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ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index

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Parties to the Deed                                                YearDeed Book
Haag, CharlestoBeck, Karl1888107:578Link to document image
Haag, CharlestoKirchner, Ernest188494:544Link to document image
Haag, CharlestoKuhne, Paul F.1898150:Link to document image
Haag, Charles (Et ux.)fromKuhne, Paul F.1898150:29Link to document image
Haag, Chas.fromCarnahan, U. L.187463:229Link to document image
Haag, Chas.fromRanner, Geo.188081:147Link to document image
Haag, Chas.fromThieme, Fredericka1888107:422Link to document image
Haag, E. C.fromComs. in Partition1886102:142Link to document image
Haag, EugeniafromPettit, Bertha L.1897147:351Link to document image
Haag, EugeniatoPettit, Bertha L.1897147:353Link to document image
Haag, EugeniatoRandall, P. A.1886102:123Link to document image
Haag, EugeniafromRandall, P. A.1886102:124Link to document image
Haag, EugeniatoSpencer, C. W.1888109:563Link to document image
Haag, Eugenia L.fromHines, Frances L.1897148:480Link to document image
Haag, Eugenia L.toMariotte, Horce1899153:454Link to document image
Haag, Eugenia L.toSnodgrass, M. (Et al.)1897145:484Link to document image
Haag, EuginafromFeichter, Mary M.1896143:368Link to document image
Haag, F. & M.fromMichael, H.188495:600Link to document image
Haag, FredericktoFeichter, Mary M.1896142:133Link to document image
Haag, FredericktoVolland, H. J. Jr.1889111:567Link to document image
Haag, Gottlieb L.fromBittinger, Mary H.1890115:506Link to document image
Haag, Gottlieb L.toHarding, Fredk.1892124:366Link to document image
Haag, Gottlieb L.fromSherbondy, S. R.1890116:273Link to document image
Haag, JohntoHilbrecht, H.186434:12Link to document image
Haag, John G.toFeichter, Mary M.1895138:424Link to document image
Haag, LouisetoFeichter, Mary M.1896142:132Link to document image
Haag, Mary C.fromThieme, Frederika1890116:274Link to document image
Haag, NorafromFeichter, Mary M.1896142:488Link to document image
Haag, NorafromRenkenberger, Cath.1897147:108Link to document image
Haag, NoratoRenkenberger, Cath.1897147:103Link to document image
Haag, WilliamtoFeichter, Mary M.1895140:357Link to document image
Haak, TheodorefromCary, Harry E. (Et al.)1902168:353Link to document image
Haak, TheodorefromMcGinnes, Daniel1887104:601Link to document image
Haak, TheodorefromMondy, Ida J. (Et al.)1888108:243Link to document image
Haak, TheodorefromPorter, Samuel (Et al.)1890117:413Link to document image
Haak, TheordorefromMiller, Amelia187976:45Link to document image
Haar, Lena (Et al.)fromPeters, Fred H.1900159:535Link to document image
Haarselhorst, H.fromHedges, Jno. P.186330:219Link to document image
Haarselhorst, H.fromYastwith, Theodore1850N:667Link to document image
Haarselhorst, H. G.toReinhard, Mathias187873:22Link to document image
Haarselhorst, H. J.toLauer, Sophia186229:474Link to document image
Haarselman, H. J.toLinklage, Herman186229:551Link to document image
Haarter, PhilliptoScovil, Harman1854P:168Link to document image
Haas, Amanda (Et al.)fromCrawford, John F. (Et ux.)1893130:452Link to document image
Haas, FrancesfromRacht, Joseph1897147:75Link to document image
Haas, Simon (Et ux.)fromDickey, Robert1894131:567Link to document image
Haas, W. J.fromNinde, Henry W. (Et al.)1891121:494Link to document image
Haas, W. J.fromVesey, Wm. J. (Et.)1891121:494Link to document image
Haase, FrankfromHutchinson, C. W.1893129:109Link to document image
Haase, FrankfromThimler, Jno.188495:148Link to document image
Haase, FranktoThimler, Jno.1886100:226Link to document image
Haase, Franz L.fromHartman, Anna1889114:60Link to document image
Habacker, EliasfromBowser, J. C.186331:447Link to document image
Habacker, EliastoDepler, George W.1860Y:608Link to document image
Habacker, EliastoSorg, Peter186333:456Link to document image
Habaker, JohnfromDocter, Wm. A.187358:253Link to document image
Habaker, M. P.fromDoctor, H. G.187358:309Link to document image
Habbard, John H.fromBowen, George W.187564:464Link to document image
Habbeger, Samuel A.fromGernhardt, William1900159:183Link to document image
Habbert, J. H.fromStead, Jos. (Et al.)188079:494Link to document image
Habbert, J. HenryfromTomkinson, Albert1895139:418Link to document image
Habbert, J. HenryfromTomkinson, Pemila1895139:418Link to document image
Habbert, Jno. H.fromFerrall, J. D. (Et al.)188079:494Link to document image
Habbert, Jno. H.toHille, Jno. H. (Et al.)1889110:191Link to document image
Habbert, John H.toBorcherding, Minna1895139:419Link to document image
Habbert, John H.fromBorchering, Ferd.1890116:510Link to document image
Habbert, SophiatoBorcherding, Minna1895139:419Link to document image
Habbs, WilliamtoDepler, Jacob187154:101Link to document image
Habecker, Alice M.fromAbbott, R. B.1887104:448Link to document image
Habecker, D. (Heirs)toHabecker, John186434:591Link to document image
Habecker, D. (Heirs)toHabecker, Martin P.186434:591Link to document image
Habecker, D. (Heirs)toHabecker, Wm. H.186434:591Link to document image
Habecker, Danl.toBerger, Rudolph186229:398Link to document image
Habecker, E. (Et al.)toSkelton, B. W.188193:97Link to document image
Habecker, E. (Guard)toMunson, Chas. A.188496:566Link to document image
Habecker, EliasfromConover, Alice E.1898149:512Link to document image
Habecker, EliastoDepler, George187565:524Link to document image
Habecker, EliastoRue, Richard186126:527Link to document image
Habecker, EliasfromSmith, Hannah L.1893128:50Link to document image
Habecker, Elias (Et al.)toSmith, Nancy D.1898150:207Link to document image
Habecker, Elias (Guard)toSkelton, Benj. W.188193:96Link to document image
Habecker, JohnfromHabecker, D. (Heirs)186434:591Link to document image
Habecker, JohntoPeters, H. F.187249:338Link to document image
Habecker, JohnfromRose, Anton186847:77Link to document image
Habecker, M. P.toDoctor, Henry1877101:42Link to document image
Habecker, M. P.fromHabecker, Margaret1891122:310Link to document image
Habecker, M. P.toHabecker, Wm.186950:160Link to document image
Habecker, M. P.fromMayer, Henry186947:491Link to document image
Habecker, M. P.fromRose, Anton186847:79Link to document image
Habecker, M. P. (Et ux.)fromWhite, Alex. B.1894135:520Link to document image
Habecker, MargaretfromDoctor, Henry G. (Et ux.)1891120:455Link to document image
Habecker, MargarettoHabecker, M. P.1891122:310Link to document image
Habecker, MargarettoWhite, Alex. B.1894136:74Link to document image
Habecker, MargarettoWhite, Alex. B.1895136:166Link to document image
Habecker, Martin (Et al.)toDoctor, Henry A.1891120:412Link to document image
Habecker, Martin P.fromHabecker, D. (Heirs)186434:591Link to document image
Habecker, Martin P.toWhite, Alex. B.1894136:74Link to document image
Habecker, Minnie A.fromHabicker, Martin P.1894135:521Link to document image
Habecker, Wilh.fromLuley, Mary1889112:614Link to document image
Habecker, WilhelminatoWeber, Bernhard1894132:263Link to document image
Habecker, Wm.toEhinger, J. & R.188392:212Link to document image
Habecker, Wm.fromHabecker, M. P.186950:160Link to document image
Habecker, Wm.fromWhiting, A. M.188392:164Link to document image
Habecker, Wm. H.fromHabecker, D. (Heirs)186434:591Link to document image
Habecker, Wm. H.toKetker, Elizabeth1892125:426Link to document image
Habecker, Wm. H.toNiemeyer, Christian1889112:560Link to document image
Habecker, Wm. H.toPeters, H. F.187249:337Link to document image
Habecker, Wm. H.fromRose, Anton186847:78Link to document image
Habecker, Wm. H.fromVordermark, E.187357:534Link to document image
Habecker, Wm. H.toWeber, Bernhard1894132:263Link to document image
Habecker, Wm. H. (Et al.)toMatthiew, Joseph1891113:448Link to document image
Habecker, Wm. H. (Et al.)toRose, Anton186847:76Link to document image
Habegger, Jacob P.fromKnoblauch, Otto1895139:108Link to document image
Habegger, Jacob P.toWoodburn Elevator & 1896142:284Link to document image
Habegger, Jacob P.toWoodburn Lumber Co.1895140:187Link to document image
Habegger, Jacob P.toWoodburn Lumber Co.1896142:239Link to document image
Habegger, Jacob P.fromWoodburn Lumber Co.1896142:197Link to document image
Habegger, Samuel A.toLehman, John1900159:185Link to document image
Habegger, Samuel A.toLehman, John1900159:185Link to document image
Habegger, Samuel A.fromWulliman, Noah1900159:182Link to document image
Habel, AndrewfromBrackenridge, Jos.187669:295Link to document image
Habel, AndrewfromJones, Caroline186228:558Link to document image
Habel, AndrewtoPockler, Henry186127:516Link to document image
Habel, AndrewfromStophlet, F. C. (Adm.)186948:69Link to document image
Habel, AndrewstoBrackenridge, F. A.186950:282Link to document image
Habel, C. & L.fromBrackenridge, Jos.188391:155Link to document image
Habel, CharlesfromShaght, Mary M.1889112:548Link to document image
Habel, CharlesfromSwinney, Rhesa (Et ux.)1890116:434Link to document image
Habel, Chas.fromBrackenridge, Jos.187669:296Link to document image
Habel, Chas. (Et al.)toHabel, John1889110:278Link to document image
Habel, Chas. J.toScheuman, Ernst188598:618Link to document image
Habel, ChristinatoWallies, G. F.188186:156Link to document image
Habel, JohnfromHabel, Chas. (Et al.)1889110:278Link to document image
Habel, John C.fromTaylor, R. S. (Comr.)187258:66Link to document image
Habell, AndrewfromStophlet, Mary186844:515Link to document image
Haberhorn, E. F.toCentlivre, Chas. L.1886102:555Link to document image
Haberkern, HeinrichfromHarper, W. (Error)1860Y:331Link to document image
Haberkom Haley Mfg. Co.fromArcher, Joseph F.1901163:327Link to document image
Haberkom, E. F.fromRastetter, Elizabeth188390:439Link to document image
Haberkom, E. F.toRastetter, Louis188390:440Link to document image
Haberkom, E. T. & AnnafromFoellinger, Jacob187975:559Link to document image
Haberkom, HeinricktoHarding, Fred. (Et ux.)1892126:229Link to document image
Haberkoon, HenrytoSchieferstein, Philip186229:544Link to document image
Haberkorn Haley Mfg. Co.fromKingsley, Julia H.1901163:328Link to document image
Haberkorn Haley Mfg. Co.fromRomy, Robert L.1901163:326Link to document image
Haberkorn, CarolinefromBobilya, Louis J.1898153:372Link to document image
Haberkorn, CarolinetoBobilya, Louis J.1898152:242Link to document image
Haberkorn, CarolinefromDeWald, Sophia A.1902168:416Link to document image
Haberkorn, CarolinetoMergel, Reinhard Jr.1902168:313Link to document image
Haberkorn, CarolinefromVan Buskirk, A. E.1895140:148Link to document image
Haberkorn, Emil F.fromBrooks, Wm. H., Jr.187770:492Link to document image
Haberkorn, H.toKlipper, Geo.1889111:357Link to document image
Haberkorn, H.fromSchiefer, Wm.1888107:512Link to document image
Haberkorn, HenryfromOrff, John1887105:64Link to document image
Haberkorn, HenrytoVan Buskirk, Aron E.1895140:147Link to document image
Haberton, Henry H.fromLasselle, F. D.186333:475Link to document image
Habicker, EliastoSmith, C. G. (Et ux.)1893128:502Link to document image
Habicker, Martin P.toHabecker, Minnie A.1894135:521Link to document image
Hachbour, JacobfromBouser, Jacob C.1854P:305Link to document image
Hachman, FredrickfromRandall, Winifred J.1902167:495Link to document image
Hachman, FriedfromKuhne, Chas. W.1889110:62Link to document image
Hachmann, F.fromSchiefer, C. S.1887105:514Link to document image
Hachmann, FredfromZuber, John (Et.)1891121:102Link to document image
Hachmann, Fried.toKuhne, Chas. W.1889111:61Link to document image
Hachmann, HenryfromCartwright, Emma S.1902171:71Link to document image
Hachmeier, SophietoReinking, Diedh.1894133:489Link to document image
Hachmeier, WilliamtoHitzmann, Fredk. W.1897147:329Link to document image
Hachmeier, WmfromShaffer, George1897147:466Link to document image
Hachmeier, Wm.fromReincking, Diedh.1894133:488Link to document image
Hachmeier, Wm.fromReincking, Loise1894133:488Link to document image
Hachmeir, Wm.toReinking, Diedh.1894133:489Link to document image
Hack, Wm.fromGreen, Mary M.187256:272Link to document image
Hackamayer, ErnsttoReiter, Deatrich John186026:313Link to document image
Hackelridge, H.fromBradbury, Thos.186332:142Link to document image
Hacket, GeorgetoColeman, Jonathan187255:312Link to document image
Hackett, E. (Et al.)toWheeler, E. G.188288:214Link to document image
Hackett, E. (Et al.)toWheelock, E. G.188288:255Link to document image
Hackett, E. A. H. (Et al.)fromLayman, Geo. (Et al.)1893133:75Link to document image
Hackett, E. A. K.fromFlemimg, Wm.188495:51Link to document image
Hackett, E. A. K.fromFleming, Wm.188081:123Link to document image
Hackett, E. A. K.fromFleming, Wm.1887106:578Link to document image
Hackett, E. A. K.fromMayer, Geo. J. E.1888107:306Link to document image
Hackett, E. A. K.fromMcCulloch, Chas.1895136:558Link to document image
Hackett, E. A. K.fromMorss, S. E. (Et al.)188081:127Link to document image
Hackett, E. A. K.fromNelson, Wm. R. (Et al.)188081:127Link to document image
Hackett, E. A. K.fromRead, Asahel J.1892125:115Link to document image
Hackett, E. A. K.fromWhite, James B.1885116:343Link to document image
Hackett, E. A. K. (Et al.)toBethany Presbty. Ch.1894133:76Link to document image
Hackett, Geo. toWalbolt, John187255:305Link to document image
Hackett, Geo. (Dec.)toOrr, Eleanor N.187482:112Link to document image
Hackett, GeorgetoFrederickson, J. M.187256:206Link to document image
Hackett, GeorgetoZollars, George187264:375Link to document image
Hackett, George (Will of)to187482:112Link to document image
Hackett, Mary A.fromFort Wayne Nat. Bank188288:459Link to document image
Hackins, Fredk. Wm.fromHackins, Gustav L. (Et al.)1901164:183Link to document image
Hackins, Gustav L. (Et al.)toHackins, Fredk. Wm.1901164:183Link to document image
Hackins, Gustave L.fromLewis, Elizabeth C.1899153:318Link to document image
Hackins, Gustave L.toPoole, Frank H. (Et ux.)1898149:474Link to document image
Hackins, Gustave L.fromWilliams, Ed. P. (Et al.)1893127:547Link to document image
Hackler, ChristopherfromHackler, Thomas1185M:328Link to document image
Hackler, ThomastoHackler, Christopher1185M:328Link to document image
Hackler, ThomasfromHeckler, Christopher1855R:123Link to document image
Hackley, Frederck S.toDressback, Samuel1849K:154Link to document image
Hackley, FredericktoAllen, Thomas1852M:461Link to document image
Hackley, Frederick S.toBerry, Archimedes1850K:437Link to document image
Hackley, Frederick S.toGraber, Daniel1854P:7Link to document image
Hackley, GeorgetoHall, Ebbert1851L:252Link to document image
Hackley, J. W.toPaff, A.1847I:418Link to document image
Hackley, JacktoHagen, John1949J:602Link to document image
Hackley, JacktoJones, Benjamin H.1850K:1Link to document image
Hackley, JacktoJones, Samuel1850K:2Link to document image
Hackley, JacktoWalbott, John1848I:568Link to document image
Hackley, Jack W.toAnderson, Thomas1851L:195Link to document image
Hackley, Jack W.toBowser, William1848I:552Link to document image
Hackley, Jack W.toHanna, Samuel1851L:195Link to document image
Hackley, Jack W.toMobley, John1850K:3Link to document image
Hackman, FredfromNiehoff, Anna L.1901165:141Link to document image
Hackmann, F.fromKuhne, Chas. W.1888108:450Link to document image
Hackmann, F.toKuhne, Chas. W.1888108:449Link to document image
Hackmeier, Wm.fromSwinney, Rhesa (Trustee)1890116:62Link to document image
Hadden, AlexanderfromAllen, Eham. B.1891118:357Link to document image
Haden, MartintoBrown, Elmore1853N:460Link to document image
Hadenschild, S.fromBower, Orra J.1892124:425Link to document image
Haderhorse, ChristiantoZelkink, Conrad1855S:435Link to document image
Haderhorst, O.fromHanna, Saml.186333:138Link to document image
Hadley, Alva O.fromLichtenwalter, Sarah (Et al.)1895137:119Link to document image
Hadley, Arthur L. (Et ux.)fromBarrett, James M.1901164:77Link to document image
Hadley, E. (Ex.)toMiller, W. H. H.186950:295Link to document image
Hadley, WilliamfromJones, Caroline186228:535Link to document image
Hadley, Wm.fromHadly, Lepheniah186331:37Link to document image
Hadley, Wm.toP. F. W. & C. R. R.186451:211Link to document image
Hadley, Wm. B.toP. T. W. & C. R. R. Co.186845:375Link to document image
Hadley, Z.fromJones, George W.186228:534Link to document image
Hadly, LepheniahtoHadley, Wm.186331:37Link to document image
Hadsell, A. A.toMcCoemick, T. H.188291:235Link to document image
Hadsell, AustinfromDeel, Jas. M.187051:549Link to document image
Hadsell, Austin A.fromBowers, Jacob187668:413Link to document image
Hadsell, C. E.fromFleming, Sarah E.1898155:488Link to document image
Hadtnett, JamesfromColter, Edmond186948:2Link to document image
Haeber, P. & M.fromSullivan, M.1886100:329Link to document image
Haemon, Saml. W.fromNewcomer, Christian1890116:67Link to document image
Haenel, August H.toEby, Levi H.1902165:453Link to document image
Haenell, August H.fromTri State B. & L. Assn.1902169:177Link to document image
Haenes, Rose B.fromMcKeenan, William1902170:194Link to document image
Haensch, AugustfromHohnhaus, Geo.188391:411Link to document image
Haewood, E. B.fromCole, M. J.187490:569Link to document image
Hafeeker, EliastoMunson, Chas. A.187873:490Link to document image
Hafeeker, Elias (Guard)toMunson, Chas. A.187873:491Link to document image
Hafer, G. L.toJohnson, Solomon186228:635Link to document image
Hafer, Geo. L.toEel River Tp.186230:76Link to document image
Hafer, Geo. L.toHindman, Jno.186230:124Link to document image
Hafer, Geo. L.toKinzy, Christian186229:487Link to document image
Hafer, Geo. L.toMaxwell, Abe.186229:501Link to document image
Hafer, Geo. L.fromPuterbaugh, David1889132:129Link to document image
Hafer, George L.fromFreeman, George1860Y:40Link to document image
Hafer, George L.fromFreeman, Isaac1859W:515Link to document image
Hafer, George L.fromFreenan, Dvid P.1858U:588Link to document image
Hafer, Jacob C.toCrye, Hugh1890118:24Link to document image
Hafer, TheoboldfromWheelock, K. K.1892125:102Link to document image
Haffer, Geo. C.toShraff, Jno. P.186431:587Link to document image
Haffer, Jno. L.toShoaff, Jno. P.186431:587Link to document image
Haffman, JacobfromStump, Samuel187875:238Link to document image
Haffner, ChristtoWeiser, Joseph188495:247Link to document image
Haffner, ChristianfromSheriff188290:6Link to document image
Haffner, MaryfromBard, Samuel188393:454Link to document image
Haffner, MaryfromGorham, E. C.1889111:439Link to document image
Haffner, MarytoHavert, Theo. J.1887104:184Link to document image
Haffner, MarytoMcDonald, R. T. (Et al.)1889111:32Link to document image
Haffner, Mary (Et al.)toHaller, William1891113:104Link to document image
Haffner, Mary M.fromHamilton, Montg.1889110:67Link to document image
Haffner, WilhelmenafromSweet, Hannah (Guard)187669:95Link to document image
Haffner, WilhelminafromBrown, Wm. J.187463:148Link to document image
Haffner, WilheminafromBlessing, Peter (Guard)1887104:91Link to document image
Hafleigh, R.fromEwing, Geo. W.186537:509Link to document image
Hafleigh, RubentoEly, Geo. W.186740:538Link to document image
Hafner, Charles (Et al.)toVoors, John G. Jr. (Et ux.)1891120:367Link to document image
Hafner, J. (Et al.)toBitler, S. D. (Et al.)188494:446Link to document image
Hafner, J. M. L. (Et al.)toWolf, Paul E.1887106:384Link to document image
Hafner, Jno.toBucker, E. F.188286:265Link to document image
Hafner, Jno.toMiller, M. & H.188185:298Link to document image
Hafner, Jno.toMiller, M. & S.188185:297Link to document image
Hafner, Jno.toWochuker, F. H.188186:70Link to document image
Hafner, JohannestoRastatter, Louis186333:270Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoBecker, Peter187256:471Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoConners, Frank1900157:299Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoDudenhafer, Conrad186445:489Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoDudenhofer, P.186643:91Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoFarback, Geo.186641:357Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoFoster, Charles H. (Et ux.)1900157:315Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoGege, H.186643:54Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoGolsch, Benj.186743:260Link to document image
Hafner, JohnfromHafner, Moses1899156:104Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoHecker, Henry & J.187361:361Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoHerrold, Isreal W. (Et ux.)1900157:521Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoHill, William H.1900159:5Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoKirch, Carl186743:261Link to document image
Hafner, JohnfromKrudop, John B.186539:323Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoKruse, Henry186445:492Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoMaurer, Jacob186650:598Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoMuhlenbrush, G.186643:90Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoNess, H. C. C.187257:125Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoO'Brine, Patrick187153:556Link to document image
Hafner, JohnfromPiepenbrink, C.186845:487Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoPiepenbrink, Christ186445:488Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoReinking, C. F.186445:486Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoShwab, John186646:277Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoStemler, Philip186641:371Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoStemniler, Phillip186541:284Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoStubuatzi, W. S.186646:11Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoWanbsgans, Phillip186445:490Link to document image
Hafner, JohntoWickman, Ferd187257:126Link to document image
Hafner, John Geo.fromForsythe, Jane E.187169:441Link to document image
Hafner, MosestoHafner, John1899156:104Link to document image
Hafner, MosesfromU. C. Life Ins. Co.1897147:273Link to document image
Hafner, WilhelmenafromPeabody, S. J.187669:95Link to document image
Hafner, WilhelminafromAuditor1893128:295Link to document image
Hafner, WilhelminetoWhitney, Mary J.1893130:42Link to document image
Hagan, CorneliustoHagan, Wm. F.1892123:241Link to document image
Hagan, HenrytoAnderson, Alexander 1860Y:555Link to document image
Hagan, HenryfromHagan, John 1852M:458Link to document image
Hagan, HenrytoHagan, Margaret1852M:458Link to document image
Hagan, HenrytoHagan, Margaret1852M:459Link to document image
Hagan, Jno.toPatten, Bridget188184:232Link to document image
Hagan, JohntoCriswell, William1851L:516Link to document image
Hagan, JohnfromEmerick, A. J.186640:112Link to document image
Hagan, John toHagan, Henry1852M:458Link to document image
Hagan, JohntoHagan, William1857U:520Link to document image
Hagan, JohntoNeihouser, Chris.186639:518Link to document image
Hagan, Louisa L.fromEmbry, Josephine (Et al.)1896142:278Link to document image
Hagan, MargaretfromHagan, Henry1852M:458Link to document image
Hagan, MargaretfromHagan, Henry1852M:459Link to document image
Hagan, MarytoBloom, Martin187566:260Link to document image
Hagan, Michael J. (E.)toHagan, Wm. F.1892122:559Link to document image
Hagan, Tho. W.fromPoirson, Peter F.1896142:233Link to document image
Hagan, Thomas W.fromCavalier, Victor1896142:234Link to document image
Hagan, Thos. W.toCavalier, Victor1895137:536Link to document image
Hagan, Thos. W.toCavalier, Victor1896142:230Link to document image
Hagan, Thos. W.fromFleming, Wm.1889114:230Link to document image
Hagan, WilliamfromHagan, John1857U:520Link to document image
Hagan, Wm. F.fromBoyle, Mary187772:197Link to document image
Hagan, Wm. F.fromHagan, Cornelius1892123:241Link to document image
Hagan, Wm. F.fromHagan, Michael J. (E.)1892122:559Link to document image
Hagan, Wm. F.toPatten, Mary B.1891124:221Link to document image
Hagan,HenryfromHogan, John1852M:458Link to document image
Hagans, JohntoBair, Christopher186643:401Link to document image
Hagans, JohntoBair, Christopher186849:350Link to document image
Hagar, HenrytoAnderson, Alexander1860Y:409Link to document image
Hagar, HenrytoAnderson, Alexander L.1856T:339Link to document image
Hage, FrankfromLepper, Aug. H.187154:111Link to document image
Hagedom, HarmonfromAnderson, Calvin187254:623Link to document image
Hagedorn, HermontoLange, John H.187772:159Link to document image
Hagehon, H.toHostmeyer, Chas. J.18756:350Link to document image
Hageman, C.toRothgeb, Jesse188286:166Link to document image
Hageman, JohnfromHuffman, W. L.1860Y:529Link to document image
Hageman, John H.fromKingsley, Julia H.1891156:85Link to document image
Hageman, John H.fromKingsley, Julia H.1901166:178Link to document image
Hageman, Jos.fromAuger, L. E.188184:145Link to document image
Hageman, JosephtoKeppus, Wm.187257:222Link to document image
Hageman, JosephtoSoliday, Lincoln C. (Et ux.)1901164:46Link to document image
Hageman, L. E.fromAnweiler, M. A.1889111:336Link to document image
Hagemann, Jos.fromKing, C. A. & F. J.187283:288Link to document image
Hagemann, WilliamtoReckeweg, Carl1856T:318Link to document image
Hagen, FrankfromMeyer, John187154:132Link to document image
Hagen, Fredk.fromWehrs, Wm.186745:570Link to document image
Hagen, GeorgetoSpencer, M. V. B.188392:567Link to document image
Hagen, HenrytoWheelock, E. G.188182:349Link to document image
Hagen, JohnfromHackley, Jack1949J:602Link to document image
Hagen, MarytoMcNulty, John1902168:276Link to document image
Hagen, Thos. W.fromLand & Security Co.1896142:229Link to document image
Hagen, Wm. F.fromEmerick, Andrew J.1896142:506Link to document image
Hagens, FranktoLuhmann, Fredk.187256:304Link to document image
Hagens, FranktoPhillips, John T.187461:510Link to document image
Hager, GeorgefromMonier, Peter L.186643:98Link to document image
Hager, GeorgetoStoll, Daniel186747:36Link to document image
Hager, HenryfromLoos, Wm.188290:121Link to document image
Hager, Henry (Will of)to1896143:313Link to document image
Hager, MargaretfromSchnelker, H. (Admr.)188079:526Link to document image
Hager, MargaretfromSchnitker, A. R.1888109:134Link to document image
Hager, MaryfromNull, Upton186846:549Link to document image
Hager, Mary M.fromSchuckman, M.187258:56Link to document image
Hager, ZellafromAnspach, J. P. (Et al.)1891120:378Link to document image
Hager, ZellatoMiller, John L.1891113:275Link to document image
Hager, ZellafromRoose, Charles (Et al.)1891120:378Link to document image
Hagerhorst, ChristtoKierspe, Charles186847:86Link to document image
Hagerman, CarolinefromRyan, Thos.187668:354Link to document image
Hagerman, LouisefromKlepper, Elizabeth1899154:320Link to document image
Hagerman, Wm.toHutchinson, Thos. J.186537:167Link to document image
Hagermann, HenrytoKiel, Christina1886100:369Link to document image
Hagermann, HenryfromKiel, Henry1886100:368Link to document image
Hagermann, WilhelmfromMohr, Mary1901160:312Link to document image
Hagest, Geo.toLoyd, Thos. Wm.188598:110Link to document image
Hagest, Geo.fromSahner, Marcus188598:109Link to document image
Hagest, J. G. (Et al.) toCity1889113:39Link to document image
Hagest, Jno. Geo.fromBitzinger, John1887103:354Link to document image
Hagest, John GeorgetoScherman, Herman1901163:6Link to document image
Hagg, JohnfromHanna, Samuel186027:424Link to document image
Haggerty, Davidto--, Robt.186432:333Link to document image
Haggerty, HughfromShafer, Christian186432:334Link to document image
Hagman, LouisafromFreistroffer, Simon1902168:373Link to document image
Hahn, CarolinefromLand & Security Co.1899161:143Link to document image
Hahn, CarolinefromOlds, Sarah E.188287:84Link to document image
Hahn, George (Et al.)fromBrossard, Catharine1898150:254Link to document image
Hahn, George (Et al.)fromBrossard, Catherine1900159:263Link to document image
Hahn, H. & C.fromGlutting, A. F.188080:14Link to document image
Hahn, HenrytoBindle, G. & W.188186:114Link to document image
Hahn, HenrytoGlutting, A. F.188080:13Link to document image
Hahn, HenryfromSchotemeyer, H.187977:355Link to document image
Hahn, Herman M.fromVesey, William J.1901164:73Link to document image
Hahn, John L.fromVesey, William J.1901164:72Link to document image
Hahn, Jos.toFlaig, E. & B.188391:431Link to document image
Hahn, Jos.fromHahn, M. F.188289:322Link to document image
Hahn, M. F.fromDochrman, Wm.188287:516Link to document image
Hahn, M. F.toHahn, Jos.188289:322Link to document image
Hahn, Martha W.fromWithers, Martha A.1892133:235Link to document image
Hahn, MinniefromBell, Jon, W.1892126:263Link to document image
Hahn, MinnietoCressler, Alfred D.1898151:271Link to document image
Hahn, W. & J.fromEdsall, Simon188080:474Link to document image
Hahn, WilhelminatoKritzman, Val.1889112:566Link to document image
Hahn, Wilhelmina & J.fromEdsall, Simon188080:200Link to document image
Hahn, WilliamtoRobinson, Jas. M.1893131:200Link to document image
Hahn, WilliamfromWilliams, Edward P.1902168:268Link to document image
Hahn, WilliamtoWithers, M. A.1889112:638Link to document image
Hahn, Wm.fromHanna, S. C.1888109:468Link to document image
Hahn, Wm.fromWilmot, Jas. C.187256:239Link to document image
Hahn, Wm. (Et ux.)fromRobinson, Jas. M.1893131:201Link to document image
Hahrwald, D.fromPlogsterth, Fred1887104:470Link to document image
Hahuel, AntonfromPfeiffer, Chas. F.1894134:411Link to document image
Haiber, C. F.toBaade, C. F. W.188597:381Link to document image
Haiber, C. F.fromFleming, Wm.188182:540Link to document image
Haiber, C. F.fromFleming, Wm.188287:309Link to document image
Haiber, C. F.fromHake, Frank1889110:217Link to document image
Haiber, C. F.toHake, Frank (Et ux.)1889110:276Link to document image
Haiber, C. F.fromSchmidt, Bankatz188497:183Link to document image
Haiber, C. F.toSchmidt, Eva M.188497:185Link to document image
Haiber, C. F.fromSommer, Elizabeth1886101:364Link to document image
Haiber, C. F.toSommer, R.1886101:365Link to document image
Haiber, Caroline E.fromLorenz, George1901164:300Link to document image
Haiber, Caroline E.toLorenz, George (Et ux.)1901164:300Link to document image
Haiber, Charles F.fromBeierlein, John1899154:241Link to document image
Haiber, Charles F.toBeierlein, John (Et ux.)1899154:242Link to document image
Haiber, Charles F.toFort Wayne Traction Co.1900156:270Link to document image
Haiber, Charles F.toGreek, John W. (Et ux.)1900158;206Link to document image
Haiber, Charles F.toHaiber, Fredrick1901163:186Link to document image
Haiber, Charles F.fromHaiber, Fredrick1901163:185Link to document image
Haiber, Charles F.toHaiber, Fredrick (Et ux.)1901163:187Link to document image
Haiber, Charles F.toHomsher, Julia E.1901163:443Link to document image
Haiber, Charles F.fromHomsher, Minnie F.1901163:444Link to document image
Haiber, Charles F.fromSchwieters, Mary E. (Et al.)1892125:501Link to document image
Haiber, Charles F.toThrasher, Ulysses J.1900158:206Link to document image
Haiber, Chas. F.fromArcher, Anna M.1894134:88Link to document image
Haiber, Chas. F.fromBlystone, Elizabeth1896143:41Link to document image
Haiber, Chas. F.toBlystone, Isaac (Et ux.)1896142:468Link to document image
Haiber, Chas. F.fromKelsey, Desdemona1894133:526Link to document image
Haiber, Chas. F.fromKelsey, Frank W.1894133:526Link to document image
Haiber, Chas. F.fromKempf, Louisa188494:576Link to document image
Haiber, Chas. F.toLanger, Chas. A.1888108:209Link to document image
Haiber, Chas. F.fromRich, Edwin188598:389Link to document image
Haiber, Chas. F.fromRurode, Ernst C.1896142:542Link to document image
Haiber, Chas. F.fromSchwieters, Mary E.1892125:369Link to document image
Haiber, Chas. F.toSommer, Elizabeth1887105:127Link to document image
Haiber, Chas. F.fromSommer, Reinhart1887105:126Link to document image
Haiber, Fred (Comr.)toBrendel, Jacobina1888107:594Link to document image
Haiber, Fred. (Comr.)toDuffy, Louisa1888111:227Link to document image
Haiber, Fred. (Comr.)toDuffy, Thos. H.1888111:229Link to document image
Haiber, Fred. (Comr.)toDuffy, Wm. P.1888111:228Link to document image
Haiber, Fredk.fromHaiber, Geo. W.1895138:472Link to document image
Haiber, Fredk. fromMiner, Wm. E. (Et al.)1893128:361Link to document image
Haiber, Fredk. (Comr.)toHattendorf, Chas.1888109:46Link to document image
Haiber, FredricktoBicknese, Ernst F. W.1898150:13Link to document image
Haiber, FredrickfromBicknesse, Fredrick1898150:12Link to document image
Haiber, FredrickfromHaiber, Charles F.1901163:186Link to document image
Haiber, FredricktoHaiber, Charles F.1901163:185Link to document image
Haiber, Fredrick (Et ux.)fromHaiber, Charles F.1901163:187Link to document image
Haiber, Geo. W.fromFurste, Jas. E.1889111:56Link to document image
Haiber, Geo. W.toHaiber, Fredk.1895138:472Link to document image
Haiber, JohnfromDafforn, Wm.187462:349Link to document image
Haiber, JohnfromFarrell, Edward187567:112Link to document image
Haiber, JohnfromHart, George187667:434Link to document image
Haiber, LorenztoBaltes, Louisa K.1891122:595Link to document image
Haiber, LorenztoFrank, Wilhelm1888109:323Link to document image
Haiber, LorenzfromFrank, Wilhelmina1888109:321Link to document image
Haiber, LorenztoHake, Christina1894135:289Link to document image
Haiber, LorenztoHake, Frank1891113:278Link to document image
Haiber, LorenzfromHake, Frank (Et al.)1891113:277Link to document image
Haiber, LorenztoKohlman, Treca1891121:435Link to document image
Haiber, LorenzfromKohlman, Treca (Et.)1891121:415Link to document image
Haiber, LorenztoMeyer, Gotthief (Et ux.)1893129:115Link to document image
Haiber, LorenzfromMeyer, Mary1893129:114Link to document image
Haiber, LovenzfromBaltes, Jacob1891122:597Link to document image
Haiber, M. E.toSchaphorst, E. & W.188290:189Link to document image
Haiber, MargaretfromLang, John186947:306Link to document image
Haiber, NicholastoChristman, Nicholas187461:592Link to document image
Haiber, NicholasfromDawson, J. W.187361:74Link to document image
Haiber, NicholastoHourigan, Michael & Mary187567:147Link to document image
Haiber, NicholasfromRing, John187567:135Link to document image
Haiber, NicholasfromSorg, Joseph187565:362Link to document image
Haiber, PeterfromWolford, Harriet R.187461:229Link to document image
Haidenraigh, JosephfromFarnan, Owen1858V:333Link to document image
Haifild, Jno. M.fromShoup, D'l. F.187349:372Link to document image
Haifley, AarontoBaltez, Jacob186331:608Link to document image
Haifley, Abe.toBaltz, Jacob186331:347Link to document image
Haifley, DanieltoBaltz, Jacob186331:347Link to document image
Haifley, Danl. (Est.)toBaltz, Jacob186542:410Link to document image
Haifley, DavidtoMcKee, Jacob186435:115Link to document image
Haifley, ElmerfromGernhardt, William1900162:412Link to document image
Haifley, ElmerfromWallace, Lilley1898151:164Link to document image
Haifley, EsthertoBaltz, Jacob186331:347Link to document image
Haifley, Geo.fromAmstutz, Barbara (Et al.)188391:387Link to document image
Haifley, Geo.fromAmstutz, Jos. (Guard)188391:388Link to document image
Haifley, Geo.fromHarnish, Jno.187978:478Link to document image
Haifley, Geo.fromWitmer, Lydia (Et al.)188391:387Link to document image
Haifley, Geo. (Et al.)fromGrubb, Ira J.187051:38Link to document image
Haifley, GeorgefromBaker, John186434:611Link to document image
Haifley, GeorgefromHood, Thomas1894133:342Link to document image
Haifley, George (Et al.)toEnninger, Samuel187979:433Link to document image
Haifley, George (Et al.)toHaifley, Jno. B.1888109:272Link to document image
Haifley, George (Et al.)toReichelderfer, A. M.1895141:156Link to document image
Haifley, George (Et al.)toRhoades, M. J.1888109:273Link to document image
Haifley, J. B.fromSchlatter, C. S.188287:117Link to document image
Haifley, J. B.fromYoder, Jos.188390:563Link to document image
Haifley, J. B.toZeis, Lewis188390:529Link to document image
Haifley, Jno. B.fromHaifley, George (Et al.)1888109:272Link to document image
Haifley, Jno. W.toHaifley, Mary E.1894133:282Link to document image
Haifley, John B.fromGerig, David (Et al.)1900157:170Link to document image
Haifley, John B.fromWalters, Jefferson (Et.)1891120:516Link to document image
Haifley, John B.fromZeis, Lewis188079:432Link to document image
Haifley, John W.fromHaifley, Simon P.1894134:38Link to document image
Haifley, John W. (Et al.)toMills, Samuel1900159:474Link to document image
Haifley, Jos. B.fromMyers, J. D.1889110:363Link to document image
Haifley, Joseph B.toRex, John1895137:243Link to document image
Haifley, Joseph B.fromSander, Joseph1894133:365Link to document image
Haifley, Joseph B.toSouden, Joseph1894134:12Link to document image
Haifley, Martha E.toAstry, Mary E.1892125:162Link to document image
Haifley, Martha E.fromAstry, Mary E.1892125:164Link to document image
Haifley, Mary E.fromHaifley, Jno. W.1894133:282Link to document image
Haifley, Mary E.toWebb, Frank L.1900159;202Link to document image
Haifley, MaytoBaltz, Jacob186331:347Link to document image
Haifley, PetertoWalters, Minerva1887103:69Link to document image
Haifley, R. (Heirs)toBaltz, Jacob186231:89Link to document image
Haifley, S. P.toShutt, Daniel188288:580Link to document image
Haifley, S. P.fromShutt, Daniel188288:579Link to document image
Haifley, SimonfromBaker, John186434:610Link to document image
Haifley, Simon P.toHaifley, John W.1894134:38Link to document image
Haifley, Simon P.toRoller, Hiram B.1889112:335Link to document image
Haifley, Simon P.fromWebb, Frank L.1900159:203Link to document image
Haifligh, SarahfromBaley, Samuel1854P:626Link to document image
Haight, W. S.toCarson, William W.1853N:704Link to document image
Haike, HermantoOtten, Lucas186950:376Link to document image
Haikey, AdamfromHartsel, Paul187461:441Link to document image
Hail, Geo. S.fromHarris, E. V.1893131:75Link to document image
Hail, Geo. S.fromHarris, Laura B.1893131:75Link to document image
Hail, Geo. S.toParry, Wm. Spellman1895140:125Link to document image
Hail, Martha A.fromCook, Ernst W. (Et al.)1891113:583Link to document image
Hailendere, GaynomerfromHanna, Samuel1844M:496Link to document image
Hailfley, John B.toQuince, Thomas E.1900157:119Link to document image
Hailton, AllenfromSmiley, Geo.186228:426Link to document image
Hailton, Benj. A.fromCrow, Michael186027:336Link to document image
Hailton, Phoebe A. (Et al.)toMertz, John R.1901164:446Link to document image
Haine, Cynthia H.toCotton, John187976:503Link to document image
Haines, DavidtoKell, George1842M:685Link to document image
Haines, David T.toCarter, Charles1855T:473Link to document image
Haines, David T.fromFort Wayne & Southern R. R. Co.1856T:472Link to document image
Haines, David T.toWalker, Jas.186135:177Link to document image
Haines, Ed. D.toSchwartz, Benawell1887104:202Link to document image
Haines, EphraimfromLantz, Jacob187565:450Link to document image
Haines, EphraimtoWhite, J. B.1885100:16Link to document image
Haines, EphriamtoWhite, James B.187770:394Link to document image
Haines, EphriamfromWhite, James B.187773:10Link to document image
Haines, F. E. (et al.)toNuttman, J. D. & J. D. Jr.187770:316Link to document image
Haines, Francis E.toSmith & Ward Treas. & Trustee187566:405Link to document image
Haines, FranklinfromBowers, Jos.186746:113Link to document image
Haines, FranklintoSwayne, Mary C.187771:294Link to document image
Haines, Henry H. (Et al.)fromAllen County L. & S. A.1901161:14Link to document image
Haines, JoeltoCarter, J. W.187255:223Link to document image
Haines, JoeltoHumphrey, D. G.186638:534Link to document image
Haines, JohntoSchmidt, Jno. A.186641:101Link to document image
Haines, Joseph M.toGrosjean, John B.1901165:278Link to document image
Haines, Joseph M. (Et ux.)fromMaxwell, George W.1901162:452Link to document image
Haines, SarahfromBowers, Mary A.187669:110Link to document image
Hains, JoelfromMills, John D.186027:559Link to document image
Hair, AugustusfromAunck, Adam187153:367Link to document image
Hair, AugustusfromAunck, Adam187153:368Link to document image
Haire, AugustustoRockhill, Wm.187565:182Link to document image
Hairring, S.fromSpitz, Michael1886102:153Link to document image
Haite, ThomasfromGrimes, Mary187257:4Link to document image
Haitiourkall, HenrytoNiermann, Juliana T.187976:268Link to document image
Hak, JosephfromAuditor1893128:343Link to document image
Hak, JosephfromHayes, Henry F.1893127:467Link to document image
Hak, JosephfromSheriff1892126:394Link to document image
Hak, JosephfromTillinghast, P. D.1892124:30Link to document image
Hak, JosephtoWilleke, Charles E.1902166:330Link to document image
Hake, ChristinatoBertels, John (Et ux.)1894135:329Link to document image
Hake, ChristinafromHaiber, Lorenz1894135:289Link to document image
Hake, Christina (Et ux.)toStriker, Amelia1896141:55Link to document image
Hake, FranktoBerghoff, Henry C. (Et al.)1890116:35Link to document image
Hake, FranktoBertels, John (Et ux.)1894135:329Link to document image
Hake, FrankfromBond, L. A.1886101:119Link to document image
Hake, FrankfromBond, S. B. (Et al.)188495:234Link to document image
Hake, FrankfromEckart, Fred (Et al.)188495:234Link to document image
Hake, FrankfromFleming, Wm. (Et al.)188495:234Link to document image
Hake, FrankfromGerardin, H.187156:310Link to document image
Hake, FranktoHaiber, C. F.1889110:217Link to document image
Hake, FrankfromHaiber, Lorenz1891113:278Link to document image
Hake, FranktoHake, Henry1890117:77Link to document image
Hake, FranktoKuster, Henry187256:311Link to document image
Hake, FrankfromLang, Anna (Et al.)188390:547Link to document image
Hake, FranktoMcGain, Patrick187359:242Link to document image
Hake, FranktoNaiber, Lorenz1894135:288Link to document image
Hake, FranktoPape, Charles188392:113Link to document image
Hake, FrankfromReading, Anna (Et al.)188390:547Link to document image
Hake, FrankfromSchriber, Fred186844:305Link to document image
Hake, FrankfromSpooner, B. J. (Coms.)188079:504Link to document image
Hake, Frank (Et al.)toHaiber, Lorenz1891113:277Link to document image
Hake, Frank (Et ux.)fromHaiber, C. F.1889110:276Link to document image
Hake, FranketoPape, William1887103:3Link to document image
Hake, FranzfromFleming, Wm.187057:500Link to document image
Hake, FranzfromHake, John187884:71Link to document image
Hake, FranztoHake, Mary A.1894135:399Link to document image
Hake, Geo.fromHake, Jno.188291:231Link to document image
Hake, Geo. W.fromJustus, Louis S.187257:65Link to document image
Hake, GeorgetoCarey, Charles G.1902166:442Link to document image
Hake, GeorgefromWyss, Philip H.1902167:395Link to document image
Hake, George (Et ux.)fromWyss, Philip H.1901162:205Link to document image
Hake, Gertrude (Et al.)toHake, Henry1891113:525Link to document image
Hake, GesinafromArens, John H.1890119:54Link to document image
Hake, H.fromHake, Jno.187887:427Link to document image
Hake, HenryfromBeckman, Catharine (Et al.)1890113:525Link to document image
Hake, HenryfromFreistroffer, Gertrude (Et al.)1890113:525Link to document image
Hake, HenryfromHake, Frank1890117:77Link to document image
Hake, HenryfromHake, Gertrude (Et al.)1891113:525Link to document image
Hake, HenryfromHake, Jacob (Et al.)1890113:525Link to document image
Hake, HenryfromHake, John (Et al.)1890113:517Link to document image
Hake, HenryfromHarrod, Esther (Et al.)1890113:525Link to document image
Hake, HenryfromKluber, Mary (Et al.)1890113:525Link to document image
Hake, HermanfromBrahe, Ulrich186229:138Link to document image
Hake, JacobfromHake, Jno.187893:69Link to document image
Hake, JacobfromShambaugh, Wm. H. (Comr.)1897144:394Link to document image
Hake, Jacob (Et al.)toHake, Henry1890113:525Link to document image
Hake, Jno.toHake, Geo.188291:231Link to document image
Hake, Jno.toHake, H.187887:427Link to document image
Hake, Jno.toHake, Jacob187893:69Link to document image
Hake, JohntoBarris, Joseph1853N:310Link to document image
Hake, JohnfromEmenheiser, Stephen186332:67Link to document image
Hake, JohntoHake, Franz187884:71Link to document image
Hake, John (Et al.)toHake, Henry1890113:517Link to document image
Hake, Mary A.fromHake, Franz1894135:399Link to document image
Hakins, RoberttoMcCrary, James W.1852N:100Link to document image
Halcomb, J. E.toBecker, Emil187770:311Link to document image
Halcomb, J. E.toLauferty, A. S.187770:311Link to document image
Halderman, E. D.fromStapleford, A. A.1892125:148Link to document image
Halderman, E. D.fromStapleford, A. A.1892125:38Link to document image
Halderman, ElizafromSnider, Rufus M.1897147:447Link to document image
Halderman, JacobtoSnider, Rufus M.1897147:446Link to document image
Halderman, Jacob (Et ux.)fromGrier, Joseph H. (Et ux.)1891113:349Link to document image
Hale, D. P.fromBittinger, G. L.187874:363Link to document image
Hale, D. P.fromFleming, Wm.188287:289Link to document image
Hale, D. P.toGuiff, M. & J.188287:290Link to document image
Hale, D. P.toStauffer, David188187:289Link to document image
Hale, Garland S.fromHarsh, Nancy1899153:364Link to document image
Hale, JacobfromHamilton, Allen (Est.)186642:302Link to document image
Hale, JamestoKoons, George1855S:558Link to document image
Hale, Manciness E.fromHofer, Theobald1901163:525Link to document image
Hale, Wm. S.fromJordan, George1889112:171Link to document image
Haley, BridgettoLeiningor, Thebald188185:78Link to document image
Haley, BridgetfromWilson, J. F.187873:488Link to document image
Haley, CatharinetoDoggett, James L.1897147:309Link to document image
Haley, CatharinefromDoyle, Joseph (Et al.)1889112:556Link to document image
Haley, CatharinetoFinan, Edward1899153:487Link to document image
Haley, CatharinefromFunk, Mary1901162:371Link to document image
Haley, CatherinefromFinan, Edward187669:56Link to document image
Haley, CatherinefromMcDonough, Jas. B.187978:172Link to document image
Haley, DanieltoWilliams, J. H.187566:132Link to document image
Haley, Geo.fromHaley, Jacob188082:510Link to document image
Haley, GeorgefromHaley, Jacob187976:359Link to document image
Haley, GeorgetoRandall, P. A.188081:331Link to document image
Haley, HenryfromHaley, Jacob188081:359Link to document image
Haley, HenrytoRandall, P. A.188081:332Link to document image
Haley, JacobtoBaker, Adam187154:468Link to document image
Haley, JacobtoBaker, Adam187359:144Link to document image
Haley, JacobtoHaley, Geo.188082:510Link to document image
Haley, JacobtoHaley, George187976:359Link to document image
Haley, JacobtoHaley, Henry188081:359Link to document image
Haley, JacobtoHalsey, Henry187566:450Link to document image
Haley, John (Et ux.)fromStahl, William G.1901165:68Link to document image
Haley, John P.fromDreibelbiss, Catherine1895139:350Link to document image
Haley, John P.fromDreibelbiss, John1895139:350Link to document image
Haley, Jos. A. (Et al.)fromRomy, Cathrin A.1887106:114Link to document image
Haley, Joseph A.fromFitzsimons, Anna J.1895137:27Link to document image
Haley, Joseph A.fromFitzsimons, Arthur1895137:27Link to document image
Haley, Joseph A.toHaley, Joseph M.1897148:473Link to document image
Haley, Joseph A.toVolland, John G.1899154:152Link to document image
Haley, Joseph A. (Et ux.)fromHaley, Joseph M.1897148:474Link to document image
Haley, Joseph M.fromHaley, Joseph A.1897148:473Link to document image
Haley, Joseph M.toHaley, Joseph A. (Et ux.)1897148:474Link to document image
Haley, Joseph M.toWagoner, Wm. Wesley1899155:521Link to document image
Haley, Joseph M.fromWagoner, Wm. Wesley1899155:520Link to document image
Haley, Joseph M. (Tr.)toHanna, Henry C. (Tr.)1901165:327Link to document image
Haley, Joseph M. (Tr.)toWilding, Charles A.1901164:338Link to document image
Haley, MartinfromEngle, Ammiel187051:474Link to document image
Haley, MartintoFinan, Edward187669:17Link to document image
Haley, Martin (Et al.)toClem, Danie V.1901163:454Link to document image
Haley, Mary (et al.)toMcMahan, Thomas187772:414Link to document image
Haley, Mary E.fromHamilton, Marg. V.1892124:455Link to document image
Halfeldt, HenryfromGroman, George A.1901165:177Link to document image
Halfeldt, HenryfromRauner, Margaret A.1902166:182Link to document image
Halfield, Ella J.fromFeichter, Jacob H.1894134:380Link to document image
Halfield, Ella J.fromFeichter, Mary M.1894134:380Link to document image
Halfield, HenryfromSchrader, Wm. (Couir.)1890148:481Link to document image
Halfley, John W. (Et al.)fromZeis, Rufus H.1896144:179Link to document image
Halieker, EliasfromBohnrahn, Christian1858V:65Link to document image
Halieker, EliasfromBostick, Emanuel1858V:65Link to document image
Halke, HarmanfromDinklage, Harman186640:307Link to document image
Hall Safe & L. Co.fromRout, Jno. W.187155:175Link to document image
Hall, A. & O.fromBorden, D. F.187051:177Link to document image
Hall, A. FranklinfromHall, Sarah A.1893131:410Link to document image
Hall, AdnahtoChansse, Ameda186127:428Link to document image
Hall, AlextoBaldwin, Loren1850K:435Link to document image
Hall, Alfred W.toGratz, David186845:352Link to document image
Hall, Alfred W.fromHall, John186745:351Link to document image
Hall, AlvintoDoty, Solomon187463:445Link to document image
Hall, AlvintoHeath, E. (Trustee)188598:483Link to document image
Hall, AlvinfromMiller, Mary E.186536:272Link to document image
Hall, Andrew L.fromFairfield, John186538:338Link to document image
Hall, Andrew S.toAsh & Starkey186538:339Link to document image
Hall, Anna B.fromBond, Lavina A.1890117:506Link to document image
Hall, Anna L.fromColerick, Walpole G.1900159:314Link to document image
Hall, BeverlyfromLeonard, Elmer1892126:103Link to document image
Hall, BeverlytoLeonard, Elmer1893130:143Link to document image
Hall, BowentoDisler, Abe.186332:120Link to document image
Hall, CharlestoHanna, Samuel186331:384Link to document image
Hall, Charles & NormanfromHall, S. A.1858V:119Link to document image
Hall, Charles (Et al.)toCrabill, David H.1898149:295Link to document image
Hall, Charles (Et al.)toCrabill, Frances A.1898149:297Link to document image
Hall, Charles (Et al.)toGladieaux, Francis1898149:318Link to document image
Hall, Charles (Et al.)toHall, Sarah L.1897150:23Link to document image
Hall, Charles (Et al.)toJohnston, Louisa B.1898149:519Link to document image
Hall, Charles (Et al.)toMerrillott, August1898149:309Link to document image
Hall, Charles (Et al.)toSheehan, John1898150:258Link to document image
Hall, Charles (Et al.)toStephenson, Eva (Et al.)1898149:299Link to document image
Hall, Chas. & NormantoGladio, Francis187464:325Link to document image
Hall, Chas. (Et al.)fromHall, Sarah A.186944:546Link to document image
Hall, Chas. (Et al.)toHand, Geo. W.187155:110Link to document image
Hall, Chas. (Et al.)toShoaff, Jno. P.187155:111Link to document image
Hall, Chas. H.toMerillot, August188183:402Link to document image
Hall, Chas. T.fromSheriff1887103:105Link to document image
Hall, E. a. (Et ux.)fromHunter, Wm. T.1886104:89Link to document image
Hall, E. D.fromArcher, Jno. H.187154:451Link to document image
Hall, E. D.toSunderland, Jos. R.187254:452Link to document image
Hall, EarnestfromHunter, Wm. T.1886104:88Link to document image
Hall, EbbertfromHackley, George1851L:252Link to document image
Hall, ElberttoChapman, George W.1851L:294Link to document image
Hall, ElberttoHostler, Theodore V.1851L:294Link to document image
Hall, Evelyn D.fromFairfield, Cyrus K.187265:590Link to document image
Hall, Evelyn D.toHall, John W.1889114:517Link to document image
Hall, Evelyn, D.fromBond, S. B.1887104:43Link to document image
Hall, Francis M.fromHall, Thos. W.1890118:342Link to document image
Hall, Francis M.toMonroeville1892138:232Link to document image
Hall, FrankfromRippe, Fredk. W.1893130:125Link to document image
Hall, Frank a.fromHall, Sarah A.1897163:426Link to document image
Hall, Geo. W.fromBriant, C. E.186743:585Link to document image
Hall, Geo. W.toSchnelker, H.186949:66Link to document image
Hall, Geo. W.fromSchnelker, Herm.186745:585Link to document image
Hall, HenrytoOffen, George1853O:410Link to document image
Hall, HiramtoBittinger, Geo. L. & A. M.187566:310Link to document image
Hall, HiramtoHudmet, Orrin L.1846N:541Link to document image
Hall, HiramfromScott, Francis M.187565:442Link to document image
Hall, HoracetoPalais, Maurice D.(Est.)1851M:503Link to document image
Hall, Ira E.fromGrier, Jos. H.1892126:439Link to document image
Hall, IsaactoDorsey, Robt.188496:201Link to document image
Hall, IsaactoHarter, W. H.186441:97Link to document image
Hall, IsaactoHarter, Wm. H. & L.188495:367Link to document image
Hall, IsaactoSquires, Geo. W.185838:352Link to document image
Hall, IsaacfromStiver, Jacob N.186241:96Link to document image
Hall, IsaacfromUnited States183796:200Link to document image
Hall, IsraelfromBaker, Jas. S.186640:171Link to document image
Hall, IsraeltoFoster, David N.187873:277Link to document image
Hall, JohnfromDesenberg, Anthony J.186331:552Link to document image
Hall, JohntoHall, Alfred W.186745:351Link to document image
Hall, John W.fromHall, Evelyn D.1889114:517Link to document image
Hall, John W. (Et al.)toBohde, Charles H. (Et al.)1891113:123Link to document image
Hall, JosephtoReider, Christian1852L:636Link to document image
Hall, JoshuatoWallace, William W.1854P:407Link to document image
Hall, L. R.toKimball, L. A. & M. E.188289:319Link to document image
Hall, M. A. (Et al.)toZeis, Lewis187978:201Link to document image
Hall, M. B.toHarter, Wm. H.187052:472Link to document image
Hall, Mary A.fromArcher, Cathr. W.1889112:523Link to document image
Hall, Mary A.toLeonard, Elmer1892126:102Link to document image
Hall, Mary A.toLeonard, Elmer1893130:143Link to document image
Hall, Mary A.fromLeonard, Elmer1893130:144Link to document image
Hall, Mary A.fromWaters, Julia A.188599:167Link to document image
Hall, Mary E. I.fromJacoby, Lillian1896141:182Link to document image
Hall, Mary E. J.fromJacoby, Lillian1891113:423Link to document image
Hall, MinniefromEngle, Ammil1887107:18Link to document image
Hall, MinniefromEngle, David D.1887106:262Link to document image
Hall, MinniefromEngle, Jacob B.1888107:21Link to document image
Hall, MinnietoGifford, Wm. E.1889110:409Link to document image
Hall, Minnie E.toRobinson, Adam C.1895137:515Link to document image
Hall, Minnie E. (Et al.)fromEngle, Ammiel1889110:430Link to document image
Hall, N. B.fromMaynard, C. F.186950:149Link to document image
Hall, NelsonfromHough, John (Comr.)1865140:201Link to document image
Hall, Nelson B.fromBorden, D. F.187051:256Link to document image
Hall, Nelson B.toMoore, Chas. A.186539:325Link to document image
Hall, Nelson B.fromParker, Isaac W. (Et al.)1865140:202Link to document image
Hall, Nelson B.fromParker, Rechel1865140:202Link to document image
Hall, NormantoHanna, Samuel186331:384Link to document image
Hall, Norman (Et al.)toShell & Baker186948:450Link to document image
Hall, P. J.fromFairfield, Jane186744:83Link to document image
Hall, Priscilla J.toStarkey & Ash186844:432Link to document image
Hall, PutnamtoShaffer, John (admr.)187667:282Link to document image
Hall, PutnamfromStenger, George W.1902168:47Link to document image
Hall, R. C. (by will to his wife)to184383:401Link to document image
Hall, R. H.fromHall, Sarah A.186944:545Link to document image
Hall, R. H. (will)toHall, Sarah L.187298:470Link to document image
Hall, Reginald H. (Will of Dec.)to187298:470Link to document image
Hall, RoberttoKnisley, Daniel1848I:490Link to document image
Hall, RoberttoWalker, Samuel1850N:8Link to document image
Hall, RoberttoWarbaugh, Jacob1848I:416Link to document image
Hall, Robert C.fromHall, William C.1843M:604Link to document image
Hall, Robert C. (Will)to1843M:608Link to document image
Hall, Robt. C. (Will of)to184383:401Link to document image
Hall, S. A.toHall, Charles & Norman1858V:119Link to document image
Hall, S. A.toO. & I. R. R. Co.185331:6Link to document image
Hall, Saeah A.toHinz, Charles (Et ux.)1902168:16Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.toArgi, M. E.186944:510Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.toBarnhard, John186026:248Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.toBoudiot, D. C.186944:548Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.toBrandeberry, Abe.186331:336Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.toBrock, Julia H.186944:547Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.fromDevilbiss, Allen1886101:413Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.toDickerson, Wm.186230:36Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.toFisher, John186128:154Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.toHall, A. Franklin1893131:410Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.toHall, Chas. (Et al.)186944:546Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.toHall, Frank a.1897163:426Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.toHall, R. H.186944:545Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.toMagner, Azriah186028:82Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.toMitten, Robert186127:253Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.toMontgomery, M. A.1886101:308Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.fromSmith, Almeda188289:544Link to document image
Hall, Sarah A.toWilson, John186228:530Link to document image
Hall, Sarah L.fromHall, Charles (Et al.)1897150:23Link to document image
Hall, Sarah L.fromHall, R. H. (will)187298:470Link to document image
Hall, Silvah L.fromDoty, Solomon (Extr.)1892127:262Link to document image
Hall, Silvah L.toGrice, Jesse1896143:251Link to document image
Hall, Thos. W.fromCaldwell, A. S.1887106:279Link to document image
Hall, Thos. W.toHall, Francis M.1890118:342Link to document image
Hall, Thos. W.fromHuestis, Alex C.1887106:278Link to document image
Hall, William C.toHall, Robert C.1843M:604Link to document image
Hall, William H.toRodes, John1854P:432Link to document image
Hall. N. B. (guard.)toEly, John H.187358:425Link to document image
Hallach, Wm. H.fromPfeiffer, Chas. F.1893131:304Link to document image
