Link to document image
Jacobs, George (Et ux.)fromKorn, Dorethea (Et ux.)1891119:341Link to document image
Jacobs, George (Et ux.)fromLanternier, Aug. J.1896142:332Link to document image
Jacobs, George (Et ux.)fromSauerteig, Barbara (Et ux.)1891119:341Link to document image
Jacobs, George (Et ux.)fromSebold, George1890119:426Link to document image
Jacobs, GustavetoWeinecke, Paulina (Tr.)1898149:11Link to document image
Jacobs, HenrytoLautle, Margaret1890116:603Link to document image
Jacobs, HenrytoMorss, Samuel1857U:106Link to document image
Jacobs, HenrytoSwineheart, Wash.188495:559Link to document image
Jacobs, Henry (Et al.)fromRockhill, H. C.1890118:343Link to document image
Jacobs, J. H.fromSheriff188185:470Link to document image
Jacobs, J. H.toTrustees Ft. Wayne Mission U B of Christ188288:16Link to document image
Jacobs, J. H. (Et al.)fromBond, H. R. (Et al.)1886101:428Link to document image
Jacobs, JacobfromSwinney, Rhesa1889119:454Link to document image
Jacobs, JamesfromMunson, Chas. A.1892125:75Link to document image
Jacobs, JamestoPape, Chas.1893131:4Link to document image
Jacobs, JamesfromRockhill, H. C.1892124:258Link to document image
Jacobs, Jno. H.toJenkinson, J. J. (Et ux.)1887108:615Link to document image
Jacobs, Jno. H.toParks, Volney186846:290Link to document image
Jacobs, Jno. H.toPeters, John C.1893131:454Link to document image
Jacobs, Jno. H.toPorter, Jos.188185:553Link to document image
Jacobs, Jno. H.fromSchaich, Jno. G.188080:544Link to document image
Jacobs, Jno. H.fromSheriff1892126:251Link to document image
Jacobs, Jno. H.fromStapleford, S. P.188184:141Link to document image
Jacobs, Jno. H.toStewart, Jno. P.1886102:169Link to document image
Jacobs, Jno. W.toWeaver, D. Z.1886102:476Link to document image
Jacobs, JohnfromMiller, D. A.186847:196Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.toAlerdig, Herman J.1901166:3Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.toAnstett, Sherman C.1901162:210Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.fromArcher, Anna M.1890117:564Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.fromAuditor1897146:189Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.toBarkley, Ira L.1898150:10Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.fromBarkley, Ira L.1899153:531Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.toBoales, Navada1902168:341Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.toBrockerman, Thomas (Et ux.)1902169:37Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.toCavalry U. B. Ch.1894135:186Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.toHeller, Henry1902169:373Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.toKoepf, Bertha E.1901161:355Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.fromPurman, Andrew A.187771:37Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.fromSheriff1895140:299Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.toSmith, Fred M.1901161:183Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.toStirlen, Wm. J.1902170:486Link to document image
Jacobs, John H.toTrustee Washington Tp.1898150:281Link to document image
Jacobs, John H. (Et ux.)fromSmmith, Fred M.1901161:184Link to document image
Jacobs, John W.toBunce, Anson A.1855R:144Link to document image
Jacobs, M. A.fromBrackenridge, R. J.185930:52Link to document image
Jacobs, M. A.toRothschilds, Sol.187051:443Link to document image
Jacobs, Mary A.fromHill, Caroline1901160:456Link to document image
Jacobs, Mary A.toHill, Caroline (Et al.)1901160:455Link to document image
Jacobs, Mary LouisafromBlythe, Mary L.1900157:525Link to document image
Jacobs, Mary LouisetoBlythe, Mary L.1901163:66Link to document image
Jacobs, P.toJacobs, Chas.1886101:386Link to document image
Jacobs, PeterfromSheriff1859W:509Link to document image
Jacobs, PeterstoPape, Charles186846:291Link to document image