Hallack, Wm. H.toPfeiffer, Chas. F.1893131:303Link to document image
Hallamer, DanielfromBrachenridge, Robt. (Hrs.)187052:282Link to document image
Hallaner, DanieltoWuelleming, Anna186743:371Link to document image
Hallaner, Danl.fromWaillemin, Henry186641:529Link to document image
Hallaner, DavidtoSeidel, Edward187464:55Link to document image
Hallaner, Dl.toSmith & Lomis187049:154Link to document image
Hallaner, Dl.fromThain, Jos. (Jr.)187051:316Link to document image
Hallanier, Dl.fromHough, John186550:110Link to document image
Hallasty, AlfredfromAngell, Byron D.186746:38Link to document image
Halleck, William H.toStraus, Simon J.1901165:126Link to document image
Halleck, Wm. H. (Et ux.)fromLahmeyer, Caroline1890116:546Link to document image
Hallein, GeorgefromWake, John (Et al.)187873:323Link to document image
Hallein, JohnfromArcher, John H.187566:347Link to document image
Hallenbeck, David E.toKain, Hugh (Et ux.)1897149:314Link to document image
Hallenbeck, David E.toLindsey, Wesley188079:216Link to document image
Hallendorf, HenryfromBond, Charles D.1856T:57Link to document image
Hallendorf, WilhelmfromLeinker, F. Hemrick186028:240Link to document image
Hallendorf, WilhelmtoPape, Charles1856W:33Link to document image
Haller, AdolphfromRomy, Louis H.1890118:213Link to document image
Haller, GotliebfromDouglass, W. B.188598:321Link to document image
Haller, GotliebfromMunich, John1895139:483Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromAlderman, Frank1891120:303Link to document image
Haller, GottliebtoAllen Co. L. & S. A.1896141:58Link to document image
Haller, GottliebtoBattliner, Johanna1896141:455Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromBrandriff, Alfred D.1898150:253Link to document image
Haller, GottliebtoFailour, Wilson1892124:338Link to document image
Haller, GottliebtoFoellinger, Ida (Et al.)1902165:538Link to document image
Haller, GottliebtoFrank, George A.1902166:477Link to document image
Haller, GottliebtoFrederick, Christine1898151:96Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromFrederick, Cristine1895137:135Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromGaffney, Matilda1892142:80Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromGumpper, J. D.1889111:398Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromIndiana Inv. Co.1899156;26Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromJohnson, Huldah187771:78Link to document image
Haller, GottliebtoLahmeyer, Frederick C.1899156:45Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromLerch, Anna1895137:133Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromLerch, Frank1895137:133Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromLogan, Blanch M.1901161:466Link to document image
Haller, GottliebtoMichael, H. (Et ux.)1889110:583Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromOetting, Wm.1877110:469Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromOettnig, William1887104:604Link to document image
Haller, GottliebtoRomy, Robt. L.1896142:81Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromRyan, James A.1895138:335Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromRyan, Julia M.1895138:335Link to document image
Haller, GottliebtoSchifferly, Eliza1892126:284Link to document image
Haller, GottliebtoSoest, Louis S.1902166:399Link to document image
Haller, GottliebtoSteinman, John J.1901165:318Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromTheadgall, Ella1895139:484Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromThomas, A. E. (Comr.)1896144:206Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromThreadgall, George1895139:484Link to document image
Haller, GottliebtoUihlein, August1901161:374Link to document image
Haller, GottliebfromWilliams, M. h.188598:393Link to document image
Haller, Gottlieb (Et al.)fromDavidson, Wm.1889111:397Link to document image
Haller, Lucy L.fromRhodes, Malissa C.188597:261Link to document image
Haller, MolliefromFoellinger, Ida A.1902165:537Link to document image
Haller, MolliefromFrank, George A.1902166:396Link to document image
Haller, Mollie (Et al.)fromFisher, Margaret A.1897145:329Link to document image
Haller, WilliamfromHaffner, Mary (Et al.)1891113:104Link to document image
Haller, WilliamfromShaw, David J.1893129:96Link to document image
Halles, Wm.fromGable, Mary (Admx.)1889111:542Link to document image
Halles, Wm.fromGable, Mary (Admx.)1889111:543Link to document image
Halliday, E. E. (Et al.)toRundles, Jno. J.188291:355Link to document image
Hallien, Emma (Et al.)toWeisel, John A.1897155:538Link to document image
Hallien, Geo. (Et al.)toWake, Ellen Ann187873:325Link to document image
Hallien, Geo. (Et al.)toWake, John187873:324Link to document image
Hallien, Geo. (Et al.)toWake, Loretta187873:322Link to document image
Hallien, GeorgefromWake, George187566:190Link to document image
Hallien, GeorgefromYouse, Christian1897148:98Link to document image
Hallien, Jno.fromD'Isay, I. (Adm.)188183:484Link to document image
Hallien, JohntoArcher, Anna M.187668:72Link to document image
Hallien, JohnfromArcher, John H.187360:117Link to document image
Halliman, Thos.toWagner, Saml.187977:442Link to document image
Hallman, Ed.toHallman, Frank187358:134Link to document image
Hallman, FrankfromHallman, Ed.187358:134Link to document image
Hallman, ThomasfromSpitler, John187668:187Link to document image
Hallopeter, Chas.toRaab & Nall187154:45Link to document image
Hallopeter, IsarelfromArnold, Henry18882:253Link to document image
Hallopeter, M.toGatchel, Eli186649:201Link to document image
Hallopeter, M.fromMiller, Jeremiah186844:495Link to document image
Hallouer, Dl.toStahl, Frederick187051:530Link to document image
Halls Safe & Lock Co.toBall, Samuel L. (et ux.)187464:328Link to document image
Hally, JacobfromBrumbaugh, Isac186948:84Link to document image
Halsey, HenryfromHaley, Jacob187566:450Link to document image
Halsey, J. W.toBeebe, Frances187567:269Link to document image
Halsey, J. W.fromRinehart, S. (Et al.)187254:543Link to document image
Halsey, J. W.fromSouser, J. O.187977:586Link to document image
Halsey, J. W.toStiver, S. J.188082:364Link to document image
Halsey, J. W.toThimlar, Theo.1881101:315Link to document image
Halsey, JacobtoRomy, Robt. L.187669:507Link to document image
Halsey, Jacob W.fromAndrews, Wm. H.187772:2Link to document image
Halsey, Jacob W.fromHeath, S. A.187257:115Link to document image
Halsey, Jacob W.toMerritt, Alvisa187669:333Link to document image
Halsey, Jacob W.fromReinehart, Sarah187565:462Link to document image
Halsey, Jacob W.fromRomy, R. L.187669:387Link to document image
Halsey, Jacob W.toRomy, Robert L.187671:298Link to document image
Halsey, Jacob W.toSpindler, Wm. A.187565:63Link to document image
Halstein, H. D. (Et.)fromKappel, Henry (Et.)1892125:246Link to document image
Halstein, PhilipfromYerian, Moses1852L:556Link to document image
Halstein, PhillipfromFort Wayne Lodge I. O. O. F.1858V:1Link to document image
Halstein, PhillipptoTresselt, Christian186026:282Link to document image
Halsteine, PhillipetoStrodel, Mathias1858U:580Link to document image
Halstenie, PhilipfromColerick, David H.1860Y:567Link to document image
Halter, CaorlinetoBlum, August1891124:140Link to document image
Halter, CarolinefromCope, Daniel1889111:123Link to document image
Halter, CarolinefromCope, Daniel1889111:124Link to document image
Halter, CarolinetoFrederickson, Anna G.1900157:148Link to document image
Halter, CarolinefromFredrickson, Anna G.1902167:145Link to document image
Halter, CarolinetoKline, Wm. C.1893147:195Link to document image
Halter, CarolinetoKuhne, F. W.1901164:21Link to document image
Halter, CarolinefromParker, Christian1886105:600Link to document image
Halter, CarolinefromParker, S. C. (Et al.)1888110:16Link to document image
Halter, CarolinetoParker, Sl. C.1888109:518Link to document image
Halter, CarolinefromPrice, Martha1899157:153Link to document image
Halter, CarolinetoTimbrook, James1891124:72Link to document image
Halter, Caroline (Et al.)toParker, F. a. C.1888110:14Link to document image
Halter, H. L.fromOpdyke, A. W.1888109:520Link to document image
Halters, JosephfromSteele, David187057:11Link to document image
Halzworth, Jno. A. (Et ux.)fromBarthold, Fred L.1893132:36Link to document image
Ham, JasonfromEnglish, Elisha G.1856S:652Link to document image
Ham, JasonfromEnglish, Elisha G.1856S:653Link to document image
Ham, JasonfromEnglish, Elisha G.1856S:654Link to document image
Ham, JasontoHolman, Joseph1857U:326Link to document image
Ham, JasontoRue, Richard1858X:401Link to document image
Ha--man, Michaelto1849O:352Link to document image
Hambrock, C.toHambrock, F. H.1888108:572Link to document image
Hambrock, C.fromWallies, G. F.188079:500Link to document image
Hambrock, CatharinetoHambrock, Henry C.1895138:35Link to document image
Hambrock, CatherinetoGrenzenbach, Sophia (Et al.)1890115:521Link to document image
Hambrock, F. H.fromHambrock, C.1888108:572Link to document image
Hambrock, FredfromHartman, Herman186337:171Link to document image
Hambrock, FredericktoHambrock, Henry C.1895138:35Link to document image
Hambrock, Frederick H.toDrebeit, John K.1902169:33Link to document image
Hambrock, Frederick H.fromOestermeier, Charles1901163:284Link to document image
Hambrock, Henry C.fromHambrock, Catharine1895138:35Link to document image
Hambrock, Henry C.fromHambrock, Frederick1895138:35Link to document image
Hambrock, Henry C.toHambrock, John F.1858V:45Link to document image
Hambrock, Henry C.toHambrock, John F.1897144:268Link to document image
Hambrock, Jno. F.toHeitcamp, Sophie186229:324Link to document image
Hambrock, Jno. F.fromHeitkamp, Conrad186229:76Link to document image
Hambrock, Jno. F.toKing, Frederick186640:343Link to document image
Hambrock, John F.fromHambrock, Henry C.1858V:45Link to document image
Hambrock, John F.fromHambrock, Henry C.1897144:268Link to document image
Hambrock, W. J.fromBitner, Alonzo188390:294Link to document image
Hambrock, Wm. J.fromMorehouse, H. B.1893129:16Link to document image
Hambrok, J. T.toKonig, Frederick1859X:275Link to document image
Hambruck, Jno. F.toMoellering, Wm. L.188394:144Link to document image
Hamden, Jonathan (Et ux.)fromLeininger, John M.1902167:309Link to document image
Hamel, Aug. H. (Et ux.)fromRandall, Winifred J.1898151:280Link to document image
Hamid, SamuelfromBurger, Ludwig1858W:401Link to document image
HamiltonfromPlat of Hollopeter186948:415Link to document image
Hamilton BankfromSheriff187771:273Link to document image
Hamilton BankfromSheriff187975:517Link to document image
Hamilton BankfromSheriff187977:207Link to document image
Hamilton BankfromSpooner, B. J. (Coms.)187975:519Link to document image
Hamilton BanktoWilliams, J. S.187975:553Link to document image
Hamilton Bank (Et al.)toGalloway, J. H. D.188495:294Link to document image
Hamilton Library Emerine J. (Et al.)toWilliam, Mary H.1897165:219Link to document image
Hamilton N. Bk.toKinerk, Wm. (Et al.)1887104:400Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BanktoBauer, Kajetan J.1890117:364Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BanktoBoyles, R. D.188393:81Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BanktoBrooks, H. C.188287:94Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BanktoCarnahan, Wm. L.188289:354Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BanktoCrick, R. W.188183:210Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BankfromEckart, Fred188393:252Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BankfromEckart, Fredk. (Et al.)1893129:116Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BanktoErickson, Jno.188391:332Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BankfromFort Wayne Nat. Bank188290:112Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BanktoFt. Wayne Nat. Bank188290:24Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BanktoGalloway, J. H. D.188289:213Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BanktoGaskins, C.188185:582Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. Bank toMeyers, Henry188393:15Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BanktoPaul, H. C.188082:181Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BanktoPaul, H. C.188182:492Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BanktoQuinn, M.188183:400Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BankfromRandall, P. A.188289:74Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BanktoSiebold, C. F.188184:33Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BanktoWilliams, E. L.188289:27Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. BanktoWilson, Gains188286:456Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. Bk.fromKinerk, William (Et al.)1887104:400Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. Bk.fromMcCulloch, Chas.1890117:356Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. Bk.toRedelsheimer, D. S.1892127:270Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. Bk.fromSheriff1887105:495Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. Bk.fromSiebert, Wm.1887106:152Link to document image
Hamilton Nat. Bk.toSiebert, Wm.1887106:152Link to document image
Hamilton National BankfromBond, Stephen B.188081:504Link to document image
Hamilton National BankfromBond, Stephen B.188081:505Link to document image
Hamilton Natl. BanktoAlderman, Frank1900159:33Link to document image
Hamilton Natl. BanktoFuelber, Anselm1900160:317Link to document image
Hamilton Natl. BanktoKieser, John (Et al.)1900156;551Link to document image
Hamilton Natl. BanktoMartin, Henry J.1901160:403Link to document image
Hamilton Natl. BankfromMcCulloch, Charles1900156:549Link to document image
Hamilton Natl. BankfromRiverview Farm Co.1900156:475Link to document image
Hamilton Natl. BankfromSmith, Willard P.1902170:384Link to document image
Hamilton, A.fromState of Indiana184669:Link to document image
Hamilton, A. & C.fromHough, John187254:541Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Adm.)toAufrecht, Chas. (Et al.)1889111:116Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (asi.)fromState of Indiana184169:Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (asi.)fromState of Indiana184669:Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (by Ex.)toGerardin, Anthony186435:361Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toBaker, Conrad186748:214Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toBryant, H. L.186948:171Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toChanvey, Jno. B.186538:226Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toCitizan Street R. R.187358:188Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toCitizens Street R. R.187155:227Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toClark, Jos. H. (Prest)187358:208Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toCushing, Mary186658:101Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toDewan, Catharine187258:225Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toFoster, Wm. T.186948:109Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toFrench, Sarah M.186948:113Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toHate, Jacob186745:277Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toKeef, David186948:119Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toLynch, Mary187152:489Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toMcMahan, Ann186548:161Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toMesing, Charles187152:573Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toMetley, Frederick186845:391Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toMuirhead, H. W.187258:224Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toOhnec, Peter186538:224Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toShordon, Stephan186952:35Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toStevens, Geo. E.186948:258Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toWeber, Adam186652:121Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Est.)toWoulfe, Patrick186538:223Link to document image
Hamilton, A. (Sr.)toMayer, Ludwig187358:178Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.fromAuditor1875A:69Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toBall, Rudolph186332:181Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.fromBrackenridge, Jno. (Et al.)186640:282Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toBradley, Marhette187873:570Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toCommincafish, F.187873:539Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toCressler, E. E.188081:208Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toCressler, E. E.188082:176Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toGaetje, Jno.188390:408Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toHamilton, Agnes1888109:304Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toHamilton, Allen187875:111Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toHamilton, Allen1893131:106Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toHamilton, Allen (Et al.)1886102:585Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toHamilton, Jesse1887106:322Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toHamilton, Kath.1887106:321Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toHamilton, M. V.188190:266Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.fromHamilton, Marg. V. (Et.)1892123:8Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.fromHamilton, Mont. (et al.)187669:417Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.fromHamilton, Mont. (Et al.)1892123:7Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.fromHamilton, Montg.1890118:96Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toHamilton, Phoebe A.1893131:338Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toJackson, Wm. T.1892125:290Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toKerr, Murray Mfg. Co.188393:72Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toKramer, John187063:351Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toMoellering, Wm. (Et al.)188287:85Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toPaul, H. C.188392:385Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toPaul, H. C.188392:79Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.fromPaul, H. C.188392:83Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toPurdon, Jno. A.186432:180Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.fromSommers, John186950:208Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toStrong, M. H.187049:178Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toTrustee Wayne Lodge No. 25187874:9Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.toTrustees Bethal Ch. Ev. Astn. of N. A.1895137:479Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.fromWagenhals, Ellen H.1892123:7Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.fromWagenhals, Ellen H.1892123:8Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.fromWilliams, H. M.1892123:7Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.fromWilliams, Mary H. 1892123:8Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H.fromZollars, Enoch187565:506Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H. (Et al.)toCity of Fort Wayne188080:81Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H. (Et al.)toCity of Fort Wayne188080:81Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H. (Et al.)toFt. W. Y. M. C. A.1891121:606Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H. (et al.)toHamilton, Ellen187669:412Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H. (et al.)toHamilton, M. V.187669:409Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H. (et al.)toHamilton, M. V.187669:409Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H. (et al.)toHamilton, Montgomory187669:402Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H. (Et al.)toHenscil, A. G. & D.188393:255Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H. (Et al.)toMorgan, O. P. (Et al.)188393:583Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H. (Et al.)toSchool City of Fort Wayne1891120:581Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H. (Et al.)toTrustees United Presbyterian Ch.188393:596Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H. (Et al.)toWilliams, J. L.188185:338Link to document image
Hamilton, A. H. (et al.)toWilliams, Mary187669:405Link to document image
Hamilton, A. O.toShoaff, Wm. W.187772:213Link to document image
Hamilton, AgnesfromHamilton, A. H.1888109:304Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoAllen Co. L. & S. A.1895140:119Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoAndrews, David186127:181Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromAuditor Allen County1857U:141Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBaise, Frederick1853N:309Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBaker, Henry186228:281Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBaker, Henry186229:542Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBaker, Jacob186228:280Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBaker, Jacob186229:542Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBaker, John186228:281Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBaker, Killian186228:281Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBaker, Killian186229:542Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBayless, Sol. D.186333:256Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromBequette, Theresa1852M:87Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBlackburn, Thomas1854Q:682Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBlose, Lewis186335:50Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBlubaugh, George1858V:243Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBoguslawskey, Bear1185Q:120Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBowser, Jacob1852M:385Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBoyd, William186333:247Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromBrackenridge, R. J.186333:240Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromBrooke, William S.1850L:486Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBrown, John1856S:486Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBrown, John1857U:30Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoBrownell, A. C.186330:139Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoButler, Charles1853M:716Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoC. U. & Ft. W. R. R. Co.1853P:261Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromChanncey, Elihu (Estate of)118828:142Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoChapman, George1854X:67Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoChapman, George186026:330Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoChordan, Stephen186229:482Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoCochrane, John186130:233Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoCollins, Charles186127:180Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoComparet, David F.1854P:484Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoComparet, David F.1854P:485Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoComparet, Joseph J.1854P:484Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoComparet, Joseph J.1854P:485Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromCovington, Thomas1854U:72Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoCovington, Thos.185442:109Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoCrimmins, Pat.186230:47Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoEhinger, Phillip1857U:56Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoEmenhiser, Joseph186229:459Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoEngle, Emillie1858W:392Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoEvard, Julius186228:441Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoEwing, Chas. G.186538:232Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromFairfield, Asa1860Y:399Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoFell, Christian1853Q:46Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoFrench, Chas. G.186129:536Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoFt. W. & Chicago R. R. Co.1853N:524Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoFt. W. & Lima T. P. Co.1849U:618Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoFt. W. & Southern R. R. Co.1853Q:13Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoGehle, Frederick1849J:414Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoGerard, Abner1845M:717Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoGerard, Ann1845M:171Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoGerard, Cornelia1845M:717Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoGerard, H.1845M:717Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoGerard, Mary E.1845M:717Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoGerard, Mathew J.1845M:717Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoGerard, Sarah A.1845M:717Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoGerke, J. H. L.186333:348Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoGiste, Samuel186332:454Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromGrey, Charles A.184535:404Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHamilton, A. H.187875:111Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHamilton, A. H.1893131:106Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoHamilton, Margaret V.1901163:71Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHamilton, Thomas1853N:707Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHamilton, Thos.186333:222Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHanna, Saml.185228:141Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHanna, Saml.186330:137Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHanna, Samuel1849U:276Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoHencil, William1857U:73Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoHenscil, William J.1851L:223Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHerbst, John G.1850J:542Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoHettler, C. F.186432:317Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoHill, Jno. E.186331:268Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHill, John E.1850J:519Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHill, John E.1850L:487Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHill, John E.1851L:488Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHill, John E.1851Y:203Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoHill, John E.1864152:328Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoHinton, E. & M. E.1857U:521Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHinton, Lewis1856U:520Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHoagland, Phiny185228:139Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoHoagland, Phiny1857T:664Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoHobbs, George W.186127:167Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHolcomb, Almon (Est.)1855T:708Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoHollinger, Jacob1849J:433Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoHoppell, Charles1854P:443Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHowe, James1852M:563Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHowe, James1852M:564Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoHubbell, M. W.854P:485Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoHubbell, M. W.1854P:484Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromHubbell, Melactho W.1858U:604Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoHumphrey, Geo.186130:233Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoJacoby, Geo.186642:163Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoJulian, Victor1853O:122Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoKline, Peter1854P:415Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoKoons, George1859V:595Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoKrudop, John B.1849I:610Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoLahrman, Geo.186432:272Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoLanghor, Jno. W.186330:542Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoLeiffels, Jos. J.186128:84Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoLoehlin, Anna M.186436:58Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoLouer, Paul186333:395Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoLoveall, Samuel1857T:710Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoLufels, Margaret186432:416Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoMannix, Margaret187463:57Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoMcClure, Wm.184838:111Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoMcDermott, Jas.186333:361Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoMcDonald, William1849J:196Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoMcLachlin, Niel186334:468Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoMcLacklan, Neil1858V:330Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoMegan, Thos.186229:295Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoMiller, Joseph1845I:359Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoMuldoon, Henry1852M:729Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoMurray & Benjamin186332:65Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoMurry & Bennigin186638:631Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoNeler, Erwin186229:531Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoP. F. W. & C. R. R. Co.186331:382Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoP. Ft. W. & C. R. R. Co.1858W:431Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoP. Ft. W. & C. R. R. Co.1858W:432Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoPark, Volney1855U:92Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoPearson, Thomas1855T:265Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoPuckett, Henry W.1860Y:399Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoRauner, George1860Y:292Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoReehling, Jacob1853N:211Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoRobinson, Joseph L. & Oliver R.1858W:273Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoRodgers, James1854P:351Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoRugg, Samuel1855W:637Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoRuppel, John186333:394Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoRyan, William1853O:124Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoSander, Chas.186331:473Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoSarrazin, Joseph186432:418Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoSchafch, Anna M.186229:547Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoSchneiders, Bernard1859V:625Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoSchnelker, Hanry F.1901162:430Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoSchrumpf, Henry186229:279Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoSctoap, Adam1846X:528Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoShafer, Henry1850U:303Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromSheriff184931:45Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromSheriff A. Co.186335:398Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoShookman, George186026:209Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoSiemon, Aug. F.186232:246Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoStanchill, Isaac1852M:405Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromState185342:108Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromState of Indiana184669:Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoSuren, Jno. G.186332:46Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoSuydam, Richard1851T:420Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTaber, Cyrus184592:328Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTaber, Cyrus185387:181Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoTam, Eleanor186440:566Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoTam, Elizabeth186440:566Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoTam, Jane186440:566Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoTam, Silas (Jr.)186440:566Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTaylor, Royal W.186127:280Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTaylor, Royal W.186127:281Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoTiernan, Thos.186330:314Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoToledo W. & W. R. R. Co.1857U:76Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoTrustees Ft. W. F.College1848I:414Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoTrustees U. P. Ch. P. V. Madison TP.1860Y:460Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal1849111:75Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185066:264Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185069:344Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185069:345Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185069:349Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185069:350Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185069:351Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185269:352Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185355:471Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185369:320Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185369:321Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185369:322Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185369:323Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185369:324Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185369:341Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185369:342Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185369:343Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185369:346Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185369:347Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185369:348Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal1854100:40Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185480:516Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoVodermark, Ernst186127:349Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoVodermark, Ernst186228:365Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoWagenar, Peter1847J:229Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoWagenhals, Ellen H.1901163:69Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoWeaver, Martin186330:542Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoWeber, Frederick186433:507Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoWilding, Jas.186330:542Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoWilliams, Jesse L.1853M:716Link to document image
Hamilton, AllenfromWilliams, M. H.1888107:280Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoWilliams, Mary H.1901163:70Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoWolcott, James1857U:93Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoYoung, George Jacob1849J:25Link to document image
Hamilton, AllentoYoung, Henry1852M:505Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen & co.fromEvans, S. C.187153:263Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Admr.)toEhinger, Philip (Et ux.)1890116:32Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toBean, Ed. L.186745:78Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toBostick, Eman. I.186538:51Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (est.)toBullard, Sherman L.186558:455Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toCarey, Patience E.186538:301Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toClark, Joseph186538:236Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toDonahoe, Joseph186535:448Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toDunn, James186538:236Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toErick, Geo.186435:378Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toEwing, Chas. G.186538:234Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toEwing, Geo. W. (Est.)186745:1Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)fromEwing, Geo. W. (Est.)186742:634Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toFrank, Ellen186535:493Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.) toGood, Caroline186538:249Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toGreene, Mary M.186742:559Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toGrosjean, Francis186538:214Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toHale, Jacob186642:302Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toHamilton, Mont.186542:223Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toHedekin, Thos. B.186538:216Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (est.)toHeist, Henry187358:356Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toHergemother, M.186538:15Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toHildebrand, Wm.186538:322Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toHueston, Jon, N.186538:420Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toJenkinson, Moses186138:296Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toMarks, Simon186645:575Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toMcNally, Elizabeth186538:6Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (est.)toMiller, Margaret187366:417Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toMiller, William186642:190Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toNeworth, Anthony186538:219Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toO'Grady, Mary186435:385Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toPratt, Geo. H.186435:425Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toRaab, John186542:328Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toScheafer, Deiderick186538:219Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toScheuman, Fred. H.186538:401Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toSchweger, Peter186645:573Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toShaffer, Jno.186542:607Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toSharp, Henry186745:151Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toShilling, John186538:373Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toSommers, John186538:306Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toSpencer, D. J.186538:348Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toSpencer, Martin186538:221Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toSpencer, Wm. G.186538:348Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toTam, Silas (Jr.)186742:625Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toTam, Silas (Jr.)186745:80Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toTrimple, Samuel186638:57Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toTroub, Louis186538:249Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toTrustee 1 st Presby. Church186538:329Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toTrustees Con. I. O. O. F. 228186538:323Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toTrustees Ft. W. Academy186542:460Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toUebennasser, John186538:335Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.)toWeber, E.186435:456Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Est.0toBurke, Edward186745:75Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Et al.)fromHamilton, A. H.1886102:585Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Et ux.)toRodenbeck, Conrod1853119:595Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Heir)toMiller, Wilhelmina186538:272Link to document image
Hamilton, Allen (Trustee)toSturgis, Solomon1856X:91Link to document image
Hamilton, Andras H.toWhite, John I.187976:168Link to document image
Hamilton, Andrew H.toCitizens Loan & Imp. Co.1890116:567Link to document image
Hamilton, Andrew H.fromHamilton, Mont (et al.)187669:417Link to document image
Hamilton, Andrew H. & wifetoSuelzer, John W.1894134:183Link to document image
Hamilton, Andrew H. (et al.)toDriscoll, Edward187566:363Link to document image
Hamilton, Andrew H. (Et al.)toHamilton, Phoebe A.188182:328Link to document image
Hamilton, Andrew H. (Et al.)toWagenhals, Ellen H.1895154:313Link to document image
Hamilton, B.toMiller, E.188186:295Link to document image
Hamilton, B.toMurray, Kerr186446:568Link to document image
Hamilton, B. & F.fromHarper, Wm.187782:552Link to document image
Hamilton, B. A.fromButt, John186538:493Link to document image
Hamilton, B. A.toHamilton, Jno. W.188184:383Link to document image
Hamilton, B. A.toHamilton, M. C.187257:418Link to document image
Hamilton, B. A.fromHunter, Wm. T.187257:291Link to document image
Hamilton, B. A.fromKelsey, H. S. (Coms.)188080:402Link to document image
Hamilton, B. A. (Guard)toWeaver, David188289:531Link to document image
Hamilton, B. S.fromSmall, John187668:126Link to document image
Hamilton, BarbarafromHamilton, Wm. Alex.1894135:281Link to document image
Hamilton, BarbaratoScott, Amelia (Et al.)1894135:280Link to document image
Hamilton, BenfromBrobst, Louisa & Jacob187463:170Link to document image
Hamilton, Benj.fromBeninghof, David186643:53Link to document image
Hamilton, Benj.toBeninghoff, Wm.186948:233Link to document image
Hamilton, Benj.toCoffelt, T. A.187689:187Link to document image
Hamilton, Benj.fromKinsey, Aug. (Et al.)187258:13Link to document image
Hamilton, Benj.fromKinsey, Susan (Guard)187258:13Link to document image
Hamilton, BenjamintoHopkins, Zelous187668:154Link to document image
Hamilton, BenjamintoSmall, John187565:619Link to document image
Hamilton, Benjamin A.fromCrow, Michael1853P:354Link to document image
Hamilton, Benjamin A.fromHuyser, Daniel1853O:545Link to document image
Hamilton, BridgetfromChristie, J. S.186242:268Link to document image
Hamilton, BridgetfromWells, H. K.186242:268Link to document image
Hamilton, C. J.fromHamilton, E. L.1886100:283Link to document image
Hamilton, C. J.toSwart, C. F. M.1887104:21Link to document image
Hamilton, Catherine (Will of)to1898169:229Link to document image
Hamilton, DavidtoJefferies, William1853N:358Link to document image
Hamilton, E. A.fromBreiner, Benj.1886100:32Link to document image
Hamilton, E. A.toHamilton, M. C. (Et al.)188599:156Link to document image
Hamilton, E. J.toAfrican M. E. Ch. 187993:448Link to document image
Hamilton, E. J.fromHanna, Eliza (Jr.)196847:57Link to document image
Hamilton, E. J.fromTrustees 1st Pres. Chuch186538:247Link to document image
Hamilton, E. j. (Et al.)toJones, L. M.188390:283Link to document image
Hamilton, E. J. (Et al.)toPepe, Victor1885100:42Link to document image
Hamilton, E. L.toHamilton, C. J.1886100:283Link to document image
Hamilton, E. L.fromHamilton, R. J.1886100:127Link to document image
Hamilton, EckfromWhite, Emiel1896141:21Link to document image
Hamilton, EctortoHill, Martin1896143:504Link to document image
Hamilton, Edith (Et al.)fromHamilton, Montgomery1896144:50Link to document image
Hamilton, EllenfromHamilton, A. H. (et al.)187669:412Link to document image
Hamilton, EllenfromSheriff187976:291Link to document image
Hamilton, F.fromWilliams, Jesse L.188286:568Link to document image
Hamilton, F. M.toBaker, Henry186131:622Link to document image
Hamilton, FlorafromO'Ryan, Patric1892126:489Link to document image
Hamilton, FrancestoStouder, Frank E. (Et ux.)1901162:261Link to document image
Hamilton, FrancestoWilding, Ella E.1901164:198Link to document image
Hamilton, Francis C.fromAllen Circuit Court1901162:234Link to document image
Hamilton, Fred.fromBrown, John186330:390Link to document image
Hamilton, Fred.fromHanna, Samuel186331:217Link to document image
Hamilton, FredericktoDawson, John W.1858W:123Link to document image
Hamilton, Fredk.toFrench, Chas. G.187157:504Link to document image
Hamilton, Fredk.toKrudap (Et al.)187157:503Link to document image
Hamilton, GertrudetoGoodfellow, Wm. H.1892127:322Link to document image
Hamilton, J. A.toCartwright, E. M.188081:142Link to document image
Hamilton, J. A.fromHamilton, Wm. (Dec.)187483:255Link to document image
Hamilton, J. A.fromKline, John H.1889110:404Link to document image
Hamilton, J. A.fromYoung, Mary M.187978:188Link to document image
Hamilton, J. C.toStratton, Mary H.187668:257Link to document image
Hamilton, J. C. & M. H.fromRomy, Robt. L.188495:424Link to document image
Hamilton, J. D.toDolin, Flora A.1886101:108Link to document image
Hamilton, J. L.toHamilton, M. C.1887103:124Link to document image
Hamilton, J. M.toKime, Jesseah W.1849J:674Link to document image
Hamilton, J. M.fromSheriff187877:360Link to document image
Hamilton, J. M.fromSheriff187877:362Link to document image
Hamilton, J. W.toHamilton, M. C.1887103:125Link to document image
Hamilton, J. W.fromHesler, Jas.188497:107Link to document image
Hamilton, J. W. & J. D.fromMurray, L. E. &J. E.188497:106Link to document image
Hamilton, Jacob D.toHamilton, Michael C.1887160:115Link to document image
Hamilton, JamesfromMurray, Lucien E.1889116:234Link to document image
Hamilton, JamesfromMurray, Lucien E. (Guard)1889116:609Link to document image
Hamilton, JamesfromMurray, Orlevia1889116:235Link to document image
Hamilton, JamesfromScott, Martin1893127:469Link to document image
Hamilton, JamesfromTrentman, Aug. C.1895141:22Link to document image
Hamilton, JamesfromTrentman, Jennie A.1895141:22Link to document image
Hamilton, James A.toHamilton, Wm. A.187566:238Link to document image
Hamilton, James M.toDevits, Moses1848I:440Link to document image
Hamilton, James M.toJeffery, Daniel1849J:490Link to document image
Hamilton, James M.toJenkinson, Moses1854R:224Link to document image
Hamilton, James M.toSwartz, Levi1850K:127Link to document image
Hamilton, James M.toYoung, August1849J:197Link to document image
Hamilton, Jane A.toBrinsley, Geo. C.1895136:116Link to document image
Hamilton, Jane A.toHamilton, Wm. A.1888107:586Link to document image
Hamilton, Jane A.toHamilton, Wn. A.1894135:347Link to document image
Hamilton, Jas.toHamilton, M. C.1889111:201Link to document image
Hamilton, Jas. M.toBittinger, Mary H.1878115:440Link to document image
Hamilton, Jas. M.toBittinger, Mary H.187893:165Link to document image
Hamilton, Jas. M.toBowen, William1856S:682Link to document image
Hamilton, Jas. M.toMiller, J. R.185042:126Link to document image
Hamilton, JessefromHamilton, A. H.1887106:322Link to document image
Hamilton, Jno. C.toJeffries, A. & R.188183:464Link to document image
Hamilton, Jno. C.toRomy, Robt. L.188495:423Link to document image
Hamilton, Jno. C.fromStevens, Mary187667:370Link to document image
Hamilton, Jno. C. (E.)toWren, Cath. C.1891121:511Link to document image
Hamilton, Jno. W.fromHamilton, B. A.188184:383Link to document image
Hamilton, Jno. W.toJacoby, Mary M.1889116:558Link to document image
Hamilton, Jno. W.toMurray, L. E.188497:93Link to document image
Hamilton, Jno. W.fromPocock, Elihu1887104:482Link to document image
Hamilton, Jno. W.toShelley, D. M.188597:221Link to document image
Hamilton, Joel W. fromBobilya, Louis J.1899155:313Link to document image
Hamilton, Joel W.toFoster, Henry L. (Et ux.)1901164:59Link to document image
Hamilton, Joel W.fromHaymn, Leopold1899157:206Link to document image
Hamilton, Joel W.toJohnson, Elmina A.1901164:255Link to document image
Hamilton, Joel W.toKniffen, Ambrose (Et ux.)1902167:128Link to document image
Hamilton, Joel W.toMartin, August J.1900158:112Link to document image
Hamilton, Joel W.toMcClellan, Nancy1902167:197Link to document image
Hamilton, Joel W.fromRandall, Winifred J.1899155:312Link to document image
Hamilton, JohnfromBeecher, Charles1854P:712Link to document image
Hamilton, JohntoHarper, William1859X:205Link to document image
Hamilton, JohntoHeller, Martha186333:509Link to document image
Hamilton, JohnfromJohnson, Mary1886104:482Link to document image
Hamilton, JohnfromJohnson, Mary1886104:483Link to document image
Hamilton, JohnfromSingmaster, Jos. 1857W:574Link to document image
Hamilton, JohntoWells, Harmon K.1858W:571Link to document image
Hamilton, JohntoWells, Harrison186128:211Link to document image
Hamilton, John C.fromSheriff187872:530Link to document image
Hamilton, John W.toHamilton, Michael C.1887160:116Link to document image
Hamilton, Kath.fromHamilton, A. H.1887106:321Link to document image
Hamilton, M.toHamilton, M. V.188185:544Link to document image
Hamilton, M.toKohler, C. A.188288:354Link to document image
Hamilton, M.toLillie, Jno. (Et al.)188597:378Link to document image
Hamilton, M. C.toBaker, John (Et ux.)1887103:457Link to document image
Hamilton, M. C.fromFeighner, Mary E.1891113:576Link to document image
Hamilton, M. C.fromHamilton, B. A.187257:418Link to document image
Hamilton, M. C.fromHamilton, J. L.1887103:124Link to document image
Hamilton, M. C.fromHamilton, J. W.1887103:125Link to document image
Hamilton, M. C.fromHamilton, Jas.1889111:201Link to document image
Hamilton, M. C.fromHesler, James (Et ux.)1891113:575Link to document image
Hamilton, M. C.fromJacoby, John W.1887103:75Link to document image
Hamilton, M. C.fromKohr, Nancy1888109:275Link to document image
Hamilton, M. C. (Et al.)fromHamilton, E. A.188599:156Link to document image
Hamilton, M. C. (Et al.)toWeaver, David188287:445Link to document image
Hamilton, M. C. (Et ux.)toFeighner, Adam1891113:603Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toBaker, Jno.188186:430Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toBaltes, Michael188286:435Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toBirkhold, M.1887104:591Link to document image
Hamilton, M. v.toBrooks, Wm.1889112:228Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toCraig, Jas. C.1889110:121Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toCrimmons, M. L.1888108:579Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toDougherty, Cath. (Et al.)1895139:438Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V. toDunham, Flora (Et al.)1889114:374Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toGoodfellow, Wm. H.1892127:287Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toGraf, Philip (Et ux.)1888109:591Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toGunipper, J. D. (Et ux.)1889114:242Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.fromHamilton, A. H.188190:266Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.fromHamilton, A. H. (et al.)187669:409Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.fromHamilton, A. H. (et al.)187669:409Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.fromHamilton, M.188185:544Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toHoffman, Daniel1890115:639Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toKerr Murray Mftg. Co.1888106:620Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toLogan, Nora188496:42Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toMcNemara, Wash.188598:447Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toMoellering, Wm. (Et al.)188287:86Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toPrescott, E. W.188288:229Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toShea, Michael F.1887104:29Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toSpanley, Martin1890117:65Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toStanffer, Gottlieb1894132:95Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toStonecifer, B. F. (Et ux.)1889110:89Link to document image
hamilton, M. v.toThompson, Anna E.1889114:543Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.toUrbine, Mary T.1888109:375Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.fromWagenhals, Ellen H.188390:264Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.fromWilliams, M. H.188287:116Link to document image
Hamilton, M. V.fromWilliams, M. H.188390:268Link to document image
Hamilton, Marg. V.toCitizens L. & Imp. Co.1892126:558Link to document image
Hamilton, Marg. V.toCraig, Oscar R.1892125:121Link to document image
Hamilton, Marg. V.toGonty, Thomas A.1891121:199Link to document image
Hamilton, Marg. V.toHaley, Mary E.1892124:455Link to document image
Hamilton, Marg. V.toMauk, Frances M. (Etu.)1891122:8Link to document image
Hamilton, Marg. V.toMcKendry, Hannah1888125:32Link to document image
Hamilton, Marg. V.toMcMahon, Thos.1891113:521Link to document image
Hamilton, Marg. V.toReinewald, Louisa1891120:141Link to document image
Hamilton, Marg. V.toRocholl, Matilda1892124:276Link to document image
Hamilton, Marg. V.toRocholl, Matilda Q.1889112:413Link to document image
Hamilton, Marg. V.toSchallenbager, A.1892123:239Link to document image
Hamilton, Marg. V.toScott, Mary A.1892125:20Link to document image
Hamilton, Marg. V.toWerkmann, E. V. (Et al.)1890115:556Link to document image
Hamilton, Marg. V. (Et.)toHamilton, A. H.1892123:8Link to document image
Hamilton, MargarettoFeighner, Adam1891113:603Link to document image
Hamilton, Margaret C.toRobinson, Adam C.1899154:398Link to document image
Hamilton, Margaret V.toBenninghoff, Daniek R.1901160:461Link to document image
Hamilton, Margaret V.toCox, Patrick E.1901164:426Link to document image
Hamilton, Margaret V.fromHamilton, Allen1901163:71Link to document image
Hamilton, Margaret V.fromHamilton, Mont. (Et al.)1900160:443Link to document image
Hamilton, Margaret V.fromHamilton, Montgomery (Et al.)1901164:460Link to document image
Hamilton, Margaret V.toKatzanberg, Adolph1901164:472Link to document image
Hamilton, Margaret V.toKatzenberg, Adolph1902170:205Link to document image
Hamilton, Margaret V.toSchnelker, Henry F.1901162:431Link to document image
Hamilton, Margaret V.toSchool City of Fort Wayne1901164:543Link to document image
Hamilton, Margaret V.toSteib, Urenla1900159:229Link to document image
Hamilton, Margaret V.toTrustees 3rd Pres. Ch.1898152:351Link to document image
Hamilton, Margaret V.toVordermark, Harry E. (Et ux.)1900159:369Link to document image
Hamilton, Margaret V.toWerstein, Rose K.1898164:317Link to document image
Hamilton, Margaret V.fromWerstein, Rose K.1901164:328Link to document image
Hamilton, Margt. V.toCitizens Loan & Imp. Co.1890116:564Link to document image
Hamilton, Margt. V.toCox, Patrick E.1892142:309Link to document image
Hamilton, Margt. V.toEnglish, Wm. H. (Et ux.)1892126:234Link to document image
Hamilton, Margt. V.toFox, Amelia1897148:426Link to document image
Hamilton, Margt. V.toFrance, Philip L.1897145:487Link to document image
Hamilton, Margt. V.toKessler, Mary (Et al.)1897147:277Link to document image
Hamilton, Margt. V.toKrebs, Agnes1892126:446Link to document image
Hamilton, Margt. V.toKrebs, Edwards1892126:446Link to document image
Hamilton, Margt. V.toSchmalz, Caroline1893131:8Link to document image
Hamilton, Margt. V.toSchmalz, Elizabeth1893131:8Link to document image
Hamilton, Margt. V.toSchmalz, Mary1893130:237Link to document image
Hamilton, Margt. V.toSchmalz, Mary1893131:8Link to document image
Hamilton, MaryfromSheriff1858W:162Link to document image
Hamilton, Mary (Et al.)toSchool City of Fort Wayne1891120:583Link to document image
Hamilton, Mary H.fromStratton, John (et al.)187669:52Link to document image
Hamilton, MathiasfromBird, Samuel & Mary A.1856T:217Link to document image
Hamilton, Mgt. V.fromDoherty, Cath.1896145:177Link to document image
Hamilton, Michael C.fromHamilton, Jacob D.1887160:115Link to document image
Hamilton, Michael C.fromHamilton, John W.1887160:116Link to document image
Hamilton, Michael C. (Et al.)toNickelson, William E.1900160:177Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont (et al.)toHamilton, Andrew H.187669:417Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toAhearn, William1891121:561Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toBarber, H. E.1892125:10Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toBard, M. N. C.1888107:174Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toCasey, John1892125:54Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toCollis, Adam1889110:499Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toCox, Patrick E.1891122:341Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toEssig, Chas. O.1888106:548Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toFoster, S. & D. N.188185:273Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toGreenick, Chas. W.1897145:360Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.fromHamilton, Allen (Est.)186542:223Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.fromHuestis, Alex C.1891123:5Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toLange, Jno. Henry188597:298Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toMcCulloch, Hugh188287:301Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toMiller, Eliza1887104:129Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toNunemaker, Cipilus1897147:142Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toSchott, Geo. J.186744:203Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.fromSchott, Geo. J.187153:431Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toShell, Mary A.1887105:470Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toWessell, Jno. J. (Et ux.)1889110:538Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toWilson, Geo. (Et ux.)1887106:251Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont.toWohlfort, M. E.188183:303Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont. (E.)toMiller, Frank1892124:519Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont. (et al.)toHamilton, A. H.187669:417Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont. (Et al.)toHamilton, A. H.1892123:7Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont. (Et al.)toHamilton, Margaret V.1900160:443Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont. (Et al.)toHamilton, Phoebe A. (Et al.)1900161:108Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont. (Et al.)toMadison, Wm. J. (Et al.)1891113:488Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont. (Et al.)toMcDonald, Louise D.1899154:254Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont. (Et al.)toTrustees 3rd Pres. Ch.1898152:352Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont. (Et al.)toWilliams, Mary H.1900160:413Link to document image