Jacobs, PhiltoMoldthan, Gottlieb187359:195Link to document image
Jacobs, S. ElizabethtoPeters, John C.1893131:454Link to document image
Jacobs, WilliamtoBrown Lamb & Fales1856T:16Link to document image
Jacobs, WilliamtoBrown, Hammond1856T:389Link to document image
Jacobs, WilliamtoLamb & Fales1856T:389Link to document image
Jacobson, RosalietoDraker, John1895140:251Link to document image
Jacobson, RosalietoLang, Christian1890118:334Link to document image
Jacobson, RosaliefromSheriff188081:571Link to document image
Jacobson, RosaliefromSheriff188081:575Link to document image
Jacobson, VictorfromHebrew Society186538:264Link to document image
Jacobson, VigdorfromBeck, Francis J.187464:115Link to document image
Jacobt & WeigandfromMyers, Geo.187358:111Link to document image
Jacoby & WiegandfromArcher, John H.187566:517Link to document image
Jacoby & WiegandfromBond, S. B.187667:460Link to document image
Jacoby & WiegandfromBond, Stephen B.187360:308Link to document image
Jacoby & WiegandfromEdsall, Wm. S. & Simon187464:17Link to document image
Jacoby & WiegandfromFleming, Wm.187360:308Link to document image
Jacoby & WiegandfromFleming, Wm.187667:460Link to document image
Jacoby & WiegandfromHood, Wm. E.187668:320Link to document image
Jacoby & WiegandfromMaier, Amelia C.187464:17Link to document image
Jacoby & WiegandfromReffelt, Mary & Wm. R.187564:521Link to document image
Jacoby & WiegandfromStein, Joseph W.187462:398Link to document image
Jacoby & WiegandfromWiedelman, Wm.187668:321Link to document image
Jacoby, DavidtoClayton, Henry187873:526Link to document image
Jacoby, ElizabethfromFoster, R. S. (Sp. Coms.)188186:147Link to document image
Jacoby, ElizabethtoKoch, John B.1894132:236Link to document image
Jacoby, ElizabethfromSheriff187772:129Link to document image
Jacoby, Elizabeth (Will)to1894134:356Link to document image
Jacoby, Fredk.fromHough, John187361:121Link to document image
Jacoby, Geo.fromBoester, Fredk.187565:308Link to document image
Jacoby, Geo.toBrooks, Wm.187463:318Link to document image
Jacoby, Geo.fromBrooks, Wm.187771:483Link to document image
Jacoby, Geo.toBrooks, Wm.187771:484Link to document image
Jacoby, Geo.fromEdsall, W. S.187463:116Link to document image
Jacoby, Geo.fromHamilton, Allen186642:163Link to document image
Jacoby, Geo.fromHutsell, Valentine186741:611Link to document image
Jacoby, Geo.toKronmiller, E.188391:538Link to document image
Jacoby, Geo.fromMiller, Chas. T. (Guard)186948:384Link to document image
Jacoby, Geo.toMyers, George187358:112Link to document image
Jacoby, Geo.toReffelt, Mary187566:112Link to document image
Jacoby, Geo. (Et al.)toRandall, P. A.188184:335Link to document image
Jacoby, Geo. (Et al.)toTaylor, Jno.188495:160Link to document image
Jacoby, GeorgefromBall, Rudolph186641:208Link to document image
Jacoby, GeorgetoBrooks, Wm.187771:560Link to document image
Jacoby, GeorgetoForbing, John1901163:77Link to document image
Jacoby, GeorgetoHutzel, Valentine187053:427Link to document image
Jacoby, GeorgetoKoch, John B.1894132:236Link to document image
Jacoby, George (et al.)fromSheriff187770:286Link to document image
Jacoby, J. W.toDenis, W. H.188185:351Link to document image
Jacoby, J. W.fromLew, Jacob188392:330Link to document image
Jacoby, James A.fromFulkerson, A. D.186743:203Link to document image
Jacoby, James H.toJocoby, Mary A.1853R:483Link to document image
Jacoby, Jas. A.fromFulkerson, A. D.186743:205Link to document image
Jacoby, Jas. A.toWyatt, A. R.188193:194Link to document image
Jacoby, Jno. W.fromDalm, D.A.1886101:109Link to document image
Jacoby, Jno. W.fromDolin, Flora A.1887104:158Link to document image
Jacoby, Jno. W.fromSheesey, D. M.1886101:111Link to document image
Jacoby, Jno. W.fromWeaver, Alonzo188288:120Link to document image
Jacoby, Jno. WeslyfromJohnston, Archibald187979:455Link to document image