Hamilton, Mont. (Et ux.)toBenoy, Frank T.1892123:257Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toAdams, Lee O.1894134:337Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toAlderman, Frank1895139:55Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toCowen, Christina W.1893138:236Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toCramer, D. (Et ux.)1888107:136Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toDenahy, Michael1893128:366Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toGruber, Frank J.1890116:138Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toGumper, Jacob D.1892142:276Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toHaffner, Mary M.1889110:67Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toHamilton, A. H.1890118:96Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toHamilton, Phoebe A.1890118:94Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toHarrod, Clay1895138:169Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toKlein, John H.1888109:157Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toMcDonald, Emma1895137:191Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toMcDonald, Thos. E.1895137:191Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toMcKinny, M. C.1892126:427Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toMcMahon, Thomas1889114:401Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toMeisner, Amanda E.1894133:133Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.fromMergel, Elizabeth1892126:568Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toRoss, John1888129:181Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toSauerbier, D. M.1888109:216Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toThreadgall, Ella1889114:9Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toTrythall, Jas.1889110:373Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.fromWagenhals, E. H.1887109:156Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toWagenhals, Ellen H.1900160:445Link to document image
Hamilton, Montg.toWelch, John H.1895140:108Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoArnold, David A.1893127:406Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoBandtel, George F. (Et ux.)1902167:443Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoBowen, Charles B.1902168:316Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoCitizens Loan & Imp. Co.1890116:566Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoComady, Frederick G. (Et ux.)1902168:288Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomeryfromComm. Superior Court1887103:572Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoEhle, Ernst A.1902168:430Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoGoodfellow, Wm. H.1892127:322Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoHamilton, Edith (Et al.)1896144:50Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoKasmier, John187771:198Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoKerr Murray Mftg. Co.1890117:167Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoLynch, Mary Ann1890119:266Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoMichael, Herman (Et ux.)1897150:397Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoMichael, Phenie1900158:483Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomeryfromOppenheim, Wm. (Comr.)1887103:572Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoSchnelker, Henry F.1901162:432Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoSteckbeck, Wm. J.1893127:405Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoWann, George188079:383Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoWayne B. & L. Assn.1902168:446Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoWayne B. & L. Assn.1902168:447Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomeryfromWilliams, Mary H. (Et al.)1900162:381Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomerytoWilson, Gaines & Geo.187977:97Link to document image
Hamilton, Montgomery (Et al.)toHamilton, Margaret V.1901164:460Link to document image
Hamilton, Montgomery (Et al.)toSchool City of fort Wayne1891120:582Link to document image
Hamilton, MontgomoryfromHamilton, A. H. (et al.)187669:402Link to document image
Hamilton, MontogomerytoFuelber, Anselm1890115:6Link to document image
Hamilton, P. A.fromWithers, W. H. (comr.)187052:90Link to document image
Hamilton, P. A. (Et al.)toColes, Jesse186677:115Link to document image
Hamilton, PeterfromDewald, Sophia A.186641:49Link to document image
Hamilton, PeterfromJones, Emma A.188080:15Link to document image
Hamilton, PeterfromJones, L. M.188392:148Link to document image
Hamilton, Phebe A.fromTaber, Stephen C. (Et al.)1890116:414Link to document image
Hamilton, Phebe AnnfromPratt, Daniel D. (Comr.)187670:11Link to document image
Hamilton, Phobe A. (Et al.)toCorcoran, John (Et al.)1899155:292Link to document image
Hamilton, Phoebe (Et al.)toHubler, John C.1895139:99Link to document image
Hamilton, Phoebe A.fromHamilton, A. H.1893131:338Link to document image
Hamilton, Phoebe A.fromHamilton, Andrew H. (Et al.)188182:328Link to document image
Hamilton, Phoebe A.fromHamilton, Montg.1890118:94Link to document image
Hamilton, Phoebe A.toHermans, Henry H.1902168:145Link to document image
Hamilton, Phoebe A.fromWilliams, M. H. (Et al.)188182:328Link to document image
Hamilton, Phoebe A. (Et al.)toCrimmans, Mary L.1901164:553Link to document image
Hamilton, Phoebe A. (Et al.)toEnslen, Clara V.1902170:471Link to document image
Hamilton, Phoebe A. (Et al.)fromHamilton, Mont. (Et al.)1900161:108Link to document image
Hamilton, Phoebe A. (Et al.)toKasten, Louis C.1898151:91Link to document image
Hamilton, Phoebe A. (Et al.)toMiller, George R.1902168:190Link to document image
Hamilton, Phoebe A. (Et al.)toRocholl, Matilda1901165:252Link to document image
Hamilton, Phoebe A. (Et al.)toSchnelker, Henry F.1901162:433Link to document image
Hamilton, Phoebe A. (Et al.)toWilson, John C.1896142:167Link to document image
Hamilton, Phoebe A. (Et al.)toZoeller, Roman1899152:506Link to document image
Hamilton, R. J.toHamilton, E. L.1886100:127Link to document image
Hamilton, R. J.fromMason, Nancy188286:361Link to document image
Hamilton, R. J. (Et al.)fromSwart, C. F. M.1887104:22Link to document image
Hamilton, SarahtoParker, Richard1859X:266Link to document image
Hamilton, TabertoHubler, John c.1901163:271Link to document image
Hamilton, ThomastoGlodi, Ema1849I:626Link to document image
Hamilton, ThomastoHamilton, Allen1853N:707Link to document image
Hamilton, ThomastoMiller, George1856T:258Link to document image
Hamilton, ThomastoMiller, George1856T:259Link to document image
Hamilton, Thos.toHamilton, Allen186333:222Link to document image
Hamilton, Thos.toRudisill, E. C.186332:112Link to document image
Hamilton, Thos.toTrinity E. E. L. Church186330:546Link to document image
Hamilton, Thos.toTrustees T. E. E. C.186332:77Link to document image
Hamilton, Thos.toTums, Gabriel186434:26Link to document image
Hamilton, W. J. (Et ux.)fromKiefer, Phillip F.1888109:286Link to document image
Hamilton, W. M.fromCramer, H. C.1886101:359Link to document image
Hamilton, WilliamfromArmstrong, William1857U:423Link to document image
Hamilton, WilliamfromBoyce, Claudius C.1854P:132Link to document image
Hamilton, WilliamtoHastly, Sarah186127:229Link to document image
Hamilton, WilliamtoWimer, Valentine1852M:192Link to document image
Hamilton, William A.toShane, Walter P.1902168:82Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm.toCrouse, David187052:108Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm.toHamilton, Wm. A.186947:480Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm.fromIngram, S. M.186884:522Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm.toTrustee Aboit Tp.186342:596Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm. (Admr.)toBeaver, Agnes E.1854S:597Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm. (Dec.)toHamilton, J. A.187483:255Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm. (Dec.)toHamilton, Wm. A. (by will)187483:255Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm. (Will of)to187483:255Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm. A.fromHamilton, James A.187566:238Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm. A.fromHamilton, Jane A.1888107:586Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm. A.fromHamilton, Wm.186947:480Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm. A. (by will)fromHamilton, Wm. (Dec.)187483:255Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm. Alex.toHamilton, Barbara1894135:281Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm. H.toCramer, Wm. P.1886102:189Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm. J. (Et ux.)fromCurdes, Louis F.1900159:315Link to document image
Hamilton, Wm. M.toBell, Wm. E.186127:483Link to document image
Hamilton, Wn. A.fromHamilton, Jane A.1894135:347Link to document image
Hamilton. Mont.toSchool City of Fort Wayne1900157:508Link to document image
Hamin, AdamtoSchlatter, David D.1897147:125Link to document image
Hamish, SusanfromBehms, Mary (Et al.)187975:426Link to document image
Hamish, SusanfromGrate, Harriet, (Et al.)187975:426Link to document image
Hamlet, JessetoFoster, Samuel M.1902167:112Link to document image
Hamlet, Jesse E.fromCrane, Eugene1892126:359Link to document image
Hamlet, Jesse E.fromFruth, Alice M.1895136:376Link to document image
Hamlet, Jesse E.fromFruth, D. O.1895136:376Link to document image
Hamlet, Jesse E.fromHamlet, Sarah A.1893134:13Link to document image
Hamlet, Jesse E.toHamlet, Sarah E.1893129:88Link to document image
Hamlet, Jesse E.toLehman, Gilbert L.1900158:455Link to document image
Hamlet, Jesse E.fromMiller, Mary A. (Et al.)1901162:503Link to document image
Hamlet, Jesse E.toMinnich, Phillip1897145:541Link to document image
Hamlet, Jesse E.toRobbins, Oscar B. (Et ux.)1901162:466Link to document image
Hamlet, Jesse E.fromWilding, Charles A.1900160:83Link to document image
Hamlet, Sarah A.toHamlet, Jesse E.1893134:13Link to document image
Hamlet, Sarah E.fromHamlet, Jesse E.1893129:88Link to document image
Hamlin, D. W.toBaldridge, Elizabeth188290:216Link to document image
Hamlin, D. W.fromBleekman, Jerome187874:413Link to document image
Hamlin, Danl. W.fromRemmel, Augustus C. (Et al.)187874:414Link to document image
Hamm George W.fromRoberts, Franklin1901166:377Link to document image
Hamm, A. & B.fromForbing, John (Et al.)188289:446Link to document image
Hamm, AdamfromCook, Pitt186230:163Link to document image
Hamm, AdamfromDouglass, Jas. W.1894133:294Link to document image
Hamm, AdamtoHamm, Jacob187976:351Link to document image
Hamm, AdamtoHamm, Jacob188393:73Link to document image
Hamm, AdamfromHoffman, Nicholas186228:611Link to document image
Hamm, AdamtoHosler, Martha E. (Et al.)1896142:26Link to document image
Hamm, AdamtoLochner, John186228:334Link to document image
Hamm, AdamfromMeyers, Franklin186330:486Link to document image
Hamm, AdamtoPaulen, Matthias186229:67Link to document image
Hamm, AdamfromPeerson, Wm. S.196230:163Link to document image
Hamm, AdamtoSchlatter, B. B.1889110:137Link to document image
Hamm, AdamfromSchlatter, Benj.186333:274Link to document image
Hamm, AdamfromSchlatter, D. D.1888107:99Link to document image
Hamm, AdamtoSchlatter, D. D.1888106:638Link to document image
Hamm, AdamfromSchoerpf, Barbara1900157:355Link to document image
Hamm, AdamfromSmith, A. J.186846:341Link to document image
Hamm, AdamtoTrustee M. E. Church (Leo)188081:289Link to document image
Hamm, Adam & RebeccafromZimmerman, Jackson188080:84Link to document image
Hamm, Adam, Jr.fromDepew, Wm.187770:517Link to document image
Hamm, andrewtoDetzer, Gustave G.1893129:513Link to document image
Hamm, AndrewfromEverett, Chas. E.1892129:66Link to document image
Hamm, AndrewtoEverett, Chas. E.1894133:363Link to document image
Hamm, Andrew (Et ux.)fromAllen Cir. Court1893129:432Link to document image
Hamm, Andrew (Et ux.)fromWhite, John W.1893130:132Link to document image
Hamm, Geo.toBaltz, Jacob187157:61Link to document image
Hamm, Geo.fromHolsworth, D.188494:482Link to document image
Hamm, Geo.fromHolzworth, Danl.186743:249Link to document image
Hamm, Geo. toSmith, Andrew J.186644:206Link to document image
Hamm, Geo. W.fromKephlinger, Dl. S.1895136:513Link to document image
Hamm, GeorgetoHamm, Jacob187775:466Link to document image
Hamm, GeorgefromHamm, Margaret (et al.)187772:430Link to document image
Hamm, GeorgefromHamm, Margaret (Et al.)187873:158Link to document image
Hamm, GeorgefromLochner, Margaret (et al.)187772:430Link to document image
Hamm, GeorgefromLodmer, Margaret187873:158Link to document image
Hamm, GeorgefromSteel, David187254:458Link to document image
Hamm, GeorgetoWitmer, Peter1895137:366Link to document image
Hamm, GeorgetoZentener, Jacob188079:242Link to document image
Hamm, George W.fromDudgeon, Charles H.1902169:138Link to document image
Hamm, George W.toRoemke, Conrad1902166:362Link to document image
Hamm, George W.fromYoder, Joseph J. (Et al.)1901162:176Link to document image
Hamm, George W. (Et al.)fromHamm, Rebecca1900159:388Link to document image
Hamm, George W. (Et al.)toHamm, Rebecca1900159:386Link to document image
Hamm, J. J.fromBayless, F. W.186332:26Link to document image
Hamm, JacobtoGoldsmith, N.187976:179Link to document image
Hamm, JacobfromHamm, Adam187976:351Link to document image
Hamm, JacobfromHamm, Adam188393:73Link to document image
Hamm, JacobfromHamm, George187775:466Link to document image
Hamm, JacobtoHamm, R. & A.188393:74Link to document image
Hamm, Jacob (Et al.)toMyers, Israel1891120:483Link to document image
Hamm, JohntoHeine, William1893130:12Link to document image
Hamm, John (Et al.)fromWhite, John W.1893130:126Link to document image
Hamm, John (Et ux.)fromSargent, William1891113:386Link to document image
Hamm, Margaret (et al.)toHamm, George187772:430Link to document image
Hamm, Margaret (Et al.)toHamm, George187873:158Link to document image
Hamm, R. & A.fromHamm, Jacob188393:74Link to document image
Hamm, RebeccafromHamm, George W. (Et al.)1900159:386Link to document image
Hamm, RebeccatoHamm, George W. (Et al.)1900159:388Link to document image
Hamm, RebeccatoHume, Mary1900159:391Link to document image
Hamm, RebeccatoMontgomery, Samuel1900159:392Link to document image
Hammel, IratoAlbert, H. F.1888109:139Link to document image
Hammel, IrafromAlbert, Henry F.1888106:568Link to document image
Hammer, ErnstfromLordier, Eugenie1883128:518Link to document image
Hammer, PhiliptoLadig, Nicholas186333:88Link to document image
Hammer, PhilliptoParker, Jno. R.186138:284Link to document image
Hammer, PhilliptoPeterson, David186138:284Link to document image
Hammerle Const.toEvans, B. B.1887104:633Link to document image
Hammerle, C.fromEvans, B. B.1887104:630Link to document image
Hammerlw, C.fromBrackenridge, J.187874:402Link to document image
Hammett, M.toOrff, John1887106:368Link to document image
Hammill, HarrytoLehr, John H.1894133:229Link to document image
Hammill, HarryfromTemplar, Harry1894132:237Link to document image
Hammill, KatetoClausmeier, Ed. F. (Et ux.)1894135:286Link to document image
Hammill, KatefromLehr, John H.1894133:230Link to document image
Hammilton, AllentoLasselle, F. D.186129:146Link to document image
Hammomd, Elfa L.toRoy, James1899154:135Link to document image
Hammomd, JohnfromStoneman, Jacob M.187462:52Link to document image
Hammon, M. A.fromJackson, A. P.187669:142Link to document image
Hammon, M. A.toJackson, A. P.188391:412Link to document image
Hammon, M. A.toRossean, Reuben187669:143Link to document image
Hammond, Ann M.toBearman, Fredk.1895138:61Link to document image
Hammond, Ann M.fromFoster, John L.1895137:274Link to document image
Hammond, Arthur K.toBarva, Bernard R. (Et ux.)1901161:140Link to document image
Hammond, Arthur K.fromBossler, John A.1901161:28Link to document image
Hammond, C.fromWilson, George187155:207Link to document image
Hammond, CharlesfromBowser, Jacob C. (Et al.)1865116:232Link to document image
Hammond, CharlesfromHammond, John1859V:566Link to document image
Hammond, Charles (Will of)to1895136:537Link to document image
Hammond, Chas.toFry, Absalom186537:416Link to document image
Hammond, Chas.toRoberts, Wm. S.1888116:233Link to document image
Hammond, D.fromFry, James187465:415Link to document image
Hammond, DavidfromClements, James M.1852N:306Link to document image
Hammond, DyanfromFleming, William187772:365Link to document image
Hammond, DyantoFry, Philip188186:149Link to document image
Hammond, DyantoHite, Samuel188185:62Link to document image
Hammond, Elfa L.fromAlderman, Dayton1899154:312Link to document image
Hammond, Elfa L.fromRidenour, Christian S.1897148:334Link to document image
Hammond, JnotoRitter, Geo. W.186646:243Link to document image
Hammond, Jno.toBearman, Justine187154:114Link to document image
Hammond, Jno.toHavert, Theodore187254:428Link to document image
Hammond, Jno.toJoslyn, C. E.188082:10Link to document image
Hammond, JohntoArnold, Frederick1855R:319Link to document image
Hammond, JohntoBearman, Frederick 188182:319Link to document image
Hammond, JohnfromBurgess, Asa1856S:594Link to document image
Hammond, JohntoCullen, Patrick187153:38Link to document image
Hammond, JohntoHammond, Charles1859V:566Link to document image
Hammond, JohntoHammond, William1856T:246Link to document image
Hammond, JohnfromHavert, Thos.187255:207Link to document image
Hammond, JohntoMartin, Anthony186447:367Link to document image
Hammond, JohnfromMaxhimer, B. F.186846:242Link to document image
Hammond, JohntoMiller, C. A.188289:444Link to document image
Hammond, JohnfromRulo, John187462:90Link to document image
Hammond, JohntoShephard, Mahala1873112:519Link to document image
Hammond, Laura PanyfromLeonard, Elmer1902166:437Link to document image
Hammond, N. E.fromFelts, Emma1895140:286Link to document image
Hammond, N. E.fromFelts, Herman W.1895140:286Link to document image
Hammond, Nancy E.fromFeichter, Mary M.1898150:230Link to document image
Hammond, Nancy E.toFeichter, Mary M.1898150:271Link to document image
Hammond, Nancy J.fromBelot, Frank J.1901161:381Link to document image
Hammond, R.toMoaddux, Geo.188394:169Link to document image
Hammond, RebeccafromSheriff188079:583Link to document image
Hammond, RebeccafromSheriff188079:585Link to document image
Hammond, WiliamtoWybourn, William1900156:208Link to document image
Hammond, WilliamfromHammond, John1856T:246Link to document image
Hammond, WilliamtoTrustees Madison TP.186026:76Link to document image
Hamn, GeorgefromSteele, David187154:262Link to document image
Hamon, AdamtoMuller, Herman188190:482Link to document image
Hamon, Geo.fromFrederickson, Jno. G.187155:18Link to document image
Hamond, DavidtoKennark, Edward1853N:320Link to document image
Hampton, J. D. (Guard)toStrawbridge, David186435:435Link to document image
Hamrn, AdamtoTrustees M. E. P.1886101:81Link to document image
Hamubert, JustnifromAubrey, Claude I.186639:386Link to document image
Han---, FredfromState of Ind.1857U:415Link to document image
Hananer, George W. (Et ux.)fromBobay, Edward F.1902169:105Link to document image
Hanauer, Geo. W. (Et al.)fromAllen Superior Court1902171:27Link to document image
Hanber, Oscar A.fromDishong, Martha C.1897144:540Link to document image
Hance, Barbara A. (et al.)toMartz, Philip S.187772:499Link to document image
Hance, Barbary A.toAber, David J.187771:502Link to document image
Hance, Barbery A.toEngle, A.187566:436Link to document image
Hance, Geo. R.fromBeckman, Jno.188495:82Link to document image
Hance, Geo. R.toLipes, C. T. (Et al.)1887105:401Link to document image
Hance, Geo. R.toMcIntosh, Jno. W.1888109:86Link to document image
Hancher, FredercktoKramer, Frederick1854Q:55Link to document image
Hand, CarolinefromHand, Jno. (Est.)186538:173Link to document image
Hand, EvalinefromHand, Jno. (Est.)186538:173Link to document image
Hand, Geo. W.fromHall, Chas. (Et al.)187155:110Link to document image
Hand, Geo. W.fromHand, Saml. R. (Est.)186538:463Link to document image
Hand, Geo. W.fromNelson, W. R. (Comr.)186538:307Link to document image
Hand, Geo. W. (admr.)toHand, Wm. E.187770:573Link to document image
Hand, George W. (Will of)to1894163:373Link to document image
Hand, George W. Sr.fromBrock, Julia W. (Et al.)1898149:327Link to document image
Hand, Jno. (Est.)toHand, Caroline186538:173Link to document image
Hand, Jno. (Est.)toHand, Evaline186538:173Link to document image
Hand, Jno. (Est.)toHand, M. J.186538:173Link to document image
Hand, Jno. (Est.)toHand, Sarah186538:173Link to document image
Hand, M. J.fromHand, Jno. (Est.)186538:173Link to document image
Hand, Saml. R. (Est.)toDolin, John186538:462Link to document image
Hand, Saml. R. (Est.)toHand, Geo. W.186538:463Link to document image
Hand, SarahfromHand, Jno. (Est.)186538:173Link to document image
Hand, SilastoEdsall, Samuel1849J:163Link to document image
Hand, William E.fromHowe, Frances M.1900156:554Link to document image
Hand, Wm. E.toDolin, Lucetta187272:352Link to document image
Hand, Wm. E.fromDolin, Lucetta187772:352Link to document image
Hand, Wm. E.fromDolin, Lucetta187979:129Link to document image
Hand, Wm. E.fromHand, Geo. W. (admr.)187770:573Link to document image
Handenchild, Margaret A.& husbandtoFalls, Owen (Et al.)1895138:397Link to document image
Handenchild, SophiatoSchwartz, George1890116:223Link to document image
Handenschild, JacobtoSarrazin, August1893130:172Link to document image
Handenschild, JacobtoStratton, Robt.188496:157Link to document image
Handenschild, Jno.fromEq. Trust Co.1887105:342Link to document image
Handenschild, Jno.toRomy, Robert L.1891121:254Link to document image
Handenschild, JohntoWilliams, Elijah (Et ux.)1898152:257Link to document image
Handenschild, M. A.fromRomy, Robert L. (Et.)1891121:255Link to document image
Handenschild, S.fromSchoepf, Jno. 188495:45Link to document image
Handenschild, SophiafromFerguson, Matthew A.1893130:46Link to document image
Handenschild, SophiatoSarrazin, August1893130:172Link to document image
Handenschild, SophiefromBlase, Wilhelmina1890116:276Link to document image
Handenschild, SophietoBowser, Orra J.1892124:442Link to document image
Handerschild, Jno.toLee, Saml. S.1887105:269Link to document image
Handerschild, S.toMichael, Elizabeth1888107:154Link to document image
Handerson, Wm.toKarigar, Saml.186640:15Link to document image
Handle, CatharinefromGrant & Williamson186961:186Link to document image
Handle, CatharinetoTaylor, John1902167:249Link to document image
Handle, JacobfromCassady, Jacob186336:244Link to document image
Handle, JacobtoRose, Clarissy187256:33Link to document image
Handler, Albert H. (Et ux.)fromMeyer, William D.1901162:506Link to document image
Handley, Eleanor (Et al.)toPalmer, Albert D. (Et ux.)1901165:207Link to document image
Handley, MichaeltoMartin, J. T.186537:284Link to document image
Handley, MichaeltoMartin, J. T.186537:285Link to document image
Hanefeld, AugustfromScheirman, Theresa (Et al.)1902169:437Link to document image
Hanefeld, C.fromBurgess, Henry187466:103Link to document image
Hanefeld, C.toHanefeld, Wm.187566:216Link to document image
Hanefeld, WilliamfromBishop, Emma A.1892123:576Link to document image
Hanefeld, Wm.fromAuditor1895136:414Link to document image
Hanefeld, Wm.fromHanefeld, C.187566:216Link to document image
Hanes, Jno.toFarmer, Isaac188499:12Link to document image
Hanes, Jno.fromTaylor, M.187999:11Link to document image
Hanes, JohntoGarver, Charley187572:384Link to document image
Hanes, OregonfromErwin, Jeremiah186539:457Link to document image
Hanes, PerryfromFair, Andrew186641:251Link to document image
Hanes, PerrytoSevits, Moses186741:603Link to document image
Hanes, Rufus M.fromCotner, Edward G.1902170:164Link to document image
Hanes, SamueltoRobinson, John A.1859V:593Link to document image
Haney, AlicefromStoops, Saml. W.187570:398Link to document image
Haney, Jno. C.toChapin, Aug. C.1889112:553Link to document image
Haney, Jno. C.toStone, Richard L.187670:399Link to document image
Haney, John C.fromStoops, Saml.W.1889112:554Link to document image
Haney, PatricktoMiller, Thos. J.186568:244Link to document image
Hangenberg, WilliamtoRatledge, Moses1849J:491Link to document image
Hanilton, Allen (Est.)toClark & Dunn186745:54Link to document image
Hanilton, Margt. V.toCraig, Sidney P.1898151:283Link to document image
Haning, A. C.fromHollopeter, Israel188081:252Link to document image
Hankal, JohnfromTessarant, Ludwig186743:207Link to document image
Hanke, FrederickfromStoppenhagen, Christian1894136:362Link to document image
Hanke, Fredk.toStoppenhagen, Christian1894138:112Link to document image
Hankel, JacobtoAdams, Jacob1895137:413Link to document image
Hankel, JacobfromHankel, John188494:199Link to document image
Hankel, JacobfromHartman, Jno. F. L.1895137:298Link to document image
Hankel, Jno.fromHartman, H. C. (Coms.)187978:201Link to document image
Hankel, Jno.toLehner, Jos.187995:92Link to document image
Hankel, JohntoHankel, Jacob188494:199Link to document image
Hankel, JohnfromHanley, Michael187052:87Link to document image
Hankel, JohntoShalts, Nicholas186949:88Link to document image
Hankel, JohnfromZuber, Panteleon187565:550Link to document image
Hankers, B.fromPaul, H. C. (Et al.)188289:463Link to document image
Hankers, BernardfromAldrich, C. H. (Et al.)188289:463Link to document image
Hankers, BernardfromBarrett, M. (Et al.)188289:463Link to document image
Hankers, BernardfromEllison, Thos. E. (Et al.)188289:463Link to document image
Hanky, JohnfromUnited States183774:295Link to document image
Hanler, M.fromTinkham, C. P.186536:480Link to document image
Hanley, Ann (et al.)toMcMahan, Thomas187772:414Link to document image
Hanley, Anna (Et al.)toWessell, Caroline1893131:207Link to document image
Hanley, FrederickfromJustus, Lewis S.187464:410Link to document image
Hanley, J. M. (Et al.)toDupell, Chas. A.188495:496Link to document image
Hanley, Jas. H.fromOshaughnessy, Michael187668:360Link to document image
Hanley, Jno.toFritcha, Henry188287:180Link to document image
Hanley, Jno.fromRobinson, D. C.187566:159Link to document image
Hanley, JohntoHanley, Michael185933:433Link to document image
Hanley, John (ex.)fromBowser, J. C.187566:168Link to document image
Hanley, John (Ex.)toFroizard, Alexander187465:336Link to document image
Hanley, John (Ex.)toRothger, H. & Wm.187474:36Link to document image
Hanley, John (Ex.)toStutz, Joseph187468:282Link to document image
Hanley, John H.fromWorthington, Wm. M.187464:416Link to document image
Hanley, JuliatoFederspiel, Balser187668:512Link to document image
Hanley, M. & E.toDupell, C. A.188391:580Link to document image
Hanley, M. (Heirs.)toMorgan, Jos. D.1888107:564Link to document image
Hanley, Mary (Et al.)toDupell, Chas. A.188597:473Link to document image
Hanley, MichaelfromBeugnot, Victoria186640:265Link to document image
Hanley, MichaelfromBiggo, Joseph186537:331Link to document image
Hanley, MichaeltoBushman, Anthony186230:298Link to document image
Hanley, MichaelfromChute, Richard1855R:176Link to document image
Hanley, MichaelfromChute, Richard186539:139Link to document image
Hanley, MichaeltoDonaho, Susan187048:574Link to document image
Hanley, MichaelfromDonoho, John187052:5Link to document image
Hanley, MichaeltoFitzpatrick, John196844:401Link to document image
Hanley, MichaeltoHankel, John187052:87Link to document image
Hanley, MichaelfromHanley, John185933:433Link to document image
Hanley, MichaeltoHanley, Thomas1854Q:286Link to document image
Hanley, MichaelfromHanley, William185931:384Link to document image
Hanley, MichaelfromJenkinson, Moses1858V:288Link to document image
Hanley, MichaeltoKeeler, Geo.W.186949:3Link to document image
Hanley, MichaeltoKnode, Lucy B.187051:58Link to document image
Hanley, MichaelfromMarsh, Geo. H.187152:580Link to document image
Hanley, MichaeltoPhillips, John T.1854P:571Link to document image
Hanley, MichaeltoPlatter, Christian1857U:420Link to document image
Hanley, MichaelfromPrince, John s.186539:139Link to document image
Hanley, MichaelfromSmith, Josiah187051:196Link to document image
Hanley, MichaelfromTrustees W. & E. Canal186435:512Link to document image
Hanley, Michael (Est.)toLoveall, Mary E.187565:156Link to document image
Hanley, PatrickfromBond, S. B.186639:479Link to document image
Hanley, PatricktoShaughnessy, Jno.186128:162Link to document image
Hanley, S. A.toKuhn, C. (Et al.)188391:271Link to document image
Hanley, S. A. (Et al.)toDupell, C. A.188391:571Link to document image
Hanley, ThomasfromHanley, Michael1854Q:286Link to document image
Hanley, WilliamtoHanley, Michael185931:384Link to document image
Hanline, Jno.toBrown, Eliza187979:373Link to document image
Hanly, Henry D.fromBeardsley, Levi (Trustee)1846L:41Link to document image
Hanly, Henry D.fromBurtis, Arthur1846L:41Link to document image
Hanly, MichaeltoColerick, M. & M.186333:397Link to document image
Hanly, MichaelfromHanly, Patrick186333:397Link to document image
Hanly, MichaelfromRogers, L. M.186544:58Link to document image
Hanly, PatrickfromFoster, George186536:544Link to document image
Hanly, PatricktoHanly, Michael186333:397Link to document image
Hanly, PatricktoRothgeb, Henry186437:277Link to document image
Hanly, Thomas D.fromBeardsley, Levi1846L:42Link to document image
HannatoKindle, Henry P.186230:102Link to document image
Hanna & CarsonfromLink, Lucy A. (Adm.)187257:353Link to document image
Hanna & HaydentoRay & Nelson187462:279Link to document image
Hanna Jos. T.toOlds, Chas. H.188080:433Link to document image
Hanna, A. S.toUnderhill, P. I.187051:365Link to document image
Hanna, Adam Sr.fromSchlatter, Benjamin187463:549Link to document image
Hanna, AlicefromHanna, Samuel186333:415Link to document image
Hanna, Alice, Jesse E., Saml. D., Horace W., Chas. H. fromPurman, E. E.187772:68Link to document image
Hanna, B. S.fromMcCullock, H.186950:31Link to document image
Hanna, Bass (et al.)fromHanna, Horace H. (est.)187360:529Link to document image
Hanna, C. H. (Et al.)fromCommissioner in Partition188084:405Link to document image
Hanna, C. H. (Et al.)fromCommissioner in Partition188084:405Link to document image
Hanna, C. L.toBarbour, M. F.188186:123Link to document image
Hanna, C. L.fromHanna, Samuel186333:417Link to document image
Hanna, CarlynfromHanna, Chas.186745:95Link to document image
Hanna, CarolyntoFricke, Joseph1884139:355Link to document image
Hanna, CarolyntoWhite, Maria188288:527Link to document image
Hanna, Carolyn (Et al.)toFricke, Jos.188393:472Link to document image
Hanna, CharlestoBostick, Emanuel1858V:411Link to document image
Hanna, CharlesfromBostick, Emanuel1858V:414Link to document image
Hanna, CharlesfromBostick, Emanuel1858V:415Link to document image
Hanna, CharlesfromBrobst, Jacob187461:501Link to document image
Hanna, CharlestoCarnahan, Wm. L.187464:370Link to document image
Hanna, CharlestoComincavish, Felix187274:226Link to document image
Hanna, CharlesfromFrench, R. N.187054:65Link to document image
Hanna, CharlesfromFronfield, Reuben1858V:415Link to document image
Hanna, CharlestoFronfield, Reuben1858V:411Link to document image
Hanna, CharlesfromHanna, Saml.186341:213Link to document image
Hanna, CharlesfromHanna, Saml. (Est.)186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, CharlesfromHanna, Samuel T.187358:418Link to document image
Hanna, CharlesfromHanna, Wm. W. (Est.)187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, CharlestoHartman, Homer187464:105Link to document image
Hanna, CharlestoHebler, George W.1860Y:217Link to document image
Hanna, CharlestoHowe, James B.188080:66Link to document image
Hanna, CharlestoMiller, Wm.187156:324Link to document image
Hanna, CharlestoReid, John187462:217Link to document image
Hanna, CharlestoSkinner, Thomasetta H.187564:527Link to document image
Hanna, CharlesfromSkinner, Thomasetta H.187564:539Link to document image
Hanna, CharlestoWirsche, Peter186127:507Link to document image
Hanna, CharlesfromWithers, W. H. (Comr.)187158:9Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.fromBard, Samuel187359:473Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toBard, Samuel187359:466Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toBastain, Jacob187357:358Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toBoltz, F. F.187256:415Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toBowen, Mary E.187254:506Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toBrobst, Jacob187257:14Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.fromBrobst, Jacob187359:474Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toBrobst, Louisa M.187461:502Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toBrobst, Nath. A.187256:454Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.fromBrokaw, R. H.187463:274Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toBrokaw, S. J.187463:330Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toCarson, Wm. W.187357:516Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toCeleman, W. J.187254:440Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toCommincavish, F.187394:375Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toDela Camp, John187461:307Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toEssig, William187254:570Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toEvans, Edwin188081:88Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toFish, Wm. W.187359:604Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toFrance, Elizabeth187154:141Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toFrazier, Wm. J.187256:452Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toGeerken, Geo.187771:403Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toGreene, Mary M.187257:202Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toGreene, Mary M.187257:203Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toGreene, Mary M.187358:533Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toGreene, Mary M.187359:307Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toHanna, Carlyn186745:95Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.fromHanna, Eliza (Sr.)187052:104Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.fromHanna, Eliza Sr.187360:574Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.fromHanna, Eliza Sr.187362:335Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.fromHanna, H. T.187256:254Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toHanna, Hugh T.187051:487Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toHanna, Hugh T.187153:323Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toHanna, Hugh T.187461:477Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toHanna, Hugh T.187462:337Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toHanna, Hugh T.187462:589Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.fromHanna, Hugh T.187462:336Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.fromHanna, Jas. T.187154:27Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toHanna, O. S.187051:484Link to document image
Hanna, Chas. toHanna, S. F.186745:95Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toHanna, Saml.186229:100Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toHanna, Saml. T.186562:28Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toHanna, Sarah C.187774:74Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toHarkless, Wm. A.187255:307Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toHaswell, Geo. I.187258:65Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toHayden, Eliza H.187565:488Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.fromHayden, Eliza H.187671:500Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toHoagland & Tresselt187461:330Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toHorrington, Wm. S.187256:204Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toJames, Jesse M. & Wm. H.187360:295Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.fromJames, Jesse M. & Wm. H.187462:217Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.fromJeffords, O. N.187052:65Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toLenz, John H.187257:27Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toLonergan, Bridget187362:88Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.fromLonergan, Bridget187462:89Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toMuhler, Chas F.187463:99Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toOswald, Joseph187262:446Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toRemmel, A. C.187358:555Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toSchrich,M. (Et al.)186947:555Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toShaw, Sarah J.187153:521Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toShoaff, Wade C.187259:425Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toSiemon, Rudolph187463:95Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toStonebrook, M. A.187156:113Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toTrentman & Wagner187256:455Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toVollmer, D.187463:321Link to document image
Hanna, Chas. toWallace, Wm. H.187256:18Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toWillenburg, F. M.187359:197Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toWilson, George H.187463:99Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toWise, Isaac187154:112Link to document image
Hanna, Chas.toWithers, Warren H.187771:398Link to document image
Hanna, chas.toWorthington, Lillie P.187462:482Link to document image
Hanna, Chas. H.toHanna, Saml. D.1895139:42Link to document image
Hanna, Chas. H.toLortie, Charles (Et ux.)1891121:171Link to document image
Hanna, Chas. H.toNickey, Addison B.1894133:308Link to document image
Hanna, Chas. H.toRomy, Cathren A.1892127:148Link to document image
Hanna, Chas. H.toWyss, Gerhard S.1892126:11Link to document image
Hanna, Chas. N.toOetting, Frederick1891121:198Link to document image
Hanna, CoralynfromHanna, Samuel186333:414Link to document image
Hanna, E. (Jr.)toKlug, Martin186847:138Link to document image
Hanna, E. (Jr.)toMaran, Peter187349:159Link to document image
Hanna, E. (Sr.)fromO'Grady, Daniel186950:578Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.toAllen, Eli A.1890118:66Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.toBeach, F.187978:459Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.toBusching, Dora1893129:382Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.toBusching, Henry1893129:382Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.fromCarson, Wm. W.187257:90Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.toColerick, F. J.188599:421Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.toDevilbiss, F. D. (Et ux.)1888108:282Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.toForbing, John1888108:431Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.toGeake, William1895137:367Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.toGloeckle, John1890116:241Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.fromHanna, Jos. T. (Et al.)1887105:224Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.toHayden, F. J.188290:74Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.toHorstman, Wm.1888106:487Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.fromHorstmann, William1888106:486Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.toKime, Wesley S.1892126:220Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.fromMcCartney, R. S.1888108:477Link to document image
Hanna, E. C. toOsborn, Jno. C.1894134:93Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.toReiley, Robt.1895137:491Link to document image
Hanna, E. C.toTrustees 1st Presby. Ch.1886101:238Link to document image
Hanna, E. E.toEvans, S. C. (Trus.)187249:246Link to document image
Hanna, E. E. (Guard)toBass, John H.187152:472Link to document image
Hanna, E. E. (Guard)toBass, John H.187152:473Link to document image
Hanna, E. H.toSchool City Ft. Wayne 1886101:580Link to document image
Hanna, Eliz. C.toPoirson, Peter F.1893131:39Link to document image
Hanna, ElizafromHanna, Saml. (Est.)186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, ElizafromHanna, Saml. (Est.)186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, ElizafromHanna, Saml. (Est.)186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, ElizafromHanna, Samuel186333:421Link to document image
Hanna, ElizatoHayden, Eliza188080:574Link to document image
Hanna, ElizafromHayden, Eliza H.187873:90Link to document image
Hanna, ElizatoP. F. W. & C. R. R.186742:620Link to document image
Hanna, ElizatoUnderson, Eliz. F.1865130:187Link to document image
Hanna, ElizatoWarner, Joseph186746:49Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Jr.)toGevers, Henry186847:530Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Jr.)toHamilton, E. J.196847:57Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Jr.)toEdgerton, Jos. K.187254:431Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Jr.)toFleischer, Edward187254:287Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Jr.)fromHanna, Hugh T.186745:119Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Jr.)fromHanna, Wm. W. (Est.)187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Jr.)toOrff, John187256:372Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Jr.)toTrustee 1st Preb. Church186745:120Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Sr.)toFiegel, Charles187051:36Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Sr.)toHanna, Chas.187052:104Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Sr.)fromHanna, H. T.187359:110Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Sr.)fromHanna, H. T.187359:111Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Sr.)fromHanna, Hugh T.186745:119Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Sr.)fromHanna, Hugh T.187359:111Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Sr.)toHanna, S. T. (Trustee)187155:49Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Sr.)fromHanna, Wm. W. (Est.)187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Sr.)toHough, John187359:145Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Sr.)toMartin, Terrence186333:300Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Sr.)toNahrwold, Chas.187151:609Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Sr.)toNahrwold, Conrad187151:610Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza (Sr.)toTrustee 1st Preb. Church186745:120Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza C.toSteel, Martin1891122:386Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Jr.fromFleischer, Edward187361:154Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Jr.fromHanna, Samuel T.187259:378Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toCarnahan, Hanna O. S. & J. T.187360:400Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toHanna, Chas.187360:574Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toHanna, Chas.187362:335Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toHanna, Elizabeth187361:310Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toHanna, Henry C.187362:382Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toHanna, Henry C.187362:444Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toHanna, Hugh T.187360:573Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toHanna, Hugh T.187361:333Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toHanna, Hugh T.187361:618Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toHanna, Hugh T.187470:138Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toHanna, Saml. T.187361:87Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toHanna, Saml. T.187361:88Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.fromHanna, Saml. T.187360:396Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.fromHanna, Saml. T. (Trustee)187360:525Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.fromHanna, Samuel T.187360:396Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toHayden, Eliza187361:145Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.fromHoagland, Pliny187360:483Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toHowe, Jas. B.188599:519Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toPurman, Elizabeth E.187360:526Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toSkinner, T. H.1887105:368Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toSkinner, Thomasetta H.187360:506Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.toSkinner, Thomasetta H.187360:506Link to document image
Hanna, Eliza Sr.fromWilliams, J. L.187360:483Link to document image
Hanna, ElizabethfromHanna, Eliza Sr.187361:310Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toBaltes, Michael1902167:486Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toBecker, Henry W.1890116:219Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toBell, Elizabeth1898151:356Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toFriedmann, Wendelin1890115:362Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toHartman, Henry1890117:183Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.fromHartman, Henry1890117:176Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toHenderson, William D.1901165:114Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toJulliard, Frank M.1890117:132Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toKeyser, Jacob M. (Et ux.)1901166:127Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toKoers, Mary1899154:305Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toKronmiller, John A.1890119:152Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.fromLand & Security Co.1899155:187Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toLawson, Cath. D.1890117:459Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toLeikauf, Jno. Jr.1892124:365Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toMartin, Alex. A.1890116:483Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toMettey, Frederick1890116:299Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toMiller, William1890117:202Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toNickell, Anna H.1891124:78Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toNill, Ida Helena1890116:137Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toOhnech, Geo. D. (Et ux.)1890121:103Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toRayhouser, Addie T.1890116:475Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toRegel, Sofa1894132:454Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toRichter, Bernard D.1894165:397Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toRoss, James P.1893128:70Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toRoss, Judson K.1893128:70Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toRoss, Wilber A.1893128:428Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toSchmueckle, Fred.1890120:204Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toSchoedel, Jacob1893130:444Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toStochr, John1893130:494Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toWalda, Henry B.1891122:138Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toWalda, Wm. C. (Et al.)1891122:136Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toWasserbach, John1890116:464Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toWeber, Bernhard1890116:504Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth C.toWhite, Julia J.1890116:618Link to document image
Hanna, Elizabeth E.toHartman, Homer C.187360:541Link to document image
Hanna, Ethel F. (Et al.)fromHanna, Jas. T.1892126:336Link to document image
Hanna, Geo.toFrederickson, Geo.187155:19Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toBoltz, C. A.187151:612Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toBoltz, F. F.187258:81Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toBowser, Alex187463:383Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toBowser, LaFayette187463:399Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toBowser, S. F.187463:400Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toCarson, Wm. W.187257:97Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.fromCarson, Wm. W.188495:605Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.fromCommons, Patrick186845:53Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.fromHanna, Samuel186333:411Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toHedekin, Thos. B.186229:32Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toHough, S. D.187359:232Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toHough,John197359:233Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toHull, L. O.187463:419Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toKincade, F. B.187157:295Link to document image
Hanna, H. c.toMcKinley, E. D.187359:58Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.fromRandall, F. P.1892123:247Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toRandall, Mary J.1892123:248Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toRayhouser, M. J.187259:258Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toSiemon, A. F.118754:522Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toTaylor, A. L.186851:617Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toVollmer, Daniel187257:341Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toVolmer, Daniel187154:320Link to document image
Hanna, H. C.toVolmer, Daniel187154:321Link to document image
Hanna, H. C. & CharlesfromHanna, Samuel1856T:191Link to document image
Hanna, H. C. (Coms.)toEmerick, J. P.188599:94Link to document image
Hanna, H. C. (Coms.)toTolan, H. T.188392:290Link to document image
Hanna, H. C. (Guard)toForbing, John1888109:46Link to document image
Hanna, H. C. (Trustee)fromSchiefer, Wm. D.1888110:29Link to document image
Hanna, H. c. Jr.toFleming, O. E.188288:190Link to document image
Hanna, H. C. Jr. (Coms.)toVizard, M. & J.188290:213Link to document image
Hanna, H. H.toCity186844:398Link to document image
Hanna, H. H.toCrance, L. A.186436:240Link to document image
Hanna, H. H.toFrederking, C. W. R.186641:442Link to document image
Hanna, H. H.toGrojohn, Augustus186539:38Link to document image
Hanna, H. H.toGrojohn, Frank186539:76Link to document image
Hanna, H. H.toGrojohn, Julius186539:77Link to document image
Hanna, H. H.fromHanna, Saml.186333:29Link to document image
Hanna, H. H.fromHanna, Samuel186333:420Link to document image
Hanna, H. H.toLang, Joseph186743:382Link to document image
Hanna, H. H.toMorel, Edward186640:50Link to document image
Hanna, H. H.toSchultz, Wm.86746:65Link to document image
Hanna, H. H. (Heirs)fromHanna, Wm. W. (Est.)187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, H. T.fromEmery, Sarah187579:23Link to document image
Hanna, H. T.fromGreen, Thomas187152:334Link to document image
Hanna, H. T.toHanna, Chas.187256:254Link to document image
Hanna, H. T.toHanna, Eliza (Sr.)187359:110Link to document image
Hanna, H. T.toHanna, Eliza (Sr.)187359:111Link to document image
Hanna, H. T.toHanna, S. L. T.187256:53Link to document image
Hanna, H. T.fromHanna, Saml. (Est.)186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, H. T.fromHanna, Samuel186333:406Link to document image
Hanna, H. T.fromHutchinson, Jas.187153:242Link to document image
Hanna, H. T.fromSkinner, T. H.187153:172Link to document image
Hanna, H. T.fromWorthington, W. W.187463:405Link to document image
Hanna, H. W.toBauer, K. J.1889110:396Link to document image
Hanna, H. W.toBauer, K. J.1889111:610Link to document image
Hanna, H. W.toBauer, K. J.1889112:348Link to document image
Hanna, H. W.toHollman, A. H.1888106:637Link to document image
Hanna, H. W.toLahmeyer, F. C.1888107:42Link to document image
Hanna, H. W.toRiegel, Alois L.1888109:27Link to document image
Hanna, H. W. (Et al.)fromCommissioner in Partition188084:405Link to document image
Hanna, HenryfromHanna, Saml. (Est.)186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toAuger, B. L.187462:606Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.fromBoltz, Fred F.187257:132Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.fromBoltz, Fred F.187257:132Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toBostick, Emanuel1858V:411Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toCarson, Jane188495:605Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toCarson, Wm. W.187462:445Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toCrimmins, Mary A.187052:232Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toFigal, Mary1902168:196Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toFisher, D. C.187463:530Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toFisher, Wm. B.187463:502Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toFronfield, Reuben1858V:411Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.fromHanna, Eliza Sr.187362:382Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.fromHanna, Eliza Sr.187362:444Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.fromHanna, Samuel1853N:731Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.fromHanna, Wm. W. (Est.)187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.fromKammeyer, Conrad1895138:459Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toKammeyer, Conrad1895138:460Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toKeller, Roth, & Keefer187463:519Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toLillie, James187463:232Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.fromMcKinley, John187565:554Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toMiller, Margaret187360:408Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toMyers, Emma D. W.187359:450Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toNuttman, Joseph D.187462:373Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toPickard, Thos. R.187360:350Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toPickard, Thos. R.187461:551Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toPickard, Thos. R.187463:247Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toPickard, Thos. R.187463:529Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toReichards, Catharine187465:507Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toSmith, Mary A.187362:327Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.fromSmith, Mary A.187565:598Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toStruver, Louisa187875:24Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C.toTrustee Free Methodist Ch.187365:507Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C. (Comr.)toHolley, Sarah1900159:527Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C. (Tr.)fromFigel, John C.1902166:441Link to document image
Hanna, Henry C. (Tr.)fromHaley, Joseph M. (Tr.)1901165:327Link to document image
Hanna, HoracefromHanna, Saml. (Est.)186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, HoracetoHensie, Wm.186331:448Link to document image
Hanna, HoracetoMorel, John186340:18Link to document image
Hanna, Horace (Plat of the Partition by Coms. of the estate of)to188084:405Link to document image
Hanna, Horace H.fromBarnett, A. G.186847:89Link to document image
Hanna, Horace H.fromBarnett, John H.186847:89Link to document image
Hanna, Horace H.fromFort Wayne Machine Works186331:227Link to document image
Hanna, Horace H. (est.)toHanna, Bass (et al.)187360:529Link to document image
Hanna, Horace W.toBauer, Kajeton J.1889114:516Link to document image
Hanna, Horace W.toRodabaugh, J. F.1888107:633Link to document image
Hanna, HughtoEverly, William F.1855R:250Link to document image
Hanna, HughtoLepper, Henry1852M:600Link to document image
Hanna, HughtoMcCulloch, Hugh Lute G. L.1854Q:276Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toCarnahan, Clara L.187461:397Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toEmery, Charles187579:69Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromHanna, Chas.187051:487Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromHanna, Chas.187153:323Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromHanna, Chas.187461:477Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromHanna, Chas.187462:337Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromHanna, Chas.187462:589Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toHanna, Chas.187462:336Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toHanna, Eliza (Jr.)186745:119Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toHanna, Eliza (Sr.)186745:119Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toHanna, Eliza (Sr.)187359:111Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromHanna, Eliza Sr.187360:573Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromHanna, Eliza Sr.187361:333Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromHanna, Eliza Sr.187361:618Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromHanna, Eliza Sr.187470:138Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toHanna, James T.187461:397Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromHanna, Saml. (Est.)186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toHanna, Saml. T.186745:119Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromHanna, Wm. W. (Est.)187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromHayden, Eliza H.187464:200Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toHayden, Eliza Hanna1902167:173Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toHenderson, Angeline187360:586Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromHenderson, Angeline197360:572Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromKearns, Sophia187152:384Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toKlug, Gregor187463:5Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toRay, Mary & Wm.187667:453Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromRay, Wm. F.187667:452Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toSkinner, Thomasetta187461:430Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toSkinner, Thomasetta187462:36Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.fromSkinner, Thomasetta H.187462:5Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toTrustee 1st Preb. Church186745:120Link to document image