Jacoby, John W.toHamilton, M. C.1887103:75Link to document image
Jacoby, JosaphinetoHansz, Adam188289:269Link to document image
Jacoby, JosephinatoGerke, Jno. H. L.1892126:562Link to document image
Jacoby, JosephinafromOlds, H. G.188392:536Link to document image
Jacoby, JosephinatoWilde, Amalia A.188392:437Link to document image
Jacoby, JosephinetoGerke, Jno. H. L.1894134:267Link to document image
Jacoby, JosephinefromShultz, Fredk.187466:563Link to document image
Jacoby, JosephinefromSweeney, Abraham188286:536Link to document image
Jacoby, L. & M. E.fromJacoby, L. c.187785:166Link to document image
Jacoby, L. C.toGodard, Ebenezer A.186330:614Link to document image
Jacoby, L. c.toJacoby, L. & M. E.187785:166Link to document image
Jacoby, L. C.fromJacoby, Mary E.1883105:475Link to document image
Jacoby, L. C.toOakley, B. W.186642:216Link to document image
Jacoby, L. C.toRomy, R. L.1888109:146Link to document image
Jacoby, L. C.fromTrentman, A. C.187256:314Link to document image
Jacoby, L. C.toTrentman, Aug. C.187256:314Link to document image
Jacoby, L. C.toVeith, Frank1887105:476Link to document image
Jacoby, L. C.toWagner, H. G.187256:314Link to document image
Jacoby, L. C. (Et al.)toOrtlieb, Geo. (Et al.)1896141:404Link to document image
Jacoby, L. H.toTaylor, John187048:536Link to document image
Jacoby, Lewis H.fromReed, Geo. W.187363:508Link to document image
Jacoby, Lewis H.toWidener, Amos187363:509Link to document image
Jacoby, LilliantoHall, Mary E. I.1896141:182Link to document image
Jacoby, LilliantoHall, Mary E. J.1891113:423Link to document image
Jacoby, Lillian (Et al.)toSchnelker, Henry188392:355Link to document image
Jacoby, Lysander C.toCanady, John T.1843U:614Link to document image
Jacoby, Lysander C.fromCannandy, Henry H.1857U:143Link to document image
Jacoby, Lysander C.toHuffman, Walter L.1859X:284Link to document image
Jacoby, Lysander C.toOakley, B. W.186642:216Link to document image
Jacoby, M. & W.fromTaylor, John187257:321Link to document image
Jacoby, Mary A.fromCotherell, Newell1859X:29Link to document image
Jacoby, Mary A.fromHanna, Samuel1856U:218Link to document image
Jacoby, Mary A.fromHinton, Samuel1855T:250Link to document image
Jacoby, Mary A.fromHuffman, Walter L.1859Y:167Link to document image
Jacoby, Mary A.fromOakley, B. W.187061:359Link to document image
Jacoby, Mary A.toSedgewick, John186330:161Link to document image
Jacoby, Mary A.toWhite, Maria186331:208Link to document image
Jacoby, Mary E.toJacoby, L. C.1883105:475Link to document image
Jacoby, Mary M.fromHamilton, Jno. W.1889116:558Link to document image
Jacoby, Rney M. (Et al.)fromSink, Emmett1890118:263Link to document image
Jacoby, Rney M. (Et al.)fromSink, Isaac1890118:262Link to document image
Jacoby, Rney M. (Et al.)fromSink, Rosanna (Et al.)1890118:260Link to document image
Jacoby, Ruly (Et al.)fromComs. in Part.1887114:525Link to document image
Jacquay, Anna A.fromSmith, Robert1901164:44Link to document image
Jacquay, AugustfromMiller, Elizabeth A.1889114:358Link to document image
Jacquay, August (Et ux.)toFt. Wayne & E. R. R. Co.1894134:154Link to document image
Jacquay, HenryfromFreistroffer, Simon1893131:193Link to document image
Jacquay, HenrytoFt. Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co.1901162:495Link to document image
Jacquay, Jno. B.fromRichard, L.188494:429Link to document image
Jacquay, Jno. B.fromRitter, B. F. & M. (Et al.)188494:429Link to document image
Jacquay, JohnfromPaulsen, H. Louise1895139:309Link to document image
Jacquay, John B.fromJacquay, Lemuel1897148;174Link to document image
Jacquay, John B. (Et ux.)fromTibbet, Brney1900157:542Link to document image
Jacquay, L.fromTustison, Oliver1887106:209Link to document image
Jacquay, L. S.fromRichard, Emma1889110:307Link to document image
Jacquay, LemmueltoBoitet, Francis188494:619Link to document image