Hanna, Hugh T.toWorthington, W. W.187463:333Link to document image
Hanna, J. B.toHough, John1850K:98Link to document image
Hanna, J. E.toForbing, Jennie H.188496:162Link to document image
Hanna, J. T.toBolyard, James K.187464:312Link to document image
Hanna, J. T.toBruns, Wm.1889112:268Link to document image
Hanna, J. T.fromCarson, W. W.187873:566Link to document image
Hanna, J. T.fromFletcher, S. J.1885101:371Link to document image
Hanna, J. T.toLewis, M. J.1886101:372Link to document image
Hanna, J. T.toZwahlen, Frank187463:217Link to document image
Hanna, J. T. & A. F.fromWheeler, Nelson187977:413Link to document image
Hanna, J. T. (Coms.)toGriebel, A. L. (Et ux.)1888108:330Link to document image
Hanna, J. ThomastoNoble, J. E.187565:219Link to document image
Hanna, J. Thos.toHanna, O. s.187051:503Link to document image
Hanna, J. Thos.fromHanna, O. S.187051:502Link to document image
Hanna, J. Thos.fromHanna, Oliver S.1889112:621Link to document image
Hanna, Jaes T.toBoyd, Seymour D.1892127:164Link to document image
Hanna, James B.toMetcalf, Daniel1852N:510Link to document image
Hanna, James F.toSteger, Albert H. (Et ux.)1890118:80Link to document image
Hanna, James T.toBaade, Ernst1890115:526Link to document image
Hanna, James T.toCarnahan, Clar L.187461:609Link to document image
Hanna, James T.fromCarnahan, Clara L.187360:566Link to document image
Hanna, James T.fromCarnahan, Clara L.187360:567Link to document image
Hanna, James T.toCochrane, Humphrey & Co. 187462:206Link to document image
Hanna, James T.fromErtel, George (E ux.)1891113:384Link to document image
Hanna, James T.toErtel, George (Et al.)1891120:338Link to document image
Hanna, James T.toFay, Montford W.1892127:164Link to document image
Hanna, James T.toFisher, Wm. B.187565:320Link to document image
Hanna, James T.fromHanna, Hugh T.187461:397Link to document image
Hanna, James T.fromHanna, Oliver S.187360:566Link to document image
Hanna, James T.toHanna, Oliver S.187360:503Link to document image
Hanna, James T.fromHanna, Samuel T.187564:410Link to document image
Hanna, James T.toKrudop, George H.1898153:488Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. F.fromHanna, Samuel186333:416Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. I.toRehling, Ernst (Et ux.)1890117:29Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toAmstutz, Peter S. (Et al.)1893130:432Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toBeaver, M. A.1889110:537Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toBesancon, Alex. F.1893131:123Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.fromBesancon, Alex. F.1893131:237Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.fromBesancon, Margit1893131:237Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toBesancon, Margit.1893131:123Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toCarnaham, Wm. L.1886102:555Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toDeWald, Mollie H.1892126:24Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.fromDills, Thos. J.1888109:284Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toEmme, William1890117:284Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toForbing, John1889114:284Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toForthmiller, Jacob (Et ux.)1890118:259Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toGreene, Mary M.187256:91Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toHanna, Chas.187154:27Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toHanna, Ethel F. (Et al.)1892126:336Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.fromHanna, Saml. (Est.)186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.fromHanna, Saml. (Est.)186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toHollmann, August1892126:340Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toKeyser, Jacob M.1887107:142Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toKroft, Frederick1888107:235Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toNickells, Agnes E.1894135:408Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.fromPorter, Hiram (Adm.)1894133:372Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toPutman, Geo. C. (Et al.)1890118:182Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toSiemon, Rudolph187770:186Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T.toVollmerding, Fred1890117:285Link to document image
Hanna, Jas. T. (Comr.)toSmith, Caroline F.1893132:460Link to document image
Hanna, Jesse E.toHayden, F. J.1884102:314Link to document image
Hanna, Jesse, E. (Et al.)fromCommissioner in Partition188084:405Link to document image
Hanna, JessiefromHanna, Samuel186333:413Link to document image
Hanna, Jos. T.toBoitel, Francis188286:263Link to document image
Hanna, Jos. T.toCarson, W. W.187891:127Link to document image
Hanna, Jos. T.fromHanna, Samuel186333:409Link to document image
Hanna, Jos. T. (Et al.)toHanna, E. C.1887105:224Link to document image
Hanna, Joseph T.fromBrannan, Mary A.1902169:274Link to document image
Hanna, L. M.toEvans, Edwin186438:5Link to document image
Hanna, L. M.toRapp, George186434:507Link to document image
Hanna, L. M.toThompson, A. M.186538:497Link to document image
Hanna, L. M.fromThompson, Ann M.186435:320Link to document image
Hanna, LucretiafromThompson, B. S.186437:101Link to document image
Hanna, M. E.toHayden, J. W.188393:454Link to document image
Hanna, M. E.toNuttman, C. L.188289:336Link to document image
Hanna, M. E.fromNuttman, C. L.188289:294Link to document image
Hanna, M. E.fromNuttman, C. L.188289:335Link to document image
Hanna, M. E.toRodabaugh, J. F.188290:60Link to document image
Hanna, M. E.toSeabold, Christian188393:152Link to document image
Hanna, M. T.fromCommissioner in Partition188288:522Link to document image
Hanna, Martha E.toEckart, Fred187976:408Link to document image
Hanna, Mary E.fromCarnaham, C. L.1892129:511Link to document image
Hanna, Mary E.toPollock, Jas. H.1893130:197Link to document image
Hanna, Mary E.toSear, William1892127:276Link to document image
Hanna, Miles A.toWood, Alonzo W.1841K:257Link to document image
Hanna, MinniefromHanna, Samuel186333:410Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.fromCarnahan, C. L.187051:501Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.toCarnahan, C. L.187051:504Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.fromConnett, Franklin1897144:369Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.fromConnett, Marens F.1891122:286Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.toFairfield, Belle A.1892127:189Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.toFort Wayne City Hospital188391:527Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.fromHanna, Chas.187051:484Link to document image
Hanna, O. s.fromHanna, J. Thos.187051:503Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.toHanna, J. Thos.187051:502Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.fromHanna, Samuel186333:408Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.fromHanna, Thomesetta186947:273Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.toHarter, Philip187770:200Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.toLindlag, C. W.187566:265Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.fromMcClaren, Elizabeth1894134:332Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.fromMcKeeman, Wm.1894134:234Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.toMiles, Chas.187770:188Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.toNuttman, C. L.188289:287Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.toPollock, Jas. H.1893130:197Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.fromRastenburg, Rud.1894132:156Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.toStahleker, Geo.186950:34Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.fromStrack, Jno. F.1896141:511Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.fromStrack, Mary F.1896141:512Link to document image
Hanna, O. S.toTrustees Ger. E. L. Ch.187153:235Link to document image
Hanna, O. S. & J. T.toCarnahan, Clara L.187360:499Link to document image
Hanna, O. S. (Et al.)toMcNulty, John187052:254Link to document image
Hanna, O. T.fromHanna, Saml. (Est.)186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromAuditor1900146:582Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromCarnahan, Clara L.187360:503Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromCarnahan, Clara L.187360:599Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.toCarnahan, clara L.187361:27Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromCarnahan, Clara L.187564:442Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromCarnahan, Clara L.187564:442Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromConnett, Wm. S.1896142:186Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromEckart, Frederick1892127:129Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.toGreen, Mary M.187360:98Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.toGriebel, Louis1894133:133Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.toHanna, J. Thos.1889112:621Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.toHanna, James T.187360:566Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromHanna, James T.187360:503Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromHartman, Geo. B.1892124:331Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.toHoke, John A.1899155:205Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromHolladay, Lavina H.1890116:86Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromHull, Florentena (Et al.)1891113:516Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.toIsrael, Carl F.1902165:493Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromKinnaird, Alexander1896142:360Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.toKnoblanch, Otto1900157:380Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.toMcKeeman, Wm.1894134:212Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.toOBrien, Dennis187770:504Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.toRoepke, Chas. W.1892123:326Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.toSear, William1892127:276Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.toShearer, Hubert H.1902168:411Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromSheriff1901162:357Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.toSinel, John F.1902166:463Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.toSlusher, James1896141:488Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromStrack, Chas. R.1892124:502Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromStrack, Erwin P.1891113:369Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromStrack, George L.1891113:534Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S.fromTrustees Ev. Luth. Union1890116:238Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S. (Ex.)toMenefee Foundry Co.1902170:452Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver S. (Ex.)toYoquelet, Louis1902170:417Link to document image
Hanna, Oliver, S.toMaurer & Fowles187566:304Link to document image
Hanna, R. b.toShambaugh, W. H.1893128:382Link to document image
Hanna, Robert (Comr.)toGeanlly, Daniel W.1841I:696Link to document image
Hanna, Robert (Comr.)toLanaty, Henry W.1841I:696Link to document image
Hanna, Robert (Comr.)toReed, Hugh B.1845J:410Link to document image
Hanna, Robert (Comr.)toWinnans, Anthony N.1841I:696Link to document image
Hanna, Robert B.fromAndrews, James C.1899153:154Link to document image
Hanna, Robert B.toAndrews, James C. (Et ux.)1899153:155Link to document image
Hanna, Robert B.fromRabus, Gustave A.1895163:428Link to document image
Hanna, Robert B.toRabus, Gustave A. (Et ux.)1895163:429Link to document image
Hanna, Robert B.toStults, Charles E.1897147:459Link to document image
Hanna, Robert B.fromStults, Minnie1897147:458Link to document image
Hanna, Robt. B.fromAnderson, Geo.1893129:95Link to document image
Hanna, Robt. B.toForbing, John1889114:82Link to document image
Hanna, Robt. B.fromHoneick, Clara1896143:207Link to document image
Hanna, Robt. B.toHoneick, Wilhelm1896143:208Link to document image
Hanna, Robt. B.toMeriwether, Georgette1890117:465Link to document image
Hanna, Robt. B.fromMeriwether, Jas. R.1890117:464Link to document image
Hanna, Robt. B.fromPeters, John C.1896143:543Link to document image
Hanna, Robt. B.toPeters, John C. (Et ux.)1896143:542Link to document image
Hanna, S. C.toDoenges, Wm.1887105:598Link to document image
Hanna, S. C.toHahn, Wm.1888109:468Link to document image
Hanna, S. C.toThieme, Theo. F. (Et al.)1888109:472Link to document image
Hanna, S. C.fromWithers, W. H. (Trustee)188184:178Link to document image
Hanna, S. D.toBaur, Jacob1886101:346Link to document image
Hanna, S. D.toDryer, F. H. Wm.1889110:366Link to document image
Hanna, S. D.toEdgerton, A. P.1886102:11Link to document image
Hanna, S. D.toFort Wayne City1886102:74Link to document image
Hanna, S. D.toHayden, E. H.1886102:315Link to document image
Hanna, S. D.toJergensen, Peter188599:272Link to document image
Hanna, S. D.toJones, C. M. (Et ux.)1886101:376Link to document image
Hanna, S. D.toRodenbeck, C. H. (Et ux.)1889110:397Link to document image
Hanna, S. F.toForbing, Jno. & J. H.188495:307Link to document image
Hanna, S. F.fromHanna, Chas. 186745:95Link to document image
Hanna, S. F.fromHanna, Samuel186333:412Link to document image
Hanna, S. F.toWhite, Maria188289:418Link to document image
Hanna, S. F.toWhite, Maria188495:308Link to document image
Hanna, S. F. & C.toWesson, F. (Et ux.)188496:173Link to document image
Hanna, S. Fred.toTraxler, Rosetta1897145:464Link to document image
Hanna, S. H. & H. H.toMcQuire, Terrence186644:27Link to document image
Hanna, S. L. (Heirs.)toWhite, Jas. B.187255:494Link to document image
Hanna, S. L. (Hrs.)toBoerger, Wm.186952:249Link to document image
Hanna, S. L. T.fromHanna, H. T.187256:53Link to document image
Hanna, S. T.fromBuchart, Adam186437:200Link to document image
Hanna, S. T.toBush, Isaac186956:17Link to document image
Hanna, S. T.toCrance, L. A.186436:240Link to document image
Hanna, S. T.fromHanna, Samuel186333:419Link to document image
Hanna, S. T.toHayden, E. H. & F. J.188391:368Link to document image
Hanna, S. T.toMorel, John186340:18Link to document image
Hanna, S. T.toSiemon, Rudolph187256:49Link to document image
Hanna, S. T.fromSmith, Wm. S.186641:234Link to document image
Hanna, S. T. & H. T.fromPlymouth, K. & P. R. R. Co.187258:365Link to document image
Hanna, S. T. (Et al.)toBrobst, Louisa186951:22Link to document image
Hanna, S. T. (Et al.)toBrokeing, M. S.187786:273Link to document image
Hanna, S. T. (Et al.)toDaub, Adam186947:469Link to document image
Hanna, S. T. (Et al.)toFlaharty, Patrick187255:320Link to document image
Hanna, S. T. (Et al.)fromLink, Lucy A. (Adm.)187257:355Link to document image
Hanna, S. T. (Et al.)toLucy, Anna E.187255:327Link to document image
Hanna, S. T. (Et al.)toMcDermott, J. J.187255:293Link to document image
Hanna, S. T. (Et al.)toNolan, Johanna186950:236Link to document image
Hanna, S. T. (Trustee)fromHanna, Eliza (Sr.)187155:49Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toAnmann, Chris.186033:193Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toAnneiler, Louis186639:408Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toBabcock, Francis M.1860Y:305Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toBarner, Chas.186128:160Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toBass, Jno. H.186333:298Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toBastus, Michael186437:218Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toBeal, Wm.186228:232Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toBenton, Harriet186333:106Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toBeuret, John186333:131Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toBiddle, Geo.186128:499Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toBird, Ochmig186228:412Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toBolinger, Joseph186333:273Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toBowser, Henry (Jr.)186330:115Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toBowser, J. C.186228:412Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toBrannan, Julia186130:250Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toBuhart, Elizabeth186537:573Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toBustues, Michael186026:28Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toCarroll, John186229:186Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toCochrane, John186130:231Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toColerick, Jno. A.186331:54Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toComparet, D. F.186331:113Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromComparet, D. F.186331:166Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromComparet, Jos. J.186331:166Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toComparet, Jos. J.186331:113Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toCurrent, S. S.186333:518Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toCurtis, Martin186333:299Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toDavis, Aug. S.186330:443Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toDean, Thos. F.186643:160Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toDierstien, Conrad186539:166Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toDolan, Ed. M.185928:203Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toDriftmeier, Ernst186333:259Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toEckert, Fred186127:607Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toEdsall, Wm. S.186333:1Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toEhrmann, Geo.186539:171Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toFerguson, John186228:556Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toFisher, S. A.186333:28Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toFletcher, Chas. A.186333:379Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toFreman, Jos. F.186330:361Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toFremion, Jos.186333:84Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toFt. W. Gas. L. Co.186537:562Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toFurste, Ferdinand1840101:435Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toGebhart, Wm.186333:373Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. toGercrken, Geo.185598:551Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toGerken, Geo.186030:292Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toGibson, F. X.186330:136Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toGreneillet, Jacob186330:362Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toGruber, Michael186333:134Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toHaderhorst, O.186333:138Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toHamilton, Allen185228:141Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toHamilton, Allen186330:137Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toHanna, Charles186341:213Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromHanna, Chas.186229:100Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toHanna, H. H.186333:29Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toHass, Jacob186334:450Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toHenschen, Wm.186229:414Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toHilgerman, E. H.185837:177Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toHood, Lucind186434:379Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromHostmeyer, Henry185228:151Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toHumphrey, Geo.186130:231Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toJefferds, May C.186033:65Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toKanne, Frederick186028:450Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toKayser, Anthony186330:386Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toKeifhafer, Geo.186333:327Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toKele, Phillip1851K:649Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toKeller, Sebastian186434:8Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toKook, Frank186343:176Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toKunly, Jacob186333:242Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toLa Franz, Henry186337:308Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toLahmeyer, Danl.186333:243Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toLandin, Michael186333:339Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toLawson, Robt. P.186330:550Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toLawson, Robt. P.186333:1Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toLewis, Ira186330:376Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toLose, Hanna186130:327Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromLoveless, Samuel186435:458Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromMailand, Conrad186333:225Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromManor, Joseph186230:471Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toMarquardt, Adam186333:248Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toMartin, William186333:203Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromMartin, Wm.186359:377Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromMatch, William186434:181Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toMessersmith, Geo.186333:1Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toMoran, Peter186331:22Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromP. F. W. & C. R. R. Co.186229:366Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toP. F. W. & C. R. R. Co.186331:382Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toP. Ft. W. & C. R. W.186229:78Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toParker, Christian186331:254Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toPayne, Saml. S.186230:466Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toPepee, Lewis186330:377Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toPequignot, Francis186333:195Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toPukounik, Jno.186333:344Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toRebis, Tobias186330:386Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toRehnen, Olricla1844105:473Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toReihling, P. J.186333:285Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toRenz, Adeline186333:178Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toRobinson, Wm.184438:218Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toRudisill, E.186333:371Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toRug, Wm. F.186330:222Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toSchwartz, Phillip186639:438Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromSheriff186228:564Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromSheriff, A. Co.1857U:187Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromSheriff, A. Co.1857U:189Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toSimons, O. A.186330:452Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toSith, Edward184273:287Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toSlocum, Edward185528:87Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toSmith, Jno. W.186333:1Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toSmith, Larkins186333:253Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromSpears, James1859X:466Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toSpeidel, Herman186539:364Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toSpitz, Michael186333:372Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromState Bank1854W:501Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toSteger, Rudolph186341:512Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toSteinberg, Wm.184930:297Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toSteller, Louis186537:564Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toStillhorn, Frederick186028:450Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toStoadecker, Geo.186333:388Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromStomberg, Wm.186330:461Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toTaber, S. C.186330:137Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromTayler, L. N.186641:240Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toThain, John186543:43Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toTilden, Saml. J.186228:556Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toTilfone, Wm. G.186331:5Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.fromTrustee W. & E. Canal185394:140Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toUnderhill, P. S.186333:393Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toWaddington, Wm.185831:516Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toWalda, Frederick1858V:358Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toWall, Mary Ann1858V:355Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toWallolett, Jno. J.186330:369Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toWers, William186028:450Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toWichman, A. C. F.186028:633Link to document image
Hanna, Saml.toZentner, James186331:81Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toCarnahan, C. L.186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toHanna, Charles186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toHanna, Eliza186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toHanna, Eliza186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toHanna, Eliza186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toHanna, H. T.186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toHanna, Henry186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toHanna, Horace186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toHanna, Hugh T.186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toHanna, Jas. T.186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toHanna, Jas. T.186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toHanna, O. T.186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toHanna, Saml. T.186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toHanna, Thomsetta186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toHanna, Wm. H.186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toHoagland & Wm.186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toJefferds and French186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toMcConnell, Geo. W.186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toMcCulloch, Hugh186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Est.)toTaylor, Wm. M.186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Et al.)toHunt, Edward186643:378Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Heirs)toPurman, Elizabeth E.187360:515Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. (Trustee)toSchroder, Frederick1855S:489Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.toBehrens, Henry1889112:128Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.fromBond, Hugh M. C.1887104:230Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.fromBond, Jessie H.1889111:175Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.toDickey, Geo. W.1891134:404Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.toDudenhoefer, Geo. P.1890117:148Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.toForbing, John1890117:166Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.fromHanna, Chas. H.1895139:42Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.fromHayden, Eliza H. (Et al.)1891113:334Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.fromHeckman, Wm. C.1887104:229Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.toHorstmeyer, Amelia1888108:564Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.toKaiser, Andy H.1887103:485Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.toKeyser, J. M.1892125:190Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.toKirchefer, H. A.1887103:289Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.toLadig, John J.1892123:195Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.toLittle, Oliver1894134:340Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.toMartin, H. W.1887104:357Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.toMuldoon, Margt.1890115:224Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.fromRobertson, R. S. (Guard)1887103:389Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.toSchomberg, Henry1889112:114Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D.toSpindler, W. S.1894134:327Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. D. (Et al.)fromCommissioner in Partition188084:405Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. F.fromAuditor1893128:132Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. F.fromAuditor1893128:133Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. F.fromAuditor1893128:135Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. F.toEckart, F.187566:55Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. F.fromHanna, Sarah C.1893131:203Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. F.toShoaff, Thos. B.1888107:614Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. F. & H.toFord, Nancy186744:233Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. F. (Et al.)toShoaff, Thos. B.1888109:247Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. TfromSkinner, Benj. D.187568:376Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.toCarnahan, Clara L.187462:370Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.fromEEmerick, A. J.186537:405Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.toFrederking, C. W. R.186641:442Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.toGreen, Mary M.187359:371Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.toGrojohn, Augustus186539:78Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.toGrojohn, Julius186539:77Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.fromHanna, Chas.186562:28Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.fromHanna, Eliza Sr.187361:87Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.fromHanna, Eliza Sr.187361:88Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.toHanna, Eliza Sr.187360:396Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.fromHanna, Hugh T.186745:119Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.fromHanna, Saml. (Est.)186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.toHayden, Eliza1888112:190Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.toLaidlow, Walter186436:59Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.toMeyers, Dederich187978:555Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.toMorel, Edward186640:50Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.toSchultz, Wm.186746:65Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.toSpellman, Elizabeth B.187565:590Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.toTag, Christian187461:374Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.toTrustee 1st Preb. Church186745:120Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T.toVan Voorhis, Frank187359:448Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T. (Trustee)toHanna, Eliza Sr.187360:525Link to document image
Hanna, Saml. T. (trustee)toPurman, Elizabeth E.187462:180Link to document image
Hanna, Samuelto1852M:156Link to document image
Hanna, Samuelto-, William G.1848I:651Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoAdams, Israel186641:129Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoAddition To Ft. Wayne1856T:160Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoAnderson, Calvin1852L:627Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoAnderson, F. P.1849I:642Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromAnderson, T. P.186539:380Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromAnderson, T. P.186539:380Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromAnderson, T. P.186539:380Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoAnderson, Thomas P.1852M:371Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromAuditor1854X:383Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoAuger, Charles1853N:556Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromBailey, Peter P.186026:186Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromBailey, Peter P.186229:114Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBaker, Frederick1850K:632Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBaker, Henry1858V:298Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBaker, Henry186441:264Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBaker, John1852M:492Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBaker, John1855S:51Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBall, David1842T:18Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBarber, Jane1853O:94Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBarber, Myron F.1853O:93Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBardelmaer, Henry1855S:70Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBarnett, James1841L:381Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBarnett, James1855S:678Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBayless, Sol. D.186228:248Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBeaver, Augustus C.1859X:202Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBender, Geo.186437:14Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBennoit, Julian1847M:494Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBennoit, Julian1847M:495Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBennoit, Julien1843M:493Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBenoit, Julian1852M:663Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBensman, Rudolph1853O:132Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromBercot, Francis1855R:56Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBiddle, George1860Y:638Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromBiddle, George186127:525Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBlack, Sygesmund M.1841K:477Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBond, Charles D.1856T:167Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBond, S. B. (Assignee)186229:115Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBorger, Eberhart I.1848J:306Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBorger, Harman1848J:306Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBorger, Jacob1848J:306Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBorger, Rudolph1848J:306Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBorger, William1848J:306Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBorneman, C. W.1850K:38Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBostick, Emanuel1858W:447Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBowen, Mason M.1847J:352Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBowen, William1847J:108Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBowser, Jacob C.1841I:683Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBowser, Jacob C.1844I:566Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBowser, Jacob C.1845P:534Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBowser, Malian186333:146Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBrackenridge, Robert J.1849K:545Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromBrackenridge, Robt. (Jr.)1851L:322Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBrackerridge, R. (Jr.)1854T:72Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBrannon, Michael186127:330Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBreimeier, A.186128:192Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBrookameyer, Henry1854P:697Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBrown, John1852M:546Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBrunner, John186434:174Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBrunnerman, Staffen1848Q:105Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBruns, C. F.1855S:15Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBuckhert, Adam186434:114Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBulager, George1852M:675Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromBurbarger, Gerrid1855R:179Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromBurch, Geo. (Ex.)186127:525Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBurger, Ludwig1858V:143Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBurger, Ludwig1858V:400Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBurlager, George1855S:364Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBurlager, Gerit1855S:32Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBurt, John1842T:25Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBurt, John1843T:26Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBurt, John1845K:128Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBush, Isaac186128:332Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBushman, Frederick Wm.1848K:158Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoBushman, Frederidk Wm.1850K:120Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCaler, George W.1852X:46Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCanady, Henry H.1841Q:684Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCanady, Henry H.1859X:204Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCannady, Henry C.1854P:11Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCarson, William W.1856S:396Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCarson, William W.1856S:434Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoChallenger, Joseph W.1856T:229Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoChute, Richard1854Q:169Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoClark, Thomas1849J:269Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoClaus, John Christopher1859X:237Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCochrane, John186027:41Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCochrane, John186434:165Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCody, Morris1849P:494Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoColerick, Elizabeth W.1856T:9Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoColerick, Henry R.1846J:210Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoColerick, Henry R.1856U:118Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCommon School of Ft. W.1855R:177Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoComparet, David F.1853O:8Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoComparet, David F.1855Q:804Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoComparet, Joseph J.1853O:8Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoComstock, Aaron1850K:492Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCoombs, John F.1858X:532Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromCoombs, John F.1858W:400Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCorcoran, John184866:58Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCorcoran, Patrick184866:58Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCothrell, Newell1859V:584Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCounty of Allen1849I:702Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCounty of Allen1849I:703Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCour, Claudes J. A.1856V:155Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCox, John186127:530Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoCramer, Christian1847K:534Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoDailey, James W.1851K:549Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoDalman, Wm.184548:213Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoDaniels, Mader1856U:182Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoDawson, John W.1860Y:299Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoDecker, Jno. F.186641:126Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoDelavan, Bernard186333:473Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoDevlin, John1848I:571Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoDinklage, Christian1850K:105Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoDodane, Joseph186229:533Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoDubois, Elvira186438:425Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromDubois, John B.186435:22Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromDykes, Robert186330:227Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoDymond, Richard J.1860Y:236Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoEmbree, Joseph1852L:524Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoEmerick, Andrew1855R:121Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoEmnich, Henry1858V:421Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoEpple, John186333:356Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoEpple, John186434:173Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoEvans, William1850K:37Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoEwing, William G.1849I:651Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFairfield, Asa1848J:250Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFairfield, John184742:557Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFairfield, Sarah E.1859X:208Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFairfield, Sarah E.1859X:453Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFallow, Henry1852M:302Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFalls, George1852M:302Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFalls, Louisa1852M:302Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFarnon, Owen1859V:442Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFelling, Frederick1860Y:117Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromFerguson, John186228:429Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFieler, William1852Y:303Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFisher, Anthony1858V:207Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromFisher, Anthony1858W:399Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFisher, George W.185927:32Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFisher, George W.185927:33Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFisher, Samuel H.1856S:428Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromFisher, Samuel H.186331:73Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFleming, Robert E.1859Y:196Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromFleming, William186127:528Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFoellinger, Jacob1859V:632Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoForbush, Joel F.1859X:500Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromFremier, Joseph186333:30Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFremon, Newton B.1856V:621Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromFrench, Maria C.186333:153Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFrester, Wm.184052:16Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFricke, Henry G. E.1848I:538Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFronfield, Reuben1858W:447Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFt. W. & Chicago R. R. Co.1853N:528Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFt. W. & Chicago R. R. Co.1854R:472Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFt. W. & Chicago R. R. Co.1854R:475Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFtick, Henry G. E.1849O:351Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFuller, Jas. L.186342:114Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoFurste, Ferdinand1842I:519Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoG. T. S. of the G. E. S. S. of M. O.186330:525Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGable, Christian1853N:792Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGarey, William1843M:277Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGaynemer, Celestin1844M:496Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGeerkin, George1852M:742Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGeerkin, George1853O:454Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGeerkin, Henry1848Y:339Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGehle, Frederick1849J:414Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGifler, Louis186331:486Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGlynn, Mathias1858V:293Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGollar, Elisabeth A.1846L:8Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGraden, Israel1850J:672Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGraff, Max.186539:351Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGrannaman, Henry1851N:130Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGreene, Mary187256:202Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGreer, James1847J:153Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGreer, James1849K:722Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGrojohn, Frank186539:76Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoGross, Frederick C.1860Y:326Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromHackley, Jack W.1851L:195Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHagg, John186027:424Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHailendere, Gaynomer1844M:496Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromHall, Charles186331:384Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromHall, Norman186331:384Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHamilton, Allen1849U:276Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHamilton, Fred.186331:217Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, Alice186333:415Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, C. L.186333:417Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, Coralyn186333:414Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, Eliza186333:421Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, H. C.186333:411Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, H. C. & Charles1856T:191Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, H. H.186333:420Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, H. T.186333:406Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, Henry C.1853N:731Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, Jas. F.186333:416Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, Jessie186333:413Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, Jos. T.186333:409Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, Minnie186333:410Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, O. S.186333:408Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, S. F.186333:412Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, S. T.186333:419Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, Thomasetta186333:407Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHanna, Wm. W.186333:418Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHarler, Peter1858V:500Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromHarrod, Eli1850K:134Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromHarter, Peter1858W:400Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHartman, Eliza186434:112Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromHartman, Geo. R.186434:92Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHavel, Henry184626:167Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHavell, John1846K:91Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHeck, Jacob1844K:761Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHefner, John1848I:462Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHelm, Theodore186027:31Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHendericks, Harmon1848J:302Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromHenderson, William D.1850K:130Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHensie, Wm.186332:157Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHerber, Peter1858V:110Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHerndon, John M.1857U:450Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHerrick, Amos1846J:372Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHerrick, John1851K:522Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHickey, Michael184367:186Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHilbright, Henry1860Y:270Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHilsman, Frederick1849J:309Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHoagland, Phiny1856U:22Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromHoagland, Phiny (Et ux.)1856T:429Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHoagland, Pliny1850K:492Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHoke, Jacob1854P:636Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHolcomb, Absolom1859X:548Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHolmes, William1854O:734Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHorsmire, Henry186026:16Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromHough, John (Jr. Admr.)1856S:423Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHough, John (Jr.)1855S:9Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHubbell, M. W.1853O:8Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHumphrey, Geo.186434:165Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHumphrey, George1858V:100Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHumphrey, George186027:41Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHunter, William1850L:171Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoHurd, Orrin D.1858V:100Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromHuxford, M. W.1848I:486Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoIba, William1844J:280Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoJacob, Mary A.1858X:30Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoJacoby, Mary A.1856U:218Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoJefferds, O. W.196434:501Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoJerman, Anthony S.1858X:530Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromJohns, Alfred S.186331:165Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoJohnson, Jas. W.186437:22Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKanna, Frederick1848I:372Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKannaman, Fred186439:114Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKanne, Fred185828:447Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKanne, Frederick1858V:550Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKarning, Lewis1854P:443Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKime, John1849J:127Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKing, Hiram1849L:183Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromKirk, L. F.186331:91Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKister, John1843I:600Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKlinger, John H.1851K:589Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKnapp, Isaac1860Y:368Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKoster, Christian1858X:542Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKoster, John1848I:589Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKramer, William185727:560Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKretner, Joseph1859X:445Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKrudop, John B.1849I:610Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKrudop, John B.1858X:542Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoKruse, Gerat1841J:44Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoL. E. W. & St. R. R. Co.1853P:382Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoLankenour, Francis1846K:434Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromLase, Hannah186127:529Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromLee, Israel186435:314Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoLee, John186128:332Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoLeherman, John C.1858X:367Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoLehman, Charles1847M:215Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoLeib, Henry1852Q:755Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoLillie, James1858Y:13Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoLillie, John1858Y:13Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromLindenwood Cemetery186331:167Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoLink, Lucy A.186335:272Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoLonegan, Jane1858W:268Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromLoomis, Asphaxed186127:525Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoLudbring, Henry1847I:681Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoLyon, Rockwell M.1849I:680Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMartin, Wm.186229:63Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMatch, William186026:16Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMatherina, Wm.185828:449Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMayer, Andrew1851K:439Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMayer, Ernest1852O:412Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMayers, Nicholas1855R:369Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMcClane, Patrick1855R:584Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMcCulloch, Hugh1853N:585Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMcDonald, A.1857T:477Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMcFee, Wm.186434:165Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMcIntosh, John1838X:526Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMcJunkin, A. M.1838R:488Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMeiers, Frederck1848I:457Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMetheany, Andrew1859X:423Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMiller, John M.1850K:44Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMiller, Joseph C. & George B.1839S:684Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMiller, Lewis1852M:89Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMollet, Henry1859X:382Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMommer, Lewis186434:476Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMootz, Alexander1854P:164Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromMorgan, B. P.186250:608Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMorgan, John B.1860Y:283Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMorgan, O. P.186228:285Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMorgan, William1860Y:282Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMorse, Samuel S.184048:82Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoMyers, Geo.186439:215Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoNalequette, Felix1849J:173Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoNeff, Annatte1852M:302Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoNeff, France1852M:302Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoNeff, Jacob1852M:303Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoNestel, Daniel1857U:505Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoNestel, Daniel1858V:462Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoNestel, Daniel1859X:356Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoNestel, Daniel186434:480Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoNestle, Daniel1852M:513Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoNill, George1848L:35Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoNill, John1849J:492Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoNoll, George1839L:112Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoNugent, Edward184638:445Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoOgden, Robert1858X:451Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoOhio & Indiana R. R. Co.1852M:156Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoOhio & Indiana R. R. Co.1854R:99Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoOhnech, Peter1860Y:77Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoOut Lots1854P:551Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoPalais, SaintDeMaurice1849J:395Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoParent, Hiram1855S:287Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoPaul, Benjamin186127:468Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoPaul, John (Et al.)1853P:385Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoPierr, Jacob1853P:67Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoPlat B.1858W:418Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoPlat Vacated by City1858W:413Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoPrince, John S.1854Q:169Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoPutt, Henry L.184338:253Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoPutt, Henry L.186330:605Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoRandall, Franklin P.1853O:396Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoRayhouser, Mary Jane185927:398Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoRehling, Fred186229:111Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoRehling, Frederick185727:567Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoRehling, Frederick (Jr.)185927:318Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoRehling, William1847I:565Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoRehorst, Frederick1857U:436Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoReiker, Henry1851N:543Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoReniker, Christian1851T:76Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoRhm, Christian186539:270Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoRockhill, Wm.186434:152Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoRodabaugh, Thomas (Jr.)1860Y:284Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoRose, Anthony1857U:118Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoRudisell, H. J.186128:330Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoRudisill, Henry1852M:476Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoRutter, Frederick1852O:530Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSaen, William1857U:465Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSaillier, Jean Claude1854P:344Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSalge, Ferdinand1855S:287Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSampson, Harriet186751:401Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSander, William1852M:421Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSander, William1859X:460Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSangan, Michael1849K:419Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSchruermann, Peter1858V:408Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSchuler, Mathias186337:229Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSchultz, William1860Y:379Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromSchuly, William1858W:398Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSchulz, William1858V:513Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSchust, Michael186034:124Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSeabold, John1860Y:517Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoShafer, Adaline186333:437Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoShaffer, William1852M:606Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromSheriff186331:156Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoShilling, Francis1859X:524Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoShoaff, John P.1851K:524Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoShoaff, Samuel H.1855R:350Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoShoaff, Samuel H.1856T:458Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoShoemaker, William1848L:438Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoShuckman, Nic.186230:100Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoShulz1858V:131Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSilvers, David J.186127:551Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSmith, Edward1853N:664Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSmith, Geo. O.186639:329Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSpalding, Willard186541:190Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSpencer, John1848L:405Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSpencer, Mary Janr1859X:364Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoStapleford, Susan E.1858V:259Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoStefan, Henry1855R:197Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoStellhorn, Frederick1858V:550Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoStevens, William1859X:314Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoStillhorn, Fred185828:447Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoStophlet, Samuel1848I:646Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoStopklet, Samuel1847J:644Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoStory, James1841I:683Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoStory, James1853N:409Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoStratton, Joseph1843W:504Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoStraughn, Jesse R.1854R:548Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoStrube, William1857U:390Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoStruby, J. Charles1855R:703Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoSwinney, Thomas W.1840I:620Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoTaylor, Mary1854P:176Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoTaylor, Royal W.1849I:679Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoTeckelnbrock, Fred.186229:421Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoThain, George1859X:237Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoThain, John1859X:359Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoTheime, John Frederick1858V:380Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoTheime, John Gottlieb1858V:380Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromTilford, Wm. G.186331:4Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoTillberry, Henry1854Q:51Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoTower, Benjamin H.1858V:101Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoTower, Benjamin H. (Et al.)1853P:385Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoTownley, Jonas W.1848J:562Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoTownley, Robert W.1848J:562Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoTrustee M. E. Church1851L:418Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoTrustees G. E. L. St. John's Church1853M:697Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromTrustees U. B. Church186437:80Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185265:373Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185367:124Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185367:125Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185379:201Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromTrustees W. & E. Canal 185394:444Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoUnderson, Eliz. F.1865130:187Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoVanAlslme1859V:584Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoVogel, Charles G.1856S:368Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoVolland, Henry1859V:601Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoVoss, Ernst H.1843S:333Link to document image