Jacquay, LemuelfromBlackburn, Jacob187590:331Link to document image
Jacquay, LemuelfromCaps, B. J.188597:409Link to document image
Jacquay, LemueltoJacquay, John B.1897148;174Link to document image
Jacquay, LemuelfromMathews, Samuel187564:327Link to document image
Jacquay, LemuelfromWinston, Bryant C. (Tr.)1901165:437Link to document image
Jacquay, Louis S.toFt. Wayne & E. R. R. Co.1894134:215Link to document image
Jacquay, Louis S.fromGirardot, Charles1899153:368Link to document image
Jacquay, Louis S.toRose, Morris1899153:348Link to document image
Jacquay, Martha B.fromMiller, Elizabeth A. (Et al.)1889112:584Link to document image
Jacquay, Rebecca E.toFt. Wayne & E. R. R. Co.1894134:215Link to document image
Jacquey, John B.fromCastleman, Richard186026:224Link to document image
Jacquy, John B.toJacquy. Louis S.1894134:190Link to document image
Jacquy. Louis S.fromJacquy, John B.1894134:190Link to document image
Jaebker, AnnatoDougherty, Saml. W.1890119:169Link to document image
Jaebker, Anna M.toBuuck, Lewis1893132:293Link to document image
Jaebker, Anna M.toGerdom, Ernest H.1889113:40Link to document image
Jaebker, Anna M.toHeckman, Wm.1889110:611Link to document image
Jaebker, Anna M. toJaebker, August1889110:613Link to document image
Jaebker, Anna M. toJaebker, Henry1889110:614Link to document image
Jaebker, Anna M. toJaebker, Wm. F.1889110:613Link to document image
Jaebker, Anna M.toJungel, H.1889113:41Link to document image
Jaebker, Anna M. toSchoenherr, Albert1889111:613Link to document image
Jaebker, Anna M.toZschoche, Carl1889110:612Link to document image
Jaebker, Aug. F.toWilliams, H. M.1890119:167Link to document image
Jaebker, AugustfromJaebker, Anna M. 1889110:613Link to document image
Jaebker, AugustfromKoenig, Rev. Ed.1895136:257Link to document image
Jaebker, AugustfromSchrader, H. C.1892128:31Link to document image
Jaebker, G. H.toHiggins, M. A.187152:338Link to document image
Jaebker, G. H.fromPiepenbrink, C. (Comr.)185969:467Link to document image
Jaebker, G. H.fromSiemon, Aug. F.186230:43Link to document image
Jaebker, HenryfromJaebker, Anna M. 1889110:614Link to document image
Jaebker, HenrytoWilliams, H. M.1890119:165Link to document image
Jaebker, Wm.toDougherty, Saml. W.1890119:168Link to document image
Jaebker, Wm. F.fromJaebker, Anna M. 1889110:613Link to document image
Jaedker, G. H.fromSiemon, Rudolph187257:213Link to document image
Jaeger, AugustfromBeck, Francis J.187463:41Link to document image
Jaeger, AugusttoHenline, Michael187564:544Link to document image
Jaeger, ChristianfromGallmeyer, C. W.1892127:147Link to document image
Jaeger, ChristianfromHohmeyer, Ernest C.1896144:83Link to document image
Jaeger, ChristianfromKeil, Henry1902170:504Link to document image
Jaequaz, Jean BaptistetoSavoit, Franceise186128:340Link to document image
Jaffray, AdalinetoCagnet, Adam188392:526Link to document image
Jager, Anna E.fromLerch, Frank1892128:26Link to document image
Jahn, E. & M. (Et al.)toMiracle, Geo. K.188081:369Link to document image
Jahn, EdwardfromEwing, Wm. A. (ex.)187467:56Link to document image
Jahn, EdwardtoPepe, Francis187872:471Link to document image
Jahn, EdwardfromPepe, Francis187872:471Link to document image
Jahn, Fredericka M.toBuchanan, Luna O.1899153:548Link to document image
Jahn, Fredericka M.fromZern, Justina (Et al.)1898151:367Link to document image
Jahn, HermanfromBuchanan, Luna O.1899153:549Link to document image
Jahn, HermantoFrosch, John1891113:362Link to document image
Jahn, HermanfromOlds, Henry G.1888107:273Link to document image
Jahn, NicalfromBrackenridge, Jos.187669:294Link to document image
Jahn, NicaltoBrintzenhofe, A. S.1890117:39Link to document image
Jahn, Pauline (Et al.)fromReiling, Emma1900156:257Link to document image
Jahn, Pauline (Et al.)toReiling, Emma1900156:258Link to document image
Jahn, RoberttoMiracle, Geo. H.1887104:373Link to document image
Jahns, ElizabethtoMichaelis, Charles187875:310Link to document image
Jahr, F. A.toWatson, Anna M.188496:86Link to document image
Jahr, F. A. & J. C.fromBond, Jared D.187978:349Link to document image
Jaimer, ElizabethfromHellerman, H. J. (Et al.)1897149:16Link to document image
Jakson, Albert A.fromJackson, Clyde J.1900159:433Link to document image
James & CollarfromBeck, Francis J.187462:168Link to document image
James JoshuafromMorse, Esquire186331:61Link to document image
James, ArettatoDorsey, George J. (Et al.)1898151:538Link to document image
James, ElishafromCollar, Robert1852M:628Link to document image
James, ElishafromMay, Ezra1855W:166Link to document image
James, ElishatoPrindle, Adolphus1857W:169Link to document image
James, ElishatoSchlatter, John1853P:2Link to document image
James, ElishatoSchlatter, John1854Q:432Link to document image
James, ElizatoGuilford, Laura1893129:389Link to document image
James, ElizafromGuilford, Laura1894134:124Link to document image
James, ElizafromGuilford, Russel1894134:124Link to document image
James, ElizatoMoore, Eliza1893129:242Link to document image
James, ElizafromSheriff188183:108Link to document image
James, ElizatoU. Cent. Life Ins. Co.1897147:55Link to document image
James, ElizafromU. Cent. Life Ins. Co.1897147:42Link to document image
James, ElizafromWhite, Anna M.1885122:528Link to document image
James, Eliza (Et al.)toU. C. Life Ins. Co.1895136:313Link to document image
James, ElizabethfromPorter, Michael186434:219Link to document image
James, ElizabethfromSharp, Sophronia186438:140Link to document image
James, FrancestoRepine, John1896142:37Link to document image
James, FrancestoStevens, Wm. H.1896143:182Link to document image
James, FrancesfromTri State B. & L. A.1895139:95Link to document image
James, Geo.toEckles, Jno. H.188080:607Link to document image
James, Geo.fromGawthrop, B. F. (et al.)187567:212Link to document image
James, Geo. F.fromTrus. P. L. No. 331 I. O. O. F.1890121:483Link to document image
James, Geo. T.fromCosgrove, F. K.1888111:594Link to document image
James, Geo. T.toJames, Mary J.1895138:89Link to document image
James, Geo. T.fromJames, S. 1895137:185Link to document image
James, Geo. T.toLopshire, Matilda188289:391Link to document image
James, Geo. T.fromSnyder, F. T.188185:342Link to document image
James, Geo. T.toTrustees Prospect Lodge 331 I.O.O.F.1889112:116Link to document image
James, Geo. T.fromWebb, John D.1889112:108Link to document image
James, Geo. T. (Et al.)fromDorsey, Geo. J.1887105:98Link to document image
James, IsaactoGinter, Susanna186026:160Link to document image
James, IsaacfromJenkinson, Moses185326:233Link to document image
James, IsaacfromJohnson, Joseph184326:159Link to document image
James, IsaactoPalmer, Lewis186536:306Link to document image
James, IsaactoPalmer, Lewis186536:306Link to document image
James, IsaactoRepple, Lewis186026:343Link to document image
James, IsaactoSmith, Andrew J.186030:31Link to document image
James, IsaactoSullevan, Peter186036:303Link to document image
James, IsaactoSullivan, Peter186036:303Link to document image
James, J. M.fromPrice, M. B.1886100:112Link to document image
James, JamesfromSchutt, A. J.1859Y:13Link to document image
James, JessefromFairfield, C. K.188291:350Link to document image
James, JessetoJames, W. & M.1886101:515Link to document image
James, JessetoRowe, N. B.1887102:622Link to document image
James, JessetoRowe, N. B.1889114:280Link to document image
James, JessefromSwayne, Saml. F.1891127:510Link to document image
James, JessetoTri State B. & L. A.1895139:128Link to document image
James, Jesse (Et al.)fromJames, William1887103:224Link to document image
James, Jesse (Et ux.)fromZollars, Allen (Et al.)1888108:278Link to document image
James, Jesse M. & Wm. H.fromHanna, Chas.187360:295Link to document image