Hanna, SamuelfromWabash & Erie Canal1853116:244Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWaddington, Wm.186333:536Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWalda, Charles1858V:358Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWattke, William1855Q:696Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWefel, Adam1840L:695Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWeich, Adam1860Y:48Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWeisman, Jacob186539:75Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWelch, Patrick186026:337Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWelpinghaus, Henry1858X:132Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWers, John Wm.1847I:353Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWers, Wm.185828:447Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWhitmore, Edward186542:497Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWilliams, Henry184230:539Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWilt, John M.1851L:333Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWiseke, Peter186333:355Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWiseman, Kolleib1841M:588Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWiseman, Kottleft1843L:279Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWitte, Frederick1844I:589Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWoebking, Christian1847K:366Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWood, George W.1853N:578Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWood, George W.1859X:216Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWood, Goerge W.1849N:649Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWood, Robert S.1844I:668Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWood, Robert S.1849I:670Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoWupperman, Anthony1853N:790Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoYerian, Moses1840P:62Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoYerian, Moses1840P:63Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoZahm, Catherine186441:264Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoZimmerman, Joseph1849J:288Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoZinkham, F. P.1842T:18Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoZott, Michael1858V:137Link to document image
Hanna, SamueltoZott, Michael1858V:399Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel (Ez.)toHostler, Joseph B.1853N:263Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel (Hrs.)toHubertus, N.187255:308Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel (Pt.)toButt, Basil1850K:258Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel (Pt.)toCook, Phillip C.1950K:255Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel (Pt.)fromHenderson, William D.1850K:129Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel (Pt.)toRuby, Edward1850K:259Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel D.toBarrand, Anna R.1899153:158Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel D.toBesancon, Josephine1898149:311Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel D.toBesancon, Mary1898151:448Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel D.toBleke, Frederick1899153:106Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel D. (Et al.)toKeyser, Jacob M.1891113:473Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel D. (Et al.)toKeyser, Jacob M.1891113:476Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel D. (Et ux.)toBornkamp, Ferdid1891120:181Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel FredtoZimmer, Cyrus W.1901165:208Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel FredfromZimmer, Cyrus W.1902171:83Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel Fred (Et al.)toGibson, Samuel C.1902167:547Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel I.toGolden, Bridget1866115:364Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel T.fromBayless, S. D. (Grdn.)187052:596Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel T.fromCarnahan, Clara L.187468:375Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel T.toHanna, Charles187358:418Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel T.toHanna, Eliza Jr.187259:378Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel T.toHanna, Eliza Sr.187360:396Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel T.toHanna, James T.187564:410Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel T.fromHanna, Wm. W. (Est.)187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel T.toHayden, Eliza187565:413Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel T.toSkinner, Thomasetta H.187564:514Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel T.toSnell, Angles Jr.187361:104Link to document image
Hanna, Samuel T.toSnell, Angles Jr.187361:98Link to document image
Hanna, SarahfromSheriff187877:193Link to document image
Hanna, Sarah C.toCunnison, Jas.188286:376Link to document image
Hanna, Sarah C.toEckrich, Dina1889112:350Link to document image
Hanna, Sarah C.fromHanna, Chas.187774:74Link to document image
Hanna, Sarah C.toHanna, Saml. F.1893131:203Link to document image
Hanna, Sarah C.fromHowe, James B.188080:62Link to document image
Hanna, Sarah C.toJekrich, Dina1889111:631Link to document image
Hanna, SauelfromBrannan, Julia186127;283Link to document image
Hanna, SauelfromBrownell, R. P.1846116:242Link to document image
Hanna, SaueltoPhillips, Basnhard1852L:436Link to document image
Hanna, Sl. D.fromBond, Jesse E.1889110:636Link to document image
Hanna, Sl. D.toTapp, Lizzie M.1888109:296Link to document image
Hanna, Sl. T.toBrenner, John187051:180Link to document image
Hanna, Sl. T.toUnderhill, P. S.187051:420Link to document image
Hanna, Sl. T.toWelch, Patrick187257:40Link to document image
Hanna, St. (Et al.)toWhite, Jas. B.187255:265Link to document image
Hanna, Thomas J.toLichtenberger, John187565:34Link to document image
Hanna, Thomas J.toPickard, Thos. D.187463:149Link to document image
Hanna, Thomas J.toReinking, Conrad187359:595Link to document image
Hanna, ThomasettafromHanna, Samuel186333:407Link to document image
Hanna, Thomasetta (Et al.)fromHanna, Wm. W. (Est.)187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, ThomesettatoFetterman, Emeline186746:8Link to document image
Hanna, ThomesettatoHanna, O. S.186947:273Link to document image
Hanna, ThomsettafromHanna, Saml. (Est.)186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Willis W.fromKime, J. W.186434:452Link to document image
Hanna, Wm. H.fromHanna, Saml. (Est.)186745:24Link to document image
Hanna, Wm. W.fromCoay, Morris186846:322Link to document image
Hanna, Wm. W.toFrench, H. & Co.186742:604Link to document image
Hanna, Wm. W.fromHanna, Samuel186333:418Link to document image
Hanna, Wm. W.toMonning, Mary A.186847:146Link to document image
Hanna, Wm. W.toO'Grady, Danl. (Et ux.)186743:415Link to document image
Hanna, Wm. W. (Est.)toCarnakan, C. L. (Et al.)187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, Wm. W. (Est.)toHanna, Charles187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, Wm. W. (Est.)toHanna, Eliza (Jr.)187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, Wm. W. (Est.)toHanna, Eliza (Sr.)187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, Wm. W. (Est.)toHanna, H. H. (Heirs)187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, Wm. W. (Est.)toHanna, Henry C.187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, Wm. W. (Est.)toHanna, Hugh T.187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, Wm. W. (Est.)toHanna, Samuel T.187052:202Link to document image
Hanna, Wm. W. (Est.)toHanna, Thomasetta (Et al.)187052:202Link to document image
Hanna. J. T.toWheeler, M. R.187977:574Link to document image
Hanna. Jas. T.toHayden, E. H.188288:520Link to document image
Hannah, SamuelfromBurch, E. F. (Adm.)186127:525Link to document image
Hannah, SamuelfromBurch, Horace M. (Adm.)186127:525Link to document image
Hannam, Hiram A.toBartley, Wm. P. (Et ux.)1899155:307Link to document image
Hannam, Hiram A.fromBley, Henry1898151:158Link to document image
Hannam, Oliver S.toLahmeyer, Daniel187361:145Link to document image
Hannars, Thomas B.fromConly, James M.1857U:181Link to document image
Hannars, Thomas B.fromCrook, Henry1857U:181Link to document image
Hannas Addition to Ft. W. Platto1855R:396Link to document image
Hannas, Oliver S.fromBond, Stephen B. (Trus.)1892124:432Link to document image
Hannay, Robt.fromBowser, J. C.186643:193Link to document image
Hannen, Chris B.fromAllen Cir. Court1890142:60Link to document image
Hannen, EmosfromHannen, Sarah1895142:272Link to document image
Hannen, EmosfromReichelderfer, A. m.1899156:256Link to document image
Hannen, EnostoHiggins, Chas. H.1896143:263Link to document image
Hannen, EnostoPreston, Nancy E.1901163:25Link to document image
Hannen, SarahtoBoston, Alex188187:375Link to document image
Hannen, SarahtoHannen, Emos1895142:272Link to document image
Hannen, SarahtoHerrick, Horace1880115:52Link to document image
Hannen, SarahfromSwift, C. F.188391:238Link to document image
Hanners, James B.fromAnderson, James H.1857U:180Link to document image
Hanney, Robt.toBowser, Jacob C.186947:395Link to document image
Hanning, GeorgefromKing, Jacob (Jr.)186641:286Link to document image
Hanning, Wm.fromWeller, Jno. G.187359:86Link to document image
Hannon, ChristianfromMay, Ezra1860Y:625Link to document image
Hannond, Ann M.fromFoster, Elizabeth1895137:274Link to document image
Hannover, ChristianfromEstabrook, Chas.186435:390Link to document image
Hannum, JamestoSelle, Aug. L.186742:619Link to document image
Hannum, Jas.fromSummers, Catharine186640:97Link to document image
Hannum, M. A.toStier, Theresa188288:219Link to document image
Hannum, Matha A.fromBohn, Benjamin E.188079:462Link to document image
Hanod, MoisetoGephart, Catharine1902168:95Link to document image
Hanon, Christian B.toMills, Cordelia1860Y:634Link to document image
Hanover, Chris.toBair, A. J.186535:543Link to document image
Hanrick, Alpetta K.fromSwayne, Mary C.1901162:467Link to document image
Hans, Charles A.fromHermsdorfer, George A. (Adm.)1901164:114Link to document image
Hans, Chas. A.fromHans, Phillip1888108:361Link to document image
Hans, DorafromAuer, Jacob1903172:140Link to document image
Hans, DorafromNinde, Jas. W.1887105:153Link to document image
Hans, DorafromWiedemann, Ulrich1901163:154Link to document image
Hans, Herman E.fromKroemer, Frederick1898161:322Link to document image
Hans, Louisa E. W.toHans, Phillip1888108:360Link to document image
Hans, PhilliptoHans, Chas. A.1888108:361Link to document image
Hans, PhillipfromHans, Louisa E. W.1888108:360Link to document image
Hansbach, JacobfromDurrie, Horace186027:134Link to document image
Hansbach, JacobfromDurrie, Horace186331:322Link to document image
Hansbach, SusanfromErickson, John1889111:320Link to document image
Hanschan, FredericktoDruken, Henry & Elizabeth187873:499Link to document image
Hanschan, FrederickfromDruker, Henry187873:498Link to document image
Hanschen, FredfromCartwright, Jno.187050:546Link to document image
Hanschild, H.fromSappington, Wm.188079:300Link to document image
Hansel, FranktoEpple, G. & Jno.187979:542Link to document image
Hansel, PeterfromBonter, Cortez1894133:220Link to document image
Hansell, BarnetttoHough, John186538:303Link to document image
Hansell, H. H.toHough, John186538:303Link to document image
Hansell, S. F.toHough, John186538:303Link to document image
Hansell, Wm. S.toHough, John186538:303Link to document image
Hanser, Jno. M.fromYoung, H. J.186536:464Link to document image
Hansesh, JohnfromSkinner, H. d.185826:386Link to document image
Hansinger, H.fromSchwartz, B.188081:149Link to document image
Hanskan, Fred.fromHildebrand, Wm.186333:441Link to document image
Hansley, MichaelfromBushman, Anthony1854P:570Link to document image
Hansmann, CharlesfromKuhne, Paul F.1892126:398Link to document image
Hansmann, Chas.fromKnax, Cunningham1891122:574Link to document image
Hanson, H. N.fromClem, Noah188287:134Link to document image
Hanson, HarrietfromAuditor188597:363Link to document image
Hanson, Harriet N.toBarrone, Abigal1898153:533Link to document image
Hanson, Jos.toWolf, Abraham188080:605Link to document image
Hanson, Jos. & B. F.fromWolf, Abraham188081:264Link to document image
Hanson, JosephtoAllen County L. & S. A.1900162:163Link to document image
Hanson, JosephfromRich, Sanford188080:434Link to document image
Hanson, Joseph & B. F.fromAldrich, Chas. H.188392:432Link to document image
Hanson, M. J. (Et al.)toFunk, Jacob188184:150Link to document image
Hanson, MichaelfromBird, Ochmig186744:178Link to document image
Hanson, R. C.fromTaylor, John186641:559Link to document image
Hanson, Wm. C.toDowning, George J.1898158:151Link to document image
Hanson, Wm. E.fromWhite, Jno. W.1893127:415Link to document image
Hanson, Wm. E. (Et ux.)fromDowning, George J.1898158:152Link to document image
Hanstran, christfromRose, Anthony187053:243Link to document image
Hansz, AdamfromJacoby, Josaphine188289:269Link to document image
Hantey, Thomas (Will of)to1854Q:259Link to document image
Hantsch, Geo. A. (Et al.)toHantsch, Mary1899154:17Link to document image
Hantsch, Kath. AnnafromHantsch, Mary1900156:347Link to document image
Hantsch, MaryfromHantsch, Geo. A. (Et al.)1899154:17Link to document image
Hantsch, MarytoHantsch, Kath. Anna1900156:347Link to document image
Hantsch, MarytoStoll, Anna1899156:220Link to document image
Hantsch, SimonfromFalsing, Conrad187256:117Link to document image
Hanuel, FrancisfromGerke, H. F.188392:324Link to document image
Haper, WolffromBrooks, John186746:284Link to document image
Hapner, James E.fromLarimore, Banner L.1902171:119Link to document image
Happ, NicholasfromStein, Peter1887104:283Link to document image
Happel, Amanda (Et al.)toHappel, Edward188079:144Link to document image
Happel, EdwardtoAnderson, Oliver188288:366Link to document image
Happel, EdwardfromBlessing, Geo. (Et al.)188079:144Link to document image
Happel, EdwardfromGangwer, Henry1898152:108Link to document image
Happel, EdwardfromHappel, Amanda (Et al.)188079:144Link to document image
Happel, EdwardfromHappel, Katy Ann188079:246Link to document image
Happel, EdwardfromLaemmle, G.188288:440Link to document image
Happel, EdwardfromMayer, Theo.188598:439Link to document image
Happel, EdwardfromSutorius, Theodore1902170:306Link to document image
Happel, EdwardfromWelsheimer, L. (Adm.)1889110:171Link to document image
Happel, FrederickfromDucat, Antonie186228:478Link to document image
Happel, FrederickfromFleming, William186228:480Link to document image
Happel, FredericktoUpp, William186228:476Link to document image
Happel, Katy AnntoHappel, Edward188079:246Link to document image
Happenhagen, ErnsttoAttenburger, B.186947:255Link to document image
Happle, CharlestoMcLachlan, Neil186846:192Link to document image
Happle, EdwardfromFritz, Catharine1889112:395Link to document image
Happle, EdwardtoFritz, Henry188599:383Link to document image
Happle, EdwardtoFritz, Henry1889112:396Link to document image
Happle, GeorgetoRoss, Jas. B.187256:132Link to document image
Happner, C.fromBruns, Wm.1886102:164Link to document image
Harbaugh, E.toHarbaugh, Jno. D.188598:495Link to document image
Harbaugh, J. D.toBeaber, Thos.188598:496Link to document image
Harbaugh, JacobtoGeiser, Paul1847K:47Link to document image
Harbaugh, Jno.fromHarbaugh, Peter188599:120Link to document image
Harbaugh, Jno. D.fromHarbaugh, E.188598:495Link to document image
Harbaugh, Jno. D.fromHarbaugh, Simon188598:215Link to document image
Harbaugh, Jno. D.fromNeely, Ida E.1893129:319Link to document image
Harbaugh, Jno. D.toWindsor, A. D.1894135:308Link to document image
Harbaugh, Jno. d.toWindsor, O. A.1893133:344Link to document image
Harbaugh, M.fromRick, Alexander186743:342Link to document image
Harbaugh, MahalatoRick, Alexander186743:343Link to document image
Harbaugh, MahalatoRick, Mary A.186743:344Link to document image
Harbaugh, PetertoHarbaugh, Jno.188599:120Link to document image
Harbaugh, SimontoHarbaugh, Jno. D.188598:215Link to document image
Harbecker, Wm. H.toKitker, Frederick186947:419Link to document image
Harber, AdamtoHarber, Mary M.1892126:402Link to document image
Harber, AdamfromHarber, Mary M.1892127:121Link to document image
Harber, Adam (Et al.)fromBubb, George1900158:362Link to document image
Harber, Adam (Et al.)toHarber, Jacob1900160:163Link to document image
Harber, Anna M.fromHarber, John1894132:492Link to document image
Harber, Anna M.toWilkie, Wm. (Et ux.)1896143:359Link to document image
Harber, CasperfromHarber, Jacob1893129:67Link to document image
Harber, CasperfromHarber, Mary M.1892127:120Link to document image
Harber, Casper (Et ux.)toHarber, Mary M.1892126:402Link to document image
Harber, Cath. M.fromHarber, John1894132:499Link to document image
Harber, Chas. F.fromRich, Sanford (Et al.)188598:387Link to document image
Harber, DanieltoDafforn, Wm. M.1900157:494Link to document image
Harber, DanieltoHarber, Mary M.1892126:402Link to document image
Harber, DanieltoHarber, Mary M.1892126:402Link to document image
Harber, DanielfromHarber, Mary M.1892127:119Link to document image
Harber, DanieltoKinnark, Wm.1895136:348Link to document image
Harber, E. F. (Et al.)fromHarber, Nichalous1890115:179Link to document image
Harber, Frank J.toHarber, Geo. J.1892125:520Link to document image
Harber, Frank J.toHarber, Jno. H.1892125:520Link to document image
Harber, Frank J.fromHarber, Mart. T. (Et al.)1892125:523Link to document image
Harber, Frank J.fromHarber, Nickolas1890115:68Link to document image
Harber, GarhartfromHarber, Martin1852L:670Link to document image
Harber, GarhartfromHarber, Nicholas1852L:669Link to document image
Harber, GarrettoHarber, Rosa1902167:182Link to document image
Harber, GarrettoKinerk, William1900157:84Link to document image
Harber, GarrettfromComs. in Part.1892125:458Link to document image
Harber, Geo.fromMathews, Fred.186334:86Link to document image
Harber, Geo. J.fromHarber, Frank J.1892125:520Link to document image
Harber, Geo. J.fromHarber, Mart. T. (Et al.)1892125:525Link to document image
Harber, George I.fromHarber, Nickolas1890115:69Link to document image
Harber, George J.fromBubb, George1902166:304Link to document image
Harber, George J.toBubb, George1902166:304Link to document image
Harber, George J.fromWellbaum, Marshall M.1902167:134Link to document image
Harber, George J.toWinters, Gustave1902167:474Link to document image
Harber, George Jr.fromBubb, George1902167:134Link to document image
Harber, Gerred Jr.fromHarber, Nicholaus1890115:41Link to document image
Harber, GertrudefromFarrell, Jno. C.187668:151Link to document image
Harber, GertrudetoHarber, John187977:59Link to document image
Harber, HenrytoHorman, Henry1854P:493Link to document image
Harber, Henry G.fromHarber, Jacob1894132:399Link to document image
Harber, Henry G.fromHarber, Joseph1894132:502Link to document image
Harber, Henry G.toKrouse, Cosmas1899153:295Link to document image
Harber, JacobtoCrickmore, Sanah C.1902167:220Link to document image
Harber, JacobfromHarber, Adam (Et al.)1900160:163Link to document image
Harber, JacobtoHarber, Casper1893129:67Link to document image
Harber, JacobtoHarber, Henry G.1894132:399Link to document image
Harber, JacobtoHarber, John C.1902168:132Link to document image
Harber, JacobfromHarber, Mary M.1892126:403Link to document image
Harber, JacobfromKrouse, Cosmos1901162:82Link to document image
Harber, JacobtoLauer, Martin1898151:139Link to document image
Harber, Jacob (Et ux.)toHarber, Mary M.1892126:402Link to document image
Harber, Jno. H.fromHarber, Frank J.1892125:520Link to document image
Harber, JohnfromCartwright, A. J. (heirs)187565:191Link to document image
Harber, JohntoDwenger, Jos.187977:385Link to document image
Harber, JohnfromFalls, Joseph186435:215Link to document image
Harber, JohnfromFarrall, Edward187154:17Link to document image
Harber, JohntoHarber, Anna M.1894132:492Link to document image
Harber, JohntoHarber, Cath. M.1894132:499Link to document image
Harber, JohnfromHarber, Gertrude187977:59Link to document image
Harber, JohnfromHarter, Nicholas1859V:533Link to document image
Harber, JohntoLauer, George1857T:655Link to document image
Harber, JohntoLauer, Margt. T.1894132:497Link to document image
Harber, JohntoLures, John Henry1859Y:516Link to document image
Harber, JohnfromMiller, Christian1860Y:27Link to document image
Harber, JohnfromMiller, Joseph1857T:656Link to document image
Harber, JohntoMiller, Joseph 1857T:657Link to document image
Harber, JohntoMunch, Mary M.1894132:501Link to document image
Harber, John (Et al.)toMeyer, Louis J. (Et al.)1894132:493Link to document image
Harber, John C.fromHarber, Jacob1902168:132Link to document image
Harber, John H.fromHarber, Mart. T. (Et al.)1892125:522Link to document image
Harber, John H.fromHarber, Nickolas1890115:68Link to document image
Harber, John H.fromSwank, Thomas1902169:357Link to document image
Harber, JosephfromDalman, Frank1888108:132Link to document image
Harber, JosephtoHarber, Henry G.1894132:502Link to document image
Harber, JosephtoMeyer, John1894132:495Link to document image
Harber, Josephine J.fromMünch, Frank Sr.1897145:375Link to document image
Harber, Josephine J.toMunch, Franke1900156:439Link to document image
Harber, M. & T.fromSteir, Henry A.187772:23Link to document image
Harber, M. (Et ux.)fromGrosh, John1887105:104Link to document image
Harber, Marg. T. (Et al.)fromComs. in Partition1892125:458Link to document image
Harber, Margt. T.toHarber, Martin (Et al.)1893129:112Link to document image
Harber, Mart. T. (Et al.)toHarber, Frank J.1892125:523Link to document image
Harber, Mart. T. (Et al.)toHarber, Geo. J.1892125:525Link to document image
Harber, Mart. T. (Et al.)toHarber, John H.1892125:522Link to document image
Harber, Mart. T. (Et al.)toHarber, Martin1892125:526Link to document image
Harber, Mart. T. (Et al.)toHarber, Martin (Et al.)1892125:521Link to document image
Harber, MartinfromGibson, David188289:583Link to document image
Harber, MartintoGrosh, Henry1887105:116Link to document image
Harber, MartintoHarber, Garhart1852L:670Link to document image
Harber, MartinfromHarber, Mart. T. (Et al.)1892125:526Link to document image
Harber, MartinfromHarber, Nicholas1852L:668Link to document image
Harber, MartinfromMeyers, Mathias188080:5Link to document image
Harber, MartintoMunch, Rainard H.1901161:502Link to document image
Harber, Martin (Et al.)fromHarber, Margt. T.1893129:112Link to document image
Harber, Martin (Et al.)fromHarber, Mart. T. (Et al.)1892125:521Link to document image
Harber, MarytoSchmidt, Pankraz188183:257Link to document image
Harber, MaryfromSheriff1886100:318Link to document image
Harber, MaryfromSheriff1886100:321Link to document image
Harber, MarytoSullivan, Michael1886100:328Link to document image
Harber, Mary & PetertoSchmidt, Bankraz188496:144Link to document image
Harber, Mary F.fromWilkie, Paul1899155:218Link to document image
Harber, Mary F. (Et al.)fromShive, John M.1896144:79Link to document image
Harber, Mary F. (Et al.)toShive, John M. (Et ux.)1896144:81Link to document image
Harber, Mary M.toHarber, Adam1892127:121Link to document image
Harber, Mary M.fromHarber, Adam1892126:402Link to document image
Harber, Mary M.toHarber, Casper1892127:120Link to document image
Harber, Mary M.fromHarber, Casper (Et ux.)1892126:402Link to document image
Harber, Mary M.fromHarber, Daniel1892126:402Link to document image
Harber, Mary M.fromHarber, Daniel1892126:402Link to document image
Harber, Mary M.toHarber, Daniel1892127:119Link to document image
Harber, Mary M.toHarber, Jacob1892126:403Link to document image
Harber, Mary M.fromHarber, Jacob (Et ux.)1892126:402Link to document image
Harber, Mary M.fromLauer, Gustave1890116:374Link to document image
Harber, N.fromJennings, R. B.187051:51Link to document image
Harber, NichaloustoHarber, E. F. (Et al.)1890115:179Link to document image
Harber, NicholasfromBarrett, Jas. M. (Com.)1891121:412Link to document image
Harber, NicholasfromBartholomew, Thos. D.186127:73Link to document image
Harber, NicholasfromBloch, Geo.187978:516Link to document image
Harber, NicholasfromBonham, C. W.186536:403Link to document image
Harber, NicholasfromBradberry, Wm.187461:446Link to document image
Harber, NicholasfromColerick, David H. (Comr.)1854Q:290Link to document image
Harber, NicholasfromColerick, W. G. (Com.)1891121:412Link to document image
Harber, NicholastoHarber, Garhart1852L:669Link to document image
Harber, NicholastoHarber, Martin1852L:668Link to document image
Harber, NicholasfromHarter, John1859V:532Link to document image
Harber, NicholasfromHelle, C. F.187978:422Link to document image
Harber, NicholastoHerkinrader, Henry1853N:519Link to document image
Harber, NicholasfromMcClaren, Eliza188391:216Link to document image
Harber, NicholasfromMiller, Martha186852:39Link to document image
Harber, NicholastoMiller, Martha186948:48Link to document image
Harber, NicholastoReosler, Agatha187873:479Link to document image
Harber, NicholastoSanders, George1851L:198Link to document image
Harber, NicholastoSchnitzler, Adam188182:166Link to document image
Harber, NicholasfromSchnitzler, Anna187975:350Link to document image
Harber, NicholasfromSheriff186642:300Link to document image
Harber, NicholasfromShive, Chester1886103:216Link to document image
Harber, NicholastoShive, Chester1886125:265Link to document image
Harber, NicholastoSmith, Peter K.1854P:153Link to document image
Harber, NicholasfromWatkins, Mary187874:127Link to document image
Harber, NicholastoWeaver, Cornelius188186:60Link to document image
Harber, NicholaustoHarber, Gerred Jr.1890115:41Link to document image
Harber, NicktoMiller, Martha197358:337Link to document image
Harber, NickolastoHarber, Frank J.1890115:68Link to document image
Harber, NickolastoHarber, George I.1890115:69Link to document image
Harber, NickolastoHarber, John H.1890115:68Link to document image
Harber, NickolastoMcMahon, James D.1852M:37Link to document image
Harber, PetertoBeverforden, H. F.188081:128Link to document image
Harber, PetertoBorneman, Chas.186029:459Link to document image
Harber, PeterfromBrackenridge, Geo. W.186432:380Link to document image
Harber, PeterfromBrackenridge, Hannah186432:380Link to document image
Harber, PeterfromBrackenridge, Joseph186432:380Link to document image
Harber, PetertoBuckwalter, P. W.186333:132Link to document image
Harber, PetertoFish, H. L.186331:186Link to document image
Harber, PeterfromFurste, Francis L.186333:58Link to document image
Harber, PetertoGrund, Jonna186332:124Link to document image
Harber, PeterfromHarrison, T. S.186333:322Link to document image
Harber, PetertoHeidenrich, A.186333:111Link to document image
Harber, PetertoMiller, Wm. H.186947:341Link to document image
Harber, PetertoRobinson, C. H.186432:332Link to document image
Harber, PetertoSchoinbien, A. F.186434:423Link to document image
Harber, PetertoStagmeyer, Jacob1860Y:435Link to document image
Harber, PetertoStellwagon, Jos. A.186740:557Link to document image
Harber, PeterfromStellwagon, Jos. A.186740:558Link to document image
Harber, PeterfromStelwagon, Jos. A.186744:109Link to document image
Harber, PetertoTagymeyer, Ernst186539:57Link to document image
Harber, RosafromHarber, Garret1902167:182Link to document image
Harber, TheresetoMcKee, Warren1892124:292Link to document image
Harber, ValentinefromLaidlow, Peter187463:81Link to document image
Harber, ValentinetoMyers, Elizabeth187153:16Link to document image
Harber, ValentinetoPape, Wm.188183:161Link to document image
Harber, ValentinefromSheriff187052:262Link to document image
Harbler, NicholastoSmith, Henry K.1851L:282Link to document image
Harbor, Amelia J.fromMahurin, Cora A.1898149:330Link to document image
Harbor, Amelia J.fromPoulsen, H. C.1892125:251Link to document image
Harbor, Amelia J.toTrustees Maumee L. No. 354 K. of P.1898151:289Link to document image
Harbor, JacobfromSack, Veronica (Et al.)1893129:41Link to document image
Harbor, Jesse J.fromBryson, Sophia B.1899155:378Link to document image
Harbor, JohnfromMcRedwood, M.187256:263Link to document image
Harbor, William J.fromHeine, William1900156:357Link to document image
Harch, George W.toHarp, Isaac1848I:830Link to document image
Harch, Neumen V.toParker, Danford1847R:75Link to document image
Hardeman, CharlestoGeerkin, George1858V:506Link to document image
Harden, AmeliafromFt. W. L. & Imp. Co.1901166:473Link to document image
Harden, Eliza H.toKoenig, Wm. Jr.1889111:590Link to document image
Harden, F. E.toHusted, Geo. (Et al.)1887104:117Link to document image
Harden, F. E.fromStiver, S. J.1883100:92Link to document image
Harden, IsiahtoCarpenter, Ira1857U:89Link to document image
Harden, Jos.fromSappington, Jacob186643:108Link to document image
Harden, S. A. (Et al.)toBolyard, E. E.1886101:353Link to document image
Harden, Wm.fromBauserman, Samuel187463:588Link to document image
Harden, Wm.toGarrison, Geo. W.187770:268Link to document image
Hardenburgh, J. H. (Hers.)toBraddock, F.186648:422Link to document image
Hardenburgh, John H.toWhite, Edmund J.1857U:307Link to document image
Hardendorf, C.fromBinger, F. H.188185:547Link to document image
Hardendorf, IrafromBass, John H.1893129:515Link to document image
Hardenrack, C.toAuth, Joseph186740:535Link to document image
Harder, FrancesfromSaillier, Jean C.186539:95Link to document image
Harder, FranreikatoKrudop, John B.185626:357Link to document image
Harder, FranziskatoKleinmuller, Hienrick1856S:350Link to document image
Hardestry, BeesnantoEnginger, Gertrude C.1898150:368Link to document image
Hardesty, BeemanfromHood, Henry G.1894132:235Link to document image
Hardesty, EdwardfromPhelps, Ida J.1889114:413Link to document image
Hardesty, EdwardtoRutdorf, Ernst1894133:132Link to document image
Hardesty, JamestoBrown, Hester A.187772:82Link to document image
Hardesty, JamesfromWilson, Alfred B.187670:424Link to document image
Hardesty, M. E.fromRose, Thos. J.188599:592Link to document image
Hardesty, Mary{helps, Ida J.1889114:410Link to document image
Hardesty, Mary E.fromDepew, Sarah M.1889114:200Link to document image
Hardesty, PrecillafromAuditor1897146:185Link to document image
Hardesty, Priscilla (Et al.)toRinggenberg, Peter Jr.1902168:183Link to document image
Hardig, D. L.fromHartsuff, Wm. D.187874:145Link to document image
Harding, Beulah A. E.fromMensch, Rebecca1902169:236Link to document image
Harding, Beulah AnntoHerrick, Horace N. (Et al.)1898151:242Link to document image
Harding, D. L.fromMorris, Lillie C.1886102:242Link to document image
Harding, D. L.toMorris, Wm. S.1886102:243Link to document image
Harding, D. L.fromThomas, Jno. M. (ET al.) 1888108:351Link to document image
Harding, Daniel L.fromAuditor1880A:172Link to document image
Harding, Daniel L.fromHartsuff, Wm. D.187874:286Link to document image
Harding, Daniel L.toReitdorf, Charles1897148:93Link to document image
Harding, Daniel L. (Et ux.)toBraun, Peter M.1891120:238Link to document image
Harding, Danl. L.toBarnes, Joshua B.1887104:242Link to document image
Harding, Danl. L.toBittinger, Mary H.188080:313Link to document image
Harding, Danl. L.fromTaylor, Adeline1889114:205Link to document image
Harding, Dl. L.fromLucey, Timothy1897144:354Link to document image
Harding, Dl. L.toMcNamara, John (Et ux.)1890118:497Link to document image
Harding, Dl. L.fromStratton, Robt.1889114:285Link to document image
Harding, Dl. L.toThomas, Wm. A.1888108:350Link to document image
Harding, Dl. L. (Comr.)toNeukamm, Geo. 1893131:227Link to document image
Harding, Elizabeth M.fromBoerger, William1900160:240Link to document image
Harding, F. E.fromScoville, Harmon1886101:13Link to document image
Harding, FredtoFortriede, Louis187772:53Link to document image
Harding, FredfromWhite, James B.187565:144Link to document image
Harding, Fred. (Et ux.)fromHaberkom, Heinrick1892126:229Link to document image
Harding, FredericktoGebhard, A. M.187976:252Link to document image
Harding, FredericktoGebhard, Wm.187976:253Link to document image
Harding, FredericktoHoffman, A. E. & W. H.187669:278Link to document image
Harding, Fredk.fromAbbott, Rosetta B.1888115:59Link to document image
Harding, Fredk.fromHaag, Gottlieb L.1892124:366Link to document image
Harding, FredrichfromReed, H. B.187465:143Link to document image
Harding, J. F.fromBobilya, L. J.1894134:80Link to document image
Harding, Jno. H.fromReichelderfer, Chas.188082:501Link to document image
Harding, John H.toFt. Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co.1901163:97Link to document image
Harding, John H.fromGillett, Harriet E.1900162:456Link to document image
Harding, Jos.toAndrews, Obed186642:508Link to document image
Harding, Jos.fromBowers, Joseph186540:146Link to document image
Harding, Jos.fromDresback, Isaac188288:136Link to document image
Harding, Jos.toGrice, Jesse188288:111Link to document image
Harding, Jos.fromRoussey, Felix188289:586Link to document image
Harding, Jos.fromSwann, Roscena186434:532Link to document image
Harding, Jos. (Com.)toEvard, James187155:101Link to document image
Harding, JosephfromBlack, Joseph186644:47Link to document image
Harding, JosephfromHeath, Edward186434:532Link to document image
Harding, JosephfromMonger, Wm. R.186435:328Link to document image
Harding, JosephfromShaffner, Rosena187259:128Link to document image
Harding, JosephfromTaylor, R. S. (Comr.)186542:507Link to document image
Harding, Joseph (Et al.)toStokes, John G. (Et al.)1891113:253Link to document image
Harding, M. A.fromStrong, H. E.187154:115Link to document image
Harding, Mary A.fromBarnes, Joshua B.1887104:241Link to document image
Harding, Mary A.toHartsuff, Wm. D.187874:149Link to document image
Harding, Robert (Et al.)toDoty, Solomon1891113:481Link to document image
Harding, Robert F. (Et ux.)fromWright, Norval W.1901164:20Link to document image
Harding, SusanfromBittinger, Adam H. (Tr.)1900159:201Link to document image
Harding, SusantoSpindler, William A.1900159:221Link to document image
Harding, WilliamtoWright, Wm. H.1891122:68Link to document image
Hardister, JamesfromKillan, John187154:24Link to document image
Hardister, James C.toKillian, Israel187668:484Link to document image
Hardisty, EdwardtoShirey, George W. (Et al.)1900157:508Link to document image
Hardman, EsthertoKrise, Isaac186747:153Link to document image
Hardmay, EstherfromBossler, Laramie186642:372Link to document image
Hardnng, Fredk.toGreves, Fredk. (Et ux.)1892125:344Link to document image
Hardsell, PeterfromGraber, Jacob M.187464:284Link to document image
Hardung, FrederickfromGebhard, Wm.187976:494Link to document image
Hardy, RufustoAvaline, Francis S.1851K:646Link to document image
Hare, Abel & WalterfromHare, Alva188079:444Link to document image
Hare, AlvafromBarrand, C. S. (Et al.)187977:164Link to document image
Hare, AlvafromCremer, Anna (Et al.)187977:164Link to document image
Hare, AlvatoHare, Abel & Walter188079:444Link to document image
Hare, AlvafromMarks, M. S. (Et al.)187977:164Link to document image
Hare, AlvafromOBrien, M. E. (Et al.)187977:164Link to document image
Hare, AlvafromSterling, H. (Et al.)187977:164Link to document image
Hare, DanfordtoAnderson, Wm. B. (Et al.)1889112:488Link to document image
Hare, DanfordfromCharters, L. W.1886102:125Link to document image
Hare, J. W.toSprang, Christian186754:46Link to document image
Hare, Jacob W.fromBradbury, Alvin P.1850L:255Link to document image
Hare, Jacob W. (et al.)toHiser, George Jr.187669:145Link to document image
Hare, LydiafromStratton, Irvin (Coms.)188290:65Link to document image
Hare, W. & A.toOpliger, Geo. W.1886100:179Link to document image
Hare, WalterfromCremer, Jno. A.187977:163Link to document image
Hare, WalterfromGrosjean, Jno. Jr.1887106:60Link to document image
Hare, WaltertoGrosjean, Julian (Et ux.)1889112:442Link to document image
Harfield, BenjaminfromHatfield, Catharine187462:525Link to document image
Harfield, FrederickfromHatfield, John (Et al.)1898153:523Link to document image
Hargenrather, MargarettoWaldschmidt, Peter & Catharine187566:272Link to document image
Harges, Wm. F.toWolf, August1896141:122Link to document image
Harges, Wm. F. (Et ux.)fromSchoenbein, Alice1890116:539Link to document image
Hargrave, A. (Et al.)toSutton, P. M.188183:385Link to document image
Hargrave, Augusta B.toBeecher, C. M.187566:467Link to document image
Hargrave, F.fromMahony, Jas.188079:327Link to document image
Hargrave, F. L.toAkey, C. F.188391:457Link to document image
Hargrave, F. L.fromJoslyn, C. E.188391:432Link to document image
Hargrave, Franklin L.fromEdgerton, Joseph K.187873:552Link to document image
Hargrave, Hannah S.fromTodd, Sarah E.1897144:262Link to document image
Hargrave, WilliamfromFike, Mary E.1898153:147Link to document image
Hargrave, WilliamtoGorrell, James M.1901163:446Link to document image
Harigan, MichaeltoKenerk, Timothy1887105:8Link to document image
Haring, AugustatoKoehlinger, Jno. H.1890115:586Link to document image
Haring, CharlestoEhrmama, Caroline1894132:519Link to document image
Haring, GeorgetoSchafer, Ferdinand1891113:622Link to document image
Harington, E. D.fromWenzel, Elias187153:574Link to document image
Harison, M.toHite, George188185:154Link to document image
Harison, Thos. R.fromHarrison, R. F.187050:483Link to document image
Harke, F. W. E.fromBrown, James187153:452Link to document image
Harkenrider, A. M.fromHarkenrider, Jos. (Et al.)1888107:72Link to document image
Harkenrider, Anna M.toPalmer, Ira (Et ux.)1902168:108Link to document image
Harkenrider, FranktoHarkenrider, John187876:76Link to document image
Harkenrider, H. J.toJones, Levi M.188393:206Link to document image
Harkenrider, H. J.fromRomy, C. A.1893129:133Link to document image
Harkenrider, H. J. & Jos.toHarkenrider, John187976:77Link to document image
Harkenrider, Jno. M. (Et al.)toHarkenrider, M. J.1890118:386Link to document image
Harkenrider, JohnfromHarkenrider, Frank187876:76Link to document image
Harkenrider, JohnfromHarkenrider, H. J. & Jos.187976:77Link to document image
Harkenrider, Jos. (Et al.)toHarkenrider, A. M.1888107:72Link to document image
Harkenrider, Jos. (Et ux.)fromSorg, Eva1893129:87Link to document image
Harkenrider, M.fromBarrett, Jas. M.1888109:255Link to document image
Harkenrider, M.toJuergens, Wm.1889114:95Link to document image
Harkenrider, M. J.fromHarkenrider, Jno. M. (Et al.)1890118:386Link to document image
Harkenrider, M. J.fromHarkenrider, Th. M.1892127:212Link to document image
Harkenrider, MaryfromNettlehorst, Oscar1889112:417Link to document image
Harkenrider, MarytoPalmer, William1891122:265Link to document image
Harkenrider, MaryfromWelch, Patrick T.1889112:418Link to document image
Harkenrider, Michael J.toHarkenrider, Wm. J.1892127:213Link to document image
Harkenrider, Th. M.toHarkenrider, M. J.1892127:212Link to document image
Harkenrider, Wm. J.fromHarkenrider, Michael J.1892127:213Link to document image
Harkenridge, M. I. (Et al.)toWilkie, Wm. Jr.1889110:239Link to document image
Harkey, Adam (Will of)to188184:396Link to document image
Harkey, CatharinetoChaw, D. J.1896142:52Link to document image
Harkey, CatharinefromHerkey, Adam (Dec.)188184:396Link to document image
Harkey, CatharinefromShaw, David J.1896142:52Link to document image
Harkey, Jno. A.toCutsel, Carolina186229:417Link to document image
Harkey, Jno. N.fromErick, S. G.188597:267Link to document image
Harkey, Jno. N.toGarman, Benj. F.1893130:408Link to document image
Harkey, John (Admr.)fromHatch, George W.1859X:419Link to document image
Harkless, WilliamtoBradley, John1857T:647Link to document image
Harkless, Wm.toCordeway, J. P.187463:84Link to document image
Harkless, Wm.fromFrance, W. C.186640:232Link to document image
Harkless, Wm.toSmith, Jno. M.1856102:185Link to document image
Harkless, Wm. A.fromHanna, Chas.187255:307Link to document image
Harkless, Wm. H.toPeters, Jash Jat186950:194Link to document image
Harkless, Wm. H.toTustison, Sarah186746:9Link to document image
Harlan (Plat of )toThe Town of 1853P:244Link to document image
Harlan, HannahtoHippenhamer, E.187257:235Link to document image
Harlan, J. M.toSaylor, Mathias187154:342Link to document image
Harlan, J. M.toSaylor, Mathias187155:166Link to document image
Harlan, JosephinefromKing, Henry187153:415Link to document image
Harland, HannahfromThornton, S. A.186545:361Link to document image
Harler, PeterfromHanna, Samuel1858V:500Link to document image
Harliman, H. C. (Assignee)toBass, Jno. H.187475:335Link to document image
Harlis, JamestoKell, Jacob1856T:309Link to document image
Harlman, EstherfromKuse, Isaac186642:372Link to document image
Harlman, George R.toCannady, Henry R.1859Y:122Link to document image
Harlman, HenryfromDreibelbiss, John P.186641:487Link to document image
Harlor, Amelia J.fromLinnemann, H. W.1892125:251Link to document image
Harlor, Amelia J.fromSchuitker, H. W.1891125:251Link to document image
Harlor, JamesfromCrippen, Jas. A (Et al Extrs.)1888111:190Link to document image
Harlor, James A.toFt. Wayne Van Wert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:475Link to document image
Harlor, James A.fromNoll, Geo. W.187463:59Link to document image
Harlor, Jas. A.toNoll, G. W. & S.1886102:9Link to document image
Harlor, Jas. A.fromNull, L. S.1886102:8Link to document image
Harlor, William J.toLupkin, August H.1900158:254Link to document image
Harman, AndrewtoWoodworth, Jas. A.186647:538Link to document image
Harman, DavidfromFowler, E. M.1845W:74Link to document image
Harman, DavidtoHeiges, David1857W:75Link to document image
Harman, GeorgetoScheieman, William1851K:708Link to document image
Harman, IsaactoLethhaner, Leopold1850J:591Link to document image
Harman, J. B.toMiddaugh, James1856Y:575Link to document image
Harman, Saml. W.toJoost, Albert A.1895138:10Link to document image
Harman, Saml. W.toJoost, Blanche C.1895138:10Link to document image
Harman, Wm. H.toCopp, Russell187851:277Link to document image
Harmann, Henry D.fromHayden, Eliza Hanna1898151:301Link to document image
Harmeier, E.fromOppenheimer, F.187463:361Link to document image
Harmeier, N.toOppenheimer, F.187463:361Link to document image
Harmell, Solomon P.toBeeby, Wm. J. & C. M.187361:462Link to document image
Harmen, B.fromBiter, John1853N:485Link to document image
Harmen, BridgetfromWilt, John M.186650:443Link to document image
Harmeyer, AnnfromFleming, Jones & Bonds186435:90Link to document image
Harmeyer, Ann (Et ux.)toKock, Francis J.1864120:33Link to document image
Harmeyer, AnnatoKock, F. J.186432:329Link to document image
Harmeyer, C.fromKuhne, Chas. W.1888107:140Link to document image
Harmeyer, CarolinetoHerischen, Ernst1897145:178Link to document image
Harmeyer, E.fromHarmeyer, J. H.1886101:310Link to document image
Harmeyer, E.fromRogers, M. L.1886101:309Link to document image
Harmeyer, Henry (Will of)to185576:132Link to document image
Harmeyer, J. H.toHarmeyer, E.1886101:310Link to document image
Harmeyer, John H.toGirding, John H.1853U:96Link to document image
Harmeyer, John H.toGirding, John H.1853U:97Link to document image
Harmeyer, L.fromLange, Johanna187976:66Link to document image
Harmeyer, LouistoBashelier, Henry (Et ux.)1897148:73Link to document image
Harmeyer, LouistoKuhne, C. W.1888107:139Link to document image
Harmeyer, Wm.toLordier, August187357:551Link to document image
Harmeyer, Wm. (Guard)toLordier, August187358:214Link to document image
Harming, Geo.toMartin, Wm.187153:467Link to document image
Harmire, LewisfromSalze, Maria186435:135Link to document image
Harmon, DanielfromFletcher, Jennie187267:299Link to document image
Harmon, DanielfromHartnett, James187566:173Link to document image
Harmon, DanielfromSpencer, Martin (Adm.)186848:229Link to document image
Harmon, Dl.fromJenkenson, Emma186844:367Link to document image
Harmon, Geo.toCin. Rich. & Ft. W. R. R. 187155:370Link to document image
Harmon, Geo.toStephens, Thos.186650:399Link to document image
Harmon, H.fromBeverforden, S.188598:313Link to document image
Harmon, H. & S. W.toChapin, A. A. (Et ux.)188495:621Link to document image
Harmon, HenerietafromMcCartney, Jno.188392:260Link to document image
Harmon, HenriettatoWheelock, K. K. (Et ux.)1888107:508Link to document image
Harmon, IsaactoBoguslawskey, Bear1854Q:129Link to document image
Harmon, IsaactoMerrill, Nathan F.1854Q:129Link to document image
Harmon, IssactoBoguslawskey, Bear1854Q:129Link to document image
Harmon, J. K. (Et al.)toFlemimg, Wm.188393:324Link to document image
Harmon, John C.toHarmon, Samuel W.1900156:301Link to document image
Harmon, S. W.fromPloor, C. F. (Et al.)1886100:358Link to document image
Harmon, S. W.fromSalzman, Wm.1886101:379Link to document image
Harmon, S. W.toSiemon, Rudolph1886102:24Link to document image
Harmon, S. W. (Et ux.)fromDunn, Wm.1888108:5Link to document image
Harmon, Saml. W.fromJoost, Albert A.1895136:559Link to document image
Harmon, Saml. W.toNewcomer, Sarah A.1890116:68Link to document image
Harmon, Saml. W.fromWilliams, S. C. (Et al.)1889114:239Link to document image
Harmon, Saml. W. (Et al.)toButler, William A.1891113:343Link to document image
Harmon, Samuel W.fromDando, Eliza J.1900157;252Link to document image
Harmon, Samuel W.fromDouglas, Joseph H.1901161:426Link to document image
Harmon, Samuel W.fromHarmon, John C.1900156:301Link to document image
Harmon, Samuel W.toHyde, Royena (Et al.)1901161:485Link to document image
Harmon, Samuel W.fromNewcomer, Sarah A. (Et al.)1901161:484Link to document image
Harmony Lodge I. O. O. F.fromComparet, David F.1860Y:492Link to document image
Harmony, Geo.fromFreiberger, Simon186543:358Link to document image
Harmony, I. O. O. F. 19toFt. W. Lodge I. O. O. F. 14186332:53Link to document image
Harmony, I. O. O. F. 19toRead, A. J.186332:52Link to document image
Harmony, I. O. O. F. 19toWiley, Alexander186332:52Link to document image
Harmsdarfer, G. A.toEckert, Frederick187670:508Link to document image
Harmsdarfer, Geo.fromRoppa, Wm.187667:258Link to document image
Harmsdarfer, Geo. A.fromGoebel, Frederick187667:458Link to document image
Harmsdarfer, Geo. A.fromGoebel, Frederick187667:469Link to document image
Harmsdorfer, GeorgefromArcher, John H.187364:156Link to document image
Harner, Cath. S. (Et al.)toNietert, Christian1892124:344Link to document image
Harner, JosephfromHatch, George1852M:145Link to document image
Harnes, to--tter, Geo.186332:146Link to document image
Harneschfager, P.fromOlds, Henry G.1888108:580Link to document image
Harnesdarfer, Geo. A.toRoppa, Sophia187667:470Link to document image
Harnischfeger, PetertoGans, Anna M.187565:388Link to document image
Harnischfiger, PeterfromGaus, Louis187564:467Link to document image
Harnisfeger, PetertoBecker, Conrad1888108:581Link to document image
Harnisfeger, PetertoZern, John1888108:582Link to document image
Harnish, JacobfromBaltes, Michael (Et al.)1891120:511Link to document image
Harnish, JacobfromRomy, Robert L. (Et al.)1891120:511Link to document image
Harnish, Jno.toHaifley, Geo.187978:478Link to document image
Harnish, JohnfromTimbrook, Abigal187979:225Link to document image
Harnish, Sarah J.totiles, Artemas, L.1897148:206Link to document image
Harnish, Sarah J.fromWells Circuit Court1897147:548Link to document image
Harnish, susanfromAllen Circuit Court188495:143Link to document image
Harnish, SusantoGreenawalk, O. J.188496:116Link to document image
Harnish, SusanfromTimbrook, Elizabeth (et al.)187975:426Link to document image
Harnish, Susan (Et al.) toBehm, Mary187975:429Link to document image
Harnish, Susan (Et al.) toBogar, Rebecca187975:432Link to document image
Harnish, Susan (Et al.) toGrate, Harriet187975:427Link to document image
Harnish, Susan (Et al.) toStauffer, Rhode187975:430Link to document image
Harnish, Susan (Et al.) toTimbrook, Abigal187975:431Link to document image
Harnish, Susan (Et al.) toTimbrook, Elisabeth187975:428Link to document image
Harnish, Susan (Et al.) toTimbrook, James187975:425Link to document image
Harod, IsaacfromPugh, Flounce187257:32Link to document image
Harp, HenryfromHarp, Isaac1853O:89Link to document image
Harp, IsaacfromHarch, George W.1848I:830Link to document image
Harp, IsaactoHarp, Henry1853O:89Link to document image
Harp, Margaret J.fromEaton, Andrew1899156:195Link to document image
Harp, Margaret J.fromKanipe, Rosanna1902168:493Link to document image
Harp, PollyfromCopenhaver, Alf.1889110:260Link to document image
Harpel, WilhelmfromU. C. Life Ins. Co.1900158:184Link to document image
Harper, Annie L.fromHarper, James1895137:189Link to document image
Harper, Annie L.toHarper, Robt. E.1895137:190Link to document image
Harper, Annie L. (Guard)toHarper, Robt. E.1895137:190Link to document image
Harper, B. F.toKeller, Sebastian1889110:66Link to document image
Harper, B. F.fromKeller, Sebastian1889110:65Link to document image
Harper, B. F.fromKelsey, S. B.1889110:259Link to document image
Harper, B. F.toPolcon, Francis1887105:388Link to document image
Harper, B. F.fromPolcon, Martin1887105:387Link to document image
Harper, B. F.fromSauer, G. M.1888109:267Link to document image
Harper, B. F.toSauer, G. M. (Et ux.)1888109:268Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.toCrabill, Levi1895140:395Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.fromCrabill, Levi1895140:55Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.toCrabill, Mary E.1895140:56Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.toCrawford, Lydia1893131:273Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.fromCrawford, Nelson J.1893131:272Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.toKelsey, E. A.1889110:258Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.fromLipes, Anna M.1894134:226Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.fromSpenley, Elizabeth1894132:82Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.toSpenley, Elizabeth1894132:84Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.toSpenley, Frank1894132:84Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.fromSpenley, Frank1894132:82Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.toSpenley, Martin1893131:16Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.toSpenley, Martin1893131:17Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.fromSpenley, Martin Jo.1893130:182Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.fromSpenley, Martin Jo.1893130:183Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.toSpenley, Sophia1893131:16Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.toSpenley, Sophia1893131:17Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.toSpringe, Lavina1891120:374Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.fromSpringer, Lavina1891120:374Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F.toStein, Margaretha (Trustee)1896144:127Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F. (Admr.)toRomy, Frederick1900159:513Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F. (Comr.)toBass, John H. (Rec.)1899155:476Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F. (Comr.)toHood, Lavina1889114:323Link to document image
Harper, Benj. F. (Comr.)toWeiss, Earnest F.1898160:69Link to document image
Harper, Benjamin F.fromSprague, Harry E.1899153:541Link to document image
Harper, Benjamin F.toSpraque, Ada L.1899153:542Link to document image
Harper, CharlestoGalloway, David H.1898149:333Link to document image
Harper, CharlesfromRoose, Charles (Et al.)1897149:117Link to document image
Harper, Charles E.toWatson, H. M.1901163:312Link to document image
Harper, Charls E.fromCarter, Benjamin1897149:116Link to document image
Harper, DellafromSpanberg, Emma1902171:141Link to document image
Harper, EdwardtoBatt, Mary1889111:283Link to document image
Harper, EdwardtoHarper, Hamilton1886101:63Link to document image
Harper, EdwardfromHarper, Hamilton1886101:38Link to document image
Harper, EdwardfromMcCarthy, Julia E.1891121:116Link to document image
Harper, EdwardtoN.Y.C. & St. L. Rw. Co.188186:411Link to document image
Harper, EdwardtoSalway, John1895140:242Link to document image
Harper, H.toN.Y.C. & St. L. Rw. Co.188186:408Link to document image
Harper, H. & E.fromHarper, Wm.188082:467Link to document image
Harper, HamiltonfromHarper, Edward1886101:63Link to document image
Harper, HamiltontoHarper, Edward1886101:38Link to document image
Harper, HamiltonfromHarper, Samuel187052:321Link to document image
Harper, HamiltontoLomont, Alfons1901161:266Link to document image
Harper, HamiltonfromMcCarthy, Julia E.1891121:117Link to document image
Harper, HamiltontoNelson, George187052:321Link to document image
Harper, HamiltontoStark, Joseph187258:22Link to document image
Harper, HamiltonfromWilson, Geo.187155:360Link to document image
Harper, HenryfromBoies, John186437:18Link to document image
Harper, I. W.fromHarper, John186640:230Link to document image
Harper, IsaiahfromBreen, Chas. (Guard)187052:176Link to document image
Harper, Isaiah W.fromMossman, John F.1901165:125Link to document image
Harper, Isiah W.toKelsey, Wm. A. (Trustee)188393:172Link to document image
Harper, J. B.fromBowen, Wm.188290:515Link to document image
Harper, JamestoHarper, Annie L.1895137:189Link to document image
Harper, JamestoHoops, R. E.187058:21Link to document image
Harper, JamestoKnode, R. S.187258:261Link to document image
Harper, JamestoPease, Adam186750:268Link to document image
Harper, JamestoTaylor, Emily s.187565:276Link to document image
Harper, JamestoTaylor, Jas. E.187349:368Link to document image
Harper, James B. (Et al. Comr.)toCrouse, Jesse (Et ux.)1901163:495Link to document image
Harper, James B. (Tr.)toClick, Alice (Et al.)1898153:392Link to document image
Harper, Jas. B.toBowen, E. M.188290:516Link to document image
Harper, Jas. B.toKerr, W. j. (Et al.)188597:272Link to document image
Harper, Jas. B.fromKerr, Wm. J.188597:270Link to document image
Harper, Jas. B.fromSheriff1892126:421Link to document image
Harper, Jno.fromPike, Robt. R.184993:52Link to document image
Harper, JohnfromCooper, Geo. J.1890115:384Link to document image
Harper, JohntoHarper, I. W.186640:230Link to document image
Harper, JohntoHarper, Robert1896141:90Link to document image
Harper, JohntoHarrison, A. D.1889110:436Link to document image
Harper, JohnfromHill, John E.1848I:556Link to document image
Harper, JohnfromMumman, W. W.186330:603Link to document image
Harper, JosephtoBerry, Archmedes1851L:168Link to document image
Harper, Louisa M.toMoorman, Benjamin1897148:103Link to document image
Harper, Louisa M.fromZuber, John1895140:337Link to document image
Harper, Louisa MaryfromRuppel, Mary M.1902169:58Link to document image
Harper, Malissa J.fromAllen Cir. Court1894133:25Link to document image
Harper, Malissa J.fromRobertson, R. S. (Comr.)1894133:16Link to document image
Harper, MalissefromBarrows, Richard (est.)187260:534Link to document image
Harper, MaryfromHarper, R. E.1886101:188Link to document image
Harper, MarytoHarper, Robt. E.1886101:189Link to document image
Harper, Orian H.fromKinsel, William1901160:310Link to document image
Harper, R. E.toHarper, Mary1886101:188Link to document image
Harper, R. E.fromHarper, Wm.188082:450Link to document image
Harper, RobertfromHarper, John1896141:90Link to document image
Harper, Robt. E.fromHarper, Annie L.1895137:190Link to document image
Harper, Robt. E.fromHarper, Annie L. (Guard)1895137:190Link to document image
Harper, Robt. E.fromHarper, Mary1886101:189Link to document image
Harper, Robt. E.fromRichmond Casket Company1894135:177Link to document image
Harper, Saml. (Register in Bankruptcy) toBrainard, Ira F.187810:509Link to document image
Harper, Saml. (Register in Bankruptcy) toHolmes, Reason 6187810:509Link to document image
Harper, SamueltoHarper, Hamilton187052:321Link to document image
Harper, SamuelfromWolf, Carl186847:145Link to document image
Harper, W. (Error)toHaberkern, Heinrich1860Y:331Link to document image
Harper, WilliamfromHamilton, John1859X:205Link to document image
Harper, Wm.toGrisbee, Geo.186434:215Link to document image
Harper, Wm.toHamilton, B. & F.187782:552Link to document image
Harper, Wm.toHarper, H. & E.188082:467Link to document image
Harper, Wm.toHarper, R. E.188082:450Link to document image
Harper, Wm. (et al.)fromMcCarty, Julia (et al.)187566:167Link to document image
Harrad, IsaacfromMeriam, Julia A. (Et al.)188287:184Link to document image
Harres, HenrytoBuckley, William1850N:159Link to document image
Harres, John L.fromStoneman, H. D.187463:76Link to document image
Harrier, Jno.fromSheriff188393:398Link to document image
Harries, FredtoDenges, Jno.188598:20Link to document image
Harries, FredfromPrusse, Ernest188184:440Link to document image
Harries, FredericktoHarries, John1858V:366Link to document image
Harries, Frederick (Will of)to1889112:230Link to document image
Harries, Jno.fromLauer, M. W.188393:218Link to document image
Harries, Jno.toSchwier, Wm.188080:493Link to document image
Harries, JoelfromHumphrey, D. G.186845:318Link to document image
Harries, JoelfromHumphrey, F. M.186845:318Link to document image
Harries, JohnfromHarries, Frederick1858V:366Link to document image
Harries, JohnfromSchele, Aug. F.186640:382Link to document image
Harries, Lydia M.fromCurdes, Louis F.1898155:308Link to document image
Harries, Lydia M.toCurdes, Louis F.1898155:309Link to document image
Harries, MaryfromBaals, August1895142:355Link to document image
Harries, MarytoBail, Joseph1892127:73Link to document image
Harries, MarytoBeerman, John Edw.1900156:305Link to document image
Harries, MaryfromYoung, William H.1897145:352Link to document image
Harries, MaryfromYoung, William H.1897145:353Link to document image
Harries, MarytoYoung, Wm. H.1897145:358Link to document image
Harries, Mary A. (Et al.)toJensen, Betty Johanne1901160:435Link to document image
Harries, Mary A. (Et al.)toNelaon, James S.1893130:508Link to document image
Harries, Mary A. (Guard)toNelson, Jas. S.1893131:101Link to document image
Harring, AnsontoHodge, J. E. M.186950:547Link to document image
Harring, Augusta (Et ux.)toMotz, George1891120:154Link to document image
Harring, CharlesfromMotz, George (Et ux.)1891120:308Link to document image
Harrington, Cornelius, Jeremiah & DanielfromBoiteux, Peter F.187464:104Link to document image
Harrington, E. B.toBeck, F. J.187771:133Link to document image
Harrington, E. B.fromKline, Jacob187256:494Link to document image
Harrington, Edward B.toCaetia, Peter187358:422Link to document image
Harrington, Edwin B.toWalls, Samuel S.187463:550Link to document image
Harrington, Elias S.toLeonard, Wm.187668:402Link to document image
Harrington, Elias S.fromWells, Wm.187468:394Link to document image
Harrington, J. N.toSappington, Jacob187048:452Link to document image
Harrington, J. W.fromWilliams, H. D.186944:493Link to document image
Harrington, Jno. S.fromSturgis, Chas. E.1858V:370Link to document image
Harrington, Jno. W.fromNickey, Addison B.1892125:21Link to document image
Harrington, JohnfromBostick, E. (Comt.)186638:551Link to document image
Harrington, JohnfromYergens, Wm.186639:352Link to document image
Harrington, John S.toMyers, William H.1858V:525Link to document image
Harrington, John W.toTustison, Sarah1901161:491Link to document image
Harrington, John W. (Et ux.)fromTustison, Sarah1901161:493Link to document image
Harrington, Margt. E.fromStocks, Samuel J.1899155:21Link to document image
Harrington, Margt. E.toTustison, Sarah1901161:492Link to document image
Harrington, MarytoBoiteur, Virginia187257:180Link to document image
Harrington, MarytoButler, Elizabeth188186:77Link to document image
Harrington, MaryfromGreen, E. W.186949:343Link to document image
Harrington, MarytoHendry, Wm.187772:106Link to document image
Harris, AdeliafromTyger, P. C.186536:179Link to document image
Harris, Benjamin S.fromConnett, Emma A.1897148:340Link to document image
Harris, Benjamin S.toHoopingarner, Wm. H.1901162:314Link to document image
Harris, Benjamin S.fromRandall, Winifred J.1902169:303Link to document image
Harris, Bernard P.fromGernhardt, Wm.1896142:151Link to document image
Harris, Bernard P.toMoser, Edward R.1901163:411Link to document image
Harris, Bernard P.fromRupp, Jesse1897145:335Link to document image
Harris, CharlesfromHarris, Joseph (Et al.)1887111:513Link to document image
Harris, ClaratoKelsey, Isaac H.188185:140Link to document image
Harris, CoratoReithmiller, August1896143:138Link to document image
Harris, E. L.fromHayden, Jno. W.1887105:509Link to document image
Harris, E. V.fromFelts, George F.1892123:271Link to document image
Harris, E. V.toHail, Geo. S.1893131:75Link to document image
Harris, ElishtoEwing, William G. 1850K:314Link to document image
Harris, ElishatoGibson, Francis1857U:452Link to document image
Harris, ElishatoSpencer, John1850L:400Link to document image
Harris, Ella F.fromHull, Lewis O.187873:77Link to document image
Harris, Ella F.toMadden, Mary J.1896142:175Link to document image
Harris, Ella F.toMerritt, Elvira1896142:234Link to document image
Harris, Ella L.fromKressler, Maggie187874:196Link to document image
Harris, Ella L.fromKressler, Maggie187874:197Link to document image
Harris, Ellar F.toWilliams, Hellen187979:68Link to document image
Harris, Emma L.toRobinson, Jas. M.1888108:226Link to document image
Harris, Emma V.fromSuter, Edward1894133:96Link to document image
Harris, Emmett V.fromLand & Security Co.1901161:542Link to document image
Harris, FredtoAhrens, Henry18645:24Link to document image
Harris, FredfromDeuges, Jno.188598:18Link to document image
Harris, FredfromHartman, Fred188597:308Link to document image
Harris, FredfromHartman, Fred188599:204Link to document image
Harris, FredtoLepper, J. G. F. W.188597:303Link to document image
Harris, FredfromNestel, Daniel186536:486Link to document image
Harris, FredericktoHarris, George1887104:317Link to document image
Harris, Fredk.fromLepper, Aug. H.187051:473Link to document image
Harris, Fredk.toLepper, Augh.187051:488Link to document image
Harris, Geo. L.fromHarris, H. E.1886101:553Link to document image
Harris, Geo. L.toHarris, Henry E.1886101:554Link to document image
Harris, Geo. L.toHayden, Jno. W.1887105:493Link to document image
Harris, GeorgefromHarris, Frederick1887104:317Link to document image
Harris, GrantfromBrown, Vallorons1898150:326Link to document image
Harris, GranttoGandy, Oscar1901161:309Link to document image
Harris, H. E.toHarris, Geo. L.1886101:553Link to document image
Harris, HannahfromSavage, Jas. F.186742:388Link to document image
Harris, HannahfromSavage, Jno. H.186742:388Link to document image
Harris, HenrytoRowell, James W.1850K:478Link to document image
Harris, Henry E.toCoolman, Jno. H.1888107:244Link to document image
Harris, Henry E.fromHarris, Geo. L.1886101:554Link to document image
Harris, Ida V.fromBowers, Catharine1890120:63Link to document image
Harris, JohntoFruchtenicht, Franz186641:569Link to document image
Harris, JohntoFruchtenicht, H.186641:568Link to document image
Harris, JohnfromKrutz, James J.186743:83Link to document image
Harris, JohntoMeyer, John Henry1852M:790Link to document image
Harris, JohnfromMeyers, John Henry1852N:567Link to document image
Harris, JohnfromMinnee, Frederick1852N:98Link to document image
Harris, JohnfromPaul, Ferdinand (et al.)187566:225Link to document image
Harris, John B.fromLorenge, Abe B.1893130:16Link to document image
Harris, John B.toLorenze, Abe B.1893131:391Link to document image
Harris, Joseph (Et al.)toHarris, Charles1887111:513Link to document image
Harris, JuliatoEwing, William G.1850K:314Link to document image
Harris, JuliatoSpencer, John1850L:400Link to document image
Harris, L. F.toSawyer, Julia A.187675:47Link to document image
Harris, L. F. & Sawyer, G.fromRawle, Wm.187675:46Link to document image
Harris, Laura B.toHail, Geo. S.1893131:75Link to document image
Harris, LeonicetoDavis, E. Gregg (Et al.)190116:367Link to document image
Harris, Leonice (Et al.)fromWilding, Charles A.1901161:477Link to document image
Harris, LucindafromKelsey, E. J.188184:18Link to document image
Harris, LucindatoKelsey, Isaac H.188185:136Link to document image
Harris, Lucinda (Et al.)toKelsey, Isaac H.1882114:271Link to document image
Harris, LusindatoWithers, John1887108:570Link to document image
Harris, M. A. (Et al.)toHentner, E. S.188182:201Link to document image
Harris, MarytoSpencer, John1850L:400Link to document image
Harris, MaryfromWalton, Agnes1897144:432Link to document image
Harris, Mary A.fromNelson, James S.1894134:355Link to document image
Harris, RachaeltoSpencer, John1850L:400Link to document image
Harris, Rachael R.toSpencer, John1850L:400Link to document image
Harris, RacheltoEwing, William G. (Sr.)1850K:314Link to document image
Harris, S. & T.fromEberts, Robt. J.186537:561Link to document image
Harris, Saml.fromEberts, Robt. J. (Heirs)186538:187Link to document image
Harris, SamuelfromAshley, Jno. J.186438:186Link to document image
Harris, SamuelfromAshley, John J.186438:186Link to document image
Harris, SamuelfromAshley, John J.186438:186Link to document image
Harris, SamuelfromCoombs, W. H. (Guard)186538:189Link to document image
Harris, SamueltoEwing, William G. (Sr.)1850K:314Link to document image
Harris, SamueltoHarrod, John1854Q:131Link to document image
Harris, SamueltoSpencer, John1850L:400Link to document image
Harris, Sawyer & RawlefromKelly, James187568:444Link to document image
Harris, ThomasfromCoombs, W. H. (Guard)186538:189Link to document image
Harris, Thomas B.toHarris, Wm. H.186965:272Link to document image
Harris, Thos.fromEberts, Robt. J. (Heirs)186538:187Link to document image
Harris, WesleyfromLamlin, E. J.1887104:126Link to document image
Harris, Wesley (Et ux.)toMaier, John G.1891120:87Link to document image
Harris, WilliamtoRomy, Robert L.1901164:204Link to document image
Harris, William (Et ux.)fromRomy, Robert L.1901162:400Link to document image
Harris, William H.toWilding, Charles A.1901161:531Link to document image
Harris, Wm. H.fromHarris, Thomas B.186965:272Link to document image
Harris, Wm. H.toHill, John S.187565:274Link to document image
Harris, Wm. H.toMcFadden, Elizabeth1865118:291Link to document image
Harris, Wm. H. (Et ux.)fromTait, George W.1900159:511Link to document image
Harrisen, Timothy S.fromKoons, Henry186333:56Link to document image
Harrish, ElishatoSpencer, John1850L:406Link to document image
Harrison, A. D.fromHarper, John1889110:436Link to document image
Harrison, AdamfromSwartz, Geo. W.1858V:390Link to document image
Harrison, AlfredtoIndianapolis & Bellfountain R. R. Co.1850J:668Link to document image
Harrison, Grace H.toHarrison, Robert H.1891113:360Link to document image
Harrison, Grace H.fromHarrison, Robt. H.1890116:292Link to document image
Harrison, Gracen H.fromHarrison, Robert H.1891113:359Link to document image
Harrison, HenriettatoNuide, L. M.1893131:141Link to document image
Harrison, HenriettatoRogers, Willie S.1893130:495Link to document image
Harrison, Henrietta (Et al.)toRoger, Willis S.1892123:84Link to document image
Harrison, J. T.toArnold, Wm.188598:557Link to document image
Harrison, J. T.fromMcAdams, J. O. B. (Et al.)188598:240Link to document image
Harrison, J. T.toSickler, Everet188598:558Link to document image
Harrison, J. T.toValentine, Jno.188598:308Link to document image
Harrison, JamesfromFulk, Harrison186230:251Link to document image
Harrison, Jas. M.toGandy, O. (Et al.)188391:289Link to document image
Harrison, Jas. M.toGandy, Oscar (Et al.)188186:138Link to document image
Harrison, Jas. M.toTrustee Eel R. Tp.186642:146Link to document image
Harrison, Jos.toFegarden, M. T.188392:326Link to document image
Harrison, Jos. T.toEverett, Chas. E.1892126:429Link to document image
Harrison, Jos. T.toRodabaugh, J. F.188599:116Link to document image
Harrison, Joseph T.toWeisel, Charls E.1899154:81Link to document image
Harrison, LawsontoHartman, George R.1849J:347Link to document image
Harrison, LawsontoJones, Samuel G.1849J:347Link to document image
Harrison, LouisafromWhite, James B.187771:182Link to document image
Harrison, LouisatoWhite, Maria187874:298Link to document image
Harrison, M.fromMaples, L. S.186744:178Link to document image
Harrison, MaryfromDalman, Charles186948:314Link to document image
Harrison, MarytoDalman, Chas.186948:294Link to document image
Harrison, MaryfromDalman, John1872Link to document image
Harrison, MaryfromGraham, Maud1893127:456Link to document image
Harrison, MarytoKeller, Harriet E.188392:485Link to document image
Harrison, MarytoMurphy, Michael187256:114Link to document image
Harrison, MaryfromWalker, Jane187770:183Link to document image
Harrison, Mich.fromSchlink, John (Et.)1891121:535Link to document image
Harrison, MichaelfromKelley, John186947:412Link to document image
Harrison, MichaelfromNinde, L. M.1893131:140Link to document image
Harrison, MichaeltoNuide, L. M.1893131:141Link to document image
Harrison, MichaelfromRoger, Willie S.1892123:85Link to document image
Harrison, MichaelfromRogers, Willie S.1893131:60Link to document image
Harrison, Michael (Et al.)toHolmes, Charles W.1891113:267Link to document image
Harrison, R. F.toHarison, Thos. R.187050:483Link to document image
Harrison, R. F.fromKinnan, Jno. M.186846:583Link to document image
Harrison, R. F. C.fromHarrison, Thos. R.187053:512Link to document image
Harrison, R. H.fromMeyer, J. F. W.188185:546Link to document image
Harrison, Richd. F.toLopshire, George187359:562Link to document image
Harrison, Robert H.fromHarrison, Grace H.1891113:360Link to document image
Harrison, Robert H.toHarrison, Gracen H.1891113:359Link to document image
Harrison, Robert H.toHogan, Hugh P. (Et ux.)1900158:180Link to document image
Harrison, Robt. H.toHarrison, Grace H.1890116:292Link to document image
Harrison, T. S.toHarber, Peter186333:322Link to document image
Harrison, T. S.toJohnston, Wm.186333:55Link to document image
Harrison, T. S.toMiller, Robt. E.186436:401Link to document image
Harrison, T. S.fromSwinney, Thos. W.186332:14Link to document image
Harrison, Thos. R.toHarrison, R. F. C.187053:512Link to document image
Harrison, Thos. R.toKimmel, John187360:369Link to document image
Harrison, Thos. R.fromLutz, Abraham186846:336Link to document image
Harrison, W. H.toLoney, A. J.188495:157Link to document image
Harrison, W. H.toNewell, Agnes188183:64Link to document image
Harrison, W. H.fromSheriff187669:279Link to document image
Harrison, W. H. & M.fromNewell, Agnes188183:65Link to document image
Harrison, W. H. & M.fromWillias, J. L.188494:579Link to document image
Harrison, WilliamtoFoster, Samuel M.1897147:8Link to document image
Harrison, WilliamfromFt. Wayne L. & Imp. Co.1894135:12Link to document image
Harrison, William H.toLepple, Gottlieb187770:344Link to document image
Harrison, William H.toTraub, S. & Leple, F.187770:339Link to document image
Harrison, Wm. & MaryfromGero, Philip187770:270Link to document image
Harrison, Wm. A.toGirs, Peter187349:170Link to document image
Harrison, Wm. H.toDalman, Charles186950:367Link to document image
Harrison, Wm. H.toDalman, Charles186950:368Link to document image
Harrison, Wm. H.fromDalman, Thos.186944:572Link to document image
Harrison, Wm. H.toGraham, Maud1893127:455Link to document image
Harrison, Wm. H.fromLepple, Gottlieb187770:343Link to document image
Harrison, Wm. H.toMcKeag, Agnes188393:584Link to document image
Harrison, Wm. H.fromSheriff187770:271Link to document image
Harrison, Wm. K.toWalker, Jane187770:182Link to document image
Harrod, A. C.toU. C. Life Ins. Co.1895138:437Link to document image
Harrod, Andrew C.fromBarney, S. F.1892126:258Link to document image
Harrod, ClarkfromHarrod, Mills1888127:285Link to document image
Harrod, ClarktoSweet, Warren1888127:286Link to document image
Harrod, Clark E.fromSmith, Joseph L.1894135:270Link to document image
Harrod, ClaytoFreistroffer, Simon (Et ux.)1901165:226Link to document image
Harrod, ClayfromHamilton, Montg.1895138:169Link to document image
Harrod, ClaytoKromm, Moses1900157:499Link to document image
Harrod, ClayfromWheelock, Kent K.1894133:194Link to document image
Harrod, Clay H.toBergmann, George D.1900159:27Link to document image
Harrod, Clay H.fromHolt, William J.1900156:548Link to document image
Harrod, ElitoBarber, Hiram1851S:61Link to document image
Harrod, ElitoBeam, Elizabeth1847K:75Link to document image
Harrod, ElitoGrube, Daniel1851L:185Link to document image
Harrod, ElitoHanna, Samuel1850K:134Link to document image
Harrod, ElitoHarrod, Morgan1853N:308Link to document image
Harrod, ElitoHeill, Benjamin F.1850K:583Link to document image
Harrod, ElitoLahman, William1854Q:148Link to document image
Harrod, ElitoLopshire, Lewis1850K:584Link to document image
Harrod, ElitoParker, Lucy M.186331:470Link to document image
Harrod, ElitoTergeus, Henry A. (Et al.)1893129:5Link to document image
Harrod, EnosfromHenry, andrew M. (Et ux.)1891113:81Link to document image
Harrod, EnostoHoffman, Simon1895140:545Link to document image
Harrod, EnosfromWhybourn, M. C.1893132:33Link to document image
Harrod, Esther (Et al.)toHake, Henry1890113:525Link to document image
Harrod, EunicefromClark, Jason (Et al.)188393:414Link to document image
Harrod, EunicetoHartzel, Elias (Et al.)1888115:544Link to document image
Harrod, EunicefromHerrod, Morgan1888108:323Link to document image
Harrod, EunicefromSweet, Warren188290:308Link to document image
Harrod, EunicetoTergeus, Henry A. (Et al.)1893129:4Link to document image
Harrod, EunicetoWilliams, E. (Et ux.)1897147:410Link to document image
Harrod, H. S.fromLindenwood Cemetery1893139:57Link to document image
Harrod, HorganfromHerrod, J--h186434:441Link to document image
Harrod, IfromRollins, L. S.187873:567Link to document image
Harrod, IsaacfromBruer, George185927:20Link to document image
Harrod, IsaacfromDaugherty, E. E. (Et al.)188287:184Link to document image
Harrod, IsaactoEnglish E. L. Church1855W:240Link to document image
Harrod, IsaacfromHarrod, Morgan1853N:367Link to document image
Harrod, IsaacfromHarrod, Morgan186333:26Link to document image
Harrod, IsaactoHufman, G.186745:155Link to document image
Harrod, IsaacfromLauferty, Isaac188287:185Link to document image
Harrod, IsaacfromLopohive, Louis188079:215Link to document image
Harrod, IsaactoMariam, Ed. M.186541:542Link to document image
Harrod, IsaactoMoldthan, Wm.186027:624Link to document image
Harrod, IsaacfromPowers, Jno. A.186743:580Link to document image
Harrod, IsaactoRhodes, Jno.187983:58Link to document image
Harrod, IsaactoRollins, L. S.187873:572Link to document image
Harrod, IsaacfromRuhl, Almira (Et al.)188287:184Link to document image
Harrod, IsaacfromShookman, Jacob (Et al.)188287:184Link to document image
Harrod, IsaactoTodd, John1850L:50Link to document image
Harrod, IsaacfromWearley, M. J. (Et al.)188287:184Link to document image
Harrod, JohnfromClark, James1855Q:653Link to document image
Harrod, JohntoClark, James1855Q:652Link to document image
Harrod, JohntoClark, James1855R:402Link to document image
Harrod, JohnfromCrane, Orson J.1855Q:650Link to document image
Harrod, JohnfromHarris, Samuel1854Q:131Link to document image
Harrod, JohntoTrustes Marion Tp.1854W:305Link to document image
Harrod, Jos.fromCunningham, Mary188082:207Link to document image
Harrod, Jos.toHuffman, Rudolph188495:55Link to document image
Harrod, JosephfromBeach, W. G.187668:379Link to document image
Harrod, JosephtoBrown, Phillip1859X:261Link to document image
Harrod, JosephtoCin. Rich. & Ft. W. R. R.187155:392Link to document image
Harrod, JosephtoCunningham, Mary187359:431Link to document image
Harrod, JosephfromEmenhiser, S. (Et al.)187259:33Link to document image
Harrod, JosephfromHarrod, William1853N:545Link to document image
Harrod, JosephtoHenry, Andrew M.1893132:479Link to document image
Harrod, JosephtoMcCahan, Geo.187360:527Link to document image
Harrod, JosephtoRondebush, Mary A.1892128:280Link to document image
Harrod, L.fromStiner, E. B.188080:348Link to document image
Harrod, L.toTrustee Perry Tp.188081:212Link to document image
Harrod, LucindafromAuditor186331:298Link to document image
Harrod, LucindafromForbing, John1903171:257Link to document image
Harrod, LucindatoKell, Jacob188287:253Link to document image
Harrod, LucindafromScott, Arza188289:140Link to document image
Harrod, LucindatoStiner, E. B.188079:471Link to document image
Harrod, M.fromGorsline, S. L.1886101:2Link to document image
Harrod, M.fromSnow, Jennie M.187566:50Link to document image
Harrod, M.fromWheeler, Mary R.187566:51Link to document image
Harrod, M. (Et al.) TrusteefromSheriff187982:102Link to document image
Harrod, Margan (et al.)toNoyer, Chas.187668:264Link to document image
Harrod, MilestoHarrod, Morgan1852N:307Link to document image
Harrod, MilestoHarrod, Morgan186442:208Link to document image
Harrod, MillsfromGorsline, S. L.1886101:105Link to document image
Harrod, MillsfromGorsline, S. L.1886101:105Link to document image
Harrod, MillstoHarrod, Clark1888127:285Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoArnold, Susan E.1854T:240Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromBowser, Isaiah188392:575Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoBowser, Jacob C.1851K:736Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromComet, John W.1856T:479Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoCoverdale, Elias G.1856T:615Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromCoverdale, Lemuel N.1185T:478Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoCoverdale, Lemuel N.1856T:614Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoCrane, O. J.1853N:324Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoDouble, George1902167:189Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromDowling, Eunice186642:149Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromEmenhiser, Marina1892133:502Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromEmenhiser, Stephen1892133:502Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromFarrell, Edward186228:599Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromFarrell, Edward (Est.)186638:646Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromGorsline, S. L.1886101:2Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromHarrod, Eli1853N:308Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoHarrod, Isaac1853N:367Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoHarrod, Isaac186333:26Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromHarrod, Miles1852N:307Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromHarrod, Miles186442:208Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromHarrod, Rhoda186642:150Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromHays, Eleanor186642:149Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoHildebrand, Wm.186643:553Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromHolmes, Jonathan1854P:453Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromHubler, Abe186948:264Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromHull, Benjamin F.1851L:407Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromLafever, John186642:149Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromLipes, David D.1894132:445Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoMailand, Carl.1888108:541Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoMiller, H. J.186951:175Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromMoore, M. B.186746:479Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoOuk, Daniel1899155:543Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoPorter, John1890116:548Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoScheimann, D.188391:537Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoScheumann, Wilh.1893131:406Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoSpuller, Francis T.187462:19Link to document image
Harrod, MorganfromTodd, Eli186638:576Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoTodd, Jesse W.1852P:127Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoTrustees Marion Tp.1858W:303Link to document image
Harrod, MorgantoWells, Joseph C.1853O:786Link to document image
Harrod, MorsefromFreistroffer, Simon1894133:104Link to document image
Harrod, MorsefromMeisner, Elizabeth1901165:88Link to document image
Harrod, MorsefromRandall, Julia Fay1901165:192Link to document image
Harrod, MorsefromSchuler, Constantine1893129:263Link to document image
Harrod, MorsefromVesey, William J.1901165:193Link to document image
Harrod, NewtontoPotts, Wm. A.188183:569Link to document image
Harrod, RhodatoHarrod, Morgan186642:150Link to document image
Harrod, TheronfromJohnson, E. M.188290:319Link to document image
Harrod, TherontoJohnson, E. M.188495:481Link to document image
Harrod, WilliamtoHarrod, Joseph1853N:545Link to document image
Harrod, WilliamfromTrus. O. B. L. No. 248 F. and A. M.1891121:608Link to document image
Harrod, WilliamtoWilliams, Mary E.1893147:408Link to document image
Harrold, M.toBarcus, Beulah, P.187770:487Link to document image
Harrold, M.toJones, Levi M.187674:151Link to document image
Harsch, Jno.fromGlutting, A. F.188597:121Link to document image
Harsch, JohntoGehard, A. M.1889114:94Link to document image
Harsch, JuliafromGebhard, Anna M.1889114:378Link to document image
Harsch, Julia (Et.)toBechtold, Louis1892122:594Link to document image
Harsest, BernhardfromDingman, A.187051:215Link to document image
Harsh, H. j.toSmith, H. W.188288:195Link to document image
Harsh, Jesse W, (Et al.)toHarsh, Nancy1899153:363Link to document image
Harsh, John S.fromMiller, Alice1895138:534Link to document image
Harsh, John S.fromMiller, Frank1895138:534Link to document image
Harsh, NancytoHale, Garland S.1899153:364Link to document image
Harsh, NancyfromHarsh, Jesse W, (Et al.)1899153:363Link to document image
Harshbarger, D. M.fromPierce, Wm. B.186640:174Link to document image
Harshman, C.fromMoering. M. S.1886101:28Link to document image
Harshman, RebeccafromBanserman, Eli1855S:244Link to document image
Harshman, RebeccatoCline, Jno.187667:336Link to document image
Harshmann, CarolinetoKuhne, H. Richard1899154:240Link to document image
Harstein, John L.fromBrandriff, Alfred D.1890117:129Link to document image
Hart, AltafromTri State B. & L. Assn.1902169:282Link to document image
Hart, AnntoDeWitt, D. W.187593:546Link to document image
Hart, Ann E.toNutman, Joseph D.1858W:241Link to document image
Hart, Anna E.toSturgis, Charles1858W:104Link to document image
Hart, BridgetfromMuldoon, Charles (Est. of)186127:357Link to document image
Hart, Bridget E. (Et al.)toHart, George188079:221Link to document image
Hart, Curt A.fromHoffman, Frederick E.1901165:230Link to document image
Hart, David M.fromGrim, Charles H.1897149:33Link to document image
Hart, Ellen (Et al.)fromMuldoon, Charles (Est. of)186127:357Link to document image
Hart, Geo.fromHart, Jonathan186536:163Link to document image
Hart, Geo.toHart, Sarah W.186535:508Link to document image
Hart, Geo.fromMeech, Wm. A.188186:160Link to document image
Hart, Geo.fromNinde, Jas. W.188496:185Link to document image
Hart, Geo.fromTreas, Francis187358:378Link to document image
Hart, GeorgetoAndoffer, Jos.188495:556Link to document image
Hart, GeorgefromFletcher, Mary M. (Et al.)188079:221Link to document image
Hart, GeorgetoHaiber, John187667:434Link to document image
Hart, GeorgefromHart, Bridget E. (Et al.)188079:221Link to document image
Hart, GeorgefromHart, Jane (Sr.)187358:327Link to document image
Hart, GeorgefromHart, Susan (Et al.)187358:296Link to document image
Hart, GeorgefromMiller, Conrad188392:497Link to document image
Hart, GeorgefromMuldoon, Charles (Est. of)186127:357Link to document image
Hart, GeorgetoStaley, George1851O:747Link to document image
Hart, GeorgetoVachon, Thos.188495:557Link to document image
Hart, GeorgetoWyes, Franz Sr.188079:341Link to document image
Hart, George (Et ux.)toStahl, Frederick1892123:203Link to document image
Hart, George C.fromSmead, Catherine1892124:93Link to document image
Hart, Hannah (Et al.)toHerber, Jno.188185:274Link to document image
Hart, Henry H. (Et al.)fromSuter, Edward1902171:105Link to document image
Hart, Henry H. (Et ux.)fromGraham, Phebe J. M.1901164:449Link to document image
Hart, Henry W.toCherpening, Jos.186431:617Link to document image
Hart, J. R.toFairfield, chas.187670:391Link to document image
Hart, Jacob C. (Et al.)toLehman, George1891113:258Link to document image
Hart, JanefromMuldoon, Charles (Est. of)186127:357Link to document image
Hart, Jane (Sr.)toHart, George187358:327Link to document image
Hart, Jno. R.fromBaltes, Michael187565:622Link to document image
Hart, JohnfromMuldoon, Charles (Est. of)186127:357Link to document image
Hart, John R.toBaltes & Link187565:599Link to document image
Hart, John R.fromWhite, James B.187360:145Link to document image
Hart, John R. (Et u.)toLahmon, Theodore1891124:148Link to document image
Hart, JonathanfromBaker, Oswell W.187051:597Link to document image
Hart, JonathanfromDague, James W.187360:606Link to document image
Hart, JonathantoHart, Geo.186536:163Link to document image
Hart, JonathantoHart, Oliver T.1888109:108Link to document image
Hart, JonathantoHart, W. M.188599:473Link to document image
Hart, JonathanfromMcLain, Nelson188185:239Link to document image
Hart, JonathanfromPaine, Jas. D.188082:191Link to document image
Hart, JonathantoParker, Nathaniel187349:427Link to document image
Hart, JonathanfromPierson, Wm. S.186230:597Link to document image
Hart, JonathanfromRatlidge, Arthur187360:605Link to document image
Hart, Julia (Et al.)toShirtt, George187149:212Link to document image
Hart, Margaret P.fromHoffman, Frederick E.1901165:168Link to document image
Hart, MaryfromMuldoon, Charles (Est. of)186127:357Link to document image
Hart, Mrs. R. T.fromTevis, Isaac S. (Et al.)1888109:59Link to document image
Hart, O. T.fromFriedly, Lawrence188394:14Link to document image
Hart, O. T.toMonesmith, H.186336:187Link to document image
Hart, O. T.toRuhe, Jas. H.186331:337Link to document image
Hart, Oliver T.fromEby, Henry186127:342Link to document image
Hart, Oliver T.fromHart, Jonathan1888109:108Link to document image
Hart, Oliver T.toHart, Sarah W.1888109:110Link to document image
Hart, PatricktoAke, Elijah1848I:585Link to document image
Hart, PatricktoChapman, George1848I:585Link to document image
Hart, PatricktoTownley, Jonas W.1852M:523Link to document image
Hart, PatricktoTownley, Robert W.1852M:523Link to document image
Hart, R. T.toSchmid, Fredk. I1890118:404Link to document image
Hart, Sarah W.fromHart, Geo.186535:508Link to document image
Hart, Sarah W.fromHart, Oliver T.1888109:110Link to document image
Hart, SusanfromMuldoon, Charles (Est. of)186127:357Link to document image
Hart, Susan (Et al.)toHart, George187358:296Link to document image
Hart, ThomastoAllen, Mary1850X:38Link to document image
Hart, W. M.fromHart, Jonathan188599:473Link to document image
Hart, WilliamfromChapman, Preston1891122:274Link to document image
Hart, WilliamfromMuldoon, Charles (Est. of)186127:357Link to document image
Hart, WilliamfromRippe, Frederick1888108:392Link to document image
Hart, WilliamtoSpringer, Loren1901162:308Link to document image
Hart, WilliamtoWahner, Anna M.1894134:352Link to document image
Hart, William (Et ux.)fromDanehy, Michael1894135:273Link to document image
Hart, William (Et.)toChapman, Preston1891122:223Link to document image
Hart, Wm.toKing, Asa1886100:235Link to document image
Hart, Wm.fromShearer, Hubbert188183:414Link to document image
Hart. JonathanfromCook, Pitt186230:597Link to document image
Hartbaugh, SimonfromAnderson, Jno.188598:214Link to document image
Hartel, AnnfromHartel, Elizabeth1894134:392Link to document image
Hartel, Ann (Et al.)toHartel, Elizabeth1884134:389Link to document image
Hartel, ElizabethtoHartel, Ann1894134:392Link to document image
Hartel, ElizabethfromHartel, Ann (Et al.)1884134:389Link to document image
Hartel, ElizabethtoHartel, Jas. H.1894134:391Link to document image
Hartel, ElizabethtoHartel, Saml. C.1894134:394Link to document image
Hartel, Jas. H.fromHartel, Elizabeth1894134:391Link to document image
Hartel, Philip (Et al.)toLehman, Jacob Jr.188494:307Link to document image
Hartel, Saml. C.fromHartel, Elizabeth1894134:394Link to document image
Hartel, SamuelfromHartle, Elizabeth1900157:62Link to document image
Harter, AbramtoMaxwell, Adam186950:225Link to document image
Harter, AlfredtoHarter, Philip187182:386Link to document image
Harter, AlfredtoHarter, Phillip187155:517Link to document image
Harter, Arther (Et al.)fromGrice, Jesse1892126:46Link to document image
Harter, Arthur (Et al.)fromHoffman, Geo. Jr. (Et al.)1900158:69Link to document image
Harter, Arthur (Et al.)toRoemer,Gustav1899155:376Link to document image
Harter, Chas. E.toHarter, Phillip187255:518Link to document image
Harter, DavidtoCroy, John G.1855S:679Link to document image
Harter, E. (Et al.)toJohnson, J. M.187782:184Link to document image
Harter, ElizabethtoGandy, Oscar1890117:371Link to document image
Harter, EllafromBeams, Hattie (Et al.)1894133:350Link to document image
Harter, Geo.fromBrown, John186331:23Link to document image
Harter, Geo.toGerard, Ann186436:218Link to document image
Harter, Geo.fromSibert, Samuel186844:427Link to document image
Harter, GeorgetoBeninghoff, Davis186844:413Link to document image
Harter, GeorgetoGarver, P. A.186549:204Link to document image
Harter, GeorgefromSibert, S. A. (Gdn.)186848:427Link to document image
Harter, JacobtoBennett, Hannah186847:116Link to document image
Harter, JacobfromBennett, John186847:115Link to document image
Harter, JoephtoHayden, Isaac1857V:474Link to document image
Harter, JohntoHarber, Nicholas1859V:532Link to document image
Harter, JosephtoBeaver, Caroline1854Q:11Link to document image
Harter, JosephtoBeers, Hawley B.1856T:435Link to document image
Harter, JosephfromBeers, Hawley B.1856T:544Link to document image
Harter, JosephtoBellamy, Elizabeth186640:202Link to document image
Harter, JosephtoHarter, Petal186948:347Link to document image
Harter, JosephtoHassler, Jos. B.186230:238Link to document image
Harter, JosephfromLangohr, Jno. W.187565:323Link to document image
Harter, JosephtoRobinson, Reuben D.1854P:255Link to document image
Harter, JosephtoSwinney, Thos. W.186229:291Link to document image
Harter, L. R.toHarter, Phillip187255:518Link to document image
Harter, M. C.toHarter, Wm.(Et al.)186948:248Link to document image
Harter, M. C. (Et al.)toHarter, Philip188182:301Link to document image
Harter, NicholastoHarber, John1859V:533Link to document image
Harter, PetalfromHarter, Joseph186948:347Link to document image
Harter, PetertoHanna, Samuel1858W:400Link to document image
Harter, PeterfromLewis, Samuel186333:57Link to document image
Harter, PetertoRothenbech, Fred. C.186332:121Link to document image
Harter, PhilipfromD'Isay, Isaac (Coms.)188183:196Link to document image
Harter, PhilipfromHanna, O. S.187770:200Link to document image
Harter, PhilipfromHarter, Alfred187182:386Link to document image
Harter, PhilipfromHarter, M. C. (Et al.)188182:301Link to document image
Harter, PhilipfromHartman, L. R. (Et al.)188182:301Link to document image
Harter, PhilipfromHartman, S. E.1887106:250Link to document image
Harter, PhiliptoHays, R. M.188081:451Link to document image
Harter, PhilipfromPeus, E. C.188183:195Link to document image
Harter, PhiliptoSeelig, Henry188182:399Link to document image
Harter, PhilipfromWeaver, Isiah187382:300Link to document image
Harter, PhilipfromYeager, Samuel1853N:462Link to document image
Harter, PhillipfromBass, Sion S.1855R:671Link to document image
Harter, PhillipfromBayless, J. T. (Adm.)186638:634Link to document image
Harter, PhillipfromHarter, Alfred187155:517Link to document image
Harter, PhillipfromHarter, Chas. E.187255:518Link to document image
Harter, PhillipfromHarter, L. R.187255:518Link to document image
Harter, PhillipfromHarter, Wm. H.187152:422Link to document image
Harter, PhillipfromHarter, Wm. H.187152:423Link to document image
Harter, PhillipfromKeesler, Elizabeth187155:521Link to document image
Harter, PhillipfromKeesler, Wm. H.187255:522Link to document image
Harter, PhilliptoKetsher, E. P.186639:486Link to document image
Harter, PhillipfromMcClure, David B.187360:334Link to document image
Harter, PhilliptoMcClure, Jennie A.187360:386Link to document image
Harter, PhilliptoMcCure, B. B.187254:494Link to document image
Harter, PhillipfromMcKeehan, David187462:495Link to document image
Harter, W. H.fromHall, Isaac186441:97Link to document image
Harter, W. H.toWalker, Edwin F.187154:507Link to document image
Harter, W. H. (Trustee Springfield)fromCopenhaver, Jacob188082:530Link to document image
Harter, WilliamfromHemrick, William1859Y:240Link to document image
Harter, Wm.toStver, Henry186547:224Link to document image
Harter, Wm. H.fromHall, M. B.187052:472Link to document image
Harter, Wm. H.toHarter, Phillip187152:422Link to document image
Harter, Wm. H.toHarter, Phillip187152:423Link to document image
Harter, Wm. H.fromSquire, Platt186853:318Link to document image
Harter, Wm. H. & L.fromHall, Isaac188495:367Link to document image
Harter, Wm.(Et al.)fromHarter, M. C.186948:248Link to document image
Hartiman John H.fromCarrier, Clemence (Admr.)1891113:238Link to document image
Harting, Herman H.toRandall, Perry A.1890115:538Link to document image
Harting, N. H. (Et ux.)fromRandall, Perry A.1890115:532Link to document image
Hartle, AnnfromHartle, Wm.1886101:61Link to document image
Hartle, Anna (Et al.)toTrustees Scipio Grave Yard1890117:271Link to document image
Hartle, ElizabethtoHartel, Samuel1900157:62Link to document image
Hartle, HarveytoDukeman, Samuel (Et ux.)1900159:356Link to document image
Hartle, HarveyfromHartle, Samuel C.1898157:63Link to document image
Hartle, SamueltoDorsey, Thomas1859X:330Link to document image
Hartle, Samuel C.toHartle, Harvey1898157:63Link to document image
Hartle, WilliamfromEickhoff, Bernard1898149:12Link to document image
Hartle, Wm.toHartle, Ann1886101:61Link to document image
Hartley, Avilla C.fromGraves, George186332:184Link to document image
Hartley, NelsontoWorden, Joseph186433:503Link to document image
Hartley, Nelson L.toCrawford, Jno. F.1891122:289Link to document image
Hartley, Nelson L. (Et ux.)fromCrawford, Jno. T.1890119:129Link to document image
Hartley, William E.toFenze, Christian (Et ux.)1902170:262Link to document image
Hartley, William E.fromScherfenberg, Louisa1900158:396Link to document image
Hartley, Wm. E.fromBower, Florence M.1897145:453Link to document image
Hartley, Wm. E.toBower, Florence M.1897145:455Link to document image
Hartley, Wm. E.fromRockhill, H. C.1896144:142Link to document image
Hartman & RodenbeckfromSmall, Purrington187462:473Link to document image
Hartman, A.toKauder, B. & K.1886102:50Link to document image
Hartman, A. J. F.toMoeller, C. H. G.188597:358Link to document image
Hartman, AblonefromAllen Cir. Court188597:595Link to document image
Hartman, AblonetoSmith, Jacob1886102:510Link to document image
Hartman, AdolphfromBrackenridge, G. W.186333:10Link to document image
Hartman, AdolphfromBrackenridge, H.186333:10Link to document image
Hartman, AdolphfromBrackenridge, Joseph186333:10Link to document image
Hartman, AdolphfromHattendorf, Henry1857T:551Link to document image
Hartman, AmostoHazzard, Lewis187567:544Link to document image
Hartman, AnntoTrahin, Jacques186536:447Link to document image
Hartman, AnnatoBosselman, Henry1887105:282Link to document image
Hartman, AnnatoHaase, Franz L.1889114:60Link to document image
Hartman, AnnafromHartman, Charles187975:459Link to document image
Hartman, AnnatoHartman, Louisa188597:188Link to document image
Hartman, AnnatoMcMahon, Ellen186127:503Link to document image
Hartman, AnnafromMetker, Bernard1889112:570Link to document image
Hartman, AnnatoNoessler, John (Et ux.)1893130:547Link to document image
Hartman, AnnafromPeters, Wm.187051:419Link to document image
Hartman, AnnatoRohs, Henry187257:301Link to document image
Hartman, AnnatoSchurmann, Theresia1901161:409Link to document image
Hartman, AnnafromSheriff188393:188Link to document image
Hartman, AnnafromSheriff188393:190Link to document image
Hartman, AnnafromWoebbeking, Conrad188494:468Link to document image
Hartman, Anna (Et al.)toGaffney, Margaret1902168:454Link to document image
Hartman, Anna (Et al.)toGetz, Joseph F. (Et ux.)1902168:455Link to document image
Hartman, Anna (Et al.)toGetz, Joseph L. (Et ux.)1900157:106Link to document image
Hartman, Aug. J. F.fromMotler, Christian H. G.1896144:150Link to document image
Hartman, AugustfromHeine, Wm.187362:182Link to document image
Hartman, AugustfromPoirson, Frank J. (Et al.)1901164:128Link to document image
Hartman, AugusttoStock, F.187363:221Link to document image
Hartman, August (Et al.)fromPoison, Felix (Et al.)1902165:451Link to document image
Hartman, August (Et ux.)fromScheumann, Maria1900161:326Link to document image
Hartman, C. & W.fromCook, Charlotte (Et al.)188598:451Link to document image
Hartman, C. & W.fromMeilaender, Anna (Et al.)188598:451Link to document image
Hartman, CarolinefromHartman, Jacob1899154:472Link to document image
Hartman, CarolinetoHartman, John G.1902171:127Link to document image
Hartman, CatharinetoRomy, Robert L.1890115:316Link to document image
Hartman, CharlestoHartman, Anna187975:459Link to document image
Hartman, CharlestoNoessler, John (Et ux.)1893130:547Link to document image
Hartman, CharlottetoBock, Wm. C.188597:401Link to document image
Hartman, CharlottetoKaade, John1895137:97Link to document image
Hartman, CharlottefromYohn, Fredricka (Et al.)1895137:98Link to document image
Hartman, Charlotte (Will of)to1896157:346Link to document image
Hartman, ChristfromGlass, Emery186952:339Link to document image
Hartman, ChristiantoBradtmiller, G.187977:393Link to document image
Hartman, ChristianfromFrank, John186641:407Link to document image
Hartman, D. H.fromBohonger, Joseph1892125:24Link to document image
Hartman, DanielfromHartman, H. C. (Guar.)186948:228Link to document image
Hartman, David H.toLawrence, George B.1898152:288Link to document image
Hartman, David H.fromMcClave, John1892126:535Link to document image
Hartman, David P.toHartman, Jacob P.1854P:74Link to document image
Hartman, E. & J. F.toScherschel, Lewis188494:350Link to document image
Hartman, ElizafromHanna, Samuel186434:112Link to document image
Hartman, ElizatoHartman, W. W.188598:607Link to document image
Hartman, ElizafromJones, Resin D.187049:58Link to document image
Hartman, ElizafromTrustees E. L. Church186537:385Link to document image
Hartman, Eliza H.fromPixley, Geo. W.1894135:284Link to document image
Hartman, Eliza HarterfromHartman, Lemuel R.1899167:401Link to document image
Hartman, ElizabethfromBittinger, Geo. L.187669:281Link to document image
Hartman, ElizabethtoBittinger, Geo. L.187669:28Link to document image
Hartman, ElizabethfromFrance, J. E. K. (Coms.)188495:607Link to document image
Hartman, ElizabethfromStevens, Emily187667:367Link to document image
Hartman, FrancistoHartman, John H.1895140:103Link to document image
Hartman, FredfromColerick, W. G.188599:204Link to document image
Hartman, FredtoHarris, Fred188597:308Link to document image
Hartman, FredtoHarris, Fred188599:204Link to document image
Hartman, FredfromMcMaken, Caleb188598:608Link to document image
Hartman, FredfromSpice, Jno.188599:144Link to document image
Hartman, Fred K.fromCaldwell, David187361:237Link to document image
Hartman, Fredk.toModerwell, Susan1886109:573Link to document image
Hartman, Fredk. (Et ux.)fromRhein, Frederick1890116:163Link to document image
Hartman, G. B. & M. E.fromMason, J. S. (Et al.)188081:66Link to document image
Hartman, G. B. & M. E.fromZollar, A. (Et al.)188081:66Link to document image
Hartman, Geo.toCuster, Geo. C.186229:69Link to document image
Hartman, Geo. A.toBradford, Clayton186127:494Link to document image
Hartman, Geo. A.toFairfield, S. E.186127:493Link to document image
Hartman, Geo. B.toHanna, Oliver S.1892124:331Link to document image
Hartman, Geo. H.toWhite, Jas. B.186538:370Link to document image
Hartman, Geo. R.toAshley, Geo. H.186539:116Link to document image
Hartman, Geo. R.toBecquette, E. P.186333:91Link to document image
Hartman, Geo. R.fromBradford, Clayton186127:494Link to document image
Hartman, Geo. R.toHanna, Samuel186434:92Link to document image
Hartman, Geo. R.toJones, Jno. D.186537:286Link to document image
Hartman, Geo. R.toJones, R. V.186435:228Link to document image
Hartman, Geo. R.toLeard, David M.186229:428Link to document image
Hartman, Geo. R.toPotter, Joa L.187049:79Link to document image
Hartman, Geo. R.toRobinson, Reuben D.1857U:78Link to document image
Hartman, Geo. R.toRoy, Frances A.186330:360Link to document image
Hartman, Geo. R.toSullivan, M. A.186537:510Link to document image
Hartman, GeorgetoBollman, Augusy1854P:319Link to document image
Hartman, GeorgetoHartman, Isaac1855R:681Link to document image
Hartman, GeorgetoHyde, Abner R.186026:115Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toBloom, Frederick Augustus1855R:188Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toBrown, Lemuel L.1860Y:461Link to document image
Hartman, George R.fromCannady, Henry H.1859X:211Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toCarll, George L.1860Y:491Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toEdsall, William S.1855S:325Link to document image
Hartman, George R.fromHarrison, Lawson1849J:347Link to document image
Hartman, George R.fromHubbard, T. H.1854P:308Link to document image
Hartman, George R.fromHubbard, T. H.1854P:310Link to document image
Hartman, George R.fromHunter, Cyrus R.1853P:206Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toKaimm, Hannah C.1859X:527Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toKamm, Jacob J.1860Y:489Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toKnight, Alonzo1849J:349Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toLamly, Gottlieb186126:574Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toNycum, William1860Y:583Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toOrff, Christian1858V:396Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toSinclear, Joseph1854P:401Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toSowers, Martin1856S:589Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toStory, James1856T:344Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toTrustees St. Stephen Church1859V:539Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toVolkert, Frederick1859X:503Link to document image
Hartman, George R.toZollinger, Frederick1858X:110Link to document image
Hartman, H.fromBond, Jessie M.186331:206Link to document image
Hartman, H.fromBond, Stephen B.186331:205Link to document image
Hartman, H.toPeters, Wm.187051:418Link to document image
Hartman, H.fromSevenick, Catharine186127:150Link to document image
Hartman, H.fromSevenick, Francis186127:150Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.fromAuditor (Wm. T. Abbott)187668:80Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.toBossler, Mann N.187256:96Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.fromCity Treasure (Ft. Wayne)187986:256Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.fromCity Treasure (Ft. Wayne)187986:258Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.toEly, Geo. W.187566:19Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.fromEtzold, Louis A.188496:354Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.fromFairfield, Asa186740:593Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.toGolliker, Anthony187155:156Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.toHartman, S. E.188597:268Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.toHayden, E. H.1886102:317Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.toHoyt, David186228:603Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.fromJenkinson, Isaac186644:26Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.toJones, D. W.186436:267Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.fromJones, Harriet A.187256:318Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.toKoenig, F. C.186744:216Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.toKoenig, Ferd C.186844:452Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.toMills, Horatis T.186949:31Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.toMoellering, Wm.186844:417Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.fromMoore, Nancy A.186745:57Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.toRodenberg, H.188391:443Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.toSwift, Bayless188290:263Link to document image
Hartman, H. C.fromUnderhill, P. S.187155:41Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (Adm.)toHassler, Sarah188395:416Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (Assignee)toBass, Jno. H.188391:85Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (Assignee)toBass, Jno. H.188391:87Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (Assignee)toBercot, Louis188290:186Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (Assignee)toBodine, J. E.188291:34Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (Assignee)toEwing, Mary C. (Guard)188391:471Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (Assignee)toFleming, Wm.188391:64Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (Assignee)toFleming, Wm.188391:66Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (Assignee)fromHolladay, Jesse, (Trustee)188289:81Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (Assignee)toKryder, J. L.188290:375Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (coms.)toBoyle, Mary187772:196Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (Coms.)toHankel, Jno.187978:201Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (Guar.)toHartman, Daniel186948:228Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (Guard)toDepauer, Wolf & Co.186745:168Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (Guard)toEvans, S. Cary186742:588Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. (Trustee)toOddon, Jos. F.187873:102Link to document image
Hartman, H. C. Comr.toBowersock, Andrew187569:277Link to document image
Hartman, H. J.fromBowsler, H. H. 187153:436Link to document image
Hartman, H. T.fromHough, John187359:227Link to document image
Hartman, HarmanfromHough, John (Jr.)186127:294Link to document image
Hartman, HeinrickfromBarthel, John George1858V:46Link to document image
Hartman, HenrytoBaier, Valentine & Nicholaus187360:219Link to document image
Hartman, HenryfromBecker, Henry W.1898151:295Link to document image
Hartman, HenryfromBorden, Jas. H.187668:286Link to document image
Hartman, HenryfromDawkins, James187254:364Link to document image
Hartman, HenryfromHanna, Elizabeth C.1890117:183Link to document image
Hartman, HenrytoHanna, Elizabeth C.1890117:176Link to document image
Hartman, HenrytoHartman, William1900159:375Link to document image
Hartman, HenrytoHartman, Wm.188390:406Link to document image
Hartman, HenryfromHayden, Eliza H.1895139:425Link to document image
Hartman, HenrytoHoffman, A. E.188288:572Link to document image
Hartman, HenryfromMatthews, Wickliffe (Et ux.)1891122:459Link to document image
Hartman, HenryfromMcCulloch, Hugh188288:574Link to document image
Hartman, HenrytoMiller, Whillemina187360:122Link to document image
Hartman, HenryfromMiller, William1895137:162Link to document image
Hartman, HenrytoPaul, William186947:491Link to document image
Hartman, HenryfromSheridan, Dennis187668:271Link to document image
Hartman, HenrytoThiele, Henry186744:82Link to document image
Hartman, HenrytoTombaugh, T. C.187683:184Link to document image
Hartman, HenryfromTuttle, Alwilda J.1893129:360Link to document image
Hartman, HenryfromUnited States184878:432Link to document image
Hartman, HenryfromWhite, August L.1902165:450Link to document image
Hartman, Henry (Et al.)toHartman, John187975:515Link to document image
Hartman, Henry (Et ux.)fromKuhne, H. R.1891156:180Link to document image
Hartman, HermantoHambrock, Fred186337:171Link to document image