James, Jesse M. & Wm. H.toHanna, Chas.187462:217Link to document image
James, Jno. H.toMcDonald, Wm.184448:101Link to document image
James, John H.fromArmstrong, Jas. B.186648:103Link to document image
James, John H.toSeavey, G. W.187976:511Link to document image
James, John H.toTaylor, Robt. S.187570:257Link to document image
James, JonathanfromMiller, John A.1889110:377Link to document image
James, Jos. M.toPrice, Moses B.1888107:106Link to document image
James, Jos. M.fromWiddifield, Eugene1888109:417Link to document image
James, Joseph M.toCook, Ruben1889112:547Link to document image
James, Joseph M.fromDaniels, Minnie M.1901162:117Link to document image
James, Joseph M.fromPerkins, Margery1902166:317Link to document image
James, Joseph M.toPrice, Moses B.1892123:44Link to document image
James, JoshuafromHawkins, Geo.186641:141Link to document image
James, JoshuafromMarquit, Alfred187669:49Link to document image
James, JoshuatoWells, Joseph C.187770:563Link to document image
James, JoshuatoWesterman, R.186641:319Link to document image
James, JoshuatoWesterman, Rudolph186641:319Link to document image
James, LidemusfromFt. Wayne Land & Imp. Co.1890118:562Link to document image
James, LudnumtoOlds, Allie C.1894135:183Link to document image
James, M. A.toHoover, Catharine188391:151Link to document image
James, Mary A.toHowe, Susan1886102:203Link to document image
James, Mary A.fromJames, Spencer V.188392:425Link to document image
James, Mary A.fromPreston, Nancy E.1889111:26Link to document image
James, Mary A.fromStone, Elizabeth187978:132Link to document image
James, Mary J.fromJames, Geo. T.1895138:89Link to document image
James, MilliefromArnold, Amos W.1891113:542Link to document image
James, MillietoGebhart, John C.1894135:97Link to document image
James, MortonfromMayers, G. P.186958:214Link to document image
James, R. G.toBard, Samuel186437:515Link to document image
James, R. G.toBard, Samuel186437:515Link to document image
James, R. G.toBard, Samuel186642:8Link to document image
James, R. G.toBard, Samuel186642:8Link to document image
James, R. G.toMyers, Daniel186642:7Link to document image
James, R. G.toMyers, Daniel186642:7Link to document image
James, R. G.fromPorter, Michael186638:621Link to document image
James, Reichmond G.toWeaver, Benjamin186431603Link to document image
James, Reichmond G.toWood, Samuel186431:604Link to document image
James, S. toJames, Geo. T.1895137:185Link to document image
James, S. V.fromCoomer, S. C.1888110:321Link to document image
James, S. V.fromJames, Wm. J.188290:15Link to document image
James, Spencer V.toJames, Mary A.188392:425Link to document image
James, Theo. B. (Et al.)toLowe, George W.1892123:32Link to document image
James, W. & M.fromJames, Jesse1886101:515Link to document image
James, W. & M.fromReed, Margaret188287:387Link to document image
James, W. J.fromPreston, N. E.188287:395Link to document image
James, W. J.toPreston, N. E.188287:537Link to document image
James, WilliamfromDaniels, Solon A.187874:22Link to document image
James, WilliamtoGebhart, John C.1894135:97Link to document image
James, WilliamtoJames, Jesse (Et al.)1887103:224Link to document image
James, WilliamfromSwayne, Saml. (Et al.)1886103:37Link to document image
James, WilliamtoWinget, William (Et ux.)1890118:524Link to document image
James, WilliamfromZollars, Allen (Et al.)1886103:37Link to document image
James, WilliamtoZoller, George1856U:470Link to document image
James, William I.fromPhillips, Barbara187463:147Link to document image
James, Wm.toEpple, Gottleib188287:490Link to document image
James, Wm. (Et al.)toSwayne, S. F.1886102:597Link to document image
James, Wm. H.toGombert, Jno.188391:481Link to document image
James, Wm. J.toDarling, Geo. W.187566:90Link to document image
James, Wm. J.toDarling, Geo. W.187571:543Link to document image