Hartman, HomerfromHanna, Charles187464:105Link to document image
Hartman, HomertoKrusey, Jesse T.187462:163Link to document image
Hartman, HomerfromRaab, F.187567:450Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.fromAuditor187463:568Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.fromBaird, Robt. D.187567:450Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.toBittinger, Jacob R.187670:33Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.toDwenger, Joseph187465:100Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.fromFairfield, Asa186740:593Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.toFay, James A.187568:523Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.toFitzpatrick, M.187358:447Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.fromFlakerty, Sarah & Patrick187464:140Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.fromHanna, Elizabeth E.187360:541Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.fromHough, John (Jr.)186127:408Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.fromJenkinson, Isaac186644:26Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.fromLasselle, Caroline E.187771:251Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.toMiller, John M.1890118:463Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.toMyers, John F.187670:1Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.toPurman, Elizabeth E.187360:542Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.fromRockhill, Wm. W.187464:1Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.toSlatter, Mary J.187564:495Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.toSmith, Elliott187360:213Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.fromTagtmeier, David187565:585Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C.fromTreier, Henry187565:585Link to document image
Hartman, Homer C. (Assg.)toFerguson, John187565:187Link to document image
Hartman, IsaacfromHartman, George1855R:681Link to document image
Hartman, IsaacfromHartman, Joseph1853N:248Link to document image
Hartman, IsaactoPutt, Elizabeth188497:8Link to document image
Hartman, J. F. & E.fromOConnor, Jas.188185:315Link to document image
Hartman, J. F. L.fromGrover, Taylor188186:113Link to document image
Hartman, J. F. W.fromBrudi, Carl186229:235Link to document image
Hartman, J. F. W.fromBrudi, Gottlob186229:235Link to document image
Hartman, J. H.fromKappel, Jno.188081:41Link to document image
Hartman, J. P.toIrwing & Hatfield186744:38Link to document image
Hartman, J. P.toMcLachlan, Niel186330:265Link to document image
Hartman, JacobfromCarroll, Eliza1899154:416Link to document image
Hartman, JacobfromCutler, William M.1900156:243Link to document image
Hartman, JacobtoHartman, Caroline1899154:472Link to document image
Hartman, JacobfromKrock, John1890115:465Link to document image
Hartman, Jacob P.toAnderson, Calvin854P:200Link to document image
Hartman, Jacob P.fromHartman, David P.1854P:74Link to document image
Hartman, Jno. F.toStevens, Emily187679:282Link to document image
Hartman, Jno. F. L.toHankel, Jacob1895137:298Link to document image
Hartman, Jno. F. L. (Et ux.)fromEdwards, Mary (Et al.)1895139:486Link to document image
Hartman, Jno. F. L. (Et ux.)fromMeinzen, Wm. (Gdn.)1895139:489Link to document image
Hartman, Jno. G.fromSoest, William1895136:518Link to document image
Hartman, Jno. G.fromTholen, Geo. H.1894133:161Link to document image
Hartman, Jno. H.fromConderat, Jno. A.1895140:338Link to document image
Hartman, Jno. H.fromConderat, John A.1895139:430Link to document image
Hartman, Jno. H.fromDiederick, H. W.188290:132Link to document image
Hartman, Jno. H.fromFreistroffer, Mary T.1895140:339Link to document image
Hartman, Jno. H.fromFreistroffer, Simon1895140:339Link to document image
Hartman, Jno. H.fromKappel, John188080:118Link to document image
Hartman, Jno. H.toLorenz, Catherine1892127:116Link to document image
Hartman, Jno. H.fromOssalorth, Bernhart1889112:575Link to document image
Hartman, Jno. H.fromPfeifer, Jacob1888109:48Link to document image
Hartman, JohnfromHartman, Henry (Et al.)187975:515Link to document image
Hartman, JohnfromRodenbeck, Henry (Et al.)187975:515Link to document image
Hartman, John (Et ux.)fromWells, Julia A. (Et al.)1901161:178Link to document image
Hartman, John G.fromFelger, Henry W.1898150:87Link to document image
Hartman, John G.fromHartman, Caroline1902171:127Link to document image
Hartman, John G.toHartman, Joseph N.1902165:520Link to document image
Hartman, John H.to1899152:503Link to document image
Hartman, John H.fromCarrier, Clemence (Et al.)1891113:239Link to document image
Hartman, John H.fromCouderat, John A.1897145:79Link to document image
Hartman, John H.fromHartman, Francis1895140:103Link to document image
Hartman, John H.toKoch, Benedict (Et al.)1899152:503Link to document image
Hartman, John H.fromPeters, Theresa1897144:379Link to document image
Hartman, John H.toSarazen, Geo. E.1897145:80Link to document image
Hartman, John H.fromSarazen, George E.1897145:81Link to document image
Hartman, John N.fromKuhn, Anna C.1897144:378Link to document image
Hartman, John N.fromWall, Regina1897144:380Link to document image
Hartman, Jos. fromAuditor1895136:545Link to document image
Hartman, Jos. (Heirs)fromUnited States184596:560Link to document image
Hartman, Jos. H.fromRowe, M.188288:185Link to document image
Hartman, Jos. H. (Et al.)fromCaps, Bertha J.1889112:496Link to document image
Hartman, Jos. H. (Et al.)toHively, Jennie1898150:318Link to document image
Hartman, JosephfromAntrup, Eliza E.1902170:299Link to document image
Hartman, JosephfromAuditor1895136:547Link to document image
Hartman, JosephfromAuditor1895136:549Link to document image
Hartman, JosephfromBoerschinger, Henry L.1901161:283Link to document image
Hartman, JosephtoBoerschinger, Henry L.1901162:99Link to document image
Hartman, JosephtoCook, Chas. W.1896143:352Link to document image
Hartman, JosephtoCorcoran, Owen H.1890118:200Link to document image
Hartman, JosephtoDoeler, George186026:552Link to document image
Hartman, JosephtoGreibel, George186026:365Link to document image
Hartman, JosephtoHartman, Isaac1853N:248Link to document image
Hartman, JosephtoHatfield, John1895138:416Link to document image
Hartman, JosephfromMiller, William1895137:162Link to document image
Hartman, JosephtoTrustee Marion Tp.1890116:312Link to document image
Hartman, JosephfromTuttle, Alwilda J.1893129:360Link to document image
Hartman, Joseph (Et al.)fromFry, Margarette1890115:427Link to document image
Hartman, Joseph (Et al.)toMiller, Wm. (Et ux.)1897147:432Link to document image
Hartman, Joseph H.toBoerschinger, Henry L.1901162:317Link to document image
Hartman, Joseph H.toBollman, Charlotte1901165:183Link to document image
Hartman, Joseph H.toFehling, Frederick H.1901162:242Link to document image
Hartman, Joseph H.toHartmann, Henry (Et al.)1899154:371Link to document image
Hartman, Joseph H.toPfeiffer, Charles F.1901162:236Link to document image
Hartman, Joseph H.toZollinger, Louis C. (Et al.)1901162:423Link to document image
Hartman, Joseph N.fromHartman, John G.1902165:520Link to document image
Hartman, L. R.toEakin, M. A.186229:523Link to document image
Hartman, L. R.fromGreen, Corydon1886100:467Link to document image
Hartman, L. R.fromGreer, Corydon1886100:467Link to document image
Hartman, L. R.toHartman, S. B188081:179Link to document image
Hartman, L. R.fromHartman, S. B. (Et al.)188081:176Link to document image
Hartman, L. R.fromMiller, Jno. M.186640:142Link to document image
Hartman, L. R.fromMyers, Wm. H.186844:380Link to document image
Hartman, L. R.fromPixley, Geo. W.1894135:284Link to document image
Hartman, L. R.fromStophlet, Mary186640:304Link to document image
Hartman, L. R.toSutermeister, B. (Et al.)187149:264Link to document image
Hartman, L. R.toWilson, O. J.186743:412Link to document image
Hartman, L. R. & David C.fromTobey, Winfield S.187361:22Link to document image
Hartman, L. R. (Et al.)toHarter, Philip188182:301Link to document image
Hartman, L. R. (Et ux.)fromHoffman, C. G.1894135:293Link to document image
Hartman, Lemuel L.fromEakin, Joseph S.186229:441Link to document image
Hartman, Lemuel R.toHartman, Eliza Harter1899167:401Link to document image
Hartman, Lemuel R. (Et ux.)fromMommer, Cecelia A. (Et al.)1900160:61Link to document image
Hartman, LouisafromHartman, Anna188597:188Link to document image
Hartman, LouisatoStock, Ferdinand1894135:159Link to document image
Hartman, M.fromHartman, Nancy A.187463:286Link to document image
Hartman, M.fromUnited States183878:431Link to document image
Hartman, M. M.toBayer, Jno. M.188495:627Link to document image
Hartman, MargaretfromSheeham, Edward187878:280Link to document image
Hartman, MariatoMoeller, C. F. H.188288:54Link to document image
Hartman, Maria L.fromKeller, Frederick E.1902170:226Link to document image
Hartman, Maria L.fromLehman, Annie L.1902169:469Link to document image
Hartman, MaryfromBrirer, Mary J.1894134:474Link to document image
Hartman, MarytoBriser, Mary J.1894134:475Link to document image
Hartman, MarytoThompson, H. F.1895139:310Link to document image
Hartman, Mary M.toManett, Mathilda1894133:219Link to document image
Hartman, Mary M.fromManett, Mathilda1894134:23Link to document image
Hartman, Mary M.fromRobinson, Jas. M.1890115:536Link to document image
Hartman, Mary M.fromSchneider, Geo.188395:626Link to document image
Hartman, N. A.fromAdams, A. A. (Coms.)188599:302Link to document image
Hartman, N. A.toWinkler, Carl W.1889114:217Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.fromBartel, Henry (Et ux.)1891120:7Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.toBiedenweg, Gottfried1890118:495Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.toBrewster, Charles (et. al.)187565:483Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.fromCuster, Geo. G.187361:570Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.fromEdsall, Simon187461:571Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.toEdsall, Simon, S.187461:570Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.toGreenick, Fanny C.187565:485Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.toHartman, M.187463:286Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.toKolkman, Frederick1891119:483Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.fromKolkman, Frederick1891120:6Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.fromLepper, Joseph1891119:401Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.toMcAfee, Samuel r.1891120:421Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.toRockhill, Emily187461:572Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.toRockhill, Emily1889112:533Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.fromRockhill, Emily1889112:533Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.toSuch, Emil Jr.1893129:186Link to document image
Hartman, Nancy A.toWass, Samuel L.187565:484Link to document image
Hartman, PhilipfromAlderman, Frank1892126:81Link to document image
Hartman, S. BfromHartman, L. R.188081:179Link to document image
Hartman, S. B. (Et al.)toHartman, L. R.188081:176Link to document image
Hartman, S. B. (Gdn.)toZorbaugh, Emanuel1898150:433Link to document image
Hartman, S. E.fromBeaver, Aug. C.186229:317Link to document image
Hartman, S. E.toDryer, Alice P.1888109:562Link to document image
Hartman, S. E.toEtzold, L. A.188496:348Link to document image
Hartman, S. E.toFerguson, Jno. (Trustee)1888110:85Link to document image
Hartman, S. E.toHarter, Philip1887106:250Link to document image
Hartman, S. E.fromHartman, H. C.188597:268Link to document image
Hartman, S. E.toJenkinson, Isaac188291:555Link to document image
Hartman, S. E.fromKinsey, J. T.187990:263Link to document image
Hartman, S. E.toLane, Carrie J.1888109:574Link to document image
Hartman, S. E.fromLeach, John187669:530Link to document image
Hartman, S. E.fromLocke, Josiah188393:475Link to document image
Hartman, S. E.toN.Y.C. & St. L. Rw. Co.188186:389Link to document image
Hartman, S. E.fromSherriff Allen Co.187996:354Link to document image
Hartman, S. E.fromSwift, Bayless188290:400Link to document image
Hartman, S. E.fromWalcott, F. J.187986:255Link to document image
Hartman, Sarah (Et al.)toBranwer, George1890119:470Link to document image
Hartman, Sarefata E.fromKalbacher, Anton187874:221Link to document image
Hartman, SareptafromSavin, Sarah J.1897148:137Link to document image
Hartman, Sarepta E.toKalbacker, Anton187874:138Link to document image
Hartman, Sarepta E.toSweeny, Cornelius (Et al.)1887104:162Link to document image
Hartman, Sarepta E.toVesey, Allen J. (Et ux.)1901164:224Link to document image
Hartman, Serepta E.fromLewis, Margaret A.186641:494Link to document image
Hartman, ValentinefromDewald, Sophia A.186641:354Link to document image
Hartman, W. W.fromHartman, Eliza188598:607Link to document image
Hartman, W. W.toTri. State B. & L. A.1893129:185Link to document image
Hartman, WilliamfromHartman, Henry1900159:375Link to document image
Hartman, WilliamtoTurner, John W.1839N:362Link to document image
Hartman, WilliamtoWeldon, James1839N:362Link to document image
Hartman, Wm.fromHartman, Henry188390:406Link to document image
Hartman, Wm.fromKramer, Elizabeth186844:321Link to document image
Hartman, Wm.fromNelson, W. R. (Comr.)186845:414Link to document image
Hartman, Wm.toORourke, P. S.187976:498Link to document image
Hartman, Wm.fromPrange, Fred186844:320Link to document image
Hartman, Wm.fromPrange, Louisa186844:320Link to document image
Hartman, Wm.fromWeibke, Sophia186844:320Link to document image
Hartman, Wm. (Et al.)fromWhmhuf, Wm.186844:299Link to document image
Hartman,Jos.fromSmith, Thomas186026:299Link to document image
Hartmann, AnnafromPerriguay, Peter188081:280Link to document image
Hartmann, C. & C.fromBradtmiller,G.187977:394Link to document image
Hartmann, CharlottefromAllen Cir. Court188496:335Link to document image
Hartmann, ChristianfromStruver, Wm.187669:197Link to document image
Hartmann, HenrytoHartmann, Henry C. V.1901165:165Link to document image
Hartmann, HenrytoHartmann, Joseph H.1899154:308Link to document image
Hartmann, Henry (Et al.)fromHartman, Joseph H.1899154:371Link to document image
Hartmann, Henry (Et ux.)fromHively, Jennie1898150:319Link to document image
Hartmann, Henry C. V.fromHartmann, Henry1901165:165Link to document image
Hartmann, JosephtoFaber, Casper186127:345Link to document image
Hartmann, Joseph H.fromHartmann, Henry1899154:308Link to document image
Hartmeyer, FredfromSheriff187771:337Link to document image
Hartmeyer, FrederickfromSheriff187772:511Link to document image
Hartmyer, Elizabeth (Et al.)toEhrman, Coleman1895137:344Link to document image
Hartnett, HelenfromNinde, Beulah C.1889134:365Link to document image
Hartnett, HelenfromNinde, L. M.1889134:365Link to document image
Hartnett, JamesfromBaker, Henry186434:298Link to document image
Hartnett, JamesfromBass, J. H. & Bowser, J. C.187565:617Link to document image
Hartnett, JamesfromBrackenridge, Jos. (Et al.)187149:285Link to document image
Hartnett, JamestoHarmon, Daniel187566:173Link to document image
Hartnett, JamestoKelly, Anna Elizabeth187464:31Link to document image
Hartnett, JamestoWren, Joseph187257:108Link to document image
Hartnett, James (Et ux.)fromHirsch, George M. (Comr.)1897148:391Link to document image
Hartnett, Jas.fromBaker, Henry J.186746:16Link to document image
Hartnett, Jas.fromBaker, Jas. S.186330:541Link to document image
Hartnett, Jas.toBaltes & Sink187154:616Link to document image
Hartnett, Jas.toSheehan, Edward187878:279Link to document image
Hartnett, MargarettoShine, Daniel187462:424Link to document image
Hartnett, Mary B.fromBeach, Madeline1901164:125Link to document image
Hartnett, Mary B.fromBeach, Murray A.1902169:377Link to document image
Hartnett, MurraytoLeffels, Johann1892126:103Link to document image
Hartnett, MurraytoSingleton, P. J.1891123:116Link to document image
Hartnett, MurrayfromSingleton, P. J.1891121:548Link to document image
Hartnett, MurrayfromSingleton, P. J.1891122:170Link to document image
Hartnett, R. (Et ux.)fromBirch, Wm. S.1887106:234Link to document image
Hartnett, RichardfromBaker, Henry186334:76Link to document image
Hartnett, RichardtoCarter, Frank1898153:407Link to document image
Hartnett, RichardfromGriffin, Thos.187051:192Link to document image
Hartnett, RichardtoOhlsager, Fredk.187359:598Link to document image
Hartnett, RichardtoRuhl, Mary L.1895140:92Link to document image
Hartnett, RichardfromWilliams, Jesse L.187359:435Link to document image
Hartnett, Richard (Et ux.)fromCarter, Frank1898153:408Link to document image
Hartnng, JohnfromSchneider, Geo.187153:513Link to document image
Hartnutt, Jas.toVollmer, Daniel186744:40Link to document image
Hartranft, L. M.fromDelp, Philip188287:410Link to document image
Harts, VolneyfromLilly, Samuel H.187151:607Link to document image
Hartsborn, G.toBartlett, James187154:8Link to document image
Hartsel, JosephtoWilliams, R. B.187566:129Link to document image
Hartsel, MarytoWilliams, R. B.187566:130Link to document image
Hartsel, PaultoHaikey, Adam187461:441Link to document image
Hartsel, PaultoWarner, Saml.186230:80Link to document image
Hartsell, EliasfromHartzell, Mary (Et al.)188083:34Link to document image
Hartsell, F. A.toErrick, S. G.188081:234Link to document image
Hartsell, Fayn A.fromWzckoff, Eliza A. (Est.)187360:90Link to document image
Hartsell, MaryfromShell, Jacob H.187565:555Link to document image
Hartsharn, LuthertoColeman, Hiram197349:168Link to document image
Hartshom, AlzinafromHartshom, Byron187875:423Link to document image
Hartshom, ByrontoHartshom, Alzina187875:423Link to document image
Hartshom, LutherfromBartlett, James187258:70Link to document image
Hartshom, LuthertoFrances, A. & S. A.187977:284Link to document image
Hartshorm, Anna C.fromMcCollem, Harry A.1901161:324Link to document image
Hartshorn, Albert E.toHartshorn, Clarence1894134:477Link to document image
Hartshorn, ByronfromHartshorn, Luther1878121:537Link to document image
Hartshorn, C. E.toBlum, August1895138:360Link to document image
Hartshorn, ClarencefromHartshorn, Albert E.1894134:477Link to document image
Hartshorn, Clarnce E.fromFeichte, Mary M.1902168:556Link to document image
Hartshorn, LuthertoFarbush, Joel F.187349:385Link to document image
Hartshorn, LuthertoHartshorn, Byron1878121:537Link to document image
Hartshorn, LutherfromJennan, A. S.187153:473Link to document image
Hartshorn, LutherfromLemmle, John187349:398Link to document image
Hartstein, AndrewfromBond, S. B.1887103:434Link to document image
Hartstein, AndrewfromMills, Samuel1893128:531Link to document image
Hartstein, L.toHartstein, Roswa1880100:633Link to document image
Hartstein, Ludwick (Will of )to1880100:633Link to document image
Hartstein, PaultoO'Neal, Thos. F. (Et al.)1900160:110Link to document image
Hartstein, Paul F.fromFoley, Pauline1897147:552Link to document image
Hartstein, RoswafromHartstein, L.1880100:633Link to document image
Hartstine, LouisfromReedmiller, J. M.187256:136Link to document image
Hartstrom, LutherfromGoein, Ellen187977:305Link to document image
Hartsuff, Isabell M.fromBrackenridge, Eliza J.1898151:78Link to document image
Hartsuff, Isabelle M.toFrary, Emily J. L.1898151:79Link to document image
hartsuff, Isabelle M.toGrummon, Drusilla A.1899153:123Link to document image
Hartsuff, PhebefromHartsuff, Wm. D.188192:516Link to document image
Hartsuff, PhebetoLenfestey, Solon W.1892127:334Link to document image
Hartsuff, Wm. D.fromBroknig, Mary S.187976:332Link to document image
Hartsuff, Wm. D.fromComstock, J. B.187873:420Link to document image
Hartsuff, Wm. D.fromEsmond, George187771:222Link to document image
Hartsuff, Wm. D.toHardig, D. L.187874:145Link to document image
Hartsuff, Wm. D.toHarding, Daniel L.187874:286Link to document image
Hartsuff, Wm. D.fromHarding, Mary A.187874:149Link to document image
Hartsuff, Wm. D.toHartsuff, Phebe188192:516Link to document image
Hartsuff, Wm. D.toJones, L. M.187876:357Link to document image
Hartsuff, Wm. D.fromLing, Annie E. & Geo. W.187564:386Link to document image
Hartsuff, Wm. D.toMcMahon, G. W.188082:6Link to document image
Hartsuff, Wm. D.toMunn, E. E.188182:271Link to document image
Hartsuff, Wm. D.fromSheriff187978:77Link to document image
Hartsuff, Wm. D.toWheeler, Mary R.187874:201Link to document image
Hartsuff, Wm. D.toWorthington, Wm. H.187771:301Link to document image
Hartsuff, Wm. D.toZurbuch, Xaiver188185:226Link to document image
Hartup, A. C.fromFeichter, J. H.1895137:152Link to document image
Hartup, A. C.fromFeichter, Mary M.1895137:152Link to document image
Hartup, Alonzo C.fromHartup, Fernandes C.1902167:167Link to document image
Hartup, Fernandes C.toHartup, Alonzo C.1902167:167Link to document image
Hartwell, Edwin S.fromFisher, Abel1898151:510Link to document image
Hartwell, Edwin S.fromLand & Security Co.1898151:509Link to document image
Hartwell, Murray (Gdn.)toFreiburger, Herman (Et al.)1898149:364Link to document image
Hartwig, H. H.fromBeuret, M. M.188495:586Link to document image
Hartwig, H. H.fromKelly, Daniel1888108:489Link to document image
Hartwig, H. H.fromLochert, Henry E.1895136:290Link to document image
Hartwig, H. H.fromSchiefer, Chris (Adm.)1889114:173Link to document image
Hartwig, Her. H.toLochert, Henry E.1895136:291Link to document image
Hartwig, Her. H.fromSheriff1894133:541Link to document image
Hartwig, Herman H.toAnspach, George W.1901162:325Link to document image
Hartwig, Herman H.fromNickey, Addison B.1900157:73Link to document image
Hartwig, Herman H.fromO'Connell, Edward J.1901163:176Link to document image
Hartwig, Herman H.fromWilding, Ella E.1899154:146Link to document image
Hartwig, JohannatoOrtlieb, George188393:525Link to document image
Hartzall, Jno. R.fromMillard, W. W.1891122:134Link to document image
Hartzel, EliasfromFalls, Joseph1899153:391Link to document image
Hartzel, Elias (Et al.)fromHarrod, Eunice1888115:544Link to document image
Hartzel, Elias (Et al.)fromHess, Jacob1888115:546Link to document image
Hartzel, John H.fromComs. in Part.1898152:251Link to document image
Hartzel, LevifromMiller, Abel (Et al.)186048:83Link to document image
Hartzel, LevitoMuhl, Geo.186339:530Link to document image
Hartzel, PaulfromSwartz, Benewell187567:341Link to document image
Hartzell (Heirs)toCin. Rich. & Ft. W. R. R.187255:369Link to document image
Hartzell, A. M.fromMiller, D. W.1886100:30Link to document image
Hartzell, A. M. & W. S.fromFauckner, I. J.1886100:282Link to document image
Hartzell, A. M. & W. S.fromMiller, C. A.1886100:281Link to document image
Hartzell, A. M. & W. S.fromMiller, D. W.1886102:48Link to document image
Hartzell, A. M. (Et al.)fromKnode, R. S. (Guard)1886102:304Link to document image
Hartzell, A. M. (Et al.)toWilliamson, J. C.188288:204Link to document image
Hartzell, A. S.fromCommissioner in Partition188496:338Link to document image
Hartzell, Allen M. (Adm.)toNull, Lycurgus S.1901165:131Link to document image
Hartzell, AnnietoReichelderfer, W. A. (Et ux.)1901161:29Link to document image
Hartzell, AnniefromWait, Gerry O.1899153:467Link to document image
Hartzell, CarolinetoLindsey, W. C.188079:31?Link to document image
Hartzell, CarolinefromMuhn, Michael187874:254Link to document image
Hartzell, Chas. A.toMurphy, N. H.188393:205Link to document image
Hartzell, E. (Et al.)toHartzell, Mary188286:570Link to document image
Hartzell, EddiefromCommissioner in Partition188496:338Link to document image
Hartzell, Edwin J.toHutson, James W.1901161:113Link to document image
Hartzell, Edwin J.fromSchwartz, Rosalda1898150:187Link to document image
Hartzell, EliasfromNull, L. S. (Et al.)188083:34Link to document image
Hartzell, EliasfromShilling, T. C. (Et al.)188083:34Link to document image
Hartzell, FrankfromCommissioner in Partition188496:338Link to document image
Hartzell, I. & E.fromSmall, Jno.1883100:385Link to document image
Hartzell, I. M.toWatson E. L.188394:10Link to document image
Hartzell, I. M. & E.fromClark, L. B.188289:191Link to document image
Hartzell, IdafromRiehle, Mary A.1886108:77Link to document image
Hartzell, Ida M.fromwatson, Electa L.1887115:545Link to document image
Hartzell, IvyfromJohnston, Cliff M.1901168:151Link to document image
Hartzell, J. R.fromNull, L. S. (Et al.)188080:151Link to document image
Hartzell, J. R.toNull, Susan188094:327Link to document image
Hartzell, J. R.fromShilling, Lounsend (Et al.)188080:151Link to document image
Hartzell, Jessie P.fromMahoney, James (Et ux.)1891121:17 Link to document image
Hartzell, Jno.fromMagruder, E. E.187979:248Link to document image
Hartzell, Jno. R.fromColter, Jacob (Et al.)1892123:280Link to document image
Hartzell, Jno. R.fromHartzell, Mary (Et al.)188080:151Link to document image
Hartzell, Jno. R.toP. Ft. Wayne & C. Ry.1892125:356Link to document image
Hartzell, Jno. R.fromShilling, Jennie188080:179Link to document image
Hartzell, Jno. R.fromSmith, Philip W.1892123:280Link to document image
Hartzell, JosephfromPoole, Florence & Thos. D.187565:556Link to document image
Hartzell, LevifromBateman, Jeremiah186434:157Link to document image
Hartzell, LevitoBoals, Mary186027:225Link to document image
Hartzell, LevifromBriant, C. E.186228:622Link to document image
Hartzell, LevitoBriant, Cyrus E.1859X:515Link to document image
Hartzell, LevifromBurgess, Gideon1859X:365Link to document image
Hartzell, LevifromColeman, Thomas1858U:539Link to document image
Hartzell, LevifromEdgerton, Joseph K.186128:135Link to document image
Hartzell, LevitoGrover, Saml.186437:96Link to document image
Hartzell, LevifromHartzell, Phillip1851U:609Link to document image
Hartzell, LevitoMiller, Abraham D.1851U:610Link to document image
Hartzell, LevifromMiller, Abraham D.1856U:611Link to document image
Hartzell, LevitoMiller, John R.1853N:135Link to document image
Hartzell, LevitoRogers, L. M.186433:502Link to document image
Hartzell, LevifromSheriff1858W:428Link to document image
Hartzell, LevifromSpofford, Paul1858V:404Link to document image
Hartzell, LevitoTelfer, William1859X:515Link to document image
Hartzell, LevitoWhitney, James Riley1857U:173Link to document image
Hartzell, Levy (est.)toZollinger, H. & Meyers H.187463:65Link to document image
Hartzell, LuettafromCommissioner in Partition188496:338Link to document image
Hartzell, MaryfromHartzell, E. (Et al.)188286:570Link to document image
Hartzell, MaryfromNull, Susan (Et al.)188286:570Link to document image
Hartzell, MaryfromSheriff188080:216Link to document image
Hartzell, MaryfromShilling, Jennie188286:570Link to document image
Hartzell, Mary (Et al.)fromBurgess, Henry187257:101Link to document image
Hartzell, Mary (Et al.)toHartsell, Elias188083:34Link to document image
Hartzell, Mary (Et al.)toHartzell, Jno. R.188080:151Link to document image
Hartzell, Mary (Et al.)toNull, Susan188080:171Link to document image
Hartzell, Mary (Et al.)toNull, Susan (Et al.)188080:169Link to document image
Hartzell, Mary (Et al.)toRebber, G. H. F.188183:450Link to document image
Hartzell, Mary (Et al.)toShilling, Jennie188080:170Link to document image
Hartzell, Mary (Et al.)toZallering, Henry187257:428Link to document image
Hartzell, Mary (Guard)toZallering, Henry187258:135Link to document image
Hartzell, Minnie A.fromZollinger, Mary F.1901162:476Link to document image
Hartzell, NormandfromCommissioners by Partition188079:577Link to document image
Hartzell, PaultoMuhn, Michael187874:163Link to document image
Hartzell, PeterfromMetzgar, Andrew1857U:281Link to document image
Hartzell, PeterfromMetzgar, Andrew1858V:109Link to document image
Hartzell, Peter F.toLake, Charles P.1899153:452Link to document image
Hartzell, PhilipfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185379:136Link to document image
Hartzell, PhilliptoHartzell, Levi1851U:609Link to document image
Hartzell, Phillip (Jr.)fromHartzell, Phillip (Sr.)1851U:610Link to document image
Hartzell, Phillip (Sr.)toHartzell, Phillip (Jr.)1851U:610Link to document image
Hartzell, S. M.fromFalls, Jos.188290:139Link to document image
Hartzell, S. R.toGrubb, Ira I.1880110:267Link to document image
Hartzell, Sarah K.toBodine, J. E.188394:506Link to document image
Hartzell, Sarah K.fromGrubb, Ira I. (Adm.)188394:505Link to document image
Hartzell, W. S.fromNull, Lycusgus S.1889114:399Link to document image
Hartzell, W. S.fromNull, Lycusgus S.1889114:400Link to document image
Hartzell, Warren S.toNull, Lycurgus S.1900160:242Link to document image
Hartzell, Warren S.toNull, Susan1890118:425Link to document image
Hartzell, Warren S.toNull, Susan1890118:427Link to document image
Hartzell, WinifredfromCommissioner in Partition188496:338Link to document image
Hartzter, EnosfromBurkholder, John186846:495Link to document image
Harvey, A. H.toHester, Jno. V. Sr.1888106:553Link to document image
Harvey, A. H. (Et ux.)fromCassady, Mary J.1893133:72Link to document image
Harvey, A. L.fromHarvey, O. H.1888108:577Link to document image
Harvey, AaronfromHarvey, Rosezillah (Et al.)1890113:411Link to document image
Harvey, AarontoSalway, John1897145:348Link to document image
Harvey, AaronfromStarling, Stephen1892123:513Link to document image
Harvey, AarontoStauffer, Alvan J.1896143:369Link to document image
Harvey, Aaron (Et ux.)fromSalway, John1896144:87Link to document image
Harvey, Aaron L. (Etu.)toTaylor, Wm. W.1891122:104Link to document image
Harvey, Aron L. (Et al.)toCowell, John W. (Et al.)1891120:576Link to document image
Harvey, Harriett (Et al.)toSurfus, Geo.188079:368Link to document image
Harvey, HarrisontoBouman, John H.187061:362Link to document image
Harvey, HarrisonfromTaylor, R. S. (coms.)186645:370Link to document image
Harvey, JamestoLaine, S. H.187770:419Link to document image
Harvey, Jno. S.toAlter, John187976:534Link to document image
Harvey, Jno. S.toEckels, W. J.187976:560Link to document image
Harvey, John S.fromCartwright, E. M.187976:531Link to document image
Harvey, MalindafromDorsey, James M.187462:214Link to document image
Harvey, Mary V.fromShell, Mary A.1897147:106Link to document image
Harvey, Mary V. (Gdn.)toMcCormick, James1901165:337Link to document image
Harvey, Noah (Et al.)toMullet, Peter188185:344Link to document image
Harvey, O. H.fromAnderson, Jno. M.1886103:138Link to document image
Harvey, O. H.toAnderson, Jno. M.1887105:265Link to document image
Harvey, O. H.toHarvey, A. L.1888108:577Link to document image
Harvey, O. H.fromLong, M. C.188494:412Link to document image
Harvey, O. H.fromSchlemer, Caroline188597:473Link to document image
Harvey, O. H.toSchlemer, Caroline188597:542Link to document image
Harvey, O. H.toSimons, Jno. V.1888107:574Link to document image
Harvey, O. h.toTrustee M. E. Ch. (Monroeville)1894134:350Link to document image
Harvey, O. H. (Et al.)fromHowell, Emma M.1894134:343Link to document image
Harvey, Orpheus C.fromJones, Geo. W.1860Y:383Link to document image
Harvey, Orpheus C.toJones, Harriet E.1860Y:383Link to document image
Harvey, Robt. G.fromBond, Chas. B.186951:394Link to document image
Harvey, RosezillatoPeckham, Wm. N.1896144:176Link to document image
Harvey, Rosezilla (Et al.)fromMeeks, John W.1897145:248Link to document image
Harvey, RosezillahfromBarnhart, John1889112:626Link to document image
Harvey, RosezillahfromConnolly, W. A.1897148:258Link to document image
Harvey, RosezillahtoConnolly, Wm. A.1897147:37Link to document image
Harvey, RosezillahtoMcConnell, Mary E.1892126:281Link to document image
Harvey, RosezillahtoWigfield, James H.1899152:538Link to document image
Harvey, Rosezillah (Et al.)toHarvey, Aaron1890113:411Link to document image
Harvey, RosezilliahtoTaylor, Wm. W.1890117:527Link to document image
Harvey, Rozilla H.fromWebster, Mary (Et.)1891122:390Link to document image
Harvey, RozillahtoStarling, Stephen1892123:519Link to document image
Harvey, RozillahfromTaylor, William W.1891122:382Link to document image
Harvey, Wm.toShaffer, Polly186642:398Link to document image
Harvley, Tthos.toMulheran, John187153:484Link to document image
Harvy, JamesfromStahl, Simon187669:Link to document image
Harvy, Roezillah (Et.)fromTaylor, William W.1890113:410Link to document image
Harwood, E. B.fromCommissioners by Partition188081:74Link to document image
Harwood, E. B.toGuilford, Lyman188390:566Link to document image
Harwood, E. B.toGuilford, Lyman188598:219Link to document image
Harwood, E. B.fromSquiers, J.186950:161Link to document image
Harwood, E. B.fromWilbur, Chas.186950:161Link to document image
Harwood, EdwintoMuhn, William186950:365Link to document image
Harwood, EdwinfromSpencer, Elijah186127:365Link to document image
Harwood, EdwinfromWillbur, Arvilla188080:55Link to document image
Harwood, Edwin B.fromCole, Martha J.187463:458Link to document image
Harwood, Edwin B.fromWilson, Thos. E.187463:457Link to document image
Harwood, HarrisontoHawood, Edwin186127:365Link to document image
Harwood, Louisa (Et al.)toSurfus, Geo.188079:368Link to document image
Hary, J. R.fromLink, Geo.187565:622Link to document image
Haryman, HenrytoJunck, John Peter187462:148Link to document image
Haryzell, KansasfromCommissioner in Partition188496:338Link to document image
Harz, MichaeltoMiller, Mathias1857U:460Link to document image
Has, CyrustoHealy, Charles1853O:2Link to document image
Hasaneier, HettafromSwinney, Rhesa (Trustee)1889112:296Link to document image
Hasenpflug, Danl.fromShaffer, John186743:457Link to document image
Hasert, Theodore toSchmucker, Sebastian1856T:133Link to document image
Hash, GeorgetoMiller, Mary188392:498Link to document image
Hashill, Wash.fromJohnson, L. m.187256:429Link to document image
Haske, JacobfromHaske, John187887:195Link to document image
Haske, JohntoHaske, Jacob187887:195Link to document image
Haskell, C. N.toFt. Wayne & E. R. R. Co.1894134:262Link to document image
Haskell, Chas. H.toFindlay FtW. & W. Ry. Co.1895136:136Link to document image
Haskell, Chas. N.toFt. Wayne & E. R. R. Co.1894134:465Link to document image
Haskell, Chas. N.toPatterson, E. C.1895140:515Link to document image
Haskell, Chas. N.fromTagmeyer, David1894134:260Link to document image
Haskell, Chas. N.toTagymeyer, David1894134:402Link to document image
Haskell, Eli B.toGitrost, Geo.186331:104Link to document image
Haskell, LarafromDaniels, Wm. B.186026:72Link to document image
Haskell, Lillie E.toCooper, Malachi C.1897149:15Link to document image
Haskell, Lillie E.toFt. Wayne & E. R. R. Co.1894134:262Link to document image
Haskell, Lillie E.fromPatterson, E. C. (Trustee)1895136:322Link to document image
Haskell, Lillie E.fromWeisheit, Henry1894134:261Link to document image
Haskell, WashingtontoBarcus, Beulah P.186127:104Link to document image
Haskill, E. P.toDaniels, Wm. B.186441:295Link to document image
Haskill, Eli B.fromHough, John (Jr.)1857U:251Link to document image
Haskill, Wash.fromKnappenburger, J.187256:429Link to document image
Haskins, FrancistoHough, John186538:308Link to document image
Haskins, H. R.toBenninghoff, Sol.187256:149Link to document image
Haskins, H. R.fromStone, T. B.186538:132Link to document image
Haskins, HenryfromStone, F. B.186536:407Link to document image
Hasler, Barling (Heirs)fromEdwards, James (Estate)186229:334Link to document image
Hasler, JohnfromDisler, Samuel (Et al.)187978:514Link to document image
Hasler, MariafromDieder, John186436:105Link to document image
Hasler, Martha E.toGarman, Mahlon (Et al.)1902167:244Link to document image
Hasler, RachelfromBaird, John186436:79Link to document image
Hasler, SamueltoBodine, Allen186239:466Link to document image
Haslmeir, WilliamfromEwing, George W.1860Y:508Link to document image
Haslup, Jas. R.fromEq. Trust Co.1887103:556Link to document image
Hasmiere. Wm. H. (Et al.)fromMorel, Edward187359:39Link to document image
Hasmioh, SusanfromStauffer, Rhode (Et al.)187975:426Link to document image
Hasonpflug, DanieltoOberholtzer, Anna187161:407Link to document image
Hasper, J. B. (Coms.)toHayser, Dedrick188183:111Link to document image
Hasper, PhilipfromMann, A. H.187255:520Link to document image
Hasper, PhilipfromMills, Wm. W.187255:519Link to document image
Hass, E. A.fromArmstrong, M. S.187256:240Link to document image
Hass, E. O.fromDeahl, Susan C.187981:46Link to document image
Hass, JacobtoBergan, F. H.186434:451Link to document image
Hass, JacobfromHanna, Saml.186334:450Link to document image
Hass, Jacob N.fromSpoenle, Louis1894136:181Link to document image
Hass, Jacob N. & wifetoSpowle, Louis1895138:376Link to document image
Hass, MagdalenafromCour, C. J. A.187565:476Link to document image
Hass, MagdalenatoTaylor, Isaac N. (Et al.)188091:594Link to document image
Hassel, AnnatoRayhouser, Addie T.1893130:290Link to document image
Hassel, AnnafromSuters, Edward1890118:266Link to document image
Hassel, GeorgefromEngle, Alex1894135:486Link to document image
Hassel, GeorgefromEngle, Mary1894135:486Link to document image
Hassell, AnnafromRayhouser, Addie T.1893130:289Link to document image
Hassell, GeorgetoRayhouser, Addie T.1893130:290Link to document image
Hassenflig, Dl.toShaffer, John186757:103Link to document image
Hassenpfepling, Dl.toWalker, Edwin186950:305Link to document image
Hassenpfling, Dl.toShaffer, Selinda1886102:93Link to document image
Hassenpflng, Dl.toJamison, John186746:465Link to document image
Hassenpflug, D.toFriase, Danniel186539:189Link to document image
Hassenpflug, D.fromHough, John186539:125Link to document image
Hassenpflug, Danl.toWann, Dan186642:282Link to document image
Hassenpflug, Dl.fromHough, JOhn1865118:284Link to document image
Hassenpflug, Q.toBice, David188080:20Link to document image
Hassenpflugh, DanielfromDebolt, Geo.187668:293Link to document image
Hasserd, Susan J.fromHassert, Barnhart187461:247Link to document image
Hassert, B.toCoardevey, Lewis188287:461Link to document image
Hassert, BarnharttoHasserd, Susan J.187461:247Link to document image
Hassert, BarnharttoJeffries, Susannah186539:238Link to document image
Hassert, Geo.fromReed, Chas. A. (Trustee)1890117:36Link to document image
Hassert, S. (Jr.)toRoebel, Gustenus186743:85Link to document image
Hassert, S. J.fromHill, David187254:274Link to document image
Hassert, Susan J.toKlett, Jcob186641:258Link to document image
Hassert, Susan JanefromKnapp, Rowena186543:84Link to document image
Hassfield, CharlottefromSwayne, Samuel F.1897147:381Link to document image
Hassinger, FideliatoSimons, O. A.186331:473Link to document image
Hassinger, Martha A.fromCitizens L. & Imp. Co.1893129:24Link to document image
Hassler, Jos. B.toArcher, Jno. H.186847:168Link to document image
Hassler, Jos. B.fromBittinger, A. H.186847:164Link to document image
Hassler, Jos. B.fromHarter, Joseph186230:238Link to document image
Hassler, Jos. B.toSriner, Jno. J.186432:341Link to document image
Hassler, Jos. B.toTrautman, Jacob186947;209Link to document image
Hassler, Jos. R.fromBrackenridge, Geo. W.186432:446Link to document image
Hassler, Jos. R.fromBrackenridge, H.186432:446Link to document image
Hassler, Jos. R.fromBrackenridge, Joseph186432:446Link to document image
Hassler, Mary E.fromCommissioners by Partition188182:419Link to document image
Hassler, SarahfromCaldwell, A. S.1887106:335Link to document image
Hassler, SarahfromHartman, H. C. (Adm.)188395:416Link to document image
Hasted, CatharinetoBarthel, John George1855T:51Link to document image
Hastemeyer, HenryfromMartz, Phillip187565:610Link to document image
Haster, PhilipfromYenan, Moses1859V:634Link to document image
Haster, Wm. H.fromWorden, Darius186753:317Link to document image
Hastey, ElizabethfromMiner, Geo. E.1894134:118Link to document image
Hastings, E. H.toWycoff, Susan186952:280Link to document image
Hastings, L. D.toHines, Elizabeth187155:220Link to document image
Hastley, Anna A. (Et al.)toWoodworth, E. J.1892123:560Link to document image
Hastly, SarahfromHamilton, William186127:229Link to document image
Hastman, L. R.fromEakin, M. A. (Et al.)188081:176Link to document image
Hastman, S. B.fromEakin, M. A. (Et al.)188081:179Link to document image
Hastry, S. WebsterfromMiner, Geo. E.1894134:118Link to document image
Hasty, ClarafromRamsey, Peter187780:140Link to document image
Hasty, ClaratoReed, Mary M.187772:141Link to document image
Hasty, JamestoKepel, Samuel1859Y:448Link to document image
Hasty, JohntoHasty, Martin S.1859X:327Link to document image
Hasty, John & M.fromKelsey, Joseph186536:254Link to document image
Hasty, MartinfromHasty, Reuben K.186229:59Link to document image
Hasty, Martin L.toAker, Danl. W.186535:517Link to document image
Hasty, Martin L.fromHogston, Isaac186435:511Link to document image
Hasty, Martin S.fromHasty, John1859X:327Link to document image
Hasty, Reuben K.toHasty, Martin186229:59Link to document image
Hasty, Sara (Et al.)toEsterline, Wm. J.187052:327Link to document image
Haswell, A. M.fromRickett, Ocie1888107:252Link to document image
Haswell, Burton S.fromMaring, Ann E. (Et al.)1897145:256Link to document image
Haswell, Burton S.toMaring, Jacob L.1897145:257Link to document image
Haswell, Geo. I.fromComincavish, Felix188183:432Link to document image
Haswell, Geo. I.fromComincavish, Felix188183:432Link to document image
Haswell, Geo. I.fromGraham, Maud1895137:11Link to document image
Haswell, Geo. I.toGraham, Maud1895137:11Link to document image
Haswell, Geo. I.fromHanna, Chas.187258:65Link to document image
Haswell, Geo. I.toVanWormer, W. A.1886102:109Link to document image
Haswell, Geo. I.fromVanWormer, Wm. A.1886102:108Link to document image
Haswell, George I. (Et al.)fromAllen Co. L. & S. Assn.1902169:399Link to document image
Haswell, George IanthustoRahe, August1902166:282Link to document image
Haswell, Mary E.fromSircle, Emamuel1892127:306Link to document image
Haswell, Mary E.toSircle, Emanuel1894134:492Link to document image
Haswell, S. P.fromSpanburgh, J. R.186441:125Link to document image
Haswell, Sol. P.toBacon, L. B.186540:184Link to document image
Haswell, Sol. P.toHunter, Wm. T.186640:140Link to document image
Haswell, Sol. P.fromHunter, Wm. T.186640:162Link to document image
Haswell, Sol. P.toPierce, Jas. S.186028:298Link to document image
Haswell, SolomontoBlystone, Isaac186432:235Link to document image
Haswell, Solomon D.toLacey, Margaret1860Y:267Link to document image
Haswell, Solomon P.toCartwright, John185826:391Link to document image
Haswell, Solomon T.fromBullard, George1856T:12Link to document image
Hatch, Altha L.toJackson, Martin1894136:24Link to document image
Hatch, Amelia E.toHatch, Arthur A.1895138:73Link to document image
Hatch, Amelia E.fromKell, Jacob1890117:4Link to document image
Hatch, Amelia E.fromKniss, Emma (Et al.)1895137:410Link to document image
Hatch, Antha B.toPreston, Fred1901160:496Link to document image
Hatch, Anthia B. (Et al.)fromNeelson, Caroline1901162:38Link to document image
Hatch, Artha B. (Et al.)fromHatch, Neuman V.1890159:32Link to document image
Hatch, Arthur A.fromHatch, Amelia E.1895138:73Link to document image
Hatch, Edwin J.fromWarcup, William1901161:292Link to document image
Hatch, F. J.fromHatch, N. V.187790:136Link to document image
Hatch, FerciefromWilkinson, Thos.187157:257Link to document image
Hatch, Geo. W.fromSheriff, A. Co.1857U:212Link to document image
Hatch, GeorgetoHarner, Joseph1852M:145Link to document image
Hatch, GeorgetoWarner, George1852M:144Link to document image
Hatch, George W.toHarkey, John (Admr.)1859X:419Link to document image
Hatch, George W.toJones, William H.1852N:718Link to document image
Hatch, JamestoBoulton, Henry186028:630Link to document image
Hatch, JasonfromUnited States1837152:370Link to document image
Hatch, L. L.fromKline, Melissa1886100:417Link to document image
Hatch, L. L.toZucher, Jno. G.186332:34Link to document image
Hatch, LewisfromHeckler, Thomas1855S:2Link to document image
Hatch, LouisfromKline, Jacob186344:132Link to document image
Hatch, Louis L.fromBoyes, Adam186744:133Link to document image
Hatch, Louis S.fromMiller, Wm. L.186344:132Link to document image
Hatch, MaryfromGrumbb, Jas. L.1893128:235Link to document image
Hatch, Mary D.fromCommissioner in Partition188392:1Link to document image
Hatch, Mary D.fromCommissioner in Partition188393:17Link to document image
Hatch, Mary D.toKell, Frederick1899155:19Link to document image
Hatch, Mary D.toMyers, Benj. F.1894133:380Link to document image
Hatch, Mary D.fromMyers, Benjamin F.1897147:84Link to document image
Hatch, N. V.fromBeardsley, J. O.187786:71Link to document image
Hatch, N. V.fromCole, James186157:57Link to document image
Hatch, N. V.toFt. W. Jackson & S. R. R.187158:47Link to document image
Hatch, N. V.toHatch, F. J.187790:136Link to document image
Hatch, N. V.toHatch, S. B.1877100:330Link to document image
Hatch, N. V.toHippenhammer, H.1886102:197Link to document image
Hatch, N. V.fromKell, Geo. V. (Adm.)188392:108Link to document image
Hatch, N. V.toKell, Jacob1889114:86Link to document image
Hatch, N. V.toRundles, Sarah186133:19Link to document image
Hatch, Neroman V.toKell, Jacob188079:458Link to document image
Hatch, Neuman V.toHatch, Artha B. (Et al.)1890159:32Link to document image
Hatch, Newman V.toParker, Benjamin1847R:338Link to document image
Hatch, S. B.fromGump, Jno. W.1886101:184Link to document image
Hatch, S. B.fromGump, Jno. W.1886101:184Link to document image
Hatch, S. B.fromHatch, N. V.1877100:330Link to document image
Hatch, S. B.toWieker, Samuel1886100:475Link to document image
Hatch, Saml. B.toJackson, Martin1894136:24Link to document image
Hatch, Samuel B.fromJackson, Martin1894148:159Link to document image
Hatch, T. J.fromRicker, M. P.187568:184Link to document image
Hatch, TheronfromBosler, George187261:414Link to document image
Hatchinson, C. W.fromParks, Volney188286:352Link to document image
Hatchinson, T. J.fromZurbaugh, E. U.187050:427Link to document image
Hate, JacobtoAdams, Wm.186033:48Link to document image
Hate, JacobfromHamilton, A. (Est.)186745:277Link to document image
Hatendorf, Chas.fromMulharen, Hannah1890118:58Link to document image
Hatfield, A. A. (Et al.)toBoulton, Oscar1887108:375Link to document image
Hatfield, AlberttoMiddough, N. B.1855S:40Link to document image
Hatfield, AmostoHelsey, S. L. E.187153:25Link to document image
Hatfield, AmostoJeffries, Martha1887104:567Link to document image
Hatfield, AmosfromKelsey, Eliza187153:24Link to document image
Hatfield, AmostoKelsey, Eliza187669:90Link to document image
Hatfield, AmosfromKelsey, Samuel B.187669:89Link to document image
Hatfield, AmosfromShreeve, D. P.186639:459Link to document image
Hatfield, Benj.toArcher, John186648:251Link to document image
Hatfield, Benj.fromArcher, John H.187359:387Link to document image
Hatfield, Benj.toG. R. & Ind. R. R.186948:509Link to document image
Hatfield, Benj.fromGraham, Jas. E. (Adm.)187052:116Link to document image
Hatfield, BenjaminfromHatfield, Thomas1851U:602Link to document image
Hatfield, BenjamintoTrustee Hatfield Cemetery Assc.187462:631Link to document image
Hatfield, Caroline A.fromLuther, Rachel (Admx.)1892128:10Link to document image
Hatfield, CatharinetoHarfield, Benjamin187462:525Link to document image
Hatfield, D. C.fromPrindle, A.186333:40Link to document image
Hatfield, D. O.toL -. William186335:466Link to document image
Hatfield, Dniel K.toLawrence, John J.186027:326Link to document image
Hatfield, Franklin E. (Et al.)fromRousseau, Anna B.1900159:405Link to document image
Hatfield, FrederickfromHirtz, Lucy1902166:268Link to document image
Hatfield, Fredk. (Et al.)toHatfield, John1898153:525Link to document image
Hatfield, HiramtoLawrence. John J.186027:326Link to document image
Hatfield, IsaactoMcClare, John1850K:16Link to document image
Hatfield, IsaactoMcClare, John1850K:17Link to document image
Hatfield, IsaactoReddin, William1848I:450Link to document image
Hatfield, J. C.fromSchuhler, F. X.188598:7Link to document image
Hatfield, J. C.fromSixbey, Edmee188393:203Link to document image
Hatfield, J. C.toSmith, Jonas1886100:488Link to document image
Hatfield, JamestoMathews, Jane (Et al.)1891120:280Link to document image
Hatfield, James (Est.)toLawrence, John (Jr.)1858W:556Link to document image
Hatfield, Jas.fromHatfield, M. (Et al.)1886101:603Link to document image
Hatfield, Jas.fromHatfield, Wm.188598:486Link to document image
Hatfield, Jas. (Adm.)toRomy, Robt. L. (E al.)1889111:364Link to document image
Hatfield, Jno.toErving, Alexander186845:581Link to document image
Hatfield, Jno. M.fromAngevine, Wm. E.187256:317Link to document image
Hatfield, Jno. N.fromThieme, Jno. A.187980:395Link to document image
Hatfield, Jno. N.toWalker, Wm. M.1885102:303Link to document image
Hatfield, JohntoEby, Minnie1898152:130Link to document image
Hatfield, JohnfromHartman, Joseph1895138:416Link to document image
Hatfield, JohnfromHatfield, Fredk. (Et al.)1898153:525Link to document image
Hatfield, JohntoIrving, Alex187360:119Link to document image
Hatfield, John (Et al.)toDarling, Carrie1898151:298Link to document image
Hatfield, John (Et al.)toFlickinger, Mary M.1898151:265Link to document image
Hatfield, John (Et al.)toHarfield, Frederick1898153:523Link to document image
Hatfield, John (Et al.)toHirtz, Lucy1898151:247Link to document image
Hatfield, John N.toWard, Amos M.187672:319Link to document image
Hatfield, M.toErving, Alexander186847:162Link to document image
Hatfield, M. (Et al.)toHatfield, Jas.1886101:603Link to document image
Hatfield, M. (Et al.)toLuther, R. (Et al.)1886101:604Link to document image
Hatfield, MalindafromArcher, John186648:252Link to document image
Hatfield, Martha J.fromGreenwood, Robert J.1899155:474Link to document image
Hatfield, Martha J.toHauber, Oscar A.1899156:166Link to document image
Hatfield, Matilda J.fromShipman, N. (Ex.)187572:568Link to document image
Hatfield, OwentoBartlett, William M.1852L:559Link to document image
Hatfield, OwentoRich, Alexander186333:363Link to document image
Hatfield, OwentoShepler, James1852L:557Link to document image
Hatfield, ThomastoEllsworth, Mary E.1859X:490Link to document image
Hatfield, ThomastoFritch, William T.1854S:702Link to document image
Hatfield, ThomastoGunder, Daniel1849N:148Link to document image
Hatfield, ThomastoGunder, George (Jr.)1855S:172Link to document image
Hatfield, ThomastoHatfield, Benjamin1851U:602Link to document image
Hatfield, ThomastoKlinger, Nicholas1853Q:438Link to document image
Hatfield, ThomastoSmeal, John M.1854O:618Link to document image
Hatfield, ThomastoSunderland, Margaret1854X:5Link to document image
Hatfield, ThomastoSunderland, Margaret1859X:5Link to document image
Hatfield, ThomasfromUnited States1832134:443Link to document image
Hatfield, Thos.toRacine, Fred186128:41Link to document image
Hatfield, Thos.fromSunderland, Benj.1859W:602Link to document image
Hatfield, Ths.fromScholder, Henry1859W:602Link to document image
Hatfield, V. M.fromStine, H. O.1902167:172Link to document image
Hatfield, Victor M.fromSmith, Saml. M.1894131:553Link to document image
Hatfield, WilliamfromLarwill, Kenneth C. (Tr.)1902169:543Link to document image
Hatfield, Wm.toHatfield, Jas.188598:486Link to document image
Hatfield, Wm.toHeine, Christian187462:241Link to document image
Hatfield, Wm.toRailing, Henry187464:326Link to document image
Hatfield, Wm.fromVanhorn, Wm.187255:123Link to document image
Hatfield, Wm. H.toTimmons, Sarah187463:438Link to document image
Hatfield, Wm. H.fromWilliamson, Alex186462:463Link to document image
Hathawat, Jno.toHathaway, Phillip188287:384Link to document image
Hathawat, Jno.toKunyz, S. E.188287:385Link to document image
Hathaway, Allen (Jr.)toBlack, Sigemund M.1849J:35Link to document image
Hathaway, E. B.toFitzgerald, Lucinda186846:483Link to document image
Hathaway, J. F.fromVanCamp, Jas.188189:222Link to document image
Hathaway, J. F.toVanCamp, Jas.188394:198Link to document image
Hathaway, JamesfromComm. in Partition1891122:160Link to document image
Hathaway, James S.fromHathaway, Mary A.1901162:72Link to document image
Hathaway, James S.toHathaway, Mary E.1901162:73Link to document image
Hathaway, James S. (Et al.)toTaylor, Robert L. (Et al.)1901163:497Link to document image
Hathaway, James W.toGriffith, William1853N:351Link to document image
Hathaway, Jas. S.fromHeffelfinger, Emma1896142:129Link to document image
Hathaway, Jas. S.toSmith, Arphela1892126:86Link to document image
Hathaway, Jno.toRobinson, Wm. H.188494:293Link to document image
Hathaway, Jno. Sr.fromHathaway, Philip188494:181Link to document image
Hathaway, Jno. Sr.fromSchroeder, Jno.188081:470Link to document image
Hathaway, JohntoChase, Leonard1845K:202Link to document image
Hathaway, JohntoChase, Uriah1845K:202Link to document image
Hathaway, JohntoChase, Uriah1850K:203Link to document image
Hathaway, JohnfromForbush, Joel F.186539:136Link to document image
Hathaway, JohntoGandy, O. & Nickey A. B.187975:394Link to document image
Hathaway, JohnfromGilford, Catherine186539:36Link to document image
Hathaway, JohntoHathaway, Stephen188079:193Link to document image
Hathaway, JohnfromHyatt, Wm. G.1858V:244Link to document image
Hathaway, JohnfromJohnson, Uriah186435:403Link to document image
Hathaway, JohnfromPiepenbrink, C.187255:208Link to document image
Hathaway, JohntoRippa, Christian Sr.187461:368Link to document image
Hathaway, JohntoRobinson, Horney186331:101Link to document image
Hathaway, JohntoRomy, Robt. L.1887103:259Link to document image
Hathaway, JohnfromStudabaker, Jesse186230:8Link to document image
Hathaway, JohnfromUnited States183779:94Link to document image
Hathaway, John Sr.fromFry, Franklin187978:339Link to document image
Hathaway, John Sr.fromSwart, C. F. M.187770:22Link to document image
Hathaway, John Sr.toSwart, C. F. M.187770:23Link to document image
Hathaway, Jos.toJohnston, David186948:336Link to document image
Hathaway, JosephinefromRomy, Robt. L.1887103:260Link to document image
Hathaway, Kas. S.fromSmith, Orphelia1892126:85Link to document image
Hathaway, Lottie C.fromLadig, Henry M.1899155:68Link to document image
Hathaway, Lottie C.fromSperry, Charles W.1901163:431Link to document image
Hathaway, M. E. (Et al.)toKuntz, Edna1892124:511Link to document image
Hathaway, MaryfromComm. in Partition1891122:160Link to document image
Hathaway, Mary A.toHathaway, James S.1901162:72Link to document image
Hathaway, Mary E.fromHathaway, James S.1901162:73Link to document image
Hathaway, Mary E. fromKuntz, Edna1892125:279Link to document image
Hathaway, Mary E.fromSmith, Orphelia1889114:381Link to document image
Hathaway, Mary E.fromSmith, Orphelia1890117:592Link to document image
Hathaway, Mary E. (Et al.)fromKuntz, Edna1892125:280Link to document image
Hathaway, PhilipfromBrown, Stanley1892124:436Link to document image
Hathaway, PhilipfromCampbell, John J.1890117:104Link to document image
Hathaway, PhiliptoHathaway, Jno. Sr.188494:181Link to document image
Hathaway, PhiliptoHathaway, S. (Et al.)1889111:426Link to document image
Hathaway, PhiliptoJoly, Consine1891124:186Link to document image
Hathaway, PhillipfromGreenwell, C. L.1886102:556Link to document image
Hathaway, PhillipfromHathawat, Jno.188287:384Link to document image
Hathaway, S.fromFair, Gabriel188081:302Link to document image
Hathaway, S.fromWetherly, Geo.1888107:354Link to document image
Hathaway, S. (Et al.)toBash, Chas. S. (Et al.)1889111:460Link to document image
Hathaway, S. (Et al.)toBash, Chas. S. (Et al.)1889138:471Link to document image
Hathaway, S. (Et al.)fromHathaway, Philip1889111:426Link to document image
Hathaway, S. (Et al.)fromHathaway, S. A.1886101:441Link to document image
Hathaway, S. A.toHathaway, S. (Et al.)1886101:441Link to document image
Hathaway, S. A.fromHathaway, S.(Et al.)1886101:373Link to document image
Hathaway, S.(Et al.)toHathaway, S. A.1886101:373Link to document image
Hathaway, StephenfromCushia, Maria (Shudbaker)186229:94Link to document image
Hathaway, StephentoGandy, O. Nickey W. B.187875:377Link to document image
Hathaway, StephenfromHathaway, John188079:193Link to document image
Hathaway, Stephen (Et al.)toFair, Gabriel1887104:397Link to document image
Hathaway, Thomas W.toGeneral Public Highway1902170:480Link to document image
Hathaway, Thomas W. (Et ux.)toFt. Wayne Van Wert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:479Link to document image
Hatman, L. R.fromStophlet, F. (Admr.)186642:221Link to document image
Hatmeyer, E. C.fromDodez, G. C. (Adm.)188495:121Link to document image
Hatmeyer, E. C.toPeters, Jno. C.188496:8Link to document image
Hatmeyer, E. c.toScherer, Louis188598:136Link to document image
Hatsel, JohnfromButler, John187566:527Link to document image
Hatsmeyer, H.fromBahde, Ernst186950:29Link to document image
Hattendord, HenryfromBicknese, Fred188391:261Link to document image
Hattendorf, Chas.toBrendel, Jacobina1892128:58Link to document image
Hattendorf, Chas.fromComs. in Partition1887104:596Link to document image
Hattendorf, Chas.fromHaiber, Fredk. (Comr.)1888109:46Link to document image
Hattendorf, Chas. (Et al.)toLogan, Thos. J.1890116:134Link to document image
Hattendorf, Chas. (Et al.)toSwayne, Saml. F. (Et al.)1890116:85Link to document image
Hattendorf, H. G.fromFleming, Stephen B.1897145:333Link to document image
Hattendorf, H. G.fromReinking, Caroline1888110:40Link to document image
Hattendorf, HenryfromComs. in Partition1887104:596Link to document image
Hattendorf, HenrytoHartman, Adolph1857T:551Link to document image
Hattendorf, HenryfromKing, Kregor188393:277Link to document image
Hattendorf, HenrytoLauer, Jno. W.1887105:189Link to document image
Hattendorf, HenryfromReinking, Caroline1899152:537Link to document image
Hattendorf, HenrytoSchlatter, C. C. (Et ux.)1887105:112Link to document image
Hattendorf, HenrytoSwayne, Saml. F.1889114:376Link to document image
Hattendorf, Henry (Adm.)toRoeger, Mary1901164:537Link to document image
Hattendorf, Henry (Et al.)toReinking, Caroline1898150:77Link to document image
Hattendorf, Henry G.toVanHorn, Wm. A.1899154:293Link to document image
Hattendorf, Henry G. (Et ux.)fromNiemeyer, Henry1899155:100Link to document image