James, Wm. J.toJames, S. V.188290:15Link to document image
James, Wm. J.fromMay, Ezra186331:44Link to document image
James, Wm. J.toMills, Samuel187465:427Link to document image
James, Wm. J.toOmo, Matilda A.187574:212Link to document image
Jameson, ArchibaldtoFisher, William186434:256Link to document image
Jameson, I. K. (Adm.)toTreace, W. W.187293:562Link to document image
Jamey, EmilfromSmith, Margt. S.1892127:301Link to document image
Jamey, FrancesfromLauraine, Ferdinand186434:544Link to document image
Jamey, FrancistoBarthold, A. H.187051:71Link to document image
Jamey, FrancisfromJones, Paul187360:429Link to document image
Jamey, FrancisfromJuif, Francis187051:201Link to document image
Jamey, FrancisfromLorrain, Ferd186497:440Link to document image
Jamey, FrancistoLowain, Ferdinand186434:543Link to document image
Jamey, FrancistoRichard, John187360:421Link to document image
Jamey, FredericktoJackson, Maryettea1897160:46Link to document image
Jamey, FrederickfromJohnell, Lawrence1887105:588Link to document image
Jamey, M. E.fromD'Isay, Alida L.187873:574Link to document image
Jameyson, Amrah (Et al.)toRingwalt, W. H.1895139:188Link to document image
Jameyson, JohntoGraves, E. J.1888107:429Link to document image
Jameyson, JohntoRingawalt, Wm. H.1890116:556Link to document image
Jameyson, JontoDavis, Benj.187874:555Link to document image
Jamieson, JohntoTait, William1859X:220Link to document image
Jamison, C. C.fromMerriam, E.188287:409Link to document image
Jamison, Cassins C.fromJamison, Elmer E.1890116:553Link to document image
Jamison, Cassins C.toWitte, Ernst1901162:213Link to document image
Jamison, Cassius C.fromJamison, Obed E.1901163:411Link to document image
Jamison, ClarksontoBaker, M. E.188391:256Link to document image
Jamison, Curtin C.toSchenmann, C. D. W.1897145:425Link to document image
Jamison, Elmer E.fromHeaton, Henrietta1890116:511Link to document image
Jamison, Elmer E.toJamison, Cassins C.1890116:553Link to document image
Jamison, JohnfromHassenpflng, Dl.186746:465Link to document image
Jamison, Obed E.toJamison, Cassius C.1901163:411Link to document image
Jamison, Sarah J.fromMcIntosh, Ellis J.1902169:437Link to document image
Jamy, FrancestoLue, Joseph186330:412Link to document image
Jamzen, TheklafromRiedel, John1898149:505Link to document image
Janert, AugusttoWelsheimer, W. T. E. A.188183:485Link to document image
Janes, JosephtoShryock, Joseph186536:362Link to document image
Janett, Cyrenius F. (Gdn. Et al.)toMiles, Anna A.1898150:525Link to document image
Janett, Cyrenius F. (Gdn.)toMiles, Anna A.1898150:524Link to document image
Janning, ElizabethfromKanning, Sophia1892126:256Link to document image
Janorschke, FrankfromBaltes, Michael (Et al.)1889112:84Link to document image
Janorschke, FranktoShoudel, Mathias1896142:166Link to document image
Janorsckke, FrankfromShondel, Mathias1893127:529Link to document image
Jans, AnnatoPaul, Gottlieb1894136:398Link to document image
Jansen, AbrahamtoBrick, Morris186127:586Link to document image
Jansen, AbrahamtoRedelsheimer, S. & D.186743:167Link to document image
Jansen, AbrahamtoRedelsheimer, S. & D.186743:166Link to document image
Jansen, AbrahamtoUtter, Eliza Ann186332:96Link to document image
Jansen, AbramtoJohnson, William186539:37Link to document image
Jansen, AbramtoJohnson, Wm.186539:37Link to document image
Jansen, AbramfromJohnson, Wm. H.186537:357Link to document image
Jansen, AbramfromJohnson, Wm. M.186537:257Link to document image
Jansen, AbramtoKeefer, Susen J.186643:41Link to document image
Jansen, AlmirafromAskton, Ambrose186950:581Link to document image
Jansen, CarolinetoBrick, Morris186127:587Link to document image
Jansen, Christina L.fromKnoche, John P.1901165:416Link to document image
Jansen, DeidricktoMenderf, Maria Ann1854Q:466Link to document image
Jansen, GesinafromWayne, B. & L. Assn.1902169:355Link to document image
Jansen, HenryfromStarke, Charles1889111:282Link to document image
Jansen, HermanfromKing, C. A. (Et al.)187159:253Link to document image
Jansen, HermantoLepper, Christian187978:91Link to document image
Jansen, IsaactoBrick, Morris186127:586Link to document image
Jansen, IsaacfromGoodrich, Elizur186128:475Link to document image
Jansen, IsaactoTheile, Frederick196228:510Link to document image
Jansen, IsaactoTheile, Henry186228:510Link to document image
Jansen, JacobtoBrick, Morris186127:584Link to document image
Jansen, JehuakintoWainwright, Frederick1857U:360Link to document image
Jansen, MinervafromEndinger, Saml.186640:448Link to document image
Jansen, Richard M.toBrick, Morris186127:586Link to document image
Janses, AbramtoKeefer, S. J.186643:41Link to document image
Janson, Aber. (Adm.)fromYerks, Nathaniel186537:317Link to document image
Janson, AlmiratoWells, Jos. C.187154:196Link to document image
Janson, Conradt.fromTrustees W. & E. Canal186127:582Link to document image
Janson, Conradt.fromTrustees W. & E. Canal186127:583Link to document image
Janty, CharlesfromBushman, Frederick W.1859X:142Link to document image
Janty, CharlesfromKock, Francis J.186743:192Link to document image
Jantz, CharlestoPens, Margaret187359:372Link to document image
Jantz, ChristianfromBade, Henry186332:79Link to document image
Jantz, ChristopherfromAuman, Wm.186950:229Link to document image
Janzen, HenrytoReidt, John W.1895138:310Link to document image
Janzen, HenrytoRiedel, John1898149:504Link to document image
Janzen, Henry (Et ux.)fromReidt, John Wm.1894134:536Link to document image
Jaquay, LemuelfromUrbine, Frank188494:599Link to document image
Jaquen, C.toAnderson, Robt.186463:209Link to document image
Jaques, Caroline M.toHuffman, Jacob187771:288Link to document image
Jarrett, Daisy V.toMiles, Anna A.1899153:334Link to document image
Jarrett, Marth H.fromJones, Emma & L. M.187463:177Link to document image
Jarvis, NoahtoBaker, Henry1860Y:330Link to document image
Jarvis, NoahfromJenkinson, Moses1857T:461Link to document image
Jarwhne, JohnfromBlystone, Isaac186536:296Link to document image
Jaseph, JonefromMason, Benjamin1853O:240Link to document image
Jasper, Frederick (Et al.)toHeck, Sophia1901164:24Link to document image
Jasper, Frederick (Et al.)toJasper, George W.1901164:26Link to document image
Jasper, Frederick (Et al.)toTiggs, Fredericka1901164:25Link to document image
Jasper, FreerickfromJasper, George W. (Et al.)1901164:27Link to document image
Jasper, George W.fromJasper, Frederick (Et al.)1901164:26Link to document image
Jasper, George W. (Et al.)toJasper, Freerick1901164:27Link to document image
Jasper, RudolphfromBond, Charles D.1856T:97Link to document image
Jasper, RudolphfromBrackenridge, Geo. W.186230:70Link to document image
Jasper, RudolphfromBrackenridge, Hannah186230:70Link to document image
Jasper, RudolphfromBrackenridge, Jos.186230:70Link to document image
Jasper, Wm. F.fromReed, Hugh B.187256:169Link to document image
Jasquay, LemmelfromPowers, Amasa186644:265Link to document image
Jauch, Albert J.fromRies, Philip Anthony1902169:190Link to document image
Jaump, MariantoLangham, Jessie187054:526Link to document image
Jauty, ChristiantoBade, Henry186332:78Link to document image
Jawis, Noah (Et al.)toHowell, M. (Heirs)188185:572Link to document image
Jaxtheimer, L. toMorgan, Geo. W.1892124:408Link to document image
Jaxtheimer, L. (Et.)fromHayden, Eliza H.1892124:395Link to document image
Jaxtheimer, LeonardfromHerber, Valentine187463:78Link to document image
Jaxtheimer, LeonardtoMehl, Amos K.1900159:545Link to document image
Jaxtheimer, LeonardfromWefel, Wilhelmina (Et al.)1892131:54Link to document image
Jaxthemier, LeonardfromSuperior court1891113:610Link to document image

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