Hattendorf, LouisefromComs. in Partition1887104:596Link to document image
Hattendorf, W. A.fromComs. in Partition1887104:596Link to document image
Hattendorf, Wilh. A.fromReinking, Carolina1895137:390Link to document image
Hattendorf, WilhelmfromFreemuth, Carl (from)1855R:560Link to document image
Hattendorf, Wilhelmina A. (Et al.) toHunsche, Henry (Tr.)1898151:28Link to document image
Hattendorf, Wilk.toEngle, Mary1894135:37Link to document image
Hattendorf, WilliamtoFreimuth, Carl1855R:560Link to document image
Hattendorf, WilliamtoPape, Philleppena1860Y:537Link to document image
Hattendorf, Wm.fromComs. in Partition1887104:596Link to document image
Hattendorf, Wm.toLinker, C. H.186432:269Link to document image
Hattendorf, Wm.toPape, William186242:294Link to document image
Hattendorf, Wm.toPape, William186432:296Link to document image
Hattendorf, Wm.toSchafer, Christian187154:325Link to document image
Hattereley, WillisfromMcDonald, Ranald T.1898151:423Link to document image
Hatterslay, AlfredfromJones, Emma A.1894135:388Link to document image
Hattersley & SonsfromBourie, Ophelia1889110:446Link to document image
Hattersley & SonsfromOConnor, B. S.1877110:447Link to document image
Hattersley, A.fromArcher, Olive E.1892124:506Link to document image
Hattersley, A. & SonsfromMohr, John Jr.1893127:506Link to document image
Hattersley, A. (Et al.)fromTower, H. B.188597:600Link to document image
Hattersley, A. (Et al.)toTrentman, A. C.1888107:58Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromAbbott, R. B.1888112:605Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromAngell, Byron D.186746:38Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredtoArcher, Olive E.1892125:61Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromCarnahan, Wm. L.187462:310Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromEdsall, Wm. S. & Simon187464:44Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromEwing, Geo. W. (Est.)187255:406Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredtoFalls, Margaret1893129:26Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromFicks, Mary E.1894132:284Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredtoFletcher, Jennie187875:23Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredtoFt. W. Water P. Co.1889112:240Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredtoHattersley, Byron E.1893131:124Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredtoHattersley, Willis188080:59Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredtoHattersley, Willis188082:142Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromHattersley, Willis (Et al.)1891119:575Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromKamm, J. J. (et al.)187566:182Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredtoKamm, Jacob J.187465:87Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredtoLeikuf, John188182:570Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredtoLindenwood Cemetery1880115:48Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromMaier, Amelia C.187464:44Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromMiller, John M.1893127:538Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromMorgan, Oliver P.186126:427Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromPaul, H. C.187978:466Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromRudisill, E. E.187359:3Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromSinclair, Thos.188495:41Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredtoThain, George186536:483Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredtoUmstead, N. A.188184:340Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredtoWard, Christina187771:161Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromWard, H. N.187771:154Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromWebber, Bridget188494:600Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredtoWebber, M. N.188494:601Link to document image
Hattersley, AlfredfromWhite, Jas. B.187771:159Link to document image
Hattersley, Alfred (Et al.)toBostick, Louisa (Agreement)1901164:356Link to document image
Hattersley, Alfred (Et al.)fromBrammer, Jos. H. (Etr.)1890117:21Link to document image
Hattersley, Alfred (Et al.)toHattersley, Byron E.1891119:574Link to document image
Hattersley, Alfred (Et al.)toHattersley, Willis1891119:577Link to document image
Hattersley, Alfred (Et al.)fromMergel, Elizabeth (Et al.)1901164:355Link to document image
Hattersley, Alfred (Et al.) AgreementfromBostick, Louisa1901164:356Link to document image
Hattersley, Alfred (Et ux.)fromMorris, Jr. John1891119:579Link to document image
Hattersley, Alfred (Et ux.)fromMorris, Jr. John1891119:580Link to document image
Hattersley, Alfred (Et ux.)toMorris, Jr. John1891119:578Link to document image
Hattersley, Alfred I.fromKingan, Robert W. J.1899153:34Link to document image
Hattersley, Bryon E.fromBond, Lavinia A.1900156:505Link to document image
Hattersley, ByronfromBulmahn, Sophia L.1899154:414Link to document image
Hattersley, Byron E.fromHattersley, Alfred1893131:124Link to document image
Hattersley, Byron E.fromHattersley, Alfred (Et al.)1891119:574Link to document image
Hattersley, Byron E.fromStapleford, Lucien P.1901163:228Link to document image
Hattersley, S. A.fromCartwright, J. M.187149:228Link to document image
Hattersley, Sarah A.fromHattersley, Willis188080:60Link to document image
Hattersley, Sarah A.fromHattersley, Willis188082:143Link to document image
Hattersley, Sarah A.toHeimroth, Kathn.1894134:333Link to document image
Hattersley, Sarah AnnfromElsner, Tillie1901162:522Link to document image
Hattersley, WillistoBedwards, Wm.188182:370Link to document image
Hattersley, WillisfromFitch, Elizabeth (Et al.)101162:305Link to document image
Hattersley, WillisfromGrothaus, Christena1898150:550Link to document image
Hattersley, WillisfromHattersley, Alfred188080:59Link to document image
Hattersley, WillisfromHattersley, Alfred188082:142Link to document image
Hattersley, WillisfromHattersley, Alfred (Et al.)1891119:577Link to document image
Hattersley, WillistoHattersley, Sarah A.188080:60Link to document image
Hattersley, WillistoHattersley, Sarah A.188082:143Link to document image
Hattersley, WillisfromMiller, John M.1893127:537Link to document image
Hattersley, WillisfromMott, J. Edgar (Et al.)1901164:1Link to document image
Hattersley, WillisfromSheriff187977:507Link to document image
Hattersley, WillisfromTaylor, John187567:342Link to document image
Hattersley, Willis (Et al.)toHattersley, Alfred1891119:575Link to document image
Hattersley. Byron E.fromWhite, John W.1901163:227Link to document image
Hattersly, Alfred (Et al.)toMoellering, W. L. (Et ux.)1887104:392Link to document image
Hattessley, AlfredfromSheriff187874:262Link to document image
Hauber, Anna E.fromGreenwood, Robert J.1899155:475Link to document image
Hauber, Oscar A.fromBush, Amos L.1900156:478Link to document image
Hauber, Oscar A.toDennis, Joseph (Et ux.)1899153:368Link to document image
Hauber, Oscar A.fromHatfield, Martha J.1899156:166Link to document image
Hauble, O. C.fromBrooks, I. F.1851K:651Link to document image
Hauck, Augusta C.fromSmith, William S.1901164:410Link to document image
Hauck, Jno. E.fromBurke, Julia (Et al.)1888110:61Link to document image
Haud, Caroline & E.toJohnson, Hannah M.187980:423Link to document image
Haudenochild, JohnfromFalls, Joseph & wife1895138:380Link to document image
Haudenschild, Jno.fromCartwright, C.188599:62Link to document image
Haudenschild, John (Et ux.)fromPfeiffer, Christian F.1898150:409Link to document image
Haudyshell, C. B.toCallison, A.186432:349Link to document image
Hauffman, ChrisfromHough, John186950:333Link to document image
Haughenberg, WilliamfromHolmes, John1853O:661Link to document image
Haughenberg, Wm.toCeffer, Joseph1855S:33Link to document image
Haughenbery, WilliamtoShaffer, James1850J:667Link to document image
Haughenburg, Wm.toAmos, Sarah1855R:660Link to document image
Haugk, AugustfromBabcock, Edwin B.1902171:4Link to document image
Haugk, WilliamfromRomy, Robert L.1902168:253Link to document image
Hauk, DavidfromJones, Paul1859X:455Link to document image
Hauk, HesterfromMartz, Margaret J.1892127:110Link to document image
Hauk, PhilipfromYoungker, H. B.1854Q:295Link to document image
Hauke, FrederickfromMcCulloch, Hugh1889112:622Link to document image
Haukey, JohnfromBiddle, A. M. M.186228:605Link to document image
Hauley, MichaeltoShaughensey, Michael1852L:589Link to document image
Hauley, PatricktoShaughensey, Michael1852L:589Link to document image
Haunchfeger, PeterfromBrew, Nicholas187256:246Link to document image
Haurer, CharlottafromConcordia Collage188495:40Link to document image
Haus, L. E. W.fromBond, H. Mc.1887103:607Link to document image
Hausbach, Joseph (Et ux.)fromRademacher, Joseph Bp.1899155:412Link to document image
Hausbach, M. (Et al.)toFisher, Anthony jr.1889110:610Link to document image
Hauschildt, Louise S. M.fromPfeidner, Mary1902170:347Link to document image
Hauser, AlloystoBernhardt, Ernest1850K:109Link to document image
Hauser, CatherinefromHelt, Geo.186847:85Link to document image
Hauser, HenrytoSchmidt, F. S.188496:326Link to document image
Hausman, Chas. toKuhne, Paul F.1892122:577Link to document image
Hausman, Wm.toNix, Valentine187359:542Link to document image
Hausmann, Chas.fromChapman, Preston1891122:569Link to document image
Hausmann, Chas.fromCowan, Robert A. 1891122:574Link to document image
Hausmann, Chas.fromCowan, Robert A. 1891122:576Link to document image
Hausmann, Chas.fromCriswell, Clara1891122:572Link to document image
Hausmann, Chas.fromDevlin, Nellie 1891122:573Link to document image
Hausmann, Chas.fromSomers, Hattie A.1891122:510Link to document image
Hausmann, Wm.fromGreen, Mary M.187359:364Link to document image
Hausmann, Wm.toSullivan, Ellen188288:447Link to document image
Hauss, DavidtoTons, Henry187667:310Link to document image
Hauss, SusanafromTons, Henry187771:341Link to document image
Hauss, SusannatoEckart, F.187977:432Link to document image
Hauss, SusannafromGood, Caroline187978:162Link to document image
Haussmann, Wm.fromOriff, John187559:472Link to document image
Hautz, EliastoHautz, Joseph1852L:491Link to document image
Hautz, JosephfromHautz, Elias1852L:491Link to document image
Havel, HenryfromHanna, Samuel184626:167Link to document image
Havel, HenryfromMeyer, Jno. F. W.187359:298Link to document image
Havel, JohntoBrick, Morris1850K:86Link to document image
Havell, JohnfromHanna, Samuel1846K:91Link to document image
Haver, PetertoBonham, C. (Will of Fo)1854U:382Link to document image
Haver, PeterfromYost, John1848I:251Link to document image
Haverd, OlivefromHunter, Wm. T.187257:49Link to document image
Haverkorn, H.fromSchafer, Wm.1860Y:331Link to document image
Haverley, E.toBradtmiller, C.188286:497Link to document image
Haverly, ElizabethtoStevens, Emily187667:365Link to document image
Haverly, ElizabethfromStevens, Mary1876128:559Link to document image
Haverly, Elizabeth A.fromBowen, Geo. W.187463:533Link to document image
Haverly, Elizabeth A.toBowen, George W.187464:537Link to document image
Haverstock, JacobtoBrookens, Thomas1856U:183Link to document image
Haverstock, Wm.fromSnyder, S. J. H.186845:667Link to document image
Haverstork, Wm. (Adm.)toBowman, Wm. B.1884115:360Link to document image
Havert, Alice M. V.fromHavert, Theodore J.1899154:244Link to document image
Havert, Alice May V.toSinram, Christian H.1899155:90Link to document image
Havert, AlphonsetoBearman, Fredk.1890115:168Link to document image
Havert, AlphonsefromKrudop, Jno. B.1890115:174Link to document image
Havert, AphousefromHavert, Theo.187873:467Link to document image
Havert, F. J.fromHavert, M. M.188185:248Link to document image
Havert, Louis J.toHavert, Theodore J.1894154:512Link to document image
Havert, M. M.toHavert, F. J.188185:248Link to document image
Havert, M. M.fromHavert, T. J.188289:398Link to document image
Havert, M. M.fromLeeson, M. P. (Et al.)188185:158Link to document image
Havert, M. M.fromTower, N. B. (Et al.)188185:158Link to document image
Havert, T. J.toHavert, M. M.188289:398Link to document image
Havert, Theo.toHavert, Aphouse187873:467Link to document image
Havert, Theo. J.toGladieux, Celestin (Et al.)1899153:528Link to document image
Havert, Theo. J.fromHaffner, Mary1887104:184Link to document image
Havert, TheodorefromCullen, Patrick187154:427Link to document image
Havert, TheodorefromHammond, Jno.187254:428Link to document image
Havert, TheodorefromMeyers, Sl. L.186845:539Link to document image
Havert, Theodore J.fromGladieux, Celestin (Et al.)1899153:297Link to document image
Havert, Theodore J.toHavert, Alice M. V.1899154:244Link to document image
Havert, Theodore J.fromHavert, Louis J.1894154:512Link to document image
Havert, Thos.toHammond, John187255:207Link to document image
Havesly, E. A.toGallmeier, Wm.188598:554Link to document image
Havice, Harriet J.fromByers, anna M. 1895137:461Link to document image
Havice, Harriet J.fromWeaver, Minnie A.1892132:302Link to document image
Havice, Saml. H.fromByers, Anna M.1895137:461Link to document image
Havice, Samuel H.toSimon, Conrad1902168:69Link to document image
Havice, Samuel H.fromTrustees 1st Baptist Ch.1902169:52Link to document image
Havigin, PatrickfromUnited States184098:428Link to document image
Havland, Albert C.toRandall, Winifres J.1898162:531Link to document image
Havland, Albert C.toSmith, William (Et al.)1901160:458Link to document image
Havland, Albert C. (Et al.)fromBohne, Carl1898152:47Link to document image
Havland, Albert C. (Et ux.)fromRandall, Julia F.1898152:93Link to document image
Havland, Albert C. (Et ux.)fromYergens, Wm. C. T.1898152:94Link to document image
Hawbecker, JohnfromGriebel, Frederick187564:278Link to document image
Hawbecker, JohntoZuber, Joseph187669:225Link to document image
Hawe, John B.toFt. W. & Chicago R. R. Co.1853R:727Link to document image
Hawes, J. P. (Ex.)toBayless, L. S.186435:186Link to document image
Hawes, P. & Thos. GrayfromTrustees W. & E. Canal 185992:569Link to document image
Hawes, Princeto(Will)185930:60Link to document image
Hawes, Prince (Est.)toKillian, John186238:228Link to document image
Hawk, Abe. W.toHawk, F. W.185727:598Link to document image
Hawk, Abraham W.fromFrederick, Christian1857U:186Link to document image
Hawk, B. F.toDaniels, J. S.187787:495Link to document image
Hawk, Benj.fromCuningham, D. F.186642:196Link to document image
Hawk, Benj.toHowell, Daniel187569:231Link to document image
Hawk, Benj. F.toPhillips, Jacob187771:31Link to document image
Hawk, BenjaminfromLittle, Andrew187259:53Link to document image
Hawk, CatharinefromBanks, Wm. R.187567:240Link to document image
Hawk, CatherinetoHawk, Zacriah1897144:536Link to document image
Hawk, CathrinefromHowell, Daniel187978:57Link to document image
Hawk, DavidtoVandelah, Thos.186333:461Link to document image
Hawk, F. W.fromHawk, Abe. W.185727:598Link to document image
Hawk, F. W.toHoward, Arthur186128:401Link to document image
Hawk, Francis W.fromFrederick, Christian1857U:186Link to document image
Hawk, RufusfromKlopfenstein, Jacob P. (Et al.)1898150:125Link to document image
Hawk, ZacriahfromHawk, Catherine1897144:536Link to document image
Hawker, GeorgefromStoll, Daniel186332:138Link to document image
Hawkey, MinniefromMiller, Chas. H.1894134:471Link to document image
Hawkey, MinniefromMiller, Wilhelmina1894134:471Link to document image
Hawkin, Geo.fromCutts, William186252:88Link to document image
Hawkins, Geo.toAnderson, Richard187258:4Link to document image
Hawkins, Geo.toJames, Joshua186641:141Link to document image
Hawkins, Geo.toJenness, J. h.186537:321Link to document image
Hawkins, Geo.fromTranger, Henry186334:15Link to document image
Hawkins, Geo.toWells, Jno. C.186434:378Link to document image
Hawkins, Henry N.toHubbard, A. D.1895139:149Link to document image
Hawkins, Henry N. (Et al.)fromGumpper, Jacob D.1893131:393Link to document image
Hawkins, Henry N. (Et al.)fromGumpper, Laura1893131:393Link to document image
Hawkins, JanefromHood, Samuel186331:99Link to document image
Hawkins, Jno.toStopher, John186541:443Link to document image
Hawkins, JohntoForney, Catherine187256:432Link to document image
Hawkins, JohntoGregory, Uriah M.1851K:609Link to document image
Hawkins, JohnfromTimbrook, Jno.187051:425Link to document image
Hawkins, JohntoTimbrook, John187256:515Link to document image
Hawkins, JohnfromVanzant, S. J.187256:160Link to document image
Hawkins, JohntoWeaver & Dierstine196747:113Link to document image
Hawkins, M. A.fromHickman, Jane186844:239Link to document image
Hawkins, MinatoHubbard, A. D.1895139:150Link to document image
Hawkins, Reb.toWarner, Jacob186846:274Link to document image
Hawkins, RebeccafromJohnson, Robt. H.186755:513Link to document image
Hawkins, RebeccatoWyatt, Henry186743:164Link to document image
Hawkins, RobertfromAynes, William1855S:603Link to document image
Hawkins, RoberttoBeans, John1850M:471Link to document image
Hawkins, RobertfromHeighton, Robert1852N:547Link to document image
Hawkins, RoberttoHenderson, Samuel1853N:303Link to document image
Hawkins, RobertfromKnight, Edwin L.186538:256Link to document image
Hawkins, RoberttoNaylor, George1859X:116Link to document image
Hawkins, Robt.toSlaughter, Benj.186642:46Link to document image
Hawkins, Sarh A. E.fromBrown, John1896143:544Link to document image
Hawkins, Sedelia R.toGibson, Sarah A.1895144:454Link to document image
Hawley, BernardtoHerber, Peter186536:263Link to document image
Hawley, BernardtoStelwagon, J.186536:263Link to document image
Hawley, EvitoHawley, William H.1850R:701Link to document image
Hawley, GideontoButler, George1854P:424Link to document image
Hawley, GideontoGump, Daniel1848J:686Link to document image
Hawley, GideontoGump, Daniel1851K:755Link to document image
Hawley, GideonfromMorse, Oliver A.1853N:608Link to document image
Hawley, GideontoPatubough, Daniel1850K:331Link to document image
Hawley, GideontoSmith, Robert1852M:65Link to document image
Hawley, GideontoStudabaker, Samuel1848J:686Link to document image
Hawley, GideontoThompson, John (Jr.)1852S:401Link to document image
Hawley, GideontoVickars, Jesse1852P:100Link to document image
Hawley, GideontoWatkins, A. T. P.186331:341Link to document image
Hawley, WilliamtoSmith, Josiah1850J:579Link to document image
Hawley, WilliamtoSterling, Samuel1849J:580Link to document image
Hawley, William H.fromHawley, Evi1850R:701Link to document image
Hawley, Wm. E.toEvans, Samuel C.187255:438Link to document image
Hawood, EdwinfromHarwood, Harrison186127:365Link to document image
Hawra, Henry C.toKammeyer, Elizabeth1895141:45Link to document image
Haws, PrincetoGrey, Thomas1850L:151Link to document image
Hawver, ElizafromStudabaker, S. (Est.)186229:44Link to document image
Hawver, SamueltoManning, Amos1853O:651Link to document image
Hay, A. A. (Et al.)toDraker, Frank188185:187Link to document image
Hay, CinderellatoKrick, Henry1894133:47Link to document image
Hay, JohnfromBrackenridge, Geo. W.186229:558Link to document image
Hay, JohnfromBrackenridge, H.186229:558Link to document image
Hay, JohnfromBrackenridge, Joseph186229:558Link to document image
Hay, JohntoBrandt, Carl186432:213Link to document image
Hay, JohntoO'Rourke, P. S.186229:559Link to document image
Hay, WilliamfromErhardt, John1894133:87Link to document image
Hay, William H.toDarr, Frederick (Et al.)1899153:322Link to document image
Hay, William H.toEmenhiser, Joseph A.1902166:273Link to document image
Hay, William H. (Et al.)fromDarr, Rose1899154:223Link to document image
Hayden, A. H.toGreer, J. H.188599:411Link to document image
Hayden, A. L. (Et al.)toVonderan, Jacob188286:528Link to document image
Hayden, Ashsah L. (Et ux.)toEpple, Gottlieb1891121:126Link to document image
Hayden, DavidfromLuckey, George185931:600Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toAlbersmaier, Fred1889111:21Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toBush, Sarah188598:295Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.fromCarnahan, C. L.188288:520Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toClark, Isaac G.1888109:269Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.fromFalvy, Daniel188193:299Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.fromFirst Pres. Church188494:188Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.fromFleming, Wm.188185:29Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toFort Wayne City1886102:73Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toFoster, D. N.1888109:581Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toGeerken, Geo.1887106:361Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.fromHanna, S. D.1886102:315Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.fromHanna. Jas. T.188288:520Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.fromHartman, H. C.1886102:317Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toHoneick, Harman1889111:20Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toHuxoll, August1887106:205Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toIrmscher, Max.1887106:362Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toLinker, H. E.188391:395Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toLitourneau, Oliver1888106:403Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toMenefee, C. M.188287:466Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toMoering, M. S.1886103:239Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toPage, W. D. & E. C.188291:582Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toPaine, L. C.188294:200Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toRehorst, Fred188391:334Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toSchopman, Philip1887106:363Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toSkinner, F. H.188185:84Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.fromSkinner, T. H.188185:212Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.fromTrustees 1st Pres. Church188494:188Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toTrustees Zion Luthern188391:425Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.toWaltemath, L. D.188188:40Link to document image
Hayden, E. H.fromWinburn, M. E.188184:517Link to document image
Hayden, E. H. & F. J.toBeidenweg, G. & C.188081:230Link to document image
Hayden, E. H. & F. J.toBiedenweg, G. & C.188392:126Link to document image
Hayden, E. H. & F. J.toBrooks, Jemima J.188080:256Link to document image
Hayden, E. H. & F. J.fromHanna, S. T.188391:368Link to document image
Hayden, E. H. & F. J.fromLinker, H. E.188391:307Link to document image
Hayden, E. N.fromSheriff1888109:554Link to document image
Hayden, E. N.fromSheriff1888109:559Link to document image
Hayden, ElizafromHanna, Eliza188080:574Link to document image
Hayden, ElizafromHanna, Eliza Sr.187361:145Link to document image
Hayden, ElizafromHanna, Saml. T.1888112:190Link to document image
Hayden, ElizafromHanna, Samuel T.187565:413Link to document image
Hayden, ElizatoPurman, Elizabeth E.187461:545Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza & Fredk. J.toVachon & Palmer187567:35Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toAdams, Wm. C. (Et al.)1901161:520Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toBalzer, Katie1892137:391Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toBarkley, Minnie E.1890115:325Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toBashalier, Eliza1900156:434Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toBenninghoff, Dl. R.1895137:535Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toBerning, William1890117:216Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toBishop, Wm. C.1895137:414Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toCity1896141:404Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toClose, Edward C.1896143:86Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toColter, Jacob (Et al.)1899154:179Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toDiether, L. Campbell, I. W.188182:384Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toFaloy, Daniel187669:80Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toFort Wayne Con. Ry. Co.1896142:145Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toFort Wayne Driving Clib1894136:220Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toFort Wayne Driving Club1892127:236Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toFranke, Christian1892127:297Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toGerken, Charles1890116:409Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.fromHanna, Chas.187565:488Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toHanna, Chas.187671:500Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toHanna, Eliza187873:90Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toHanna, Hugh T.187464:200Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toHartman, Henry1895139:425Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toHerber, Clara E.1890117:248Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toHill, Maria A.187463:486Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toJaxtheimer, L. (Et.)1892124:395Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toKanning, Henry F.1890116:408Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toKeyser, J. M.1892126:5Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toKirchner, Eliza1897145:456Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.fromKirchner, Eliza1897145:458Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toLower, John W.1889114:69Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toLuhuran, Henry C. (Et al.)1899155:506Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toMadison, Wm. J. (Et al.)1890117:372Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.fromMcWhinney, Frank (Et ux.)1891113:336Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toMoering, Mary188392:438Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toNestel, Martha A.188598:182Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toNinde, Mary Coe1901163:286Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toPageler, Frederick1902165:530Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.fromPalmer, John187772:373Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toRhodes, Chapman188080:112Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toSchnette, Minnie1899153:151Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toSchroeder, Mary1894133:262Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toSebastian, Jacob187463:28Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toShannon, Saml. P.1895138:233Link to document image
Hayden, eliza H.toSkinner, Thomasetta H.187564:514Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.fromSkinner, Thomasetta H.187564:536Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.fromSkinner, Thomasetta H.188183:81Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toSlinner, Thomasetta188183:82Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toSmith, Lizzie1896142:547Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toTrier, Edward H.1901163:344Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toWadge, George1890116:313Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toWeber, Frederick188079:158Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toWichman, H. W.1892125:381Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toWichman, Mathilda1889111:51Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toWilliams, H. M.1890117:16Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toWilson, Mary T.1889112:628Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H.toWinburn, M. E.188080:233Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H. (Et al.)toHanna, Saml. D.1891113:334Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H. (Et.)toRombke, Henry1891122:406Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza H. (Et.)toRyan, Margaret M.1889121:153Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza HannatoBorgmann, Chr. F. (Et al.)1901161:195Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza HannatoDunbar, Alice M.1901163:467Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza HannafromFort Wayne Driving Club1894136:224Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza HannafromHanna, Hugh T.1902167:173Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza HannatoHarmann, Henry D.1898151:301Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza HannatoNinde, Mary Coe1900159:447Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza HannatoNoble, W. K.1902166:179Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza HannatoPage, William D. (Et al.)1902170:382Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza HannatoPageler, Frederick1901163:445Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza HannatoSkinner, Thomasetta H.187667:518Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza HannafromSkinner, Thomasetta H.187667:350Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza HannafromVachon, Thomas187772:373Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza Hanna (Et al.)toGuyer, Rudolph (Et al.)1890119:249Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza Hanna (Et al.)toPranger, Edward H.1891119:268Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza N.toDawson, Jennie M.1895140:149Link to document image
Hayden, Eliza N.toKirchner, Eliza1896142:173Link to document image
Hayden, F. (Atty.)toFuchshuber, J. L. (Et al.)188288:393Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromArcher, C. (Et al.)187876:562Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.toBerhoff, H. C.188599:439Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.toBlock, J. F. A.188392:146Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromBond, Jessie E.1886102:316Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromBrooks, J. J.188287:306Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromDierstein, C. (Et al.)187876:562Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromHanna, E. C.188290:74Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromHanna, Jesse E.1884102:314Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromKeefer, L.187876:562Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromKing, R. (Et al.)187876:562Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.toKluppel, J. G.188184:376Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.toLarrimore, Thos.1886102:204Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromLocke, Josiah188494:157Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.toNewland, Henry188392:292Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.toOstermeir, X. F. & S. W.188081:282Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromPaine, L. C.188289:492Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromParker, F. A. C.188290:159Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromPfeiffer, J. C. (Et al.)187776:563Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.toRehling, Theresa188287:146Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromSheriff187875:326Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromStranghn, Caroline1886102:633Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromWaltemath, H. C.188080:310Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromWaltemuth, 188184:35Link to document image
Hayden, F. J.fromWheeler, M. R.188182:432Link to document image
Hayden, F. J. & E.fromHeckman, A. H.188183:453Link to document image
Hayden, F. J. & E. H.fromSheriff188183:124Link to document image
Hayden, F. J. (Et al.)toBrocking, Deidrick188496:524Link to document image
Hayden, F. J. (Guar) toTrustee St. Paul's Luthern Ch.188290:258Link to document image
Hayden, F. J. (Guard)toBertels, John1887106:300Link to document image
Hayden, F. J. (Guard)toBrocking, Deidrick188496:525Link to document image
Hayden, F. J. (Guard)toEizinger, Geo.188597:615Link to document image
Hayden, F. J. (Guard)toForbing, Jennie H.1887106:299Link to document image
Hayden, F. J. (Guard)toFort Wayne City1886102:75Link to document image
Hayden, F. J. (Guard)toHeit, Amos187874:87Link to document image
Hayden, F. J. (Guard)toN.Y.C. & St. L. Rw. Co.188186:393Link to document image
Hayden, F. J. (Guard)toTapp, Lizzie M.1888109:297Link to document image
Hayden, F. J. (Guard)toTrustee St. Paul's Luthern Ch.188290:259Link to document image
Hayden, Frank M.fromBaltes, Michael (Etu.)1891122:420Link to document image
Hayden, Frank M.toGraham, Geo. E. (Et ux.)1893129:470Link to document image
Hayden, Frank M.toLehman, Conrad1891122:422Link to document image
Hayden, Fred (Atty.)toVonderan, Jacob188286:528Link to document image
Hayden, Fred J.fromAuditor188286:425Link to document image
Hayden, Fred J.fromAuditor188392:109Link to document image
Hayden, Fred J.fromAuditor1903171:534Link to document image
Hayden, Fred J.toBengs, Gustave1895140:397Link to document image
Hayden, Fred J.fromCity Treasure (Ft. Wayne)188193:43Link to document image
Hayden, Fred J.fromCity Treasurer1890116:513Link to document image
Hayden, Fred J.toFelger, Clara1895138:124Link to document image
Hayden, Fred J.toFelger, Henry W.1895138:125Link to document image
Hayden, Fred J.toKoop, Henry188392:558Link to document image
Hayden, Fred J.fromMcWhinney, Franki M. (Et ux.)1891113:335Link to document image
Hayden, Fred J.fromOakley, Harriet187770:57Link to document image
Hayden, Fred J.toShoaff, Thos. B.1891140:205Link to document image
Hayden, Fred J.fromSkinner, Benjamin D.187980:53Link to document image
Hayden, Fred J. (Et ux.)toShoaff, Thom B.1891121:367Link to document image
hayden, Fred J. (Guard)toDevilbiss, Thos D.1889114:203Link to document image
Hayden, Fred J. (Guard)toJurgensen, P. K.188288:493Link to document image
Hayden, Fred. J.toCity1892128:53Link to document image
Hayden, Fredk, J.fromBiddle, Thos. M. (Et al.)1889120:436Link to document image
Hayden, Fredk. (Atty.)toWoodworth, E.188287:335Link to document image
Hayden, Fredk. J.toCity of Fort Wayne1898150:266Link to document image
Hayden, Fredk. J.fromFleming, Wm.187565:454Link to document image
Hayden, Fredk. J.toFort Wayne Driving Club1892127:236Link to document image
Hayden, Fredk. J.fromFort Wayne Driving Club1894136:224Link to document image
Hayden, Fredk. J.toFranke, Christian1892127:297Link to document image
Hayden, Fredk. J.toPhillabaum, Adam J.187565:589Link to document image
Hayden, Fredk. J.fromPrezinger, J. R.1890117:345Link to document image
Hayden, Fredk. J.fromRhodes, Cahpman1898149:293Link to document image
Hayden, Fredk. J.toRhodes, Chapman1898149;393Link to document image
Hayden, Fredk. J.fromSheriff187565:324Link to document image
Hayden, Fredk. J. (Et ux.)fromMorris, Saml. L. (Rec.)1896143:465Link to document image
Hayden, Grace G.fromHayden, Jno. W. (Et.)1889123:250Link to document image
Hayden, IsaacfromEdgerton, Joseph K.186028:311Link to document image
Hayden, IsaacfromHarter, Joeph1857V:474Link to document image
Hayden, IsaactoHayden, Jno. W.186228:427Link to document image
Hayden, IsaactoWhiting, Ira C.1860Y:350Link to document image
Hayden, J. W.toFox, Francis188289:101Link to document image
Hayden, J. W.fromFox, Francis188289:100Link to document image
Hayden, J. W.fromHanna, M. E.188393:454Link to document image
Hayden, J. W.toThomas, D. W.187566:134Link to document image
Hayden, J. W. & wifefromLewis, Margaret L.187873:436Link to document image
Hayden, J. W. (Coms.)toSimons, O. A.188496:89Link to document image
Hayden, J. W. (Register in Bankruptcy)toWalter, A. R.187873:37Link to document image
Hayden, J. W. (Register)toCrane, Geo. D. (Assigned in Bankruptcy)187811:117Link to document image
Hayden, J. W. (Register)toSeavey, G. W. (Assignee)187875:496Link to document image
Hayden, J. W. (Register)toSeavey, Gideon W. (assignee)187875:460Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.fromAuditor (Wm. T. Abbott)187668:82Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.fromAuditor (Wm. T. Abbott)187668:84Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toBrick, Adam186332:169Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toBurkholder, Joseph187369:121Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toCran, Chas. & Catharine188494:107Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toCrawford, Jno. T.1892127:269Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toEhle, Ernst A.1888109:16Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toHarris, E. L.1887105:509Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.fromHarris, Geo. L.1887105:493Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.fromHayden, Isaac186228:427Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toHoagland, J. C. N.186641:362Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toLetourneau, Oliver1887107:67Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.fromLewis, E. P.188391:348Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.fromLewis, M. L.186744:555Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toLiebman, E. F. (Et al.)1890115:248Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toLittle, Oliver188599:274Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.fromMayer, Christoph186333:451Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.fromMiner, Wm. E. (Trustee)1887105:152Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toMuhler, Chas. F.187049:174Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toSargent, Wm. J. (Et ux.)1888109:126Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toSiemon, Rudolph188391:348Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.fromSiemon, Rudolph188391:353Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toSinclair, F. C. (Et al.)1889114:6Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toTri State B. & L. A.1895140:509Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.fromVesey, Wm. J.1890117:555Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.fromWheeler, Mary R.187154:88Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W.toWood, Frank C.1889112:89Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W. & Sarah G.fromMcIntosh, Wm.187360:495Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W. (Et.)toHayden, Grace G.1889123:250Link to document image
Hayden, Jno. W. (register)toCrane, Geo. D. (assg.)18779:523Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toCrawford, Jno. T.1893129:285Link to document image
Hayden, John W.fromDaugherty, Alfred187566:298Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toFedeli, Jerome187670:17Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toHenry, James M.1889115:251Link to document image
Hayden, John W.fromHettler, Christopher F.1899155:455Link to document image
Hayden, John W.fromHoover, David E.1891120:343Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toKohrman, Henry W.1900160:43Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toLiebman, E. F.1889115:250Link to document image
Hayden, John W.fromMalone, Peter (Etu.)1891122:407Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toMalone, Rose E.1891122:428Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toMiller, John W.1892126:223Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toMiller, Mary1893128:544Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toMyers, John F.187670:3Link to document image
Hayden, John W.fromRandall, Alfred L.1897147:269Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toRandall, Grace H.1896143:382Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toRandall, Grace H.1899156:51Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toSander, Charles1890119:176Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toShackelford, N. D.1893130:85Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toSmith, W. P. (Et ux.)1890117:583Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toSteimacker, F. J. (Et al.)1889114:527Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toStevens, Frank I.1893131:160Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toVesey, Maggie S.1896141:533Link to document image
Hayden, John W.toVesey, Maggie S.1899156:219Link to document image
Hayden, John W.fromVesey, William J.1890119:37Link to document image
Hayden, John W. (Et al.)toBrown, Rosa1891113:301Link to document image
Hayden, john W. (Et ux.)toHoeltje, Sophie1891119:562Link to document image
Hayden, John W. (Et ux.)toHoover, David E.1891120:327Link to document image
Hayden, John W. (Sp. Comr.)toPowers, Emmett M. (Tr.)1894151:216Link to document image
Hayden, KeyiahtoSweet, Warren187876:49Link to document image
Hayden, S. E.toGraham, Geo. E. (Et ux.)1893129:470Link to document image
Hayden, Sarh G.toStevens, Rose L.1893131:160Link to document image
Hayden, Susie E.fromBaltes, Michael (Ex.)1891122:540Link to document image
Hayden, Susie E.toBell, Joseph W.1892127:125Link to document image
Hayden, Susie E.fromKeyser, J. M.1892125:579Link to document image
Haye, James J.toJeammongin, M.1892124:393Link to document image
Hayes and SmithfromMcConnell, S. M.1887106:277Link to document image
Hayes, Charles A.toSchrader, Kate187872:432Link to document image
Hayes, Charles A. (Adm.)toRoeger, Charles1891113:390Link to document image
Hayes, D. M.fromMcDougal, M. C.1888108:588Link to document image
Hayes, D. M.fromSpove, Warren D.1886102:524Link to document image
Hayes, D. M.toWagner, Jacob188393:544Link to document image
Hayes, Daniel B. (Will of)to1892166:402Link to document image
Hayes, Daniel M.toAmerican Surety Co.189320:369Link to document image
Hayes, Daniel M.toHayes, James J.1891121:191Link to document image
Hayes, Daniel M.fromKolb, Jno. Adam188392:499Link to document image
Hayes, Daniel M.fromRovo, John A.188081:558Link to document image
Hayes, Daniel M.fromWhittern, Charles188081:558Link to document image
Hayes, Daniel M.toWilliams, Henry M.189220:368Link to document image
Hayes, Daniel M.toWilliams, Henry M.1894135:351Link to document image
Hayes, Dennis T.fromHayes, Ellen1893131:337Link to document image
Hayes, Dennis T.fromHayes, Thomas1890117:638Link to document image
Hayes, Dl. M.fromAmerican Surety Co.189421:16Link to document image
Hayes, Dl. M.toDuryee, Geo. W.1889133:467Link to document image
Hayes, Dl. M.toDuryrr, Aldorah1889133:467Link to document image
Hayes, Dl. M.fromHayes, Henry F.1888108:589Link to document image
Hayes, Dl. M.fromMcDougal, M. C.1888109:547Link to document image
Hayes, Dl. M.toRomy, R. L. (Et al.)1888109:546Link to document image
Hayes, Dl. M. (Er al.)toRomy, Robt. L.1888108:450Link to document image
Hayes, EllentoHayes, Dennis T.1893131:337Link to document image
Hayes, Elmer E.fromPfeiffer, Charles F.1902166:423Link to document image
Hayes, Fred (Assignee)toGillett, D. D.187978:528Link to document image
Hayes, H. F.toFinan, Edward1888108:390Link to document image
Hayes, H. F.toPealer, W. F.188495:339Link to document image
Hayes, Henry F.toHak, Joseph1893127:467Link to document image
Hayes, Henry F.toHayes, Dl. M.1888108:589Link to document image
Hayes, Henry F.toHayes, John1888108:408Link to document image
Hayes, Henry F.fromSmith, W. P.1888107:259Link to document image
Hayes, HettietoJohnson, Martin1901164:418Link to document image
Hayes, James J.fromHayes, Daniel M.1891121:191Link to document image
Hayes, James J.toO'Brien, Thomas J.1900159:3Link to document image
Hayes, James J.fromTiernan, Mary1890118:307Link to document image
Hayes, Jno.fromTryon, Enos1883103:566Link to document image
Hayes, JohnfromDavis, F. B.1888108:157Link to document image
Hayes, JohnfromHayes, Henry F.1888108:408Link to document image
Hayes, JohntoHayes, Mary O.1888108:407Link to document image
Hayes, JohntoMarguart, M. E.186847:178Link to document image
Hayes, JohntoMarquette, C.186643:456Link to document image
Hayes, JohntoSmith, Jas. W.1895140:59Link to document image
Hayes, JohntoValentine, Charles1901161:171Link to document image
Hayes, John (Et al.)toMentzer, Mary1889113:268Link to document image
Hayes, John (Et al.)toMentzer, Mary1889113:269Link to document image
Hayes, John (Et al.)toNiezer, J. B.1895138:46Link to document image
Hayes, John H.fromKnoche, Peter1902169:442Link to document image
Hayes, John H.toMiller, Margaret1901164:148Link to document image
Hayes, Mary E. (Et al.)fromOBrien, Thomas J.1900159:4Link to document image
Hayes, Mary O.fromHayes, John1888108:407Link to document image
Hayes, Mary Q.toFinan, Edward1889114:87Link to document image
Hayes, Melissa A.toGeiger, Hettie188081:426Link to document image
Hayes, Melissa A.fromGeiger, Hettie188081:427Link to document image
Hayes, NeilfromGunn, Lucian1902168:420Link to document image
Hayes, R. M. & E. C.fromSmith, T. L.188287:575Link to document image
Hayes, Rich M. (Et ux.)fromNelson, Wm. R.1893128:539Link to document image
Hayes, Richard M.toJackson, Reb. F.1893129:220Link to document image
Hayes, Ritherford B.toHayes, William C.1900160:175Link to document image
Hayes, Ritherford B.toHayes, William C.1900160:176Link to document image
Hayes, S. A.toCoomer, Lafayette1888109:119Link to document image
Hayes, S. A.toUmstead, A. B.1886100:605Link to document image
Hayes, Sarah M.fromGreek, William T.1899153:330Link to document image
Hayes, Sarah May (Et al.)fromKnoche, Peter1901164:492Link to document image
Hayes, SeymorefromFry, Jno. W.187876:559Link to document image
Hayes, ThomastoHayes, Dennis T.1890117:638Link to document image
Hayes, ThomastoKeller, John L.1896143:375Link to document image
Hayes, ThomasfromPowers, Nancy1894134:335Link to document image
Hayes, TimothyfromSanford, Jno. B.185943:132Link to document image
Hayes, TimothyfromSanford, Jno. B.1859V:483Link to document image
Hayes, W. I.fromDresback, Isaac188287:509Link to document image
Hayes, W. I.fromParent, H. J.187677:134Link to document image
Hayes, William C.fromHayes, Ritherford B.1900160:175Link to document image
Hayes, William C.fromHayes, Ritherford B.1900160:176Link to document image
Hayes, Wm. C.toGandy, Oscar (Et al.)188393:345Link to document image
Hayes, Wm. C.toJohnson, N. A.188392:421Link to document image
Hayes, Wm. C.fromMiller, M. H.188183:79Link to document image
Haymn, LeopoldtoBerghoff Brewing Co.1899156:134Link to document image
Haymn, LeopoldtoHamilton, Joel W.1899157:206Link to document image
Haymond, E. H.toBrackenridge, Geo. (Et al.)187152:589Link to document image
Haynard, Chas.toFrank, Marion S.187361:595Link to document image
Haynes, F.fromDille, Jos. & H.188289:314Link to document image
Haynes, FrankfromDierstein, Samuel188080:73Link to document image
Haynes, Frankl.toDratt, Mahala1888108:618Link to document image
Haynes, MariatoMills, Isaac A.184138:399Link to document image
Haynes, MariafromSmith, Martin183938:398Link to document image
Hays & McManhanfromBrandbury, Geo. W.186539:360Link to document image
Hays & McManhanfromCasselman, Hairam186539:360Link to document image
Hays, AlansontoReed, John1851O:631Link to document image
Hays, C. A.fromWhite, James B.187670:502Link to document image
Hays, C. A. & C. M.fromTaylor, R. S.187882:199Link to document image
Hays, C. A. (Comr.)toWise, Eliza1889110:235Link to document image
Hays, Charles A.toBittinger, Geo. L.187464:435Link to document image
Hays, Charles A.fromHuguenard, Frank A. (Et al.)1902167:277Link to document image
Hays, Charles A.toWiesman, William1902167:276Link to document image
Hays, Charles A. (Adm.)toRandall, Perry A.1891113:419Link to document image
Hays, Charley C.fromHays, Melvin S.1898151:355Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A.fromBrooks, Robert188494:453Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A.toBrooks, Robt.188494:535Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A.fromConverse, L. P.187463:468Link to document image
Hays, chas. A.fromFairfield, Jas. M.188496:412Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A.fromHerring, George1891113:625Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A.toJustus, L. S.188596:557Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A.fromJustus, L. S.1886100:386Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A.toKline, Barney188496:413Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A.toKover, Emeline1886100:387Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A.fromLeggett, F. H.188194:461Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A.fromRoebel, Emma188182:198Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A.toTustison, Oliver187668:242Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A. & C. M.fromFairfield, James M.187875:250Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A. (Admn.)toRodabaugh, J. F.1892123:101Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A. (Coms.)toPhillips, Jno. T.188391:176Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A. (Coms.)toSwayne, S. F.188186:205Link to document image
Hays, Chas. A. (Et ux.)toSchafer, Ferdinand1891113:626Link to document image
Hays, Clara M.fromLand & Security Co.1899153:14Link to document image
Hays, Clara M.fromRockhill, H. M.187770:179Link to document image
Hays, Clara M.fromTaylor, Robert S.1899153:46Link to document image
Hays, D. B.fromFaigliner, John186537:354Link to document image
Hays, D. B.toLaf. School Two.1895138:547Link to document image
Hays, D. B.fromMiddaugh, N. B.186537:353Link to document image
Hays, Daniel B.fromNickelson, Wm. E. (Guard)1892126:279Link to document image
Hays, Daniel B.fromWallick, Adaline1890116:53Link to document image
Hays, Daniel B.fromWallick, Adaline1892123:214Link to document image
Hays, Danl. B.fromMullen, Thomas1892125:352Link to document image
Hays, DavidtoStakes, Maria1849J:377Link to document image
Hays, DennisfromHays, Thos. D.188495:226Link to document image
Hays, Dl. B.fromKeplinger, Elias187255:239Link to document image
Hays, Dl. B.toSuteris, Edward187156:142Link to document image
Hays, Dl. M.toWilliams, Jas. B.1889112:44Link to document image
Hays, EleanortoHarrod, Morgan186642:149Link to document image
Hays, H. F.fromCongleton, H. N.188081:559Link to document image
Hays, H. F.fromMcMahan, Thos.1888106:525Link to document image
Hays, H. F. (Et al.)fromBradly, Joseph1869106:526Link to document image
Hays, H. P.fromLogan, J. F.188393:504Link to document image
Hays, H. P.fromLogan, Levi L.188598:247Link to document image
Hays, HenryfromAdams County Bank188494:310Link to document image
Hays, HenrytoMathias, Caroline187976:206Link to document image
Hays, HenryfromMathias, Leonard187976:206Link to document image
Hay's, Henry F.fromHays, John1888107:195Link to document image
Hays, Henry P.fromBush, Nathan E.1900157:93Link to document image
Hays, Henry P.fromCottin, Betsy Ann1898152:369Link to document image
Hays, Henry P.fromSimonton, Eleta1898152:234Link to document image
Hays, Hulda AnnfromLogan, Jno. F.188597:72Link to document image
Hays, IsaactoCalvin, William W.1850K:221Link to document image
Hays, J. & J.fromCollins, M. & C.186538:151Link to document image
Hays, J. J. & Thomas D.fromChute, Richard1857U:253Link to document image
Hays, James J.fromMcGuire, Thomas1889114:219Link to document image
Hays, Jno. J.toStruver, Louisa186539:156Link to document image
Hays, JohntoHay's, Henry F.1888107:195Link to document image
Hays, JohnfromHays, M. O.1888107:196Link to document image
Hays, JohnfromHays, Thomas1856T:683Link to document image
Hays, JohntoHays, Thomas1857T:684Link to document image
Hays, JohntoHays, Thos.186641:525Link to document image
Hays, JohnfromMcGovern, Stephen187261:25Link to document image
Hays, JohntoMcMahon, Thos.186641:507Link to document image
Hays, JohntoTryon, Enos186536:278Link to document image
Hays, John (Et al.)fromBradley, Lizzie A.1870107:191Link to document image
Hays, M. O.toHays, John1888107:196Link to document image
Hays, Mary O. (Et al.)toTillinghast, P. D.1891113:248Link to document image
Hays, MatildafromCommissioner in Partition187989:1Link to document image
Hays, MatildafromCommissioners by Partition187978:206Link to document image
Hays, MatildatoFogwell, Wm.188289:325Link to document image
Hays, Melvin S.toHays, Charley C.1898151:355Link to document image
Hays, Pinney C.toMason, George L.1898152:78Link to document image
Hays, R. C.toBower, J. F.188081:314Link to document image
Hays, R. M.fromHarter, Philip188081:451Link to document image
Hays, R. M.toPatten, W. S.188183:360Link to document image
Hays, R. M.toSlater, Jos.188287:591Link to document image
Hays, R. M. & E. C.fromBrackenridge, G. W.188082:148Link to document image
Hays, Robt. C.fromFay, Ezra187669:88Link to document image
Hays, ThomasfromAuditor186330:122Link to document image
Hays, ThomastoHays, John1856T:683Link to document image
Hays, ThomasfromHays, John1857T:684Link to document image
Hays, Thos.fromHays, John186641:525Link to document image
Hays, Thos. D.toHays, Dennis188495:226Link to document image
Hays, W. S.toRummell, A.187463:366Link to document image
Hays, W. S.fromRummell, A.187463:365Link to document image
Hays, WilliamfromHunziker, Daniel186229:555Link to document image
Hays, Wm.toEllison, John T.187462:442Link to document image
Hayser, DedrickfromHasper, J. B. (Coms.)188183:111Link to document image
Hayum, L.fromAuditor1898146:367Link to document image
Hayum, L.fromAuditor1898146:369Link to document image
Hayum, L.fromAuditor1898146:371Link to document image
Hayum, L.fromAuditor1898146:373Link to document image
Hayum, L.fromAuditor1898146:375Link to document image
Hayum, L.fromAuditor1898146:377Link to document image
Hayum, L.fromAuditor1898146:379Link to document image
Hayum, LeopoldtoBoon, James M.1898151:86Link to document image
Hayum, LeopoldtoRomy, Robert L.1902171:29Link to document image
Haywood, JohntoRead, James M.1849J:191Link to document image
Hazard, George S.toKeller, Jacob1845I:523Link to document image
Hazard, LewisfromBond, C. D. & S. B.186641:18Link to document image
Hazard, LewistoVollmer, Daniel186744:159Link to document image
Hazelet, ThomastoArcher, John1852M:396Link to document image
Hazelet, ThomastoTrustees of St. Joseph Tp.1856T:183Link to document image
Hazelet, WilliamfromBates, Charles S.1901162:406Link to document image
Hazelet, WilliamfromRoot, Delia B.1889124:466Link to document image
Hazelet, WilliamfromSauer, John H.1901161:280Link to document image
Hazelet, WilliamfromStark, Mary J.1902170:248Link to document image
Hazelet, Wm.fromBurritt, Diana187978:157Link to document image
Hazelet, Wm.toGebert, C. L.1886103:350Link to document image
Hazelet, Wm.toGrub, M. & B.188287:231Link to document image
Hazelet, Wm.fromSteel, Thos. J. (Et al.)188288:590Link to document image
Hazelett, MaryfromNeal, Caleb (Et ux.)1889123:228Link to document image
Hazelett, MarytoStocks, Mary1895139:242Link to document image
Hazelhorst, HenryfromHerndon, John M.1860Y:90Link to document image
Hazen, Emma J.fromShambaugh, William H.1901165:267Link to document image
Hazen, HenrytoBieber, Christian186434:329Link to document image
Hazen, MartinfromHull, Geo. W.188082:559Link to document image
Hazen, MartintoKeller, Jacob188183:356Link to document image
Hazles, ThomasfromTiernan, Andrews187051:34Link to document image
Hazlet, ThomasfromChausse, Amedee186230:43Link to document image
Hazlet, ThomasfromRomy, Robt. L.187153:157Link to document image
Hazlet, ThomastoRomy, Robt. L.187153:199Link to document image
Hazlet, ThomastoTrustees St. Joe Tp.1858X:127Link to document image
Hazlet, WilliamfromSauer, Jno. H.1887103:372Link to document image
Hazlet, WilliamtoSaurer, Jno. H.1887103:371Link to document image
Hazlet, Wm.toRead, Jas. M.186444:377Link to document image
Hazlet, Wm.fromRead, Jas. M.186740:563Link to document image
Hazlet, Wm. (Et al.)fromMayhew, Jas. (Et al.)1887103:347Link to document image
Hazlet, Wm. (Et al.)fromMayhew, Jas. H. (Guard)1887103:346Link to document image
Hazlett, John M.toKesler, Samuel185126:218Link to document image
Hazlett, MarytoGoeglein, Geo.1888109:329Link to document image
Hazlett, MaryfromSheriff1888109:192Link to document image
Hazlett, ThomastoBanks, Wm. R.187153:346Link to document image
Hazlett, ThomastoFrance, Frances185926:471Link to document image
Hazlett, ThomastoFrance, John185926:471Link to document image
Hazlett, ThomastoGibert, Jno. F.187051:208Link to document image
Hazlett, ThomastoLangley, George186026:210Link to document image
Hazlitt, Thomas (Will of)to186948:320Link to document image
Hazzard, A. & L.fromNull, L. S.187977:355Link to document image
Hazzard, AlfromWoodruff, Marvin1902169:272Link to document image
Hazzard, AnnafromHickox, Wm. S.187152:613Link to document image
Hazzard, AnnafromJustus, L. S.187259:156Link to document image
Hazzard, AnnafromMaury, Jno. M.187152:613Link to document image
Hazzard, AnnatoSeymour, Calvin A.187875:37Link to document image
Hazzard, GeorgetoFredenburg, G. V.1892123:333Link to document image
Hazzard, L. (Et al.)toSargent, W. & D.187978:507Link to document image
Hazzard, LewisfromDaggets, Chas.186537:207Link to document image
Hazzard, LewisfromHartman, Amos187567:544Link to document image
Hazzard, LewistoMunson, C. A.188289:436Link to document image
Hazzard, LewistoPool, Jas. T.186640:26Link to document image
Hazzard, Lewis (Et al.)toSargeant, Wm. Jr. & D.188392:35Link to document image
Hazzard, Lewis (Et ux.)fromSchmidt, L. W. (Et al.)1894133:371Link to document image
Hazzard, LouistoBoknard, D.187257:54Link to document image
Hazzard, LouistoBrandt, Julia1899155:400Link to document image
Hazzard, Louis (Et al.)fromBowman, E. J.1888107:380Link to document image
Hazzard, Louis (Et ux.)fromSargent, William Jr.1899155:328Link to document image
Hazzard, Wm. L.toOhneck, Bernard1896144:154Link to document image
Hazzard, Wm. L. (Et ux.)fromNinde, James W. (Et al.)1895141:16Link to document image

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